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    DRV8311H 电机控制器/驱动器 电源管理 评估板

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DRV8311HEVM 数据手册
www.ti.com Table of Contents User’s Guide DRV8311HEVM User's Guide ABSTRACT This document is provided with the DRV8311HEVM customer evaluation module (EVM)to evaluate the DRV8311 3-V to 20-V Three-Phase Smart Gate Driver. This User's Guide details the implementation of the EVM and shows how to set up and power the board with the LAUNCHXL-F280049C (C2000 Piccolo MCU F280049C LaunchPad™ development kit). Note The DRV8311HEVM comes automatically populated with and configured for the DRV8311H hardware device. It is also compatible for the DRV8311S and DRV8311P variants, but the user will need to modify the board to make it compatible for the SPI/tSPI devices (see Section 4.4). Note For the DRV8311H Hardware settings to work, R7 must be removed and 3.3 V must be supplied externally or from the LaunchPad. Please see section DRV8311H Compatability. Table of Contents 1 Cautions and Warnings..........................................................................................................................................................2 2 Introduction.............................................................................................................................................................................3 3 Quick Start Guide....................................................................................................................................................................5 4 Hardware and Software Overview.........................................................................................................................................6 4.1 Hardware Connections Overview – DRV8311HEVM + LAUNCHXL-F280049C................................................................6 4.2 Connection Details............................................................................................................................................................. 6 4.3 LED Lights..........................................................................................................................................................................8 4.4 DRV8311HEVM Configurability – Jumpers and Resistors................................................................................................. 9 5 Hardware Setup.................................................................................................................................................................... 15 6 Firmware and GUI Application.............................................................................................................................................16 6.1 C2000 InstaSPIN Universal GUI...................................................................................................................................... 16 6.2 Motor Identification...........................................................................................................................................................17 6.3 Sensorless-FOC Commutation........................................................................................................................................ 18 6.4 Torque Control, Speed Control, and Advanced Modulation Techniques..........................................................................19 6.5 SPI Communication (DRV8311S only).............................................................................................................................19 7 Schematics............................................................................................................................................................................21 7.1 Main Supply / Status LEDs.............................................................................................................................................. 21 7.2 DRV8311H/S/P.................................................................................................................................................................21 7.3 3.3V Buck Regulator........................................................................................................................................................ 