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LM3549SQX/NOPB 数据手册
LM3549 www.ti.com SNVS640A – AUGUST 2010 – REVISED MAY 2013 LM3549 High Power Sequential LED Driver Check for Samples: LM3549 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • • • • • • • The LM3549 is a high power LED driver with up to 700mA output current. It has three constant current LED drivers and a buck boost SMPS for driving RGB LEDs with high efficiency. LED drivers are designed for sequential drive so only one driver can be enabled at a time. 1 2 • Over-Current Protection Over-Temperature Protection I2C Compatible Interface Under-Voltage Lockout LED Open and Short Protection and Detection 95% Peak Efficiency Buck-Boost Converter NVM Memory for Calibration Data and Standalone Usage without I2C Control Soft Start LED driver output current settings can be stored to integrated non-volatile memory which allows standalone operation without I2C interface. Non-volatile memory is rewritable so current setting can be changed if needed. The LM3549 has a fault detection feature that can detect several different fault conditions. In case of a fault error flags are set and FAULT output sends interrupt to control logic. Error flags can be read through I2C interface. APPLICATIONS • • Portable Video Projectors High Power LED Driving KEY SPECIFICATIONS • • • • • Total brightness can be controlled with PWM input or with master fader register if I2C interface is used. Integrated buck-boost Converter Programmable LED Drivers 700 mA Maximum Drive Current ±6% Current Accuracy Over Temperature 24-pin WQFN Package L1 2.2 PH VIN L1 L2 2.7V to 5.5V VDD VOUT CIN COUT 10 PF 4.7 PF EN SDA SCL LM3549 R_OUT RED LED CONTROL LOGIC R_EN G_OUT G_EN GREEN LED B_EN B_OUT PWM BLUE LED FAULT GND Figure 1. Typical Application Circuit 1 2 Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date. Products conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters. Copyright © 2010–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated LM3549 SNVS640A – AUGUST 2010 – REVISED MAY 2013 www.ti.com PIN 1 ID 1 2 3 4 5 18 6 17 16 15 14 13 24 7 19 12 23 8 20 11 22 9 21 10 21 10 22 9 20 11 23 8 19 12 24 7 18 17 16 15 14 1 13 2 3 4 5 6 PIN 1 ID BOTTOM VIEW TOP VIEW Figure 2. 24–Pin WQFN Package, No Pullback See package number RTW0024A Pin Descriptions 2 Name Pin No. Type Description NC 1 L1 2 A Inductor positive terminal 1 L1 3 A Inductor positive terminal 2 GND_SW 4 G SMPS ground L2 5 A Inductor negative terminal 1 L2 6 A Inductor negative terminal 2 VOUT 7 A Buck boost output terminal 1 NC 8 VOUT 9 A Buck boost output terminal 2 R_EN 10 DI Red output enable VDDS 11 P Supply voltage G_EN 12 DI Green output enable B_EN 13 DI Blue output enable PWM 14 DI Master fader input GND 15 G Ground R_OUT 16 A R output G_OUT 17 A G output B_OUT 18 A B output FAULT 19 DO Fault detection interrupts output. Active LOW open drain output. SDA 20 DI/O I2C Data SCL 21 DI I2C Clock EN 22 DI Enable and IO reference level VDDP 23 P SMPS supply voltage NC 24 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2010–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3549 LM3549 www.ti.com SNVS640A – AUGUST 2010 – REVISED MAY 2013 These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates. (1) (2) (3) Absolute Maximum Ratings −0.3V to 6.0V VDD and VOUT pins −0.3V (VIN+0.3V) w/6.0V max Voltage on all other pins Continuous Power Dissipation (4) Internally Limited Junction Temperature (TJ-MAX) +150°C Storage Temperature Range -65°C to +150°C (5) Maximum Lead Temperature (Soldering) ESD Rating (6) Human Body Model (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 2.0kV Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the component may occur. Operating Ratings are conditions under which operation of the device is specified. Operating Ratings do not imply performance limits. For performance limits and associated test conditions, see the Electrical Characteristics tables. All voltages are with respect to the potential at the GND pin. If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the TI Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Internal thermal shutdown circuitry protects the device from permanent damage. Thermal shutdown engages at TJ=+150°C (typ.) and disengages at TJ=+140°C (typ.). For detailed soldering specifications and information, please refer to Application Note AN-1187: Leadless Leadframe Package (LLP).