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TLC5916IDR 数据手册
Sample & Buy Product Folder Support & Community Tools & Software Technical Documents TLC5916, TLC5917 SLVS695D – JUNE 2007 – REVISED JANUARY 2015 TLC591x 8-Channel Constant-Current LED Sink Drivers 1 Features 3 Description • • The TLC591x Constant-Current LED Sink Drivers are designed to work alone or cascaded. Since each output is independently controlled, they can be programmed to be on or off by the user. The high LED voltage (VLED) allows for the use of a single LED per output or multiple LEDs on a single string. With independently controlled outputs supplied with constant current, the LEDs can be combined in parallel to create higher currents on a single string. The constant sink current for all channels is set through a single external resistor. This allows different LED drivers in the same application to sink various currents which provides optional implementation of multi-color LEDs. An additional advantage of the independent outputs is the ability to leave unused channels floating. The flexibility of the TLC591x LED drivers is ideal for applications such as (but not limited to): 7-segment displays, scrolling single color displays, gaming machines, white goods, video billboards and video panels. 1 • • • • • • • • • • • Eight Constant-Current Output Channels Output Current Adjusted Through Single External Resistor Constant Output Current Range: 3-mA to 120-mA per Channel Constant Output Current Invariant to Load Voltage Change Open Load, Short Load and Overtemperature Detection 256-Step Programmable Global Current Gain Excellent Output Current Accuracy: – Between Channels: < ±3% (Maximum) – Between ICs: < ±6% (Maximum) Fast Response of Output Current 30-MHz Clock Frequency Schmitt-Trigger Input 3.3-V or 5-V Supply Voltage Maximum LED Voltage 20-V Thermal Shutdown for Overtemperature Protection Device Information(1) PART NUMBER TLC5916 2 Applications • • • • • • General LED Lighting Applications LED Display Systems LED Signage Automotive LED Lighting White Goods Gaming Machines/Entertainment TLC5917 PACKAGE BODY SIZE (NOM) SOIC (16) 9.90 mm × 3.91 mm PDIP (16) 19.30 mm × 6.35 mm TSSOP (16) 5.00 mm × 4.40 mm SOIC (16) 9.90 mm × 3.91 mm PDIP (16) 19.30 mm × 6.35 mm TSSOP (16) 5.00 mm × 4.40 mm (1) For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at the end of the datasheet. Single Implementation of TLC5916 / TLC5917 Device 3.0V to 5.5V VLED Controller SDI SDI CLK CLK LE LE OE OE OUT7 . . . OUT6 OUT1 OUT0 . . . VDD TLC5917 SDO To Controller if Error Detection Used R-EXT GND 1 An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety-critical applications, intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. PRODUCTION DATA. TLC5916, TLC5917 SLVS695D – JUNE 2007 – REVISED JANUARY 2015 www.ti.com Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Features .................................................................. Applications ........................................................... Description ............................................................. Revision History..................................................... Device Comparison Table..................................... Pin Configuration and Functions ......................... Specifications......................................................... 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 4 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 Absolute Maximum Ratings ...................................... ESD Ratings.............................................................. Recommended Operating Conditions....................... Thermal Information .................................................. Electrical Characteristics: VDD = 3 V......................... Electrical Characteristics: VDD = 5.5 V...................... Switching Characteristics: VDD = 3 V........................ Switching Characteristics: VDD = 5.5 V..................... Timing Requirements ................................................ Typical Characteristics ............................................ Parameter Measurement Information ................ 10 9 Detailed Description ............................................ 13 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Overview ................................................................. Functional Block Diagram ....................................... Feature Description................................................. Device Functional Modes........................................ 13 14 14 16 10 Application and Implementation........................ 21 10.1 Application Information.......................................... 21 10.2 Typical Application ................................................ 24 11 Power Supply Recommendations ..................... 27 12 Layout................................................................... 27 12.1 Layout Guidelines ................................................. 27 12.2 Layout Example .................................................... 27 13 Device and Documentation Support ................. 29 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 Related Links ........................................................ Trademarks ........................................................... Electrostatic Discharge Caution ............................ Glossary ................................................................ 29 29 29 29 14 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information ........................................................... 29 4 Revision History NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version. Changes from Revision C (February 2011) to Revision D • Added Pin Configuration and Functions section, ESD Ratings table, Feature Description section, Device Functional Modes, Application and Implementation section, Power Supply Recommendations section, Layout section, Device and Documentation Support section, and Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information section .............................. 1 Changes from Revision B (February 2011) to Revision C • Page Page Replaced the Power Dissipation and Thermal Impedance table with the Thermal Information tables .................................. 4 Changes from Revision A (November 2010) to Revision B Page • Added Maximum LED Voltage 20-V to Features. .................................................................................................................. 1 • Added Abstract section........................................................................................................................................................... 1 • Changed resistor value in Single Implementation diagram from 840Ω to 720Ω. ................................................................. 