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TL16C2752IFNR 数据手册
TL16C2752 www.ti.com ................................................................................................................................................ SLWS188A – JUNE 2006 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 1.8-V to 5-V DUAL UART WITH 64-BYTE FIFOS FEATURES 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Larger FIFOs Reduce CPU Overhead Programmable Auto-RTS and Auto-CTS In Auto-CTS Mode, CTS Controls the Transmitter In Auto-RTS Mode, RCV FIFO Contents, and Threshold Control RTS Serial and Modem Control Outputs Drive a RJ11 Cable Directly When Equipment is on the Same Power Drop Capable of Running With All Existing TL16C450 Software After Reset, All Registers Are Identical to the TL16C450 Register Set Up to 48-MHz Clock Rate for up to 3-Mbps (Standard 16× Sampling) Operation, or up to 6-Mbps (Optional 8× Sampling) Operation With VCC = 5 V Nominal Up to 32-MHz Clock Rate for up to 2-Mbps (Standard 16× Sampling) Operation, or up to 4-Mbps (Optional 8× Sampling) Operation With VCC = 3.3 V Nominal Up to 24-MHz Clock Rate for up to 1.5-Mbps (Standard 16× Sampling) Operation, or up to 3-Mbps (Optional 8× Sampling) Operation With VCC = 2.5 V Nominal Up to 16-MHz Clock Rate for up to 1-Mbps (Standard 16× Sampling) Operation, or up to 2-Mbps (Optional 8× Sampling) Operation With VCC = 1.8 V Nominal In TL16C450 Mode, Hold and Shift Registers Eliminate the Need for Precise Synchronization Between the CPU and Serial Data Programmable Baud-Rate Generator Allows Division of Any Input Reference Clock by 1 to (216 – 1) and Generates an Internal 16× Clock Standard Asynchronous Communication Bits (Start, Stop, and Parity) Added to or Deleted From the Serial Data Stream 5-V, 3.3-V, 2.5-V, and 1.8-V Operation Independent Receiver Clock Input Transmit, Receive, Line Status, and Data Set Interrupts Independently Controlled • • • • • • • • • • • Fully Programmable Serial Interface Characteristics – 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-Bit Characters – Even-, Odd-, or No-Parity Bit Generation and Detection – 1-, 1 =-, or 2-Stop Bit Generation – Baud Generation (DC to 1 Mbit/s) False-Start Bit Detection Complete Status Reporting Capabilities 3-State Output TTL Drive Capabilities for Bidirectional Data Bus and Control Bus Line Break Generation and Detection Internal Diagnostic Capabilities – Loopback Controls for Communications Link Fault Isolation – Break, Parity, Overrun, and Framing Error Simulation Fully Prioritized Interrupt System Controls Modem Control Functions (CTS, RTS, DSR, DTR, RI, and DCD) Available in 44-Pin PLCC (FN) or 32-Pin QFN (RHB) Packages Each UART's Internal Register Set May Be Written Concurrently to Save Setup Time Multifunction (MF) Output Allows Users to Select Among Several Functions, Saving Package Pins APPLICATIONS • • • • • • Point-of-Sale Terminals Gaming Terminals Portable Applications Router Control Cellular Data Factory Automation 1 Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet. PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date. Products conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters. Copyright © 2006–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated TL16C2752 SLWS188A – JUNE 2006 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 ................................................................................................................................................ www.ti.com DESCRIPTION The TL16C2752 is a speed and functional upgrade of the TL16C2552. Since they are pinout and software compatible, designs can easily migrate from the TL16C2552 to the TL16C2752 if needed. The additional functionality within the TL16C2752 is accessed via an extended register set. Some of the key new features are larger receive and transmit FIFOs, embedded IrDA encoders and decoders, RS-485 transceiver controls, software flow control (Xon/Xoff) modes, programmable transmit FIFO thresholds, extended receive and transmit threshold levels for interrupts, and extended receive threshold levels for flow control halt/resume operation. The TL16C2752 is a dual universal asynchronous receiver and transmitter (UART). It incorporates the functionality of two independent UARTs: each UART having its own register set and transmit and receive FIFOs. The two UARTs share only the data bus interface and clock source, otherwise they operate independently. Another name for the UART function is asynchronous communications element (ACE), and these terms will be used interchangeably. The bulk of this document describes the behavior of each ACE, with the understanding that two such devices are incorporated into the TL16C2752. Functionally equivalent to the TL16C450 on power up or reset (single character or TL16C450 mode), each ACE can be placed in an alternate FIFO mode. This relieves the CPU of excessive software overhead by buffering received and to-be-transmitted characters. Each receiver and transmitter store up to 64 bytes in their respective FIFOs, with the receive FIFO including three additional bits per byte for error status. In the FIFO mode, selectable hardware or software