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HDC2010YPAR 数据手册
Product Folder Order Now Technical Documents Support & Community Tools & Software HDC2010 ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 HDC2010 低功耗湿度和温度数字传感器 1 特性 • • • • 1 • • • • • 3 说明 相对湿度范围:0% 至 100% 湿度精度:±2% 休眠电流:50nA 平均电源电流(每秒测量 1 次) – 仅 RH(11 位):300nA – RH(11 位)+ 温度(11 位):550nA 温度范围: – 运行温度:–40°C 至 85°C – 可正常工作的温度:–40°C 至 125°C 温度精度:±0.2°C(典型值) 电源电压:1.62V 至 3.6V 可编程采样率(5Hz、2Hz、1Hz、0.2Hz、 0.1Hz、1/60Hz、1/120Hz)或按需触发 I2C 接口 2 应用 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • HDC2010 是一款采用超紧凑 WLCSP(晶圆级芯片级 封装)的集成式湿度和温度传感器,能够以超低功耗提 供高精度测量。HDC2010 的传感元件位于器件底部, 有助于 HDC2010 免受粉尘、灰尘以及其他环境污染物 的影响,从而更加稳定可靠。电容式传感器包括新的集 成数字 特性 和用于消散冷凝和湿气的加热元件。 HDC2010 数字 特性 包括可编程中断阈值,可提供警 报/系统唤醒,而无需微控制器持续监控系统。同 时,HDC2010 具有可编程采样间隔、低固有功耗,并 且支持 1.8V 电源电压,非常适合电池供电系统。 HDC2010 为各种环境监测应用 和物联网 (IoT) (如智 能恒温器、智能家居助理和可穿戴设备)提供高精度测 量功能。HDC2010 还可用于为冷链运输和易腐货物的 储存提供临界温度和湿度数据,以帮助确保食品和药物 等产品新鲜送达。 HDC2010 经过工厂校准,温度精度为 0.2°C,相对湿 度精度为 2%,并配备了加热元件,可消除冷凝和湿 气,从而增加可靠性。HDC2010 支持的工作温度范围 为 -40°C 至 125°C,相对湿度范围为 0% 至 100%。 智能恒温器 智能家居助理 冰箱 冷藏运输 洗衣机/烘干机 HVAC 系统 气体检测 通信设备 环境标签 烟雾和热量探测器 喷墨打印机 监控摄像头 CPAP 呼吸机 可穿戴设备 器件信息(1) 器件型号 封装 封装尺寸(标称值) 1.5 mm × 1.5 mm × 0.675 mm DSBGA(6 凸点) HDC2010 (1) 如需了解所有可用封装,请参阅数据表末尾的可订购产品附 录。 典型应用 RH 精度 10 Typical 9 Accuracy (r%RH) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 RH (%RH) 1 本文档旨在为方便起见,提供有关 TI 产品中文版本的信息,以确认产品的概要。 有关适用的官方英文版本的最新信息,请访问 www.ti.com,其内容始终优先。 TI 不保证翻译的准确 性和有效性。 在实际设计之前,请务必参考最新版本的英文版本。 English Data Sheet: SNAS693 HDC2010 ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 www.ti.com.cn 目录 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 特性 .......................................................................... 应用 .......................................................................... 说明 .......................................................................... 修订历史记录 ........................................................... Pin Configuration and Functions ......................... Specifications......................................................... 1 1 1 2 3 4 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 7 Absolute Maximum Ratings ..................................... ESD Ratings.............................................................. Recommended Operating Conditions....................... Thermal Information .................................................. Electrical Characteristics........................................... I2C Interface Electrical Characteristics ..................... I2C Interface Timing Requirements........................... Typical Characteristics .............................................. Detailed Description .............................................. 8 7.1 Overview ................................................................... 8 7.2 Functional Block Diagram ......................................... 8 7.3 Feature Description................................................... 8 7.4 Device Functional Modes........................................ 15 7.5 Programming .......................................................... 15 7.6 Register Maps ......................................................... 17 8 Application and Implementation ........................ 28 8.1 Application Information............................................ 28 8.2 Typical Application ................................................. 28 9 Power Supply Recommendations...................... 30 10 Layout................................................................... 30 10.1 Layout Guidelines ................................................. 30 10.2 Layout Example .................................................... 31 11 器件和文档支持 ..................................................... 32 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 文档支持 ............................................................... 接收文档更新通知 ................................................. 社区资源................................................................ 商标 ....................................................................... 静电放电警告......................................................... Glossary ................................................................ 32 32 32 32 32 32 12 机械、封装和可订购信息 ....................................... 33 4 修订历史记录 Changes from Revision B (August 2018) to Revision C Page • Added pin type description for DRDY/INT pin ........................................................................................................................ 3 • Changed description of behavior of TH_STATUS bit when INT_MODE is set to 1............................................................. 11 • Changed description of behavior of TH_STATUS bit when INT_MODE is set to 0............................................................. 11 • Changed description of behavior of TL_STATUS bit when INT_MODE is set to 1 ............................................................. 12 • Changed description of behavior of TL_STATUS bit when INT_MODE is set to 0 ............................................................. 12 • Changed description of behavior of HH_STATUS bit when INT_MODE is set to 1 ............................................................ 13 • Changed description of behavior of HH_STATUS bit when INT_MODE is set to 0 ............................................................ 13 • Changed description of behavior of HL_STATUS bit when INT_MODE is set to 1 ............................................................. 14 • Changed description of behavior of HL_STATUS bit when INT_MODE is set to 0 ............................................................. 14 • Changed the units for Humidity threshold low from: °C to: %RH......................................................................................... 24 • Changed the temperature resolution decoding from: 8 bit to: 9 bit ...................................................................................... 26 • Changed the humidity resolution decoding from: 8 bit to: 9 bit ........................................................................................... 26 • Changed the measurement configuration "10" bit encoding from: Humidity Only to: NA for field MEAS_CONFIG[1:0] ..... 26 Changes from Revision A (March 2018) to Revision B • Page Changed the HDC2010 Detailed Description section, Application and Implementation section, Power Supply Recommendations section, and Layout section to align with the HDC2010 data sheet........................................................ 8 Changes from Original (July 2017) to Revision A Page • 将特性 项目从“自动采样率”更改为“可编程采样率” .................................................................................................................. 1 • 将特性 项目从“按需”更改为“按需触发” .................................................................................................................................... 