22 7.4 Voltage Reference............................................................................................................................................................23 7.5 LaunchPad Connections.................................................................................................................................................. 23 7.6 Connectors & Interface.................................................................................................................................................... 24 7.7 Voltage Sense & Protection............................................................................................................................................. 25 8 Revision History................................................................................................................................................................... 26 Trademarks All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. SLOU552 – JULY 2021 Submit Document Feedback DRV8311HEVM User's Guide Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated 1 Cautions and Warnings www.ti.com 1 Cautions and Warnings Observe the following cautions and warnings as printed on the EVM board. HOT SURFACE: Caution Hot Surface! Contact may cause burns. Do not touch. Please take the proper precautions when operating. 2 DRV8311HEVM User's Guide SLOU552 – JULY 2021 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated www.ti.com Introduction 2 Introduction The DRV8311 is a 3-V to 20-V, 5-A peak integrated three-phase integrated FET driver IC for motor drive applications. It provides three accurately trimmed and temperature compensated half-bridges capable of directly driving a 3-phase Brushless-DC motor. The DRV8311 integrates multiple control interface options, low-side integrated current sense resistors and sense amplifiers, a 3.3-V 100-mA LDO regulator, and a variety of protection and control features. The device is available in the hardware variant (DRV8311H), SPI variant (DRV8311S), and Texas Instruments SPI (tSPI) variant (DRV8311P) as shown in Table 2-1 For more information on tSPI, please see Section 4.4.3 and visit the DRV8311 product page for more resources. Table 2-1. DRV8311x Device Variants Device Name Device Description DRV8311H Hardware variant DRV8311S SPI variant DRV8311P Texas Instruments SPI (tSPI) variant The DRV8311HEVM can be interfaced with the TMS320F280049C microcontroller on the LAUNCHXLF280049C LaunchPad in correspondence with the reference software to provide the algorithm to the DRV8311 to control the BLDC motor. This document serves as a startup guide to supplement the DRV8311HEVM + LAUNCHXL-F280049C BLDC motor control demo kit. It also is intended to help engineers design, implement, and validate reference hardware and software for the LaunchPad MCU and DRV8311. For step by step details on connecting the LAUNCHXLF280049C + DRV8311HEVM, installing software, and running the project to spin a motor, refer to Section 5. SLOU552 – JULY 2021 Submit Document Feedback DRV8311HEVM User's Guide Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated 3 Introduction www.ti.com Figure 2-1. DRV8311HEVM PCB Layout 4 DRV8311HEVM User's Guide SLOU552 – JULY 2021 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated www.ti.com Quick Start Guide 3 Quick Start Guide The DRV8311HEVM requires a power supply with a recommended operating range from 3-V to 20-V. To setup and power the EVM, follow the sequence below: 1. Connect the power supply ground to the GND of the 2-pin power connector J3 and the power supply positive terminal to the VM pin of J3. Ensure jumpers JP1, JP2, and JP3 of the LAUNCHXL-F280049C are populated to ensure that 3.3 V and 5 V are powered from the LaunchPad. 2. Connect the motor phases to OUTA, OUTB, and OUTC in the correct order. For sensored applications, connect the Hall sensors to the appropriate locations on the 5-pin connector J4 as shown in Figure 4-2. Select 3V3 or 5V on jumper J6 to choose the Hall power source voltage. 3. Mate the DRV8311HEVM onto the top half of the LAUNCHXL-F280049C (LaunchPad Headers J1/J3 and J2/J4) as shown in Figure 4-3. The motor and power connectors should face the same direction as the Micro-USB connector on the LaunchPad. 