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THS4508EVM 数据手册
THS4508 www.ti.com .................................................................................................................................... SLAS459E – SEPTEMBER 2005 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 WIDEBAND, LOW NOISE, LOW DISTORTION FULLY DIFFERENTIAL AMPLIFIER FEATURES 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Fully Differential Architecture Common-Mode Input Range Includes the Negative Rail Minimum Gain of 2 V/V (6 dB) Bandwidth: 2 GHz Slew Rate: 6400 V/µs 1% Settling Time: 2 ns HD2: –72 dBc at 100 MHz HD3: –79 dBc at 100 MHz OIP2: 78 dBm at 70 MHz OIP3: 42 dBm at 70 MHz Input Voltage Noise: 2.3 nV/√Hz (f > 10 MHz) Noise Figure: 19.2 dB (G = 10 dB) Output Common-Mode Control 5-V Power Supply Current: 39.2 mA Power-Down Capability: 0.65 mA APPLICATIONS • • • • • 5-V Data-Acquisition Systems High Linearity ADC Amplifier Wireless Communication Medical Imaging Test and Measurement DESCRIPTION The THS4508 is a wideband, fully-differential operational amplifier designed for single-supply 5-V data acquisition systems. It has very low noise at 2.3 nV/√Hz, and extremely low harmonic distortion of –72 dBc HD2 and –79 dBc HD3 at 100 MHz with 2 VPP, G = 10 dB, and 1-kΩ load. Slew rate is very high at 6400 Vµs, and with settling time of 2 ns to 1% (2 V step), it is ideal for pulsed applications. It is designed for minimum gain of 6 dB, but is optimized for gain of 10 dB. To allow for dc coupling to analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), its unique output common-mode control circuit maintains the output common-mode voltage within 5-mV offset (typical) from the set voltage, when set within 0.5 V of mid-supply. The common-mode set point is set to mid-supply by internal circuitry, which may be over-driven from an external source. The THS4508 is a high-performance amplifier that has been optimized for use in high performance, 5-V single-supply data acquisition systems. The output has been optimized for best performance with its common-mode voltages set to mid-supply, and the input has been optimized for best performance with its common-mode voltage set to 0.7 V. High performance at a low power-supply voltage is ideal for high-performance, single-supply 5-V data-acquisition systems with a minimum parts count. The combined performance of the THS4508 in a gain of 10-dB driving the ADS5500 ADC, sampling at 125 MSPS, is 82-dBc SFDR, and 68.3-dBc SNR with a –1-dBFS signal at 70 MHz. The THS4508 is offered in a quad 16-pin leadless QFN package (RGT), and is characterized for operation over the full industrial temperature range from –40°C to +85°C. RS = 75 W VSignal VIN 175 W 130 W 348 W VS+ = 5 V RO VOUTTHS4508 175 W 75 W 130 W VS- RO VCM VOUT+ 348 W Figure 1. Video Buffer 1 Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet. PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date. Products conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters. Copyright © 2005–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated THS4508 SLAS459E – SEPTEMBER 2005 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 .................................................................................................................................... www.ti.com This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage. ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (1) Over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted). UNIT VSS Supply voltage VI Input voltage VS– to VS+ 5.5 V ±VS VID Differential input voltage 4V IO Output current 200 mA Continuous power dissipation See Dissipation Rating Table TJ Maximum junction temperature (2) +150°C TJ Maximum junction temperature, continuous operation, long term reliability (3) +125°C TA Operating free-air temperature range –40°C to +85°C Tstg Storage temperature range –65°C to +150°C ESD ratings (1) (2) (3) HBM 2000 V CDM 1500 V MM 100 V Stresses above these ratings may cause permanent damage. Exposure to absolute maximum conditions for extended periods may degrade device reliability. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those specified is not implied. The absolute maximum temperature under any condition is limited by the constraints of the silicon process. The maximum junction temperature for continuous operation is limited by the package constraints. Operation above this temperature may result in reduced reliability and/or lifetime of the device. The THS4508 incorporates a (QFN) exposed thermal pad on the underside of the chip. This acts as a heatsink and must be connected to a thermally dissipative plane for proper power dissipation. Failure to do so may result in exceeding the maximum junction temperature which could permanently damage the device. See TI technical brief SLMA002 and SLMA004 for more information about utilizing the QFN thermally enhanced package. DISSIPATION RATINGS TABLE (PER PACKAGE) PACKAGE θJC θJA RGT (16) 2.4°C/W 39.5°C/W POWER RATING TA ≤ 25°C TA = 85°C 2.3 W 225 mW ORDERING INFORMATION (1) (1) 2 PRODUCT PACKAGELEAD PACKAGE DESIGNATOR SPECIFIED TEMPERATURE RANGE PACKAGE MARKING THS4508 QFN-16 RGT –40°C to +85°C THS4508 ORDERING NUMBER TRANSPORT MEDIA, QUANTITY THS4508RGTT Tape and Reel, 250 THS4508RGTR Tape and Reel, 3000 For the most current package and ordering information, see the Package Option Addendum at the end of this document, or see the TI Web site at www.ti.com. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): THS4508 THS4508 www.ti.com .................................................................................................................................... SLAS459E – SEPTEMBER 2005 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 DEVICE INFORMATION THS4508 (RGT PACKAGE) (TOP VIEW) VS- 16 15 14 13 NC 1 12 PD VIN- 2 11 VIN+ VOUT+ 3 10 VOUT- CM 4 9 5 6 7 CM 8 VS+ TERMINAL FUNCTIONS TERMINAL (RGT PACKAGE) NO. DESCRIPTION NAME 1 NC No internal connection 2 VIN– Inverting amplifier input 3 VOUT+ Noninverting amplifier output 4, 9 CM Common-mode voltage input 5–8 VS+ Positive amplifier power-supply input 10 VOUT– Inverting amplifier output 11 VIN+ Noninverting amplifier input 12 PD Power-down, PD = logic low puts part into low-power mode, PD = logic high or open for normal operation 13–16 VS– Negative amplifier power-supply input Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): THS4508 3 THS4508 SLAS459E – SEPTEMBER 2005 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 .................................................................................................................................... www.ti.com ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS; VS+ – VS– = 