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    类型:555 型,计时器/振荡器(单路) 频率:3MHz 工作电压:1.5V~15V 工作电流:150uA 工作温度:-40℃~+85℃

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Product Folder Order Now Support & Community Tools & Software Technical Documents LMC555 SNAS558M – FEBRUARY 2000 – REVISED JULY 2016 LMC555 CMOS Timer 1 Features 3 Description • • The LMC555 device is a CMOS version of the industry standard 555 series general-purpose timers. In addition to the standard package (SOIC, VSSSOP, and PDIP) the LMC555 is also available in a chipsized package (8-bump DSBGA) using TI's DSBGA package technology. The LMC555 offers the same capability of generating accurate time delays and frequencies as the LM555 but with much lower power dissipation and supply current spikes. When operated as a one-shot, the time delay is precisely controlled by a single external resistor and capacitor. In the astable mode the oscillation frequency and duty cycle are accurately set by two external resistors and one capacitor. The use of TI's LMCMOS process extends both the frequency range and the low supply capability. 1 • • • • • • • • Industry's Fastest Astable Frequency of 3 MHz Available in Industry's Smallest 8-Bump DSBGA Package (1.43mm × 1.41mm) Less Than 1 mW Typical Power Dissipation at 5 V Supply 1.5 V Supply Operating Voltage Ensured Output Fully Compatible With TTL and CMOS Logic at 5 V Supply Tested to −10 mA, 50 mA Output Current Levels Reduced Supply Current Spikes During Output Transitions Extremely Low Reset, Trigger, and Threshold Currents Excellent Temperature Stability Pin-for-Pin Compatible With 555 Series of Timers Device Information(1) PART NUMBER PACKAGE BODY SIZE (NOM) 2 Applications SOIC (8) 4.90 mm × 3.91 mm • • • • • • • VSSOP (8) 3.00 mm × 3.00 mm PDIP (8) 9.81 mm × 6.35 mm DSBGA (8) 1.43 mm × 1.41 mm Precision Timing Pulse Generation Sequential Timing Time Delay Generation Pulse Width Modulation Pulse Position Modulation Linear Ramp Generators Pulse Width Modulator LMC555 (1) For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at the end of the data sheet. Pulse Width Modulator Waveform: Top Waveform - Modulation Bottom Waveform - Output Voltage 1 An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety-critical applications, intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. PRODUCTION DATA. LMC555 SNAS558M – FEBRUARY 2000 – REVISED JULY 2016 www.ti.com Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Features .................................................................. Applications ........................................................... Description ............................................................. Revision History..................................................... Pin Configuration and Functions ......................... Specifications......................................................... 1 1 1 2 3 4 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 4 4 4 4 5 Parameter Measurement Information .................. 6 Detailed Description .............................................. 7 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 9 Absolute Maximum Ratings ...................................... ESD Ratings.............................................................. Recommended Operating Conditions....................... Thermal Information ................................................. Electrical Characteristics........................................... Overview ................................................................... Functional Block Diagram ......................................... Feature Description................................................... Device Functional Modes.......................................... 7 7 7 8 Application and Implementation ........................ 12 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 Application Information............................................ Typical Application ................................................. Frequency Divider ................................................... Pulse Width Modulator ............................................ Pulse Position Modulator ........................................ 50% Duty Cycle Oscillator ...................................... 12 12 14 14 15 16 10 Power Supply Recommendations ..................... 17 11 Layout................................................................... 17 11.1 Layout Guidelines ................................................. 