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THS6222RHFEVM 数据手册
www.ti.com Table of Contents User’s Guide THS6222RHF Evaluation Module ABSTRACT This user's guide describes the characteristics, operation, and use of the THS6222RHFEVM. This evaluation module (EVM) is an evaluation and development kit for evaluating the THS6222IRHF, a differential line-driver amplifier with a current-feedback architecture that is targeted for use in broadband power line communications (PLC) line driver applications. A complete circuit description as well as schematic diagram and bill of materials are included in this document. Throughout this document, the abbreviation EVM and the term evaluation module are synonymous with the THS6222RHFEVM. Table of Contents 1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................................................................2 1.1 Features............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 1.2 EVM Specifications............................................................................................................................................................ 2 2 Power Connections................................................................................................................................................................ 2 2.1 Split-Supply Operation....................................................................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Single-Supply Operation.................................................................................................................................................... 2 3 Input and Output Connections.............................................................................................................................................. 3 3.1 Bias Mode Control Pins......................................................................................................................................................3 3.2 IREF Pin Connection..........................................................................................................................................................3 3.3 Optional VCM Pin Connection........................................................................................................................................... 3 4 Board Layout...........................................................................................................................................................................4 5 Schematic and Bill of Materials.............................................................................................................................................5 5.1 Schematic.......................................................................................................................................................................... 5 5.2 Bill of Materials...................................................................................................................................................................6 6 Related Documentation..........................................................................................................................................................8 7 Revision History......................................................................................................................................................................8 Trademarks All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. SBOU229A – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED APRIL 2022 Submit Document Feedback THS6222RHF Evaluation Module Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated 1 Introduction www.ti.com 1 Introduction The THS6222RHFEVM is an evaluation module for the single THS6222 amplifier in the RHF package. This evaluation module is designed to quickly and easily demonstrate the functionality and versatility of the amplifier. The EVM is ready to connect to power, signal sources, and test instruments through the use of onboard connectors. The EVM comes configured for easy connection with common 50-Ω laboratory equipment on its inputs and outputs. The amplifier is configured for a differential input with a gain of 10 V/V to a differential output. The board includes jumpers to easily switch the device between different bias modes and a potentiometer to set the value of the IADJ pin. The EVM can be easily configured for other gains and for single- or split-supply operation. The output transformer and resistors are configured to present a 50-Ω, single-ended output. 