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    立体声音频 接口 32 b 串行 32-VQFN(5x5)

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TLV320AIC3204IRHBR 数据手册
Order Now Product Folder Support & Community Tools & Software Technical Documents TLV320AIC3204 SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 TLV320AIC3204 Ultra Low Power Stereo Audio Codec 1 Features 2 Applications • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • Stereo Audio DAC with 100dB SNR 4.1mW Stereo 48ksps DAC Playback Stereo Audio ADC with 93dB SNR 6.1mW Stereo 48ksps ADC Record PowerTune™ Extensive Signal Processing Options Six Single-Ended or 3 Fully-Differential Analog Inputs Stereo Analog and Digital Microphone Inputs Stereo Headphone Outputs Stereo Line Outputs Very Low-Noise PGA Low Power Analog Bypass Mode Programmable Microphone Bias Programmable PLL Integrated LDO 5-mm × 5-mm, 32-Pin VQFN Package Portable Navigation Devices (PND) Portable Media Player (PMP) Mobile Handsets Communication Portable Computing 3 Description The TLV320AIC3204 (also called the AIC3204) is a flexible, low-power, low-voltage stereo audio codec with programmable inputs and outputs, PowerTune capabilities, fixed predefined and parameterizable signal-processing blocks, integrated PLL, integrated LDOs and flexible digital interfaces. Device Information(1) PART NUMBER PACKAGE TLV320AIC3204 BODY SIZE (NOM) VQFN (32) 5.00 mm x 5.00 mm (1) For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at the end of the datasheet. Simplified Block Diagram IN1_L IN2_L IN3_L 0…+47.5 dB + Left ADC tpl + DRC ADC Signal Proc. DAC Signal Proc. Vol. Ctrl -72...0dB Left DAC ´ -6...+29dB HPL + 1dB steps Gain Adj. 0.5 dB steps CM ´ AGC -6...+29dB -30...0 dB LOL + 1dB steps Data Interface -6...+29dB -30...0 dB LOR + CM 1dB steps 0… +47.5 dB + Gain Adj. Right ADC IN3_R + tpr ´ 0.5 dB steps IN2_R ADC Signal Proc. DAC Signal Proc. AGC DRC -6...+29dB Right DAC ´ Vol. Ctrl HPR + 1dB steps -72...0dB IN1_R SPI_Select SPI / I2C Control Block Reset Digital Interrupt Secondary Mic. Ctrl I2S IF PLL Primary I2S Interface HPVdd MicBias Mic Bias ALDO Ref Ref DLDO Supplies Pin Muxing / Clock Routing BCLK WCLK DIN DOUT GPIO MCLK SCLK MISO SDA/MOSI SCL/SSZ IOVss DVss AVss IOVdd DVdd AVdd LDO Select LDO in 1 An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety-critical applications, intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. PRODUCTION DATA. TLV320AIC3204 SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 www.ti.com Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Features .................................................................. Applications ........................................................... Description ............................................................. Revision History..................................................... Device Comparison Table..................................... Pin Configuration and Functions ......................... Specifications......................................................... 1 1 1 2 4 5 8 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 Absolute Maximum Ratings ...................................... 8 ESD Ratings.............................................................. 8 Recommended Operating Conditions....................... 8 Thermal Information .................................................. 9 Electrical Characteristics, ADC ................................. 9 Electrical Characteristics, Bypass Outputs ............. 11 Electrical Characteristics, Microphone Interface..... 12 Electrical Characteristics, Audio DAC Outputs ....... 13 Electrical Characteristics, LDO ............................... 15 Electrical Characteristics, Misc. ............................ 16 Electrical Characteristics, Logic Levels................. 17 I2S LJF and RJF Timing in Master Mode (see Figure 1)................................................................... 17 7.13 I2S LJF and RJF Timing in Slave Mode (see Figure 2)................................................................... 18 7.14 DSP Timing in Master Mode (see Figure 3) ......... 19 7.15 DSP Timing in Slave Mode (see Figure 4) ........... 20 7.16 Digital Microphone PDM Timing (see Figure 5).... 20 7.17 I2C Interface Timing .............................................. 21 7.18 SPI Interface Timing (See Figure 7) ..................... 22 7.19 Typical Characteristics .......................................... 23 7.20 Typical Characteristics, FFT ................................. 25 8 9 Parameter Measurement Information ................ 25 Detailed Description ............................................ 26 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 Overview ................................................................. Functional Block Diagram ....................................... Feature Description................................................. Device Functional Modes........................................ Register Map........................................................... 26 27 27 35 35 10 Application and Implementation........................ 40 10.1 Application Information.......................................... 40 10.2 Typical Application ................................................ 40 11 Power Supply Recommendations ..................... 44 12 Layout................................................................... 44 12.1 Layout Guidelines ................................................. 44 12.2 Layout Example .................................................... 45 13 Device and Documentation Support ................. 46 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 Documentation Support ........................................ Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates Community Resources.......................................... Trademarks ........................................................... Electrostatic Discharge Caution ............................ Glossary ................................................................ 46 46 46 46 46 46 14 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information ........................................................... 46 4 Revision History NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version. Changes from Revision D (May 2019) to Revision E Page • Added BCLK to rise and fall time parameter names in I2S LJF and RJF Timing in Master Mode table.............................. 17 • Added BCLK to rise and fall time parameter names in I2S LJF and RJF Timing in Slave Mode table................................ 18 • Added BCLK to rise and fall time parameter names in DSP Timing in Master Mode table................................................. 19 • Added BCLK to rise and fall time parameter names in DSP Timing in Slave Mode table................................................... 20 • Added CLK to rise and fall time parameter names in Digital Microphone PDM Timing table.............................................. 20 Changes from Revision C (November 2014) to Revision D Page • Changed ESD Ratings title and format to current standards ................................................................................................ 8 • Added footnote to I2S LJF and RJF Timing in Slave Mode table......................................................................................... 18 • Added footnote to DSP Timing in Slave Mode table ............................................................................................................ 20 Changes from Revision B (October 2012) to Revision C Page • Added the Device information table, Handling Ratings table, Applications and Implementation section, Layout section, and the Device and Documentation Support section................................................................................................ 1 • Changed the pin description From: connect to DVss. To: D-LDO enable signal ................................................................... 7 • Added "DVDD" to LDOs disabled in operating conditions statement..................................................................................... 8 • Added "Audio input max ac signal swing" to the Recommended Operating Conditions table............................................... 8 2 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 TLV320AIC3204 www.ti.com SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 • Added the Digital Microphone PDM Timing (see Figure 5) section ..................................................................................... 20 • Corrected thi to th(DIN) ............................................................................................................................................................. 22 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 3 TLV320AIC3204 SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 www.ti.com 5 Device Comparison Table 4 ORDER NUMBER DESCRIPTION TLV320AIC3254 Low power stereo audio codec with miniDSP. TLV320AIC3204 Same as TLV320AIC3204 but without miniDSP. TLV320AIC3256 Similar to TLV320AIC3254 but with ground centered headphone output. TLV320AIC3206 Same as TLV320AIC3256 but without miniDSP. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 TLV320AIC3204 www.ti.com SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 6 Pin Configuration and Functions This document describes signals that take on different names depending on how they are configured. In such cases, the different names are placed together and separated by slash (/) characters. For example, "SCL/SS". Active low signals are represented by overbars. IOVSS 8 1 GPIO/MFP5 SCLK/MFP3 IOVDD DOUT/MFP2 DIN/MFP1 BCLK WCLK MCLK RHB Package (Bottom View) 32 9 RESET SCL/SS SDA/MOSI LDO_SELECT MISO/MFP4 DVDD SPI_SELECT DVSS IN1_L HPR IN1_R LDOIN HPL IN2_L 25 16 REF AVSS MICBIAS IN3_L LOL IN3_R 17 LOR AVDD 24 IN2_R Pin Functions (1) PIN NAME TYPE 1 MCLK DI DESCRIPTION 2 BCLK DIO Audio serial data bus (primary) bit clock 3 WCLK DIO Audio serial data bus (primary) word clock Master Clock Input Primary function: Audio serial data bus data input 4 DIN / MFP1 DI Secondary function: Digital Microphone Input General Purpose Clock Input General Purpose Input Primary function: Audio serial data bus data output Secondary function: (1) General Purpose Output Clock Output INT1 Output INT2 Output Audio serial data bus (secondary) bit clock output Audio serial data bus (secondary) word clock output 5 DOUT / MFP2 DO 6 IOVDD Power IO voltage supply 1.1V – 3.6V 7 IOVSS Ground IO ground supply DI (Digital Input), DO (Digital Output), DIO (Digital Input/Output), AI (Analog Input), AO (Analog Output), AIO (Analog Input/Output) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 5 TLV320AIC3204 SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 www.ti.com Pin Functions (continued) PIN NAME TYPE (1) DESCRIPTION Primary function: (SPI_Select = 1) SPI serial clock Secondary function: (SPI_Select = 0) Headphone-detect input Digital microphone input Audio serial data bus (secondary) bit clock input Audio serial data bus (secondary) DAC or common word clock input Audio serial data bus (secondary) ADC word clock input Audio serial data bus (secondary) data input General Purpose Input 8 SCLK / MFP3 DI 9 SCL/SS DI I2C interface serial clock (SPI_Select = 0) SPI interface mode chip-select signal (SPI_Select = 1) 10 SDA/MOSI DI I2C interface mode serial data input (SPI_Select = 0) SPI interface mode serial data input (SPI_Select = 1) Primary function: (SPI_Select = 1) Serial data output Secondary function: (SPI_Select = 0) 11 MISO / MFP4 DO 12 SPI_ SELECT DI Control mode select pin ( 1 = SPI, 0 = I2C ) 13 IN1_L AI Multifunction Analog Input, or Single-ended configuration: MIC 1 or Line 1 left or Differential configuration: MIC or Line right, negative 14 IN1_R AI Multifunction Analog Input, or Single-ended configuration: MIC 1 or Line 1 right or Differential configuration: MIC or Line right, positive 15 IN2_L AI Multifunction Analog Input, or Single-ended configuration: MIC 2 or Line 2 left or Differential configuration: MIC or Line left, positive 16 IN2_R AI Multifunction Analog Input, or Single-ended configuration: MIC 2 or Line 2 right or Differential configuration: MIC or Line left, negative 17 AVSS Ground 18 REF AO Reference voltage output for filtering 19 MICBIAS AO Microphone bias voltage output AI Multifunction Analog Input, or Single-ended configuration: MIC3 or Line 3 left, or Differential configuration: MIC or Line left, positive, or Differential configuration: MIC or Line right, negative 20 IN3_L Analog ground supply 21 IN3_R AI Multifunction Analog Input, or Single-ended configuration: MIC3 or Line 3 right, or Differential configuration: MIC or Line left, negative, or Differential configuration: MIC or Line right, positive 22 LOL AO Left line output 23 LOR AO Right line output 24 AVDD Power 6 General purpose output CLKOUT output INT1 output INT2 output Audio serial data bus (primary) ADC word clock output Digital microphone clock output Audio serial data bus (secondary) data output Audio serial data bus (secondary) bit clock output Audio serial data bus (secondary) word clock output Analog voltage supply 1.5V–1.95V Input when A-LDO disabled, Filtering output when A-LDO enabled Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 TLV320AIC3204 www.ti.com SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 Pin Functions (continued) TYPE (1) PIN NAME 25 HPL AO 26 LDOIN / HPVDD Power 27 HPR AO 28 DVSS Ground DESCRIPTION Left high power output driver LDO Input supply and Headphone Power supply 1.9V– 3.6V Right high power output driver Digital Ground and Chip-substrate If LDO_SELECT Pin = 0 (D-LDO disabled) Digital voltage supply 1.26V – 1.95V 29 DVDD Power 30 LDO_ SELECT DI D-LDO enable signal (1 = D-LDO enable, 0 = D-LDO disabled) 31 RESET DI Reset (active low) If LDO_SELECT Pin = 1 (D-LDO enabled) Digital voltage supply filtering output Primary function: General Purpose digital IO Secondary function: 32 GPIO / MFP5 DI Thermal Pad Thermal Pad N/A CLKOUT Output INT1 Output INT2 Output Audio serial data bus ADC word clock output Audio serial data bus (secondary) bit clock output Audio serial data bus (secondary) word clock output Digital microphone clock output Connect to PCB ground plane. Not internally connected. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 7 TLV320AIC3204 SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 www.ti.com 7 Specifications 7.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) (1) MIN MAX UNIT AVDD to AVSS –0.3 2.2 V DVDD to DVSS –0.3 2.2 V IOVDD to IOVSS –0.3 3.9 V LDOIN to AVSS –0.3 3.9 V Digital Input voltage to ground –0.3 IOVDD + 0.3 V Analog input voltage to ground –0.3 AVDD + 0.3 V Operating temperature range –40 85 °C 105 °C 125 °C Input voltage Junction temperature (TJ Max) Storage temperature, Tstg (1) –55 Stresses beyond those listed under “absolute maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under “recommended operating conditions” is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 7.2 ESD Ratings VALUE V(ESD) (1) (2) Electrostatic discharge Human body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001, all pins (1) ±2000 Charged device model (CDM), per JEDEC specification JESD22-C101, all pins (2) ±750 UNIT V JEDEC document JEP155 states that 500-V HBM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. JEDEC document JEP157 states that 250-V CDM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. 7.3 Recommended Operating Conditions MIN LDOIN Referenced to AVSS (1) AVDD Power Supply Voltage Range IOVDD DVDD (2) PLL Input Frequency MCLK Master Clock Frequency SCL SCL Clock Frequency HPL, HPR 1.26 1.95 3.6 1.8 V 1.95 Clock divider uses fractional divide (D > 0), P = 1, DVDD ≥ 1.65V (Refer to the table in SLAA557, Maximum TLV320AIC3204 Clock Frequencies) 10 20 MHz Clock divider uses integer divide (D = 0), P = 1, DVDD ≥ 1.65V (Refer to the table in SLAA557, Maximum TLV320AIC3204 Clock Frequencies) 0.512 20 MHz MCLK; Master Clock Frequency; DVDD ≥ 1.65V 50 MCLK; Master Clock Frequency; DVDD ≥ 1.26V 25 400 MHz kHz 0.530 CM = 0.9 V 0 0.707 0.9 or AVDD-0.9 (3) 0.6 10 kΩ Stereo headphone output load resistance Single-ended configuration 14.4 16 Ω Headphone output load resistance 24.4 32 Ω 10 pF Stereo line output load resistance TOPR Operating Temperature Range 8 Referenced to DVSS (1) 1.8 0 Digital output load capacitance (3) 1.1 UNIT 3.6 CM = 0.75 V CLout (1) (2) 1.5 Referenced to IOVSS (1) MAX 0.75 or AVDD-0.75 (3) Audio input max ac signal swing (IN1_L, IN1_R, IN2_L, IN2_R, IN3_L, IN3_R) LOL, LOR NOM 1.9 Differential configuration –40 85 Vpeak Vpeak °C All grounds on board are tied together to prevent voltage differences of more than 0.2V maximum for any combination of ground signals. At DVDD values lower than 1.65V, the PLL does not function. Refer to the Maximum TLV320AIC3204 Clock Frequencies table in the TLV320AIC3204 Application Reference Guide (SLAA557) for details on maximum clock frequencies. Whichever is smaller. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 TLV320AIC3204 www.ti.com SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 7.4 Thermal Information TLV320AIC3204 THERMAL METRIC (1) UNIT RHB (32 PINS) RθJA Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance 31.4 °C/W RθJCtop Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance 21.4 °C/W RθJB Junction-to-board thermal resistance 5.4 °C/W ψJT Junction-to-top characterization parameter 0.2 °C/W ψJB Junction-to-board characterization parameter 5.4 °C/W RθJCbot Junction-to-case (bottom) thermal resistance 0.9 °C/W (1) For more information about traditional and new thermal metrics, see the Semiconductor and IC Package Thermal Metrics application report. 7.5 Electrical Characteristics, ADC At 25°C, AVDD, DVDD, IOVDD = 1.8V, LDOIN = 3.3V, AVDD and DVDD LDO disabled, fs (Audio) = 48kHz, Cref = 10µF on REF pin, PLL disabled unless otherwise noted. PARAMETER AUDIO ADC TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT (1) (2) Input signal level (0dB) Single-ended, CM = 0.9V Device Setup 1kHz sine wave input , Single-ended Configuration IN1_R to Right ADC and IN1_L to Left ADC, Rin = 20K, fs = 48kHz, AOSR = 128, MCLK = 256 x fs, PLL Disabled; AGC = OFF, Channel Gain = 0dB, Processing Block = PRB_R1, Power Tune = PTM_R4 Inputs ac-shorted to ground 0.5 80 VRMS 93 SNR Signal-to-noise ratio, A-weighted (1) (2) IN2_R, IN3_R routed to Right ADC and ac-shorted to ground IN2_L, IN3_L routed to Left ADC and ac-shorted to ground 93 DR Dynamic range A-weighted (1) (2) –60dB full-scale, 1-kHz input signal 92 –3 dB full-scale, 1-kHz input signal –85 THD+N Total Harmonic Distortion plus Noise IN2_R, IN3_R routed to Right ADC IN2_L, IN3_L routed to Left ADC –3dB full-scale, 1-kHz input signal –85 dB dB –70 dB AUDIO ADC Input signal level (0dB) Single-ended, CM = 0.75V, AVDD = 1.5V Device Setup 1kHz sine wave input, Single-ended Configuration IN1_R, IN2_R, IN3_R routed to Right ADC IN1_L, IN2_L, IN3_L routed to Left ADC Rin = 20kΩ, fs = 48kHz, AOSR = 128, MCLK = 256 x fs, PLL Disabled, AGC = OFF, Channel Gain = 0dB, Processing Block = PRB_R1 Power Tune = PTM_R4 (1) (2) 0.375 VRMS SNR Signal-to-noise ratio, A-weighted Inputs ac-shorted to ground 91 dB DR Dynamic range A-weighted (1) (2) –60dB full-scale, 1-kHz input signal 90 dB THD+N Total Harmonic Distortion plus Noise –3dB full-scale, 1-kHz input signal –80 dB (1) (2) Ratio of output level with 1kHz full-scale sine wave input, to the output level with the inputs short circuited, measured A-weighted over a 20Hz to 20kHz bandwidth using an audio analyzer. All performance measured with 20kHz low-pass filter and, where noted, A-weighted filter. Failure to use such a filter may result in higher THD+N and lower SNR and dynamic range readings than shown in the Electrical Characteristics. The low-pass filter removes out-ofband noise, which, although not audible, may affect dynamic specification values. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 9 TLV320AIC3204 SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 www.ti.com Electrical Characteristics, ADC (continued) At 25°C, AVDD, DVDD, IOVDD = 1.8V, LDOIN = 3.3V, AVDD and DVDD LDO disabled, fs (Audio) = 48kHz, Cref = 10µF on REF pin, PLL disabled unless otherwise noted. PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT AUDIO ADC ICN Input signal level (0dB) Differential Input, CM = 0.9V Device Setup 1kHz sine wave input, Differential configuration IN1_L and IN1_R routed to Right ADC IN2_L and IN2_R routed to Left ADC Rin = 10K, fs = 48kHz, AOSR = 128 MCLK = 256* fs PLL Disabled AGC = OFF, Channel Gain = 40dB Processing Block = PRB_R1, Power Tune = PTM_R4 Idle-Channel Noise, A-weighted (1) (2) Inputs ac-shorted to ground, input referred noise 10 mV 2 μVRMS AUDIO ADC Gain Error 1kHz sine wave input , Single-ended configuration Rin = 20kΩ fs = 48kHz, AOSR = 128, MCLK = 256 x fs, PLL Disabled AGC = OFF, Channel Gain = 0dB Processing Block = PRB_R1, Power Tune = PTM_R4, CM = 0.9V Input Channel Separation 1kHz sine wave input at -3dBFS Single-ended configuration IN1_L routed to Left ADC IN1_R routed to Right ADC, Rin = 20kΩ AGC = OFF, AOSR = 128, Channel Gain = 0dB, CM = 0.9V –0.05 dB 108 dB 115 dB 55 dB 1kHz sine wave input at –3dBFS on IN2_L, IN2_L internally not routed. IN1_L routed to Left ADC ac-coupled to ground Input Pin Crosstalk 1kHz sine wave input at –3dBFS on IN2_R, IN2_R internally not routed. IN1_R routed to Right ADC ac-coupled to ground Single-ended configuration Rin = 20kΩ, AOSR = 128 Channel, Gain = 0dB, CM = 0.9V PSRR 217Hz, 100mVpp signal on AVDD, Single-ended configuration, Rin = 20kΩ, Channel Gain = 0dB; CM = 0.9V Single-Ended, Rin = 10kΩ, PGA gain set to 0dB 0 dB 47.5 dB –6 dB Single-Ended, Rin = 20kΩ, PGA gain set to 47.5dB 41.5 dB Single-Ended, Rin = 40kΩ, PGA gain set to 0dB –12 dB Single-Ended, Rin = 40kΩ, PGA gain set to 47.5dB 35.5 dB 0.5 dB Single-Ended, Rin = 10kΩ, PGA gain set to 47.5dB ADC programmable gain amplifier gain ADC programmable gain amplifier step size 10 Single-Ended, Rin = 20kΩ, PGA gain set to 0dB 1-kHz tone Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 TLV320AIC3204 www.ti.com SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 7.6 Electrical Characteristics, Bypass Outputs At 25°C, AVDD, DVDD, IOVDD = 1.8V, LDOIN = 3.3V, AVDD and DVDD LDO disabled, fs (Audio) = 48kHz, Cref = 10µF on REF pin, PLL disabled unless otherwise noted. PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT ANALOG BYPASS TO HEADPHONE AMPLIFIER, DIRECT MODE Load = 16Ω (single-ended), 50pF; Input and Output CM = 0.9V; Headphone Output on LDOIN Supply; IN1_L routed to HPL and IN1_R routed to HPR; Channel Gain = 0dB Device Setup Gain Error THD –0.8 Noise, A-weighted (1) Idle Channel, IN1_L and IN1_R ac-shorted to ground Total Harmonic Distortion 446mVrms, 1kHz input signal 3 dB μVRMS –89 dB 0.6 dB ANALOG BYPASS TO LINE-OUT AMPLIFIER, PGA MODE Load = 10kΩ (single-ended), 56pF; Input and Output CM = 0.9V; LINE Output on LDOIN Supply; IN1_L routed to ADCPGA_L and IN1_R routed to ADCPGA_R; Rin = 20kΩ ADCPGA_L routed to LOL and ADCPGA_R routed to LOR; Channel Gain = 0dB Device Setup Gain Error Idle Channel, IN1_L and IN1_R ac-shorted to ground Noise, A-weighted (1) (1) Channel Gain = 40dB, Input Signal (0dB) = 5mVrms Inputs ac-shorted to ground, Input Referred 7 μVRMS 3.4 μVRMS All performance measured with 20kHz low-pass filter and, where noted, A-weighted filter. Testing without such a filter may result in higher THD+N and lower SNR and dynamic range readings than shown in the Electrical Characteristics. The low-pass filter removes out-of-band noise, which, although not audible, may affect dynamic specification values. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 11 TLV320AIC3204 SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 www.ti.com 7.7 Electrical Characteristics, Microphone Interface At 25°C, AVDD, DVDD, IOVDD = 1.8V, LDOIN = 3.3V, AVDD and DVDD LDO disabled, fs (Audio) = 48kHz, Cref = 10µF on REF pin, PLL disabled unless otherwise noted. PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT MICROPHONE BIAS Bias voltage CM = 0.9V, LDOIN = 3.3V Micbias Mode 0, Connect to AVDD or LDOIN 1.25 V Micbias Mode 1, Connect to LDOIN 1.7 V Micbias Mode 2, Connect to LDOIN 2.5 V Micbias Mode 3, Connect to AVDD Bias voltage AVDD V LDOIN V Micbias Mode 0, Connect to AVDD or LDOIN 1.04 V Micbias Mode 1, Connect to AVDD or LDOIN 1.425 V Micbias Mode 2, Connect to LDOIN 2.075 V AVDD V LDOIN V Micbias Mode 3, Connect to LDOIN CM = 0.75V, LDOIN = 3.3V Micbias Mode 3, Connect to AVDD Micbias Mode 3, Connect to LDOIN Output Noise CM = 0.9V, Micbias Mode 2, A-weighted, 20Hz to 20kHz bandwidth, Current load = 0mA. Current Sourcing Micbias Mode 2, Connect to LDOIN Inline Resistance 12 Micbias Mode 3, Connect to AVDD Micbias Mode 3, Connect to LDOIN Submit Documentation Feedback 10 μVRMS 3 mA 140 87 Ω Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 TLV320AIC3204 www.ti.com SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 7.8 Electrical Characteristics, Audio DAC Outputs At 25°C, AVDD, DVDD, IOVDD = 1.8V, LDOIN = 3.3V, AVDD and DVDD LDO disabled, fs (Audio) = 48kHz, Cref = 10µF on REF pin, PLL disabled unless otherwise noted. PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT 0.5 VRMS 87 100 dB dB AUDIO DAC – STEREO SINGLE-ENDED LINE OUTPUT Device Setup Load = 10kΩ (single-ended), 56pF Line Output on AVDD Supply Input and Output CM = 0.9V DOSR = 128, MCLK = 256 x fs, Channel Gain = 0dB, word length = 16 bits, Processing Block = PRB_P1, Power Tune = PTM_P3 Full scale output voltage (0dB) SNR Signal-to-noise ratio A-weighted (1) (2) All zeros fed to DAC input DR Dynamic range, A-weighted (1) (2) –60dB 1kHz input full-scale signal, Word length = 20 bits 100 THD+N Total Harmonic Distortion plus Noise –3dB full-scale, 1kHz input signal –83 DAC Gain Error 0 dB, 1kHz input full scale signal 0.3 dB DAC Mute Attenuation Mute 119 dB DAC channel separation –1 dB, 1kHz signal, between left and right HP out 113 dB 100mVpp, 1kHz signal applied to AVDD 73 dB 100mVpp, 217Hz signal applied to AVDD 77 dB DAC PSRR –70 dB AUDIO DAC – STEREO SINGLE-ENDED LINE OUTPUT Device Setup Load = 10kΩ (single-ended), 56pF Line Output on AVDD Supply Input and Output CM = 0.75V; AVDD = 1.5V DOSR = 128 MCLK = 256 * fs Channel Gain = –2dB word length = 20 bits Processing Block = PRB_P1 Power Tune = PTM_P4 Full scale output voltage (0dB) 0.375 VRMS SNR Signal-to-noise ratio, A-weighted (1) (2) All zeros fed to DAC input 99 dB DR Dynamic range, A-weighted (1) (2) –60dB 1 kHz input full-scale signal 97 dB THD+N Total Harmonic Distortion plus Noise –1 dB full-scale, 1-kHz input signal –85 dB AUDIO DAC – STEREO SINGLE-ENDED HEADPHONE OUTPUT Device Setup Load = 16Ω (single-ended), 50pF Headphone Output on AVDD Supply, Input and Output CM = 0.9V, DOSR = 128, MCLK = 256 * fs, Channel Gain = 0dB word length = 16 bits; Processing Block = PRB_P1 Power Tune = PTM_P3 Full scale output voltage (0dB) 0.5 VRMS 100 dB 99 dB Signal-to-noise ratio, A-weighted (1) (2) All zeros fed to DAC input DR Dynamic range, A-weighted (1) (2) –60dB 1kHz input full-scale signal, Word Length = 20 bits, Power Tune = PTM_P4 THD+N Total Harmonic Distortion plus Noise –3dB full-scale, 1kHz input signal –83 DAC Gain Error 0dB, 1kHz input full scale signal –0.3 dB DAC Mute Attenuation Mute 122 dB SNR (1) (2) 87 –70 dB Ratio of output level with 1kHz full-scale sine wave input, to the output level with the inputs short circuited, measured A-weighted over a 20Hz to 20kHz bandwidth using an audio analyzer. All performance measured with 20kHz low-pass filter and, where noted, A-weighted filter. Testing without such a filter may result in higher THD+N and lower SNR and dynamic range readings than shown in the Electrical Characteristics. The low-pass filter removes out-of-band noise, which, although not audible, may affect dynamic specification values Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 13 TLV320AIC3204 SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 www.ti.com Electrical Characteristics, Audio DAC Outputs (continued) At 25°C, AVDD, DVDD, IOVDD = 1.8V, LDOIN = 3.3V, AVDD and DVDD LDO disabled, fs (Audio) = 48kHz, Cref = 10µF on REF pin, PLL disabled unless otherwise noted. PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS DAC channel separation MIN –1dB, 1kHz signal, between left and right HP out DAC PSRR Power Delivered TYP MAX UNIT 110 dB 100mVpp, 1kHz signal applied to AVDD 73 dB 100mVpp, 217Hz signal applied to AVDD 78 dB RL = 16Ω, Output Stage on AVDD = 1.8V THDN < 1%, Input CM = 0.9V, Output CM = 0.9V 15 RL = 16Ω Output Stage on LDOIN = 3.3V, THDN < 1% Input CM = 0.9V, Output CM = 1.65V 64 mW AUDIO DAC – STEREO SINGLE-ENDED HEADPHONE OUTPUT Load = 16Ω (single-ended), 50pF, Headphone Output on AVDD Supply, Input and Output CM = 0.75V; AVDD = 1.5V, DOSR = 128, MCLK = 256 * fs, Channel Gain = –2dB, word length = 20-bits; Processing Block = PRB_P1, Power Tune = PTM_P4 Device Setup Full scale output voltage (0dB) SNR Signal-to-noise ratio, A-weighted (1) (2) (1) (2) DR Dynamic range, A-weighted THD+N Total Harmonic Distortion plus Noise 0.375 All zeros fed to DAC input VRMS 99 dB -60dB 1kHz input full-scale signal 98 dB –1dB full-scale, 1kHz input signal –83 dB 1778 mVRMS AUDIO DAC – MONO DIFFERENTIAL HEADPHONE OUTPUT Device Setup Load = 32Ω (differential), 50pF, Headphone Output on LDOIN Supply Input CM = 0.75V, Output CM = 1.5V, AVDD = 1.8V, LDOIN = 3.0V, DOSR = 128 MCLK = 256 * fs, Channel (headphone driver) Gain = 5dB for full scale output signal, word length = 16 bits, Processing Block = PRB_P1, Power Tune = PTM_P3 Full scale output voltage (0dB) SNR Signal-to-noise ratio, A-weighted (1) (2) All zeros fed to DAC input 98 dB DR Dynamic range, A-weighted (1) (2) –60dB 1kHz input full-scale signal 96 dB THD Total Harmonic Distortion –3dB full-scale, 1kHz input signal –82 dB RL = 32Ω, Output Stage on LDOIN = 3.3V, THDN < 1%, Input CM = 0.9V, Output CM = 1.65V 136 mW RL = 32Ω Output Stage on LDOIN = 3.0V, THDN < 1% Input CM = 0.9V, Output CM = 1.5V 114 mW Power Delivered 14 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 TLV320AIC3204 www.ti.com SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 7.9 Electrical Characteristics, LDO over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT LOW DROPOUT REGULATOR (AVdd) Output Voltage LDOMode = 1, LDOIN > 1.95V 1.67 LDOMode = 0, LDOIN > 2.0V 1.72 LDOMode = 2, LDOIN > 2.05V 1.77 Output Voltage Accuracy V ±2% Load Regulation Load current range 0 to 50mA Line Regulation Input Supply Range 1.9V to 3.6V Decoupling Capacitor 15 mV 5 mV 60 μA 1 Bias Current μF LOW DROPOUT REGULATOR (DVdd) Output Voltage LDOMode = 1, LDOIN > 1.95V 1.67 LDOMode = 0, LDOIN > 2.0V 1.72 LDOMode = 2, LDOIN > 2.05V 1.77 Output Voltage Accuracy V ±%2 Load Regulation Load current range 0 to 50mA Line Regulation Input Supply Range 1.9V to 3.6V Decoupling Capacitor 15 mV 5 mV 1 Bias Current μF 60 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 μA 15 TLV320AIC3204 SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 www.ti.com 7.10 Electrical Characteristics, Misc. At 25°C, AVDD, DVDD, IOVDD = 1.8V, LDOIN = 3.3V, AVDD and DVDD LDO disabled, fs (Audio) = 48kHz, Cref = 10µF on REF pin, PLL disabled unless otherwise noted. PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT REFERENCE Reference Voltage Settings Reference Noise CMMode = 0 (0.9V) 0.9 CMMode = 1 (0.75V) 0.75 CM = 0.9V, A-weighted, 20Hz to 20kHz bandwidth, Cref = 10μF Decoupling Capacitor 1 1 V μVRfcMS 10 μF 120 μA I(DVDD) 0.9 μA I(AVDD) 1.6V –0.3 IIL = 5μA, 1.2V ≤ IOVDD < 1.6V 0.3 × IOVDD V 0.1 × IOVDD V 0 V IIL = 5μA, IOVDD < 1.2V VOH IOH = 2 TTL loads VOL IOL = 2 TTL loads 0.8 × IOVDD V 0.1 × IOVDD Capacitive Load (1) V 10 pF Applies to all DI, DO, and DIO pins shown in Pin Configuration and Functions. 