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TL16C754BPNR 数据手册
      SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 D ST16C654 Pin Compatible With Additional D D D D D D D D D D D Enhancements Supports Up To 24-MHz Crystal Input Clock ( 1.5 Mbps) Supports Up To 48-MHz Oscillator Input Clock ( 3 Mbps) for 5-V Operation Supports Up To 32-MHz Oscillator Input Clock ( 2 Mbps) for 3.3-V Operation 64-Byte Transmit FIFO 64-Byte Receive FIFO With Error Flags Programmable and Selectable Transmit and Receive FIFO Trigger Levels for DMA and Interrupt Generation Programmable Receive FIFO Trigger Levels for Software/Hardware Flow Control Software/Hardware Flow Control − Programmable Xon/Xoff Characters − Programmable Auto-RTS and Auto-CTS Optional Data Flow Resume by Xon Any Character DMA Signalling Capability for Both Received and Transmitted Data Supports 3.3-V or 5-V Supply D Characterized for Operation From −40°C to D D D D D D D D D D D 85°C Software Selectable Baud Rate Generator Prescalable Provides Additional Divide by 4 Function Fast Access 2 Clock Cycle IOR/IOW Pulse Width Programmable Sleep Mode Programmable Serial Interface Characteristics − 5, 6, 7, or 8-Bit Characters − Even, Odd, or No Parity Bit Generation and Detection − 1, 1.5, or 2 Stop Bit Generation False Start Bit Detection Complete Status Reporting Capabilities in Both Normal and Sleep Mode Line Break Generation and Detection Internal Test and Loopback Capabilities Fully Prioritized Interrupt System Controls Modem Control Functions (CTS, RTS, DSR, DTR, RI, and CD) NC CDA RIA RXA GND D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 INTSEL VCC RXD RID CDD NC NC PN PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 NC − No internal connection 1 60 2 59 3 58 4 57 5 56 6 55 7 54 8 53 52 9 51 TL16C754BPN 10 11 50 12 49 13 48 14 47 15 46 16 45 17 44 18 43 19 42 20 41 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 NC DSRD CTSD DTRD GND RTSD INTD CSD TXD IOR TXC CSC INTC RTSC VCC DTRC CTSC DSRC NC NC NC NC CDB RIB RXB CLKSEL NC A2 A1 A0 XTAL1 XTAL2 RESET RXRDY TXRDY GND RXC RIC CDC NC NC NC DSRA CTSA DTRA VCC RTSA INTA CSA TXA IOW TXB CSB INTB RTSB GND DTRB CTSB DSRB NC Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet. Copyright  1999 − 2004, Texas Instruments Incorporated    ! " #$%! "  &$'(#! )!%* )$#!" # ! "&%##!" &% !+% !%"  %," "!$%!" "!)) -!.* )$#! &#%""/ )%" ! %#%""(. #($)% !%"!/  (( &%!%"* POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 1       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 CDA RIA RXA GND D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 INTSEL VCC RXD RID CDD FN PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) 9 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 11 59 12 58 13 57 14 56 15 55 16 54 17 TL16C754BFN 53 18 52 19 51 20 50 21 49 22 48 23 47 24 46 25 45 26 44 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 DSRD CTSD DTRD GND RTSD INTD CSD TXD IOR TXC CSC INTC RTSC VCC DTRC CTSC DSRC CDB RIB RXB CLKSEL NC A2 A1 A0 XTAL1 XTAL2 RESET RXRDY TXRDY GND RXC RIC CDC DSRA CTSA DTRA VCC RTSA INTA CSA TXA IOW TXB CSB INTB RTSB GND DTRB CTSB DSRB NC − No internal connection description The TL16C754B is a quad universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) with 64-byte FIFOs, automatic hardware/software flow control, and data rates up to 3 Mbps. The TL16C754B offers enhanced features. It has a transmission control register (TCR) that stores received FIFO threshold level to start/stop transmission during hardware and software flow control. With the FIFO RDY register, the software gets the status of TXRDY/RXRDY for all four ports in one access. On-chip status registers provide the user with error indications, operational status, and modem interface control. System interrupts may be tailored to meet user requirements. An internal loopback capability allows onboard diagnostics. The UART transmits data sent to it from the peripheral 8-bit bus on the TX signal and receives characters on the RX signal. Characters can be programmed to be 5, 6, 7, or 8 bits. The UART has a 64-byte receive FIFO and transmit FIFO and can be programmed to interrupt at different trigger levels. The UART generates its own desired baud rate based upon a programmable divisor and its input clock. It can transmit even, odd, or no parity and 1, 1.5, or 2 stop bits. The receiver can detect break, idle or framing errors, FIFO overflow, and parity errors. The transmitter can detect FIFO underflow. The UART also contains a software interface for modem control operations, and software flow control and hardware flow control capabilities. The TL16C754B is available in 80-pin TQFP and 68-pin PLCC packages. 2 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 Terminal Functions TERMINAL NO. NAME I/O DESCRIPTION 34 I Address bit 0 select. Internal registers address selection. Refer to Table 7 for Register Address Map. 33 I Address bit 1 select. Internal registers address selection. Refer to Table 7 for Register Address Map 28 32 I Address bit 2 select. Internal registers address selection. Refer to Table 7 for Register Address Map 79, 23 39, 63 9, 27 43, 61 I Carrier detect (active low). These inputs are associated with individual UART channels A through D. A low on these pins indicates that a carrier has been detected by the modem for that channel. PN FN A0 30 A1 29 A2 CDA, CDB CDC, CDD CLKSEL CSA, CSB CSC, CSD 26 30 I Clock select. CLKSEL selects the divide-by-1 or divide-by-4 prescalable clock. During the reset, a logic 1 (VCC) on CLKSEL selects the divide-by-1 prescaler. A logic 0 (GND) on CLKSEL selects the divide-by-4 prescaler. The value of CLKSEL is latched into MCR[7] at the trailing edge of RESET. A logic 1 (VCC) on CLKSEL will latch a 0 into MCR[7]. A logic 0 (GND) on CLKSEL will latch a 1 into MCR[7]. MCR[7] can be changed after RESET to alter the prescaler value. 9, 13, 49, 53 16, 20, 50, 54 I Chip select A, B, C, and D (active low). These pins enable data transfers between the user CPU and the TL16C754B for the channel(s) addressed. Individual UART sections (A, B, C, D) are addressed by providing a low on the respective CSA through CSD pin. CTSA, CTSB CTSC, CTSD 4, 18 44, 58 11, 25 45, 59 I Clear to send (active low). These inputs are associated with individual UART channels A through D. A low on the CTS pins indicates the modem or data set is ready to accept transmit data from the 754A. Status can be checked by reading MSR bit 4. These pins only affect the transmit and receive operations when auto CTS function is enabled through the enhanced feature register (EFR) bit 7, for hardware flow control operation. D0−D2 D3−D7 68−70, 71−75 66−68, 1−5 I/O Data bus (bidirectional). These pins are the eight bit, 3-state data bus for transferring information to or from the controlling CPU. D0 is the least significant bit and the first data bit in a transmit or receive serial data stream. DSRA, DSRB DSRC, DSRD 3, 19 43, 59 10, 26 44, 60 I Data set ready (active low). These inputs are associated with individual UART channels A through D. A low on these pins indicates the modem or data set is powered on and is ready for data exchange with the UART. Data terminal ready (active low). These outputs are associated with individual UART channels A through D. A low on these pins indicates that the 754A is powered on and ready. These pins can be controlled through the modem control register. Writing a 1 to MCR bit 0 sets the DTR output to low, enabling the modem. The output of these pins is high after writing a 0 to MCR bit 0, or after a reset. DTRA, DTRB DTRC, DTRD 5, 17 45, 57 12, 24 46, 58 O GND 16, 36, 56, 76 6, 23, 40, 57 Pwr INTA, INTB INTC, INTD 8, 14, 48, 54 15, 21, 49, 55 Signal and power ground O Interrupt A, B, C, and D (active high). These pins provide individual channel interrupts, INTA-D. INTA−D are enabled when MCR bit 3 is set to a 1, interrupts are enabled in the interrupt enable register (IER) and when an interrupt condition exists. Interrupt conditions include: receiver errors, available receiver buffer data, transmit buffer empty, or when a modem status flag is detected. INTA−D are in the high-impedance state after reset. INTSEL 67 65 I Interrupt select (active high with internal pulldown). INTSEL can be used in conjunction with MCR bit 3 to enable or disable the 3-state interrupts INTA-D or override MCR bit 3 and force continuous interrupts. Interrupt outputs are enabled continuously by making this pin a 1. Driving this pin low allows MCR bit 3 to control the 3-state interrupt output. In this mode, MCR bit 3 is set to a 1 to enable the 3-state outputs. IOR 51 52 I Read input (active low strobe). A valid low level on IOR will load the contents of an internal register defined by address bits A0−A2 onto the TL16C754B data bus (D0−D7) for access by an external CPU. IOW 11 18 I Write input (active low strobe). A valid low level on IOW will transfer the contents of the data bus (D0−D7) from the external CPU to an internal register that is defined by address bits A0−A2. POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 3       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 Terminal Functions (Continued) TERMINAL NO. NAME RESET RIA, RIB RIC, RID I/O DESCRIPTION 37 I Reset. RESET will reset the internal registers and all the outputs. The UART transmitter output and the receiver input will be disabled during reset time. See TL16C754B external reset conditions for initialization details. RESET is an active high input. 