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    音频接口32 b I²C 32-VQFN

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TLV320AIC3100IRHBR 数据手册
Product Folder Sample & Buy Technical Documents Tools & Software Support & Community TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 TLV320AIC3100 Low-Power Audio Codec With Audio Processing and Mono Class‑‑D Amplifier 1 Device Overview 1.1 Features 1 • Stereo Audio DAC With 95-dB SNR • Mono Audio ADC With 91-dB SNR • Supports 8-kHz to 192-kHz Separate DAC and ADC Sample Rates • Mono Class-D BTL Speaker Driver (2.5 W Into 4 Ω or 1.6 W Into 8 Ω) • One Differential and Three Single-Ended Inputs With Mixing and Level Control • Microphone With Bias, Preamp PGA, and AGC • Built-In Digital Audio Processing Blocks (PRB) With User-Programmable Biquad and FIR Filters • Digital Mixing Capability • Programmable Digital Audio Processor for Bass Boost/Treble/EQ With up to Five Biquads for Record and up to Six Biquads for Playback 1.2 • • Applications Portable Audio Devices Mobile Internet Devices 1.3 • Pin Control or Register Control for Digital-Playback Volume-Control Settings • Digital Sine-Wave Generator for Beep • Integrated PLL Used for Programmable Digital Audio Processor • I2S, Left-Justified, Right-Justified, DSP, and TDM Audio Interfaces • I2C Control With Register Auto-Increment • Full Power-Down Control • Power Supplies: – Analog: 2.7 V–3.6 V – Digital Core: 1.65 V–1.95 V – Digital I/O: 1.1 V–3.6 V – Class-D: 2.7 V–5.5 V (SPKVDD ≥ AVDD) • 5-mm × 5-mm 32-QFN Package • Adaptive Filtering Applications Description The TLV320AIC3100 is a low-power, highly integrated, high-performance codec which provides a stereo audio DAC, a mono audio ADC, and a mono class-D 4-Ω speaker driver. The TLV320AIC3100 features a high-performance audio codec with 24-bit stereo playback and monaural record functionality. The device integrates several analog features, such as a microphone interface, headphone drivers, and speaker drivers. The TLV320AIC3100 has built-in digital audio processing blocks (PRB) for both the DAC and ADC paths. The digital audio data format is programmable to work with popular audio standard protocols (I2S, left/right-justified) in master, slave, DSP, and TDM modes. Bass boost, treble, or EQ can be supported by the programmable digital signal-processing block. An on-chip PLL provides the high-speed clock needed by the digital signal-processing block. The volume level can be controlled by either pin control or by register control. The audio functions are controlled using the I2C serial bus. The TLV320AIC3100 has a programmable digital sine-wave generator and is available in a 32-pin QFN package. Device Information(1) PART NUMBER TLV320AIC3100 PACKAGE VQFN (32) BODY SIZE (NOM) 5.00 mm × 5.00 mm (1) For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at the end of the data sheet. 1 An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety-critical applications, intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. PRODUCTION DATA. TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 1.4 www.ti.com Functional Block Diagram SPKVDD SPKVDD SPKVSS SPKVSS HPVDD P1/R33–R34 De-Pop and SoftStart HPVSS AVSS AVDD 2 V/2.5 V/AVDD MICBIAS 7-Bit Vol ADC VOL/ MICDET Left and Right VolumeControl Register Audio Output Stage Power Management RC CLK P0/R116–R117 SPKP SPKP SPKM SPKM Analog Attenuation 0 dB to –78 dB and Mute (0.5-dB Steps / Nonlinear) P1/R38 MIX_L Class-D Speaker Driver P1/R42 GPIO GPIO1 6 dB to 24 dB (6-dB Steps) SDA P1/R32 I2C SCL P1/R30 Analog Attenuation 0 dB to –78 dB and Mute (0.5-dB Steps / Nonlinear) P1/R36 MIX_L Class A/B Headphone/Lineout Driver P1/R40 HPL P1/R31 P1/R44 0 dB to 9 dB (1-dB Steps) P1/R41 P1/R37 Note: Normally, MCLK is PLL input; however, BCLK, GPIO1, etc., can also be PLL input. MIX_R HPR MIX_R MIX_L PLL MCLK MIC1LP DAC_L Σ ∆-∑ Σ DAC Σ MIC1RP Digital Vol 24 dB to Mute P1/R35 DAC_R Σ ∆-∑ Σ DAC DAC Processing Blocks P0/R63 Digital Audio Processing and Serial Interface Σ P0/ R64–R65 P0/R71 P0/R72 Digital Vol Ctl Digital Beep Generator P1/R47 0 to 59.5 dB (0.5-dB steps) Mono ADC MIC1LP ∆-∑ Σ ADC MIC1RP P1/R48 Selectable Gain/Input Impedance MIC1LM DIN BCLK P0/R82–R83 Digital Vol –12..20 dB Step = 0.5 dB ADC Processing Blocks AGC Σ Selectable Gain/Input Impedance RESET P0/R86–R93 OSC VCOM Input CM P1/R50 DOUT WCLK 0 to –63 dB (1-dB Steps) P1/R49 DVDD RC CLK DVSS IOVDD IOVSS B0205-08 Copyright © 2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated 2 Device Overview Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 Device Overview ......................................... 1 Parameter Measurement Information .............. 19 Detailed Description ................................... 20 Features .............................................. 1 1.2 Applications ........................................... 1 7.1 Overview 1.3 Description ............................................ 1 7.2 Functional Block Diagram ........................... 21 1.4 Functional Block Diagram ............................ 2 7.3 Feature Description Revision History ......................................... 3 Device Comparison ..................................... 5 Pin Configuration and Functions ..................... 6 7.4 Register Map ........................................ 78 Pin Attributes ......................................... 6 4.1 5 6 7 1.1 ............................................ 8 Absolute Maximum Ratings .......................... 8 ESD Ratings .......................................... 8 Recommended Operating Conditions ................ 8 Thermal Information .................................. 9 Electrical Characteristics ............................. 9 Power Dissipation Ratings .......................... 11 I2S, LJF, and RJF Timing in Master Mode .......... 11 I2S, LJF, and RJF Timing in Slave Mode ........... 11 DSP Timing in Master Mode ........................ 11 DSP Timing in Slave Mode ......................... 12 I2C Interface Timing ................................. 12 Typical Characteristics .............................. 15 Specifications 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 8 ............................................ ................................. 20 21 Application and Implementation ................... 120 ............................ 8.1 Application Information 8.2 Typical Application ................................. 120 120 9 Power Supply Recommendations ................. 123 10 Layout ................................................... 124 10.1 Layout Guidelines .................................. 124 10.2 Layout Example .................................... 124 11 Device and Documentation Support .............. 125 11.1 Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates. 125 11.2 Community Resources............................. 125 11.3 Trademarks ........................................ 125 11.4 Electrostatic Discharge Caution 11.5 Glossary............................................ 125 ................... 125 12 Mechanical Packaging and Orderable Information ............................................. 125 12.1 Packaging Information ............................. 125 2 Revision History NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version. Changes from Revision B (March 2016) to Revision C • Page Added Pin 5 (DIN) to the Pin Functions table ..................................................................................... 6 Changes from Revision A (May 2012) to Revision B • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Page Added ESD Ratings table, Feature Description section, Device Functional Modes, Application and Implementation section, Power Supply Recommendations section, Layout section, Device and Documentation Support section, and Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information section........................................... 1 Added Power-Supply Sequence section to the Device Initialization section ................................................ 21 Added the reference to the PGA Gain Versus Input Impedance table in the MICBIAS and Microphone Preamplifier section ................................................................................................................. 27 Changed SDIN terminal to DIN in Figure 7-16 .................................................................................. 40 Changed units from Hz to kHz and updated values to matchTable 7-24 .................................................... 41 Changed Section diagrams for PRB_P2/5/8/10/13/15/18/21/24/25 to reflect that the DRC_HPF filter cannot be bypassed when the DRC is turned off .............................................................................. 43 Added sequence for inserting a beep in the middle of an already-playing signal and note text following script in the Key-Click Functionality With Digital Sine-Wave Generator (PRB_P25) section........................................ 58 Changed less than value or equal to value from 11 MHz to 110 MHz after Equation 11 in PLL section................ 68 Added note to Register Map section.............................................................................................. 78 Changed reset values for Page 0 / Register 3 to be more clear .............................................................. 79 Changed DOSR note in Page 0 / Register 14 by switching multiple value for Filter Type A and Filter Type C ........ 81 Changed description in Page 0 / Register 14 to remove parameters for miniDSP ......................................... 81 Added PRB-modes text the IDAC note in Page 0 / Register 15. Also added Page 0 / Register 15 value note ........ 82 Added D(3:0) programmed value note to Page 0 / Register 16............................................................... 82 Changed Page 0 / Register 15 and Page 0 / Register 16 to Reserved ...................................................... 82 Changed Page 0 / Register 20 description ...................................................................................... 83 Added PRB modes text to note for Page 0 / Register 20 ...................................................................... 83 Revision History Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 3 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 • • • • • • • • Changed Page 0 / Register 21 to Reserved ..................................................................................... 83 Changed Page 0 / Register 22 to Reserved ..................................................................................... 83 Changed Page 0 / Register 66 description from Left-channel to Right-channel ............................................ 94 Changed values in Page 0 / Register 69 (0x45): DRC Control 2 ............................................................. 95 Changed Page 0, Register 70, bit D3-D0 decay rate value for 0000 from DR = 1.5625e–3 to DR = 0.015625 ........ 96 Switched D1 and D0 descriptions so that D1 is for speaker and D0 is for HP in Page 1 / Register 30 table ......... 103 Changed Page 1 / Register 40, D1 to reserved ............................................................................... 106 Changed Page 1 / Register 41, D1 to reserved ............................................................................... 106 Changes from Original (November 2009) to Revision A • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 www.ti.com Page Added PGA Gain table to Section ....................................................................................... 27 Deleted Analog Volume Control ... (for D7 = 0) table; modified Analog Volume Control ... (for D7 = 1) table.......... 61 Added table note to Analog Volume Control table .............................................................................. 61 Changed page 0 /register 44 to page 1 / register 44 in Section ................................................ 62 Changed max AOSR values in image from 1023, 1024 to 255 and 256. ................................................... 64 Added missing equations to the PLL section .................................................................................... 68 Added Timer section ................................................................................................................ 69 Changed bits D1–D0 to Reserved in Page 0 / Register 44 .................................................................... 87 Added table note following Page 0 / Register 64 ............................................................................... 94 Removed extra character next to LSB in title of Page 0 / Register 75. ...................................................... 97 Corrected values in Description column of Page 0 / Register 83 ............................................................. 98 Changed D0 = 1 to Reserved in Page 1 / Register 33 (0x21): HP Output Drivers POP Removal Settings ........... 104 Added table note following Page 1 / Register 40 .............................................................................. 106 Added footnote to Page 1 / Register 41 (0x29): HPR Driver ................................................................ 106 Deleted table note following Page 1 / Register 48 and Page 1 / Register 49 ............................................. 108 Deleted table note following Page 1 / Register 48 and Page 1 / Register 49 ............................................. 108 Revision History Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 3 Device Comparison Table 3-1. Device Features Comparison TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3110 TLV320AIC3111 TLV320AIC3120 DACs FUNCTION 2 2 2 1 ADCs 1 1 1 1 Inputs / Outputs 3/3 3/4 3/4 3/2 Resolution (Bits) 16, 20, 24, 32 16, 20, 24, 32 16, 20, 24, 32 16, 20, 24, 32 Control Interface I2C I2C I2C I2C LJ, RJ, I2S, TDM, DSP LJ, RJ, I2S, TDM, DSP LJ, RJ, I2S, TDM, DSP LJ, RJ, I2S, TDM, DSP Digital Audio Interface Number of Digital Audio Interfaces Speaker Amplifier Type 1 1 1 1 Mono Differential Class-D Stereo Differential Class-D Stereo Differential Class-D Mono Differential Class-D Configurable miniDSP No No Yes Yes Headphone Driver Yes Yes Yes Yes Device Comparison Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 5 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com 4 Pin Configuration and Functions SPKVDD SPKVSS SPKM DVSS AVDD 24 25 SPKP SPKVDD SPKVSS SPKM RHB Package (Top View) 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 AVSS HPVDD 28 13 MIC1LP HPVSS 29 12 MICBIAS HPR 30 11 VOL/MICDET RESET 31 10 SCL 9 SDA GPIO1 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MCLK MIC1RP BCLK 14 WCLK 27 DIN HPL DOUT MIC1LM DVDD 15 IOVDD 26 IOVSS SPKP P0048-15 4.1 Pin Attributes Table 4-1. Pin Functions PIN I/O DESCRIPTION NAME NO. AVDD 17 - Analog power supply AVSS 16 - Analog ground BCLK 7 I/O DIN 5 I Audio serial data input DOUT 4 O Audio serial data output DVDD 3 - Digital power – digital core DVSS 18 - Digital ground GPIO1 32 I/O General-purpose input/output pin and multifunction pin HPL 27 O Left-channel headphone/line driver output HPR 30 O Right-channel headphone/line driver output HPVDD 28 - Headphone/line driver and PLL power HPVSS 29 - Headphone/line driver and PLL ground IOVDD 2 - Interface power IOVSS 1 - Interface ground MCLK 8 I External master clock MICBIAS 12 O Microphone bias voltage MIC1LM 15 I Microphone and line input routed to M or P input mixer MIC1LP 13 I Microphone and line input routed to P input mixer and left output mixer MIC1RP 14 I Microphone and line input routed to P input mixer and left and right output mixer RESET 31 I Device reset SCL 10 I/O 6 Audio serial bit clock I2C control bus clock input Pin Configuration and Functions Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Table 4-1. Pin Functions (continued) PIN NAME SDA NO. 9 I/O I/O DESCRIPTION I2C control-bus data input SPKM 19, 23 Class-D speaker driver inverting output SPKP 22, 26 Class-D speaker driver noninverting output SPKVDD 21 Class-D speaker driver power supply SPKVSS 20 Class-D speaker driver power supply ground SPKVDD 24 Class-D speaker driver power supply SPKVSS 25 VOL/MICDET 11 I WCLK 6 I/O Class-D speaker driver power supply ground Volume control or microphone, headphone, or headset detection Audio serial word clock Pin Configuration and Functions Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 7 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com 5 Specifications 5.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) (1) MIN MAX UNIT AVDD to AVSS –0.3 3.9 V DVDD to DVSS –0.3 2.5 V HPVDD to HPVSS –0.3 3.9 V SPKVDD to SPKVSS –0.3 6 V IOVDD to IOVSS –0.3 3.9 V Digital input voltage IOVSS – 0.3 IOVDD + 0.3 V Analog input voltage AVSS – 0.3 AVDD + 0.3 V –40 85 °C 105 °C 150 °C Operating temperature Junction temperature (TJ Max) Storage temperature, Tstg (1) –55 Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 5.2 ESD Ratings VALUE Electrostatic discharge V(ESD) (1) (2) Human-body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 (1) UNIT ±2000 Charged-device model (CDM), per JEDEC specification JESD22-C101 (2) V ±1000 JEDEC document JEP155 states that 500-V HBM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. JEDEC document JEP157 states that 250-V CDM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. 5.3 Recommended Operating Conditions over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) MIN NOM (2) 2.7 3.3 3.6 Referenced to DVSS (2) 1.65 1.8 1.95 Referenced to HPVSS (2) 2.7 3.3 3.6 SPKVDD (1) Referenced to SPKVSS (2) 2.7 IOVDD Referenced to IOVSS (2) 1.1 AVDD (1) Referenced to AVSS DVDD HPVDD VI MCLK (3) Power-supply voltage Speaker impedance Resistance applied across class-D ouput pins (BTL) Headphone impedance AC coupled to RL Analog audio full-scale input voltage AVDD = 3.3 V, single-ended Stereo line output load impedance AC coupled to RL Master clock frequency IOVDD = 3.3 V fSCL SCL clock frequency TA Operating free-air temperature (1) (2) (3) 8 MAX V 5.5 3.3 3.6 4 Ω 16 Ω 0.707 VRMS 10 –40 UNIT kΩ 50 MHz 400 kHz 85 °C To minimize battery-current leakage, the SPKVDD voltage level must not be below the AVDD voltage level. All grounds on board are tied together, so they must not differ in voltage by more than 0.2-V maximum for any combination of ground signals. By use of a wide trace or ground plane, ensure a low-impedance connection between HPVSS and DVSS. The maximum input frequency must be 50 MHz for any digital pin used as a general-purpose clock. Specifications Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com 5.4 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Thermal Information TLV320AIC3100 THERMAL METRIC (1) RHB (VQFN) UNIT 32 PINS RθJA Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance RθJC(top) Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance RθJB Junction-to-board thermal resistance ψJT Junction-to-top characterization parameter ψJB RθJC(bot) (1) With thermal pad soldered to board 31.9 °C/W 22.6 °C/W 6 °C/W 0.2 °C/W Junction-to-board characterization parameter 6 °C/W Junction-to-case (bottom) thermal resistance 1.3 °C/W For more information about traditional and new thermal metrics, see the Semiconductor and IC Package Thermal Metrics application report. 5.5 Electrical Characteristics At 25°C, AVDD = HPVDD = IOVDD = 3.3 V, SPKVDD = 3.6 V, DVDD = 1.8 V, fS (audio) = 48 kHz, CODEC_CLKIN = 256 × fS, PLL = Off, VOL/MICDET pin disabled (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT INTERNAL OSCILLATOR-RC_CLK Oscillator frequency 8.2 MHz VOLUME CONTROL PIN (ADC); VOL/MICDET pin enabled Input voltage range VOL/MICDET pin configured as volume control (page 0 / register 116, bit D7 = 1 and page 0 / register 67, bit D7 = 0) 0.5 × AVDD 0 Input capacitance 2 Volume control steps V pF 128 Steps 0.707 VRMS AUDIO ADC Microphone Input to ADC, 984-Hz Sine-Wave Input, fS = 48 kHz, AGC = OFF Input signal level (0-dB) MIC with R1 = 20 kΩ (page 1 / register 48 and page 1 / register 49, bits D7-D6) Signal-to-noise ratio fS = 48 kHz, 0-dB PGA gain, MIC input ac-shorted to ground; measured as idlechannel noise, A-weighted (1) (2) Dynamic range THD+N THD SNR 80 91 dB fS = 48 kHz, 0-dB PGA gain, MIC input 1 kHz at –60-dBFS input applied, referenced to 0.707-VRMS input, A-weighted (1) (2) 91 dB Total harmonic distortion + noise fS = 48 kHz, 0-dB PGA gain, MIC input 1 kHz at –2 dBFS input applied, referenced to 0.707-VRMS input –85 Total harmonic distortion fS = 48 kHz, 0-dB PGA gain, MIC input 1 kHz at –2 dBFS input applied, referenced to 0.707-VRMS input –91 dB Input capacitance MIC input 2 pF –70 dB Microphone Bias Page 1 / register 46, bits D1–D0 = 10 2.25 2.5 2.75 Voltage output V Page 1 / register 46, bits D1–D0 = 01 2 At 4-mA load current, page 1 / register 46, bits D1–D0 = 10 (MICBIAS = 2.5 V) 5 At 4-mA load current, page 1 / register 46, bits D1–D0 = 01 (MICBIAS = 2 V) 7 Voltage regulation mV Audio ADC Digital Decimation Filter Characteristics See Section for audio ADC decimation filter characteristics. DAC HEADPHONE OUTPUT, AC-coupled load = 16 Ω (single-ended), driver gain = 0 dB, parasitic capacitance = 30 pF Full-scale output voltage (0 dB) Output common-mode setting = 1.65 V SNR Signal-to-noise ratio Measured as idle-channel noise, A-weighted (1) 0.707 THD Total harmonic distortion 0-dBFS input –85 –65 dB THD+N Total harmonic distortion + noise 0-dBFS input –82 –60 dB (2) Mute attenuation PSRR PO (1) (2) (3) Power-supply rejection ratio (3) Maximum output power Ripple on HPVDD (3.3 V) = 200 mVp-p at 1 kHz 80 VRMS 95 dB 87 dB –62 dB RL = 32 Ω, THD+N = –60 dB 20 RL = 16 Ω, THD+N = –60 dB 60 mW Ratio of output level with 1-kHz full-scale sine-wave input, to the output level with the inputs short-circuited, measured A-weighted over a 20-Hz to 20-kHz bandwidth using an audio analyzer. All performance measurements done with 20-kHz low-pass filter and, where noted, A-weighted filter. Failure to use such a filter may result in higher THD+N and lower SNR and dynamic range readings than shown in the Electrical Characteristics. The low-pass filter removes out-of-band noise, which, although not audible, may affect dynamic specification values. DAC to headphone-out PSRR measurement is calculated as PSRR = 20 × (log(ΔVHPL / ΔVHPVDD) Specifications Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 9 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Electrical Characteristics (continued) At 25°C, AVDD = HPVDD = IOVDD = 3.3 V, SPKVDD = 3.6 V, DVDD = 1.8 V, fS (audio) = 48 kHz, CODEC_CLKIN = 256 × fS, PLL = Off, VOL/MICDET pin disabled (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT DAC LINEOUT (HP Driver in Lineout Mode) SNR Signal-to-noise ratio Measured as idle-channel noise, A-weighted 95 dB THD Total harmonic distortion 0-dBFS input, 0-dB gain –86 dB THD+N Total harmonic distortion + noise 0-dBFS input, 0-dB gain –83 dB DAC Digital Interpolation Filter Characteristics See Section for DAC interpolation filter characteristics. DAC OUTPUT to CLASS-D SPEAKER OUTPUT; Load = 4 Ω (differential), 50 pF SPKVDD 3.6 V, BTL measurement, CM = 1.8 V, DAC input = 0 dBFS, class-D gain = 6 dB, THD = –16.5 dB 2.2 SPKVDD = 3.6 V, BTL measurement, CM = 1.8 V, DAC input = –2 dBFS, class-D gain = 6 dB, THD = –20 dB 2.1 Output voltage VRMS Output, common-mode SPKVDD = 3.6 V, BTL measurement, DAC input = mute, class-D gain = 6 dB 1.8 V SNR Signal-to-noise ratio SPKVDD = 3.6 V, BTL measurement, class-D gain = 6 dB, measured as idle-channel noise, A-weighted (with respect to full-scale output value of 2.3 VRMS) (1) (2) 88 dB THD Total harmonic distortion SPKVDD = 3.6 V, BTL measurement, CM = 1.8 V, DAC input = –6 dBFS, class-D gain = 6 dB –65 dB Total harmonic distortion + noise SPKVDD = 3.6 V, BTL measurement, CM = 1.8V, DAC input = –6 dBFS, class-D gain = 6dB –63 dB SPKVDD = 3.6 V, BTL measurement, ripple on SPKVDD = 200 mVp-p at 1 kHz –44 dB 110 dB SPKVDD = 3.6 V, BTL measurement, CM = 1.8 V, class-D gain = 18 dB, THD = 10% 1 W SPKVDD = 4.3 V, BTL measurement, CM = 1.8 V, class-D gain = 18 dB, THD = 10% 1.5 W SPKVDD = 5.5 V, BTL measurement, CM = 1.8 V, class-D gain = 18 dB, THD = 10% 2.5 W SPKVDD 3.6 V, BTL measurement, CM = 1.8 V, DAC input = 0 dBFS, class-D gain = 6 dB, THD = –16.5 dB 2.2 VRMS SPKVDD = 3.6 V, BTL measurement, CM = 1.8 V, DAC input = –2 dBFS, class-D gain = 6 dB, THD = –20 dB 2.1 VRMS Output, common-mode SPKVDD = 3.6 V, BTL measurement, DAC input = mute, class-D gain = 6 dB 1.8 V Signal-to-noise ratio SPKVDD = 3.6 V, BTL measurement, class-D gain = 6 dB, measured as idle-channel noise, A-weighted (with respect to full-scale output value of 2.3 VRMS) 89 dB THD Total harmonic distortion SPKVDD = 3.6 V, BTL measurement, CM = 1.8 V, DAC input = –6 dBFS, class-D gain = 6 dB –67 dB THD+N Total harmonic distortion + noise SPKVDD = 3.6 V, BTL measurement, CM = 1.8 V, DAC input = –6 dBFS, class-D gain = 6dB –66 dB PSRR Power-supply rejection ratio (4) SPKVDD = 3.6 V, BTL measurement, ripple on SPKVDD = 200 mVp-p at 1 kHz –44 dB 110 dB THD+N PSRR Power-supply rejection ratio (4) Mute attenuation PO Maximum output power DAC OUTPUT to CLASS-D SPEAKER OUTPUT; Load = 8 Ω (differential), 50 pF Output voltage SNR Mute attenuation SPKVDD = 3.6 V, BTL measurement, CM = 1.8 V, class-D gain = 18 dB, THD = 10% PO Maximum output power 0.7 SPKVDD = 4.3 V, BTL measurement, CM = 1.8 V, class-D gain = 18 dB, THD = 10% 1 SPKVDD = 5.5 V, BTL measurement, CM = 1.8 V, class-D gain = 18 dB, THD = 10% 1.6 Output-stage leakage current for direct SPKVDD = 4.3 V, device is powered down (power-up-reset condition) battery connection W 80 nA DAC POWER CONSUMPTION DAC power consumption is based on selected processing block, see Section 7.3.8. DIGITAL INPUT AND OUTPUT Logic family VIH VIL CMOS IIH = 5 µA, IOVDD ≥ 1.6 V 0.7 × IOVDD IIH = 5 µA, IOVDD < 1.6 V IOVDD IIL = 5 µA, IOVDD ≥ 1.6 V –0.3 0.3 × IOVDD Logic Level V IIL = 5 µA, IOVDD < 1.6 V VOH IOH = 2 TTL loads VOL IOL = 2 TTL loads Capacitive load (4) 10 0 0.8 × IOVDD 0.1 × IOVDD 10 pF DAC to speaker-out PSRR is a differential measurement and is calculated as PSRR = 20 × log(ΔVSPK(P + M) / ΔVSPKVDD). Specifications Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Power Dissipation Ratings (1) 5.6 This data was taken using 2-oz. (0,071-mm thick) trace and copper pad that is soldered to a JEDEC high-K, standard 4-layer 3-inch × 3-inch (7,62-cm × 7,62-cm) PCB. (1) Power Rating at 25°C Derating Factor Power Rating at 70°C Power Rating at 85°C 2.3 W 28.57 mW/°C 1W 0.6 W Maximum power dissipation is TJMAX – TA) / RθJA 5.7 I2S, LJF, and RJF Timing in Master Mode All specifications at 25°C, DVDD = 1.8 V. Note: All timing specifications are measured at characterization but not tested at final test. See Figure 5-1. IOVDD = 1.1 V PARAMETER MIN IOVDD = 3.3 V MAX MIN UNIT MAX td(WS) WCLK delay 45 20 ns td(DO-WS) WCLK to DOUT delay (for LJF mode only) 45 20 ns td(DO-BCLK) BCLK to DOUT delay 20 ns ts(DI) DIN setup 8 6 th(DI) DIN hold 8 6 tr Rise time 25 10 ns tf Fall time 25 10 ns 5.8 45 ns ns I2S, LJF, and RJF Timing in Slave Mode All specifications at 25°C, DVDD = 1.8 V. Note: All timing specifications are measured at characterization but not tested at final test. See Figure 5-2. IOVDD = 1.1 V PARAMETER MIN IOVDD = 3.3 V MAX MIN UNIT MAX tH(BCLK) BCLK high period 35 35 ns tL(BCLK) BCLK low period 35 35 ns ts(WS) WCLK setup 8 6 ns th(WS) WCLK hold 8 td(DO-WS) WCLK to DOUT delay (for LJF mode only) 45 20 ns td(DO-BCLK) BCLK to DOUT delay 45 20 ns ts(DI) DIN setup 8 6 th(DI) DIN hold 8 6 tr Rise time 4 4 ns tf Fall time 4 4 ns 5.9 6 ns ns ns DSP Timing in Master Mode All specifications at 25°C, DVDD = 1.8 V. Note: All timing specifications are measured at characterization but not tested at final test. See Figure 5-3. PARAMETER IOVDD = 1.1 V MIN IOVDD = 3.3 V MAX MIN 45 MAX UNIT td(WS) WCLK delay td(DO-BCLK) BCLK to DOUT delay ts(DI) DIN setup 8 8 ns th(DI) DIN hold 8 8 ns tr Rise time 25 10 ns tf Fall time 25 10 ns 45 20 ns 20 ns Specifications Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 11 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com 5.10 DSP Timing in Slave Mode All specifications at 25°C, DVDD = 1.8 V. Note: All timing specifications are measured at characterization but not tested at final test. See Figure 5-4. IOVDD = 1.1 V PARAMETER MIN IOVDD = 3.3 V MAX MIN MAX UNIT tH(BCLK) BCLK high period 35 35 ns tL(BCLK) BCLK low period 35 35 ns ts(WS) WCLK setup 8 8 ns th(WS) WCLK hold 8 8 ns td(DO-BCLK) BCLK to DOUT delay ts(DI) DIN setup 8 8 ns th(DI) DIN hold 8 8 ns tr Rise time 4 4 ns tf Fall time 4 4 ns 45 20 ns 5.11 I2C Interface Timing All specifications at 25°C, DVDD = 1.8 V. Note: All timing specifications are measured at characterization but not tested at final test.See Figure 5-5. Standard Mode PARAMETER MIN TYP Fast Mode MAX MIN 100 0 TYP MAX fSCL SCL clock frequency 0 tHD;STA Hold time (repeated) START condition. After this period, the first clock pulse is generated. 4 0.8 μs tLOW LOW period of the SCL clock 4.7 1.3 μs tHIGH HIGH period of the SCL clock 4 0.6 μs tSU;STA Setup time for a repeated START condition 4.7 0.8 μs 2 tHD;DAT Data hold time: for I C bus devices tSU;DAT Data set-up time tr SDA and SCL rise time tf SDA and SCL fall time tSU;STO Set-up time for STOP condition tBUF Bus free time between a STOP and START condition Cb Capacitive load for each bus line 12 0 3.45 250 0 400 UNIT 0.9 100 kHz μs ns 1000 20 + 0.1Cb 300 ns 300 20 + 0.1Cb 300 ns 4 0.8 μs 4.7 1.3 μs 400 Specifications 400 pF Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 WCLK tr td(WS) BCLK td(DO-WS) tf td(DO-BCLK) DOUT tS(DI) th(DI) DIN T0145-08 Figure 5-1. I2S/LJF/RJF Timing in Master Mode WCLK tr th(WS) tS(WS) tH(BCLK) BCLK td(DO-WS) tL(BCLK) td(DO-BCLK) tf DOUT tS(DI) th(DI) DIN T0145-09 2 Figure 5-2. I S/LJF/RJF Timing in Slave Mode Specifications Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 13 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com WCLK td(WS) td(WS) tf BCLK tr td(DO-BCLK) DOUT tS(DI) th(DI) DIN T0146-07 Figure 5-3. DSP Timing in Master Mode WCLK tS(WS) tS(WS) th(WS) th(WS) tf tL(BCLK) BCLK tr td(DO-BCLK) tH(BCLK) DOUT tS(DI) th(DI) DIN T0146-08 Figure 5-4. DSP Timing in Slave Mode SDA tBUF tLOW tr tHIGH tf tHD;STA SCL tHD;STA tSU;DAT tHD;DAT STO STA tSU;STO tSU;STA STA STO T0295-02 2 Figure 5-5. I C Interface Timing Diagram 14 Specifications Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 5.12 Typical Characteristics 5.12.1 Audio ADC Performance 20 20 AVDD = HPVDD = 3.3 V IOVDD = SPKVDD = 3.3 V DVDD = 1.8 V AVDD = HPVDD = 3.3 V IOVDD = SPKVDD = 3.3 V DVDD = 1.8 V 0 −20 −20 −40 −40 Amplitude − dBFS Amplitude − dBFS 0 −60 −80 −100 −60 −80 −100 −120 −120 −140 −140 −160 −160 0 5 10 15 0 20 5 10 15 20 f − Frequency − kHz f − Frequency − kHz G002 G001 Figure 5-6. Amplitude vs Frequency FFT – ADC Idle Channel Differential Added Text for Spacing Figure 5-7. Amplitude vs Frequency FFT – ADC Single-Ended Input 20 20 AVDD = HPVDD = 3.3 V IOVDD = SPKVDD = 3.3 V DVDD = 1.8 V AVDD = HPVDD = 3.3 V IOVDD = SPKVDD = 3.3 V DVDD = 1.8 V 0 −20 −20 −40 −40 Amplitude − dBFS Amplitude − dBFS 0 −60 −80 −100 −60 −80 −100 −120 −120 −140 −140 −160 −160 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 f − Frequency − kHz 10 15 20 f − Frequency − kHz G003 G004 Figure 5-8. Amplitude vs Frequency FFT – ADC Differential Input Figure 5-9. Amplitude vs Frequency FFT – ADC Idle Channel, Single-Ended 0 100 AVDD = HPVDD = 3.3 V IOVDD = SPKVDD = 3.3 V DVDD = 1.8 V −10 Diff = 10k 90 −30 85 −40 80 SNR − dB Amplitude − dBFS −20 95 −50 −60 SE = 10k 70 65 −80 60 −90 55 0 50 100 150 200 50 −10 f − Frequency − kHz SE = 20k SE = 40k 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Channel Gain − dB G005 Figure 5-10. Amplitude vs Frequency Frequency Response, Audio ADC Channel Diff = 40k 75 −70 −100 Diff = 20k G006 Figure 5-11. SNR vs PGA Channel Gain Specifications Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 15 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com 5.12.2 DAC Performance 0 0 AVDD = HPVDD = 3.3 V IOVDD = SPKVDD = 3.3 V DVDD = 1.8 V −20 −40 Amplitude − dBFS −40 Amplitude − dBFS AVDD = HPVDD = 3.3 V IOVDD = SPKVDD = 3.3 V DVDD = 1.8 V −20 −60 −80 −100 −60 −80 −100 −120 −120 −140 −140 −160 −160 0 5 10 15 0 20 5 10 15 20 f − Frequency − kHz f − Frequency − kHz G002 G001 Figure 5-12. Amplitude vs Frequency FFT - DAC to Line Output TEXT ADDED FOR SPACING Figure 5-13. Amplitude vs Frequency FFT - DAC to Headphone Output TEXT ADDED FOR SPACING THD+N − Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise − dB 0 −10 HPVDD = 2.7 V CM = 1.35 V −20 −30 −40 HPVDD = 3 V CM = 1.5 V −50 HPVDD = 3.3 V CM = 1.65 V −60 HPVDD = 3.6 V CM = 1.8 V −70 IOVDD = 3.3 V DVDD = 1.8 V Gain = 9 dB RL = 16 Ω −80 −90 −100 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 PO − Output Power − W 0.14 G025 Figure 5-14. Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise vs Output Power Headphone Output Power 16 Specifications Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 5.12.3 Class-D Speaker Driver Performance −10 −20 0 AVDD = HPVDD = 3.3 V IOVDD = 3.3 V SPKVDD = 5.5 V DVDD = 1.8 V RL = 4 Ω Driver Gain = 24 dB −30 Driver Gain = 18 dB −40 Driver Gain = 12 dB −50 Driver Gain = 6 dB −60 −70 0.0 THD+N − Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise − dB THD+N − Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise − dB 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 PO − Output Power − W −60 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 G011 Figure 5-16. Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise vs Output Power Class-D Speaker-Driver Output Power (RL = 4 Ω) THD+N − Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise − dB THD+N − Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise − dB AVDD = 3.3 V HPVDD = 3.3 V IOVDD = 3.3 V DVDD = 1.8 V Driver Gain = 18 dB RL = 4 Ω −50 0 Driver Gain = 18 dB Driver Gain = 24 dB Driver Gain = 12 dB −50 Driver Gain = 6 dB −60 −70 0.0 SPKVDD = 4.3 V SPKVDD = 5.5 V −40 G010 AVDD = HPVDD = 3.3 V IOVDD = 3.3 V SPKVDD = 5.5 V DVDD = 1.8 V RL = 8 Ω −30 −40 SPKVDD = 3.6 V −30 PO − Output Power − W 0 −20 −20 −70 0.0 4.0 Figure 5-15. Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise vs Output Power Max Class-D Speaker-Driver Output Power (RL = 4 Ω) −10 SPKVDD = 3.3 V −10 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 PO − Output Power − W 2.5 SPKVDD = 3.3 V −10 −20 SPKVDD = 3.6 V −30 −40 AVDD = 3.3 V HPVDD = 3.3 V IOVDD = 3.3 V DVDD = 1.8 V Driver Gain = 18 dB RL = 8 Ω −50 −60 −70 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 PO − Output Power − W G012 Figure 5-17. Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise vs Output Power Max Class-D Speaker-Driver Output Power (RL = 8 Ω) SPKVDD = 4.3 V SPKVDD = 5.5 V 2.5 3.0 G013 Figure 5-18. Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise vs Output Power Class-D Speaker-Driver Output Power (RL = 8 Ω) Specifications Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 17 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com 5.12.4 Analog Bypass Performance H 0 0 AVDD = HPVDD = 3.3 V IOVDD = SPKVDD = 3.3 V DVDD = 1.8 V −20 −40 Amplitude − dBFS −40 Amplitude − dBFS AVDD = HPVDD = 3.3 V IOVDD = SPKVDD = 3.3 V DVDD = 1.8 V −20 −60 −80 −100 −60 −80 −100 −120 −120 −140 −140 −160 −160 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 f − Frequency − kHz 10 15 20 f − Frequency − kHz G008 G009 Figure 5-19. Amplitude vs Frequency FFT - Line-In Bypass to Line Output 5.12.5 MICBIAS Performance H Figure 5-20. Amplitude vs Frequency FFT - Line-In Bypass to Headphone Output 3.5 3.0 Micbias = AVDD (3.3 V) V − Voltage − V 2.5 Micbias = 2.5 V 2.0 Micbias = 2 V 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 I − Current − mA G016 Figure 5-21. Voltage vs Current MICBIAS 18 Specifications Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 6 Parameter Measurement Information All parameters are measured according to the conditions described in Section 5. Parameter Measurement Information Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 19 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com 7 Detailed Description 7.1 Overview The TLV320AIC3100 device is a highly integrated stereo-audio DAC and monaural ADC for portable computing, communication, and entertainment applications. A register-based architecture eases integration with microprocessor-based systems through standard serial-interface buses. This device supports the two-wire I2C bus interface which provides full register access. All peripheral functions are controlled through these registers and the onboard state machines. The TLV320AIC3100 device consists of the following blocks: • Microphone interfaces (analog and digital) • Audio codec (mono ADC and stereo DAC) • AGC and DRC • Two digital signal-processing blocks (record and playback paths) • Digital sine-wave generator for beep • Stereo headphone and lineout amplifier • Pin-controlled or register-controlled volume level • Power-down de-pop and power-up soft start • Analog inputs • I2C control interface • Power-down control block Following a toggle of the RESET pin or a software reset, the device operates in the default mode. The I2C interface is used to write to the control registers to configure the device. The I2C address assigned to the TLV320AIC3100 device is 001 1000. This device always operates in an I2C slave mode. All registers are 8-bit, and all writable registers have read-back capability. The device auto-increments to support sequential addressing and can be used with the I2C fast mode. When the device is reset, all appropriate registers are updated by the host processor to configure the device as needed by the user. 20 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com 7.2 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Functional Block Diagram SPKVDD SPKVDD SPKVSS SPKVSS HPVDD P1/R33–R34 De-Pop and SoftStart HPVSS AVSS AVDD 2 V/2.5 V/AVDD MICBIAS 7-Bit Vol ADC VOL/ MICDET Left and Right VolumeControl Register Audio Output Stage Power Management RC CLK P0/R116–R117 SPKP SPKP SPKM SPKM Analog Attenuation 0 dB to –78 dB and Mute (0.5-dB Steps / Nonlinear) P1/R38 MIX_L Class-D Speaker Driver P1/R42 GPIO GPIO1 6 dB to 24 dB (6-dB Steps) SDA P1/R32 I2C SCL P1/R30 Analog Attenuation 0 dB to –78 dB and Mute (0.5-dB Steps / Nonlinear) P1/R36 MIX_L Class A/B Headphone/Lineout Driver P1/R40 HPL P1/R31 P1/R44 0 dB to 9 dB (1-dB Steps) P1/R41 P1/R37 Note: Normally, MCLK is PLL input; however, BCLK, GPIO1, etc., can also be PLL input. MIX_R HPR MIX_R MIX_L PLL MCLK MIC1LP DAC_L Σ ∆-∑ Σ DAC Σ MIC1RP Digital Vol 24 dB to Mute P1/R35 DAC_R Σ ∆-∑ Σ DAC DAC Processing Blocks MIC1RP Selectable Gain/Input Impedance MIC1LM P0/R71 P0/R72 Digital Beep Generator 0 to –63 dB (1-dB Steps) P1/R47 0 to 59.5 dB P0/R82–R83 (0.5-dB steps) Mono ADC Digital Vol Σ ∆-∑ –12..20 dB ADC Step = 0.5 dB P1/R48 P0/R86–R93 WCLK BCLK ADC Processing Blocks RESET AGC Σ Selectable Gain/Input Impedance DOUT DIN OSC VCOM Input CM P1/R50 Digital Audio Processing and Serial Interface Σ P0/ R64–R65 Digital Vol Ctl MIC1LP P0/R63 P1/R49 DVDD RC CLK DVSS IOVDD IOVSS B0205-08 Copyright © 2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated 7.3 7.3.1 Feature Description Power-Supply Sequence The TLV320AIC3100 requires multiple power supply rails for operation. All the power rails must be powered up for the device to operate at the fullest potention. The following is the recommended power-up sequencing for proper operation: Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 21 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 1. 2. 3. 4. Power Power Power Power up up up up www.ti.com SPKVDD IOVDD DVDD shortly after IOVDD AVDD and HPVDD Although not necessary, if the system requires, during shutdown, remove the power supplies in the reverse order of the above sequence. 7.3.2 Reset The TLV320AIC3100 internal logic must be initialized to a known condition for proper device function. To initialize the device to its default operating condition, the hardware reset pin (RESET) must be pulled low for at least 10 ns. For this initialization to work, both the IOVDD and DVDD supplies must be powered up. TI recommends that while the DVDD supply powers up, the RESET pin is pulled low. The device can also be reset via software reset. Writing a 1 into page 0 / register 1, bit D0 resets the device. 7.3.3 Device Start-Up Lockout Times After the TLV320AIC3100 is initialized through hardware reset at power up or software reset, the internal memories are initialized to default values. This initialization takes place within 1 ms after pulling the RESET signal high. During this initialization phase, no register-read or register-write operation should be performed on ADC or DAC coefficient buffers. Also, no block within the codec should be powered up during the initialization phase. 7.3.4 PLL Start-Up Whenever the PLL is powered up, a start-up delay of approximately of 10 ms occurs after the power-up command of the PLL and before the clocks are available to the codec. This delay is to ensure stable operation of the PLL and clock-divider logic. 7.3.5 Power-Stage Reset The power-stage-only reset is used to reset the device after an overcurrent latching shutdown has occurred. Using this reset re-enables the output stage without resetting all of the registers in the device. Each of the four power stages has its own dedicated reset bit. The headphone power-stage reset is performed by setting page 1 / register 31, bit D7 for HPL and by setting page 1 / register 31, bit D6 for HPR. The speaker power-stage reset is performed by setting page 1 / register 32, bit D7 for SPKP and SPKM. 7.3.6 Software Power Down By default, all circuit blocks are powered down following a reset condition. Hardware power up of each circuit block can be controlled by writing to the appropriate control register. This approach allows the lowest power-supply current for the functionality required. However, when a block is powered down, all of the register settings are maintained as long as power is still being applied to the device. 7.3.7 Audio Analog I/O The TLV320AIC3100 has a stereo audio DAC and a monaural ADC. The device supports a wide range of analog interfaces to support different headsets and analog outputs. The TLV320AIC3100 has features to interface output drivers (8-Ω, 16-Ω, 32-Ω) and a microphone PGA with AGC control. A special circuit has also been included in the TLV320AIC3100 to insert a short key-click sound into the stereo audio output. The key-click sound is used to provide feedback to the user when a particular button is pressed or item is selected. The specific sound of the keyclick can be adjusted by varying several register bits that control its frequency, duration, and amplitude (see Section 22 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com 7.3.8 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Digital Processing Low-Power Modes The TLV320AIC3100 device can be tuned to minimize power dissipation, to maximize performance, or to an operating point between the two extremes to best fit the application. The choice of processing blocks, PRB_P1 to PRB_P25 for stereo playback and PRB_R4 to PRB_R18 for mono recording, also influences the power consumption. In fact, the numerous processing blocks have been implemented to offer a choice among configurations having a different balance of power optimization and signal-processing capabilities. ADC, Mono, 48 kHz, DVDD = 1.8 V, AVDD = 3.3 V AOSR = 128, Processing Block = PRB_R4 (Decimation Filter A) Power consumption = 9.01 mW Table 7-1. PRB_R4 Alternative Processing Blocks, 9.01 mW PROCESSING BLOCK FILTER ESTIMATED POWER CHANGE (mW) PRB_R5 A 0.23 PRB_R6 A 0.22 AOSR = 64, Processing Block = PRB_R11 (Decimation Filter B) Power consumption = 7.99 mW Table 7-2. PRB_R11 Alternative Processing Blocks, 7.99 mW PROCESSING BLOCK FILTER ESTIMATED POWER CHANGE (mW) PRB_R4 A 0.43 PRB_R5 A 0.67 PRB_R6 A 0.66 PRB_R10 B –0.14 PRB_R12 B 0.04 ADC, Mono, 8 kHz, DVDD = 1.8 V, AVDD = 3.3 V AOSR = 128, Processing Block = PRB_R4 (Decimation Filter A) Power consumption = 6.77 mW Table 7-3. PRB_R4 Alternative Processing Blocks, 6.77 mW PROCESSING BLOCK FILTER ESTIMATED POWER CHANGE (mW) PRB_R5 A 0.03 PRB_R6 A 0.03 AOSR = 64, Processing Block = PRB_R11 (Decimation Filter B) Power consumption = 6.61 mW Table 7-4. PRB_R11 Alternative Processing Blocks, 6.61 mW PROCESSING BLOCK FILTER ESTIMATED POWER CHANGE (mW) PRB_R4 A 0.07 PRB_R5 A 0.11 PRB_R6 A 0.11 PRB_R10 B –0.02 PRB_R12 B 0.01 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 23 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com DAC Playback on Headphones, Stereo, 48 kHz, DVDD = 1.8 V, AVDD = 3.3 V, HPVDD = 3.3 V DOSR = 128, Processing Block = PRB_P7 (Interpolation Filter B) Power consumption = 24.28 mW Table 7-5. PRB_P7 Alternative Processing Blocks, 24.28 mW PROCESSING BLOCK FILTER ESTIMATED POWER CHANGE (mW) PRB_P1 A 1.34 PRB_P2 A 2.86 PRB_P3 A 2.11 PRB_P8 B 1.18 PRB_P9 B 0.53 PRB_P10 B 1.89 PRB_P11 B 0.87 PRB_P23 A 1.48 PRB_P24 A 2.89 PRB_P25 A 3.23 DOSR = 64, Processing Block = PRB_P7 (Interpolation Filter B) Power consumption = 24.5 mW Table 7-6. PRB_P7 Alternative Processing Blocks, 24.5 mW PROCESSING BLOCK FILTER ESTIMATED POWER CHANGE (mW) PRB_P1 A 1.17 PRB_P2 A 2.62 PRB_P3 A 2 PRB_P8 B 0.99 PRB_P9 B 0.5 PRB_P10 B 1.46 PRB_P11 B 0.66 PRB_P23 A 1.43 PRB_P24 A 2.69 PRB_P25 A 2.92 DAC Playback on Headphones, Mono, 48 kHz, DVDD = 1.8 V, AVDD = 3.3 V, HPVDD = 3.3 V DOSR = 128, Processing Block = PRB_P12 (Interpolation Filter B) Power consumption = 15.4 mW Table 7-7. PRB_P12 Alternative Processing Blocks, 15.4 mW 24 PROCESSING BLOCK FILTER ESTIMATED POWER CHANGE (mW) PRB_P4 A 0.57 PRB_P5 A 1.48 PRB_P6 A 1.08 PRB_P13 B 0.56 PRB_P14 B 0.27 PRB_P15 B 0.89 PRB_P16 B 0.31 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 DOSR = 64, Processing Block = PRB_P12 (Interpolation Filter B) Power consumption = 15.54 mW Table 7-8. PRB_P12 Alternative Processing Blocks, 15.54 mW PROCESSING BLOCK FILTER ESTIMATED POWER CHANGE (mW) PRB_P4 A 0.37 PRB_P5 A 1.23 PRB_P6 A 1.15 PRB_P13 B 0.43 PRB_P14 B 0.13 PRB_P15 B 0.85 PRB_P16 B 0.21 DAC Playback on Headphones, Stereo, 8 kHz, DVDD = 1.8 V, AVDD = 3.3 V, HPVDD = 3.3 V DOSR = 768, Processing Block = PRB_P7 (Interpolation Filter B) Power consumption = 22.44 mW Table 7-9. PRB_P7 Alternative Processing Blocks, 22.44 mW PROCESSING BLOCK FILTER ESTIMATED POWER CHANGE (mW) PRB_P1 A 0.02 PRB_P2 A 0.31 PRB_P3 A 0.23 PRB_P8 B 0.28 PRB_P9 B –0.03 PRB_P10 B 0.14 PRB_P11 B 0.05 PRB_P23 A 0.29 PRB_P24 A 0.26 PRB_P25 A 0.47 DOSR = 384, Processing Block = PRB_P7 (Interpolation Filter B) Power consumption = 22.83 mW Table 7-10. PRB_P7 Alternative Processing Blocks, 22.83 mW PROCESSING BLOCK FILTER ESTIMATED POWER CHANGE (mW) PRB_P1 A 0.27 PRB_P2 A 0.4 PRB_P3 A 0.34 PRB_P8 B 0.2 PRB_P9 B 0.08 PRB_P10 B 0.24 PRB_P11 B 0.12 PRB_P23 A 0.23 PRB_P24 A 0.42 PRB_P25 A 0.46 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 25 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com DAC Playback on Headphones, Mono, 8 kHz, DVDD = 1.8 V, AVDD = 3.3 V, HPVDD = 3.3 V DOSR = 768, Processing Block = PRB_P12 (Interpolation Filter B) Power consumption = 14.49 mW Table 7-11. PRB_P12 Alternative Processing Blocks, 14.49 mW PROCESSING BLOCK FILTER ESTIMATED POWER CHANGE (mW) PRB_P4 A –0.04 PRB_P5 A 0.2 PRB_P6 A –0.01 PRB_P13 B 0.1 PRB_P14 B 0.05 PRB_P15 B –0.03 PRB_P16 B 0.07 DOSR = 384, Processing Block = PRB_P12 (Interpolation Filter B) Power consumption = 14.42 mW Table 7-12. PRB_P12 Alternative Processing Blocks, 14.42 mW PROCESSING BLOCK FILTER ESTIMATED POWER CHANGE (mW) PRB_P4 A 0.16 PRB_P5 A 0.3 PRB_P6 A 0.2 PRB_P13 B 0.15 PRB_P14 B 0.07 PRB_P15 B 0.18 PRB_P16 B 0.09 DAC Playback on Headphones, Stereo, 192 kHz, DVDD = 1.8 V, AVDD = 3.3 V, HPVDD = 3.3 V DOSR = 32, Processing Block = PRB_P17 (Interpolation Filter C) Power consumption = 27.05 mW Table 7-13. PRB_P17 Alternative Processing Blocks, 27.05 mW PROCESSING BLOCK FILTER ESTIMATED POWER CHANGE (mW) PRB_P18 C 5.28 PRB_P19 C 1.98 DAC Playback on Line Out (10 k-Ω load), Stereo, 48 kHz, DVDD = 1.8 V, AVDD = 3 V, HPVDD = 3 V DOSR = 64, Processing Block = PRB_P7 (Interpolation Filter B) Power consumption = 12.85 mW 26 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com 7.3.9 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Audio ADC and Analog Inputs MICBIAS and Microphone Preamplifier The TLV320AIC3100 device includes a microphone bias circuit that sources up to 4 mA of current and is programmable to a 2-V, 2.5-V, or AVDD level. The level is controlled by writing to page 1 / register 46, bits D1–D0. Table 7-14 lists this functionality. Table 7-14. MICBIAS Settings D1 D0 FUNCTIONALITY 0 0 MICBIAS output is powered down 0 1 MICBIAS output is powered to 2 V 1 0 MICBIAS output is powered to 2.5 V 1 1 MICBIAS output is powered to AVDD During normal operation, MICBIAS can be set to 2.5 V for better performance. However, based on the model of the selected microphone, optimal performance can be obtained at another setting and therefore the performance at a given setting must be verified. The lowest current consumption occurs when MICBIAS is powered down. The next-lowest current consumption occurs when MICBIAS is set at AVDD. Because of the oversampling nature of the audio ADC and the integrated digital-decimation filtering, requirements for analog anti-aliasing filtering are very relaxed. The TLV320AIC3100 device integrates a second-order analog anti-aliasing filter with 20-dB attenuation at 1 MHz. This filter, combined with the digital decimal filter, provides sufficient anti-aliasing filtering without requiring any external components. The MIC PGA supports analog gain control from 0 dB to 59.5 dB in steps of 0.5 dB. These gain levels are controlled by writing to page 1 / register 47, bits D6–D0. The PGA gain changes are implemented with internal soft-stepping. This soft-stepping ensures that volume-control changes occur smoothly with no audible artifacts. On reset, the MIC PGA gain defaults to a mute condition, with soft-stepping enabled. The ADC soft-stepping control is enabled or disabled by writing to page 0 / register 81, bits D1–D0. ADC softstepping timing is provided by the internal oscillator and internal divider logic block. The input feed-forward resistance for the MIC1LP input of the microphone PGA stage has three settings, 10 kΩ, 20 kΩ, and 40 kΩ, which are controlled by writing to page 1 / register 48, bits D7 and D6. The input feed-forward resistance value selected affects the gain of the microphone PGA. The ADC PGA gain for the MIC1LP input depends on the setting of page1 / register 48 and page 1 / register 49, bits D7–D6. If D7–D6 are set to 01, then the ADC PGA has 6 dB more gain with respect to the value programmed using page 1 / register 47. If D7–D6 are set to 10, then the ADC PGA has the same gain as programmed using page 1 / register 47. If D7–D6 are set to 11, then the ADC PGA has 6 dB less gain with respect to the value programmed using page 1 / register 47. The same gain scaling is also valid for the MIC1RP and MIC1LM input, based on the feed-forward resistance selected using page 1 / register 48, bits D5–D2. Table 7-15 lists the effective gain applied by the PGA. Table 7-15. PGA Gain Versus Input Impedance PAGE 1 / REGISTER 47 D6–D0 EFFECTIVE GAIN APPLIED BY PGA SINGLE-ENDED DIFFERENTIAL RIN = 10 kΩ RIN = 20 kΩ RIN = 40 kΩ RIN = 10 kΩ RIN = 20 kΩ RIN = 40 kΩ 000 0000 6 dB 0 dB –6 dB 12 dB 6 dB 0 dB 000 0001 6.5 dB 0.5 dB –5.5 dB 12.5 dB 6.5 dB 0.5 dB 000 0010 7 dB 1 dB –5 dB 13 dB 7 dB 1 dB ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 27 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com The MIC PGA gain is either controlled by an AGC loop or as a fixed gain. See for the various analog input routings to the MIC PGA that are supported in the single-ended and differential configurations. The AGC is enabled by writing to page 0 / register 86, bit D7. If the AGC is not enabled, then setting a fixed gain occurs by writing to page 1 / register 47, bits D6–D0. Because the TLV320AIC3100 device supports softstepping gain changes, a read-only flag on page 0 / register 36, bit D7 is set whenever the gain applied by PGA equals the desired value set by the gain register. The MIC PGA is enabled by writing to page 1 / register 47, bit D7. ADC muting occurs by writing to page 0 / register 82, bit D7 and page 1 / register 47, bit D7. Disabling the MIC PGA sets the gain to 0 dB. Muting the ADC causes the digital output to mute so that the output value remains fixed. When soft-stepping is enabled, the CODEC_CLKIN signal must stay active until after the ADC power-down register is written, in order to ensure that soft-stepping to mute has had time to complete. When the ADC POWER UP flag is no longer set, the CODEC_CLKIN signal can shut down. Automatic Gain Control (AGC) The TLV320AIC3100 includes automatic gain control (AGC) for the microphone inputs. AGC can be used to maintain nominally constant output-signal amplitude when recording speech signals. This circuitry automatically adjusts the MIC PGA gain as the input signal becomes overly loud or very weak, such as when a person speaking into a microphone moves closer to or farther from the microphone. The AGC algorithm has several programmable settings, including target gain, attack and decay time constants, noise threshold, and maximum PGA applicable, that allow the algorithm to be fine-tuned for any particular application. The algorithm uses the absolute average of the signal (which is the average of the absolute value of the signal) as a measure of the nominal amplitude of the output signal. Because the gain can be changed at the sample interval time, the AGC algorithm operates at the ADC_fS clock rate. Target level represents the nominal output level at which the AGC attempts to hold the ADC output signal. The TLV320AIC3100 allows programming of eight different target levels, which can be programmed from –5.5 dB to –24 dB relative to a full-scale signal. Because the TLV320AIC3100 reacts to the signal absolute average and not to peak levels, TI recommends that the target level be set with enough margin to avoid clipping at the occurrence of loud sounds. An AGC low-pass filter is used to help determine the average level of the input signal. This average level is compared to the programmed detection levels in the AGC to provide the correct functionality. This lowpass filter is in the form of a first-order IIR filter. Programming this filter is done by writing to page 4 / register 2 through page 4 / register 7. Two 8-bit registers are used to form the 16-bit digital coefficient as shown on the register map. In this way, a total of six registers are programmed to form the three IIR coefficients. Attack time determines how quickly the AGC circuitry reduces the PGA gain when the input signal is too loud. Programming the attack time is done by writing to page 0 / register 89, bits D7–D0. Decay time determines how quickly the PGA gain is increased when the input signal is too low. Programming the decay time is done by writing to page 0 / register 90, bits D7–D0. Noise threshold is a reference level. If the input speech average value falls below the noise threshold, the AGC considers it as a silence and hence brings down the gain to 0 dB in steps of 0.5 dB every sample period and sets the noise-threshold flag. The gain stays at 0 dB unless the input speech signal average rises above the noise-threshold setting. This ensures that noise is not amplified in the absence of speech. The noise-threshold level in the AGC algorithm is programmable from –30 dB to –90 dB for the microphone input. When the AGC noise threshold is set to –70 dB, –80 db, or –90 dB, the microphone input maximum PGA applicable setting must be greater than or equal to 11.5 dB, 21.5 dB, or 31.5 dB, respectively. This operation includes debounce and hysteresis to prevent the AGC gain from cycling between high gain and 0 dB when signals are near the noise threshold level. When the noise-threshold flag is set, the status of the gain applied by the AGC and the saturation flag should be ignored. Programming the noise debounce is done by writing to page 0 / register 91, bits D4–D0. Programming the signal debounce is done by writing to page 0 / register 92, bits D3–D0. 28 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Max PGA applicable allows the user to restrict the maximum gain applied by the AGC. This can be used for limiting PGA gain in situations where environmental noise is greater than the programmed noise threshold. Microphone input maximum PGA can be programmed from 0 dB to 59.5 dB in steps of 0.5 dB. Programming the maximum PGA gain allowed by the AGC is done by writing to page 0 / register 88, bits D6–D0. See Table 7-16 for various AGC programming options. AGC can be used only if the microphone input is routed to the ADC channel. Table 7-16. AGC Settings (1) CONTROL REGISTER (1) BIT FUNCTION 36 D5 (read-only) AGC saturation flag 39 D3 (read-only) ADC saturation flag 45 D6 (read-only) Signal to level setting of noise threshold 86 D7 AGC enable 86 D6–D4 Target level 87 D7–D6 Hysteresis 87 D5–D1 Noise threshold 88 D6–D0 Maximum PGA applicable 89 D7–D0 Time constants (attack time) 90 D7–D0 Time constants (decay time) 91 D4–D0 Debounce time (noise) 92 D3–D0 Debounce time (signal) 93 D7–D0 (read-only) Gain applied by AGC All registers shown in this table are located on page 0. Input Signal Output Signal Target Level AGC Gain Decay Time Attack Time W0002-01 Figure 7-1. AGC Characteristics The AGC settings should be set based on user and system conditions such as microphone selection and sensitivity, acoustics (plastics) around the microphone which affect the microphone pattern, expected distance and direction between microphone and sound source, and acoustic background noise. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 29 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com One example of AGC code follows, but actual use of code should be verified based on application usage. Note that the AGC code should be set up before powering up the ADC. ####################### AGC ENABLE EXAMPLE CODE ##################### ## Switch to page 0 w 30 00 00 # Set AGC enable and Target Level = -10 dB # Target level can be set lower if clipping occurs during speech # Target level is adjusted considering Max Gain also w 30 56 A0 # AGC hysteresis=DISABLE, noise threshold = -90dB # Noise threshold should be set at higher level if noisy background is present in application w 30 57 FE # AGC maximum gain= 40 dB # Higher Max gain is a trade off between gaining up a low sensitivity MIC, and the background # acoustic noise # Microphone bias voltage (MICBIAS) level can be used to change the Microphone Sensitivity w 30 58 50 # Attack time=864/Fs w 30 59 68 # Decay time=22016/Fs w 30 5A A8 # Noise debounce 0 ms # Noise debounce time can be increased if needed w 30 5B 00 # Signal debounce 0 ms # Signal debounce time can be increased if needed w 30 5C 00 ######################## END of AGC SET UP ################################# Delta-Sigma ADC The analog-to-digital converter has a delta-sigma modulator with an oversampling ratio (AOSR) up to 128. The ADC can support a maximum output rate of 192 kHz. ADC power up is controlled by writing to page 0 / register 81, bit D7. An ADC power-up condition can be verified by reading page 0 / register 36, bit D6. ADC Decimation Filtering and Signal Processing The TLV320AIC3100 ADC channel includes built-in digital decimation filters to process the oversampled data from the delta-sigma modulator to generate digital data at the Nyquist sampling rate with high dynamic range. The decimation filter can be chosen from three different types, depending on the required frequency response, group delay, and sampling rate. ADC Processing Blocks The TLV320AIC3100 offers a range of processing blocks which implement various signal processing capabilities along with decimation filtering. These processing blocks give users the choice of how much and what type of signal processing they may use and which decimation filter is applied. The choices among these processing blocks allow the system designer to balance power conservation and signal-processing flexibility. Less signal-processing capability reduces the power consumed by the device. Table 7-17 gives an overview of the available processing blocks of the ADC channel and their properties. The Resource Class (RC) column gives a relative indication of power consumption. The signal processing blocks available are: • First-order IIR • Scalable number of biquad filters • Variable-tap FIR filter • AGC The processing blocks are tuned for common cases and can achieve high anti-alias filtering or low group delay in combination with various signal-processing effects such as audio effects and frequency shaping. The available first-order IIR, biquad, and FIR filters have fully user-programmable coefficients. 30 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Table 7-17. ADC Processing Blocks PROCESSIN G BLOCKS CHANNEL DECIMATION FILTER 1st-ORDER IIR AVAILABLE NUMBER BIQUADS FIR REQUIRED AOSR VALUE RESOURCE CLASS PRB_R4 Mono A Yes 0 No 128, 64 3 PRB_R5 Mono A Yes 5 No 128, 64 4 PRB_R6 Mono A Yes 0 25-tap 128, 64 4 PRB_R10 Mono B Yes 0 No 64 2 PRB_R11 Mono B Yes 3 No 64 2 PRB_R12 Mono B Yes 0 20-tap 64 2 PRB_R16 Mono C Yes 0 No 32 2 PRB_R17 Mono C Yes 5 No 32 2 PRB_R18 Mono C Yes 0 25-tap 32 2 ADC Processing Blocks – Signal Chain Details First-Order IIR, AGC, Filter A From Delta-Sigma Modulator or Digital Microphone Filter A ´ AGC Gain Compen Sation st 1 Order IIR To Audio Interface AGC From Digital Vol. Ctrl To Analog PGA Figure 7-2. Signal Chain for PRB_R4 Five Biquads, First-Order IIR, AGC, Filter A From Delta-Sigma Modulator or Digital Microphone Filter A HA HB HC HD HE ´ st 1 Order IIR AGC Gain Compen sation To Audio Interface AGC From Digital Vol. Ctrl To Analog PGA Figure 7-3. Signal Chain for PRB_R5 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 31 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com 25-Tap FIR, First-Order IIR, AGC, Filter A From Delta-Sigma Modulator or Digital Microphone AGC Gain Compen sation st Filter A 1 Order IIR ´ 25-Tap FIR To Audio Interface AGC From Digital Vol. Ctrl To Analog PGA Figure 7-4. Signal Chain for PRB_R6 First-Order IIR, AGC, Filter B From Delta-Sigma Modulator or Digital Microphone AGC Gain Compen sation st Filter B 1 Order IIR ´ To Audio Interface To Audio Interface AGC From Digital Vol. Ctrl To Analog PGA Figure 7-5. Signal Chain for PRB_R10 Three Biquads, First-Order IIR, AGC, Filter B From Delta-Sigma Modulator or Digital Microphone Filter B HA HB HC 1stOrder IIR ´ AGC Gain Compen sation To Audio Interface AGC From Digital Vol. Ctrl To Analog PGA Figure 7-6. Signal Chain for PRB_R11 20-Tap FIR, First-Order IIR, AGC, Filter B From Delta-Sigma Modulator or Digital Microphone st Filter B 20-Tap FIR ´ 1 Order IIR AGC Gain Compen sation To Audio Interface AGC From Digital Vol. Ctrl To Analog PGA Figure 7-7. Signal Chain for PRB_R12 32 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 First-Order IIR, AGC, Filter C From Delta-Sigma Modulator or Digital Microphone Filter C ´ AGC Gain Compen sation st 1 Order IIR To Audio Interface AGC From Digital Vol. Ctrl To Analog PGA Figure 7-8. Signal Chain for PRB_R16 Five Biquads, First-Order IIR, AGC, Filter C From Delta-Sigma Modulator or Digital Microphone Filter C HA HB HC HD HE ´ st 1 Order IIR AGC Gain Compen sation To Audio Interface AGC From Digital Vol. Ctrl To Analog PGA Figure 7-9. Signal Chain for PRB_R17 25-Tap FIR, First-Order IIR, AGC, Filter C From Delta-Sigma Modulator or Digital Microphone st Filter C 25-Tap FIR ´ 1 Order IIR AGC Gain Compen sation To Audio Interface AGC From Digital Vol. Ctrl To Analog PGA Figure 7-10. Signal Chain for PRB_R18 User-Programmable Filters Depending on the selected processing block, different types and orders of digital filtering are available. A first-order IIR filter is always available, and is useful to filter out possible dc components of the signal efficiently. Up to five biquad sections or, alternatively, FIR filters of up to 25 taps are available for specific processing blocks. The coefficients of the available filters are arranged as sequentially indexed coefficients. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 33 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com The coefficients of these filters are each 16 bits wide, in 2s-complement format, and occupy two consecutive 8-bit registers in the register space. Specifically, the filter coefficients are in 1.15 (one dot 15) format with a range from –1.0 (0x8000) to 0.999969482421875 (0x7FFF), as shown in Figure 7-11. 2 –15 2 2 –4 –1 Bit Bit Largest Positive Number: = 0.111111111111111111 = 0.999969482421875 = 1.0 – 1 LSB Bit Largest Negative Number: = 1.000010000100001000 = 0x8000 = –1.0 (by definition) Fraction Point Sign Bit S...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Figure 7-11. 1.15 2s-Complement Coefficient Format First-Order IIR Section The transfer function for the first-order IIR filter is given by Equation 1. H(z) = N0 + N1z -1 215 - D1z -1 (1) The frequency response for the first-order IIR section with default coefficients is flat at a gain of 0 dB. Table 7-18. ADC First-Order IIR Filter Coefficients FILTER COEFFICIENT FILTER First-order IIR ADC COEFFICIENT DEFAULT (RESET) VALUES N0 Page 4 / register 8 and page 4 / register 9 0x7FFF (decimal 1.0 – LSB value) N1 Page 4 / register 10 and page 4 / register 11 0x0000 D1 Page 4 / register 12 and page 4 / register 13 0x0000 Biquad Section The transfer function of each of the biquad filters is given by Equation 2. H(z) = N0 + 2 ´ N1z -1 + N2 z -2 215 - 2 ´ D1z -1 - D2 z -2 (2) The default values for each biquad section yield an all-pass (flat) frequency response at a gain of 0 dB. Table 7-19. ADC Biquad Filter Coefficients FILTER FILTER COEFFICIENT Biquad A N0 Page 4 / register 14 and page 4 / register 15 0x7FFF (decimal 1.0 – LSB value) N1 Page 4 / register 16 and page 4 / register 17 0x0000 N2 Page 4 / register 18 and page 4 / register 19 0x0000 D1 Page 4 / register 20 and page 4 / register 21 0x0000 D2 Page 4 / register 22 and page 4 / register 23 0x0000 N0 Page 4 / register 24 and page 4 / register 25 0x7FFF (decimal 1.0 – LSB value) N1 Page 4 / register 26 and page 4 / register 27 0x0000 N2 Page 4 / register 28 and page 4 / register 29 0x0000 D1 Page 4 / register 30 and page 4 / register 31 0x0000 D2 Page 4 / register 32 and page 4 / register 33 0x0000 Biquad B 34 FILTER COEFFICIENT RAM LOCATION Detailed Description DEFAULT (RESET) VALUES Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Table 7-19. ADC Biquad Filter Coefficients (continued) FILTER FILTER COEFFICIENT Biquad C N0 Page 4 / register 34 and page 4 / register 35 0x7FFF (decimal 1.0 – LSB value) N1 Page 4 / register 36 and page 4 / register 37 0x0000 N2 Page 4 / register 38 and page 4 / register 39 0x0000 D1 Page 4 / register 40 and page 4 / register 41 0x0000 D2 Page 4 / register 42 and page 4 / register 43 0x0000 N0 Page 4 / register 44 and page 4 / register 45 0x7FFF (decimal 1.0 – LSB value) N1 Page 4 / register 46 and page 4 / register 47 0x0000 N2 Page 4 / register 48 and page 4 / register 49 0x0000 D1 Page 4 / register 50 and page 4 / register 51 0x0000 D2 Page 4 / register 52 and page 4 / register 53 0x0000 N0 Page 4 / register 54 and page 4 / register 55 0x7FFF (decimal 1.0 – LSB value) N1 Page 4 / register 56 and page 4 / register 57 0x0000 N2 Page 4 / register 58 and page 4 / register 59 0x0000 D1 Page 4 / register 60 and page 4 / register 61 0x0000 D2 Page 4 / register 62 and page 4 / register 63 0x0000 Biquad D Biquad E FILTER COEFFICIENT RAM LOCATION DEFAULT (RESET) VALUES FIR Section Three of the available ADC processing blocks offer FIR filters for signal processing. Processing block PRB_R12 features a 20-tap FIR filter, whereas the processing blocks PRB_R6 and PRB_R18 each feature a 25-tap FIR filter. M H(z) = å FIRn z-n n =0 M = 24 for PRB _ R6, PRB _ R18 M = 19 for PRB _ R12 (3) The coefficients of the FIR filters are 16-bit 2s-complement format (2 bytes each) and correspond to the ADC coefficient space as listed in Table 7-20. Note that the default (reset) coefficients are not valid for the FIR filter. When the FIR filter is used, all applicable coefficients must be reprogrammed by the user. To reprogram the FIR filter coefficients as an all-pass filter, write value 0x00 to page 4 / registers 24, 25, 34, 35, 44, 45, 54, and 55. Table 7-20. ADC FIR Filter Coefficients FILTER COEFFICIENT FILTER COEFFICIENT RAM LOCATION DEFAULT (RESET) VALUES – NOT VALID FOR THE FIR FILTER – MUST BE REPROGRAMMED BY USER FIR0 Page 4 / register 14 and page 4 / register 15 0x7FFF (decimal 1.0 – LSB value) FIR1 Page 4 / register 16 and page 4 / register 17 0x0000 FIR2 Page 4 / register 18 and page 4 / register 19 0x0000 FIR3 Page 4 / register 20 and page 4 / register 21 0x0000 FIR4 Page 4 / register 22 and page 4 / register 23 0x0000 FIR5 Page 4 / register 24 and page 4 / register 25 0x7FFF (decimal 1.0 – LSB value) FIR6 Page 4 / register 26 and page 4 / register 27 0x0000 FIR7 Page 4 / register 28 and page 4 / register 29 0x0000 FIR8 Page 4 / register 30 and page 4 / register 31 0x0000 FIR9 Page 4 / register 32 and page 4 / register 33 0x0000 FIR10 Page 4 / register 34 and page 4 / register 35 0x7FFF (decimal 1.0 – LSB value) FIR11 Page 4 / register 36 and page 4 / register 37 0x0000 FIR12 Page 4 / register 38 and page 4 / register 39 0x0000 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 35 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Table 7-20. ADC FIR Filter Coefficients (continued) FILTER COEFFICIENT FILTER COEFFICIENT RAM LOCATION DEFAULT (RESET) VALUES – NOT VALID FOR THE FIR FILTER – MUST BE REPROGRAMMED BY USER FIR13 Page 4 / register 40 and page 4 / register 41 0x0000 FIR14 Page 4 / register 42 and page 4 / register 43 0x0000 FIR15 Page 4 / register 44 and page 4 / register 45 0x7FFF (decimal 1.0 – LSB value) FIR16 Page 4 / register 46 and page 4 / register 47 0x0000 FIR17 Page 4 / register 48 and page 4 / register 49 0x0000 FIR18 Page 4 / register 50 and page 4 / register 51 0x0000 FIR19 Page 4 / registe 52 and page 4 / register 53 0x0000 FIR20 Page 4 / register 54 and page 4 / register 55 0x7FFF (decimal 1.0 – LSB value) FIR21 Page 4 / register 56 and page 4 / register 57 0x0000 FIR22 Page 4 / register 58 and page 4 / register 59 0x0000 FIR23 Page 4 / register 60 and page 4 / register 61 0x0000 FIR24 Page 4 / register 62 and page 4 / register 63 0x0000 ADC Digital Decimation Filter Characteristics The TLV320AIC3100 offers three different types of decimation filters. The integrated digital decimation filter removes high-frequency content and downsamples the audio data from an initial sampling rate of AOSR × fS to the final output sampling rate of fS. The decimation filtering is achieved using a higher-order CIC filter followed by linear-phase FIR filters. The decimation filter cannot be chosen by itself; it is implicitly set through the chosen processing block. The following subsections describe the properties of the available filters A, B, and C. Decimation Filter A This filter is intended for use at sampling rates up to 48 kHz. When configuring this filter, the oversampling ratio of the ADC can either be 128 or 64. For highest performance, the oversampling ratio must be set to 128. Filter A can also be used for 96 kHz at an AOSR of 64. Table 7-21. ADC Decimation-Filter-A Specifications PARAMETER CONDITION VALUE (TYPICAL) UNIT AOSR = 128 Filter gain pass band 0…0.39 fS 0.062 dB Filter gain stop band 0.55…64 fS –73 dB Filter group delay 17/fS s Pass-band ripple, 8 ksps 0…0.39 fS 0.062 dB Pass-band ripple, 44.1 ksps 0…0.39 fS 0.05 dB Pass-band ripple, 48 ksps 0…0.39 fS 0.05 dB Filter gain pass band 0…0.39 fS 0.062 dB Filter gain stop band 0.55…32 fS –73 dB AOSR = 64 Filter group delay 17/fS s Pass-band ripple, 8 ksps 0…0.39 fS 0.062 dB Pass-band ripple, 44.1 ksps 0…0.39 fS 0.05 dB Pass-band ripple, 48 ksps 0…0.39 fS 0.05 dB Pass-band ripple, 96 ksps 0…20 kHz 0.1 dB 36 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 ADC Channel Response for Decimation Filter A (Red Line Corresponds to –73 dB) 0 –10 Magnitude – dB –20 –30 –40 –50 –60 –70 –80 –90 –100 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Frequency Normalized to fS 2 Figure 7-12. ADC Decimation-Filter-A Frequency Response Decimation Filter B Filter B is intended to support sampling rates up to 96 kHz at an oversampling ratio of 64. Table 7-22. ADC Decimation-Filter-B Specifications PARAMETER CONDITION VALUE (TYPICAL) UNIT AOSR = 64 Filter gain pass band 0…0.39 fS ±0.077 dB Filter gain stop band 0.60 fS…32 fS –46 dB Filter group delay 11/fS s Pass-band ripple, 8 ksps 0…0.39 fS 0.076 dB Pass-band ripple, 44.1 ksps 0…0.39 fS 0.06 dB Pass-band ripple, 48 ksps 0…0.39 fS 0.06 dB Pass-band ripple, 96 ksps 0…20 kHz 0.11 dB 0 ADC Channel Response for Decimation Filter A (Red Line Corresponds to –44 dB) –10 Magnitude – dB –20 –30 –40 –50 –60 –70 –80 –90 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Frequency Normalized to fS 2 Figure 7-13. ADC Decimation-Filter-B Frequency Response Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 37 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Decimation Filter C Filter C along with an AOSR of 32 is specially designed for 192-ksps operation for the ADC. The pass band, which extends up to 0.11 × fS (corresponding to 21 kHz), is suited for audio applications. Table 7-23. ADC Decimation-Filter-C Specifications PARAMETER CONDITION VALUE (TYPICAL) UNIT Filter gain from 0 to 0.11 fS 0…0.11 fS ±0.033 dB Filter gain from 0.28 fS to 16 fS 0.28 fS…16 fS –60 dB 11/fS s Filter group delay Pass-band ripple, 8 ksps 0…0.11 fS 0.033 dB Pass-band ripple, 44.1 ksps 0…0.11 fS 0.033 dB Pass-band ripple, 48 ksps 0…0.11 fS 0.032 dB Pass-band ripple, 96 ksps 0…0.11 fS 0.032 dB Pass-band ripple, 192 ksps 0…20 kHz 0.086 dB 0 ADC Channel Response for Decimation Filter C (Red Line Corresponds to –60 dB) Magnitude – dB –20 –40 –60 –80 –100 –120 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Frequency Normalized to fS 2 Figure 7-14. ADC Decimation-Filter-C Frequency Response ADC Data Interface The decimation filter and signal processing block in the ADC channel pass 32-bit data words to the audio serial interface once every cycle of ADC_fS. During each cycle of ADC_fS, a pair of data words (for left and right channel) is passed. The audio serial interface rounds the data to the required word length of the interface before converting to serial data. Because the TLV320AIC3100 has only a mono ADC, it passes the same data to both the left and right channels of the audio serial interface. Updating ADC Digital Filter Coefficients During Record When it is required to update the ADC digital filter coefficients during record, care must be taken to avoid click and pop noise or even a possible oscillation noise. These artifacts can occur if the ADC coefficients are updated without following the proper update sequence. The correct sequence is shown in Figure 7-15. The values for the times listed are conservative and should be used for software purposes. 