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LM5066IEVM-626 数据手册
User's Guide SNVU444 – May 2014 LM5066IEVM-626 Evaluation Module (EVM) This user’s guide describes the LM5066I EVM (LM5066IEVM-626). LM5066IEVM-626 contains evaluation and reference circuitry for the LM5066I. The LM5066I device combines a high performance hot swap controller with a PMBus™ compliant SMBus/I2C interface to accurately measure, protect, and control the electrical operating conditions of systems connected to a backplane power bus. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Features .............................................................................................................. 3 1.2 Applications .......................................................................................................... 3 1.3 Electrical Specifications ............................................................................................ 3 Schematic ..................................................................................................................... 4 General Configuration and Description ................................................................................... 5 3.1 Physical Access ..................................................................................................... 5 3.2 Equipment Setup.................................................................................................... 6 Operation ..................................................................................................................... 6 Test Results .................................................................................................................. 7 Getting Started.............................................................................................................. 11 6.1 Hardware Setup Steps............................................................................................ 11 6.2 Device Evaluation ................................................................................................. 11 6.3 GUI Event Log ..................................................................................................... 13 6.4 Plotting Telemetry Data .......................................................................................... 14 6.5 Configuring the LM5066I Device ................................................................................ 14 6.6 Customizing the Design .......................................................................................... 16 Layout Guidelines .......................................................................................................... 18 Board Layout ................................................................................................................ 20 Bill of Materials ............................................................................................................. 23 List of Figures ........................................................................................................... 1 Startup Waveform 2 Startup into Short Performance ............................................................................................ 7 3 Overvoltage Performance 4 Undervoltage Waveform .................................................................................................... 8 5 Overload Performance ...................................................................................................... 9 6 Load Transient into Overload Performance .............................................................................. 9 7 Hot Short on Vout (Zoomed Out) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 .................................................................................................. ........................................................................................ Hot Short on Vout (Zoomed In)........................................................................................... Device Selector ............................................................................................................. Initial GUI Screen........................................................................................................... LM5066I Block-Level Representation ................................................................................... LM5066I Telemetry Display Options ..................................................................................... LM5066I GUI With the Telemetry Plotting Tool Enabled.............................................................. Device Configuration Panel ............................................................................................... LM5066I Design Tool ...................................................................................................... Recommended Board Connector Design ............................................................................... SNVU444 – May 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback LM5066IEVM-626 Evaluation Module (EVM) Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated 7 8 10 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 18 1 www.ti.com 17 Sense Resistor Connections .............................................................................................. 