(SNOA401) The Human body model is a 100 pF capacitor discharged through a 1.5 kΩ resistor into each pin. (MIL-STD-883 3015.7) Operating Ratings (1) (2) Input Voltage Range 2.7V to 5.5V −30°C to +125°C Junction Temperature (TJ) Range Ambient Temperature (TA) Range (1) (2) (3) (3) −30°C to +85°C Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the component may occur. Operating Ratings are conditions under which operation of the device is specified. Operating Ratings do not imply performance limits. For performance limits and associated test conditions, see the Electrical Characteristics tables. All voltages are with respect to the potential at the GND pin. In applications where high-power dissipation and/or poor package thermal resistance is present, the maximum ambient temperature may have to be derated. Maximum ambient temperature (TA-MAX) is dependent on the maximum operating junction temperature (TJ-MAX-OP = +125°C), the maximum power dissipation of the device in the application (PD-MAX), and the junction-to ambient thermal resistance of the part/package in the application (θJA), as given by the following equation: TA-MAX = TJ-MAX-OP – (θJA × PD-MAX). Thermal Properties Junction-to-Ambient Thermal Resistance (θJA), WQFN-24 Package (1) (1) 35 - 50°C/W Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance is highly application and board-layout dependent. In applications where high maximum power dissipation exists, special care must be paid to thermal dissipation issues in board design. Electrical Characteristics (1) (2) Limits in standard type face are for TA = 25°C. Limits in boldface type apply over the full operating ambient temperature range (−30°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C). Unless otherwise noted, specifications apply to Figure 1 with: VIN = 3.6V, CIN = 10 µF, COUT = 4.7µF and L1 = 2.2 µH. (3) Parameter VIN Supply voltage Test Conditions Min Minimum voltage for startup 2.7 Full output power 3.1 Typ Max Units V 5.5 IIN Shutdown supply current (IVDDP + IVDDS) Standby supply current EN low 1 µA EN High, x_EN low 0.4 1 mA IIN (IVDDS) EN High, x_EN high, RGB outputs open 1.6 3 mA (1) (2) (3) Active mode supply current All voltages are with respect to the potential at the GND pin. Min and Max limits are specified by design, test, or statistical analysis. Typical (Typ) numbers represent the most likely norm. CIN, COUT: Low-ESR Surface-Mount Ceramic Capacitors (MLCCs) used in setting electrical characteristics. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2010–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3549 3 LM3549 SNVS640A – AUGUST 2010 – REVISED MAY 2013 www.ti.com Electrical Characteristics(1) (2) (continued) Limits in standard type face are for TA = 25°C. Limits in boldface type apply over the full operating ambient temperature range (−30°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C). Unless otherwise noted, specifications apply to Figure 1 with: VIN = 3.6V, CIN = 10 µF, COUT = 4.7µF and L1 = 2.2 µH. (3) Parameter Test Conditions Min Typ Max Units Drivers (R_OUT, G_OUT, B_OUT) IOUT MIN Minimum output current 97 107 118 mA IOUT MAX Maximum output current 690 705 720 mA 15 % ILIM Current limit ROUT Driver on resistance IOUT = 500 mA Ω 0.2 Driver System Characteristics After settling, 500 mA (ISET = 276h) −6 IOUT Current accuracy +6 % tr Current rise time ±1 50 µs tf Current fall time 50 µs ISTEP Current step 0.64 mA Buck or Boost Converter VOUT MAX Positive current limit range Programmable 500 2000 Positive current limit accuracy Set to 1000 mA -20 +20 % Negative current limit range Programmable 550 2200 mA Negative current limit accuracy Set to 550 mA -20 +20 % Maximum output voltage 2.25 2.4 mA 4.6 V 2.55 MHz fSW Switching frequency rDSON P1S P1 on resistance in buck mode (small) 100 mΩ rDSON P1L P1 on resistance in boost mode (large) 55 mΩ rDSON N1 N1 on resistance 160 mΩ rDSON N3 N3 on resistance in buck mode VOUT = 0.8V 70 mΩ rDSON P2 P2 on resistance in boost mode VOUT = 3.6V 65 mΩ rDSON N2 N2 on resistance 150 mΩ PWM Input (Global brightness control) fPWM PWM frequency 7-bit resolution 4 20 8-bit resolution 4 10 9-bit resolution 4 For PWM zero 260 kHz 5 tTO Timeout 300 340 µs tON Minimum on time 1 µs tOFF Minimum off time 1 µs Logic Input EN VIL Logic input low level