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MSP-EXP430FR4133 数据手册
MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 MSP430FR413x Mixed-Signal Microcontrollers 1 Features • • • • • • Embedded microcontroller – 16-bit RISC architecture up to 16 MHz – Wide supply voltage range from 3.6 V down to 1.8 V (minimum supply voltage is restricted by SVS levels, see the Section Optimized low-power modes (at 3 V) – Active mode: 126 µA/MHz – Standby mode: 16 MHz are used, the clock must be divided in the clock system to comply with this operating condition. Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 15 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 8.4 Active Mode Supply Current Into VCC Excluding External Current See (1) Frequency (fMCLK = fSMCLK) PARAMETER 1 MHz 0 WAIT STATES (NWAITSx = 0) IAM, FRAM(100%) IAM, RAM (2) (1) (2) 16 MHz 1 WAIT STATE (NWAITSx = 1) TEST CONDITIONS TYP MAX FRAM 0% cache hit ratio 3 V, 25°C 504 2874 3156 3700 3 V, 85°C 516 2919 3205 TYP IAM, FRAM(0%) 8 MHz 0 WAIT STATES (NWAITSx = 0) EXECUTION MEMORY MAX TYP MAX FRAM 100% cache hit ratio 3 V, 25°C 209 633 1056 3 V, 85°C 217 647 1074 RAM 3 V, 25°C 231 809 1450 UNIT µA 1298 µA µA All inputs are tied to 0 V or to VCC. Outputs do not source or sink any current. Characterized with program executing typical data processing. fACLK = 32786 Hz, fMCLK = fSMCLK = fDCO at specified frequency Program and data entirely reside in FRAM. All execution is from FRAM. Program and data reside entirely in RAM. All execution is from RAM. No access to FRAM. 8.5 Active Mode Supply Current Per MHz VCC = 3 V, TA = 25°C (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER dIAM,FRAM/df (1) Active mode current consumption per MHz, execution from FRAM, no wait states(1) TEST CONDITIONS TYP UNIT ((IAM, 75% cache hit rate at 8 MHz) – (IAM, 75% cache hit rate at 1 MHz)) / 7 MHz 126 µA/MHz All peripherals are turned on in default settings. 8.6 Low-Power Mode LPM0 Supply Currents Into VCC Excluding External Current VCC = 3 V, TA = 25°C (unless otherwise noted)(1) (2) FREQUENCY (fSMCLK) PARAMETER VCC 1 MHz TYP ILPM0 (1) (2) 16 Low-power mode LPM0 supply current 8 MHz MAX TYP 16 MHz MAX TYP 2V 158 307 415 3V 169 318 427 UNIT MAX µA All inputs are tied to 0 V or to VCC. Outputs do not source or sink any current. Current for watchdog timer clocked by SMCLK included. fACLK = 32786 Hz, fMCLK = 0 MHz, fSMCLK at specified frequency. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 8.7 Low-Power Mode LPM3, LPM4 Supply Currents (Into VCC) Excluding External Current over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) (1) PARAMETER VCC TYP 1.99 3.00 MAX UNIT 1.06 1.21 3V 0.92 1.00 2V 0.86 1.00 2.75 Low-power mode 3, LCD, excludes SVS(6) 3V 1.07 1.25 3.04 µA SVS(7) 3V 1.08 1.25 3.04 µA 3V 0.65 0.75 1.88 2V 0.63 0.73 1.85 3V 0.51 0.58 1.51 2V 0.50 0.57 1.49 ILPM3, LCD, CP Low-power mode 3, RTC, excludes ILPM4, SVS Low-power mode 4, includes SVS ILPM4 Low-power mode 4, excludes SVS (7) MAX 2V Low-power mode 3, VLO, excludes SVS(5) (6) TYP 1.31 ILPM3,VLO (5) MAX 85°C 1.13 Low-power mode 3, includes SVS(2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4) TYP 25°C 3V ILPM3,XT1 ILPM3, RTC –40°C 2.94 1.75 2.89 µA µA µA µA All inputs are tied to 0 V or to VCC. Outputs do not source or sink any current Not applicable for devices with HF crystal oscillator only. Characterized with a Golledge MS1V-TK/I_32.768KHZ crystal with a load capacitance chosen to closely match the required load. Low-power mode 3, includes SVS test conditions: Current for watchdog timer clocked by ACLK and RTC clocked by XT1 included. Current for brownout and SVS included (SVSHE = 1). CPUOFF = 1, SCG0 = 1 SCG1 = 1, OSCOFF = 0 (LPM3), fXT1 = 32768 Hz, fACLK = fXT1, fMCLK = fSMCLK = 0 MHz Low-power mode 3, VLO, excludes SVS test conditions: Current for watchdog timer clocked by VLO included. RTC disabled. Current for brownout included. SVS disabled (SVSHE = 0). CPUOFF = 1, SCG0 = 1 SCG1 = 1, OSCOFF = 0 (LPM3), fXT1 = 0 Hz, fACLK = fMCLK = fSMCLK = 0 MHz LCD works in LPM3 if internal charge pump and VREF switch mode are enabled. LCD driver pins are configured as 4 × 36 at 32‑Hz frame frequency with external 32768‑Hz clock source. RTC periodically wakes up every second with external 32768‑Hz as source. Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 17 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 8.8 Low-Power Mode LPMx.5 Supply Currents (Into VCC) Excluding External Current over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER VCC –40°C TYP 25°C MAX 85°C TYP MAX TYP MAX 1.25 1.06 2.06 ILPM3.5, XT1 Low-power mode 3.5, includes SVS(1) (2) (3) (also see Figure 8-3) 3V 0.71 0.77 2V 0.66 0.70 0.95 ILPM3.5, LCD, CP Low-power mode 3.5, excludes SVS(6) 3V 0.90 0.94 1.27 ILPM4.5, SVS Low-power mode 4.5, includes SVS(4) 3V 0.23 0.25 2V 0.20 0.20 ILPM4.5 Low-power mode 4.5, excludes SVS(5) 3V 0.010 0.015 2V 0.008 0.013 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 18 0.375 0.32 0.073 0.060 µA µA 0.43 0.24 0.070 UNIT 0.140 µA µA Not applicable for devices with HF crystal oscillator only. Characterized with a Micro Crystal MS1V-T1K crystal with a load capacitance chosen to closely match the required load. Low-power mode 3.5, includes SVS test conditions: Current for RTC clocked by XT1 included. Current for brownout and SVS included (SVSHE = 1). Core regulator disabled. PMMREGOFF = 1, CPUOFF = 1, SCG0 = 1 SCG1 = 1, OSCOFF = 1 (LPMx.5), fXT1 = 32768 Hz, fACLK = fXT1, fMCLK = fSMCLK = 0 MHz Low-power mode 4.5, includes SVS test conditions: Current for brownout and SVS included (SVSHE = 1). Core regulator disabled. PMMREGOFF = 1, CPUOFF = 1, SCG0 = 1 SCG1 = 1, OSCOFF = 1 (LPMx.5), fXT1 = 0 Hz, fACLK = fMCLK = fSMCLK = 0 MHz Low-power mode 4.5, excludes SVS test conditions: Current for brownout included. SVS disabled (SVSHE = 0). Core regulator disabled. PMMREGOFF = 1, CPUOFF = 1, SCG0 = 1 SCG1 = 1, OSCOFF = 1 (LPMx.5), fXT1 = 0 Hz, fACLK = fMCLK = fSMCLK = 0 MHz LCD works in LPM3.5 if the internal charge pump and VREF switch mode are enabled. The LCD driver pins are configured as 4x36 at 32‑Hz frame frequency with an external 32768‑Hz clock source. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 8.9 Typical Characteristics, Low-Power Mode Supply Currents 5 5 4.5 4.5 LPM3 Supply Current (µA) LPM3 Supply Current (µA) The graphs in this section show only board-level test result on a small number of samples. A MS1V-T1K crystal from Micro-Crystal was populated for 32-kHz clock generation. LCD is configured in 4xCOM mode without LCD panel populated. 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Temperature (°C) 50 LPM3 LCD on 60 70 -40 80 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Temperature (°C) 50 LPM3 RTC counter on DVCC = 3 V SVS disabled 60 70 80 DVCC = 3 V SVS disabled Figure 8-2. LPM3 Supply Current vs Temperature Figure 8-1. LPM3 Supply Current vs Temperature 3 0.5 LPM4.5 Supply Current (µA) LPM3.5 Supply Current (µA) 4 3.5 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Temperature (°C) LPM3.5 12.5-pF crystal on XT1 50 60 70 80 DVCC = 3 V SVS enabled Figure 8-3. LPM3.5 Supply Current vs Temperature -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Temperature (°C) LPM4.5 50 60 70 80 DVCC = 3 V SVS enabled Figure 8-4. LPM4.5 Supply Current vs Temperature Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 19 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 8.10 Current Consumption Per Module MODULE TEST CONDITIONS REFERENCE CLOCK Timer_A TYP UNIT Module input clock 5 µA/MHz eUSCI_A UART mode Module input clock 7 µA/MHz eUSCI_A SPI mode Module input clock 5 µA/MHz eUSCI_B SPI mode Module input clock 5 µA/MHz eUSCI_B I2C Module input clock 5 µA/MHz 32 kHz 85 nA MCLK 8.5 µA/MHz mode, 100 kbaud RTC CRC From start to end of operation 8.11 Thermal Characteristics PARAMETER θJA Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance, still θJC, (TOP) Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance(2) air(1) resistance(3) UNIT 61.7 °C/W 25.4 °C/W 32.7 °C/W 32.4 °C/W θJB Junction-to-board thermal ΨJB Junction-to-board thermal characterization parameter ΨJT Junction-to-top thermal characterization parameter 2.5 °C/W θJA Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance, still air((1) 62.4 °C/W θJC, (TOP) Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance(2) 18.7 °C/W 31.4 °C/W 31.1 °C/W resistance(3) LQFP-64 (PM) VALUE θJB Junction-to-board thermal ΨJB Junction-to-board thermal characterization parameter ΨJT Junction-to-top thermal characterization parameter 0.8 °C/W θJA Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance, still air((1) 68.9 °C/W resistance(2) θJC, (TOP) Junction-to-case (top) thermal θJB Junction-to-board thermal resistance(3) ΨJB ΨJT (1) (2) (3) 20 TSSOP-56 (DGG56) 23 °C/W 35.8 °C/W Junction-to-board thermal characterization parameter 35.3 °C/W Junction-to-top thermal characterization parameter 1.1 °C/W TSSOP-48 (DGG48) The junction-to-ambient thermal resistance under natural convection is obtained in a simulation on a JEDEC-standard, High-K board, as specified in JESD51-7, in an environment described in JESD51-2a. The junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance is obtained by simulating a cold place test on the package top. No specific JEDECstandard test exists, but a close description can be found in the ANSI SEMI standard G30-88. The junction-to-board thermal resistance is obtained by simulating in an environment with a ring cold place fixture to control the PCB temperature, as described in JESD51-8. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 8.12 Timing and Switching Characteristics 8.12.1 Power Supply Sequencing Figure 8-5 shows the power cycle, SVS, and BOR reset conditions. V Power Cycle Reset SVS Reset V SVS+ BOR Reset V SVS– V BOR t BOR t Figure 8-5. Power Cycle, SVS, and BOR Reset Conditions Section lists the characteristics of the SVS and BOR. PMM, SVS and BOR over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VBOR, safe Safe BOR power-down tBOR, safe Safe BOR reset delay(2) ISVSH,AM SVSH current consumption, active mode VCC = 3.6 V ISVSH,LPM SVSH current consumption, low-power modes VCC = 3.6 V level(4) VSVSH- SVSH power-down VSVSH+ SVSH power-up level(4) VSVSH_hys SVSH hysteresis tPD,SVSH, AM SVSH propagation delay, active mode tPD,SVSH, LPM SVSH propagation delay, low-power modes VREF, 1.2V 1.2-V REF voltage(3) (1) (2) (3) (4) MIN level(1) TYP MAX UNIT 0.1 V 10 ms 1.5 240 µA nA 1.71 1.81 1.87 V 1.76 1.88 1.99 V 70 1.158 1.20 mV 10 µs 100 µs 1.242 V A safe BOR can be correctly generated only if DVCC drops below this voltage before it rises. When an BOR occurs, a safe BOR can be correctly generated only if DVCC is kept low longer than this period before it reaches VSVSH+. This is a characterized result with external 1-mA load to ground from –40°C to 85°C. For additional information, see the Dynamic Voltage Scaling Power Solution for MSP430 Devices With Single-Channel LDO reference design. Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 21 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 8.12.2 Reset Timing Section lists the device wake-up times. Wake-up Times From Low-Power Modes and Reset over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VCC tWAKE-UP FRAM Additional wake-up time to activate the FRAM in AM if previously disabled by the FRAM controller or from a LPM if immediate activation is selected for wake-up(1) 3V tWAKE-UP LPM0 Wake-up time from LPM0 to active mode (1) 3V tWAKE-UP LPM3 Wake-up time from LPM3 to active mode (2) 3V tWAKE-UP LPM4 Wake-up time from LPM4 to active mode tWAKE-UP LPM3.5 Wake-up time from LPM3.5 to active mode (2) tWAKE-UP LPM4.5 Wake-up time from LPM4.5 to active mode (2) tWAKE-UP-RESET tRESET (1) (2) 22 MIN TYP MAX 10 UNIT µs 200 ns + 2.5/fDCO 10 µs 3V 10 µs 3V 350 µs SVSHE = 1 3V 350 µs SVSHE = 0 3V 1 ms Wake-up time from RST or BOR event to active mode (2) 3V 1 ms Pulse duration required at RST/NMI pin to accept a reset 3V 2 µs The wake-up time is measured from the edge of an external wake-up signal (for example, port interrupt or wake-up event) to the first externally observable MCLK clock edge. The wake-up time is measured from the edge of an external wake-up signal (for example, port interrupt or wake-up event) until the first instruction of the user program is executed. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 8.12.3 Clock Specifications Section lists the characteristics of XT1. XT1 Crystal Oscillator (Low Frequency) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted)(1) (2) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS fXT1, LF XT1 oscillator crystal, low frequency LFXTBYPASS = 0 DCXT1, LF XT1 oscillator LF duty cycle Measured at MCLK, fLFXT = 32768 Hz fXT1,SW XT1 oscillator logic-level squarewave input frequency LFXTBYPASS = 1(3) (4) DCXT1, SW LFXT oscillator logic-level square-wave input duty cycle LFXTBYPASS = 1 OALFXT Oscillation allowance for LF crystals (5) LFXTBYPASS = 0, LFXTDRIVE = {3}, fLFXT = 32768 Hz, CL,eff = 12.5 pF CL,eff Integrated effective load capacitance (6) See (7) tSTART,LFXT Start-up time (9) fOSC = 32768 Hz, LFXTBYPASS = 0, LFXTDRIVE = {3}, TA = 25°C, CL,eff = 12.5 pF fFault,LFXT Oscillator fault frequency (10) XTS = 0(8) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) VCC MIN TYP MAX UNIT 32768 30% Hz 70% 32768 40% 0 Hz 60% 200 kΩ 1 pF 1000 ms 3500 Hz To improve EMI on the LFXT oscillator, the following guidelines should be observed. • Keep the trace between the device and the crystal as short as possible. • Design a good ground plane around the oscillator pins. • Prevent crosstalk from other clock or data lines into oscillator pins XIN and XOUT. • Avoid running PCB traces underneath or adjacent to the XIN and XOUT pins. • Use assembly materials and processes that avoid any parasitic load on the oscillator XIN and XOUT pins. • If conformal coating is used, make sure that it does not induce capacitive or resistive leakage between the oscillator pins. See MSP430 32-kHz Crystal Oscillators for details on crystal section, layout, and testing. When LFXTBYPASS is set, LFXT circuits are automatically powered down. Input signal is a digital square wave with parametrics defined in the Schmitt-trigger inputs section of this data sheet. Duty cycle requirements are defined by DCLFXT, SW. Maximum frequency of operation of the entire device cannot be exceeded. Oscillation allowance is based on a safety factor of 5 for recommended crystals. The oscillation allowance is a function of the LFXTDRIVE settings and the effective load. In general, comparable oscillator allowance can be achieved based on the following guidelines, but should be evaluated based on the actual crystal selected for the application: • For LFXTDRIVE = {0}, CL,eff = 3.7 pF. • For LFXTDRIVE = {1}, 6 pF ≤ CL,eff ≤ 9 pF. • For LFXTDRIVE = {2}, 6 pF ≤ CL,eff ≤ 10 pF. • For LFXTDRIVE = {3}, 6 pF ≤ CL,eff ≤ 12 pF. (6) Includes parasitic bond and package capacitance (approximately 2 pF per pin). (7) Requires external capacitors at both terminals to meet the effective load capacitance specified by crystal manufacturers. Recommended effective load capacitance values supported are 3.7 pF, 6 pF, 9 pF, and 12.5 pF. Maximum shunt capacitance of 1.6 pF. The PCB adds additional capacitance, so it must also be considered in the overall capacitance. Verify that the recommended effective load capacitance of the selected crystal is met. (8) Measured with logic-level input frequency but also applies to operation with crystals. (9) Includes startup counter of 1024 clock cycles. (10) Frequencies above the MAX specification do not set the fault flag. Frequencies in between the MIN and MAX specification may set the flag. A static condition or stuck at fault condition sets the flag. Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 23 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 DCO FLL, Frequency Over recommended operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER FLL lock frequency, 16 MHz, 25°C fDCO, FLL FLL lock frequency, 16 MHz, –40°C to 85°C Duty cycle Jittercc Cycle-to-cycle jitter, 16 MHz Jitterlong Long-term jitter, 16 MHz tFLL, lock FLL lock time VCC MIN Measured at MCLK, Internal trimmed REFO as reference 3V –1.0% 1.0% 3V –2.0% 2.0% 3V –0.5% 0.5% 3V 40% Measured at MCLK, XT1 crystal as reference FLL lock frequency, 16 MHz, –40°C to 85°C fDUTY TEST CONDITIONS Measured at MCLK, XT1 crystal as reference TYP MAX 50% 3V 0.25% 3V 0.022% 3V 120 UNIT 60% ms Section lists the characteristics of the REFO. REFO Over recommended operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER IREFO TEST CONDITIONS VCC MIN REFO oscillator current consumption TA = 25°C REFO calibrated frequency Measured at MCLK 3V REFO absolute calibrated tolerance TA = –40°C to 85°C 1.8 V to 3.6 V REFO frequency temperature drift Measured at MCLK(1) 3V dfREFO/ dVCC REFO frequency supply voltage drift Measured at MCLK at 25°C(2) 1.8 V to 3.6 V fDC REFO duty cycle Measured at MCLK 1.8 V to 3.6 V tSTART REFO startup time 40% to 60% duty cycle fREFO dfREFO/dT (1) (2) TYP 3V MAX UNIT 15 µA 32768 –3.5% 40% Hz +3.5% 0.01 %/°C 1 %/V 50% 60% 50 µs Calculated using the box method: (MAX(–40°C to 85°C) – MIN(–40°C to 85°C)) / MIN(–40°C to 85°C) / (85°C – (–40°C)) Calculated using the box method: (MAX(1.8 V to 3.6 V) – MIN(1.8 V to 3.6 V)) / MIN(1.8 V to 3.6 V) / (3.6 V – 1.8 V) Section lists the characteristics of the VLO. Internal Very-Low-Power Low-Frequency Oscillator (VLO) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VCC MIN TYP MAX UNIT fVLO VLO frequency Measured at MCLK 3V 10 kHz dfVLO/dT VLO frequency temperature drift Measured at MCLK(1) 3V 0.5 %/°C dfVLO/dVCC VLO frequency supply voltage drift Measured at MCLK(2) 1.8 V to 3.6 V 4 %/V fVLO,DC Measured at MCLK (1) (2) Duty cycle 3V 50% Calculated using the box method: (MAX(–40°C to 85°C) – MIN(–40°C to 85°C)) / MIN(–40°C to 85°C) / (85°C – (–40°C)) Calculated using the box method: (MAX(1.8 V to 3.6 V) – MIN(1.8 V to 3.6 V)) / MIN(1.8 V to 3.6 V) / (3.6 V – 1.8 V) Note The VLO clock frequency is reduced by 15% (typical) when the device switches from active mode to LPM3 or LPM4, because the reference changes. This lower frequency is not a violation of the VLO specifications (see Section 24 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Section lists the characteristics of the MODCLK. Module Oscillator Clock (MODCLK) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER fMODCLK MODCLK frequency fMODCLK/dT MODCLK frequency temperature drift fMODCLK/dVCC MODCLK frequency supply voltage drift fMODCLK,DC Duty cycle VCC MIN TYP MAX UNIT 3V 3.8 4.8 5.8 MHz 3V 0.102 %/℃ 1.8 V to 3.6 V 1.02 %/V 3V Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 40% 50% 60% Submit Document Feedback 25 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 8.12.4 Digital I/Os Section lists the characteristics of the digital inputs. Digital Inputs over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VCC MIN 2V 0.90 TYP MAX 1.50 3V 1.35 2.25 2V 0.50 1.10 3V 0.75 1.65 2V 0.3 0.8 3V 0.4 1.2 UNIT VIT+ Positive-going input threshold voltage VIT– Negative-going input threshold voltage Vhys Input voltage hysteresis (VIT+ – VIT–) RPull Pullup or pulldown resistor For pullup: VIN = VSS For pulldown: VIN = VCC CI,dig Input capacitance, digital only port pins VIN = VSS or VCC 3 pF CI,ana Input capacitance, port pins with shared analog VIN = VSS or VCC functions 5 pF Ilkg(Px.y) High-impedance leakage current (also see (1) and (2)) 2 V, 3 V –20 t(int) Ports with interrupt capability External interrupt timing (external trigger pulse (see block diagram duration to set interrupt flag)(3) and terminal function descriptions) 2 V, 3 V 50 (1) (2) (3) 20 35 50 +20 V V V kΩ nA ns The leakage current is measured with VSS or VCC applied to the corresponding pins, unless otherwise noted. The leakage of the digital port pins is measured individually. The port pin is selected for input and the pullup or pulldown resistor is disabled. An external signal sets the interrupt flag every time the minimum interrupt pulse duration t(int) is met. It may be set by trigger signals shorter than t(int). Section lists the characteristics of the digital outputs. Digital Outputs over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER VCC MIN I(OHmax) = –3 mA(1) TEST CONDITIONS 2V 1.4 2.0 I(OHmax) = –5 mA(1) 3V 2.4 3.0 I(OLmax) = 3 mA(1) 2V 0.0 0.60 mA(1) 3V 0.0 0.60 2V 16 3V 16 VOH High-level output voltage VOL Low-level output voltage fPort_CLK Clock output frequency CL = 20 pF(2) trise,dig Port output rise time, digital only port pins CL = 20 pF tfall,dig Port output fall time, digital only port pins CL = 20 pF (1) (2) 26 I(OHmax) = 5 TYP MAX UNIT V V MHz 2V 10 3V 7 2V 10 3V 5 ns ns The maximum total current, I(OHmax) and I(OLmax), for all outputs combined should not exceed ±48 mA to hold the maximum voltage drop specified. The port can output frequencies at least up to the specified limit and might support higher frequencies. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Digital I/O Typical Characteristics 10 Low-Level Output Current (mA) Low-Level Output Current (mA) 25 T A = 85°C 20 T A = 25°C 15 10 5 0 T A = 85°C T A = 25°C 7.5 5 2.5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Low-Level Output Voltage (V) 2.5 3 0 DVCC = 3 V 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 Low-Level Output Voltage (V) 1.75 2 DVCC = 2 V Figure 8-6. Typical Low-Level Output Current vs Low-Level Output Voltage Figure 8-7. Typical Low-Level Output Current vs Low-Level Output Voltage 0 0 High-Level Output Current (mA) High-Level Output Current (mA) 0.25 T A = 85°C -5 T A = 25°C -10 -15 -20 -25 T A = 85°C T A = 25°C -2.5 -5 -7.5 -10 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 High-Level Output Voltage (V) 2.5 3 DVCC = 3 V 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 High-Level Output Voltage (V) 1.75 2 DVCC = 2 V Figure 8-8. Typical High-Level Output Current vs High-Level Output Voltage Figure 8-9. Typical High-Level Output Current vs High-Level Output Voltage 8.12.5 Timer_A Section lists the operating frequency of Timer_A. Timer_A over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER fTA Timer_A input clock frequency tTA,cap Timer_A capture timing TEST CONDITIONS VCC Internal: SMCLK, ACLK External: TACLK Duty cycle = 50% ±10% 2 V, 3 V All capture inputs, minimum pulse duration required for capture 2 V, 3 V Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MIN 20 MAX UNIT 16 MHz ns Submit Document Feedback 27 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 8.12.6 eUSCI Section lists the operating conditions of the eUSCI in UART mode. eUSCI (UART Mode) Operating Frequency over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VCC Internal: SMCLK, MODCLK External: UCLK Duty cycle = 50% ±10% feUSCI eUSCI input clock frequency fBITCLK BITCLK clock frequency (equals baud rate in Mbaud) MIN MAX UNIT 2 V, 3 V 16 MHz 2 V, 3 V 5 MHz Section lists the switching characteristics of the eUSCI in UART mode. eUSCI (UART Mode) Switching Characteristics over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VCC TYP UNIT UCGLITx = 0 UCGLITx = 1 UART receive deglitch time (1) tt 12 40 2 V, 3 V UCGLITx = 2 UCGLITx = 3 (1) ns 68 110 Pulses on the UART receive input (UCxRX) shorter than the UART receive deglitch time are suppressed. To ensure that pulses are correctly recognized their width should exceed the maximum specification of the deglitch time. Section lists the operating conditions of the eUSCI in SPI master mode. eUSCI (SPI Master Mode) Operating Frequency over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER feUSCI eUSCI input clock frequency TEST CONDITIONS MIN Internal: SMCLK, MODCLK Duty cycle = 50% ±10% MAX UNIT 8 MHz Section lists the switching characteristics of the eUSCI in SPI master mode. eUSCI (SPI Master Mode) Switching Characteristics over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted)(1) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VCC MIN MAX UNIT tSTE,LEAD STE lead time, STE active to clock UCSTEM = 1, UCMODEx = 01 or 10 1 UCxCLK cycles tSTE,LAG STE lag time, Last clock to STE inactive UCSTEM = 1, UCMODEx = 01 or 10 1 UCxCLK cycles tSU,MI SOMI input data setup time tHD,MI SOMI input data hold time tVALID,MO SIMO output data valid time(2) UCLK edge to SIMO valid, CL = 20 pF tHD,MO SIMO output data hold time(3) CL = 20 pF (1) (2) 28 2V 45 3V 35 2V 0 3V 0 ns ns 2V 20 3V 20 2V 0 3V 0 ns ns fUCxCLK = 1/2tLO/HI with tLO/HI = max(tVALID,MO(eUSCI) + tSU,SI(Slave), tSU,MI(eUSCI) + tVALID,SO(Slave)) For the slave parameters tSU,SI(Slave) and tVALID,SO(Slave) see the SPI parameters of the attached slave. Specifies the time to drive the next valid data to the SIMO output after the output changing UCLK clock edge. See the timing diagrams in Figure 8-10 and Figure 8-11. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com (3) SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Specifies how long data on the SIMO output is valid after the output changing UCLK clock edge. Negative values indicate that the data on the SIMO output can become invalid before the output changing clock edge observed on UCLK. See the timing diagrams in Figure 8-10 and Figure 8-11. 1/fUCxCLK CKPL = 0 UCLK CKPL = 1 tLOW/HIGH tLOW/HIGH tSU,MI tHD,MI SOMI tVALID,MO SIMO Figure 8-10. SPI Master Mode, CKPH = 0 1/fUCxCLK CKPL = 0 UCLK CKPL = 1 tLOW/HIGH tLOW/HIGH tSU,MI tHD,MI SOMI tVALID,MO SIMO Figure 8-11. SPI Master Mode, CKPH = 1 Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 29 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Section lists the switching characteristics of the eUSCI in SPI slave mode. eUSCI (SPI Slave Mode) Switching Characteristics over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted)(1) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS tSTE,LEAD STE lead time, STE active to clock tSTE,LAG STE lag time, Last clock to STE inactive tSTE,ACC STE access time, STE active to SOMI data out tSTE,DIS STE disable time, STE inactive to SOMI high impedance tSU,SI SIMO input data setup time tHD,SI SIMO input data hold time tVALID,SO SOMI output data valid time(2) UCLK edge to SOMI valid, CL = 20 pF tHD,SO SOMI output data hold time (3) CL = 20 pF (1) (2) (3) 30 VCC MIN 2V 55 3V 45 2V 20 3V 20 MAX ns ns 2V 65 3V 40 2V 40 3V 35 2V 4 3V 4 2V 12 3V 12 65 40 5 5 ns ns 3V 3V ns ns 2V 2V UNIT ns ns fUCxCLK = 1/2tLO/HI with tLO/HI ≥ max(tVALID,MO(Master) + tSU,SI(eUSCI), tSU,MI(Master) + tVALID,SO(eUSCI)) For the master parameters tSU,MI(Master) and tVALID,MO(Master), see the SPI parameters of the attached master. Specifies the time to drive the next valid data to the SOMI output after the output changing UCLK clock edge. See the timing diagrams in Figure 8-12 and Figure 8-13. Specifies how long data on the SOMI output is valid after the output changing UCLK clock edge. See the timing diagrams in Figure 8-12 and Figure 8-13. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 UCMODEx = 01 tSTE,LEAD STE tSTE,LAG UCMODEx = 10 1/fUCxCLK CKPL = 0 UCLK CKPL = 1 tSU,SIMO tLOW/HIGH tLOW/HIGH tHD,SIMO SIMO tVALID,SOMI tACC tDIS SOMI Figure 8-12. SPI Slave Mode, CKPH = 0 tSTE,LAG tSTE,LEAD STE 1/fUCxCLK CKPL = 0 UCLK CKPL = 1 tLOW/HIGH tLOW/HIGH tHD,SI tSU,SI SIMO tACC tVALID,SO tDIS SOMI Figure 8-13. SPI Slave Mode, CKPH = 1 Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 31 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Section lists the switching characteristics of the eUSCI in I2C mode. eUSCI (I2C Mode) Switching Characteristics over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) (see Figure 8-14) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VCC MIN TYP Internal: SMCLK, MODCLK External: UCLK Duty cycle = 50% ±10% MAX UNIT 16 MHz 400 kHz feUSCI eUSCI input clock frequency fSCL SCL clock frequency tHD,STA Hold time (repeated) START tSU,STA Setup time for a repeated START tHD,DAT Data hold time 2 V, 3 V 0 ns tSU,DAT Data setup time 2 V, 3 V 250 ns tSU,STO Setup time for STOP 2 V, 3 V fSCL = 100 kHz fSCL > 100 kHz fSCL = 100 kHz fSCL > 100 kHz fSCL = 100 kHz fSCL > 100 kHz Pulse duration of spikes suppressed by input filter tSP 0 4.0 2 V, 3 V 4.7 2 V, 3 V 4.0 2 V, 3 V µs 0.6 UCGLITx = 0 50 600 UCGLITx = 1 25 300 12.5 150 6.3 75 UCGLITx = 2 2 V, 3 V UCCLTOx = 1 Clock low time-out µs 0.6 UCGLITx = 3 tTIMEOUT µs 0.6 UCCLTOx = 2 27 2 V, 3 V 30 UCCLTOx = 3 tSU,STA tHD,STA ns ms 33 tHD,STA tBUF SDA tLOW tHIGH tSP SCL tSU,DAT tSU,STO tHD,DAT Figure 8-14. I2C Mode Timing 32 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 8.12.7 ADC Section lists the power supply and input conditions of the ADC. ADC, Power Supply and Input Range Conditions over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS DVCC ADC supply voltage V(Ax) Analog input voltage range IADC Operating supply current into DVCC terminal, reference current not included, repeatsingle-channel mode fADCCLK = 5 MHz, ADCON = 1, REFON = 0, SHT0 = 0, SHT1 = 0, ADCDIV = 0, ADCCONSEQx = 10b CI Input capacitance Only one terminal Ax can be selected at one time from the pad to the ADC capacitor array, including wiring and pad RI,MUX Input MUX ON resistance DVCC = 2 V, 0 V ≤ VAx ≤ DVCC RI,Misc Input miscellaneous resistance VCC MIN TYP 2.0 All ADC pins 0 2V 185 3V 207 2.2 V 1.6 MAX UNIT 3.6 V DVCC V µA 2.0 pF 2 kΩ 34 kΩ Section lists the timing parameters of the ADC. ADC, 10-Bit Timing Parameters over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER VCC MIN TYP MAX UNIT For specified performance of ADC linearity parameters TEST CONDITIONS 2 V to 3.6 V 0.45 5 5.5 MHz Internal ADC oscillator (MODCLK) ADCDIV = 0, fADCCLK = fADCOSC 2 V to 3.6 V 4.5 5.0 5.5 MHz 2 V to 3.6 V 2.18 Conversion time REFON = 0, Internal oscillator, 10 ADCCLK cycles, 10-bit mode, fADCOSC = 4.5 MHz to 5.5 MHz External fADCCLK from ACLK, MCLK, or SMCLK, ADCSSEL ≠ 0 2 V to 3.6 V fADCCLK fADCOSC tCONVERT tADCON Turn-on settling time of the ADC The error in a conversion started after tADCON is less than ±0.5 LSB, Reference and input signal already settled tSample Sampling time RS = 1000 Ω, RI (2) = 36000 Ω, CI = 3.5 pF, Approximately 8 Tau (t) are required for an error of less than ±0.5 LSB(3) (1) (2) (3) 2.67 µs (1) 100 2V 1.5 3V 2.0 ns µs 12 × 1/fADCCLK RI = RI,MUX + RI,Misc tSample = ln(2n+1) × τ, where n = ADC resolution, τ = (RI + RS) × CI Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 33 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Section lists the linearity parameters of the ADC. ADC, 10-Bit Linearity Parameters over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS Integral linearity error (10-bit mode) EI VDVCC as reference Integral linearity error (8-bit mode) Differential linearity error (10-bit mode) ED VDVCC as reference Differential linearity error (8-bit mode) Offset error (10-bit mode) EO VDVCC as reference Offset error (8-bit mode) Gain error (10-bit mode) EG Gain error (8-bit mode) Total unadjusted error (10-bit mode) ET Total unadjusted error (8-bit mode) VSENSOR TCSENSOR tSENSOR (sample) (1) (2) (3) 34 See (1) See (2) Sample time required if channel 12 is selected(3) VDVCC as reference Internal 1.5-V reference VDVCC as reference Internal 1.5-V reference VDVCC as reference Internal 1.5-V reference VDVCC as reference Internal 1.5-V reference VCC MIN TYP MAX 2.4 V to 3.6 V –2 2 2 V to 3.6 V –2 2 2.4 V to 3.6 V –1 1 2 V to 3.6 V –1 1 2.4 V to 3.6 V –6.5 6.5 2 V to 3.6 V –6.5 6.5 –2.0 2.0 –3.0% 3.0% –2.0 2.0 –3.0% 3.0% –2.0 2.0 –3.0% 3.0% –2.0 2.0 2.4 V to 3.6 V 2 V to 3.6 V 2.4 V to 3.6 V 2 V to 3.6 V UNIT LSB LSB mV –3.0% LSB LSB LSB LSB 3.0% ADCON = 1, INCH = 0Ch, TA = 0°C 3V 1.013 mV ADCON = 1, INCH = 0Ch 3V 3.35 mV/°C ADCON = 1, INCH = 0Ch, Error of conversion result ≤ 1 LSB, AM and all LPM above LPM3 3V ADCON = 1, INCH = 0Ch, Error of conversion result ≤ 1 LSB, LPM3 3V 30 µs 100 The temperature sensor offset can vary significantly. TI recommends a single-point calibration to minimize the offset error of the built-in temperature sensor. The device descriptor structure contains calibration values for 30°C and 85°C for each of the available reference voltage levels. The sensor voltage can be computed as VSENSE = TCSENSOR × (Temperature, °C) + VSENSOR, where TCSENSOR and VSENSOR can be computed from the calibration values for higher accuracy. The typical equivalent impedance of the sensor is 700 kΩ. The sample time required includes the sensor-on time tSENSOR(on). Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 8.12.8 LCD Controller Section lists the operating conditions of the LCD controller. LCD Recommended Operating Conditions over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN NOM MAX UNIT VCC,LCD,CP en,3.6 Supply voltage range, charge pump enabled, VLCD ≤ 3.6 V LCDCPEN = 1, 0000 < VLCDx ≤ 1111, LCDREFEN = 1 (charge pump enabled, VLCD ≤ 3.6 V) VCC,LCD,ext. bias Supply voltage range, external biasing, charge pump enabled LCDCPEN = 1, LCDREFEN = 0 1.8 3.6 V VCC,LCD,VLCDEXT Supply voltage range, external LCD voltage, external biasing, charge pump disabled LCDCPEN = 0, LCDSELVDD = 0 1.8 3.6 V VR33 External LCD voltage at LCDCAP/ R33, external biasing, charge LCDCPEN = 0, LCDSELVDD = 0 pump disabled 2.4 3.6 V 1.8 3.6 V CLCDCAP 0.1 µF CR33 0.1 µF CR23 0.1 µF 0.1 µF CR13 fLCD = 2 × mux × fFRAME with mux = 1 (static), 2, 3, 4 fFrame LCD frame frequency range fACLK,in ACLK input frequency range CPanel Panel capacitance 32-Hz frame frequency VR33 Analog input voltage at R33 LCDCPEN = 0, LCDSELVDD = 0, LCDREFEN = 0 VR23,1/3bias Analog input voltage at R23 LCDCPEN = 0, LCDSELVDD = 0, LCDREFEN = 0 VR13,1/3bias Analog input voltage at R13 with 1/3 biasing VLCDREF/R13 External LCD reference voltage applied at LCDREF/R13 LCDCPEN = 1, LCDSELVDD = 0, LCDREFEN = 0 Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 16 32 30 32 64 Hz 40 kHz 8000 pF 2.4 3.6 V 1.2 2.4 V 0.0 1.2 V 1.2 V 0.8 1.0 Submit Document Feedback 35 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 8.12.9 FRAM Section lists the characteristics of the FRAM. FRAM over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN tRetention Data retention duration MAX 1015 Read and write endurance TJ = 25°C 100 TJ = 70°C 40 TJ = 85°C 10 UNIT cycles years 8.12.10 Emulation and Debug Section lists the characteristics of the JTAG and SBW interface. JTAG and Spy-Bi-Wire Interface over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER VCC MIN TYP MAX UNIT fSBW Spy-Bi-Wire input frequency 2 V, 3 V 0 10 MHz tSBW,Low Spy-Bi-Wire low clock pulse duration 2 V, 3 V 0.028 15 µs 110 µs 15 100 µs 2V 0 16 MHz 3V 0 16 MHz 2 V, 3 V 20 50 kΩ tSBW, En Spy-Bi-Wire enable time (TEST high to acceptance of first clock edge) tSBW,Rst Spy-Bi-Wire return to normal operation time fTCK TCK input frequency, 4-wire JTAG (2) Rinternal Internal pulldown resistance on TEST (1) (2) 36 (1) 2 V, 3 V 35 Tools that access the Spy-Bi-Wire interface must wait for the tSBW,En time after pulling the TEST/SBWTCK pin high before applying the first SBWTCK clock edge. fTCK may be restricted to meet the timing requirements of the module selected. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 9 Detailed Description 9.1 CPU The MSP430 CPU has a 16-bit RISC architecture that is highly transparent to the application. All operations, other than program-flow instructions, are performed as register operations in conjunction with seven addressing modes for source operand and four addressing modes for destination operand. The CPU is integrated with 16 registers that provide reduced instruction execution time. The register-to-register operation execution time is one cycle of the CPU clock. Four of the registers, R0 to R3, are dedicated as program counter (PC), stack pointer (SP), status register (SR), and constant generator (CG), respectively. The remaining registers are general-purpose registers. Peripherals are connected to the CPU using data, address, and control buses, and can be handled with all instructions. 9.2 Operating Modes The devices have one active mode and several software-selectable low-power modes of operation. An interrupt event can wake up the device from low-power mode LPM0 or LPM3, service the request, and restore back to the low-power mode on return from the interrupt program. Low-power modes LPM3.5 and LPM4.5 disable the core supply to minimize power consumption. Table 9-1. Operating Modes MODE Maximum System Clock AM LPM0 LPM3 LPM4 LPM3.5 LPM4.5 ACTIVE MODE CPU OFF STANDBY OFF ONLY RTC COUNTER AND LCD SHUTDOWN 16 MHz 16 MHz 40 kHz 0 40 kHz 0 0.77 µA with RTC only 13 nA without SVS 126 µA/MHz 20 µA/MHz 1.2 µA 0.6 µA without SVS Wake-up time N/A Instant 10 µs 10 µs 150 µs 150 µs Wake-up events N/A All All I/O RTC Counter I/O I/O Regulator Full Regulation Full Regulation SVS On On Optional Optional Optional Optional Brown Out On On On On On On Power Consumption at 25°C, 3 V Power Clock Core Partial Power Partial Power Partial Power Down Down Down Power Down MCLK Active Off Off Off Off Off SMCLK Optional Optional Off Off Off Off FLL Optional Optional Off Off Off Off DCO Optional Optional Off Off Off Off MODCLK Optional Optional Off Off Off Off REFO Optional Optional Optional Off Off Off ACLK Optional Optional Optional Off Off Off XT1CLK Optional Optional Optional Off Optional Off VLOCLK Optional Optional Optional Off Optional Off CPU On Off Off Off Off Off FRAM On On Off Off Off Off RAM On On On On Off Off Backup Memory(1) On On On On On Off Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 37 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Table 9-1. Operating Modes (continued) AM I/O (1) LPM3 LPM4 LPM3.5 LPM4.5 SHUTDOWN ACTIVE MODE CPU OFF STANDBY OFF ONLY RTC COUNTER AND LCD Timer0_A3 Optional Optional Optional Off Off Off Timer1_A3 Optional Optional Optional Off Off Off MODE Peripherals LPM0 WDT Optional Optional Optional Off Off Off eUSCI_A0 Optional Optional Off Off Off Off eUSCI_B0 Optional Optional Off Off Off Off CRC Optional Optional Off Off Off Off ADC Optional Optional Optional Off Off Off LCD Optional Optional Optional Off Optional Off RTC Counter Optional Optional Optional Off Optional Off General Digital Input/ Output On Optional State Held State Held State Held State Held Capacitive Touch I/O Optional Optional Optional Off Off Off Backup memory contains one 32-byte register in the peripheral memory space. See Table 9-29 and Table 9-48 for its memory allocation. 9.3 Interrupt Vector Addresses The interrupt vectors and the power-up start address are located in the address range 0FFFFh to 0FF80h. The vector contains the 16-bit address of the appropriate interrupt-handler instruction sequence. Table 9-2. Interrupt Sources, Flags, and Vectors 38 SYSTEM INTERRUPT WORD ADDRESS PRIORITY Reset FFFEh 63, Highest Nonmaskable FFFCh 62 NMIIFG OFIFG Nonmaskable FFFAh 61 Timer0_A3 TA0CCR0 CCIFG0 Maskable FFF8h 60 Timer0_A3 TA0CCR1 CCIFG1, TA0CCR2 CCIFG2, TA0IFG (TA0IV) Maskable FFF6h 59 Timer1_A3 TA1CCR0 CCIFG0 Maskable FFF4h 58 Timer1_A3 TA1CCR1 CCIFG1, TA1CCR2 CCIFG2, TA1IFG (TA1IV) Maskable FFF2h 57 INTERRUPT SOURCE INTERRUPT FLAG System Reset Power-up, Brownout, Supply Supervisor External Reset RST Watchdog Time-out, Key Violation FRAM uncorrectable bit error detection Software POR, FLL unlock error SVSHIFG PMMRSTIFG WDTIFG PMMPORIFG, PMMBORIFG SYSRSTIV FLLUNLOCKIFG System NMI Vacant Memory Access JTAG Mailbox FRAM bit error detection VMAIFG JMBINIFG, JMBOUTIFG CBDIFG, UBDIFG User NMI External NMI Oscillator Fault RTC Counter RTCIFG Maskable FFF0h 56 Watchdog Timer Interval mode WDTIFG Maskable FFEEh 55 eUSCI_A0 Receive or Transmit UCTXCPTIFG, UCSTTIFG, UCRXIFG, UCTXIFG (UART mode) UCRXIFG, UCTXIFG (SPI mode) (UCA0IV)) Maskable FFECh 54 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Table 9-2. Interrupt Sources, Flags, and Vectors (continued) INTERRUPT SOURCE INTERRUPT FLAG SYSTEM INTERRUPT WORD ADDRESS PRIORITY eUSCI_B0 Receive or Transmit UCB0RXIFG, UCB0TXIFG (SPI mode) UCALIFG, UCNACKIFG, UCSTTIFG, UCSTPIFG, UCRXIFG0, UCTXIFG0, UCRXIFG1, UCTXIFG1, UCRXIFG2, UCTXIFG2, UCRXIFG3, UCTXIFG3, UCCNTIFG, UCBIT9IFG (I2C mode) (UCB0IV) Maskable FFEAh 53 ADC ADCIFG0, ADCINIFG, ADCLOIFG, ADCHIIFG, ADCTOVIFG, ADCOVIFG (ADCIV) Maskable FFE8h 52 P1 P1IFG.0 to P1IFG.7 (P1IV) Maskable FFE6h 51 P2 P2IFG.0 to P2IFG.7 (P2IV) Maskable FFE4h 50 LCD LCDBLKOFFIFG, LCDBLKONIFG, LCDFRMIFG (LCDEIV) Maskable FFE2h 49, Lowest Reserved Maskable FFE0h to FF88h Reserved Signatures BSL Signature 2 0FF86h BSL Signature 1 0FF84h JTAG Signature 2 0FF82h JTAG Signature 1 0FF80h 9.4 Bootloader (BSL) The BSL lets users program the FRAM or RAM using a UART serial interface. Access to the device memory through the BSL is protected by an user-defined password. Use of the BSL requires four pins as shown in Table 9-3. BSL entry requires a specific entry sequence on the RST/NMI/SBWTDIO and TEST/SBWTCK pins. For a complete description of the features of the BSL and its implementation, see the MSP430 FRAM Devices Bootloader (BSL) User's Guide. Table 9-3. BSL Pin Requirements and Functions DEVICE SIGNAL BSL FUNCTION RST/NMI/SBWTDIO Entry sequence signal TEST/SBWTCK Entry sequence signal P1.0 Data transmit P1.1 Data receive VCC Power supply VSS Ground supply 9.5 JTAG Standard Interface The MSP430 family supports the standard JTAG interface which requires four signals for sending and receiving data. The JTAG signals are shared with general-purpose I/O. The TEST/SBWTCK pin is used to enable the JTAG signals. In addition to these signals, the RST/NMI/SBWTDIO is required to interface with MSP430 development tools and device programmers. The JTAG pin requirements are shown in Table 9-4. For further details on interfacing to development tools and device programmers, see the MSP430 Hardware Tools User's Guide. For a complete description of the features of the JTAG interface and its implementation, see MSP430 Programming With the JTAG Interface. Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 39 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Table 9-4. JTAG Pin Requirements and Function DEVICE SIGNAL DIRECTION JTAG FUNCTION P1.4/MCLK/TCK/A4/VREF+ IN JTAG clock input P1.5/TA0CLK/TMS/A5 IN JTAG state control P1.6/TA0.2/TDI/TCLK/A6 IN JTAG data input/TCLK input P1.7/TA0.1/TDO/A7 OUT JTAG data output TEST/SBWTCK IN Enable JTAG pins RST/NMI/SBWTDIO IN External reset VCC Power supply VSS Ground supply 9.6 Spy-Bi-Wire Interface (SBW) The MSP430 family supports the 2-wire Spy-Bi-Wire interface. Spy-Bi-Wire can be used to interface with MSP430 development tools and device programmers. Table 9-5 shows the Spy-Bi-Wire interface pin requirements. For further details on interfacing to development tools and device programmers, see the MSP430 Hardware Tools User's Guide. Table 9-5. Spy-Bi-Wire Pin Requirements and Functions DEVICE SIGNAL DIRECTION SBW FUNCTION TEST/SBWTCK IN Spy-Bi-Wire clock input RST/NMI/SBWTDIO IN, OUT Spy-Bi-Wire data input/output VCC Power supply VSS Ground supply 9.7 FRAM The FRAM can be programmed using the JTAG port, Spy-Bi-Wire (SBW), the BSL, or in-system by the CPU. Features of the FRAM include: • • • Byte and word access capability Programmable wait state generation Error correction code (ECC) generation 9.8 Memory Protection The device features memory protection that can restrict user access and enable write protection: • • Securing the whole memory map to prevent unauthorized access from JTAG port or BSL, by writing JTAG and BSL signatures using the JTAG port, SBW, the BSL, or in-system by the CPU. Write protection enabled to prevent unwanted write operation to FRAM contents by setting the control bits in System Configuration register 0. For more detailed information, see the SYS chapter in the MSP430FR4xx and MSP430FR2xx Family User's Guide. Note The FRAM is protected by default on PUC. To write to FRAM during code execution, the application must first clear the corresponding PFWP or DFWP bit in System Configuration Register 0 to unprotect the FRAM. 40 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 9.9 Peripherals Peripherals are connected to the CPU through data, address, and control buses. All peripherals can be handled by using all instructions in the memory map. For complete module description, see the MSP430FR4xx and MSP430FR2xx Family User's Guide. 9.9.1 Power Management Module (PMM) and On-Chip Reference Voltages The PMM includes an integrated voltage regulator that supplies the core voltage to the device. The PMM also includes supply voltage supervisor (SVS) and brownout protection. The brownout reset circuit (BOR) is implemented to provide the proper internal reset signal to the device during power on and power off. The SVS circuitry detects if the supply voltage drops below a user-selectable safe level. SVS circuitry is available on the primary supply. The device contains two on-chip reference: 1.5 V for internal reference and 1.2 V for external reference. The 1.5-V reference is internally connected to ADC channel 13. DVCC is internally connected to ADC channel 15. When DVCC is set as the reference voltage for ADC conversion, the DVCC can be easily represent as Equation 1 by using ADC sampling 1.5-V reference without any external components support. DVCC = (1023 × 1.5 V) ÷ 1.5-V reference ADC result (1) A 1.2-V reference voltage can be buffered and output to P1.4/MCLK/TCK/A4/VREF+, when the ADC channel 4 is selected as the function. For more detailed information, see the MSP430FR4xx and MSP430FR2xx Family User's Guide. 9.9.2 Clock System (CS) and Clock Distribution The clock system includes a 32-kHz crystal oscillator (XT1), an internal very low-power low-frequency oscillator (VLO), an integrated 32-kHz RC oscillator (REFO), an integrated internal digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) that may use frequency-locked loop (FLL) locking with internal or external 32-kHz reference clock, and on-chip asynchronous high-speed clock (MODCLK). The clock system is designed to target cost-effective designs with minimal external components. A fail-safe mechanism is designed for XT1. The clock system module offers the following clock signals. • • • Main Clock (MCLK): the system clock used by the CPU and all relevant peripherals accessed by the bus. All clock sources except MODCLK can be selected as the source with a predivider of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128. Sub-Main Clock (SMCLK): the subsystem clock used by the peripheral modules. SMCLK derives from the MCLK with a predivider of 1, 2, 4, or 8. This means SMCLK is always equal to or less than MCLK. Auxiliary Clock (ACLK): this clock is derived from the external XT1 clock or internal REFO clock up to 40 kHz. All peripherals may have one or several clock sources depending on specific functionality. Table 9-6 shows the clock distribution used in this device. Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 41 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Table 9-6. Clock Distribution CLOCK SOURCE SELECT BITS Frequency Range MCLK SMCLK DC to 16 MHz DC to 16 MHz ACLK XT1CLK(1) MODCLK VLOCLK EXTERNAL PIN DC to 40 kHz 5 MHz ±10% DC to 40 kHz 10 kHz ±50% CPU N/A Default FRAM N/A Default RAM N/A Default CRC N/A Default I/O N/A Default TA0 TASSEL 10b 01b 00b (TA0CLK pin) TA1 TASSEL 10b 01b 00b (TA1CLK pin) eUSCI_A0 UCSSELx 10b or 11b 01b 00b (UCA0CLK pin) eUSCI_B0 UCSSELx 10b or 11b 01b 00b (UCB0CLK pin) WDT WDTSSEL 00b 01b ADC ADCSSEL 10b or 11b 01b LCD LCDSSEL RTC RTCSS (1) 10b 00b 01b 01b 00b 10b 10b 11b To enable XT1 functionality, configure P4SEL0.1 (XIN) and P4SEL0.2 (XOUT) before configuring the Clock System registers. CPU FRAM SRAM CRC I/O Timer_A 0 Timer_A 1 eUSCI_ A0 eUSCI_ B0 WDT 10 01 LCD_E 00 01 10/11 00 ADC10 11 10 01 RTC 10 01 00 01 10/11 00 01 10/11 00 10 01 00 10 01 Clock System (CS) 00 MCLK SMCLK ACLK VLOCLK MODCLK UB0CLK UA0CLK TA0CLK TA1CLK XT1CLK Figure 9-1. Clock Distribution Block Diagram 9.9.3 General-Purpose Input/Output Port (I/O) Up to 60 I/O ports are implemented. • P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, and P7 are full 8-bit ports; P8 has 4 bits implemented. • All individual I/O bits are independently programmable. • Any combination of input, output, and interrupt conditions is possible. • Programmable pullup or pulldown on all ports. • Edge-selectable interrupt and LPM3.5 and LPM4.5 wake-up input capability is available for P1 and P2. • Read and write access to port-control registers is supported by all instructions. • Ports can be accessed byte-wise or word-wise in pairs. 42 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com • SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Capacitive Touch IO functionality is supported on all pins. Note Configuration of digital I/Os after BOR reset To prevent any cross currents during start-up of the device, all port pins are high-impedance with Schmitt triggers and module functions disabled. To enable the I/O functions after a BOR reset, the ports must be configured first and then the LOCKLPM5 bit must be cleared. For details, see the Configuration After Reset section in the Digital I/O chapter of the MSP430FR4xx and MSP430FR2xx Family User's Guide. 9.9.4 Watchdog Timer (WDT) The primary function of the WDT module is to perform a controlled system restart after a software problem occurs. If the selected time interval expires, a system reset is generated. If the watchdog function is not needed in an application, the module can be configured as interval timer and can generate interrupts at selected time intervals. Table 9-7. WDT Clocks WDTSSEL NORMAL OPERATION (WATCHDOG AND INTERVAL TIMER MODE) 00 SMCLK 01 ACLK 10 VLOCLK 11 VLOCLK 9.9.5 System Module (SYS) The SYS module handles many of the system functions within the device. These include Power-On Reset (POR) and Power-Up Clear (PUC) handling, NMI source selection and management, reset interrupt vector generators, bootloader entry mechanisms, and configuration management (device descriptors). SYS also includes a data exchange mechanism through SBW called a JTAG mailbox mail box that can be used in the application. Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 43 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Table 9-8. System Module Interrupt Vector Registers INTERRUPT VECTOR REGISTER ADDRESS SYSRSTIV, System Reset 015Eh SYSSNIV, System NMI 015Ch SYSUNIV, User NMI 015Ah INTERRUPT EVENT VALUE No interrupt pending 00h Brownout (BOR) 02h RSTIFG RST/NMI (BOR) 04h PMMSWBOR software BOR (BOR) 06h LPMx.5 wakeup (BOR) 08h Security violation (BOR) 0Ah Reserved 0Ch SVSHIFG SVSH event (BOR) 0Eh Reserved 10h Reserved 12h PMMSWPOR software POR (POR) 14h WDTIFG watchdog time-out (PUC) 16h WDTPW password violation (PUC) 18h FRCTLPW password violation (PUC) 1Ah Uncorrectable FRAM bit error detection 1Ch Peripheral area fetch (PUC) 1Eh PMMPW PMM password violation (PUC) 20h Reserved 22h FLL unlock (PUC) 24h Reserved 26h to 3Eh No interrupt pending 00h SVS low-power reset entry 02h Uncorrectable FRAM bit error detection 04h Reserved 06h Reserved 08h Reserved 0Ah Reserved 0Ch Reserved 0Eh Reserved 10h VMAIFG Vacant memory access 12h JMBINIFG JTAG mailbox input 14h JMBOUTIFG JTAG mailbox output 16h Correctable FRAM bit error detection 18h Reserved 1Ah to 1Eh No interrupt pending 00h NMIIFG NMI pin or SVSH event 02h OFIFG oscillator fault 04h Reserved 06h to 1Eh PRIORITY Highest Lowest Highest Lowest Highest Lowest 9.9.6 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) The 16-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC) module produces a signature based on a sequence of data values and can be used for data checking purposes. The CRC generation polynomial is compliant with CRC-16-CCITT standard of x16 + x12 + x5 + 1. 44 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 9.9.7 Enhanced Universal Serial Communication Interface (eUSCI_A0, eUSCI_B0) The eUSCI modules are used for serial data communications. The eUSCI_A module supports either UART or SPI communications. The eUSCI_B module supports either SPI or I2C communications. Additionally, eUSCI_A supports automatic baud-rate detection and IrDA. Table 9-9. eUSCI Pin Configurations eUSCI_A0 PIN UART SPI P1.0 TXD SIMO P1.1 RXD P1.2 P1.3 PIN eUSCI_B0 SOMI SCLK STE I2C SPI P5.0 STE P5.1 SCLK P5.2 SDA SIMO P5.3 SCL SOMI Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 45 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 9.9.8 Timers (Timer0_A3, Timer1_A3) The Timer0_A3 and Timer1_A3 modules are 16-bit timers and counters with three capture/compare registers each. Each can support multiple captures or compares, PWM outputs, and interval timing. Each has extensive interrupt capabilities. Interrupts may be generated from the counter on overflow conditions and from each of the capture/compare registers. The CCR0 registers on both TA0 and TA1 are not externally connected and can only be used for hardware period timing and interrupt generation. In Up Mode, they can be used to set the overflow value of the counter. Table 9-10. Timer0_A3 Signal Connections PORT PIN P1.5 DEVICE INPUT SIGNAL MODULE INPUT NAME TA0CLK TACLK ACLK (internal) ACLK SMCLK (internal) SMCLK from Capacitive Touch IO (internal) INCLK MODULE BLOCK MODULE OUTPUT SIGNAL Timer N/A CCR0 TA0 DEVICE OUTPUT SIGNAL CCI0A CCI0B DVSS P1.7 P1.6 46 Timer1_A3 CCI0B input GND DVCC VCC TA0.1 CCI1A from RTC (internal) CCI1B TA0.1 CCR1 TA1 Timer1_A3 CCI1B input DVSS GND DVCC VCC TA0.2 CCI2A TA0.2 from Capacitive Touch I/O (internal) CCI2B Timer1_A3 INCLK Timer1_A3 CCI2B input, IR Input DVSS GND DVCC VCC Submit Document Feedback CCR2 TA2 Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Table 9-11. Timer1_A3 Signal Connections PORT PIN P8.2 DEVICE INPUT SIGNAL MODULE INPUT NAME TA1CLK TACLK ACLK (internal) ACLK SMCLK (internal) SMCLK Timer0_A3 CCR2B output (internal) INCLK MODULE BLOCK MODULE OUTPUT SIGNAL Timer N/A CCR0 TA0 DEVICE OUTPUT SIGNAL CCI0A P4.0 P8.3 Timer0_A3 CCR0B output (internal) CCI0B DVSS GND DVCC VCC TA1.1 CCI1A Timer0_A3 CCR1B output (internal) CCI1B DVSS GND DVCC VCC TA1.2 CCI2A Timer0_A3 CCR2B output (internal) CCI2B DVSS GND DVCC VCC TA1.1 CCR1 TA1 to ADC trigger TA1.2 CCR2 TA2 IR Input The interconnection of Timer0_A3 and Timer1_A3 can be used to modulate the eUSCI_A pin of UCA0TXD/ UCA0SIMO in either ASK or FSK mode, with which a user can easily acquire a modulated infrared command for directly driving an external IR diode. The IR functions are fully controlled by SYS configuration registers 1 including IREN (enable), IRPSEL (polarity select), IRMSEL (mode select), IRDSSEL (data select), and IRDATA (data) bits. For more information, see the SYS chapter in the MSP430FR4xx and MSP430FR2xx Family User's Guide. Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 47 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 9.9.9 Real-Time Clock (RTC) Counter The RTC counter is a 16-bit modulo counter that is functional in AM, LPM0, LPM3, and LPM3.5. This module may periodically wake up the CPU from LPM0, LPM3, and LPM3.5 based on timing from a low-power clock source such as the XT1 and VLO clocks. In AM, RTC can be driven by SMCLK to generate high-frequency timing events and interrupts. The RTC overflow events trigger: • Timer0_A3 CCR1B • ADC conversion trigger when ADCSHSx bits are set as 01b 9.9.10 10-Bit Analog Digital Converter (ADC) The 10-bit ADC module supports fast 10-bit analog-to-digital conversions with single-ended input. The module implements a 10-bit SAR core, sample select control, reference generator and a conversion result buffer. A window comparator with a lower and upper limit allows CPU independent result monitoring with three window comparator interrupt flags. The ADC supports 10 external inputs and four internal inputs (see Table 9-12). Table 9-12. ADC Channel Connections ADCINCHx (1) (2) ADC CHANNELS EXTERNAL PIN OUT 0 A0/Veref– P1.0 1 A1/Veref+ P1.1 2 A2 P1.2 3 A3 P1.3 4 A4(2) P1.4 5 A5 P1.5 6 A6 P1.6 7 A7 P1.7 8 A8 P8.0(1) 9 A9 P8.1(1) 10 Not Used N/A 11 Not Used N/A 12 On-chip Temperature Sensor N/A 13 Reference Voltage (1.5 V) N/A 14 DVSS N/A 15 DVCC N/A P8.0 and P8.1 are only available in the LQFP-64 package. When A4 is used, the PMM 1.2-V reference voltage can be output to this pin by setting the PMM control register. The 1.2-V voltage can be directly measured by A4 channel. The AD conversion can be started by software or a hardware trigger. Table 9-13 shows the trigger sources that are available. Table 9-13. ADC Trigger Signal Connections ADCSHSx 48 Submit Document Feedback TRIGGER SOURCE Binary Decimal 00 0 ADCSC bit (software trigger) 01 1 RTC event 10 2 TA1.1B 11 3 TA1.2B Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 9.9.11 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) The LCD driver generates the segment and common signals to drive segment liquid crystal display (LCD) glass. The LCD controller has dedicated data memories to hold segment drive information. Common and segment signals are generated as defined by the mode. Static, 2-mux, 3-mux, up to 8-mux LCDs are supported. The module can provide an LCD voltage independent from the main supply voltage with its integrated charge pump. The LCD display contrast can be trimmed by setting the LCD drive voltage. The LCD module can be fully functional in any power mode from AM to LPM3.5. When supplied by the on-chip charge pump with on-chip regulator reference, the LCD driver needs five pins and four external 0.1-µF capacitors to achieve low-power consumption during operation. Figure 9-2 shows the recommended connections. R13 R23 R33 0.1 μF 0.1 μF 0.1 μF 0.1 μF LCDCAP1 LCDCAP0 Figure 9-2. LCD Power Supply Configuration With On-Chip Charge Pump and Regulator Reference The LCD contains 20 16-bit words (40 bytes) display memory. The use of memory is flexible, depending on the selected mode: • • 4-mux mode – LCDM0 to LCDM19 can be used for LCD display contents. If it is not used as LCD drive pin, the corresponding LCDMx can be used for user data (up to 20 bytes). – LCDBM0 to LCDBM19 can be used for LCD blinking contents. If it is not used as blinking, the corresponding LCDBMx can be used for user data (up to 20 bytes). 8-mux mode – LCDM0 to LCDM39 can be used for LCD display contents. If it is not used as LCD drive pin, the corresponding LCDMx can be used for user data (up to 40 bytes). 9.9.12 Embedded Emulation Module (EEM) The EEM supports real-time in-system debugging. The EEM on these devices has the following features: • • • • • Three hardware triggers or breakpoints on memory access One hardware trigger or breakpoint on CPU register write access Up to four hardware triggers can be combined to form complex triggers or breakpoints One cycle counter Clock control on module level Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 49 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 9.9.13 Input/Output Schematics Port P1 Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Figure 9-3 shows the port schematic. Table 9-14 summarizes the selection of the pin functions. A0 to A7 From ADC A P1REN.x P1DIR.x 0 From Module 1 DVSS 0 DVCC 1 P1OUT.x 0 From Module 1 P1SEL0.x EN D To module P1IN.x P1IE.x P1 Interrupt Q D S P1IFG.x Edge Select P1IES.x From JTAG Bus Keeper P1.0/UCA0TXD/UCA0SIMO/A0 P1.1/UCA0RXD/UCA0SOMI/A1 P1.2/UCA0CLK/A2 P1.3/UCA0STE/A3 P1.4/MCLK/TCK/A4/VREF+ P1.5/TA0CLK/TMS/A5 P1.6/TA0.2/TDI/TCLK/A6 P1.7/TA0.1/TDO/A7 To JTAG Figure 9-3. Port P1 Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger 50 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Table 9-14. Port P1 Pin Functions PIN NAME (P1.x) x FUNCTION P1.0 (I/O) P1.0/UCA0TXD/ UCA0SIMO/A0 0 UCA0TXD/UCA0SIMO A0 P1.1 (I/O) P1.1/UCA0RXD/ UCA0SOMI/A1 1 UCA0RXD/UCA0SOMI A1 P1.2 (I/O) P1.2/UCA0CLK/A2 2 UCA0CLK A2 P1.3 (I/O) P1.3/UCA0STE/A3 3 UCA0STE 0 0 N/A X 1 0 N/A X X 1 (x = 0) N/A I: 0; O: 1 0 0 N/A X 1 0 N/A X X 1 (x = 1) N/A I: 0; O: 1 0 0 N/A X 1 0 N/A X X 1 (x = 2) N/A I: 0; O: 1 0 0 N/A 0 N/A N/A I: 0; O: 1 0 0 Disabled 1 0 Disabled X X 1 (x = 4) Disabled JTAG TCK X X X TCK P1.5 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 Disabled 1 0 Disabled 4 MCLK 5 VSS 0 1 0 1 A5 X X 1 (x = 5) Disabled JTAG TMS X X X TMS P1.6 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 Disabled 1 0 Disabled TA0.CCI2A 0 6 TA0.2 1 A6 X X 1 (x = 6) Disabled X X X TDI/TCLK I: 0; O: 1 0 0 Disabled 1 0 Disabled JTAG TDI/TCLK P1.7 (I/O) TA0.CCI1A (2) I: 0; O: 1 1 (x = 3) TA0CLK (1) JTAG 1 A4, VREF+ P1.7/TA0.1/TDO/A7 ADCPCTLx(1) X VSS P1.6/TA0.2/TDI/TCLK/ A6 P1SEL0.x X P1.4 (I/O) P1.5/TA0CLK/TMS/A5 P1DIR.x X A3 P1.4/MCLK/TCK/A4/ VREF+ CONTROL BITS AND SIGNALS(2) 0 7 TA0.1 1 A7 X X 1 (x = 7) Disabled JTAG TDO X X X TDO Setting the ADCPCTLx bit in SYSCFG2 register will disable both the output driver and input Schmitt trigger to prevent leakage when analog signals are applied. X = don't care Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 51 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Port P2 Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Figure 9-4 shows the port schematic. Table 9-15 summarizes the selection of the pin functions. L24 to L31 From LCD P2REN.x P2DIR.x DVSS 0 DVCC 1 P2OUT.x P2IN.x P2IE.x P2 Interrupt Q D S P2IFG.x 1 P2IES.x Edge Select 1 Bus Keeper P2.0/L24 P2.1/L25 P2.2/L26 P2.3/L27 P2.4/L28 P2.5/L29 P2.6/L30 P2.7/L31 Figure 9-4. Port P2 Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger 52 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Table 9-15. Port P2 Pin Functions PIN NAME (P2.x) P2.0/L24 P2.1/L25 x 0 P2.0 (I/O) L24 1 P2.1 (I/O) L25 P2.2/L26 2 P2.3/L27 3 P2.4/L28 4 P2.5/L29 5 P2.6/L30 6 P2.7/L31 7 (1) FUNCTION P2.2 (I/O) L26 P2.3 (I/O) L27 P2.4 (I/O) L28 P2.5 (I/O) L29 P2.6 (I/O) L30 P2.7 (I/O) L31 CONTROL BITS AND SIGNALS(1) P2DIR.x LCDSy I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 24) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 25) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 26) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 27) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 28) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 29) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 30) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 31) X= don't care Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 53 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Port P3 Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Figure 9-5 shows the port schematic. Table 9-16 summarizes the selection of the pin functions. L8 to L15 From LCD E P3REN.x P3DIR.x DVSS 0 DVCC 1 P3OUT.x P3IN.x Bus Keeper P3.0/L8 P3.1/L9 P3.2/L10 P3.3/L11 P3.4/L12 P3.5/L13 P3.6/L14 P3.7/L15 Figure 9-5. Port P3 Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger 54 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Table 9-16. Port P3 Pin Functions PIN NAME (P3.x) x P3.0/L8 0 P3.1/L9 1 P3.2/L10 2 P3.3/L11 3 P3.4/L12 4 P3.5/L13 5 P3.6/L14 6 P3.7/L15 7 (1) FUNCTION P3.0 (I/O) L8 P3.1 (I/O) L9 P3.2 (I/O) L10 P3.3 (I/O) L11 P3.4 (I/O) L12 P3.5 (I/O) L13 P3.6 (I/O) L14 P3.7 (I/O) L15 CONTROL BITS AND SIGNALS(1) P3DIR.x LCDSy I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 8) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 9) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 10) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 11) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 12) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 13) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 14) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 15) X= don't care Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 55 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Port P4.0 Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Figure 9-6 shows the port schematic. Table 9-17 summarizes the selection of the pin functions. P4REN.x P4DIR.x 0 From Module 1 DVSS 0 DVCC 1 P4OUT.x 0 From Module 1 P4SEL0.x EN D To module P4IN.x Bus Keeper P4.0/TA1.1 Figure 9-6. Port P4.0 Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Table 9-17. Port P4.0 Pin Functions PIN NAME (P4.x) x FUNCTION P4.0 (I/O) P4.0/TA1.1 0 TA1.CCI1A TA1.1 56 Submit Document Feedback CONTROL BITS AND SIGNALS P4DIR.x P4SEL0.x I: 0; O: 1 0 0 1 1 Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Port P4.1 and P4.2 Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Figure 9-7 shows the port schematic. Table 9-18 summarizes the selection of the pin functions. XIN, XOUT P4REN.x P4DIR.x DVSS 0 DVCC 1 P4OUT.x P4SEL0.x P4IN.x Bus Keeper P4.1/XIN P4.2/XOUT Figure 9-7. Port P4.1 and P4.2 Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Table 9-18. Port P4.1 and P4.2 Pin Functions PIN NAME (P4.x) P4.1/XIN P4.2/XOUT (1) x 1 2 FUNCTION P4.1 (I/O) XIN P4.2 (I/O) XOUT CONTROL BITS AND SIGNALS(1) P4DIR.x P4SEL0.x I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 X= don't care Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 57 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Port 4.3, P4.4, P4.5, P4.6, and P4.7 Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Figure 9-8 shows the port schematic. Table 9-19 summarizes the selection of the pin functions. LCDCAP0, LCDCAP1 R13, R23, R33 From LCD P4REN.x P4DIR.x DVSS 0 DVCC 1 P4OUT.x P4IN.x Bus Keeper P4.3/LCDCAP0 P4.4/LCDCAP1 P4.5/R33 P4.6/R23 P4.7/R13 Figure 9-8. Port 4.3, P4.4, P4.5, P4.6, and P4.7 Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Table 9-19. Port P4.3, P4.4, P4.5, P4.6, and P4.7 Pin Functions PIN NAME (P4.x) P4.3/LCDCAP0 P4.4/LCDCAP1 P4.5/R33 P4.6/R23 P4.7/R13 (1) (2) 58 x FUNCTION P4DIR.x LCDPCTL(2) I: 0; O: 1 X LCDCAP0 X 1 P4.4 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 LCDCAP1 X 1 P4.5 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 P4.3 (I/O) 3 4 5 R33 P4.6 (I/O) 6 R23 P4.7 (I/O) 7 CONTROL BITS AND SIGNALS(1) R13 X 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 X= don't care Setting the LCDPCTL bit in SYSCFG2 register will disable both the output driver and input Schmitt trigger to prevent leakage when analog signals are applied. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Port P5.0, P5.1, P5.2, and P5.3 Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Figure 9-9 shows the port schematic. Table 9-20 summarizes the selection of the pin functions. L32 to L35 From LCD E P5REN.x P5DIR.x 0 From Module 1 DVSS 0 DVCC 1 P5OUT.x 0 From Module 1 P5SEL0.x EN D To module P5IN.x Bus Keeper P5.0/UCB0STE/L32 P5.1/UCB0CLK/L33 P5.2/UCB0SIMO/UCB0SDA/L34 P5.3/UCB0SOMI/UCB0SCL/L35 Figure 9-9. Port P5.0, P5.1, P5.2, and P5.3 Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Table 9-20. Port P5.0, P5.1, P5.2, and P5.3 Pin Functions PIN NAME (P5.x) x FUNCTION P5.0 (I/O) P5.0/UCB0STE/L32 0 UCB0STE L32 P5.1 (I/O) P5.1/UCB0CLK/L33 1 UCB0CLK L33 P5.2 (I/O) P5.2/UCB0SIMO/ UCB0SDA/L34 2 UCB0SIMO/UCB0SDA L34 P5.3 (I/O) P5.3/UCB0SOMI/ UCB0SCL/L35 3 UCB0SOMI/UCB0SCL L35 (1) CONTROL BITS AND SIGNALS(1) P5DIR.x P5SEL0.x LCDSy I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 1 0 X X 1 (y = 32) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 1 0 X X 1 (y = 33) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 1 0 X X 1 (y = 34) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 1 0 X X 1 (y = 35) X= don't care Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 59 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Port P5.4, P5.5, P5.6, and P5.7 Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Figure 9-10 shows the port schematic. Table 9-21 summarizes the selection of the pin functions. L36 to L39 From LCD E P5REN.x P5DIR.x DVSS 0 DVCC 1 P5OUT.x P5IN.x Bus Keeper P5.4/L36 P5.5/L37 P5.6/L38 P5.7/L39 Figure 9-10. Port P5.4, P5.5, P5.6, and P5.7 Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Table 9-21. Port P5.4, P5.5, P5.6, and P5.7 Pin Functions PIN NAME (P5.x) P5.4/L36 P5.5/L37 P5.6/L38 P5.7/L39 (1) 60 x FUNCTION P5.4 (I/O) 4 L36 P5.5 (I/O) 5 L37 P5.6 (I/O) 6 L38 P5.7 (I/O) 7 L39 CONTROL BITS AND SIGNALS(1) P5DIR.x LCDSy I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 36) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 37) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 38) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 39) X= don't care Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Port P6 Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Figure 9-11 shows the port schematic. Table 9-22 summarizes the selection of the pin functions. L16 to L23 From LCD E P6REN.x P6DIR.x DVSS 0 DVCC 1 P6OUT.x P6IN.x Bus Keeper P6.0/L16 P6.1/L17 P6.2/L18 P6.3/L19 P6.4/L20 P6.5/L21 P6.6/L22 P6.7/L23 Figure 9-11. Port P6 Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 61 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Table 9-22. Port P6 Pin Functions PIN NAME (P6.x) x P6.0/L16 0 P6.1/L17 1 P6.2/L18 2 P6.3/L19 3 P6.4/L20 4 P6.5/L21 5 P6.6/L22 6 P6.7/L23 7 (1) 62 FUNCTION P6.0 (I/O) L16 P6.1 (I/O) L17 P6.2 (I/O) L18 P6.3 (I/O) L19 P6.4 (I/O) L20 P6.5 (I/O) L21 P6.6 (I/O) L22 P6.7 (I/O) L23 CONTROL BITS AND SIGNALS(1) P6DIR.x LCDSy I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 16) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 17) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 18) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 19) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 20) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 21) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 22) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 23) X= don't care Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Port P7 Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Figure 9-12 shows the port schematic. Table 9-23 summarizes the selection of the pin functions. L0 to L7 From LCD_E P7REN.x P7DIR.x DVSS 0 DVCC 1 P7OUT.x P7IN.x Bus Keeper P7.0/L0 P7.1/L1 P7.2/L2 P7.3/L3 P7.4/L4 P7.5/L5 P7.6/L6 P7.7/L7 Figure 9-12. Port P7 Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 63 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Table 9-23. Port P7 Pin Functions PIN NAME (P7.x) x P7.0/L0 0 P7.1/L1 1 P7.2/L2 2 P7.3/L3 3 P7.4/L4 4 P7.5/L5 5 P7.6/L6 6 P7.7/L7 7 (1) 64 FUNCTION P7.0 (I/O) L0 P7.1 (I/O) L1 P7.2 (I/O) L2 P7.3 (I/O) L3 P7.4 (I/O) L4 P7.5 (I/O) L5 P7.6 (I/O) L6 P7.7 (I/O) L7 CONTROL BITS AND SIGNALS(1) P7DIR.x LCDSy I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 0) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 1) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 2) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 3) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 4) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 5) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 6) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 (y = 7) X= don't care Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Port P8.0 and P8.1 Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Figure 9-13 shows the port schematic. Table 9-24 summarizes the selection of the pin functions. A8, A9 From ADC A P8REN.x P8DIR.x 0 From Module 1 DVSS 0 DVCC 1 P8OUT.x 0 From MCLK, ACLK 1 P8SEL0.x EN D To module P8IN.x Bus Keeper P8.0/SMCLK/A8 P8.1/ACLK/A9 Figure 9-13. Port P8.0 and P8.1 Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Table 9-24. Port P8.0 and P8.1 Pin Functions PIN NAME (P8.x) x FUNCTION P8.0 (I/O) P8.0/SMCLK/A8 0 (1) (2) P8SEL0.x ADCPCTLx(2) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 1 0 X X 1 (x = 8) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 1 0 X 1 (x = 9) 0 SMCLK 1 P8.1 (I/O) 1 P8DIR.x VSS A8 P8.1/ACLK/A9 CONTROL BITS AND SIGNALS(1) VSS 0 ACLK 1 A9 X X= don't care Setting the ADCPCTLx bit in SYSCFG2 register will disable both the output driver and input Schmitt trigger to prevent leakage when analog signals are applied. Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 65 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Port P8.2 and P8.3 Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Figure 9-14 shows the port schematic. Table 9-25 summarizes the selection of the pin functions. P8REN.x P8DIR.x 0 From Module 1 DVSS 0 DVCC 1 P8OUT.x 0 From Module 1 P8SEL0.x EN D To module P8IN.x Bus Keeper P8.2/TA1CLK P8.3/TA1.2 Figure 9-14. Port P8.2 and P8.3 Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Table 9-25. Port P8.2 and P8.3 Pin Functions PIN NAME (P8.x) x FUNCTION P8.2 (I/O) P8.2/TA1CLK P8SEL0.x 0 0 VSS 1 3 TA1.CCI2A TA1.2 66 P8DIR.x I: 0; O: 1 2 TA1 CLK P8.3 (I/O) P8.3/TA1.2 CONTROL BITS AND SIGNALS Submit Document Feedback I: 0; O: 1 0 1 1 0 1 Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 9.10 Device Descriptors (TLV) Table 9-26 lists the Device IDs of the MSP430FR413x devices. Table 9-27 lists the contents of the device descriptor tag-length-value (TLV) structure for the MSP430FR413x devices. Table 9-26. Device IDs DEVICE ID DEVICE 1A04h 1A05h MSP430FR4133 F0h 81h MSP430FR4132 F1h 81h MSP430FR4131 F2h 81h Table 9-27. Device Descriptors DESCRIPTION VALUE Info length 1A00h 06h CRC length 1A01h 06h 1A02h Per unit 1A03h Per unit CRC value(2) Information Block Device ID 1A04h 1A05h See Table 9-26 Hardware revision 1A06h Per unit Firmware revision 1A07h Per unit Die Record Tag 1A08h 08h Die Record length 1A09h 0Ah 1A0Ah Per unit 1A0Bh Per unit 1A0Ch Per unit 1A0Dh Per unit 1A0Eh Per unit 1A0Fh Per unit 1A10h Per unit 1A11h Per unit 1A12h Per unit 1A13h Per unit Lot Wafer ID Die Record Die X position Die Y position Test Result ADC Calibration Tag 1A14h 11h ADC Calibration Length 1A15h 08h 1A16h Per unit 1A17h Per unit 1A18h Per unit 1A19h Per unit 1A1Ah Per unit 1A1Bh Per unit 1A1Ch Per unit 1A1Dh Per unit ADC Gain Factor ADC Calibration MSP430FR413x ADDRESS ADC Offset ADC 1.5-V Reference Temperature Sensor 30°C ADC 1.5-V Reference Temperature Sensor 85°C Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 67 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Table 9-27. Device Descriptors (continued) MSP430FR413x DESCRIPTION ADDRESS VALUE Calibration Tag 1A1Eh 12h Calibration Length 1A1Fh 04h 1A20h Per unit 1A21h Per unit 1A22h Per unit 1A23h Per unit Reference and DCO Calibration 1.5-V Reference Factor DCO Tap Settings for 16 MHz, Temperature 30°C(1) (1) (2) This value can be directly loaded into DCO bits in CSCTL0 register to get accurate 16-MHz frequency at room temperature, especially when MCU exits from LPM3 and below. It is also suggested to use predivider to decrease the frequency if the temperature drift might result an overshoot beyond 16 MHz. The CRC value covers the checksum from 1A04h to 1A77h by applying the CRC-CCITT-16 polynomial of x16 + x12 + x5 + 1. 9.11 Memory Table 9-28 shows the memory organization of the MSP430FR413x devices. Table 9-28. Memory Organization Memory (FRAM) Main: interrupt vectors and signatures Main: code memory ACCESS MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Read/Write (Optional Write Protect) 15KB FFFFh to FF80h FFFFh to C400h 8KB FFFFh to FF80h FFFFh to E000h 4KB FFFFh to FF80h FFFFh to F000h 2KB 27FFh to 2000h 1KB 23FFh to 2000h 512 bytes 21FFh to 2000h 512 bytes 19FFh to 1800h 512 bytes 19FFh to 1800h 512 bytes 19FFh to 1800h (1) RAM Read/Write Read/Write (Optional Write Protect) Information Memory (FRAM) (2) Bootloader (BSL) Memory (ROM) Read only 1KB 13FFh to 1000h 1KB 13FFh to 1000h 1KB 13FFh to 1000h Peripherals Read/Write 4KB 0FFFh to 0000h 4KB 0FFFh to 0000h 4KB 0FFFh to 0000h (1) (2) 68 The Program FRAM can be write protected by setting PFWP bit in SYSCFG0 register. See the SYS chapter in the MSP430FR4xx and MSP430FR2xx Family User's Guide for more details. The Information FRAM can be write protected by setting DFWP bit in SYSCFG0 register. See the SYS chapter in the MSP430FR4xx and MSP430FR2xx Family User's Guide for more details. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 9.11.1 Peripheral File Map Table 9-29 shows the base address and the memory size of the registers of each peripheral, and Table 9-30 through Table 9-49 show all of the available registers for each peripheral and their address offsets. Table 9-29. Peripherals Summary BASE ADDRESS SIZE Special Functions (see Table 9-30) MODULE NAME 0100h 0010h PMM (see Table 9-31) 0120h 0020h SYS (see Table 9-32) 0140h 0030h CS (see Table 9-33) 0180h 0020h FRAM (see Table 9-34) 01A0h 0010h CRC (see Table 9-35) 01C0h 0008h WDT (see Table 9-36) 01CCh 0002h Port P1, P2 (see Table 9-37) 0200h 0020h Port P3, P4 (see Table 9-38) 0220h 0020h Port P5, P6 (see Table 9-39) 0240h 0020h Port P7, P8 (see Table 9-40) 0260h 0020h Capacitive Touch I/O (see Table 9-41) 02E0h 0010h Timer0_A3 (see Table 9-42) 0300h 0030h Timer1_A3 (see Table 9-43) 0340h 0030h RTC (see Table 9-44) 03C0h 0010h eUSCI_A0 (see Table 9-45) 0500h 0020h eUSCI_B0 (see Table 9-46) 0540h 0030h LCD (see Table 9-47) 0600h 0060h Backup Memory (see Table 9-48) 0660h 0020h ADC (see Table 9-49) 0700h 0040h Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 69 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Table 9-30. Special Function Registers (Base Address: 0100h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION SFR interrupt enable SFR interrupt flag SFR reset pin control REGISTER OFFSET SFRIE1 00h SFRIFG1 02h SFRRPCR 04h Table 9-31. PMM Registers (Base Address: 0120h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET PMM control 0 PMMCTL0 00h PMM control 1 PMMCTL1 02h PMM control 2 PMMCTL2 04h PMM interrupt flags PMMIFG 0Ah PM5 Control 0 PM5CTL0 10h Table 9-32. SYS Registers (Base Address: 0140h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET SYSCTL 00h Bootloader configuration area SYSBSLC 02h JTAG mailbox control SYSJMBC 06h JTAG mailbox input 0 SYSJMBI0 08h JTAG mailbox input 1 SYSJMBI1 0Ah JTAG mailbox output 0 SYSJMBO0 0Ch JTAG mailbox output 1 SYSJMBO1 0Eh Bus Error vector generator SYSBERRIV 18h User NMI vector generator SYSUNIV 1Ah System control System NMI vector generator SYSSNIV 1Ch Reset vector generator SYSRSTIV 1Eh System configuration 0 SYSCFG0 20h System configuration 1 SYSCFG1 22h System configuration 2 SYSCFG2 24h Table 9-33. CS Registers (Base Address: 0180h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET CS control register 0 CSCTL0 00h CS control register 1 CSCTL1 02h CS control register 2 CSCTL2 04h CS control register 3 CSCTL3 06h CS control register 4 CSCTL4 08h CS control register 5 CSCTL5 0Ah CS control register 6 CSCTL6 0Ch CS control register 7 CSCTL7 0Eh CS control register 8 CSCTL8 10h Table 9-34. FRAM Registers (Base Address: 01A0h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET FRAM control 0 FRCTL0 00h General control 0 GCCTL0 04h General control 1 GCCTL1 06h 70 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Table 9-35. CRC Registers (Base Address: 01C0h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET CRC16DI 00h CRC data input reverse byte CRCDIRB 02h CRC initialization and result