7.12 I2S LJF and RJF Timing in Master Mode (see Figure 1) IOVDD = 1.8 V MIN IOVDD = 3.3 V MAX MIN MAX UNIT td(WS) WCLK delay 30 20 ns td(DO-WS) WCLK to DOUT delay (For LJF Mode only) 20 20 ns td(DO-BCLK) BCLK to DOUT delay 20 ns ts(DI) DIN setup 8 8 th(DI) DIN hold 8 8 tr BCLK rise time 24 12 ns tf BCLK fall time 24 12 ns 22 ns ns WCLK td(WS) BCLK td(DO-WS) td(DO-BCLK) DOUT th(DI) tS(DI) DIN All specifications at 25°C, DVdd = 1.8V Figure 1. I2S LJF and RJF Timing in Master Mode Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 17 TLV320AIC3204 SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 www.ti.com 7.13 I2S LJF and RJF Timing in Slave Mode (see Figure 2) IOVDD = 1.8V MIN IOVDD = 3.3V MAX MIN MAX UNIT tH(BCLK) BCLK high period 35 35 ns tL(BCLK) BCLK low period 35 35 ns ts(WS) WCLK setup 8 8 ns th(WS) WCLK hold 8 8 td(DO-WS) WCLK to DOUT delay (For LJF mode only) td(DO-BCLK) BCLK to DOUT delay ts(DI) DIN setup 8 8 th(DI) DIN hold 8 8 20 22 (1) tr BCLK rise time 4 tf BCLK fall time 4 (1) (1) ns 20 ns 22 ns ns ns (1) ns 4 (1) ns 4 The BCLK maximum rise and fall time can be as high as 10 ns, if the BCLK high and low period are greater than 50 ns. WCLK th(WS) BCLK tL(BCLK) tH(BCLK) ts(WS) td(DO-WS) td(DO-BCLK) DOUT ts(DI) th(DI) DIN Figure 2. I2S LJF and RJF Timing in Slave Mode 18 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 TLV320AIC3204 www.ti.com SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 7.14 DSP Timing in Master Mode (see Figure 3) IOVDD = 1.8V MIN MAX IOVDD = 3.3V MIN UNIT MAX td(WS) WCLK delay 30 20 ns td(DO-BCLK) BCLK to DOUT delay 22 20 ns ts(DI) DIN setup 8 8 th(DI) DIN hold 8 8 tr BCLK rise time 24 12 ns tf BCLK fall time 24 12 ns ns ns WCLK td(WS) td(WS) BCLK td(DO-BCLK) DOUT ts(DI) th(DI) DIN All specifications at 25°C, DVdd = 1.8V Figure 3. DSP Timing in Master Mode Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 19 TLV320AIC3204 SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 www.ti.com 7.15 DSP Timing in Slave Mode (see Figure 4) IOVDD = 1.8V MIN IOVDD = 3.3V MAX MIN UNIT MAX tH(BCLK) BCLK high period 35 35 ns tL(BCLK) BCLK low period 35 35 ns ts(WS) WCLK setup 8 8 ns th(WS) WCLK hold 8 8 td(DO-BCLK) BCLK to DOUT delay ts(DI) DIN setup 8 8 th(DI) DIN hold 8 8 tr BCLK rise time tf (1) 22 BCLK fall time ns 22 ns ns ns 4 (1) 4 (1) ns (1) (1) ns 4 4 The BCLK maximum rise and fall time can be as high as 10 ns, if the BCLK high and low period are greater than 50 ns. WCLK th(ws) BCLK tH(BCLK) ts(ws) th(ws) th(ws) tL(BCLK) td(DO-BCLK) DOUT th(DI) ts(DI) DIN Figure 4. DSP Timing in Slave Mode 7.16 Digital Microphone PDM Timing (see Figure 5) Based on design simulation. Not tested in actual silicon. IOVDD = 1.8V MIN IOVDD = 3.3V MAX MIN UNIT MAX ts DIN setup 20 20 ns th DIN hold 5 5 ns tr CLK rise time 4 4 ns tf CLK fall time 4 4 ns th tr tf ts ADC_MOD_CLK DIG_MIC_IN DATA-LEFT DATA-RIGHT DATA-LEFT DATA-RIGHT Figure 5. PDM Input Timing 20 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 TLV320AIC3204 www.ti.com SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 7.17 I2C Interface Timing Standard-Mode MIN TYP Fast-Mode MAX MIN 100 0 0 TYP UNIT MAX fSCL SCL clock frequency tHD;STA Hold time (repeated) START condition. After this period, the first clock pulse is generated. 4.0 0.8 μs tLOW LOW period of the SCL clock 4.7 1.3 μs tHIGH HIGH period of the SCL clock 4.0 0.6 μs tSU;STA Setup time for a repeated START condition 4.7 tHD;DAT Data hold time: For I2C bus devices tSU;DAT Data set-up time tr SDA and SCL Rise Time 1000 20+0.1Cb 300 ns tf SDA and SCL Fall Time 300 20+0.1Cb 300 ns tSU;STO Set-up time for STOP condition 4.0 0.8 μs tBUF Bus free time between a STOP and START condition 4.7 1.3 μs Cb Capacitive load for each bus line 0 400 kHz 0.8 3.45 250 0 μs 0.9 100 400 μs ns 400 pF Figure 6. I2C Interface Timing Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 21 TLV320AIC3204 SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 www.ti.com 7.18 SPI Interface Timing (See Figure 7) IOVDD = 1.8V MIN IOVDD = 3.3V TYP MAX MIN TYP UNIT MAX tsck SCLK Period (1) 100 50 ns tsckh SCLK Pulse width High 50 25 ns tsckl SCLK Pulse width Low 50 25 ns tlead Enable Lead Time 30 20 ns ttrail Enable Trail Time 30 20 ns td;seqxfr Sequential Transfer Delay 40 ta Slave DOUT access time 40 20 ns tdis Slave DOUT disable time 40 20 ns tsu DIN data setup time 15 10 th(DIN) DIN data hold time 15 10 tv(DOUT) DOUT data valid time tr tf (1) 20 ns ns ns 25 18 ns SCLK Rise Time 4 4 ns SCLK Fall Time 4 4 ns These parameters are based on characterization and are not tested in production. SS S t t Lead t Lag t td sck SCLK t sckl tf tr t sckh t v(DOUT) t dis MISO MSB OUT ta MOSI t su BIT 6 . . . 1 LSB OUT t h(DIN) MSB IN BIT 6 . . . 1 LSB IN At 25°C, DVdd = 1.8V Figure 7. SPI Interface Timing Diagram 22 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 TLV320AIC3204 www.ti.com SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 7.19 Typical Characteristics 100 0 THD - Total Harmonic Distortion - dB SNR - Signal-to-Noise Ratio - dB CM=0.9 V, -10 RL = 32 W RIN = 10 kW, Differential 95 90 RIN = 20 kW, Differential 85 80 75 RIN = 10 kW, Single Ended 70 65 RIN = 20 kW, Single Ended 60 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 20 60 40 CM=1.65 V, RL = 16 W -30 50 0 0 20 Channel Gain - dB Figure 8. ADC SNR vs Channel Gain 40 60 80 Headphone Output Power - mW 100 Figure 9. Total Harmonic Distortion vs Headphone Output Power 0 70 105 Load = 32 W BTL -10 100 -20 SNR - Signal-to-Noise Ratio - dB THD - Total Harmonic Distortion - dB CM=1.65 V, RL = 32 W -20 55 -20 CM=0.9 V, RL = 16 W -30 CM=1.5 V -40 CM=1.65 V -50 -60 -70 -80 60 SNR 95 50 90 40 85 80 30 OUTPUT POWER 75 20 70 10 65 -90 -100 60 0 50 100 150 Headphone output Power - mW 0 200 0.75 Figure 10. Total Harmonic Distortion vs Headphone Output Power 1.65 0.9 1.5 1.25 Output Common Mode Setting - V Figure 11. Headphone SNR and Output Power vs Output Common Mode Setting 350 20 DVDD LDO 15 Change In Output Voltage - mV 300 Dropout Voltage - mV 250 200 AVDD LDO 150 100 50 10 AVDD LDO 5 0 DVDD LDO -5 -10 -15 0 -20 0 10 20 30 Load - mA 40 50 0 Figure 12. LDO Dropout Voltage vs Load Current 10 20 Load - mA 30 40 Figure 13. LDO Load Response Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 50 23 TLV320AIC3204 SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 www.ti.com Typical Characteristics (continued) 2.6 MicBIAS Voltage - mV 2.55 2.5 2.45 2.4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 MicBIAS Load - mA 2.5 3 CM = 0.9 V Figure 14. MICBIAS Mode 2, LDOIN OP Stage vs MICBIAS Load Current 24 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 TLV320AIC3204 www.ti.com SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 7.20 Typical Characteristics, FFT 0 0 DAC ADC -20 -20 -40 Power - dBr Power - dBFs -40 -60 -80 -60 -80 -100 -100 -120 -120 -140 0 5000 20000 15000 10000 f - Frequency - Hz 0 5000 10000 f - Frequency - Hz 15000 20000 Figure 16. DAC Playback to Headphone FFT at -1dBFS vs Frequency Figure 15. Single Ended Line Input to ADC FFT at -1dBr vs Frequency 0 0 DAC -20 -20 -40 Power - dBr Power - dBr -40 -60 -60 -80 -80 -100 -100 -120 -140 -120 0 5000 10000 f - Frequency - Hz 15000 0 20000 5000 10000 f - Frequency - Hz 15000 20000 Figure 18. Line Input to Headphone FFT at 446mVrms vs Frequency Figure 17. DAC Playback to Line-out FFT at -1dBFS vs Frequency 0 -20 Power - dBr -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 f - Frequency - Hz Figure 19. Line Input to Line-out FFT at 446mVrms vs Frequency 8 Parameter Measurement Information All parameters are measured according to the conditions described in the Specifications section. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 25 TLV320AIC3204 SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 www.ti.com 9 Detailed Description 9.1 Overview The TLV320AIC3204 includes extensive register-based control of power, input/output channel configuration, gains, effects, pin-multiplexing and clocks, allowing precise targeting of the device to its application. Combined with the advanced PowerTune technology, the device covers operations from 8 kHz mono voice playback to audio stereo 192kHz DAC playback, making it ideal for portable battery-powered audio and telephony applications. The record path of the TLV320AIC3204 covers operations from 8kHz mono to 192kHz stereo recording, and contains programmable input channel configurations covering single-ended and differential setups, as well as floating or mixing input signals. It also includes a digitally-controlled stereo microphone preamplifier and integrated microphone bias. Digital signal processing blocks can remove audible noise that may be introduced by mechanical coupling, e.g. optical zooming in a digital camera. The playback path offers signal-processing blocks for filtering and effects, and supports flexible mixing of DAC and analog input signals as well as programmable volume controls. The playback path contains two high-power output drivers as well as two fully-differential outputs. The high-power outputs can be configured in multiple ways, including stereo and mono BTL. The integrated PowerTune technology allows the device to be tuned to an optimum power-performance trade-off. Mobile applications frequently have multiple use cases requiring very low power operation while being used in a mobile environment. When used in a docked environment power consumption typically is less of a concern, while minimizing noise is important. With PowerTune, the TLV320AIC3204 addresses both cases. The voltage supply range for the TLV320AIC3204 for analog is 1.5V–1.95V, and for digital it is 1.26V–1.95V. To ease system-level design, integrated LDOs generate the appropriate analog or digital supply from input voltages ranging from 1.8V to 3.6V. The device supports digital I/O voltages in the range of 1.1V–3.6V. The required internal clock of the TLV320AIC3204 can be derived from multiple sources, including the MCLK pin, the BCLK pin, the GPIO pin or the output of the internal PLL, where the input to the PLL again can be derived from the MCLK pin, the BCLK or GPIO pins. Although using the PLL ensures the availability of a suitable clock signal, PLL use is not recommended for the lowest power settings. The PLL is highly programmable and can accept available input clocks in the range of 512 kHz to 50 MHz. 26 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 TLV320AIC3204 www.ti.com SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 9.2 Functional Block Diagram Figure 20 shows the basic functional blocks of the device. IN1_L IN2_L IN3_L 0…+47.5 dB + Left ADC tpl + DRC ADC Signal Proc. DAC Signal Proc. Vol. Ctrl -72...0dB HPL + Left DAC ´ -6...+29dB 1dB steps Gain Adj. 0.5 dB steps CM ´ AGC -6...+29dB -30...0 dB LOL + 1dB steps Data Interface -6...+29dB -30...0 dB LOR + CM 1dB steps 0… +47.5 dB + Gain Adj. Right ADC IN3_R + tpr ´ 0.5 dB steps IN2_R ADC Signal Proc. DAC Signal Proc. AGC DRC -6...+29dB Right DAC ´ Vol. Ctrl HPR + 1dB steps -72...0dB IN1_R SPI_Select SPI / I2C Control Block Reset Digital Interrupt Secondary Mic. Ctrl I2S IF PLL Primary I2S Interface HPVdd MicBias Mic Bias ALDO Ref Ref DLDO Supplies Pin Muxing / Clock Routing BCLK WCLK DIN DOUT GPIO MCLK SCLK MISO SDA/MOSI SCL/SSZ IOVss DVss AVss IOVdd DVdd AVdd LDO Select LDO in Figure 20. Block Diagram 9.3 Feature Description 9.3.1 Device Connections Digital Pins Only a small number of digital pins are dedicated to a single function; whenever possible, the digital pins have a default function, and also can be reprogrammed to cover alternative functions for various applications. The fixed-function pins are Reset, LDO_Select and the SPI_Select pin, which are HW control pins. Depending on the state of SPI_Select, the two control-bus pins SCL/SS and SDA/MOSI are configured for either I2C or SPI protocol. Other digital IO pins can be configured for various functions via register control. An overview of available functionality is given in Multifunction Pins. Multifunction Pins Table 1 shows the possible allocation of pins for specific functions. The PLL input, for example, can be programmed to be any of 4 pins (MCLK, BCLK, DIN, GPIO). Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 27 TLV320AIC3204 SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 www.ti.com Feature Description (continued) Table 1. Multifunction Pin Assignments Pin Function A B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MCLK BCLK WCLK DIN MFP1 DOUT MFP2 DMDIN/ MFP3/ SCLK DMCLK/ MFP4/ MISO GPIO MFP5 S (1) S (2) PLL Input Codec Clock Input 2 S (1) ,D (4) S C I S BCLK input S,D D I2S BCLK output E (5) E I2S WCLK input F I2S WCLK output G I2S ADC word clock input H I2S ADC WCLK out 2 S (3) E (2) S (3) E, D E E E E E I I S DIN J I2S DOUT E, D K General Purpose Output I K General Purpose Output II K General Purpose Output III L General Purpose Input I L General Purpose Input II L General Purpose Input III M INT1 output E E E N INT2 output E E E O Digital Microphone Data Input P Digital Microphone Clock Output Q Secondary I2S BCLK input E, D E E E E E E E E E E 2 E E E E R Secondary I S WCLK in E S Secondary I2S DIN E T Secondary I2S DOUT U Secondary I2S BCLK OUT E E E V Secondary I2S WCLK OUT E E E W Headphone Detect Input X Aux Clock Output E E (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) E E E E S(1): The MCLK pin can drive the PLL and Codec Clock inputs simultaneously. S(2): The BCLK pin can drive the PLL and Codec Clock and audio interface bit clock inputs simultaneously. S(3): The GPIO/MFP5 pin can drive the PLL and Codec Clock inputs simultaneously. D: Default Function E: The pin is exclusively used for this function, no other function can be implemented with the same pin. (If GPIO/MFP5 has been allocated for General Purpose Output, it cannot be used as the INT1 output at the same time.) Analog Pins Analog functions can also be configured to a large degree. For minimum power consumption, analog blocks are powered down by default. The blocks can be powered up with fine granularity according to the application needs. 28 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 TLV320AIC3204 www.ti.com SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 9.3.2 Analog Audio IO The analog IO path of the TLV320AIC3204 features a large set of options for signal conditioning as well as signal routing: • 6 analog inputs which can be mixed and-or multiplexed in single-ended and-or differential configuration • 2 programmable gain amplifiers (PGA) with a range of 0 to +47.5dB • 2 mixer amplifiers for analog bypass • 2 low power analog bypass channels • Mute function • Automatic gain control (AGC) • Built in microphone bias • Stereo digital microphone interface • Channel-to-channel phase adjustment • Fast charge of ac-coupling capacitors • Anti thump Analog Low Power Bypass The TLV320AIC3204 offers two analog-bypass modes. In either of the modes, an analog input signal can be routed from an analog input pin to an amplifier driving an analog output pin. Neither the ADC nor the DAC resources are required for such operation; this configuration supports low-power operation during analog-bypass mode. In analog low-power bypass mode, line-level signals can be routed directly from the analog inputs IN1_L to the left headphone amplifier (HPL) and IN1_R to HPR. ADC Bypass Using Mixer Amplifiers In addition to the analog low-power bypass mode, another bypass mode uses the programmable gain amplifiers of the input stage in conjunction with a mixer amplifier. With this mode, microphone-level signals can be amplified and routed to the line or headphone outputs, fully bypassing the ADC and DAC. To enable this mode, the mixer amplifiers are powered on via software command. Headphone Outputs The stereo headphone drivers on pins HPL and HPR can drive loads with impedances down to 16Ω in singleended AC-coupled headphone configurations, or loads down to 32Ω in differential mode, where a speaker is connected between HPL and HPR. In single-ended drive configuration these drivers can drive up to 15mW power into each headphone channel while operating from 1.8V analog supplies. While running from the AVDD supply, the output common-mode of the headphone driver is set by the common-mode setting of analog inputs in Page 1, Register 10, Bit D6, to allow maximum utilization of the analog supply range while simultaneously providing a higher output-voltage swing. In cases when higher output-voltage swing is required, the headphone amplifiers can run directly from the higher supply voltage on LDOIN input (up to 3.6V). To use the higher supply voltage for higher output signal swing, the output common-mode can be adjusted to either 1.25V, 1.5V or 1.65V by configuring Page 1, Register 10, Bits D5-D4. When the common-mode voltage is configured at 1.65V and LDOIN supply is 3.3V, the headphones can each deliver up to 40mW power into a 16Ω load. The headphone drivers are capable of driving a mixed combination of DAC signal, left and right ADC PGA signal and line-bypass from analog input IN1_L and IN1_R by configuring Page 1, Register 12 and Page 1, Register 13 respectively. The ADC PGA signals can be attenuated up to 30dB before routing to headphone drivers by configuring Page 1, Register 24 and Page 1, Register 25. The analog line-input signals can be attenuated up to 72dB before routing by configuring Page 1, Register 22 and 23. The level of the DAC signal can be controlled using the digital volume control of the DAC in Page 0, Reg 65 and 66. To control the output-voltage swing of headphone drivers, the digital volume control provides a range of –6.0dB to +29.0dB (1) in steps of 1dB. These can be configured by programming Page 1, Register 16 and 17. These level controls are not meant to be used as dynamic volume control, but to set output levels during initial device configuration. Refer to for recommendations for using headphone volume control for achieving 0dB gain through the DAC channel with various configurations. (1) If the device must be placed into 'mute' from the –6.0dB setting, set the device at a gain of –5.0dB first, then place the device into mute. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 29 TLV320AIC3204 SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 www.ti.com Line Outputs The stereo line level drivers on LOL and LOR pins can drive a wide range of line level resistive impedances in the range of 600Ω to 10kΩ. The output common modes of line level drivers can be configured to equal either the analog input common-mode setting or to 1.65V. With output common-mode setting of 1.65V and DRVdd_HP supply at 3.3V the line-level drivers can drive up to 1Vrms output signal. The line-level drivers can drive out a mixed combination of DAC signal and attenuated ADC PGA signal. Signal mixing is register-programmable. 