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    汽车类高速 CAN 收发器

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TCAN1044DRQ1 数据手册
TCAN1044-Q1, TCAN1044V-Q1 ZHCSIP6B – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021 具有 1.8V I/O 支持和 故障保护功能的 TCAN1044V-Q1 汽车类 CAN FD 收发器 1 特性 3 说明 • AEC-Q100 标准:符合汽车应用要求 – 温度等级 1:–40°C 至 125°C TA • 符合 ISO 11898-2:2016 和 ISO 11898-5:2007 物理 层标准的要求 • 提供功能安全 – 可帮助进行功能安全系统设计的文档 • 支持传统 CAN 和经优化的 CAN FD 性能(数据速 率为 2、5 和 8Mbps) – 具有较短的对称传播延迟时间,可增加时序裕量 – 在有负载 CAN 网络中实现更快的数据速率 • I/O 电压范围支持 1.7V 至 5.5V – 支持 1.8V、2.5V、3.3V 和 5V 应用 • 保护特性: – 总线故障保护:±58V – 欠压保护 – TXD 显性超时 (DTO) • 数据速率低至 9.2kbps – 热关断保护 (TSD) • 工作模式: – 正常模式 – 支持远程唤醒请求功能的低功耗待机模式 • 优化了未上电时的性能 – 总线和逻辑引脚为高阻抗(运行总线或应用上无 负载) – 支持热插拔:在总线和 RXD 输出上可实现上电/ 断电无干扰运行 • 结温范围:–40°C 至 150°C • 接收器共模输入电压:±12V • 采用 SOIC (8)、SOT23 (8) 封装 (2.9mm x 1.60mm) 和无引线 VSON (8) 封装 (3.0mm x 3.0mm),具有改进的自动光学检查 (AOI) 功能 TCAN1044-Q1 是一款符合 ISO 11898-2:2016 高速 CAN 规范物理层要求的高速控制器局域网 (CAN) 收发 器。 TCAN1044-Q1 收发器支持传统 CAN 和 CAN FD 网络 (数据速率高达 8 兆位/秒 (Mbps))。TCAN1044-Q1 包括通过 VIO 端子实现的内部逻辑电平转换功能,允许 将收发器 I/O 直接连接到 1.8V、2.5V、3.3V 或 5V 逻 辑 I/O。该收发器支持低功耗待机模式,并且可通过符 合 ISO 11898-2:2016 所定义唤醒模式 (WUP) 的 CAN 来唤醒。此外,TCAN1044-Q1 收发器还包括保护和诊 断功能,支持热关断 (TSD)、TXD 显性超时 (DTO)、 电源欠压检测和高达 ±58V 的总线故障保护。 器件信息 器件型号 TCAN1044-Q1 TCAN1044V-Q1 (1) 封装(1) 封装尺寸(标称值) SOT (DDF) (8) 2.90mm x 1.60mm VSON (DRB) (8) 3.00mm x 3.00mm SOIC (D) (8) 4.90mm x 3.91mm 如需了解所有可用封装,请参阅数据表末尾的可订购产品附 录。 简化版原理图 2 应用 • 汽车和运输 – 车身控制模块 – 汽车网关 – 高级驾驶辅助系统 (ADAS) – 信息娱乐系统 本文档旨在为方便起见,提供有关 TI 产品中文版本的信息,以确认产品的概要。有关适用的官方英文版本的最新信息,请访问 www.ti.com,其内容始终优先。TI 不保证翻译的准确性和有效性。在实际设计之前,请务必参考最新版本的英文版本。 English Data Sheet: SLLSF17 TCAN1044-Q1, TCAN1044V-Q1 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSIP6B – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021 Table of Contents 1 特性................................................................................... 1 2 应用................................................................................... 1 3 说明................................................................................... 1 4 Revision History.............................................................. 2 5 Pin Configuration and Functions...................................3 Pin Functions.................................................................... 3 6 Specifications.................................................................. 4 6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings........................................ 4 6.2 ESD Ratings............................................................... 4 6.3 ESD Ratings............................................................... 4 6.4 Recommended Operating Conditions.........................4 6.5 Thermal Characteristics.............................................. 5 6.6 Supply Characteristics................................................ 5 6.7 Dissipation Ratings..................................................... 6 6.8 Electrical Characteristics.............................................6 6.9 Switching Characteristics............................................8 6.10 Typical Characteristics............................................ 10 7 Parameter Measurement Information.......................... 11 8 Detailed Description......................................................14 8.1 Overview................................................................... 14 8.2 Functional Block Diagram......................................... 15 8.3 Feature Description...................................................16 8.4 Device Functional Modes..........................................20 9 Application and Implementation.................................. 23 9.1 Application Information............................................. 23 9.2 Typical Application.................................................... 23 9.3 System Examples..................................................... 26 10 Power Supply Recommendations..............................26 11 Device and Documentation Support..........................28 11.1 接收文档更新通知................................................... 28 11.2 支持资源..................................................................28 11.3 Trademarks............................................................. 28 11.4 Electrostatic Discharge Caution.............................. 28 11.5 术语表..................................................................... 28 4 Revision History 注:以前版本的页码可能与当前版本的页码不同 Changes from Revision A (December 2019) to Revision B (October 2021) Page • 添加了特性 “提供功能安全型”........................................................................................................................ 1 • 更改了简化版原理 图.......................................................................................................................................... 1 • Changed 图 9-2 ............................................................................................................................................... 24 Changes from Revision * (August 2019) to Revision A (December 2019) Page • 首次公开发布数据表........................................................................................................................................... 1 • Added SAE j2962-2 ESD....................................................................................................................................4 • Changed footnote to Tested according to IEC 62228-3:2019 CAN Transceivers, Section 6.3; standard pulses parameters defined in ISO 7637-2 (2011)...........................................................................................................4 2 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TCAN1044-Q1 TCAN1044V-Q1 TCAN1044-Q1, TCAN1044V-Q1 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSIP6B – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021 5 Pin Configuration and Functions TX D 1 8 STB TX D 1 8 STB GND 2 7 CA NH GND 2 7 CA NH VCC 3 6 CA NL VCC 3 6 CA NL RX D 4 5 NC, VIO RX D 4 5 NC, VIO No t to scale No t to scale DDF Package TCAN1044(V)-Q1, 8-Pin SOT, Top View TXD 1 GND 2 VCC 3 RXD 4 D Package TCAN1044(V)-Q1, 8-Pin SOIC, Top View Thermal Pad 8 STB 7 CANH 6 CANL 5 NC,VIO Not to scale DRB Package TCAN1044(V)-Q1, 8-Pin VSON , Top View Pin Functions Pins Name No. TXD 1 GND 2 VCC 3 RXD 4 NC VIO 5 Type Description Digital Input CAN transmit data input GND Ground connection Supply 5-V supply voltage Digital Output CAN receive data output, tri-state when powered off — No Connect (not internally connected); Devices without VIO Supply I/O supply voltage CANL 6 Bus IO Low-level CAN bus input/output line CANH 7 Bus IO High-level CAN bus input/output line STB 8 Thermal Pad (VSON only) Digital Input Standby input for mode control, integrated pull up — Electrically connected to GND, connect the thermal pad to the printed circuit board (PCB) ground plane for thermal relief Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TCAN1044-Q1 TCAN1044V-Q1 3 TCAN1044-Q1, TCAN1044V-Q1 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSIP6B – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021 6 Specifications 6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)(1) (2) MIN MAX UNIT VCC Supply voltage –0.3 6 V VIO Supply voltage I/O level shifter –0.3 6 V VBUS CAN Bus IO voltage CANH and CANL –58 58 V VDIFF Max differential voltage between CANH and CANL –45 45 V VLogic_Input Logic input terminal voltage –0.3 6 V VRXD RXD output terminal voltage range –0.3 6 V IO(RXD) RXD output current –8 8 mA TJ Operating virtual junction temperature range –40 150 °C TSTG Storage temperature –65 150 °C (1) (2) Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, which do not imply functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under Recommended Operating Conditions. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. All voltage values, except differential IO bus voltages, are with respect to ground terminal. 6.2 ESD Ratings Human-body model (HBM), per AEC Q100-002(1) VESD Electrostatic discharge VALUE UNIT HBM classification level 3A for all pins ±3000 V HBM classification level 3B for global pins CANH & CANL ±10000 V ±750 V Charged-device model (CDM), per AEC Q100-011 CDM classification level C5 for all pins (1) AEC Q100-002 indicates that HBM stressing shall be in accordance with the ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 specification. 6.3 ESD Ratings System Level Electro-Static Discharge (ESD)(3) VESD ISO 7637 ISO Pulse VTran CAN bus terminals (CANH, CANL) to GND Transients(1) CAN bus terminals (CANH, CANL) ISO 7637 Slow transients pulse(2) (1) (2) (3) CAN bus terminals (CANH, CANL) to GND VALUE UNIT SAE J2962-2 per ISO 10650 Powered Contact Discharge ±8000 V SAE J2962-2 per ISO 10650 Powered Air Discharge ±15000 V Pulse 1 –100 V Pulse 2a 75 V Pulse 3a –150 V Pulse 3b 100 V DCC slow transient pulse ±85 V Tested according to IEC 62228-3:2019 CAN Transceivers, Section 6.3; standard pulses parameters defined in ISO 7637-2 (2011) Tested according to ISO 7637-3 (2017); Electrical transient transmission by capacitive and inductive coupling via lines other than supply lines Results given here are specific to the SAE J2962-2 Communication Transceivers Qualification Requirements - CAN. Testing performed by OEM approved independent 3rd party, EMC report available upon request. 6.4 Recommended Operating Conditions 4 MIN NOM MAX VCC Supply voltage 4.5 5 5.5 VIO Supply voltage for I/O level shifter 1.7 IOH(RXD) RXD terminal high level output current –2 IOL(RXD) RXD terminal low level output current TA Operating ambient temperature –40 Submit Document Feedback 5.5 UNIT V V mA 2 mA 125 ℃ Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TCAN1044-Q1 TCAN1044V-Q1 TCAN1044-Q1, TCAN1044V-Q1 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSIP6B – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021 6.5 Thermal Characteristics TCAN1044x-Q1 THERMAL METRIC(1) D (SOIC) DDF (SOT) UNIT DRB (VSON) RΘJA Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance 128.1 119.9 49.9 ℃/W RΘJC(top) Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance 68.3 61.8 58.2 ℃/W RΘJB Junction-to-board thermal resistance 71.6 39.7 23.9 ℃/W ΨJT Junction-to-top characterization parameter 19.7 2.1 1.7 ℃/W ΨJB Junction-to-board characterization parameter 70.8 39.5 23.8 ℃/W RΘJC(bot) Junction-to-case (bottom) thermal resistance - – 6.4 ℃/W (1) For more information about traditional and new thermal metrics, see the Semiconductor and IC Package Thermal Metrics application report. 6.6 Supply Characteristics Over recommended operating conditions with TA = -40℃ to 125℃ (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TYP MAX TXD = 0 V, STB = 0 V, RL = 60 Ω, CL = open See 图 7-1 TEST CONDITIONS 45 70 mA TXD = 0 V, STB = 0 V, RL = 50 Ω, CL = open See 图 7-1 49 80 mA Recessive TXD = VCC, STB = 0 V, RL = 50 Ω, CL = open See 图 7-1 4.5 7.5 mA Dominant with bus fault TXD = 0 V, STB = 0 V, CANH = CANL = ±25 V, RL = open, CL = open See 图 7-1 130 mA 1 µA 14.5 µA Dominant ICC Supply current Normal mode MIN UNIT ICC Supply current Standby mode Devices with VIO TXD = STB = VIO, RL = 50 Ω, CL = open See 图 7-1 ICC Supply current Standby mode Devices without VIO TXD = STB = VCC, RL = 50 Ω, CL = open See 图 7-1 IIO I/O supply current Normal mode Dominant TXD = 0 V, STB= 0 V RXD floating 125 300 µA IIO I/O supply current Normal mode Recessive TXD = 0 V, STB = 0 V RXD floating 25 48 µA IIO I/O supply current Standby mode TXD = 0 V, STB = VIO RXD floating 8.5 13.5 µA UVVCC Rising under voltage detection on VCC for protected mode 4.2 4.4 V UVVCC Falling under voltage detection on VCC for protected mode 4 4.25 V UVVIO Rising under voltage detection on VIO (Devices with VIO) 1.56 1.65 V UVVIO Falling under voltage detection on VIO (Devices with VIO) 1.51 1.59 V 0.2 3.5 1.4 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TCAN1044-Q1 TCAN1044V-Q1 5 TCAN1044-Q1, TCAN1044V-Q1 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSIP6B – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021 6.7 Dissipation Ratings PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS Average power dissipation Normal mode PD TTSD Thermal shutdown temperature TTSD_HYS Thermal shutdown hysteresis MIN TYP MAX UNIT VCC = 5 V, VIO = 1.8 V, TJ= 27°C, RL = 60Ω, TXD input = 250 kHz 50% duty cycle square wave, CL_RXD = 15 pF 110 mW VCC = 5 V, VIO = 3.3 V, TJ= 27°C, RL = 60Ω, TXD input = 250 kHz 50% duty cycle square wave, CL_RXD = 15 pF 110 mW VCC = 5 V, VIO = 5 V, TJ= 27°C, RL = 60Ω, TXD input = 250 kHz 50% duty cycle square wave, CL_RXD = 15 pF 110 mW VCC = 5.5 V, VIO = 1.8 V, TA= 125°C, RL = 60Ω, TXD input = 2.5 MHz 50% duty cycle square wave, CL_RXD = 15 pF 120 mW VCC = 5.5 V, VIO = 3.3 V, TA= 125°C, RL = 60Ω, TXD input = 2.5 MHz 50% duty cycle square wave, CL_RXD = 15 pF 120 mW VCC = 5.5 V, VIO = 5 V, TA= 125°C, RL = 60Ω, TXD input = 2.5 MHz 50% duty cycle square wave, CL_RXD = 15 pF 120 mW 192 °C 10 6.8 Electrical Characteristics Over recommended operating conditions with TA = -40℃ to 125℃ (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT Driver Electrical Characteristics CANH TXD = 0 V, STB = 0 V , 50 Ω ≤ RL ≤ 65 Ω, CL = open, RCM = open See 图 7-2 and 图 8-3, VO(DOM) Dominant output voltage Normal mode VO(REC) Recessive output voltage Normal mode VSYM Driver symmetry (VO(CANH) + VO(CANL))/VCC STB = 0 V , RL = 60 Ω, CSPLIT = 4.7 nF, CL = open, RCM = open, TXD = 250 kHz, 1 MHz, 2.5 MHz See 图 7-2 and 图 9-2 VSYM_DC DC output symmetry (VCC - VO(CANH) - VO(CANL)) STB = 0 V , RL = 60 Ω, CL = open See 图 7-2 and 图 8-3 VOD(DOM) VOD(REC) Differential output voltage Normal mode Dominant