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    TLV841 电源监控器/跟踪器/定序器 电源管理 评估板

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TLV841EVM 数据手册
www.ti.com Table of Contents User’s Guide TLV841EVM Voltage Supervisor User Guide Ben Chan ABSTRACT This user guide describes the TLV841EVM evaluation module (EVM). This guide contains the EVM schematic, bill of materials (BOM), assembly drawing, and top and bottom board layouts. Table of Contents 1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................................................................2 1.1 Related Documentation......................................................................................................................................................3 1.2 TLV841 Applications...........................................................................................................................................................3 2 Schematic, Bill of Materials, and Layout.............................................................................................................................. 4 2.1 TLV841EVM Schematic..................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.2 TLV841EVM Bill of Materials..............................................................................................................................................6 2.3 Layout and Component Placement....................................................................................................................................7 2.4 Layout................................................................................................................................................................................ 7 3 EVM Connectors..................................................................................................................................................................... 9 3.1 EVM Test Points.................................................................................................................................................................9 3.2 EVM Jumpers...................................................................................................................................................................10 4 EVM Setup and Operation.................................................................................................................................................... 11 4.1 Input Power (VDD).............................................................................................................................................................11 4.2 Monitoring Voltage on SENSE Pin (TLV841S)................................................................................................................. 11 4.3 Monitoring Voltage on VDD (TLV841M and TLV841C).................................................................................................... 12 4.4 Manual Reset (MR) (TLV841M)....................................................................................................................................... 12 4.5 Reset Output (RESET).....................................................................................................................................................12 4.6 Reset Time Delay Programming (Program tD via CT) (TLV841C)....................................................................................13 5 Revision History................................................................................................................................................................... 14 List of Figures Figure 1-1. TLV841EVM Board Top............................................................................................................................................. 2 Figure 1-2. TLV841EVM Board Bottom....................................................................................................................................... 3 Figure 2-1. TLV841EVM Schematic with TLV841S..................................................................................................................... 5 Figure 2-2. Component Placement—Top Assembly....................................................................................................................7 Figure 2-3. Component Placement—Bottom Assembly.............................................................................................................. 