autoflow control features can significantly reduce program overload and increase system efficiency by automatically controlling serial data flow. Each ACE performs serial-to-parallel conversions on data received from a peripheral device or modem and stores the parallel data in its receive buffer or FIFO, and each ACE performs parallel-to-serial conversions on data sent from its CPU after storing the parallel data in its transmit buffer or FIFO. The CPU can read the status of either ACE at any time. Each ACE includes complete modem control capability and a processor interrupt system that can be tailored to the application. Each ACE includes a programmable baud rate generator capable of dividing a reference clock with divisors of from 1 to 65535, thus producing a 16× or 8× internal reference clock for the transmitter and receiver logic. Each ACE accommodates up to a 3-Mbaud serial data rate (48-MHz input clock). As a reference point, that speed would generate a 333-ns bit time and a 3.33-=s character time (for 8,N,1 serial data), with the internal clock running at 48 MHz and 16× sampling. Each ACE has a TXRDY and RXRDY (via MF) output that can be used to interface to a DMA controller. 2 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TL16C2752 TL16C2752 www.ti.com ................................................................................................................................................ SLWS188A – JUNE 2006 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 TL16C2752 Block Diagram UART Channel A A2−A0 64-Byte TX FIFO D7−D0 Tx IR ENC CS TXA CTSA DTRA UART Registers CHSEL BaudRate Gen IOR IOW DSRA, RIA, CDA RTSA 64-Byte RX FIFO Rx IR DEC RXA INTA INTB Data Bus Interface UART Channel B TXRDYA TXRDYB 64-Byte TX FIFO Tx IR ENC MFA UART Registers BaudRate Gen RESET XTAL2 CTSB DTRB MFB XTAL1 TXB DSRB, RIB, CDB RTSB 64-Byte RX FIFO Crystal OSC Buffer Rx IR DEC RXB VCC GND A. MF output allows selection of OP, BAUDOUT, or RXRDY per channel. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TL16C2752 3 TL16C2752 SLWS188A – JUNE 2006 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 ................................................................................................................................................ www.ti.com TERMINAL FUNCTIONS TERMINAL NAME I/O DESCRIPTION FN NO. RHB NO. A0 10 3 I Address 0 select bit. Internal registers address selection. A1 14 6 I Address 1 select bit. Internal registers address selection. A2 15 7 I Address 2 select bit. Internal registers address selection. CDA, CDB 42, 30 – I Carrier detect (active low). These inputs are associated with individual UART channels A and B. A low on these pins indicates that a carrier has been detected by the modem for that channel. The state of these inputs is reflected in the modem status register (MSR). These inputs should be pulled high if unused. CHSEL 16 8 I Channel select. UART channel A or B is selected by the state of this pin when CS is a logic 0. A logic 0 on the CHSEL selects the UART channel B, while a logic 1 selects UART channel A. CHSEL could just be an address line from the user CPU such as A3. Bit 0 of the alternate function register (AFR) can temporarily override CHSEL function, allowing the user to write to both channel register simultaneously with one write cycle when CS is low. It is especially useful during the initialization routine. CS 18 10 I UART chip select (active low). This pin selects channel A or B in accordance with the state of the CHSEL pin. This allows data to be transferred between the user CPU and the TL16C2752. I Clear to send (active low). These inputs are associated with individual UART channels A and B. A logic low on the CTS pins indicates the modem or data set is ready to accept transmit data from the TL16C2752. Status can be tested by reading MSR bit 4. These pins only affect the transmit and receive operations when auto CTS function is enabled through the enhanced feature register (EFR) bit 7, for hardware flow control operation. These inputs should be pulled high if unused. I/O Data bus (bidirectional). These pins are the 8-bit, 3-state data bus for transferring information to or from the controlling CPU. D0 is the least significant bit (LSB) and the first data bit in a transmit or receive serial data stream. I Data set ready (active low). These inputs are associated with individual UART channels A and B. A logic low on these pins indicates the modem or data set is powered on and is ready for data exchange with the UART. The state of these inputs is reflected in the modem status register (MSR). These inputs should be pulled high if unused. O Data terminal ready (active low). These outputs are associated with individual UART channels A and B. A logic low on these pins indicates that the TL16C2752 is powered on and ready. These pins can be controlled through the modem control register. Writing a 1 to MCR bit 0 sets the DTR output to low, enabling the modem. The output of these pins is high after writing a 0 to MCR bit 0, or after a reset. CTSA, CTSB 40, 28 25, 17 D0–D4 2–6 27–31 D5–D7 7–9 DSRA, DSRB 41, 29 DTRA, DTRB 32, 1, 2 – 37, 27 – GND 12, 22 20 Signal and power ground INTA, INTB 34, 