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PGA203KPG4 数据手册
® PGA202/203 Digitally Controlled Programmable-Gain INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIER FEATURES APPLICATIONS ● DIGITALLY PROGRAMMABLE GAINS: DECADE MODEL—PGA202 GAINS OF 1, 10, 100, 1000 BINARY MODEL—PGA203 GAINS OF 1, 2, 4, 8 ● LOW BIAS CURRENT: 50pA max ● FAST SETTLING: 2µs to 0.01% ● LOW NON-LINEARITY: 0.012% max ● HIGH CMRR: 80dB min ● DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEMS ● ● ● ● AUTO-RANGING CIRCUITS DYNAMIC RANGE EXPANSION REMOTE INSTRUMENTATION TEST EQUIPMENT ● NEW TRANSCONDUCTANCE CIRCUITRY ● LOW COST DESCRIPTION The PGA202 is a monolithic instrumentation amplifier with digitally controlled gains of 1, 10, 100, and 1000. The PGA203 provides gains of 1, 2, 4, and 8. Both have TTL or CMOS-compatible inputs for easy microprocessor interface. Both have FET inputs and a new transconductance circuitry that keeps the bandwidth nearly constant with gain. Gain and offsets are laser trimmed to allow use without any external components. Both amplifiers are available in ceramic or plastic packages. The ceramic package is specified over the full industrial temperature range while the plastic package covers the commercial range. VOS Adjust 6 9 10 Filter B 5.3pF* +VIN 8 +VIN 7 30kΩ * Front End and Logic Circuits 11 Sense I 1 – 12 VOUT + 4 VREF 30kΩ * I 2 5.3pF* *±20% 1 5 Filter A 2 14 A0 A1 Digital Common Covered by U.S. PATENT #4,883,422 International Airport Industrial Park • Mailing Address: PO Box 11400 Tel: (520) 746-1111 • Twx: 910-952-1111 • Cable: BBRCORP • • Tucson, AZ 85734 • Street Address: 6730 S. Tucson Blvd. • Tucson, AZ 85706 Telex: 066-6491 • FAX: (520) 889-1510 • Immediate Product Info: (800) 548-6132 ©1989 Burr-Brown Corporation PDS-1006C 1 ® SBOS002 PGA202/203 Printed in U.S.A. August, 1993 SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL At +25°C, VCC = ±15V unless otherwise noted. PGA202/203AG (1) PARAMETER CONDITION GAIN Error (2) MIN G < 1000 G = 1000 G < 1000 G = 1000 G < 100 G = 100 G = 1000 Nonlinearity Gain vs Temperature RATED OUTPUT Voltage Over Specified Temperature Current Impedance |IOUT | ≤ 5mA See Typical Perf. Curve |VOUT | ≤ 10V ANALOG INPUTS Common-Mode Range Absolute Max Voltage (3) Impedance, Differential Common-Mode No Damage ±10 ±5 ±10 MAX 0.05 0.1 0.002 0.02 3 40 100 0.25 1 0.015 0.06 25 120 300 ±12 ±9 ±10 0.5 PGA202/203BG (1) MIN * * ±13 ±VCC * vs Temperature 10 ≤ VCC ≤ 15 INPUT BIAS CURRENT Initial Bias Current: at 25°C at 85°C Initial Offset Current: at 25°C at 85°C TYP MAX * 0.08 * * * * * 0.15 0.5 0.012 0.04 15 60 150 * * * * PGA202/203KP (1) MIN * * * * ±(2 + 24/G) ±(24 + 240/G) 10 640 5 320 50 3200 25 1600 MAX UNITS * * * * * * * * * * * % % % % ppm/°C ppm/°C ppm/°C * ±10 * * * * * * 100 + 900/G * * * * V V mA Ω * * * * ±(0.5 + 5/G) ±(3 + 50/G) 50 10 + 250/G TYP * 10 || 3 10 || 1 OFFSET VOLTAGE (RTI) Initial Offset at 25°C (4) Offset vs Time Offset vs Supply TYP * * ±(1 + 12/G) ±(12 + 120/G) * * * * * * mV µV/°C * 50 + 450/G V V GΩ || pF GΩ || pF * * * µV/Month µV/V * * * * * * * * pA pA pA pA COMMON-MODE REJECTION RATIO G=1 G = 10 G = 100 G = 1000 80 86 92 94 100 110 120 120 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * dB dB dB dB INPUT NOISE Noise Voltage 0.1 to 10Hz Noise Density at 10kHz (5) 1.7 12 * * * * µVp-p nV/√Hz OUTPUT NOISE Noise Voltage 0.1 to 10Hz Density at 1kHz (5) 32 400 * * * * µVp-p nV/√Hz 1000 250 400 100 20 2 10 5 10 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * kHz kHz kHz kHz V/µs µs µs µs µs DYNAMIC RESPONSE Frequency Response Full Power Bandwidth Slew Rate Settling Time (0.01%) (7) Overload Recovery Time (7) DIGITAL INPUTS Digital Common Range Input Low Threshold (6) Input Low Current Input High Voltage Input High Current POWER SUPPLY Rated Voltage Voltage Range Quiescent Current G G G G < = < = 1000 1000 1000 1000 G G G G < = < = 1000 1000 1000 1000 10 15 VCC – 8 0.8 10 –VCC 2.4 * * ±15 ±18 * 85 125 150 100 V V µA V µA * * * * * * * * –25 –55 –65 * * * * 6.5 TEMPERATURE RANGE Specification Operating Storage θJA * * * 10 ±6 * * * * V V mA 70 85 100 °C °C °C °C/W * * * * * * 0 –25 –40 * * Same as the