4. Connect a Micro-USB cable from the computer into the Micro USB connector on the top of the LAUNCHXLF280049C. 5. Power on the DRV8311HEVM. SLOU552 – JULY 2021 Submit Document Feedback DRV8311HEVM User's Guide Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated 5 Hardware and Software Overview www.ti.com 4 Hardware and Software Overview 4.1 Hardware Connections Overview – DRV8311HEVM + LAUNCHXL-F280049C Figure 4-1 shows the major hardware blocks of the DRV8311HEVM. The DRV8311HEVM is designed for an input supply from 3-V to 20-V. The DRV8311 includes three integrated half-bridges that can drive up to 5-A peak current which can be used in conjunction with an external MCU for sensored or sensorless trapezoidal control, sinusoidal control, or Field-oriented control (FOC). SPI enable / test points (DRV8311S only) Motor Connectors and Test Points Power VM test point and LED GND tSPI Address Select (DRV8311P only) 3.3V buck regulator Hardware variant jumpers (DRV8311H only) VIN_AVDD / Hall Power select DRV8311S/H/P Hall connectors GND Current Shunt Amplifier Outputs Voltage rail test points / LEDs Figure 4-1. Major hardware blocks of the DRV8311HEVM 4.2 Connection Details Figure 4-2 shows the power supply and motor connections made to the DRV8311HEVM in order to spin a 3-phase sensored or sensorless Brushless-DC motor. A 3-V to 20-V power supply or battery is connected to the VM and GND terminals. The three phases of the BLDC motor connect directly to the OUTA, OUTB, and OUTC terminals of the screw terminal provided on the DRV8311HEVM. For sensored applications, to connect the Hall sensor outputs to the Hall connectors on the DRV8311HEVM, push down on the respective terminals to open the sockets and insert the Hall sensor wires. 6 DRV8311HEVM User's Guide SLOU552 – JULY 2021 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated www.ti.com Hardware and Software Overview OUTC OUTB OUTA VM GND HALL_PWR HALLA HALLB HALLC GND Figure 4-2. Connections from motor to DRV8311HEVM Figure 4-3 shows where the Micro-USB cable is plugged in to the LAUNCHXL-F280049C to provide communication between the LaunchPad firmware and GUI as well as the correct installment of the DRV8311HEVM to the J1/J3 and J2/J4 headers of the LaunchPad. SLOU552 – JULY 2021 Submit Document Feedback DRV8311HEVM User's Guide Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated 7 Hardware and Software Overview www.ti.com Figure 4-3. DRV8311HEVM on headers J1/J3 and J2/J4 of LaunchPad and Micro-USB plugged into LaunchPad 4.3 LED Lights There are LED indicators on both the LAUNCHXL-F280049C and DRV8311HEVM when power is provided and the micro USB cable is plugged in to the LaunchPad. The DRV8311HEVM has 4 status LEDs on the board. By default, the VM and 3V3 LEDs will light up when the board is powered on. The fault LED will light up when the driver reports a fault, and the MCU LED (tied to GPIO59) can be used for debugging and validation. Table 4-1 shows the LED descriptions, with the LEDs that are on during power up indicated in bold. Figure 4-4 shows the LED locations on the EVM. Table 4-1. Description of DRV8311HEVM LEDs (on during power up in bold) 8 Designator Name Color Description D2 3V3 Green AVDD is outputting 3.3 V D3 nFAULT Red Lights up when fault condition has occurred on DRV8311 D4 VM Green Power is supplied to the board D5 MCU_LED Orange MCU debugging DRV8311HEVM User's Guide SLOU552 – JULY 2021 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated www.ti.com Hardware and Software Overview VM LED nFAULT LED MCU LED 3.3V LED Figure 4-4. DRV8311HEVM LEDs 4.4 DRV8311HEVM Configurability – Jumpers and Resistors The DRV8311HEVM includes a variety of user-selectable jumpers and unpopulated components on the PCB to choose user settings and evaluate the DRV8311S, DRV8311H, or DRV8311P device. A summary of those selectable settings is listed in Table 4-2 (defaults in bold) and can be seen on the board in Figure 4-5. Section 4.4.2 and Section 4.4.3 describes the changes that need to be made to the board in order to use the SPI and tSPI variants as the main motor driver IC. Table 4-2. Description of user selectable settings