19 18 Top Assembly ............................................................................................................... 20 19 Top Layer.................................................................................................................... 20 20 Internal Layer 1 ............................................................................................................. 21 21 Internal Layer 2 ............................................................................................................. 21 22 Bottom Layer ................................................................................................................ 22 List of Tables 2 1 LM5066IEVM-626 Electrical and Performance Specifications at 25°C ............................................... 3 2 Connector Functionality ..................................................................................................... 5 3 Test Points .................................................................................................................... 5 4 Switches 5 LM5066IEVM-626 BOM ...................................................................................................................... 6 .................................................................................................. 23 LM5066IEVM-626 Evaluation Module (EVM) Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated SNVU444 – May 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback Introduction www.ti.com 1 Introduction The LM5066IEVM-626 evaluation board provides the design engineer with a fully functional intelligent monitoring and protection controller board designed for positive voltage systems. This user’s guide describes the various functions of the board, how to test and evaluate it, and how to use the GUI design tool to change the components for a specific application. To use the advanced telemetry and monitoring capabilities of this device, the user must install the Intelligent Power Manager GUI; however, the LM5066I is capable of acting as a hot-swap and protection circuit without any software installation. For the latest software information, check the LM5066I High Voltage System Power Management and Protection IC with PMBus data sheet (SNVS950). 1.1 Features • • • • • • • 1.2 Applications • 1.3 Programmable current limiting and power limiting for complete SOA protection Programmable fault timer to eliminate nuisance shutdowns Programmable undervoltage and overvoltage protection Programmable power good indicator Programmable auto-retry or latch options Fully Node Manager 2.0 and 2.5 compliant with I2C/SMBus interface and PMBus compliant command structure Real-time monitoring of VIN, VOUT, IIN, PIN, and VAUX with 12-bit resolution and 1-kHz sampling rate Any live backplane insertion application – Servers – Telecommunications Electrical Specifications Table 1. LM5066IEVM-626 Electrical and Performance Specifications at 25°C Characteristic Input voltage range (operating) LM5066IEVM-626 40 to 60 V Current operating 20 A Power limit (nom) 239 W Current limit (nom) Fault timer (nom) 26 A 520 µs UVLO rising (nom) 38 V UVLO falling (nom) 35 V Overvoltage rising (nom) 65 V Overvoltage falling (nom) 63 V PG threshold – vout rising (nom) 38 V PG threshold – vout falling (nom) 35 V Pass “Hot-Short” on output Yes Pass “Start into short”? Yes Is the load off until PG asserted? Yes Can a hot board be plugged back in? Yes Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. PMBus is a trademark of SMIF, Inc. SNVU444 – May 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback LM5066IEVM-626 Evaluation Module (EVM) Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated 3 Schematic 2 www.ti.com Schematic D1 GATE 1N4148W-7-F 100 V R1 10 kΩ PSMN4R8-100BSEJ Q1 C1 0.01 µF Q2 VIN TP1 J1 VINK TP2 SENSEK TP3 Pullup / Pulldown / High Z pins PSMN4R8-100BSEJ VOUT_S TP6 Q3 VOUT TP7 OUT J3 VOUT 20 A VIN 35 to 60 V C2 1000 pF D2 5.0SMDJ60A 60 V J2 GND R2 0.001 Ω C3 1 µF R8 95.3 kΩ R9 150 kΩ EN 1000pF R10 DNP 7.68 GATE TP5 U1 1 2 SENSE TP4 VDD SENSE 3 VINK 4 R13 11.5 kΩ R14 3.74 kΩ VIN 5 S1 SCL_ISO SMBA_ISO SDA_ISO R15 R16 R17 10.0 kΩ 10.0 kΩ 10.0 kΩ 6 1 7 2 8 3 SCL_ISO TP15 B12AP SMBA_ ISO R3 150 kΩ FB 9 GND GND 10 11 SDA_ISO SDATP16 SCLTP17 SMBA TP18 TP8 FB GATE TP13 TP14 OVLO C5 220 µF R5 R6 4.99 Ω 4.99 Ω C6 DNP SDA_ISO C4 220 µF R4 0 12 SCL_ISO 13 14 OUT GATE SENSE VIN_K PGOOD_ISO PGD NC PWR TIMER VIN RETRY NC FB UVLO/EN CL OVLO VDD AGND ADDR0 GND ADDR1 SDAI ADDR2 SDAO SCL SMBA SMBA_ISO PG TP9 R11 VAUX DIODE VREF 28 28.0 kΩ 25 22 B380-13-F CJS-1201TA SW2 80 V TP24 CL CL 19 18 3 CJS-1201TA SW3 TIMER TP10 C7 0.01 µF TP25 ADR0 ADR0 1 2 3 FB CL VDD CJS-1201TA SW4 C8 TP26 ADR1 1 µF ADR0 