PGA202/203AG NOTES: (1) All specifications apply to both the PGA202 and the PGA203. Values given for a gain of 10 are the same for a gain of 8 and other values may be interpolated. (2) Measured with a 10k load. (3) The analog inputs are internally diode clamped. (4) Adjustable to zero. (5) VNOISE (RTI) = √(VN INPUT)2 + (VN OUTPUT/Gain)2. (6) Threshold voltages are referenced to Digital Common. (7) From input change or gain change. ® PGA202/203 2 PIN CONFIGURATION ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Top View DIP A0 1 14 Digital Common A1 2 13 –VCC +VCC 3 12 V OUT VREF 4 11 V OUT Sense Filter A 5 10 Filter B VOS Adjust 6 9 VOS Adjust –V IN 7 8 +V IN Supply Voltage ................................................................................... ±18V Internal Power Dissipation ............................................................. 750mW Analog and Digital Inputs ..................................................... ±(VCC + 0.5V) Operating Temperature Range: G Package ............................................................... –55°C to +125°C P Package ............................................................... –40°C to +100°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) .................................................. 300°C Output Short Circuit Duration ................................................... Continuous Junction Temperature ...................................................................... 175°C PACKAGE INFORMATION MODEL PGA202KP PGA202AG PGA202BG PGA203KP PGA203AG PGA203BG PACKAGE PACKAGE DRAWING NUMBER(1) 14-Pin Plastic DIP 14-Pin Ceramic DIP 14-Pin Ceramic DIP 14-Pin Plastic DIP 14-Pin Ceramic DIP 14-Pin Ceramic DIP 010 169 169 010 169 169 NOTE: (1) For detailed drawing and dimension table, please see end of data sheet, or Appendix D of Burr-Brown IC Data Book. ORDERING INFORMATION TEMPERATURE MODEL OFFSET VOLTAGE GAINS PACKAGE RANGE MAX (mV) PGA202KP PGA202AG PGA202BG 1, 10, 100, 1000 1, 10, 100, 1000 1, 10, 100, 1000 Plastic DIP Ceramic DIP Ceramic DIP 0°C to +70°C –25°C to +85°C –25°C to +85°C ±(2 + 24/G) ±(2 + 24/G) ±(1 + 12/G) PGA203KP PGA203AG PGA203BG 1, 2, 4, 8 1, 2, 4, 8 1, 2, 4, 8 Plastic DIP Ceramic DIP Ceramic DIP 0°C to +70°C –25°C to +85°C –25°C to +85°C ±(2 + 24/G) ±(2 + 24/G) ±(1 + 12/G) The information provided herein is believed to be reliable; however, BURR-BROWN assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies or omissions. BURR-BROWN assumes no responsibility for the use of this information, and all use of such information shall be entirely at the user’s own risk. Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. No patent rights or licenses to any of the circuits described herein are implied or granted to any third party. BURR-BROWN does not authorize or warrant any BURR-BROWN product for use in life support devices and/or systems. ® 3 PGA202/203 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES TA = +25°C, VS = ±15V unless otherwise noted. GAIN vs FREQUENCY GAIN ERROR vs FREQUENCY 80 10 60 1 G = 1000 Gain Error (%) Gain (dB) 40 20 0 10–1 G=1 10–2 –20 10–3 –40 1 2 10 3 4 10 10 10 10 5 6 10 7 1 10 102 10 103 104 105 Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) CMRR vs FREQUENCY PSRR vs FREQUENCY 160 160 G = 100, 1000 120 80 PSRR (dB) CMRR (dB) 120 G = 10 G=1 40 0 G = 100 80 G = 10 40 G=1 0 –40 –40 1 10 102 103 104 105 106 1 102 10 Frequency (Hz) 103 104 105 106 Frequency (Hz) INPUT NOISE vs FREQUENCY OUTPUT NOISE vs FREQUENCY 104 104 103 103 Noise (nV/√Hz) Noise (nV/√Hz) G = 1000 102 10 102 10 1 1 1 10 102 103 104 105 1 Frequency (Hz) 102 103 Frequency (Hz) ® PGA202/203 10 4 104 105 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (CONT) TA = +25°C, VS = ±15V unless otherwise noted. QUIESCENT CURRENT vs POWER SUPPLY INPUT BIAS CURRENT vs POWER SUPPLY 10 12 11 Input Bias Current (pA) IQ (mA) 8 6 4 2 10 9 8 7 0 0 6 9 12 15 18 6 9 Power Supply (±V) 12 15 18 Power Supply (±V) OUTPUT SWING vs POWER SUPPLY INPUT RANGE vs POWER SUPPLY 15 16 TA = +25°C 12 VOUT (V) V IN (V) 10 8 TA = –25°C 5 4 0 0 6 9 12 15 6 18 9 12 15 18 Power Supply (±V) Power Supply (±V) OUTPUT SWING vs LOAD SETTLING TIME vs FILTER