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TPIC8101DWR 数据手册
Sample & Buy Product Folder Support & Community Tools & Software Technical Documents TPIC8101 SLIS110C – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2015 TPIC8101 Knock Sensor Interface 1 Features 3 Description • • The TPIC8101 is a dual-channel signal processing IC for detection of premature detonation in combustion engine. The two sensor channels are selectable through the SPI bus. The knock sensor typically provides an electrical signal to the amplifier inputs. The sensed signal is processed through a programmable band-pass filter to extract the frequency of interest (engine knock or ping signals). The band-pass filter eliminates any engine background noise associated with combustion. The engine background noise is typically low in amplitude compared to the predetonation noise. 1 • • • • • • • • Qualified for Automotive Applications AEC-Q100 Qualified With the Following Results: – Device Temperature Grade 1: –40°C to 125°C Ambient Operating Temperature Range – Device HBM Classification Level 3A – Device CDM Classification Level C6 Dual-Channel Knock Sensor Interface Programmable Input Frequency Prescaler (OSCIN) Serial Interface With Microprocessor (SPI) Programmable Gain Programmable Band-Pass Filter Center Frequency External Clock Frequencies up to 24 MHz – 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, and 24 MHz Programmable Integrator Time Constants Operating Temperature Range −40°C to 125°C The detected signal is full-wave rectified and integrated by use of the INT/HOLD signal. The digital output from the integration stage is either converted to an analog signal, passed through an output buffer, or be read directly by the SPI. This analog buffered output may be interfaced to an A/D converter and read by the microprocessor. The digital output may be directly interfaced to the microprocessor. 2 Applications • • Device Information(1) Engine Knock Detector Signal Processing Analog Signal Processing With Filter Characteristics PART NUMBER TPIC8101 PACKAGE SOIC (20) BODY SIZE (NOM) 7.50 mm × 12.80 mm (1) For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at the end of the data sheet. Simplified Schematic Vref VDD / 2 + − + − CH1P CH1N CH1FB CH2P CH2N CH2FB Mux SAR 10-Bit ADC rd 3 Order AAF + − Programmable Band-Pass Filter Programmable Gain fS = 200 kHz Rectifier Programmable Integrator DSP XOUT XIN INT/HOLD TEST CS SDI SDO SCLK SPI Test Mode DSP Control + − OUT GND VDD R2R 10-Bit DAC fS = 200 kHz 1 An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety-critical applications, intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. PRODUCTION DATA. TPIC8101 SLIS110C – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2015 www.ti.com Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Features .................................................................. Applications ........................................................... Description ............................................................. Revision History..................................................... Description (continued)......................................... Pin Configuration and Functions ......................... Specifications......................................................... 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 4 4 4 4 5 7 8 Absolute Maximum Ratings ...................................... ESD Ratings.............................................................. Recommended Operating Conditions....................... Thermal Information .................................................. Electrical Characteristics........................................... Timing Requirements ............................................... Typical Characteristics .............................................. Detailed Description .............................................. 9 8.1 Overview ................................................................... 9 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 9 Functional Block Diagram ......................................... 9 Feature Description................................................... 9 Device Functional Modes........................................ 12 Programming........................................................... 14 Application and Implementation ........................ 16 9.1 Application Information............................................ 16 9.2 Typical Application ................................................. 16 10 Power Supply Recommendations ..................... 19 11 Layout................................................................... 19 11.1 Layout Guidelines ................................................. 19 11.2 Layout Example .................................................... 19 12 Device and Documentation Support ................. 20 12.1 Trademarks ........................................................... 20 12.2 Electrostatic Discharge Caution ............................ 20 12.3 Glossary ................................................................ 20 13 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information ........................................................... 