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TMP125 SBOS323A − DECEMBER 2004 − REVISED JUNE 2005 2°C Accurate Digital Temperature Sensor with SPI Interface FEATURES DESCRIPTION D DIGITAL OUTPUT: SPI-Compatible Interface D RESOLUTION: 10-Bit, 0.25°C D ACCURACY: The TMP125 is an SPI-compatible temperature sensor available in the tiny SOT23-6 package. Requiring no external components, the TMP125 is capable of measuring temperatures within 2°C of accuracy over a temperature range of −25°C to +85°C and 2.5°C of accuracy over −40°C to +125°C. Low supply current, and a supply range from 2.7V to 5.5V, make the TMP125 an excellent candidate for low-power applications. ±2.0°C (max) from −25°C to +85°C ±2.5°C (max) from −40°C to +125°C D D D D LOW QUIESCENT CURRENT: 50µA (max) WIDE SUPPLY RANGE: 2.7V to 5.5V The TMP125 is ideal for extended thermal measurement in a variety of communication, computer, consumer, environmental, industrial, and instrumentation applications. TINY SOT23-6 PACKAGE OPERATION FROM −40°C to +125°C APPLICATIONS D BASE STATION EQUIPMENT D COMPUTER PERIPHERAL THERMAL Temperature PROTECTION D D D D NOTEBOOK COMPUTERS GND 1 Diode Temp. Sensor Control Logic 6 SO SI 2 ∆Σ A/D Converter Serial Interface 5 CS V+ 3 OSC Config. and Temp. Register 4 SCK DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEMS TELECOM EQUIPMENT OFFICE MACHINES TMP125 RELATED PRODUCTS FEATURES PRODUCT 2°C Digital Temp Sensors with Two-Wire Interface TMP100/101 1.5°C Digital Temp Sensors with Two-Wire Interface TMP75/175 1.5°C Digital Temp Sensors with SPI TMP121/123 1.5°C Programmable Digital Temp Sensors with SPI TMP122/124 TMP125 Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet. SPI is a registered trademark of Motorola. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Copyright  2004−2005, Texas Instruments Incorporated                                      !       !    www.ti.com "#$% www.ti.com SBOS323A − DECEMBER 2004 − REVISED JUNE 2005 This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(1) Supply Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +7V Input Voltage(2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . −0.3V to +7V Input Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±10mA Output Short Circuit(3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continuous Operating Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . −55°C to +125°C Storage Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . −60°C to +150°C Junction Temperature (TJ max) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +150°C Lead Temperature (soldering) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +300°C ESD Rating (Human Body Model) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4000V (Charged Device Model) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000V (1) Stresses above these ratings may cause permanent damage. Exposure to absolute maximum conditions for extended periods may degrade device reliability. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those specified is not supported. (2) Input terminals are diode-clamped to the power-supply rails. ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications. Input signals that can swing more than 0.5V beyond the supply rails should be current limited to 10mA or less. (3) Short-circuit to ground. ORDERING INFORMATION(1) PRODUCT PACKAGE-LEAD PACKAGE DESIGNATOR TMP125 SOT23-6 DBV PACKAGE MARKING T125 (1) For the most current package and ordering information, see the Package Option Addendum at the end of this document, or see the TI web site at www.ti.com. PIN CONFIGURATION Top View TMP125 1 SI 2 V+ 3 T125 GND 6 SO 5 CS 4 SCK SOT23−6 NOTE: Pin 1 is determined by orienting the package marking as shown. 