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THS9001EVM 数据手册
THS9001 www.ti.com SLOS426C – NOVEMBER 2003 – REVISED DECEMBER 2013 50 MHz to 750 MHz CASCADEABLE AMPLIFIER Check for Samples: THS9001 FEATURES APPLICATIONS • • 1 2 • • • High Dynamic Range – OIP3 = 36 dBm – NF < 4.5 dB Single-Supply Voltage High Speed – VS = 3 V to 5 V – IS = Adjustable Input/Output Impedance – 50 Ω IF – – – – Amplifiers TDMA: GSM, IS-136, EDGE/UWE-136 CDMA: IS-95, UMTS, CDMA2000 Wireless Local Loops Wireless LAN: IEEE802.11 DESCRIPTION The THS9001 is a medium power, cascadeable, gain block optimized for high IF frequencies. The amplifier incorporates internal impedance matching to 50 Ω, and achieves greater than 15-dB input, and output return loss from 50 MHz to 350 MHz with VS = 5 V, R(BIAS) = 237 Ω, L(COL) = 470 nH. Design requires only 2 dc-blocking capacitors, 1 power-supply bypass capacitor, 1 RF choke, and 1 bias resistor. Function Block Diagram VS THS9001 IF(IN) R(BIAS) 1 6 2 5 CIN IF(OUT) COUT 3 4 L(COL) C(BYP) VS 1 2 Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date. Products conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters. Copyright © 2003–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated THS9001 SLOS426C – NOVEMBER 2003 – REVISED DECEMBER 2013 www.ti.com These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates. AVAILABLE OPTIONS PACKAGED DEVICE (1) PACKAGE TYPE THS9001DBVT Tape and Reel, 250 SOT-23-6 THS9001DBVR (1) TRANSPORT MEDIA, QUANTITY Tape and Reel, 3000 For the most current package and ordering information, see the Package Option Addendum at the end of this document, or see the TI Web site at www.ti.com. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Over operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) (1) UNIT VSS Supply voltage, GND to VS VI Input voltage 5.5 GND to VS Continuous power dissipation See Dissipation Rating table TJ Maximum junction temperature TJ Maximum junction temperature, continuous operation, long term reliability 150°C Tstg Storage temperature ESD Ratings (2) 125°C –65 to 150°C : (1) (2) HBM 2000 CDM 1500 MM 100 The absolute maximum ratings under any condition is limited by the constraints of the silicon process. Stresses above these ratings may cause permanent damage. Exposure to absolute maximum conditions for extended periods may degrade device reliability. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those specified is not implied. The maximum junction temperature for continuous operation is limited by package constraints. Operation above this temperature may result in reduced reliability and/or lifetime of the device. DISSIPATION RATING TABLE (1) (2) POWER RATING (1) PACKAGE θJC (°C/W) θJA (°C/W) TA ≤ 25°C TA = 85°C DBV (2) 70.1 215 463 W 185 mW Power rating is determined with a junction temperature of 125°C. Thermal management of the final PCB should strive to keep the junction temperature at or below 125°C for best performance. This data was taken using the JEDEC standard High-K test PCB. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS MIN NOM MAX UNIT VSS Supply voltage 2.7 5 V TA Operating free-air temperature, –40 85 °C IS Supply current 2 100 Submit Documentation Feedback mA Copyright © 2003–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: THS9001 THS9001 www.ti.com SLOS426C – NOVEMBER 2003 – REVISED DECEMBER 2013 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Typical Performance (VS = 5 V, R(BIAS) = 237 Ω, L(COL) = 470 nH) (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS Gain OIP3 1-dB compression Input return loss Output return loss Reverse isolation Noise figure MIN TYP f = 50 MHz 15.8 f = 350 MHz 15 f = 50 MHz 35 f = 350 MHz 37 f = 50 MHz 20.6 f = 350 MHz 20.6 f = 50 MHz 15.4 f = 350 MHz 16.6 f = 50 MHz 17 f = 350 MHz 15 f = 50 MHz 20.7 f = 350 MHz 20.7 f = 50 MHz 3.7 f = 350 MHz 4 MAX UNITS dB dBm dBm dB dB dB dB PIN ASSIGNMENT IF(IN) 1 6 GND 2 5 VS 3 4 BIAS IF(OUT) L(COL) Terminal Functions PIN NUMBERS NAME DESCRIPTION 1 IF(IN) Signal input 2 GND Negative power-supply input 3 VS Positive power-supply input 4 L(COL) Output transistor load inductor 5 IF(OUT) Signal output 6 BIAS Bias current input SIMPLIFIED SCHEMATIC VS L(COL) BIAS IF(OUT) IF(IN) GND Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: THS9001 3 THS9001 SLOS426C – NOVEMBER 2003 – REVISED DECEMBER 2013 www.ti.com TABLE OF GRAPHS FIGURE S21 Frequency response 1 S22 Frequency response 2 S11 Frequency response 3 S12 Frequency response IS 4 S21 vs R(Bias) 5 Noise figure vs Frequency 6 Supply current vs R(Bias) 7 Output power vs Input power 8 Adjacent channel (ACPR) and Alternate channel (AltCPR) protection ratios vs Input power 9 OIP2 vs Frequency 10 OIP3 vs Frequency 11 S21 Frequency response 12 S22 Frequency response 13 S11 Frequency response S12 Frequency response 14 vs Frequency Noise figure 16 OIP2 vs Frequency 4 15 17 Output power vs Input power 18 OIP3 vs Frequency 19 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: THS9001 THS9001 www.ti.com SLOS426C – NOVEMBER 2003 – REVISED DECEMBER 2013 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS S-Parameters of THS9000 as mounted on the EVM with VS = 5 V, R(BIAS) = 237 Ω, and L(COL) = 68 nH to 470 nH at room temperature. S21 FREQUENCY RESPONSE L(COL) = 470 nH 16 S22 FREQUENCY RESPONSE L(COL) = 100 nH VS = 5 V, R(BIAS) = 237 W 0 17 L(COL) = 220 nH L(COL) = 330 nH L(COL) = 68 nH −5 S22 − dB S21 − dB 15 14 13 L(COL) = 220 nH L(COL) = 100 nH 12 −15 L(COL) = 68 nH 11 10 −10 L(COL) = 470 nH VS = 5 V, R(BIAS) = 237 W 1M 10 M 100 M L(COL) = 330 nH −20 1M 1G S11 FREQUENCY RESPONSE 0 10 M 1G S12 FREQUENCY RESPONSE −15 VS = 5 V, R(BIAS) = 237 W L(COL) = 68 nH −5 100 M f − Frequency − Hz Figure 2. f − Frequency − Hz Figure 1. L(COL) = 470 nH −20 L(COL) = 100 nH L(COL) = 330 nH L(COL) = 220 nH −15 −20 −25 S12 − dB S11 − dB −10 L(COL) = 330 nH −25 L(COL) = 220 nH −30 L(COL) = 470 nH L(COL) = 100 nH −30 L(COL) = 68 nH −35 VS = 5 V, R(BIAS) = 237 W −35 −40 1M 10 M 100 M f − Frequency − Hz Figure 3. 1G −40 1M 10 M 100 M f − Frequency − Hz Figure 4. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: THS9001 1G 5 THS9001 SLOS426C – NOVEMBER 2003 – REVISED DECEMBER 2013 www.ti.com TYPICAl CHARACTERISTICS S-Parameters of THS9000 as mounted on the EVM with VS = 3 V and 5 V, R(BIAS) = various, and L(COL) = 470 nH at room temp. S21 vs R(BIAS) NOISE FIGURE vs FREQUENCY 17 5 R(BIAS) = 56.2 W, VS = 3 V 4.75 16 VS = 5 V, IS = 99 mA 15 R(BIAS) = 237 W, VS = 5 V Noise Figure − dB S21 − dB VS = 5 V, IS = 75 mA 4.5 R(BIAS) = 97.7 W,VS = 3 V 14 R(BIAS) = 340 W, VS = 5 V 13 R(BIAS) = 549 W,VS = 5 V VS = 3 V, IS = 94 mA 4.25 VS = 5 V, IS = 50 mA 4 VS = 3 V, IS = 49 mA 3.75 VS = 3 V, IS = 70 mA 12 3.5 R(BIAS) = 174 W, VS = 3 V 11 3.25 VS = 3 V to 5 V, L(col) = 470 nH 10 3 50 1G 10 M 100 M f − Frequency − Hz Figure 5. 