ADR1 1 2 3 ADR1 ADR2 VAUX 17 R18 CJS-1201TA SW5 VAUX TP12 TP27 ADR2 0 16 15 1 2 GND ADR2 VREF TP11 C10 1 µF 1 2 3 C9 1000 pF PAD LM5066IPWP D3 J4 RETRYB VDD 3 21 20 1 2 R12 26 23 RETRYB VDD 100 kΩ 27 24 R7 10.5 kΩ VDD TP22 SW1 TP23 RETRYB CJS-1201TA Q4 Tem p. Diode VIN_GND GND VOUT_GND TP19 TP20 TP21 SMBus connection for POL J5 SCL_ISO SDA_ISO SMBA_ISO CTRL1_ISO CTRL2_ISO R19 R20 R21 R22 R23 100 100 100 100 100 1 3 5 7 9 J6 2 4 6 8 10 PGOOD_ISO TSW-105-08-G-D-RA 4 2 4 6 8 10 DNP 1 3 5 7 9 SCL_ISO SDA_ISO SMBA_ISO CTRL1_ISO CTRL2_ISO PPPC052LJBN-RC LM5066IEVM-626 Evaluation Module (EVM) SNVU444 – May 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated General Configuration and Description www.ti.com 3 General Configuration and Description 3.1 Physical Access Table 2 lists the LM5066IEVM-626 connector and functionality, Table 3 describes the test point availability, and Table 4 describes the switch functionality. Table 2. Connector Functionality Connector Label Description J1 VIN Power bus input. Apply bus input voltage between J1 and J2. J2 GND Power bus input return connector. Apply bus input voltage between J1 and J2. J3 VOUT Switched bus output. Apply the load between J3 and J4. J4 GND Switch bus output return connector. Apply the load between J3 and J4. J5 PMBus interface Table 3. Test Points Test Point Label Description TP1 VIN TP2 VINK TP3 SENSEK Sense Kelvin sense pin on sense resistor TP4 SENSEK Sense pin test point TP5 GATE TP6 VOUT_S TP7 VOUT Positive supply input Positive supply Kelvin sense pin on sense resistor Gate drive output Output voltage at the pass FET Output voltage at the load TP8 FB Power Good feedback TP9 PG Power Good indicator TP10 TIMER Timing capacitor voltage TP11 VREF Internal reference voltage TP12 VAUX Auxiliary ADC input TP13 EN TP14 OVLO OVLO pin voltage TP15, TP19, TP20, TP21 GND Circuit ground TP16 SDA SMBus input/output TP17 SCL SMBis clock TP18 SMBA TP22 VDD TP23 RETRYB UVLO/EN pin voltage SMBUS alert line (active low) Internal sub-regulator 4.85-V output Fault retry input TP24 CL TP25 ADR0 SMBus address line 0 TP26 ADR1 SMBus address line 1 TP27 ADR2 SMBus address line 2 SNVU444 – May 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback Current limit range LM5066IEVM-626 Evaluation Module (EVM) Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated 5 General Configuration and Description www.ti.com Table 4. Switches 3.2 Switch Label S1 EN SW1 RETRY Description Enable and disable of the hotswap Fault retry input SW2 CL SW3 ADR0 Current limit range SMBus address line 0 SW4 ADR1 SMBus address line 1 SW5 ADR2 SMBus address line 2 Equipment Setup 1. Set the input power supply voltage to the desired operating input voltage. 2. Turn the power supply off. 3. Connect the positive voltage lead from the power supply to J1 (VIN). Connect the ground lead form the power supply to J2 (GND). 4. Place a voltmeter or oscilloscope probe across J3 and J4 (VOUT). 4 Operation 1. 2. 3. 4. 6 Turn on the power supply. Enable S1 ON. Vary the input voltage and add load current as necessary for test purposes. Apply fault conditions to observe fault performance as necessary. LM5066IEVM-626 Evaluation Module (EVM) Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated SNVU444 – May 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback Test Results www.ti.com 5 Test Results This section provides typical performance waveforms for the LM5066IEVM-626 with VIN = 48 V at no load (unless otherwise specified). Actual performance data is affected by measurement techniques and environmental variables; therefore, these curves are presented for reference and may differ from actual results obtained. Figure 1. Startup Waveform Figure 2. Startup into Short Performance SNVU444 – May 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback LM5066IEVM-626 Evaluation Module (EVM) Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated 7 Test Results www.ti.com Figure 3. Overvoltage Performance Figure 4. Undervoltage Waveform 8 LM5066IEVM-626 Evaluation Module (EVM) Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated SNVU444 – May 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback Test Results www.ti.com Figure 5. Overload Performance Figure 6. Load Transient into Overload Performance SNVU444 – May 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback LM5066IEVM-626 Evaluation Module (EVM) Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated 9 Test Results www.ti.com Figure 7. Hot Short on Vout (Zoomed Out) Figure 8. Hot Short on Vout (Zoomed In) 10 LM5066IEVM-626 Evaluation Module (EVM) Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated SNVU444 – May 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback Getting Started www.ti.com 6 Getting Started The LM5066IEVM is supplied with the PMBus address set to 0x40 as dictated by the jumper configuration of the ADR0, ADR1, and ADR2 jumper connections. The first step to evaluate the telemetry features of LM5066I is to install the GUI software. The software can be found under software on the product page. This file should be executed on a PC running Windows® XP or later to install the software. 