1 • Changed HL_MASK to HL_ENABLE in Humidity Low......................................................................................................... 14 2 Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated HDC2010 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 5 Pin Configuration and Functions WLCSP (DSBGA) 6 Pin YPA Top View Pin Functions PIN I/O TYPE (1) DESCRIPTION NAME NO. VDD A1 P Positive Supply Voltage ADDR B1 I Address select pin – hardwired to VDD or GND. GND: slave address: 1000000 VDD: slave address: 1000001 GND C1 G Ground SDA A2 I/O Serial data line for I2C, open-drain; requires a pullup resistor to VDD SCL B2 I Serial clock line for I2C, open-drain; requires a pullup resistor to VDD DRDY / INT C2 O Data ready/Interrupt. Push-pull output (1) P=Power, G=Ground, I=Input, O=Output Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated 3 HDC2010 ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 www.ti.com.cn 6 Specifications 6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings (1) MIN MAX UNIT VDD Input Voltage -0.3 3.9 V GND Input Voltage -0.3 3.9 V ADDR Input Voltage -0.3 3.9 V SCL Input Voltage -0.3 3.9 V SDA Input Voltage -0.3 3.9 V Tstg Storage temperature -65 150 °C (1) Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Rating may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, which do not imply functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under Recommended Operating Condition. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 6.2 ESD Ratings VALUE V(ESD) (1) (2) Electrostatic discharge Human body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001, all pins (1) ±2000 Charged device model (CDM), per JEDEC specification JESD22-C101, all pins (2) ±250 UNIT V JEDEC document JEP155 states that 500-V HBM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. JEDEC document JEP157 states that 250-V CDM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. 6.3 Recommended Operating Conditions over operating range (unless otherwise noted) MIN VDD Voltage Supply NOM 1.62 MAX UNIT 3.6 V 6.4 Thermal Information HDC2010 THERMAL METRIC (1) DSBGA (YPA) UNIT 6 PINS RθJA Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance 114.8 °C/W RθJC(top) RθJB Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance 0.8 °C/W Junction-to-board thermal resistance 35.2 °C/W ΨJT Junction-to-top characterization parameter 0.6 °C/W ΨJB Junction-to-board characterization parameter 35.4 °C/W (1) For more information about traditional and new thermal metrics, see the Semiconductor and IC Package Thermal Metrics application report. 6.5 Electrical Characteristics at TA = 30°C, VDD = 1.8 V, 20% ≤ RH ≤ 80% (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION VDD 4 Supply Voltage Operating Range 1.62 3.6 V Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated HDC2010 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 Electrical Characteristics (continued) at TA = 30°C, VDD = 1.8 V, 20% ≤ RH ≤ 80% (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS RH measurement MIN (1) 650 890 550 730 Sleep Mode 0.05 0.1 0.3 Average at 1 measurement every 10 seconds, RH (11 bit) + temperature (11 bit) (1) (2) Heater (3) μA 0.55 Average at 1 measurement every 2 seconds, RH (11 bit) + temperature (11 bit) (1) (2) IDDHEAT UNIT 0.3 Average at 1 measurement/second, RH (11 bit) + temperature (11 bit) (1) (2) Supply current MAX Temperature measurement (1) Average at 1 measurement/second, RH or temperature only (1) (2) IDD TYP 0.105 Startup (average on startup time) 80 VDD = 3.3 V 90 mA RELATIVE HUMIDITY SENSOR RHACC Accuracy (4) RHREP Repeatability (7) RHHYS Hysteresis (8) RHRT RHCT RHOR RHLTD (5) (6) Response Time (9) Conversion-time (7) Operating range Long-term Drift ±2 14 bit resolution t63% step (10) %RH %RH 8 s 275 11 bit accuracy 400 14 bit accuracy 660 Non-condensing (11) %RH ±1 9 bit accuracy 0 (12) ±3 ±0.1 µs 100 ±0.25 %RH %RH/yr TEMPERATURE SENSOR TEMPOR Operating range TEMPACC Accuracy (7) 5°C < TA < 60°C -40 ±0.2 TEMPREP Repeatability (7) 14 bit resolution ±0.1 9 bit accuracy 225 TEMPCT Conversion-time (7) 11 bit accuracy 350 14 bit accuracy 610 125 °C ±0.4 °C °C µs (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) I2C read/write communication and pull up resistors current through SCL, SDA not included. Average current consumption while conversion is in progress. Heater operating range – 40°C to 85°C. Excludes hysteresis and long-term drift. Excludes the impact of dust, gas phase solvents and other contaminants such as vapors from packaging materials, adhesives, or tapes, etc. (6) Limits apply over the humidity operating range 20 to 80% RH (non-condensing) from 0 to 60°C. (7) This parameter is specified by design and/or characterization and is not tested in production. (8) The hysteresis value is the difference between an RH measurement in a rising and falling RH environment, at a specific RH point. (9) Actual response times will vary dependent on system thermal mass and air-flow. (10) Time for the RH output to change by 63% of the total RH change after a step change in environmental humidity. (11) Recommended humidity operating range is 20 to 80% RH (non-condensing) over 0 to 60°C. Prolonged operation beyond these ranges may result in a shift of sensor reading, with slow recovery time. (12) Drift due to aging effects at typical conditions (30°C and 20% to 50% RH). This value may be impacted by dust, vaporized solvents, outgassing tapes, adhesives, packaging materials, etc. Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated 5 HDC2010 ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 www.ti.com.cn Electrical Characteristics (continued) at TA = 30°C, VDD = 1.8 V, 20% ≤ RH ≤ 80% (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT HUMIDITY AND TEMPERATURE On demand 5 2 ODR Output Data Rate 1 Selectable Output data rate 0.2 Hz 0.1 1/60 1/120 6.6 I2C Interface Electrical Characteristics At TA = 30°C, VDD = 3.3 V (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER VIH Input High Voltage VIL Input Low Voltage VOL Output Low Voltage TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX 0.7 x VDD V Sink current 3 mA 0.3 x VDD V 0.4 V 0.1 x VDD HYS Hysteresis CIN Input Capacitance on all digital pins UNIT V 0.5 pF 6.7 I2C Interface Timing Requirements At TA = 30°C, VDD = 1.8 V (unless otherwise noted) MIN NOM MAX UNIT 400 kHz fSCL Clock Frequency 10 tLOW Clock Low Time 1.3 µs tHIGH Clock High Time 0.6 µs tSP Pulse width of spikes that be suppressed by input filter tSTART Shutdown entry delay (1) (1) 10 50 ns 15 ms This parameter is specified by design and/or characterization and it is not tested in production. SDA tLOW tSP SCL tHIGH START REPEATED START STOP START 图 1. I2C Timing 6 版权 © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated HDC2010 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 6.8 Typical Characteristics Unless otherwise noted. TA = 30°C, VDD = 1.8 V. 1 10 Typical 9 0.9 8 0.8 7 0.7 Accuracy (r°C) Accuracy (r%RH) Typical 6 5 4 0.6 0.5 0.4 3 0.3 2 0.2 1 0.1 0 -40 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 -25 -10 5 20 T = -40°C T = -20°C T = 0°C T = 25°C T = 85°C T = 125°C 700 700 95 110 125 650 IDD (nA) IDD (nA) 80 VDD = 1.62V VDD = 1.8V VDD = 2.5V VDD = 3V VDD = 3.3V VDD = 3.6V 750 650 600 600 550 550 500 500 450 450 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 400 -40 3.6 -15 10 35 60 85 110 125 Temp (°C) VDD (V) 图 4. Supply Current vs. Supply Voltage, Average at 1 Measurement/Second, RH (11 Bit) + Temperature (11 Bit) 图 5. Supply Current vs. Temperature, Average