8, 28 42, 62 I Ring indicator (active low). These inputs are associated with individual UART channels A through D. A low on these pins indicates the modem has received a ringing signal from the telephone line. A low to high transition on these input pins generates a modem status interrupt, if it is enabled. PN FN 33 78, 24 38, 64 RTSA, RTSB RTSC, RTSD 7, 15 47, 55 14, 22 48, 56 O Request to send (active low). These outputs are associated with individual UART channels A through D. A low on the RTS pins indicates the transmitter has data ready and waiting to send. Writing a 1 in the modem control register (MCR bit 1) sets these pins to low, indicating data is available. After a reset, these pins are set to 1. These pins only affects the transmit and receive operation when auto RTS function is enabled through the enhanced feature register (EFR) bit 6, for hardware flow control operation. RXA, RXB RXC, RXD 77, 25 37, 65 7, 29 41, 63 I Receive data input. These inputs are associated with individual serial channel data to the 754A. During the local loopback mode, these RX input pins are disabled and TX data is internally connected to the UART RX input internally. 34 38 O Receive ready (active low). RXRDY contains the wire-ORed status of all four receive channel FIFOs, RXRDY A−D. It goes low when the trigger level has been reached or a timeout interrupt occurs. It goes high when all RX FIFOs are empty and there is an error in RX FIFO. 10, 12 50, 52 17, 19 51, 53 O Transmit data. These outputs are associated with individual serial transmit channel data from the 754A. During the local loopback mode, the TX input pin is disabled and TX data is internally connected to the UART RX input. 35 39 O Transmit ready (active low). TXRDY contains the wire-ORed status of all four transmit channel FIFOs, TXRDY A−D. It goes low when there are a trigger level number of spares available. It goes high when all four TX buffers are full. 6, 46, 66 13, 47, 64 Pwr RXRDY TXA, TXB TXC, TXD TXRDY VCC Power supply inputs XTAL1 31 35 I Crystal or external clock input. XTAL1 functions as a crystal input or as an external clock input. A crystal can be connected between XTAL1 and XTAL2 to form an internal oscillator circuit (see Figure 10). Alternatively, an external clock can be connected to XTAL1 to provide custom data rates. XTAL2 32 36 O Output of the crystal oscillator or buffered clock. See also XTAL1. XTAL2 is used as a crystal oscillator output or buffered clock output. 4 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 functional block diagram Modem Control Signals Control Signals Bus Interface Control and Status Block Status Signals Divisor Control Signals Baud-Rate Generator Status Signals UART_CLK RX Receiver FIFO 64-Byte Receiver Block Logic Vote Logic RX TX Transmitter FIFO 64-Byte Transmitter Block Logic TX NOTE: The Vote logic determines whether the RX data is a logic 1 or 0. It takes three samples of the RX line and uses a majority vote to determine the logic level received. The Vote logic operates on all bits received. functional description The TL16C754B UART is pin compatible with the TL16C554 and ST16C654 UARTs. It provides more enhanced features. All additional features are provided through a special enhanced feature register. The UART will perform serial-to-parallel conversion on data characters received from peripheral devices or modems and parallel-to-parallel conversion on data characters transmitted by the processor. The complete status of each channel of the TL16C754B UART can be read at any time during functional operation by the processor. The TL16C754B UART can be placed in an alternate mode (FIFO mode) relieving the processor of excessive software overhead by buffering received/transmitted characters. Both the receiver and transmitter FIFOs can store up to 64 bytes (including three additional bits of error status per byte for the receiver FIFO) and have selectable or programmable trigger levels. Primary outputs RXRDY and TXRDY allow signalling of DMA transfers. The TL16C754B UART has selectable hardware flow control and software flow control. Both schemes significantly reduce software overhead and increase system efficiency by automatically controlling serial data flow. Hardware flow control uses the RTS output and CTS input signals. Software flow control uses programmable Xon/Xoff characters. The UART will include a programmable baud rate generator that can divide the timing reference clock input by a divisor between 1 and (216−1). The CLKSEL pin can be used to divide the input clock by 4 or by 1 to generate the reference clock during the reset. The divide-by-4 clock is selected when CLKSEL pin is a logic 0 or the divide-by-1 is selected when CLKSEL is a logic 1. POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 5       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 functional description (continued) trigger levels The TL16C754B UART provides independent selectable and programmable trigger levels for both receiver and transmitter DMA and interrupt generation. After reset, both transmitter and receiver FIFOs are disabled and so, in effect, the trigger level is the default value of one byte. The selectable trigger levels are available via the FCR. The programmable trigger levels are available via the TLR. hardware flow control Hardware flow control is composed of auto-CTS and auto-RTS. Auto-CTS and auto-RTS can be enabled/disabled independently by programming EFR[7:6]. With auto-CTS, CTS must be active before the UART can transmit data. Auto-RTS only activates the RTS output when there is enough room in the FIFO to receive data and deactivates the RTS output when the RX FIFO is sufficiently full. The HALT and RESTORE trigger levels in the TCR determine the levels at which RTS is activated/deactivated. If both auto-CTS and auto-RTS are enabled, when RTS is connected to CTS, data transmission does not occur unless the receiver FIFO has empty space. Thus, overrun errors are eliminated during hardware flow control. If not enabled, overrun errors occur if the transmit data rate exceeds the receive FIFO servicing latency. auto-RTS Auto-RTS data flow control originates in the receiver block (see functional block diagram). Figure 1 shows RTS functional timing. The receiver FIFO trigger levels used in Auto-RTS are stored in the TCR. RTS is active if the RX FIFO level is below the HALT trigger level in TCR[3:0]. When the receiver FIFO HALT trigger level is reached, RTS is deasserted. The sending device (e.g., another UART) may send an additional byte after the trigger level is reached (assuming the sending UART has another byte to send) because it may not recognize the deassertion of RTS until it has begun sending the additional byte. RTS is automatically reasserted once the receiver FIFO reaches the RESUME trigger level programmed via TCR[7:4]. This reassertion allows the sending device to resume transmission. RX Start Byte N Stop Start Byte N+1 Stop Start RTS IOR 1 2 N N+1 NOTES: A. N = receiver FIFO trigger level B. The two blocks in dashed lines cover the case where an additional byte is sent as described in Auto-RTS. Figure 1. RTS Functional Timing 6 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 functional description (continued) auto-CTS