20 4 Revision History NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version. Changes from Revision B (December 2014) to Revision C Page • Added qualification for automotive applications to Features ................................................................................................. 1 • Added the ESD Ratings table with HBM and CDM ratings ................................................................................................... 4 Changes from Revision A (May 2005) to Revision B • 2 Page Added Feature Description section, Device Functional Modes, Application and Implementation section, Power Supply Recommendations section, Layout section, Device and Documentation Support section, and Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information section. ..................................................................................................................... 1 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPIC8101 TPIC8101 www.ti.com SLIS110C – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2015 5 Description (continued) The data from the A/D enables the system to analyze the amount of retard timing for the next spark ignition timing cycle. With the microprocessor closed-loop system, advancing and retarding the spark timing optimizes the load/RPM conditions for a particular engine (data stored in RAM). 6 Pin Configuration and Functions SOIC Package (Top View) VDD 1 20 CH1P GND 2 19 CH1N Vref 3 18 CH1FB OUT 4 17 CH2FB NC 5 16 CH2N NC 6 15 CH2P INT/HOLD 7 14 CS 8 13 TEST SCLK XIN 9 12 SDI 10 11 SDO XOUT Pin Functions PIN NO. TYPE (PULLUP/PULLDOWN) VDD 1 I 5-V input supply GND 2 I Ground connection Vref 3 O Supply reference generator with external bypass capacitor OUT 4 O Buffered integrator output — No connection NAME NC (1) 5 6 DESCRIPTION INT/HOLD 7 I (pulldown) CS 8 I (pullup) XIN 9 I Inverter input for oscillator XOUT 10 O Inverter output for oscillator SDO 11 O Serial data output for SPI bus SDI 12 I (pullup) Serial data input line SCLK 13 I (pullup) SPI clock TEST 14 I (pullup) Test mode (active low), open for normal operation CH2P 15 I Positive input for amplifier 2 CH2N 16 I Negative input for amplifier 2 CH2FB 17 O Output of amplifier 2, for feedback connection CH1FB 18 O Output of amplifier 1, for feedback connection CH1N 19 I Negative input for amplifier 1 CH1P 20 I Positive input for amplifier 1 (1) Selectable for integrate (high) or hold (low) mode (with internal pulldown) Chip select for SPI communications (active low with internal pullup) These terminals are to be used for test purposes only and are not connected in the system application. No signal traces should be connected to the NC terminals. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPIC8101 3 TPIC8101 SLIS110C – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2015 www.ti.com 7 Specifications 7.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) VDD Regulated input voltage (1) (2) (3) (2) (3) MIN MAX UNIT −0.3 7 V −0.3 7 V −0.3 7 V 2 mA VO Output voltage VIN Input voltage (2) (3) IIN DC input current on terminals CH1P, CH1N, CH2P, and CH2N (2) (3) VDCIN DC input voltage on terminals CH1P, CH1N, CH2P and CH2N (2) (3) 14 V RθJA Junction-to-ambient thermal impedance 120 °C/W PD Continuous power dissipation 200 mW TA Operating ambient temperature –40 125 °C Tstg Storage temperature –65 150 °C (1) (2) (3) Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, which do not imply functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under Recommended Operating Conditions. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. All voltage values are with respect to GND. Absolute negative voltage on these terminals is not to go < –0.5 V. 7.2 ESD Ratings VALUE V(ESD) (1) Electrostatic discharge Human-body model (HBM) (1) 4000 Charged-device model (CDM) 1500 UNIT V The human body model is a 100-pF capacitor discharged through a 1.5-kΩ resistor into each terminal. 7.3 Recommended Operating Conditions over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) MIN MAX UNIT VDD Regulated input voltage −0.3 5.5 V VO Output voltage −0.3 5.5 V VIN Input voltage 0.05 VDD − 0.05 V IIN DC input current on terminals CH1P, CH1N, CH2P, and CH2N 1 µA VDCIN DC input voltage on terminals CH1P, CH1N, CH2P, and CH2N PD Continuous power dissipation –1 Vref, (VDD / 2) 100 V mW 7.4 Thermal Information TPIC8101 THERMAL METRIC (1) DW [SOIC] UNIT 20 PINS RθJA Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance 66.2 RθJC(top) Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance 29.6 RθJB Junction-to-board thermal resistance 34.4 ψJT Junction-to-top characterization parameter 7.1 ψJB Junction-to-board characterization parameter 33.8 (1) 4 °C/W For more information about traditional and new thermal metrics, see the IC Package Thermal Metrics application report, SPRA953. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPIC8101 TPIC8101 www.ti.com SLIS110C – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2015 7.5 Electrical Characteristics VDD = 5 V ±5%, input frequency before prescaler = 4 to 20 MHz (±0.5%), TA = −40°C to 125°C (unless otherwise specified) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX IDD(Q) Quiescent current VDD = 5 V IDD(OP) Operating current VDD = 5 V, XIN = 8 MHz Vmid0 Midpoint voltage VDD = 5 V, ISource = 2 mA 2.3 2.5 2.55 V Vmid1 Midpoint voltage VDD = 5 V, ISink = 2 mA 2.4 2.5 2.7 V Vmid2 Midpoint voltage VDD = 5 V, IL = 0 mA 2.4 2.5 2.6 V Rpull0 Internal pullup resistor CS, SDI, SCLK, VIN = GND TEST 30 kΩ Rpull1 Internal pulldown resistor INT/HOLD VIN = VDD 20 kΩ Ilkg Input leakage current CS, SDI, SCLK, INT/HOLD, TEST Measured at GND and VDD, VDD = 5.5 V = VIN VIL Low-level input voltage INT/HOLD, CS, TEST, SDI, SCLK VIH High-level input voltage INT/HOLD, CS, TEST, SDI, SCLK VOL Low-level output voltage SDO ISink = 4 mA, VDD = 5V VOH High-level output voltage SDO ISource = 100 µA, VDD = 5 V Low-level leakage current SDO Measured at GND and VDD = 5 V, SDO in high impedance Ilkg(OL) VOL(XOUT) Low-level output voltage VOH(XOUT High-level output voltage ) Vhyst 7.5 UNIT mA 20 ±3 mA µA 30% of VDD 70% of VDD 0.7 4.4 V −10 ISink = 500 µA, VDD = 4.5 V ISource = 500 µA, VDD = 5 V Hysteresis voltage INT/HOLD, CS, XIN, SDI, SCLK, TEST V 10 µA 1.5 V 4.4 V 0.4 V INPUT AMPLIFIERS VOH (1) CH1FB and CH2FB high-level output voltage VDD = 5 V, ISource = 100 µA VOL (1) CH1FB and CH2FB low-level output voltage ISink = 100 µA CATTEN Cross-coupling attenuation CH1FB and ƒin max(ch1) = 20 kHz, measured on CH2FB channel 2 40 Av Open-loop gain 60 100 GBW Gain bandwidth product 1 2.6 VIN Input voltage range 0.05 VDD – 0.05 V(offset) Offset voltage at input −10 10 CMRR Common-mode rejection ratio Inputs at Vmid ƒin = 0 to 20 kHz 60 PM Phase margin Gain = 1, CL = 200 pF, RL = 100 kΩ 45 ° 150 mV VDD = 5 V, ISource = 2 mA VDD – 0.05 VDD – 0.02 15 ISink = 2 mA Input range 0.5 to 4.5 V V VDD – 0.5 50 500 mV dB dB MHz 80 V mV dB PRESCALER, XIN VOSC Minimum input peak amplitude (1) VDD = Vmin, oscillator inverter biased feedback resistor 1 MΩ, ƒosc = 24 MHz CIN Input capacitance Assured by design Ilkg(XIN) Leakage current −1 7 pF 1 µA MULTIPLEXER CATTEN (1) Cross-coupling attenuation (assured by ƒin max(ch1) = 20 kHz, measured on design) channel 2 40 dB 150-mV input amplitude on the 4-MHz clock input only applies if the feedback network is completed. Without the feedback network, the 4-MHz signal should be at 0- to 5-V levels. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPIC8101 5 TPIC8101 SLIS110C – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2015 www.ti.com Electrical Characteristics (continued) VDD = 5 V ±5%, input frequency before prescaler = 4 to 20 MHz (±0.5%), TA = −40°C to 125°C (unless otherwise specified) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT ANTI-ALIASING FILTER ƒc (2) Cut-off frequency at –3 dB 35 45 55 kHz BW Response 1 to 20 kHz referenced to 1 kHz 70-mV RMS, input: CH1FB or CH2FB, output: OUT −1 −0.5 1 dB ATTEN Attenuation at 100 kHz referenced to 1 kHz 70-mV RMS, input: CH1FB or CH2FB, output: OUT −10 −15 For all frequencies stated 198 200 dB ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER ƒs Sampling frequency AR Analog resolution 202 ADNL Differential linearity error (DNL) 1 bit AINL Linearity error (INL) 1 bit 10 kHz bit DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTER ƒs(DA) Sampling frequency DR Resolution at 200 kHz 198 200 202 DDNL Differential linearity error (DNL) (Vreset < DACout < 0.98 VDD) −1 1 LSB DINL Linearity error (INL) (Vreset < DACout < 0.98 VDD) −2.5 2.5 LSB DRNIL Repeatability (for characterization purposes only) −1 1 LSB 175 mV 10 kHz bit OUTPUT BUFFER VOH High-level output voltage VDD = 5 V, ISource = 2 mA VOL Low-level output voltage VDD = 5 V, ISink = 2 mA Av Open-loop gain IO = ±2 mA G Output gain IO = ±2 mA Vripple Ripple voltage CL = 0 to 22 nF, max slew rate, 12 mV/µs from Vreset to 4 V 10 mV ts Settling time CL = 0 to 22 nF, max slew rate, 12 mV/µs from Vreset to 4 V, output: ±0.5 LSB 20 µs (2) 6 VDD – 0.2 VDD – 0.15 120 60 V 100 dB 1 ƒc is programmable (see Table 3). Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPIC8101 TPIC8101 www.ti.com SLIS110C – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2015 7.6 Timing Requirements VDD = 5 V ±5%, TA = −40°C to 125°C (unless otherwise specified) MIN NOM MAX UNIT 5 MHz ƒSPI SPI frequency t1 Time from CS falling edge to SCLK rising edge 10 ns t2 Time from CS falling edge to SCLK falling edge 80 ns t3 Time for SCLK to go high 60 ns t4 Time for SCLK to go low 60 ns t5 Time from last SCLK falling edge to CS rising edge 80 ns t6 Time from SDI valid to falling edge of SCLK 60 ns t7 Time for SDI valid after falling edge of SCLK 10 ns t8 Time after CS rises until INT/HOLD to go high 8 ns t9 Time between two words for transmitting 170 ns t10 Time for SDO valid after SDI on bus, at VDD = 5 V and load = 20 pF 40 t2 ns t9 t8 t3 t1 t5 t1 t4 CS SCLK SDI XXX MSB 6 5 4 3 5 4 3 2 1 LSB 1 LSB t7 t6 INT/HOLD SDO XXX MSB 6 2 t10 Figure 1. Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPIC8101 7 TPIC8101 SLIS110C – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2015 www.ti.com 7.7 Typical Characteristics Input Signal Input Signal Int/Hold Signal Int/Hold Signal Output Signal Output Signal Figure 2. Amplified Input Signal Process 8 Submit Documentation Feedback Figure 3. Input Signal Processing Copyright © 2003–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPIC8101 TPIC8101 www.ti.com SLIS110C – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2015 8 Detailed Description 8.1 Overview The TPIC8101 is designed for knock sensor signal conditioning in automotive applications. The device is an analog interface between the engine acoustical sensors or accelerometers and the fuel management systems of a gasoline engine. The two wide-band amplifiers process signals from the piezoelectric sensors. Outputs of the amplifiers feed a channel select MUX switch and then a third-order antialiasing filter. This signal is converted using an analog-to-digital conversion (10 bits with a sampling frequency of 200 kHz) prior to the gain stage. 8.2 Functional Block Diagram Vref VDD/2 + − CH1P + CH1N − Mux CH1FB SAR 10-Bit ADC fs = 200 kHz 3rd Order AAF CH2P + CH2N − CH2FB Programmable Band-Pass Filter Programmable Gain Programmable Integrator Rectifier DSP R2R 10-Bit DAC fs = 200 kHz SPI Test Mode DSP Control + − VDD GND OUT SDO SDI SCLK CS TEST INT/HOLD XIN XOUT 8.3 Feature Description The gain stage is adjustable through the SPI to compensate for the knock energies. The gain setting is selectable up to 64 values ranging from 0.111 to 2.0. The output of the gain stage feeds a band-pass filter circuit to process the particular frequency component associated with the engine and transducer. The band-pass filter has a gain of two and a center frequency range between 1.22 and 19.98 kHz (64-bit selection). The output from this stage is internally clamped. The output from the band-pass filter is full-wave rectified with its output clamped below VDD. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPIC8101 9 TPIC8101 SLIS110C – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2015 www.ti.com Feature Description (continued) The full-wave rectified signals are integrated using an integrator time constant set by the SPI and integration time window set by the pulse duration of INT/HOLD. At the start of each knock window, the integrator output is reset. The output of the integrator is internally clamped and the digital output may be directly interfaced to the microprocessor. The integrated signal is converted to an analog format by a 10-bit DAC. The microprocessor may interface to this signal, read this data, and adjust the spark ignition timing to optimize fuel efficiency related to load versus engine RPM. 8.3.1 Functional Terminal Description Supply Voltage (VDD) The VDD terminal is the input supply for the IC, typically 5-V ±5% tolerant. A noise filter capacitor of 4.7 µF (typical) is required on this terminal to ensure stability of the internal circuits. Ground (GND) The GND terminal is connected to the system ground rail. Reference Supply (Vref) The Vref is an internally generated supply reference voltage for biasing the amplifier inputs. The terminal is used to decouple any noise in the system by placing an external capacitor of 22 nF (typical). Buffered Integrator Output (OUT) The OUT terminal is the output of the integrated signal. This is an analog signal interfaced to the microprocessor A/D channel for data acquisition. A capacitor of 2.2 nF is used to stabilize the signal output. Integration/Hold Mode Selection (INT/HOLD) The INT/HOLD is an input control signal from the microprocessor to select either to integrate the sensed signal or to hold the data for acquisition. There is an internal pulldown on this terminal (default HOLD mode). Chip Select for SPI (CS) The CS terminal allows serial communication to the IC through the SPI from a master controller. The chip select is active low with an internal pullup (default inactive). Oscillator Input (XIN) The XIN terminal is the input to the inverter used for the oscillator circuit. An external clock signal from the MCU, crystal, or ceramic resonator is configured with resistors and capacitors. To bias the inverter, place a resistor (1 MΩ typical) across XIN and XOUT. This clock signal is prescaled to set the internal sampling frequency of the A/D converter. Oscillator Output (XOUT) The XOUT terminal is the output of the inverter used for the oscillator circuit. Data Output (SDO) The SDO output is the SPI data bus reporting information back to the microprocessor. This is a tri-state output with the output set to high-impedance mode when CS is pulled to VDD. The high-impedance state can also be programmed by setting a bit in the prescale word, which takes precedence over the CS setting. The output is disabled when the CS terminal is pulled high (VDD). Data Input (SDI) The SDI terminal is the communication interface for data transfer between the master and slave components. The SDI has an internal pullup to VDD; the data stream is in 8-bit word format. 