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TCAN332EVM 数据手册
User's Guide SLLU231 – December 2015 TCAN EVM User Guide This User Guide details the TCAN EVM (Controller Area Network Evaluation Module) transceiver operation. The TCAN EVM may be user-reconfigured for use with all TI CAN transceiver families: TCAN33x, TCAN10xx, SN65HVD23x, SN65HVD25x, SN65HVD10x0 and SN65HVDA54x by replacing the transceiver and setting jumpers on the EVM as outlined in this document. This User Guide explains the EVM configurations for basic CAN evaluation, various load and termination settings. Topic 1 2 3 ........................................................................................................................... Page Introduction ........................................................................................................ 2 2 EVM Setup and Operation .................................................................................. 5 CAN EVM Configuration for TCAN332 (Factory Installed).......................................... 9 SLLU231 – December 2015 Submit Documentation Feedback TCAN EVM User Guide Copyright © 2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated 1 Introduction 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview www.ti.com Texas Instruments offers a broad portfolio of High Speed (HS) CAN transceivers compatible with the ISO11898-2 High Speed CAN standards. These include 5 V VCC only, 3.3 V VCC only, 5 V VCC with I/O level shifting and galvanic-isolated CAN transceivers. These CAN transceiver families include product mixes with varying features such as low power standby modes with and without wake up, silent modes, loop back and diagnostic modes. The Texas Instruments CAN EVM helps designers evaluate the operation and performance of various TI CAN transceivers. It also provides PCB footprints for different device packages, bus termination, bus filtering and protection concepts. It is easily configured by the customer for the TCAN33x, TCAN10xx, SN65HVD23x, SN65HVD25x, SN65HVD10x0 and SN65HVDA54x CAN transceiver families as needed by jumper settings, simple soldering tasks and replacement of standard components. A separate EVM is available for the galvanic-isolated CAN transceiver family. 1.2 CAN EVM The CAN EVM has simple connections to all necessary pins of the CAN transceiver device, and jumpers where necessary to provide flexibility for device pin and CAN bus configuration. There are test points (loops) for all main points where probing is necessary for evaluation such as GND, VCC, TXD, RXD, CANH, CANL, Pin 8 (mode pin), or Pin 5 (various functions). The EVM supports many options for CAN bus configuration. It is pre-configured with two 120-Ω resistors that may be connected on the bus via jumpers: a single resistor is used with the EVM as a terminated line end (CAN is defined for 120-Ω impedance twisted pair cable) or both resistors in parallel for electrical measurements representing the 60Ω load the transceiver “sees” in a properly terminated network (i.e. 120-Ω termination resistors at both ends of the cable). If the application requires “split” termination, TVS diodes for protection, or Common Mode (CM) Choke, the EVM has footprints available for this via customer installation of the desired component(s). Figure 1. EVM PC Board All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 2 TCAN EVM User Guide SLLU231 – December 2015 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Copyright © 2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated TB1 VRXD 2 1 2PIN_TERMINAL_BLOCK Header 10x1 1 JMP2 VCC C5 DNI D3 LED R20 330 C10 10uF C3 DNI 0 C11 1uF R10 C8 4.7uF R13 0 VCC R6 DNI Place near DUT Pint R5 DNI VCC C12 .1uF 1 VCC TP7 Test Point TP1 Test Point TP9 Test Point 1 VCC VCC TP10 Test Point 1 SLLU231 – December 2015 Submit Documentation Feedback 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 CAN_8DCN TXD S/STB GND CANH VCC CANL RXDNC/VIO U3 CAN_8D TXD S/STB GND CANH VCC CANL RXDNC/VIO U4 C1 DNI 8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5 R4 0 1 1 R19 0 R17 0 TP8 Test Point Header T 4pin 4 JMP1 R1 4.7k TP3 Test Point R2 DNI VCC 1 L1 2 1 4 5 1 3 R18 4.7k 4 JMP6 VCC C6 DNI R14 0 R9 0 R3 0 VRXD 2 3 C9 1uF VCM 1 2 JMP4 1 R11 120 1 2 JMP5 R12 120 1 R15 DNI R7 DNI 1 Verify EIA 0603 size versus 0603 TP13 Test Point R8 330 C7 DNI TP6 Test Point R16 330 C4 TP4 DNI Test Point C2 DNI 1 1 TP12 Test Point 2 1 DNI D2 3 1 TP2 Test Point 1 TP11 Test Point Test Point TP5 1 GND CANH CANL GND JMP7 www.ti.com Introduction