5 V: Test conditions unless otherwise noted: VS+ = 5 V, VS– = 0 V, G = 10 dB, CM = open, VO = 2 VPP, RF = 349 Ω, RL = 200 Ω Differential, T = +25°C Single-Ended Input, Differential Output, Input Referenced to Ground, and Output Referenced to Mid-supply. PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS TEST LEVEL (1) AC PERFORMANCE (see Figure 44) Small-Signal Bandwidth G = 6 dB, VO = 100 mVPP 2 G = 10 dB, VO = 100 mVPP 1.7 GHz G = 14 dB, VO = 100 mVPP 600 MHz G = 20 dB, VO = 100 mVPP 300 MHz Gain-Bandwidth Product G = 20 dB Bandwidth for 0.1 dB flatness Large-Signal Bandwidth 3 GHz G = 10 dB, VO = 2 VPP 400 MHz G = 10 dB, VO = 2 VPP 1.5 GHz 6400 V/µs 0.5 ns 0.5 ns Slew Rate (Differential) Rise Time Fall Time GHz VO = 2-V Step Settling Time to 1% 2 ns Settling Time to 0.1% 12 µs 2nd-Order Harmonic Distortion 3rd-Order Harmonic Distortion f = 10 MHz –104 f = 50 MHz –82 f = 100 MHz –69 f = 10 MHz –105 f = 50 MHz –92 f = 100 MHz 2nd-Order Intermodulation Distortion 200-kHz tone spacing, RL = 499 Ω 3rd-Order Intermodulation Distortion 2nd-Order Output Intercept Point 200-kHz tone spacing, RL = 100 Ω 3rd-Order Output Intercept Point dBc –81 fC = 70 MHz –78 fC = 140 MHz –64 fC = 70 MHz –95 fC = 140 MHz –78 fC = 70 MHz 78 fC = 140 MHz 58 fC = 70 MHz 42 fC = 140 MHz dBc dBm 35 fC = 70 MHz 12.2 fC = 140 MHz 10.8 Noise Figure 50-Ω system, 10 MHz 19.2 dB Input Voltage Noise f > 10 MHz 2.3 nV/√Hz Input Current Noise f > 10 MHz 2.9 pA/√Hz 1-dB Compression Point (2) C dBm DC PERFORMANCE Open-Loop Voltage Gain (AOL) Input Offset Voltage 68 TA = +25°C 1 4 TA = –40°C to +85°C 1 5 Average Offset Voltage Drift Input Bias Current 2.3 TA = +25°C TA = –40°C to +85°C Average Bias Current Drift Input Offset Current (2) 4 8 15.5 8 18.5 20 TA = +25°C 0.5 3.6 TA = –40°C to +85°C 0.5 7 Average Offset Current Drift (1) 1.75 7 dB C mV A µV/°C B µA A nA/°C B µA A nA/°C B Test levels: (A) 100% tested at 25°C. Overtemperature limits by characterization and simulation. (B) Limits set by characterization and simulation. (C) Typical value only for information. The 1-dB compression point is measured at the load with 50-Ω double termination. Add 3 dB to refer to amplifier output. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): THS4508 THS4508 www.ti.com .................................................................................................................................... SLAS459E – SEPTEMBER 2005 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS; VS+ – VS– = 5 V: (continued) Test conditions unless otherwise noted: VS+ = 5 V, VS– = 0 V, G = 10 dB, CM = open, VO = 2 VPP, RF = 349 Ω, RL = 200 Ω Differential, T = +25°C Single-Ended Input, Differential Output, Input Referenced to Ground, and Output Referenced to Mid-supply. PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS TEST LEVEL (1) V B INPUT Common-Mode Input Range High 2.3 Common-Mode Input Range Low –0.3 Common-Mode Rejection Ratio Differential Input Impedance Common-Mode Input Impedance 90 dB B 18.2 || 2.2 MΩ || pF C 3.8 || 2.5 MΩ || pF C OUTPUT Maximum Output Voltage High Each output with 100 Ω to mid-supply Minimum Output Voltage Low Differential Output Voltage Swing TA = +25°C 3.7 3.8 TA = –40°C to +85°C 3.6 3.8 V TA = +25°C 1.2 1.3 TA = –40°C to +85°C 1.2 1.4 TA = +25°C 4.8 5.2 TA = –40°C to +85°C 4.4 5.2 A V A Differential Output Current Drive RL = 10 Ω 96 mA C Output Balance Error VO = 100 mV, f = 1 MHz –43 dB C Closed-Loop Output Impedance f = 1 MHz 0.3 Ω C Small-Signal Bandwidth 700 MHz Slew Rate 110 V/µs 1 V/V OUTPUT COMMON-MODE VOLTAGE CONTROL Gain Output Common-Mode Offset from CM input 1.25 V < CM < 3.5 V 5 mV CM Input Bias Current 1.25 V < CM < 3.5 V ±40 µA CM Input Voltage Range 1.25 to 3.75 V CM Input Impedance 32 || 1.5 kΩ || pF 2.5 V CM Default Voltage C POWER SUPPLY 3.75 (3) Specified Operating Voltage Maximum Quiescent Current TA = +25°C TA = –40°C to +85°C Minimum Quiescent Current TA = +25°C TA = –40°C to +85°C 5 5.25 39.2 42.5 39.2 43.5 35.9 39.2 35 39.2 Power-Supply Rejection (±PSRR) To differential output POWER-DOWN Referenced to VS– Enable Voltage Threshold Device assured on above 2.1 V > 2.1 Disable Voltage Threshold Device assured off below 0.7 V < 0.7 TA = +25°C 0.65 0.9 TA = –40°C to +85°C 0.65 1 Power-Down Quiescent Current Input Bias Current PD = VS– Input Impedance 90 V C mA A dB C V C mA A 100 µA 50 || 2 kΩ || pF Turn-on Time Delay Measured to output on 55 ns Turn-off Time Delay Measured to output off 10 µs (3) C See the Application Information section of this data sheet for device operation with full supply voltages less than 5 V. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): THS4508 5 THS4508 SLAS459E – SEPTEMBER 2005 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 .................................................................................................................................... www.ti.com TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS TYPICAL AC PERFORMANCE: VS+ – VS– = 5 V Test conditions unless otherwise noted: VS+ = 5 V, VS– = 0 V, G = 10 dB, CM = open, VO = 2 VPP, RF = 349 Ω, RL = 200 Ω Differential, Single-Ended Input, Input Referenced to Ground and Output Referenced to Midrail Small-Signal Frequency Response Figure 2 Large Signal Frequency Response Figure 3 HD2, G = 6 dB, VOD = 2 VPP vs Frequency Figure 4 HD3, G = 6 dB, VOD = 2 VPP vs Frequency Figure 5 HD2, G = 10 dB, VOD = 2 VPP vs Frequency Figure 6 HD3, G = 10 dB, VOD = 2 VPP vs Frequency Figure 7 HD2, G = 14 dB, VOD = 2 VPP vs Frequency Figure 8 HD3, G = 14 dB, VOD = 2 VPP vs Frequency Figure 9 HD2, G = 10 dB vs Output voltage Figure 10 HD3, G = 10 dB vs Output voltage Figure 11 HD2, G = 10 dB vs CM input voltage Figure 12 HD3, G = 10 dB vs CM input voltage Figure 13 IMD2, G = 6 dB, VOD = 2 VPP vs Frequency Figure 14 IMD3, G = 6 dB, VOD = 2 VPP vs Frequency Figure 15 IMD2, G = 10 dB, VOD = 2 VPP vs Frequency Figure 16 IMD3, G = 10 dB, VOD = 2 VPP vs Frequency Figure 17 IMD2, G = 14 dB, VOD = 2 VPP vs Frequency Figure 18 IMD3, G = 14 dB, VOD = 2 VPP vs Frequency Figure 19 OIP2 vs Frequency Figure 20 OIP3 vs Frequency Figure 21 S-Parameters vs Frequency Figure 22 Transition Rate vs Output Voltage Figure 23 Harmonic Distortion Intermodulation Distortion Output Intercept Point Transient Response Figure 24 Settling Time Figure 25 0.1 dB Flatness Figure 26 Rejection Ratio vs Frequency Figure 27 Output Impedance vs Frequency Figure 28 Overdrive Recovery Output Voltage Swing Figure 29 vs Load Resistance Figure 30 Turn-Off Time Figure 31 Turn-On Time Figure 32 Input Offset Voltage vs Input Common-Mode Voltage Figure 33 Open Loop Gain vs Frequency Figure 34 Input Referred Noise vs Frequency Figure 35 Noise Figure vs Frequency Figure 36 