Differential output voltage Normal mode Recessive CANL CANH and CANL CANH - CANL CANH - CANL TXD = VIO, STB = 0 V , RL = open (no load), RCM = open See 图 7-2 and 图 8-3 Bus output voltage Standby mode CANL V 0.5 2.25 V 3 V 2 0.5 VCC 1.1 V/V –400 400 mV TXD = 0 V, STB = 0 V , 50 Ω ≤ RL ≤ 65 Ω, CL = open See 图 7-2 and 图 8-3 1.5 3 V TXD = 0 V, STB = 0 V , 45 Ω ≤ RL ≤ 70 Ω, CL = open See 图 7-2 and 图 8-3 1.4 3.3 V TXD = 0 V, STB = 0 V , RL = 2240 Ω, CL = open See 图 7-2 and 图 8-3 1.5 5 V TXD = VIO, STB = 0 V , RL = 60 Ω, CL = open See 图 7-2 and 图 8-3 –120 12 mV TXD = VIO, STB = 0 V , RL = open, CL = open See 图 7-2 and 图 8-3 –50 50 mV -0.1 0.1 V -0.1 0.1 V -0.2 0.2 V STB = VIO , RL = open (no load) See 图 7-2 and 图 8-3 CANH - CANL 6 4.5 0.9 CANH VO(STB) 2.75 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TCAN1044-Q1 TCAN1044V-Q1 TCAN1044-Q1, TCAN1044V-Q1 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSIP6B – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021 6.8 Electrical Characteristics (continued) Over recommended operating conditions with TA = -40℃ to 125℃ (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER IOS(SS_DOM) IOS(SS_REC) TEST CONDITIONS Short-circuit steady-state output current, dominant Normal mode Short-circuit steady-state output current, recessive Normal mode MIN STB = 0 V , V(CANH) = -15 V to 40 V, CANL = open, TXD = 0 V See 图 7-7 and 图 8-3 TYP MAX UNIT mA –115 STB = 0 V , V(CAN_L) = -15 V to 40 V, CANH = open, TXD = 0 V See 图 7-7 and 图 8-3 115 mA STB = 0 V , –27 V ≤ VBUS ≤ 32 V, where VBUS = CANH = CANL, TXD = VIO See 图 7-7 and 图 8-3 –5 5 mA Receiver Electrical Characteristics VIT Input threshold voltage Normal mode STB = 0 V , -12 V ≤ VCM ≤ 12 V See 图 7-3, 表 7-1, and 表 8-6 500 900 mV VIT(STB) Input threshold Standby mode STB = VIO , -12 V ≤ VCM ≤ 12 V See 图 7-3, 表 7-1, and 表 8-6 400 1150 mV VDOM Dominant state differential input voltage range Normal mode STB = 0 V , -12 V ≤ VCM ≤ 12 V See 图 7-3, 表 7-1, and 表 8-6 0.9 9 V VREC Recessive state differential input voltage range Normal mode STB = 0 V , -12 V ≤ VCM ≤ 12 V See 图 7-3, 表 7-1, and 表 8-6 -4 0.5 V VDOM(STB) Dominant state differential input voltage range Standby mode STB = VIO , -12 V ≤ VCM ≤ 12 V See 图 7-3, 表 7-1, and 表 8-6 1.15 9 V VREC(STB) Recessive state differential input voltage range Standby mode STB = VIO , -12 V ≤ VCM ≤ 12 V See 图 7-3, 表 7-1, and 表 8-6 -4 0.4 V VHYS Hysteresis voltage for input threshold Normal mode STB = 0 V , -12 V ≤ VCM ≤ 12 V See 图 7-3, 表 7-1, and 表 8-6 VCM Common mode range Normal and standby modes See 图 7-3 and 表 8-6 表 8-6 ILKG(IOFF) Unpowered bus input leakage current CANH = CANL = 5 V, VCC = VIO = GND CI Input capacitance to ground (CANH or CANL) CID Differential input capacitance RID Differential input resistance RIN Single ended input resistance (CANH or CANL) RIN(M) Input resistance matching [1 – (RIN(CANH) / RIN(CANL))] × 100 % 100 –12 V(CAN_H) = V(CAN_L) = 5 V 12 V 5 µA 20 pF 10 pF 40 90 kΩ 20 45 kΩ –1 1 % TXD = VIO(1) TXD = VIO(1), STB = 0 V , -12 V ≤ VCM ≤ 12 V mV TXD Terminal (CAN Transmit Data Input) VIH High-level input voltage Devices without VIO 0.7 VCC VIH High-level input voltage Devices with VIO 0.7 VIO VIL Low-level input voltage Devices without VIO 0.3 VCC V VIL Low-level input voltage Devices with VIO 0.3 VIO V IIH High-level input leakage current TXD = VCC = VIO = 5.5 V –2.5 0 1 µA IIL Low-level input leakage current TXD = 0 V, VCC = VIO = 5.5 V –200 -100 –20 µA ILKG(OFF) Unpowered leakage current TXD = 5.5 V, VCC = VIO = 0 V –1 0 1 µA CI Input Capacitance VIN = 0.4×sin(2×π×2×106×t)+2.5 V V 5 V pF RXD Terminal (CAN Receive Data Output) VOH High-level output voltage IO = –2 mA, Devices without VIO See 图 7-3 0.8 VCC V VOH High-level output voltage IO = –2 mA, Devices with VIO See 图 7-3 0.8 VIO V VOL Low-level output voltage IO = 2 mA, Devices without VIO See 图 7-3 0.2 VCC V VOL Low-level output voltage IO = –2 mA, Devices with VIO See 图 7-3 0.2 VIO V ILKG(OFF) Unpowered leakage current RXD = 5.5 V, VCC = VIO = 0 V 1 µA –1 0 STB Terminal (Standby Mode Input) Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TCAN1044-Q1 TCAN1044V-Q1 7 TCAN1044-Q1, TCAN1044V-Q1 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSIP6B – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021 6.8 Electrical Characteristics (continued) Over recommended operating conditions with TA = -40℃ to 125℃ (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN VIH High-level input voltage Devices without VIO 0.7 VCC VIH High-level input voltage Devices with VIO 0.7 VIO VIL Low-level input voltage Devices without VIO VIL Low-level input voltage Devices with VIO IIH High-level input leakage current VCC = VIO = STB = 5.5 V IIL Low-level input leakage current ILKG(OFF) Unpowered leakage current (1) TYP MAX UNIT V V 0.3 VCC V 0.3 VIO V –2 2 µA VCC = VIO = 5.5 V, STB = 0 V –20 –2 µA STB = 5.5V, VCC = VIO = 0 V –1 1 µA 0 VIO = VCC in non-V variants of device 6.9 Switching Characteristics Over recommended operating conditions with TA = -40℃ to 125℃ (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT Device Switching Characteristics tPROP(LOOP1) Total loop delay, driver input (TXD) to receiver output (RXD), recessive to dominant Normal mode, RL = 60 Ω, CL = 100 pF, CL(RXD) = 15 pF VIO = 2.8 V to 5.5 V See 图 7-4 125 210 ns tPROP(LOOP1) Total loop delay, driver input (TXD) to receiver output (RXD), recessive to dominant Normal mode, RL = 60 Ω, CL = 100 pF, CL(RXD) = 15 pF VIO = 1.7 V See 图 7-4 165 255 ns tPROP(LOOP2) Total loop delay, driver input (TXD) to receiver output (RXD), dominant to recessive Normal mode, RL = 60 Ω, CL = 100 pF, CL(RXD) = 15 pF VIO = 2.8 V to 5.5 V See 图 7-4 150 210 ns tPROP(LOOP2) Total loop delay, driver input (TXD) to receiver output (RXD), dominant to recessive Normal mode, RL = 60 Ω, CL = 100 pF, CL(RXD) = 15 pF VIO = 1.7 V See 图 7-4 180 255 ns tMODE Mode change time, from normal to standby or from standby to normal See 图 7-5 20 µs tWK_FILTER Filter time for a valid wake-up pattern See 图 8-5 0.5 1.8 µs tWK_TIMEOUT Bus wake-up timeout See 图 8-5 0.8 6 ms Driver Switching Characteristics tpHR Propagation delay time, high TXD to driver recessive (dominant to recessive) tpLD Propagation delay time, low TXD to driver dominant (recessive to dominant) tsk(p) Pulse skew (|tpHR - tpLD|) tR Differential output signal rise time tF Differential output signal fall time tTXD_DTO Dominant timeout STB = 0 V , RL = 60 Ω, CL = 100 pF See 图 7-2 and 图 7-6 80 ns 70 ns 20 ns 30 ns 50 1.2 ns 4.0 ms Receiver Switching Characteristics tpRH Propagation delay time, bus recessive input to high output (dominant to recessive) tpDL Propagation delay time, bus dominant input to low output (recessive to dominant) tR tF 90 ns 65 ns RXD output signal rise time 10 ns RXD output signal fall time 10 ns STB = 0 V , CL(RXD) = 