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    DS125DF1610 重计时器 接口 评估板

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DS125DF1610EVM 数据手册
DS125DF1610EVM User's Guide Literature Number: SNLU159B April 2014 – Revised September 2018 User's Guide SNLU159B – April 2014 – Revised September 2018 DS125DF1610EVM The following user guide details the functionality of DS125DF1610 Evaluation Board Module (EVM) as well as the Graphic User Interface (GUI) based tool SigCon Architect. The DS125DF1610 device profile can be used to read and write register settings via the SMBus. For a functional description of the DS125DF1610, refer to the DS125DF1610 data sheet. Topic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2 ........................................................................................................................... Page Hardware Overview .............................................................................................. 3 Required Software ............................................................................................... 4 Setup Instructions................................................................................................ 4 Selection Sidebar ................................................................................................. 5 Configuration Tab ................................................................................................ 5 Low Level Tab ..................................................................................................... 6 EEPROM Tab ....................................................................................................... 6 Eye Monitor Tab .................................................................................................. 7 Device Status Tab ................................................................................................ 8 Transmitter Tab ................................................................................................... 8 Receiver Tab ....................................................................................................... 9 CDR Tab............................................................................................................ 11 PRBS Generator/Checker Tab .............................................................................. 12 Cross Point Switch Tab....................................................................................... 12 Scripting Tab ..................................................................................................... 13 DS125DF1610EVM SNLU159B – April 2014 – Revised September 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2014–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Hardware Overview www.ti.com 1 Hardware Overview The DS125DF1610 evaluation board can be powered from a 3.3 V or 2.5 V power supply via banana cables. There are 4 quads each with 4 channels for a total of 16 channels. Channels 8 – 11 are connected via SMA connectors. All other channels require MXP connectors that are sold separately and not included when purchasing the evaluation module. An external reference clock can be applied to speed up the lock process, but is not required. A 25 MHz, 125 MHz, or 312.5 MHz reference clock can be applied with the 2 former frequencies allowing a single-ended input (312.5 MHz must be differential). Refer to the datasheet for additional details. The DS125DF1610EVM as shown in Figure 1 is configured with default jumper settings. For a description of each jumpers function, refer to Table 1 below. Note that the jumper settings are not in numerical order, but instead are based on their location as you move clockwise around the edge of the board starting from the banana plugs. Figure 1. DS125DF1610Evaluation Board SNLU159B – April 2014 – Revised September 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2014–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated DS125DF1610EVM 3 Required Software www.ti.com Table 1. Default Jumper Settings Jumper 2 MSP430 Microcontroller Connections J223 All pins open MSP430 Microcontroller Connections J216 All pins open MSP430 Microcontroller Connections J183 All pins open All Done GPIO3 J182 Tie Pin 7 – 8 Read EN GPIO2 J191 All pins open Interrupt I/O J181 Tie Pin 7 – 8 Address Bit1, GPIO1 J192 Tie Pin 1 – 3 Reset I/O J180 Tie Pin 7 – 8 Address Bit0, GPIO0 J203 Tie Pin 2 – 4 EN SMBus J222 All pins open TXB0107 Voltage Level Translator Output Enable J193 Tie pin 1 -2 Tie pin 3 -4 MSP430 Microcontroller Connections J88 All pins open SMBus Access J215 Tie Pin 3 – 4 Tie Pin 7 – 8 Pull-Ups for SMBus J162 All pins open EEPROM Address Bit J163 All pins open EEPROM Address Bit J164 All pins open EEPROM Address Bit J82 All pins open EEPROM Write Protect Bit J175 All pins open EEPROM SMBus J202 All pins open EEPROM SMBus J206 All pins open EEPROM SMBus Pull-Ups J108 Tie Pin 1 – 3 Tie Pin 2 – 4 Oscillator Power J109 Tie Pin 1 – 3 Oscillator Output Enable J99 Tie Pin 2 – 4 Oscillator Frequency