7 Figure 2-4. Layout—Top.............................................................................................................................................................. 7 Figure 2-5. Layout—Bottom.........................................................................................................................................................7 Figure 2-6. Top Layer...................................................................................................................................................................8 Figure 2-7. Bottom Layer............................................................................................................................................................. 8 Figure 2-8. Top Solder Mask........................................................................................................................................................8 Figure 4-1. TLV841EVM Glitch Immunity...................................................................................................................................12 Figure 4-2. TLV841EVM RESET Propagation Detect Delay..................................................................................................... 13 Figure 4-3. TLV841EVM RESET Delay Time (tD) for TLV841S/M or for TLV841C where CT Pin Is Floating ...........................14 List of Tables Table 2-1. BOM............................................................................................................................................................................6 Table 3-1. Test Points.................................................................................................................................................................. 9 Table 3-2. List of Onboard Jumpers...........................................................................................................................................10 Table 4-1. Nominal Input Threshold Voltage.............................................................................................................................. 11 Trademarks All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. SNVU755A – JANUARY 2021 – REVISED JUNE 2021 Submit Document Feedback TLV841EVM Voltage Supervisor User Guide Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated 1 Introduction www.ti.com 1 Introduction The TLV841EVM is an evaluation module (EVM) for the TLV841 voltage supervisor. Refer to TLV841 datasheet to understand the device features supported by different variants. The TLV841EVM can be used with any TLV841 device variant, TLV841M, TLV841C, and TLV841S. The TLV841EVM comes pre-populated with TLV841SADL01YBHR. If users need a different option, the existing device must be removed from the board and replaced. The EVM board is designed to support all possible options by changing jumper configuration. The TLV841EVM also can accommodate push-pull variants (TLV841xxPLxx or TLV841xxPHxx). If a push-pull variant is placed onto the TLV841EVM, the shunt on J1 must be removed as push-pull devices do not use a pull-up resistor. Therefore, R1 on the TLV841EVM must be disconnected. Please also note if using TLV841EVM with the active-high variant (TLV841xxPHxx), the active-low RESET label on the EVM board and throughout this User Guide becomes active-high RESET. Active low RESET output with open-drain and push-pull topologies have a supply voltage range of 0.7 V to 5.5 V. For active high push-pull outputs (PH output topology), the supply voltage range is 1 V to 5.5 V. The TLV841EVM includes the TLV841S device (TLV841xxDLxx) and the EVM offers connections for all device input and output pins. Test points are provided to give the user additional access, if needed, for oscilloscope or multi-meter measurements. Figure 1-1. TLV841EVM Board Top 2 TLV841EVM Voltage Supervisor User Guide SNVU755A – JANUARY 2021 – REVISED JUNE 2021 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated www.ti.com Introduction Figure 1-2. TLV841EVM Board Bottom 1.1 Related Documentation TLV841 Tiny Nano-Power, Ultra-Low Voltage Supervisor in WCSP Package data sheet, TLV841. 1.2 TLV841 Applications • • • • • Personal electronics Home theater and entertainment Electronic point of sale Grid infrastructure Data center and enterprise computing SNVU755A – JANUARY 2021 – REVISED JUNE 2021 Submit Document Feedback TLV841EVM Voltage Supervisor User Guide Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated 3 Schematic, Bill of Materials, and Layout www.ti.com 2 Schematic, Bill of Materials, and Layout This section provides a detailed description of the TLV841EVM schematic, bill of materials (BOM), and layout. 