VIH Logic input high level 0.5 1.2 V V Logic Inputs SDA, SCL, R_EN, G_EN, B_EN, PWM VIL Logic input low level VEN = 1.65 to VDD VIH Logic input high level VEN = 1.65 to VDD 0.2* VEN 0.8* VEN V V Logic Outputs SDA, FAULT VOL 4 Output low level IOUT = 3 mA Submit Documentation Feedback 0.5 V Copyright © 2010–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3549 LM3549 www.ti.com SNVS640A – AUGUST 2010 – REVISED MAY 2013 BLOCK DIAGRAM L1 L2 N3 P1 VOUT VDDP VDDS P2 SWITCHER CONTROL N4 EEPROM N1 EN N2 GND_SW REGISTERS GND_SW R SENS SCL DRIVER CONTROL, R_EN G_EN B_EN LEVEL SHIFTERS I2C SLAVE SDA GND_SW VOLTAGE CONTROL, R_OUT GND G SENS G_OUT CURRENT LIMIT AND FAULT CONTROL LOGIC FAULT DETECTION GND B SENS ENABLES B_OUT PWM 3 FAULT GND VREF IREF OSC TSD UVLO GND GND_SW Figure 3. LM3549 Block Diagram Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2010–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3549 5 LM3549 SNVS640A – AUGUST 2010 – REVISED MAY 2013 www.ti.com Modes of Operation SHUTDOWN EN = H EN = L STARTUP STANDBY TSD = H or UVLO = H X_EN = H 1 TIME OUT BOOST STARTUP NORMAL MODE 1) TSD = L Figure 4. Modes of Operation SHUTDOWN: Shutdown mode is entered always if EN is low or internal Power On Reset (POR) is active. Power on reset will activate during the chip startup or when the supply voltage VDD falls below 1.5V. This is the low power consumption mode, when all circuit functions are disabled. STARTUP: When EN input is pulled high, the internal startup sequence powers up all the needed internal blocks (VREF, Oscillator, etc.). EEPROM values are also read to registers during Startup. STANDBY: After Startup device enters Standby mode. In standby mode all support blocks are active but buckboost converter and the drivers are disabled. Control registers can be written in this mode and the control bits are effective immediately. EEPROM writing is allowed only in standby mode. BOOST STARTUP: Soft start for boost output is generated in the boost startup mode. The boost output is raised in a low current mode. Soft start time can be set with registers. The boost startup is entered from Standby if any of the X_EN inputs is pulled high. NORMAL: During normal mode user controls the chip using the X_EN inputs. In normal mode buck-boost converter and drivers are active. Device returns to standby mode if all X_EN inputs are low for time period set by Time out register. If EN input is pulled low device goes to shutdown mode. TSD: If the chip temperature rises too high, the thermal shutdown (TSD) disables the chip operation and Standby mode is entered until no thermal shutdown event is present. 6 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2010–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3549 LM3549 www.ti.com SNVS640A – AUGUST 2010 – REVISED MAY 2013 Typical Performance Characteristics Standby Supply Current vs. Input Voltage Active Mode Supply Current vs Input Voltage (LED Open) Figure 5. Figure 6. LED Current vs Current Setting VIN = 3.8V Driver Current vs. Input Voltage (IOUT = 500 mA) Figure 7. Figure 8. Driver Resistance vs VIN (IOUT = 500 mA) LED Driver Resistance vs Output Current (VIN = 3.8V) Figure 9. Figure 10. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2010–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3549 7 LM3549 SNVS640A – AUGUST 2010 – REVISED MAY 2013 www.ti.com Typical Performance Characteristics (continued) 8 LED Drive Efficiency vs Output Current (VOUT = 3.4V) LED Drive Efficiency vs Input Voltage (IOUT = 300 mA) Figure 11. Figure 12. PWM Output Current Control Master Fader Register Current Control Figure 13. Figure 14. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2010–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3549 LM3549 www.ti.com SNVS640A – AUGUST 2010 – REVISED MAY 2013 OPERATION DESCRIPTION LM3549 is a sequential LED driver for portable video projectors. It has three high current low side drivers and a buck-boost DC-DC converter. Only single LED can be enabled at any given time. DC-DC converter quickly adjusts the output voltage to a suitable level based on each LED’s forward voltage. This minimizes the power dissipation at the drivers and maximizes the system efficiency. Figure 15 shows a typical timing of a portable video projector light source. Each frame is divided into 10 individual color sequences. White balance is