6.1 Hardware Setup Steps 1. 2. 3. 4. Connect the input supply to the VIN (J1) and GND (J2) banana plugs. Connect the load to the VOUT (J3) and GND (J4) banana plugs. Connect the FTDI Dongle to the 10-pin connector on the left side of the board to J5. Connect the supplied mini USB cable from the FTDI dongle to an USB port on a PC. When the FTDI dongle is connected for the first time, the user will be prompted to install the device drivers. For the most current driver installation procedure, refer to the README.TXT file in the installation directory. For a hot swap circuit to function reliably, TI recommends a low inductance connection to the input supply. Its purpose is to minimize voltage transients which occur when the load current changes or is shut off. If the user is not careful, wiring inductance in the supply lines will generate a voltage transient at the input which can exceed the absolute maximum rating of the LM5066I, resulting in its destruction. To protect against such voltage transients, TVS device D2 is provided to clamp the voltage at the input to within safe operating limits. Likewise, Schottky diode D3 is provided on the output to clamp the output from going excessively negative during short circuit events. 6.2 Device Evaluation After configuring the hardware connections, apply an input voltage of 48 V to the device. The current hardware configuration allows the LM5066I device to work from 40- to 60-V input supply voltage; however, this guide assumes an input voltage of 48 V. Launch the GUI by going to the Windows Start menu → All Programs → PMBManager-x.xxxxx → PMBusManager. A pulldown menu should come up with a list of devices populated. Select the "LM5066" option as shown in Figure 9. Figure 9. Device Selector The device should be detected on the PMBus, and the initial load screen should appear as shown in Figure 10. SNVU444 – May 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback LM5066IEVM-626 Evaluation Module (EVM) Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated 11 Getting Started www.ti.com Figure 10. Initial GUI Screen If a device is not detected, there is an option to rescan, ignore, or exit the GUI. If the hardware is intended to be connected, check the USB connection to the PCB, FTDI connection to the evaluation module, and verify that the power is present on the evaluation PCB by measuring the voltage between the VIN_S and VIN_GND test points. Ignoring the detection message allows use of the integrated design tool without the hardware connected. Figure 11. LM5066I Block-Level Representation Click on the detected device ID (TI-LM5066I-AA) to display a block level representation of the device as shown in Figure 11. The block level view of the device provides a display of all the telemetry data as well as most of the faults and warnings supported by the device. The faults and warnings supported are generally associated with an invalid input or output condition. The faults shown on the left side of the block representation are generally associated with the input. These include input under-voltage (UV), input over-voltage (OV), FET fail (FF), and input over-power (OP). The SMBus alert status, SMBA, is also shown on the left side and will turn red during any warning or fault event. To facilitate the evaluation of the device, SMBus alerts are automatically cleared by the GUI. 12 LM5066IEVM-626 Evaluation Module (EVM) Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated SNVU444 – May 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback Getting Started www.ti.com The faults shown on the right side of the block representation are associated with the output. These include output over-voltage (OV), power good status (PGD), output over-current (OC), and overtemperature (OT). There is also an indicator if the output is in the latched off state (LO). The device latches the output off after the number of user-programmable retries is exceeded. To clear the latched off condition, the output can be toggled off and on by the red power button located in the top right of the LM5066I block representation. To show a repetitive update of the device telemetry and status, click the Play button at the top of the screen. The Play button starts an active telemetry log of the gathered data. Clicking the Stop button stops the telemetry collection and allows for the log file to be viewed and saved. The Pause button pauses both the displaying and logging of telemetry information. To enable or disable specific telemetry, click the Display Options button on the block representation and choose the desired telemetry to display (see Figure 12). Figure 12. LM5066I Telemetry Display Options Note that turning off the various warning options does not mask the faults from issuing an SMBus alert; by turning off warning options, the selected warnings are just not displayed if they occur. The device is capable of masking various faults, and this functionality can be setup in the device configuration panel. 