17 21, 9 O Interrupt A and B (active high). These pins provide individual channel interrupts, INTA and INTB. INTA and INTB are enabled when MCR bit 3 is set to a logic 1, interrupt sources are enabled in the interrupt enable register (IER). Interrupt conditions include receiver errors, available receiver buffer data, available transmit buffer space, or when a modem status flag is detected. INTA and INTB are in the high-impedance state after reset. IOR 24 14 I Read input (active-low strobe). A high-to-low transition on IOR loads the contents of an internal register defined by address bits A0–A2 onto the TL16C2752 data bus (D0–D7) for access by an external CPU. IOW 20 11 I Write input (active-low strobe). A low-to-high transition on IOW transfers the contents of the data bus (D0–D7) from the external CPU to an internal register that is defined by address bits A0–A2 and CSA and CSB. NC – 18, 19 MFA, MFB 4 35, 19 – No internal connection O Multifunction. This output pin can function as the OP, BAUDOUT, or RXRDY pin. One of these output signal functions can be selected by the user-programmable bits 1–2 of the alternate function register (AFR). These signal functions are described as follows: 1. OP–When OP (active low) is selected, the MF pin is a logic 0 when MCR bit 3 is set to a logic 1 (see MCR bit 3). MCR bit 3 defaults to a logic 1 condition after a reset or powerup. 2. BAUDOUT–When BAUDOUT function is selected, the 16× baud rate clock output is available at this pin. 3. RXRDY–RXRDY (active low) is intended for monitoring DMA data transfers. If it is not used, leave it unconnected. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TL16C2752 TL16C2752 www.ti.com ................................................................................................................................................ SLWS188A – JUNE 2006 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 TERMINAL FUNCTIONS (continued) TERMINAL NAME FN NO. RHB NO. RESET 21 12 RIA, RIB 43, 31 – I/O DESCRIPTION I Reset. RESET will reset the internal registers and all the outputs. The UART transmitter output and the receiver input are disabled during reset time. See TL16C2752 external reset conditions for initialization details. RESET is an active-high input. I Ring indicator (active low). These inputs are associated with individual UART channels A and B. A logic low on these pins indicates the modem has received a ringing signal from the telephone line. A low-to-high transition on these input pins generates a modem status interrupt, if enabled. The state of these inputs is reflected in the modem status register (MSR). These inputs should be pulled high if unused. RTSA, RTSB 36, 23 22, 13 O Request to send (active low). These outputs are associated with individual UART channels A and B. A low on the RTS pin indicates the transmitter has data ready and waiting to send. Writing a 1 in the modem control register (MCR bit 1) sets these pins to low, indicating data is available. After a reset, these pins are set to high. These pins only affects the transmit and receive operation when auto RTS function is enabled through the enhanced feature register (EFR) bit 6, for hardware flow control operation. RXA, RXB 39, 25 24, 15 I Receive data input. These inputs are associated with individual serial channel data to the TL16C2752. During the local loopback mode, these RX input pins are disabled and TX data is internally connected to the UART RX input internally. TXA, TXB 38, 26 23, 16 O Transmit data. These outputs are associated with individual serial transmit channel data from the TL16C2752. During the local loopback mode, the TX input pin is disabled and TX data is internally connected to the UART RX input. TXRDYA, TXRDYB 1, 32 – O Transmit ready (active low). TXRDY A and B go low when there are at least a trigger-level number of spaces available. They go high when the TX buffer is full. 33, 44 26 I Power-supply inputs VCC XTAL1 11 4 I Crystal or external clock. XTAL1 functions as a crystal input or as an external clock input. A crystal can be connected between XTAL1 and XTAL2 to form an internal oscillator circuit (see Figure 4). Alternatively, an external clock can be connected to XTAL1 to provide custom data rates. XTAL2 13 5 O Crystal oscillator or buffered clock (see also XTAL1). XTAL2 is used as a crystal oscillator output or buffered a clock output. Detailed Description Hardware Autoflow Control (see Figure 1) Hardware autoflow control is comprised of auto-CTS and auto-RTS. With auto-CTS, the CTS input must be active before the transmitter FIFO can emit data. With auto-RTS, RTS becomes active when the receiver needs more data and notifies the sending serial device. When RTS is connected to CTS, data transmission does not occur unless the receiver FIFO has space for the data; thus, overrun errors are eliminated using ACE1 and ACE2 from a TLC16C2752 with the autoflow control enabled. If not, overrun errors can occur when the transmit data rate exceeds the receiver FIFO read latency. ACE1 RCV FIFO ACE2 Serial to Parallel Flow Control RX RTS TX CTS Parallel to Serial XMT FIFO Flow Control D7 −D0 D7 −D0 XMT FIFO Parallel to Serial Flow Control TX CTS RX RTS Serial