Quiescent Current vs Supply Voltage Figure 37 Output Balance Error vs Frequency Figure 38 CM Input Impedance vs Frequency Figure 39 CM Small-Signal Frequency Response Figure 40 CM Input Bias Current vs CM Input Voltage Figure 41 Differential Output Offset Voltage vs CM Input Voltage Figure 42 Output Common-Mode Offset vs CM Input Voltage Figure 43 6 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): THS4508 THS4508 www.ti.com .................................................................................................................................... SLAS459E – SEPTEMBER 2005 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 TYPICAL AC PERFORMANCE: VS+ – VS– = 5 V Test conditions unless otherwise noted: VS+ = 5 V, VS– = 0 V, G = 10 dB, CM = open, VO = 2 VPP, RF = 349 Ω, RL = 200 Ω Differential, Single-Ended Input, Input Referenced to Ground and Output Referenced to Midrail SMALL-SIGNAL FREQUENCY RESPONSE LARGE-SIGNAL FREQUENCY RESPONSE 22 G = 20 dB 20 20 18 18 16 Small Signal Gain - dB Small Signal Gain - dB 22 G = 14 dB 14 12 G = 10 dB 10 8 G = 6 dB 6 G = 20 dB 16 G = 14 dB 14 12 G = 10 dB 10 8 G = 6 dB 6 4 4 VO = 100 mVPP 2 VOD = 2 VPP 2 0 0 100 k 10 M 100 M f - Frequency - Hz 1M 1G 100 k 10 G 10 M 100 M f - Frequency - Hz 1M Figure 2. HD2 vs FREQUENCY HD3 vs FREQUENCY -60 G = 6 dB, VOD = 2 VPP -70 -70 G = 6 dB, VOD = 2 VPP -80 -80 HD3 - dBc HD2 - dBc 10 G Figure 3. -50 -60 1G RL = 100 W -90 RL = 1 kW RL = 200 W -90 -100 RL = 499 W RL = 100 W -100 -110 -110 R L = 1 kW RL = 499 W -120 1M 10 M 100 M 1G -120 1M RL = 200 W 10 M 100 M 1G f - Frequency - Hz f - Frequency - Hz Figure 4. Figure 5. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): THS4508 7 THS4508 SLAS459E – SEPTEMBER 2005 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 .................................................................................................................................... www.ti.com Test conditions unless otherwise noted: VS+ = 5 V, VS– = 0 V, G = 10 dB, CM = open, VO = 2 VPP, RF = 349 Ω, RL = 200 Ω Differential, Single-Ended Input, Input Referenced to Ground and Output Referenced to Midrail HD2 vs FREQUENCY HD3 vs FREQUENCY -60 -60 G = 10 dB, VOD = 2 VPP -70 -70 -80 HD3 - dBc -80 HD2 - dBc G = 10 dB, VOD = 2 VPP RL = 100 W -90 RL = 200 W RL = 1 kW -90 RL = 100 W -100 -100 RL = 200 W -110 RL = 499 W -110 RL = 499 W RL = 1 kW -120 1M 10 M 100 M -120 1M 1G 10 M Figure 6. 1G Figure 7. HD2 vs FREQUENCY HD3 vs FREQUENCY -60 -50 -60 100 M f - Frequency - Hz f - Frequency - Hz G = 14 dB, VOD = 2 VPP G = 14 dB, VOD = 2 VPP -70 -70 RL = 100 W -80 -90 HD3 - dBc HD2 - dBc RL = 200 W -90 -100 RL = 499 W -80 RL = 1 kW RL = 499 W RL = 100 W -100 -110 RL = 200 W R L = 1 kW -120 1M 10 M 100 M 1G -110 1M f - Frequency - Hz Figure 8. 8 10 M f - Frequency - Hz 100 M 1G Figure 9. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): THS4508 THS4508 www.ti.com .................................................................................................................................... SLAS459E – SEPTEMBER 2005 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 Test conditions unless otherwise noted: VS+ = 5 V, VS– = 0 V, G = 10 dB, CM = open, VO = 2 VPP, RF = 349 Ω, RL = 200 Ω Differential, Single-Ended Input, Input Referenced to Ground and Output Referenced to Midrail HD2 vs OUTPUT VOLTAGE HD3 vs OUTPUT VOLTAGE -40 -40 -50 f = 100 MHz f = 100 MHz -60 -60 f = 64 MHz HD3 - dBc f = 64 MHz -70 HD2 - dBc f = 150 MHz G = 10 dB, VOD = 2 VPP f = 150 MHz G = 10 dB, VOD = 2 VPP -50 f = 32 MHz -80 -90 -70 f = 32 MHz -80 -90 f = 8 MHz -100 -100 f = 16 MHz -110 -110 -120 -120 0 1 3 2 4 f = 16 MHz f = 8 MHz 0 5 1 VO - Output Voltage -VPP Figure 10. HD2 vs CM OUTPUT VOLTAGE HD3 vs CM OUTPUT VOLTAGE 0 VCM = 1.2 V to 3.8 V VOD = 2 VPP 150 MHz -40 HD3 - dBc HD2 - dBc VCM = 1.2 V to 3.8 V VOD = 2 VPP -20 150 MHz 100 MHz -30 -50 -70 64 MHz 100 MHz -60 -80 64 MHz -90 16 MHz -100 -110 1 MHz 1.2 1.6 1 MHz 16 MHz 4 MHz -130 2 2.4 5 4 Figure 11. 10 -10 3 2 VO - Output Voltage -VPP 2.8 4 MHz -120 3.6 3.8 3.2 1.2 CM - Common Mode Output Voltage - V Figure 12. 1.6 2 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 3.8 CM - Common Mode Output Voltage - V Figure 13. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): THS4508 9 THS4508 SLAS459E – SEPTEMBER 2005 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 .................................................................................................................................... www.ti.com Test conditions unless otherwise noted: VS+ = 5 V, VS– = 0 V, G = 10 dB, CM = open, VO = 2 VPP, RF = 349 Ω, RL = 200 Ω Differential, Single-Ended Input, Input Referenced to Ground and Output Referenced to Midrail IMD2 vs FREQUENCY IMD3 vs FREQUENCY −30 -50 G = 6 dB, VOD = 2 VPP Envelope, 200 kHz Tone Spacing −40 G = 6 dB, VOD = 2 VPP Envelope, 200 kHz Tone Spacing -60 RL = 200 W RL = 100 W RL = 100 W -70 IMD3- dBc IMD2 − dBc −50 −60 −70 -90 RL = 499 W −80 RL = 1 kW R L = 1 kW −90 RL = 200 W -80 -100 RL = 499 W -110 −100 0 50 100 150 0 200 50 Figure 14. IMD3 vs FREQUENCY -60 G = 10 dB, VOD = 2 VPP Envelope, 200 kHz Tone Spacing RL = 100 W G = 10 dB, VOD = 2 VPP Envelope, 200 kHz Tone Spacing -65 RL = 200 W RL = 100 W -70 IMD3 - dBc -50 IMD2 - dBc 200 Figure 15. IMD2 vs FREQUENCY -40 150 f - Frequency - MHz f − Frequency − MHz -30 100 -60 -70 RL = 499 W -80 -75 RL = 200 W -80 -85 RL = 1 kW -90 RL = 1 kW -90 -95 -100 -100 RL = 499 W 0 50 100 150 200 0 100 150 200 f - Frequency - MHz f - Frequency - MHz Figure 16. 10 50 Figure 17. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): THS4508 THS4508 www.ti.com .................................................................................................................................... SLAS459E – SEPTEMBER 2005 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 Test conditions unless otherwise noted: VS+ = 5 V, VS– = 0 V, G = 10 dB, CM = open, VO = 2 VPP, RF = 349 Ω, RL = 200 Ω Differential, Single-Ended Input, Input Referenced to Ground and Output Referenced to Midrail IMD2 vs FREQUENCY IMD3 vs FREQUENCY -60 -40 RL = 100 W -50 -70 RL = 200 W RL = 200 W -75 IMD3 - dBc -60 RL = 1 kW IMD2 - dBc RL = 100 W -65 -70 RL = 499 W -80 -80 -85 RL = 1 kW -90 -95 G = 14 dB, VOD = 2 VPP Envelope, 200 kHz Tone Spacing -100 G = 14 dB, VOD = 2 VPP Envelope, -90 RL = 499 W -105 200 kHz Tone Spacing -110 -100 0 50 100 150 0 200 50 f - Frequency - MHz 150 200 f - Frequency - MHz Figure 18. Figure 19. OIP2 vs FREQUENCY 90 100 OIP3 vs FREQUENCY 50 G = 10 dB 85 80 45 G = 14 dB G = 10 dB OIP3 - dBm OIP2 - dBm 75 70 65 G = 6 dB 60 G = 6 dB 40 G = 14 dB 35 55 RL = 100 W, VOD = 2 VPP Envelope, 200 kHz Tone Spacing 50 45 40 0 50 RL = 100 W, VOD = 2 VPP Envelope, 200 kHz Tone Spacing 30 100 150 200 25 0 f - Frequency - MHz 50 100 150 200 f - Frequency - MHz Figure 20. Figure 21. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): THS4508 11 THS4508 SLAS459E – SEPTEMBER 2005 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 .................................................................................................................................... www.ti.com Test conditions unless otherwise noted: VS+ = 5 V, VS– = 0 V, G = 10 dB, CM = open, VO = 2 VPP, RF = 349 Ω, RL = 200 Ω Differential, Single-Ended Input, Input Referenced to Ground and Output Referenced to Midrail S-PARAMETERS vs FREQUENCY TRANSITION RATE vs OUTPUT VOLTAGE 20 8000 7000 S21 0 -20 Transition Rate - V/ms s-Parameters - dB -10 S11 -30 -40 S22 -50 -60 S12 -70 Rising Gain = 10 dB, RL = 200 W 20 % - 80% 10 6000 Falling 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 -80 -90 100 k 10 M 1M 100 M 1G 0 10 G 0 0.5 1 f - Frequency - Hz 1.5 2.5 2 Figure 22. TRANSIENT RESPONSE SETTLING TIME VOD = 2 V step 3.5 0.3 3.25 3 Gain = 10 dB, RL = 200 W, VOD = 2 VPP 2.75 2.5 2.25 2 1.75 1.5 Percent of Final Value - % VOD - Differential Output Voltage - V 4 0.5 3.75 0.1 -0.1 -0.3 1.25 -0.5 1 t - Time - (250 psec/div) t - Time - 1 ns/div Figure 24. Figure 25. 0.1-dB FLATNESS REJECTION RATIO vs FREQUENCY 10.5 10.4 100 90 VOD = 100 mVPP Rejection Ratio - dB 10.2 10.1 10 9.9 9.8 70 CMRR 60 50 40 30 20 9.7 9.6 100 k PSRR+ 80 10.3 Signal Gain - dB 3.5 Figure 23. 4 VCM = VS / 2, RL = 200 W 10 0 1M 10 M 100 M 1G 10 k 100 k 1M 10 M 100 M 1G f - Frequency - Hz f - Frequency - Hz Figure 26. 12 3 VO - Output Voltage - V Figure 27. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): THS4508 THS4508 www.ti.com .................................................................................................................................... SLAS459E – SEPTEMBER 2005 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 Test conditions unless otherwise noted: VS+ = 5 V, VS– = 0 V, G = 10 dB, CM = open, VO = 2 VPP, RF = 349 Ω, RL = 200 Ω Differential, Single-Ended Input, Input Referenced to Ground and Output Referenced to Midrail OUTPUT IMPEDANCE vs FREQUENCY OVERDRIVE RECOVERY 5.75 2 Input 1.5 3.75 VO - Output Voltage - V ZO - Output Impedance - W 4.75 10 1 2.75 1 Output 1.75 0.5 0.75 -0.25 0 -1.25 -0.5 -2.25 Gain = 10 dB, RL = 200 W -3.25 -4.25 0.1 100 k -1 -1.5 -5.25 1M 10 M 100 M VI - Input Voltage - V 100 t - Time - 100 ns/div 1G f - Frequency - Hz Figure 28. Figure 29. 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 10 100 3 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Output PD Input Gain = 10 dB, RL = 200 W 1000 6.4 6 5.6 5.2 4.8 4.4 4 3.6 3.2 2.8 2.4 2 1.6 1.2 0.8 Powerdown Input - V TURN-OFF TIME 3.2 VO - Output Voltage - V VOD - Differential Output Voltage Swing - V VOD SWING vs LOAD RESISTANCE 7 0.4 0 t - Time - (2.5 ms/div) RL - Load Resistance - kW Figure 30. Figure 31. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): THS4508 13 THS4508 SLAS459E – SEPTEMBER 2005 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 .................................................................................................................................... www.ti.com Test conditions unless otherwise noted: VS+ = 5 V, VS– = 0 V, G = 10 dB, CM = open, VO = 2 VPP, RF = 349 Ω, RL = 200 Ω Differential, Single-Ended Input, Input Referenced to Ground and Output Referenced to Midrail INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE vs CM INPUT VOLTAGE PD Input Output Gain = 10 dB, RL = 200 W 10 9 VOS - Input Offset Voltage - mV 6.4 6 5.6 5.2 4.8 4.4 4 3.6 3.2 2.8 2.4 2 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.4 0 Powerdown Input - V VO - Output Voltage - V TURN-ON TIME 3 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -0.5 t - Time - (2.5 ms/div) 0 0.5 1 2 1.5 2.5 3 VIC - Commom-Mode Input Voltage - V Figure 32. Figure 33. OPEN LOOP GAIN AND PHASE vs FREQUENCY INPUT-REFERRED NOISE vs FREQUENCY 100 50 90 Open Loop Gain − dB Phase Gain 60 −50 50 40 −100 30 −150 20 10 −200 Vn - Voltage Noise - nVÖHz In - Current Noise - pAÖHz 0 70 Open Loop Phase − degrees 80 10 In Vn 0 −250 −10 1 100 10 k 1M 100 M 10 G 1 10k f − Frequency − Hz 1M 10M f - Frequency - Hz Figure 34. 14 100k Figure 35. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): THS4508 THS4508 www.ti.com .................................................................................................................................... SLAS459E – SEPTEMBER 2005 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 Test conditions unless otherwise noted: VS+ = 5 V, VS– = 0 V, G = 10 dB, CM = open, VO = 2 VPP, RF = 349 Ω, RL = 200 Ω Differential, Single-Ended Input, Input Referenced to Ground and Output Referenced to Midrail NOISE FIGURE vs FREQUENCY QUIESCENT CURRENT vs SUPPLY VOLTAGE 22 44 21 G = 6 dB IQ - Quiescent Current - mA Noise Figure - dB 20 19 G = 10 dB 18 17 G = 14 dB 50-W System 16 15 14 TA = 25oC 42 G = 20 dB TA = 85oC 40 38 36 o TA = -40 C 34 32 30 13 28 3.75 12 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 4 4.25 Figure 36. OUTPUT BALANCE ERROR vs FREQUENCY 5.25 CM INPUT IMPEDANCE vs FREQUENCY 100 k Gain = 10 dB, VCOM = VS / 2, Common-Mode Input Impedance - W Output Balance Error - dB -20 5 4.75 Figure 37. 0 -10 4.5 VS - Supply Voltage - V f - Frequency - MHz RL = 200 W, VOD = 2 VPP -30 -40 -50 -60 100 k 1M 10 M 100 M 1G 10 k 1k 100 10 100 k f - Frequency - Hz 1M 10 M 100 M 1G f - Frequency - Hz Figure 38. Figure 39. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): THS4508 15 THS4508 SLAS459E – SEPTEMBER 2005 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 .................................................................................................................................... www.ti.com Test conditions unless otherwise noted: VS+ = 5 V, VS– = 0 V, G = 10 dB, CM = open, VO = 2 VPP, RF = 349 Ω, RL = 200 Ω Differential, Single-Ended Input, Input Referenced to Ground and Output Referenced to Midrail CM SMALL-SIGNAL FREQUENCY RESPONSE CM BIAS CURRENT vs CM INPUT VOLTAGE 5 Common-Mode Input-Bias Current - mA 200 0 Gain - dB -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 100 k 1M 10 M 100 M 100 0 -100 -200 -300 1G 0 0.5 f - Frequency - Hz 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 5 4.5 Figure 40. Figure 41. VOD OFFSET VOLTAGE vs CM INPUT VOLTAGE VOC OFFSET VOLTAGE vs CM INPUT VOLTAGE 4 3 2 1 0 -1 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4.5 4 VIC - Common-Mode Input Voltage - V 5 VOC - Common-Mode Output Offset Voltage - mV Differential Output Offset Voltage - mV 1.5 VIC - Common-Mode Input Voltage - V 5 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 0 Figure 42. 