achieved by adjusting the driver currents. Timing of LM3549 depends solely on the R_EN, G_EN and B_EN inputs. Each driver’s current is set with I2C registers and current levels can be stored to internal EEPROM. After correct current values are stored to EEPROM LM3549 can be used in application without I2C interface. Full frame 1/60Hz 16.66 ms Red Full frame x 7.5% 1.25 ms Green Full frame x 11% 1.822 ms Blue Full frame x 12.5% 2.08 ms 60 Hz RED GREEN BLUE RED GREEN RED GREEN BLUE RED GREEN 7.5% 12.5% 11% 7.5% 12.5% 7.5% 12.5% 11% 7.5% 12.5% R_EN G_EN B_EN Figure 15. Timing Chart CONTROL INTERFACE Even though each driver has its own control input only one driver can be enabled at any given time. If second control is pulled high while previous color is active second output won’t be enabled until the first input is pulled low. This can be seen on Figure 16. G_EN is pulled high while R_EN is still high. G_OUT is not activated until R_EN is pulled low. Next B_EN and R_EN are both pulled high while G_EN is high. When G_EN is pulled low R_OUT is enabled because R_EN has higher priority (Priority order: RGB). Inputs R_EN G_EN B_EN Outputs R_OUT G_OUT B_OUT Figure 16. Control Signals Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2010–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3549 9 LM3549 SNVS640A – AUGUST 2010 – REVISED MAY 2013 www.ti.com CONTROL REGISTERS Figure 17 shows the structure of the control registers. Control registers consists of volatile dynamic registers and non volatile EEPROM. I2C bus STARTUP STORE EEPROM DYNAMIC REGISTERS CONTROL LOGIC Figure 17. Register Structure All I2C register read write commands are done to volatile dynamic registers. Dynamic registers are also used to set the device parameters. All registers except FAULT and EEPROM CONTROL register can be stored to EEPROM. EEPROM values are automatically read to dynamic registers during startup. This makes device use very versatile. After calibration device can be used even without I2C control. If system has I2C bus, control registers can be written to adjust parameters on the fly. If registers need to be set back to default values this can be done by first writing 04h to register 40h (EE init bit to “1”) followed by 01h to register 40h (EE read bit to “1”). EEPROM PROGRAMMING EEPROM values can be rewritten if device needs recalibration. This can be done for example if white point changes due to aging effect of the LEDs. To store current register values to EEPROM user needs to first write 04h to register 40h (EE init bit to “1”) followed by 02h to register 40h (EE prog bit to “1”). LM3549 Internal charge pump generates the high voltage required for programming the EEPROM. To be able to generate this high voltage Vin needs to be set to 5V during EEPROM programming. EEPROM programming should be completed within approximately 200 ms. Once EEPROM programming is completed LM3549 sets EE_ready bit to 1. After this Vin voltage can be set back to normal operating level. EEPROM programming should always be done in standby mode. CURRENT SETTING There are three 10 bit current settings for each driver. 10 bits are divided into two eight bit registers. First register holds the eight least significant bits (LSB) and the second register holds the two most significant bits (MSB). These settings are grouped into three banks. IR0, IG0 and IB0 form a bank0; IR1, IG1 and IB1 form a bank1 and IR2, IG2 and IB2 form a bank2. For example IR0_MSB holds the two MSB for red on bank0 and IR0_LSB the eight LSB for red on bank0. Bank is selected with BANK_SEL register (00 = bank0, 01 = bank1 and 10 or 11 = bank2). Current setting is linear up to 550mA output current (see figure LED Current vs Current Setting in Typical Performance Characteristics). 