38 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Record - Paused Volume Ramp Down Soft Mute Wait (A) ms ADC Volume Ramp Down WAIT Time (A) For fS = 32 kHz ® Wait 10 ms (min) ADC Power Down Update Digital Filter Coefficients For fS = 48 kHz ® Wait 8 ms (min) ADC Volume Ramp Up Time (B) For fS = 32 kHz ® 10 ms For fS = 48 kHz ® 8 ms ADC Power UP Wait 20 ms Restore Previous Volume Level (Ramp) in (B) ms Record - Continue F0023-02 Figure 7-15. Updating ADC Digital Filter Coefficients During Record Digital Microphone Function In addition to supporting analog microphones, the TLV320AIC3100 can also interface to one digital microphone using the mono ADC channel. Figure 7-16 shows the digital microphone interface block diagram and Figure 7-17 shows the timing diagram for the digital microphone interface. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 39 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com D-S ADC Signal Processing Blocks DOUT DIG_MIC_IN Mono ADC CIC Filter ADC_MOD_CLK DIN GPIO1 Figure 7-16. Digital Microphone in the TLV320AIC3100 The TLV320AIC3100 outputs internal clock ADC_MOD_CLK on the GPIO1 pin (page 0 / register 51, bits D5–D2 = 1010). This clock can be connected to the external digital microphone device. The single-bit output of the external digital microphone device can be connected to the DIN pin. Internally, the TLV320AIC3100 latches the steady value of the mono ADC data on the rising edge of ADC_MOD_CLK. ADC_MOD_CLK DIG_MIC_IN Mono Data No Data Mono Data No Data Mono Data No Data Figure 7-17. Timing Diagram for Digital Microphone Interface When the digital microphone mode is enabled, the analog section of the ADC can be powered down and bypassed for power efficiency. The AOSR value for the ADC channel must be configured to select the desired decimation ratio to be achieved, based on the external digital microphone properties. DC Measurement The TLV320AIC3100 supports a highly flexible dc-measurement mode using the high-resolution oversampling and noise-shaping ADC. This mode can be used when the ADC channel is not used for the voice/audio record function. This mode can be enabled by programming page 0 / register 102, bit D7. The converted data is 24 bits, using the 2.22 numbering format. The value of the converted data for the ADC channel can be read back from page 0 / register 104 through page 1 / register 106. Before reading back the converted data, page 0 / register 103, bit D6 must be programmed to 1 in order to latch the converted data into the read-back registers. After the converted data is read back, page 0 / register 103, bit D6 must be immediately reset to 0. In dc-measurement mode, two measurement modes are supported. Mode A In dc-measurement mode A, a variable-length averaging filter is used. The length of averaging filter D can be programmed from 1 to 20 by programming page 0 / register 102, bits D4–D0. To choose mode A, page 0 / register 102, bit D5 must be programmed to 0. 40 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Mode B To choose mode B, page 0 / register 102, bit D5 must be programmed to 1. In dc-measurement mode B, a first-order IIR filter is used. The coefficients of this filter are determined by D, page 0 / register 102, bits D4–D0. The nature of the filter is given in Table 7-24. Table 7-24. DC Measurement Bandwidth Settings D: PAGE 0 / REGISTER 102, BITS D4–D0 –3 dB BW (kHz) –0.5 dB BW (kHz) 1 688.440 236.500 2 275.970 96.334 3 127.400 44.579 4 61.505 21.532 5 30.248 10.590 6 15.004 5.253 7 7.472 2.616 8 3.729 1.305 9 1.862 652 10 931 326 11 465 163 12 232.6 81.5 13 116.3 40.7 14 58.1 20.3 15 29.1 10.2 16 14.54 5.09 17 7.25 2.54 18 3.63 1.27 19 1.8 0.635 20 0.908 0.3165 By programming page 0 / register 103, bit D5 to 1, the averaging filter is periodically reset after 2R number of ADC_MOD_CLK periods, where R is programmed in page 0 / register 103, bits D4–D0. When page 0 / register 103, bit D5 is set to 1, then the value of D should be less than the value of R. When page 0 / register 103, bit D5 is programmed to 0, the averaging filter is never reset. 7.3.10 Audio DAC and Audio Analog Outputs Each channel of the stereo audio DAC consists of a digital-audio processing block, a digital interpolation filter, a digital delta-sigma modulator, and an analog reconstruction filter. This high oversampling ratio (typically DOSR is between 32 and 128) exhibits good dynamic range by ensuring that the quantization noise generated within the delta-sigma modulator stays outside of the audio frequency band. Audio analog outputs include stereo headphone, or lineouts, and stereo class-D speaker outputs. DAC The TLV320AIC3100 stereo-audio DAC supports data rates from 8 kHz to 192 kHz. Each channel of the stereo audio-DAC consists of a signal-processing engine with fixed processing blocks, a digital interpolation filter, a multibit digital delta-sigma modulator, and an analog reconstruction filter. The DAC is designed to provide enhanced performance at low sampling rates through increased oversampling and image filtering, thereby keeping quantization noise generated within the delta-sigma modulator and signal Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 41 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com images strongly suppressed within the audio band to beyond 20 kHz. To handle multiple input rates and optimize power dissipation and performance, the TLV320AIC3100 device allows the system designer to program the oversampling rates over a wide range from 1 to 1024 by configuring page 0 / register 13 and page 0 / register 14. The system designer can choose higher oversampling ratios for lower input data rates and lower oversampling ratios for higher input data rates. The TLV320AIC3100 DAC channel includes a built-in digital interpolation filter to generate oversampled data for the delta-sigma modulator. The interpolation filter can be chosen from three different types, depending on required frequency response, group delay, and sampling rate. DAC power up is controlled by writing to page 0 / register 63, bit D7 for the left channel and bit D6 for the right channel. The left-channel DAC clipping flag is provided as a read-only bit on page 0 / register 39, bit D7. The right-channel DAC clipping flag is provided as a read-only bit on page 0 / register 39, bit D6. DAC Processing Blocks The TLV320AIC3100 device implements signal-processing capabilities and interpolation filtering through processing blocks. These fixed processing blocks give users the choice of how much and what type of signal processing they use and which interpolation filter is applied. The choices among these processing blocks allow the system designer to balance power conservation and signal-processing flexibility. Table 7-25 gives an overview of all available processing blocks of the DAC channel and their properties. The resource-class column gives an approximate indication of power consumption for the digital (DVDD) supply; however, based on the out-of-band noise spectrum, the analog power consumption of the drivers (HPVDD) may differ. The signal processing blocks available are: • First-order IIR • Scalable number of biquad filters • 3D effect • Beep generator The processing blocks are tuned for common cases and can achieve high image rejection or low group delay in combination with various signal-processing effects such as audio effects and frequency shaping. The available first-order IIR and biquad filters have fully user-programmable coefficients. Table 7-25. Overview – DAC Predefined Processing Blocks 42 PROCESSING BLOCK NO. INTERPOLATION FILTER CHANNEL FIRST-ORDER IIR AVAILABLE NUMBER OF BIQUADS DRC 3D BEEP GENERATOR PRB_P1 A PRB_P2 A Stereo No Stereo Yes PRB_P3 PRB_P4 A Stereo A Left PRB_P5 A PRB_P6 3 No No No 8 6 Yes No No 12 Yes 6 No No No 10 No 3 No No No 4 Left Yes 6 Yes No No 6 A Left Yes 6 No No No 6 PRB_P7 B Stereo Yes 0 No No No 6 PRB_P8 B Stereo No 4 Yes No No 8 PRB_P9 B Stereo No 4 No No No 8 PRB_P10 B Stereo Yes 6 Yes No No 10 PRB_P11 B Stereo Yes 6 No No No 8 PRB_P12 B Left Yes 0 No No No 3 PRB_P13 B Left No 4 Yes No No 4 PRB_P14 B Left No 4 No No No 4 PRB_P15 B Left Yes 6 Yes No No 6 PRB_P16 B Left Yes 6 No No No 4 PRB_P17 C Stereo Yes 0 No No No 3 PRB_P18 C Stereo Yes 4 Yes No No 6 PRB_P19 C Stereo Yes 4 No No No 4 Detailed Description RESOURCE CLASS Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Table 7-25. Overview – DAC Predefined Processing Blocks (continued) PROCESSING BLOCK NO. INTERPOLATION FILTER CHANNEL FIRST-ORDER IIR AVAILABLE NUMBER OF BIQUADS DRC 3D BEEP GENERATOR RESOURCE CLASS PRB_P20 C Left Yes PRB_P21 C Left Yes 0 No No No 2 4 Yes No No PRB_P22 C Left 3 Yes 4 No No No PRB_P23 A 2 Stereo No 2 No Yes No PRB_P24 8 A Stereo Yes 5 Yes Yes No 12 PRB_P25 A Stereo Yes 5 Yes Yes Yes 12 DAC Processing Blocks — Signal Chain Details Three Biquads, Filter A BiQuad A from Interface BiQuad B BiQuad C Interp. Filter A ´ to Modulator Digital Volume Ctrl Figure 7-18. Signal Chain for PRB_P1 and PRB_P4 Six Biquads, First-Order IIR, DRC, Filter A or B Figure 7-19. Signal Chain for PRB_P2, PRB_P5, PRB_P10, and PRB_P15 Six Biquads, First-Order IIR, Filter A or B IIR from Interface BiQuad A BiQuad B BiQuad C BiQuad D BiQuad E BiQuad F Interp. Filter A,B ´ to Modulator Digital Volume Ctrl Figure 7-20. Signal Chain for PRB_P3, PRB_P6, PRB_P11, and PRB_P16 IIR, Filter B or C IIR from Interface Interp. Filter B,C ´ to Modulator Digital Volume Ctrl Figure 7-21. Signal Chain for PRB_P7, PRB_P12, PRB_P17, and PRB_P20 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 43 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Four Biquads, DRC, Filter B Figure 7-22. Signal Chain for PRB_P8 and PRB_P13 Four Biquads, Filter B BiQuad A from Interface BiQuad B BiQuad C BiQuad D Interp. Filter B ´ to Modulator Digital Volume Ctrl Figure 7-23. Signal Chain for PRB_P9 and PRB_P14 Four Biquads, First-Order IIR, DRC, Filter C Figure 7-24. Signal Chain for PRB_P18 and PRB_P21 Four Biquads, First-Order IIR, Filter C IIR from Interface BiQuad A BiQuad B BiQuad C BiQuad D Interp. Filter C ´ to modulator Digital Volume Ctrl Figure 7-25. Signal Chain for PRB_P19 and PRB_P22 44 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Two Biquads, 3D, Filter A From LeftChannel Interface + Biquad BL + Biquad CL Interp. Filter A ´ To Modulator + Digital Volume Ctrl + From RightChannel Interface Biquad AL + – Biquad AR 3D PGA + – + Biquad BR Biquad CR Interp. Filter A ´ To Modulator Digital Volume Ctrl NOTE: AL means biquad A of the left channel, and similarly, BR means biquad B of the right channel. Figure 7-26. Signal Chain for PRB_P23 Five Biquads, DRC, 3D, Filter A $ ! ! " " # ! $ ! ! " " # ! Figure 7-27. Signal Chain for PRB_P24 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 45 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Five Biquads, DRC, 3D, Beep Generator, Filter A !" "! ! ! # # $! " $! " "! !" ! ! # # $! " Figure 7-28. Signal Chain for PRB_P25 DAC User-Programmable Filters Based on the selected processing block, different types and orders of digital filtering are available. Up to six biquad sections are available for specific processing blocks. The coefficients of the available filters are arranged as sequentially-indexed coefficients in two banks. If adaptive filtering is chosen, the coefficient banks can be switched in real time. When the DAC is running, the user-programmable filter coefficients are locked and cannot be accessed for either read or write. However, the TLV320AIC3100 device offers an adaptive filter mode as well. Setting page 8 / register 1, bit D2 = 1 turns on double buffering of the coefficients. In this mode, filter coefficients are updated through the host and activated without stopping and restarting the DAC which enables advanced adaptive filtering applications. In the double-buffering scheme, all coefficients are stored in two buffers (buffers A and B). When the DAC is running and the adaptive filtering mode is turned on, setting page 8 / register 1, bit D0 = 1 switches the coefficient buffers at the next start of a sampling period. This bit is set back to 0 after the switch occurs. At the same time, page 8 / register 1, bit D1 toggles. The flag in page 8 / register 1, bit D1 indicates which of the two buffers is actually in use. Page 8 / register 1, bit D1 = 0: buffer A is in use by the DAC engine; bit D1 = 1: buffer B is in use. While the device is running, coefficient updates are always made to the buffer not in use by the DAC, regardless of the buffer to which the coefficients have been written. Table 7-26. Adaptive-Mode Filter-Coefficient Buffer Switching DAC POWERED UP PAGE 8 / REGISTER 1, BIT D1 No 0 None C1, buffer A C1, buffer A No 0 None C1, buffer B C1, buffer B Yes 0 Buffer A C1, buffer A C1, buffer B 46 COEFFICIENT BUFFER IN USE Detailed Description WRITING TO UPDATES Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Table 7-26. Adaptive-Mode Filter-Coefficient Buffer Switching (continued) DAC POWERED UP PAGE 8 / REGISTER 1, BIT D1 COEFFICIENT BUFFER IN USE Yes 0 Buffer A C1, buffer B C1, buffer B Yes 1 Buffer B C1, buffer A C1, buffer A Yes 1 Buffer B C1, buffer B C1, buffer A WRITING TO UPDATES The user-programmable coefficients C1 to C70 are defined on pages 8, 9, 10, and 11 for buffer A and pages 12, 13, 14, and 15 for buffer B. The coefficients of these filters are each 16-bit, 2s-complement format, occupying two consecutive 8-bit registers in the register space. Specifically, the filter coefficients are in 1.15 (one dot 15) format with a range from –1.0 (0x8000) to 0.999969482421875 (0x7FFF) as shown in Figure 7-11. First-Order IIR Section The IIR is of first order and its transfer function is given by Equation 4. H(z) = N0 + N1z -1 215 - D1z -1 (4) The frequency response for the first-order IIR section with default coefficients is flat. Table 7-27. DAC IIR Filter Coefficients FILTER COEFFICIENT First-order IIR LEFT DAC CHANNEL RIGHT DAC CHANNEL DEFAULT (RESET) VALUE N0 Page 9 / register 2 and page 9 / register 3 Page 9 / register 8 and page 9 / register 9 0x7FFF (decimal 1.0 – LSB value) N1 Page 9 / register 4 and page 9 / register 5 Page 9 / register 10 and page 9 / register 11 0x0000 D1 Page 9 / register 6 and page 9 / register 7 Page 9 / register 12 and page 9 / register 13 0x0000 Biquad Section The transfer function of each of the biquad filters is given by Equation 5. H(z) = N0 + 2 ´ N1z -1 + N2 z -2 215 - 2 ´ D1z -1 - D2 z -2 (5) Table 7-28. DAC Biquad Filter Coefficients FILTER Biquad A Biquad B COEFFICIENT LEFT DAC CHANNEL RIGHT DAC CHANNEL DEFAULT (RESET) VALUE N0 Page 8 / register 2 and page 8 / register 3 Page 8 / register 66 and page 8 / register 67 0x7FFF (decimal 1.0 – LSB value) N1 Page 8 / register 4 and page 8 / register 5 Page 8 / register 68 and page 8 / register 69 0x0000 N2 Page 8 / register 6 and page 8 / register 7 Page 8 / register 70 and page 8 / register 71 0x0000 D1 Page 8 / register 8 and page 8 / register 9 Page 8 / register 72 and page 8 / register 73 0x0000 D2 Page 8 / register 10 and page 8 / register 11 Page 8 / register 74 and page 8 / register 75 0x0000 N0 Page 8 / register 12 and page 8 / register 13 Page 8 / register 76 and page 8 / register 77 0x7FFF (decimal 1.0 – LSB value) N1 Page 8 / register 14 and page 8 / register 15 Page 8 / register 78 and page 8 / register 79 0x0000 N2 Page 8 / register 16 and page 8 / register 17 Page 8 / register 80 and page 8 / register 81 0x0000 D1 Page 8 / register 18 and page 8 / register 19 Page 8 / register 82 and page 8 / register 83 0x0000 D2 Page 8 / register 20 and page 8 / register 21 Page 8 / register 84 and page 8 / register 85 0x0000 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 47 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Table 7-28. DAC Biquad Filter Coefficients (continued) FILTER COEFFICIENT Biquad C Biquad D Biquad E Biquad F LEFT DAC CHANNEL DEFAULT (RESET) VALUE RIGHT DAC CHANNEL N0 Page 8 / register 22 and page 8 / register 23 Page 8 / register 86 and page 8 / register 87 0x7FFF (decimal 1.0 – LSB value) N1 Page 8 / register 24 and page 8 / register 25 Page 8 / register 88 and page 8 / register 89 0x0000 N2 Page 8 / register 26 and page 8 / register 27 Page 8 / register 90 and page 8 / register 91 0x0000 D1 Page 8 / register 28 and page 8 / register 29 Page 8 / register 92 and page 8 / register 93 0x0000 D2 Page 8 / register 30 and page 8 / register 31 Page 8 / register 94 and page 8 / register 95 0x0000 N0 Page 8 / register 32 and page 8 / register 33 Page 8 / register 96 and page 8 / register 97 0x7FFF (decimal 1.0 – LSB value) N1 Page 8 / register 34 and page 8 / register 35 Page 8 / register 98 and page 8 / register 99 0x0000 N2 Page 8 / register 36 and page 8 / register 37 Page 8 / register 100 and page 8 / register 101 0x0000 D1 Page 8 / register 38 and page 8 / register 39 Page 8 / register 102 and page 8 / register 103 0x0000 D2 Page 8 / register 40 and page 8 / register 41 Page 8 / register 104 and page 8 / register 105 0x0000 N0 Page 8 / register 42 and page 8 / register 43 Page 8 / register 106 and page 8 / register 107 0x7FFF (decimal 1.0 – LSB value) N1 Page 8 / register 44 and page 8 / register 45 Page 8 / register 108 and page 8 / register 109 0x0000 N2 Page 8 / register 46 and page 8 / register 47 Page 8 / register 110 and page 8 / register 111 0x0000 D1 Page 8 / register 48 and page 8 / register 49 Page 8 / register 112 and page 8 / register 113 0x0000 D2 Page 8 / register 50 and page 8 / register 51 Page 8 / register 114 and page 8 / register 115 0x0000 N0 Page 8 / register 52 and page 8 / register 53 Page 8 / register 116 and page 8 / register 117 0x7FFF (decimal 1.0 – LSB value) N1 Page 8 / register 54 and page 8 / register 55 Page 8 / register 118 and page 8 / register 119 0x0000 N2 Page 8 / register 56 and page 8 / register 57 Page 8 / register 120 and page 8 / register 121 0x0000 D1 Page 8 / register 58 and page 8 / register 59 Page 8 / register 122 and page 8 / register 123 0x0000 D2 Page 8 / register 60 and page 8 / register 61 Page 8 / register 124 and page 8 / register 125 0x0000 DAC Interpolation Filter Characteristics Interpolation Filter A Filter A is designed for an fS up to 48 ksps with a flat passband of 0 to 20 kHz. Table 7-29. Specification for DAC Interpolation Filter A PARAMETER CONDITION VALUE (TYPICAL) UNIT Filter-gain pass band 0 … 0.45 fS ±0.015 dB Filter-gain stop band 0.55… 7.455 fS –65 dB 21 / fS s Filter group delay 48 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 DAC Channel Response for Interpolation Filter A (Red line corresponds to –65 dB) 0 –10 Magnitude – dB –20 –30 –40 –50 –60 –70 –80 –90 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Frequency Normalized to fS G016 Figure 7-29. Frequency Response of DAC Interpolation Filter A Interpolation Filter B Filter B is specifically designed for an fS of up to 96 ksps. Thus, the flat passband region easily covers the required audio band of 0 to 20 kHz. Table 7-30. Specification for DAC Interpolation Filter B PARAMETER CONDITION VALUE (TYPICAL) UNIT Filter-gain pass band 0 … 0.45 fS ±0.015 dB Filter-gain stop band 0.55… 3.45 fS –58 dB 18 / fS s Filter group delay DAC Channel Response for Interpolation Filter B (Red line corresponds to –58 dB) 0 –10 Magnitude – dB –20 –30 –40 –50 –60 –70 –80 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Frequency Normalized to fS G017 Figure 7-30. Frequency Response of Channel Interpolation Filter B Interpolation Filter C Filter C is specifically designed for the 192-ksps mode. The pass band extends up to 0.4 × fS (corresponds to 80 kHz), more than sufficient for audio applications. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 49 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Table 7-31. Specification for DAC Interpolation Filter C PARAMETER CONDITION VALUE (TYPICAL) UNIT Filter-gain pass band 0 … 0.35 fS ±0.03 dB Filter-gain stop band 0.6… 1.4 fS –43 dB 13 / fS s Filter group delay DAC Channel Response for Interpolation Filter C (Red line corresponds to –43 dB) 0 –10 Magnitude – dB –20 –30 –40 –50 –60 –70 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 Frequency Normalized to fS G018 Figure 7-31. Frequency Response of DAC Interpolation Filter C DAC Digital-Volume Control The DAC has a digital-volume control block which implements programmable gain. Each channel has an independent volume control that can be varied from 24 dB to –63.5 dB in 0.5-dB steps. The left-channel DAC volume is controlled by writing to page 0 / register 65, bits D7–D0. DAC muting and setting up a master gain control to control both channels occurs by writing to page 0 / register 64, bits D3–D0. The gain is implemented with a soft-stepping algorithm, which only changes the actual volume by 0.125 dB per input sample, either up or down, until the desired volume is reached. The rate of soft-stepping is slowed to one step per two input samples by writing to page 0 / register 63, bits D1–D0. Note that the default source for volume-control level settings is control by register writes (page 0 / register 65 and page 0 / register 66 to control volume). Use of the VOL/MICDET pin to control the DAC volume is ignored until the volume control source selected has been changed to pin control (page 0 / register 116, bit D7 = 1). This functionality is shown in . During soft-stepping, the host does not receive a signal when the DAC has been completely muted. This may be important if the host must mute the DAC before making a significant change, such as changing sample rates. In order to help with this situation, the device provides a flag back to the host through a read-only register, page 0 / register 38, bit D4 for the right channel. This information alerts the host when the part has completed the soft-stepping and the actual volume has reached the desired volume level. The soft-stepping feature can be disabled by writing to page 0 / register 63, bits D1–D0. If soft-stepping is enabled, the CODEC_CLKIN signal must be kept active until the DAC power-up flag is cleared. When this flag is cleared, the internal DAC soft-stepping process is complete, and CODEC_CLKIN can be stopped if desired. (The analog volume control can be ramped down using an internal oscillator.) 50 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Volume Control Pin The volume-control pin is not enabled by default but is enabled by writing 1 to page 0 / register 116, bit D7. The default DAC volume control uses software control of the volume, which occurs if page 0 / register 116, bit D7 = 0. Soft-stepping the volume level is set up by writing to page 0 / register 63, bits D1–D0. When the volume-pin function is used, a 7-bit Vol ADC reads the voltage on the VOL/MICDET pin and updates the digital volume control by overwriting the current value of the volume control. The new volume setting which has been applied because of a change of voltage on the volume control pin is read on page 0 / register 117, bits D6–D0. The 7-bit Vol ADC clock source is selected on page 0 / register 116, bit D6. The update rate is programmed on page 0 / register 116, bits D2–D0 for this 7-bit SAR ADC. Table 7-32 lists The VOL/MICDET pin gain mapping. Table 7-32. VOL/MICDET Pin Gain Mapping VOL/MICDET PIN SAR OUTPUT DIGITAL GAIN APPLIED 0 18 dB 1 17.5 dB 2 17 dB : : 35 0.5 dB 36 0.0 dB 37 –0.5 dB : : 89 –26.5 dB 90 –27 dB 91 –28 dB : : 125 –62 dB 126 –63 dB 127 Mute Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 51 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Figure 7-32 shows the VOL/MICDET pin connection and functionality. 24 dB to Mute DAC_L ∆-∑ Vol Ctl DAC 24 dB to Mute AVDD VREF IN R1 Digital Programmable DSP Engine AVDD DAC_R ∆-∑ Vol Ctl DAC VOL/ MICDET Digital Programmable DSP Engine 18 dB to Mute P1 7- Bit ADC R2 CVOL Tone Generator and Mixer Are NOT Shown 24 dB to Mute Volume Level Register Controlled AVSS B0210-05 Copyright © 2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Figure 7-32. Digital Volume Controls for Beep Generator and DAC Play Data As shown in Table 7-32, the VOL/MICDET pin has a range of volume control from 18 dB down to –63 dB, and mute. However, if less maximum gain is required, then a smaller range of voltage must be applied to the VOL/MICDET pin. Applying a smaller range of voltage occurs by increasing the value of R2 relative to the value of (P1 + R1), so that more voltage is available at the bottom of P1. The circuit must also be designed such that for the values of R1, R2, and P1 chosen, the maximum voltage (top of the potentiometer) does not exceed AVDD/2 (see Figure 7-32). The recommended values for R1, R2, and P1 for several maximum gains are shown in Table 7-33. Note that in typical applications, R1 must not be 0 Ω, as the VOL/MICDET pin must not exceed AVDD/2 for proper ADC operation. Table 7-33. VOL/MICDET Pin Gain Scaling ADC VOLTAGE for AVDD = 3.3 V (V) DIGITAL GAIN RANGE (dB) 0 0 to 1.65 18 to –63 7.68 0.386 to 1.642 3 to –63 0.463 to 1.649 0 to –63 R1 (kΩ) P1 (kΩ) R2 (kΩ) 25 25 33 25 34.8 25 9.76 Dynamic Range Compression Typical music signals are characterized by crest factors, the ratio of peak signal power to average signal power, of 12 dB or more. To avoid audible distortions due to clipping of peak signals, the gain of the DAC channel must be adjusted so as not to cause hard clipping of peak signals. As a result, during nominal periods, the applied gain is low, causing the perception that the signal is not loud enough. To overcome this problem, dynamic range conpression (DRC) in the TLV320AIC3100 continuously monitors the output of the DAC digital volume control to detect its power level relative to 0 dBFS. When the power level is low, DRC increases the input signal gain to make it sound louder. At the same time, if a peaking signal is detected, it autonomously reduces the applied gain to avoid hard clipping. This results in sounds more pleasing to the ear as well as sounding louder during nominal periods. The DRC functionality in the TLV320AIC3100 is implemented by a combination of processing blocks in the DAC channel as described in Section 52 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 DRC can be disabled by writing to page 0 / register 68, bits D6–D5. DRC typically works on the filtered version of the input signal. The input signals have no audio information at dc and extremely low frequencies; however, they can significantly influence the energy estimation function in the dynamic range compressor (the DRC). Also, most of the information about signal energy is concentrated in the low-frequency region of the input signal. To estimate the energy of the input signal, the signal is first fed to the DRC high-pass filter and then to the DRC low-pass filter. These filters are implemented as first-order IIR filters given by HHPF (z) = HLPF (z) = N0 + N1z -1 215 - D1z -1 N0 + N1z (6) -1 215 - D1z -1 (7) The coefficients for these filters are 16 bits wide in 2s-complement format and are user-programmable through register write as given in Table 7-34. Table 7-34. The DRC HPF and LPF Coefficients COEFFICIENT LOCATION HPF N0 C71 page 9 / register 14 and page 9 / register 15 HPF N1 C72 page 9 / registers 16 and page 9 / register 17 HPF D1 C73 page 9 / registers 18 and page 9 / register 19 LPF N0 C74 page 9 / registers 20 and page 9 / register 21 LPF N1 C75 page 9 / registers 22 and page 9 / register 23 LPF D1 C76 page 9 / registers 24 and page 9 / register 25 The default values of these coefficients implement a high-pass filter with a cutoff at 0.00166 × DAC_fS, and a low-pass filter with a cutoff at 0.00033 × DAC_fS. The output of the DRC high-pass filter is fed to the processing block selected for the DAC channel. The absolute value of the DRC LPF filter is used for energy estimation within the DRC. The gain in the DAC digital volume control is controlled by page 0 / register 65 and page 0 / register 66. When the DRC is enabled, the applied gain is a function of the digital volume control register setting and the output of the DRC. The DRC parameters are described in sections that follow. DRC Threshold DRC threshold represents the level of the DAC playback signal at which the gain compression becomes active. The output of the digital volume control in the DAC is compared with the set threshold. The threshold value is programmable by writing to page 0 / register 68, bits D4–D2. The threshold value can be adjusted between –3 dBFS and –24 dBFS in steps of 3 dB. Keeping the DRC threshold value too high may not leave enough time for the DRC block to detect peaking signals, and can cause excessive distortion at the outputs. Keeping the DRC threshold value too low can limit the perceived loudness of the output signal. The recommended DRC threshold value is –24 dB. When the output signal exceeds the set DRC threshold, the interrupt flag bits at page 0 / register 44, bits D3–D2 are updated. These flag bits are sticky in nature, and are reset only after they are read back by the user. The non-sticky versions of the interrupt flags are also available at page 0 / register 46, bits D3–D2. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 53 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com DRC Hysteresis DRC hysteresis is programmable by writing to page 0 / register 68, bits D1–D0. These bits can be programmed to represent values between 0 dB and 3 dB in steps of 1dB. DRC hysteresis provides a programmable window around the programmed DRC threshold that must be exceeded for the disabled DRC to become enabled, or the enabled DRC to become disabled. For example, if the DRC threshold is set to –12 dBFS and the DRC hysteresis is set to 3 dB, then if the gain compression in the DRC is inactive, the output of the DAC digital volume control must exceed –9 dBFS before gain compression due to the DRC is activated. Similarly, when the gain compression in the DRC is active, the output of the DAC digital volume control must fall below –15 dBFS for gain compression in the DRC to be deactivated. The DRC hysteresis feature prevents the rapid activation and de-activation of gain compression in the DRC in cases when the output of the DAC digital volume control rapidly fluctuates in a narrow region around the programmed DRC threshold. By programming the DRC hysteresis as 0 dB, the hysteresis action is disabled. The recommended value of DRC hysteresis is 3 dB. DRC Hold Time DRC hold time is intended to slow the start of decay for a specified period of time in response to a decrease in energy level. To minimize audible artifacts, TI recommends to set the DRC hold time to 0 through programming page 0 / register 69, bits D6–D3 = 0000. DRC Attack Rate When the output of the DAC digital volume control exceeds the programmed DRC threshold, the gain applied in the DAC digital volume control is progressively reduced to avoid the signal from saturating the channel. This process of reducing the applied gain is called attack. To avoid audible artifacts, the gain is reduced slowly with a rate equaling the attack rate, programmable via page 0 / register 70, bits D7–D4. Attack rates can be programmed from 4-dB gain change per sample period to 1.2207e–5-dB gain change per sample period. Attack rates should be programmed such that before the output of the DAC digital volume control can clip, the input signal should be sufficiently attenuated. High attack rates can cause audible artifacts, and tooslow attack rates may not be able to prevent the input signal from clipping. The recommended DRC attack rate value is 1.9531e–4 dB per sample period. DRC Decay Rate When the DRC detects a reduction in output signal swing beyond the programmed DRC threshold, the DRC enters a decay state, where the applied gain in the digital-volume control is gradually increased to programmed values. To avoid audible artifacts, the gain is slowly increased with a rate equal to the decay rate programmed through page 0 / register 70, bits D3–D0. The decay rates can be programmed from 1.5625e–3 dB per sample period to 4.7683e–7 dB per sample period. If the decay rates are programmed too high, then sudden gain changes can cause audible artifacts. However, if it is programmed too slow, then the output may be perceived as too low for a long time after the peak signal has passed. The recommended value of DRC decay rate is 2.4414e–5 dB per sample period. Example Setup for DRC • • • • • • PGA gain = 12 dB Threshold = –24 dB Hysteresis = 3 dB Hold time = 0 ms Attack rate = 1.9531e–4 dB per sample period Decay rate = 2.4414e–5 dB per sample period Script 54 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 #Go to Page 0 w 30 00 00 #DAC => 12 db gain left w 30 41 18 #DAC => 12 db gain right w 30 42 18 #DAC => DRC Enabled for both channels, Threshold = -24 db, Hysteresis = 3 dB w 30 44 7F #DRC Hold = 0 ms, Rate of Changes of Gain = 0.5 dB/Fs' w 30 45 00 #Attack Rate = 1.9531e-4 dB/Frame , DRC Decay Rate =2.4414e-5 dB/Frame w 30 46 B6 #Go to Page 9 w 30 00 09 #DRC HPF w 30 0E 7F AB 80 55 7F 56 #DRC LPF W 30 14 00 11 00 11 7F DE Headset Detection The TLV320AIC3100 device includes extensive capability to monitor a headphone, microphone, or headset jack, to determine if a plug has been inserted into the jack, and then determine what type of headset or headphone is wired to the plug. The device also includes the capability to detect a button press, even, for example, when starting calls on mobile phones with headsets. Figure 7-33 shows the circuit configuration to enable this feature. s s g HPR g s HPL s Micpga m m VOL/MICDET MICBIAS Micbias Figure 7-33. Jack Connections for Headset Detection Headset Detection is enabled by programming page 0 / register 67, bit D1. In order to avoid false detections because of mechanical vibrations in headset jacks or microphone buttons, a debounce function is provided for glitch rejection. For the case of headset insertion, a debounce function with a range of 32 ms to 512 ms is provided. This can be programmed through page 0 / register 67, bits D4–D2. For improved button-press detection, the debounce function has a range of 8 ms to 32 ms by programming page 0 / register 67, bits D1–D0. The TLV320AIC3100 device also provides feedback to the user through register-readable flags as well as an interrupt on the I/O pins when a button press or a headset insertion or removal event is detected. The value in page 0 / register 46, bits D5–D4 provides the instantaneous state of button press and headset insertion. Page 0 / register 44, bit D5 is a sticky (latched) flag that is set when the button-press event is detected. Page 0 / register 44, bit D4 is a sticky flag which is set when the headset insertion or removal Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 55 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com event is detected. These sticky flags are set by the event occurrence, and are reset only when read. This requires polling page 0 / register 44. To avoid polling and the associated overhead, the TLV320AIC3100 device also provides an interrupt feature, whereby events can trigger the INT1, the INT2, or both interrupts. These interrupt events can be routed to one of the digital output pins. See Section for details. The TLV320AIC3100 device not only detects a headset insertion event, but also is able to distinguish between the different headsets inserted, such as stereo headphones or cellular headphones. After the headset-detection event, the user can read page 0 / register 67, bits D6–D5 to determine the type of headset inserted. Table 7-35. Headset Detection Block Registers REGISTER DESCRIPTION Page 0 / register 67, bit D1 Headset-detection enable/disable Page 0 / register 67, bits D4–D2 Debounce programmability for headset detection Page 0 / register 67, bits D1–D0 Debounce programmability for button press Page 0 / register 44, bit D5 Sticky flag for button-press event Page 0 / register 44, bit D4 Sticky flag for headset-insertion or -removal event Page 0 / register 46, bit D5 Status flag for button-press event Page 0 / register 46, bit D4 Status flag for headset insertion and removal Page 0 / register 67, bits D6–D5 Flags for type of headset detected The headset detection block requires AVDD to be powered. The headset detection feature in the TLV320AIC3100 device is achieved with very low power overhead, requiring less than 20 μA of additional current from the AVDD supply. Interrupts Some specific events in the TLV320AIC3100 device that can require host processor intervention are used to trigger interrupts to the host processor. This avoids polling the status-flag registers continuously. The TLV320AIC3100 device has two defined interrupts, INT1 and INT2, that are configured by programming page 0 / register 48 and page 0 / register 49. A user can configure interrupts INT1 and INT2 to be triggered by one or many events, such as: • Headset detection • Button press • DAC DRC signal exceeding threshold • Noise detected by AGC • Overcurrent condition in headphone drivers and speaker drivers • Data overflow in the ADC and DAC processing blocks and filters • DC measurement data available Each of these INT1 and INT2 interrupts can be routed to output pins GPIO1 or DOUT. These interrupt signals can either be configured as a single pulse or a series of pulses by programming page 0 / register 48, bit D0 and page 0 / register 49, bit D0. If the user configures the interrupts as a series of pulses, the events trigger the start of pulses that stop when the flag registers in page 0 / registers 44, 45, and 50 are read by the user to determine the cause of the interrupt. Key-Click Functionality With Digital Sine-Wave Generator (PRB_P25) A special algorithm has been included in the digital signal processing block PRB_P25 for generating a digital sine-wave signal that is sent to the DAC. The digital sine-wave generator is also referred to as the beep generator in this document. 56 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 This functionality is intended for generating key-click sounds for user feedback. The sine-wave generator is very flexible (see Table 7-36) and is completely register programmable. Programming page 0 / register 71 through page 0 / register 79 (8 bits each) completely controls the functionality of this generator and allows for differentiating sounds. The two registers used for programming the 16-bit sine-wave coefficient are page 0 / register 76 and page 0 / register 77. The two registers used for programming the 16-bit cosine-wave coefficient are page 0 / register 78 and page 0 / register 79. This coefficient resolution allows virtually any frequency of sine wave in the audio band to be generated, up to fS / 2. The three registers used to control the length of the sine-burst waveform are page 0 / register 73 through page 0 / register 75. The resolution (bit) in the registers of the sine-burst length is one sample time, so this allows great control on the overall time of the sine-burst waveform. This 24-bit length timer supports 16 777 215 sample times. For example, if fS is set at 48 kHz, and the register value equals 96 000 d (01 7700h), then the sine burst lasts exactly 2 seconds. The default settings for the tone generator, based on using a sample rate of 48 kHz, are 1-kHz (approximately) sine wave, with a sine-burst length of five cycles (5 ms). Table 7-36. Beep Generator Register Locations (Page 00h) LEFT BEEP CONTROL RIGHT BEEP CONTROL 71 72 REGISTER BEEP LENGTH SINE COSINE MSB MID LSB MSB LSB MSB LSB 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 Table 7-37. Example Beep-Generator Settings for a 1000-Hz Tone BEEP FREQUENCY (1) BEEP LENGTH SINE COSINE SAMPLE RATE Hz MSB (hex) MID (hex) LSB (hex) MSB (hex) LSB (hex) MSB (hex) LSB (hex) Hz 1000 (1) 0 0 EE 10 D8 7E E3 48 000 These are the default settings. Two registers are used to control the left sine-wave volume and the right sine-wave volume independently. The 6-bit digital volume control used allows level control of 2 dB to –61 dB in 1-dB steps. The left-channel volume is controlled by writing to page 0 / register 71, bits D5–D0. The right-channel volume is controlled by writing to page 0, register 72, bits D5–D0. A master volume control that controls the left and right channels of the beep generator are set up by writing to page 0 / register 72, bits D7–D6. The default volume control setting is 2 dB, which provides the maximum tone-generator output level. For generating other tones, the three tone-generator coefficients are found by running the following script using MATLAB™ : Sine = dec2hex(round(sin(2*π*Fin/Fs)*2^15)) Cosine = dec2hex(round(cos(2*π*Fin/Fs)*2^15)) Beep Length = dec2hex(floor(Fs*Cycle/Fin)) where, Fin = Beep frequency desired Fs = Sample rate Cycle = Number of beep (sine wave) cycles that are required dec2hex = Decimal to hexadecimal conversion function NOTES: 1. Fin must be less than Fs / 4. 2. For the sine and cosine values, if the number of bits is less than the full 16-bit value, then the unused MSBs must be written as 0s. 3. For the beep-length values, if number of bits is less than the full 24-bit value, then the unused MSBs must be written as 0s. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 57 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Following the beep-volume control is a digital mixer that mixes in a playback data stream whose level has already been set by the DAC volume control. Therefore, once the key-click volume level is set, the keyclick volume is not affected by the DAC volume control, which is the main control available to the end user. shows this functionality. Following the DAC, the signal can be further scaled by the analog output volume control and poweramplifier level control. To insert a beep in the middle of an already-playing signal over DAC, use the following sequence. Before the beep is desired, program the desired beep frequency, volume, and length in the configuration registers. When a beep is desired, use the example configuration script. w w f w w 30 00 00 30 40 0C 30 26 xxx1xxx1 30 0B 02 30 47 80 w 30 0B 82 w 30 40 00 # # # # # # # # # change to Page 0 mute DACs wait for DAC gain flag to be set power down NDAC divider enable beep generator with left channel volume = 0dB, volume level could be different as per requirement power up NDAC divider, in this specific example NDAC = 2, but NDAC could be different value as per overall setup un-mute DAC to resume playing audio Note that in this scheme the audio signal on the DAC is temporarily muted to enable beep generation. Because powering down of NDAC clock divider is required, do not use the DAC_CLK or DAC_MOD_CLK for generation of I2S clocks. Programming DAC Digital Filter Coefficients The digital filter coefficients must be programmed through the I2C interface. All digital filtering for the DAC signal path must be loaded into the RAM before the DAC is powered on. Note that default ALLPASS filter coefficients for programmable biquads are located in boot ROM. The boot ROM automatically loads the default values into the RAM following a hardware reset (toggling the RESET pin) or after a software reset. After resetting the device, loading boot ROM coefficients into the digital filters requires 100 μs of programming time. During this time, reading or writing to page 8 through page 15 for updating DAC filter coefficient values is not permitted. The DAC should not be powered up until after all of the DAC configurations have been done by the system microprocessor. Updating DAC Digital Filter Coefficients During PLAY When it is required to update the DAC digital filter coefficients or beep generator during play, care must be taken to avoid click and pop noise or even a possible oscillation noise. These artifacts can occur if the DAC coefficients are updated without following the proper update sequence. The correct sequence is shown in Figure 7-34. The values for times listed in Figure 7-34 are conservative and should be used for software purposes. There is also an adaptive mode, in which DAC coefficients can be updated while the DAC is on. For details, see Section 58 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Play - Paused Volume Ramp Down Soft Mute Wait (A) ms DAC Volume Ramp Down WAIT Time (A) For fS = 32 kHz ® Wait 25 ms (min) DAC Power Down Update Digital Filter Coefficients For fS = 48 kHz ® Wait 20 ms (min) DAC Volume Ramp Up Time (B) For fS = 32 kHz ® 25 ms For fS = 48 kHz ® 20 ms DAC Power UP Wait 20 ms Restore Previous Volume Level (Ramp) in (B) ms Play - Continue F0024-02 Figure 7-34. Example Flow For Updating DAC Digital Filter Coefficients During Play Digital Mixing and Routing The TLV320AIC3100 has four digital mixing blocks. Each mixer can provide either mixing or multiplexing of the digital audio data. This arrangement of digital mixers allows independent volume control for both the playback data and the key-click sound. The first set of mixers can be used to make monaural signals from left and right audio data, or they can even be used to swap channels to the DAC. This function is accomplished by selecting left audio data for the right DAC input, and right data for the left DAC input. The second set of mixers provides mixing of the audio data stream and the key-click sound. The digital routing can be configured by writing to page 0 / register 63, bits D5–D4 for the left channel and bits D3–D2 for the right channel. Because the key-click function uses the digital signal processing block, the CODEC_CLKIN, DAC, analog volume control, and output driver must be powered on for the key-click sound to occur. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 59 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Analog Audio Routing The TLV320AIC3100 has the capability to route the DAC output to either the headphone or the speaker output. If desirable, both output drivers can operate at the same time while playing at different volume levels. The TLV320AIC3100 provides various digital routing capabilities, allowing digital mixing or even channel swapping in the digital domain. All analog outputs other than the selected ones can be powered down for optimal power consumption. Analog Output Volume Control The output volume control fine tunes the level of the mixer amplifier signal supplied to the headphone driver or the speaker driver. This architecture supports separate and concurrent volume levels for each of the four output drivers. This volume control is also used as part of the output pop-noise reduction scheme. This feature is available even if the ADC and DAC are powered down. Headphone Analog-Output Volume Control For the headphone outputs, the analog volume control has a range from 0 dB to –78 dB in 0.5-dB steps for most of the useful range plus mute, which is shown in Table 7-38. This volume control includes softstepping logic. Routing the left-channel DAC output signal to the left-channel analog volume control occurs by writing to page 1 / register 35, bit D6. Routing the right-channel DAC output signal to the right-channel analog volume control occurs by writing to page 1 / register 35, bit D2. Changing the left-channel analog volume for the headphone is controlled by writing to page 1 / register 36, bits D6–D0. Changing the right-channel analog volume for the headphone is controlled by writing to page 1 / register 37, bits D6–D0. Routing the signal from the output of the left-channel analog volume control to the input of the left-channel headphone power amplifier occurs by writing to page 1 / register 36, bit D7. Routing the signal from the output of the right-channel analog volume control to the input of the right-channel headphone power amplifier occurs by writing to page 1 / register 37, bit D7. The analog volume-control soft-stepping time is based on the setting in page 0 / register 63, bits D1–D0. 60 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Table 7-38. Analog Volume Control for Headphone and Speaker Outputs (for D7 = 1) (1) REGISTER VALUE (D6–D0) (1) ANALOG GAIN (dB) REGISTER VALUE (D6–D0) ANALOG GAIN (dB) REGISTER VALUE (D6–D0) ANALOG GAIN (dB) REGISTER VALUE (D6–D0) ANALOG GAIN (dB) 0 0 30 –15 60 –30.1 90 –45.2 1 –0.5 31 –15.5 61 –30.6 91 –45.8 2 –1 32 –16 62 –31.1 92 –46.2 3 –1.5 33 –16.5 63 –31.6 93 –46.7 4 –2 34 –17 64 –32.1 94 –47.4 5 –2.5 35 –17.5 65 –32.6 95 –47.9 6 –3 36 –18.1 66 –33.1 96 –48.2 7 –3.5 37 –18.6 67 –33.6 97 –48.7 8 –4 38 –19.1 68 –34.1 98 –49.3 9 –4.5 39 –19.6 69 –34.6 99 –50 10 –5 40 –20.1 70 –35.2 100 –50.3 11 –5.5 41 –20.6 71 –35.7 101 –51 12 –6 42 –21.1 72 –36.2 102 –51.4 13 –6.5 43 –21.6 73 –36.7 103 –51.8 14 –7 44 –22.1 74 –37.2 104 –52.2 15 –7.5 45 –22.6 75 –37.7 105 –52.7 16 –8 46 –23.1 76 –38.2 106 –53.7 17 –8.5 47 –23.6 77 –38.7 107 –54.2 18 –9 48 –24.1 78 –39.2 108 –55.3 19 –9.5 49 –24.6 79 –39.7 109 –56.7 20 –10 50 –25.1 80 –40.2 110 –58.3 21 –10.5 51 –25.6 81 –40.7 111 –60.2 22 –11 52 –26.1 82 –41.2 112 –62.7 23 –11.5 53 –26.6 83 –41.7 113 –64.3 24 –12 54 –27.1 84 –42.1 114 –66.2 25 –12.5 55 –27.6 85 –42.7 115 –68.7 26 –13 56 –28.1 86 –43.2 116 –72.2 27 –13.5 57 –28.6 87 –43.8 117–127 –78.3 28 –14 58 –29.1 88 –44.3 29 –14.5 59 –29.6 89 –44.8 Mute when D7 = 0 and D6–D0 = 127 (0x7F). Class-D Speaker Analog Output Volume Control For the speaker outputs, the analog volume control has a range from 0 dB to –78 dB in 0.5-dB steps for most of the useful range plus mute, as seen in Table 7-38. The implementation includes soft-stepping logic. Routing the left-channel DAC output signal to the left-channel analog volume control is done by writing to page 1 / register 35, bit D6. Varying the left-channel analog volume for the mono speaker amplifier is controlled by writing to page 1 / register 38, bits D6–D0. Routing the signal from the output of the mono analog volume control to the input of the mono speaker amplifier is done by writing to page 1 / register 38, bit D7. The analog volume-control soft-stepping time is based on the setting in page 0 / register 63, bits D1–D0. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 61 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Analog Outputs Various analog routings are supported for playback. All the options can be conveniently viewed on the functional block diagram, . Headphone Drivers The TLV320AIC3100 device features a stereo headphone driver (HPL and HPR) that delivers up to 30 mW per channel, at 3.3-V supply voltage, into a 16-Ω load. The headphones are used in a single-ended configuration where an ac-coupling capacitor (dc-blocking) is connected between the device output pins and the headphones. The headphone driver also supports 32-Ω and 10-kΩ loads without changing any control register settings. The headphone drivers can be configured to optimize the power consumption in the lineout-drive mode by writing 11 to page 1 / register 44, bits D2–D1. The output common mode of the headphone and lineout drivers is programmed to 1.35 V, 1.5 V, 1.65 V, or 1.8 V by setting page 1 / register 31, bits D4–D3. Set the common-mode voltage to ≤ AVDD / 2. The left headphone driver powers on by writing to page 1 / register 31, bit D7. The right headphone driver powers on by writing to page 1 / register 31, bit D6. The left-output driver gain is controlled by writing to page 1 / register 40, bits D6–D3, and it is muted by writing to page 1 / register 40, bit D2. The right-output driver gain is controlled by writing to page 1 / register 41, bits D6–D3, and it is muted by writing to page 1 / register 41, bit D2. The TLV320AIC3100 device has a short-circuit protection feature for the headphone drivers, which is always enabled to provide protection. The output condition of the headphone driver during short circuit is programmed by writing to page 1 / register 31, bit D1. If D1 = 0 when a short circuit is detected, the device limits the maximum current to the load. If D1 = 1 when a short circuit is detected, the device powers down the output driver. The default condition for headphones is the current-limiting mode. In case of a short circuit on either channel, the output is disabled and a status flag is provided as read-only bits on page 1 / register 31, bit D0. If shutdown mode is enabled, then as soon as the short circuit is detected, page 1 / register 31, bit D7 (for HPL) or page 1 / register 31, bit D6, or both (for HPR) clear automatically. Next, the device requires a reset to re-enable the output stage. Resetting occurs in two ways. First, the device master reset can be used, which requires either toggling the RESET pin or using the software reset. If master reset is used, it resets all of the registers. Second, a dedicated headphone power-stage reset can also be used to re-enable the output stage, and that keeps all of the other device settings. The headphone power stage reset occurs by setting page 1 / register 31, bit D7 for HPL and by setting page 1 / register 31, bit D6 for HPR. If the fault condition has been removed, then the device returns to normal operation. If the fault is still present, then another shutdown occurs. Repeated resetting (more than three times) is not recommended, as this could lead to overheating. Speaker Drivers The TLV320AIC3100 device has an integrated class-D mono speaker driver (SPKP / SPKM) capable of driving a 4-Ω differential load. The speaker driver can be powered directly from the battery supply (2.7 V to 5.5 V) on the SPKVDD pins; however, the voltage (including spike voltage) must be limited below the absolute maximum voltage of 6 V. The speaker driver can supply 1 W of power into a 4-Ω differential load with a 3.6-V power supply. The maximum power available is 2.5 W into a 4-Ω differential load with a 5.5-V power supply. Through the use of digital mixing, the device can connect one or both digital-audio playback-data channels to either speaker driver; this also allows digital channel swapping if needed. The mono class-D speaker driver can be powered on by writing to page 1 / register 32, bit D7. The mono output driver gain can be controlled by writing to page 1 / register 42, bits D4–D3, and it can be muted by writing to page 1 / register 42, bit D2. 62 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 The TLV320AIC3100 device has a short-circuit protection feature for the speaker drivers that is always enabled to provide protection. If the output is shorted, the output stage shuts down on the overcurrent condition. (Current limiting is not an available option for the higher-current speaker driver output stage.) In case of a short circuit on either channel, the output is disabled and a status flag is provided as a read-only bit on page 1 / register 32, bit D0. If shutdown occurs because of an overcurrent condition, then the device requires a reset to re-enable the output stage. Resetting occurs in two ways. First, the device master reset can be used, which requires either toggling the RESET pin or using the software reset. If master reset is used, it resets all of the registers. Second, a dedicated speaker power-stage reset can be used that keeps all of the other device settings. The speaker power-stage reset occurs by setting page 1 / register 32, bit D7 The speaker powerstage reset is done by setting page 1 / register 32, bit D7 for SPKP and SPKM. If the fault condition has been removed, then the device returns to normal operation. If the fault is still present, then another shutdown occurs. Repeated resetting (more than three times) is not recommended as this could lead to overheating. To minimize battery current leakage, the SPKVDD voltage levels must not be less than the AVDD voltage level. The TLV320AIC3100 device has a thermal protection (OTP) feature for the speaker drivers which is always enabled to provide protection. If the device overheats, then the output stops switching. When the device cools down, the device resumes switching. An overtemperature status flag is provided as a readonly bit on page 0 / register 3, bit D1. The OTP feature is for self-protection of the device. If die temperature can be controlled at the system or board level, then overtemperature does not occur. Audio-Output Stage-Power Configurations After the device has been configured (following a RESET) and the circuitry has been powered up, the audio output stage can be powered up and powered down by register control. These functions soft-start automatically. By using these register controls, it is possible to turn all four stages on at the same time without turning two of them off. See Table 7-39 for register control of audio output stage power configurations. Table 7-39. Audio-Output Stage-Power Configurations AUDIO OUTPUT PINS HPL PAGE 1 / REGISTER, BIT VALUES Page 1 / register 31, bit D7 = 0 Power up HPL driver Page 1 / register 31, bit D7 = 1 Power down HPR driver Page 1 / register 31, bit D6 = 0 Power up HPR driver Page 1 / register 31, bit D6 = 1 Power down class-D drivers Page 1 / register 32, bit D7 = 0 Power up class-D drivers Page 1 / register 32, bit D7 = 1 HPR SPKP / SPKM DESIRED FUNCTION Power down HPL driver 7.3.11 CLOCK Generation and PLL The TLV320AIC3100 device supports a wide range of options for generating clocks for the ADC and DAC sections as well as interface and other control blocks as shown in Figure 7-35. The clocks for the ADC and DAC require a source reference clock. This clock is provided on a variety of device pins, such as the MCLK, BCLK, or GPIO1 pins. The source reference clock for the codec is chosen by programming the CODEC_CLKIN value on page 0 / register 4, bits D1–D0. The CODEC_CLKIN is then routed through highly-flexible clock dividers shown in Figure 7-35 to generate the various clocks required for the ADC, DAC, and audio processing sections. In the event that the desired audio clocks cannot be generated from Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 63 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com the reference clocks on MCLK, BCLK, or GPIO1, the TLV320AIC3100 device also provides the option of using the on-chip PLL which supports a wide range of fractional multiplication values to generate the required clocks. Starting from CODEC_CLKIN, the TLV320AIC3100 device provides several programmable clock dividers to help achieve a variety of sampling rates for the ADC, DAC, and clocks for the audio processing blocks. BCLK MCLK DIN GPIO1 PLL_CLKIN PLL ´ (R ´ J.D)/P BCLK MCLK GPIO1 PLL_CLK CODEC_CLKIN ¸ NDAC To DAC_PRB Clock Generation NDAC = 1, 2, ..., 127, 128 ¸ NADC NADC = 1, 2, ..., 127, 128 DAC_CLK To ADC_PRB Clock Generation ADC_CLK ¸ MDAC MDAC = 1, 2, ..., 127, 128 ¸ MADC MADC = 1, 2, ..., 127, 128 ADC_MOD_CLK DAC_MOD_CLK ¸ DOSR DOSR = 1, 2, ..., 1023, 1024 ¸ AOSR DAC_fS AOSR = 1, 2, ..., 1023, 1024 ADC_fS B0357-05 Figure 7-35. Clock Distribution Tree DAC _ MOD _ CLK = DAC _ fS = 64 CODEC _ CLKIN NDAC ´ MDAC CODEC _ CLKIN NDAC ´ MDAC ´ DOSR ADC _ MOD _ CLK = ADC _ fS = Detailed Description CODEC _ CLKIN NADC ´ MADC CODEC _ CLKIN NADC ´ MADC ´ AOSR (8) Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Table 7-40. CODEC CLKIN Clock Dividers DIVIDER BITS NDAC Page 0 / register 11, bits D6–D0 MDAC Page 0 / register 12, bits D6–D0 DOSR Page 0 / register 13, bits D1–D0 and page 0 / register 14, bits D7–D0 NADC Page 0 / register 18, bits D6–D0 MADC Page 0 / register 19, bits D6–D0 AOSR Page 0 / register 20, bits D7–D0 The DAC modulator is clocked by DAC_MOD_CLK. For proper power-up operation of the DAC channel, DAC_MOD_CLK must be enabled by configuring the NDAC and MDAC clock dividers (page 0 / register 11, bit D7 = 1 and page 0 / register 12, bit D7 = 1). When the DAC channel is powered down, the device internally initiates a power-down sequence for proper shutdown. During this shutdown sequence, the NDAC and MDAC dividers must not be powered down, or else a proper low-power shutdown may not take place. The user can read back the power-status flag at page 0 / register 37, bit D7 and page 0 / register 37, bit D3. When both of the flags indicate power-down, the MDAC divider may be powered down, followed by the NDAC divider. Note that when the ADC clock dividers are powered down, the ADC clock is derived from the DAC clocks. The ADC modulator is clocked by ADC_MOD_CLK. For proper power-up of the ADC channel, these clocks are enabled by the NADC and MADC clock dividers (page 0 / register 18, bit D7 = 1 and page 0 / register 19, bit D7 = 1). When the ADC channel is powered down, the device internally initiates a powerdown sequence for proper shutdown. During this shutdown sequence, the NADC and MADC dividers must not be powered down, or else a proper low-power shutdown may not take place. The user can read back the power-status flag from page 0 / register 36, bit D6. When this flag indicates power down, the MADC divider may be powered down, followed by NADC divider. When ADC_CLK (ADC DSP clock) is derived from the NDAC divider output, the NDAC must be kept powered up until the power-down status flags for ADC do not indicate power down. When the input to the AOSR clock divider is derived from DAC_MOD_CLK, then MDAC must be powered up when ADC_fS is needed (for example, when WCLK is generated by the TLV320AIC3100 device or AGC is enabled) and can be powered down only after the ADC power-down flags indicate power-down status. In general, for proper operation, all the root clock dividers must power down only after the child clock dividers have powered down. The TLV320AIC3100 device also has options for routing some of the internal clocks to the output pins of the device to be used as general-purpose clocks in the system. The feature is shown in Figure 7-37. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 65 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com DAC_MOD_CLK ADC_MOD_CLK ADC_CLK DAC_CLK BDIV_CLKIN N = 1, 2, ..., 127, 128 ÷N BCLK Figure 7-36. BCLK Output Options In the mode when the TLV320AIC3100 device is configured to drive the BCLK pin (page 0 / register 27, bit D3 = 1), the device is driven as the divided value of BDIV_CLKIN. The division value is programmed in page 0 / register 30, bits D6–D0 from 1 to 128. The BDIV_CLKIN is configurable to be one of DAC_CLK (DAC DSP clock), DAC_MOD_CLK, ADC_CLK (ADC DSP clock) or ADC_MOD_CLK by configuring the BDIV_CLKIN multiplexer in page 0 / register 29, bits D1–D0. Additionally, a general-purpose clock can be driven out on either GPIO1 or DOUT. This clock can be a divided-down version of CDIV_CLKIN. The value of this clock divider can be programmed from 1 to 128 by writing to page 0 / register 26, bits D6–D0. CDIV_CLKIN can also be programmed as one of the clocks among the list shown in Figure 7-37. This is controlled by programming the multiplexer in page 0 / register 25, bits D2–D0. PLL_CLK MCLK BCLK DIN DAC_MOD_CLK DAC_CLK ADC_MOD_CLK ADC_CLK CDIV_CLKIN M = 1, 2, ..., 127, 128 ÷M CLKOUT GPIO1 DOUT Figure 7-37. General-Purpose Clock Output Options 66 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Table 7-41. Maximum TLV320AIC3100 Clock Frequencies DVDD ≥ 1.65 V CLOCK CODEC_CLKIN ≤ 110 MHz ADC_CLK (ADC DSP clock) ≤ 49.152 MHz ADC_PRB_CLK ≤ 24.576 MHz ADC_MOD_CLK 6.758 MHz ADC_fS 0.192 MHz DAC_CLK (DAC DSP clock) ≤ 49.152 MHz DAC_PRB_CLK ≤ 49.152 MHz with DRC disabled ≤ 48 MHz with DRC enabled DAC_MOD_CLK 6.758 MHz DAC_fS 0.192 MHz BDIV_CLKIN 55 MHz CDIV_CLKIN 100 MHz when M is odd 110 MHz when M is even PLL For lower power consumption, the best process is to derive the internal audio processing clocks using the simple dividers. When the input MCLK or other source clock is not an integer multiple of the audio processing clocks then using the on-board PLL is necessary. The TLV320AIC3100 fractional PLL generates an internal master clock that produces the processing clocks required by the ADC, DAC, and processing blocks. The programmability of this PLL allows operation from a wide variety of clocks that may be available in the system. The PLL input supports clocks varying from 512 kHz to 20 MHz and is register-programmable to enable generation of the required sampling rates with fine resolution. The PLL turns on by writing to page 0 / register 5, bit D7. When the PLL is enabled, the PLL output clock, PLL_CLK, is given by Equation 9. PLL_CLKIN ´ R ´ J.D PLL_CLK = P where • • • • R = 1, 2, 3, ..., 16 (page 0 / register 5, default value = 1) J = 1, 2,3, … , 63, (page 0 / register 6, default value = 4) D = 0, 1, 2, …, 9999 (page 0 / register 7 and page 0 / register 8, default value = 0) P = 1, 2, 3, …, 8 (page 0 / register 5, default value = 1) (9) The PLL turns on through page 0 / register 5, bit D7. The variable P is programmed through page 0 / register 5, bits D6–D4. The variable R is programmed through page 0 / register 5, bits D3–D0. The variable J is programmed through page 0 / register 6, bits D5–D0. The variable D is 14 bits and is programmed into two registers. The MSB portion is programmed through page 0 / register 7, bits D5–D0, and the LSB portion is programmed thrugh page 0 / register 8, bits D7–D0. For proper update of the Ddivider value, page 0 / register 7 must be programmed first, followed immediately by page 0 / register 8. The new value of D does not take effect unless the write to page 0 / register 8 is complete. When the PLL is enabled, the following conditions must be satisfied: • When the PLL is enabled and D = 0, the following conditions must be satisfied for PLL_CLKIN: PLL _ CLKIN 512 kHz £ £ 20 MHz P (10) 80 MHz ≤ (PLL_CLKIN × J.D. × R / P) ≤ 110 MHz • 4 ≤ R × J ≤ 259 When the PLL is enabled and D ≠ 0, the following conditions must be satisfied for PLL_CLKIN: Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 67 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 10 MHz £ www.ti.com PLL _ CLKIN £ 20 MHz P (11) 80 MHz ≤ PLL_CLKIN × J.D. × R / P ≤ 110 MHz R=1 The PLL can power up independently from the ADC and DAC blocks, and can also be used as a generalpurpose PLL by routing the PLL output to the GPIO output. After powering up the PLL, PLL_CLK is available typically after 10 ms. The clocks for the codec and various signal processing blocks, CODEC_CLKIN, are generated from the MCLK input, BCLK input, GPIO input, or PLL_CLK (page 0 / register 4, bits D1–D0). If CODEC_CLKIN is derived from the PLL, then the PLL must be powered up first and powered down last. Table 7-42 lists several example cases of typical PLL_CLKIN rates and how to program the PLL to achieve a sample rate fS of either 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz. Table 7-42. PLL Example Configurations PLL_CLKIN (MHz) PLLP PLLR PLLJ 2.8224 1 3 10 5.6448 1 3 5 12 1 1 13 1 1 16 1 19.2 48 PLLD MADC NADC AOSR MDAC NDAC DOSR 0 3 5 128 3 5 128 0 3 5 128 3 5 128 7 560 3 5 128 3 5 128 6 3504 2 9 104 6 3 104 1 5 2920 3 5 128 3 5 128 1 1 4 4100 3 5 128 3 5 128 4 1 7 560 3 5 128 3 5 128 2.048 1 3 14 0 2 7 128 7 2 128 3.072 1 4 7 0 2 7 128 7 2 128 4.096 1 3 7 0 2 7 128 7 2 128 6.144 1 2 7 0 2 7 128 7 2 128 8.192 fS = 44.1 kHz fS = 48 kHz 1 4 3 0 2 8 128 4 4 128 12 1 1 7 1680 2 7 128 7 2 128 16 1 1 5 3760 2 7 128 7 2 128 19.2 1 1 4 4800 2 7 128 7 2 128 48 4 1 7 1680 2 7 128 7 2 128 7.3.12 Timer The internal clock runs nominally at 8.2 MHz. This is used for various internal timing intervals, de-bounce logic, and interrupts. The MCLK divider must be set in such a way that the divider output is approximately 1 MHz for the timers to be closer to the programmed value. 68 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Powered on if internal oscillator is selected Internal Oscillator ÷8 0 Interval timers MCLK Programmable Divider Used for de-bounce time for headset detection logic, various power up timers and for generation of interrupts 1 P3/R16, Bits D6-D0 P3/R16, Bit D7 Figure 7-38. Interval Timer Clock Selection 7.3.13 Digital Audio and Control Interface Digital Audio Interface Audio data is transferred between the host processor and the TLV320AIC3100 device through the digital audio data, serial interface, or audio bus. The audio bus on this device is very flexible, including left- or right-justified data options, support for I2S or PCM protocols, programmable data length options, a TDM mode for multichannel operation, very flexible master and slave configurability for each bus-clock line, and the ability to communicate with multiple devices within a system directly. The audio bus of the TLV320AIC3100 device can be configured for left-justified or right-justified, I2S, DSP, or TDM modes of operation, where communication with standard telephony PCM interfaces is supported within the TDM mode. These modes are all MSB-first, with data width programmable as 16, 20, 24, or 32 bits by configuring page 0 / register 27, bits D5–D4. In addition, the word clock and bit clock can be independently configured in either master or slave mode, for flexible connectivity to a wide variety of processors. The word clock defines the beginning of a frame, and can be programmed as either a pulse or a square-wave signal. The frequency of this clock corresponds to the maximum of the selected ADC and DAC sampling frequencies. The bit clock is used to clock-in and clock-out the digital audio data across the serial bus. When in master mode, this signal can be programmed to generate variable clock pulses by controlling the bit-clock divider in page 0 / register 30 (see Figure 7-35). The number of bit-clock pulses in a frame can require adjustment to accommodate various word lengths as well as to support the case when multiple TLV320AIC3100s share the same audio bus. The TLV320AIC3100 device also includes a feature to offset the position of start-of-data transfer with respect to the word clock. This offset is controlled in terms of number of bit-clocks and can be programmed in page 0 / register 28. The TLV320AIC3100 device also has the feature of inverting the polarity of the bit clock used for transferring the audio data as compared to the default clock polarity used. This feature can be used independently of the mode of audio interface chosen. This can be configured through page 0 / register 29, bit D3. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 69 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com The TLV320AIC3100 device further includes programmability (page 0 / register 27, bit D0) to place the DOUT line in the high-impedance state during all bit clocks when valid data is not being sent. By combining this capability with the ability to program at what bit clock in a frame the audio data begins, time-division multiplexing (TDM) is accomplished, enabling the use of multiple codecs on a single audio serial data bus. When the audio serial data bus is powered down while configured in master mode, the pins associated with the interface are put into a high-impedance output condition. Also, DOUT control on page 0 / register 53, bit D4 allows the bus-keeper feature to be enabled or disabled. When enabled, the last valid data on DOUT is held (weakly driven) during the non-data time. When disabled, DOUT is placed in a high-impedance state when page 0 / register 27, bit D0 is enabled (1). By default, when the word clocks and bit clocks are generated by the TLV320AIC3100 device, these clocks are active only when the codecs (ADC, DAC or both) are powered up within the device. This is done to save power. However, it also supports a feature when both the word clocks and bit clocks can be active even when the codec in the device is powered down. This is useful when using the TDM mode with multiple codecs on the same bus, or when word clocks or bit clocks are used in the system as generalpurpose clocks. Right-Justified Mode The audio interface of the TLV320AIC3100 can enter the right-justified mode by programming page 0 / register 27, bits D7–D6 = 10. In right-justified mode, the LSB of the left channel is valid on the rising edge of the bit clock preceding the falling edge of the word clock. Similarly, the LSB of the right channel is valid on the rising edge of the bit clock preceding the rising edge of the word clock. 1/fs WCLK BCLK Left Channel DIN/DOUT 0 n-1 n-2 n-3 MSB Right Channel 2 1 0 LSB n-1 n-2 n-3 2 MSB 1 0 LSB Figure 7-39. Timing Diagram for Right-Justified Mode For the right-justified mode, the number of bit clocks per frame should be greater-than or equal-to twice the programmed word length of the data. Left-Justified Mode The audio interface of the TLV320AIC3100 can enter the left-justified mode by programming page 0 / register 27, bits D7–D6 = 11. In left-justified mode, the MSB of the right channel is valid on the rising edge of the bit clock following the falling edge of the word clock. Similarly, the MSB of the left channel is valid on the rising edge of the bit clock following the rising edge of the word clock. 70 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 WORD CLOCK LEFT CHANNEL RIGHT CHANNEL BIT CLOCK DATA N N N - - 1 2 3 3 2 1 N N N - - 1 2 3 0 3 LD(n) 2 1 N N N - - 1 2 3 0 RD(n) LD(n) = n'th sample of left channel data LD(n+1) RD(n) = n'th sample of right channel data Figure 7-40. Timing Diagram for Left-Justified Mode WORD CLOCK LEFT CHANNEL RIGHT CHANNEL BIT CLOCK N N N - - 1 2 3 DATA 3 2 1 N N N - - 1 2 3 0 LD(n) 3 2 1 N N N - - 1 2 3 0 RD(n) LD(n) = n'th sample of left channel data LD(n+1) RD(n) = n'th sample of right channel data Figure 7-41. Timing Diagram for Left-Justified Mode With Offset = 1 WORD CLOCK LEFT CHANNEL RIGHT CHANNEL BIT CLOCK DATA N N N - - 1 2 3 3 2 1 N N N - - 1 2 3 0 LD(n) 3 2 1 N N N - - 1 2 3 0 RD(n) LD(n) = n'th sample of left channel data 3 LD(n+1) RD(n) = n'th sample of right channel data Figure 7-42. Timing Diagram for Left-Justified Mode With Offset = 0 and Inverted Bit Clock For the left-justified mode, the number of bit clocks per frame should be greater-than or equal-to twice the programmed word length of the data. Also, the programmed offset value should be less than the number of bit clocks per frame by at least the programmed word length of the data. I2S Mode The audio interface of the TLV320AIC3100 device enters I2S mode by programming page 0 / register 27, bits D7–D6 = to 00. In I2S mode, the MSB of the left channel is valid on the second rising edge of the bit clock after the falling edge of the word clock. Similarly, the MSB of the right channel is valid on the second rising edge of the bit clock after the rising edge of the word clock. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 71 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 WORD CLOCK www.ti.com LEFT CHANNEL RIGHT CHANNEL BIT CLOCK DATA N N N - - 1 2 3 3 2 1 N N N - - 1 2 3 0 LD(n) 3 2 1 N N N - - 1 2 3 0 RD(n) LD(n) = n'th sample of left channel data 3 LD(n+1) RD(n) = n'th sample of right channel data Figure 7-43. Timing Diagram for I2S Mode WORD CLOCK LEFT CHANNEL RIGHT CHANNEL BIT CLOCK N 1 DATA 5 4 3 2 1 N 1 0 5 4 LD(n) 3 2 1 N 1 0 RD(n) LD(n) = n'th sample of left channel data 5 LD (n+1) RD(n) = n'th sample of right channel data 2 Figure 7-44. Timing Diagram for I S Mode With Offset = 2 WORD CLOCK LEFT CHANNEL RIGHT CHANNEL BIT CLOCK DATA N N N - - 1 2 3 3 2 1 N N N - - 1 2 3 0 LD(n) 3 2 1 0 N N N - - 1 2 3 RD(n) LD(n) = n'th sample of left channel data 3 LD(n+1) RD(n) = n'th sample of right channel data 2 Figure 7-45. Timing Diagram for I S Mode With Offset = 0 and Bit Clock Inverted For I2S mode, the number of bit clocks per channel should be greater-than or equal-to the programmed word length of the data. Also, the programmed offset value should be less than the number of bit clocks per frame by at least the programmed word length of the data. Figure 7-46 shows the timing diagram for I2S mode for the monaural audio ADC. 72 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 T0202-03 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 0 LSB 1 2 MSB n–1 n–2 n–3 0 LSB 1 2 MSB n–1 n–2 n–3 0 LSB 0 LSB n–1 n–2 n–3 1 2 n–1 n–2 n–3 MSB DOUT BCLK WCLK 1 Clock Before MSB 1/fS MSB 2 1 ADC Mono Channel (D0) ADC Mono Channel (D0) ADC Mono Channel (D1) 1/fS ADC Mono Channel (D1) n–1 www.ti.com Figure 7-46. Timing Diagram for I2S Mode for Monaural Audio ADC Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 73 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com DSP Mode The audio interface of the TLV320AIC3100 can enter DSP mode by programming page 0 / register 27, bits D7–D6 = 01. In DSP mode, the falling edge of the word clock starts the data transfer with the leftchannel data first and immediately followed by the right-channel data. Each data bit is valid on the falling edge of the bit clock. WORD CLOCK LEFT CHANNEL RIGHT CHANNEL BIT CLOCK DATA N N N - - 1 2 3 3 2 1 0 N N N - - 1 2 3 LD(n) 3 2 1 N N N - - 1 2 3 0 RD(n) LD(n) = n'th sample of left channel data 3 LD (n+1) RD(n) = n'th sample of right channel data Figure 7-47. Timing Diagram for DSP Mode WORD CLOCK LEFT CHANNEL RIGHT CHANNEL BIT CLOCK N N N - - 1 2 3 DATA 3 2 1 0 N N N - - 1 2 3 LD(n) 3 2 1 N N N - - 1 2 3 0 RD(n) LD(n) = n'th sample of left channel data LD(n+1) RD(n) = n'th sample of right channel data Figure 7-48. Timing Diagram for DSP Mode With Offset = 1 WORD CLOCK LEFT CHANNEL RIGHT CHANNEL BIT CLOCK DATA N N N - - 1 2 3 3 LD(n) 2 1 0 N N N - - 1 2 3 3 2 1 0 N N N - - 1 2 3 RD(n) 3 LD(n+1) Figure 7-49. Timing Diagram for DSP Mode With Offset = 0 and Bit Clock Inverted For the DSP mode, the number of bit clocks per frame should be greater-than or equal-to twice the programmed word length of the data. Also, the programmed offset value should be less than the number of bit clocks per frame by at least the programmed word length of the data. 74 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Primary and Secondary Digital Audio Interface Selection The audio serial interface on the TLV320AIC3100 has extensive I/O control to allow communication with two independent processors for audio data. The processors can communicate with the device one at a time. This feature is enabled by register programming of the various pin selections. Table 7-43 shows the primary and secondary audio interface selection and registers. Table 7-44 shows the selection criteria for generating ADC_WCLK. Figure 7-50 is a high-level diagram showing the general signal flow and multiplexing for the primary and secondary audio interfaces. For detailed information, see Table 7-43, Table 7-44, and the register definitions in . Table 7-43. Primary and Secondary Audio Interface Selection DESIRED PIN FUNCTION POSSIBLE PINS Primary WCLK (OUT) WCLK Primary WCLK (IN) WCLK Primary BCLK (OUT) BCLK Primary BCLK (IN) BCLK Primary DIN (IN) Primary DOUT (OUT) DIN DOUT GPIO1 Secondary WCLK (OUT) DOUT Secondary WCLK (IN) GPIO1 GPIO1 Secondary BCLK (OUT) DOUT Secondary BCLK (IN) Secondary DIN (IN) Secondary DOUT (OUT) GPIO1 GPIO1 GPIO1 PAGE 0 REGISTERS COMMENT R27/D2 = 1 Primary WCLK is output from codec R33/D5–D4 Select source of primary WCLK (DAC_fs, ADC_fs, or secondary WCLK) R27/D2 = 0 Primary WCLK is input to codec R27/D3 = 1 Primary BCLK is output from codec R33/D7 Select source of primary WCLK (internal BCLK or secondary BCLK) R27/D3 = 0 Primary BCLK is input to codec R32/D0 Select DIN to internal interface (0 = primary DIN; 1 = secondary DIN) R53/D3–D1 = 001 DOUT = primary DOUT for codec interface R33/D1 Select source for DOUT (0 = DOUT from interface block; 1 = secondary DIN) R31/D4–D2 = 000 Secondary WCLK obtained from GPIO1 pin R51/D5–D2 = 1001 GPIO1 = secondary WCLK output R33/D3–D2 Select source of secondary WCLK (DAC_fs, ADC_fs, or primary WCLK) R31/D4–D2 = 011 Secondary WCLK obtained from DOUT pin R53/D3–D1 = 111 DOUT = secondary WCLK output R33/D3–D2 Select source of secondary WCLK (DAC_fs, ADC_fs, or primary WCLK) R31/D4–D2 = 000 Secondary WCLK obtained from GPIO1 pin R51/D5–D2 = 0001 GPIO1 enabled as secondary input R31/D7–D5 = 000 Secondary BCLK obtained from GPIO1 pin R51/D5–D2 = 1000 GPIO1 = secondary BCLK output R33/D6 Select source of secondary BCLK (primary BCLK or internal BCLK) R31/D7–D5 = 011 Secondary BCLK obtained from DOUT pin R53/D3–D1 = 110 DOUT = secondary BCLK output R33/D6 Select source of secondary BCLK (primary BCLK or internal BCLK) R31/D7–D5 = 000 Secondary BCLK obtained from GPIO1 pin R51/D5–D2 = 0001 GPIO1 enabled as secondary input R31/D1–D0 = 00 Secondary DIN obtained from GPIO1 pin R51/D5–D2 = 0001 GPIO1 enabled as secondary input R51/D5–D2 = 1011 GPIO1 = secondary DOUT R33/D0 Select source for secondary DOUT (0 = primary DIN; 1 = DOUT from interface block) Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 75 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Table 7-44. Generation of ADC_WCLK ADC_WCLK DIRECTION OUTPUT INPUT POSSIBLE PINS GPIO1 GPIO1 PAGE 0 REGISTERS COMMENT R32/D7–D5 = 000 ADC_WCLK obtained from GPIO1 pin R51/D5–D2 = 0111 GPIO1 = ADC_WCLK R32/D1 Select source of Internal ADC_WCLK (0 = DAC_WCLK; 1 = ADC_WCLK) R32/D7–D5 = 000 ADC_WCLK obtained from GPIO1 pin R51/D5–D2 = 0001 GPIO1 enabled as secondary input R32/D1 Select source of internal ADC_WCLK (0 = DAC_WCLK; 1 = ADC_WCLK) BCLK BCLK BCLK BCLK_INT S_BCLK S_BCLK BCLK_OUT WCLK WCLK WCLK DAC_WCLK_INT S_WCLK DAC_fS S_WCLK ADC_fS DIN DOUT WCLK ADC_WCLK_INT DOUT_int ADC_WCLK DOUT DIN Audio Digital Serial Interface S_DIN Primary Audio Processor DIN DIN_INT S_DIN GPIO1 ADC_WCLK ADC_fS GPIO1 BCLK BCLK2 S_BCLK BCLK DOUT BCLK_OUT BCLK_OUT Secondary Audio Processor DAC_fS GPIO1 WCLK S_WCLK WCLK2 DOUT Clock Generation WCLK DAC_fS ADC_fS ADC_fS DOUT GPIO1 S_DIN DOUT_int GPIO1 DIN (S_DOUT) DIN Figure 7-50. Audio Serial Interface Multiplexing 76 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Control Interface The TLV320AIC3100 control interface supports the I2C communication protocol. I2C Control Mode The TLV320AIC3100 supports the I2C control protocol, and responds to the I2C address of 0011 000. I2C is a two-wire, open-drain interface supporting multiple devices and masters on a single bus. Devices on the I2C bus only drive the bus lines LOW by connecting them to ground; they never drive the bus lines HIGH. Instead, the bus wires are pulled HIGH by pullup resistors, so the bus wires are HIGH when no device is driving them LOW. This way, two devices cannot conflict; if two devices drive the bus simultaneously, there is no driver contention. Communication on the I2C bus always takes place between two devices, one acting as the master and the other acting as the slave. Both masters and slaves can read and write, but slaves can only do so under the direction of the master. Some I2C devices can act as masters or slaves, but the TLV320AIC3100 can only act as a slave device. An I2C bus consists of two lines, SDA and SCL. SDA carries data, and the SCL signal provides the clock. All data is transmitted across the I2C bus in groups of eight bits. To send a bit on the I2C bus, the SDA line is driven to the appropriate level while SCL is LOW (a LOW on SDA indicates the bit is zero, while a HIGH indicates the bit is one). Once the SDA line has settled, the SCL line is brought HIGH, then LOW. This pulse on the SCL line clocks the SDA bit into the receiver shift register. The I2C bus is bidirectional: the SDA line is used both for transmitting and receiving data. When a master reads from a slave, the slave drives the data line; when a master sends to a slave, the master drives the data line. Most of the time the bus is idle, no communication is taking place, and both lines are HIGH. When communication is taking place, the bus is active. Only master devices can start communication on the bus. Generally, the data line is only allowed to change state while the clock line is LOW. If the data line changes state while the clock line is HIGH, it is either a START condition or the counterpart, a STOP condition. A START condition is when the clock line is HIGH and the data line goes from HIGH to LOW. A STOP condition is when the clock line is HIGH and the data line goes from LOW to HIGH. After the master issues a START condition, it sends a byte that selects the slave device for communication. This byte is called the address byte. Each device on an I2C bus has a unique 7-bit address to which it responds. (Slaves can also have 10-bit addresses; see the I2C specification for details.) The master sends an address in the address byte, together with a bit that indicates whether it is to read from or write to the slave device. Every byte transmitted on the I2C bus, whether it is address or data, is acknowledged with an acknowledge bit. When a master has finished sending a byte (eight data bits) to a slave, it stops driving SDA and waits for the slave to acknowledge the byte. The slave acknowledges the byte by pulling SDA LOW. The master then sends a clock pulse to clock the acknowledge bit. Similarly, when a master has finished reading a byte, it pulls SDA LOW to acknowledge this to the slave. It then sends a clock pulse to clock the bit. (Remember that the master always drives the clock line.) A not-acknowledge is performed by simply leaving SDA HIGH during an acknowledge cycle. If a device is not present on the bus, and the master attempts to address the device, the master receives a notacknowledge because no device is present at that address to pull the line LOW. When a master has finished communicating with a slave, it may issue a STOP condition. When a STOP condition is issued, the bus becomes idle again. A master may also issue another START condition. When a START condition is issued while the bus is active, it is called a repeated START condition. The TLV320AIC3100 can also respond to and acknowledge a general call, which consists of the master issuing a command with a slave address byte of 00h. This feature is disabled by default, but can be enabled through page 0 / register 34, bit D5. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 77 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com SCL DA(6) SDA Start (M) DA(0) 7-bit Device Address (M) RA(7) Slave Ack (S) Write (M) RA(0) 8-bit Register Address (M) D(7) Slave Ack (S) D(0) 8-bit Register Data (M) Slave Ack (S) Stop (M) (M) => SDA Controlled by Master (S) => SDA Controlled by Slave Figure 7-51. I2C Write SCL DA(6) SDA Start (M) DA(0) 7-bit Device Address (M) RA(7) Write (M) Slave Ack (S) DA(6) RA(0) 8-bit Register Address (M) Slave Ack (S) Repeat Start (M) DA(0) 7-bit Device Address (M) D(7) Read (M) Slave Ack (S) D(0) 8-bit Register Data (S) Master No Ack (M) Stop (M) (M) => SDA Controlled by Master (S) => SDA Controlled by Slave Figure 7-52. I2C Read In the case of an I2C register write, if the master does not issue a STOP condition, then the device enters auto-increment mode. So in the next eight clocks, the data on SDA is treated as data for the next incremental register. Similarly, in the case of an I2C register read, after the device has sent out the 8-bit data from the addressed register, if the master issues a ACKNOWLEDGE, the slave takes over control of the SDA bus and transmits for the next eight clocks the data of the next incremental register. 7.4 7.4.1 Register Map TLV320AIC3100 Register Map All features on this device are addressed using the I2C bus. All of the writable registers can be read back. However, some registers contain status information or data, and are only available for reading. The TLV320AIC3100 device contains several pages of 8-bit registers, and each page can contain up to 128 registers. The register pages are divided up based on functional blocks for this device. Page 0 is the default home page after RESET. Page control occurs by writing a new page value into register 0 of the current page. The control registers for the TLV320AIC3100 device are described in detail as follows. All registers are 8 bits in width, with D7 referring to the most-significant bit of each register, and D0 referring to the leastsignificant bit. Pages 0, 1, 3, 4–5, 8–9, 12–13 are available for use. All other pages and registers are reserved. Do not read from or write to reserved pages and registers. Also, do not write other than the reset values for the reserved bits and read-only bits of non-reserved registers; otherwise, device functionality failure can occur. NOTE Note that the page and register numbers are shown in decimal format. For use in microcode, these decimal values may need to be converted to hexadecimal format. For convenience, the register numbers are shown in both formats, whereas the page numbers are shown only in decimal format. 78 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Table 7-45. Summary of Register Map PAGE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 0 Page 0 is the default page on power up. Configuration for serial interface, digital I/O, clocking, ADC, DAC settings, and other circuitry. 1 Configuration for analog PGAs, ADC, DAC, output drivers, volume controls, and other circuitry. 3 Register 16 controls the MCLK divider that controls the interrupt pulse duration, debounce timing, and detection block clock. 4–5 ADC AGC and filter coefficients 8–9 DAC Buffer A filter and DRC coefficients 12–13 DAC Buffer B filter and DRC coefficients 7.4.2 Registers Control Registers, Page 0 (Default Page): Clock Multipliers, Dividers, Serial Interfaces, Flags, Interrupts, and GPIOs Table 7-46. Page 0 / Register 0: Page Control Register BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W 0000 0000 DESCRIPTION 0000 0000: 0000 0001: ... 1111 1110: 1111 1111: Page 0 selected Page 1 selected Page 254 selected Page 255 selected Table 7-47. Page 0 / Register 1: Software Reset BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D1 R/W 0000 000 D0 R/W 0 DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits. 0: Don't care 1: Self-clearing software reset for control register Table 7-48. Page 0 / Register 2: Reserved BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R XXXX XXXX DESCRIPTION Reserved. Do not write to this register. Table 7-49. Page 0 / Register 3: OT FLAG BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7-D2 R XXXX XX D1 R 1 0: Overtemperature protection flag (active-low). Valid only if speaker amplifier is powered up 1: Normal operation D0 R/W X Reserved. Do not write to these bits. DESCRIPTION Reserved. Do not write to these bits. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 79 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Table 7-50. Page 0 / Register 4: Clock-Gen Muxing (1) BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D4 R/W 0000 D3–D2 R/W 00 00: PLL_CLKIN 01: PLL_CLKIN 10: PLL_CLKIN 11: PLL_CLKIN D1–D0 R/W 00 00: CODEC_CLKIN = MCLK (device pin) 01: CODEC_CLKIN = BCLK (device pin) 10: CODEC_CLKIN = GPIO1 (device pin) 11: CODEC_CLKIN = PLL_CLK (generated on-chip) (1) DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits. = MCLK (device pin) = BCLK (device pin) = GPIO1 (device pin) = DIN (can be used for the system where DAC is not used) See Section 7.3.11 for more details on clock generation mutiplexing and dividers. Table 7-51. Page 0 / Register 5: PLL P and R Values BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 D6–D4 R/W 001 D3–D0 R/W 0001 DESCRIPTION 0: PLL is powered down. 1: PLL is powered up. 000: PLL divider P 001: PLL divider P 010: PLL divider P ... 110: PLL divider P 111: PLL divider P 0000: 0001: 0010: ... 1110: 1111: =8 =1 =2 =6 =7 PLL multiplier R = 16 PLL multiplier R = 1 PLL multiplier R = 2 PLL multiplier R = 14 PLL multiplier R = 15 Table 7-52. Page 0 / Register 6: PLL J-Value BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D6 R/W 00 D5–D0 R/W 00 0100 DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits. 00 00 00 ... 11 11 0000: Do not use (reserved) 0001: PLL multiplier J = 1 0010: PLL multiplier J = 2 1110: PLL multiplier J = 62 1111: PLL multiplier J = 63 Table 7-53. Page 0 / Register 7: PLL D-Value MSB (1) BIT READ/ WRITE D7–D6 R/W 00 D5–D0 R/W 00 0000 (1) RESET VALUE DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits. PLL fractional multiplier D-value MSB bits D[13:8] Note that this register is updated only when Page 0 / Register 8 is written immediately after Page 0 / Register 7. Table 7-54. Page 0 / Register 8: PLL D-Value LSB (1) BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W 0000 0000 (1) 80 DESCRIPTION PLL fractional multiplier D-value LSB bits D[7:0] Note that Page 0 / Register 8 must be written immediately after Page 0 / Register 7. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Table 7-55. Page 0 / Register 9 and Page 0 / Register 10: Reserved BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W XXXX XXXX DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits. Table 7-56. Page 0 / Register 11: DAC NDAC_VAL BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 D6–D0 R/W 000 0001 DESCRIPTION 0: DAC NDAC divider is powered down. 1: DAC NDAC divider is powered up. 000 0000: 000 0001: 000 0010: ... 111 1110: 111 1111: DAC NDAC divider = 128 DAC NDAC divider = 1 DAC NDAC divider = 2 DAC NDAC divider = 126 DAC NDAC divider = 127 Table 7-57. Page 0 / Register 12: DAC MDAC_VAL BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 D6–D0 R/W 000 0001 DESCRIPTION 0: DAC MDAC divider is powered down. 1: DAC MDAC divider is powered up. 000 0000: 000 0001: 000 0010: ... 111 1110: 111 1111: DAC MDAC divider = 128 DAC MDAC divider = 1 DAC MDAC divider = 2 DAC MDAC divider = 126 DAC MDAC divider = 127 Table 7-58. Page 0 / Register 13: DAC DOSR_VAL MSB BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D2 R/W 0000 00 D1–D0 R/W 00 DESCRIPTION Reserved DAC OSR value DOSR(9:8) Table 7-59. Page 0 / Register 14: DAC DOSR_VAL LSB (1) BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W 1000 0000 (1) DESCRIPTION DAC OSR Value DOSR (7:0) 0000 0000: DAC OSR (7:0) = 1024 (MSB page 0 / register 13, bits D1–D0 = 00) 0000 0001: DAC OSR (7:0) = 1 (MSB page 0 / register 13, bits D1–D0 = 00) 0000 0010: DAC OSR (7:0) = 2 (MSB page 0 / register 13, bits D1–D0 = 00) ... 1111 1110: DAC OSR (7:0) = 1022 (MSB page 0 / register 13, bits D1–D0 = 11) 1111 1111: DAC OSR (7:0) = 1023 (MSB page 0 / register 13, bits D1–D0 = 11) DAC OSR must be an integral multiple of the interpolation in the DAC miniDSP engine (specified in register 16). When using PRB modes, interpolation ratio is 8 while using Filter-A, 4 while using Filter-B and 2 while using Filter-C. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 81 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Table 7-60. Page 0 / Register 15: DAC IDAC_VAL (1) (2) BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W 1000 0000 (1) (2) DESCRIPTION 0000 0000: 0000 0001: 0000 0010: ... 1111 1101: 1111 1110: 1111 1111: Number of instruction for DAC PRB engine, IDAC = 1024 Number of instruction for DAC PRB engine, IDAC = 4 Number of instruction for DAC PRB engine, IDAC = 8 Number of instruction for DAC PRB engine, IDAC = 1012 Number of instruction for DAC PRB engine, IDAC = 1016 Number of instruction for DAC PRB engine, IDAC = 1020 IDAC must be an integral multiple of the interpolation in the DAC PRB engine (specified in register 16). When using PRB modes, interpolation ratio is 8 while using Filter-A, 4 while using Filter-B and 2 while using Filter-C. The Page 0 / Register 15 programmed value is valid when Page 0 / Register 60, D(4:0) is programmed as 0 0000. Table 7-61. Page 0 / Register 16: DAC PRB Engine Interpolation BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D4 R/W 0000 Reserved. Do not write to these registers. D3–D0 (1) R/W 1000 0000: 0001: 0010: ... 1101: 1110: 1111: (1) DESCRIPTION Interpolation ratio in DAC PRB engine = 16 Interpolation ratio in DAC PRB engine = 1 Interpolation ratio in DAC PRB engine = 2 Interpolation ratio in DAC PRB engine = 13 Interpolation ratio in DAC PRB engine = 14 Interpolation ratio in DAC PRB engine = 15 The Page 0 / Register 16, D(3:0) programmed value is valid when Page 0 / Register 60, D(4:0) is programmed as 0 0000. Table 7-62. Page 0 / Register 17: Reserved BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W XXXX XXXX DESCRIPTION Reserved. Do not write to these registers. Table 7-63. Page 0 / Register 18: ADC NADC_VAL BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 D6–D0 R/W 000 0001 DESCRIPTION 0: ADC NADC divider is powered down and ADC_MOD_CLK = DAC_MOD_CLK 1: ADC NADC divider is powered up. 000 0000: 000 0001: 000 0010: ... 111 1110: 111 1111: ADC NADC divider = 128 ADC NADC divider = 1 ADC NADC divider = 2 ADC NADC divider = 126 ADC NADC divider = 127 Table 7-64. Page 0 / Register 19: ADC MADC_VAL BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 D6–D0 R/W 000 0001 82 DESCRIPTION 0: ADC MADC divider is powered down and ADC_MOD_CLK = DAC_MOD_CLK. 1: ADC MADC divider is powered up. 000 0000: 000 0001: 000 0010: ... 111 1110: 111 1111: ADC MADC divider = 128 ADC MADC divider = 1 ADC MADC divider = 2 ADC MADC divider = 126 ADC MADC divider = 127 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Table 7-65. Page 0 / Register 20: ADC AOSR_VAL (1) BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W 1000 0000 (1) DESCRIPTION ADC Oversampling Value 0000 0000: ADC AOSR = 256 0000 0001-0001 1111: Reserved. Do not use 0010 0000: ADC AOSR = 32 (Use with PRB_R13 to PRB_R18, ADC Filter Type C) 0010 0001-0011 1111: Reserved. Do not use 0100 0000: AOSR = 64 (Use with PRB_R1 to PRB_R12, ADC Filter Type A or B) 0100 0001-0111 1111: Reserved. Do not use 1000 0000: AOSR = 128(Use with PRB_R1 to PRB_R6, ADC Filter Type A) 1000 0001-1111 1111: Reserved. Do not use ADC OSR must be an integral multiple of the decimation in the ADC PRB engine (specified in register 22). When PRB modes are used, decimation ratio is 4 while using Filter-A, 2 while using Filter-B and 1 while using Filter-C Table 7-66. Page 0 / Register 21: ADC IADC_VAL (1) (2) BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W 1000 0000 (1) (2) DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only default values. IADC must be an integral multiple of the decimation in the ADC PRB engine (specified in Register 22). When PRB modes are used, decimation ratio is 4 while using Filter-A, 2 while using Filter-B and 1 while using Filter-C Page 0 / Register 21 programmed value is valid when Page 0/ Register 61, D(4:0) is programmed as 0 0000. Table 7-67. Page 0 / Register 22: ADC PRB Engine Decimation BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W 1000 0000 DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only default values. Table 7-68. Page 0 / Register 23 and Page 0 / Register 24: Reserved BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W XXXX XXXX BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D3 R/W 0000 0 D2–D0 R/W 000 DESCRIPTION Reserved. Do not write to these registers. Table 7-69. Page 0 / Register 25: CLKOUT MUX DESCRIPTION Reserved 000: CDIV_CLKIN = MCLK (device pin) 001: CDIV_CLKIN = BCLK (device pin) 010: CDIV_CLKIN = DIN (can be used for the systems where DAC is not required) 011: CDIV_CLKIN = PLL_CLK (generated on-chip) 100: CDIV_CLKIN = DAC_CLK (DAC DSP clock - generated on-chip) 101: CDIV_CLKIN = DAC_MOD_CLK (generated on-chip) 110: CDIV_CLKIN = ADC_CLK (ADC DSP clock - generated on-chip) 111: CDIV_CLKIN = ADC_MOD_CLK (generated on-chip) Table 7-70. Page 0 / Register 26: CLKOUT M_VAL BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 D6–D0 R/W 000 0001 DESCRIPTION 0: CLKOUT M divider is powered down. 1: CLKOUT M divider is powered up. 000 0000: 000 0001: 000 0010: ... 111 1110: 111 1111: CLKOUT divider M = 128 CLKOUT divider M = 1 CLKOUT divider M = 2 CLKOUT divider M = 126 CLKOUT divider M = 127 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 83 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Table 7-71. Page 0 / Register 27: Codec Interface Control BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D6 R/W 00 00: Codec interface = I2S 01: Codec Interface = DSP 10: Codec interface = RJF 11: Codec interface = LJF D5–D4 R/W 00 00: Codec interface word 01: Codec interface word 10: Codec interface word 11: Codec interface word D3 R/W 0 0: BCLK is input 1: BCLK is output D2 R/W 0 0: WCLK is input 1: WCLK is output D1 R/W 0 Reserved D0 R/W 0 Driving DOUT to High-Impedance for the Extra BCLK Cycle When Data Is Not Being Transferred 0: Disabled 1: Enabled DESCRIPTION length = 16 length = 20 length = 24 length = 32 bits bits bits bits Table 7-72. Page 0 / Register 28: Data-Slot Offset Programmability BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W 0000 0000 DESCRIPTION Offset (Measured With Respect to WCLK Rising Edge in DSP Mode) 0000 0000: Offset = 0 BCLKs 0000 0001: Offset = 1 BCLK 0000 0010: Offset = 2 BCLKs ... 1111 1110: Offset = 254 BCLKs 1111 1111: Offset = 255 BCLKs Table 7-73. Page 0 / Register 29: Codec Interface Control 2 BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D6 R/W 00 Reserved D5 R/W 0 0: DIN-to-DOUT loopback is disabled 1: DIN-to-DOUT loopback is enabled D4 R/W 0 0: ADC-to-DAC loopback is disabled 1: ADC-to-DAC loopback is enabled D3 R/W 0 0: BCLK is not inverted (valid for both primary and secondary BCLK) 1: BCLK is inverted (valid for both primary and secondary BCLK) D2 R/W 0 BCLK and WCLK Active Even With Codec Powered Down (Valid for Both Primary and Secondary BCLK) 0: Disabled 1: Enabled D1–D0 R/W 00 00: BDIV_CLKIN = DAC_CLK (DAC DSP clock - generated on-chip) 01: BDIV_CLKIN = DAC_MOD_CLK (generated on-chip) 10: BDIV_CLKIN = ADC_CLK (ADC DSP clock - generated on-chip) 11: BDIV_CLKIN = ADC_MOD_CLK (generated on-chip) DESCRIPTION Table 7-74. Page 0 / Register 30: BCLK N_VAL BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 D6–D0 R/W 000 0001 84 DESCRIPTION 0: BCLK N-divider is powered down. 1: BCLK N-divider is powered up. 000 0000: 000 0001: 000 0010: ... 111 1110: 111 1111: BCLK divider N = 128 BCLK divider N = 1 BCLK divider N = 2 BCLK divider N = 126 BCLK divider N = 127 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Table 7-75. Page 0 / Register 31: Codec Secondary Interface Control 1 BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D5 R/W 000 000: Secondary BCLK is obtained from GPIO1 pin. 001: Reserved. 010: Reserved. 011: Secondary BCLK is obtained from DOUT pin. 100: Reserved. 101: Reserved. 110: Reserved. 111: Reserved. D4–D2 R/W 000 000: Secondary WCLK is obtained from GPIO1 pin. 001: Reserved. 010: Reserved. 011: Secondary WCLK is obtained from DOUT pin. 100: Reserved. 101: Reserved. 110: Reserved. 111: Reserved. D1–D0 R/W 00 00: Secondary DIN is obtained from the GPIO1 pin. 01: Reserved. 10: Reserved. 11: Reserved. DESCRIPTION Table 7-76. Page 0 / Register 32: Codec Secondary Interface Control 2 BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D5 R/W 000 D4 R/W 0 Reserved D3 R/W 0 0: Primary BCLK is fed to codec serial-interface and ClockGen blocks. 1: Secondary BCLK is fed to codec serial-interface and ClockGen blocks. D2 R/W 0 0: Primary WCLK is fed to codec serial-interface block. 1: Secondary WCLK is fed to codec serial-interface block. D1 R/W 0 0: ADC_WCLK used in the codec serial-interface block is the same as DAC_WCLK. 1: ADC_WCLK used in the codec serial-interface block = ADC_WCLK. D0 R/W 0 0: Primary DIN is fed to codec serial-interface block. 1: Secondary DIN is fed to codec serial-interface block. DESCRIPTION 000: ADC_WCLK is obtained from GPIO1 pin. 001: Reserved. 010: Reserved. 011: Reserved. 100: Reserved. 101: Reserved. 110: Reserved. 111: Reserved. Table 7-77. Page 0 / Register 33: Codec Secondary Interface Control 3 BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 0: Primary BCLK output = internally generated BCLK clock 1: Primary BCLK output = secondary BCLK D6 R/W 0 0: Secondary BCLK output = primary BCLK 1: Secondary BCLK output = internally generated BCLK clock D5–D4 R/W 00 00: Primary WCLK output = internally generated DAC_fS 01: Primary WCLK output = internally generated ADC_fS clock 10: Primary WCLK output = secondary WCLK 11: Reserved D3–D2 R/W 00 00: Secondary WCLK output = primary WCLK 01: Secondary WCLK output = internally generated DAC_fS clock 10: Secondary WCLK output = internally generated ADC_fS clock 11: Reserved D1 R/W 0 0: Primary DOUT = DOUT from codec serial-interface block 1: Primary DOUT = secondary DIN DESCRIPTION Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 85 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Table 7-77. Page 0 / Register 33: Codec Secondary Interface Control 3 (continued) BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D0 R/W 0 DESCRIPTION 0: Secondary DOUT = primary DIN 1: Secondary DOUT = DOUT from codec serial interface block Table 7-78. Page 0 / Register 34: I2C Bus Condition BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D6 R/W 00 Reserved. Write only the reset value to these bits. D5 R/W 0 0: I2C general-call address is ignored. 