The transmitter circuitry checks CTS before sending the next data byte. When CTS is active, the transmitter sends the next byte. To stop the transmitter from sending the following byte, CTS must be deasserted before the middle of the last stop bit that is currently being sent. The auto-CTS function reduces interrupts to the host system. When flow control is enabled, the CTS state changes and need not trigger host interrupts because the device automatically controls its own transmitter. Without auto-CTS, the transmitter sends any data present in the transmit FIFO and a receiver overrun error can result. Figure 2 shows CTS functional timing, and Figure 3 shows an example of autoflow control. TX Start Byte 0−7 Stop Start Byte 0−7 Stop CTS NOTES: A. When CTS is low, the transmitter keeps sending serial data out. B. When CTS goes high before the middle of the last stop bit of the current byte, the transmitter finishes sending the current byte, but it does not send the next byte. C. When CTS goes from high to low, the transmitter begins sending data again. Figure 2. CTS Functional Timing UART 1 UART 2 Serial to Parallel RX TX Parallel to Serial RX FIFO TX FIFO Flow Control RTS CTS Flow Control D7−D0 D7−D0 Parallel to Serial TX RX Serial to Parallel TX FIFO RX FIFO Flow Control CTS RTS Flow Control Figure 3. Autoflow Control (Auto-RTS and Auto-CTS) Example software flow control Software flow control is enabled through the enhanced feature register and the modem control register. Different combinations of software flow control can be enabled by setting different combinations of EFR[3−0]. Table 1 shows software flow control options. Two other enhanced features relate to S/W flow control: − Xon Any Function [MCR(5): Operation will resume after receiving any character after recognizing the Xoff character. POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 7       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 functional description (continued) NOTE: It is possible that an Xon1 character is recognized as an Xon Any character, which could cause an Xon2 character to be written to the RX FIFO. − Special Character [EFR(5)]: Incoming data is compared to Xoff2. Detection of the special character sets the Xoff interrupt {IIR(4)] but does not halt transmission. The Xoff interrupt is cleared by a read of the IIR. The special character is transferred to the RX FIFO. Table 1. Software Flow Control Options EFR[3:0] BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 Tx, Rx SOFTWARE FLOW CONTROLS 0 0 X X No transmit flow control 1 0 X X Transmit Xon1, Xoff1 0 1 X X Transmit Xon2, Xoff2 1 1 X X Transmit Xon1, Xon2: Xoff1, Xoff2 X X 0 0 No receive flow control X X 1 0 Receiver compares Xon1, Xoff1 X X 0 1 Receiver compares Xon2, Xoff2 1 0 1 1 Transmit Xon1, Xoff1 Receiver compares Xon1 or Xon2, Xoff1 or Xoff2 0 1 1 1 Transmit Xon2, Xoff2 Receiver compares Xon1 or Xon2, Xoff1 or Xoff2 1 1 1 1 Transmit Xon1, Xon2: Xoff1, Xoff2 Receiver compares Xon1 and Xon2: Xoff1 and Xoff2 0 0 1 1 No transmit flow control Receiver compares Xon1 and Xon2: Xoff1 and Xoff2 When software flow control operation is enabled, the TL16C754B will compare incoming data with Xoff1/2 programmed characters (in certain cases Xoff1 and Xoff2 must be received sequentially1). When an Xoff character is received, transmission is halted after completing transmission of the current character. Xoff character detection also sets IIR[4] and causes INT to go high (if enabled via IER[5]). To resume transmission an Xon1/2 character must be received (in certain cases Xon1 and Xon2 must be received sequentially). When the correct Xon characters are received IIR[4] is cleared and the Xoff interrupt disappears. NOTE: If a parity, framing or break error occurs while receiving a software flow control character, this character will be treated as normal data and will be written to the RCV FIFO. Xoff1/2 characters are transmitted when the RX FIFO has passed the programmed trigger level TCR[3:0]. Xon1/2 characters are transmitted when the RX FIFO reaches the trigger level programmed via TCR[7:4]. An important note here is that if, after an Xoff character has been sent, software flow control is disabled, the UART will transmit Xon characters automatically to enable normal transmission to proceed. A feature of the TL16C754B UART design is that if the software flow combination (EFR[3:0]) changes after an Xoff has been sent, the originally programmed Xon is automatically sent. If the RX FIFO is still above the trigger level the newly programmed Xoff1/2 will be transmitted. 1. When pairs of Xon/Xoff characters are programmed to occur sequentially, received Xon1/Xoff1 characters will be written to the Rx FIFO if the subsequent character is not Xon2/Xoff2. 8 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 functional description (continued) The transmission of Xoff/Xon(s) follows the exact same protocol as transmission of an ordinary byte from the FIFO. This means that even if the word length is set to be 5, 6, or 7 characters then the 5, 6, or 7 least significant bits of Xoff1,2/Xon1,2 will be transmitted. The transmission of 5, 6, or 7 bits of a character is seldom done, but this functionality is included to maintain compatibility with earlier designs. It is assumed that software flow control and hardware flow control will never be enabled simultaneously. Figure 4 shows a software flow control example. UART 1 UART 2 Transmit FIFO Receive FIFO Parallel to Serial Data Serial to Parallel Xoff − Xon − Xoff Serial to Parallel Parallel to Serial Xon-1 Word Xon-1 Word Xon-2 Word Xon-2 Word Xoff-1 Word Xoff-1 Word Xoff-1 Word Compare Programmed Xon−Xoff Characters Xoff-2 Word Figure 4. Software Flow Control Example software flow control example Assumptions: UART1 is transmitting a large text file to UART2. Both UARTs are using software flow control with single character Xoff (0F) and Xon (0D) tokens. Both have Xoff threshold (TCR [3:0]=F) set to 60 and Xon threshold (TCR[7:4]=8) set to 32. Both have the interrupt receive threshold (TLR[7:4]=D) set to 52. UART1 begins transmission and sends 52 characters, at which point UART2 will generate an interrupt to its processor to service the RCV FIFO, but assume the interrupt latency is fairly long. UART1 will continue sending characters until a total of 60 characters have been sent. At this time UART2 will transmit a 0F to UART1, informing UART1 to halt transmission. UART1 will likely send the 61st character while UART2 is sending the Xoff character. Now UART2 is serviced and the processor reads enough data out of the RCV FIFO that the level drops to 32. UART2 will now send a 0D to UART1, informing UART1 to resume transmission. POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 9       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 functional description (continued) reset Table 2 summarizes the state of registers after reset. Table 2. Register Reset Functions RESET CONTROL REGISTER RESET STATE Interrupt enable register RESET All bits cleared Interrupt identification register RESET Bit 0 is set. All other bits cleared. FIFO control register RESET All bits cleared Line control register RESET Reset to 00011101 (1D hex). Modem control register RESET Bit 6−0 cleared. Bit 7 reflects the inverse of the CLKSEL pin value. Line status register RESET Bits 5 and 6 set. All other bits cleared. Modem status register RESET Bits 0−3 cleared. Bits 4−7 input signals. Enhanced feature register RESET Bit 6 − 0 is cleared. Bit 7 reflects the inverse of the CLKSEL pin value. Receiver holding register RESET Pointer logic cleared Transmitter holding register RESET Pointer logic cleared Transmission control register RESET All bits cleared Trigger level register RESET All bits cleared NOTE: Registers DLL, DLH, SPR, Xon1, Xon2, Xoff1, Xoff2 are not reset by the top-level reset signal RESET, i.e., they hold their initialization values during reset. Table 3 summarizes the state of some signals after reset. Table 3. Signal Reset Functions RESET CONTROL RESET STATE TX RESET High RTS RESET High DTR RESET High RXRDY RESET High TXRDY RESET Low SIGNAL interrupts The TL16C754B UART has interrupt generation and prioritization (6 prioritized levels of interrupts) capability. The interrupt enable register (IER) enables each of the 6 types of interrupts and the INT signal in response to an interrupt generation. The IER can also disable the interrupt system by clearing bits 0−3, 5−7. When an interrupt is generated, the interrupt identification register(IIR) indicates that an interrupt is pending and provides the type of interrupt through IIR[5−0]. Table 4 summarizes the interrupt control functions. 