16 1 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 VIC - Common-Mode Input Voltage - V Figure 43. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): THS4508 THS4508 www.ti.com .................................................................................................................................... SLAS459E – SEPTEMBER 2005 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 TEST CIRCUITS The THS4508 is tested with the following test circuits built on the EVM. For simplicity, the power supply decoupling is not shown—see the layout in the Application Information section for recommendations. Depending on the test conditions, component values are changed per the following tables, or as otherwise noted. The signal generators used are ac-coupled 50-Ω sources, and a 0.22-µF capacitor and a 49.9-Ω resistor to ground are inserted across RIT on the alternate input to balance the circuit. The output is probed using a high-impedance differential probe across the 100-Ω resistor. The gain is referred to the amplifier output by adding back the 6-dB loss due to the voltage divider on the output. From 50 W Source VIN RF RG RIT 5V 49.9 W RG 0.22 mF THS4508 49.9 W CM RIT RF GAIN RF RG RIT 6 dB 348 Ω 165 Ω 61.9 Ω 10 dB 348 Ω 100 Ω 69.8 Ω 14 dB 348 Ω 56.2 Ω 88.7 Ω 20 dB 348 Ω 16.5 Ω 287 Ω Note the gain setting includes 50-Ω source impedance. Components are chosen to achieve gain and 50-Ω input termination. Table 2. Load Component Values RL RO ROT Output Measured Here With High Impedance Differential Probe Open 0.22 mF 49.9 W Table 1. Gain Component Values 100 W Atten. 100 Ω 25 Ω Open 6 dB 200 Ω 86.6 Ω 69.8 Ω 16.8 dB 499 Ω 237 Ω 56.2 Ω 25.5 dB 1k Ω 487 Ω 52.3 Ω 31.8 dB Note the total load includes 50-Ω termination by the test equipment. Components are chosen to achieve load and 50-Ω line termination through a 1:1 transformer. Due to the voltage divider on the output formed by the load component values, the amplifier output is attenuated. The column Atten in Table 2 shows the attenuation expected from the resistor divider. When using a transformer at the output as shown in Figure 45, the signal will see slightly more loss, and these numbers will be approximate. Figure 44. Frequency Response Test Circuit Distortion and 1 db Compression The circuit shown in Figure 45 is used to measure harmonic distortion, intermodulation distortion, and 1-db compression point of the amplifier. A signal generator is used as the signal source and the output is measured with a spectrum analyzer. The output impedance of the signal generator is 50 Ω. RIT and RG are chosen to impedance-match to 50 Ω, and to maintain the proper gain. To balance the amplifier, a 0.22-µF capacitor and 49.9-Ω resistor to ground are inserted across RIT on the alternate input. A low-pass filter is inserted in series with the input to reduce harmonics generated at the signal source. The level of the fundamental is measured, then a high-pass filter is inserted at the output to reduce the fundamental so that it does not generate distortion in the input of the spectrum analyzer. The transformer used in the output to convert the signal from differential to single-ended is an ADT1-1WT. It limits the frequency response of the circuit so that measurements cannot be made below approximately 1 MHz. From 50 W Source VIN RF RG RIT 5V RO Frequency Response The circuit shown in Figure 44 is used to measure the frequency response of the circuit. A network analyzer is used as the signal source and as the measurement device. The output impedance of the network analyzer is 50 Ω. RIT and RG are chosen to impedance match to 50 Ω, and to maintain the proper gain. To balance the amplifier, a 0.22-µF capacitor and 49.9-Ω resistor to ground are inserted across RIT on the alternate input. RG 0.22 mF RIT THS4508 RO 1:1 VOUT ROT To 50 W Test Equipment CM Open 0.22 mF 49.9 W RF Figure 45. Distortion Test Circuit Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): THS4508 17 THS4508 SLAS459E – SEPTEMBER 2005 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 .................................................................................................................................... www.ti.com The 1-dB compression point is measured with a spectrum analyzer with 50-Ω double termination or 100-Ω termination as shown in Table 2. The input power is increased until the output is 1 dB lower than expected. The number reported in the table data is the power delivered to the spectrum analyzer input. Add 3 dB to refer to the amplifier output. at VOUT+ or VOUT– with the input injected at VIN, RCM = 0 Ω and RCMT = 49.9 Ω. The input impedance is measured with RCM = 49.9 Ω with RCMT = open, and calculated by measuring the voltage drop across RCM to determine the input current. 0.22 mF S-Parameter, Slew Rate, Transient Response, Settling Time, Output Impedance, Overdrive, Output Voltage, and Turn-On/Off Time The circuit shown in Figure 46 is used to measure s-parameters, slew rate, transient response, settling time, output impedance, overdrive recovery, output voltage swing, and turn-on/turn-off times of the amplifier. For output impedance, the signal is injected at VOUT with VIN left open and the drop across the 49.9 Ω resistor is used to calculate the impedance seen looking into the amplifier output. Because S21 is measured single-ended at the load with 50-Ω double termination, add 12 dB to refer to the amplifier output as a differential signal. From V IN 50-W Source RG R IT RF THS4508 49.9 W VOUT- R IT 49.9 W 49.9 W VOUT– RG 0.22 mF THS4508 CM 49.9 W To 50-W Test Equipment VOUT+ To 50-W Test Equipment RCM VIN 49.9 W RCMT RF From 50-W source Figure 47. CM Input Test Circuit CMRR and PSRR The circuit shown in Figure 48 is used to measure the CMRR and PSRR of VS+ and VS–. The input is switched appropriately to match the test being performed. 