6.3 GUI Event Log A GUI event log is provided to keep track of GUI configuration changes and device fault events. To display the event log, select View from the main menu bar, then Telemetry Data Log. The event log appears on the left side of the main GUI window. The event log can be detached and expanded if desired by left clicking on the event log window and dragging the window with the mouse to the desired location. SNVU444 – May 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback LM5066IEVM-626 Evaluation Module (EVM) Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated 13 Getting Started 6.4 www.ti.com Plotting Telemetry Data To enable telemetry data plots, click on the sine wave button located on the LM5066I block representation. After enabling the telemetry, a prompt appears requesting entry of the GUI sample interval, plot interval, and plot depth. For most cases, the default rates and depths are acceptable. The plotting tool allows the user to select the desired data to be plotted. Up to two different parameters can be plotted at the same time as shown in Figure 13. Figure 13. LM5066I GUI With the Telemetry Plotting Tool Enabled Telemetry data is plotted as a black line that continually updates as the device is queried. In addition to the telemetry data, the relevant warning and fault thresholds are also plotted. Warning thresholds are shown as orange lines while fault thresholds are shown in red and blue. From the Plot menu option in the main menu bar, the user can disable the plotting grid and the warning and fault lines. 6.5 Configuring the LM5066I Device Warning thresholds, temperature fault threshold, protection ranges, fault masking, and averaging can be configured in the Device Configuration panel. This panel, shown in Figure 14, is enabled by clicking View → Device Configuration. 14 LM5066IEVM-626 Evaluation Module (EVM) Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated SNVU444 – May 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback Getting Started www.ti.com Figure 14. Device Configuration Panel SNVU444 – May 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback LM5066IEVM-626 Evaluation Module (EVM) Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated 15 Getting Started www.ti.com The Warning and Fault Threshold tab allows configuration of the input undervoltage, input overvoltage, output undervoltage, input overcurrent, input power, and overtemperature warnings. This tab also allows adjustment of the overtemperature fault threshold. The hardware design sets the fault threshold for the input over-voltage and under-voltage, current limit, power limit, and power good. Decimal values for the thresholds are shown in the text box located to the right of the slider bar. The hexadecimal value of the setting is located above the decimal values setting, which can be useful when developing software for this device. The fault behavior tab allows the user to set the device fault configuration and fault masking. The fault configuration section allows the user to set the number of retries, as well as the circuit breaker and current limit thresholds. The number of retries can be set by the RETRY pin to be infinite or latched off. Through software, the number of retries can be set to 0 (latch-off), 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or infinite. The software settings are independent of the hardware settings; however, if the power is cycled, the device defaults to values dictated by the hardware. Current limit power-up values are also set by the hardware. The values for current limit can be set to either 26 mV (CL = VDD) or 50 mV (CL = GND). The circuit breaker threshold can also be set in software to either 1.9× or 3.9× the current limit value through the software. Fault masking is possible for many of the device fault conditions. Fault conditions allow masking of both the MOSFET response and the SMBus alert signal. Note that if a fault occurs repeatedly while the MOSFET is masked, damage to the MOSFET may result. This feature is allowed primarily for debug purposes. Faults that do not shut off the MOSFET and only issue a SMBus alert, also allow masking of the alert. Note the power-up default setting for the Power Good signal is to mask the SMBus alert, in order to ensure that SMBus alert is not asserted immediately after power-up. For convenience, the Device Configuration panel can be undocked by holding down the left mouse button while the cursor is at the top of the panel and dragging it to the desired location. 6.6 Customizing the Design The GUI assumes the hardware configuration is set to default LM5066I evaluation board configuration. If any of the components are changed, the device hardware configuration needs to be updated in the Design Tool section. To open the design tool, click the Wrench button located on the LM5066I block representation, which will open the window displayed in Figure 15. Figure 15. LM5066I Design Tool 16 LM5066IEVM-626 Evaluation Module (EVM) Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated SNVU444 – May 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback Getting Started www.ti.com Design inputs are keyed in on the left side following steps 1 though 5. 