9.3.3 ADC The TLV320AIC3204 includes a stereo audio ADC, which uses a delta-sigma modulator with a programmable oversampling ratio, followed by a digital decimation filter. The ADC supports sampling rates from 8kHz to 192kHz. In order to provide optimal system power management, the stereo recording path can be powered up one channel at a time, to support the case where only mono record capability is required. The ADC path of the TLV320AIC3204 features a large set of options for signal conditioning as well as signal routing: • Two ADCs • Six analog inputs which can be mixed and-or multiplexed in single-ended and-or differential configuration • Two programmable gain amplifiers (PGA) with a range of 0 to +47.5dB • Two mixer amplifiers for analog bypass • Two low power analog bypass channels • Fine gain adjustment of digital channels with 0.1dB step size • Digital volume control with a range of -12 to +20dB • Mute function • Automatic gain control (AGC) In addition to the standard set of ADC features the TLV320AIC3204 also offers the following special functions: • Built in microphone bias • Stereo digital microphone interface • Channel-to-channel phase adjustment • Fast charge of ac-coupling capacitors • Anti thump • Adaptive filter mode ADC Processing The TLV320AIC3204 ADC channel includes a built-in digital decimation filter to process the oversampled data from the sigma-delta modulator to generate digital data at Nyquist sampling rate with high dynamic range. The decimation filter can be chosen from three different types, depending on the required frequency response, group delay and sampling rate. ADC Processing Blocks The TLV320AIC3204 offers a range of processing blocks which implement various signal processing capabilities along with decimation filtering. These processing blocks give users the choice of how much and what type of signal processing they may use and which decimation filter is applied. The choice between these processing blocks is part of the PowerTune strategy to balance power conservation and signal-processing flexibility. Less signal-processing capability reduces the power consumed by the device. Table 2 gives an overview of the available processing blocks and their properties. The Resource Class Column (RC) gives an approximate indication of power consumption. The signal processing blocks available are: • First-order IIR • Scalable number of biquad filters • Variable-tap FIR filter • AGC 30 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 TLV320AIC3204 www.ti.com SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 The processing blocks are tuned for common cases and can achieve high anti-alias filtering or low group delay in combination with various signal processing effects such as audio effects and frequency shaping. The available first order IIR, BiQuad and FIR filters have fully user-programmable coefficients. The Resource Class Column (RC) gives an approximate indication of power consumption. Table 2. ADC Processing Blocks Processing Blocks Channel Decimation Filter 1st Order IIR Available Number BiQuads FIR Required AOSR Value Resource Class PRB_R1 (1) Stereo A Yes 0 No 128,64 6 PRB_R2 Stereo A Yes 5 No 128,64 8 PRB_R3 Stereo A Yes 0 25-Tap 128,64 8 PRB_R4 Right A Yes 0 No 128,64 3 PRB_R5 Right A Yes 5 No 128,64 4 PRB_R6 Right A Yes 0 25-Tap 128,64 4 PRB_R7 Stereo B Yes 0 No 64 3 PRB_R8 Stereo B Yes 3 No 64 4 (1) PRB_R9 Stereo B Yes 0 20-Tap 64 4 PRB_R10 Right B Yes 0 No 64 2 PRB_R11 Right B Yes 3 No 64 2 PRB_R12 Right B Yes 0 20-Tap 64 2 PRB_R13 Stereo C Yes 0 No 32 3 PRB_R14 Stereo C Yes 5 No 32 4 PRB_R15 Stereo C Yes 0 25-Tap 32 4 PRB_R16 Right C Yes 0 No 32 2 PRB_R17 Right C Yes 5 No 32 2 PRB_R18 Right C Yes 0 25-Tap 32 2 Default For more detailed information see the TLV320AIC3204 Application Reference Guide, SLAA557. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 31 TLV320AIC3204 SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 www.ti.com 9.3.4 DAC The TLV320AIC3204 includes a stereo audio DAC supporting data rates from 8kHz to 192kHz. Each channel of the stereo audio DAC consists of a signal-processing engine with fixed processing blocks, a digital interpolation filter, multi-bit digital delta-sigma modulator, and an analog reconstruction filter. The DAC is designed to provide enhanced performance at low sampling rates through increased oversampling and image filtering, thereby keeping quantization noise generated within the delta-sigma modulator and signal images strongly suppressed within the audio band to beyond 20kHz. To handle multiple input rates and optimize power dissipation and performance, the TLV320AIC3204 allows the system designer to program the oversampling rates over a wide range from 1 to 1024. The system designer can choose higher oversampling ratios for lower input data rates and lower oversampling ratios for higher input data rates. The TLV320AIC3204 DAC channel includes a built-in digital interpolation filter to generate oversampled data for the sigma-delta modulator. The interpolation filter can be chosen from three different types depending on required frequency response, group delay and sampling rate. The DAC path of the TLV320AIC3204 features many options for signal conditioning and signal routing: • 2 headphone amplifiers – Usable in single-ended or differential mode – Analog volume setting with a range of -6 to +29dB – Class-D mode • 2 line-out amplifiers – Usable in single-ended or differential mode – Analog volume setting with a range of -6 to +29dB • Digital volume control with a range of -63.5 to +24dB • Mute function • Dynamic range compression (DRC) In addition to the standard set of DAC features the TLV320AIC3204 also offers the following special features: • Built in sine wave generation (beep generator) • Digital auto mute • Adaptive filter mode DAC Processing Blocks The TLV320AIC3204 implements signal processing capabilities and interpolation filtering via processing blocks. These fixed processing blocks give users the choice of how much and what type of signal processing they may use and which interpolation filter is applied. The choice between these processing blocks is part of the PowerTune strategy balancing power conservation and signal processing flexibility. Less signal processing capability will result in less power consumed by the device. Table 3 gives an overview over all available processing blocks of the DAC channel and their properties. The Resource Class Column (RC) gives an approximate indication of power consumption. The signal processing blocks available are: • First-order IIR • Scalable number of biquad filters • 3D – Effect • Beep Generator The processing blocks are tuned for typical cases and can achieve high image rejection or low group delay in combination with various signal processing effects such as audio effects and frequency shaping. The available first-order IIR and biquad filters have fully user-programmable coefficients. The Resource Class Column (RC) gives an approximate indication of power consumption. 32 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 TLV320AIC3204 www.ti.com SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 Table 3. Overview – DAC Predefined Processing Blocks (1) Processing Block No. Interpolation Filter Channel 1st Order IIR Available Num. of Biquads DRC 3D Beep Generator Resource Class PRB_P1 (1) A Stereo No 3 No No No 8 PRB_P2 A Stereo Yes 6 Yes No No 12 PRB_P3 A Stereo Yes 6 No No No 10 PRB_P4 A Left No 3 No No No 4 PRB_P5 A Left Yes 6 Yes No No 6 PRB_P6 A Left Yes 6 No No No 6 PRB_P7 B Stereo Yes 0 No No No 6 PRB_P8 B Stereo No 4 Yes No No 8 PRB_P9 B Stereo No 4 No No No 8 PRB_P10 B Stereo Yes 6 Yes No No 10 PRB_P11 B Stereo Yes 6 No No No 8 PRB_P12 B Left Yes 0 No No No 3 PRB_P13 B Left No 4 Yes No No 4 PRB_P14 B Left No 4 No No No 4 PRB_P15 B Left Yes 6 Yes No No 6 PRB_P16 B Left Yes 6 No No No 4 PRB_P17 C Stereo Yes 0 No No No 3 PRB_P18 C Stereo Yes 4 Yes No No 6 PRB_P19 C Stereo Yes 4 No No No 4 PRB_P20 C Left Yes 0 No No No 2 PRB_P21 C Left Yes 4 Yes No No 3 PRB_P22 C Left Yes 4 No No No 2 PRB_P23 A Stereo No 2 No Yes No 8 PRB_P24 A Stereo Yes 5 Yes Yes No 12 PRB_P25 A Stereo Yes 5 Yes Yes Yes 12 Default For more detailed information see the TLV320AIC3204 Application Reference Guide, SLAA557. 9.3.5 PowerTune The TLV320AIC3204 features PowerTune, a mechanism to balance power-versus-performance trade-offs at the time of device configuration. The device can be tuned to minimize power dissipation, to maximize performance, or to an operating point between the two extremes to best fit the application. The TLV320AIC3204 PowerTune modes are called PTM_R1 to PTM_R4 for the recording (ADC) path and PTM_P1 to PTM_P4 for the playback (DAC) path. For more detailed information see the TLV320AIC3204 Application Reference Guide, SLAA557. 9.3.6 Digital Audio IO Interface Audio data flows between the host processor and the TLV320AIC3204 on the digital audio data serial interface, or audio bus. This very flexible bus includes left or right-justified data options, support for I2S or PCM protocols, programmable data length options, a TDM mode for multichannel operation, very flexible master-slave configurability for each bus clock line, and the ability to communicate with multiple devices within a system directly. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 33 TLV320AIC3204 SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 www.ti.com The audio bus of the TLV320AIC3204 can be configured for left or right-justified, I2S, DSP, or TDM modes of operation, where communication with standard telephony PCM interfaces is supported within the TDM mode. These modes are all MSB-first, with data width programmable as 16, 20, 24, or 32 bits by configuring Page 0, Register 27, D(5:4). In addition, the word clock and bit clock can be independently configured in either Master or Slave mode, for flexible connectivity to a wide variety of processors. The word clock is used to define the beginning of a frame, and may be programmed as either a pulse or a square-wave signal. The frequency of this clock corresponds to the maximum of the selected ADC and DAC sampling frequencies. The bit clock is used to clock in and clock out the digital audio data across the serial bus. When in Master mode, this signal can be programmed to generate variable clock pulses by controlling the bit-clock divider in Page 0, Register 30. The number of bit-clock pulses in a frame may need adjustment to accommodate various word lengths, and to support the case when multiple TLV320AIC3204s may share the same audio bus. The TLV320AIC3204 also includes a feature to offset the position of start of data transfer with respect to the word-clock. Control the offset in terms of number of bit-clocks by programming Page 0, Register 28. The TLV320AIC3204 also has the feature to invert the polarity of the bit-clock used to transfer the audio data as compared to the default clock polarity used. This feature can be used independently of the mode of audio interface chosen. Page 0, Register 29, D(3) configures bit clock polarity. The TLV320AIC3204 further includes programmability (Page 0, Register 27, D(0)) to place the DOUT line into a hi-Z (3-state) condition during all bit clocks when valid data is not being sent. By combining this capability with the ability to program at what bit clock in a frame the audio data begins, time-division multiplexing (TDM) can be accomplished, enabling the use of multiple codecs on a single audio serial data bus. When the audio serial data bus is powered down while configured in master mode, the pins associated with the interface are put into a hi-Z output condition. By default when the word-clocks and bit-clocks are generated by the TLV320AIC3204, these clocks are active only when the codec (ADC, DAC or both) are powered up within the device. This intermittent clock operation reduces power consumption. However, it also supports a feature when both the word clocks and bit-clocks can be active even when the codec in the device is powered down. This continuous clock feature is useful when using the TDM mode with multiple codecs on the same bus, or when word-clock or bit-clocks are used in the system as general-purpose clocks. 9.3.7 Clock Generation and PLL The TLV320AIC3204 supports a wide range of options for generating clocks for the ADC and DAC sections as well as interface and other control blocks. The clocks for ADC and DAC require a source reference clock. This clock can be provided on variety of device pins such as MCLK, BCLK or GPI pins. The CODEC_CLKIN can then be routed through highly-flexible clock dividers to generate the various clocks required for the ADC and DAC sections. In the event that the desired audio clocks cannot be generated from the reference clocks on MCLK, BCLK or GPIO, the TLV320AIC3204 also provides the option of using the on-chip PLL which supports a wide range of fractional multiplication values to generate the required clocks. Starting from CODEC_CLKIN the TLV320AIC3204 provides several programmable clock dividers to help achieve a variety of sampling rates for ADC, DAC and clocks for the processing block. To minimize power consumption, the system ideally provides a master clock that is a suitable integer multiple of the desired sampling frequencies. In such cases, internal dividers can be programmed to set up the required internal clock signals at very low power consumption. For cases where such master clocks are not available, the built-in PLL can be used to generate a clock signal that serves as an internal master clock. In fact, this master clock can also be routed to an output pin and may be used elsewhere in the system. The clock system is flexible enough that it even allows the internal clocks to be derived directly from an external clock source, while the PLL is used to generate some other clock that is only used outside the TLV320AIC3204. For more detailed information see the TLV320AIC3204 Application Reference Guide, SLAA557. 9.3.8 Control Interfaces The TLV320AIC3204 control interface supports SPI or I2C communication protocols, with the protocol selectable using the SPI_SELECT pin. For SPI, SPI_SELECT should be tied high; for I2C, SPI_SELECT should be tied low. Changing the state of SPI_SELECT during device operation is not recommended. 34 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 TLV320AIC3204 www.ti.com SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 I2C Control The TLV320AIC3204 supports the I2C control protocol, and will respond to the I2C address of 0011000. I2C is a two-wire, open-drain interface supporting multiple devices and masters on a single bus. Devices on the I2C bus only drive the bus lines LOW by connecting them to ground; they never drive the bus lines HIGH. Instead, the bus wires are pulled HIGH by pullup resistors, so the bus wires are HIGH when no device is driving them LOW. This circuit prevents two devices from conflicting; if two devices drive the bus simultaneously, there is no driver contention. SPI Control In the SPI control mode, the TLV320AIC3204 uses the pins SCL/SS as SS, SCLK as SCLK, MISO as MISO, SDA/MOSI as MOSI; a standard SPI port with clock polarity setting of 0 (typical microprocessor SPI control bit CPOL = 0). The SPI port allows full-duplex, synchronous, serial communication between a host processor (the master) and peripheral devices (slaves). The SPI master (in this case, the host processor) generates the synchronizing clock (driven onto SCLK) and initiates transmissions. The SPI slave devices (such as the TLV320AIC3204) depend on a master to start and synchronize transmissions. A transmission begins when initiated by an SPI master. The byte from the SPI master begins shifting in on the slave MOSI pin under the control of the master serial clock (driven onto SCLK). As the byte shifts in on the MOSI pin, a byte shifts out on the MISO pin to the master shift register. For more detailed information see the TLV320AIC3204 Application Reference Guide, SLAA557. 9.4 Device Functional Modes The following special functions are available to support advanced system requirements: • Headset detection • Interrupt generation • Flexible pin multiplexing For more detailed information see the TLV320AIC3204 Application Reference Guide, SLAA557. 9.5 Register Map Table 4. Summary of Register Map Decimal Hex DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. REG. NO. PAGE NO. REG. NO. 0 0 0x00 0x00 Page Select Register 0 1 0x00 0x01 Software Reset Register 0 2 0x00 0x02 Reserved Register 0 3 0x00 0x03 Reserved Register 0 4 0x00 0x04 Clock Setting Register 1, Multiplexers 0 5 0x00 0x05 Clock Setting Register 2, PLL P&R Values 0 6 0x00 0x06 Clock Setting Register 3, PLL J Values 0 7 0x00 0x07 Clock Setting Register 4, PLL D Values (MSB) 0 8 0x00 0x08 Clock Setting Register 5, PLL D Values (LSB) 0 9-10 0x00 0x09-0x0A Reserved Register 0 11 0x00 0x0B Clock Setting Register 6, NDAC Values 0 12 0x00 0x0C Clock Setting Register 7, MDAC Values 0 13 0x00 0x0D DAC OSR Setting Register 1, MSB Value 0 14 0x00 0x0E DAC OSR Setting Register 2, LSB Value 0 15 0x00 0x0F Reserved Register 0 16 0x00 0x10 Reserved Register 0 17 0x00 0x11 Reserved Register 0 18 0x00 0x12 Clock Setting Register 8, NADC Values 0 19 0x00 0x13 Clock Setting Register 9, MADC Values Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 35 TLV320AIC3204 SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 www.ti.com Register Map (continued) Table 4. Summary of Register Map (continued) Decimal Hex DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. REG. NO. PAGE NO. REG. NO. 0 20 0x00 0x14 ADC Oversampling (AOSR) Register 0 21 0x00 0x15 Reserved Register 0 22 0x00 0x16 Reserved Register 0 23 0x00 0x17 Reserved Register 0 24 0x00 0x18 Reserved Register 0 25 0x00 0x19 Clock Setting Register 10, Multiplexers 0 26 0x00 0x1A Clock Setting Register 11, CLKOUT M divider value 0 27 0x00 0x1B Audio Interface Setting Register 1 0 28 0x00 0x1C Audio Interface Setting Register 2, Data offset setting 0 29 0x00 0x1D Audio Interface Setting Register 3 0 30 0x00 0x1E Clock Setting Register 12, BCLK N Divider 0 31 0x00 0x1F Audio Interface Setting Register 4, Secondary Audio Interface 0 32 0x00 0x20 Audio Interface Setting Register 5 0 33 0x00 0x21 Audio Interface Setting Register 6 0 34 0x00 0x22 Digital Interface Misc. Setting Register 0 35 0x00 0x23 Reserved Register 0 36 0x00 0x24 ADC Flag Register 0 37 0x00 0x25 DAC Flag Register 1 0 38 0x00 0x26 DAC Flag Register 2 0 39-41 0x00 0x27-0x29 Reserved Register 0 42 0x00 0x2A Sticky Flag Register 1 0 43 0x00 0x2B Interrupt Flag Register 1 0 44 0x00 0x2C Sticky Flag Register 2 0 45 0x00 0x2D Sticky Flag Register 3 0 46 0x00 0x2E Interrupt Flag Register 2 0 47 0x00 0x2F Interrupt Flag Register 3 0 48 0x00 0x30 INT1 Interrupt Control Register 0 49 0x00 0x31 INT2 Interrupt Control Register 0 50-51 0x00 0x32-0x33 Reserved Register 0 52 0x00 0x34 GPIO/MFP5 Control Register 0 53 0x00 0x35 DOUT/MFP2 Function Control Register 0 54 0x00 0x36 DIN/MFP1 Function Control Register 0 55 0x00 0x37 MISO/MFP4 Function Control Register 0 56 0x00 0x38 SCLK/MFP3 Function Control Register 0 57-59 0x00 0x39-0x3B Reserved Registers 0 60 0x00 0x3C DAC Signal Processing Block Control Register 0 61 0x00 0x3D ADC Signal Processing Block Control Register 0 62 0x00 0x3E Reserved Register 0 63 0x00 0x3F DAC Channel Setup Register 1 0 64 0x00 0x40 DAC Channel Setup Register 2 0 65 0x00 0x41 Left DAC Channel Digital Volume Control Register 0 66 0x00 0x42 Right DAC Channel Digital Volume Control Register 0 67 0x00 0x43 Headset Detection Configuration Register 0 68 0x00 0x44 DRC Control Register 1 0 69 0x00 0x45 DRC Control Register 2 36 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 TLV320AIC3204 www.ti.com SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 Register Map (continued) Table 4. Summary of Register Map (continued) Decimal Hex DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. REG. NO. PAGE NO. REG. NO. 0 70 0x00 0x46 DRC Control Register 3 0 71 0x00 0x47 Beep Generator Register 1 0 72 0x00 0x48 Beep Generator Register 2 0 73 0x00 0x49 Beep Generator Register 3 0 74 0x00 0x4A Beep Generator Register 4 0 75 0x00 0x4B Beep Generator Register 5 0 76 0x00 0x4C