15 pF See 图 7-3 FD Timing Characteristics 8 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TCAN1044-Q1 TCAN1044V-Q1 TCAN1044-Q1, TCAN1044V-Q1 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSIP6B – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021 6.9 Switching Characteristics (continued) Over recommended operating conditions with TA = -40℃ to 125℃ (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MAX UNIT 450 530 ns 155 210 ns 400 550 ns 120 220 ns Receiver timing symmetry tBIT(TXD) = 500 ns -50 20 ns Receiver timing symmetry tBIT(TXD) = 200 ns -45 15 ns tBIT(BUS) Bit time on CAN bus output pins tBIT(TXD) = 500 ns tBIT(BUS) Bit time on CAN bus output pins tBIT(TXD) = 200 ns tBIT(RXD) Bit time on RXD output pins tBIT(TXD) = 500 ns tBIT(RXD) Bit time on RXD output pins tBIT(TXD) = 200 ns tREC tREC STB = 0 V, RL = 60 Ω, CL = 100 pF, CL(RXD) = 15 pF ΔtREC = tBIT(RXD) - tBIT(BUS) See 图 7-4 MIN TYP Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TCAN1044-Q1 TCAN1044V-Q1 9 TCAN1044-Q1, TCAN1044V-Q1 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSIP6B – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021 6.10 Typical Characteristics 4 3 3.5 2.5 3 VOD(DOM) (V) VOD(DOM) (V) 2 2.5 2 1.5 1.5 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 -40 -25 -10 5 20 35 50 65 80 95 110 VCC = 5 V 0 4.5 125 Temperature (qC) 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 VIO = 3.3 V 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 VCC (V) VOD( VOD( Temp = 25°C RL = 60 Ω RL = 60 Ω 图 6-2. VOD(DOM) vs VCC 图 6-1. VOD(DOM) vs Temperature 1 15 0.9 0.8 13 0.7 11 IIO (PA) ICC (PA) 0.6 0.5 0.4 9 0.3 0.2 7 0.1 0 -40 -25 -10 5 20 35 50 65 80 95 110 125 Temperature (qC) VCC = 5 V VIO = 3.3 V -25 -10 5 RL = 60 Ω 20 35 50 65 80 95 110 125 Temperature (qC) D_IC 图 6-3. ICC Standby vs Temperature 10 5 -40 VCC = 5 V VIO = 3.3 V D_II RL = 60 Ω 图 6-4. IIO Standby vs Temperature Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TCAN1044-Q1 TCAN1044V-Q1 TCAN1044-Q1, TCAN1044V-Q1 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSIP6B – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021 7 Parameter Measurement Information CANH TXD CL RL CANL 图 7-1. ICC Test Circuit RCM CANH 50% TXD 50% TXD RL CL VOD VCM VCC VO(CANH) tpHR tpLD CANL 90% RCM 0V 0.9V VO(CANL) VOD 0.5V 10% tR tF 图 7-2. Driver Test Circuit and Measurement CANH 1.5V 0.9V VID IO RXD 0.5V 0V VID tpDL tpRH CANL CL_RXD VOH VO 90% VO(RXD) 50% 10% VOL tR tF 图 7-3. Receiver Test Circuit and Measurement Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TCAN1044-Q1 TCAN1044V-Q1 11 TCAN1044-Q1, TCAN1044V-Q1 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSIP6B – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021 表 7-1. Receiver Differential Input Voltage Threshold Test Output Input (See 图 7-3) VCANH VCANL |VID| -11.5 V -12.5 V 1000 mV 12.5 V 11.5 V 1000 mV -8.55 V -9.45 V 900 mV 9.45 V 8.55 V 900 mV -8.75 V -9.25 V 500 mV 9.25 V 8.75 V 500 mV -11.8 V -12.2 V 400 mV 12.2 V 11.8 V 400 mV Open Open X RXD Low VOL High VOH TXD VI 70% tLOOP2 30% 30% CANH 0V VI TXD RL 5 x tBIT(TXD) CL tBIT(TXD) CANL 0V STB tBIT(BUS) 900mV 500mV RXD VDIFF VO CL_RXD RXD VOH 70% 30% tBIT(RXD) VOL tLOOP1 图 7-4. Transmitter and Receiver Timing Test Circuit and Measurement 12 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TCAN1044-Q1 TCAN1044V-Q1 TCAN1044-Q1, TCAN1044V-Q1 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSIP6B – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021 CANH 0V VIH TXD CL RL STB CANL VI 50% STB 0V tMODE RXD VOH VO CL_RXD RXD 50% VOL 图 7-5. tMODE Test Circuit and Measurement VIH CANH TXD TXD CL RL 0V VOD VOD(D) CANL 0.9V VOD 0.5V 0V tTXD_DTO 图 7-6. TXD Dominant Timeout Test Circuit and Measurement CANH 200 s IOS TXD VBUS IOS CANL VBUS VBUS 0V or 0V VBUS VBUS 图 7-7. Driver Short-Circuit Current Test and Measurement Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TCAN1044-Q1 TCAN1044V-Q1 13 TCAN1044-Q1, TCAN1044V-Q1 ZHCSIP6B – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021 www.ti.com.cn 8 Detailed Description 8.1 Overview The TCAN1044-Q1 meets or exceeds the specifications of the ISO 11898-2:2016 high speed CAN (Controller Area Network) physical layer standard. The device has been certified to the requirements of ISO 11898-2:2016 and ISO 11898-5:2007 physical layer requirements according to the GIFT/ICT high speed CAN test specification. The transceiver provides a number of different protection features making it ideal for the stringent automotive system requirements while also supporting CAN FD data rates up to 8 Mbps. The TCAN1044-Q1 conforms to the following CAN standards: • CAN transceiver physical layer standards: – ISO 11898-2:2016 High speed medium access unit – ISO 11898-5:2007 High speed medium access unit with low-power mode – SAE J2284-1: High Speed CAN (HSC) for Vehicle Applications at 125 kbps – SAE J2284-2: High Speed CAN (HSC) for Vehicle Applications at 250 kbps – SAE J2284-3: High Speed CAN (HSC) for Vehicle Applications at 500 kbps – SAE J2284-4: High-Speed CAN (HSC) for Vehicle Applications at 500 kbps with CAN FD Data at 2 Mbps – SAE J2284-5: High-Speed CAN (HSC) for Vehicle Applications at 500 kbps with CAN FD Data at 5 Mbps – ARINC 825-4 General Standardization of CAN (Controller Area Network) Bus Protocol For Airborne Use • EMC requirements: – VeLIO (Vehicle LAN Interoperability and Optimization) CAN and CAN-FD Transceiver Requirements – SAE J2962-2 Communication Transceivers Qualification Requirements – CAN • Conformance test requirements: – ISO 16845-2 Road vehicles – Controller area network (CAN) conformance test plan Part 2: High-speed medium access unit conformance test plan 14 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TCAN1044-Q1 TCAN1044V-Q1 TCAN1044-Q1, TCAN1044V-Q1 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSIP6B – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021 8.2 Functional Block Diagram 图 8-1. Block Diagram Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TCAN1044-Q1 TCAN1044V-Q1 15 TCAN1044-Q1, TCAN1044V-Q1 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSIP6B – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021 8.3 Feature Description 8.3.1 Pin Description TXD The TXD input is a logic-level signal, referenced to either VCC or VIO from a CAN controller to the TCAN1044-Q1 transceivers. GND GND is the ground pin of the transceiver, it must be connected to the PCB ground. VCC VCC provides the 5-V power supply to the CAN transceiver. RXD The RXD output is a logic-level signal, referenced to either VCC or VIO, from the TCAN1044-Q1 transceivers to the CAN controller. RXD is only driven once VIO is present. When a wake event takes place RXD is driven low. VIO The VIO pin provides the digital I/O voltage to match the CAN controller voltage thus