at 1 Measurement/Second, RH (11 Bit) + Temperature (11 Bit) 400 400 T = -40°C T = -20°C T = 0°C T = 25°C T = 50°C T = 85°C T = 125°C 350 300 VDD = 1.62V VDD = 1.8V VDD = 2.5V VDD = 3V VDD = 3.3V VDD = 3.6V 350 300 250 IDD (nA) 250 IDD (nA) 65 800 750 200 200 150 150 100 100 50 50 0 1.6 50 图 3. Temperature Accuracy vs. Temperature 图 2. RH Accuracy vs. RH 800 400 1.6 35 Temp (°C) RH (%RH) 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 VDD (V) 图 6. Supply Current vs. Supply Voltage, Sleep Mode 版权 © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated 0 -40 -15 10 35 60 85 110 125 Temp (°C) 图 7. Supply Current vs. Temperature, Sleep Mode 7 HDC2010 ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 www.ti.com.cn 7 Detailed Description 7.1 Overview The HDC2010 is a highly integrated digital humidity and temperature sensor that incorporates both humiditysensing and temperature-sensing elements, an analog-to-digital converter, calibration memory, and an I2C interface that are all contained in a 1.5mm x 1.5mm DSBGA package. The HDC2010 provides excellent measurement accuracy with very low power consumption and features programmable resolution for both humidity and temperature: • Temperature resolution [9, 11, 14] • Humidity resolution [9, 11, 14] The conversion time during measurements is dependent upon the configured resolution for humidity and temperature, which can be configured for optimal power consumption. The HDC2010 device incorporates a state-of-the-art polymer dielectric to provide capacitive-sensing measurements. As with most relative humidity sensors that include this type of technology, the user must meet certain application requirements to ensure optimal device performance for the sensing element. The user must: • Follow the correct storage and handling procedures during board assembly. See Humidity Sensor: Storage and Handling Guidelines (SNIA025) for these guidelines. • Protect the sensor from contaminants during board assembly and operation. • Reduce prolonged exposure to both high temperature and humidity extremes that may impact sensor accuracy. • Follow the correct layout guidelines for best performance. See Optimizing Placement and Routing for Humidity Sensors (SNAA297) for these guidelines. 7.2 Functional Block Diagram VDD HDC2010 SCL RH Sensor ADC Temperature Sensor Registers + Logic SDA 2 IC DRDY/INT ADDR Calibration GND 7.3 Feature Description 7.3.1 Sleep Mode Power Consumption One key feature of the HDC2010 is the low power consumption of the device, which makes the HDC2010 suitable in battery-powered or energy-harvesting applications. In these applications, the HDC2010 spends most of the time in sleep mode that has a typical current consumption of 50 nA. This minimizes the average power consumption and self-heating. 7.3.2 Measurement Modes: Trigger on Demand vs. Auto Measurement Two types of measurement modes are available on the HDC2010: Trigger on Demand and Auto Mode. Trigger on Demand is when each measurement reading are initiated through an I2C command on an as-needed basis. After the measurement is converted, the device remains in sleep mode until another I2C command is received. 8 版权 © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated HDC2010 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 Feature Description (接 接下页) Auto Measurement Mode is when the HDC2010 is programmed to perform measurement readings on a periodic basis, thus eliminating the need to initiate a measurement request through an I2C command and improves power consumption. The user can adjust the Soft Reset and Interrupt Configuration register to select one of 7 different sampling rates (the range spans from 1 sample every 2 minutes to 5 samples/second). In Auto Measurement Mode, the HDC2010 wakes up from sleep to measurement mode based on the selected sampling rate. 7.3.3 Heater The HDC2010 includes an integrated heating element that can be switched on briefly to prevent or remove any condensation that may build up in high humidity environments. Additionally, the heater can be used to verify functionally of the integrated temperature sensor. The operating range of the heater should be limited to –40°C to 85°C. For 3.3-V operation, the heater will have a typical current draw of 90 mA, and 55 mA at 1.8-V operation. 7.3.4 Interrupt Description 注 When multiple bits are enabled, the DRDY/INT pin can only reflect the status of one interrupt bit at a time. The DRDY/INT pin DOES NOT function as the logical ‘OR’ of interrupt bits that have been enabled. The highest priority is given to TH_ENABLE bit, followed by TL_ENABLE, HH_ENABLE, and HL_ENABLE bits in descending order. Therefore, programming recommendations are provided as below: • The DRDY/INT will track the HL_ENABLE if enabled and all other ENABLE bits are disabled. • The DRDY/INT will track the HH_ENABLE if enabled and the TH_ENABLE and TL_ENABLE are disabled. • The DRDY/INT will track the TL_ENABLE if enabled and the TH_ENABLE is disabled. • The DRDY/INT will track the TH_ENABLE if enabled and is independent of other ENABLE bit settings. 版权 © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated 9 HDC2010 ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 www.ti.com.cn Feature Description (接 接下页) DRDY When DRDY_ENABLE is enabled and a humidity and/or temperature conversion is complete, the DRDY_STATUS bit asserts to 1. To enable the DRDY/INT pin of HDC2010, the DRDY/INT_EN bit (0x0E bit[2]) must be set to 1 and the INT_MOD bit should be set to 0. If these bits are not configured, the pin will be left in high impedance. The INT_POL bit of this register defines the interrupt polarity of the DRDY/INT pin. 图 8 and 图 9 display the output behavior of the DRDY/INT pin for both interrupt polarity cases: INT_POL= 0 and INT_POL= 1. Previous Data New Data Available 1 DRDY_STATUS 0 VDD DRDY/INT [INT_POL = 1] 0 图 8. Data Ready Interrupt - Active High (INT_POL = 1) Previous Data New Data Available 1 DRDY_STATUS 0 VDD DRDY/INT [INT_POL = 0] 0 图 9. Data Ready Interrupt - Active Low (INT_POL = 0) 10 版权 © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated HDC2010 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 Feature Description (接 接下页) 7.3.5 INTERRUPT on Threshold Temperature High When TH_ENABLE is enabled and the temperature is over the programmed threshold level stored in the Temperature Threshold HIGH register, the TH_STATUS bit asserts to 1. The polarity and interrupt mode of the TH_STATUS bit and the DRDY/INT pin can be configured through the INT_POL and INT_MODE bits of Register 0x0E. The INT_MODE bit sets the threshold to either comparator mode or a level sensitive alarm. When INT_MODE is set to 1 the TH_STATUS bit is based on the current temperature conversion. The polarity of the DRDY/INT pin is set by INT_POL. When INT_MODE is set to 0 the TH_STATUS bit remains set to 1 until it is read. The polarity of the DRDY/INT pin is set by INT_POL T [°C] Temperature Threshold High Time 1 TH_STATUS [INT_MODE = 0] TH_STATUS Bit Read 0 VDD DRDY/INT [INT_MODE = 0] [INT_POL = 1] 0 VDD DRDY/INT [INT_MODE = 0] [INT_POL = 0] 0 1 TH_STATUS [INT_MODE = 1] 0 VDD DRDY/INT [INT_MODE = 1] [INT_POL = 1] 0 VDD DRDY/INT [INT_MODE = 1] [INT_POL = 0] 0 图 10. INTERRUPT on