CAPACITOR 15 10 8 VOUT (V) Settling Time (µs) 10 5 6 4 2 0 –4 0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 Load ( Ω ) 10 20 30 Filter Capacitor (pF) ® 5 PGA202/203 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (CONT) TA = +25°C, VS = ±15V unless otherwise noted. QUIESCENT CURRENT vs TEMPERATURE INPUT BIAS CURRENT vs TEMPERATURE 103 10 Input Bias Current (pA) IQ (mA) 8 6 4 2 102 10 1 0 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 –50 –25 0 Temperature (°C) 25 CURRENT LIMIT vs TEMPERATURE 75 100 75 100 SLEW RATE vs TEMPERATURE 25 Slew Rate (V/µs) 25 ILIM (mA) 20 15 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 20 15 10 –50 10 100 –25 0 25 LARGE SIGNAL RESPONSE OUTPUT SWING vs TEMPERATURE 14 5V/Div 12 10 G = 10 8 6 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 1µs/Div Temperature (°C) ® PGA202/203 50 Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) V OUT (V) 50 Temperature (°C) 6 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (CONT) DIN TA = +25°C, VCC = ±15V unless otherwise noted. 1 2 14 8 + SMALL SIGNAL RESPONSE 11 VIN PGA202 7 12 VOUT 4 – 13 5mV/Div 3 RL G = 10 +VCC –VCC 1µs/Div FIGURE 1. Basic Circuit Connections. DISCUSSION OF PERFORMANCE OFFSET ADJUSTMENT Figure 2 shows the offset adjustment circuits for the PGA202/ 203. The input offset and the output offset are both separately adjustable. Notice that because the PGA202/203 change between four different input stages to change gain, the input offset voltage will change slightly with gain. For systems using computer autozeroing techniques, neither offset nor drift is a major concern, but it should be noted that since the input offset does change with gain, these systems should perform an autozero cycle after each gain change for optimum performance. A simplified diagram of the PGA202/203 is shown on the first page. The design consists of a digitally controlled, differential transconductance front end stage using precision FET buffers and the classical transimpedance output stage. Gain switching is accomplished with a novel current steering technique that allows for fast settling when changing gains. The result is a high performance, programmable instrumentation amplifier with excellent speed and gain accuracy. In the output offset adjustment circuit, the choice of the buffering op amp is very important. The op amp needs to have low output impedance and a wide bandwidth to maintain full accuracy over the entire frequency range of the PGA202/203. For these reasons we recommend the OPA602 as an excellent choice for this application. The input stage uses a new circuit topology that includes FET buffers to give extremely low input bias currents. The differential input voltage is converted into a differential output current with the transconductance gain selected by steering the input stage bias current between four identical input stages differing only in the value of the gain setting resistor. Each input stage is individually laser-trimmed for input offset, offset drift, and gain. +VCC The output stage is a differential transimpedance amplifier. Unlike the classical difference amplifier output stage, the common-mode rejection is not limited by the resistor matching. However, the output resistors are laser-trimmed to help minimize the output offset and drift. 50kΩ +VCC 6 8 VIN BASIC CONNECTIONS Figure 1 shows the proper connections for power supply and signal. The power supplies should be decoupled with 1µF tantalum capacitors placed as close to the amplifier as possible for maximum performance. To avoid gain and CMR errors introduced by the external components, you should connect the grounds as indicated. Any resistance in the sense line (pin 11) or the VREF line (pin 4) will lead to a gain error, so these lines should be kept as short as possible. To also maintain stability, avoid capacitance from the output to the input or the offset adjust pins. + 9 PGA202 7 11 12 VOUT – 10kΩ 4 100kΩ + 100Ω – OPA602 –VCC FIGURE 2. Offset Adjustment Circuits. ® 7 PGA202/203 OUTPUT SENSE An output sense has been provided to allow greater accuracy in connecting the load. By attaching this feedback point to the load at the