on DRV8311HEVM (H variant defaults in bold) Id. Setting Name Description Position Function A AD0 select AD1 select (DRV8311P only) Use J8 and J7 jumpers to select device address. DNP jumper if DRV8311P is not used. J8 = Left AD0 = 0 J8 = Right AD0 = 1 J7 = Left AD1 = 0 J7 = Right AD1 = 1 SLOU552 – JULY 2021 Submit Document Feedback DRV8311HEVM User's Guide Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated 9 Hardware and Software Overview www.ti.com Table 4-2. Description of user selectable settings on DRV8311HEVM (H variant defaults in bold) (continued) Id. Setting Name Description B GAIN select (DRV8311H only) Use J11 J11 = Bottom to select desired gain J11 = Middle settings. DNP jumper if J11 = No Jumper DRV8311H is not used. C D SLEW select (DRV8311H only) Use J10 jumper to select desired slew rate settings. DNP jumper if DRV8311H is not used. MODE select Position Function 0.25 V/A 0.5 V/A 1 V/A J11 = Top 2 V/A J10 = Bottom 25 V/us J10 = Middle 50 V/us J10 = No Jumper 125 V/us J10 = Top 200 V/us (DRV8311H only) Use J12 J12 = Bottom jumper to select desired J12 = Middle PWM mode. DNP jumper if DRV8311H is not used. J12 = No Jumper J12 = Top 6x PWM mode 6x PWM mode 3x PWM mode 3x PWM mode E Power LaunchPad from buck 0-ohm resistor used to supply power from buck to LaunchPad. DNP if powering LaunchPad externally see section _ on MCU Power See section 3.4.4 MCU power options F Supply 5 V from LaunchPad Supplies 5 V to some R15 is populated of the EVM circuitry from the F280049C LaunchPad R15 is DNP boost converter. Supply 5 V from LaunchPad Connects buck 3.3 V R7 is populated voltage to supply main 3.3 V. R7 is DNP Connects buck output to supply 3.3 V rail Use J5 to supply VIN_AVDD voltage from either VM or 5 V. J5 = Left VIN_AVDD supplied from VM J5 = Right VIN_AVDD supplied from 5V Use J6 to supply Hall power from 3.3 V or 5 V. J6 = Left Hall power supplied from 3.3 V J6 = Right Hall power supplied from 5 V G H I J 10 Supply 3.3 V from buck VIN_AVDD select HALL_PWR select Supply 5 V externally from TP23 Supply 3.3 V externally from TP22 S/H/P variant connections Populate specific resistors Populate R1, R8, R9, R10, SPI connections to properly use the SPI, R11, and R13 Hardware, or tSPI variant. DNP R12 and R41 DRV8311HEVM User's Guide SLOU552 – JULY 2021 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated www.ti.com Hardware and Software Overview (A) J8 = AD0 select (tSPI var.) J7 = AD1 select (tSPI var.) (B) J11 = GAIN select (H/W var.) (G) R7 = Supply 3V3 from buck (H) J5 = VIN_AVDD select (C) J10 = SLEW select (H/W var.) (I) J6 = HALL_PWR select (D) J12 = MODE select (H/W var.) (J) R1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13 = SPI connections R1, 12 = Hardware connections R8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 41 = tSPI connections (E) R14 = Power Launchpad from Buck (F) R15 = Supply 5V from Launchpad (K) R22 = VREF supplies CSA REF (L) Optional CSA output filtering Figure 4-5. User-selectable jumpers and DNP components on DRV8311HEVM 4.4.1 DRV8311H Compatibility The DRV8311HEVM default is the DRV8311H (Hardware variant), which can be used to spin a 3-phase Brushless-DC motor with selectable modes configured with hardware settings as shown in Table 4-3. Note DRV8311H Hardware settings are stuck at default settings (GAIN = 0.5V/A, SLEW = 200V/us, MODE = 6x PWM) for MD045A. N FAULT must be pulled up externally before VM > UVLO to latch the correct H/W settings. To fix, implement once of the following workarounds: 1. If using the DRV8311HEVM with an external MCU, remove R7 to disconnect buck supply. Apply external 3.3V to the 3.3V test point. Power on the DRV8311HEVM. 2. If using the DRV8311HEVM with the LAUNCHXL-F280049C, remove R7 to disconnect buck supply. Connect the LaunchPad to the DRV8311HEVM, and connect the micro-USB cable into the LaunchPad to power the 3.3V supply to the DRV8311HEVM. Power on the DRV8311HEVM. When using the DRV8311H, resistors R1, and R12 must be populated with 0-ohm resistors, and resistors R8, R9, R10, R11, R13, and R41 must be left unpopulated. This allows the user to select settings using the MODE, SLEW, and GAIN pins by using jumpers on J10, J11, and J12. An outline of the various hardware selectable settings can be found below. Table 4-3. Description of Hardware settings for DRV8311H Setting Position Description MODE AVDD 3x PWM Mode Hi-Z (DNI) 3x PWM Mode 47k to GND 6x PWM Mode GND 6x PWM Mode AVDD 200 V/μs Hi-Z (DNI) 125 V/μs 47k to GND 50 V/μs GND 25 V/μs SLEW SLOU552 – JULY 2021 Submit Document Feedback DRV8311HEVM User's Guide Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated 11 Hardware and Software Overview www.ti.com Table 4-3. Description of Hardware settings for DRV8311H (continued) Setting Position Description GAIN AVDD 2 V/A Hi-Z (DNI) 1 V/A 47k to GND 0. 