Threshold - Temperature High 版权 © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated 11 HDC2010 ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 www.ti.com.cn Feature Description (接 接下页) Temperature Low When TL_ENABLE is set and the temperature is under the threshold value program in the Temperature Threshold LOW register, the TL_STATUS bit is set to 1. The TL_STATUS bit and the DRDY/INT pin behave based on the INT_POL and INT_MODE bits. The INT_MODE bit sets the threshold to either comparator mode or a level sensitive alarm. When INT_MODE is set to 1, the TL_STATUS bit is based on the current temperature conversion. The polarity of the DRDY/INT pin is set by INT_POL. When INT_MODE is set to 0, the TL_STATUS bit remains set to 1 until it is read. The polarity of the DRDY/INT pin is set by INT_POL T [°C] Temperature Threshold Low Time 1 TL_STATUS [INT_MODE = 0] TL_STATUS Bit Read 0 VDD DRDY/INT [INT_MODE = 0] [INT_POL = 1] 0 VDD DRDY/INT [INT_MODE = 0] [INT_POL = 0] 0 1 TL_STATUS [INT_MODE = 1] 0 VDD DRDY/INT [INT_MODE = 1] [INT_POL = 1] 0 VDD DRDY/INT [INT_MODE = 1] [INT_POL = 0] 0 图 11. INTERRUPT on Threshold - Temperature Low 12 版权 © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated HDC2010 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 Feature Description (接 接下页) Humidity High When HH_ENABLE is set and the humidity is over the threshold value program in the Humidity Threshold HIGH register, the HH_STATUS bit is set to 1. The HH_STATUS bit and the DRDY/INT pin behave based on the INT_POL and INT_MODE bits. The INT_MODE bit sets the threshold to either comparator mode or a level sensitive alarm. When INT_MODE is set to 1, the HH_STATUS bit is based on the current humidity conversion. The polarity of the DRDY/INT pin is set by INT_POL. When INT_MODE is set to 0, the HH_STATUS bit remains set to 1 until it is read. The polarity of the DRDY/INT pin is set by INT_POL. H [%RH] Humidity Threshold High Time 1 HH_STATUS [INT_MODE = 0] HH_STATUS Bit Read 0 VDD DRDY/INT [INT_MODE = 0] [INT_POL = 1] 0 VDD DRDY/INT [INT_MODE = 0] [INT_POL = 0] 0 1 HH_STATUS [INT_MODE = 1] 0 VDD DRDY/INT [INT_MODE = 1] [INT_POL = 1] 0 VDD DRDY/INT [INT_MODE = 1] [INT_POL = 0] 0 图 12. INTERRUPT on Threshold - Humidity High 版权 © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated 13 HDC2010 ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 www.ti.com.cn Feature Description (接 接下页) Humidity Low When HL_ENABLE is set and the humidity is over the threshold value program in the Humidity Threshold LOW register the HL_STATUS bit is set to 1. The HL_STATUS bit and the DRDY/INT pin behave based on the INT_POL and INT_MODE bits. The INT_MODE bit sets the threshold to either comparator mode or a level sensitive alarm. When INT_MODE is set to 1 the HL_STATUS bit is based on the current humidity conversion. The polarity of the DRDY/INT pin is set by INT_POL. When INT_MODE is set to 0 the HL_STATUS bit remains set to 1 until it is read. The polarity of the DRDY/INT pin is set by INT_POL. H [%RH] Humidity Threshold Low Time 1 HL_STATUS [INT_MODE = 0] HL_STATUS Bit Read 0 VDD DRDY/INT [INT_MODE = 0] [INT_POL = 1] 0 VDD DRDY/INT [INT_MODE = 0] [INT_POL = 0] 0 1 HL_STATUS [INT_MODE = 1] 0 VDD DRDY/INT [INT_MODE = 1] [INT_POL = 1] 0 VDD DRDY/INT [INT_MODE = 1] [INT_POL = 0] 0 图 13. INTERRUPT on Threshold - Humidity Low 14 版权 © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated HDC2010 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 7.4 Device Functional Modes The HDC2010 has two modes of operation: Sleep Mode and Measurement Mode. 7.4.1 Sleep Mode vs. Measurement Mode After power up, the HDC2010 defaults to Sleep Mode and waits for an I2C instruction to set programmable conversion times, trigger a measurement or conversion, or read or write valid data. When a measurement is triggered, the HDC2010 switches to Measurement Mode that converts temperature or humidity values from integrated sensors through an internal ADC and stores the information in their respective data registers. The DRDY/INT pin can be monitored to verify if data is ready after measurement conversion. The DRDY/INT pin polarity and interrupt mode are set according to the configuration of the Interrupt Enable and DRDY/INT Configuration registers. After completing the conversion, the HDC2010 returns to Sleep Mode. 7.5 Programming 7.5.1 I2C Serial Bus Address Configuration To communicate with the HDC2010, the master must first address slave devices through a slave address byte. The slave address byte consists of seven address bits and a direction bit that indicates the intent to execute a read or write operation. The HDC2010 features an address pin to allow up to 2 devices to be addressed on a single bus. 表 1 describes the pin logic levels used to connect up to two devices. ADDR should be set before any activity on the interface occurs and remain constant while the device is powered up. 表 1. HDC2010 I2C Slave Address ADDR ADDRESS (7-BIT ADDRESS) GND 1000000 VDD 1000001 7.5.2 I2C Interface The HDC2010 operates only as a slave device on the I2C bus interface. It is not allowed to have multiple devices on the same I2C bus with the same address. Connection to the bus is made through the open-drain I/O lines, SDA, and SCL. The SDA and SCL pins feature integrated spike-suppression filters and Schmitt triggers to minimize the effects of input spikes and bus noise. After power-up, the sensor needs at most 3 ms, to be ready to start RH and temperature measurement. After power-up the sensor is in sleep mode until a communication or measurement is performed. All data bytes are transmitted MSB first. 7.5.3 Serial Bus Address To communicate with the HDC2010, the master must first address slave devices through a slave address byte. The slave address byte consists of seven address bits, and a direction bit that indicates the intent to execute a read or write operation. 7.5.4 Read and Write Operations Address registers, which hold data pertaining to the status of the device, can be accessed through a pointer mechanism and can be accessed and modified with the following write and read procedures. The register address value is the first byte transferred after the device slave address byte with the R/W bit low. Every write operation to the HDC2010 requires a value for the register address (refer to 表 2). When reading from the HDC2010, the current pointer location is used to determine which register is read by a read operation -- the pointer location points to the last written register address. To change the address for a read operation, a new value must be written to the pointer. This transaction is accomplished by issuing the slave address byte with the R/W bit set to '0', followed by the pointer byte. No additional data is required (refer to 表 4). The master can then generate a START condition and send the slave address byte with the R/W bit set to 1 to initiate the read command. The address register is incremented automatically to enable the multibyte read and write operation (refer to 表 3 and 表 5). Note that register bytes are sent MSB first, followed by the LSB. A write operation in a read-only register such as DEVICE ID, MANUFACTURER ID, or SERIAL ID returns a NACK after each data byte. A read or write operation to an unused address returns a NACK after the pointer, and a read or write operation with incorrect I2C address returns a NACK after the I2C address. 