13 • Changed Default Relationship Curve to reflect correct data. .............................................................................................. 21 • Changed resistor value in Cascading Implementation diagram from 840Ω to 720Ω. .......................................................... 22 • Changed resistor value in Single Implementation diagram from 840Ω to 720Ω. ................................................................. 24 2 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2007–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLC5916 TLC5917 TLC5916, TLC5917 www.ti.com SLVS695D – JUNE 2007 – REVISED JANUARY 2015 5 Device Comparison Table OVERTEMPERATURE DETECTION OPEN-LOAD DETECTION SHORT TO GND DETECTION SHORT TO VLED DETECTION TLC5916 X X X — TLC5917 X X X X DEVICE (1) (1) The device has one single error register for all these conditions (one error bit per channel). 6 Pin Configuration and Functions 16-PIN D, N, OR PW PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) GND SDI CLK LE(ED1) OUT0 OUT1 OUT2 OUT3 1 16 2 15 3 14 4 5 13 12 6 11 7 10 8 9 VDD R-EXT SDO OE(ED2) OUT7 OUT6 OUT5 OUT4 Pin Functions PIN NAME NO. I/O DESCRIPTION CLK 3 I Clock input for data shift on rising edge GND 1 – Ground for control logic and current sink LE(ED1) 4 I Data strobe input Serial data is transferred to the respective latch when LE(ED1) is high. The data is latched when LE(ED1) goes low. Also, a control signal input for an Error Detection Mode and Current Adjust Mode (see Timing Diagram). LE(ED1) has an internal pulldown. OE(ED2) 13 I Output enable. When OE(ED2) is active (low), the output drivers are enabled; when OE(ED2) is high, all output drivers are turned OFF (blanked). Also, a control signal input for an Error Detection Mode and Current Adjust Mode (see Figure 11). OE(ED2) has an internal pullup. OUT0 to OUT7 5 to 12 O Constant-current outputs R-EXT 15 I External Resistor - Connect an external resistor to ground to set the current for all outputs SDI 2 I Serial-data input to the Shift register SDO 14 O Serial-data output to the following SDI of next driver IC or to the microcontroller VDD 16 I Supply voltage Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2007–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLC5916 TLC5917 3 TLC5916, TLC5917 SLVS695D – JUNE 2007 – REVISED JANUARY 2015 www.ti.com 7 Specifications 7.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) (1) MIN MAX UNIT 0 7 V Input voltage –0.4 VDD + 0.4 V Output voltage –0.5 20 V Clock frequency 25 MHz IOUT Output current 120 mA IGND GND terminal current 960 mA TA Operating free-air temperature –40 125 °C TJ Operating junction temperature –40 150 °C Tstg Storage temperature –55 150 °C VDD Supply voltage VI VO fclk (1) Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, which do not imply functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under Recommended Operating Conditions. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 7.2 ESD Ratings VALUE V(ESD) (1) (2) Electrostatic discharge Human-body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 (1) ±1500 Charged-device model (CDM), per JEDEC specification JESD22C101 (2) ±500 UNIT V JEDEC document JEP155 states that 500-V HBM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. JEDEC document JEP157 states that 250-V CDM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. 7.3 Recommended Operating Conditions VDD Supply voltage VO Supply voltage to output pins MIN MAX 3 5.5 V 20 V OUT0–OUT7 VO ≥ 0.6 V 3 UNIT IO Output current DC test circuit IOH High-level output current source SDO shorted to GND –1 mA IOL Low-level output current sink SDO shorted to VCC 1 mA VIH High-level input voltage CLK, OE(ED2), LE(ED1), and SDI 0.7 × VDD VDD V VIL Low-level input voltage CLK, OE(ED2), LE(ED1), and SDI 0 0.3 × VDD V VO ≥ 1 V 120 mA 7.4 Thermal Information TLC5916 THERMAL METRIC (1) RθJA TLC5917 16 PINS Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance 16 PINS UNIT D N PW D N PW 87.4 51.8 113.9 87.4 51.8 114.8 RθJC(top) Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance 48.1 39.1 35.2 48.1 39.1 35.9 RθJB Junction-to-board thermal resistance 44.4 31.8 59.2 44.4 31.8 59.8 ψJT Junction-to-top characterization parameter 12.5 23.9 1.3 12.5 23.9 1.3 ψJB Junction-to-board characterization parameter 44.2 31.7 58.5 44.2 31.7 59.2 — — — — — — RθJC(bot) Junction-to-case (bottom) thermal resistance (1) 4 °C/W For more information about traditional and new thermal metrics, see the IC Package Thermal Metrics application report, SPRA953. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2007–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLC5916 TLC5917 TLC5916, TLC5917 www.ti.com SLVS695D – JUNE 2007 – REVISED JANUARY 2015 7.5 Electrical Characteristics: VDD = 3 V VDD = 3 V, TJ = –40°C to 125°C (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VDD Input voltage VO Supply voltage to the output pins MIN TYP (1) 3 VO ≥ 0.6 V IO Output current IOH High-level output current, source IOL Low-level output current, sink VIH High-level input voltage VIL Low-level input voltage MAX 5.5 V 20 V 3 VO ≥ 1 V 120 –1 mA 0.7 × VDD VDD V GND 0.3 × VDD V TJ = 25°C 0.5 Output leakage current VOH = 17 V VOH High-level output voltage SDO, IOL = –1 mA VOL Low-level output voltage SDO, IOH = 1 mA Output current 1 VOUT = 0.6 V, Rext = 720 Ω, CG = 0.992 Output current error, die-die IOL = 26 mA, VO = 0.6 V, Rext = 720 Ω, TJ = 25°C ±3% ±6% Output current skew, channel-tochannel IOL = 26 mA, VO = 0.6 V, Rext = 720 Ω, TJ = 25°C ±1.5% ±3% Output current 2 VO = 0.8 V, Rext = 360 Ω, CG = 0.992 Output current error, die-die IOL = 52 mA, VO = 0.8 V, Rext = 360 Ω, TJ = 25°C ±2% ±6% Output current skew, channel-tochannel IOL = 52 mA, VO = 0.8 V, Rext = 360 Ω, TJ = 25°C ±1.5% ±3% IO(2) IOUT vs VOUT TJ = 125°C 2 VDD – 0.4 26 %/V ±1 Pullup resistance OE(ED2) 500 kΩ Pulldown resistance LE(ED1) 500 kΩ (2) Overtemperature shutdown Restart temperature hysteresis (2) IOUT,Th Threshold current for open error detection IOUT,target = 3 mA to 120 mA VOUT,TTh Trigger threshold voltage for short-error detection (TLC5917 only) IOUT,target = 3 mA to 120 mA 2.5 VOUT, RTh Return threshold voltage for short-error detection (TLC5917 only) IOUT,target = 3 mA to 120 mA 2.2 150 Supply current 175 200 15 Rext = Open (2) mA ±0.1 VDD = 3.0 V to 5.5 V, IO = 26 mA/120 mA Thys (1) V mA 52 Tsd IDD μA V 0.4 VO = 1 V to 3 V, IO = 26 mA Output current vs output voltage regulation mA mA 1 Ileak IO(1) UNIT °C °C 0.5 × Itarget % 2.7 3.1 V V 5 10 Rext = 720 Ω 8 14 Rext = 360 Ω 11 18 Rext = 180 Ω 16 22 mA Typical values represent the likely parametric nominal values determined at the time of characterization. Typical values depend on the application and configuration and may vary over time. Typical values are not ensured on production material. Specified by design. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2007–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLC5916 TLC5917 5 TLC5916, TLC5917 SLVS695D – JUNE 2007 – REVISED JANUARY 2015 www.ti.com 7.6 Electrical Characteristics: VDD = 5.5 V VDD = 5.5 V, TJ = –40°C to 125°C (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VDD Input voltage VO Supply voltage to the output pins MIN TYP (1) 3 VO ≥ 0.6 V IO Output current IOH High-level output current, source IOL Low-level output current, sink VIH High-level input voltage VIL Low-level input voltage MAX V 20 V 3 VO ≥ 1 V 120 –1 mA 0.7 × VDD VDD V GND 0.3 × VDD V TJ = 25°C 0.5 Output leakage current VOH = 17 V VOH High-level output voltage SDO, IOL = –1 mA VOL Low-level output voltage SDO, IOH = 1 mA Output current 1 VOUT = 0.6 V, Rext = 720 Ω, CG = 0.992 Output current error, die-die IOL = 26 mA, VO = 0.6 V, Rext = 720 Ω, TJ = 25°C ±3% ±6% Output current skew, channel-tochannel IOL = 26 mA, VO = 0.6 V, Rext = 720 Ω, TJ = 25°C ±1.5% ±3% Output current 2 VO = 0.8 V, Rext = 360 Ω, CG = 0.992 Output current error, die-die IOL = 52 mA, VO = 0.8 V, Rext = 360 Ω, TJ = 25°C ±2% ±6% Output current skew, channel-tochannel IOL = 52 mA, VO = 0.8 V, Rext = 360 Ω, TJ = 25°C ±1.5% ±3% IO(2) IOUT vs VOUT TJ = 125°C 2 VDD – 0.4 26 Pullup resistance OE(ED2), 500 kΩ Pulldown resistance LE(ED1), 500 kΩ (2) Restart temperature hysteresis (2) IOUT,Th Threshold current for open error detection IOUT,target = 3 mA to 120 mA VOUT,TTh Trigger threshold voltage for short-error detection (TLC5917 only) IOUT,target = 3 mA to 120 mA 2.5 VOUT, RTh Return threshold voltage for short-error detection (TLC5917 only) IOUT,target = 3 mA to 120 mA 2.2 6 %/V ±1 Overtemperature shutdown (2) mA ±0.1 VDD = 3.0 V to 5.5 V, IO = 26 mA/120 mA Thys (1) V mA 52 Tsd IDD μA V 0.4 VO = 1 V to 3 V , IO = 26 mA Output current vs output voltage regulation mA mA 1 Ileak IO(1) UNIT 5.5 Supply current 150 175 200 15 °C °C 0.5 × Itarget% 2.7 3.1 V V Rext = Open 6 10 Rext = 720 Ω 11 14 Rext = 360 Ω 13 18 Rext = 180 Ω 19 24 mA Typical values represent the likely parametric nominal values determined at the time of characterization. Typical values depend on the application and configuration and may vary over time. Typical values are not ensured on production material. Specified by design. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2007–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLC5916 TLC5917 TLC5916, TLC5917 www.ti.com SLVS695D – JUNE 2007 – REVISED JANUARY 2015 7.7 Switching Characteristics: VDD = 3 V VDD = 3 V, TJ = –40°C to 125°C (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP (1) MAX UNIT tPLH1 Low-to-high propagation delay time, CLK to OUTn 40 65 95 ns tPLH2 Low-to-high propagation delay time, LE(ED1) to OUTn 40 65 95 ns tPLH3 Low-to-high propagation delay time, OE(ED2) to OUTn 40 65 95 ns tPLH4 Low-to-high propagation delay time, CLK to SDO 12 20 30 ns tPHL1 High-to-low propagation delay time, CLK to OUTn 300 365 ns tPHL2 High-to-low propagation delay time, LE(ED1) to OUTn 300 365 ns tPHL3 High-to-low propagation delay time, OE(ED2) to OUTn 300 365 ns tPHL4 High-to-low propagation delay time, CLK to SDO 12 20 30 ns tw(CLK) Pulse duration, CLK 20 ns tw(L) Pulse duration, LE(ED1) 20 ns tw(OE) Pulse duration, OE(ED2) 500 ns tw(ED2) Pulse duration, OE(ED2) in Error Detection Mode th(ED1,ED2) Hold time, LE(ED1) and OE(ED2) th(D) Hold time, SDI tsu(D,ED1) Setup time, SDI, LE(ED1) tsu(ED2) Setup time, OE(ED2) th(L) Hold time, LE(ED1), Normal Mode 15 ns tsu(L) Setup time, LE(ED1), Normal Mode 15 tr Rise time, CLK (2) 500 ns tf Fall time, CLK (2) 500 ns tor Rise time, outputs (off) tor Rise time, outputs (off), TJ = 25°C tof Rise time, outputs (on) tof Rise time, outputs (on), TJ = 25°C fCLK Clock frequency (1) (2) VIH = VDD, VIL = GND, Rext = 360 Ω, VL = 4 V, RL = 44 Ω, CL = 10 pF, CG = 0.992 Cascade operation 2 μs 10 ns 2 ns 3 ns 8.5 ns ns 40 85 105 ns 83 100 ns 100 280 370 ns 170 225 ns 30 MHz Typical values represent the likely parametric nominal values determined at the time of characterization. Typical values depend on the application and configuration and may vary over time. Typical values are not ensured on production material. If the devices are connected in cascade and tr or tf is large, it may be critical to achieve the timing required for data transfer between two cascaded devices. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2007–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLC5916 TLC5917 7 TLC5916, TLC5917 SLVS695D – JUNE 2007 – REVISED JANUARY 2015 www.ti.com 7.8 Switching Characteristics: VDD = 5.5 V VDD = 5.5 V, TJ = –40°C to 125°C (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP (1) MAX UNIT tPLH1 Low-to-high propagation delay time, CLK to OUTn 40 65 95 ns tPLH2 Low-to-high propagation delay time, LE(ED1) to OUTn 40 65 95 ns tPLH3 Low-to-high propagation delay time, OE(ED2) to OUTn 40 65 95 ns tPLH4 Low-to-high propagation delay time, CLK to SDO 8 20 30 ns tPHL1 High-to-low propagation delay time, CLK to OUTn 300 365 ns tPHL2 High-to-low propagation delay time, LE(ED1) to OUTn 300 365 ns tPHL3 High-to-low propagation delay time, OE(ED2) to OUTn 300 365 ns tPHL4 High-to-low propagation delay time, CLK to SDO 20 30 ns tw(CLK) Pulse duration, CLK tw(L) tw(OE) tw(ED2) Pulse duration, OE(ED2) in Error Detection Mode th(D,ED1,ED2) Hold time, SDI, LE(ED1), and OE(ED2) th(D) Hold time, SDI tsu(D,ED1) Setup time, SDI, LE(ED1) tsu(ED2) 8 20 ns Pulse duration, LE(ED1) 20 ns Pulse duration, OE(ED2) 500 ns 2 μs 10 ns 2 ns 3 ns Setup time, OE(ED2) 8.5 ns th(L) Hold time, LE(ED1), Normal Mode 15 ns tsu(L) Setup time, LE(ED1), Normal Mode 15 tr Rise time, CLK (2) Fall time, CLK tor Rise time, outputs (off) tor Rise time, outputs (off), TJ = 25°C tof Rise time, outputs (on) tof Rise time, outputs (on), TJ = 25°C fCLK Clock frequency (2) 8 ns (2) tf (1) VIH = VDD, VIL = GND, Rext = 360 Ω, VL = 4 V, RL = 44 Ω, CL = 10 pF, CG = 0.992 40 100 Cascade operation 500 ns 500 ns 85 105 ns 83 100 ns 280 370 ns 170 225 ns 30 MHz Typical values represent the likely parametric nominal values determined at the time of characterization. Typical values depend on the application and configuration and may vary over time. Typical values are not ensured on production material. If the devices are connected in cascade and tr or tf is large, it may be critical to achieve the timing required for data transfer between two cascaded devices. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2007–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLC5916 TLC5917 TLC5916, TLC5917 www.ti.com SLVS695D – JUNE 2007 – REVISED JANUARY 2015 7.9 Timing Requirements VDD = 3 V to 5.5 V (unless otherwise noted) MIN MAX UNIT tw(L) LE(ED1) pulse duration Normal Mode 20 ns tw(CLK) CLK pulse duration Normal Mode 20 ns Normal Mode, IOUT < 60 mA 500 Normal Mode, IOUT > 60 mA 700 tw(OE) OE(ED2) pulse duration ns tsu(D) Setup time for SDI Normal Mode 3 ns th(D) Hold time for SDI Normal Mode 2 ns tsu(L) Setup time for LE(ED1) Normal Mode 15 ns th(L) Hold time for LE(ED1) Normal Mode 15 ns tw(CLK) CLK pulse duration Error Detection Mode 20 ns tw(ED2) OE(ED2) pulse duration Error Detection Mode 2000 ns tsu(ED1) Setup time for LE(ED1) Error Detection Mode 4 ns th(ED1) Hold time for LE(ED1) Error Detection Mode 10 ns tsu(ED2) Setup time for OE(ED2) Error Detection Mode 6 ns th(ED2) Hold time for OE(ED2) Error Detection Mode 10 ns fCLK Clock frequency Cascade operation 30 MHz 7.10 Typical Characteristics Turn on only one channel Channel 1 LE = 5 V (active) OE = GND (active) OE CLK OUTn OUT1 Figure 1. Response Time, CLK to OUTn Figure 2. Response Time, OE to OUT1 150 Turn on only one channel Channel 8 Temperature = 25°C IO = 120 mA 125 Output Current (mA) IO = 100 mA OE 100 IO = 80 mA 75 IO = 60 mA 50 IO = 40 mA OUT7 IO = 20 mA 25 IO = 5 mA 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Output Voltage (V) Figure 3. Response Time, OE to OUT7 Figure 4. Output Current vs Output Voltage Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2007–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLC5916 TLC5917 9 TLC5916, TLC5917 SLVS695D – JUNE 2007 – REVISED JANUARY 2015 www.ti.com 8 Parameter Measurement Information IDD VDD OE(ED2) IIH, IIL IOUT OUT0 CLK LE(ED1) OUT7 SDI VIH, VIL R-EXT GND SDO Iref Figure 5. Test Circuit for Electrical Characteristics IDD IOUT VDD VIH, VIL OE(ED2) CLK LE(ED1) Function Generator OUT0 OUT7 RL CL SDI Logic Input Waveform VIH = 5 V VIL = 0V R-EXT GND SDO Iref CL VL Figure 6. Test Circuit for Switching Characteristics 10 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2007–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLC5916 TLC5917 TLC5916, TLC5917 www.ti.com SLVS695D – JUNE 2007 – REVISED JANUARY 2015 Parameter Measurement Information (continued) tw(CLK) 50% CLK 50% tsu(D) SDI 50% 50% th(D) 50% 50% tPLH4, tPHL4 50% SDO tw(L) 50% LE(ED1) tsu(L) th(L) OE(ED2) LOW tPLH2, tPHL2 Output off OUTn 50% Output on tPLH1, tPHL1 tw(OE) OE(ED2) HIGH 50% 50% tPLH3 tPHL3 Output off 80% 80% OUTn 50% 50% 20% tof 20% tor Figure 7. Normal Mode Timing Waveforms Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2007–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLC5916 TLC5917 11 TLC5916, TLC5917 SLVS695D – JUNE 2007 – REVISED JANUARY 2015 www.ti.com Parameter Measurement Information (continued) tw(CLK) 50% CLK tsu(ED2) OE(ED2) th(ED2) 50% tsu(ED1) LE(ED1) th(ED1) 50% 2 CLK Figure 8. Switching to Special Mode Timing Waveforms CLK OE(ED2) 50% 50% tw(ED2) Figure 9. Reading Error Status Code Timing Waveforms 12 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2007–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLC5916 TLC5917 TLC5916, TLC5917 www.ti.com SLVS695D – JUNE 2007 – REVISED JANUARY 2015 9 Detailed Description 9.1 Overview The TLC591x is designed for LED displays and LED lighting applications with constant-current control and openload, shorted-load, and overtemperature detection. The TLC591x contains an 8-bit shift register and data latches, which convert serial input data into parallel output format. At the output stage, eight regulated current ports are designed to provide uniform and constant current for driving LEDs within a wide range of LED Forward Voltage (VF) variations. Used in system design for LED display applications, for example, LED panels, it provides great flexibility and device performance. Users can adjust the output current from 3 mA to 120 mA per channel through an external resistor, Rext, which gives flexibility in controlling the light intensity of LEDs. The devices are designed for up to 20 V at the output port. The high clock frequency, 30 MHz, also satisfies the system requirements of high-volume data transmission. The TLC591x provides two operation modes: Normal Mode and Special Mode. Normal mode is used for shifting LED data into and out of the driver. Special Mode includes two functions: Error Detection and Current Gain Control. The two operation modes include three phases: Normal Mode phase, Mode Switching transition phase, and Special Mode phase. The signal on the multiple function pin OE(ED2) is monitored to determine the mode. When a one-clock-wide pulse appears on OE(ED2), the device enters the Mode Switching phase. At this time, the voltage level on LE(ED1) determines which mode the TLC591x switches to. In the Normal Mode phase, the serial data can be transferred into TLC591x through the pin SDI, shifted in the shift register, and transferred out via the pin SDO. LE(ED1) can latch the serial data in the shift register to the output latch. OE(ED2) enables the output drivers to sink current. In the Special Mode phase, the low-voltage-level signal on OE(ED2) can enable output channels and detect the status of the output current to determine if the driving current level is sufficient. The detected Error Status is loaded into the 8-bit shift register and shifted out via the pin SDO, synchronous to the CLK signal. The system controller can read the error status and determine if the LEDs are properly lit. In the Special Mode phase, the TLC591x allows users to adjust the output current level by setting a runtimeprogrammable Configuration Code. The code is sent into the TLC591x through SDI. The positive pulse of LE(ED1) latches the code in the shift register into a built-in 8-bit configuration latch, instead of the output latch. The code affects the voltage at the terminal R-EXT and controls the output-current regulator. The output current can be finely adjusted by a gain ranging from 1/12 to 127/128 in 256 steps. Therefore, the current skew between ICs can be compensated within less than 1%. This feature is suitable for white balancing in LED color display panels. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2007–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLC5916 TLC5917 13 TLC5916, TLC5917 SLVS695D – JUNE 2007 – REVISED JANUARY 2015 www.ti.com 9.2 Functional Block Diagram OUT0 OUT1 OUT6 OUT7 I/O Regulator R-EXT 8 OE(ED2) Output Driver and Error Detection Control Logic 8 8 VDD 8-Bit Output Latch LE(ED1) Configuration Latches 8 CLK 8 8-Bit Shift Register SDI SDO 8 9.3 Feature Description 9.3.1 Open-Circuit Detection Principle The LED Open-Circuit Detection compares the effective current level Iout with the open load detection threshold current IOUT,Th. If IOUT is below the IOUT,Th threshold, the TLC591x detects an open-load condition. This error status can be read as an error status code in the Special Mode. For open-circuit error detection, a channel must be on. Table 1. Open-Circuit Detection STATE OF OUTPUT PORT CONDITION OF OUTPUT CURRENT ERROR STATUS CODE MEANING Off IOUT = 0 mA On (1) 0 Detection not possible IOUT < IOUT,Th (1) 0 Open circuit IOUT ≥ IOUT,Th (1) Channel n error status bit 1 Normal IOUT,Th = 0.5 × IOUT,target (typical) 