to Parallel RCV FIFO Flow Control Figure 1. Autoflow Control (Auto-RTS and Auto-CTS) Example Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TL16C2752 5 TL16C2752 SLWS188A – JUNE 2006 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 ................................................................................................................................................ www.ti.com Auto-RTS Auto-RTS data flow control originates in the receiver timing and control block (see Figure 4) and is linked to the programmed receiver FIFO trigger level. When the receiver FIFO level reaches the defined halt trigger level 8 (see Figure 3), RTS is deasserted. The sending ACE may send an additional byte after the trigger level is reached (assuming the sending ACE has another byte to send) because it may not recognize the deassertion of RTS until after it has begun sending the additional byte. RTS is automatically reasserted once the defined resume trigger level is reached. Auto-CTS The transmitter circuitry checks CTS before sending the next data byte. When CTS is active, it sends the next byte. To stop the transmitter from sending the following byte, CTS must be released before the middle of the last stop bit that is currently being sent (see Figure 2). The auto-CTS function reduces interrupts to the host system. When flow control is enabled, CTS level changes do not trigger host interrupts because the device automatically controls its own transmitter. Without auto-CTS, the transmitter sends any data present in the transmit FIFO and a receiver overrun error may result. Auto-RTS and Auto-CTS Functional Timing SIN Start Byte N Stop Start Byte N+1 Start Stop Byte Stop RTS RD (RD RBR) 1 2 N N+1 Figure 2. RTS Functional Timing Waveforms SOUT Start Bits 0 −7 Stop Start Bits 0 −7 Stop Start Bits 0 −7 Stop CTS Figure 3. CTS Functional Timing Waveforms A. Pin numbers shown are for 44-pin PLCC FN package. Figure 4. Functional Block Diagram 6 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TL16C2752 TL16C2752 www.ti.com ................................................................................................................................................ SLWS188A – JUNE 2006 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (1) over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) MIN MAX VCC Supply voltage range (2) –0.5 7 V VI Input voltage range at any input –0.5 7 V VO Output voltage range V TA Operating free-air temperature range Tstg Storage temperature range –0.5 7 TL16C2752 0 70 TL16C2752I –40 85 –65 150 °C 260 °C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 s (1) (2) UNIT °C Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. All voltage values are with respect to VSS. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS 1.8 V =10% over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) MIN NOM MAX UNIT 1.62 1.8 1.98 V 0 VCC V High-level input voltage 1.4 1.98 V VIL Low-level input voltage –0.3 0.4 V VO Output voltage 0 VCC V IOH High-level output current (all outputs) 0.5 mA IOL Low-level output current (all outputs) VCC Supply voltage VI Input voltage VIH Oscillator/clock speed 1 mA 10 MHz RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS 2.5 V =10% over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) MIN NOM MAX UNIT 2.25 2.5 2.75 V 0 VCC V High-level input voltage 1.8 2.75 V Low-level input voltage –0.3 0.6 V 0 VCC VCC Supply voltage VI Input voltage VIH VIL VO Output voltage IOH High-level output current (all outputs) IOL Low-level output current (all outputs) 1 Oscillator/clock speed 2 mA 16 MHz Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TL16C2752 V mA 7 TL16C2752 SLWS188A – JUNE 2006 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 ................................................................................................................................................ www.ti.com RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS 3.3 V =10% over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) MIN NOM MAX VCC Supply voltage 3 3.3 3.6 V VI Input voltage 0 VCC V VIH High-level input voltage VIL Low-level input voltage VO Output voltage IOH IOL 0.7 × VCC UNIT V 0.3 × VCC 0 V VCC V High-level output current (all outputs) 1.8 mA Low-level output current (all outputs) 3.2 mA Oscillator/clock speed 20 MHz RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS 5 V =10% over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) MIN NOM MAX 4.5 5 5.5 UNIT V VCC V VCC Supply voltage VI Input voltage VIH High-level input voltage VIL Low-level input voltage VO Output voltage IOH High-level output current (all outputs) 4 mA IOL Low-level output current (all outputs) 4 mA 24 MHz 0 All except XTAL1, XTAL2 2 XTAL1, XTAL2 V 0.7 × VCC All except XTAL1, XTAL2 0.8 XTAL1, XTAL2 V 0.3 × VCC 0 VCC Oscillator/clock speed V ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1.8 V Nominal over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER MIN TYP (1) MAX TEST CONDITIONS (2) VOH High-level output voltage VOL Low-level output voltage (2) IOL = 1 mA 0.5 V II Input current VCC = 1.98 V, VSS = 0, VI = 0 to 1.98 V, All other terminals floating 10 =A IOZ High-impedance-state output current VCC = 1.98 V, VSS = 0, VI = 0 to 1.98 V, Chip selected in write mode or chip deselected ±20 =A ICC Supply current VCC = 1.98 V, TA = 0°C, RXA, RXB, DSRA, DSRB, CDA, CDB, CTSA, CTSB, RIA, and RIB at 1.4 V, All other inputs at 0.4 V, XTAL1 at 16 MHz, No load on outputs Ci(CLK) Clock input impedance CO(CLK) Clock output impedance CI Input impedance CO Output impedance (1) (2) 8 IOH = –0.5 mA VCC = 0, VSS = 0, f = 1 MHz, TA = 25°C, All other terminals grounded 1.3 UNIT V mA 15 20 pF 20 30 pF 6 10 pF 10 20 pF All typical values are at VCC = 1.8 V and TA = 25°C. These parameters apply for all outputs except XTAL2. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TL16C2752 TL16C2752 www.ti.com ................................................................................................................................................ SLWS188A – JUNE 2006 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 2.5 V Nominal over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER MIN TYP (1) MAX TEST CONDITIONS (2) High-level output voltage VOL Low-level output voltage (2) IOL = 2 mA 0.5 V II Input current VCC = 2.75 V, VSS = 0, VI = 0 to 2.75 V, All other terminals floating 10 =A IOZ High-impedance-state output current VCC = 2.75 V, VSS = 0, VI = 0 to 2.75 V, Chip selected in write mode or chip deselected ±20 =A ICC Supply current VCC = 2.75 V, TA = 0°C, RXA, RXB, DSRA, DSRB, CDA, CDB, CTSA, CTSB, RIA, and RIB at 1.8 V, All other inputs at 0.6 V, XTAL1 at 24 MHz, No load on outputs Ci(CLK) Clock input impedance CO(CLK) Clock output impedance CI Input impedance CO Output impedance (1) (2) IOH = –1 mA 1.8 UNIT VOH V mA VCC = 0, VSS = 0, f = 1 MHz, TA = 25°C, All other terminals grounded 15 20 pF 20 30 pF 6 10 pF 10 20 pF All typical values are at VCC = 2.5 V and TA = 25°C. These parameters apply for all outputs except XTAL2. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 3.3 V Nominal over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS (2) MIN MAX High-level output voltage VOL Low-level output voltage (2) IOL = 3.2 mA 0.5 V II Input current VCC = 3.6 V, VSS = 0, VI = 0 to 3.6 V, All other terminals floating 10 =A IOZ High-impedance-state output current VCC = 3.6 V, VSS = 0, VI = 0 to 3.6 V, Chip selected in write mode or chip deselected ±20 =A ICC Supply current VCC = 3.6 V, TA = 0°C, RXA, RXB, DSRA, DSRB, CDA, CDB, CTSA, CTSB, RIA, and RIB at 2 V, All other inputs at 0.8 V, XTAL1 at 32 MHz, No load on outputs Ci(CLK) Clock input impedance CO(CLK) Clock output impedance CI Input impedance CO Output impedance VCC = 0, VSS = 0, f = 1 MHz, TA = 25°C, All other terminals grounded 2.4 UNIT VOH (1) (2) IOH = –1.8 mA TYP (1) V mA 15 20 pF 20 30 pF 6 10 pF 10 20 pF All typical values are at VCC = 3.3 V and TA = 25°C. These parameters apply for all outputs except XTAL2. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TL16C2752 9 TL16C2752 SLWS188A – JUNE 2006 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 ................................................................................................................................................ www.ti.com ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 5 V Nominal over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS (2) TYP (1) MIN VOL Low-level output voltage (2) IOL = 4 mA 0.4 V II Input current VCC = 5.5 V, VSS = 0, VI = 0 to 5.5 V, All other terminals floating 10 =A IOZ High-impedance-state output current VCC = 3.6 V, VSS = 0, VI = 0 to 3.6 V, Chip selected in write mode or chip deselected =20 =A ICC Supply current VCC = 5.5 V, TA = 0°C, RXA, RXB, DSRA, DSRB, CDA, CDB, CTSA, CTSB, RIA, and RIB at 2 V, All other inputs at 0.8 V, XTAL1 at 32 MHz, No load on outputs Ci(CLK) Clock input impedance Clock output impedance CI Input impedance CO Output impedance (1) (2) 4 UNIT High-level output voltage CO(CLK) IOH = –4 mA MAX VOH V mA VCC = 0, VSS = 0, f = 1 MHz, TA = 25°C, All other terminals grounded 15 20 pF 20 30 pF 6 10 pF 10 20 pF All typical values are at VCC = 3.3 V and TA = 25°C. These parameters apply for all outputs except XTAL2. TIMING REQUIREMENTS over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) LIMITS PARAMETER ALT. SYMBOL FIGURE TEST CONDITIONS 1.8 V MIN 2.5 V MAX MIN 3.3 V MAX MIN 5V MAX MIN UNIT MAX 1 1 1 1 =s 6 25 16 12 8 ns RC 8 115 80 62 57 ns WC 7 115 80 62 57 ns tIOW 7 80 55 45 40 ns Pulse duration, IOR or CS tIOR 8 80 55 45 40 ns tSU3 Setup time, data valid before IOW↑ or CS↑ tDS 7 25 20 15 15 ns th4 Hold time, address valid after IOW↑ or CS↑ tWA 7 20 15 10 10 ns th5 Hold time, data valid after IOW↑ or CS↑ tDH 7 15 10 5 5 ns th7 Hold time, data valid after IOR↑ or CS↑ tRA 8 20 15 10 10 ns td5 Delay time, address valid before IOW↓ or CS↓ tAW 7 15 10 7 7 ns td8 Delay time, address valid to IOR↓ or CS↓ tAR 8 15 10 7 7 ns td10 Delay time, IOR↓ or CS↓ to data valid tRVD 8 CL = 30 pF 55 35 25 20 ns td11 Delay time, IOR↑ or CS↑ to floating data tHZ 8 CL = 30 pF 40 30 20 20 ns td12 Write cycle to write cycle delay 7 100 75 60 50 ns td13 Read cycle to read cycle delay 8 100 75 60 50 ns tw8 Pulse duration, RESET tw1 Pulse duration, clock high tXH tw2 Pulse duration, clock low tXL tcR Cycle time, read (tw7 + td8 + th7) tcW Cycle time, write (tw6 + td5 + th4) tw6 Pulse duration, IOW or CS tw7 10 tRESET Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TL16C2752 TL16C2752 www.ti.com ................................................................................................................................................ SLWS188A – JUNE 2006 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 BAUD GENERATOR SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature, CL = 30 pF (for FN package only) PARAMETER ALT. SYMBOL FIGURE TEST CONDITION S LIMITS 1.8 V MIN 2.5 V MAX MIN 3.3 V MAX MIN 5V MAX MIN UNIT MAX tw3 Pulse duration, BAUDOUT low tLW 6 CLK ÷ 2 50 35 27 16 tw4 Pulse duration, BAUDOUT high tHW 6 CLK ÷ 2 50 35 27 16 ns td1 Delay time, XIN↑ to BAUDOUT↑ tBLD 6 35 25 20 15 ns td2 Delay time, XIN↑↓ to BAUDOUT↓ tBHD 6 35 25 20 15 ns ns RECEIVER SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (1) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) LIMITS PARAMETER ALT. SYMBOL FIGURE TEST CONDITIONS 1.8 V 2.5 V MIN MAX MIN 3.3 V MAX MIN 5V MAX td12 Delay time, RCLK to sample tSCD 9 20 15 10 td13 Delay time, stop to set INT or read RBR to LSI interrupt or stop to RXRDY↓ tSINT 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 1 1 1 td14 Delay time, read RBR/LSR to reset INT tRINT 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 CL = 30 pF 100 90 80 td26 Delay time, RCV threshold byte to RTS↑ 19 td27 Delay time, read of last byte in receive FIFO to RTS↓ td28 Delay time, first data bit of 16th character to RTS↑ td29 (1) (2) Delay time, RBRRD low to RTS↓ MIN UNIT MAX 10 ns RCLK cycle 1 70 ns CL = 30 pF 2 baudout cycles (2) 19 CL = 30 pF 2 baudout cycles 20 CL = 30 pF 2 baudout cycles 20 CL = 30 pF 2 baudout cycles In the FIFO mode, the read cycle (RC) = 1 baud clock (min) between reads of the receive FIFO and the status registers (interrupt identification register or line status register). A baudout cycle is equal to the period of the input clock divided by the programmed divider in DLL, DLM. TRANSMITTER SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) LIMITS PARAMETER ALT. SYMBOL FIGURE TEST CONDITIONS 1.8 V 2.5 V 3.3 V 5V UNIT MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX td15 Delay time, initial write to transmit start tIRS 14 8 24 8 24 8 24 8 24 baudout cycles td16 Delay time, start to INT tSTI 14 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 baudout cycles td17 Delay time, IOW (WR THR) to reset INT tHR 14 50 ns td18 Delay time, initial write to INT (THRE (1)) tSI 14 34 baudout cycles td19 Delay time, read IOR↑ to reset INT (THRE (1)) tIR 14 CL = 30 pF 70 50 35 35 ns td20 Delay time, write to TXRDY inactive tWXI 15, 16 CL = 30 pF 60 45 35 35 ns td21 Delay time, start to TXRDY active tSXA 15, 16 CL = 30 pF 9 9 9 9 baudout cycles tSU4 Setup time, CTS↑ before midpoint of stop bit 18 td25 Delay time, CTS low to TX↓ 18 (1) CL = 30 pF 70 16 34 30 CL = 30 pF 60 16 34 20 24 50 16 34 10 24 16 10 24 ns 24 baudout cycles THRE = Transmitter holding register empty; IIR = interrupt identification register Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TL16C2752 11 TL16C2752 SLWS188A – JUNE 2006 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 ................................................................................................................................................ www.ti.com MODEM CONTROL SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) LIMITS ALT. SYMBOL PARAMETER FIGURE TEST CONDITIONS 1.8 V MIN 2.5 V MAX MIN 3.3 V MAX MIN 5V MAX MIN UNIT MAX td22 Delay time, WR MCR to output tMDO 17 CL = 30 pF 90 70 60 50 ns td23 Delay time, modem interrupt to set INT tSIM 17 CL = 30 pF 60 50 40 35 ns td24 Delay time, RD MSR to reset INT tRIM 17 CL = 30 pF 80 60 50 40 ns N tw1 tw2 XTAL td2 td1 MFA,B (1/1) td1 td2 MFA,B (1/2) tw3 tw4 MFA,B (1/3) MFA,B (1/N) (N > 3) 2 XIN Cycles (N −2) XIN Cycles Figure 5. Input Clock and Baud Generator Timing Waveforms (for FN Package Only) (When AFR2:1 = 01) 12 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TL16C2752 TL16C2752 www.ti.com ................................................................................................................................................ SLWS188A – JUNE 2006 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 CHSEL, A2 −A0 Valid Address Valid Address td5 td5 th4 th4 tw6 tw6 CS td12 tw6 tw6 IOW tsu3 tsu3 th5 D7 −D0 th5 Valid Data Valid Data Figure 6. Write Cycle Timing Waveforms CHSEL, A2 −A0 Valid Address Valid Address td8 td8 th7 th7 tw7 tw7 CS td13 tw7 tw7 IOR td10 td11 D7 −D0 td10 Valid Data th11 Valid Data Figure 7. Read Cycle Timing Waveforms Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TL16C2752 13 TL16C2752 SLWS188A – JUNE 2006 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 ................................................................................................................................................ www.ti.com RCLK (Internal) td12 8 CLKs Sample Clock (Internal) TL16C450 Mode: RXA, RXB Start Data Bits 5− 8 Parity Stop Sample Clock INT (data ready) 50% td13 INT (RCV error) td14 50% 50% IOR (read RBR) IOR (read LSR) 50% 50% 50% Active Active td14 Figure 8. Receiver