1.1 Features • • • • Configured for split-supply operation and easily modified for single supply Default gain of 10-V/V configuration can easily be reconfigured for other gains Designed for easy connection to standard 50-Ω input/output impedance test equipment Inputs and outputs include subminiature version A (SMA) connectors 1.2 EVM Specifications Table 1-1 lists the typical performance specifications for the THS6222RHFEVM. Table 1-1. THS6222RHFEVM Specifications Specification Typical Value Range Split-supply voltage range ±4 V to ±26 V Single-supply voltage range (VEE = ground) 8 V to 32 V Quiescent current (no load, split supply, full-bias mode) 20.5 mA Output voltage swing (VCC = 12 V, 100-Ω load) 19.6 VPP Linear output current (VCC = 12 V, 25-Ω load) 355 mA 2 Power Connections The THS6222RHFEVM is equipped with a wire socket for easy connection of power. The positive supply input is labeled V+, the negative supply input is labeled V–, and ground (GND) is the unlabeled center terminal of the power-supply connector. For split-supply operation, populating R16 is required and is the default configuration when the board is received. For single-supply operation, removing R16 is required for correct operation. This configuration is not default and will require a board modification. 2.1 Split-Supply Operation To operate as a split supply, apply the positive supply voltage to V+, the negative supply voltage to V–, and the ground reference from supply to GND. When operating with equal (balanced) split-supplies, the input common mode is held to GND by R16 on the bottom of the THS6222RHFEVM PCB. This configuration is default and will be present upon opening the EVM for the first time. If operating with uneven supplies, the input common mode must be referenced to midsupply, V+/2. For uneven supplies, this input common mode is not at GND potential. A board modification is required. Follow the steps in Single-Supply Operation for implementing uneven supplies on the THS6222RHFEVM. 2.2 Single-Supply Operation When operating the THS6222RHFEVM in a single-supply configuration, the input common mode must be referenced to midsupply, V+/2. For single-supply operation, the input common mode is not at GND potential. The THS6222 has an internal common mode buffer (see Section 7.1 of THS6222 datasheet); this buffer drives the common mode voltage to midsupply without external circuitry. The input common mode voltage is at the node between R1 & R2 in the THS6222RHFEVM schematic; this node is connected to TP1 as well as GND via R16 by default. 2 THS6222RHF Evaluation Module SBOU229A – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED APRIL 2022 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated www.ti.com Input and Output Connections To enable a input common mode of V+/2, a board modification is required. Please remove R16 from the bottom side of the PCB: R16 holds the input common mode node, between R1 & R2, to GND. Setting the input common mode to GND for a single supply configuration will not properly operate the amplifier; there will not be device output on the THS6222RHFEVM if R16 is populated. The removal of R16 allows the internal common mode buffer circuit to work as intended during single-supply operation. After removing R16 from the rear of the PCB, follow these steps for single-supply opeartion: • Connect both the V- connector and the GND connector to ground; apply the positive supply voltage to V+ • Optionally use TP1 (red) to confirm the input common mode is at V+/2 3 Input and Output Connections The THS6222RHFEVM is equipped with SMA connectors for easy connection of signal generators and analysis equipment. As shipped, the EVM is configured for a gain of 10-V/V, split-supply, differential input and output with 50-Ω termination. By default, the inputs INA and INB are configured for a differential input connection. To use the device with a single-ended input, either use an external transformer or populate transformer T1 on the board, remove R21, populate R15 with a 0-Ω resistor, and use INA as the single-ended input. OUTA (J5) is the output connector for single-ended output signals. The output resistors R10 and R11 in combination with the transformer (T2) on the amplifier output provide a 25-Ω load to the amplifier when terminated in 50 Ω differentially. To use the EVM with a single-ended output, remove resistor R23 and populate resistor R18 with 0 Ω, which gives a single-ended output on OUTA. The EVM contains provisions for additional output devices to change the loading of the amplifier and to add protection devices. See the THS6222 data sheet applications section, schematics, and layouts for more detail and how to reconfigure the EVM. 3.1 Bias Mode Control Pins The amplifier bias modes can be controlled through shorting jumpers J1 and J2. By default, the jumper shorts are left unconnected, which pulls the input signals low, leaving the device in its full-bias mode. Jumper J1 controls pin BIAS-1 and jumper J2 controls pin BIAS-2. In conjunction the jumpers can be used to place the device in its three bias modes or in shutdown. 3.2 IREF Pin Connection The fine current adjustment (IADJ) pin of the device is controlled using the potentiometer R17 on the board. By default the potentiometer is set to 0 Ω, which yields the maximum quiescent current for each bias mode. By increasing the resistance of the potentiometer, the quiescent current can be reduced to a desired lowered value at the cost of reduced performance. 