5 V/A GND 0.25 V/A 4.4.2 DRV8311S Compatibility The DRV8311HEVM is compatible with the DRV8311S (SPI variant) to spin a 3-phase Brushless-DC motor. The DRV8311S replaces the hardware settings (MODE, SLEW, and GAIN) as well as the nSLEEP setting with 4 SPI signals: SDI, SDO, SCLK, and nSCS. When using the DRV8311S, resistors R1, R8, R9, R10, and R11 must be populated with 0-ohm resistors, R13 must be populated with a 5.1k ohm resistor, and resistors R12 and R41 must be unpopulated. Additionally, the jumpers must be removed from J10, J11, and J12. This properly connects the SPI signals to the correct pins on the device. 4.4.3 DRV8311P Compatibility The DRV8311HEVM is compatible with the DRV8311P (tSPI variant) to spin a 3-phase Brushless-DC motor using enhanced Texas Instruments SPI (tSPI). tSPI is a protocol that allows for multiple motor drivers to be controlled via one SPI bus. Each device has a selectable address in hardware and tSPI protocol allows for individual control of each driver through SPI communication from a single microcontroller unit (MCU). When using the DRV8311P, resistors R8, R9, R10, R12, and R41 must be populated with 0-ohm resistors, R13 must be populated with a 5.1k ohm resistor, and resistors R1 and R11 must be unpopulated. Additionally, the jumpers must be removed from J10, J11, and J12. This properly connects the tSPI signals to the correct pins on the device. In order to set the address of the device, jumpers must be used on J7 and J8 to select AD0 and AD1. This address sets the unique address of the device to allow tSPI to properly communicate with the driver. Up to 4 DRV8311P EVMs can be controlled with a single MCU through the tSPI protocol, but a unique address must be set for each device using J7 and J8 jumpers. 4.4.4 MCU Power Options The DRV8311HEVM has several options for powering the LAUNCHXL-F280049C or an external MCU. Table 4-4 provides a description of the various MCU power options. Table 4-4. MCU power options LAUNCHXL-F280049C connections DRV8311HEVM connections Result JP1, JP2, and JP3 are populated R14 and R7 are populated MCU is powered both from the USB of the LaunchPad and the 3V3 rail of the EVM’s buck regulator. JP1, JP2, and JP3 are populated R14 is populated, R7 is not populated, no external 3V3 supplied to EVM MCU is powered from the USB of the LaunchPad, and the LaunchPad will supply 3V3 to the EVM. JP1, JP2, and JP3 are populated R14 is populated, R7 is not populated, external 3V3 supplied to EVM through TP22 MCU is powered both from the USB of the LaunchPad and from the external 3V3 supplied to the EVM JP1, JP2, and JP3 are populated R14 is not populated MCU is powered from USB power supply JP3 is populated, JP1 and JP2 are not populated R14 and R7 is populated MCU is powered completely from the 3V3 of the buck of the EVM JP3 is populated, JP1 and JP2 are not populated R14 is populated, R7 is not populated, external 3V3 supplied to EVM through TP22 MCU is powered completely from the external 3V3 supplied to the EVM 12 DRV8311HEVM User's Guide SLOU552 – JULY 2021 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated www.ti.com Hardware and Software Overview 4.4.5 Interfacing DRV8311HEVM and LAUNCHXL-F280049C LaunchPad The DRV8311HEVM has 40 pins with different functions. These pins are interfaced with the LAUNCHXLF280049C LaunchPad development kit and are mapped appropriately to receive the functionalities of the DRV8311H device. These 40 pins are grouped into 4 ports in respect to the LAUNCHXL-F280049C (J1 to J4). Table 4-5 and Table 4-6 list the interfacing of these ports of the DRV8311HEVM headers J3 and J4. Table 4-5. Connections for Header J1 