Select J179 All pins open DS125DF1610 Retimer Connections JP13 All pins open DS125DF1610 Retimer Connections J204 All pins open 2.5 V and LDO Power Plane Connection J198 Tie Pin 1 – 2 LDO Enable Pull-Up SigCon Architect DS125DF1610 Profile for SigCon Architect Setup Instructions • • • • • 4 Description All pins open Required Software • • 3 Default Setting J207 Navigate to the DS125DF1610EVM product page on TI.com. Follow the guide at SNLU178 to install the SigCon Architect software, and for ease of use, add the shortcut to the desktop. With the software still closed, run the device profile updater for the DS125DF1610 as indicated in the previous guide. Hook up the power supply to the DS125DF1610EVM with the output disabled. Using the USB2ANY, the USB cable can be connected directly to the USB port on the EVM board and the computer. Click the shortcut to open the SigCon Architect software. If prompted to run as administrator, select yes. DS125DF1610EVM SNLU159B – April 2014 – Revised September 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2014–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Selection Sidebar www.ti.com When starting SigCon architect, the graphic user interface should appear as in Figure 2 with the DS150DF1610 Retimer profile already loaded. In order to initiate reading and writing of the registers, the ‘Demo Mode’ box in the upper right hand corner must be deselected. Figure 2. DS125DF1610 Profile GUI 4 Selection Sidebar The ‘selection’ sidebar shows the current active device profiles. When the device is active and configurable, this will show the sub-pages that are used to control the device: Configuration, Low Level Page, Eye Monitor Page, EEPROM Page, and High Level Page. Figure 3. Selection Sidebar The content on each of these sub-pages will be detailed in each of the following sections. 5 Configuration Tab The configuration tab’s main purpose is to specify the slave address for successful communication with the DS125DF1610EVM. The default address is hex 0x30 as shown in Figure 4. If the ADDR0 (GPIO0) or ADDR1 (GPIO1) jumper settings are altered, the SMBus address will need to be changed. Refer to the datasheet for additional information. Figure 4. Configuration Tab After selecting the proper slave address, the board can be connected by clicking the apply button. If the USB2ANY details drop down box does not show any values, then the board is not correctly connected to your computer. SNLU159B – April 2014 – Revised September 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2014–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated DS125DF1610EVM 5 Low Level Tab www.ti.com Make sure to set the REF_CLK value to the 312.5 MHz value, as this is the default for this board. 6 Low Level Tab In this tab, the user can find all of the register values that are on the DS125DF1610 board, including both shared values and values unique to each of the input and output channels. The Expand / Collapse all buttons can be used to show and hide all of the registers on the list. In order to read the most recent settings from the board, use the Read All button to update the state of each of the registers. In order to update only one of the registers, use the Read Register. In order to adjust all of the registers in bulk, 4 additional buttons are available. The load config and save config buttons will load and save the contents of all registers on the board. These .cfg files store all registers in order with data in hexadecimal. The file can be edited in your favorite text editor. A simple way to restore custom settings is to load your saved config files. The reset device button will reset the registers and the board to their original configuration. The fourth button is the broadcast button, which the user can utilize when it is necessary to change a channel register on each of the 16 channels simultaneously. Figure 5. Low Level Tab 7 EEPROM Tab If the desired shared register settings are stored in EEPROM the ‘Device from Slot’ push button should be selected in order to write to the retimer registers. To write the current shared register settings in the GUI to EEPROM, the ‘Slot from Device’ push button should be selected. Saving and loading the EEPROM configuration hex file can be performed with the Load from Hex File, and Write to EEPROM Hex buttons. 