load site, IR drops due to the load currents are eliminated since they are inside the feedback loop. Proper connection is shown in Figure 1. When more current is required, a power booster can be placed in the feedback loop as shown in Figure 4. Buffer errors are minimized by the loop gain of the output amplifier. GAIN SELECTION Gain selection is accomplished by the application of a 2-bit digital word to the gain select inputs. Table I shows the gains for the different possible values of the digital input word. The logic inputs are referred to their own separate digital common pin, which can be connected to any voltage between the minus supply and 8V below the positive supply. The gains are all internally trimmed to an initial accuracy of better than 0.1%, so no external gain adjustment is required. However, if necessary the gains can be increased by the use of an external attenuator around the output stage as shown in Figure 3. Recommended resistor values for certain selected output gains are given in Table II. 14 8 + PGA202 PGA203 VIN A1 A0 GAIN ERROR GAIN ERROR 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 10 100 1000 0.05% 0.05% 0.05% 0.10% 1 2 4 8 0.05% 0.05% 0.05% 0.05% 7 R1 R2 5kΩ 2kΩ 1kΩ 5kΩ 8kΩ 9kΩ VIN PGA202 7 11 12 RL A1 OUTPUT FILTERING The summing nodes of the output amplifier have also been made available to allow for output filtering. By placing matched capacitors in parallel with the existing internal capacitors as shown in Figure 5, you can lower the frequency response of the output amplifier. This will reduce the noise of the amplifier, at the cost of a slower response. The nominal frequency responses for some selected values of capacitor are shown in Table III. VOUT – 4 2 FIGURE 4. Current Boosting the Output. TABLE II. Output Stage Gain Control. 8 + – A0 2 5 10 VOUT OPA633 4 1 TABLE I. Software Gain Selection. OUTPUT GAIN 11 12 PGA202 R1 + OPA602 – CEXT R2 10 8 FIGURE 3. Gain Increase with Buffered Attenuator. + 11 VIN PGA202 7 COMMON-MODE INPUT RANGE Unlike the classical three op amp type of circuit, the input common-mode range of the PGA202/203 does not depend on the differential input and the gain. In the standard three op amp circuit, the input common-mode signal must be kept below the maximum output voltage of the input amplifier minus 1/2 the final output voltage. If, for example, these amplifiers can swing ±12V, then to get 12V at the output you must restrict the input common-mode voltage to only 6V. The circuitry of the PGA202/203 is such that the commonmode input range applies to either input pin regardless of the output voltage. 12 VOUT 4 – 5 CEXT FIGURE 5. Output Filtering. CUTOFF FREQUENCY C1 AND C2 1MHz 100kHz 10kHz None 47pF 525pF TABLE III. Output Frequency vs Filter Capacitors. ® PGA202/203 8 INPUT CHARACTERISTICS Because the PGA202/203 have FET inputs, the bias currents drawn through input source resistors have a negligible effect on DC accuracy. The picoamp currents produce no more than microvolts through megohm sources. The inputs are also internally diode clamped to the supplies. Thus, input filtering and input series protection are easily achievable. 8 14 + 11 7 VOUT 12 PGA203 102 ISO 4 – 2 1 A return path for the input bias currents must always be provided to prevent the charging of any stray capacitance. Otherwise, the amplifier could wander and saturate. A 1MΩ to 10MΩ resistor from the input to common will return floating sources such as thermocouples and AC-coupled inputs (see Applications Section, Figures 8 and 9.) +5 RL Digital OptoCoupler DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE The PGA202 and the PGA203 are fast-settling FET input programmable gain instrumentation amplifiers. Careful attention to minimize stray capacitance is necessary to achieve specified performance. High source resistance will interact with the input capacitance to reduce speed and overall bandwidth. Also, to maintain stability, avoid capacitance from the output to the input or the offset adjust pins. DIN FIGURE 6. Isolated Programmable Gain Instrumentation Amplifier. Applications with balanced source impedance will provide the best performance. In some applications, mismatched