550mA current is achieved with current setting ISET = 710. After this the current step decreases slightly. For currents up to 550 mA current setting can be calculated using formula: ISET = (target current in mA - 100 mA)/(650mA/1024) Fot currents between 550mA and 700mA current setting can be calculated using formula: ISET = (target current in mA - 550 mA)/0.479 mA + 710 10 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2010–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3549 LM3549 www.ti.com SNVS640A – AUGUST 2010 – REVISED MAY 2013 BRIGHTNESS CONTROL Output current of all drivers can be adjusted using PWM input or FADER register. This can be used to easilly adjust the total brightness of the LEDs. Brightness control function can be enabled from the CTRL register as seen in table below. In case of PWM input brightness control (BRC) is the positive duty cycle of the input signal. In case of FADER register brightness is MASTER FADER[7:0]/255. MFE PWM 0 0 No brightness control Brightness Control 0 1 PWM input 1 0 FADER register 1 1 PWM input The maximum currents of the drivers are set in the current setting registers. Brightness control keeps the ratio of the driver currents constant and adjusts the output currents based on the highest current setting. Driver currents can be adjusted between 100 mA to the maximum current set in the registers (see figures PWM Output Current Control and Master Fader Register Current Control in Typical Performance Characteristics). ISET1 =highest current setting ISET2 =current setting 2 ISET3 =current setting 3 R1 =(ISET2/ISET1), ratio of current 2 and the highest current R2 =(ISET3/ISET1), ratio of current 3 and the highest current BRC =brightness control I1 = ISET1 x BRC) I2 = I1 x R1 I3 = I1x R2 PWM TIMING Figure 18 shows example of PWM brightness control. PWM input can be change at any given time but control takes effect when next enable is pulled high. To ensure that control takes effect for the next color time from PWM change to next enable needs to be greater than timeout time (300 µs typical). At the beginning of the example frame PWM input is changed from 100% to 80% while green driver is enabled. Brightness level is not changed in the middle of the green frame but at the beginning of the next color which in this example is blue. During next green PWM is set back to 100%. This is done at least 300 µs before next enable is pulled high and control takes effect then. During next green PWM is changed to 0%. Time from PWM change to next enable (blue) is less than 300 µs and control don’t take effect when blue starts but one color later, what in this example is red. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2010–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3549 11 LM3549 SNVS640A – AUGUST 2010 – REVISED MAY 2013 www.ti.com 60 Hz RED GREEN BLUE RED GREEN RED GREEN BLUE RED GREEN R_EN G_EN B_EN PWM 100% 80% 100% t > Timeout BRIGHTNESS 100% 0% t < Timeout 80% 100% MINIMUM Figure 18. PWM Timing FAULT DETECTION LM3549 can detect several different fault conditions. These are LED open, LED short, thermal shutdown (TSD), under voltage lockout (UVLO) and buck-boost converter over current protection (OCP). If any of the fault conditions occur corresponding fault bit is set in the fault register. If fault mask bit is not set also Fault output is pulled low. Reading Fault register resets its value to zero and sets Fault output to high impedance state. LED OPEN FAULT Open fault is generated when at the end of color VOUT is at maximum and no current is flowing through driver (VDx = 0V). Also OCP fault needs to be low. Open fault can be generated by broken LED or a soldering defect. VIN VOUT Buck-boost converter VDx Driver current limit Figure 19. LED Open Fault 12 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2010–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3549 LM3549 www.ti.com SNVS640A – AUGUST 2010 – REVISED MAY 2013 LED SHORT FAULT Short fault is detected when VOUT < 1.0V at the end of a color. Short fault is generated when VOUT is shorted to driver by soldering defect or faulty LED. Driver current limit limits the maximum current. Depending on output current and positive limit settings, LED short can also generate OCP fault to fault register. VIN VOUT Buck-boost converter VDx Driver current limit Figure 20. LED Short Fault TSD FAULT Thermal shutdown (TSD) fault is generated if junction temperature rises above TSD level. TSD engages at TJ= 150°C (typ) and disengages at TJ = 140°C (typ). TSD sets device to standby mode. Occasionally a false TSD fault is generated to Fault register when device goes from shutdown mode to standby mode. It is good practice to reset the fault register by reading it every time after device is set from shutdown mode to standby mode. UVLO FAULT Under voltage lock out (UVLO) fault is generated if VIN drops below UVLO level (~2.5V). UVLO sets device to standby mode. When VIN rises back above the 2.5V