6 DS125DF1610EVM SNLU159B – April 2014 – Revised September 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2014–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Eye Monitor Tab www.ti.com Figure 6. EEPROM Tab 8 Eye Monitor Tab The internal eye monitor functionality can be controlled by the Eye Monitor Tab as shown in Figure 7. Under the Channel Indicators (in Red) the CDR must be locked and a signal detected before the eye monitor can be turned on. Prior to turning on the Eye Monitor, the Eye Monitor Voltage must be selected, as well as the Channel Selected (Blue). The eye monitor plot must then be turned on with either the single capture or continuous capture modes. A device reset is also included in this tab. After acquiring the data from the eye monitor, the horizontal and vertical eye openings, HEO and VEO, can be viewed under EYE opening values. Figure 7. Internal Eye Monitor Tab SNLU159B – April 2014 – Revised September 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2014–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated DS125DF1610EVM 7 Device Status Tab www.ti.com On the bottom right hand side of the monitor are the three buttons used to manipulate the data within the monitor. The export raw data button allows the user to export this collected data as an excel spreadsheet with values to interpret the darkness of the eye monitor. The export density button allows the user to export the collected density values from the eye monitor plot, again as an excel spreadsheet with the values of density as the cell values. The clear plots button allows the user to clear the eye monitor before capturing the next set of data. 9 Device Status Tab This tab gives a brief summary of the status on all of the channels in the device. This includes whether there is a signal or a lock on each channel, as well as a summary of the CTLE, DFE, EOM, and transmit settings for the channel. Figure 8. Device Status Tab 10 Transmitter Tab The transmitter tab controls the various level settings for VOD, the 3 taps of the FIR filter, and in addition has indicators for when a signal is detected as well as when the CDR locks for all 16 transmitter channels as shown in Figure 9. The ‘Channel Select’ pull down menu is used to select which of the 16 channels is being modified. For the Channel Indicators box, when a signal is detected the ‘Signal Detect’ indicator will switch from being red and reading No Signal to green and should read Signal Detected. If the CDR locks to the applied data rate, the indicator should switch to green and read CDR Locked. The ‘Reset’ push button is used to reset the default transmitter settings. By default the ‘SM Enabled’ icon should be selected to enable the state machine. In order to force the channel in question to be active as opposed to relying on signal detect, ‘Force Enabled’ can be selected. Conversely, in order to disable a channel regardless of whether a signal is detected ‘Force Disabled’ can be selected. 8 DS125DF1610EVM SNLU159B – April 2014 – Revised September 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2014–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Receiver Tab www.ti.com Figure 9. Transmitter Tab The DS125DF1610 output driver has 22 VOD level settings ranging from 150 mV to 1200 mV in 50 mV increments. When the retimer is reset, the VOD level will return to the default value of 1000 mV. The ‘Edge Rate Select’ option allows the user to adjust the rise and fall time for the output signal, with the default setting being the fastest rise/fall time. The ‘Transmit FIR Control’ section consists of 3 FIR taps; pre-cursor, main-cursor, and post-cursor. The pre-cursor and post-cursor taps emphasize the output voltage level to account for high frequency losses. The main cursor primarily is used to balance the other two taps in order to sum to the appropriate normalized sum value which based on the selected VOD setting. The pre-cursor, main cursor, and postcursor taps of the FIR filter are each adjusted on a scale of 0 – 63 but should be normalized based on the selected VOD setting. Normalizing the taps can be performed either by selecting the Normalize before applying checkbox, or by clicking the normalize taps button. However, each of the 3 taps can be set to any of the 64 levels without being normalized. This is not recommended as a starting point, but is a feature that can be utilized. To write the tap settings to the register without normalizing them, ‘Normalize Before Applying’ must be deselected. The ‘Normalize Taps’ push button will adjust the main cursor in order to sum the 3 taps to the value predefined by the VOD setting the user selects. However, if the ‘Normalize Before Applying’ checkbox is selected the 3 taps will be normalized when writing them to the register. The ‘Read Taps’ push button will populate the current register settings for the pre, post, and main cursor taps into the corresponding fields. ‘Set Taps’ will write the pre, main, and post cursor settings into the register. 