版权 © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated 15 HDC2010 ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 www.ti.com.cn 表 2. Write Single Byte Master START Slave address (W) Address Slave DATA ACK STOP ACK ACK 表 3. Write Multi Byte Master START Slave address (W) Slave Address ACK DATA ACK DATA ACK ……… ACK STOP 表 4. Read Single Byte Master START Slave address (W) Slave Address Start ACK Slave address (R) ACK NACK ACK STOP DATA 表 5. Read Multi Byte Master START Slave 16 Slave address (W) Address ACK Start ACK Slave address (R) ACK ACK DATA ACK …… NACK STOP DATA 版权 © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated HDC2010 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 7.6 Register Maps The HDC2010 contains data registers that hold configuration information, temperature and humidity measurement results, and status information. 表 6. Register Map ADDRESS (HEX) NAME RESET VALUE DESCRIPTION 0x00 TEMPERATURE LOW 00000000 Temperature [7:0] 0x01 TEMPERATURE HIGH 00000000 Temperature [15:8] 0x02 HUMIDITY LOW 00000000 Humidity [7:0] 0x03 HUMIDITY HIGH 00000000 Humidity [15:8] 0x04 INTERRUPT/DRDY 00000000 DataReady and interrupt configuration 0x05 TEMPERATURE MAX 00000000 Maximum measured temperature (Not supported in Auto Measurement Mode) 0x06 HUMIDITY MAX 00000000 Maximum measured humidity (Not supported in Auto Measurement Mode) 0x07 INTERRUPT ENABLE 00000000 Interrupt Enable 0x08 TEMP_OFFSET_ADJUST 00000000 Temperature offset adjustment 0x09 HUM_OFFSET_ADJUST 00000000 Humidity offset adjustment 0x0A TEMP_THR_L 00000000 Temperature Threshold Low Temperature Threshold High 0x0B TEMP_THR_H 11111111 0x0C RH_THR_L 00000000 Humidity threshold Low 0x0D RH_THR_H 11111111 Humidity threshold High 0x0E RESET&DRDY/INT CONF 00000000 Soft Reset and Interrupt Configuration 0x0F MEASUREMENT CONFIGURATION 00000000 Measurement configuration 0xFC MANUFACTURER ID LOW 01001001 Manufacturer ID Low 0xFD MANUFACTURER ID HIGH 01010100 Manufacturer ID High 0xFE DEVICE ID LOW 11010000 Device ID Low 0xFF DEVICE ID HIGH 00000111 Device ID High 7.6.1 Address 0x00 Temperature LSB 表 7. Address 0x00 Temperature LSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TEMP[7:0] 表 8. Address 0x00 Temperature LSB Field Descriptions BIT FIELD [7:0] TEMPERATURE [7:0] 版权 © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated TYPE R RESET 00000000 DESCRIPTION Temperature LSB 17 HDC2010 ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 www.ti.com.cn 7.6.2 Address 0x01 Temperature MSB The temperature register is a 16-bit result register in binary format (the 2 LSBs D1 and D0 are always 0). The result of the acquisition is always a 14-bit value, while the resolution is related to one selected in Measurement Configuration register. The temperature must be read LSB first. 表 9. Address 0x01 Temperature MSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TEMP[15:8] 表 10. Address 0x01 Temperature MSB Field Descriptions BIT FIELD [15:8] TYPE TEMPERATURE [15:8] RESET R 00000000 DESCRIPTION Temperature MSB The temperature can be calculated from the output data with 公式 1: § TEMPERATURE [15 : 0] · ¨ ¸ u 165 40 © ¹ 216 Temperature (qC) (1) 7.6.3 Address 0x02 Humidity LSB 表 11. Address 0x02 Humidity LSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 HUMIDITY[7:0] 表 12. Address 0x02 Humidity LSB Field Descriptions BIT FIELD [7:0] TYPE HUMIDITY [7:0] RESET R 00000000 DESCRIPTION Humidity LSB 7.6.4 Address 0x03 Humidity MSB The humidity register is a 16-bit result register in binary format (the 2 LSBs D1 and D0 are always 0). The result of the acquisition is always a 14-bit value, while the resolution is related to one selected in Measurement Configuration register. The humidity measurement must be read LSB first. 表 13. Address 0x03 Humidity MSB Register 7 6 5 4 3 HUMIDITY[15:8] 2 1 0 表 14. Address 0x03 Temperature MSB Field Descriptions BIT [15:8] FIELD HUMIDITY[15:8] TYPE R RESET 00000000 DESCRIPTION Humidity MSB The humidity can be calculated from the output data with 公式 2: Humidity (%RH) 18 § HUMIDITY [15 : 0] · ¨ ¸ u 100 216 © ¹ (2) 版权 © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated HDC2010 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 7.6.5 Address 0x04 Interrupt DRDY 表 15. Address 0x04 Interrupt DRDY Register 7 DRDY_STATUS 6 TH_STATUS 5 TL_STATUS 4 HH_STATUS 3 HL_STATUS 2 RES 1 RES 0 RES 表 16. Address 0x04 Interrupt DRDY Field Descriptions BIT FIELD TYPE RESET DESCRIPTION 7 DRDY_STATUS R/W 0 DataReady bit status 0 = Data Not Ready 1 = Data Ready DRDY_STATUS is cleared to 0 when read 6 TH_STATUS R/W 0 Temperature threshold HIGH Interrupt status 0 = No interrupt 1 = Interrupt TH_STATUS is cleared to 0 when read 5 TL_STATUS R/W 0 Temperature threshold LOW Interrupt status 0 = No interrupt 1 = Interrupt TL_STATUS is cleared to 0 when read 4 HH_STATUS R/W 0 Humidity threshold HIGH Interrupt status 0 = No interrupt 1 = Interrupt HH_STATUS is cleared to 0 when read 3 HL_STATUS R/W 0 Humidity threshold LOW Interrupt status 0 = No interrupt 1 = Interrupt HL_STATUS is cleared to 0 when read 2 RES 0 Reserved 1 RES 0 Reserved 0 RES 0 Reserved DRDY_STATUS indicates that temperature and/or humidity conversion is terminated. This bit is cleared when the Interrupt/DRDY register is read or the output registers TEMPERATURE_HIGH, TEMPERATURE_LOW, HUMIDITY_HIGH and HUMIDITY_LOW are read. The TL_STATUS indicates that the Temperature Threshold LOW value is exceeded. The behavior is defined by 0x0E Configuration register value. The bit is cleared when the register Interrupt DRDY is read. The TH_STATUS indicates that the Temperature Threshold HIGH value is exceeded. The behavior is defined by 0x0E Configuration register value. The bit is cleared when the register Interrupt DRDY is read. The HH_STATUS indicates that the Humidity Threshold HIGH value is exceeded. The behavior is defined by 0x0E Configuration register value. The bit is cleared when the register Interrupt DRDY is read. The HL_STATUS indicates that the Humidity Threshold LOW value is exceeded. The behavior is defined by 0x0E Configuration register value. The bit is cleared when the register Interrupt DRDY is read. DRDY/INT pin behaves like the STATUS bits based on the 0x0E Configuration register value. 版权 © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated 19 HDC2010 ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 www.ti.com.cn 7.6.6 Address 0x05 Temperature MAX This register implements temperature peak detector function. It stores the highest temperature value converted after the power up. Value is reset at power up and/or with soft reset procedure. 表 17. Address 0x05 Temperature MAX Register 7 6 5 4 3 TEMPERATUREMAX[7:0] 2 1 0 表 18. Address 0x05 Temperature Max Field Descriptions BIT FIELD [7:0] TYPE TEMPERATUREMAX[7:0] R/W RESET 00000000 DESCRIPTION Stores maximum temperature measurement from all I2C read requests for temperature Not supported in Auto Measurement Mode The temperature can be calculated from the output data with 公式 3: Temperature (qC) § TEMPERATURE>7 : 0@ · ¨ ¸ u 165 40 28 © ¹ (3) 7.6.7 Address 0x06 Humidity MAX This register implements humidity peak detector function. It stores the highest humidity value converted after the power up. Value is reset at power up and/or with soft reset procedure. 