1M 22 180 20 PO − Output Power − dBm 160 I S − Supply Current − mA 350 450 500 OUTPUT POWER vs INPUT POWER VS = 5 V, IS = 99 mA 21 140 120 VS = 5 V 100 80 VS = 3 V 60 250 f − Frequency − MHz Figure 6. SUPPLY CURRENT vs R(BIAS) 200 150 VS = 5 V, IS = 75 mA 19 VS = 5 V, IS = 50 mA 18 17 16 15 VS = 3 V, IS = 94 mA 14 VS = 3 V, IS = 70 mA 13 12 VS = 3 V, IS = 49 mA 40 11 f = 100 MHz 20 50 150 250 350 R(BIAS) − W 450 550 10 −6 Figure 7. 6 Submit Documentation Feedback −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 PI − Input Power − dBm Figure 8. 10 12 14 Copyright © 2003–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: THS9001 THS9001 www.ti.com SLOS426C – NOVEMBER 2003 – REVISED DECEMBER 2013 TYPICAl CHARACTERISTICS (continued) S-Parameters of THS9000 as mounted on the EVM with VS = 3 V and 5 V, R(BIAS) = various, and L(COL) = 470 nH at room temp. ADJACENT CHANNEL (ACPR) and ALTERNATE CHANNEL (AltCPR) PROTECTION RATIOS vs INPUT POWER WCDM Modulation, f = 1.8432 MHz, PAR = 10.4 dB -20 VS = 5 V ACPR IS = 99 mA -30 L(col) = 220 nH OIP2 vs FREQUENCY 50 L(COL) = 470 nH VS = 3 V, IS = 94 mA 48 VS = 5 V, IS = 99 mA 44 OIP2 − dBm Power Ratio− dB 46 AltCPR -40 -50 42 VS = 5 V, IS = 75 mA 40 -60 VS = 3 V, IS = 70 mA Source ACPR 38 -70 36 Source AltCPR -80 -21 -18 -15 -12 -9 -6 -3 0 34 3 VS = 3 V, IS = 49 mA 100 50 0 VS = 5 V, IS = 50 mA 150 200 f − Frequency − MHz Figure 10. Input Power − dBM Figure 9. 250 300 OIP3 vs FREQUENCY 40 L(COL) = 470 nH VS = 5 V, IS = 99 mA 38 OIP3 − dBm 36 VS = 5 V, IS = 75 mA 34 VS = 3 V, IS = 94 mA VS = 3 V, IS = 70 mA 32 VS = 5 V, IS = 50 mA 30 28 VS = 3 V, IS = 49 mA 26 24 0 100 200 300 400 500 f − Frequency − MHz Figure 11. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: THS9001 7 THS9001 SLOS426C – NOVEMBER 2003 – REVISED DECEMBER 2013 www.ti.com TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS THS9000 as mounted on the EVM with VS = 3 V and 5 V, R(BIAS) = 237 Ω, and L(COL) = 470 nH at –40°C, 25°C, and 85°C. S21 FREQUENCY RESPONSE S22 FREQUENCY RESPONSE 0 17 o −45 C VS = 5 V, R(BIAS) = 237 W, L(COL) = 470 nH −2 16 −4 o 25 C 15 −6 85oC S22 − dB S21 − dB −8 14 13 −10 o 85 C −12 −14 12 o 25 C −16 VS = 5 V, R(BIAS) = 237 W, L(col) = 470 nH 11 10 1M 10 M 100 M f − Frequency − Hz Figure 12. −20 1G 1M 1G VS = 5 V, R(BIAS) = 237 W, L(COL) = 470 nH −20 −10 −45o C −15 o S12 − dB S11 − dB 100 M S12 FREQUENCY RESPONSE −15 VS = 5 V, R(BIAS) = 237 W, L(COL) = 470 nH −5 10 M f − Frequency − Hz Figure 13. S11 FREQUENCY RESPONSE 0 −45 oC −18 85 C −20 −25 25o C −25 o 85 C −30 −30 −45 oC −35 −40 −35 o 25 C −45 1M 10 M 100 M 1G −40 1M f − Frequency − MHz Figure 14. 8 10 M 100 M 1G f − Frequency − Hz Figure 15. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: THS9001 THS9001 www.ti.com SLOS426C – NOVEMBER 2003 – REVISED DECEMBER 2013 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) THS9000 as mounted on the EVM with VS = 3 V and 5 V, R(BIAS) = 237 Ω, and L(COL) = 470 nH at –40°C, 25°C, and 85°C. NOISE FIGURE vs FREQUENCY 6 OIP3 vs FREQUENCY 48 VS = 5 V, R(BIAS) = 237 W, L(COL) = 470 nH 5.5 47 o 85 C VS = 5 V, R(BIAS) = 237 W, L(COL) = 470 nH o −45 C 5 OIP2 − dBm Noise Figure − dB 46 25 oC 4.5 45 25oC o 85 C 44 43 4 42 o −45 C 3.5 41 3 0 100 200 300 400 40 50 500 100 OUTPUT POWER vs INPUT POWER 250 300 OIP3 vs FREQUENCY 40 22 VS = 5 V, R(BIAS) = 237 W, L(COL) = 470 nH f = 100 MHz o 25 C 39 20 VS = 5 V, R(BIAS) = 237 W, L(COL) = 470 nH 85oC 38 o −45 C 25 oC OIP3 − dBm PO − Output Power − dBm 200 f − Frequency − MHz Figure 17. f − Frequency − MHz Figure 16. 21 150 19 85oC 18 37 36 o 17 35 16 34 15 33 14 −2 0 2 4 6 8 PI − Input Power − dBm Figure 18. 10 12 32 50 −45 C 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 f − Frequency − MHz Figure 19. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: THS9001 9 THS9001 SLOS426C – NOVEMBER 2003 – REVISED DECEMBER 2013 www.ti.com TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS Table 1. S-Parameters Tables of THS9001 with EVM De-Embedded VS = 5 V, R(BIAS) = 237 , L(COL) = 470 nH S21 S11 S22 S12 Frequency (MHz) Gain (dB) Phase (deg) Gain (dB) Phase (deg) Gain (dB) Phase (deg) Gain (dB) Phase (deg) 1.0 -3.5 -165.0 -2.3 -1.1 -2.6 174.8 -64.4 -121.7 10 5.0 11.7 -127.1 -1.5 -14.9 -2.8 140.4 -32.4 123.0 10.2 15.8 -150.1 -2.2 -42.3 -5.3 99.8 -23.6 79.5 19.7 16.3 -170.8 -6.6 -69.3 -10.7 64.5 -21.1 40.7 50.1 15.9 175.7 -16.2 -90.3 -16.2 33.9 -20.6 14.5 69.7 15.8 171.5 -21.1 -95.4 -16.9 26.4 -20.6 9.4 102.4 15.7 165.7 -32.3 -86.5 -17.1 19.9 -20.6 5.3 150.5 15.6 158.2 -28.0 45.9 -16.8 14.7 -20.7 2.1 198.1 15.5 151.1 -21.9 46.8 -16.2 10.8 -20.7 0.1 246.9 15.3 144.1 -18.9 37.2 -15.3 6.0 -20.7 -1.4 307.6 15.2 135.3 -16.0 27.8 -14.2 -1.8 -20.6 -3.9 362.8 15.0 127.8 -14.2 17.4 -13.3 -9.2 -20.6 -5.9 405.0 14.9 121.9 -12.8 10.9 -12.6 -16.0 -20.6 -8.2 452.2 14.7 115.4 -11.6 3.0 -11.8 -23.9 -20.6 -10.8 504.7 14.5 108.4 -10.3 -6.0 -10.9 -33.0 -20.7 -14.2 563.4 14.4 100.3 -8.9 -17.4 -9.8 -45.2 -20.9 -19.3 595.3 14.2 96.0 -8.2 -23.3 -9.2 -52.2 -21.0 -22.6 664.5 14.1 87.0 -6.7 -36.9 -8.0 -68.3 -21.7 -30.5 702.1 14.0 80.9 -5.9 -44.6 -7.3 -79.1 -22.5 -38.6 741.8 13.9 76.5 -5.1 -54.0 -6.8 -91.4 -24.0 -44.9 828.1 13.5 62.2 -4.3 -76.1 -6.3 -113.2 -26.5 -35.0 874.9 13.0 54.0 -4.1 -84.6 -5.9 -126.0 -27.0 -49.0 924.4 12.8 44.9 -3.6 -93.1 -5.1 -136.8 -28.0 -62.9 976.7 11.6 35.9 -3.5 -104.4 -5.3 -157.8 -34.0 -104.4 1031.9 11.1 33.0 -3.4 -115.7 -5.8 -172.3 -37.1 107.9 1090.3 10.4 29.2 -3.3 -122.0 -5.7 -173.4 -37.8 162.5 1151.9 10.3 22.2 -3.0 -131.3 -4.8 179.4 -31.1 169.5 1217.1 9.7 4.7 -2.9 -142.3 -3.9 161.9 -26.3 137.1 1285.9 8.6 0.7 -2.9 -151.7 -3.6 147.6 -22.7 121.9 1358.6 7.3 -8.3 -2.9 -161.2 -3.4 134.6 -20.6 116.5 1435.5 5.8 -14.5 -3.0 -170.1 -3.2 122.6 -18.8 105.2 1516.6 4.6 -22.7 -3.1 -178.6 -3.2 112.1 -17.2 96.0 1602.4 3.2 -28.4 -3.1 173.2 -3.1 101.7 -15.7 87.0 1693.0 1.5 -38.0 -3.1 165.1 -3.0 92.4 -14.3 79.2 1788.8 -0.5 -47.9 -3.1 157.6 -2.9 83.6 -13.1 68.8 1889.9 -2.5 -51.0 -3.2 148.8 -2.7 74.4 -12.4 56.9 1996.8 -4.1 -49.0 -3.4 139.5 -2.3 65.0 -12.2 48.2 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: THS9001 THS9001 www.ti.com SLOS426C – NOVEMBER 2003 – REVISED DECEMBER 2013 APPLICATION INFORMATION The THS9001 is a medium power, cascadeable, amplifier