10 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 functional description (continued) Table 4. Interrupt Control Functions IIR[5−0] PRIORITY LEVEL INTERRUPT TYPE 000001 None None None 000110 1 Receiver line status OE, FE, PE, or BI errors occur in characters in the RX FIFO FE< PE< BI: All erroneous characters are read from the RX FIFO. OE: Read LSR 001100 2 RX timeout Stale data in RX FIFO Read RHR 000100 2 RHR interrupt DRDY (data ready) (FIFO disable) RX FIFO above trigger level (FIFO enable) Read RHR 000010 3 THR interrupt TFE (THR empty) (FIFO disable) TX FIFO passes above trigger level (FIFO enable) Read IIR OR a write to the THR 000000 4 Modem status MSR[3:0]= 0 Read MSR 010000 5 Xoff interrupt Receive Xoff character(s)/special character Receive Xon character(s)/Read of IIR 100000 6 CTS, RTS INTERRUPT SOURCE INTERRUPT RESET METHOD None RTS pin or CTS pin change state from active (low) Read IIR to inactive (high) It is important to note that for the framing error, parity error, and break conditions, LSR[7] generates the interrupt. LSR[7] is set when there is an error anywhere in the RX FIFO and is cleared only when there are no more errors remaining in the FIFO. LSR[4−2] always represent the error status for the received character at the top of the Rx FIFO. Reading the Rx FIFO updates LSR[4−2] to the appropriate status for the new character at the top of the FIFO. If the Rx FIFO is empty, then LSR[4−2] is all zeros. For the Xoff interrupt, if an Xoff flow character detection caused the interrupt, the interrupt is cleared by an Xon flow character detection. If a special character detection caused the interrupt, the interrupt is cleared by a read of the ISR. interrupt mode operation In interrupt mode (if any bit of IER[3:0] is1), the processor is informed of the status of the receiver and transmitter by an interrupt signal, INT. Therefore, it is not necessary to continuously poll the line status register (LSR) to see if any interrupt needs to be serviced. Figure 5 shows interrupt mode operation. IER IOW/IOR Processor 1 INT 1 1 1 IIR THR RHR Figure 5. Interrupt Mode Operation polled mode operation In polled mode (IER[3:0] = 0000), the status of the receiver and transmitter can then be checked by polling the line status register (LSR). This mode is an alternative to the interrupt mode of operation where the status of the receiver and transmitter is automatically known by means of interrupts sent to the CPU. Figure 6 shows polled mode operation. POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 11       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 functional description (continued) LSR IOW/IOR Processor IER 0 0 THR 0 0 RHR Figure 6. FIFO Polled Mode Operation DMA signalling There are two modes of DMA operation, DMA mode 0 or 1, selected by FCR[3]. In DMA mode 0 or FIFO disable (FCR[0]=0) DMA occurs in single character transfers. In DMA mode 1 multicharacter (or block) DMA transfers are managed to relieve the processor for longer periods of time. single DMA transfers (DMA mode0/FIFO disable) Transmitter: When empty, the TXRDY signal becomes active. TXRDY will go inactive after one character has been loaded into it. Receiver: RXRDY is active when there is at least one character in the FIFO. It becomes inactive when the receiver is empty. Figure 7 shows TXRDY and RXRDY in DMA mode 0/FIFO disable. TX RX TXRDY wrptr At Least One Location Filled RXRDY rdptr At Least One Location Filled TXRDY wrptr FIFO Empty RXRDY rdptr FIFO Empty Figure 7. TXRDY and RXRDY in DMA Mode 0/FIFO Disable block DMA transfers (DMA mode 1) Transmitter: TXRDY is active when a trigger level number of spaces are available. It becomes inactive when the FIFO is full. 12 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 functional description (continued) Receiver: RXRDY becomes active when the trigger level has been reached or when a timeout interrupt occurs. It will go inactive when the FIFO is empty or an error in the RX FIFO is flagged by LSR(7) Figure 8 shows TXRDY and RXRDY in DMA mode 1. wrptr TX RX Trigger Level TXRDY RXRDY rdptr FIFO Full At Least One Location Filled Trigger Level TXRDY RXRDY wrptr rdptr FIFO Empty Figure 8. TXRDY and RXRDY in DMA Mode 1 sleep mode Sleep mode is an enhanced feature of the TL16C754B UART. It is enabled when EFR[4], the enhanced functions bit, is set and when IER[4] is set. Sleep mode is entered when: − The serial data input line, RX, is idle (see break and time-out conditions). − The TX FIFO and TX shift register are empty. − There are no interrupts pending except THR and timeout interrupts. Sleep mode will not be entered if there is data in the RX FIFO. In sleep mode the UART clock and baud rate clock are stopped. Since most registers are clocked using these clocks the power consumption is greatly reduced. The UART will wake up when any change is detected on the RX line, when there is any change in the state of the modem input pins or if data is written to the TX FIFO. NOTE: Writing to the divisor latches, DLL and DLH, to set the baud clock, must not be done during sleep mode. Therefore it is advisable to disable sleep mode using IER[4] before writing to DLL or DLH. break and timeout conditions An RX timeout condition is detected when the receiver line, RX, has been high for a time equivalent to (4X programmed word length)+12 bits and there is at least one byte stored in the Rx FIFO. When a break condition occurs, the TX line is pulled low. A break condition is activated by setting LCR[6]. POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 13       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 functional description (continued) programmable baud rate generator The TL16C754B UART contains a programmable baud generator that divides reference clock by a divisor in the range between 1 and (216−1). The output frequency of the baud rate generator is 16x the baud rate. An additional divide-by-4 prescaler is also available and can be selected by the CLKSEL pin or MCR[7], as shown in the following. The formula for the divisor is: Divisor = (XTAL1 crystal input frequency / prescaler) / (desired baud rate × 16) Where 1 when CLKSEL + high during reset, or MCR[7] is set to 0 after reset ȡ prescaler + ȥ 4 when CLKSEL + low during reset, or MCR[7] is set to 1 after reset Ȣ Figure 9 shows the internal prescaler and baud rate generator circuitry. Prescaler Logic (Divide By 1) XTAL1 XTAL2 Internal Oscillator Logic MCR[7] = 0 Input Clock Reference Clock Prescaler Logic (Divide By 4) Bandrate Generator Logic Internal Bandrate Clock For Transmitter and Receiver MCR[7] = 1 Figure 9. Prescaler and Baud Rate Generator Block Diagram DLL and DLH must be written to in order to program the baud rate. DLL and DLH are the least significant and most significant byte of the baud rate divisor. If DLL and DLH are both zero, the UART is effectively disabled, as no baud clock will be generated. The programmable baud rate generator is provided to select both the transmit and receive clock rates. Table 5 and Table 6 show the baud rate and divisor correlation for the crystal with frequency 1.8432 MHz and 3.072 MHz, respectively. 