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TPS40100EVM-001 数据手册
www.ti.com Table of Contents User’s Guide TPS40100 Buck Controller Evaluation Module User's Guide Table of Contents 1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................................................................2 2 Description.............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 2.1 Applications........................................................................................................................................................................2 2.2 Features............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 3 Electrical Performance Specifications................................................................................................................................. 3 4 Schematic................................................................................................................................................................................4 5 Test Setup................................................................................................................................................................................6 5.1 Equipment.......................................................................................................................................................................... 6 5.2 Equipment Setup................................................................................................................................................................7 5.3 Other Tests.........................................................................................................................................................................8 6 TPS40100EVM Typical Performance Data and Characteristics Curves...........................................................................17 6.1 Efficiency..........................................................................................................................................................................17 6.2 Line and Load Regulation................................................................................................................................................ 17 6.3 Loop Stability....................................................................................................................................................................18 7 EVM Assembly Drawings and Layout.................................................................................................................................19 8 List of Materials.....................................................................................................................................................................24 9 Revision History................................................................................................................................................................... 26 Trademarks All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. SLUU224A – MAY 2005 – REVISED MARCH 2022 Submit Document Feedback TPS40100 Buck Controller Evaluation Module User's Guide Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated 1 Introduction www.ti.com 1 Introduction The TPS40100EVM-001 evaluation module (EVM) is a synchronous buck converter that provides a fixed 3.3-V output up to 10 A from a 12-V input bus. The EVM is designed to start up from a single input supply with no additional bias voltage required. The module uses a TPS40100 midrange input synchronous buck controller. 2 Description The TPS40100EVM-001 is designed to use a regulated 12-V ±10% (10.8 V–13.2 V) bus to produce a regulated 3.3-V output at up to 10 A of load current. The EVM is designed to demonstrate the TPS40100 in a typical regulated bus to low-voltage application while providing a number of test points to evaluate the performance of the TPS40100. The EVM includes features to demonstrate voltage tracking, margin up/down, enable/disable, and power good. A synchronization pin is provided to allow the EVM to be synchronized to an external clock. 2.1 Applications • • • • • Non-isolated medium current point of load and low voltage bus converters Merchant power modules Networking equipment Telecommunications equipment DC power distributed systems 2.2 Features • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 10.8-V to 13.2-V input range 3.3-V fixed output 10-ADC steady state output current Output margin up and down support Tracking voltage input to support simultaneous sequencing Power-good indicator Frequency synchronization input Remote sensing scheme 380-kHz switching frequency Single main switch MOSFET and single synchronous rectifier MOSFET Single component side, surface mount design on a 3.0-inch × 3.25-inch evaluation board Four layer PCB with all components on top side Convenient test points for probing critical waveforms Test points for full loop analysis as well as control to output 2.2.1 Using Remote Sense (J3) The TPS40100EVM-001 provides the user with remote sense capabilities. Remote sense is used to provide more accurate load regulation by compensating for losses over terminal connections and load wire resistance. When remote sense is used properly, the converter will regulate the voltage at the point where sense connections are placed. These remote sense connections are usually placed at the intended load. As the load is increased the direct output of the converter will rise to compensate for IR losses. CAUTION Long wiring connections can cause the converter to act irregularly. This can show up as pulse width jitter or an oscillatory effect on the ripple voltage. If this condition occurs, check the setup and make adjustments. Please see Section 5.3.2. 2.2.2 Simultaneous Tracking (J3) The EVM is equipped to provide the ability to demonstrate the tracking feature of the TPS40100. In addition, the module can be configured to have multiple TPS40100EVMs track. The voltage tracking function allows the TPS40100 to track an external ramp (provided on EVM). This tracking feature allows single or multiple modules to track an external ramp in order to comply with the demands of many microprocessor and memory applications. Please see Section 5.3.3. 2 TPS40100 Buck Controller Evaluation Module User's Guide Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated SLUU224A – MAY 2005 – REVISED MARCH 2022 Submit Document Feedback www.ti.com Description 2.2.3 Enable (SW2) The EVM is equipped with an enable/disable switch. Please see Section 5.3.4. Closing S1 will disable the device by pulling the UVLO pin of the TPS40100 low. Opening the S1 will enable the device, provided that the appropriate input voltage is present. J3 pin 4 is an enable monitor pin that provides a connection for user observation. 