表 19. Address 0x06 Humidity MAX Register 7 6 5 4 3 HUMIDITYMAX[7:0] 2 1 0 表 20. Address 0x06 Humidity MAX Field Descriptions BIT [7:0] FIELD HUMIDITYMAX[7:0] TYPE R/W RESET 00000000 DESCRIPTION Stores maximum humidity measurement from all I2C read requests for humidity Not supported in Auto Measurement Mode The humidity can be calculated from the output data with 公式 4: §100 · Humidity (%RH) = HUMIDITYMAX>7 : 0@ u ¨ 8 ¸ ©2 ¹ 20 (4) 版权 © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated HDC2010 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 7.6.8 Address 0x07 Interrupt Configuration 表 21. Address 0x07 Interrupt Configuration Register 7 DRDY_ENABLE 6 TH_ENABLE 5 TL_ENABLE 4 HH_ENABLE 3 HL_ENABLE 2 RES 1 RES 0 RES 表 22. Address 0x07 Interrupt Configuration Field Descriptions BIT FIELD TYPE RESET DESCRIPTION 7 DRDY_ENABLE R/W 0 DataReady Interrupt enable 0 = DataReady Interrupt generator disable 1 = DataReady Interrupt generator enable 6 TH_ENABLE R/W 0 Temperature threshold HIGH Interrupt enable 0 = Temperature high Interrupt generator disable 1 = Temperature high Interrupt generator enable 5 TL_ENABLE R/W 0 Temperature threshold LOW Interrupt enable 0 = Temperature low Interrupt generator disable 1 = Temperature low Interrupt generator enable 4 HH_ENABLE R/W 0 Humidity threshold HIGH Interrupt enable 0 = Humidity high Interrupt generator disable 1 = Humidity high Interrupt generator enable 3 HL_ENABLE R/W 0 Humidity threshold LOW Interrupt enable 0 = Humidity low Interrupt generator disable 1 = Humidity low Interrupt generator enable 2 RES 0 Reserved 1 RES 0 Reserved 0 RES 0 Reserved 版权 © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated 21 HDC2010 ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 www.ti.com.cn 7.6.9 Address 0x08 Temperature Offset Adjustment 表 23. Address 0x08 Temperature Offset Adjustment Register 7 6 5 4 3 TEMP_OFFSET_ADJUST[7:0] 2 1 0 表 24. Address 0x08 Temperature Offset Adjustment Field Descriptions BIT [7:0] FIELD TYPE TEMP_OFFSET_ADJUST [7:0] R/W RESET 00000000 DESCRIPTION Temperature offset adjustment. Added to the converted Temperature value The temperature can be adjusted adding the following values that are enable settings the equivalents bits: 7 –20.62°C 6 +10.32°C 5 +5.16°C 4 +2.58°C 3 +1.28°C 2 +0.64°C 1 +0.32°C 0 +0.16°C The value is added to the converted temperature value for offset adjustment as shown in 图 14 Converted Value + Temperature Output User Temperature Offset 图 14. Temperature Output Calculation The resulting temperature offset is a summation of the register bits that have been enabled (that is, programmed to 1). Some examples: 1. Programming TEMP_OFFSET_ADJUST to 00000001 adjusts the reported temperature by +0.16°C. 2. Programming TEMP_OFFSET_ADJUST to 00000111 adjusts the reported temperature by +1.12°C. 3. Programming TEMP_OFFSET_ADJUST to 00001101 adjusts the reported temperature by +2.08°C. 4. Programming TEMP_OFFSET_ADJUST to 11111111 adjusts the reported temperature by –0.16°C. 5. Programming TEMP_OFFSET_ADJUST to 11111001 adjusts the reported temperature by –1.12°C. 6. Programming TEMP_OFFSET_ADJUST to 11110011 adjusts the reported temperature by –2.08°C. 22 版权 © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated HDC2010 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 7.6.10 Address 0x09 Humidity Offset Adjustment 表 25. Address 0x09 Humidity Offset Adjustment Register 7 6 5 4 3 HUM_OFFSET_ADJUST [7:0] 2 1 0 表 26. Address 0x09 Humidity Offset Adjustment Field Descriptions BIT [7:0] FIELD TYPE HUM_OFFSET_ADJUST [7:0] R/W RESET 00000000 DESCRIPTION Humidity offset adjustment. Added to the converted Humidity value The humidity can be adjusted adding the following values that are enable settings the equivalents bits: 7 –25%RH 6 +12.5%RH 5 +6.3%RH 4 +3.1%RH 3 +1.6%RH 2 +0.8%RH 1 +0.4%RH 0 +0.2%RH The value is added to the converted temperature value for offset adjustment as shown in 图 15 Converted Value + Humidity Output User Humidity Offset 图 15. Humidity Output Calculation The resulting humidity offset is a summation of the register bits that have been enabled (i.e. programmed to 1). Some examples: 1. Programming HUM_OFFSET_ADJUST to 00000001 adjusts the reported humidity by +0.20%RH. 2. Programming HUM_OFFSET_ADJUST to 00000101 adjusts the reported humidity by +1.00%RH. 3. Programming HUM_OFFSET_ADJUST to 00001010 adjusts the reported humidity by +2.00%RH. 4. Programming HUM_OFFSET_ADJUST to 11111111 adjusts the reported humidity by –0.10%RH. 5. Programming HUM_OFFSET_ADJUST to 11111011 adjusts the reported humidity by –0.90%RH. 6. Programming HUM_OFFSET_ADJUST to 11110101 adjusts the reported humidity by –2.10%RH. 版权 © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated 23 HDC2010 ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 www.ti.com.cn 7.6.11 Address 0x0A Temperature Threshold LOW 表 27. Address 0x0A Temperature Threshold LOW Register 7 6 5 4 3 TEMP_THRES_LOW[7:0] 2 1 0 表 28. Address 0x0A Temperature Threshold LOW Field Descriptions BIT FIELD [7:0] TYPE TEMP_THRES_LOW[7:0] R/W RESET 00000000 DESCRIPTION Temperature threshold LOW value The Temperature Threshold LOW can be calculated from the output data with 公式 5: Temperature threshold low (qC) § TEMP_THRES_LOW [7 : 0] · ¨ ¸ u 165 40 © ¹ 28 (5) 7.6.12 Address 0x0B Temperature Threshold HIGH 表 29. Address 0x0B Temperature Threshold HIGH Register 7 6 5 4 3 TEMP_THRES_HIGH[7:0] 2 1 0 表 30. Address 0x0B Temperature Threshold HIGH Field Descriptions BIT FIELD [7:0] TYPE TEMP_THRES_HIGH[7:0] R/W RESET 11111111 DESCRIPTION Temperature threshold HIGH value The Temperature Threshold HIGH can be calculated from the output data with 公式 6: Temperature threshold high (qC) § TEMP_THRES_HIGH [7 : 0] · ¨ ¸ u 165 40 © ¹ 28 (6) 7.6.13 Address 0x0C Humidity Threshold LOW 表 31. Address 0x0C Humidity Threshold LOW Register 7 6 5 4 3 HUMI_THRES_LOW[7:0] 2 1 0 表 32. Address 0x0C Humidity Threshold LOW Field Descriptions BIT [7:0] FIELD HUMI_THRES_LOW[7:0] TYPE R/W RESET 00000000 DESCRIPTION Humidity threshold LOW value The Humidity Threshold LOW can be calculated from the output data with 公式 7: § HUMI_THRES_LOW>7 : 0@ · Humidity threshold low (%RH) = ¨ ¸ u 100 28 © ¹ 24 (7) 版权 © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated HDC2010 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 7.6.14 Address 0x0D Humidity Threshold HIGH 表 33. Address 0x0D Humidity Threshold HIGH Register 7 6 5 4 3 HUMI_THRES_HIGH[7:0] 2 1 0 表 34. Address 0x0D Humidity Threshold HIGH Field Descriptions BIT [7:0] FIELD TYPE HUMI_THRES_HIGH[7:0] R/W RESET 11111111 DESCRIPTION Humidity threshold HIGH value The Humidity Threshold HIGH can be calculated from the output data with 公式 8: Humidity threshold high (%RH) § HUMI_THRES_HIGH [7 : 0] · ¨ ¸ u 100 © ¹ 28 (8) 7.6.15 Address 0x0E Reset and DRDY/INT Configuration Register 表 35. Address 0x0E Configuration Register 7 SOFT_RES 6 AMM[2] 5 AMM[1] 4 AMM[0] 3 HEAT_EN 2 DRDY/INT_EN 1 INT_POL 0 INT_MODE 表 36. Address 0x0E Configuration Field Descriptions BIT 7 FIELD TYPE RESET