10 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPIC8101 TPIC8101 www.ti.com SLIS110C – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2015 Feature Description (continued) Serial Clock (SCLK) The SCLK output signal is used for synchronous communication of data. Typically, the output from the master clock is low with the IC having an internal pullup resistor to VDD. The data is clocked to the internal shift register on the falling clock edge. Test (TEST) The TEST terminal, when pulled low, allows the IC to enter the test mode. During normal operation, this terminal is left open or tied high (VDD). There is an internal pullup to VDD (default). Feedback Output for Amplifiers (CH1FB and CH2FB) The CHXFB are amplifier outputs for the sensor signals. The gain of the respective amplifiers is set using the CHXFB and CHX input terminals (see Figure 1). Input Amplifiers (CH1P, CH1N, CH2P, and CH2N) CH1P, CH1N, CH2P, and CH2N are the inputs for the two amplifiers which interface to the external knock sensors. The gain is set by external resistors R1 and R2. The inputs and outputs of the amplifier are rail-to-rail compatible to the supply VDD. An internal multiplexer selects the desired sensor signal to process, which is programmable through the SPI. R2 C CH1N − R1 Knock Sensor 1 CH1P + CH1FB + CH2FB Vref CH2P C R1 − CH2N Knock Sensor 2 R2 NOTE: The series capacitor C is not mandatory and may be removed in some application circuits Figure 4. Input Signal Configuration 8.3.2 Timing Information This is an 8-bit SPI protocol used to communicate with the microcontroller in the system for setting various operating parameters. When CS is held high, the signals on the SCLK and SDI lines are ignored and SDO is forced into a highimpedance state. SCLK must be low when CS is asserted low. On each falling edge of the SCLK pulse after CS is asserted low, the new byte is serially shifted into the register. The most significant bit (MSB) is shifted first. Only eight bits in a frame are acceptable. When a number of bits shifted varies from the value eight, the information is ignored and the register retains the old setting. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPIC8101 11 TPIC8101 SLIS110C – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2015 www.ti.com Feature Description (continued) The shift register transfers the data into a latch register after the eighth SCLK clock pulse and when CS transitions from low to high (see Figure 1). The function of the integration mode is to ignore any SPI frame transmission when the INT/HOLD bit = 1. In the hold mode with INT/HOLD = 0, all necessary bytes may be transmitted. 8.4 Device Functional Modes 8.4.1 System Transfer Equation The output voltage may be derived from: t VO = VIN ´ AIN ´ AP ´ ABP ´ AINT ´ INT ´ A O + VRESET tC where • • • • • • • • • • VIN = Input voltage peak (amplitude) VO = Output voltage AIN = Input amplifier gain setting AP = Programmable gain setting ABP = Gain of band-pass filter AINT = Gain of integrator tINT = Integration time from 0.5 to 10 ms AO = Output buffer gain τC = Programmable integrator time constant VRESET = Reset voltage from which the integration operation starts If ABP = AINT = 2 and AIN = AO = 1, then: 8 t VO = VIN ´ AP ´ ´ INT + VRESET P tC (1) (2) 8.4.2 Programming in Normal Mode (TEST = 1) To enable programming in the normal mode, the TEST terminal must be high. Communication is through the SPI and the CS terminal is used to enable the IC. The information on the SDI line consists of two parts: address and data. After power up, the SPI is in default mode (see Table 1). 8.4.3 Default SPI Mode The SPI is in the default mode on the power-up sequence. In this case, the SDO directly equals the SDI (echo function). In this mode, five commands can be transmitted by the master controller to configure the IC (see Table 1). 12 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPIC8101 TPIC8101 www.ti.com SLIS110C – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2015 Device Functional Modes (continued) Table 1. Default SPI Mode NO. 1 Code 010 D[4:0] Command (t) Data Response (t) OSCIN frequency D[4:1] = 0000 → 4 MHz D[4:1] = 0001 → 5 MHz D[4:1] = 0010 → 6 MHz D[4:1] = 0011 → 8 MHz D[4:1] = 0100 → 10 MHz D[4:1] = 0101 → 12 MHz D[4:1] = 0110 → 16 MHz D[4:1] = 0111 → 20 MHz D[4:1] = 1000 → 24 MHz Set the prescaler and SDO status SDI (010 D[4:0]) D[0] = 0 → SDO active D[1] = 1 → SDO high impedance 2 1110 000 D[0] Select the channel D[0] = 0 → Channel 1 selected D[1] = 1 → Channel 2 selected SDI (1110 000 D[0]) 3 00 D[5:0] Set the band-pass center frequency D[5:0] (see Table 3) SDI (00 D[5:0]) 4 10 D[5:0] Set the gain D[5:0] (see Table 3) SDI (10 D[5:0]) 5 110 D[4:0] Set the integration time constant D[4:0] (see Table 3) SDI (100 D[4:0]) 6 0111 0001 Set SPI configuration to the advanced mode (1) None SDI (0111 0001) (1) Command number 6 is to enter into the advanced mode. 8.4.4 Advanced SPI Mode The advanced SPI mode has additional features to the default SPI mode. A control byte is written to the SDI and shifted with the MSB first. The response byte on the SDO is shifted out with the MSB first. The response byte corresponds to the previous command. Therefore, the SDI shifts in a control byte n and shifts out a response command byte n − 1. Each control/response pair of commands requires two full 8-bit shift cycles to complete a transmission. Table 2 shows the control bytes with the expected response. In the advanced SPI mode, only a power-down condition may reset the SPI mode to the default state on the subsequent power-up cycle. Table 2. Advanced SPI Mode Control Bytes and Expected Response NO. 1 Code 010 D[4:0] Command (t) Data Set the prescaler and SDO status Response (t) OSCIN frequency D[4:1] = 0000 → 4 MHz D[4:1] = 0001 → 5 MHz D[4:1] = 0010 → 6 MHz D[4:1] = 0011 → 8 MHz D[4:1] = 