Figure 2. EVM Schematic TCAN EVM User Guide 3 Introduction www.ti.com Table 1. Jumper Connections Connection Type Description JMP1 4 pin jumper JMP2 10 pin header Connection for access to all critical digital I/O, supply and GND for driving the CAN transceiver externally with test equipment or interfaced to a processor EVM JMP3 4 pin header CAN bus connection (CANH, CANL) and GND JMP4 2 pin jumper Connect 120Ω CAN termination to the bus. Used separately for a single termination if EVM is at end of the CAN bus and termination isn’t in the cable. Used in combination with JMP5 to get to second CAN termination to represent the combined 60Ω load for CAN transceiver parametric measurement. JMP5 2 pin jumper Connect 120Ω CAN termination to the bus. Used in combination with JMP4 to get to second CAN termination to represent the combined 60Ω load for CAN transceiver parametric measurement. JMP6 5 pin jumper Functional use of pin 5. Options for use are:A) 4.7 kΩ pull up to VCC for transceiver with digital input on pin 5B) 0 Ω pull down to GND for transceiver with digital input on pin 5C) Active split termination: for CAN transceiver with VREF or SPLIT pin where active split termination is desired. Connect to VCM and populate the components R7/R15 and C4 as required for the system.D) VRXD (VIO) for CAN transceivers with a separate VRXD (VIO) for I/O level shifting. TB1 2 pin jumper VCC supply and GND connection for the EVM Used for mode selection on pin 8 (4.7 kΩ pull up to VCC, 0 Ω pull down to GND, customer installable pull down for devices with slew rate control RS pin). TP1 TXD, Device Pin 1 test point TP2 CANH (bus) test point TP3 Device Pin 8 test point TP4 CANH via 330Ω serial resistor test point TP5 CANL (bus) test point TP6 TP7 CANL via 330Ω serial resistor test point Test Point RXD, Device Pin 4 test point TP8 Device Pin 5 test point TP9 VCC test point TP10 TP11 TP12 GND test point TP13 4 TCAN EVM User Guide SLLU231 – December 2015 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated 2 EVM Setup and Operation www.ti.com 2 2 EVM Setup and Operation This section describes the setup and operation of the EVM for parameter performance evaluation. 2.1 2.1.1 Overview and Basic Operation Settings VCC Power Supply (TB1 or TP9 or JMP2) The basic setup of the CAN EVM uses a single power supply required to evaluate standard 5-V or 3.3-V single supply transceiver devices performance. For single-supply transceivers, connect the 5 V or 3.3 V VCC supply to the TB1 jumper header, or the VCC and GND test-point loops. The power supplied should meet the required specification of VCC for the transceiver being tested. LED D3 is used to indicate VCC presence. 2.1.2 I/O Power Supply VRXD or VIO (JMP2, JMP6 or TP8) For devices with I/O level shifting, a second supply pin for the I/O or RXD pin is on Pin 5 of the transceiver device. A second power supply is needed to test one of these devices and should be connected via JMP2, JMP6 or TP8. A local buffering and decoupling capacitor should be installed at C6 if the EVM is used for one of these devices. 2.1.3 Main Supply and I/O Header (JMP2) All key I/O and supply GND functions are brought to this header. It may be used on either interface to test equipment or a short cable could be made to connect to either an existing customer application board or MCU/DSP EVM board for a processor with a CAN controller Table 2. JMP2 Pin Definitions Pin Connection Description 1 MODE 2 TXD Pin 1 of Transceiver. TXD (Transmit Data) 3 GND Pin 2 of Transceiver. GND. 4 GND Pin 2 of Transceiver. GND. 5 RXD Pin 4 of Transceiver. RXD (Receive Data) 6 GND Pin 2 of Transceiver. GND. 7 VCC 8 GND 9 P5 10 VRXD Pin 8 of Transceiver, normally used for Mode control. Examples: SHDN, FAULT, RS, S, STB. Pin 3 of Transceiver. VCC Pin 2 of Transceiver. GND. Pin 5 of Transceiver, various functions depending on transceiver. Examples: VREF, SPLIT, VRXD, VIO, LBK, EN, AB and No Connect (NC). Connects to Jumper JMP6 VRXD header to allow flexibility in using device with power supply for I/O on Pin 5 of transceiver. This header is arranged to provide a separate grounds for each signal pair (TXD/GND and RXD/GND). If the EVM is being used with lab equipment, separate cables can be connected to these main points via simple 2 pin header connectors. If the board is being connected to a processor based system, a single cable with all power and signals can be connected via a 10 pin header cable to this port. 2.1.4 TXD Input (JMP2 or TP1) The TXD (pin 1) of the transceiver, transmit data is routed to JMP2 and TP1. The signal path to the JMP2 header is pre-installed with a 0-Ω series resistor, R10. 