DESCRIPTION SOFT_RES R/W 0 0 = Normal Operation mode, this bit is self-clear 1 = Soft Reset EEPROM value reload and registers reset [6:4] AMM[2:0] R/W 000 Auto Measurement Mode (AMM) 000 = Disabled. Initiate measurement via I2C 001 = 1/120Hz (1 samples every 2 minutes) 010 = 1/60Hz (1 samples every minute) 011 = 0.1Hz (1 samples every 10 seconds) 100 = 0.2 Hz (1 samples every 5 second) 101 = 1Hz (1 samples every second) 110 = 2Hz (2 samples every second) 111 = 5Hz (5 samples every second) 3 HEAT_EN R/W 0 0 = Heater off 1 = Heater on 2 DRDY/INT_EN R/W 0 DRDY/INT_EN pin configuration 0 = High Z 1 = Enable 1 INT_POL R/W 0 Interrupt polarity 0 = Active Low 1 = Active High 0 INT_MODE R/W 0 Interrupt mode 0 = Level sensitive 1 = Comparator mode 版权 © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated 25 HDC2010 ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 www.ti.com.cn 7.6.16 Address 0x0F Measurement Configuration 表 37. Address 0x0F Measurement Configuration Register 7 TRES[1] 6 TRES[0] 5 HRES[1] 4 HRES[0] 3 RES 2 MEAS_CONF[1] 1 MEAS_CONF[0] 0 MEAS_TRIG 表 38. Address 0x0F Measurement Configuration Field Descriptions BIT FIELD TYPE RESET DESCRIPTION 7:6 TRES[1:0] R/W 00 Temperature resolution 00: 14 bit 01: 11 bit 10: 9 bit 11: NA 5:4 HRES[1:0] R/W 00 Humidity resolution 00: 14 bit 01: 11 bit 10: 9 bit 11: NA RES R/W 0 Reserved MEAS_CONF[1:0] R/W 00 Measurement configuration 00: Humidity + Temperature 01: Temperature only 10: NA 11: NA MEAS_TRIG R/W 0 Measurement trigger 0: no action 1: Start measurement Self-clearing bit when measurement completed 3 2:1 0 7.6.17 Manufacturer ID Low 表 39. Manufacturer ID Low Register 7 6 5 4 3 MANUFACTURER ID[7:0] 2 1 0 表 40. Address 0xFC Manufacturer ID Low Field Descriptions BIT FIELD [7:0] TYPE MANUFACTURER ID [7:0] R RESET 01001001 DESCRIPTION Manufacturer ID LOW value 7.6.18 Manufacturer ID High These registers contain a factory-programmable identification value that identifies this device as being manufactured by Texas Instruments. These registers distinguish this device from other devices that are on the same I2C bus. The manufacturer ID reads 0x4954. 表 41. Manufacturer ID High Register 7 6 5 4 3 MANUFACTURER ID[15:8] 2 1 0 表 42. Address 0xFD Manufacturer ID High Field Descriptions BIT [7:0] 26 FIELD MANUFACTURER ID [15:8] TYPE R RESET 01010100 DESCRIPTION Manufacturer ID HIGH value 版权 © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated HDC2010 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 7.6.19 Device ID Low 表 43. Device ID Low Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DEVICE ID[7:0] 表 44. Address 0xFE Device ID Low Field Descriptions BIT FIELD [7:0] TYPE DEVICE ID [7:0] R RESET 11010000 DESCRIPTION Device ID LOW value 7.6.20 Device ID High These registers contain a factory-programmable identification value that identifies this device as a HDC2010. These registers distinguish this device from other devices that are on the same I2C bus. The Device ID for the HDC2010 is 0x07D0. 表 45. Device ID High Register 7 6 5 4 3 DEVICE ID[15:8] 2 1 0 表 46. Address 0xFF Device ID High Field Descriptions BIT [7:0] FIELD DEVICE ID [15:8] 版权 © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated TYPE R RESET 00000111 DESCRIPTION Device ID HIGH value 27 HDC2010 ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 www.ti.com.cn 8 Application and Implementation 注 Information in the following applications sections is not part of the TI component specification, and TI does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. TI’s customers are responsible for determining suitability of components for their purposes. Customers should validate and test their design implementation to confirm system functionality. 8.1 Application Information An HVAC system thermostat control is based on environmental sensors and a microcontroller. The microcontroller acquires data from humidity and temperature sensors and controls the heating and cooling system. The collected data are then shown on a display that can be easily controlled by the microcontroller. Based on data from the humidity and temperature sensor, the heating and cooling system then maintains the environment at the customer-defined preferred conditions. 8.2 Typical Application In a battery-powered HVAC system thermostat, one of the key parameters in the selection of components is the power consumption. The HDC2010, with 550 nA of current consumption (the average consumption over 1s for RH and Temperature measurements), in conjunction with a MSP430, represents one way an engineer can obtain low power consumption and extend battery life. A system block diagram of a battery-powered thermostat is shown in 图 16. DISPLAY TEMPERATURE: 25°C/ 77°F Relative Humidity (RH): 25% Red Lithium Ion Battery + TIME: XX:XX DATE: XX:XX:XX 1.8V 1.8V VDD HDC2010 VDD RH Violet Sensor Temp Violet Sensor ADC Red Orange MUX MUX Registers/ Red Logic SCL SDA I2C Red INT Interface ADDR MCU Red I2C Peripheral Red GPIOs GPIO GPIOs - GND Calibration Red Coefficients GND KEYPAD Button1 C Button2 C C Button3 C Button4 C 图 16. Typical Application Schematic HVAC 28 版权 © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated HDC2010 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 Typical Application (接 接下页) 8.2.1 Design Requirements To improve measurement accuracy, TI recommends to isolate the HDC2010 from all heat sources in the form of active circuitry, batteries, displays and resistive elements. If design space is a constraint, cutouts surrounding the device or the inclusion of small trenches can help minimize heat transfer from PCB heat sources to the HDC2010. To avoid self-heating the HDC2010, TI recommends to configure the device for a maximum sample rate of 1 Hz (1sps). 8.2.2 Detailed Design Procedure When a circuit board layout is created from the schematic shown in 图 16, a small circuit board is possible. The accuracy of a RH and temperature measurement depends on the sensor accuracy and the setup of the sensing system. The HDC2010 samples relative humidity and temperature in its immediate environment, it is therefore important that the local conditions at the sensor match the monitored environment. Use one or more openings in the physical cover of the thermostat to obtain a good airflow even in static conditions. Refer to the layout (图 18) for a PCB layout which minimizes the thermal mass of the PCB in the region of the HDC2010, which can improve measurement response time and accuracy. 8.2.3 Application Curve These results were acquired at TA = 30°C using a humidity chamber that sweeps RH%. The sweep profile used was 20% > 30% > 40% > 50% > 60% > 70% > 60% > 50% > 40% > 30% > 20%. Each RH% set point was held for 20 minutes. 图 17. RH% Readings of Chamber and HDC2010 vs. Time 版权 © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated 29 HDC2010 ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 www.ti.com.cn 9 Power Supply Recommendations The HDC2010 requires a voltage supply within 1.62 V and 3.60 V. TI recommends a multilayer ceramic bypass X7R capacitor of 0.1 µF between the VDD and GND pins. 10 Layout 10.1 Layout Guidelines The HDC2010’s relative humidity-sensing element is located on the bottom side of the package. TI recommends that the user eliminate the copper layers below the device (GND, VDD) and create slots in the PCB around the device to enhance the thermal isolation of the HDC2010. To ensure the temperature sensor performance, TI highly recommends that the user follow the Land Pattern, Solder Mask, and Solder Paste examples depicted in the 图 18. 