on DRV8311HEVM (DNP in bold) J1 Pin Number DRV8311HEVM Function LAUNCHXL-F280049C Function Description 1 3.3 VBK +3.3 V 3.3 V LaunchPad Supply 2 5 V supply +5 V 5 V Boost from LaunchPad 3 Not used PGA1/3/5_GND Not used 4 AGND GND GND connection 5 Not used GPIO13/SCIBRX Not used 6 VSENA ADCINA5 Phase A Voltage Sense 7 HALLC GPIO40/SCIBTX Hall sensor C from motor 8 VSENB ADCINB0 Phase B Voltage Sense 9 nSLEEP (DNP) NC For internal use only 10 VSENC ADCINC2 Phase C Voltage Sense 11 Not used ADCINB3/VDAC Not used 12 VSENVM ADCINB1 VM Bus Voltage Sense 13 SCLK SPIACLK SPI Clock (DRV8311S and DRV8311P only) 14 ISENA ADCINB2 Phase A low side Current Sense 15 nFAULT (DNP) ADCINC4 For internal use only 16 ISENB ADCINC0 Phase B low side Current Sense 17 nSLEEP GPIO37 Active-low input to sleep pin 18 ISENC ADCINA9 Phase C low side Current Sense 19 nFAULT GPIO35 Active-low output from fault pin 20 C_TAP ADCINA1 ADC for Center Tap sensing Table 4-6. Connections for Header J2 on DRV8311HEVM J2 Pin Number DRV8311HEVM Function LAUNCHXL-F280049C Function Description 1 INHA GPIO10/PWM6A PWM used to switch High-side FET of Phase A (DRV8311H and DRV8311S only) 2 AGND GND GND connection 3 INLA GPIO11/PWM6B PWM used to switch Low-side FET of Phase A (DRV8311H and DRV8311S only) 4 nSCS SPIASTE SPI active-low chip select (DRV8311S only) 5 INHB GPIO8/PWM5A PWM used to switch High-side FET of Phase B (DRV8311H and DRV8311S only) 6 Not used NC Not used SLOU552 – JULY 2021 Submit Document Feedback DRV8311HEVM User's Guide Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated 13 Hardware and Software Overview www.ti.com Table 4-6. Connections for Header J2 on DRV8311HEVM (continued) J2 Pin Number DRV8311HEVM Function LAUNCHXL-F280049C Function Description 7 INLB/PWM_SYNC GPIO9/PWM5B PWM used to switch Low-side FET of Phase B (DRV8311H and DRV8311S), or PWM used to synchronize PWM signals with MCU (DRV8311P) 8 Not used NC Not used 9 INHC GPIO4/PWM3A PWM used to switch High-side FET of Phase (DRV8311H and DRV8311S only) 10 Not used XRSn Not used 11 INLC GPIO5/PWM3B PWM used to switch Low-side FET of Phase C (DRV8311H and DRV8311S only) 12 SDI SPIASIMO SPI data input (DRV8311S and DRV8311P only) 13 HALLA GPIO58 HALL sensor A from motor 14 SDO SPIASOMI SPI data output (DRV8311S and DRV8311P only) 15 HALLB GPIO30 HALL sensor B from motor 16 Not used GPIO39 Not used 17 Not used GPIO18/XCLKOUT (not connected) Not used 18 Not used GPIO23/LED4 LED reserved on LaunchPad 19 CSA_REF (DNP) GPIO25 For internal use only 20 MCU_LED GPIO59 Visual feedback for LaunchPad connection 14 DRV8311HEVM User's Guide SLOU552 – JULY 2021 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated www.ti.com Hardware Setup 5 Hardware Setup The hardware required to run the motor control is the LAUNCHXL-F280049C LaunchPad development kit, the DRV8311HEVM, a Micro-USB cable, and a power supply with a DC output from 3-V to 20-V. Follow these steps to set up the evaluation module: 1) Ensure all resistors or jumpers are set up accordingly according to the device variant used. The DRV8311HEVM by default is populated with and configured for the DRV8311H (hardware variant). If using the DRV8311S or DRV8311P, please follow row J of Table 4-2 to configure the board for the DRV8311x device variant populated for U1. 2) Mate the DRV8311HEVM board to the top half of the LAUNCHXL-F280049C LaunchPad development kit (mates to J1/J3 and J2/J4 of LaunchPad, as in Figure 4-3). NOTE: Observe the correct orientation when placing DRV8311HEVM to the LAUNCHXL-F280049C. The motor and power connectors should face to the LaunchPad’s Micro-USB connector. 3) Connect the three phases from the brushless-DC motor to the 3-pin connector J9 on DRV8311HEVM. Phases OUTA, OUTB, and OUTC are labeled in white silkscreen on the PCB top layer. NOTE: If using a sensored algorithm on the LaunchPad development kit, connect Hall sensors to the 5-pin connector J4. 4) Connect the DC power supply to header J5. NOTE: Observe the correct polarity VM and GND connections on the DRV8311HEVM connector J3. 5) Connect a Micro-USB cable to the LaunchPad development kit and computer. 