2.1.5 RXD Output (JMP2 or TP7) The RXD (pin 4) of the transceiver, receive data is routed to JMP2 and TP7. The signal path to the JMP2 header is pre-installed with a 0Ω series resistor, R13. SLLU231 – December 2015 Submit Documentation Feedback TCAN EVM User Guide Copyright © 2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated 5 2 EVM Setup and Operation 2.1.6 www.ti.com MODE Select/ Pin 8 (JMP1, JMP2 or TP3) Pin 8 of the transceiver is normally a mode control pin of the device. Pin 8 of the device is routed to JMP1, JMP2 and TP7. 2.1.7 MODE - JMP1 configurations (3 way jumper) If using separate I/O inputs JMP1 will be used to configure pin 8 to a pull up to VCC or pull down to GND configuration. For most devices, when Pin 8 is pulled to GND the device will be in “normal” or high speed mode. R3 is pre-installed with 0-Ω resistor to GND for this purpose. For most devices, when Pin 8 is pulled to VCC the device will be in a silent or low power standby mode. Devices with slope control mode use the resistance to ground value to determine the slope of the driver output. R2 is left open for customers who want to install a resistance to ground and use slope mode. 2.1.8 JMP2 configuration Using header JMP2 which assumes all the digital I/O signals, VCC, GND are routed to an external system. Ensure that the MODE (JMP1) jumper settings are not conflicting with signals to JMP2. 2.1.9 TP3 configuration This connects directly to device pin 8. Ensure JMP1 configuration isn’t conflicting if TP3 is used as the input connection. 2.1.10 Pin 5 (JMP6, JMP2 or TP8) Pin 5 of the transceiver have various uses depending on the transceiver. Examples are VREF, SPLIT, VRXD, VIO, LBK, EN, AB and No Connect (NC). Pin 5 of the device is routed to JMP6, JMP2 and TP8. 2.1.11 Pin 5 – JMP6 configurations (4 way jumper) If using separate I/O inputs JMP6 will be used to configure pin 5 to: pull up to VCC, pull down to GND, VRXD / VIO supply input or VREF/SPLIT termination output. • VREF/SPLIT termination: If the device and application support split termination then JMP6 should be set to VCM (V Common Mode) to drive the VREF/SPLIT pin common mode stabilizing voltage output to the center tap of the split termination capacitor. These components will need to be installed on the EVM as outlined in the CAN bus termination section. • No Connection: If the device and application require no use of pin 5 then it may be left open. If the device has VREF or SPLIT pin but the application isn’t using the pin for split termination then a capacitor may be added on C6 to improve EMC performance. • 2nd Mode / Control Input: if the device and application use pin 5 as a second mode or control pin then JMP6 should be set to as either a pull up to VCC or pull down to GND as necessary. • I/O and RXD level shifting supply: if the device and application use with VIO or VRXD to level shift I/O pins on the transceiver then JMP6 may be set to VRXD which connects pin 5 of the device to VRXD pin on JMP2. Local buffering and bypass capacitor C6 should be installed. 2.1.12 JMP2 configuration Using header JMP2 assumes all the digital I/O signals, VCC, GND are routed to an external system. Ensure that Pin 5 (JMP6) jumper settings are not conflicting with signals to JMP2. For power supply VRXD the jumper needs to be set to route JMP2 supply input to the transceiver pin. 2.1.13 TP8 configuration This connects directly to device pin 5. Ensure JMP6 configuration isn’t conflicting if TP8 is used as an input connection. 6 TCAN EVM User Guide SLLU231 – December 2015 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated 2 EVM Setup and Operation www.ti.com 2.2 Using CAN Bus Load, Termination and Protection Configurations The CAN EVM is populated with two 120-Ω power resistors selectable via jumpers between CANH and CANL. By using one, the EVM may be used as a terminated end of a bus. For electrical measurements to represent the total loading of the bus, use both 120-Ω resistors in parallel to give the standard 60-Ω load for parametric measurement. The EVM also has footprints for split termination if needed for the application. The table below summarizes how to use these termination options. If split termination is used, care must be taken to match the resistors. The common mode filter frequency may be calculated by: fC = 1/(2πRC). Normally, the split capacitance is in the range of 4.7 nF to 100 nF. Keep in mind this is the common mode filter