10.1.1 Guidelines for HDC2010 Storage and PCB Assembly Storage and Handling As with all humidity sensors, the HDC2010 must follow special guidelines regarding handling and storage that are not common with standard semiconductor devices. Long exposure to UV and visible light, or exposure to chemical vapors for prolonged periods, should be avoided as it may affect RH% accuracy. Additionally, the device should be protected from out-gassed solvent vapors produced during manufacturing, transport, operation, and package materials (that is, adhesive tapes, stickers, bubble foils). For further detailed information, see Humidity Sensor: Storage and Handling guidelines (SNIA025) Soldering Reflow For PCB assembly, standard reflow soldering ovens may be used. The HDC2010 uses the standard soldering profile IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020 with peak temperatures at 260°C. When soldering the HDC2010, it is mandatory to use no-clean solder paste, and the paste must not be exposed to water or solvent rinses during assembly because these contaminants may affect sensor accuracy. After reflow, it is expected that the sensor will generally output a shift in relative humidity, which will reduce over time as the sensor is exposed to typical indoor ambient conditions. These conditions include 30-40% RH at room temperature during a duration of several days. Following this re-hydration procedure allows the polymer to correctly settle after reflow and return to the calibrated RH accuracy. Rework TI recommends to limit the HDC2010 to a single IR reflow with no rework, but a second reflow may be possible if the following guidelines are met: • The no-clean solder paste is used and the process is not exposed to any liquids, such as water or solvents. • The Peak soldering temperature does not exceed 260°C. High Temperature and Humidity Exposure Long exposure outside the recommended operating conditions may temporarily offset the RH output. The recommended humidity operating range is 20 to 80% RH (non-condensing) over 0 to 60°C. Prolonged operation beyond these ranges may shift the sensor reading with a slow recovery time. Bake/Re-Hydration Procedure Prolonged exposure to extreme conditions or harsh contaminants may impact sensor performance. In the case that permanent offset is observed from contaminants, the following procedure is suggested, which may recover or reduce the error observed in sensor performance: 1. Baking: 100°C, at less than 5%RH, for 5 to 10 hours 2. Re-hydration: Between 20°C to 30°C, 60%RH to 75%RH, for 6 to 12 hours 30 版权 © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated HDC2010 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 10.2 Layout Example The only component next to the device is the supply bypass capacitor. The relative humidity is dependent on the temperature, so the HDC2010 should be positioned away from hot spots present on the board, such as a battery, display or microcontroller. Slots around the device can be used to reduce the thermal mass for a quicker response to environmental changes. The DAP may be soldered to a floating pad on the board, but the board pad should NOT be connected to GND 图 18. HDC2010 PCB Layout Example 版权 © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated 31 HDC2010 ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 www.ti.com.cn 11 器件和文档支持 11.1 文档支持 11.1.1 相关文档 请参阅如下相关文档: • 德州仪器 (TI),《HDC2010EVM 用户指南》(SNAU214) • 德州仪器 (TI),《湿度传感器:存储和处理指南》 (SNIA025) • 德州仪器 (TI),《优化湿度传感器的布局和布线》应用报告 (SNAA297) 11.2 接收文档更新通知 要接收文档更新通知,请导航至 TI.com.cn 上的器件产品文件夹。单击右上角的通知我 进行注册,即可每周接收产 品信息更改摘要。有关更改的详细信息,请查看任何已修订文档中包含的修订历史记录。 11.3 社区资源 The following links connect to TI community resources. Linked contents are provided "AS IS" by the respective contributors. They do not constitute TI specifications and do not necessarily reflect TI's views; see TI's Terms of Use. TI E2E™ Online Community TI's Engineer-to-Engineer (E2E) Community. Created to foster collaboration among engineers. At e2e.ti.com, you can ask questions, share knowledge, explore ideas and help solve problems with fellow engineers. Design Support TI's Design Support Quickly find helpful E2E forums along with design support tools and contact information for technical support. 11.4 商标 E2E is a trademark of Texas Instruments. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 11.5 静电放电警告 ESD 可能会损坏该集成电路。德州仪器 (TI) 建议通过适当的预防措施处理所有集成电路。如果不遵守正确的处理措施和安装程序 , 可 能会损坏集成电路。 ESD 的损坏小至导致微小的性能降级 , 大至整个器件故障。 精密的集成电路可能更容易受到损坏 , 这是因为非常细微的参数更改都可 能会导致器件与其发布的规格不相符。 11.6 Glossary SLYZ022 — TI Glossary. This glossary lists and explains terms, acronyms, and definitions. 32 版权 © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated HDC2010 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSGL3C – JULY 2017 – REVISED MAY 2019 12 机械、封装和可订购信息 以下页面包含机械、封装和可订购信息。这些信息是指定器件的最新可用数据。数据如有变更,恕不另行通知,且 不会对此文档进行修订。如需获取此数据表的浏览器版本,请查阅左侧的导航栏。 版权 © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated 33 重要声明和免责声明 TI 均以“原样”提供技术性及可靠性数据(包括数据表)、设计资源(包括参考设计)、应用或其他设计建议、网络工具、安全信息和其他资 源,不保证其中不含任何瑕疵,且不做任何明示或暗示的担保,包括但不限于对适销性、适合某特定用途或不侵犯任何第三方知识产权的暗示 担保。 所述资源可供专业开发人员应用TI 产品进行设计使用。您将对以下行为独自承担全部责任:(1) 针对您的应用选择合适的TI 产品;(2) 设计、 验证并测试您的应用;(3) 确保您的应用满足相应标准以及任何其他安全、安保或其他要求。所述资源如有变更,恕不另行通知。TI 对您使用 所述资源的授权仅限于开发资源所涉及TI 产品的相关应用。除此之外不得复制或展示所述资源,也不提供其它TI或任何第三方的知识产权授权 许可。如因使用所述资源而产生任何索赔、赔偿、成本、损失及债务等,TI对此概不负责,并且您须赔偿由此对TI 及其代表造成的损害。 TI 所提供产品均受TI 的销售条款 (http://www.ti.com.cn/zh-cn/legal/termsofsale.html) 以及ti.com.cn上或随附TI产品提供的其他可适用条款的约 束。TI提供所述资源并不扩展或以其他方式更改TI 针对TI 产品所发布的可适用的担保范围或担保免责声明。IMPORTANT NOTICE 邮寄地址:上海市浦东新区世纪大道 1568 号中建大厦 32 楼,邮政编码:200122 Copyright © 2019 德州仪器半导体技术(上海)有限公司 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 10-Dec-2020 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan (2) Lead finish/ Ball material MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) Device Marking (3) (4/5) (6) HDC2010YPAR ACTIVE DSBGA YPA 6 3000 RoHS & Green SAC405 SNAGCU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 85 L HDC2010YPAT ACTIVE DSBGA YPA 6 250 RoHS & Green SAC405 SNAGCU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 85 L (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. (2) RoHS: TI defines "RoHS" to mean semiconductor products that are compliant with the current EU RoHS requirements for all 10 RoHS substances, including the requirement that RoHS substance do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, "RoHS" products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. TI may reference these types of products as "Pb-Free". RoHS Exempt: TI defines "RoHS Exempt" to mean products that contain lead but are compliant with EU RoHS pursuant to a specific EU RoHS exemption. Green: TI defines "Green" to mean the content of Chlorine (Cl) and Bromine (Br) based flame retardants meet JS709B low halogen requirements of
HDC2010YPAR 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+3.48040


    •  国内价格
    • 1+4.21200
    • 10+4.01700