1: Device accepts I2C general-call address. D4–D0 R/W 0 0000 DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits. Table 7-79. Page 0 / Register 35: Reserved BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W XXXX XXXX DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits. Table 7-80. Page 0 / Register 36: ADC Flag Register BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R 0 0: ADC PGA applied gain ≠ programmed gain 1: ADC PGA applied gain = programmed gain D6 R 0 0: ADC powered down 1: ADC powered up D5 (1) R 0 0: AGC not saturated 1: AGC applied gain = maximum applicable gain by AGC D4–D0 R/W X XXXX (1) DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits. Sticky flag bIt. These is a read-only bit. This bit is automatically cleared once it is read and is set only if the source trigger occurs again. Table 7-81. Page 0 / Register 37: DAC Flag Register BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R 0 0: Left-channel DAC powered down 1: Left-channel DAC powered up D6 R X Reserved. Write only zero to this bit. D5 R 0 0: HPL driver powered down 1: HPL driver powered up D4 R 0 0: Mono class-D driver powered down 1: Mono class-D driver powered up D3 R 0 0: Right-channel DAC powered down 1: Right-channel DAC powered up D2 R/W X Reserved. Write only zero to this bit. D1 R 0 0: HPR driver powered down 1: HPR driver powered up D0 R 0 0: Reserved 1: Reserved DESCRIPTION Table 7-82. Page 0 / Register 38: DAC Flag Register BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D5 R/W XXX D4 R 0 86 DESCRIPTION Reserved. Do not write to these bits. 0: Left-channel DAC PGA applied gain ≠ programmed gain 1: Left-channel DAC PGA applied gain = programmed gain Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Table 7-82. Page 0 / Register 38: DAC Flag Register (continued) BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D3–D1 R/W XXX D0 R 0 DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits. 0: Right-channel DAC PGA applied gain ≠ programmed gain 1: Right-channel DAC PGA applied gain = programmed gain Table 7-83. Page 0 / Register 39: Overflow Flags BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R 0 Left-Channel DAC Overflow Flag 0: Overflow has not occurred. 1: Overflow has occurred. D6 R 0 Right-Channel DAC Overflow Flag 0: Overflow has not occurred. 1: Overflow has occurred. D5 R 0 DAC Barrel Shifter Output Overflow Flag 0: Overflow has not occurred. 1: Overflow has occurred. D4 R/W 0 Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits. D3 R 0 Delta-Sigma Mono ADC Overflow Flag 0: Overflow has not occurred. 1: Overflow has occurred. D2 R/W 0 Reserved. Write only zero to this bit. D1 R 0 ADC Barrel Shifter Output Overflow Flag 0: Overflow has not occurred. 1: Overflow has occurred. D0 R/W 0 Reserved. Write only zero to this bit. DESCRIPTION Table 7-84. Page 0 / Register 40 Through Page 0 / Register 43: Reserved BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W XXXX XXXX DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only the reset value to these bits. Table 7-85. Page 0 / Register 44: Interrupt Flags—DAC BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R 0 0: No short circuit is detected at HPL / mono class-D driver. 1: Short circuit is detected at HPL / mono class-D driver. D6 R 0 0: Reserved 1: Reserved D5 R X 0: No headset button pressed. 1: Headset button pressed. D4 R X 0: No headset insertion or removal is detected. 1: Headset insertion or removal is detected. D3 R 0 0: Left DAC signal power is less than or equal to the signal threshold of DRC. 1: Left DAC signal power is above the signal threshold of DRC. D2 R 0 0: Right DAC signal power is less than or equal to the signal threshold of DRC. 1: Right DAC signal power is above the signal threshold of DRC. D1-D0 R 0 Reserved. DESCRIPTION Table 7-86. Page 0 / Register 45: Interrupt Flags—ADC BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only zero to this bit. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 87 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Table 7-86. Page 0 / Register 45: Interrupt Flags—ADC (continued) BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D6 R 0 0: ADC signal power greater than noise threshold for AGC. 1: ADC signal power less than noise threshold for AGC. D5 R/W 0 Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits. D4 R X ADC PRB Engine Standard Interrupt Port Output. 0: Read a 0 from standard interrupt-port. 1: Read a 1 from standard interrupt-port. D3 R X ADC PRB Engine Auxiliary Interrupt Port Output. 0: Read a 0 from auxiliary interrupt-port. 1: Read a 1 from auxiliary interrupt-port. D2 R 0 0: DC measurement using delta-sigma audio ADC is not available. 1: DC measurement using delta-sigma audio ADC is not available. D1–D0 R/W 00 Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits. DESCRIPTION Table 7-87. Page 0 / Register 46: Interrupt Flags—DAC BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R 0 0: No short circuit detected at HPL / mono class-D driver. 1: Short circuit detected at HPL / mono class-D driver. D6 R 0 0: Reserved 1: Reserved D5 R X 0: No headset button pressed. 1: Headset button pressed. D4 R X 0: Headset removal detected. 1: Headset insertion detected. D3 R 0 0: Left DAC signal power is below signal threshold of DRC. 1: Left DAC signal power is above signal threshold of DRC. D2 R 0 0: Right DAC signal power is below signal threshold of DRC. 1: Right DAC signal power is above signal threshold of DRC. D1 R 0 DAC PRB Engine Standard Interrupt Port Output. 0: Read a 0 from standard interrupt-port. 1: Read a 1 from standard interrupt-port. D0 R 0 DAC PRB Engine Auxiliary Interrupt Port Output. 0: Read a 0 from auxiliary interrupt-port. 1: Read a 1 from auxiliary interrupt-port. DESCRIPTION Table 7-88. Page 0 / Register 47: Interrupt Flags—ADC BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 Reserved D6 R 0 0: Delta-sigma mono ADC signal power greater than noise threshold for left AGC 1: Delta-sigma mono ADC signal power less than noise threshold for left AGC D5 R/W 0 Reserved D4 R X ADC PRB Engine Standard Interrupt Port Output 0: Read a 0 from standard interrupt-port 1: Read a 1 from standard interrupt-port D3 R X ADC PRB Engine Auxiliary Interrupt Port Output 0: Read a 0 from auxiliary interrupt-port 1: Read a 1 from auxiliary interrupt-port D2 R 0 0: DC measurement using delta-sigma audio ADC is not available 1: DC measurement using delta-sigma audio ADC is not available D1–D0 R/W 00 Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits. 88 DESCRIPTION Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Table 7-89. Page 0 / Register 48: INT1 Control Register BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 0: Headset-insertion detect interrupt is not used in the generation of INT1 interrupt. 1: Headset-insertion detect interrupt is used in the generation of INT1 interrupt. D6 R/W 0 0: Button-press detect interrupt is not used in the generation of INT1 interrupt. 1: Button-press detect interrupt is used in the generation of INT1 interrupt. D5 R/W 0 0: DAC DRC signal-power interrupt is not used in the generation of INT1 interrupt. 1: DAC DRC signal-power interrupt is used in the generation of INT1 interrupt. D4 R/W 0 0: ADC AGC noise interrupt is not used in the generation of INT1 interrupt. 1: ADC AGC noise interrupt is used in the generation of INT1 interrupt. D3 R/W 0 0: Short-circuit interrupt is not used in the generation of INT1 interrupt. 1: Short-circuit interrupt is used in the generation of INT1 interrupt. D2 R/W 0 0: Engine-generated interrupt is not used in the generation of INT1 interrupt. 1: Engine-generated interrupt is used in the generation of INT1 interrupt. D1 R/W 0 0: DC measurement using delta-sigma audio ADC data-available interrupt is not used in the generation of INT1 interrupt 1: DC measurement using delta-sigma audio ADC data-available interrupt is used in the generation of INT1 interrupt D0 R/W 0 0: INT1 is only one pulse (active-high) of typical 2-ms duration. 1: INT1 is multiple pulses (active-high) of typical 2-ms duration and 4-ms period, until flag registers 44 and 45 are read by the user. DESCRIPTION Table 7-90. Page 0 / Register 49: INT2 Control Register BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 0: Headset-insertion detect interrupt is not used in the generation of INT2 interrupt. 1: Headset-insertion detect interrupt is used in the generation of INT2 interrupt. D6 R/W 0 0: Button-press detect interrupt is not used in the generation of INT2 interrupt. 1: Button-press detect interrupt is used in the generation of INT2 interrupt. D5 R/W 0 0: DAC DRC signal-power interrupt is not used in the generation of INT2 interrupt. 1: DAC DRC signal-power interrupt is used in the generation of INT2 interrupt. D4 R/W 0 0: ADC AGC noise interrupt is not used in the generation of INT2 interrupt. 1: ADC AGC noise interrupt is used in the generation of INT2 interrupt. D3 R/W 0 0: Short-circuit interrupt is not used in the generation of INT2 interrupt. 1: Short-circuit interrupt is used in the generation of INT2 interrupt. D2 R/W 0 0: Engine-generated interrupt is not used in the generation of INT2 interrupt. 1: Engine-generated interrupt is used in the generation of INT2 interrupt. D1 R/W 0 0: DC measurement using delta-sigma audio ADC data-available interrupt is not used in the generation of INT2 interrupt 1: DC measurement using delta-sigma audio ADC data-available interrupt is used in the generation of INT2 interrupt D0 R/W 0 0: INT2 is only one pulse (active-high) of typical 2-ms duration. 1: INT2 is multiple pulses (active-high) of typical 2-ms duration and 4-ms period, until flag registers 44 and 45 are read by the user. DESCRIPTION Table 7-91. Page 0 / Register 50: Reserved BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7-D0 R/W 0000 0000 DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only reset values. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 89 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Table 7-92. Page 0 / Register 51: GPIO1 In/Out Pin Control BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D6 R/W XX D5–D2 R/W 0000 D1 R X GPIO1 input buffer value D0 R/W 0 0: GPIO1 general-purpose output value = 0 1: GPIO1 general-purpose output value = 1 DESCRIPTION Reserved. Do not write any value other than reset value. 0000: GPIO1 disabled (input and output buffers powered down) 0001: GPIO1 is in input mode (can be used as secondary BCLK input, secondary WCLK input, secondary DIN input, ADC_WCLK input, Dig_Mic_In or in ClockGen block). 0010: GPIO1 is used as general-purpose input (GPI). 0011: GPIO1 output = general-purpose output 0100: GPIO1 output = CLKOUT output 0101: GPIO1 output = INT1 output 0110: GPIO1 output = INT2 output 0111: GPIO1 output = ADC_WCLK output for codec interface 1000: GPIO1 output = secondary BCLK output for codec interface 1001: GPIO1 output = secondary WCLK output for codec interface 1010: GPIO1 output = ADC_MOD_CLK output for the digital microphone 1011: GPIO1 output = secondary DOUT for codec interface 1100: Reserved 1101: Reserved 1110: Reserved 1111: Reserved Table 7-93. Page 0 / Register 52: Reserved BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W XXXX XXXX 90 DESCRIPTION Reserved. Do not write any value other than reset value. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Table 7-94. Page 0 / Register 53: DOUT (OUT Pin) Control BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D5 R/W 000 D4 R/W 1 D3–D1 R/W 001 D0 R/W 0 DESCRIPTION Reserved 0: DOUT bus keeper enabled 1: DOUT bus keeper disabled 000: DOUT 001: DOUT 010: DOUT 011: DOUT 100: DOUT 101: DOUT 110: DOUT 111: DOUT disabled (output buffer powered down) = primary DOUT output for codec interface = general-purpose output = CLKOUT output = INT1 output = INT2 output = secondary BCLK output for codec interface = secondary WCLK output for codec interface 0: DOUT general-purpose output value = 0 1: DOUT general-purpose output value = 1 Table 7-95. Page 0 / Register 54: DIN (IN Pin) Control BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D3 R/W 0000 0 D2–D1 R/W 01 00: DIN disabled (input buffer powered down) 01: DIN enabled (can be used as DIN for codec interface, Dig_Mic_In or into ClockGen block) 10: DIN is used as general-purpose input (GPI) 11: Reserved D0 R X DIN input-buffer value DESCRIPTION Reserved Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 91 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Table 7-96. Page 0 / Register 55: Reserved BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W 0000 0010 DESCRIPTION Reserved Table 7-97. Page 0 / Register 56: Reserved BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W 0000 001X DESCRIPTION Reserved Table 7-98. Page 0 / Register 57: Reserved BIT READ/ WRITE D7–D0 R/W RESET VALUE DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only reset value. Table 7-99. Page 0 / Register 58: Reserved BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W 000X 0000 DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only reset value. Table 7-100. Page 0 / Register 59: Reserved BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W 0000 0000 DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits. Table 7-101. Page 0 / Register 60: DAC Instruction Set BIT READ/ WRITE D7–D5 R/W 000 D4–D0 R/W 00 0001 92 RESET VALUE DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only default value. 0 0000: Reserved. Write only reset value. 0 0001: DAC signal-processing block PRB_P1 0 0010: DAC signal-processing block PRB_P2 0 0011: DAC signal-processing block PRB_P3 0 0100: DAC signal-processing block PRB_P4 ... 1 1000: DAC signal-processing block PRB_P24 1 1001: DAC signal-processing block PRB_P25 1 1010–1 1111: Reserved. Do not use. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Table 7-102. Page 0 / Register 61: ADC Instruction Set BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D5 R/W 000 D4–D0 R/W 0 0100 DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only default values. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0000: Reserved. Write only reset value. 0001–0 0011: Reserved 0100: ADC signal-processing block PRB_R4 0101: ADC signal-processing block PRB_R5 0110: ADC signal-processing block PRB_R6 0111–01001: Reserved 1010: ADC signal-processing block PRB_R10 1011: ADC signal-processing block PRB_R11 1100: ADC signal-processing block PRB_R12 1101–0 1111: Reserved 0000: ADC signal-processing block PRB_R16 0001: ADC signal-processing block PRB_R17 0010: ADC signal-processing block PRB_R18 0011–1 1111: Reserved. Do not write these sequences to these bits. Table 7-103. Page 0 / Register 62: Programmable Instruction Mode-Control Bits BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 Reserved D6 R/W 0 ADC PRB engine auxiliary control bit A, which can be used for conditional instructions like JMP D5 R/W 0 ADC PRB engine auxiliary control bit B, which can be used for conditional instructions like JMP D4 R/W 0 0: Reset ADC PRB instruction counter at the start of the new frame. 1: Do not reset ADC PRB instruction counter at the start of the new frame. D3 R/W 0 Reserved D2 R/W 0 DAC PRB engine auxiliary control bit A, which can be used for conditional instructions like JMP D1 R/W 0 DAC PRB engine auxiliary control bit B, which can be used for conditional instructions like JMP D0 R/W 0 0: Reset DAC PRB instruction counter at the start of the new frame. 1: Do not reset DAC PRB instruction counter at the start of the new frame. DESCRIPTION Table 7-104. Page 0 / Register 63: DAC Data-Path Setup BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 0: Left-channel DAC is powered down. 1: Left-channel DAC is powered up. D6 R/W 0 0: Right-channel DAC is powered down. 1: Right-channel DAC is powered up. D5–D4 R/W 01 00: Left-channel 01: Left-channel 10: Left-channel 11: Left-channel D3–D2 R/W 01 00: Right-channel DAC 01: Right-channel DAC 10: Right-channel DAC 11: Right-channel DAC D1–D0 R/W 00 00: DAC-channel volume-control soft-stepping is enabled for one step per sample period. 01: DAC-channel volume-control soft-stepping is enabled for one step per two sample periods. 10: DAC-channel volume-control soft-stepping is disabled. 11: Reserved. Do not write this sequence to these bits. BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D4 R/W 0000 D3 R/W 1 DESCRIPTION DAC DAC DAC DAC data data data data path path path path data data data data = off = left data = right data = left-channel and right-channel data [(L + R) / 2] path path path path = off = right data = left data = left-channel and right-channel data [(L + R) / 2] Table 7-105. Page 0 / Register 64: DAC Volume Control DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits. 0: Left-channel DAC not muted 1: Left-channel DAC muted Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 93 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Table 7-105. Page 0 / Register 64: DAC Volume Control (continued) BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D2 R/W 1 0: Right-channel DAC not muted 1: Right-channel DAC muted D1–D0 R/W 00 00: Left and right channels have independent volume control. (1) 01: Left-channel volume control Is the programmed value of right-channel volume control. 10: Right-channel volume control is the programmed value of left-channel volume control. 11: Same as 00 (1) DESCRIPTION When DRC is enabled, left and right channel volume controls are always independent. Program bits D1–D0 to 00. Table 7-106. Page 0 / Register 65: DAC Left Volume Control BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W 0000 0000 DESCRIPTION 0111 1111–0011 0001: Do not write these sequences to these bits. 0011 0000: Left-channel DAC digital volume = 24 dB 0010 1111: Left-channel DAC digital volume = 23.5 dB 0010 1110: Left-channel DAC digital volume = 23 dB ... 0000 0001: Left-channel DAC digital volume = 0.5 dB 0000 0000: Left-channel DAC digital volume = 0 dB 1111 1111: Left-channel DAC digital volume = –0.5 dB ... 1000 0010: Left-channel DAC digital volume = –63 dB 1000 0001: Left-channel DAC digital volume = –63.5 dB 1000 0000: Reserved. Do not use. Table 7-107. Page 0 / Register 66: DAC Right Volume Control BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W 0000 0000 BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 D6–D5 R XX 00: No headset detected 01: Headset without microphone is detected 10: Reserved 11: Headset with microphone is detected D4–D2 R/W 000 Debounce Programming for Glitch Rejection During Headset Detection (1) 000: 16 ms (sampled with 2-ms clock) 001: 32 ms (sampled with 4-ms clock) 010: 64 ms (sampled with 8-ms clock) 011: 128 ms (sampled with 16-ms clock) 100: 256 ms (sampled with 32-ms clock) 101: 512 ms (sampled with 64-ms clock) 110: Reserved 111: Reserved DESCRIPTION 0111 1111–0011 0001: Reserved. Do not write these sequences to these bits. 0011 0000: Right-channel DAC digital volume = 24 dB 0010 1111: Right-channel DAC digital volume = 23.5 dB 0010 1110: Right-channel DAC digital volume = 23 dB ... 0000 0001: Right-channel DAC digital volume = 0.5 dB 0000 0000: Right-channel DAC digital volume = 0 dB 1111 1111: Right-channel DAC digital volume = –0.5 dB ... 1000 0010: Right-channel DAC digital volume = –63 dB 1000 0001: Right-channel DAC digital volume = –63.5 dB 1000 0000: Reserved. Do not use. Table 7-108. Page 0 / Register 67: Headset Detection (1) 94 DESCRIPTION 0: Headset detection disabled 1: Headset detection enabled Note that these times are generated using the 1 MHz reference clock which is defined in Page 3 / Register 16. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Table 7-108. Page 0 / Register 67: Headset Detection (continued) BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D1–D0 R/W 00 DESCRIPTION Debounce programming for glitch rejection during headset button-press detection 00: 0 ms 01: 8 ms (sampled with 1-ms clock) 10: 16 ms (sampled with 2-ms clock) 11: 32 ms (sampled with 4-ms clock) Table 7-109. Page 0 / Register 68: DRC Control 1 BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 Reserved. Write only the reset value to these bits. D6 R/W 0 0: DRC disabled for left channel 1: DRC enabled for left channel D5 R/W 0 0: DRC disabled for right channel 1: DRC enabled for right channel D4–D2 R/W 011 000: DRC 001: DRC 010: DRC 011: DRC 100: DRC 101: DRC 110: DRC 111: DRC D1–D0 R/W 11 00: DRC 01: DRC 10: DRC 11: DRC DESCRIPTION threshold threshold threshold threshold threshold threshold threshold threshold = –3 dB = –6 dB = –9 dB = –12 dB = –15 dB = –18 dB = –21 dB = –24 dB hysteresis = 0 hysteresis = 1 hysteresis = 2 hysteresis = 3 dB dB dB dB Table 7-110. Page 0 / Register 69: DRC Control 2 BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D R 0 D6–D3 R/W 0111 D2-D0 R 000 BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D4 R/W 0000 DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only the reset value to these bits. DRC Hold Time 0000: DRC Hold 0001: DRC Hold 0010: DRC Hold 0011: DRC Hold 0100: DRC Hold 0101: DRC Hold 0110: DRC Hold 0111: DRC Hold 1000: DRC Hold 1001: DRC Hold 1010: DRC Hold 1011: DRC Hold 1100: DRC Hold 1101: DRC Hold 1110: DRC Hold 1111: DRC Hold Disabled Time = 32 DAC Word Clocks Time = 64 DAC Word Clocks Time = 128 DAC Word Clocks Time = 256 DAC Word Clocks Time = 512 DAC Word Clocks Time = 1024 DAC Word Clocks Time = 2048 DAC Word Clocks Time = 4096 DAC Word Clocks Time = 8192 DAC Word Clocks Time = 16 384 DAC Word Clocks Time = 32 768 DAC Word Clocks Time = 65 536 DAC Word Clocks Time = 98 304 DAC Word Clocks Time = 131 072 DAC Word Clocks Time = 163 840 DAC Word Clocks Reserved. Write only the reset value to these bits. Table 7-111. Page 0 / Register 70: DRC Control 3 DESCRIPTION 0000: 0001: 0010: ... 1110: 1111: DRC attack rate = 4 dB per DAC Word Clock DRC attack rate = 2 dB per DAC word clock DRC attack rate = 1 dB per DAC word clock DRC attack rate = 2.4414e–5 dB per DAC word clock DRC attack rate = 1.2207e–5 dB per DAC word clock Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 95 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Table 7-111. Page 0 / Register 70: DRC Control 3 (continued) BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D3–D0 R/W 0000 DESCRIPTION Decay Rate is defined as DR / 2[bits D3-D0 value] dB per DAC Word Clock, where DR = 0.015625 dB 0000: DRC decay rate (DR) = 0.015625 dB per DAC Word Clock 0001: 0010: 0011: 0100: 0101: 0110: 0111: 1000: 1001: 1010: 1011: 1100: 1101: 1110: 1111: DRC DRC DRC DRC DRC DRC DRC DRC DRC DRC DRC DRC DRC DRC DRC decay rate decay rate decay rate decay rate decay rate decay rate decay rate decay rate decay rate decay rate decay rate decay rate decay rate decay rate decay rate = DR / = DR / = DR / = DR / = DR / = DR / = DR / = DR / = DR / = DR / = DR / = DR / = DR / = DR / = DR / 2 dB per DAC Word Clock 22 dB per DAC Word Clock 23 dB per DAC Word Clock 24 dB per DAC Word Clock 25 dB per DAC Word Clock 26 dB per DAC Word Clock 27 dB per DAC Word Clock 28 dB per DAC Word Clock 29 dB per DAC Word Clock 210 dB per DAC Word Clock 211 dB per DAC Word Clock 212 dB per DAC Word Clock 213 dB per DAC Word Clock 214 dB per DAC Word Clock 215 dB per DAC Word Clock Table 7-112. Page 0 / Register 71: Left Beep Generator BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 0: Beep generator is disabled. 1: Beep generator is enabled (self-clearing based on beep duration). D6 R/W 0 Reserved. Write only reset value. D5–D0 R/W 00 0000 (1) (1) DESCRIPTION 00 00 00 00 ... 11 11 0000: Left-channel 0001: Left-channel 0010: Left-channel 0011: Left-channel beep volume control beep volume control beep volume control beep volume control = 2 dB = 1 dB = 0 dB = –1 dB 1110: Left-channel beep volume control = –60 dB 1111: Left-channel beep volume control = –61 dB The beep generator is only available in PRB_P25 DAC processing mode. Table 7-113. Page 0 / Register 72: Right Beep Generator (1) BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D6 R/W 00 D5–D0 R/W 00 0000 (1) DESCRIPTION 00: Left and right channels have independent beep volume control. 01: Left-channel beep volume control is the programmed value of right-channel beep volume control. 10: Right-channel beep volume control is the programmed value of left-channel beep volume control. 11: Same as 00 00 00 00 00 ... 11 11 0000: 0001: 0010: 0011: Right-channel beep volume control Right-channel beep volume control Right-channel beep volume control Right-channel beep volume control = 2 dB = 1 dB = 0 dB = –1 dB 1110: Right-channel beep volume control = –60 dB 1111: Right-channel beep volume control = –61 dB The beep generator is only available in PRB_P25 DAC processing mode. Table 7-114. Page 0 / Register 73: Beep Length MSB BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W 0000 0000 96 DESCRIPTION 8 MSBs out of 24 bits for the number of samples for which the beep must be generated. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Table 7-115. Page 0 / Register 74: Beep-Length Middle Bits BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W 0000 0000 DESCRIPTION 8 middle bits out of 24 bits for the number of samples for which the beep must be generated. Table 7-116. Page 0 / Register 75: Beep Length LSB BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W 1110 1110 DESCRIPTION 8 LSBs out of 24 bits for the number of samples for which beep must be generated. Table 7-117. Page 0 / Register 76: Beep Sin(x) MSB BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE DESCRIPTION D7–D0 R/W 0001 0000 8 MSBs out of 16 bits for sin(2π × fin / fS), where fin is the beep frequency and fS is the DAC sample rate. Table 7-118. Page 0 / Register 77: Beep Sin(x) LSB BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE DESCRIPTION D7–D0 R/W 1101 1000 8 LSBs out of 16 bits for sin(2π × fin / fS), where fin is the beep frequency and fS is the DAC sample rate. Table 7-119. Page 0 / Register 78: Beep Cos(x) MSB BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W 0111 1110 DESCRIPTION 8 MSBs out of 16 bits for cos(2π × fin / fS), where fin is the beep frequency and fS is the DAC sample rate. Table 7-120. Page 0 / Register 79: Beep Cos(x) LSB BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE DESCRIPTION D7–D0 R/W 1110 0011 8 LSBs out of 16 bits for cos(2π × fin / fS), where fin is the beep frequency and fS is the DAC sample rate. Table 7-121. Page 0 / Register 80: Reserved BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W XXXX XXXX DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only the reset value to these bits. Table 7-122. Page 0 / Register 81: ADC Digital Mic BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 0: ADC channel is powered down. 1: ADC channel is powered up. DESCRIPTION D6 R/W 0 Reserved D5–D4 R/W 00 00: Digital microphone input is obtained from GPIO1 pin. 01: Reserved. 10: Digital microphone input is obtained from DIN pin. 11: Reserved. D3 R/W 0 0: Digital microphone is not enabled for delta-sigma mono ADC channel. 1: Digital microphone is enabled for delta-sigma mono ADC channel D2 R/W 0 Reserved D1–D0 R/W 00 00: ADC channel volume control soft-stepping is enabled for one step per sample period. 01: ADC channel volume control soft-stepping is enabled for one step per two sample periods. 10: ADC channel volume control soft-stepping is disabled. 11: Reserved. Do not write this sequence to these bits. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 97 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Table 7-123. Page 0 / Register 82: ADC Digital Volume Control Fine Adjust BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 1 DESCRIPTION 0: ADC channel not muted 1: ADC channel muted D6–D4 R/W 000 Delta-Sigma Mono ADC Channel Volume Control Fine Gain 000: 0 dB 001: –0.1 dB 010: –0.2 dB 011: –0.3 dB 100: –0.4 dB 101–111: Reserved D3–D0 R/W 0000 Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits. Table 7-124. Page 0 / Register 83: ADC Digital Volume Control Coarse Adjust BIT READ/ WRITE D7 R/W D6–D0 RESET VALUE 0 DESCRIPTION Reserved 000 0000 Delta-Sigma Mono ADC Channel Volume-Control Coarse Gain 100 0000–110 0111: Reserved 110 1000: –12 dB 110 1001: –11.5 dB ... 111 1111: –0.5 dB 000 0000: 0 dB 000 0001: 0.5 dB ... 010 0111: 19.5 dB 010 1000: 20 dB 010 1001–011 1111: Reserved Table 7-125. Page 0 / Register 84 and Page 0 / Register 85: Reserved BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W XXXX XXXX DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only the reset value to these bits. Table 7-126. Page 0 / Register 86: AGC Control 1 BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 D6–D4 R/W 000 000: AGC target level 001: AGC target level 010: AGC target level 011: AGC target level 100: AGC target level 101: AGC target level 110: AGC target level 111: AGC target level D3–D0 R/W 0000 Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits. DESCRIPTION 0: AGC disabled 1: AGC enabled = –5.5 dB = –8 dB = –10 dB = –12 dB = –14 dB = –17 dB = –20 dB = –24 dB Table 7-127. Page 0 / Register 87: AGC Control 2 BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D6 R/W 00 98 DESCRIPTION 00: AGC hysterysis setting of 1 dB 01: AGC hysterysis setting of 2 dB 10: AGC hysterysis setting of 4 dB 11: AGC hysterysis disabled Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Table 7-127. Page 0 / Register 87: AGC Control 2 (continued) BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D5–D1 R/W 00 000 D0 R/W 0 DESCRIPTION 00 00 00 00 ... 11 11 11 000: AGC noise and silence detection is disabled. 001: AGC noise threshold = –30 dB 010: AGC noise threshold = –32 dB 011: AGC noise threshold = –34 dB 101: AGC noise threshold = –86 dB 110: AGC noise threshold = –88 dB 111: AGC noise threshold = –90 dB Reserved. Write only zero to this bit. Table 7-128. Page 0 / Register 88: AGC Maximum Gain BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 D6–D0 R/W 111 1111 DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only zero to this bit. 000 0000: AGC maximum gain = 0 dB 000 0001: AGC maximum gain = 0.5 dB 000 0010: AGC maximum gain = 1 dB ... 111 0011: AGC maximum gain = 57.5 dB 111 0100: AGC maximum gain = 58 dB 111 0101: AGC maximum gain = 58.5 dB 111 0110: AGC maximum gain = 59 dB 111 0111: AGC maximum gain = 59.5 dB 111 1000–111 1111: Reserved. Do not write these sequences to these bits. Table 7-129. Page 0 / Register 89: AGC Attack Time BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D3 R/W 0000 0 D2–D0 R/W 000 DESCRIPTION 0000 0: AGC attack 0000 1: AGC attack 0001 0: AGC attack 0001 1: AGC attack 0010 0: AGC attack ... 1111 0: AGC attack 1111 1: AGC attack time = 1 × time = 3 × time = 5 × time = 7 × time = 9 × (32 (32 (32 (32 (32 / / / / / fS) where fS fS) where fS fS) where fS fS) where fS fS) where fS is is is is is the ADC the ADC the ADC the ADC the ADC sample rate sample rate sample rate sample rate sample rate time = 61 × (32 / fS) where fS is the ADC sample rate time = 63 × (32 / fS) where fS is the ADC sample rate 000: Multiply factor for 001: Multiply factor for 010: Multiply factor for ... 111: Multiply factor for the programmed AGC attack time = 1 the programmed AGC attack time = 2 the programmed AGC attack time = 4 the programmed AGC attack time = 128 Table 7-130. Page 0 / Register 90: AGC Decay Time BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D3 R/W 0000 0 D2–D0 R/W 000 DESCRIPTION 0000 0: AGC decay time = 1 × (512 / fS) 0000 1: AGC decay time = 3 × (512 / fS) 0001 0: AGC decay time = 5 × (512 / fS) 0001 1: AGC decay time = 7 × (512 / fS) 0010 0: AGC decay time = 9 × (512 / fS) ... 1111 0: AGC decay time = 61 × (512 / fS) 1111 1: AGC decay time = 63 × (512 / fS) 000: Multiply factor for 001: Multiply factor for 010: Multiply factor for ... 111: Multiply factor for the programmed AGC decay time = 1 the programmed AGC decay time = 2 the programmed AGC decay time = 4 the programmed AGC decay time = 128 Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 99 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Table 7-131. Page 0 / Register 91: AGC Noise Debounce BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D5 R/W 000 D4–D0 R/W 0 0000 DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits. 0 0000: 0 0001: 0 0010: 0 0011: 0 0100: 0 0101: 0 0110: 0 0111: 0 1000: 0 1001: 0 1010: 0 1011: 0 1100: 0 1101: 0 1110: ... 1 1110: 1 1111: AGC noise debounce AGC noise debounce AGC noise debounce AGC noise debounce AGC noise debounce AGC noise debounce AGC noise debounce AGC noise debounce AGC noise debounce AGC noise debounce AGC noise debounce AGC noise debounce AGC noise debounce AGC noise debounce AGC noise debounce = 0 / fS = 4 / fS = 8 / fS = 16 / fS = 32 / fS = 64 / fS = 128 / fS = 256 / fS = 512 / fS = 1024 / fS = 2048 / fS = 4096 / fS = 2 × 4096 / fS = 3 × 4096 / fS = 4 × 4096 / fS AGC noise debounce = 20 × 4096 / fS AGC noise debounce = 21 × 4096 / fS Table 7-132. Page 0 / Register 92: AGC Signal Debounce BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D4 R/W 0000 Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits. D3–D0 R/W 0000 0000: 0001: 0010: 0011: 0100: 0101: 0110: 0111: 1000: 1001: 1010: 1011: 1100: 1101: 1110: 1111: DESCRIPTION AGC signal AGC signal AGC signal AGC signal AGC signal AGC signal AGC signal AGC signal AGC signal AGC signal AGC signal AGC signal AGC signal AGC signal AGC signal AGC signal debounce debounce debounce debounce debounce debounce debounce debounce debounce debounce debounce debounce debounce debounce debounce debounce = 0 / fS = 4 / fS = 8 / fS = 16 / fS = 32 / fS = 64 / fS = 128 / fS = 256 / fS = 512 / fS = 1024 / fS = 2048 / fS = 2 × 2048 / = 3 × 2048 / = 4 × 2048 / = 5 × 2048 / = 6 × 2048 / fS fS fS fS fS Table 7-133. Page 0 / Register 93: AGC Gain-Applied Reading BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R XXXX XXXX 100 DESCRIPTION 1110 1000: Gain applied by AGC = –12 dB 1110 1001: Gain applied by AGC = –11.5 dB 1110 1010: Gain applied by AGC = –11 dB ... 1111 1111: Gain applied by AGC = –0.5 dB 0000 0000: Gain applied by AGC = 0 dB 0000 0001 Gain applied by AGC = 0.5 dB ... 0111 0101: Gain applied by AGC = 58.5 dB 0111 0110: Gain applied by AGC = 59 dB 0111 0111: Gain applied by AGC = 59.5 dB Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Table 7-134. Page 0 / Register 94 Through Page 0 / Register 101: Reserved BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W XXXX XXXX DESCRIPTION Reserved. Do not write to these registers. Table 7-135. Page 0 / Register 102: ADC DC Measurement 1 BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 0: DC measurement is disabled for mono ADC channel 1: DC measurement is enabled for mono ADC channel D6 R/W 0 Reserved. Write only reset value. D5 R/W 0 0: DC measurement occurs based on first-order sync filter with averaging of 2D 1: DC measurement occurs based on first-order low-pass IIR filter whose coefficients are calculated based on D value D4–D0 R/W 00000 DESCRIPTION DC Measurement D setting: 00000: Reserved. Don't use. 00001: D = 1 00010: D = 2 ... 10011: D = 19 10100: D = 20 10101 to 11111: Reserved. Don't use. Table 7-136. Page 0 / Register 103: ADC DC Measurement 2 BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 Reserved. Write only reset value. D6 R/W 0 0: DC measurement data update is enabled. 1: DC measurement data update is disabled. User can read the last updated data without any data corruption. D5 R/W 0 0: For IIR based DC measurement, the measurement value is the instantaneous output of the IIR filter 1: For IIR based DC measurement, the measurement value is update before periodic clearing of the IIR filter D4–D0 R/W 00000 BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R 0000 0000 DESCRIPTION IIR based DC measurement, average time setting: 00000: Infinite average is used 00001: Averaging time is 21 ADC modulator clock periods 00010: Averaging time is 22 ADC modulator clock periods ... 10011: Averaging time is 219 ADC modulator clock periods 10100: Averaging time is 220 ADC modulator clock periods 10101 to 11111: Reserved. Don't use. Table 7-137. Page 0 / Register 104: ADC DC Measurement Output 1 DESCRIPTION ADC DC Measurement Output (23:16) Table 7-138. Page 0 / Register 105: ADC DC Measurement Output 2 BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R 0000 0000 DESCRIPTION ADC DC Measurement Output (15:8) Table 7-139. Page 0 / Register 106: ADC DC Measurement Output 3 BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R 0000 0000 DESCRIPTION ADC DC Measurement Output (7:0) Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 101 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Table 7-140. Page 0 / Register 107 Through Page 0 / Register 115: Reserved BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W XXXX XXXX DESCRIPTION Reserved. Do not write to these registers. Table 7-141. Page 0 / Register 116: VOL/MICDET-Pin SAR ADC — Volume Control BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 0: DAC volume control is controlled by control register. (7-bit Vol ADC is powered down) 1: DAC volume control is controlled by pin. D6 R/W 0 0: Internal on-chip RC oscillator is used for the 7-bit Vol ADC for pin volume control. 