4 TLV841EVM Voltage Supervisor User Guide SNVU755A – JANUARY 2021 – REVISED JUNE 2021 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated www.ti.com Schematic, Bill of Materials, and Layout 2.1 TLV841EVM Schematic Figure 2-1. TLV841EVM Schematic with TLV841S SNVU755A – JANUARY 2021 – REVISED JUNE 2021 Submit Document Feedback TLV841EVM Voltage Supervisor User Guide Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated 5 Schematic, Bill of Materials, and Layout www.ti.com 2.2 TLV841EVM Bill of Materials Table 2-1. BOM DESIGNATOR 6 QTY VALUE DESCRIPTION PACKAGE REFERENCE Printed Circuit Board PART NUMBER MANUFACTURER PCB 1 TLV841EVM Any C1, C3 2 0.1 µF CAP, CERM, 0.1 µF, 16 V, ± 10%, X7R, 0603 0603 C0603C104K4RACTU Kemet C2 1 0.01 µF CAP, CERM, 0.01 µF, 0603 16 V, +/- 10%, X7R, 0603 C0603C103K4RACTU Kemet H1, H2, H3, H4 4 Bumpon, Hemisphere, 0.44 X 0.20, Clear SJ-5303 (CLEAR) 3M J1, J2, J3, J4, J5, J7 6 Header, 100mil, 2x1, Header, 2x1, TH 100mil, TH 800-10-002-10-001000 Mill-Max J6, J8 2 Header, 100mil, 3x1, Header, 3x1, TH 100mil, TH 800-10-003-10-001000 Mill-Max R1 1 30.1kΩ RES, 30.1 kΩ, 1%, 0.1 W, 0603 0603 RC0603FR-0730K1L Yageo America R2 1 47.5kΩ RES, 47.5 kΩ, 1%, 0.1 W, 0603 0603 RC0603FR-0747K5L Yageo America R3 1 10kΩ RES, 10.0 kΩ, 1%, 0.1 W, 0603 0603 RC0603FR-0710KL Yageo America SH-J1, SH-J2, SHJ3,SH-J4, SH-J5 5 Shunt, 100mil, Tin plated, Black Shunt Connector Black Open Top, 2x1 SNT-100-BK-T-H Samtec TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4 4 Test Point, Miniature, Test Point, SMT Miniature, SMT 5019 Keystone U1 1 Tiny Nano-power Ultra-low Voltage Supervisor in WCSP Package (SENSE option) DSBGA4 TLV841SADL01YBHR Texas Instruments FID1, FID2, FID3 0 Fiducial mark. There is nothing to buy or mount. Fiducial N/A N/A Transparent Bumpon TLV841EVM Voltage Supervisor User Guide SNVU755A – JANUARY 2021 – REVISED JUNE 2021 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated www.ti.com Schematic, Bill of Materials, and Layout 2.3 Layout and Component Placement Figure 2-2 and Figure 2-3 show the top and bottom assemblies of the printed circuit board (PCB) to show the component placement on the EVM. Figure 2-4 and Figure 2-5 show the top and bottom layouts, Figure 2-6 and Figure 2-7 show the top and bottom layers, and Figure 2-8 shows the top solder mask of the EVM. 2.4 Layout Figure 2-2. Component Placement—Top Assembly Figure 2-3. Component Placement—Bottom Assembly Figure 2-4. Layout—Top Figure 2-5. Layout—Bottom SNVU755A – JANUARY 2021 – REVISED JUNE 2021 Submit Document Feedback TLV841EVM Voltage Supervisor User Guide Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated 7 Schematic, Bill of Materials, and Layout www.ti.com Figure 2-6. Top Layer Figure 2-7. Bottom Layer Figure 2-8. Top Solder Mask 8 TLV841EVM Voltage Supervisor User Guide SNVU755A – JANUARY 2021 – REVISED JUNE 2021 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated www.ti.com EVM Connectors 3 EVM Connectors This section describes the connectors, jumpers, and test points on the EVM as well as how to connect, set up, and properly use the EVM. Each device has an independent supply connection, but all grounds are connected on the board. 3.1 EVM Test Points Table 3-1 lists the test points and functional descriptions. All TLV841 pins have a corresponding test point to the EVM. These test points are located close to the pins for more accurate measurements. Table 3-1. Test Points TEST POINT NUMBER TEST POINT SILKSCREEN LABEL TP1 VDD TP2 RESET FUNCTION DESCRIPTION Connection to VDD pin Allows the user to monitor the VDD pin. The VDD pin connects to the input power supply. Connection to RESET pin Allows the user to monitor the RESET output pin. Depending on which variant option is on the EVM board, the EVM allows the user to connect to: • TP3 MR, SENSE, CT Connect to SENSE pin (variant option #1) Connect to MR pin (variant option #2) Connect to CT pin (variant option #3) • • TP4 GND Connection to GND pin. SENSE pin. The SENSE pin is the voltage that will be monitored by TLV841S MR pin. The MR (Manual Reset) pin, when pulled to a logic low allows the user to assert a reset signal on the RESET output pin. CT pin. Allows the user to monitor the CT pin. The CT capacitor sets the time delay of the RESET output. Allows the user to connect to the ground plane. SNVU755A – JANUARY 2021 – REVISED JUNE 2021 Submit Document Feedback TLV841EVM Voltage Supervisor User Guide Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated 9 EVM Connectors www.ti.com 3.2 EVM Jumpers Table 3-2 lists the jumpers on the TLV841EVM. As ordered, the EVM will have eight (8) jumpers and five (5) shunts installed. Table 3-2. List of Onboard Jumpers JUMPER JUMPER CONFIGUATION J1 Shunted Connect a shunt