frequency, not a differential filter that will impact the differential CAN signal directly. Table 3. Bus Termination Configuration Termination Configuration Split Termination Footprints 120Ω Resistors JMP4 JMP5 Standard Termination (120Ω) shorted open 60Ω load - Electrical Parameterics shorted shorted Split Termination (Common Mode Stabilization) open open Split Termination Footprints R7 R15 C4 N/A N/A N/A 60Ω 60 Ω populated The EVM also has footprints for various protection schemes to enhance robustness for extreme system level EMC requirements. The table below summarizes these options. Table 4. Protection and Filtering Configuration Configuration Series Resistors or Common Mode Choke Bus Filtering Caps Transient Protection Footprint Reference R9 / R14 or L1 (common footprint) C2 / C7 C2 / C7 or D1 / D2 Use Case Population and Description Direct CAN transceiver to bus connection R9 and R14 populated with 0Ω (default population) Series resistance protection CAN transceiver to bus connection R9 and R14 populated with MELF resistor as necessary for harsh EMC environment CM choke (bus filter) L1 populated with CM choke to filter noise as necessary for harsh EMC environment Bus filter Filter noise as necessary for harsh EMC environment. Filter caps may be used in combination with L1 CM choke. Transient & ESD Protection To add extra protection for system level transients and ESD protection TVS diode population option via D1/D2 footprint or varistor population via C2 / C7 footprint. SLLU231 – December 2015 Submit Documentation Feedback TCAN EVM User Guide Copyright © 2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated 7 2 EVM Setup and Operation 2.3 www.ti.com Using Customer Installable I/O options for Current Limiting, Pullup/Pulldown, Noise Filtering The CAN EVM has footprints on the PCB for the installation of various filtering and protection options to adapt the EVM to match CAN network topology requirements if the EVM is being used as a CAN node. Each digital input or output pin has footprints to allow for series current limiting resistors (default populated with 0 Ω), pull up or down resistors depending on pin use and a capacitor to GND which allows for RC filters when configured with a series resistor. The table below lists these features for each of the digital input and output pins of the EVM. Replace or populate the RC components as necessary for the application. Table 5. RC Filter / Protection Lists Device Pin No. Description Jumperable Type Pull Up Pull Down Pull Up/Down C to GND 1 TXD Input N/A N/A R10 R6 PU C3 2 RXD Output N/A N/A R13 R5 PU C5 NC No Connect N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A SHDN Input R18 (JMP6) R19 (JMP6) R17 N/A C6 FAULT Output N/A N/A R17 N/A C4/C6 5 Description VREF/SPLIT Output N/A N/A R17 N/A C4 / C6 Split termination: JMP6 to route output to split termination center point capacitor C4. EMC for systems not using split termination: C6 to GND. VRXD/VIO Supply Input N/A N/A R17 N/A C9 / C6 Use TM6, JMP6 & JMP2 as necessary to provide supply input. AB / EN / LBK Input R18 (JMP6) R19 (JMP6) R17 N/A C6 S, RS, STB Input R1 (JMP1) R2 / R3 (JMP1) R4 N/A C1 NC No Connect N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 8 8 Series R TCAN EVM User Guide R2 pull down to GND (JMP1) user installable for use with slope mode on devices with RS pin. SLLU231 – December 2015 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated CAN EVM Configuration for TCAN332 (Factory Installed) www.ti.com 3 CAN EVM Configuration for TCAN332 (Factory Installed) The TCAN33x family of devices interface CAN protocol controllers with the physical bus in accordance to the ISO 11898 standard. These devices are compatible with the ISO 11898 High Speed CAN (Controller Area Network) Physical Layer standards: 11898-2. Standard versions are designed for data rates of 1 megabit per second (Mbps) in CAN networks and additional devices are designed to meet at least 2 Mbps in CAN FD networks. The devices include many protection features providing device and CAN network robustness. SHDN / NC / FAULT Note C VCC 5 3 FAULT LOGIC Note B VCC VCC VCC DOMINANT TIME OUT 1 7 BIAS UNIT TXD Under Voltage CANH 6 CANL S / NC / STB 8 Note C CONTROL and MODE LOGIC Sleep Receiver Note A WAKE DETECT MUX RXD 4 Normal Receiver DOMINANT TIME OUT 2 GND Figure 3. TCAN33x Basic Block Diagram Table 6. EVM Connection Settings for TCAN33x Connection Description JMP1 Mode selection: Pull up to VCC for Silent Mode, Pull down to GND for normal mode JMP2 Connection for access to all critical