0100 → 10 MHz D[4:1] = 0101 → 12 MHz D[4:1] = 0110 → 16 MHz D[4:1] = 0111 → 20 MHz D[4:1] = 1000 → 24 MHz Byte 1 (D7 to D0) of the digital integrator output D[0] = 0 → SDO active D[1] = 1 → SDO high impedance 2 1110 000 D[0] Select the channel D[0] = 0 → Channel 1 selected D[1] = 1 → Channel 2 selected D9 to D8 of digital integrator output followed by six zeros 3 00 D[5:0] Set the band-pass center frequency D[5:0] (see Table 3) Byte 1 (MSB) of the 00000001 4 10 D[5:0] Set the gain D[5:0] (see Table 3) Byte 2 (LSB) 11100000 5 110 D[4:0] Set the integration time constant D[4:0] (see Table 3) SPI configuration (MSB) 01110001(LSB) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPIC8101 13 TPIC8101 SLIS110C – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2015 www.ti.com Table 2. Advanced SPI Mode Control Bytes and Expected Response (continued) NO. 6 Code 0111 0001 Command (t) Data Response (t) Inverted SPI configuration (MSB)10001110(LSB) Set SPI configuration to the advanced mode None 8.4.5 Digital Data Output from the TPIC8101 Digital output: • Digital integrator output (10 bits, D[9:0]) • First response byte (MSB): 8 bits for D7 to D0 of the integrator output • Second response byte (LSB): 2 bits for D9 to D8 of the integrator output followed by six zeros 8.5 Programming Table 3. Integrator Programming Decimal Value (D4:D0) Integrator Time Constant (µs) Band-Pass Frequency (kHz) Gain Decimal Value (D5:D0) Band-Pass Frequency (kHz) Gain 0 40 1.22 2 32 4.95 0.421 1 45 1.26 1.882 33 5.12 0.4 2 50 1.31 1.778 34 5.29 0.381 3 55 1.35 1.684 35 5.48 0.364 4 60 1.4 1.6 36 5.68 0.348 5 65 1.45 1.523 37 5.9 0.333 6 70 1.51 1.455 38 6.12 0.32 7 75 1.57 1.391 39 6.37 0.308 8 80 1.63 1.333 40 6.64 0.296 9 90 1.71 1.28 41 6.94 0.286 10 100 1.78 1.231 42 7.27 0.276 11 110 1.87 1.185 43 7.63 0.267 12 120 1.96 1.143 44 8.02 0.258 13 130 2.07 1.063 45 8.46 0.25 14 140 2.18 1 46 8.95 0.236 15 150 2.31 0.944 47 9.5 0.222 16 160 2.46 0.895 48 10.12 0.211 17 180 2.54 0.85 49 10.46 0.2 18 200 2.62 0.81 50 10.83 0.19 19 220 2.71 0.773 51 11.22 0.182 20 240 2.81 0.739 52 11.65 0.174 21 260 2.92 0.708 53 12.1 0.167 22 280 3.03 0.68 54 12.6 0.16 23 300 3.15 0.654 55 13.14 0.154 24 320 3.28 0.63 56 13.72 0.148 25 360 3.43 0.607 57 14.36 0.143 26 400 3.59 0.586 58 15.07 0.138 27 440 3.76 0.567 59 15.84 0.133 28 480 3.95 0.548 60 16.71 0.129 29 520 4.16 0.5 61 17.67 0.125 30 560 4.39 0.471 62 18.76 0.118 31 600 4.66 0.444 63 19.98 0.111 14 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPIC8101 TPIC8101 www.ti.com SLIS110C – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2015 8.5.1 Programming Examples • Prescaler/SDO status: – 01000101 programs an input frequency of 6 MHz with SDO terminal in high impedance. • Channel selection: – 1110001 selects channel 2. • Band-pass frequency: – 00100111 programs a band-pass filter with center frequency of 6.37 kHz. • Gain control: – 10010100 programs the gain with attenuation of 0.739. • Integrator time constant: – 11000011 programs integrator time constant of 55 µs. Table 1 through Table 3 show the binary values. 8.5.2 Programming in TEST Mode (TEST = 0) To enter test mode, the TEST terminal must be low. See Table 4 for the signal that may be accessed in this mode. Table 4. Programming in TEST Mode SDI Command MSB, LSB NO. Test Description T1 AAF individual test 1111, 0000 ADC clock Deactivates the input and output operational amplifiers AAF input connected to CH1FB terminal AAF output connected to OUT terminal T2 In-line test to AAF output 1111, 0000 None Deactivates the output operational amplifier AAF output connected to OUT terminal T3 Output buffer individual test None Opens the feedback loop of the output buffer and deactivates the input operational amplifier and AAF CH1FB connected to positive input terminal of operational amplifier CH2FB connected to negative input terminal of operational amplifier T4 ADC/DAC individual test (with the output buffer) 1111, 0011 ADC data Deactivates the input operational amplifiers and AAF INT/HOLD = ADC_Sync OSCIN = ADC_SCLK DAC shifted in from SDI terminal T5 ADC/DAC individual test (without the output buffer) 1111, 0100 ADC data Deactivates the input operational amplifiers, AAF, and output buffer INT/HOLD = ADC_Sync OSCIN = ADC_SCLK DAC is shifted in from SDI terminal T6 In-line test to ADC output 1111, 0011 ADC data INT/HOLD = ADC_Sync OSCIN = ADC_SCLK DAC shifted in from SDI terminal Clamp flag D[2:0] Implies command number 6 (advanced SPI mode) D[0]: Gain stage clamp status D[1]: BPF stage clamp status D[2]: INT stage clamp status D = 0 → No clamp activated D = 1 → Clamp activated T7 Reading of digital clamp flag 1111, 0010 1111, 1000 Response Description Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPIC8101 15 TPIC8101 SLIS110C – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2015 www.ti.com 9 Application and Implementation NOTE Information in the following applications sections is not part of the TI component specification, and TI does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. TI’s customers are responsible for determining suitability of components for their purposes. Customers should validate and test their design implementation to confirm system functionality. 