2 "#$% www.ti.com SBOS323A − DECEMBER 2004 − REVISED JUNE 2005 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS At TA = −40°C to +125°C and VS = +2.7V to 5.5V, unless otherwise noted. TMP125 PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT TEMPERATURE INPUT +125 °C −25°C to +85°C ±0.5 ±2.0 °C −40°C to +125°C ±1.0 ±2.5 Range −40 Accuracy (temperature error) °C Resolution 10 Bits Temperature Measurement Noise 0.1 LSB DIGITAL INPUT/OUTPUT Input Logic Levels: VIH VIL Input Current, SI, SCK, CS 0.7(V+) IIN V 0V = VIN = V+ 0.3(V+) V ±1 µA 0.4 V Output Logic Levels: VOL SO VOH SO ISINK = 3mA ISOURCE = 2mA (V+)−0.4 Input Capacitance, SI, SCK, CS Conversion Time 10-Bit Update Rate V 2.5 pF 60 ms 120 ms POWER SUPPLY Operating Range Quiescent Current, at TA = 25°C 2.7 IQ over Temperature Serial Bus Inactive 36 −40°C to +125°C Shutdown Current 0.1 over Temperature 5.5 V 50 µA 60 µA 1 µA 1 µA TEMPERATURE RANGE Specified Range −40 +125 °C Operating Range −55 +125 °C Storage Range −60 +150 Thermal Resistance qJA SOT23-6 Surface-Mount 200 °C °C/W 3 "#$% www.ti.com SBOS323A − DECEMBER 2004 − REVISED JUNE 2005 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS At TA = −40°C to +125°C and VS = +2.7V to 5.5V, unless otherwise noted. CONVERSION TIME vs TEMPERATURE QUIESCENT CURRENT vs TEMPERATURE 80 45 VS = 5.5V Conversion Time (ms) 40 IQ (µA) VS = 5.5V 75 35 30 70 65 60 55 50 25 Active Conversion Serial Bus Inactive 20 45 5 Typical Units Shown 40 −55 −35 −15 5 25 45 65 85 105 −55 125 −35 −15 5 TEMPERATURE ACCURACY vs TEMPERATURE 2.0 Temperature Error (_ C) 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 −0.5 −1.0 −1.5 −35 −15 5 25 45 65 Temperature (_C) 4 45 65 Temperature (_ C) Temperature (_ C) −2.0 −55 25 85 105 125 85 105 125 "#$% www.ti.com SBOS323A − DECEMBER 2004 − REVISED JUNE 2005 APPLICATIONS The TMP125 10-bit, read-only digital temperature sensor is optimal for thermal management and thermal protection applications. The TMP125 is specified for a temperature range of −40°C to +125°C, with operation extending down to −55°C. It is specified for a supply voltage range of 2.7V to 5.5V, and also features a hardware shutdown to provide power savings. Quiescent current is reduced to 1µA during analog shutdown. The TMP125 communicates through a serial interface that is SPI-compatible. Temperature is converted to a 10-bit data word with 0.25°C resolution. The TMP125 is optimal for low-power applications, with a 120ms conversion period for reduced power consumption. The sensing device of the TMP125 is the chip itself. Thermal paths run through the package leads as well as the plastic package, and the lower thermal resistance of metal causes the leads to provide the primary thermal path. The TMP125 requires no external components for operation, though a 0.1µF supply bypass capacitor is recommended. Figure 1 shows typical connection for the TMP125. 0.1µF 3 4 SO 6 The one-shot command can be used to force a single conversion. When the command is issued, the part will perform a single conversion and then go into shutdown mode. After the conversion is complete, the conversion result should be read with the power-down bit high (see Figure 3) if you do not want to start a new conversion. The TMP125 will go into idle mode for 60ms, requiring only 20µA of current. A new conversion begins every 120ms. Figure 2 describes the conversion timing for the TMP125. TEMPERATURE REGISTER The Temperature Register of the TMP125 is a 16-bit, read-only register that stores the output of the most recent conversion. However, temperature is represented by only 10-bits, which are in signed two’s complement format. The first bit of the Temperature Register, D15, is a leading zero. Bits D14 and D5 are used to indicate temperature. Bits D4 to D0 are the same as D5 (see Table 1). Data format for temperature is summarized in Table 2. When calculating the signed two’s complement temperature value, be sure to use only the 10 data bits. Following power-up or reset, the Temperature Register will read 0°C until the first conversion is complete. V+ SCK shutdown, perform a 16-clock communication with SI set to logic low. The 16-clock communication is the same as the Data Read shown in Figure 3, except that the data on SO will be the last conversion prior to putting the device into shutdown mode. Note that SO is only used to control the shutdown function; if not using this function, connect this pin to ground. 