17 11.2 Layout Example .................................................... 17 12 Device and Documentation Support ................. 18 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates Community Resources.......................................... Trademarks ........................................................... Electrostatic Discharge Caution ............................ Glossary ................................................................ 18 18 18 18 18 13 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information ........................................................... 18 4 Revision History Changes from Revision L (February 2016) to Revision M Page • Changed order of Features list. ............................................................................................................................................. 1 • Changed stable to astable - typo. .......................................................................................................................................... 1 • Changed stable to astable - typo. .......................................................................................................................................... 7 • Changed beings to begins typo. ............................................................................................................................................. 8 • Changed typo LM555 to LMC555. ...................................................................................................................................... 12 • Changed typo LM555 to LMC555. ...................................................................................................................................... 12 • Added additional applications. ............................................................................................................................................. 14 Changes from Revision K (January 2015) to Revision L • Changed typo - temp range from 185 to 85 .......................................................................................................................... 4 Changes from Revision J (March 2013) to Revision K • 2 Page Added Pin Configuration and Functions section, ESD Ratings table, Feature Description section, Device Functional Modes, Application and Implementation section, Power Supply Recommendations section, Layout section, Device and Documentation Support section, and Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information section .............................. 1 Changes from Revision I (March 2013) to Revision J • Page Page Changed layout of National Semiconductor Data Sheet to TI format ................................................................................. 17 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2000–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LMC555 LMC555 www.ti.com SNAS558M – FEBRUARY 2000 – REVISED JULY 2016 5 Pin Configuration and Functions D, DGK, and P Packages 8-Pin SOIC, VSSOP, and PDIP (Top View) YPB Package 8-Pin DSBGA (Top View) Pin Functions PIN SOIC, VSSOP, and PDIP NO. DSBGA NO. NAME I/O DESCRIPTION 1 A3 GND O Ground reference voltage 2 B3 Trigger I Responsible for transition of the flip-flop from set to reset. The output of the timer depends on the amplitude of the external trigger pulse applied to this pin 3 C3 Output O Output driven waveform 4 C2 Reset I Negative pulse applied to this pin to disable or reset the timer. When not used for reset purposes, it should be connected to VCC to avoid false triggering 5 C1 Control Voltage I Control voltage controls the threshold and trigger levels. It determines the pulse width of the output waveform. An external voltage applied to this pin can also be used to modulate the output waveform 6 B1 Threshold I Compares the voltage applied to the terminal with a reference voltage of 2/3 Vcc. The amplitude of voltage applied to this terminal is responsible for the set state of the flip-flop. 7 A1 Discharge I Open collector output which discharges a capacitor between intervals (in phase with output). It toggles the output from high to low when voltage reaches 2/3 of the supply voltage 8 A2 V+ I Supply voltage with respect to GND Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2000–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LMC555 3 LMC555 SNAS558M – FEBRUARY 2000 – REVISED JULY 2016 www.ti.com 6 Specifications 6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Over operating free-air temperature range, unless otherwise noted. (1) (2) (3) MIN MAX UNIT 15 V (V+) + 0.3 V Supply Voltage Input Curent –0.3 Output 15 V Output 100 mA 150 °C Storage temperature, Tstg (1) (2) (3) –65 Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, which do not imply functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under Recommended Operating Conditions. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. See AN-1112 (SNVA009) for DSBGA considerations. If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the TI Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. 6.2 ESD Ratings V(ESD) (1) Electrostatic discharge Human body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 (1) VALUE UNIT ±1500 V JEDEC document JEP155 states that 500-V HBM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. 6.3 Recommended Operating Conditions over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) MIN Temperature Range Maximum Allowable Power Dissipation at 25°C LMC555IM −40 LMC555CM/MM/N/TP −40 NOM MAX UNIT 125 °C 85 °C PDIP-8 1126 mW SOIC-8 740 mW VSSOP-8 555 mW 568 mW 8-bump DSBGA 6.4 Thermal Information LMC555 THERMAL METRIC (1) RθJA (1) 4 Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance SOIC VSSOP PDIP 8-BUMP DSBGA 8 PINS 8 PINS 8 PINS 8 PINS 169 225 111 220 UNIT °C/W For more information about traditional and new thermal metrics, see the IC Package Thermal Metrics application report, SPRA953. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2000–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LMC555 LMC555 www.ti.com SNAS558M – FEBRUARY 2000 – REVISED JULY 2016 6.5 Electrical Characteristics Test Circuit, T = 25°C, all switches open, RESET to VS unless otherwise noted (1) PARAMETER IS Supply Current VCTRL Control Voltage TEST CONDITIONS MIN VS = 1.5 V VS = 5 V VS = 12 V VS = 1.5 V VS = 5 V VS = 12 V 0.8 2.9 7.4 TYP MAX UNIT 50 100 150 150 250 400 µA 1.0 3.3 8.0 1.2 3.8 8.6 V VDIS Discharge Saturation Voltage VS = 1.5 V, IDIS = 1 mA VS = 5 V, IDIS = 10 mA 75 150 150 300 mV VOL Output Voltage (Low) VS = 1.5 V, IO = 1 mA VS = 5 V, IO = 8 mA VS = 12 V, IO = 50 mA 0.2 0.3 1.0 0.4 0.6 2.0 V Output Voltage (High) VS = 1.5 V, IO = −0.25 mA VS = 5 V, IO = −2 mA VS = 12 V, IO = −10 mA 1.0 4.4 10.5 1.25 4.7 11.3 VTRIG Trigger Voltage VS = 1.5V VS = 12V 0.4 3.7 0.5 4.0 ITRIG Trigger Current VS = 5V VRES Reset Voltage VS = 1.5 V VS = 12 V 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.75 IRES Reset Current VS = 5 V 10 ITHRESH Threshold Current VS = 5 V 10 IDIS Discharge Leakage VS = 12 V 1.0 100 t Timing Accuracy SW 2, 4 Closed VS = 1.5 V VS = 5 V VS = 12 V 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.25 1.20 1.25 VOH V 0.6 4.3 10 (2) 0.9 1.0 1.0 V pA 1.0 1.1 V pA pA nA ms Δt/ΔVS Timing Shift with Supply VS = 5V ± 1 V Δt/ΔT Timing Shift with Temperature VS = 5 V fA Astable Frequency SW 1, 3 Closed, VS = 12 V fMAX Maximum Frequency Max. Freq. Test Circuit, VS = 5 V 3.0 MHz tR, tF Output Rise and Fall Times Max. Freq. Test Circuit VS = 5V, CL = 10 pF 15 ns tPD Trigger Propagation Delay VS = 5 V, Measure Delay from Trigger to Output 100 ns (1) (2) 4.0 0.3% V 75 ppm/°C 4.8 5.6 kHz All voltages are measured with respect to the ground pin, unless otherwise specified. If the RESET pin is to be used at temperatures of −20°C and below VS is required to be 2.0 V or greater. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2000–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LMC555 5 LMC555 SNAS558M – FEBRUARY 2000 – REVISED JULY 2016 www.ti.com 7 Parameter Measurement Information For device pinout, see Pin Configuration and Functions. Figure 1. Test Circuit 6 For device pinout, see Pin Configuration and Functions. Figure 2. Maximum Frequency Test Circuit Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2000–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LMC555 LMC555 www.ti.com SNAS558M – FEBRUARY 2000 – REVISED JULY 2016 8 Detailed Description 8.1 Overview The LMC555 is a CMOS version of the industry standard 555 series general-purpose timers. In addition to the standard package (SOIC, VSSSOP, and PDIP) the LMC555 is also available in a chip-sized package (8-bump DSBGA) using TI’s DSBGA package technology. The LMC555 offers the same capability of generating accurate time delays and frequencies as the LM555 but with much lower power dissipation and supply current spikes. When operated as a one-shot, the time delay is precisely controlled by a single external resistor and capacitor. In the astable mode, the oscillation frequency and duty cycle are accurately set by two external resistors and one capacitor. The use of TI’s LMCMOS process extends both the frequency range and the low supply capability. The LMC555 is available in an 8-pin PDIP, SOIC, VSSOP, and 8-bump DSBGA package. 