Beep Generator Register 6 0 77 0x00 0x4D Beep Generator Register 7 0 78 0x00 0x4E Beep Generator Register 8 0 79 0x00 0x4F Beep Generator Register 9 0 80 0x00 0x50 Reserved Register 0 81 0x00 0x51 ADC Channel Setup Register 0 82 0x00 0x52 ADC Fine Gain Adjust Register 0 83 0x00 0x53 Left ADC Channel Volume Control Register 0 84 0x00 0x54 Right ADC Channel Volume Control Register 0 85 0x00 0x55 ADC Phase Adjust Register 0 86 0x00 0x56 Left Channel AGC Control Register 1 0 87 0x00 0x57 Left Channel AGC Control Register 2 0 88 0x00 0x58 Left Channel AGC Control Register 3 0 89 0x00 0x59 Left Channel AGC Control Register 4 0 90 0x00 0x5A Left Channel AGC Control Register 5 0 91 0x00 0x5B Left Channel AGC Control Register 6 0 92 0x00 0x5C Left Channel AGC Control Register 7 0 93 0x00 0x5D Left Channel AGC Control Register 8 0 94 0x00 0x5E Right Channel AGC Control Register 1 0 95 0x00 0x5F Right Channel AGC Control Register 2 0 96 0x00 0x60 Right Channel AGC Control Register 3 0 97 0x00 0x61 Right Channel AGC Control Register 4 0 98 0x00 0x62 Right Channel AGC Control Register 5 0 99 0x00 0x63 Right Channel AGC Control Register 6 0 100 0x00 0x64 Right Channel AGC Control Register 7 0 101 0x00 0x65 Right Channel AGC Control Register 8 0 102 0x00 0x66 DC Measurement Register 1 0 103 0x00 0x67 DC Measurement Register 2 0 104 0x00 0x68 Left Channel DC Measurement Output Register 1 0 105 0x00 0x69 Left Channel DC Measurement Output Register 2 0 106 0x00 0x6A Left Channel DC Measurement Output Register 3 0 107 0x00 0x6B Right Channel DC Measurement Output Register 1 0 108 0x00 0x6C Right Channel DC Measurement Output Register 2 0 109 0x00 0x6D Right Channel DC Measurement Output Register 3 0 110-127 0x00 0x6E-0x7F Reserved Register 1 0 0x01 0x00 Page Select Register 1 1 0x01 0x01 Power Configuration Register 1 2 0x01 0x02 LDO Control Register 1 3 0x01 0x03 Playback Configuration Register 1 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 37 TLV320AIC3204 SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 www.ti.com Register Map (continued) Table 4. Summary of Register Map (continued) Decimal Hex DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. REG. NO. PAGE NO. REG. NO. 1 4 0x01 0x04 Playback Configuration Register 2 1 5-8 0x01 0x05-0x08 Reserved Register 1 9 0x01 0x09 Output Driver Power Control Register 1 10 0x01 0x0A Common Mode Control Register 1 11 0x01 0x0B Over Current Protection Configuration Register 1 12 0x01 0x0C HPL Routing Selection Register 1 13 0x01 0x0D HPR Routing Selection Register 1 14 0x01 0x0E LOL Routing Selection Register 1 15 0x01 0x0F LOR Routing Selection Register 1 16 0x01 0x10 HPL Driver Gain Setting Register 1 17 0x01 0x11 HPR Driver Gain Setting Register 1 18 0x01 0x12 LOL Driver Gain Setting Register 1 19 0x01 0x13 LOR Driver Gain Setting Register 1 20 0x01 0x14 Headphone Driver Startup Control Register 1 21 0x01 0x15 Reserved Register 1 22 0x01 0x16 IN1_L to HPL Volume Control Register 1 23 0x01 0x17 IN1_R to HPR Volume Control Register 1 24 0x01 0x18 Mixer Amplifier Left Volume Control Register 1 25 0x01 0x19 Mixer Amplifier Right Volume Control Register 1 26-50 0x01 0x1A-0x32 Reserved Register 1 51 0x01 0x33 MICBIAS Configuration Register 1 52 0x01 0x34 Left MICPGA Positive Terminal Input Routing Configuration Register 1 53 0x01 0x35 Reserved Register 1 54 0x01 0x36 Left MICPGA Negative Terminal Input Routing Configuration Register 1 55 0x01 0x37 Right MICPGA Positive Terminal Input Routing Configuration Register 1 56 0x01 0x38 Reserved Register 1 57 0x01 0x39 Right MICPGA Negative Terminal Input Routing Configuration Register 1 58 0x01 0x3A Floating Input Configuration Register 1 59 0x01 0x3B Left MICPGA Volume Control Register 1 60 0x01 0x3C Right MICPGA Volume Control Register 1 61 0x01 0x3D ADC Power Tune Configuration Register 1 62 0x01 0x3E ADC Analog Volume Control Flag Register 1 63 0x01 0x3F DAC Analog Gain Control Flag Register 1 64-70 0x01 0x40-0x46 Reserved Register 1 71 0x01 0x47 Analog Input Quick Charging Configuration Register 1 72-122 0x01 0x48-0x7A Reserved Register 1 123 0x01 0x7B Reference Power-up Configuration Register 1 124-127 0x01 0x7C-0x7F Reserved Register 8 0 0x08 0x00 Page Select Register 8 1 0x08 0x01 ADC Adaptive Filter Configuration Register 8 2-7 0x08 0x02-0x07 Reserved 8 8-127 0x08 0x08-0x7F ADC Coefficients Buffer-A C(0:29) 9-16 0 0x09-0x10 0x00 Page Select Register 9-16 1-7 0x09-0x10 0x01-0x07 Reserved 9-16 8-127 0x09-0x10 0x08-0x7F ADC Coefficients Buffer-A C(30:255) 38 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 TLV320AIC3204 www.ti.com SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 Register Map (continued) Table 4. Summary of Register Map (continued) Decimal Hex DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. REG. NO. PAGE NO. REG. NO. 26-34 0 0x1A-0x22 0x00 Page Select Register 26-34 1-7 0x1A-0x22 0x01-0x07 Reserved. 26-34 8-127 0x1A-0x22 0x08-0x7F ADC Coefficients Buffer-B C(0:255) 44 0 0x2C 0x00 Page Select Register 44 1 0x2C 0x01 DAC Adaptive Filter Configuration Register 44 2-7 0x2C 0x02-0x07 Reserved 44 8-127 0x2C 0x08-0x7F DAC Coefficients Buffer-A C(0:29) 45-52 0 0x2D-0x34 0x00 Page Select Register 45-52 1-7 0x2D-0x34 0x01-0x07 Reserved. 45-52 8-127 0x2D-0x34 0x08-0x7F DAC Coefficients Buffer-A C(30:255) 62-70 0 0x3E-0x46 0x00 Page Select Register 62-70 1-7 0x3E-0x46 0x01-0x07 Reserved. 62-70 8-127 0x3E-0x46 0x08-0x7F DAC Coefficients Buffer-B C(0:255) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 39 TLV320AIC3204 SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 www.ti.com 10 Application and Implementation NOTE Information in the following applications sections is not part of the TI component specification, and TI does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. TI’s customers are responsible for determining suitability of components for their purposes. Customers should validate and test their design implementation to confirm system functionality. 10.1 Application Information The TLV320AIC3204 is a highly integrated stereo audio codec with integrated processing blocks and flexible digital audio interface options. It enables many different types of audio platforms having a need for stereo audio record and playback and needing to interface with other devices in the system over a digital audio interface. 10.2 Typical Application Figure 21 shows a typical circuit configuration for a system using theTLV320AIC3204. Host Processor Reset MCLK SCL SDA BCLK WCLK DIN DOUT SPI_Select 1k 1k 2.7k MICBIAS 1k 0.1uF 4700pF 0.1uF LOL 0.1uF 1k IN1_R TPA2012 0.1uF Class D Amp LOR 4700pF 0.1uF 0.1uF IN1_L 0.1uF 1.9...3.6V IN2_L LDOIN 0.1uF 1.0uF 10uF 0.1uF IN2_R 1.1...3.6V 1k 1k IOVDD MFP3/SCLK 0.1uF IN3_R HPR Headset_Mic Earjack microphone and headset speakers LDO_SELECT HPL AVSS DVSS IOVSS AVDD DVDD REF Headset_Spkr_R 47uF 10 uF Headset_Spkr_L Headset_Gnd 10 uF 10 uF 47uF Figure 21. Typical Circuit Configuration 40 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV320AIC3204 TLV320AIC3204 www.ti.com SLOS602E – SEPTEMBER 2008 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2019 Typical Application (continued) 10.2.1 Design Requirements Reference Filtering Capacitor The TLV320AIC3204 has a built-in bandgap used to generate reference voltages and currents for the device. To achieve high SNR, the reference voltage on REF should be filtered using a 10-μF capacitor from REF terminal to ground. MICBIAS The TLV320AIC3204 has a built-in bias voltage output for biasing of microphones. No intentional capacitors should be connected directly to the MICBIAS output for filtering. 10.2.2 Detailed Design Procedures Analog Input Connection The analog inputs to TLV320AIC3204 should be ac-coupled to the device terminals to allow decoupling of signal source's common mode voltage with that of TLV320AIC3204's common mode voltage. The input coupling capacitor in combination with the selected input impedance of TLV320AIC3204 forms a high-pass filter. Fc = 1/(2 x π x ReqCc) Cc = 1/(2 x π x ReqFc) (1) (2) For high fidelity audio recording application it is desirable to keep the cutoff frequency of the high pass filter as low as possible. For single-ended input mode, the equivalent input resistance Req can be calculated as Req = Rin x (1 + 2g)/(1+g) (3) where g is the analog PGA gain calculated in linear terms. g = 10000 x 2floor(G/6)/Rin (4) where G is the analog PGA gain programmed in P1_R59-R60 (in dB) and Rin is the value of the resistor programmed in P1_R52-R57 and assumes Rin = Rcm (as defined in P1_R52-R57). For differential input mode, Req of the half circuit can be calculated as: Req = Rin (5) where Rin is the value of the resistor programmed in P1_R52-R57, assuming symmetrical inputs. Signal Connector Device Analog Input Cc Req Rpd Figure 22. Analog Input Connection With Pull-down Resistor When the analog signal is connected to the system through a connector such as audio jack, it is recommended to put a pull-down resistor on the signal as shown in Figure 22. The pulldown resistor helps keep the signal grounded and helps improve noise immunity when no source is connected to the connector. The pulldown resistor value should be chosen large enough to avoid loading of signal source. Each analog input of the TLV320AIC3204 is capable of handling signal amplitude of 0.5 Vrms. If the input signal source can drive signals higher than the maximum value, an external resistor divider network as shown in Figure 23 should be used to attenuate the signal to less than 0.5Vrms before connecting the signal to the device. The resistor values of the network should be chosen to provide desired attenuation as well as Equation 6. R1|| R2
TLV320AIC3204IRHBR 价格&库存


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 3000+24.324033000+2.93720


  •  国内价格
  • 1+5.96200
  • 100+4.97200
  • 750+4.60900
  • 1500+4.38900
  • 3000+4.18000


    •  国内价格 香港价格
    • 1+25.639121+3.09600
    • 10+12.8195610+1.54800
    • 50+10.2523450+1.23800
    • 100+9.22545100+1.11400
    • 500+8.35590500+1.00900
    • 1000+7.892151000+0.95300
    • 2000+7.792772000+0.94100
    • 4000+7.693394000+0.92900


    •  国内价格
    • 1+8.85800