Timing Waveforms 14 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TL16C2752 TL16C2752 www.ti.com ................................................................................................................................................ SLWS188A – JUNE 2006 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 RXA, RXB Data Bits 5 −8 Stop Sample Clock (Internal) Trigger Level INT (FCR6, 7 = 0, 0) 50% 50% (FIFO at or above trigger level) (FIFO below trigger level) td13 (see Note A) INT Line Status Interrupt (LSI) td14 50% 50% td14 IOR (RD LSR) Active 50% Active IOR (RD RBR) 50% Figure 9. Receive FIFO First Byte (Sets DR Bit) Waveforms RXA, RXB Stop Sample Clock (Internal) Time-Out or Trigger Level Interrupt 50% 50% (FIFO below trigger level) td13 td14 (see Note A) 50% Line Status Interrupt (LSI) td13 50% Top Byte of FIFO td14 IOP (RD LSR) IOR (RD RBR) (FIFO at or above trigger level) 50% 50% Active 50% Active Previous Byte Read From FIFO Figure 10. Receive FIFO Bytes Other Than the First Byte (DR Internal Bit Already Set) Waveforms Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TL16C2752 15 TL16C2752 SLWS188A – JUNE 2006 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 ................................................................................................................................................ www.ti.com IOR (RD RBR) 50% Active See Note A RXA, RXB (first byte) Stop Sample Clock (Internal) td13 (see Note B) td14 50% 50% RXRDYA, RXRDYB Figure 11. Receiver Ready (RXRDY) Waveforms, FCR0 = 0 or FCR0 = 1 and FCR3 = 0 (Mode 0) IOR (RD RBR) Active 50% See Note A RXA, RXB (first byte that reaches the trigger level) Sample Clock (Internal) td13 (see Note B) td14 50% RXRDYA, RXRDYB 50% Figure 12. Receiver Ready (RXRDY) Waveforms, FCR0 = 1 and FCR3 = 1 (Mode 1) Start 50% TXA, TXB Data Bits Parity Stop td15 INT (THRE) 50% Start 50% td16 50% 50% 50% 50% td18 td17 td17 IOW 50% (WR THR) 50% 50% td19 IOR 50% Figure 13. Transmitter Timing Waveforms 16 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TL16C2752 TL16C2752 www.ti.com ................................................................................................................................................ SLWS188A – JUNE 2006 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 Byte 1 IOW (WR THR) TXA, TXB 50% Data Parity Stop Start 50% td21 td20 TXRDYA, TXRDYB 50% 50% Figure 14. Transmitter Ready (TXRDY) Waveforms, FCR0 = 0 or FCR0 = 1 and FCR3 = 0 (Mode 0) Byte 16 IOW (WR THR) TXA, TXB 50% Data Parity Stop td21 td20 TXRDYA, TXRDYB Start 50% 50% 50% FIFO Full Figure 15. Transmitter Ready (TXRDY) Waveforms, FCR0 = 1 and FCR3 = 1 (Mode 1) IOW (WR MCR) 50% 50% td22 td22 RTSA, RTSB, DTRA, DTRB, OPA, OPB 50% 50% 50% CTSA, CTSB, DSRA, DSRB, CDA, CDB td23 INT (modem) 50% 50% 50% td24 IOR (RD MSR) 50% td23 RI 50% Figure 16. Modem Control Timing Waveforms Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TL16C2752 17 TL16C2752 SLWS188A – JUNE 2006 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 ................................................................................................................................................ www.ti.com tsu4 CTSA, CTSB 50% 50% td25 TXA, TXB 50% Midpoint of Stop Bit Figure 17. CTS and TX Autoflow Control Timing (Start and Stop) Waveforms Midpoint of Stop Bit RXA, RXB td26 RTSA, RTSB IOR td27 50% 50% 50% Figure 18. Auto-RTS Timing 18 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TL16C2752 TL16C2752 www.ti.com ................................................................................................................................................ SLWS188A – JUNE 2006 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 APPLICATION INFORMATION A. Pin numbers shown are for 44-pin PLCC FN package. Figure 19. Typical TL16C2752 Connection Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TL16C2752 19 TL16C2752 SLWS188A – JUNE 2006 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 ................................................................................................................................................ www.ti.com PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION UART Internal Registers Each of the UART channel in the TL16C2752 has its own set of configuration registers selected by address lines A0, A1, and A2 with CS and CHSEL selecting the channel. The complete register set is shown in Table 1 and Table 2. Table 1. UART Channel A and B UART Internal Registers ADDRESS A2–A0 RESET (HEX) VALUE COMMENTS REGISTER READ/WRITE 16C550 Compatible Registers 000 XX XX 000 XX 001 XX 010 00 LCR[7] = 0 LCR[7] = 1, LCR ≠ 0xBF RHR–Receive Holding Register THR–Transmit Holding Register Read only Write only DLL–Div Latch Low Byte Read/Write DLM–Div Latch High Byte Read/Write AFR–Alternate Function Register Read/Write Read only 000 00 0A DLL, DLM = 0x00, LCR[7] = 1, LCR ≠ 0xBF DREV–Device Revision Code 001 DVID–Device Identification Code Read only 001 00 LCR[7] = 0 IER–Interrupt Enable Register Read/Write 010 01 00 LCR[7] = 0 ISR–Interrupt Status Register FCR–FIFO Control Register Read only Write only 011 00 LCR–Line Control Register Read/Write 100 00 MCR–Modem Control