9.3.2 Short-Circuit Detection Principle (TLC5917 Only) The LED short-circuit detection compares the effective voltage level (VOUT) with the shorted-load detection threshold voltages VOUT,TTh and VOUT,RTh. If VOUT is above the VOUT,TTh threshold, the TLC5917 detects an shorted-load condition. If VOUT is below the VOUT,RTh threshold, no error is detected/error bit is reset. This error status can be read as an error status code in the Special Mode. For short-circuit error detection, a channel must be on. 14 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2007–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLC5916 TLC5917 TLC5916, TLC5917 www.ti.com SLVS695D – JUNE 2007 – REVISED JANUARY 2015 Table 2. Shorted-Load Detection STATE OF OUTPUT PORT CONDITION OF OUTPUT VOLTAGE ERROR STATUS CODE MEANING Off IOUT = 0 mA 0 Detection not possible VOUT ≥ VOUT,TTh 0 Short circuit VOUT < VOUT,RTh 1 Normal On Minimum Return Threshold Minimum Trigger Threshold 2.2 V 2.5 V Maximum Trigger Threshold No Fault Short Fault 3.1 V VOUT,RTh VOUT,TTh VOUT Figure 10. Short-Circuit Detection Principle 9.3.3 Overtemperature Detection and Shutdown TLC591x is equipped with a global overtemperature sensor and eight individual, channel-specific, overtemperature sensors. • When the global sensor reaches the trip temperature, all output channels are shut down, and the error status is stored in the internal Error Status register of every channel. After shutdown, the channels automatically restart after cooling down, if the control signal (output latch) remains on. The stored error status is not reset after cooling down and can be read out as the error status code in the Special Mode. • When one of the channel-specific sensors reaches trip temperature, only the affected output channel is shut down, and the error status is stored only in the internal Error Status register of the affected channel. After shutdown, the channel automatically restarts after cooling down, if the control signal (output latch) remains on. The stored error status is not reset after cooling down and can be read out as error status code in the Special Mode. For channel-specific overtemperature error detection, a channel must be on. The error status code is reset when TLC591x returns to Normal Mode. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2007–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLC5916 TLC5917 15 TLC5916, TLC5917 SLVS695D – JUNE 2007 – REVISED JANUARY 2015 www.ti.com Table 3. Overtemperature Detection (1) (1) STATE OF OUTPUT PORT CONDITION ERROR STATUS CODE Off IOUT = 0 mA 0 MEANING On On → all channels Off Tj < Tj,trip global 1 Normal Tj > Tj,trip global All error status bits = 0 Global overtemperature On On → Off Tj < Tj,trip channel n 1 Normal Tj > Tj,trip channel n Channel n error status bit = 0 Channel n overtemperature The global shutdown threshold temperature is approximately 170°C. 9.4 Device Functional Modes The TLC591x provides two operation modes: Normal Mode and Special Mode. Normal mode is used for shifting LED data into and out of the driver. Special Mode includes two functions: Error Detection and Current Gain Control. The two operation modes include three phases: Normal Mode phase, Mode Switching transition phase, and Special Mode phase. The signal on the multiple function pin OE(ED2) is monitored to determine the mode. When a one-clock-wide pulse appears on OE(ED2), the device enters the Mode Switching phase. At this time, the voltage level on LE(ED1) determines which mode the TLC591x switches to. In the Normal Mode phase, the serial data can be transferred into TLC591x through the pin SDI, shifted in the shift register, and transferred out via the pin SDO. LE(ED1) can latch the serial data in the shift register to the output latch. OE(ED2) enables the output drivers to sink current. In the Special Mode phase, the low-voltage-level signal on OE(ED2) can enable output channels and detect the status of the output current to determine if the driving current level is sufficient. The detected Error Status is loaded into the 8-bit shift register and shifted out via the pin SDO, synchronous to the CLK signal. The system controller can read the error status and determine if the LEDs are properly lit. In the Special Mode phase, the TLC591x allows users to adjust the output current level by setting a runtimeprogrammable Configuration Code. The code is sent into the TLC591x through SDI. The positive pulse of LE(ED1) latches the code in the shift register into a built-in 8-bit configuration latch, instead of the output latch. The code affects the voltage at the terminal R-EXT and controls the output-current regulator. The output current can be finely adjusted by a gain ranging from 1/12 to 127/128 in 256 steps. Therefore, the current skew between ICs can be compensated within less than 1%. This feature is suitable for white balancing in LED color display panels. 16 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2007–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLC5916 TLC5917 TLC5916, TLC5917 www.ti.com SLVS695D – JUNE 2007 – REVISED JANUARY 2015 Device Functional Modes (continued) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CLK OE(ED2) 1 LE(ED1) 0 SDI off OUT0 on off OUT1 on off OUT2 on off OUT3 on off OUT7 on Don't care SDO Figure 11. Normal Mode Table 4. Truth Table in Normal Mode CLK LE(ED1) OE(ED2) SDI OUT0...OUT7 SDO ↑ H L Dn Dn...Dn – 7 Dn – 7 ↑ L L Dn + 1 No change Dn – 6 ↑ H L Dn + 2 Dn + 2...Dn – 5 Dn – 5 ↓ X L Dn + 3 Dn + 2...Dn – 5 Dn – 5 ↓ X H Dn + 3 Off Dn – 5 The signal sequence shown in Figure 12 makes the TLC591x enter Current Adjust and Error Detection Mode. 1 2 3 4 5 OE(ED2) 1 0 1 1 1 LE(ED1) 0 0 0 1 0 CLK Figure 12. Switching to Special Mode In the Current Adjust Mode, sending the positive pulse of LE(ED1), the content of the shift register (a current adjust code) is written to the 8-bit configuration latch (see Figure 13). Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2007–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLC5916 TLC5917 17 TLC5916, TLC5917 SLVS695D – JUNE 2007 – REVISED JANUARY 2015 0 1 www.ti.com 2 6 3 7 CLK OE(ED2) 1 LE(ED1) 0 8-bit Configuration Code SDI Figure 13. Writing Configuration Code When the TLC591x is in the Error Detection Mode, the signal sequence shown in Figure 14 enables a system controller to read error status codes through SDO. 1 2 3 CLK >2 µs OE(ED2) 1 LE(ED1) 0 SDO Error Status Code Figure 14. Reading Error Status Code The signal sequence shown in Figure 15 makes TLC591x resume the Normal Mode. Switching to Normal Mode resets all internal Error Status registers. OE(ED2) always enables the output port, whether the TLC591x enters Current Adjust Mode or not. 1 2 3 4 5 OE(ED2) 1 0 1 1 1 LE(ED1) 0 0 0 0 0 CLK Figure 15. Switching to Normal Mode 9.4.1 Operation Mode Switching To switch between its two modes, TLC591x monitors the signal OE(ED2). When an one-clock-wide pulse of OE(ED2) appears, TLC591x enters the two-clock-period transition phase, the Mode Switching phase. After power on, the default operation mode is the Normal Mode (see Figure 16). 