avoiding the requirement for a level shifter. It supports voltages from 1.7 V to 5.5 V providing the widest range of controller support. CANH and CANL These are the CAN high and CAN low differential bus pins. These pins are connected to the CAN transceiver and the low-voltage WUP CAN receiver. STB (Standby) The STB pin is an input pin used for mode control of the transceiver. The STB pin can be supplied from either the system processor or from a static system voltage source. If normal mode is the only intended mode of operation than the STB pin can be tied directly to GND. 8.3.2 CAN Bus States The CAN bus has two logical states during operation: recessive and dominant. See 图 8-2 and 图 8-3. A dominant bus state occurs when the bus is driven differentially and corresponds to a logic low on the TXD and RXD pins. A recessive bus state occurs when the bus is biased to VCC/2 via the high-resistance internal input resistors RIN) of the receiver and corresponds to a logic high on the TXD and RXD pins. A dominant state overwrites the recessive state during arbitration. Multiple CAN nodes may be transmitting a dominant bit at the same time during arbitration, and in this case the differential voltage of the bus is greater than the differential voltage of a single driver. The TCAN1044-Q1 transceiver implements a low-power standby (STB ) mode which enables a third bus state where the bus pins are weakly biased to ground via the high resistance internal resistors of the receiver. See 图 8-2 and 图 8-3. 16 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TCAN1044-Q1 TCAN1044V-Q1 TCAN1044-Q1, TCAN1044V-Q1 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSIP6B – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021 Normal Mode Standby Mode Typical Bus Voltage CANH VDIFF VDIFF CANL Recessive Dominant Recessive Time, t 图 8-2. Bus States CANH 2.5V A RXD Bias Unit B GND CANL A. B. Normal Mode Standby Mode 图 8-3. Simplified Recessive Common Mode Bias Unit and Receiver 8.3.3 TXD Dominant Timeout (DTO) During normal mode, the only mode where the CAN driver is active, the TXD DTO circuit prevents the local node from blocking network communication in the event of a hardware or software failure where TXD is held dominant longer than the timeout period tTXD_DTO. The TXD DTO circuit is triggered by a falling edge on TXD. If no rising edge is seen before the timeout period of the circuit, tTXD_DTO, the CAN driver is disabled. This frees the bus for communication between other nodes on the network. The CAN driver is reactivated when a recessive signal is seen on the TXD pin, thus clearing the dominant time out. The receiver remains active and biased to VCC/2 and the RXD output reflects the activity on the CAN bus during the TXD DTO fault. The minimum dominant TXD time allowed by the TXD DTO circuit limits the minimum possible transmitted data rate of the device. The CAN protocol allows a maximum of eleven successive dominant bits (on TXD) for the worst case, where five successive dominant bits are followed immediately by an error frame. The minimum transmitted data rate may be calculated using 方程式 1. Minimum Data Rate = 11 bits / tTXD_DTO = 11 bits / 1.2 ms = 9.2 kbps (1) Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TCAN1044-Q1 TCAN1044V-Q1 17 TCAN1044-Q1, TCAN1044V-Q1 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSIP6B – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021 Fault is repaired & transmission capability restored TXD fault stuck dominant: example PCB failure or bad software tTXD_DTO TXD (driver) Normal CAN communication Driver disabled freeing bus for other nodes %XV ZRXOG EH ³VWXFN GRPLQDQW´ EORFNLQJ FRPPXQLFDWLRQ IRU WKH ZKROH QHWZRUN EXW 7;' '72 prevents this and frees the bus for communication after the time tTXD_DTO. CAN Bus Signal tTXD_DTO Communication from other bus node(s) Communication from repaired node RXD (receiver) Communication from local node Communication from other bus node(s) Communication from repaired local node 图 8-4. Example Timing Diagram for TXD Dominant Timeout 8.3.4 CAN Bus Short Circuit Current Limiting The TCAN1044-Q1 has several protection features that limit the short circuit current when a CAN bus line is shorted. These include CAN driver current limiting in the dominant and recessive states and TXD dominant state timeout which prevents permanently having the higher short circuit current of a dominant state in case of a system fault. During CAN communication the bus switches between the dominant and recessive states, thus the short circuit current may be viewed as either the current during each bus state or as a DC average current. When selecting termination resistors or a common mode choke for the CAN design the average power rating, IOS(AVG), should be used. The percentage dominant is limited by the TXD DTO and the CAN protocol which has forced state changes and recessive bits due to bit stuffing, control fields, and interframe space. These ensure there is a minimum amount of recessive time on the bus even if the data field contains a high percentage of dominant bits. The average short circuit current of the bus depends on the ratio of recessive to dominant bits and their respective short circuit currents. The average short circuit current may be calculated using 方程式 2. IOS(AVG) = % Transmit x [(% REC_Bits x IOS(SS)_REC) + (% DOM_Bits x IOS(SS)_DOM)] + [% Receive x IOS(SS)_REC] (2) Where: • IOS(AVG) is the average short circuit current • % Transmit is the percentage the node is transmitting CAN messages • % Receive is the percentage the node is receiving CAN messages • % REC_Bits is the percentage of recessive bits in the transmitted CAN messages • % DOM_Bits is the percentage of dominant bits in the transmitted CAN messages • IOS(SS)_REC is the recessive steady state short circuit current • IOS(SS)_DOM is the dominant steady state short circuit current This short circuit current and the possible fault cases of the network should be taken into consideration when sizing the power supply used to generate the transceivers VCC supply. 18 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TCAN1044-Q1 TCAN1044V-Q1 TCAN1044-Q1, TCAN1044V-Q1 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSIP6B – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021 8.3.5 Thermal Shutdown (TSD) If the junction temperature of the TCAN1044-Q1 exceeds the thermal shutdown threshold, TTSD, the device turns off the CAN driver circuitry and blocks the TXD to bus transmission path. The shutdown condition is cleared when the junction temperature of the device drops below TTSD. The CAN bus pins are biased to VCC/2 during a TSD fault and the receiver to RXD path remains operational. The TCAN1044-Q1 TSD circuit includes hysteresis which prevents the CAN driver output from oscillating during a TSD fault. 