11 Receiver Tab The Receiver tab controls all the relevant functionality associated with the 16 receiver channels of the DS125DF1610EVM. The ‘Signal Detect’ and ‘CDR Lock’ indicators are identical to the Transmitter Tab, reflecting when a signal is detected or when the CDR locks. ‘Channel Select,’ ‘Update Time,’ and ‘Reset’ are all similar to the Transmitter Tab. SNLU159B – April 2014 – Revised September 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2014–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated DS125DF1610EVM 9 Receiver Tab www.ti.com Figure 10. Receiver Tab The ‘Adapt Mode Selection’ section is for the setting the adapt mode of the DS125DF1610. Refer to Table 2 for explanations of each adapt mode. Table 2. Adapt Mode Descriptions Adapt Mode Description 0 Manual Setting of CTLE and DFE, no adaptation 1 Adapt CTLE only 2 Adapt CTLE until optimal, then DFE, then CTLE again 3 Adapt CTLE until lock, then DFE, then CTLE until optimal The EQ boost settings are divided into 4 stages, each with 2-bit boost control for a total of 256 different stage-boost combinations. In order to select the EQ boost settings, the device must be in Adapt Mode 0. In the other Adapt modes the CTLE will adapt through 32 of these stage-boost combinations. The CTLE adaptation can be set to limiting mode by selecting the ‘Boost 3: Limiting Bit’ check box. The ‘Load CTLE Table’ push button is used to specify the 32 EQ settings that the CTLE should cycle through. The ‘DFE Control’ area of the Receiver Tab is used for setting the 5 taps of the DFE. Tap 1 has 32 settings from 0 to 224 mV in 7 mV increments. See Table 3 for details. These values should be entered in hex from 0x00 to 0x1F. Taps 2 through 5 have 16 settings each from 0 to 112 mV in 7 mV increments and should be entered in hex from 0x00 to 0x0F. The polarity of each tap can also be adjusted, with a negative polarity representing boost and positive representing an attenuation of the data. In order to set the DFE Taps manually (only Adapt Mode 0), ‘Enable Manual Tap Control’ must be selected and ‘DFE Enable’ must also be turned on. ‘Clear Taps’ will reset all of the tap values to 0mV (0x00). When in an adapt mode where the DFE will adapt automatically, it can be configured to adapt only during lock acquisition or to adapt continuously with the “Continuous DFE Adaptation” checkbox. Table 3. DFE Tap Parameters 10 DFE Parameter Value (mV) Tap 1 Weight Range 0 - 224 Tap 2-5 Weight Range 0 - 112 Tap Weight Step Size 7 DS125DF1610EVM SNLU159B – April 2014 – Revised September 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2014–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated CDR Tab www.ti.com 12 CDR Tab Within the ‘Mode Selection’ section there are two options for setting the data rate that the DS125DF1610 expects to receive – ‘Standard Rate’ and ‘Manual Mode.’ ‘Standard rate’ gives the user the option to select the data rate they are running at for a defined set of protocols, without having to manually program the expected data rate. See Table 4 for additional details. Table 4. Standard Mode Data Rates Channel Register 0x2F[7:4] Setting Standard Data Rates (Gbps) First Group Divider Settings Second Group Divider Settings 0x6 Custom 11.5 1 1 0x7 Interlaken 12.5, 6.25, 3.125 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 4 0x8 CPRI 1 9.8304, 4.9152, 2.4576 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 4 0x9 CPRI 2 6.144, 3.072 2, 4 2, 4 0xA Infiniband 10, 5, 2.5 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 4 0xB Ethernet 10.3125, 1.25 8 1 The alternative to ‘Standard Rate’ mode is to program the expected data rate in ‘Manual Mode.’ In manual mode the desired data rate and corresponding VCO frequency must be entered into Group One or Group Two. Refer to the datasheet Register Map for setting the 0x2F [7:4] register bits. The bits should be set based on the expected date rate, taking into account which divider will be required. For example if a data rate of 1.25 Gbps is entered into the desired VCO frequency for Group One, 0x0C should be selected due to it having an 8 divider since 1.25 Gbps is a division of 10.3125 Gbps by 8. When a date rate is manually entered into the ‘Desired VCO Frequency’ field the ‘Write Rate Reg’ push button must be selected to write it to the register. The desired ppm tolerance is used to adjust the lock range of the CDR for the receiver channel in question. The VCO count and PPM delta count fields are automatically populated based on the specified data rate. Figure 11. CDR Tab SNLU159B – April 2014 – Revised September 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2014–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated DS125DF1610EVM 11 PRBS Generator/Checker Tab 13 www.ti.com PRBS Generator/Checker Tab The DS125DF1610 is equipped with an on-board PRBS generator as well as a PRBS checker. The PRBS generator and PRBS checker should be operated from different channels. The PRBS generator can generate a pseudo-random bit sequence on the transmit side of a channel. It can then be run through a cable or backplane, and checked by the receiver channel that is configured for the PRBS checker. The PRBS Checker must be enabled in the ‘PRBS Checker Enable/Disable Selection’ section. In order to reset the PRBS sequence, the ‘Reset PRBS’ push button can be selected. In the ‘PRBS Pattern Status’ section the checker will read the PRBS pattern whether that be PRBS31, PRBS15, PRBS9, or PRBS7. It will populate the inverted or non-inverted field, as well as provide the error count, bit count, and the error rate. The ‘PRBS Generator’ section is where the PRBS sequence length can be set. However instead of generating a PRBS sequence, an 8-bit user pattern can be created and also inverted if desired. Figure 12. PRBS