6) Turn on the power supply and power up the PCB. If using the DRV8311HEVM with an external microcontroller, make the connections needed on the male headers on the top of the board or female connectors on the bottom side of the board. SLOU552 – JULY 2021 Submit Document Feedback DRV8311HEVM User's Guide Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated 15 Firmware and GUI Application www.ti.com 6 Firmware and GUI Application The DRV8311HEVM can implement sensored, sensorless, or Field-oriented control for commutating a 3-phase Brushless-DC motor. The supported firmware is a sensorless Field-oriented control algorithm adapted from Texas Instruments’ MotorControl SDK Library of motor solutions. The firmware includes motor identification and a sensorless FOC algorithm to spin the motor. The firmware uses the DRV8311HEVM InstaSPIN Universal GUI to run the algorithm and includes tabs to read from and write to the DRV8311 SPI registers (DRV8311S only). The steps below will describe how to identify useful motor parameters, spin the motor, and work with the DRV8311S SPI registers. For more information on more advanced features of the C2000 InstaSPIN Universal GUI such as torque and speed control, MTPA, or Field-weakening, consult the MotorControl SDK InstaSPIN Lab Guide (in the MotorControl Software Development Kit tool page) and InstaSPIN-FOC and InstaSPIN-MOTION User’s Guide. 6.1 C2000 InstaSPIN Universal GUI 1. Follow the instructions in Section 5 and ensure the LAUNCHXL-F280049C is connected to the PC and the power supply is turned on to the DRV8311HEVM PCB. 2. Search for the GUI Composer Galllery through https://dev.ti.com/gallery/search/drv8311xevm. You will to login with a myTI account in order to access the GUI. 3. Accept the readme as shown in Figure 6-1 and check the bottom left hand corner of the screen for “Hardware Connected”. Once connected, the GUI will flash the algorithm to the MCU as shown in Figure 6-2. Figure 6-1. C2000 InstaSPIN Universal GUI Readme 16 DRV8311HEVM User's Guide SLOU552 – JULY 2021 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated www.ti.com Firmware and GUI Application Figure 6-2. C2000 InstaSPIN Universal GUI Downloading Program 6.2 Motor Identification 1. Check the “Enable System” box to enable the InstaSPIN algorithm and run preset calibrations. Wait for the “OffsetCalc” button to uncheck automatically to finish calibrating board offsets. 2. Check the “Run” box to begin the motor identification algorithm as shown in Figure 6-3. The motor will begin to spin and stop as it goes through many states to calculate and identify useful motor parameters for sensorless Field-oriented control. This should take no more than a couple of minutes. 3. Once the motor identification process is complete, the “Motor Identified” indicator will light up, the “Run” box will be automatically unchecked, and the values Rs, Rs Online, Ls-d, Ls-q, Flux, and Rr will update for that motor as shown in Figure 6-4. These values will be automatically used for Field-oriented control. SLOU552 – JULY 2021 Submit Document Feedback DRV8311HEVM User's Guide Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated 17 Firmware and GUI Application www.ti.com Figure 6-3. C2000 InstaSPIN Universal GUI Running motor identification Figure 6-4. Motor identification complete using the DRV8311HEVM InstaSPIN GUI 6.3 Sensorless-FOC Commutation 1. To spin the motor with sensorless FOC, check the “Run” box again. The motor will spin with sinusoidal current at the speedRef (Hz) value in the GUI, which is automatically set to 20.0 Hz. Use the speedRef (Hz) input to change the current speed of the motor as shown in Figure 6-5. The GUI automatically calculates the current reference speed using the variable speed (Hz) and compares it to the trajectory speed variable speedTraj (Hz) to calculate the Speed Error (Hz) and as a percentage. 