digital I/O, supply and GND if being externally driven by test equipment or interfaced to a processor EVM. Note: ensure that JMP1, JMP6 & TB1 settings don't conflict with JMP2 if it is used. JMP3 CAN bus connection (CANH, CANL) and GND as necessary if interfacing EVM to a CAN network JMP4 Connect if necessary for a single CAN network termination JMP5 Connect if necessary for in parallel with JMP4 to get a 60Ω load to measure CAN parametrics JMP6 TCAN330/4 Pull High For Shutdown Mode; TCAN337 Open Drain Fault Output Pin SLLU231 – December 2015 Submit Documentation Feedback TCAN EVM User Guide Copyright © 2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated 9 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, enhancements, improvements and other changes to its semiconductor products and services per JESD46, latest issue, and to discontinue any product or service per JESD48, latest issue. Buyers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. All semiconductor products (also referred to herein as “components”) are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment. TI warrants performance of its components to the specifications applicable at the time of sale, in accordance with the warranty in TI’s terms and conditions of sale of semiconductor products. Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Except where mandated by applicable law, testing of all parameters of each component is not necessarily performed. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or the design of Buyers’ products. Buyers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components. To minimize the risks associated with Buyers’ products and applications, Buyers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards. TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or process in which TI components or services are used. Information published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement thereof. Use of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party, or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI. Reproduction of significant portions of TI information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. TI is not responsible or liable for such altered documentation. Information of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions. Resale of TI components or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that component or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI component or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that it is solely responsible for compliance with all legal, regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning its products, and any use of TI components in its applications, notwithstanding any applications-related information or support that may be provided by TI. Buyer represents and agrees that it has all the necessary expertise to create and implement safeguards which anticipate dangerous consequences of failures, monitor failures and their consequences, lessen the likelihood of failures that might cause harm and take appropriate remedial actions. Buyer will fully indemnify TI and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of any TI components in safety-critical applications. In some cases, TI components may be promoted specifically to facilitate safety-related applications. With such components, TI’s goal is to help enable customers to design and create their own end-product solutions that meet applicable functional safety standards and requirements. Nonetheless, such components are subject to these terms. No TI components are authorized for use in FDA Class III (or similar life-critical medical equipment) unless authorized officers of the parties have executed a special agreement specifically governing such use. Only those TI components which TI has specifically designated as military grade or “enhanced plastic” are designed and intended for use in military/aerospace applications or environments. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that any military or aerospace use of TI components which have not been so designated is solely at the Buyer's risk, and that Buyer is solely responsible for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements in connection with such use. TI has specifically designated certain components as meeting ISO/TS16949 requirements, mainly for automotive use. In any case of use of non-designated products, TI will not be responsible for any failure to meet ISO/TS16949. 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