2 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 0 T9 T8 T7 T6 T5 T4 T3 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 T2 T1 T0 T0 T0 T0 T0 T0 SI TMP125 5 D15 CS Table 1. Temperature Register 1 TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 1. Typical Connections for the TMP125 DIGITAL OUTPUT D14…D5 +127 01 1111 1100 +125 01 1111 0100 +100 01 1001 0000 COMMUNICATING WITH THE TMP125 +75 01 0010 1100 The TMP125 continuously converts temperatures to digital data. Temperature data is read by pulling CS low. Once CS is pulled low, temperature data from the last completed conversion prior to dropping CS is latched into the shift register and clocked out at SO on the falling SCK edge. The 16-bit data word is clocked out sign bit first, followed by the MSB. The SI pin is used to put the device into shutdown mode. To enter shutdown mode, SI must be high on the rising edge of the third bit of SCK (see Figure 3). Also, all 16 bits must be clocked to allow shutdown on the TMP125. To bring the device out of +50 00 1100 1000 +25 00 0110 0100 +10 00 0010 1000 +0.25 00 0000 0001 0 00 0000 0000 −0.25 11 1111 1111 −25 11 1001 1100 −50 11 0011 1000 −55 11 0010 0100 Table 2. Temperature Data Format 5 "#$% www.ti.com SBOS323A − DECEMBER 2004 − REVISED JUNE 2005 Timing Diagrams The TMP125 is SPI-compatible. Figure 3 and Figure 4 describe the output data of the TMP125. Figure 5, Figure 6, and Figure 7 describe the various timing requirements, with parameters defined in Table 3. 120ms 60ms 50µA (active) PARAMETER 20µA (idle) MIN SCK Period Data In to Rising Edge SCK Setup Time SCK Falling Edge to Output Data Delay SCK Rising Edge to Input Data Hold Time CS to Rising Edge SCK Set-Up Time t1 t2 t3 t4 CS to Output Data Delay t5 t6 CS Rising Edge to Output High Impedance t7 Figure 2. Conversion Time and Period MAX UNITS 100 ns 20 ns 30 ns 20 ns 40 ns 30 ns 30 ns Table 3. Timing Description CS SCK SO Leading Zero SI Don’t Care T9 T8 Don’t Care Power Down T7 T6 T5 T4 T3 T2 T1 T0 T0 T0 T0 T0 T0 To enter shutdown mode, SI must be high on the rising edge of the third bit of SCK (see the Communicating with the TMP125 section). Figure 3. Data READ CS SCK SO Leading Zero SI Don’t Care T9 T8 T7 Don’t Care Power Down One− Shot T6 T5 T4 T3 T2 T1 Figure 4. One-Shot Command 6 T0 T0 T0 T0 T0 T0 "#$% www.ti.com SBOS323A − DECEMBER 2004 − REVISED JUNE 2005 SCK SCK t2 t2 t4 t4 CS CS SO SO Figure 5. Input Data Timing Diagram SCK t5 t1 t3 CS t6 SO Figure 6. Output Data Timing Diagram SCK SCK CS CS t7 t7 SI SI Figure 7. High Impedance Output Timing Diagram 7 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 15-Jul-2022 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan (2) Lead finish/ Ball material MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) Device Marking (3) Samples (4/5) (6) HPA00444AIDBVT ACTIVE SOT-23 DBV 6 250 TBD Call TI Call TI -40 to 125 TMP125AIDBVR ACTIVE SOT-23 DBV 6 3000 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 125 T125 Samples TMP125AIDBVRG4 ACTIVE SOT-23 DBV 6 3000 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 125 T125 Samples TMP125AIDBVT ACTIVE SOT-23 DBV 6 250 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 125 T125 Samples TMP125AIDBVTG4 ACTIVE SOT-23 DBV 6 250 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 125 T125 Samples Samples (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. (2) RoHS: TI defines "RoHS" to mean semiconductor products that are compliant with the current EU RoHS requirements for all 10 RoHS substances, including the requirement that RoHS substance do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, "RoHS" products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. TI may reference these types of products as "Pb-Free". RoHS Exempt: TI defines "RoHS Exempt" to mean products that contain lead but are compliant with EU RoHS pursuant to a specific EU RoHS exemption. Green: TI defines "Green" to mean the content of Chlorine (Cl) and Bromine (Br) based flame retardants meet JS709B low halogen requirements of
TMP125AIDBVR 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 1+15.30620
  • 10+13.12503
  • 30+11.82773
  • 100+10.51618
  • 500+9.91268
  • 1000+9.64181


    •  国内价格 香港价格
    • 1+57.157071+6.91900
    • 10+13.5148110+1.63600
    • 50+10.2848150+1.24500
    • 100+9.64046100+1.16700
    • 500+9.15306500+1.10800
    • 1000+8.830891000+1.06900
    • 2000+8.764802000+1.06100
    • 4000+8.715244000+1.05500


    •  国内价格
    • 1+13.50000
    • 10+13.00000
    • 100+11.50000
    • 500+11.20000


    •  国内价格 香港价格
    • 1+17.525191+2.12147
    • 5+15.595875+1.88792
    • 10+14.8607410+1.79893
    • 25+13.9920325+1.69377
    • 50+13.3971050+1.62176
    • 100+12.85326100+1.55592
    • 500+11.76030500+1.42362
    • 1000+11.353391000+1.37436