18 DRV8311HEVM User's Guide SLOU552 – JULY 2021 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated www.ti.com Firmware and GUI Application Figure 6-5. Sensorless-FOC commutation using the DRV8311HEVM InstaSPIN GUI 6.4 Torque Control, Speed Control, and Advanced Modulation Techniques To implement more advanced modulation techniques such as torque control, speed control, and algorithms such as MTPA, Field-weakening, and PowerWarp (EPL) using the DRV8311HEVM InstaSPIN Universal GUI, please consult the MotorControl SDK InstaSPIN Lab Guide found in MotorControl SDK. This document contains detailed lab overviews of how to implement each advanced modulation technique when using sensorless FOC to spin the BLDC motor in Code Composer Studio. In order to use the project with the GUI, the user must build and compile the project in CCS, and import the .out binary file for that project into the GUI properties through GUI Composer. More information can be found in the README when the GUI is first opened. 6.5 SPI Communication (DRV8311S only) The DRV8311HEVM InstaSPIN_Universal_GUI includes three SPI register tabs for the DRV8311S: Status Registers, Control Registers, and PWM Generation Registers. For InstaSPIN-FOC, only the Status and Control Registers will be used since internal PWM generation is not a supported use case for InstaSPIN-FOC for the DRV8311H and DRV8311S. 1. Click on the “DRV8311S Control Registers” tab to access the DRV8311S Control Registers as shown in Figure 6-6. 2. Choose the desired settings by selecting from the drop-down menus for each setting. Clicking a setting description selects the bits required for that control register setting. Consult the DRV8311 datasheet (Section 8.6 Register Map) for detailed definitions of settings. 3. Click on “Write” to write to all control registers in the device with the configured settings. 4. To read all status and control registers in the device, click on “Read”. The statuses and settings will auto-populate in the DRV8311S Status Registers and Control Registers. 5. Alternatively, to write data to a specific address, input the address and data in decimal into the address and data inputs above the “Manual Write” box. Click on the “Manual Write” box to write the data to that address. To read data from a specific address, input the address in decimal into the address above the “Manual Read” box. Click on the “Manual Write” box to read the data from that address. SLOU552 – JULY 2021 Submit Document Feedback DRV8311HEVM User's Guide Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated 19 Firmware and GUI Application www.ti.com Figure 6-6. DRV8311HEVM InstaSPIN GUI SPI Control Registers 20 DRV8311HEVM User's Guide SLOU552 – JULY 2021 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated www.ti.com Schematics 7 Schematics 7.1 Main Supply / Status LEDs Figure 7-1. Main Supply / Status LEDs schematic 7.2 DRV8311H/S/P Figure 7-2. DRV8311H/S/P schematic SLOU552 – JULY 2021 Submit Document Feedback DRV8311HEVM User's Guide Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated 21 Schematics www.ti.com 7.3 3.3V Buck Regulator Figure 7-3. 3.3V Buck Regulator schematic 22 DRV8311HEVM User's Guide SLOU552 – JULY 2021 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated www.ti.com Schematics 7.4 Voltage Reference Figure 7-4. Voltage Reference schematic 7.5 LaunchPad Connections Figure 7-5. LaunchPad Connections schematic SLOU552 – JULY 2021 Submit Document Feedback DRV8311HEVM User's Guide Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated 23 Schematics www.ti.com 7.6 Connectors & Interface Figure 7-6. Connectors & Interface schematic 24 DRV8311HEVM User's Guide SLOU552 – JULY 2021 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated www.ti.com Schematics 7.7 Voltage Sense & Protection Figure 7-7. Voltage Sense & Protection schematic SLOU552 – JULY 2021 Submit Document Feedback DRV8311HEVM User's Guide Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated 25 Revision History www.ti.com 8 Revision History NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version. DATE August 2021 26 REVISION * NOTES Initial Release DRV8311HEVM User's Guide SLOU552 – JULY 2021 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated IMPORTANT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER TI PROVIDES TECHNICAL AND RELIABILITY DATA (INCLUDING DATA SHEETS), DESIGN RESOURCES (INCLUDING REFERENCE DESIGNS), APPLICATION OR OTHER DESIGN ADVICE, WEB TOOLS, SAFETY INFORMATION, AND OTHER RESOURCES “AS IS” AND WITH ALL FAULTS, AND DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS AND IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 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