14 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 programmable baud rate generator (continued) Table 5. Baud Rates Using a 1.8432-MHz Crystal DESIRED BAUD RATE DIVISOR USED TO GENERATE 16 × CLOCK PERCENT ERROR DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DESIRED AND ACTUAL 50 2304 75 1536 110 1047 0.026 134.5 857 0.058 150 768 300 384 600 192 1200 96 1800 64 2000 58 2400 48 3600 32 4800 24 7200 16 9600 12 19200 6 38400 3 56000 2 0.69 2.86 Table 6. Baud Rates Using a 3.072-MHz Crystal DESIRED BAUD RATE DIVISOR USED TO GENERATE 16 × CLOCK 50 3840 PERCENT ERROR DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DESIRED AND ACTUAL 75 2560 110 1745 0.026 134.5 1428 0.034 150 1280 300 640 600 320 1200 160 1800 107 2000 96 2400 80 3600 53 4800 40 7200 27 9600 20 19200 10 38400 5 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 0.312 0.628 1.23 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 15       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 programmable baud generator (continued) Figure 10 shows the crystal clock circuit reference. VCC Driver External Clock VCC XTAL1 XTAL1 C1 Crystal RP Optional Clock Output Optional Driver XTAL2 RX2 Oscillator Clock to Baud Generator Logic Oscillator Clock to Baud Generator Logic XTAL2 C2 TYPICAL CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR NETWORK CRYSTAL RP 1 MΩ RX2 C1 C2 3.072 MHz 1.5 kΩ 10 −30 pF 40 −60 pF 1.8432 MHz 1 MΩ 1.5 kΩ 10 −30 pF 40 −60 pF Figure 10. Typical Crystal Clock Circuits† † For crystal with fundamental frequency from 1 MHz to 24 MHz NOTE: For input clock frequency higher then 24 MHz, the crystal is not allowed and the oscillator must be used, since the TL16C754B internal oscillator cell can only support the crystal frequency up to 24 MHz. 16 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted)† Supply voltage range, VCC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . −0.5 V to 6 V Input voltage range, VI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . −0.5 V to VCC +0.5 V Output voltage range, VO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . −0.5 V to VCC +0.5 V Operating free-air temperature range, TA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . −40°C to 85°C Storage temperature range, Tstg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . −65°C to 150°C † Stresses beyond those listed under “absolute maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under “recommended operating conditions” is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. recommended operating conditions low voltage (3.3 V nominal) Supply voltage, VCC Input voltage, VI MIN NOM MAX 2.7 3.3 3.6 V VCC V 0 High-level input voltage, VIH (see Note 1) 0.7VCC V Low-level input voltage, VIL (see Note 1) Output voltage, VO (see Note 2) 0.3VCC VCC 0 High-level output current, VOH IOH = −8 mA, See Note 4 IOH = −4 mA, See Note 5 Low-level output current, VOL IOL = 8 mA, See Note 4 IOL = 4 mA, See Note 5 VCC−0.8 VCC−0.8 V V V 0.5 0.5 Input capacitance, CI Operating free-air temperature, TA Virtual junction temperature range, TJ (see Note 3) Clock duty cycle V 18 pF −40 25 85 °C 0 25 125 °C 35 MHz ±100 ppm Oscillator/clock speed 50% Jitter specification Supply current, ICC (see Note 6) UNIT 1.8 MHz, 3.6 V 12 25 MHz, 3.6 V 25 Sleep Mode, 3.6 V 1.5 mA NOTES: 1. Meets TTL levels, VIH(min) = 2 V and VIL(max) = 0.8 V on nonhysteresis inputs. 2. Applies for external output buffers. 3. These junction temperatures reflect simulated conditions. Absolute maximum junction temperature is 150°C. The customer is responsible for verifying junction temperature. 4. These parameters apply for D7−D0. 5. These parameters apply for DTRA, DTRB, DTRC, DTRD, INTA, INTB, INTC, INTD, RTS_A, RTS_B, RTS_C, RTS_D, RSRDY, TXRDY, TX_A, TX_B, TX_C, TX_D. 6. Measurement condition: a) Normal operation other than sleep mode VCC = 3.3 V, TA = 25°C. Full duplex serial activity on all four serial (UART) channels at the clock frequency specified in above table with divisior of one. b) Sleep mode VCC = 3.3 V, TA = 25°C. After enabling the sleep mode for all four channels, all serial and host activity is kept idle. POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 17       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 recommended operating conditions (continued) standard voltage Supply voltage, VCC Input voltage, VI MIN NOM MAX 4.5 5 5.5 V VCC V 0 High-level input voltage, VIH 0.7VCC V Low-level input voltage, VIL Output voltage, VO 0.3VCC VCC 0 High-level output current, VOH IOH = −8 mA, See Note 8 IOH = −4 mA, See Note 9 Low-level output current, VOL IOL = 8 mA, See Note 8 IOL = 4 mA, See Note 9 VCC−0.8 VCC−0.8 V V V 0.5 0.5 Input capacitance, CI Operating free-air temperature, TA Virtual junction temperature range, TJ (see Note 7) Clock duty cycle V 18 pF −40 25 85 °C 0 25 125 °C 50 MHz Oscillator/clock speed Supply current, ICC (see Note 12) UNIT 50% 50 MHz, 5.5 V 50 25 MHz, 5.5 V 42 1.8 MHz, 5.5 V 21 Sleep mode, 5.5 V 2.5 mA NOTES: 7. Applies for external output buffers 8. These junction temperatures reflect simulated conditions. Absolute maximum junction temperature is 150°C. The customer is responsible for verifying junction temperature. 9. These parameters apply for D7−D0, IRQ3−IRQ15, DRO0, DRO1, and DRO3. 10. These parameters apply for GPIO0−GPIO7, XSOUT, XRTS, XDTR, XIR−TXD. 11. These parameters apply for XOUT. 12. Measurement condition: a) Normal operation other than sleep mode VCC = 5 V, TA = 25°C. Full duplex serial activity on all four serial (UART) channels at the clock frequency specified in above table with divisior of one. b) Sleep mode VCC = 5 V, TA = 25°C. After enabling the sleep mode for all four channels, all serial and host activity is kept idle. 18 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 timing requirements TA = −40°C to 85°C, VCC = 3.3 V to 5 V ± 10% (unless otherwise noted)(see Figures 9−16) LIMITS PARAMETER CP Clock period TRESET Reset pulse width TEST CONDITIONS MIN MAX 20 ns 200 VCC = 4.5 V VCC = 3 V UNIT ns 50 T3w Oscillator/Clock speed T6s T6h Address setup time 0 ns Address hold time 0 ns T7d T7w IOR delay from chip select 10 2P‡ ns T7h T8d Chip select hold time from IOR 0 4P‡ ns T8s T8h Setup time from IOW or IOR assertion to XTAL1 clock↑ 20 ns ns T9d Read cycle delay 20 2P‡ T12d Delay from IOR to data T12h T13d Data disable time T13w T13h IOW strobe width T15d T16s Write cycle delay T16h T17d Delay from IOW to output 50 pF load 50 ns T18d T19d Delay to set interrupt from MODEM input 50 pF load 70 ns Delay to reset interrupt from IOR 50 pF load 70 ns T20d T21d Delay from stop to set interrupt 50 pF load 1Rclk 70 ns T22d T23d Delay from stop to interrupt 100 ns T24d T25d Delay from IOW to reset interrupt T26d T27d Delay from IOR to reset RXRDY IOR strobe width Delay time between successive assertion of IOW and IOR Hold time from XTAL1 clock↓ to IOW or IOR release 45 VCC = 4.5 V VCC = 3 V ns 30 47 15 IOW delay from chip select MHz ns ns 10 2P‡ ns 0 2P‡ ns Data setup time 16 ns Data hold time 15 Chip select hold time from IOW Delay from IOR to reset interrupt Delay from initial IOW reset to transmit start 8 Delay from stop to set RXRDY Delay from IOW to set TXRDY T28d Delay from start to reset TXRDY T30s Address setup time † Baudrate ‡ P= Input clock period ns 24 † 70 ns 1 Clk 1 µs 70 ns 16 10 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 † † ns 19       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 A0−A2 ÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎ Valid T6s CS (A−D) T6h Active T13d T13h T13w IOW T15d Active T16s D0−D7 T16h Data Figure 11. General Write Timing A0−A2 ÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎ Valid T6s CS (A−D) T6h Active T7d T7h T7w IOR T9d Active T12d D0−D7† T12h Data † The shadow area means in a shared bus environment, the UART is not driving the data bus. Figure 12. General Read Timing T8d IOW IOR T8s T8h XTAL1 Figure 13. Alternate Read/Write Strobe Timing 20 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 IOW Active T17d RTS (A−D) DTR (A−D) Change of State Change of State CD (A−D) CTS (A−D) DSR (A−D) Change of State T18d T18d INT (A−D) Active Active Active T19d Active IOR Active Active T18d RI (A−D) Change of State Figure 14. Modem Input/Output Timing Start Bit Stop Bit Data Bits (5−8) RX (A−D) D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 5 Data Bits 6 Data Bits 7 Data Bits D6 D7 Parity Bit Next Data Start Bit T20d INT (A−D) Active T21d Active IOR 16 Baud Rate Clock Figure 15. Receive Timing POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 21       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 Start Bit Stop Bit Data Bits (5−8) D0 RX (A−D) D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Next Data Start Bit Parity Bit T25d Active Data Ready RXRDY (A−D) RXRDY T26d Active IOR Figure 16. Receive Ready Timing in None FIFO Mode Start Bit Stop Bit Data Bits (5−8) RX (A−D) D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Parity Bit First Byte That Reaches The Trigger Level T25d Active Data Ready RXRDY (A−D) RXRDY T26d Active IOR Figure 17. Receive Timing in FIFO Mode 22 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 Start Bit Stop Bit Data Bits (5−8) D0 TX (A−D) D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Next Data Start Bit Parity Bit 5 Data