1: MCLK is used for the 7-bit Vol ADC for pin volume control. D5–D4 R/W 00 00: No hysteresis for volume control ADC output 01: Hysteresis of ±1 bit 10: Hysteresis of ±2 bits 11: Reserved. Do not write this sequence to these bits. D3 R/W 0 Reserved. Write only reset value. D2–D0 R/W 000 DESCRIPTION Throughput of the 7-bit Vol ADC for pin volume control, frequency based on MCLK or internal oscillator. 000: Throughput 001: Throughput 010: Throughput 011: Throughput 100: Throughput 101: Throughput 110: Throughput 111: Throughput = = = = = = = = MCLK = 12 MHz Internal Oscillator Source 15.625 Hz 31.25 Hz 62.5 Hz 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1 kHz 2 kHz 10.68 Hz 21.35 Hz 42.71 Hz 8.2 Hz 170 Hz 340 Hz 680 Hz 1.37 kHz Note: These values are based on a nominal oscillator frequency of 8.2 MHz. The values scale to the actual oscillator frequency. Table 7-142. Page 0 / Register 117: VOL/MICDET-Pin Gain BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 D6–D0 R XXX XXXX DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only zero to this bit. 000 0000: 000 0001: 000 0010: ... 010 0011: 010 0100: 010 0101: ... 101 1001: 101 1010: 101 1011: ... 111 1101: 111 1110: 111 1111: Gain applied by pin volume control = 18 dB Gain applied by pin volume control = 17.5 dB Gain applied by pin volume control = 17 dB Gain applied by pin volume control = 0.5 dB Gain applied by pin volume control = 0 dB Gain applied by pin volume control = –0.5 dB Gain applied by pin volume control = –26.5 dB Gain applied by pin volume control = –27 dB Gain applied by pin volume control = –28 dB Gain applied by pin volume control = –62 dB Gain applied by pin volume control = –63 dB Reserved. Table 7-143. Page 0 / Register 118 Through Page 0 / Register 127: Reserved BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W XXXX XXXX 102 DESCRIPTION Reserved. Do not write to these registers. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Control Registers, Page 1: DAC and ADC Routing, PGA, Power-Controls, and MISC LogicRelated Programmability Table 7-144. Page 1 / Register 0: Page Control Register BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W 0000 0000 DESCRIPTION 0000 0000: 0000 0001: ... 1111 1110: 1111 1111: Page 0 selected Page 1 selected Page 254 selected Page 255 selected Table 7-145. Page 1 / Register 1 Through Page 1 / Register 29: Reserved BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W XXXX XXXX DESCRIPTION Reserved. Do not write to these registers. Table 7-146. Page 1 / Register 30: Headphone and Speaker Amplifier Error Control BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D2 R/W 0000 00 D1 R/W 0 0: Reset speaker driver power-up control bits on short-circuit detection. 1: Speaker driver power-up control bits remain unchanged on short-circuit detection. D0 R/W 0 0: Reset HPL and HPR power-up control bits on short-circuit detection if page 1 / register 31, D1 = 1. 1: HPL and HPR power-up control bits remain unchanged on short-circuit detection. BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 0: HPL output driver is powered down. 1: HPL output driver is powered up. D6 R/W 0 0: HPR output driver is powered down. 1: HPR output driver is powered up. DESCRIPTION Reserved Table 7-147. Page 1 / Register 31: Headphone Drivers DESCRIPTION D5 R/W 0 Reserved. Write only zero to this bit. D4–D3 R/W 0 00: Output common-mode voltage = 1.35 V 01: Output common-mode voltage = 1.5 V 10: Output common-mode voltage = 1.65 V 11: Output common-mode voltage = 1.8 V D2 R/W 1 Reserved. Write only 1 to this bit. D1 R/W 0 0: If short-circuit protection is enabled for headphone driver and short circuit detected, device limits the maximum current to the load. 1: If short-circuit protection is enabled for headphone driver and short circuit detected, device powers down the output driver. D0 R 0 0: Short circuit is not detected on the headphone driver. 1: Short circuit is detected on the headphone driver. Table 7-148. Page 1 / Register 32: Class-D Speaker Amplifier BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 0: Mono class-D output driver is powered down. 1: Mono class-D output driver is powered up. D6 R/W 0 0: Reserved 1: Reserved D5–D1 R/W 00 011 DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only the reset value to this bit. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 103 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Table 7-148. Page 1 / Register 32: Class-D Speaker Amplifier (continued) BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D0 R 0 DESCRIPTION 0: Short circuit is not detected on the class-D driver. Valid only if class-D amplifier is powered up. For short-circuit flag sticky bit, see page 0 / register 44. 1: Short circuit is detected on the class-D driver. Valid only if class-D amp is powered-up. For shortcircuit flag sticky bit, see page 0 / register 44. Table 7-149. Page 1 / Register 33: HP Output Drivers POP Removal Settings BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 D6–D3 R/W 0111 0000: Driver power-on time = 0 μs 0001: Driver power-on time = 15.3 μs 0010: Driver power-on time = 153 μs 0011: Driver power-on time = 1.53 ms 0100: Driver power-on time = 15.3 ms 0101: Driver power-on time = 76.2 ms 0110: Driver power-on time = 153 ms 0111: Driver power-on time = 304 ms 1000: Driver power-on time = 610 ms 1001: Driver power-on time = 1.22 s 1010: Driver power-on time = 3.04 s 1011: Driver power-on time = 6.1 s 1100–1111: Reserved. Do not write these sequences to these bits. Note: These values are based on typical oscillator frequency of 8.2 MHz. Scale according to the actual oscillator frequency. D2–D1 R/W 11 00: Driver ramp-up step time = 0 ms 01: Driver ramp-up step time = 0.98 ms 10: Driver ramp-up step time = 1.95 ms 11: Driver ramp-up step time = 3.9 ms Note: These values are based on typical oscillator frequency of 8.2 MHz. Scale according to the actual oscillator frequency. D0 R/W 0 0: Weakly driven output common-mode voltage is generated from resistor divider of the AVDD supply. 1: Reserved BIT READ/ WRITE DESCRIPTION 0: If the power down sequence is activated by device software, power down using page 1 / register 46, ││ bit D7, then power down the DAC simultaneously with the HP and SP amplifiers. 1: If the power down sequence is activated by device software, power down using page 1 / register 46, ││ bit D7, then power down DAC only after HP and SP amplifiers are completely powered down. This is to ││ optimize power-down POP. Table 7-150. Page 1 / Register 34: Output Driver PGA Ramp-Down Period Control RESET VALUE DESCRIPTION D7 R/W 0 D6–D4 R/W 000 Speaker power-up wait time (duration based on using internal oscillator) 000: Wait time = 0 ms 001: Wait time = 3.04 ms 010: Wait time = 7.62 ms 011: Wait time = 12.2 ms 100: Wait time = 15.3 ms 101: Wait time = 19.8 ms 110: Wait time = 24.4 ms 111: Wait time = 30.5 ms Note: These values are based on typical oscillator frequency of 8.2 MHz. Scale according to the actual oscillator frequency. D3–D0 R/W 0000 Reserved. Write only the reset value to these bits. 104 Reserved. Write only the reset value to this bit. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Table 7-151. Page 1 / Register 35: DAC_L and DAC_R Output Mixer Routing BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D6 R/W 00 00: DAC_L is not routed anywhere. 01: DAC_L is routed to the left-channel mixer amplifier. 10: DAC_L is routed directly to the HPL driver. 11: Reserved D5 R/W 0 0: MIC1LP input is not routed to the left-channel mixer amplifier. 1: MIC1LP input is routed to the left-channel mixer amplifier. 0 0: MIC1RP input is not routed to the left-channel mixer amplifier. 1: MIC1RP input is routed to the left-channel mixer amplifier. D4 DESCRIPTION D3–D2 R/W 00 00: DAC_R is not routed anywhere. 01: DAC_R is routed to the right-channel mixer amplifier. 10: DAC_R is routed directly to the HPR driver. 11: Reserved D1 R/W 0 0: MIC1RP input is not routed to the right-channel mixer amplifier. 1: MIC1RP input is routed to the right-channel mixer amplifier. D0 R/W 0 0: HPL driver output is not routed to the HPR driver. 1: HPL driver output is routed to the HPR driver input (used for differential output mode). Table 7-152. Page 1 / Register 36: Left Analog Volume to HPL BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 D6–D0 R/W 111 1111 DESCRIPTION 0: Left-channel analog volume 1: Left-channel analog volume control is routed to HPL output driver. Left-channel analog volume control gain (non-linear) for the HPL output driver, 0 dB to –78 dB. See Table 7-38. Table 7-153. Page 1 / Register 37: Right Analog Volume to HPR BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 D6–D0 R/W 111 1111 DESCRIPTION 0: Right-channel analog volume control is not routed to HPR output driver. 1: Right-channel analog volume control is routed to HPR output driver. Right-channel analog volume control gain (non-linear) for the HPR output driver, 0 dB to –78 dB. See Table 7-38. Table 7-154. Page 1 / Register 38: Left Analog Volume to SPK BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 D6–D0 R/W 111 1111 DESCRIPTION 0: Left-channel analog volume control output is not routed to mono class-D output driver 1: Left-channel analog volume control output is routed to mono class-D output driver. Left-channel analog volume control output gain (non-linear) for the mono class-D output driver, 0 dB to –78 dB. See Table 7-38. Table 7-155. Page 1 / Register 39: Reserved BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W 0111 1111 BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 DESCRIPTION Reserved Table 7-156. Page 1 / Register 40: HPL Driver DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only zero to this bit. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 105 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Table 7-156. Page 1 / Register 40: HPL Driver (continued) BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D6–D3 R/W 0000 D2 R/W 0 0: HPL driver is muted. 1: HPL driver is not muted. D1 R/W 1 Reserved D0 R 0 0: Not all programmed gains to HPL have been applied yet. 1: All programmed gains to HPL have been applied. DESCRIPTION 0000: HPL driver PGA = 0 dB 0001: HPL driver PGA = 1 dB 0010: HPL driver PGA = 2 dB ... 1000: HPL driver PGA = 8 dB 1001: HPL driver PGA = 9 dB 1010–1111: Reserved. Do not write these sequences to these bits. Table 7-157. Page 1 / Register 41: HPR Driver BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 D6–D3 R/W 0000 D2 R/W 0 0: HPR driver is muted. 1: HPR driver is not muted. D1 R/W 1 Reserved. Write only '1' to this bit. D0 R 0 0: Not all programmed gains to HPR have been applied yet. 1: All programmed gains to HPR have been applied. DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only zero to this bit. 0000: HPR driver PGA = 0 dB 0001: HPR driver PGA = 1 dB 0010: HPR driver PGA = 2 dB ... 1000: HPR driver PGA = 8 dB 1001: HPR driver PGA = 9 dB 1010–1111: Reserved. Do not write these sequences to these bits. Table 7-158. Page 1 / Register 42: SPK Driver BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D5 R/W 000 Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits. D4–D3 R/W 00 00: Mono class-D driver 01: Mono class-D driver 10: Mono class-D driver 11: Mono class-D driver D2 R/W 0 0: Mono class-D driver is muted. 1: Mono class-D driver is not muted. D1 R/W 0 Reserved. Write only zero to this bit. D0 R 0 0: Not all programmed gains to the Mono class-D driver have been applied yet. 1: All programmed gains to the Mono class-D driver have been applied. DESCRIPTION output stage output stage output stage output stage gain gain gain gain = 6 dB = 12 dB = 18 dB = 24 dB Table 7-159. Page 1 / Register 43: Reserved BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D5 R/W 000 Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits. D4–D3 R/W 00 00: Reserved 01: Reserved 10: Reserved 11: Reserved D2 R/W 0 0: Reserved 1: Reserved D1 R/W 0 Reserved. Write only zero to this bit. 106 DESCRIPTION Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Table 7-159. Page 1 / Register 43: Reserved (continued) BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D0 R 0 DESCRIPTION 0: Reserved 1: Reserved Table 7-160. Page 1 / Register 44: HP Driver Control BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D5 R/W 000 DESCRIPTION Debounce time for the headset short-circuit detection MCLK/DIV (Page 3 / register 16) = 1-MHz Source (1) 000: Debounce time = 001: Debounce time = 010: Debounce time = 011: Debounce time = 100: Debounce time = 101: Debounce time = 110: Debounce time = 111: Debounce time = 0 μs 8 μs 16 μs 32 μs 64 μs 128 μs 256 μs 512 μs Internal Oscillator Source 0 μs 7.8 μs 15.6 μs 31.2 μs 62.4 μs 124.9 μs 250 μs 500 μs Note: These values are based on a nominal oscillator frequency of 8.2 MHz. The values scale to the actual oscillator frequency. D4–D3 R/W 00 00: Default mode for the DAC 01: DAC performance increased by increasing the current 10: Reserved 11: DAC performance increased further by increasing the current again D2 R/W 0 0: HPL output driver is programmed as headphone driver. 1: HPL output driver is programmed as lineout driver. D1 R/W 0 0: HPR output driver is programmed as headphone driver. 1: HPR output driver is programmed as lineout driver. D0 R/W 0 Reserved. Write only zero to this bit. (1) The clock used for the debounce has a clock period = debounce duration / 8. Table 7-161. Page 1 / Register 45: Reserved BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W XXXX XXXX DESCRIPTION Reserved. Do not write to these registers. Table 7-162. Page 1 / Register 46: MICBIAS BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 D6–D4 R/W 000 D3 R/W 0 0: Programmed MICBIAS is not powered up if headset detection is enabled but headset is not inserted. 1: Programmed MICBIAS is powered up even if headset is not inserted. D2 R/W 0 Reserved. Write only zero to this bit. D1–D0 R/W 00 00: MICBIAS 01: MICBIAS 10: MICBIAS 11: MICBIAS DESCRIPTION 0: Device software power down is not enabled. 1: Device software power down is enabled. Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits. output is output is output is output is powered powered powered powered down. to 2 V. to 2.5 V. to AVDD. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 107 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Table 7-163. Page 1 / Register 47: MIC PGA BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 1 D6–D0 R/W 000 0000 DESCRIPTION 0: MIC PGA is controlled by bits D6–D0. 1: MIC PGA is at 0 dB. 000 0000: PGA = 0 dB 000 0001: PGA = 0.5 dB 000 0010: PGA = 1 dB ... 111 0110: PGA = 59 dB 111 0111: PGA = 59.5 dB 111 1000–111 1111: Reserved. Do not write these sequences to these bits. Table 7-164. Page 1 / Register 48: Delta-Sigma Mono ADC Channel Fine-Gain Input Selection for PTerminal BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D6 R/W 00 00: MIC1LP is 01: MIC1LP is 10: MIC1LP is 11: MIC1LP is not selected for the MIC PGA. selected for the MIC PGA with feed-forward resistance RIN = 10 kΩ. selected for the MIC PGA with feed-forward resistance RIN = 20 kΩ. selected for the MIC PGA with feed-forward resistance RIN = 40 kΩ. D5–D4 R/W 00 00: MIC1RP is 01: MIC1RP is 10: MIC1RP is 11: MIC1RP is not selected for the MIC PGA. selected for the MIC PGA with feed-forward resistance RIN = 10 kΩ selected for the MIC PGA with feed-forward resistance RIN = 20 kΩ selected for the MIC PGA with feed-forward resistance RIN = 40 kΩ D3–D2 R/W 00 00: MIC1LM is 01: MIC1LM is 10: MIC1LM is 11: MIC1LM is not selected for the MIC PGA. selected for the MIC PGA with feed-forward resistance RIN = 10 kΩ selected for the MIC PGA with feed-forward resistance RIN = 20 kΩ selected for the MIC PGA with feed-forward resistance RIN = 40 kΩ D1–D0 R/W 00 Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits. (1) (1) DESCRIPTION Input impedance selection affects the microphone PGA gain. See Section for details. Table 7-165. Page 1 / Register 49: ADC Input Selection for M-Terminal BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D6 R/W 00 00: CM 01: CM 10: CM 11: CM 00 00: MIC1LM is 01: MIC1LM is 10: MIC1LM is 11: MIC1LM is (1) D5–D4 D3–D0 (1) R/W 0000 DESCRIPTION is is is is not selected for the MIC PGA. selected for the MIC PGA with feed-forward resistance RIN = 10 kΩ. selected for the MIC PGA with feed-forward resistance RIN = 20 kΩ. selected for the MIC PGA with feed-forward resistance RIN = 40 kΩ. not selected for the MIC PGA. selected for the MIC PGA with feed-forward resistance RIN = 10 kΩ. selected for the MIC PGA with feed-forward resistance RIN = 20 kΩ. selected for the MIC PGA with feed-forward resistance RIN = 40 kΩ. Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits. Input impedance selection affects the microphone PGA gain. See Section for details. Table 7-166. Page 1 / Register 50: Input CM Settings BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 0 0: MIC1LP input is floating, if it is not used for the MIC PGA and analog bypass. 1: MIC1LP input is connected to CM internally, if it is not used for the MIC PGA and analog bypass. D6 R/W 0 0: MIC1RP input is floating, if it is not used for the MIC PGA and analog bypass. 1: MIC1RP input is connected to CM internally, if it is not used for the MIC PGA and analog bypass. D5 R/W 0 0: MIC1LM input is floating, if it is not used for the MIC PGA. 1: MIC1LM input is connected to CM internally, if it is not used for the MIC PGA. D4–D1 R/W 00 00 D0 R 0 108 DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits. 0: Not all programmed analog gains to the ADC have been applied yet. 1: All programmed analog gains to the ADC have been applied. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Table 7-167. Page 1 / Register 51 Through Page 1 / Register 127: Reserved BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W XXXX XXXX DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only the reset value to these bits. Control Registers, Page 3: MCLK Divider for Programmable Delay Timer Default values shown for this page only become valid 100 μs following a hardware or software reset. Table 7-168. Page 3 / Register 0: Page Control Register BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W 0000 0000 DESCRIPTION 0000 0000: 0000 0001: ... 1111 1110: 1111 1111: Page 0 selected Page 1 selected Page 254 selected Page 255 selected The only register used in page 3 is register 16. The remaining page-3 registers are reserved and must not be written to. Table 7-169. Page 3 / Register 16: Timer Clock MCLK Divider BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7 R/W 1 D6–D0 R/W 000 0001 (1) DESCRIPTION 0: Internal oscillator is used for programmable delay timer. 1: External MCLK (1) is used for programmable delay timer. MCLK Divider to Generate 1-MHz Clock for the Programmable Delay Timer 000 0000: MCLK divider = 128 000 0001: MCLK divider = 1 000 0010: MCLK divider = 2 ... 111 1110: MCLK divider = 126 111 1111: MCLK divider = 127 External clock is used only to control the delay programmed between the conversions and not used for doing the actual conversion. This feature is provided in case a more accurate delay is desired because the internal oscillator frequency varies from device to device. Control Registers, Page 4: ADC Digital Filter Coefficients Default values shown for this page only become valid 100 μs following a hardware or software reset. Table 7-170. Page 4 / Register 0: Page Control Register BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W 0000 0000 DESCRIPTION 0000 0000: 0000 0001: ... 1111 1110: 1111 1111: Page 0 selected Page 1 selected Page 254 selected Page 255 selected The remaining page-4 registers are either reserved registers or are used for setting coefficients for the various filters in the TLV320AIC3100. Reserved registers must not be written to. The filter coefficient registers are arranged in pairs, with two adjacent 8-bit registers containing the 16-bit coefficient for a single filter. The 16-bit integer contained in the MSB and LSB registers for a coefficient are interpreted as a 2s-complement integer, with possible values ranging from –32 768 to 32 767. When programming any coefficient value for a filter, the MSB register must always be written first, immediately followed by the LSB register. Even if only the MSB or LSB portion of the coefficient changes, both registers must be written in this sequence. is a list of the page-4 registers, excepting the previously described register 0. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 109 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Table 7-171. Page-4 Registers REGISTER NUMBER RESET VALUE 1 XXXX XXXX 2 0000 0001 8 MSBs of N0 coefficient for AGC LPF (first-order IIR) used as averager to detect level 3 0001 0111 8 LSBs of N0 coefficient for AGC LPF (first-order IIR) used as averager to detect level 4 0000 0001 8 MSBs of N1 coefficient for AGC LPF (first-order IIR) used as averager to detect level 5 0001 0111 8 LSBs of N1 coefficient for AGC LPF (first-order IIR) used as averager to detect level 6 0111 1101 8 MSBs of D1 coefficient for AGC LPF (first-order IIR) used as averager to detect level 7 1101 0011 8 LSBs of D1 coefficient for AGC LPF (first-order IIR) used as averager to detect level 8 0111 1111 8 MSBs of N0 coefficient for ADC-programmable first-order IIR 9 1111 1111 8 LSBs of N0 coefficient for ADC-programmable first-order IIR 10 0000 0000 8 MSBs of N1 coefficient for ADC-programmable first-order IIR 11 0000 0000 8 LSBs of N1 coefficient for ADC-programmable first-order IIR 12 0000 0000 8 MSBs of D1 coefficient for ADC-programmable first-order IIR 13 0000 0000 8 LSBs of D1 coefficient for ADC-programmable first-order IIR 14 0111 1111 Coefficient N0(15:8) for ADC biquad A or coefficient FIR0(15:8) for ADC FIR filter 15 1111 1111 Coefficient N0(7:0) for ADC biquad A or coefficient FIR0(7:0) for ADC FIR filter 16 0000 0000 Coefficient N1(15:8) for ADC biquad A or coefficient FIR1(15:8) for ADC FIR filter 17 0000 0000 Coefficient N1(7:0) for ADC biquad A or coefficient FIR1(7:0) for ADC FIR filter 18 0000 0000 Coefficient N2(15:8) for ADC biquad A or coefficient FIR2(15:8) for ADC FIR filter 19 0000 0000 Coefficient N2(7:0) for ADC biquad A or coefficient FIR2(7:0) for ADC FIR filter 20 0000 0000 Coefficient D1(15:8) for ADC biquad A or coefficient FIR3(15:8) for ADC FIR filter 21 0000 0000 Coefficient D1(7:0) for ADC biquad A or coefficient FIR3(7:0) for ADC FIR filter 22 0000 0000 Coefficient D2(15:8) for ADC biquad A or coefficient FIR4(15:8) for ADC FIR filter 23 0000 0000 Coefficient D2(7:0) for ADC biquad A or coefficient FIR4(7:0) for ADC FIR filter 24 0111 1111 Coefficient N0(15:8) for ADC biquad B or coefficient FIR5(15:8) for ADC FIR filter 25 1111 1111 Coefficient N0(7:0) for ADC biquad B or coefficient FIR5(7:0) for ADC FIR filter 26 0000 0000 Coefficient N1(15:8) for ADC biquad B or coefficient FIR6(15:8) for ADC FIR filter 27 0000 0000 Coefficient N1(7:0) for ADC biquad B or coefficient FIR6(7:0) for ADC FIR filter 28 0000 0000 Coefficient N2(15:8) for ADC biquad B or coefficient FIR7(15:8) for ADC FIR filter 29 0000 0000 Coefficient N2(7:0) for ADC biquad B or coefficient FIR7(7:0) for ADC FIR filter 30 0000 0000 Coefficient D1(15:8) for ADC biquad B or coefficient FIR8(15:8) for ADC FIR filter 31 0000 0000 Coefficient D1(7:0) for ADC biquad B or coefficient FIR8(7:0) for ADC FIR filter 32 0000 0000 Coefficient D2(15:8) for ADC biquad B or coefficient FIR9(15:8) for ADC FIR filter 33 0000 0000 Coefficient D2(7:0) for ADC biquad B or coefficient FIR9(7:0) for ADC FIR filter 34 0111 1111 Coefficient N0(15:8) for ADC biquad C or coefficient FIR10(15:8) for ADC FIR filter 35 1111 1111 Coefficient N0(7:0) for ADC biquad C or coefficient FIR10(7:0) for ADC FIR filter 36 0000 0000 Coefficient N1(15:8) for ADC biquad C or coefficient FIR11(15:8) for ADC FIR filter 37 0000 0000 Coefficient N1(7:0) for ADC biquad C or coefficient FIR11(7:0) for ADC FIR filter 38 0000 0000 Coefficient N2(15:8) for ADC biquad C or coefficient FIR12(15:8) for ADC FIR filter 39 0000 0000 Coefficient N2(7:0) for ADC biquad C or coefficient FIR12(7:0) for ADC FIR filter 40 0000 0000 Coefficient D1(15:8) for ADC biquad C or coefficient FIR13(15:8) for ADC FIR filter 41 0000 0000 Coefficient D1(7:0) for ADC biquad C or coefficient FIR13(7:0) for ADC FIR filter 42 0000 0000 Coefficient D2(15:8) for ADC biquad C or coefficient FIR14(15:8) for ADC FIR filter 43 0000 0000 Coefficient D2(7:0) for ADC biquad C or coefficient FIR14(7:0) for ADC FIR filter 44 0111 1111 Coefficient N0(15:8) for ADC biquad D or coefficient FIR15(15:8) for ADC FIR filter 45 1111 1111 Coefficient N0(7:0) for ADC biquad D or coefficient FIR15(7:0) for ADC FIR filter 46 0000 0000 Coefficient N1(15:8) for ADC biquad D or coefficient FIR16(15:8) for ADC FIR filter 47 0000 0000 Coefficient N1(7:0) for ADC biquad D or coefficient FIR16(7:0) for ADC FIR filter 110 REGISTER NAME Reserved. Do not write to this register. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Table 7-171. Page-4 Registers (continued) REGISTER NUMBER RESET VALUE 48 0000 0000 Coefficient N2(15:8) for ADC biquad D or coefficient FIR17(15:8) for ADC FIR filter 49 0000 0000 Coefficient N2(7:0) for ADC biquad D or coefficient FIR17(7:0) for ADC FIR filter 50 0000 0000 Coefficient D1(15:8) for ADC biquad D or coefficient FIR18(15:8) for ADC FIR filter 51 0000 0000 Coefficient D1(7:0) for ADC biquad D or coefficient FIR18(7:0) for ADC FIR filter 52 0000 0000 Coefficient D2(15:8) for ADC biquad D or coefficient FIR19(15:8) for ADC FIR filter 53 0000 0000 Coefficient D2(7:0) for ADC biquad D or coefficient FIR19(7:0) for ADC FIR filter 54 0111 1111 Coefficient N0(15:8) for ADC biquad E or coefficient FIR20(15:8) for ADC FIR filter 55 1111 1111 Coefficient N0(7:0) for ADC biquad E or coefficient FIR20(7:0) for ADC FIR filter 56 0000 0000 Coefficient N1(15:8) for ADC biquad E or coefficient FIR21(15:8) for ADC FIR filter 57 0000 0000 Coefficient N1(7:0) for ADC biquad E or coefficient FIR21(7:0) for ADC FIR filter 58 0000 0000 Coefficient N2(15:8) for ADC biquad E or coefficient FIR22(15:8) for ADC FIR filter 59 0000 0000 Coefficient N2(7:0) for ADC biquad E or coefficient FIR22(7:0) for ADC FIR filter 60 0000 0000 Coefficient D1(15:8) for ADC biquad E or coefficient FIR23(15:8) for ADC FIR filter 61 0000 0000 Coefficient D1(7:0) for ADC biquad E or coefficient FIR23(7:0) for ADC FIR filter 62 0000 0000 Coefficient D2(15:8) for ADC biquad E or coefficient FIR24(15:8) for ADC FIR filter 63 0000 0000 Coefficient D2(7:0) for ADC biquad E or coefficient FIR24(7:0) for ADC FIR filter 64-127 0000 0000 Reserved. Write only reset values. REGISTER NAME Control Registers, Page 8: DAC Digital Filter Coefficients Default values shown for this page only become valid 100 μs following a hardware or software reset. Table 7-172. Page 8 / Register 0: Page Control Register BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W 0000 0000 DESCRIPTION 0000 0000: 0000 0001: ... 1111 1110: 1111 1111: Page 0 selected Page 1 selected Page 254 selected Page 255 selected The remaining page-8 registers are either reserved registers or are used for setting coefficients for the various filters in the TLV320AIC3100. Reserved registers must not be written to. The filter coefficient registers are arranged in pairs, with two adjacent 8-bit registers containing the 16-bit coefficient for a single filter. The 16-bit integer contained in the MSB and LSB registers for a coefficient are interpreted as a 2s-complement integer, with possible values ranging from –32 768 to 32 767. When programming any coefficient value for a filter, the MSB register must always be written first, immediately followed by the LSB register. Even if only the MSB or LSB portion of the coefficient changes, both registers must be written in this sequence. is a list of the page-8 registers, excepting the previously described register 0. Table 7-173. Page 8 / Register 1: DAC Coefficient Buffer Control BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D4 R/W 0000 D3 R 0 DAC PRB generated flag for toggling MSB of coefficient RAM address (only used in non-adaptive mode) D2 R/W 0 DAC Adaptive Filtering Control 0: Adaptive filtering disabled in DAC processing blocks 1: Adaptive filtering enabled in DAC processing blocks DESCRIPTION Reserved. Write only the reset value. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 111 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Table 7-173. Page 8 / Register 1: DAC Coefficient Buffer Control (continued) BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D1 R 0 DAC Adaptive Filter Buffer Control Flag 0: In adaptive filter mode, DAC processing blocks accesses DAC coefficient Buffer A and the external control interface accesses DAC coefficient Buffer B 1: In adaptive filter mode, DAC processing blocks accesses DAC coefficient Buffer B and the external control interface accesses DAC coefficient Buffer A D0 R/W 0 DAC Adaptive Filter Buffer Switch Control 0: DAC coefficient buffers are not switched at the next frame boundary. 1: DAC coefficient buffers are switched at the next frame boundary, if adaptive filtering mode is enabled. This bit self-clears on switching. DESCRIPTION Table 7-174. Page-8 DAC Buffer A Registers 112 REGISTER NUMBER RESET VALUE 2 (0x02) 0111 1111 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad A 3 1111 1111 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad A 4 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad A 5 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad A 6 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad A 7 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad A 8 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad A REGISTER NAME 9 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad A 10 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad A 11 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad A 12 0111 1111 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad B 13 1111 1111 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad B 14 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad B 15 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad B 16 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad B 17 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad B 18 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad B 19 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad B 20 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad B 21 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad B 22 0111 1111 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad C 23 1111 1111 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad C 24 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad C 25 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad C 26 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad C 27 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad C 28 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad C Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Table 7-174. Page-8 DAC Buffer A Registers (continued) REGISTER NUMBER RESET VALUE 29 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad C 30 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad C 31 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad C 32 0111 1111 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad D 33 1111 1111 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad D 34 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad D 35 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad D 36 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad D 37 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad D 38 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad D 39 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad D 40 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad D 41 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad D 42 0111 1111 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad E 43 1111 1111 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad E 44 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad E 45 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad E 46 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad E 47 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad E 48 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad E 49 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad E 50 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad E 51 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad E 52 0111 1111 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad F 53 1111 1111 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad F 54 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad F 55 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad F 56 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad F 57 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad F 58 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad F 59 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad F 60 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad F 61 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad F 62 0000 0000 Reserved 63 0000 0000 Reserved 64 0000 0000 8 MSBs 3D PGA Gain for PRB_P23, PRB_P24 and PRB_P25 65 0000 0000 8 LSBs 3D PGA Gain for PRB_P23, PRB_P24 and PRB_P25 66 0111 1111 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad A 67 1111 1111 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad A 68 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad A 69 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad A 70 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad A 71 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad A 72 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad A 73 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad A 74 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad A 75 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad A REGISTER NAME Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 113 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Table 7-174. Page-8 DAC Buffer A Registers (continued) 114 REGISTER NUMBER RESET VALUE 76 0111 1111 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad B 77 1111 1111 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad B 78 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad B 79 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad B 80 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad B 81 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad B 82 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad B 83 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad B 84 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad B 85 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad B 86 0111 1111 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad C 87 1111 1111 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad C 88 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad C 89 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad C 90 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad C 91 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad C 92 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad C 93 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad C 94 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad C 95 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad C 96 0111 1111 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad D 97 1111 1111 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad D 98 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad D REGISTER NAME 99 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad D 100 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad D 101 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad D 102 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad D 103 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad D 104 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad D 105 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad D 106 0111 1111 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad E 107 1111 1111 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad E 108 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad E 109 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad E 110 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad E 111 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad E 112 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad E 113 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad E 114 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad E 115 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad E 116 0111 1111 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad F 117 1111 1111 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad F 118 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad F 119 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad F 120 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad F 121 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad F 122 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad F Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Table 7-174. Page-8 DAC Buffer A Registers (continued) REGISTER NUMBER RESET VALUE 123 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad F 124 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad F 125 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad F 126 0000 0000 Reserved 127 0000 0000 Reserved REGISTER NAME Control Registers, Page 9: DAC Digital Filter Coefficients Default values shown for this page only become valid 100 μs following a hardware or software reset. Table 7-175. Page 9 / Register 0: Page Control Register BIT READ/ WRITE RESET VALUE D7–D0 R/W 0000 0000 DESCRIPTION 0000 0000: 0000 0001: ... 