device exits UVLO. If control register values were changed from EEPROM defaults they need to be rewritten to registers because UVLO condition can generate EEPROM read sequence. OVER CURRENT PROTECTION FAULT Over current protection (OCP) fault is generated when positive current limit is active at the end of a color. It is important to notice that OCP fault is not always set when positive current limit is activated. Positive current limit can activate during normal operation when buck-boost is adjusting the output voltage to a higher level. OCP can be caused by short from VOUT to GND, short from driver to GND or if too low positive current limit value is set for desired output current. I2C Compatible Interface I2C ADDRESS LM3549 I2C address is 36 hex (7 bits). I2C SIGNALS The SCL pin is used for the I2C clock and the SDA pin is used for bidirectional data transfer. Both these signals need a pull-up resistor according to I2C specification. The values of the pull-up resistors are determined by the capacitance of the bus (typ. ~1.8k). Signal timing specifications are shown in Table 1. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2010–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3549 13 LM3549 SNVS640A – AUGUST 2010 – REVISED MAY 2013 www.ti.com I2C VALIDITY The data on SDA line must be stable during the HIGH period of the clock signal (SCL). In other words, state of the data line can only be changed when CLK is LOW. SCL SDA data valid data change allowed data change allowed data valid data change allowed Figure 21. I2C Signals: Data Validity I2C START AND STOP CONDITIONS START and STOP bits classify the beginning and the end of the I2C session. START condition is defined as SDA signal transitioning from HIGH to LOW while SCL line is HIGH. STOP condition is defined as the SDA transitioning from LOW to HIGH while SCL is HIGH. The I2C master always generates START and STOP bits. The I2C bus is considered to be busy after START condition and free after STOP condition. During data transmission, I2C master can generate repeated START conditions. First START and repeated START conditions are equivalent, function-wise. SDA SCL S P START condition STOP condition Figure 22. Start and Stop Conditions TRANSFERRING DATA Every byte put on the SDA line must be eight bits long, with the most significant bit (MSB) being transferred first. Each byte of data has to be followed by an acknowledge bit. The acknowledge related clock pulse is generated by the master. The transmitter releases the SDA line (HIGH) during the acknowledge clock pulse. The receiver must pull down the SDA line during the ninth clock pulse, signifying an acknowledge. A receiver which has been addressed must generate an acknowledge after each byte has been received. After the START condition, the I2C master sends a chip address. This address is seven bits long followed by an eighth bit which is a data direction bit (R/W). The LM3549 address is 36 hex. For the eighth bit, a “0” indicates a WRITE and a “1” indicates a READ. The second byte selects the register to which the data will be written. The third byte contains data to write to the selected register. S Slave Address (7 bits) W A From Slave to Master From Master to Slave Control Register Add. A (8 bits) Register Data (8 bits) A P A - ACKNOWLEDGE (SDA Low) S - START CONDITION P - STOP CONDITION W - WRITE Figure 23. I2C Write Cycle 14 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2010–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3549 LM3549 www.ti.com SNVS640A – AUGUST 2010 – REVISED MAY 2013 When a READ function is to be accomplished, a WRITE function must precede the READ function, as shown in Figure 24 S Slave Address Slave Address Control Register Add . A RS W A R A ( 7 bits) ( 7 bits) ( 8 bits) ASRS PWR - From Slave to Master From Master to Slave Data- Data ( 8 bits) A P ACKNOWLEDGE START CONDITION REPEATED START CONDITION STOP CONDITION WRITE READ Figure 24. I2C Read Cycle SDA 10 8 7 6 1 8 2 7 SCL 5 1 4 3 9 Figure 25. I2C Timing Diagram Table 1. I2C Timing Parameters Symbol Limit Parameter Min Max Units 1 Hold Time (repeated) START Condition 0.6 µs 2 Clock Low Time 1.3 µs 3 Clock High Time 600 ns 4 Setup Time for a Repeated START Condition 600 5 Data Hold 300 900 ns 5 Data Hold Time (input direction) 0 900 ns 6 Data Setup Time 7 Rise Time of SDA and SCL 20 + 