Bits 6 Data Bits 7 Data Bits T22d Active Tx Ready INT (A−D) T23d T24d Active Active IOW 16 Baud Rate Clock Figure 18. Transmit Timing Start Bit Stop Bit Data Bits (5−8) D0 TX (A−D) D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Next Data Start Bit Parity Bit IOW Active D0−D7 Byte 1 T28d T27d TXRDY (A−D) TXRDY Active Transmitter Ready Transmitter Not Ready Figure 19. Transmit Ready Timing in None FIFO Mode POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 23       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 Start Bit Stop Bit Data Bits (5−8) D0 TX (A−D) D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 5 Data Bits 6 Data Bits 7 Data Bits IOW Active D0−D7 Trigger Level T28d T27d TXRDY (A−D) TXRDY Trigger Level Figure 20. Transmit Ready Timing in FIFO Mode 24 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 Parity Bit       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION register map† Each register is selected using address lines A[0], A[1], A[2] and, in some cases, bits from other registers. The programming combinations for register selection are shown in Table 7. Table 7. Register Map − Read/Write Properties A[2] A[1] A[0] 0 0 0 Receive holding register (RHR) READ MODE Transmit holding register (THR) WRITE MODE 0 0 1 Interrupt enable register (IER) Interrupt enable register 0 1 0 Interrupt identification register (IIR) FIFO control register (FCR) 0 1 1 Line control register (LCR) Line control register 1 0 0 Modem control register (MCR) Modem control register 1 0 1 Line status register (LSR) 1 1 0 Modem status register (MSR) 1 1 1 Scratch register (SPR) Scratch register (SPR) 0 0 0 Divisor latch LSB (DLL) Divisor latch LSB (DLL) 0 0 1 Divisor latch MSB (DLH) Divisor latch MSB (DLH 0 1 0 Enhanced feature register (EFR) Enhanced feature register 1 0 0 Xon-1 word Xon-1 word 1 0 1 Xon-2 word Xon-2 word 1 1 0 Xoff-1 word Xoff-1 word 1 1 1 Xoff-2 word Xoff-2 word 1 1 0 Transmission control register (TCR) Transmission control register 1 1 1 Trigger level register (TLR) Trigger level register 1 1 1 FIFO ready register † DLL and DLH are accessible only when LCR bit-7 is 1. Enhanced feature register, Xon1, 2 and Xoff1, 2 are accessible only when LCR is set to 10111111 (8hBF). Transmission control register and trigger level register are accessible only when EFR[4] = 1 and MCR[6] = 1, i.e.. EFR[4] and MCR[6] are read/write enables. FCR FIFORdy register is accessible when any CS A-D = 0, MCR [2] = 1 and loopback MCR [4] = 0 is disabled. MCR[7] can only be modified when EFR[4] is set. POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 25       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION register map (continued) Table 8 lists and describes the TL16C754B internal registers. Table 8. TL16C754B Internal Registers Addr REGISTER BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 READ/ WRITE 000 RHR bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 Read 000 THR bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 Write 001 IER 0/CTS interrupt enable† 0/RTS interrupt enable† 0/Xoff interrupt enable† 0/X Sleep mode† Modem status interrupt Rx line status interrupt THR empty interrupt Rx data available interrupt Read/ Write 010 FCR Rx trigger level Rx trigger level 0/TX trigger level† DMA mode select Resets Tx FIFO Resets Rx FIFO Enables FIFOs Write 010 IIR FCR(0) FCR(0) 0/CTS, RTS† 0/TX trigger level† 0/Xoff† Interrupt priority Bit 2 Interrupt priority Bit 1 Interrupt priority Bit 0 Interrupt status Read 011 LCR DLAB and EFR enable Break control bit Sets parity Parity type select Parity enable No. of stop bits Word length Word length Read/ Write 100 MCR 1x or 4X clock TCR and TLR enable 0/Xon Any 0/Enable loopback IRQ Enable FIFOrdy Enable RTS DTR Read/ Write 101 LSR 0/Error in Rx FIFO THR and TSR empty THR empty Break interrupt Framing error Parity error Over-run error Data in receiver Read 110 MSR CD RI DSR CTS ∆CD ∆RI ∆DSR ∆CTS Read 111 SPR bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 Read/ Write 000 DLL bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 Read/ Write 001 DLH bit 15 bit 14 bit 13 bit 12 bit 11 bit 10 bit 9 bit 8 Read/ Write 010 EFR Auto-CTS Auto-RTS Special character detect Enable enhancedfunctions† S/W flow control Bit 3 S/W flow control Bit 2 S/W flow control Bit 1 S/W flow control Bit 0 Read/ Write 100 Xon1 bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 Read/ Write 101 Xon2 bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 Read/ Write 110 Xoff1 bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 Read/ Write 111 Xoff2 bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 Read/ Write 110 TCR bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 Read/ Write 111 TLR bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 Read/ Write 111 FIFORdy RX FIFO D status RX FIFO C status RX FIFO B status RX FIFO A status TX FIFO D status TX FIFO C status TX FIFO B status TX FIFO A status Read † The shaded bits in the above table can only be modified if EFR[4] is enabled, i.e., if enhanced functions are enabled. NOTE: Refer to the notes under Table 7 for more register access information. 26 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION receiver holding register (RHR) The receiver section consists of the receiver holding register (RHR) and the receiver shift register (RSR). The RHR is actually a 64-byte FIFO. The RSR receives serial data from RX terminal. The data is converted to parallel data and moved to the RHR. The receiver section is controlled by the line control register. If the FIFO is disabled, location zero of the FIFO is used to store the characters. If overflow occurs, characters are lost. The RHR also stores the error status bits associated with each character. transmit holding register (THR) The transmitter section consists of the transmit holding register (THR) and the transmit shift register (TSR). The transmit holding register is actually a 64-byte FIFO. The THR receives data and shifts it into the TSR where it is converted to serial data and moved out on the TX terminal. If the FIFO is disabled, location zero of the FIFO is used to store the byte. Characters are lost if overflow occurs. FIFO control register (FCR) This is a write-only register which is used for enabling the FIFOs, clearing the FIFOs, setting transmitter and receiver trigger levels, and selecting the type of DMA signalling. Table 9 shows FIFO control register bit settings. Table 9. FIFO Control Register (FCR) Bit Settings BIT NO. BIT SETTINGS 0 0 = Disable the transmit and receive FIFOs 1 = Enable the transmit and receive FIFOs 1 0 = No change 1 = Clears the receive FIFO and resets it’s counter logic to zero. Will return to zero after clearing FIFO. 2 0 = No change 1 = Clears the transmit FIFO and resets it’s counter logic to zero. Will return to zero after clearing FIFO. 3 0 = DMA Mode 0 1 = DMA MOde 1 5:4 Sets the trigger level for the TX FIFO: 00 − 8 spaces 01 − 16 spaces 10 − 32 spaces 11 − 56 spaces 7:6 Sets the trigger level for the RX FIFO: 00 − 8 characters 01 − 16 characters 10 − 56 characters 11 − 60 characters NOTE: FCR[5−4] can only be modified and enabled when EFR[4] is set. This is because the transmit trigger level is regarded as an enhanced function. POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 27       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION line control register (LCR) This register controls the data communication format. The word length, number of stop bits, and parity type are selected by writing the appropriate bits to the LCR. Table 10 shows line control register bit settings. Table 10. Line Control Register (LCR) Bit Settings BIT NO. 1:0 BIT SETTINGS Specifies the word length to be transmitted or received. 00 − 5 bits 01 − 6 bits 10 − 7 bits 11 − 8 bits 2 Specifies the number of stop bits: 0 − 1 stop bits (Word length = 5, 6, 7, 8) 1 − 1.5 stop bits (Word length = 5) 1 − 2 stop bits (Word length = 6, 7, 8) 3 0 = No parity 1 = A parity bit is generated during transmission and the receiver checks for received parity. 4 0 = Odd parity is generated (if LCR(3) = 1) 1 = Even parity is generated (if LCR(3) = 1) 5 Selects the forced parity format (if LCR(3) = 1) If LCR(5) = 1 and LCR(4) = 0 the parity bit is forced to 1 in the transmitted and received data. If LCR(5) = 1 and LCR(4) = 1 the parity bit is forced to 0 in the transmitted and received data. 6 Break control bit. 0 = Normal operating condition 1 = Forces the transmitter output to go low to alert the communication terminal. 