to jumper J1 to use R1 as the pull-up resistor on the output RESET pin. J2 N/A Both pins on J2 are connected together. Connect either pin on jumper J2 to the input power supply. J3 N/A Both pins on J3 are connected together. Use either pin on jumper J3 to monitor the output RESET pin. J4 Shunted J5 N/A Open (Default) DESCRIPTION Connect a shunt to jumper J4 to short Vmon to VDD Both pins on J5 are connected together. Connect either pin on jumper J5 to connect to ground. For TLV841C: If no shunt is placed on J6, the reset time delay tD defaults to the minimum RESET time delay set internally by the TLV841C. For TLV841C: Connect a shunt to jumper J6 for different RESET time delay configurations. Pin 1 [C2] to Pin 2 [CT] J6 OPTIONAL: For TLV841S: Jumper J6 allows the user the option to connect C2 to the SENSE input, as a bypass capacitor, to reduce the sensitivity of transient voltages on the monitored signal. Connecting C2 to the SENSE input will affect the timing specs such as reset time delay tD. For TLV841C: Connect a shunt to jumper J6 for different RESET time delay configurations. Pin 2 [CT] to Pin 3 [C3] J7 J8 10 Shunted Pin 1 to Pin 2 OPTIONAL: For TLV841S: Jumper J6 allows the user the option to connect C3 to the SENSE input, as a bypass capacitor, to reduce the sensitivity of transient voltages on the monitored signal. Connecting C3 to the SENSE input will affect the timing specs such as reset time delay tD. For TLV841S and TLV841M: Connect a shunt to jumper J7 to connect different configurations (Rdiv or MR) from J8. For TLV841C: Remove shunt to jumper J7 for this option. Open Pin 1 [MR] to Pin 2 [GND] Connect the shunt to jumper J8 for different configurations. Connect the shunt from MR (Manually Reset) and to GND. Shunted (Default) Pin 2 [GND] to Pin 3 [Rdiv] Connect the shunt to jumper J8 for different configurations. Connect the shunt to Rdiv and GND for the voltage divider configuration. TLV841EVM Voltage Supervisor User Guide SNVU755A – JANUARY 2021 – REVISED JUNE 2021 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated www.ti.com EVM Setup and Operation 4 EVM Setup and Operation This section describes the functionality and operation of the TLV841EVM. The user must read the TLV841 datasheet for electrical characteristics of the device. 4.1 Input Power (VDD) The VDD supply is connected through the J2 header on board. Both pins of jumper J2 are connected together where power can be applied to either pin. The TLV841S voltage range is 0.85 V to 5.5 V whereas the TLV841C and TLV841M has a voltage range of 0.7 V to 5.5 V for the open-drain (DL) and push-pull (PL) active-low variants. For all push-pull active-high (PH) variants, the voltage range is 1 V to 5.5 V. 4.2 Monitoring Voltage on SENSE Pin (TLV841S) The TLV841S device variant option monitors the voltage via the SENSE pin. The user can connect to the SENSE pin using TP3. The TLV841EVM provides two options for voltage monitoring. 1. Monitor VDD: VDD can be monitored by connecting the shunt to jumper J4 which creates a short and makes Vmon = VDD 2. Voltage divider for Vmon: Vmon connects to the SENSE pin through a voltage divider. To use this voltage divider, connect the shunt to jumper J8 (pin 3 [Rdiv] to pin 2 [GND]). This voltage divider can be adjusted to monitor any voltage above the VIT-, which is 0.505 V, for the default device TL841SADL01YBHR. (See Table 4-1 for information on the default EVM threshold voltage values.) OPTIONAL: Although not required in most cases, for noisy applications, the TLV841EVM contains jumper J6 (Jumper J6 is meant for TLV841C option) that allows the user the flexibility to add a bypass capacitor C2 or C3 on the SENSE input. Adding a bypass capacitor at the SENSE input will help reduce the sensitivity to transient voltages on the monitored signal but affect the timing specs such as increasing the reset time delay tD. Table 4-1. Nominal Input Threshold Voltage DEVICE VIT- VIT+ Vmon NEGATIVE-GOING THRESHOLD VOLTAGE Vmon POSITIVE-GOING THRESHOLD VOLTAGE TLV841SADL01, R1 = 47.5 kΩ, R2 = 10 kΩ (x0.174 Voltage Divider Ratio) 0.505 V 0.530 V 2.90 V 3.05 V Upon start-up, the TLV841 requires VDD to be above VPOR = 0.7 V before the RESET output is in the correct logic state. The TLV841 has built-in glitch immunity so voltage transients on VDD or SENSE are ignored if the pulse duration is 10 µs or less as shown in Figure 4-1. The glitch immunity specification depends on the amplitude of the voltage transient and the operating conditions. Please see the Glitch Immunity specification in the Timing Requirements section of the TLV841 datasheet for more detailed information. SNVU755A – JANUARY 2021 – REVISED JUNE 2021 Submit Document Feedback TLV841EVM Voltage Supervisor User Guide Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated 11 EVM Setup and Operation VDD / SENSE www.ti.com Glitch Immunity Overdrive > 5% RESET Glitch Immunity VIT- (tGI_VIT-) = 10 s Figure 4-1. TLV841EVM Glitch Immunity 4.3 Monitoring Voltage on VDD (TLV841M and TLV841C) The TLV841M and TLV841C device variant options monitor the voltage via the VDD pin. The EVM provides jumper J2 and test point TP1 for connecting the power supply input to the VDD pin. If the voltage on this pin drops below VIT-, RESET is asserted low. The VDD pin is connected internally to a comparator through an internal resistor divider at the positive input and the negative input is connected to an internal reference. The internal resistor divider is set to provide the input voltage threshold to cause a reset, VIT-, that corresponds to the chosen voltage option variant. Please see the Device Comparison Table in the TLV841 datasheet for more information on the different voltage device variants. 4.4 Manual Reset (MR) (TLV841M) The TLV841M device variant option offers a Manual Reset (MR) pin that is utilized via jumper J8 (short pin 1 [MR] to pin 2 [GND]). If a shunt jumper is placed on jumper J8, the RESET pin is asserted and forced into a low state. After the shunt jumper is removed and VDD is above its reset threshold, MR returns to a logic high due to the internal pull-up resistor, and RESET is de-asserted to a logic high after the user-defined delay expires. If jumper J8 is left floating, the device operates normally as the MR pin defaults to a logic high via internal pull-up resistor. Pin 1 of jumper J8 can also be connected to a control signal to set the logic level on MR pin. If pin 1 on jumper J8 is a logic low, the device asserts a reset. There is also test point TP3 connected directly to the MR pin in case the user wants to monitor the MR pin. 4.5 Reset Output (RESET) The TLV841EVM comes populated with TL841SADL01YBHR device variant which has an open-drain, activelow output topology for the RESET pin. The other device variants provide different output topolgies and can be used on this EVM. Note: if using a TLV841 device variant with push-pull output topology, the pull-up resistor must be disconnected by leaving jumper J1 open. The TLV841EVM provides an option to apply a separate pull-up voltage by leaving jumper J1 open and connecting the pull-up voltage to pin 2 [VPU] of jumper J1. The TLV841EVM provides jumper J3 and test point TP2 that is connected directly to the RESET pin for monitoring and/or interfacing to other devices. 12 TLV841EVM Voltage Supervisor User Guide SNVU755A – JANUARY 2021 – REVISED JUNE 2021 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated www.ti.com EVM Setup and Operation The reset signal will be asserted low when: • The voltage on the SENSE pin falls below VIT- for the TLV841S version. See Figure 4-2 • The MR pin is pulled low or when the voltage on the VDD pin falls below VIT- for the TLV841M version • The voltage on the VDD pin falls below VIT- for the TLV841C version. • For TLV841M and TLV841C device variant option, the propagation detect delay tP_HL when VDD goes below VIT-. For TLV841M (MR pin > VOH) and TLV841C, when the voltage on VDD or when TLV841S SENSE pin monitoring voltage rises above (VIT+ + VHYS), the output reset pin will de-assert and remain de-asserted until a reset condition occurs again. Please refer to TLV841 datasheet for more information on the RESET output and how it reacts to start up conditions and minimum values of VDD. RESET Propagaon Detect Delay (tP_HL) = 26.4 s VDD Figure 4-2. TLV841EVM RESET Propagation Detect Delay 4.6 Reset Time Delay Programming (Program tD via CT) (TLV841C) The TLV841C device variant has two options for setting the RESET time delay: connect CT pin to a capacitor to GND, or leave CT pin floating. The reset time delay can be set to a minimum value of 80 µs by leaving the CT pin floating, or a maximum value of approximately 6.2 seconds by connecting 10 µF delay capacitor. The reset time delay (tD) can be programmed to any value within the range by connecting a capacitor no larger than 10 µF between CT pin and GND. The relationship between external capacitor (CCT_EXT) at CT pin and the RESET time delay is given by Equation 1. tD = -ln (0.29) x RCT x CCT_EXT + tD (no cap) (1) Equation 1 is simplified to Equation 2 by plugging RCT and TD(no cap) given in the Electrical Characteristics Table in TLV841 datasheet. tD = 618937 x CCT_EXT + 80 µs (2) Equation 3 solves for external capacitor value (CCT_EXT) CCT_EXT = (tD - 80 µs) ÷ 618937 (3) SNVU755A – JANUARY 2021 – REVISED JUNE 2021 Submit Document Feedback TLV841EVM Voltage Supervisor User Guide Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated 13 Revision History www.ti.com The recommended maximum delay capacitor for the TLV841C is limited to 10 µF as this ensures there is enough time for the capacitor to fully discharge when the reset condition occurs. When a voltage fault occurs, the previously charged up capacitor discharges, and if the monitored voltage returns from the fault condition before the delay capacitor discharges completely, the delay capacitor will begin charging from a voltage above zero and the reset delay will be shorter than expected. Larger delay capacitors can be used so long as the capacitor has enough time to fully discharge during the duration of the voltage fault. The TLV841EVM provides jumper J6 to configure the CT pin and test point TP3 to monitor the CT pin. Place a shunt jumper on pin 1 (left pin) and pin 2 (middle pin) of jumper J6 to connect CT to delay capacitor C2. This connects the CT pin to a 0.01 µF capacitor to set the RESET delay (tD) to ~6.2 ms. Place a shunt between pin 2 (middle pin) and pin 3 (right pin) of jumper J6 to connect CT to delay capacitor C3. This connects the CT pin to a 0.1 µF capacitor to set the RESET delay (tD) to ~61.9 ms. By removing the shunt jumper from jumper J6, the RESET time delay defaults to the minimum value of 80 µs or less. If using a different delay capacitor, the capacitor must be ≥ 100 pF to be recognized. For the TLV841M / TLV841S variant or TLV841C where CT is floating, Figure 4-3 shows the typical reset delay time. Depending on how much VDD deviates from the specified threshold, the typical reset delay value (~40 µs) may be shorter or longer. RESET Reset Delay (tD) = 46.8 s VDD Figure 4-3. TLV841EVM RESET Delay Time (tD) for TLV841S/M or for TLV841C where CT Pin Is Floating 5 Revision History NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version. Changes from Revision * (January 2021) to Revision A (June 2021) Page • Updated supply voltage from 6 V to 5.5 V.......................................................................................................... 2 • Updated schematic............................................................................................................................................. 5 • Included supply voltage range for TLV841C and TLV841M with open-drain and push-pull outputs.................11 14 TLV841EVM Voltage Supervisor User Guide SNVU755A – JANUARY 2021 – REVISED JUNE 2021 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated IMPORTANT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER TI PROVIDES TECHNICAL AND RELIABILITY DATA (INCLUDING DATA SHEETS), DESIGN RESOURCES (INCLUDING REFERENCE DESIGNS), APPLICATION OR OTHER DESIGN ADVICE, WEB TOOLS, SAFETY INFORMATION, AND OTHER RESOURCES “AS IS” AND WITH ALL FAULTS, AND DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS AND IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. These resources are intended for skilled developers designing with TI products. You are solely responsible for (1) selecting the appropriate TI products for your application, (2) designing, validating and testing your application, and (3) ensuring your application meets applicable standards, and any other safety, security, regulatory or other requirements. These resources are subject to change without notice. TI grants you permission to use these resources only for development of an application that uses the TI products described in the resource. Other reproduction and display of these resources is prohibited. No license is granted to any other TI intellectual property right or to any third party intellectual property right. TI disclaims responsibility for, and you will fully indemnify TI and its representatives against, any claims, damages, costs, losses, and liabilities arising out of your use of these resources. TI’s products are provided subject to TI’s Terms of Sale or other applicable terms available either on ti.com or provided in conjunction with such TI products. TI’s provision of these resources does not expand or otherwise alter TI’s applicable warranties or warranty disclaimers for TI products. TI objects to and rejects any additional or different terms you may have proposed. IMPORTANT NOTICE Mailing Address: Texas Instruments, Post Office Box 655303, Dallas, Texas 75265 Copyright © 2022, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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  • 1+211.758001+25.63382