1. Enter the general operating conditions in step 1 of the design tool. These inputs help set bounds on the startup time and application voltage ranges. 2. Step 2 allows the user to tailor the MOSFET protection features to be specific to the target application. Current limit is pin-configurable and software-configurable, and circuit breaker is software-configurable. If the CL switch is used to set the current limit, ensure the GUI selection matches the pin-configurable CL bit setting on the board. By clicking on the MOSFET SOA Profile button, the user can select SOA data from several popular MOSFETs or enter the SOA data for the desired MOSFET. The resistor RPWR can then be calculated to keep Q1 or Q3, or both, within its SOA profile. 3. Step 3 allows the user to select the undervoltage lockout (UVLO) and overvoltage lockout (OVLO) values, and power good (PGD) thresholds. Note that with the correct values for R8, R9, R13, R14, and R3 and R7 installed, the LM5066I indicates a fault condition when the input or output voltages, or both, are outside of their programmed range. 4. Step 4 allows the user to set the fault time-out period and the fault response. The fault time-out should be set to be below the MOSFET SOA data for a given time. For example, if a design is done to adhere to the 10 ms pulsed MOSFET SOA data, the desired fault time-out must be less than 10 ms. The fault time-out time entered sets the value for CT. It also sets the insertion delay and fault retry delay. The initial power-up retry behavior is also selected in this design step. Make sure to change the RETRY switch to match the design tool schematic when changing the default retry setting. 5. In step 5, the user enters the desired PMBus address. Note changing the PMBus address of the device in step 5 does not change the device address, but shows how the address pins of the device need to be configured to achieve a desired address. After the ADR pin switches are configured for a particular address, power to the device needs to be cycled and the GUI restarted in order for the new address to take effect. When invalid or incorrect inputs are given to the design tool, text associated with the faulty input turns red. Positioning the mouse cursor over the red text gives additional information about any design conflict. Component and parametric results are shown to the right as well as the LM5066I safe operational area (SOA) chart. The SOA chart shows the minimum, typical, and maximum SOA protection areas for a given design. For a robust design, the SOA of the MOSFET used should be above the max protection SOA line for all operating areas. After a design is complete, the design should be saved by selecting the File menu, then Save. After the hardware is modified to match the design, the GUI should be restarted and the hardware configuration file loaded right after the device is detected and placed. If the values in the design tool are different than the values on the board, erroneous telemetry and fault data are reported by the GUI. To return to the block view of the device, press the Home button located at the far left in the menu bar. The design tool is also useful to calculate the PMBus coefficients. With the correct value for current sense resistor (R2), the tool calculates the correct coefficients to scale the raw telemetry data. The coefficients can be viewed by selecting View from the main menu bar, and then selecting the PMBus Coefficient Editor. When the PMBus Coefficient Editor is opened, press the Get All button to show the currently used coefficients. If desired, the results presented by the design tool can be calculated by hand using the equations provided in the data sheet. However, note the design tool calculates parameters factoring in worst-case tolerances, while the equations in the data sheet are based on typical thresholds. SNVU444 – May 2014 Submit Documentation Feedback LM5066IEVM-626 Evaluation Module (EVM) Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated 17 Layout Guidelines 7 www.ti.com Layout Guidelines The following guidelines should be followed when designing the PC board for the LM5066I: 1. Place the LM5066I close to the board’s input connector to minimize trace inductance from the connector to the MOSFET. 2. Place a TVS, Z1, directly adjacent to the VIN and GND pins of the LM5066I to help minimize voltage transients which may occur on the input supply line. The TVS should be chosen such that the peak VIN is just lower the TVS reverse-bias voltage. Transients of ≥20 V over the nominal input voltage can easily occur when the load current is shut off. A small capacitor may be sufficient for low current sense applications (I
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