348 W PSRR+ From VIN 50 W CMRR Source 5V 49.9 W 100 W 100 W PSRRVS- Open 0.22 mF 49.9 W CM RIT VS+ VOUT+ 0.22 mF 5V RIT 5V 49.9 W RG RF RG THS4508 CM 69.8 W RF 49.9 W 100 W Open 0.22 mF Output Measured Here With High Impedance Differential Probe 348 W Figure 46. S-Parameter, SR, Transient Response, Settling Time, ZO, Overdrive Recovery, VOUT Swing, and Turn-On/Off Test Circuit Figure 48. CMRR and PSRR Test Circuit CM Input The circuit shown in Figure 47 is used to measure the frequency response and input impedance of the CM input. Frequency response is measured single-ended 18 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): THS4508 THS4508 www.ti.com .................................................................................................................................... SLAS459E – SEPTEMBER 2005 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 APPLICATION INFORMATION APPLICATIONS Single-Ended Input The following circuits show application information for the THS4508. For simplicity, power-supply decoupling capacitors are not shown in these diagrams. For more detail on the use and operation of fully differential operational amplifiers, refer to application report Fully-Differential Amplifiers (SLOA054) , available for download at the TI web site. RF Differential Input Differential Output 5V RG + V IN+ – VOUT– THS4508 RG VIN– – + VOUT+ RF Figure 49. Differential Input to Differential Output Amplifier Depending on the source and load, input and output termination can be accomplished by adding RIT and RO. Single-Ended Input to Differential Output Amplifier The THS4508 can be used to amplify and convert single-ended input signals to differential output signals. A basic block diagram of the circuit is shown in Figure 50 (CM input not shown). The gain of the circuit is again set by RF divided by RG. Differential 5V Output + RG – VOUT– THS4508 – Differential Input to Differential Output Amplifier The THS4508 is a fully differential operational amplifier, and can be used to amplify differential input signals to differential output signals. A basic block diagram of the circuit is shown in Figure 49 (CM input not shown). The gain of the circuit is set by RF divided by RG. RF RG + VOUT+ RF Figure 50. Single-Ended Input to Differential Output Amplifier Input Common-Mode Voltage Range The input common-model voltage of a fully differential operational amplifier is the voltage at the (+) and (–) input pins of the operational amplifier. It is important to not violate the input common-mode voltage range (VICR) of the operational amplifier. Assuming the operational amplifier is in linear operation the voltage across the input pins is only a few millivolts at most. So finding the voltage at one input pin determines the input common-mode voltage of the operational amplifier. Treating the negative input as a summing node, the voltage is given by Equation 1: ö æ æ ö RG RF ÷ + ç VIN- ´ ÷ VIC = çç VOUT + ´ ÷ ç R G + R F ÷ø R G + RF ø è è (1) To determine the VICR of the operational amplifier, the voltage at the negative input is evaluated at the extremes of VOUT+. As the gain of the operational amplifier increases, the input common-mode voltage becomes closer and closer to the input common-mode voltage of the source. Setting the Output Common-Mode Voltage The output common-mode voltage is set by the voltage at the CM pin(s). The internal common-mode control circuit maintains the output common-mode voltage within 5-mV offset (typical) from the set voltage, when set within 0.5 V of mid-supply. If left unconnected, the common-mode set point is set to mid-supply by internal circuitry, which may be over-driven from an external source. Figure 51 is representative of the CM input. The internal CM circuit has about 700 MHz of –3-dB bandwidth, which Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): THS4508 19 THS4508 SLAS459E – SEPTEMBER 2005 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 .................................................................................................................................... www.ti.com is required for best performance, but it is intended to be a dc-bias input pin. Bypass capacitors are recommended on this pin to reduce noise at the output. The external current required to overdrive the internal resistor divider is given by Equation 2: IEXT = RS RG VSignal RIT RF RPD VS+ = 3.75 V to 5 V RO VOUT- 2VCM - (VS + - VS - ) 50 kW THS4508 RG RO VOUT+ (2) CM RS RIT RPD VS– where VCM is the voltage applied to the CM pin, and VS+ ranges from 3.75 V to 5 V, and VS– is 0 V (ground). VCM RF Figure 52. THS4508 DC-Coupled Single-Source Supply Range From 3.75 V to 5 V With RPD Used To Set VIC VS+ 50 kW to internal CM circuit I EXT CM Note that in Figure 52, the source is referenced to ground as is the input termination resistor RIT. The proper value of resistance to add can be calculated from Equation 3: 50 kW RPD = V S– Figure 51. CM Input Circuit 1 é 1 ê 1 .6 ê R F ê V S + - 1 .6 êë 2 ù ú 1 ú R I ú úû Device Operation with Single Power Supplies Less than 5 V The THS4508 is optimized to work in systems using a 5-V single supply, and the characterization data presented in this data sheet were taken with 5-V single-supply inputs. For ac-coupled systems or dc-coupled systems operating with supplies less than 5 V and greater than 3.75 V, the amplifier input common-mode range is maximized by adding pull-down resistors at the device inputs. The pull-down resistors provide additional loading at the input, and lower the common-mode voltage that is fed back into the device input through resistor RF. Figure 52 shows the circuit configuration for this mode of operation where RPD is added to the dc-coupled circuit to avoid violating the VICR of the operational amplifier. Note RS and RIT are added to the alternate input from the signal input to balance the amplifier. One resistor that is equal to the combined value RI = RG + RS || RIT can be placed at the alternate input. (3) where RI = RG + RS || RIT. VS+ is the power-supply voltage, RF is the feedback resistance, RG is the gain-setting resistance, RS is the signal source resistance, and RIT is the termination resistance. Table 3 is a modification of Table 1 to add the proper values with RPD assuming VS+ = 3.75 V, a dc-coupled 50-Ω source impedance, and setting the output common-mode voltage to mid-supply. Table 3. RPD Values for Various Gains, VS+ = 3.75 V, DC-Coupled Signal Source Gain RF RG RIT RPD 6 dB 348 Ω 169 Ω 64.9 Ω 86.6 Ω 10 dB 348 Ω 102 Ω 78.7 Ω 110 Ω 14 dB 348 Ω 61.9 Ω 115 Ω 158 Ω 20 dB 348 Ω 40.2 Ω 221 Ω 226 Ω If the signal originates from an ac-coupled 50-Ω source (see Figure 53), the equivalent dc-source resistance is an open circuit and RI = RG + RIT. Table 4 is a modification of Table 1 to add the proper values with RPD assuming VS+ = 3.75 V, an ac-coupled 50-Ω source impedance, and setting the output common-mode voltage to mid-supply. 