3.3 Optional VCM Pin Connection The EVM includes an optional connection on the VCM (pin 5) of the device for a capacitor. The optional VCM capacitor can be added to help filter common-mode noise if needed by the application. VCM is not populated by default on the EVM. SBOU229A – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED APRIL 2022 Submit Document Feedback THS6222RHF Evaluation Module Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated 3 Board Layout www.ti.com 4 Board Layout The layer plots of Figure 4-1 to Figure 4-4 illustrate the board layers in top to bottom order. 4 Figure 4-1. Top Layer Figure 4-2. Ground Layer Figure 4-3. Power Layer Figure 4-4. Bottom Layer THS6222RHF Evaluation Module SBOU229A – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED APRIL 2022 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated www.ti.com Board Layout 5 Schematic and Bill of Materials This section provides the schematic and bill of materials (BOM) for the THS6222RHFEVM. 5.1 Schematic Figure 5-1 shows the EVM schematic. 1 2 3 4 5 6 A A L1 90 ohm VCC C1 2.2µF 50V J7 1 2 3 C2 2.2µF 50V C3 1nF 100V GND L2 90 ohm TP4 GND TP5 GND GND GND C4 10nF 50V VEE TP2 OUT A R12 49.9 B J5 OUT A 0 C12 VCC T1 100nF 25V 2 6 1 C6 TT1-6-KK81+ R8 1.24k R1 24.9 TP1 3 5 GND R16 100nF 25V GND R9 274 0 R2 24.9 GND VS+ D1 OUT 20 1 19 D1 IN+ D1 FB D2 OUT 17 2 18 D2 IN+ D2 FB NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 23 24 R7 1.24k Iadj 4 J4 IN B R21 0 C10 100nF 25V C13 100nF 25V R15 0 2 3 4 5 1 0 GND BIAS-1/D1D2 BIAS-2/D1D2 IADJ 5 VCM 6 7 9 8 NC NC NC NC C14 100nF 25V R28 0 3 GND D2 R11 24.9 GND 2 R10 24.9 1 D3 T2 4 3 C7 3 2 100nF 25V VS- 22 3 PAD 25 3 5 2 6 GND C8 100nF 25V 1 GND TT1-6-KK81+ MMBZ27VCL-7-F VEE VEE J6 OUT B R26 0 C11 VEE GND B 1 VCC D1 U1 21 2 VCC GND 1 2 3 4 5 R19 0 C5 R14 R20 0 GND 4 100nF 25V 100nF 25V 5 4 3 2 C9 R24 0 R13 49.9 100nF 25V R23 0 R18 0 1 5 4 3 2 0 1 R22 BAT54S-7-F 1 C R25 0 R27 J3 IN A GND C GND OUT B TP3 GND GND VCC THS6222IRHF GND R3 10k J1 2 1 3 CW R4 10k B1_AB Bias Mode J1 position J2 position IQ(typ) Full Open Open 21 mA Mid Closed Open 16 mA Low Open Closed 11 mA Shut-down Closed Closed < 1mA 2 1 Typical Power Supply Current Reading for Different Bias Modes GND R17 3223W-1-103E 10k ohm CCW GND VCC R5 10k J2 2 1 D D R6 10k B2_AB GND Texas Instruments and/or its licensors do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of this specification or any information contained therein. Texas Instruments and/or its licensors do not warrant that this design will meet the specifications, will be suitable for your application or fit for any particular purpose, or will operate in an implementation. Texas Instruments and/or its licensors do not warrant that the design is production worthy. You should completely validate and test your design implementation to confirm the system functionality for your application. 1 2 3 4 Orderable: THS6222RHFEVM TID #: N/A Number: AMPS083 Rev: E1 SVN Rev: Not in version control Drawn By: Engineer: Jacob Freet 5 Designed for: Public Release Project Title: THS6222RHFEVM Sheet Title: Assembly Variant: 001 File: AMPS083E1.SchDoc Contact: http://www.ti.com/support Mod. Date: 7/30/2019 Sheet: 1 of 2 Size: B http://www.ti.com © Texas Instruments 2018 6 Figure 5-1. THS6222RHFEVM Schematic SBOU229A – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED APRIL 2022 Submit Document Feedback THS6222RHF Evaluation Module Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated 5 Board Layout www.ti.com 5.2 Bill of Materials Table 5-1 lists the EVM BOM. Table 5-1. Bill of Materials Designator 6 Qty Value Description Part Number Manufacturer C1, C2 2 2.2 µF 805 C2012X7R1H225K125AC TDK C3 1 1000 pF CAP, CERM, 1000 pF, 100 V, ± 20%, X7R, 0603 603 CX0603MRX7R0BB102 Yageo America C4 1 0.01 µF CAP, CERM, 0.01 µF, 50 V, ± 10%, X7R, 0805 805 08055C103KAT2A AVX C9, C10 2 0.1 µF CAP, CERM, 0.1 µF, 25 V, ± 5%, X7R, 0603 603 C0603C104J3RACTU Kemet H1, H2, H3, H4 4 Machine Screw, Round, #4-40 x 1/4, Nylon, Philips panhead Screw NY PMS 440 0025 PH B&F Fastener Supply H5, H6, H7, H8 4 Standoff, Hex, 0.5"L #4-40 Nylon Standoff 1902C Keystone J1, J2 2 Header, 100mil, 2x1, Gold, TH Sullins 100mil, 1×2, 230 mil above insulator PBC02SAAN Sullins Connector Solutions J3, J4, J5, J6 4 Connector, End launch SMA, 50 Ω, SMT SMA End Launch 142-0701-851 Cinch Connectivity J7 1 Terminal Block, 5.08 mm, 3×1, Brass, TH 3×1 5.08 mm Terminal Block ED120/3DS On-Shore Technology L1, L2 2 Ferrite Bead, 90 Ω at 100 MHz, 1.5 A, 1206 1206 MI1206K900R-10 Laird-Signal Integrity Products LBL1 1 Thermal Transfer Printable Labels, 0.650" W x 0.200" H - 10,000 PCB Label 0.650 × 0.200 per roll inch THT-14-423-10 Brady R1, R2 2 24.9 RES, 24.9, 1%, 0.1 W, AEC-Q200 Grade 0, 0402 402 ERJ-2RKF24R9X Panasonic R3, R4, R5, R6 4 10 k RES, 10 k, 5%, 0.1 W, 0603 603 RC1608J103CS Samsung ElectroMechanics R7, R8 2 1.24 k RES, 1.24 k, 1%, 0.063 W, AEC-Q200 Grade 0, 