CRCINIRES 04h CRC result reverse byte CRCRESR 06h CRC data input Table 9-36. WDT Registers (Base Address: 01CCh) REGISTER DESCRIPTION Watchdog timer control REGISTER OFFSET WDTCTL 00h Table 9-37. Port P1, P2 Registers (Base Address: 0200h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION Port P1 input REGISTER OFFSET P1IN 00h P1OUT 02h Port P1 direction P1DIR 04h Port P1 pulling register enable P1REN 06h Port P1 selection 0 Port P1 output P1SEL0 0Ah Port P1 interrupt vector word P1IV 0Eh Port P1 interrupt edge select P1IES 18h P1IE 1Ah P1IFG 1Ch P2IN 01h Port P2 output P2OUT 03h Port P2 direction P2DIR 05h Port P1 interrupt enable Port P1 interrupt flag Port P2 input Port P2 pulling register enable P2REN 07h Port P2 selection 0(1) P2SEL0 0Bh Port P2 interrupt vector word P2IV 1Eh Port P2 interrupt edge select P2IES 19h Port P2 interrupt enable Port P2 interrupt flag (1) P2IE 1Bh P2IFG 1Dh Port P2 selection register does not feature any valid bits. P2SEL0 presents for 16-bit Port A operation with P1SEL0. Table 9-38. Port P3, P4 Registers (Base Address: 0220h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET P3IN 00h Port P3 output P3OUT 02h Port P3 direction P3DIR 04h Port P3 input Port P3 pulling register enable P3REN 06h Port P3 selection 0(1) P3SEL0 0Ah Port P4 input P4IN 01h P4OUT 03h Port P4 direction P4DIR 05h Port P4 pulling register enable P4REN 07h Port P4 selection 0 P4SEL0 0Bh Port P4 output (1) Port P3 selection register does not feature any valid bits. P3SEL0 presents for 16-bit Port B operation with P4SEL0. Table 9-39. Port P5, P6 Registers (Base Address: 0240h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION Port P5 input REGISTER OFFSET P5IN 00h Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 71 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Table 9-39. Port P5, P6 Registers (Base Address: 0240h) (continued) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET P5OUT 02h Port P5 direction P5DIR 04h Port P5 pulling register enable P5REN 06h Port P5 selection 0 P5SEL0 0Ah P6IN 01h Port P6 output P6OUT 03h Port P6 direction P6DIR 05h Port P5 output Port P6 input Port P6 pulling register enable P6REN 07h Port P6 selection 0(1) P6SEL0 0Bh (1) Port P6 selection register does not feature any valid bits. P6SEL0 presents for 16-bit Port C operation with P5SEL0. Table 9-40. Port P7, P8 Registers (Base Address: 0260h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET P7IN 00h Port P7 output P7OUT 02h Port P7 direction P7DIR 04h Port P7 input Port P7 pulling register enable P7REN 06h Port P7 selection 0(1) P7SEL0 0Ah Port P8 input P8IN 01h P8OUT 03h Port P8 direction P8DIR 05h Port P8 pulling register enable P8REN 07h Port P8 selection 0 P8SEL0 0Bh Port P8 output (1) Port P7 selection register does not feature any valid bits. P7SEL0 presents for 16-bit Port D operation with P8SEL0. Table 9-41. Capacitive Touch IO Registers (Base Address: 02E0h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION Capacitive Touch IO 0 control REGISTER OFFSET CAPTIO0CTL 0Eh Table 9-42. Timer0_A3 Registers (Base Address: 0300h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET TA0CTL 00h Capture/compare control 0 TA0CCTL0 02h Capture/compare control 1 TA0CCTL1 04h Capture/compare control 2 TA0CCTL2 06h TA0R 10h Capture/compare register 0 TA0CCR0 12h Capture/compare register 1 TA0CCR1 14h Capture/compare register 2 TA0CCR2 16h TA0EX0 20h TA0IV 2Eh TA0 control TA0 counter register TA0 expansion register 0 TA0 interrupt vector Table 9-43. Timer1_A3 Registers (Base Address: 0340h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET TA1CTL 00h Capture/compare control 0 TA1CCTL0 02h Capture/compare control 1 TA1CCTL1 04h Capture/compare control 2 TA1CCTL2 06h TA1 control 72 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Table 9-43. Timer1_A3 Registers (Base Address: 0340h) (continued) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET TA1R 10h Capture/compare register 0 TA1CCR0 12h Capture/compare register 1 TA1CCR1 14h Capture/compare register 2 TA1CCR2 16h TA1EX0 20h TA1IV 2Eh TA1 counter register TA1 expansion register 0 TA1 interrupt vector Table 9-44. RTC Registers (Base Address: 03C0h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION RTC control RTC interrupt vector REGISTER OFFSET RTCCTL 00h RTCIV 04h RTC modulo RTCMOD 08h RTC counter RTCCNT 0Ch Table 9-45. eUSCI_A0 Registers (Base Address: 0500h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET eUSCI_A control word 0 UCA0CTLW0 00h eUSCI_A control word 1 UCA0CTLW1 02h eUSCI_A control rate 0 UCA0BR0 06h UCA0BR1 07h UCA0MCTLW 08h eUSCI_A control rate 1 eUSCI_A modulation control eUSCI_A status UCA0STAT 0Ah eUSCI_A receive buffer UCA0RXBUF 0Ch eUSCI_A transmit buffer UCA0TXBUF 0Eh eUSCI_A LIN control UCA0ABCTL 10h eUSCI_A IrDA transmit control lUCA0IRTCTL 12h eUSCI_A IrDA receive control IUCA0IRRCTL 13h eUSCI_A interrupt enable eUSCI_A interrupt flags eUSCI_A interrupt vector word UCA0IE 1Ah UCA0IFG 1Ch UCA0IV 1Eh Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 73 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Table 9-46. eUSCI_B0 Registers (Base Address: 0540h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET eUSCI_B control word 0 UCB0CTLW0 00h eUSCI_B control word 1 UCB0CTLW1 02h UCB0BR0 06h UCB0BR1 07h UCB0STATW 08h eUSCI_B bit rate 0 eUSCI_B bit rate 1 eUSCI_B status word eUSCI_B byte counter threshold UCB0TBCNT 0Ah eUSCI_B receive buffer UCB0RXBUF 0Ch eUSCI_B transmit buffer UCB0TXBUF 0Eh eUSCI_B I2C own address 0 UCB0I2COA0 14h eUSCI_B I2C own address 1 UCB0I2COA1 16h eUSCI_B I2C own address 2 UCB0I2COA2 18h eUSCI_B I2C own address 3 UCB0I2COA3 1Ah eUSCI_B receive address UCB0ADDRX 1Ch UCB0ADDMASK 1Eh UCB0I2CSA 20h eUSCI_B address mask eUSCI_B I2C slave address eUSCI_B interrupt enable eUSCI_B interrupt flags eUSCI_B interrupt vector word UCB0IE 2Ah UCB0IFG 2Ch UCB0IV 2Eh Table 9-47. LCD Registers (Base Address: 0600h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION LCD control register 0 LCD control register 1 REGISTER OFFSET LCDCTL0 00h LCDCTL1 02h LCD blink control register LCDBLKCTL 04h LCD memory control register LCDMEMCTL 06h LCD voltage control register LCDVCTL 08h LCD port control 0 LCDPCTL0 0Ah LCD port control 1 LCDPCTL1 0Ch LCD port control 2 LCDPCTL2 0Eh LCD COM/SEG select register LCDCSS0 14h LCD COM/SEG select register LCDCSS1 16h LCD COM/SEG select register LCDCSS2 18h LCDIV 1Eh LCD memory 0 LCDM0 20h LCD memory 1 LCDM1 21h LCD memory 2 LCDM2 22h LCD interrupt vector Display memory Static and 2 to 4 mux modes ⋮ LCD memory 19 ⋮ ⋮ LCDM19 33h Reserved(1) 34h ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ Reserved(1) 74 3Fh Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Table 9-47. LCD Registers (Base Address: 0600h) (continued) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET LCD blinking memory 0 LCDBM0 40h LCD blinking memory 1 LCDBM1 41h Blinking memory for Static and 2 to 4 mux modes ⋮ LCD blinking memory 19 ⋮ ⋮ LCDBM19 53h Reserved(1) 54h ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ Reserved(1) 5Fh Display memory for 5 to 8 mux modes LCD memory 0 LCDM0 20h LCD memory 1 LCDM1 21h LCD memory 2 LCDM2 22h ⋮ ⋮ LCDM39 47h ⋮ LCD memory 39 Reserved(2) 48h ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ Reserved(2) (1) (2) 5Fh In static and 2-mux to 4-mux modes, LCD memory and blink memory 40 to 63 are not physically implemented. In 5-mux to 8-mux modes, LCD memory and blink memory 40 to 63 are not physically implemented. Table 9-48. Backup Memory Registers (Base Address: 0660h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET Backup memory 0 BAKMEM0 00h Backup memory 1 BAKMEM1 02h Backup memory 2 BAKMEM2 04h Backup memory 3 BAKMEM3 06h Backup memory 4 BAKMEM4 08h Backup memory 5 BAKMEM5 0Ah Backup memory 6 BAKMEM6 0Ch Backup memory 7 BAKMEM7 0Eh Backup memory 8 BAKMEM8 10h Backup memory 9 BAKMEM9 12h Backup memory 10 BAKMEM10 14h Backup memory 11 BAKMEM11 16h Backup memory 12 BAKMEM12 18h Backup memory 13 BAKMEM13 1Ah Backup memory 14 BAKMEM14 1Ch Backup memory 15 BAKMEM15 1Eh Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 75 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Table 9-49. ADC Registers (Base Address: 0700h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET ADC control register 0 ADCCTL0 00h ADC control register 1 ADCCTL1 02h ADC control register 2 ADCCTL2 04h ADC window comparator low threshold ADCLO 06h ADC window comparator high threshold ADCHI 08h ADC memory control register 0 ADCMCTL0 0Ah ADC conversion memory register ADCMEM0 12h ADC interrupt enable ADC interrupt flags ADC interrupt vector word ADCIE 1Ah ADCIFG 1Ch ADCIV 1Eh 9.12 Identification 9.12.1 Revision Identification The device revision information is shown as part of the top-side marking on the device package. The devicespecific errata sheet describes these markings. For links to all of the errata sheets for the devices in this data sheet, see Section 11.4. The hardware revision is also stored in the Device Descriptor structure in the Info Block section. For details on this value, see the "Hardware Revision" entries in Section 9.10. 9.12.2 Device Identification The device type can be identified from the top-side marking on the device package. The device-specific errata sheet describes these markings. For links to all of the errata sheets for the devices in this data sheet, see Section 11.4. A device identification value is also stored in the Device Descriptor structure in the Info Block section. For details on this value, see the "Device ID" entries in Section 9.10. 9.12.3 JTAG Identification Programming through the JTAG interface, including reading and identifying the JTAG ID, is described in MSP430 Programming With the JTAG Interface. 76 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 10 Applications, Implementation, and Layout Note Information in the following applications sections is not part of the TI component specification, and TI does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. TI’s customers are responsible for determining suitability of components for their purposes, as well as validating and testing their design implementation to confirm system functionality. 10.1 Device Connection and Layout Fundamentals This section discusses the recommended guidelines when designing with the MSP430FR413x devices. These guidelines are to make sure that the device has proper connections for powering, programming, debugging, and optimum analog performance. 10.1.1 Power Supply Decoupling and Bulk Capacitors TI recommends connecting a combination of a 10-µF plus a 100-nF low-ESR ceramic decoupling capacitor to the DVCC and DVSS pins (see Figure 10-1). Higher-value capacitors may be used but can impact supply rail ramp-up time. Decoupling capacitors must be placed as close as possible to the pins that they decouple (within a few millimeters). DVCC + Power Supply Decoupling 10 µF 100 nF DVSS Figure 10-1. Power Supply Decoupling 10.1.2 External Oscillator This device supports only a low-frequency crystal (32 kHz) on the XIN and XOUT pins. External bypass capacitors for the crystal oscillator pins are required. It is also possible to apply digital clock signals to the XIN input pin that meet the specifications of the respective oscillator if the appropriate XT1BYPASS mode is selected. In this case, the associated XOUT pin can be used for other purposes. If they are left unused, they must be terminated according to Section 7.4. Figure 10-2 shows a typical connection diagram. XIN CL1 XOUT CL2 Figure 10-2. Typical Crystal Connection See MSP430 32-kHz Crystal Oscillators for more information on selecting, testing, and designing a crystal oscillator with the MSP430 devices. 10.1.3 JTAG With the proper connections, the debugger and a hardware JTAG interface (such as the MSP-FET or MSPFET430UIF) can be used to program and debug code on the target board. In addition, the connections also support the MSP-GANG production programmers, thus providing an easy way to program prototype boards, if Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 77 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 desired. Figure 10-3 shows the connections between the 14-pin JTAG connector and the target device required to support in-system programming and debugging for 4-wire JTAG communication. Figure 10-4 shows the connections for 2-wire JTAG mode (Spy-Bi-Wire). The connections for the MSP-FET and MSP-FET430UIF interface modules and the MSP-GANG are identical. Both can supply VCC to the target board (through pin 2). In addition, the MSP-FET and MSP-FET430UIF interface modules and MSP-GANG have a VCC-sense feature that, if used, requires an alternate connection (pin 4 instead of pin 2). The VCC-sense feature senses the local VCC present on the target board (that is, a battery or other local power supply) and adjusts the output signals accordingly. Figure 10-3 and Figure 10-4 show a jumper block that supports both scenarios of supplying VCC to the target board. If this flexibility is not required, the desired VCC connections may be hard-wired to eliminate the jumper block. Pins 2 and 4 must not be connected at the same time. For additional design information regarding the JTAG interface, see the MSP430 Hardware Tools User’s Guide. VCC Important to connect MSP430FRxxx J1 (see Note A) DVCC J2 (see Note A) R1 47 kW JTAG VCC TOOL VCC TARGET TEST 2 RST/NMI/SBWTDIO 1 4 3 6 5 8 7 10 9 12 11 14 13 TDO/TDI TDI TDO/TDI TDI TMS TMS TCK TCK GND RST TEST/SBWTCK C1 1 nF (see Note B) A. B. DVSS If a local target power supply is used, make connection J1. If power from the debug or programming adapter is used, make connection J2. The upper limit for C1 is 1.1 nF when using current TI tools. Figure 10-3. Signal Connections for 4-Wire JTAG Communication 78 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 VCC Important to connect MSP430FRxxx J1 (see Note A) DVCC J2 (see Note A) R1 47 kΩ (see Note B) JTAG VCC TOOL VCC TARGET 2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7 10 9 12 11 14 13 TDO/TDI RST/NMI/SBWTDIO TCK GND TEST/SBWTCK C1 1 nF (see Note B) A. B. DVSS Make connection J1 if a local target power supply is used, or make connection J2 if the target is powered from the debug or programming adapter. The device RST/NMI/SBWTDIO pin is used in 2-wire mode for bidirectional communication with the device during JTAG access, and any capacitance that is attached to this signal may affect the ability to establish a connection with the device. The upper limit for C1 is 1.1 nF when using current TI tools. Figure 10-4. Signal Connections for 2-Wire JTAG Communication (Spy-Bi-Wire) 10.1.4 Reset The reset pin can be configured as a reset function (default) or as an NMI function in the Special Function Register (SFR), SFRRPCR. In reset mode, the RST/NMI pin is active low, and a pulse applied to this pin that meets the reset timing specifications generates a BOR-type device reset. Setting SYSNMI causes the RST/NMI pin to be configured as an external NMI source. The external NMI is edge sensitive, and its edge is selectable by SYSNMIIES. Setting the NMIIE enables the interrupt of the external NMI. When an external NMI event occurs, the NMIIFG is set. The RST/NMI pin can have either a pullup or pulldown that is enabled or not. SYSRSTUP selects either pullup or pulldown, and SYSRSTRE causes the pullup (default) or pulldown to be enabled (default) or not. If the RST/NMI pin is unused, it is required either to select and enable the internal pullup or to connect an external 47-kΩ pullup resistor to the RST/NMI pin with a 1.1-nF pulldown capacitor. The pulldown capacitor should not exceed 1.1 nF when using devices with Spy-Bi-Wire interface in Spy-Bi-Wire mode or in 4-wire JTAG mode with TI tools like FET interfaces or GANG programmers. See the MSP430FR4xx and MSP430FR2xx Family User's Guide for more information on the referenced control registers and bits. 10.1.5 Unused Pins For details on the connection of unused pins, see Section 7.4. Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 79 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 10.1.6 General Layout Recommendations • • • • Proper grounding and short traces for external crystal to reduce parasitic capacitance. See MSP430 32-kHz Crystal Oscillators for recommended layout guidelines. Proper bypass capacitors on DVCC and reference pins, if used. Avoid routing any high-frequency signal close to an analog signal line. For example, keep digital switching signals such as PWM or JTAG signals away from the oscillator circuit. Proper ESD level protection should be considered to protect the device from unintended high-voltage electrostatic discharge. See MSP430 System-Level ESD Considerations for guidelines. 10.1.7 Do's and Don'ts During power up, power down, and device operation, DVCC must not exceed the limits specified in Section 8.1. Exceeding the specified limits may cause malfunction of the device including erroneous writes to RAM and FRAM. 10.2 Peripheral- and Interface-Specific Design Information 10.2.1 ADC Peripheral Partial Schematic Figure 10-5 shows the recommended circuit for ADC grounding and noise reduction. DVSS Using an external positive reference VREF+/VEREF+ + 10 µF 100 nF Using an external negative reference VEREF+ 10 µF 100 nF Figure 10-5. ADC Grounding and Noise Considerations Design Requirements As with any high-resolution ADC, appropriate printed-circuit-board layout and grounding techniques should be followed to eliminate ground loops, unwanted parasitic effects, and noise. Ground loops are formed when return current from the ADC flows through paths that are common with other analog or digital circuitry. If care is not taken, this current can generate small unwanted offset voltages that can add to or subtract from the reference or input voltages of the ADC. The general guidelines in Section 10.1.1 combined with the connections shown in Section prevent this. In addition to grounding, ripple and noise spikes on the power-supply lines that are caused by digital switching or switching power supplies can corrupt the conversion result. TI recommends a noise-free design using separate analog and digital ground planes with a single-point connection to achieve high accuracy. Figure 10-5 shows the recommended decoupling circuit when an external voltage reference is used. The internal reference module has a maximum drive current as described in the sections ADC Pin Enable and 1.2-V Reference Settings of the MSP430FR4xx and MSP430FR2xx Family User's Guide. The reference voltage must be a stable voltage for accurate measurements. The capacitor values that are selected in the general guidelines filter out the high- and low-frequency ripple before the reference voltage enters the device. In this case, the 10-μF capacitor buffers the reference pin and filters low-frequency ripple. A 100-nF bypass capacitor filters out high-frequency noise. 80 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Layout Guidelines Components that are shown in the partial schematic (see Figure 10-5) should be placed as close as possible to the respective device pins to avoid long traces, because they add additional parasitic capacitance, inductance, and resistance on the signal. Avoid routing analog input signals close to a high-frequency pin (for example, a high-frequency PWM), because the high-frequency switching can be coupled into the analog signal. 10.2.2 LCD_E Peripheral Partial Schematic Required LCD connections greatly vary by the type of display that is used (static or multiplexed), whether external or internal biasing is used, and also whether the on-chip charge pump is employed. For any display used, LCD_E has configurable segment (Sx) or common (COMx) signals connected to the MCU which allows optimal PCB layout and for the design of the application software. Because LCD connections are application specific, it is difficult to provide a single one-fits-all schematic. However, for an example of connecting a 4-mux LCD with 27 segment lines that has a total of 4 × 27 = 108 individually addressable LCD segments to an MSP430FR4133, see the MSP-EXP430FR4133 LaunchPad™ development kit as a reference. Design Requirements Due to the flexibility of the LCD_E peripheral module to accommodate various segment-based LCDs, selecting the right display for the application in combination with determining specific design requirements is often an iterative process. There can be well-defined requirements in terms of how many individually addressable LCD segments must be controlled, what the requirements for LCD contrast are, which device pins are available for LCD use and which are required by other application functions, and what the power budget is, to name just a few. TI strongly recommends reviewing the LCD_E peripheral module chapter in the MSP430FR4xx and MSP430FR2xx Family User's Guide during the initial design requirements and decision process. Table 10-1 provides a brief overview over different choices that can be made and their impact. Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 81 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Table 10-1. LCD_E Design Options OPTION OR FEATURE IMPACT OR USE CASE Multiplexed LCD • • • • • Enable displays with more segments Use fewer device pins LCD contrast decreases as mux level increases Power consumption increases with mux level Requires multiple intermediate bias voltages Static LCD • • • • Limited number of segments that can be addressed Use a relatively large number of device pins Use the least amount of power Use only VCC and GND to drive LCD signals Internal Bias Generation • • • Simpler solution – no external circuitry Independent of VLCD source Somewhat higher power consumption External Bias Generation • • • Requires external resistor ladder divider Resistor size depends on display Ability to adjust drive strength to optimize tradeoff between power consumption and good drive of large segments (high capacitive load) External resistor ladder divider can be stabilized through capacitors to reduce ripple • Internal Charge Pump • Helps ensure a constant level of contrast despite decaying supply voltage conditions (battery-powered applications) Programmable voltage levels allow software-driven contrast control Requires an external capacitor on the LCDCAP pins Higher current consumption than simply using VCC for the LCD driver • • • Detailed Design Procedure A major component in designing the LCD solution is determining the exact connections between the LCD_E peripheral module and the display itself. Two basic design processes can be employed for this step, although often a balanced co-design approach is recommended: • • PCB layout-driven design Software-driven design In the PCB layout-driven design process, LCD_E offers configurable segment Sx and common COMx signals which are connected to the respective MSP430 device pins so that the routing of the PCB can be optimized to minimize signal crossings and to keep signals on one side of the PCB only, typically the top layer. For example, using a multiplexed LCD, it is possible to arbitrarily connect the Sx and COMx signals between the LCD and the MSP430 device as long as segment lines are swapped with segment lines and common lines are swapped with common lines. It is also possible to not contiguously connect all segment lines but rather skip LCD_E module segment connections to optimize layout or to allow access to other functions that may be multiplexed on a particular device port pin. Employing a purely layout-driven design approach, however, can result in the LCD_E module control bits that are responsible for turning on and off segments to appear scattered throughout the memory map of the LCD controller (LCDMx registers). This approach potentially places a rather large burden on the software design that may also result in increased energy consumption due to the computational overhead required to work with the LCD. The other extreme is a purely software-driven approach that starts with the idea that control bits for LCD segments that are frequently turned on and off together should be co-located in memory in the same LCDMx register or in adjacent registers. For example, in case of a 4-mux display that contains several 7-segment digits, from a software perspective it can be very desirable to control all 7 segments of each digit though a single byte-wide access to an LCDMx register. And consecutive segments are mapped to consecutive LCDMx registers. This allows use of simple look-up tables or software loops to output numbers on an LCD, reducing 82 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 computational overhead and optimizing the energy consumption of an application. Establishing of the most convenient memory layout needs to be performed in conjunction with the specific LCD that is being used to understand its design constraints in terms of which segment and which common signals are connected to, for example, a digit. For design information regarding the LCD controller input voltage selection including internal and external options, contrast control, and bias generation, see the LCD_E controller chapter in the MSP430FR4xx and MSP430FR2xx Family User's Guide. Layout Guidelines LCD segment (Sx) and common (COMx) signal traces are continuously switching while the LCD is enabled and should, therefore, be kept away from sensitive analog signals such as ADC inputs to prevent any noise coupling. TI recommends keeping the LCD signal traces on one side of the PCB grouped together in a bus-like fashion. A ground plane underneath the LCD traces and guard traces employed alongside the LCD traces can provide shielding. If the internal charge pump of the LCD module is used, the externally provided capacitor on the LCDCAP0 and LCDCAP1 pins should be located as close as possible to the MCU. The capacitor should be connected to the device using a short and direct trace. For an example layout of connecting a 4-mux LCD with 27 segments to an MSP430FR4133 and using the charge pump feature, see the MSP-EXP430FR4133 LaunchPad development kit. 10.2.3 Timer Generate Accurate PWM Using Internal Oscillator Generating an accurate PWM signal using the device internal oscillator is an important feature for many costsensitive applications in which an external crystal is not desired. The MSP430FR4133 uses an on-chip 32-kHz RC oscillator (REFO) combined with the 16-MHz digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) with frequency-locked loop (FLL) to provide the clock source for the timer peripheral to generate the PWM. The REFO frequency may change across different temperatures. To achieve improved PWM accuracy, application software may periodically measure the device temperature and compute an appropriate timer capture/compare correction value to offset for REFO temperature drift. For more information on how to implement this algorithm refer to How to Achieve Higher Accuracy Timer with Internal Oscillator on MSP430 . Figure 10-6 shows the absolute value of a typical error percentage for a 44-kHz PWM signal over the temperature range. The absolute value error percentages shown below can be interpreted as either positive or negative resulting in a slightly faster or slower PWM frequency. Figure 10-6. Calibrated 44-kHz Timer PWM Error Magnitude Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 83 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 10.3 Typical Applications Table 10-2 lists reference designs that demonstrate use of the MSP430FR413x family of devices in different real-world application scenarios. Consult these designs for additional guidance regarding schematic, layout, and software implementation. For the most up-to-date list of available reference designs, visit TI reference designs. Table 10-2. Reference Designs DESIGN NAME LINK Thermostat Implementation With MSP430FR4xx TIDM-FRAM-THERMOSTAT Water Meter Implementation With MSP430FR4xx TIDM-FRAM-WATERMETER Remote Controller of Air Conditioner Using Low-Power Microcontroller TIDM-REMOTE-CONTROLLER-FOR-AC 84 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 11 Device and Documentation Support 11.1 Getting Started For an introduction to the MSP430 family of devices and the tools and libraries that are available to help with your development, visit the MSP430™ ultra-low-power sensing & measurement MCUs overview. 11.2 Device Nomenclature To designate the stages in the product development cycle, TI assigns prefixes to the part numbers of all MSP MCU devices. Each MSP MCU commercial family member has one of two prefixes: MSP or XMS. These prefixes represent evolutionary stages of product development from engineering prototypes (XMS) through fully qualified production devices (MSP). XMS – Experimental device that is not necessarily representative of the final device's electrical specifications MSP – Fully qualified production device XMS devices are shipped against the following disclaimer: "Developmental product is intended for internal evaluation purposes." MSP devices have been characterized fully, and the quality and reliability of the device have been demonstrated fully. TI's standard warranty applies. Predictions show that prototype devices (XMS) have a greater failure rate than the standard production devices. TI recommends that these devices not be used in any production system because their expected end-use failure rate still is undefined. Only qualified production devices are to be used. TI device nomenclature also includes a suffix with the device family name. This suffix indicates the temperature range, package type, and distribution format. Figure 11-1 provides a legend for reading the complete device name. MSP 430 FR 4 133 I PM R Distribution Format Processor Family Packaging Platform Memory Type Temperature Range Series Processor Family Feature Set MSP = Mixed-Signal Processor XMS = Experimental Silicon Platform 430 = TI’s 16-Bit MSP430 Low-Power Microcontroller Platform Memory Type FR = FRAM Series 4 = FRAM 4 series up to 16 MHz with LCD Feature Set First and Second Digits: ADC Channels / 16-bit Timers / I/Os 13 = Up to 10 / 3 / Up to 60 Temperature Range I = –40°C to 85°C Packaging http://www.ti.com/packaging Distribution Format T = Small reel R = Large reel No marking = Tube or tray Third Digit: FRAM (KB) / SRAM (KB) 3 = 16 / 2 2=8/1 1 = 4 / 0.5 Figure 11-1. Device Nomenclature Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 85 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 11.3 Tools and Software Table 11-1 lists the debug features supported by the MSP430FR413x microcontrollers. See the Code Composer Studio IDE for MSP430 MCUs User's Guide for details on the available features. Table 11-1. Hardware Features MSP430 ARCHITECTURE 4-WIRE JTAG 2-WIRE JTAG BREAKPOINTS (N) RANGE BREAKPOINTS CLOCK CONTROL STATE SEQUENCER TRACE BUFFER LPMX.5 DEBUGGING SUPPORT MSP430Xv2 Yes Yes 3 Yes Yes No No No Design Kits and Evaluation Modules MSP430FR4133 LaunchPad Development Kit The MSP-EXP430FR4133 LaunchPad development kit is an easy-to-use Evaluation Module (EVM) for the MSP430FR4133 microcontroller. It contains everything needed to start developing on the MSP430 ultra-lowpower (ULP) FRAM-based microcontroller (MCU) platform, including on-board emulation for programming, debugging, and energy measurements. MSP-TS430PM64D Target Development Board for MSP430FR2x/4x MCUs The MSP-TS430PM64D is a stand-alone 64-pin ZIF socket target board used to program and debug the MSP430 MCU in-system through the JTAG interface or the Spy Bi-Wire (2-wire JTAG) protocol. MSP-FET430U64D Target Development Board (64-pin) and MSP-FET Programmer Bundle for MSP430FR2x/4x MCUs The MSP-FET430U64D is a bundle containing the MSP-FET emulator and MSP-TS430PM64D 64-pin ZIF socket target board to program and debug the MSP430 MCU in-system through the JTAG interface or the Spy Bi-Wire (2-wire JTAG) protocol. Software MSP430Ware™ Software MSP430Ware software is a collection of code examples, data sheets, and other design resources for all MSP430 devices delivered in a convenient package. In addition to providing a complete collection of existing MSP430 MCU design resources, MSP430Ware software also includes a high-level API called MSP Driver Library. This library makes it easy to program MSP430 hardware. MSP430Ware software is available as a component of CCS or as a stand-alone package. MSP430FR413x, MSP430FR203x Code Examples C code examples are available for every MSP device that configures each of the integrated peripherals for various application needs. FRAM Embedded Software Utilities for MSP Ultra-Low-Power Microcontrollers The TI FRAM Utilities software is designed to grow as a collection of embedded software utilities that leverage the ultra-low-power and virtually unlimited write endurance of FRAM. The utilities are available for MSP430FRxx FRAM microcontrollers and provide example code to help start application development. MSP430 Touch Pro GUI The MSP430 Touch Pro Tool is a PC-based tool that can be used to verify capacitive touch button, slider, and wheel designs. The tool receives and visualizes captouch sensor data to help the user quickly and easily evaluate, diagnose, and tune button, slider, and wheel designs. 