Generator/Checker Tab 14 Cross Point Switch Tab In this tab the cross point functionality of the DS125DF1610EVM can be configured. It is divided up into 4 quads or switch matrices, each with 4 channels. By default, the DS125DF1610EVM has no cross-point enabled and the receiver channel will route to the same transmit channel. The cross point functionality can be used to create point to point links, or operate in broadcast mode. In point to point switching, one input channel will be routed to only one output channel. When using broadcast mode, one input can be routed to two, three, or four output channels. Refer to the DS125DF1610 datasheet for additional information. The ‘TX CH x Select’ section controls the associations between receive channel and transmit channel. When setting up point to point switching, the ‘Broadcast Channel section is not used. The ‘Signal Detected and CDR locked’ will indicate when a receiver channel is detecting a signal, as well as indicate when the CDR locks for a selected transmit channel. When operating the broadcast function, a master must be selected in order to dictate which output channel will send back its adapt data to the CTLE. Refer to the datasheet for additional information. Only one master transmit (output) channel should be selected, as there cannot be more than one master channel in a broadcast network. 12 DS125DF1610EVM SNLU159B – April 2014 – Revised September 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2014–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Scripting Tab www.ti.com Figure 13. Cross Point Switch Control Tab 15 Scripting Tab The scripting tab is a Python-based script for coding channel and shared register settings. To access the scripting function click the Script button on the upper menu bar. Click launch window and start recording to save a process of configuration into a Python script. After finished, select stop recording from the same menu. Figure 14. Scripting Tab SNLU159B – April 2014 – Revised September 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2014–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated DS125DF1610EVM 13 Revision History www.ti.com Revision History NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version. Changes from A Revision (January 2017) to B Revision ............................................................................................... Page • Changed J193 all pins open to tie 1-2 and 3-4 ........................................................................................ 4 Changes from Original (April 2014) to A Revision .......................................................................................................... Page • • 14 Changed picture in Figure 1 ............................................................................................................. 3 Changed sections 2-15 from supporting Analog Launch Pad to Sigcon Architect ............................................... 4 Revision History SNLU159B – April 2014 – Revised September 2018 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2014–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated IMPORTANT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER TI PROVIDES TECHNICAL AND RELIABILITY DATA (INCLUDING DATASHEETS), DESIGN RESOURCES (INCLUDING REFERENCE DESIGNS), APPLICATION OR OTHER DESIGN ADVICE, WEB TOOLS, SAFETY INFORMATION, AND OTHER RESOURCES “AS IS” AND WITH ALL FAULTS, AND DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS AND IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. These resources are intended for skilled developers designing with TI products. You are solely responsible for (1) selecting the appropriate TI products for your application, (2) designing, validating and testing your application, and (3) ensuring your application meets applicable standards, and any other safety, security, or other requirements. These resources are subject to change without notice. TI grants you permission to use these resources only for development of an application that uses the TI products described in the resource. Other reproduction and display of these resources is prohibited. No license is granted to any other TI intellectual property right or to any third party intellectual property right. TI disclaims responsibility for, and you will fully indemnify TI and its representatives against, any claims, damages, costs, losses, and liabilities arising out of your use of these resources. TI’s products are provided subject to TI’s Terms of Sale (www.ti.com/legal/termsofsale.html) or other applicable terms available either on ti.com or provided in conjunction with such TI products. TI’s provision of these resources does not expand or otherwise alter TI’s applicable warranties or warranty disclaimers for TI products. Mailing Address: Texas Instruments, Post Office Box 655303, Dallas, Texas 75265 Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
DS125DF1610EVM 价格&库存


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+13592.233371+1635.10202