20 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): THS4508 THS4508 www.ti.com .................................................................................................................................... SLAS459E – SEPTEMBER 2005 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 Table 4. RPD Values for Various Gains, VS+ = 3.75 V, AC-Coupled Signal Source RF RG RIT RPD 6 dB 348 Ω 169 Ω 64.9 Ω 80.6 Ω 10 dB 348 Ω 102 Ω 78.7 Ω 90.9 Ω 14 dB 348 Ω 61.9 Ω 115 Ω 90.9 Ω 20 dB 348 Ω 40.2 Ω 221 Ω 77.6 Ω C RS 0.6 0.4 Voltage - V Gain 0.8 0.2 0 RF RG -0.2 RIT V Signal RPD VS+ = 3.75 V to 5 V -0.4 0 RO 5 V OUTTHS4508 RG CM RIT RS RPD V S- 1.5 Video Buffer Figure 54 shows a possible application of the THS4508 as a dc-coupled video buffer with a gain of 2. Figure 55 shows a plot of the Y' signal originating from a HDTV 720p video system. The input signal includes a 3-level sync (minimum level at –0.3 V), and the portion of the video signal with maximum amplitude of 0.7 V. Although the buffer draws its power from a 5-V single-ended power supply, internal level shifters allow the buffer to support input signals which are as much as –0.3 V below ground. This allows maximum design flexibility while maintaining a minimum parts count. Figure 56 shows the differential output of the buffer. Note that the dc-coupled amplifier can introduce a dc offset on a signal applied at its input Video Source VSignal 348 W 175 W 130 W VS+ = 5 V RO THS4508 175 W 75 W 130 W VS- RO VOD VCM 348 W Figure 54. Single-Supply Video Buffer, Gain = 2 VOD - Video Buffer Output - V Figure 53. THS4508 AC-Coupled Single-Source Supply Range From 3.75 V to 5 V With RPD Used To Set VIC VIN 20 Figure 55. Y' Signal With 3-Level Sync and Video Signal RF RS = 75 W 15 RO V OUT+ C 10 t - Time - ms 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 0 5 10 15 20 t - Time - ms Figure 56. Video Buffer Differential Output Signal THS4508 + ADS5500 Combined Performance The THS4508 is designed to be a high-performance drive amplifier for high-performance data converters such as the ADS5500 14-bit 125-MSPS ADC. Figure 57 shows a circuit combining the two devices, and Figure 58 shows the combined SNR and SFDR performance versus frequency with –1 dBFS input signal level sampling at 125 MSPS. The THS4508 amplifier circuit provides 10 dB of gain, and converts the single-ended input signal to a differential output signal. The default common-mode output of the THS4508 (2.5 V) is not compatible with the required common-mode input of the ADS5500 (1.55 V), so dc-blocking capacitors are added (0.22 µF). Note that a biasing circuit (not shown in Figure 57) is needed to provide the required common-mode, dc-input for the ADS5500. The 100-Ω resistors and 2.7-pF capacitor between the THS4508 outputs and ADS5500 inputs along with the input capacitance of the ADS5500 limit the bandwidth of the signal to 115 MHz (–3 dB). For testing, a signal generator is used for the signal source. The generator is an ac-coupled 50-Ω source. A band-pass filter is inserted in series with the input to reduce harmonics and noise from the signal Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): THS4508 21 THS4508 SLAS459E – SEPTEMBER 2005 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 .................................................................................................................................... www.ti.com source. Input termination is accomplished via the 69.8-Ω resistor and 0.22-µF capacitor to ground in conjunction with the input impedance of the amplifier circuit. A 0.22-µF capacitor and 49.9-Ω resistor is inserted to ground across the 69.8-Ω resistor and 0.22-µF capacitor on the alternate input to balance the circuit. Gain is a function of the source impedance, termination, and 348-Ω feedback resistor. See Table 1 for component values to set proper 50-Ω termination for other common gains. VIN 100 W From 50-W source When the THS4508 is operated from a single power supply with VS+ = 5 V and VS– = ground, the 2.5-V output common-mode voltage is compatible with the recommended value of the ADS5424 input common-mode voltage (2.4 V). From 50-W source 348 W 5V 69.8 W The 225-Ω resistors and 2.7-pF capacitor between the THS4508 outputs and ADS5424 inputs (along with the input capacitance of the ADC) limit the bandwidth of the signal to about 100 MHz (–3 dB). 0.22 mF V IN 69 .8 W 49.9 W 5V 14-bit, 125 MSPS 100 W 225 W A IN + THS4508 100 ADS5500 2.7 pF 100 W 348 W 100 W THS4508 225 W 2 .7 pF A IN - CM CM 69.8 W 0.22 mF 49 .9 W 100 W CM 69 .8 W 49.9 W 0.22 mF 0.22 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 348 W 348 W 14-bit, 105 MSPS A IN+ ADS5424 A IN– VBG 0.1 mF Figure 59. THS4508 + ADS5424 Circuit Figure 57. THS4508 + ADS5500 Circuit 95 95 SFDR 90 90 85 85 SFDR 80 80 75 75 SNR SNR 70 70 65 60 10 65 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 20 30 40 50 60 110 Input Frequency - MHz Input Frequency - MHz Figure 58. THS4508 + ADS5500 SFDR and SNR Performance versus Frequency Figure 60. THS4508 + ADS5424 SFDR and SNR Performance vs Frequency THS4508 + ADS5424 Combined Performance Figure 59 shows the THS4508 driving the ADS5424 ADC, and Figure 60 shows the combined SNR and SFDR performance versus frequency with –1 dBFS input signal level and sampling at 80 MSPS. As before, the THS4508 amplifier provides 10 dB of gain, converts the single-ended input to differential, and sets the proper input common-mode voltage to the ADS5424. Input termination and circuit testing is the same as described above for the THS4508 + ADS5500 circuit. 22 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): THS4508 THS4508 www.ti.com .................................................................................................................................... SLAS459E – SEPTEMBER 2005 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 Layout Recommendations It is recommended to follow the layout of the external components near the amplifier, ground plane construction, and power routing of the EVM as closely as possible. General guidelines are: 1. Signal routing should be direct and as short as possible into and out of the operational amplifier circuit. 2. The feedback path should be short and direct avoiding vias. 3. Ground or power planes should be removed from directly under the amplifier’s input and output pins. 4. An output resistor is recommended on each output, as near to the output pin as possible. 5. Two 10-µF and two 0.1-µF power-supply decoupling capacitors should be placed as near to the power-supply pins as possible. 6. Two 0.1-µF capacitors should be placed between the CM input pins and ground. This limits noise coupled into the pins. One each should be placed to ground near pin 4 and pin 9. 7. It is recommended to split the ground pane on layer 2 (L2) as shown below and to use a solid ground on layer 3 (L3). A single-point connection should be used between each split section on L2 and L3. 8. A single-point connection to ground on L2 is recommended for the input termination resistors R1 and R2. This should be applied to the input gain resistors if termination is not used. 9. The THS4508 recommended printed circuit board (PCB) footprint is shown in Figure 61. 