7 0 = Normal operating condition 1 = Divisor latch enable line status register (LSR) Table 11 shows line status register bit settings. Table 11. Line Status Register (LSR) Bit Settings BIT NO. 28 BIT SETTINGS 0 0 = No data in the receive FIFO 1 = At least one character in the RX FIFO 1 0 = No overrun error 1 = Overrun error has occurred. 2 0 = No parity error in data being read from RX FIFO 1 = Parity error in data being read from RX FIFO 3 0 = No framing error in data being read from RX FIFO 1 = Framing error occurred in data being read from RX FIFO (i.e., received data did not have a valid stop bit) 4 0 = No break condition 1 = A break condition occurred and associated byte is 00. (i.e., RX was low for at least one character time frame). 5 0 = Transmit hold register is NOT empty 1 = Transmit hold register is empty. The processor can now load up to 64 bytes of data into the THR if the TX FIFO is enabled. 6 0 = Transmitter hold AND shift registers are not empty. 1 = Transmitter hold AND shift registers are empty. 7 0 = Normal operation 1 = At least one parity error, framing error or break indication are stored in the receiver FIFO. BIt 7 is cleared when no errors are present in the FIFO. POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION line status register (LSR) (continued) When the LSR is read, LSR[4:2] reflects the error bits [BI, FE, PE] of the character at the top of the RX FIFO (next character to be read). The LSR[4:2] registers do not physically exist, as the data read from the RX FIFO is output directly onto the output data-bus, DI[4:2], when the LSR is read. Therefore, errors in a character are identified by reading the LSR and then reading the RHR. LSR[7] is set when there is an error anywhere in the RX FIFO and is cleared only when there are no more errors remaining in the FIFO. NOTE: Reading the LSR does not cause an increment of the RX FIFO read pointer. The RX FIFO read pointer is incremented by reading the RHR. modem control register (MCR) The MCR controls the interface with the modem, data set, or peripheral device that is emulating the modem. Table 12 shows modem control register bit settings. Table 12. Modem Control Register (MCR) Bit Settings BIT NO. BIT SETTINGS 0 0 = Force DTR output to inactive (high) 1 = Force DTR output to active (low). In loopback controls MSR[5]. 1 0 = Force RTS output to inactive (high) 1 = Force RTS output to active (low). In loopback controls MSR[4]. If Auto-RTS is enabled the RTS output is controlled by hardware flow control 2 0 Disables the FIFORdy register 1 Enable the FIFORdy register. In loopback controls MSR[6]. 3 0 = Forces the IRQ(A-D) outputs to high-impedance state 1 = Forces the IRQ(A-D) outputs to the active state. In loopback controls MSR[7]. 4 0 = Normal operating mode 1 = Enable local loopback mode (internal) In this mode the MCR[3:0] signals are looped back into MSR[3:0] and the TX output is looped back to the RX input internally. 5 0 = Disable Xon Any function 1 = Enable Xon Any function 6 0 = No action 1 = Enable access to the TCR and TLR registers. 7 0 = Divide by one clock input 1 = Divide by four clock input This bit reflects the inverse of the CLKSEL pin value at the trailing edge of the RESET pulse. NOTE: MCR[7:5] can only be modified when EFR[4] is set i.e., EFR[4] is a write enable. POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 29       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION modem status register (MSR) This 8-bit register provides information about the current state of the control lines from the modem, data set, or peripheral device to the processor. It also indicates when a control input from the modem changes state. Table 13 shows modem status register bit settings. Table 13. Modem Status Register (MSR) Bit Settings BIT NO. BIT SETTINGS 0 Indicates that CTS input (or MCR[1] in loopback) has changed state. Cleared on a read. 1 Indicates that DSR input (or MCR[0] in loopback) has changed state. Cleared on a read. 2 Indicates that RI input (or MCR[2] in loopback) has changed state from low to high. Cleared on a read. 3 Indicates that CD input (or MCR[3] in loopback) has changed state. Cleared on a read. 4 This bit is equivalent to MCR[1] during local loop-back mode. It is the complement to the CTS input. 5 This bit is equivalent to MCR[0] during local loop-back mode. It is the complement to the DSR input. 6 This bit is equivalent to MCR[2] during local loop-back mode. It is the complement to the RI input. 7 This bit is equivalent to MCR[3] during local loop-back mode. It is the complement to the CD input. NOTE: The primary inputs RI, CD, CTS, DSR are all active low but their registered equivalents in the MSR and MCR (in loopback) registers are active high. interrupt enable register (IER) The interrupt enable register (IER) enables each of the six types of interrupt, receiver error, RHR interrupt, THR interrupt, Xoff received, or CTS/RTS change of state from low to high. The INT output signal is activated in response to interrupt generation. Table 14 shows interrupt enable register bit settings. Table 14. Interrupt Enable Register (IER) Bit Settings BIT NO. BIT SETTINGS 0 0 = Disable the RHR interrupt 1 = Enable the RHR interrupt 1 0 = Disable the THR interrupt 1 = Enable the THR interrupt 2 0 = Disable the receiver line status interrupt 1 = Enable the receiver line status interrupt 3 0 = Disable the modem status register interrupt 1 = Enable the modem status register interrupt 4 0 = Disable sleep mode 1 = Enable sleep mode 5 0 = Disable the Xoff interrupt 1 = Enable the Xoff interrupt 6 0 = Disable the RTS interrupt 1 = Enable the RTS interrupt 7 0 = Disable the CTS interrupt 1 = Enable the CTS interrupt NOTE: IER[7:4] can only be modified if EFR[4] is set, i.e., EFR[4] is a write enable. Re-enabling IER[1] will cause a new interrupt, if the THR is below the threshold. 30 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION interrupt identification register (IIR) The IIR is a read-only 8-bit register which provides the source of the interrupt in a prioritized manner. Table 15 shows interrupt identification register bit settings. Table 15. Interrupt Identification Register (IIR) Bit Settings BIT NO. BIT SETTINGS 0 0 = An interrupt is pending 1 = No interrupt is pending 3:1 3-Bit encoded interrupt. See Table 14. 4 1 = Xoff/Special character has been detected. 5 CTS/RTS low to high change of state 7:6 Mirror the contents of FCR[0] The interrupt priority list is illustrated in Table 16. Table 16. Interrupt Priority List PRIORITY LEVEL BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 Receiver line status error 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 Receiver timeout interrupt 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 RHR interrupt 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 THR interrupt 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 Modem interrupt 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 Received Xoff signal/special character 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 CTS, RTS change of state from active (low) to inactive (high) INTERRUPT SOURCE enhanced feature register (EFR) This 8-bit register enables or disables the enhanced features of the UART. Table 17 shows the enhanced feature register bit settings. Table 17. Enhanced Feature Register (EFR) Bit Settings BIT NO. 3:0 BIT SETTINGS Combinations of software flow control can be selected by programming bit 3−bit 0. See Table 1. 4 Enhanced functions enable bit. 0 = Disables enhanced functions and writing to IER bits 4−7, FCR bits 4−5, MCR bits 5−7. 1 = Enables the enhanced function IER bits 4−7, FCR bit 4−5, and MCR bits 5−7 can be modified, i.e., this bit is therefore a write enable. 5 0 = Normal operation 1 = Special character detect. Received data is compared with Xoff-2 data. If a match occurs, the received data is transferred to FIFO and IIR bit 4 is set to 1 to indicate a special character has been detected. 6 RTS flow control enable bit 0 = Normal operation 1 = RTS flow control is enabled i.e., RTS pin goes high when the receiver FIFO HALT trigger level TCR[3:0] is reached, and goes low when the receiver FIFO RESTORE transmission trigger level TCR[7:4] is reached. 