1111 1110: 1111 1111: Page 0 selected Page 1 selected Page 254 selected Page 255 selected The remaining page-9 registers are either reserved registers or are used for setting coefficients for the various filters in the TLV320AIC3100. Reserved registers must not be written to. The filter-coefficient registers are arranged in pairs, with two adjacent 8-bit registers containing the 16-bit coefficient for a single filter. The 16-bit integer contained in the MSB and LSB registers for a coefficient are interpreted as a 2s-complement integer, with possible values ranging from –32 768 to 32 767. When programming any coefficient value for a filter, the MSB register must always be written first, immediately followed by the LSB register. Even if only the MSB or LSB portion of the coefficient changes, both registers must be written in this sequence. is a list of the page-9 registers, excepting the previously described register 0. Table 7-176. Page-9 DAC Buffer A Registers REGISTER NUMBER RESET VALUE 1 XXXX XXXX 2 0111 1111 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for left DAC-programmable first-order IIR 3 1111 1111 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for left DAC-programmable first-order IIR 4 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable first-order IIR 5 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable first-order IIR 6 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable first-order IIR 7 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable first-order IIR 8 0111 1111 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for right DAC-programmable first-order IIR 9 1111 1111 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for right DAC-programmable first-order IIR 10 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable first-order IIR 11 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable first-order IIR 12 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable first-order IIR 13 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable first-order IIR 14 0111 1111 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for DRC first-order high-pass filter 15 1111 0111 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for DRC first-order high-pass filter 16 1000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for DRC first-order high-pass filter 17 0000 1001 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for DRC first-order high-pass filter 18 0111 1111 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for DRC first-order high-pass filter REGISTER NAME Reserved. Do not write to this register. Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 115 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Table 7-176. Page-9 DAC Buffer A Registers (continued) REGISTER NUMBER RESET VALUE 19 1110 1111 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for DRC first-order high-pass filter 20 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for DRC first-order low-pass filter 21 0001 0001 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for DRC first-order low-pass filter 22 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for DRC first-order low-pass filter 23 0001 0001 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for DRC first-order low-pass filter 24 0111 1111 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for DRC first-order low-pass filter 25 1101 1110 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for DRC first-order low-pass filter 26-127 0000 0000 Reserved REGISTER NAME Control Registers, Page 12: DAC Programmable Coefficients Buffer B (1:63) Table 7-177. Page-12 DAC Buffer B Registers 116 REGISTER NUMBER RESET VALUE 1 0000 0000 Reserved. Do not write to this register. 2 0111 1111 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad A 3 1111 1111 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad A 4 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad A 5 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad A 6 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad A 7 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad A 8 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad A REGISTER NAME 9 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad A 10 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad A 11 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad A 12 0111 1111 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad B 13 1111 1111 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad B 14 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad B 15 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad B 16 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad B 17 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad B 18 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad B 19 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad B 20 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad B 21 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad B 22 0111 1111 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad C 23 1111 1111 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad C 24 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad C 25 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad C 26 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad C 27 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad C 28 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad C 29 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad C 30 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad C 31 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad C 32 0111 1111 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad D 33 1111 1111 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad D Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Table 7-177. Page-12 DAC Buffer B Registers (continued) REGISTER NUMBER RESET VALUE 34 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad D 35 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad D 36 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad D 37 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad D 38 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad D 39 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad D 40 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad D 41 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad D 42 0111 1111 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad E 43 1111 1111 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad E 44 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad E 45 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad E 46 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad E 47 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad E 48 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad E 49 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad E 50 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad E 51 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad E 52 0111 1111 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad F 53 1111 1111 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad F 54 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad F 55 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad F 56 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad F 57 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad F 58 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad F 59 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad F 60 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad F 61 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d2 coefficient for left DAC-programmable biquad F 62 0000 0000 Reserved 63 0000 0000 Reserved 64 0000 0000 8 MSBs 3D PGA Gain for PRB_P23, PRB_P24 and PRB_P25 65 0000 0000 8 LSBs 3D PGA Gain for PRB_P23, PRB_P24 and PRB_P25 66 0111 1111 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad A 67 1111 1111 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad A 68 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad A 69 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad A 70 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad A 71 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad A 72 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad A 73 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad A 74 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad A 75 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad A 76 0111 1111 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad B 77 1111 1111 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad B 78 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad B 79 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad B 80 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad B REGISTER NAME Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 117 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com Table 7-177. Page-12 DAC Buffer B Registers (continued) 118 REGISTER NUMBER RESET VALUE 81 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad B 82 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad B 83 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad B 84 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad B 85 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad B 86 0111 1111 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad C 87 1111 1111 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad C 88 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad C 89 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad C 90 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad C 91 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad C 92 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad C 93 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad C 94 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad C 95 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad C 96 0111 1111 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad D 97 1111 1111 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad D 98 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad D 99 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad D 100 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad D 101 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad D 102 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad D 103 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad D 104 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad D 105 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad D 106 0111 1111 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad E 107 1111 1111 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad E 108 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad E 109 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad E 110 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad E 111 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad E 112 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad E 113 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad E 114 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad E 115 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad E 116 0111 1111 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad F 117 1111 1111 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad F 118 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad F 119 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad F 120 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad F 121 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad F 122 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad F 123 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad F 124 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad F 125 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d2 coefficient for right DAC-programmable biquad F 126 0000 0000 Reserved 127 0000 0000 Reserved REGISTER NAME Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 Control Registers, Page 13: DAC Programmable Coefficients RAM Buffer B (65:127) Table 7-178. Page-13 DAC Buffer B Registers REGISTER NUMBER RESET VALUE 1 0000 0000 Reserved. Do not write to this register. 2 0111 1111 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for left DAC-programmable first-order IIR 3 1111 1111 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for left DAC-programmable first-order IIR 4 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable first-order IIR 5 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable first-order IIR 6 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable first-order IIR 7 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for left DAC-programmable first-order IIR 8 0111 1111 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for right DAC-programmable first-order IIR 9 1111 1111 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for right DAC-programmable first-order IIR 10 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable first-order IIR 11 0000 0000 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable first-order IIR 12 0000 0000 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable first-order IIR 13 0000 0000 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for right DAC-programmable first-order IIR 14 0111 1111 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for DRC first-order high-pass filter 15 1111 0111 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for DRC first-order high-pass filter 16 1000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for DRC first-order high-pass filter 17 0000 1001 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for DRC first-order high-pass filter 18 0111 1111 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for DRC first-order high-pass filter 19 1110 1111 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for DRC first-order high-pass filter 20 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n0 coefficient for DRC first-order low-pass filter 21 0001 0001 8 LSBs of n0 coefficient for DRC first-order low-pass filter 22 0000 0000 8 MSBs of n1 coefficient for DRC first-order low-pass filter 23 0001 0001 8 LSBs of n1 coefficient for DRC first-order low-pass filter 24 0111 1111 8 MSBs of d1 coefficient for DRC first-order low-pass filter 25 1101 1110 8 LSBs of d1 coefficient for DRC first-order low-pass filter 26–127 0000 0000 Reserved REGISTER NAME Detailed Description Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 119 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com 8 Application and Implementation NOTE Information in the following applications sections is not part of the TI component specification, and TI does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. TI’s customers are responsible for determining suitability of components for their purposes. Customers should validate and test their design implementation to confirm system functionality. 8.1 Application Information This typical connection highlights the required external components and system level connections for proper operation of the device in several popular use cases. Each of these configurations can be realized using the Evaluation Modules (EVMs) for the device. These flexible modules allow full evaluation of the device in the most common modes of operation. Any design variation can be supported by TI through schematic and layout reviews. Visit http://e2e.ti.com for design assistance and join the audio amplifier discussion forum for additional information. 8.2 Typical Application The following application shows the minimal requirements and connections for the TLV320AIC3100 usage. This application shows the usage of a microphone input (MIC1RP), line input (MIC1LP, MIC1LM), headphone output (HPLOUT, HPROUT) and speaker output (SPKP, SPKM). Additionally, a host processor is used for I2C control and Data Interface. 120 Application and Implementation Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 +3.3VA SVDD 0.1 mF 22 mF 0.1 mF SPKVDD SPKVDD 4W 0.1 mF 22 mF SPKVSS SPKVSS 0.1 mF 10 mF 10 mF HPVDD AVDD AVSS HPVSS SPKP SPKP SPKM SPKM GPIO1 SDA VOL/MICDET MICBIAS 0.1 mF MCLK MIC1RP 47 mF HPLOUT DOUT 47 mF Headset WCLK HPROUT HOST PROCESSOR SCL 2.2 kW DIN BCLK 1 mF MIC1LP Analog_In1 RESET 1 mF Analog_In2 MIC1LM DVDD DVSS +1.8VD 0.1 mF IOVDD IOVSS IOVDD 10 mF 0.1 mF 10 mF S0400-07 Copyright © 2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Figure 8-1. Typical Circuit Configuration 8.2.1 Design Requirements For this design example, use the parameters listed in Table 8-1 as the input parameters. Table 8-1. Design Parameters DESIGN PARAMETER EXAMPLE VALUE AVDD 3.3 V DVDD 1.8 V HPVDD 3.3 V IOVDD 3.3 A Maximum MICBIAS current 4 mA SPKVDD 5V Power consumption (record) 9.24 mW (PRB_R5, 48 kHz, AOSR = 128) Power consumption (playback) 25.62 mW (PRB_P1, 48 kHz, DOSR = 128, stereo headphones) Application and Implementation Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 121 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 8.2.2 www.ti.com Detailed Design Procedure Using Figure 8-1 as a guide, integrate the hardware into the system. Following the recommended component placement, schematic layout and routing given in Section 10, integrate the device and its supporting components into the system PCB file. Determining sample rate and master clock frequency is required since powering up the device as all internal timing is derived from the master clock. Refer to Section 7.3.11 to get more information of how to configure correctly the required clocks for the device. As the TLV320AIC3100 is designed for low-power applications, when powered up, the device has several features powered down. A correct routing of the TLV320AIC3100 signals is achieved by a correct setting of the device registers, powering up the required stages of the device and configuring the internal switches to follow a desired route. 8.2.3 Application Curves −10 3.5 HPVDD = 2.7 V CM = 1.35 V 3.0 Micbias = AVDD (3.3 V) −20 2.5 −30 −40 HPVDD = 3 V CM = 1.5 V −50 HPVDD = 3.3 V CM = 1.65 V −60 HPVDD = 3.6 V CM = 1.8 V −70 Micbias = 2.5 V 2.0 Micbias = 2 V 1.5 1.0 IOVDD = 3.3 V DVDD = 1.8 V Gain = 9 dB RL = 16 Ω −80 −90 −100 0.00 V − Voltage − V THD+N − Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise − dB 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 PO − Output Power − W 0.5 0.14 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 I − Current − mA G025 Figure 8-2. Headphone Output Power 122 1.0 Application and Implementation G016 Figure 8-3. MICBIAS Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 9 Power Supply Recommendations The TLV320AIC3100 has been designed to be extremely tolerant of power supply sequencing. However, in some rare cases, unexpected conditions and behaviors can be attributed to power supply sequencing. It is important to consider that the digital activity must be separated from the analog and speaker activity. In order to separate the power supplies, the recommended power sequence is: 1. Speaker supplies 2. Digital supplies 3. Analog supplies First, turn on the speaker supplies. Once they are stabilized, turn on the digital power supplies. Finally, once the digital power supplies are stabilized, the analog power supplies must be turned on. Also, TI recommends to add decoupling capacitors close to the power supplies pins (see Section 10 for details). These capacitors will ensure that the power pins will be stable. Additionally, undesired effects such pops will be avoided. Power Supply Recommendations Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 123 TLV320AIC3100 SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 www.ti.com 10 Layout 10.1 Layout Guidelines PCB design is made considering the application and the review is specific for each system requirements. However, general considerations can optimize the system performance. • The TLV320AIC3100 thermal pad must be connected to analog output driver ground using multiple VIAS to minimize impedance between the device and ground. • Analog and digital grounds must be separated to prevent possible digital noise form affecting the analog performance of the board. • The TLV320AIC3100 requires the decoupling capacitors to be placed as close as possible to the device power supply terminals. • If possible, route the differential audio signals differentially on the PCB. This is recommended to get better noise immunity. If possible, route differential audio signals differentially AVDD DVSS 10.1 μF SPKM 22.1 μF SPKVSS SPKP 22.1 μF SPKVDD Analog Ground Plane SPKVDD SPKM 10.2 Layout Example AVSS 1 μF SPKVSS SPKP MIC1LM 47 μF 1 μF HPVDD 1 μF HPL MIC1RP Thermal pad connected to analog ground plane 10.1 μF HPVSS MIC1LP MICBIAS 47 μF HPR DVDD SCL SDA MCLK BCLK WCLK Digital Ground Plane DIN DOUT 10.1 μF 10.1 μF RESET’ GPIO1 Place the decoupling capacitors close to power terminals IOVSS Join the ground planes in few points IOVDD VOL/MICDET System Processor Via to Digital Ground Layer Power supply Via to Analog Ground Layer Top Layer Signal Trace Figure 10-1. Example PCB Layout 124 Layout Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100 www.ti.com SLAS667C – NOVEMBER 2009 – REVISED OCTOBER 2016 11 Device and Documentation Support 11.1 Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates To receive notification of documentation updates, navigate to the device product folder on ti.com. In the upper right corner, click on Alert me to register and receive a weekly digest of any product information that has changed. For change details, review the revision history included in any revised document. 11.2 Community Resources The following links connect to TI community resources. Linked contents are provided "AS IS" by the respective contributors. They do not constitute TI specifications and do not necessarily reflect TI's views; see TI's Terms of Use. TI E2E™ Online Community TI's Engineer-to-Engineer (E2E) Community. Created to foster collaboration among engineers. At e2e.ti.com, you can ask questions, share knowledge, explore ideas and help solve problems with fellow engineers. Design Support TI's Design Support Quickly find helpful E2E forums along with design support tools and contact information for technical support. 11.3 Trademarks E2E is a trademark of Texas Instruments. MATLAB is a trademark of The MathWorks, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 11.4 Electrostatic Discharge Caution This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage. ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications. 11.5 Glossary TI Glossary This glossary lists and explains terms, acronyms, and definitions. 12 Mechanical Packaging and Orderable Information 12.1 Packaging Information The following pages include mechanical packaging and orderable information. This information is the most current data available for the designated devices. This data is subject to change without notice and revision of this document. For browser-based versions of this data sheet, refer to the left-hand navigation. Copyright © 2009–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Mechanical Packaging and Orderable Information Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3100 125 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 12-Oct-2016 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp (2) (6) (3) Op Temp (°C) Device Marking (4/5) TLV320AIC3100IRHBR ACTIVE VQFN RHB 32 3000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 85 AIC3100 TLV320AIC3100IRHBT ACTIVE VQFN RHB 32 250 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 85 AIC3100 (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. (2) Eco Plan - The planned eco-friendly classification: Pb-Free (RoHS), Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt), or Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) - please check http://www.ti.com/productcontent for the latest availability information and additional product content details. TBD: The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined. Pb-Free (RoHS): TI's terms "Lead-Free" or "Pb-Free" mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all 6 substances, including the requirement that lead not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt): This component has a RoHS exemption for either 1) lead-based flip-chip solder bumps used between the die and package, or 2) lead-based die adhesive used between the die and leadframe. The component is otherwise considered Pb-Free (RoHS compatible) as defined above. Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br): TI defines "Green" to mean Pb-Free (RoHS compatible), and free of Bromine (Br) and Antimony (Sb) based flame retardants (Br or Sb do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous material) (3) MSL, Peak Temp. - The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications, and peak solder temperature. (4) There may be additional marking, which relates to the logo, the lot trace code information, or the environmental category on the device. (5) Multiple Device Markings will be inside parentheses. Only one Device Marking contained in parentheses and separated by a "~" will appear on a device. If a line is indented then it is a continuation of the previous line and the two combined represent the entire Device Marking for that device. (6) Lead/Ball Finish - Orderable Devices may have multiple material finish options. Finish options are separated by a vertical ruled line. Lead/Ball Finish values may wrap to two lines if the finish value exceeds the maximum column width. Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided. TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties, and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information. Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties. TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals. TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary, and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release. Addendum-Page 1 Samples PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 12-Oct-2016 In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s) at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis. Addendum-Page 2 PACKAGE MATERIALS INFORMATION www.ti.com 12-Oct-2016 TAPE AND REEL INFORMATION *All dimensions are nominal Device Package Package Pins Type Drawing SPQ Reel Reel A0 Diameter Width (mm) (mm) W1 (mm) B0 (mm) K0 (mm) P1 (mm) W Pin1 (mm) Quadrant TLV320AIC3100IRHBR VQFN RHB 32 3000 330.0 12.4 5.25 5.25 1.1 8.0 12.0 Q2 TLV320AIC3100IRHBR VQFN RHB 32 3000 330.0 12.4 5.3 5.3 1.1 8.0 12.0 Q2 TLV320AIC3100IRHBR VQFN RHB 32 3000 330.0 12.4 5.3 5.3 1.5 8.0 12.0 Q2 TLV320AIC3100IRHBT VQFN RHB 32 250 180.0 12.4 5.3 5.3 1.1 8.0 12.0 Q2 TLV320AIC3100IRHBT VQFN RHB 32 250 180.0 12.5 5.25 5.25 1.1 8.0 12.0 Q2 Pack Materials-Page 1 PACKAGE MATERIALS INFORMATION www.ti.com 12-Oct-2016 *All dimensions are nominal Device Package Type Package Drawing Pins SPQ Length (mm) Width (mm) Height (mm) TLV320AIC3100IRHBR VQFN RHB 32 3000 338.0 355.0 50.0 TLV320AIC3100IRHBR VQFN RHB 32 3000 367.0 367.0 35.0 TLV320AIC3100IRHBR VQFN RHB 32 3000 367.0 367.0 35.0 TLV320AIC3100IRHBT VQFN RHB 32 250 210.0 185.0 35.0 TLV320AIC3100IRHBT VQFN RHB 32 250 338.0 355.0 50.0 Pack Materials-Page 2 GENERIC PACKAGE VIEW RHB 32 VQFN - 1 mm max height PLASTIC QUAD FLATPACK - NO LEAD 5 x 5, 0.5 mm pitch Images above are just a representation of the package family, actual package may vary. Refer to the product data sheet for package details. 4224745/A www.ti.com PACKAGE OUTLINE RHB0032E VQFN - 1 mm max height SCALE 3.000 PLASTIC QUAD FLATPACK - NO LEAD 5.1 4.9 A B PIN 1 INDEX AREA 5.1 4.9 C 1 MAX SEATING PLANE 0.05 0.00 0.08 C 2X 3.5 (0.2) TYP 3.45 0.1 9 EXPOSED THERMAL PAD 16 28X 0.5 8 17 2X 3.5 SYMM 33 32X 24 1 PIN 1 ID (OPTIONAL) 32 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.05 C A B C 25 SYMM 32X 0.5 0.3 4223442/A 11/2016 NOTES: 1. All linear dimensions are in millimeters. Any dimensions in parenthesis are for reference only. Dimensioning and tolerancing per ASME Y14.5M. 2. This drawing is subject to change without notice. 3. The package thermal pad must be soldered to the printed circuit board for thermal and mechanical performance. www.ti.com EXAMPLE BOARD LAYOUT RHB0032E VQFN - 1 mm max height PLASTIC QUAD FLATPACK - NO LEAD ( 3.45) SYMM 32 25 32X (0.6) 1 24 32X (0.25) (1.475) 28X (0.5) 33 SYMM (4.8) ( 0.2) TYP VIA 8 17 (R0.05) TYP 9 (1.475) 16 (4.8) LAND PATTERN EXAMPLE SCALE:18X 0.07 MIN ALL AROUND 0.07 MAX ALL AROUND SOLDER MASK OPENING METAL SOLDER MASK OPENING METAL UNDER SOLDER MASK NON SOLDER MASK DEFINED (PREFERRED) SOLDER MASK DEFINED SOLDER MASK DETAILS 4223442/A 11/2016 NOTES: (continued) 4. This package is designed to be soldered to a thermal pad on the board. For more information, see Texas Instruments literature number SLUA271 (www.ti.com/lit/slua271). 5. Vias are optional depending on application, refer to device data sheet. If any vias are implemented, refer to their locations shown on this view. It is recommended that vias under paste be filled, plugged or tented. www.ti.com EXAMPLE STENCIL DESIGN RHB0032E VQFN - 1 mm max height PLASTIC QUAD FLATPACK - NO LEAD 4X ( 1.49) (0.845) (R0.05) TYP 32 25 32X (0.6) 1 24 32X (0.25) 28X (0.5) (0.845) SYMM 33 (4.8) 17 8 METAL TYP 16 9 SYMM (4.8) SOLDER PASTE EXAMPLE BASED ON 0.125 mm THICK STENCIL EXPOSED PAD 33: 75% PRINTED SOLDER COVERAGE BY AREA UNDER PACKAGE SCALE:20X 4223442/A 11/2016 NOTES: (continued) 6. Laser cutting apertures with trapezoidal walls and rounded corners may offer better paste release. IPC-7525 may have alternate design recommendations. www.ti.com IMPORTANT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER TI PROVIDES TECHNICAL AND RELIABILITY DATA (INCLUDING DATASHEETS), DESIGN RESOURCES (INCLUDING REFERENCE DESIGNS), APPLICATION OR OTHER DESIGN ADVICE, WEB TOOLS, SAFETY INFORMATION, AND OTHER RESOURCES “AS IS” AND WITH ALL FAULTS, AND DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS AND IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. These resources are intended for skilled developers designing with TI products. You are solely responsible for (1) selecting the appropriate TI products for your application, (2) designing, validating and testing your application, and (3) ensuring your application meets applicable standards, and any other safety, security, or other requirements. These resources are subject to change without notice. TI grants you permission to use these resources only for development of an application that uses the TI products described in the resource. Other reproduction and display of these resources is prohibited. No license is granted to any other TI intellectual property right or to any third party intellectual property right. TI disclaims responsibility for, and you will fully indemnify TI and its representatives against, any claims, damages, costs, losses, and liabilities arising out of your use of these resources. TI’s products are provided subject to TI’s Terms of Sale (www.ti.com/legal/termsofsale.html) or other applicable terms available either on ti.com or provided in conjunction with such TI products. TI’s provision of these resources does not expand or otherwise alter TI’s applicable warranties or warranty disclaimers for TI products. Mailing Address: Texas Instruments, Post Office Box 655303, Dallas, Texas 75265 Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
TLV320AIC3100IRHBR 价格&库存


    •  国内价格 香港价格
    • 1+69.936151+8.44500
    • 10+18.5254210+2.23700
    • 50+14.7159950+1.77700
    • 100+13.95411100+1.68500
    • 500+13.38269500+1.61600
    • 1000+13.001751000+1.57000
    • 2000+12.927222000+1.56100
    • 4000+12.869254000+1.55400


      •  国内价格 香港价格
      • 1+69.936151+8.44500
      • 10+18.5254210+2.23700
      • 50+14.7159950+1.77700
      • 100+13.95411100+1.68500
      • 500+13.38269500+1.61600
      • 1000+13.001751000+1.57000
      • 2000+12.927222000+1.56100
      • 4000+12.869254000+1.55400


        •  国内价格 香港价格
        • 1+69.936151+8.44500
        • 10+18.5254210+2.23700
        • 50+14.7159950+1.77700
        • 100+13.95411100+1.68500
        • 500+13.38269500+1.61600
        • 1000+13.001751000+1.57000
        • 2000+12.927222000+1.56100
        • 4000+12.869254000+1.55400


          •  国内价格 香港价格
          • 1+69.936151+8.44500
          • 10+18.5254210+2.23700
          • 50+14.7159950+1.77700
          • 100+13.95411100+1.68500
          • 500+13.38269500+1.61600
          • 1000+13.001751000+1.57000
          • 2000+12.927222000+1.56100
          • 4000+12.869254000+1.55400


            •  国内价格 香港价格
            • 1+69.936151+8.44500
            • 10+18.5254210+2.23700
            • 50+14.7159950+1.77700
            • 100+13.95411100+1.68500
            • 500+13.38269500+1.61600
            • 1000+13.001751000+1.57000
            • 2000+12.927222000+1.56100
            • 4000+12.869254000+1.55400


              •  国内价格 香港价格
              • 1+69.936151+8.44500
              • 10+18.5254210+2.23700
              • 50+14.7159950+1.77700
              • 100+13.95411100+1.68500
              • 500+13.38269500+1.61600
              • 1000+13.001751000+1.57000
              • 2000+12.927222000+1.56100
              • 4000+12.869254000+1.55400


                •  国内价格 香港价格
                • 1+69.936151+8.44500
                • 10+18.5254210+2.23700
                • 50+14.7159950+1.77700
                • 100+13.95411100+1.68500
                • 500+13.38269500+1.61600
                • 1000+13.001751000+1.57000
                • 2000+12.927222000+1.56100
                • 4000+12.869254000+1.55400


                •  国内价格
                • 1+9.18126
                • 30+8.86467
                • 100+8.23148
                • 500+7.59829
                • 1000+7.28169


                •  国内价格
                • 1+12.56820
                • 10+11.60140
                • 100+10.63460
                • 1000+9.66780