8.2 Functional Block Diagram 8.3 Feature Description 8.3.1 Low-Power Dissipation The LMC555 offers the same capability of generating accurate time delays and frequencies as the LM555 but with much lower power dissipation. A power dissipation of less than 0.2 mW can be achieved with a 1.5-V operating supply voltage and less than 1 mW with a 5-V operating supply voltage. The use of TI’s LMCMOS process allows this low supply current and voltage capability. Reduced supply current spikes during output transitions and extremely low reset, trigger and threshold currents also provide low power dissipation advantages with the LMC555. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2000–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LMC555 7 LMC555 SNAS558M – FEBRUARY 2000 – REVISED JULY 2016 www.ti.com Feature Description (continued) 8.3.2 Various Packages and Compatibility There are various packages available for use of the LMC555. In addition to the standard package (8-pin SOIC, VSSOP, and PDIP, the LMC555 is also available in a chip-sized package (8-bump DSBGA). The PDIP, SOIC, and VSSOP packages for the LMC555 are pin-for-pin compatible with the 555 series of timers (NE555/SE555/LM555) allowing flexibility in design and unnecessary modifications to PCB schematics and layouts. 8.3.3 Operates in Both Astable and Monostable Mode The LMC555 can operate in both astable and monostable mode depending on the application requirements. • Monostable mode: The LMC555 timer acts as a “one-shot” pulse generator. The pulse begins when the LMC555 timer receives a signal at the trigger input that falls below a 1/3 of the voltage supply. The width of the output pulse is determined by the time constant of an RC network. The output pulse ends when the voltage on the capacitor equals 2/3 of the supply voltage. The output pulse width can be extended or shortened depending on the application by adjusting the R and C values. • Astable (free-running) mode: The LMC555 timer can operate as an oscillator and puts out a continuous stream of rectangular pulses having a specified frequency. The frequency of the pulse stream depends on the values of RA, RB, and C. 8.4 Device Functional Modes 8.4.1 Monostable Operation In this mode of operation, the timer functions as a one-shot (Figure 3). The external capacitor is initially held discharged by internal circuitry. Upon application of a negative trigger pulse of less than 1/3 VS to the Trigger terminal, the flip-flop is set which both releases the short circuit across the capacitor and drives the output high. Figure 3. Monostable (One-Shot) The voltage across the capacitor then increases exponentially for a period of tH = 1.1 RAC, which is also the time that the output stays high, at the end of which time the voltage equals 2/3 VS. The comparator then resets the flip-flop which in turn discharges the capacitor and drives the output to its low state. Figure 4 shows the waveforms generated in this mode of operation. Because the charge and the threshold level of the comparator are both directly proportional to supply voltage, the timing internal is independent of supply. 8 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2000–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LMC555 LMC555 www.ti.com SNAS558M – FEBRUARY 2000 – REVISED JULY 2016 Device Functional Modes (continued) VCC = 5 V TIME = 0.1 ms/Div. RA = 9.1 kΩ C = 0.01 µF Top Trace: Input 5 V/Div. Middle Trace: Output 5 V/Div. Bottom Trace: Capacitor Voltage 2 V/Div. Figure 4. Monostable Waveforms Reset overrides Trigger, which can override threshold. Therefore the trigger pulse must be shorter than the desired tH. The minimum pulse width for the Trigger is 20 ns, and it is 400 ns for the Reset. During the timing cycle when the output is high, the further application of a trigger pulse will not effect the circuit so long as the trigger input is returned high at least 10 µs before the end of the timing interval. However the circuit can be reset during this time by the application of a negative pulse to the reset terminal. The output will then remain in the low state until a trigger pulse is again applied. When