7 CTS flow control enable bit 0 = Normal operation 1 = CTS flow control is enabled i.e., transmission is halted when a high signal is detected on the CTS pin. POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 31       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION divisor latches (DLL, DLH) Two 8-bit registers store the 16-bit divisor for generation of the baud clock in the baud rate generator. DLH, stores the most significant part of the divisor. DLL stores the least significant part of the division. DLL and DLH can only be written to before sleep mode is enabled (i.e., before IER[4] is set). transmission control register (TCR) This 8-bit register is used to store the receive FIFO threshold levels to start/stop transmission during hardware/software flow control. Table 18 shows transmission control register bit settings. Table 18. Transmission Control Register (TCR) Bit Settings BIT NO. BIT SETTINGS 3:0 RCV FIFO trigger level to HALT transmission (0−60) 7:4 RCV FIFO trigger level to RESTORE transmission (0−60) TCR trigger levels are available from 0−60 bytes with a granularity of four. TCR can only be written to when EFR[4] = 1 and MCR[6] = 1. The programmer must program the TCR such that TCR[3:0] > TCR[7:4]. There is no built-in hardware check to make sure this condition is met. Also, the TCR must be programmed with this condition before Auto-RTS or software flow control is enabled to avoid spurious operation of the device. trigger level register (TLR) This 8-bit register is used to store the transmit and received FIFO trigger levels used for DMA and interrupt generation. Trigger levels from 4−60 can be programmed with a granularity of 4. Table 19 shows trigger level register bit settings. Table 19. Trigger Level Register (TLR) Bit Settings BIT NO. BIT SETTINGS 3:0 Transmit FIFO trigger levels (4−60), number of spaces available 7:4 RCV FIFO trigger levels (4−60), number of characters available TLR can only be written to when EFR[4] = 1 and MCR[6] = 1. If TLR[3:0] or TLR[7:4] are zero, then the selectable trigger levels via the FIFO control register (FCR) are used for the transmit and receive FIFO trigger levels. Trigger levels from 4−60 bytes are available with a granularity of four. The TLR should be programmed for N/4, where N is the desired trigger level. FIFO ready register The FIFO ready register provides real-time status of the transmit and receive FIFOs. Table 20 shows the FIFO ready register bit settings. Table 20. FIFO Ready Register BIT NO. BIT SETTINGS 3:0 0 = There are less than a TX trigger level number of spaces available in the TX FIFO. 1 = There are at least a TX trigger level number of spaces available in the TX FIFO 7:4 0 = There are less than a RX trigger level number of characters in the RX FIFO. 1 = The RX FIFO has more than a RX trigger level number of characters available for reading OR a timeout condition has occurred. The FIFORdy register is a read only register and can be accessed when any of the four UARTs are selected CS A-D = 0, MCR[2] (FIFORdy Enable) is a 1 and loopback is disabled. Its address space is 111. 32 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION TL16C754B Programmer’s Guide The base set of registers that are used during high speed data transfer have a straightforward access method. The extended function registers require special access bits to be decoded along with the address lines. The following guide will help with programming these registers. Note that the descriptions below are for individual register access. Some streamlining through interleaving can be obtained when programming all the registers. Set baud rate to VALUE1,VALUE2 Read LCR (03), save in temp Set LCR (03) to 80 Set DLL (00) to VALUE1 Set DLM (01) to VALUE2 Set LCR (03) to temp Set Xoff1,Xon1 to VALUE1,VALUE2 Read LCR (03), save in temp Set LCR (03) to BF Set Xoff1 (06) to VALUE1 Set Xon1 (04) to VALUE2 Set LCR (03) to temp Set Xoff2,Xon2 to VALUE1,VALUE2 Read LCR (03), save in temp Set LCR (03) to BF Set Xoff2 (07) to VALUE1 Set Xon2 (05) to VALUE2 Set LCR (03) to temp Set software flow control mode to VALUE Read LCR (03), save in temp Set LCR (03) to BF Set EFR (02) to VALUE Set LCR (03) to temp Set flow control threshold to VALUE Read LCR (03), save in temp1 Set LCR (03) to BF Read EFR (02), save in temp2 Set EFR (02) to 10 + temp2 Set LCR (03) to 00 Read MCR (04), save in temp3 Set MCR (04) to 40 + temp3 Set TCR (06) to VALUE Set LCR (03) to BF Set EFR (02) to temp2 Set LCR (03) to temp1 Set MCR (04) to temp3 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 33       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 Set xmt and rcv FIFO thresholds to VALUE Read LCR (03), save in temp1 Set LCR (03) to BF Read EFR (02), save in temp2 Set EFR (02) to 10 + temp2 Set LCR (03) to 00 Read MCR (04), save in temp3 Set MCR (04) to 40 + temp3 Set TLR (07) to VALUE Set LCR (03) to BF Set EFR (02) to temp2 Set LCR (03) to temp1 Set MCR (04) to temp3 Read FIFORdy register Read MCR (04), save in temp1 Set temp2 = temp1 * EF Set MCR (04), save in temp2 Read FRR (07), save in temp2 Pass temp2 back to host Set MCR (04) to temp1 revision history REVISION DESCRIPTION of CHANGES SLLS397 Original SLLS397A Changed Absolute Maximum Storage Temperature 34 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 MECHANICAL DATA FN (S-PQCC-J**) PLASTIC J-LEADED CHIP CARRIER 20 PIN SHOWN Seating Plane 0.004 (0,10) 0.180 (4,57) MAX 0.120 (3,05) 0.090 (2,29) D D1 0.020 (0,51) MIN 3 1 19 0.032 (0,81) 0.026 (0,66) 4 E 18 D2 / E2 E1 D2 / E2 8 14 0.021 (0,53) 0.013 (0,33) 0.007 (0,18) M 0.050 (1,27) 9 13 0.008 (0,20) NOM D/E D2 / E2 D1 / E1 NO. OF PINS ** MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 20 0.385 (9,78) 0.395 (10,03) 0.350 (8,89) 0.356 (9,04) 0.141 (3,58) 0.169 (4,29) 28 0.485 (12,32) 0.495 (12,57) 0.450 (11,43) 0.456 (11,58) 0.191 (4,85) 0.219 (5,56) 44 0.685 (17,40) 0.695 (17,65) 0.650 (16,51) 0.656 (16,66) 0.291 (7,39) 0.319 (8,10) 52 0.785 (19,94) 0.795 (20,19) 0.750 (19,05) 0.756 (19,20) 0.341 (8,66) 0.369 (9,37) 68 0.985 (25,02) 0.995 (25,27) 0.950 (24,13) 0.958 (24,33) 0.441 (11,20) 0.469 (11,91) 84 1.185 (30,10) 1.195 (30,35) 1.150 (29,21) 1.158 (29,41) 0.541 (13,74) 0.569 (14,45) 4040005 / B 03/95 NOTES: A. All linear dimensions are in inches (millimeters). B. This drawing is subject to change without notice. C. Falls within JEDEC MS-018 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 35       SLLS397A − NOVEMBER 1999 − REVISED JUNE 2004 MECHANICAL DATA PN (S-PQFP-G80) PLASTIC QUAD FLATPACK 0,27 0,17 0,50 0,08 M 41 60 61 40 80 21 0,13 NOM 1 20 Gage Plane 9,50 TYP 12,20 SQ 11,80 14,20 SQ 13,80 0,25 0,05 MIN 0°−ā 7° 0,75 0,45 1,45 1,35 Seating Plane 0,08 1,60 MAX 4040135 / B 11/96 NOTES: A. All linear dimensions are in millimeters. B. This drawing is subject to change without notice. C. Falls within JEDEC MS-026 36 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 13-Aug-2021 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan (2) Lead finish/ Ball material MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) (3) Device Marking (4/5) (6) TL16C754BFN ACTIVE PLCC FN 68 18 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 TL16C754BFN TL16C754BPN ACTIVE LQFP PN 80 119 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 TL16C754BPN TL16C754BPNG4 ACTIVE LQFP PN 80 119 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 TL16C754BPN TL16C754BPNR ACTIVE LQFP PN 80 1000 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 TL16C754BPN (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. (2) RoHS: TI defines "RoHS" to mean semiconductor products that are compliant with the current EU RoHS requirements for all 10 RoHS substances, including the requirement that RoHS substance do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, "RoHS" products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. TI may reference these types of products as "Pb-Free". RoHS Exempt: TI defines "RoHS Exempt" to mean products that contain lead but are compliant with EU RoHS pursuant to a specific EU RoHS exemption. Green: TI defines "Green" to mean the content of Chlorine (Cl) and Bromine (Br) based flame retardants meet JS709B low halogen requirements of
TL16C754BPNR 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 1+201.08990
  • 10+185.62150
  • 100+170.15300
  • 1000+154.68450


    •  国内价格
    • 1+139.21600