8.3.6 Undervoltage Lockout The supply pins, VCC and VIO, have undervoltage detection that places the device into a protected state. This protects the bus during an undervoltage event on either supply pin. 表 8-1. Undervoltage Lockout - TCAN1044-Q1 (1) VCC DEVICE STATE BUS RXD PIN > UVVCC Normal Per TXD Mirrors bus < UVVCC Protected High impedance Weak pull-down to ground(1) High impedance VCC = GND, see ILKG(OFF) 表 8-2. Undervoltage Lockout - TCAN1044-Q1V (1) (2) VCC VIO > UVVCC > UVVIO DEVICE STATE BUS Normal Per TXD > UVVIO > UVVCC < UVVIO Protected < UVVCC < UVVIO Protected STB = GND: Protected Mirrors bus VIO: Remote wake request(2) STB = VIO: standby mode < UVVCC RXD PIN High impedance Weak pull-down to ground(1) Recessive High impedance High impedance VCC = GND, see ILKG(OFF) See 节 Once the undervoltage condition is cleared and tMODE has expired the TCAN1044-Q1 transitions to normal mode and the host controller can send and receive CAN traffic again. 8.3.7 Unpowered Device The TCAN1044-Q1 is designed to be an ideal passive or no load to the CAN bus if the device is unpowered. The bus pins were designed to have low leakage currents when the device is unpowered, so they do not load the bus. This is critical if some nodes of the network are unpowered while the rest of the of network remains operational. The logic pins also have low leakage currents when the device is unpowered, so they do not load other circuits which may remain powered. 8.3.8 Floating pins The TCAN1044-Q1 has internal pull-ups on critical pins which place the device into known states if the pin floats. This internal bias should not be relied upon by design though, especially in noisy environments, but instead should be considered a failsafe protection feature. When a CAN controller supporting open-drain outputs is used an adequate external pull-up resistor must be chosen. This ensures that the TXD output of the CAN controller maintains acceptable bit time to the input of the CAN transceiver. See 表 8-3 for details on pin bias conditions. 表 8-3. Pin Bias Pin Pull-up or Pull-down TXD Pull-up Comment Weakly biases TXD towards recessive to prevent bus blockage or TXD DTO triggering Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TCAN1044-Q1 TCAN1044V-Q1 19 TCAN1044-Q1, TCAN1044V-Q1 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSIP6B – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021 表 8-3. Pin Bias (continued) Pin Pull-up or Pull-down STB Pull-up Comment Weakly biases STB towards low-power standby mode to prevent excessive system power 8.4 Device Functional Modes 8.4.1 Operating Modes The TCAN1044-Q1 has two main operating modes; normal mode and standby mode. Operating mode selection is made by applying a high or low level to the STB pin on the TCAN1044-Q1. 表 8-4. Operating Modes STB Device Mode Driver Receiver RXD Pin High Low current standby mode with bus wake-up Disabled Low-power receiver and bus monitor enable High (recessive) until valid WUP is received See section Low Normal Mode Enabled Enabled Mirrors bus state 8.4.2 Normal Mode This is the normal operating mode of the TCAN1044-Q1. The CAN driver and receiver are fully operational and CAN communication is bi-directional. The driver is translating a digital input on the TXD input to a differential output on the CANH and CANL bus pins. The receiver is translating the differential signal from CANH and CANL to a digital output on the RXD output. 8.4.3 Standby Mode This is the low-power mode of the TCAN1044-Q1. The CAN driver and main receiver are switched off and bidirectional CAN communication is not possible. The low-power receiver and bus monitor circuits are enabled to allow for RXD wake-up requests via the CAN bus. A wake-up request is output to RXD as shown in 图 8-5. The local CAN protocol controller should monitor RXD for transitions (high-to-low) and reactivate the device to normal mode by pulling the STB pin low . The CAN bus pins are weakly pulled to GND in this mode; see 图 8-2 and 图 8-3. In standby mode, only the VIO supply is required therefore the VCC may be switched off for additional system level current savings. Remote Wake Request via Wake-Up Pattern (WUP) in Standby Mode The TCAN1044-Q1 supports a remote wake-up request that is used to indicate to the host controller that the bus is active and the node should return to normal operation. The device uses the multiple filtered dominant wake-up pattern (WUP) from the ISO 11898-2:2016 standard to qualify bus activity. Once a valid WUP has been received, the wake request is indicated to the controller by a falling edge and low period corresponding to a filtered dominant on the RXD output of the TCAN1044-Q1. The WUP consists of a filtered dominant pulse, followed by a filtered recessive pulse, and finally by a second filtered dominant pulse. The first filtered dominant initiates the WUP, and the bus monitor then waits on a filtered recessive; other bus traffic does not reset the bus monitor. Once a filtered recessive is received the bus monitor is waiting for a filtered dominant and again, other bus traffic does not reset the bus monitor. Immediately upon reception of the second filtered dominant the bus monitor recognizes the WUP and drives the RXD output low every time an additional filtered dominant signal is received from the bus. For a dominant or recessive to be considered filtered, the bus must be in that state for more than the tWK_FILTER time. Due to variability in tWK_FILTER the following scenarios are applicable. Bus state times less than tWK_FILTER(MIN) are never detected as part of a WUP and thus no wake request is generated. Bus state times between tWK_FILTER(MIN) and tWK_FILTER(MAX) may be detected as part of a WUP and a wake-up request may be generated. Bus state times greater than tWK_FILTER(MAX) are always detected as part of a WUP, and thus a wake request is always generated. See 图 8-5 for the timing diagram of the wake-up pattern. 