18 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2007–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLC5916 TLC5917 TLC5916, TLC5917 www.ti.com SLVS695D – JUNE 2007 – REVISED JANUARY 2015 Switching to Special Mode 1 2 3 Switching to Normal Mode 4 5 1 CLK 2 3 4 5 CLK OE(ED2) 1 0 1 1 1 OE(ED2) 1 0 1 1 1 LE(ED1) 0 0 0 1 0 LE(ED1) 0 0 0 0 0 Actual Mode Phase (Normal or Special) Mode Switching Actual Mode Phase (Normal or Special) Special Mode Mode Switching Normal Mode Figure 16. Mode Switching As shown in Figure 16, once a one-clock-wide short pulse (101) of OE(ED2) appears, TLC591x enters the Mode Switching phase. At the fourth rising edge of CLK, if LE(ED1) is sampled as voltage high, TLC591x switches to Special Mode; otherwise, it switches to Normal Mode. The signal LE(ED1) between the third and the fifth rising edges of CLK cannot latch any data. Its level is used only to determine into which mode to switch. However, the short pulse of OE(ED2) can still enable the output ports. During mode switching, the serial data can still be transferred through SDI and shifted out from SDO. NOTE 1. The signal sequence for the mode switching may be used frequently to ensure that TLC591x is in the proper mode. 2. The 1 and 0 on the LE(ED1) signal are sampled at the rising edge of CLK. The X means its level does not affect the result of mode switching mechanism. 3. After power on, the default operation mode is Normal Mode. Normal Mode Phase Serial data is transferred into TLC591x through SDI, shifted in the Shift Register, and output via SDO. LE(ED1) can latch the serial data in the Shift Register to the Output Latch. OE(ED2) enables the output drivers to sink current. These functions differ only as described in Operation Mode Switching, in which case, a short pulse triggers TLC591x to switch the operation mode. However, as long as LE(ED1) is high in the Mode Switching phase, TLC591x remains in the Normal Mode, as if no mode switching occurred. Special Mode Phase In the Special Mode, as long as OE(ED2) is not low, the serial data is shifted to the Shift Register via SDI and shifted out via SDO, as in the Normal Mode. However, there are two differences between the Special Mode and the Normal Mode, as shown in the following sections. 9.4.2 Reading Error Status Code in Special Mode When OE(ED2) is pulled low while in Special Mode, error detection and load error status codes are loaded into the Shift Register, in addition to enabling output ports to sink current. Figure 17 shows the timing sequence for error detection. The 0 and 1 signal levels are sampled at the rising edge of each CLK. At least three zeros must be sampled at the voltage low signal OE(ED2). Immediately after the second zero is sampled, the data input source of the Shift Register changes to the 8-bit parallel Error Status Code register, instead of from the serial data on SDI. Normally, the error status codes are generated at least 2 μs after the falling edge of OE(ED2). The occurrence of the third or later zero saves the detected error status codes into the Shift Register. Therefore, when OE(ED2) is low, the serial data cannot be shifted into TLC591x through SDI. When OE(ED2) is pulled high, the data input source of the Shift Register is changed back to SDI. At the same time, the output ports are disabled and the error detection is completed. Then, the error status codes saved in the Shift Register can be shifted out via SDO bit by bit along with CLK, as well as the new serial data can be shifted into TLC591x through SDI. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2007–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLC5916 TLC5917 19 TLC5916, TLC5917 SLVS695D – JUNE 2007 – REVISED JANUARY 2015 www.ti.com While in Special Mode, the TLC591x cannot simultaneously transfer serial data and detect LED load error status. 1 2 3 CLK >2 µs OE(ED2) 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 LE(ED1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Error Status Code SDO Bit 7 Data source of shift register Error Detection SDI Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 SDI Figure 17. Reading Error Status Code 9.4.3 Writing Configuration Code in Special Mode When in Special Mode, the active high signal LE(ED1) latches the serial data in the Shift Register to the Configuration Latch, instead of the Output Latch. The latched serial data is used as the Configuration Code. The code is stored until power off or the Configuration Latch is rewritten. As shown in Figure 18, the timing for writing the Configuration Code is the same as the timing in the Normal Mode to latching output channel data. Both the Configuration Code and Error Status Code are transferred in the common 8-bit Shift Register. Users must pay attention to the sequence of error detection and current adjustment to avoid the Configuration Code being overwritten by Error Status Code. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 CLK OE(ED2) 1 LE(ED1) 0 Bit 7 Bit 6 SDI 8-Bit Configuration Code Figure 18. Writing Configuration Code 20 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2007–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLC5916 TLC5917 TLC5916, TLC5917 www.ti.com SLVS695D – JUNE 2007 – REVISED JANUARY 2015 10 Application and Implementation NOTE Information in the following applications sections is not part of the TI component specification, and TI does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. TI’s customers are responsible for determining suitability of components for their purposes. Customers should validate and test their design implementation to confirm system functionality. 10.1 Application Information 10.1.1 Constant Current In LED display applications, TLC591x provides nearly no current variations from channel to channel and from IC to IC. While 5 mA ≤ IOUT ≤ 100 mA, the maximum current skew between channels is less than ±3% and between ICs is less than ±6%. 10.1.2 Adjusting Output Current TLC591x scales up the reference current, Iref, set by the external resistor Rext to sink a current, Iout, at each output port. Users can follow the below formulas to calculate the target output current IOUT,target in the saturation region. In the equations, Rext is the resistance of the external resistor connected between the R-EXT terminal and ground and VR-EXT is the voltage of R-EXT, which is controlled by the programmable voltage gain (VG). VG is defined by the Configuration Code. VR-EXT = 1.26 V × VG Iref = VR-EXT/Rext, IOUT,target = Iref × 15 × 3CM – 1 (1) (2) (3) The Current Multiplier (CM) determines that the ratio IOUT,target/Iref is 15 or 5. After power on, the default value of VG is 127/128 = 0.992, and the default value of CM is 1, so that the ratio IOUT,target/Iref = 15. Based on the default VG and CM: VR-EXT = 1.26 V × 127/128 = 1.25 V IOUT,target = (1.25 V/Rext) × 15 (4) (5) Therefore, the default current is approximately 52 mA at 360 Ω and 26 mA at 720 Ω. The default relationship after power on between IOUT,target and Rext is shown in Figure 19. 