0.144 0.049 0.012 Pin 1 0.0095 0.015 0.144 0.0195 0.0705 0.010 vias 0.032 0.030 0.0245 Top View Figure 61. QFN Etch and Via Pattern Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): THS4508 23 THS4508 SLAS459E – SEPTEMBER 2005 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 .................................................................................................................................... www.ti.com THS4508 EVM Figure 62 is the THS4508 EVAL1 EVM schematic. Layers 1 through 4 of the PCB are shown in Figure 63 through Figure 66 , and Table 5 lists the bill of material for the EVM as supplied from TI. GND VS+ J5 J6 10 mF TP1 J1 C15 R12 49.9 W PD 2 3 VO+ + R4 100 W 4 VOPwrPad 10 R7 9 J3 T1 86.6 W R8 6 R11 69.8 W 5 1 86.6 W 4 3 Vocm R2 69.8 W C13 R9 open 7 U1 11 0.22 mF J2 12 0.1 mF C12 VCC VCC 8 6 5 0.1 mF C5 J8 348 W 100 W 10 mF C3 R5 R1 69.8 W R3 VCC C8 open XFMR_ADT1-1WT 15 13 14 16 R10 open R6 C1 open C7 open C2 open J7 348 W TP3 TP2 C14 0.1 mF C11 0.1 mF Figure 62. THS4508 EVAL1 EVM Schematic 24 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): THS4508 THS4508 www.ti.com .................................................................................................................................... SLAS459E – SEPTEMBER 2005 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 Table 5. THS4508RGT EVM Bill of Materials ITEM (1) DESCRIPTION SMD SIZE REFERENCE DESIGNATOR PCB QTY MANUFACTURER'S PART NUMBER (1) 1 CAP, 10.0 F, Ceramic, X5R, 6.3V 0805 C3, C5 2 (AVX) 08056D106KAT2A 2 CAP, 0.1 µF, Ceramic, X5R, 10V 0402 C11, C12, C13, C14 4 (AVX) 0402ZD104KAT2A 3 CAP, 0.22 µF, Ceramic, X5R, 6.3V 0402 C15 1 (AVX) 04026D224KAT2A 4 OPEN 0402 C1, C2, C7, C8, C9, C10 6 5 OPEN 0402 R9, R10 2 6 Resistor, 49.9 Ω, 1/16W, 1% 0402 R12 1 (KOA) RK73H1ETTP49R9F 8 Resistor, 69.8 Ω, 1/16W, 1% 0402 R1, R2, R11 3 (KOA) RK73H1ETTP69R8F 9 Resistor, 86.6 Ω, 1/16W, 1% 0402 R7, R8 2 (KOA) RK73H1ETTP86R6F 10 Resistor, 100 Ω, 1/16W, 1% 0402 R3, R4 2 (KOA) RK73H1ETTP1000F 11 Resistor, 348 Ω, 1/16W, 1% 0402 R5, R6 2 (KOA) RK73H1ETTP3480F 12 Resistor, 0 Ω, 5% 0805 C4, C6 2 (KOA) RK73Z2ATTD 13 Transformer, RF T1 1 (MINI-CIRCUITS) ADT1-1WT 14 Jack, banana receptance, 0.25" diameter hole J5, J6 15 OPEN J1, J7, J8 3 16 Connector, edge, SMA PCB Jack J2, J3 2 (JOHNSON) 142-0701-801 17 Test point, Red TP1, TP2, TP3 3 (KEYSTONE) 5000 18 IC, THS4508 U1 1 (TI) THS4508RGT 19 Standoff, 4-40 HEX, 0.625" length 4 (KEYSTONE) 1808 20 SCREW, PHILLIPS, 4-40, 0.250" 4 SHR-0440-016-SN 21 Printed circuit board 1 (TI) EDGE# 6468901 2 (HH SMITH) 101 The manufacturer's part numbers were used for tesr purposes only. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): THS4508 25 THS4508 SLAS459E – SEPTEMBER 2005 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 .................................................................................................................................... www.ti.com Figure 63. THS4508 EVM Top Layer Figure 64. THS4508 EVM Layer 1 Figure 65. THS4508 EVM Layer 2 26 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): THS4508 THS4508 www.ti.com .................................................................................................................................... SLAS459E – SEPTEMBER 2005 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 Figure 66. THS4508 EVM Bottom Layer EVM WARNINGS AND RESTRICTIONS It is important to operate this EVM within the input and output voltage ranges as specified in the table provided below. Input Range, VS+ to VS– 3.0 V to 6.0 V Input Range, VI 3.0 V to 6.0 V NOT TO EXCEED VS+ or VS– Output Range, VO 3.0 V to 6.0 V NOT TO EXCEED VS+ or VS– Exceeding the specified input range may cause unexpected operation and/or irreversible damage to the EVM. If there are questions concerning the input range, please contact a TI field representative prior to connecting the input power. Applying loads outside of the specified output range may result in unintended operation and/or possible permanent damage to the EVM. Please consult the product data sheet or EVM user's guide (if user's guide is available) prior to connecting any load to the EVM output. If there is uncertainty as to the load specification, please contact a TI field representative. During normal operation, some circuit components may have case temperatures greater than +30°C. The EVM is designed to operate properly with certain components above +50°C as long as the input and output ranges are maintained. These components include but are not limited to linear regulators, switching transistors, pass transistors, and current sense resistors. These types of devices can be identified using the EVM schematic located in the material provided. When placing measurement probes near these devices during operation, please be aware that these devices may be very warm to the touch. Mailing Address: Texas Instruments Post Office Box 655303 Dallas, Texas 75265 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): THS4508 27 THS4508 SLAS459E – SEPTEMBER 2005 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 .................................................................................................................................... www.ti.com Revision History Changes from Revision D (May 2007) to Revision E ...................................................................................................... Page • • 28 Added Ordering Information table.......................................................................................................................................... 2 Changed Figure 35; corrected x-axis scale values.............................................................................................................. 14 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): THS4508 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 10-Dec-2020 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan (2) Lead finish/ Ball material MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) Device Marking (3) (4/5) (6) THS4508RGTT ACTIVE VQFN RGT 16 250 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 85 4508 (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. (2) RoHS: TI defines "RoHS" to mean semiconductor products that are compliant with the current EU RoHS requirements for all 10 RoHS substances, including the requirement that RoHS substance do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, "RoHS" products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. TI may reference these types of products as "Pb-Free". RoHS Exempt: TI defines "RoHS Exempt" to mean products that contain lead but are compliant with EU RoHS pursuant to a specific EU RoHS exemption. Green: TI defines "Green" to mean the content of Chlorine (Cl) and Bromine (Br) based flame retardants meet JS709B low halogen requirements of
THS4508EVM 价格&库存