20 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TCAN1044-Q1 TCAN1044V-Q1 TCAN1044-Q1, TCAN1044V-Q1 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSIP6B – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021 The pattern and tWK_FILTER time used for the WUP prevents noise and bus stuck dominant faults from causing false wake-up requests while allowing any valid message to initiate a wake-up request. The ISO 11898-2:2016 standard has defined times for a short and long wake-up filter time. The tWK_FILTER timing for the device has been picked to be within the minimum and maximum values of both filter ranges. This timing has been chosen such that a single bit time at 500 kbps, or two back-to-back bit times at 1 Mbps triggers the filter in either bus state. Any CAN frame at 500 kbps or less would contain a valid WUP. For an additional layer of robustness and to prevent false wake-ups, the device implements a wake-up timeout feature. For a remote wake-up event to successfully occur, the entire WUP must be received within the timeout value t ≤ tWK_TIMEOUT. If not, the internal logic is reset and the transceiver remains in its current state without waking up. The full pattern must then be transmitted again, conforming to the constraints mentioned in this section. See 图 8-5 for the timing diagram of the wake-up pattern with wake timeout feature. Bus Wake via RXD Request Wake Up Pattern (WUP) received in t < tWK_Timeout Filtered Dominant Waiting for Filtered Recessive Filtered Recessive Waiting for Filtered Dominant Filtered Dominant Bus Bus VDiff • tWK_FILTER • tWK_FILTER • tWK_FILTER RXD • tWK_FILTER Filtered Dominant RXD Output Bus Wake Via RXD Requests 图 8-5. Wake-Up Pattern (WUP) with tWK_TIMEOUT Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TCAN1044-Q1 TCAN1044V-Q1 21 TCAN1044-Q1, TCAN1044V-Q1 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSIP6B – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021 8.4.4 Driver and Receiver Function The digital logic input and output levels for the TCAN1044-Q1 are CMOS levels with respect to either VCC for 5 V systems or VIO for compatible with MCUs having 1.8 V, 2.5 V, 3.3 V, or 5 V systems. 表 8-5. Driver Function Table Device Mode Normal CANH CANL Driven Bus State(2) Low High Low Dominant High or open High impedance High impedance Biased recessive X High impedance High impedance Biased to ground Standby (1) (2) Bus Outputs TXD Input(1) X = irrelevant For bus state and bias see 图 8-2 and 图 8-3 表 8-6. Receiver Function Table Normal and Standby Mode Device Mode Normal 22 CAN Differential Inputs VID = VCANH – VCANL Bus State RXD Pin VID ≥ 0.9 V Dominant Low 0.5 V < VID < 0.9 V Undefined Undefined VID ≤ 0.5 V Recessive High VID ≥ 1.15 V Dominant Standby 0.4 V < VID < 1.15 V Undefined VID ≤ 0.4 V Recessive High Low if a remote wake event occurred See 图 8-5 Any Open (VID ≈ 0 V) Open High Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TCAN1044-Q1 TCAN1044V-Q1 TCAN1044-Q1, TCAN1044V-Q1 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSIP6B – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021 9 Application and Implementation Note 以下应用部分中的信息不属于 TI 器件规格的范围,TI 不担保其准确性和完整性。TI 的客 户应负责确定 器件是否适用于其应用。客户应验证并测试其设计,以确保系统功能。 9.1 Application Information 9.2 Typical Application The TCAN1044-Q1 transceiver can be used in applications with a host controller or FPGA that includes the link layer portion of the CAN protocol. 图 9-1 shows a typical configuration for 5 V controller applications. The bus termination is shown for illustrative purposes. VIN VIN VOUT 5V Voltage Regulator (e.g. TPSxxxx) VCC VDD 3 Port x 7 STB 8 CANH TCAN1044 CAN FD Controller RXD RXD TXD TXD 1 4 CANL 5 NC 6 2 GND Optional: Terminating Node Optional: Filtering, Transient and ESD 图 9-1. Transceiver Application Using 5 V I/O Connections Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TCAN1044-Q1 TCAN1044V-Q1 23 TCAN1044-Q1, TCAN1044V-Q1 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSIP6B – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021 9.2.1 Design Requirements CAN Termination Termination may be a single 120-Ω resistor at each end of the bus, either on the cable or in a terminating node. If filtering and stabilization of the common-mode voltage of the bus is desired then split termination may be used, see 图 9-2. Split termination improves the electromagnetic emissions behavior of the network by filtering higherfrequency common-mode noise that may be present on the differential signal lines. Standard Termination Split Termination CANH CANH RTERM/2 TCAN Transceiver RTERM TCAN Transceiver CSPLIT RTERM/2 CANL CANL 图 9-2. CAN Bus Termination Concepts 9.2.2 Detailed Design Procedures Bus Loading, Length and Number of Nodes A typical CAN application may have a maximum bus length of 40 meters and maximum stub length of 0.3 m. However, with careful design, users can have longer cables, longer stub lengths, and many more nodes to a bus. A high number of nodes requires a transceiver with high input impedance such as the TCAN1044-Q1. Many CAN organizations and standards have scaled the use of CAN for applications outside the original ISO 11898-2 standard. They made system level trade off decisions for data rate, cable length, and parasitic loading of the bus. Examples of these CAN systems level specifications are ARINC 825, CANopen, DeviceNet, SAE J2284, SAE J1939, and NMEA 2000. A CAN network system design is a series of tradeoffs. In the ISO 11898-2:2016 specification the driver differential output is specified with a bus load that can range from 50 Ω to 65 Ω where the differential output must be greater than 1.5 V. The TCAN1044-Q1 family is specified to meet the 1.5 V requirement down to 50 Ω and is specified to meet 1.4 V differential output at 45Ω bus load. The differential input resistance of the TCAN1044-Q1 is a minimum of 40 kΩ. If 100 TCAN1044-Q1 transceivers are in parallel on a bus, this is equivalent to a 400-Ω differential load in parallel with the nominal 60 Ω bus termination which gives a total bus load of approximately 52 Ω. Therefore, the TCAN1044-Q1 family theoretically supports over 100 transceivers on a single bus segment. However, for a CAN network design margin must be given for signal loss across the system and cabling, parasitic loadings, timing, network imbalances, ground offsets and signal integrity thus a practical maximum number of nodes is often lower. Bus length may also be extended beyond 40 meters by careful system design and data rate tradeoffs. For example, CANopen network design guidelines allow the network to be up to 1 km with changes in the termination resistance, cabling, less than 64 nodes and significantly lowered data rate. This flexibility in CAN network design is one of the key strengths of the various extensions and additional standards that have been built on the original ISO 11898-2 CAN standard. However, when using this flexibility, the CAN network system designer must take the responsibility of good network design to ensure robust network operation. 24 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TCAN1044-Q1 TCAN1044V-Q1 TCAN1044-Q1, TCAN1044V-Q1 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSIP6B – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021 Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 MCU or DSP MCU or DSP MCU or DSP CAN Controller CAN Controller CAN Controller TCAN1044-Q1 TCAN1042-Q1 TCAN1043-Q1 Node n (with termination) MCU or DSP CAN Controller TCAN1044V-Q1 RTERM RTERM 图 9-3. Typical CAN Bus 9.2.3 Application Curves VCC = 5 V VIO = 3.3 V RL = 60 Ω 图 9-4. tPROP(LOOP1) VCC = 5 V VIO = 3.3 V RL = 60 Ω 图 9-5. tPROP(LOOP2) Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TCAN1044-Q1 TCAN1044V-Q1 25 TCAN1044-Q1, TCAN1044V-Q1 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSIP6B – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021 9.3 System Examples The TCAN1044-Q1 CAN transceiver is typically used in applications with a host controller or FPGA that includes the link layer portion of the CAN protocol. A 1.8 V, 2.5 V, or 3.3 V application is shown in 图 9-6. The bus termination is shown for illustrative purposes. 