optimized for high intermediate frequencies in radios. The amplifier is unconditionally stable and the design requires only 2 dc-blocking capacitors, 1 power-supply bypass capacitor, 1 RF choke, and 1 bias resistor. Refer to Figure 25 for the circuit diagram. The THS901 operates with a power-supply voltage ranging from 2.5 V to 5.5 V. The value of R(BIAS) sets the bias current to the amplifier. Refer to Figure 14. This allows the designer to trade-off linearity versus power consumption. R(BIAS) can be removed without damage to the device. Component selection of C(BYP), CIN, and COUT is not critical. The values shown in Figure 25 were used for all the data shown in this data sheet. The amplifier incorporates internal impedance matching to 50 Ω that can be adjusted for various frequencies of operation by proper selection of L(COL). Figure 20 shows the s-parameters of the part mounted on the standard EVM with VS = 5 V, R(BIAS) = 237 Ω, and L(COL) = 470 nH. With this configuration, the part is very broadband, and achieves greater than 15-dB input and output return loss from 50 MHz to 325 MHz. 17 S22 VS = 5 V, R(BIAS) = 237 W L(COL) = 470 nH 0 −5 S21 15 S21 − dB −10 14 −15 13 S12 −20 12 −25 11 1M S11, S12, S22 − dB 16 S11 10 M 100 M f - Frequency - Hz −30 1G Figure 20. S-Parameters of THS9001 Mounted on the Standard EVM with VS = 5 V, R(BIAS) = 237 Ω, and L(COL) = 470 nH Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: THS9001 11 THS9001 SLOS426C – NOVEMBER 2003 – REVISED DECEMBER 2013 www.ti.com Figure 21 shows an example of a single conversion receiver architecture and where the THS9001 would typically be used. 900 MHz − 2 GHz 900 MHz − 2 GHz Image Rejection Filter LNA 2 LNA 1 LO Drive Amp 1 RX LO IF Amp 2 IF Amp 1 Mixer IF SAW PGA IF SAW ADC LO Drive Amp 2 THS9001 2x for Diversity Figure 21. Example Single Conversion Receiver Architecture Figure 22 shows an example of a dual conversion receiver architecture and where the THS9001 would typically be used. 900 MHz − 2 GHz LNA 1 100 MHz − 300 MHz 1st IF Amp Image Reject Filter 1st Mixer 1st IF SAW PGA LNA 2 LO1 Drive LO1 Drive Amp 2 RX LO 1 Amp 1 20 MHz − 70 MHz 2nd IF Amp1 2nd IF SAW 2nd IF Amp2 2nd Mixer Alias Filter ADC LO2 DriveLO2 Drive Amp 1 Amp 2 RX LO2 THS9001 2x for Diversity Figure 22. Example Dual Conversion Receiver Architecture Figure 23 shows an example of a dual conversion transmitter architecture and where the THS9001 would typically be used. BB 100 MHz − 300 MHz 900 MHz − 2 GHz 1st IF amp DAC BB Amp Alias Filter 1st Mixer RX LO1 LO1 Drive LO1 Drive Amp 2 Amp 1 IF SAW RX LO2 PGA 2nd Mixer PA LO2 Drive LO2 Drive Amp 2 Amp 1 THS9001 2x for Diversity Figure 23. Example Dual Conversion Transmitter Architecture 12 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: THS9001 THS9001 www.ti.com SLOS426C – NOVEMBER 2003 – REVISED DECEMBER 2013 Figure 24 shows the THS9001 and Sawtek #854916 SAW filter frequency response along with the frequency response of the SAW filter alone. The SAW filter has a center frequency of 140 MHz with 10-MHz bandwidth and 8-dB insertion loss. It can be seen that the frequency response with the THS9001 is the same as with the SAW except for a 15-dB gain. The THS9001 is mounted on the standard EVM with VS = 5 V, R(BIAS) = 237 