the reset function is not use, it is recommended that it be connected to V+ to avoid any possibility of false triggering. Figure 5 is a nomograph for easy determination of RC values for various time delays. NOTE In monstable operation, the trigger should be driven high before the end of timing cycle. Figure 5. Time Delay Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2000–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LMC555 9 LMC555 SNAS558M – FEBRUARY 2000 – REVISED JULY 2016 www.ti.com Device Functional Modes (continued) 8.4.2 Astable Operation If the circuit is connected as shown in Figure 6 (Trigger and Threshold terminals connected together) it will trigger itself and free run as a multivibrator. The external capacitor charges through RA + RB and discharges through RB. Thus the duty cycle may be precisely set by the ratio of these two resistors. Figure 6. Astable (Variable Duty Cycle Oscillator) In this mode of operation, the capacitor charges and discharges between 1/3 VS and 2/3 VS. As in the triggered mode, the charge and discharge times, and therefore the frequency are independent of the supply voltage. Figure 7 shows the waveform generated in this mode of operation. VCC = 5 V TIME = 20 µs/Div. RA = 3.9 kΩ RB = 9 kΩ C = 0.01 µF Top Trace: Output 5 V/Div. Bottom Trace: Capacitor Voltage 1 V/Div. Figure 7. Astable Waveforms The charge time (output high) is given by t1 = 0.693 (RA + RB)C (1) And the discharge time (output low) by: t2 = 0.693 (RB)C (2) Thus the total period is: T = t1 + t2 = 0.693 (RA + 2RB)C (3) The frequency of oscillation is: (4) Figure 8 may be used for quick determination of these RC Values. The duty cycle, as a fraction of total period that the output is low, is: D= 10 RB RA + 2RB (5) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2000–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LMC555 LMC555 www.ti.com SNAS558M – FEBRUARY 2000 – REVISED JULY 2016 Device Functional Modes (continued) Figure 8. Free-Running Frequency Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2000–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LMC555 11 LMC555 SNAS558M – FEBRUARY 2000 – REVISED JULY 2016 www.ti.com 9 Application and Implementation NOTE Information in the following applications sections is not part of the TI component specification, and TI does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. TI’s customers are responsible for determining suitability of components for their purposes. Customers should validate and test their design implementation to confirm system functionality. 9.1 Application Information The LMC555 timer can be used a various configurations, but the most commonly used configuration is in monostable mode. A typical application for the LMC555 timer in monostable mode is to turn on an LED for a specific time duration. A pushbutton is used as the trigger to output a high pulse when trigger pin is pulsed low. This simple application can be modified to fit any application requirement. 9.2 Typical Application Figure 9 shows the schematic of the LM555 that flashes an LED in monostable mode. Figure 9. Schematic of Monostable Mode to Flash an LED 9.2.1 Design Requirements The main design requirement for this application requires calculating the duration of time for which the output stays high. The duration of time is dependent on the R and C values (as shown in monostable figure) and can be calculated by: t= 1.1*R*C seconds. t = 1.1 × R × C 12 (6) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2000–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LMC555 LMC555 www.ti.com SNAS558M – FEBRUARY 2000 – REVISED JULY 2016 Typical Application (continued) 9.2.2 Detailed Design Procedure To allow the LED to flash on for a noticeable amount of time, a 5-second time delay was chosen for this application. By using the equation: t = 1.1 × R × C seconds where • RC equals 4.545 (7) If R is chosen as 100 kΩ, C = 45.4 µF. The values of R = 100 kΩ and C = 47 µF was chosen based on standard values of resistors and capacitors. A momentary push button switch connected to ground is connected to the trigger input with a 10-kΩ current limiting resistor pull up to the supply voltage. When the push button is pressed, the trigger pin goes to GND. An LED is connected to the output pin with a current limiting resistor in series from the output of the LMC555 to GND. The reset pin is not used and was connected to the supply voltage. 