Register Read/Write 101 60 LSR–Line Status Register Reserved Read only Write only 110 X0 MSR–Modem Status Register Reserved Read only Write only 111 FF SPR–Scratch Pad Register Read/Write 111 00 FLVL–RX/TX FIFO Level Counter Register Read only 111 80 EMSR–Enhanced Mode Select Register Write only LCR ≠ 0xBF LCR ≠ 0xBF, FCTR[6] = 0 LCR ≠ 0xBF, FCTR[6] = 1 Enhanced Registers 20 000 00 00 TRG–RX/TX FIFO Trigger Level Register FC–RX/TX FIFO Level Counter Register Write only Read only 001 00 FCTR–Feature Control Register Read/Write 010 00 EFR–Enhanced Function Register Read/Write 100 00 Xon-1–Xon Character 1 Read/Write 101 00 Xon-2–Xon Character 2 Read/Write 110 00 Xoff-1–Xoff Character 1 Read/Write 111 00 Xoff-2–Xoff Character 2 Read/Write LCR = 0xBF Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TL16C2752 TL16C2752 www.ti.com ................................................................................................................................................ SLWS188A – JUNE 2006 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2008 Table 2. Internal Registers Description (1) Address A2–A0 Register Name Read/ Write Comments Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 16C550 Compatible Registers 000 RHR RD Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 000 THR WR Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 001 IER RD/WR 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ CTS Int. Enable RTS Int. Enable Xoff Int. Enable Sleep Mode Enable Modem Stat. Int. Enable RX Line Stat. Int. Enable TX Empty Int. Enable RX Data Int. Enable FIFOs Enabled FIFOs Enabled INT Source Bit 3 INT Source Bit 2 INT Source Bit 1 INT Source Bit 0 RXFIFO Trigger RXFIFO Trigger DMA Mode Enable TX FIFO Reset RX FIFO Reset FIFOs Enable Divisor Enable Set TX Break 010 010 ISR FCR LCR[7] = 0 RD WR 011 LCR RD/WR 100 MCR RD/WR 101 LSR RD 110 MSR RD 111 SPR RD/WR 111 EMSR WR 111 FLVL RD LCR ≠ 0xBF LCR ≠ 0xBF FCTR Bit 6 = 0 LDR ≠ 0xBF FCTR Bit 6 = 1 0/ 0/ INT Source Bit 5 INT Source Bit 4 0/ 0/ TXFIFO Trigger TXFIFO Trigger Set Parity Even Parity Parity Enable Stop Bits Word Length Bit 1 Word Length Bit 0 0/ 0/ 0/ BRG Prescaler IR Mode Enable XonAny Internal Loopback Enable OP2# Output Control Rsrvd (OP1#) RTS# Output Control DTR# Output Control RX FIFO Global Error THR & TSR Empty THR Empty RX Break RX Framing Error RX Parity Error RX Overrun Error RX Data Ready CD# Input RI# Input DSR# Input CTS# Input Delta CD# Delta RI# Delta DSR# Delta CTS# Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 16X Sampling Rate Mode LSR Error Interrupt Imd/Dly# Auto RTS Hyst. Bit 3 Auto RTS Hyst Bit 2 Auto RS485 Output Inversion Rsrvd Rx/Tx FIFO Count Rx/Tx FIFo Count Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit 0 Baud-Rate Generator Divisor 000 DLL RD/WR 001 DLM RD/WR LCR[7] = 1 LCR ≠ 0xBF Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Baudout# Select Concurrent Write Rsvd Rsvd Rsvd Rsvd Rsvd RXRDY# Select Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 WR Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 RD Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 RX IR Input Inv. Auto RTS Hyst Bit 1 Auto RTS Hyst Bit 0 010 AFR RD/WR 000 DREV RD 001 DVID RD 000 TRG 000 FC LCR[7] = 1 LCR ≠ 0xBF DLL = 0x00 DLM = 0x00 Enhanced Registers 001 (1) FCTR RD/WR LCR = 0xBF RX/TX Mode SCPAD Swap Trig Table Bit 1 Trig Table Bit 0 Auto RS485 Direction Control Auto CTS Enable Auto RTS Enable Special Char Select Enable IER[7:4], ISR[5:4], FCT[5:4], MCR[7:5] Software Flow Cntl Bit 3 Software Flow Cntl Bit 2 Software Flow Cntl Bit 1 Software Flow Cntl Bit 0 010 EFR RD/WR 100 XON1 RD/WR Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 101 XON2 RD/WR Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 110 XOFF1 RD/WR Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 111 XOFF2 RD/WR Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Shaded bits are accessible when EFR Bit 4 = 1. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TL16C2752 21 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 10-Dec-2020 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan (2) Lead finish/ Ball material MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) Device Marking (3) (4/5) (6) TL16C2752FN ACTIVE PLCC FN 44 26 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR 0 to 70 2752FN TL16C2752IFN ACTIVE PLCC FN 44 26 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 2752IFN (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. (2) RoHS: TI defines "RoHS" to mean semiconductor products that are compliant with the current EU RoHS requirements for all 10 RoHS substances, including the requirement that RoHS substance do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, "RoHS" products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. TI may reference these types of products as "Pb-Free". RoHS Exempt: TI defines "RoHS Exempt" to mean products that contain lead but are compliant with EU RoHS pursuant to a specific EU RoHS exemption. Green: TI defines "Green" to mean the content of Chlorine (Cl) and Bromine (Br) based flame retardants meet JS709B low halogen requirements of
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