0.1Cb 300 ns 8 Fall Time of SDA and SCL 15 + 0.1Cb 300 ns 9 Set-up Time for STOP condition 600 10 Bus Free Time between a STOP and a START Condition 1.3 Cb Capacitive Load for Each Bus Line 10 ns 100 ns ns µs 200 pF Register Map ADDR NAME 00H BANK_SEL 01H IR0_LSB 02H IR0_MSB 03H IG0_LSB 04H IG0_MSB 05H IB0_LSB 06H IB0_MSB 07H IR1_LSB 08H IR1_MSB D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Bank_sel[1:0] Red 0 [7:0] N/A Red 0 [9:8] Green 0 [7:0] N/A Green 0 [9:8] Blue 0 [7:0] N/A Blue 0 [9:8] Red 1 [7:0] N/A Red 1 [9:8] DEFAULT NOTE 00H EEPROM 81H EEPROM 01H EEPROM 81H EEPROM 01H EEPROM 81H EEPROM 01H EEPROM E7H EEPROM 00H EEPROM Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2010–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3549 15 LM3549 SNVS640A – AUGUST 2010 – REVISED MAY 2013 ADDR NAME 09H IG1_LSB 0AH IG1_MSB 0BH IB1_LSB 0CH IB1_MSB 0DH IR2_LSB 0EH IR2_MSB 0FH IG2_LSB 10H IG2_MSB D7 D6 www.ti.com D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Green 1 [7:0] N/A Green 1 [9:8] Blue 1 [7:0] N/A Blue 1 [9:8] Red 2 [7:0] N/A Red 2 [9:8] IB2_LSB 12H IB2_MSB 13H FADER 14H CTRL N/A 15H ILIMIT N/A 16H F_MASK 17H FAULT 19H USR1 User Register1[7:0] 1AH USR2 User Register2[7:0] 40H EEPROM CONTROL POS_LIMIT[1:0] N/A N/A SHORT[1:0] EE ready SHORT MFE N/A OPEN OPEN[1:0] EEPROM 00H EEPROM 4DH EEPROM EEPROM EEPROM 4DH EEPROM 00H EEPROM FFH EEPROM PWM 00H EEPROM MASTER FADER [7:0] TIME OUT[1:0] EEPROM 00H Blue 2 [9:8] SOFT START[1:0] 00H E7H EEPROM Blue 2 [7:0] N/A EEPROM 00H Green 2 [9:8] 11H NOTE E7H 4DH Green 2 [7:0] N/A DEFAULT NEG_LIMIT[1:0] 11H EEPROM UVLO TSD OCP 00H EEPROM UVLO TSD OCP 00H Read Only 00H EEPROM 00H EEPROM 00H R/W EE init EE prog EE read I2C Register Details 00h BANK_SEL[1:0] Bank selection register. Selects one of the three current setting banks. BIT BANK SELECTION 0 0 Bank 0 0 1 Bank 1 1 0 Bank 2 1 1 Bank 2 01h IR0_LSB and 02h IR0_MSB Red LED current setting for Bank 0. IR0_LSB holds the eight least significant bits and IR0_MSB the two most significant bits. 03h IG0_LSB and 04h IG0_MSB Green LED current setting for Bank 0. IG0_LSB holds the eight least significant bits and IG0_MSB the two most significant bits. 05h IB0_LSB and 06h IB0_MSB Blue LED current setting for Bank 0. IB0_LSB holds the eight least significant bits and IB0_MSB the two most significant bits. 07h IR1_LSB and 08h IR1_MSB Red LED current setting for Bank 1. IR1_LSB holds the eight least significant bits and IR1_MSB the two most significant bits. 09h IG1_LSB and 0Ah IG1_MSB Green LED current setting for Bank 1. IG1_LSB holds the eight least significant bits and IG1_MSB the two most significant bits. 16 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2010–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3549 LM3549 www.ti.com SNVS640A – AUGUST 2010 – REVISED MAY 2013 0Bh IB1_LSB and 0Ch IB1_MSB Blue LED current setting for Bank 1. IB1_LSB holds the eight least significant bits and IB1_MSB the two most significant bits. 0Dh IR2_LSB and 0Eh IR2_MSB Red LED current setting for Bank 2. IR2_LSB holds the eight least significant bits and IR2_MSB the two most significant bits. 0Fh IG2_LSB and 10h IG2_MSB Green LED current setting for Bank 2. IG2_LSB holds the eight least significant bits and IG2_MSB the two most significant bits. 11h IB2_LSB and 12h IB2_MSB Blue LED current setting for Bank 2. IB2_LSB holds the eight least significant bits and IB2_MSB the two most significant bits. 13h FADER Master fader control register. Can be used to control the total brightness of the LEDs if MFE is enabled. 14h CTRL Control register. Controls many of the LM3549 features. BIT[1:0] PWM and MFE Control register bits [1:0] can be used to enable master control or PWM brightness control. MFE PWM 0 0 No brightness control BRIGHTNESS CONTROL 0 1 PWM input 1 0 Master input 1 1 PWM input BIT[3:2] TIME OUT[1:0] Selects how long device stays in active mode after all x_EN controls have been set low BIT TIME OUT 0 0 125 ms 0 1 250 ms 1 0 500 ms 1 1 1s BIT[5:4] SOFT START[1:0] Enables soft start feature and selects soft start time. BIT SOFT START TIME 0 0 disabled 0 1 0.5s 1 0 1s 1 1 2s Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2010–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3549 17 LM3549 SNVS640A – AUGUST 2010 – REVISED MAY 2013 www.ti.com 15h ILIMIT ILIMIT register sets the buck-boost converters current limit values. BIT[1:0] NEG_LIMIT[1:0] Selects buck-boost converters negative current limit. BIT NEGATIVE CURRENT LIMIT 0 0 550 mA 0 1 1100 mA 1 0 1650 mA 1 1 2200 mA BIT[5:4] POS_LIMIT[1:0] Selects buck-boost converters positive current limit. BIT POSITIVE CURRENT LIMIT 0 0 500 mA 0 1 1000 mA 1 0 1500 mA 1 1 2000 mA 16h F_MASK Fault output mask register. Can be used to disable fault output from desired faults. 