140 120 IOUT (mA) 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Rext (Ω) Figure 19. Default Relationship Curve Between IOUT,target and Rext After Power Up Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2007–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLC5916 TLC5917 21 TLC5916, TLC5917 SLVS695D – JUNE 2007 – REVISED JANUARY 2015 www.ti.com Application Information (continued) 10.1.3 Cascading Implementation of TLC591x Device VLED ... ... ... R-EXT SDI 720Ω R-EXT OUT7 SDO 720Ω R-EXT LE CLK GND OE LE GND CLK OE LE ... SDO OE SDI 720Ω VDD TLC5917 SDO GND CLK ... VDD TLC5917 SDI TLC5917 VDD OUT0 ... OUT7 OUT0 ... OUT7 OUT0 VDD: 3.0V to 5.5V Controller SDI CLK LE OE Read Back Multiple Cascaded Drivers 26mA Application Figure 20. Cascading Implementation of TLC591x Device 22 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2007–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLC5916 TLC5917 TLC5916, TLC5917 www.ti.com SLVS695D – JUNE 2007 – REVISED JANUARY 2015 Application Information (continued) 10.1.4 8-Bit Configuration Code and Current Gain Bit definition of the Configuration Code in the Configuration Latch is shown in Table 5. Table 5. Bit Definition of 8-Bit Configuration Code Meaning Default 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CM HC CC0 CC1 CC2 CC3 CC4 CC5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bit 7 is first sent into TLC591x through SDI. Bits 1 to 7 {HC, CC[0:5]} determine the voltage gain (VG) that affects the voltage at R-EXT and indirectly affects the reference current, Iref, flowing through the external resistor at REXT. Bit 0 is the Current Multiplier (CM) that determines the ratio IOUT,target/Iref. Each combination of VG and CM gives a specific Current Gain (CG). • VG: the relationship between {HC,CC[0:5]} and the voltage gain is calculated as shown in Equation 6 and Equation 7: VG = (1 + HC) × (1 + D/64) / 4 D = CC0 × 25 + CC1 × 24 + CC2 × 23 + CC3 × 22 + CC4 × 21 + CC5 × 20 • • (6) (7) Where HC is 1 or 0, and D is the binary value of CC[0:5]. So, the VG could be regarded as a floating-point number with 1-bit exponent HC and 6-bit mantissa CC[0:5]. {HC,CC[0:5]} divides the programmable voltage gain VG into 128 steps and two sub-bands: Low voltage sub-band (HC = 0): VG = 1/4 ~ 127/256, linearly divided into 64 steps High voltage sub-band (HC = 1): VG = 1/2 ~ 127/128, linearly divided into 64 steps CM: In addition to determining the ratio IOUT,target/Iref, CM limits the output current range. High Current Multiplier (CM = 1): IOUT,target/Iref = 15, suitable for output current range IOUT = 10 mA to 120 mA. Low Current Multiplier (CM = 0): IOUT,target/Iref = 5, suitable for output current range IOUT = 3 mA to 40 mA CG: The total Current Gain is defined as the following. VR-EXT = 1.26 V × VG Iref = VR-EXT/Rext, if the external resistor, Rext, is connected to ground. IOUT,target = Iref × 15 × 3CM – 1 = 1.26 V/Rext × VG × 15 × 3CM – 1 = (1.26 V/Rext × 15) × CG CG = VG × 3CM – 1 (8) (9) (10) (11) Therefore, CG = (1/12) to (127/128), and it is divided into 256 steps. If CG = 127/128 = 0.992, the IOUT,targetRext. Examples • Configuration Code {CM, HC, CC[0:5]} = {1,1,111111} VG = 127/128 = 0.992 and CG = VG × 30 = VG = 0.992 • Configuration Code = {1,1,000000} VG = (1 + 1) × (1 + 0/64)/4 = 1/2 = 0.5, and CG = 0.5 • Configuration Code = {0,0,000000} VG = (1 + 0) × (1 + 0/64)/4 = 1/4, and CG = (1/4) × 3–1 = 1/12 After power on, the default value of the Configuration Code {CM, HC, CC[0:5]} is {1,1,111111}. Therefore, VG = CG = 0.992. The relationship between the Configuration Code and the Current Gain is shown in Figure 21. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2007–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLC5916 TLC5917 23 TLC5916, TLC5917 SLVS695D – JUNE 2007 – REVISED JANUARY 2015 www.ti.com 1.00 CM = 0 (Low Current Multiplier) Current Gain (CG) 0.75 HC = 1 (High Voltage SubBand) 0.50 HC = 0 (Low Voltage SubBand) HC = 0 (Low Voltage SubBand) HC = 1 (High Voltage SubBand) 0.25 CM = 1 (High Current Multiplier) 0.00 Configuration Code (CM, HC, CC[0:5]) in Binary Format Figure 21. Current Gain vs Configuration Code 10.2 Typical Application Figure 22 shows implementation of a single TLC591x device. Figure 20 shows a cascaded driver implementation. 3.0V to 5.5V VLED Controller SDI SDI CLK CLK LE LE OE OE OUT7 . . . OUT6 OUT1 OUT0 . . . VDD TLC5917 SDO To Controller if Error Detection Used R-EXT GND Figure 22. Single Implementation of TLC591x Device 24 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2007–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLC5916 TLC5917 TLC5916, TLC5917 www.ti.com SLVS695D – JUNE 2007 – REVISED JANUARY 2015 Typical Application (continued) 10.2.1 Design Requirements For this design example, use the parameters listed in Table 6. The purpose of this design procedure is to calculate the power dissipation in the device and the operating junction temperature. Table 6. Design Parameters DESIGN PARAMETERS EXAMPLE VALUE Number of LED strings 8 Number of LEDs per string 3 LED Current (mA) 20 Forward voltage of each LED (V) 3.5 Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance (°C/W) 87.4 Ambient temperature of application (°C) 115 VDD (V) 5 IDD (mA) 10 Max operating junction temperature (°C) 150 10.2.2 Detailed Design Procedure TJ = TA + RθJA × PD_TOT where • • • • TJ is the junction temperature. TA is the ambient temperature. RθJA is the junction-to-ambient thermal resistance. PD_TOT is the total power dissipation in the IC. PD_TOT = PD_CS + IDD × VDD (12) where • • • PD_CS PD_CSis the power dissipation in the LED current sinks. IDD is the IC supply current. VDD is the IC supply voltage. = IO × VO × nCH (13) where • IO is the LED current. • VO is the voltage at the output pin. • nCH is the number of LED strings. VO = VLED – (nLED × VF) (14) where • • • VLED is the voltage applied to the LED string. nLED is the number of LEDs in the string. VF is the forward voltage of each LED. (15) VO must not be too high as this causes excess power dissipation inside the current sink. However, VO also must not be too low as this does not allow the full LED current (Figure 4). With VLED = 12 V: VO = 12 V – (3 × 3.5 V) = 1.5 V PD_CS = 20 mA × 1.5 V × 8 = 0.24 W (16) (17) Using PD_CS, calculate: PD_TOT = PD_CS + IDD × VDD = 0.24 W + 0.01 A × 5 V = 0.29 W (18) Using PD_TOT, calculate: TJ = TA + RθJA × PD_TOT = 115°C + 87.4°C/W × 0.29 W = 140°C (19) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2007–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLC5916 TLC5917 25 TLC5916, TLC5917 SLVS695D – JUNE 2007 – REVISED JANUARY 2015 www.ti.com This design example demonstrates how to calculate power dissipation in the IC and ensure that the junction temperature is kept below 150°C. NOTE This design example assumes that all channels have the same electrical parameters (nLED, IO, VF, VLED). If the parameters are unique for each channel, then the power dissipation must be calculated for each current sink separately. Then, each result must be added together to calculate the total power dissipation in the current sinks. 