source impedances may be required. If the impedance in the negative input exceeds that in the positive input, stray capacitance from the output will create a net negative feedback and improve the stability of the circuit. If, however, the impedance in the positive input is greater, then the feedback due to stray capacitance will be positive and instability may result. The degree of positive feedback will, of course, depend on the source impedance imbalance as well as the board layout and the operating gain. The addition of a small bypass capacitor of about 5 to 50pF directly across the input terminals of the PGIA will generally eliminate any instability arising from these stray capacitances. CMR errors due to the source imbalance will also be reduced by the addition of this capacitor. 8 VIN 14 + 11 7 VOUT 12 PGA202 4 – 2 1 + Down V REF 10V – 2-Bit Up/Down Counter OSC Dual Comparator R1 10k Ω – Up + R2 1kΩ The PGA202 and the PGA203 are designed for fast settling in response to changes in either the input voltage or the gain. The bandwidth and the settling times are mostly determined by the output stage and are therefore independent of gain, except at the highest gain of the PGA202 where other factors in the input stage begin to dominate. FIGURE 7. Auto Gain Ranging. 1µF 14 8 + APPLICATIONS VIN 7 In addition to general purpose applications, the PGA202/203 are designed to handle two important and demanding classes of applications: inputs with high source impedances, and rapid scanning data acquisition systems requiring fast settling time. Because the user has access to output sense and output common pins, current sources can also be constructed with a minimum of external components. Some basic application circuits are shown in Figures 6 through 12. 11 12 PGA202 1µF VOUT 4 – 2 1 1MΩ 1MΩ Gain Control FIGURE 8. AC-Coupled Differential Amplifier for Frequencies Above 0.16Hz. ® 9 PGA202/203 8 14 8 + 11 12 PGA203 7 + VIN 11 12 PGA202 7 VOUT 4 – 2 1 4 – A0 2 VOUT 1 A1 1MΩ 1 8 2 + 11 12 PGA202 Gain Control 7 4 – VOUT = 2G VIN FIGURE 9. Floating Source Programmable Gain Instrumentation Amplifier. FIGURE 11. Programmable Differential In/Differential Out Amplifier. + OPA27 – +VCC 10k Ω VIN 200 Ω 14 8 + 11 12 PGA203 10k Ω 7 8 + VOUT 11 7 4 – 2 10kΩ 2 1 R 12 PGA203 4 – 14 1 – R OPA27 + IOUT Gain Control Gain Control RL FIGURE 10. Low Noise Differential Amplifier with Gains of 100, 200, 400, 800. FIGURE 12. Programmable Current Source. 14 8 + VIN 11 12 PGA202 7 8 4 – 2 1 14 + 11 12 PGA203 7 VOUT 4 – 2 1 A2 A3 A0 A1 FIGURE 13. Cascaded Amplifiers. ® PGA202/203 10 A3 A2 A1 A0 GAIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 2 4 8 10 20 40 80 100 200 400 800 1000 2000 4000 8000 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 13-Aug-2021 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan (2) Lead finish/ Ball material MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) Device Marking (3) (4/5) (6) PGA202KP ACTIVE PDIP N 14 25 RoHS & Green NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type -25 to 85 PGA202KP PGA202KPG4 ACTIVE PDIP N 14 25 RoHS & Green NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type -25 to 85 PGA202KP PGA203KP ACTIVE PDIP N 14 25 RoHS & Green NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type -25 to 85 PGA203KP PGA203KPG4 ACTIVE PDIP N 14 25 RoHS & Green NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type -25 to 85 PGA203KP (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. (2) RoHS: TI defines "RoHS" to mean semiconductor products that are compliant with the current EU RoHS requirements for all 10 RoHS substances, including the requirement that RoHS substance do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, "RoHS" products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. TI may reference these types of products as "Pb-Free". RoHS Exempt: TI defines "RoHS Exempt" to mean products that contain lead but are compliant with EU RoHS pursuant to a specific EU RoHS exemption. Green: TI defines "Green" to mean the content of Chlorine (Cl) and Bromine (Br) based flame retardants meet JS709B low halogen requirements of
PGA203KPG4 价格&库存