9.1 Application Information The TPIC8101 can interface with one or two flat type or resonant knock sense elements. Flat type (non-resonant) sensors have a wider frequency bandwidth than resonant type sensors. A microprocessor must also interface with the TPIC8101 as shown in Figure 5. The microprocessor may sample the output data either through SPI or by sampling the analog OUT signal. 9.2 Typical Application VDD OUT 4.7 µF A/D R2 CH1FB 3.3 nF CS CH1N SCLK R1 Knock Sensor 1 TPIC8101 CH1P SDI SDO Microprocessor Vref 100 nF CH2P INT/HOLD 470 pF XIN R2 CH2FB 3.3 nF TEST 1 kΩ XOUT CH2N 1 MΩ R1 Knock Sensor 2 GND Figure 5. Application Schematic 9.2.1 Design Requirements After the knock sense element and the microprocessor are chosen, the designer can choose the TPIC8101 settings. The settings that must be programmed through SPI are: ƒbp, ƒosc, AP, τC, and channel. If the analog output is used, then the INT/HOLD signal must be supplied by the microprocessor. The input amplifier gain (AIN) is typically set to 1 by setting R1 = R2. R1 and R2 should be chosen to be greater than 25 kΩ. 16 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPIC8101 TPIC8101 www.ti.com SLIS110C – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2015 Typical Application (continued) Table 5. System Design Constraints PARAMETER CONSTRAINT VALUE FOR DESIGN EXAMPLE VIN Amplitude of input signal from knock sensor; determined by knock 300 mVpp sensor specification ƒbp Bandpass center frequency; determined by knock sensor specification 7.3 kHz ƒosc Oscillator frequency; determined by microprocessor 6 MHz tINT Integration window; determined by system specification. This is half the period of the INT/HOLD signal (when using a 50% duty cycle) which is generated by the microprocessor. 3 ms Maximum voltage on the OUT pin for the maximum VIN 4.5 V VOUT 9.2.2 Detailed Design Procedure Design parameters to set: AIN: Input amplifier gain, typically set to 1 AP: Programmable gain τC: Integration time constant Design equations: R2 AIN R1 tINT WC 2 u S u VOUT (3) (4) Use Equation 2 to solve for AP:  VRESET V S AP ( ) u WC u OUT 8 VIN u tINT (5) For this design example, use the parameters specified in Table 5. This example is for a resonant knock sensor. Using Equation 4: 3 ms WC 2 u S u 4.5 106 Ps (6) Using Equation 5: 4.5 V  0.125 V S AP ( ) u (106 Ps) u 8 (0.15 V) u (3 ms) (7) AP = 0.38 Table 6 lists the parameters to program. Table 6. Parameters to Program Parameter Programmed Value Calculated Value Code DEC SPI HEX Oscillator 6 MHz 6 MHz 1000010 Channel 1 1 ƒC0 7.3 kHz 7.27 kHz 42 2A 101010 AP 0.38 0.381 34 22 10100010 τC 106 µs 100 µs 10 0A 10001010 11100000 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPIC8101 17 TPIC8101 SLIS110C – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2015 www.ti.com Figure 6 shows the input and output signals for this design example. For a resonant knock sensor (as in the design example), the center frequency of the bandpass filter is set to the resonant frequency of the knock sensor. For a flat-type knock sensor, the bandpass filter design equation can be used to determine where the center frequency should be set. The transfer function of the biquadratic bandpass IIR filter is: HBP (z) GBP u With b0 Z u Su b0  b2 u z 2 a0  a1 u z 1  a2 u z 2 D , b2 fcenter fsampling With GBP 2, Q Da0 ,Q 1  D , a1 2 u cos(Z) , a2 fcenter , and G(fc2 ) fc2  fc1 G(fc1) 1 D , D sin(Z) 2uQ (8) G(fcenter )  3 dB 2.3 (9) 9.2.3 Application Curve 7270 kHz, 300 mVpp INT, 3 ms 4.48 V Output Figure 6. TPIC8101 Waveform 18 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPIC8101 TPIC8101 www.ti.com SLIS110C – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2015 10 Power Supply Recommendations A 5-V ±0.25 V power supply should be used to power the TPIC8101. It can operate on 5 V ±0.5 V; however, the electrical characteristics are not specified in that case. The maximum operating current consumption is 20 mA. 11 Layout 11.1 Layout Guidelines The layout of the TPIC8101 can be routed as a two layer board, with the top layer primarily used for routing signals and the second layer used primarily as a ground plane. The capacitors on VDD and VREF should be kept close to their respective pins and tie immediately through vias to ground. VREF should be connected to CH1P and CH2P in as tight a loop as possible. It can be routed on the second layer if necessary. The resistor between Ch1N and CH1FB and CH2N and CH2FB should be kept close to the respective pins. The rest of the input signal chain should be routed cleanly to avoid noise interference. The filter on XIN and XOUT for the input clock should be kept close to the XIN and XOUT pins. 11.2 Layout Example Expand GND plane to second layer through vias, and use to fill in spaces on top layer To clock input VDD CH1P GND CH1N VREF CH1FB OUT CH2FB NC CH2N NC CH2P INT/HOLD /TEST /CS SCLK XIN SDI XOUT SDO To channel 1 sensor To channel 2 sensor Figure 7. PCB Layout Example Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPIC8101 19 TPIC8101 SLIS110C – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2015 www.ti.com 12 Device and Documentation Support 12.1 Trademarks All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 12.2 Electrostatic Discharge Caution These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates. 12.3 Glossary SLYZ022 — TI Glossary. This glossary lists and explains terms, acronyms, and definitions. 