86 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 MSP430 Touch Power Designer GUI The MSP430 Capacitive Touch Power Designer enables the calculation of the estimated average current draw for a given MSP430 capacitive touch system. By entering system parameters such as operating voltage, frequency, number of buttons, and button gate time, the user can have a power estimate for a given capacitive touch configuration on a given device family in minutes. Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Library for MSP Microcontrollers The Digital Signal Processing library is a set of highly optimized functions to perform many common signal processing operations on fixed-point numbers for MSP430 and MSP432 microcontrollers. This function set is typically used for applications where processing-intensive transforms are done in real-time for minimal energy and with very high accuracy. This optimal use of the MSP intrinsic hardware for fixed-point math allows for significant performance gains. MSP Driver Library The abstracted API of MSP Driver Library provides easy-to-use function calls that free you from directly manipulating the bits and bytes of the MSP430 hardware. Thorough documentation is delivered through a helpful API Guide, which includes details on each function call and the recognized parameters. Developers can use Driver Library functions to write complete projects with minimal overhead. MSP EnergyTrace Technology EnergyTrace technology for MSP430 microcontrollers is an energy-based code analysis tool that measures and displays the energy profile of the application and helps to optimize it for ultra-low-power consumption. ULP (Ultra-Low Power) Advisor ULP Advisor™ software is a tool for guiding developers to write more efficient code to fully use the unique ultralow-power features of MSP and MSP432 microcontrollers. Aimed at both experienced and new microcontroller developers, ULP Advisor checks your code against a thorough ULP checklist to help minimize the energy consumption of your application. At build time, ULP Advisor provides notifications and remarks to highlight areas of your code that can be further optimized for lower power. Fixed Point Math Library for MSP The MSP IQmath and Qmath Libraries are a collection of highly optimized and high-precision mathematical functions for C programmers to seamlessly port a floating-point algorithm into fixed-point code on MSP430 and MSP432 devices. These routines are typically used in computationally intensive real-time applications where optimal execution speed, high accuracy, and ultra-low energy are critical. By using the IQmath and Qmath libraries, it is possible to achieve execution speeds considerably faster and energy consumption considerably lower than equivalent code written using floating-point math. Floating Point Math Library for MSP430 Continuing to innovate in the low-power and low-cost microcontroller space, TI provides MSPMATHLIB. Leveraging the intelligent peripherals of our devices, this floating-point math library of scalar functions is up to 26 times faster than the standard MSP430 math functions. Mathlib is easy to integrate into your designs. This library is free and is integrated in both Code Composer Studio IDE and IAR Embedded Workbench IDE. Development Tools Code Composer Studio™ Integrated Development Environment for MSP Microcontrollers Code Composer Studio (CCS) integrated development environment (IDE) supports all MSP microcontroller devices. CCS comprises a suite of embedded software utilities used to develop and debug embedded applications. CCS includes an optimizing C/C++ compiler, source code editor, project build environment, debugger, profiler, and many other features. Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 87 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 Command-Line Programmer MSP Flasher is an open-source shell-based interface for programming MSP microcontrollers through a FET programmer or eZ430 using JTAG or Spy-Bi-Wire (SBW) communication. MSP Flasher can download binary files (.txt or .hex) directly to the MSP microcontroller without an IDE. MSP MCU Programmer and Debugger The MSP-FET is a powerful emulation development tool – often called a debug probe – which lets users quickly begin application development on MSP low-power MCUs. Creating MCU software usually requires downloading the resulting binary program to the MSP device for validation and debugging. MSP-GANG Production Programmer The MSP Gang Programmer is an MSP430 or MSP432 device programmer that can program up to eight identical MSP430 or MSP432 flash or FRAM devices at the same time. The MSP Gang Programmer connects to a host PC using a standard RS-232 or USB connection and provides flexible programming options that let the user fully customize the process. 11.4 Documentation Support The following documents describe the MSP430FR413x microcontrollers. Copies of these documents are available on the Internet at www.ti.com. Receiving Notification of Document Updates To receive notification of documentation updates—including silicon errata—go to the product folder for your device on ti.com. In the upper right corner, click the "Alert me" button. This registers you to receive a weekly digest of product information that has changed (if any). For change details, check the revision history of any revised document. Errata MSP430FR4133 Device Erratasheet Describes the known exceptions to the functional specifications. MSP430FR4132 Device Erratasheet Describes the known exceptions to the functional specifications. MSP430FR4131 Device Erratasheet Describes the known exceptions to the functional specifications. User's Guides MSP430FR4xx and MSP430FR2xx Family User's Guide Detailed description of all modules and peripherals available in this device family. MSP430 FRAM Device Bootloader (BSL) User's Guide The bootloader (BSL) on MSP430 MCUs lets users communicate with embedded memory in the MSP430 MCU during the prototyping phase, final production, and in service. Both the programmable memory (FRAM memory) and the data memory (RAM) can be modified as required. MSP430 Programming With the JTAG Interface This document describes the functions that are required to erase, program, and verify the memory module of the MSP430 flash-based and FRAM-based microcontroller families using the JTAG communication port. In addition, it describes how to program the JTAG access security fuse that is available on all MSP430 devices. This document describes device access using both the standard 4-wire JTAG interface and the 2-wire JTAG interface, which is also referred to as Spy-Bi-Wire (SBW). 88 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 MSP430 Hardware Tools User's Guide This manual describes the hardware of the TI MSP-FET430 Flash Emulation Tool (FET). The FET is the program development tool for the MSP430 ultra-low-power microcontroller. Both available interface types, the parallel port interface and the USB interface, are described. Application Reports MSP430 FRAM Technology – How To and Best Practices FRAM is a nonvolatile memory technology that behaves similar to SRAM while enabling a whole host of new applications, but also changing the way firmware should be designed. This application report outlines the how to and best practices of using FRAM technology in MSP430 from an embedded software development perspective. It discusses how to implement a memory layout according to application-specific code, constant, data space requirements, and the use of FRAM to optimize application energy consumption. MSP430 32-kHz Crystal Oscillators Selection of the right crystal, correct load circuit, and proper board layout are important for a stable crystal oscillator. This application report summarizes crystal oscillator function and explains the parameters to select the correct crystal for MSP430 ultra-low-power operation. In addition, hints and examples for correct board layout are given. The document also contains detailed information on the possible oscillator tests to ensure stable oscillator operation in mass production. MSP430 System-Level ESD Considerations System-level ESD has become increasingly demanding with silicon technology scaling towards lower voltages and the need for designing cost-effective and ultra-low-power components. This application report addresses three different ESD topics to help board designers and OEMs understand and design robust system-level designs. 11.5 Support Resources TI E2E™ support forums are an engineer's go-to source for fast, verified answers and design help — straight from the experts. Search existing answers or ask your own question to get the quick design help you need. Linked content is provided "AS IS" by the respective contributors. They do not constitute TI specifications and do not necessarily reflect TI's views; see TI's Terms of Use. Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 89 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 11.6 Trademarks LaunchPad™, MSP430Ware™, MSP430™, Code Composer Studio™, TI E2E™, ULP Advisor™, are trademarks of Texas Instruments. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 11.7 Electrostatic Discharge Caution This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage. ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications. 11.8 Export Control Notice Recipient agrees to not knowingly export or re-export, directly or indirectly, any product or technical data (as defined by the U.S., EU, and other Export Administration Regulations) including software, or any controlled product restricted by other applicable national regulations, received from disclosing party under nondisclosure obligations (if any), or any direct product of such technology, to any destination to which such export or re-export is restricted or prohibited by U.S. or other applicable laws, without obtaining prior authorization from U.S. Department of Commerce and other competent Government authorities to the extent required by those laws. 11.9 Glossary TI Glossary 90 This glossary lists and explains terms, acronyms, and definitions. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 MSP430FR4133, MSP430FR4132, MSP430FR4131 www.ti.com SLAS865F – OCTOBER 2014 – REVISED DECEMBER 2021 12 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information The following pages include mechanical, packaging, and orderable information. This information is the most current data available for the designated devices. This data is subject to change without notice and revision of this document. For browser-based versions of this data sheet, refer to the left-hand navigation. Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: MSP430FR4133 MSP430FR4132 MSP430FR4131 Submit Document Feedback 91 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 2-Aug-2021 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan (2) Lead finish/ Ball material MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) Device Marking (3) (4/5) (6) MSP430FR4131IG48 ACTIVE TSSOP DGG 48 40 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR4131 MSP430FR4131IG48R ACTIVE TSSOP DGG 48 2000 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR4131 MSP430FR4131IG56 ACTIVE TSSOP DGG 56 35 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR4131 MSP430FR4131IG56R ACTIVE TSSOP DGG 56 2000 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR4131 MSP430FR4131IPMR ACTIVE LQFP PM 64 1000 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR4131 MSP430FR4132IG48 ACTIVE TSSOP DGG 48 40 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR4132 MSP430FR4132IG48R ACTIVE TSSOP DGG 48 2000 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR4132 MSP430FR4132IG56 ACTIVE TSSOP DGG 56 35 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR4132 MSP430FR4132IG56R ACTIVE TSSOP DGG 56 2000 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR4132 MSP430FR4132IPMR ACTIVE LQFP PM 64 1000 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR4132 MSP430FR4133IG48 ACTIVE TSSOP DGG 48 40 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR4133 MSP430FR4133IG48R ACTIVE TSSOP DGG 48 2000 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR4133 MSP430FR4133IG56 ACTIVE TSSOP DGG 56 35 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR4133 MSP430FR4133IG56R ACTIVE TSSOP DGG 56 2000 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR4133 MSP430FR4133IPM ACTIVE LQFP PM 64 160 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR4133 MSP430FR4133IPMR ACTIVE LQFP PM 64 1000 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR4133 (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. Addendum-Page 1 Samples PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 2-Aug-2021 (2) RoHS: TI defines "RoHS" to mean semiconductor products that are compliant with the current EU RoHS requirements for all 10 RoHS substances, including the requirement that RoHS substance do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, "RoHS" products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. TI may reference these types of products as "Pb-Free". RoHS Exempt: TI defines "RoHS Exempt" to mean products that contain lead but are compliant with EU RoHS pursuant to a specific EU RoHS exemption. Green: TI defines "Green" to mean the content of Chlorine (Cl) and Bromine (Br) based flame retardants meet JS709B low halogen requirements of
1. 物料型号: - MSP430FR4133 - MSP430FR4132 - MSP430FR4131

2. 器件简介: 这些是德州仪器生产的MSP430系列的微控制器,具有不同的存储容量和引脚配置。它们具备多种特性,如低功耗、高性能,以及集成了多种外设,适用于多种应用场景。

3. 引脚分配: 文档中详细列出了各个型号的引脚分配,包括每个引脚的功能和可能的复用功能。例如,某些引脚可以作为通用输入/输出(GPIO),也可以复用为其他外设的信号线。

4. 参数特性: 微控制器的主要参数特性包括处理器速度、存储容量、工作电压范围、温度范围、功耗等。

5. 功能详解: 文档详细介绍了微控制器的各种功能,如中断处理、定时器、串行通信接口、模数转换器(ADC)、液晶显示器(LCD)驱动、比较器等。

6. 应用信息: 这些微控制器适用于需要低功耗和高性能的应用,如便携式设备、传感器网络、工业控制等。

7. 封装信息: 提供了不同封装选项的详细信息,包括引脚数、封装类型和尺寸等。
MSP-EXP430FR4133 价格&库存


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+140.977101+17.95530


  •  国内价格
  • 1+187.67961
  • 5+183.92298