17h FAULT Fault register. If fault occurs corresponding fault bits are set in fault register. Reading Fault register resets it. Read only register. BIT[0] OCP Over current protection. Buck-boost converters current limit has been reached. BIT[1] TSD Thermal shutdown fault. Junction temperature has risen abowe TSD level. BIT[2] UVLO Under voltage lock-out. Input voltage has fallen below UVLO threshold level. BIT[4:3] OPEN[1:0] LED open fault. BIT 18 FAULT 0 0 No fault 0 1 Red open 1 0 Green open 1 1 Blue open Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2010–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3549 LM3549 www.ti.com SNVS640A – AUGUST 2010 – REVISED MAY 2013 BIT[6:5] SHORT[1:0] LED short fault. BIT FAULT 0 0 No fault 0 1 Red short 1 0 Green short 1 1 Blue short 19h and 1AH USR1 and USR2 User registers 1 and 2. Can be used to store any user data. No affect on the device. 40h EEPROM CONTROL EEPROM Control register. This register is used to program EEPROM. EEPROM programming is described in the EEPROM Programming chapter. Table 2. Recommended External Components Symbol Symbol Explanation Value Type CIN Input Capacitor 10 µF,6.3V/10V X7R COUT Output Capacitor 4.7 µF, 6.3V/10V X7R L1 Switcher Inductor 2.2 µH, 1900 mA Example TDK VLF4014ST-2R2M1R9 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2010–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3549 19 LM3549 SNVS640A – AUGUST 2010 – REVISED MAY 2013 www.ti.com REVISION HISTORY Changes from Original (May 2013) to Revision A • 20 Page Changed layout of National Data Sheet to TI format .......................................................................................................... 19 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2010–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3549 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 10-Dec-2020 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan (2) Lead finish/ Ball material MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) Device Marking (3) (4/5) (6) LM3549SQ/NOPB ACTIVE WQFN RTW 24 1000 RoHS & Green SN Level-1-260C-UNLIM -30 to 85 L3549SQ LM3549SQE/NOPB ACTIVE WQFN RTW 24 250 RoHS & Green SN Level-1-260C-UNLIM -30 to 85 L3549SQ LM3549SQX/NOPB ACTIVE WQFN RTW 24 4500 RoHS & Green SN Level-1-260C-UNLIM -30 to 85 L3549SQ (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. (2) RoHS: TI defines "RoHS" to mean semiconductor products that are compliant with the current EU RoHS requirements for all 10 RoHS substances, including the requirement that RoHS substance do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, "RoHS" products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. TI may reference these types of products as "Pb-Free". RoHS Exempt: TI defines "RoHS Exempt" to mean products that contain lead but are compliant with EU RoHS pursuant to a specific EU RoHS exemption. Green: TI defines "Green" to mean the content of Chlorine (Cl) and Bromine (Br) based flame retardants meet JS709B low halogen requirements of
物料型号:LM3549 器件简介:LM3549是一款高功率LED驱动器,具有高达700mA的输出电流。它有三个恒定电流LED驱动器和一个升压-降压开关磁电源(SMPS),用于高效驱动RGB LED。 引脚分配:LM3549采用24引脚WQFN封装,具体引脚功能包括输入电压(VIN)、输出电压(VOUT)、使能(EN)、I2C数据(SDA)、I2C时钟(SCL)、红色LED输出(R_OUT)、绿色LED输出(G_OUT)、蓝色LED输出(B_OUT)等。 参数特性:主要特性包括I2C兼容接口、欠压锁定、LED开路和短路保护与检测、95%峰值效率的升压-降压转换器、非易失性存储器用于校准数据和无I2C控制的独立使用、软启动等。 功能详解:LM3549具有故障检测功能,可以检测多种故障情况。如果发生故障,错误标志位将被设置,并通过FAULT输出发送中断至控制逻辑。错误标志位可以通过I2C接口读取。总亮度可以通过PWM输入或使用I2C接口的master fader寄存器进行控制。 应用信息:适用于便携式视频投影仪和高功率LED驱动。 封装信息:采用24引脚WQFN封装,封装号为RTW0024A。
LM3549SQX/NOPB 价格&库存


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 88+38.7332388+4.68875
  • 100+37.14301100+4.49625
  • 500+35.55279500+4.30375
  • 1000+33.621811000+4.07000


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 88+38.7332388+4.68875
  • 100+37.14301100+4.49625
  • 500+35.55279500+4.30375
  • 1000+33.621811000+4.07000


  •  国内价格
  • 1+39.60360
  • 10+33.96600
  • 30+30.53160