9.2.3 Application Curve The data shown in Figure 10 was collected with the circuit used in the typical applications section. The LM555 was configured in the monostable mode with a time delay of 5.17 s. The waveforms correspond to: • Top Waveform (Blue) – Capacitor voltage • Middle Waveform (Purple) – Trigger • Bottom Waveform (Green) – Output As the trigger pin pulses low, the capacitor voltage starts charging and the output goes high. The output goes low as soon as the capacitor voltage reaches 2/3 of the supply voltage, which is the time delay set by the R and C value. For this example, the time delay is 5.17 seconds. Figure 10. Trigger, Capacitor Voltage, and Output Waveforms in Monostable Mode Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2000–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LMC555 13 LMC555 SNAS558M – FEBRUARY 2000 – REVISED JULY 2016 www.ti.com 9.3 Frequency Divider The monostable circuit of Figure 11 can be used as a frequency divider by adjusting the length of the timing cycle. Figure 12 shows the waveforms generated in a divide by three circuit. Figure 11. Monostable (One-Shot) 9.3.1 Design Requirements Design a frequency divider by adjusting the length of the timing cycle. 9.3.2 Application Curve Figure 12. Frequency Divider Waveforms 9.4 Pulse Width Modulator When the timer is connected in the monostable mode and triggered with a continuous pulse train, the output pulse width can be modulated by a signal applied to the control voltage terminal. Figure 13 shows the circuit, and in Figure 14 are some waveform examples. Figure 13. Pulse Width Modulator 9.4.1 Design Requirements Modulator the output pulse width by the signal applied to the control voltage terminal. 14 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2000–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LMC555 LMC555 www.ti.com SNAS558M – FEBRUARY 2000 – REVISED JULY 2016 Pulse Width Modulator (continued) 9.4.2 Application Curve Figure 14. Pulse Width Modulator Waveforms 9.5 Pulse Position Modulator This application uses the timer connected for astable operation, as in Figure 15, with a modulating signal again applied to the control voltage terminal. The pulse position varies with the modulating signal, since the threshold voltage and hence the time delay is varied. Figure 16 shows the waveforms generated for a triangle wave modulation signal. Figure 15. Pulse Position Modulator 9.5.1 Design Requirements Using astable operation vary the pulse position with a modulating signal applied to the control voltage terminal. 9.5.2 Application Curve Figure 16. Pulse Position Modulator Waveforms Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2000–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LMC555 15 LMC555 SNAS558M – FEBRUARY 2000 – REVISED JULY 2016 www.ti.com 9.6 50% Duty Cycle Oscillator The frequency of oscillation is: f = 1/(1.4 RCC) (8) Figure 17. 50% Duty Cycle Oscillator 9.6.1 Design Requirements An oscillator with a 50% duty cycle output. 16 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2000–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LMC555 LMC555 www.ti.com SNAS558M – FEBRUARY 2000 – REVISED JULY 2016 10 Power Supply Recommendations The LM555 requires a voltage supply within 1.5 V to 15 V. Adequate power supply bypassing is necessary to protect associated circuitry. Minimum recommended is 0.1 μF in parallel with 1-μF electrolytic. Place the bypass capacitors as close as possible to the LM555 and minimize the trace length. 11 Layout 11.1 Layout Guidelines Standard PCB rules apply to routing the LMC555. The 0.1 µF in parallel with a 1-µF electrolytic capacitor should be as close as possible to the LMC555. The capacitor used for the time delay should also be placed as close to the discharge pin. A ground plane on the bottom layer can be used to provide better noise immunity and signal integrity. 11.2 Layout Example The figure below is the basic layout for various applications. • C1 – based on time delay calculations • C2 – 0.01 µF bypass capacitor for control voltage pin • C3 – 0.1 µF bypass ceramic capacitor • C4 – 1-µF electrolytic bypass capacitor • R1 – based on time delay calculations • U1 – LMC555 Figure 18. PCB Layout Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2000–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LMC555 17 LMC555 SNAS558M – FEBRUARY 2000 – REVISED JULY 2016 www.ti.com 12 Device and Documentation Support 12.1 Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates To receive notification of documentation updates, navigate to the device product folder on ti.com. In the upper right corner, click on Alert me to register and receive a weekly digest of any product information that has changed. For change details, review the revision history included in any revised document. 