图 9-6. Typical Transceiver Application Using 1.8 V, 2.5 V, 3.3 V IO Connections 10 Power Supply Recommendations The TCAN1044-Q1 transceiver is designed to operate with a main VCC input voltage supply range between 4.5 V and 5.5 V. The TCAN1044-Q1V implements an IO level shifting supply input, VIO, designed for a range between 1.8 V and 5.5 V. Both supply inputs must be well regulated. A decoupling capacitance, typically 100 nF, should be placed near the CAN transceiver's main VCC supply pin in addition to bypass capacitors. A decoupling capacitor, typically 100 nF, should be placed near the CAN transceiver's VIO supply pin in addition to bypass capacitors. 26 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TCAN1044-Q1 TCAN1044V-Q1 TCAN1044-Q1, TCAN1044V-Q1 www.ti.com.cn ZHCSIP6B – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021 Layout Robust and reliable CAN node design may require special layout techniques depending on the application and automotive design requirements. Since transient disturbances have high frequency content and a wide bandwidth, high-frequency layout techniques should be applied during PCB design. 11.1 Layout Guidelines • Place the protection and filtering circuitry close to the bus connector, J1, to prevent transients, ESD, and noise from propagating onto the board. This layout example shows an optional transient voltage suppression (TVS) diode, D1, which may be implemented if the system-level requirements exceed the specified rating of the transceiver. This example also shows optional bus filter capacitors C4 and C5. • Design the bus protection components in the direction of the signal path. Do not force the transient current to divert from the signal path to reach the protection device. • Decoupling capacitors should be placed as close as possible to the supply pins VCC and VIO of transceiver. • Use at least two vias for supply and ground connections of bypass capacitors and protection devices to minimize trace and via inductance. Note High frequency current follows the path of least impedance and not the path of least resistance. • This layout example shows how split termination could be implemented on the CAN node. The termination is split into two resistors, R6 and R7, with the center or split tap of the termination connected to ground via capacitor C3. Split termination provides common mode filtering for the bus. See 节, 节 8.3.4, and 方程 式 2 for information on termination concepts and power ratings needed for the termination resistor(s). • To limit current of digital lines series resistors may be used. Examples are R2, R3 and R4. • Pin 1 is shown for the TXD input of the device with R1 as an optional pull-up resistor. If an open drain host controller is used this is mandatory to ensure the bit timing into the device is met. • Pin 8 is shown with R4 assuming the mode pin STB, is used. If the device is used in normal mode only, R4 is not needed and the pads of C4 could be used for the pull down resistor R5 to GND. 11.2 Layout Example STB R4 VCC or VIO R5 R1 GND R2 TXD GND C4 R6 GND C3 VCC J1 D1 C2 C1 U1 U1 TCAN1044(V) R7 C5 GND RXD VIO R3 C7 C6 GND 图 11-1. Layout Example Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TCAN1044-Q1 TCAN1044V-Q1 27 TCAN1044-Q1, TCAN1044V-Q1 ZHCSIP6B – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021 www.ti.com.cn 11 Device and Documentation Support 11.1 接收文档更新通知 要接收文档更新通知,请导航至 ti.com 上的器件产品文件夹。点击订阅更新 进行注册,即可每周接收产品信息更 改摘要。有关更改的详细信息,请查看任何已修订文档中包含的修订历史记录。 11.2 支持资源 TI E2E™ 支持论坛是工程师的重要参考资料,可直接从专家获得快速、经过验证的解答和设计帮助。搜索现有解 答或提出自己的问题可获得所需的快速设计帮助。 链接的内容由各个贡献者“按原样”提供。这些内容并不构成 TI 技术规范,并且不一定反映 TI 的观点;请参阅 TI 的《使用条款》。 11.3 Trademarks TI E2E™ is a trademark of Texas Instruments. 所有商标均为其各自所有者的财产。 11.4 Electrostatic Discharge Caution This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage. ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications. 11.5 术语表 TI 术语表 本术语表列出并解释了术语、首字母缩略词和定义。 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information The following pages include mechanical, packaging, and orderable information. This information is the most current data available for the designated devices. This data is subject to change without notice and revision of this document. For browser-based versions of this data sheet, refer to the left-hand navigation. 28 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TCAN1044-Q1 TCAN1044V-Q1 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 18-Aug-2021 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan (2) Lead finish/ Ball material MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) Device Marking (3) (4/5) (6) TCAN1044DRBRQ1 ACTIVE SON DRB 8 3000 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 125 1044 TCAN1044DRQ1 ACTIVE SOIC D 8 2500 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 125 1044 TCAN1044VDDFRQ1 ACTIVE SOT-23-THIN DDF 8 3000 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 125 26SF TCAN1044VDRBRQ1 ACTIVE SON DRB 8 3000 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 125 1044V TCAN1044VDRQ1 ACTIVE SOIC D 8 2500 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 125 1044V (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. (2) RoHS: TI defines "RoHS" to mean semiconductor products that are compliant with the current EU RoHS requirements for all 10 RoHS substances, including the requirement that RoHS substance do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, "RoHS" products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. TI may reference these types of products as "Pb-Free". RoHS Exempt: TI defines "RoHS Exempt" to mean products that contain lead but are compliant with EU RoHS pursuant to a specific EU RoHS exemption. Green: TI defines "Green" to mean the content of Chlorine (Cl) and Bromine (Br) based flame retardants meet JS709B low halogen requirements of
TCAN1044DRQ1 价格&库存


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+10.451051+1.26565
  • 10+7.5632910+0.91594
  • 25+6.8423825+0.82863
  • 100+6.05094100+0.73279
  • 250+5.67402250+0.68714
  • 500+5.44652500+0.65959
  • 1000+5.259271000+0.63691


  •  国内价格
  • 1+5.62929
  • 10+5.50746
  • 30+5.42625
  • 100+5.08616


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 2500+5.061682500+0.61298
  • 5000+4.942585000+0.59856
  • 7500+4.882947500+0.59134
  • 12500+4.8168512500+0.58334
  • 17500+4.7782517500+0.57866