Ω, and L(COL) = 470 nH. Note the amplifier does not add artifacts to the signal. SAW + THS90001 SAW THS9001 RED = SAW 140 MHz SAW Only Green = 140 MHZ SAW: Sawtek #854916 Figure 24. Frequency Response of the THS9000 and SAW Filter, and SAW Filter Only VS THS9001 IF(IN) R(BIAS) 1 6 2 5 CIN COUT IF(OUT) 1 nF 3 4 L(COL) C(BYP) 0.1 mF VS Figure 25. THS9000 Recommended Circuit (used for all tests) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: THS9001 13 THS9001 SLOS426C – NOVEMBER 2003 – REVISED DECEMBER 2013 www.ti.com Evaluation Module Bill Of Materials is the bill of materials, and Figure 26 and Figure 27 show the EVM layout. Bill Of Materials ITEM (1) DESCRIPTION 1 Cap, 0.1 μF, ceramic, X7R, 50 V 2 Cap, 1000 pF, ceramic, NPO, 100 V 3 Inductor, 470 nH, 5% 4 Resistor, 237 Ω, 1/8 W, 1% 5 Open 6 REF DES QTY PART NUMBER (1) (AVX) 08055C104KAT2A C1 1 C2, C3 2 (AVX) 08051A102JAT2A L1 1 (Coilcraft) 0805CS-471XJBC (Phycomp) 9C08052A2370FKHFT R1 1 TR1 1 Jack, banana receptance, 0.25" dia. J3, J4 2 (SPC) 813 7 Connector, edge, SMA PCB jack J1, J2 2 (Johnson) 142-0701-801 8 Standoff, 4-40 Hex, 0.625" Length 4 (KEYSTONE) 1808 9 Screw, Phillips, 4-40, .250" 4 SHR-0440-016-SN 10 IC, THS90001 1 (TI) THS9001DBV 11 Board, printed-circuit 1 (TI) EDGE # 6453522 Rev.A U1 The manufacturer's part numbers are used for test purposes only. Figure 26. EVM Top Layout Figure 27. EVM Bottom Layout 14 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: THS9001 THS9001 www.ti.com SLOS426C – NOVEMBER 2003 – REVISED DECEMBER 2013 0.085 0.053 Pin 1 0.008 0.040 0.032 0.032 TOP VIEW Figure 28. THS9000 Recommended Footprint dimensions are in inches (millimeters) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: THS9001 15 THS9001 SLOS426C – NOVEMBER 2003 – REVISED DECEMBER 2013 www.ti.com REVISION HISTORY Changes from Revision B (January 2007) to Revision C • 16 Page Changed the data sheet title From: 50 MHz to 400 MHz CASCADEABLE AMPLIFIER To: 50 MHz to 750 MHz CASCADEABLE AMPLIFIER ............................................................................................................................................... 1 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: THS9001 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 10-Dec-2020 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan (2) Lead finish/ Ball material MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) Device Marking (3) (4/5) (6) THS9001DBVT ACTIVE SOT-23 DBV 6 250 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 85 NWL (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. (2) RoHS: TI defines "RoHS" to mean semiconductor products that are compliant with the current EU RoHS requirements for all 10 RoHS substances, including the requirement that RoHS substance do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, "RoHS" products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. TI may reference these types of products as "Pb-Free". RoHS Exempt: TI defines "RoHS Exempt" to mean products that contain lead but are compliant with EU RoHS pursuant to a specific EU RoHS exemption. Green: TI defines "Green" to mean the content of Chlorine (Cl) and Bromine (Br) based flame retardants meet JS709B low halogen requirements of
THS9001EVM 价格&库存