0402 402 CRCW04021K24FKED Vishay-Dale R9 1 274 RES, 274, 1%, 0.063 W, AEC-Q200 Grade 0, 0402 402 CRCW0402274RFKED Vishay-Dale R10, R11 2 24.9 RES, 24.9, 1%, 0.1 W, 0603 603 RC0603FR-0724R9L Yageo R14, R23, R26, R27 4 0 RES, 0, 5%, 0.1 W, 0603 603 RC0603JR-070RL Yageo R16, R21, R22 3 0 RES, 0, 5%, 0.063 W, 0402 402 RC0402JR-070RL Yageo America R17 1 10 kΩ TRIMMER 10k Ω 0.125W SMD 3.52 × 4.16 × 3.94 mm 3223W-1-103E Bourns T2 1 RF Transformer, 50 Ω, 0.004 to 300 MHz, SMT 7.62 × 6.86 mm TT1-6-KK81+ Minicircuits TP1 1 Test Point, Miniature, Red, TH Red Miniature Testpoint 5000 Keystone TP4, TP5 2 Test Point, Miniature, Black, TH Black Miniature Testpoint 5001 Keystone U1 1 THS6222IRHF, RHF0024A (VQFN-24) RHF0024A THS6222IRHF Texas Instruments C5, C6, C7, C8, C11, C12, C13, C14 0 0.1 µF CAP, CERM, 0.1 µF, 25 V, ± 5%, X7R, 0603 603 C0603C104J3RACTU Kemet D1 0 27 V Diode, TVS, Uni, 27 V, 38 Vc, SOT-23 SOT-23 MMBZ27VCL-7-F Diodes Inc. D2, D3 0 30 V Diode, Schottky, 30 V, 0.2 A, SOT-23 SOT-23 BAT54S-7-F Diodes Inc. 90 Ω CAP, CERM, 2.2 µF, 50 V, ± 10%, X7R, 0805 Package Reference THS6222RHF Evaluation Module SBOU229A – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED APRIL 2022 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated www.ti.com Board Layout Table 5-1. Bill of Materials (continued) Designator Qty Value Description Package Reference Part Number Manufacturer R12, R13 0 49.9 RES, 49.9, 1%, 0.063 W, AEC-Q200 Grade 0, 0402 402 CRCW040249R9FKED Vishay-Dale R15, R19 0 0 RES, 0, 5%, 0.063 W, 0402 402 RC0402JR-070RL Yageo America R18, R20, R24, R25, R28 0 0 RES, 0, 5%, 0.1 W, 0603 603 RC0603JR-070RL Yageo T1 0 RF Transformer, 50 Ω, 0.004 to 300 MHz, SMT 7.62 × 6.86 mm TT1-6-KK81+ Minicircuits TP2, TP3 0 Test Point, Miniature, Red, TH Red Miniature Testpoint 5000 Keystone SBOU229A – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED APRIL 2022 Submit Document Feedback THS6222RHF Evaluation Module Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated 7 Related Documentation www.ti.com 6 Related Documentation For related documentation, see the following: • Texas Instruments, THS6222 8 V to 32 V, Differential HPLC Line Driver with Common-Mode Buffer data sheet 7 Revision History NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version. Changes from Revision * (August 2019) to Revision A (April 2022) Page • Updated the numbering format for tables, figures, and cross-references throughout the document..................2 • Updated the Power Connections section............................................................................................................2 • Updated the Split-Supply Operation section.......................................................................................................2 • Updated the Single-Supply Operation section....................................................................................................2 8 THS6222RHF Evaluation Module SBOU229A – AUGUST 2019 – REVISED APRIL 2022 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated IMPORTANT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER TI PROVIDES TECHNICAL AND RELIABILITY DATA (INCLUDING DATA SHEETS), DESIGN RESOURCES (INCLUDING REFERENCE DESIGNS), APPLICATION OR OTHER DESIGN ADVICE, WEB TOOLS, SAFETY INFORMATION, AND OTHER RESOURCES “AS IS” AND WITH ALL FAULTS, AND DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS AND IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. These resources are intended for skilled developers designing with TI products. You are solely responsible for (1) selecting the appropriate TI products for your application, (2) designing, validating and testing your application, and (3) ensuring your application meets applicable standards, and any other safety, security, regulatory or other requirements. These resources are subject to change without notice. TI grants you permission to use these resources only for development of an application that uses the TI products described in the resource. Other reproduction and display of these resources is prohibited. No license is granted to any other TI intellectual property right or to any third party intellectual property right. TI disclaims responsibility for, and you will fully indemnify TI and its representatives against, any claims, damages, costs, losses, and liabilities arising out of your use of these resources. TI’s products are provided subject to TI’s Terms of Sale or other applicable terms available either on ti.com or provided in conjunction with such TI products. TI’s provision of these resources does not expand or otherwise alter TI’s applicable warranties or warranty disclaimers for TI products. TI objects to and rejects any additional or different terms you may have proposed. IMPORTANT NOTICE Mailing Address: Texas Instruments, Post Office Box 655303, Dallas, Texas 75265 Copyright © 2022, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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  • 1+1018.606611+123.35576