13 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information The following pages include mechanical, packaging, and orderable information. This information is the most current data available for the designated devices. This data is subject to change without notice and revision of this document. For browser-based versions of this data sheet, refer to the left-hand navigation. 20 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPIC8101 PACKAGE MATERIALS INFORMATION www.ti.com 14-Feb-2019 TAPE AND REEL INFORMATION *All dimensions are nominal Device TPIC8101DWR Package Package Pins Type Drawing SOIC DW 20 SPQ Reel Reel A0 Diameter Width (mm) (mm) W1 (mm) 2000 330.0 24.4 Pack Materials-Page 1 10.8 B0 (mm) K0 (mm) P1 (mm) W Pin1 (mm) Quadrant 13.3 2.7 12.0 24.0 Q1 PACKAGE MATERIALS INFORMATION www.ti.com 14-Feb-2019 *All dimensions are nominal Device Package Type Package Drawing Pins SPQ Length (mm) Width (mm) Height (mm) TPIC8101DWR SOIC DW 20 2000 350.0 350.0 43.0 Pack Materials-Page 2 PACKAGE OUTLINE DW0020A SOIC - 2.65 mm max height SCALE 1.200 SOIC C 10.63 TYP 9.97 SEATING PLANE PIN 1 ID AREA A 0.1 C 20 1 13.0 12.6 NOTE 3 18X 1.27 2X 11.43 10 11 B 7.6 7.4 NOTE 4 20X 0.51 0.31 0.25 C A B 2.65 MAX 0.33 TYP 0.10 SEE DETAIL A 0.25 GAGE PLANE 0 -8 0.3 0.1 1.27 0.40 DETAIL A TYPICAL 4220724/A 05/2016 NOTES: 1. All linear dimensions are in millimeters. Dimensions in parenthesis are for reference only. Dimensioning and tolerancing per ASME Y14.5M. 2. This drawing is subject to change without notice. 3. This dimension does not include mold flash, protrusions, or gate burrs. Mold flash, protrusions, or gate burrs shall not exceed 0.15 mm per side. 4. This dimension does not include interlead flash. Interlead flash shall not exceed 0.43 mm per side. 5. Reference JEDEC registration MS-013. www.ti.com EXAMPLE BOARD LAYOUT DW0020A SOIC - 2.65 mm max height SOIC 20X (2) SYMM 1 20 20X (0.6) 18X (1.27) SYMM (R0.05) TYP 10 11 (9.3) LAND PATTERN EXAMPLE SCALE:6X SOLDER MASK OPENING METAL SOLDER MASK OPENING METAL UNDER SOLDER MASK 0.07 MAX ALL AROUND 0.07 MIN ALL AROUND SOLDER MASK DEFINED NON SOLDER MASK DEFINED SOLDER MASK DETAILS 4220724/A 05/2016 NOTES: (continued) 6. Publication IPC-7351 may have alternate designs. 7. Solder mask tolerances between and around signal pads can vary based on board fabrication site. www.ti.com EXAMPLE STENCIL DESIGN DW0020A SOIC - 2.65 mm max height SOIC 20X (2) SYMM 1 20 20X (0.6) 18X (1.27) SYMM 11 10 (9.3) SOLDER PASTE EXAMPLE BASED ON 0.125 mm THICK STENCIL SCALE:6X 4220724/A 05/2016 NOTES: (continued) 8. Laser cutting apertures with trapezoidal walls and rounded corners may offer better paste release. IPC-7525 may have alternate design recommendations. 9. Board assembly site may have different recommendations for stencil design. www.ti.com IMPORTANT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER TI PROVIDES TECHNICAL AND RELIABILITY DATA (INCLUDING DATASHEETS), DESIGN RESOURCES (INCLUDING REFERENCE DESIGNS), APPLICATION OR OTHER DESIGN ADVICE, WEB TOOLS, SAFETY INFORMATION, AND OTHER RESOURCES “AS IS” AND WITH ALL FAULTS, AND DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS AND IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. These resources are intended for skilled developers designing with TI products. You are solely responsible for (1) selecting the appropriate TI products for your application, (2) designing, validating and testing your application, and (3) ensuring your application meets applicable standards, and any other safety, security, or other requirements. These resources are subject to change without notice. TI grants you permission to use these resources only for development of an application that uses the TI products described in the resource. Other reproduction and display of these resources is prohibited. No license is granted to any other TI intellectual property right or to any third party intellectual property right. TI disclaims responsibility for, and you will fully indemnify TI and its representatives against, any claims, damages, costs, losses, and liabilities arising out of your use of these resources. TI’s products are provided subject to TI’s Terms of Sale (www.ti.com/legal/termsofsale.html) or other applicable terms available either on ti.com or provided in conjunction with such TI products. TI’s provision of these resources does not expand or otherwise alter TI’s applicable warranties or warranty disclaimers for TI products. Mailing Address: Texas Instruments, Post Office Box 655303, Dallas, Texas 75265 Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
TPIC8101DWR 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 1+19.74980
  • 10+18.23060
  • 100+16.71140
  • 1000+15.19220


  •  国内价格
  • 1+6.54948


  •  国内价格
  • 1+15.09840
  • 10+12.81960
  • 30+11.39400


    •  国内价格 香港价格
    • 1+56.351621+6.82432
    • 10+43.3087110+5.24479
    • 25+40.0612025+4.85151
    • 100+36.48947100+4.41897
    • 250+34.78591250+4.21266
    • 500+33.75916500+4.08832
    • 1000+32.914001000+3.98597


      •  国内价格 香港价格
      • 2000+20.586422000+2.49307