12.2 Community Resources The following links connect to TI community resources. Linked contents are provided "AS IS" by the respective contributors. They do not constitute TI specifications and do not necessarily reflect TI's views; see TI's Terms of Use. TI E2E™ Online Community TI's Engineer-to-Engineer (E2E) Community. Created to foster collaboration among engineers. At e2e.ti.com, you can ask questions, share knowledge, explore ideas and help solve problems with fellow engineers. Design Support TI's Design Support Quickly find helpful E2E forums along with design support tools and contact information for technical support. 12.3 Trademarks E2E is a trademark of Texas Instruments. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 12.4 Electrostatic Discharge Caution These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates. 12.5 Glossary SLYZ022 — TI Glossary. This glossary lists and explains terms, acronyms, and definitions. 13 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information The following pages include mechanical, packaging, and orderable information. This information is the most current data available for the designated devices. This data is subject to change without notice and revision of this document. For browser-based versions of this data sheet, refer to the left-hand navigation. 18 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2000–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LMC555 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 27-May-2022 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan (2) Lead finish/ Ball material MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) Device Marking (3) Samples (4/5) (6) LMC555CM NRND SOIC D 8 95 Non-RoHS & Green Call TI Level-1-235C-UNLIM -40 to 85 LMC 555CM LMC555CM/NOPB ACTIVE SOIC D 8 95 RoHS & Green SN Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 85 LMC 555CM LMC555CMM NRND VSSOP DGK 8 1000 Non-RoHS & Green Call TI Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 85 ZC5 LMC555CMM/NOPB ACTIVE VSSOP DGK 8 1000 RoHS & Green SN Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 85 ZC5 LMC555CMMX NRND VSSOP DGK 8 3500 Non-RoHS & Green Call TI Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 85 ZC5 LMC555CMMX/NOPB ACTIVE VSSOP DGK 8 3500 RoHS & Green SN Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 85 ZC5 LMC555CMX NRND SOIC D 8 2500 Non-RoHS & Green Call TI Level-1-235C-UNLIM -40 to 85 LMC 555CM LMC555CMX/NOPB ACTIVE SOIC D 8 2500 RoHS & Green SN Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 85 LMC 555CM Samples LMC555CN/NOPB ACTIVE PDIP P 8 40 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-NA-UNLIM -40 to 85 LMC 555CN Samples LMC555CTP/NOPB ACTIVE DSBGA YPB 8 250 RoHS & Green SNAGCU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 85 F 02 Samples LMC555CTPX/NOPB ACTIVE DSBGA YPB 8 3000 RoHS & Green SNAGCU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 85 F 02 Samples LMC555IM/NOPB ACTIVE SOIC D 8 95 RoHS & Green SN Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 125 LMC 555IM Samples LMC555IMX/NOPB ACTIVE SOIC D 8 2500 RoHS & Green SN Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 125 LMC 555IM Samples (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. Addendum-Page 1 Samples Samples Samples PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 27-May-2022 (2) RoHS: TI defines "RoHS" to mean semiconductor products that are compliant with the current EU RoHS requirements for all 10 RoHS substances, including the requirement that RoHS substance do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, "RoHS" products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. TI may reference these types of products as "Pb-Free". RoHS Exempt: TI defines "RoHS Exempt" to mean products that contain lead but are compliant with EU RoHS pursuant to a specific EU RoHS exemption. Green: TI defines "Green" to mean the content of Chlorine (Cl) and Bromine (Br) based flame retardants meet JS709B low halogen requirements of
LMC555CMX/NOPB 价格&库存




    •  国内价格
    • 1+1.65000
    • 100+1.26500
    • 1250+1.07800
    • 2500+0.91410


      •  国内价格
      • 1254+0.93019


        •  国内价格
        • 1+0.85800
