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    非隔离 PoL 模块 直流转换器 1 输出 1.8V 3A 3.1V - 5.5V 输入

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PT5504A 数据手册
PT5500 Series 3-A 5-V/3.3-V Input Adjustable Integrated Switching Regulator SLTS132A (Revised 10/5/2001) Features • • • • • • • • • Single-Device: 5V/3.3V Input DSP Compatible 90% Efficiency Small Footprint Space-Saving package Adjustable Output Voltage Output Inhibit Function Short Circuit Protection Solderable Copper Case Description Ordering Information The PT5500 Excalibur™ power modules are a series of high-performance Integrated Switching Regulators (ISRs). Rated 3A, these modules operate from input voltages as low as 3.1V to provide a local step-down power source. They are an ideal compliment to the industry’s latest high-performance DSPs and microprocessors. The series includes output voltage options as low as 1.0VDC. The PT5500 series is packaged in a 5-pin thermally efficient copper case. The case is solderable, has a small footprint, and can accommodate both through-hole and surface mount pin configurations. The product features external output voltage adjustment, an inhibit function, and short circuit protection. A 100µF capacitor is required for proper operation. PT5501¨ PT5502¨ PT5503¨ PT5504¨ PT5505¨ PT5506¨ PT5507¨ Pin-Out Information Pin Function =3.3 Volts =2.5 Volts =2.0 Volts =1.8 Volts =1.5 Volts =1.2 Volts =1.0 Volts PT Series Suffix (PT1234 x ) Case/Pin Configuration Order Suffix N A C Vertical Horizontal SMD 1 Inhibit * 2 3 Vin GND 4 Vo 5 Vo Adjust * For Inhibit pin: Open = output enabled Ground = output disabled Package Code (EFK) (EFL) (EFM) (Reference the applicable package code drawing for the dimensions and PC board layout) Standard Application INH V OA D J 1 + V IN 2 5 PT5500 +VO 4 + 3 C1 COM C2 COM C1 = Optional 1µF ceramic C2 = Required 100µF (See Notes) For technical support and more information, see inside back cover or visit www.ti.com PT5500 Series 3-A 5-V/3.3-V Input Adjustable Integrated Switching Regulator Specifications (Unless otherwise stated, Ta =25°C, Vin =5V, Cout =100µF, and Io =I omax) Characteristics Symbols Output Current Input Voltage Range Io Vin Set-Point Voltage Tolerance Temperature Variation Line Regulation Load Regulation Total Output Variation Vo tol ∆Regtemp ∆Regline ∆Regload ∆Regtot Efficiency η Vo Ripple (pk-pk) Transient Response Current Limit Switching Frequency Inhibit Control (pin1) Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage Input Low Current External Capacitance Absolute Maximum Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Mechanical Shock Over Vin range Over Io range Min Vo =3.3V Vo ≤2.5V –40°C
PT5504A 价格&库存