10.2.3 Application Curve 150 Temperature = 25°C IO = 120 mA 125 Output Current (mA) IO = 100 mA 100 IO = 80 mA 75 IO = 60 mA 50 IO = 40 mA IO = 20 mA 25 IO = 5 mA 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Output Voltage (V) Figure 23. Output Current vs Output Voltage 26 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2007–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLC5916 TLC5917 TLC5916, TLC5917 www.ti.com SLVS695D – JUNE 2007 – REVISED JANUARY 2015 11 Power Supply Recommendations The device is designed to operate from a VDD supply between 3 V and 5.5 V. The LED supply voltage is determined by the number of LEDs in each string and the forward voltage of the LEDs. 12 Layout 12.1 Layout Guidelines The traces that carry current from the LED cathodes to the OUTx pins must be wide enough to support the default current (up to 120 mA). The SDI, CLK, LE (ED1), OE (ED2), and SDO pins are to be connected to the microcontroller. There are several ways to achieve this, including the following methods: • Traces may be routed underneath the package on the top layer. • The signal may travel through a via to another layer. 12.2 Layout Example GND VDD To µC SDI To µC CLK To µC SDO To µC LE(ED1) To µC OE(ED2) VDD R-EXT OUT0 OUT7 OUT1 OUT6 OUT2 OUT5 OUT3 OUT4 VLED VIA to GND Figure 24. PW Package Layout Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2007–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLC5916 TLC5917 27 TLC5916, TLC5917 SLVS695D – JUNE 2007 – REVISED JANUARY 2015 www.ti.com Layout Example (continued) VDD GND VDD R-EXT To µC SDI To µC CLK To µC SDO To µC LE(ED1) To µC OE(ED2) OUT0 OUT7 OUT1 OUT6 OUT2 OUT5 OUT3 OUT4 VLED VIA to GND Figure 25. D Package Layout 28 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2007–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLC5916 TLC5917 TLC5916, TLC5917 www.ti.com SLVS695D – JUNE 2007 – REVISED JANUARY 2015 13 Device and Documentation Support 13.1 Related Links The table below lists quick access links. Categories include technical documents, support and community resources, tools and software, and quick access to sample or buy. Table 7. Related Links PARTS PRODUCT FOLDER SAMPLE & BUY TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS TOOLS & SOFTWARE SUPPORT & COMMUNITY TLC5916 Click here Click here Click here Click here Click here TLC5917 Click here Click here Click here Click here Click here 13.2 Trademarks All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 13.3 Electrostatic Discharge Caution These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates. 13.4 Glossary SLYZ022 — TI Glossary. This glossary lists and explains terms, acronyms, and definitions. 14 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information The following pages include mechanical, packaging, and orderable information. This information is the most current data available for the designated devices. This data is subject to change without notice and revision of this document. For browser-based versions of this data sheet, refer to the left-hand navigation. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2007–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLC5916 TLC5917 29 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 14-Aug-2021 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan (2) Lead finish/ Ball material MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) Device Marking (3) (4/5) (6) TLC5916ID ACTIVE SOIC D 16 40 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 125 TLC5916I TLC5916IDG4 ACTIVE SOIC D 16 40 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 125 TLC5916I TLC5916IDR ACTIVE SOIC D 16 2500 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 125 TLC5916I TLC5916IN ACTIVE PDIP N 16 25 RoHS & Green NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type -40 to 125 TLC5916IN TLC5916INE4 ACTIVE PDIP N 16 25 RoHS & Green NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type -40 to 125 TLC5916IN TLC5916IPW ACTIVE TSSOP PW 16 90 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 125 Y5916 TLC5916IPWR ACTIVE TSSOP PW 16 2000 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 125 Y5916 TLC5916IPWRG4 ACTIVE TSSOP PW 16 2000 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 125 Y5916 TLC5917ID ACTIVE SOIC D 16 40 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 125 TLC5917I TLC5917IDR ACTIVE SOIC D 16 2500 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 125 TLC5917I TLC5917IDRG4 ACTIVE SOIC D 16 2500 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 125 TLC5917I TLC5917IN ACTIVE PDIP N 16 25 RoHS & Green NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type -40 to 125 TLC5917IN TLC5917INE4 ACTIVE PDIP N 16 25 RoHS & Green NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type -40 to 125 TLC5917IN TLC5917IPW ACTIVE TSSOP PW 16 90 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 125 Y5917 TLC5917IPWR ACTIVE TSSOP PW 16 2000 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 125 Y5917 TLC5917IPWRG4 ACTIVE TSSOP PW 16 2000 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 125 Y5917 (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. Addendum-Page 1 Samples PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 14-Aug-2021 (2) RoHS: TI defines "RoHS" to mean semiconductor products that are compliant with the current EU RoHS requirements for all 10 RoHS substances, including the requirement that RoHS substance do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, "RoHS" products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. TI may reference these types of products as "Pb-Free". RoHS Exempt: TI defines "RoHS Exempt" to mean products that contain lead but are compliant with EU RoHS pursuant to a specific EU RoHS exemption. Green: TI defines "Green" to mean the content of Chlorine (Cl) and Bromine (Br) based flame retardants meet JS709B low halogen requirements of
TLC5916IDR 价格&库存


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+11.067031+1.34025
  • 10+8.0197110+0.97121
  • 25+7.2600625+0.87921
  • 100+6.42728100+0.77836
  • 250+6.02976250+0.73022
  • 500+5.79046500+0.70124
  • 1000+5.593501000+0.67739


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 2500+4.792802500+0.58042