2.2.4 Margin Up/Down (J4) The margin up and down feature of the EVM provides the user with the ability to trim or margin the output of the converter up/down by 3% or 5%. The EVM is equipped with convenient jumper settings to give the user the ability to trim the output voltage. Please see Section 5.3.5 for more detailed test setup information. 2.2.5 Power Good (J1) The EVM contains a power-good pin to provide the user with a “power ok” signal. This pin is pulled up through a resistor to the 5VBP pin of the TPS40100. If any of the following conditions occur, the power-good pin will pull low. • • • • • • • Soft start is active (VSS < 3.5 V). Tracking is active (Vtrackout > .7 V). VFB < 0.61 V VFB > 0.77 V VUVLO < 1.33 V Overcurrent condition exists Die temperature is greater than 165°C. This pin can be monitored with an oscilloscope to observe its behavior. Please see Section 5.3.6. 2.2.6 Synchronization (J1) Two TPS40100-EVM can be synchronized to an external clock source of a higher frequency than that of the free running PWM clock. This is a feature that can aid with input filter design. It is recommended that the synchronization frequency be no more than 120% of the free running frequency. The EVM is configured to a switching frequency of 370 kHz, so the external frequency into the synchronization pin should be no more than 470 kHz. Please see Section 5.3.6. 3 Electrical Performance Specifications Table 3-1. TPS40100EVM-001 Electrical and Performance Specifications Parameter Notes and Conditions Min Typ Max Units 13.2 V INPUT CHARACTERISTICS Input voltage range 10.8 Max input current VIN = 10.8 V, IOUT = 10 A 3.5 A No-load input current VIN = 13.2 V, IOUT = 0 A 100 mA OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS Output voltage 3.22 3.30 3.39 Output voltage Line regulation (10.8 V < VIN < 13.2 V, IOUT = 5 A) 1% Regulation Load regulation (0 A < IOUT < 10 A, VIN = 12 V) 1% Output voltage ripple VIN = 13.2 V, IOUT = 10 A 25 Output load current 0 Output over current V mVpp 10 15 A A SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS Switching frequency 350 V12V_IN = 10.8 V Full load efficiency VOUT = 3.3 V, IOUT = 10 A SLUU224A – MAY 2005 – REVISED MARCH 2022 Submit Document Feedback 380 410 kHz 93.9 V12V_IN = 12 V 93.5% V12V_IN = 13.2 V 93.4% TPS40100 Buck Controller Evaluation Module User's Guide Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated 3 Schematic www.ti.com 4 Schematic Figure 4-1. TPS40100EVM-001 Power Stage/Control Schematic 4 TPS40100 Buck Controller Evaluation Module User's Guide Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated SLUU224A – MAY 2005 – REVISED MARCH 2022 Submit Document Feedback www.ti.com Schematic Note Component values are for reference only. Figure 4-2. TPS40100EVM-001 Margin Control SLUU224A – MAY 2005 – REVISED MARCH 2022 Submit Document Feedback TPS40100 Buck Controller Evaluation Module User's Guide Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated 5 Test Setup www.ti.com 5 Test Setup 5.1 Equipment 5.1.1 Voltage Source (VIN) The input voltage source (VIN) should be a 0-V to 15-V variable DC source capable of 5 ADC. Connect VIN to J2 as shown in Figure 5-2. 5.1.2 Meters • • • Ammeter1: 0 A to 5 ADC, ammeter Voltmeter1: VIN, 0-V to 15-V voltmeter Voltmeter2: VIN, 0-V to 5-V voltmeter 5.1.3 Loads (LOAD1) The output load (LOAD1) should be an electronic constant current mode load capable of 0 ADC to 10 ADC at 3.3 V. 5.1.4 Recommended Wire Gauge VIN to J2 The connection between the source voltage, VIN, and J2 of EVM can carry as much as 5 ADC. The minimum recommended wire size is AWG #16. Shorter lengths of input wire will aid in reducing inductance and provide better overall performance. J5 to LOAD1 (Power Pins 2 and 3) The power connection between J5 of EVM and LOAD1 can carry as much as 10 ADC. It is recommended that the user use AWG#16 wire. It is recommended that the load wires be kept as short as possible. This will aid in performance, most notably in transient response. J2 to LOAD1 (Remote Sense) If remote sense is to be used, ensure that J6 and J7 are in the remote sense enable position (shunt pins 1 and 2).Load wires and sense wires should be kept less than six inches to ensure proper functionality. The remote sense wires connecting J5 (pins 1 and 4) and LOAD1 carry less than 1 ADC. The minimum recommended wire size is AWG #22 with the total length of less than six inches long. 5.1.5 Other Fan This evaluation module includes components that can get hot to the touch. A small fan capable of 200–400 LFM is required to reduce component surface temperatures to prevent user injury. The EVM should not be left unattended while powered or probed while the fan is not running. Oscilloscope A 60-MHz or faster oscilloscope can be used to monitor many points on the EVM. For output ripple voltage measurements, the Oscilloscope should be set for the following to take output ripple measurements: • • • • • 20-MHz bandwidth limiting 1-MW impedance AC coupling 1-ms/division horizontal resolution 10-mV to 20-mV/division vertical resolution Function Generator A function generator capable of sourcing a 0-V to 5-V square wave at frequencies past 400 Khz. 6 TPS40100 Buck Controller Evaluation Module User's Guide Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated SLUU224A – MAY 2005 – REVISED MARCH 2022 Submit Document Feedback www.ti.com Test Setup 5.2 Equipment Setup 5.2.1 Initial EVM Jumper and Switch Settings Figure 5-2 is the basic test setup recommended for evaluating the TPS40100EVM-001. The EVM is shipped with the following in the default position: • • • • • The enable switch (S1) is open across pins 2 and 3. This is the enable position. The tracking enable jumper (J8) has shunt positioned across pins 1 and 2, disabling the tracking feature. The tracking engage switch (S2) is open across pins 2 and 3. This enables the tracking ramp to charge. Remote sense jumpers (J6 and J7) have shunts positioned across pins 2 and 3, enabling local connector sensing. Margin shunts positioned in the margin disable position. 5.2.2 Procedure 1. Working at an ESD workstation, make sure that any wrist straps, bootstraps, or mats are connected referencing the user to earth ground before power is applied to the EVM. An electrostatic smock and safety glasses should also be worn. 2. Prior to connecting the DC input source, VIN, it is advisable to limit the source current to 5.0 A maximum. Make sure VIN is initially set to 0 V and connected as shown in Figure 5-2. 3. Connect an ammeter between the positive output of the input supply and the positive input of the EVM (J2, Pin 1). 4. Connect voltmeter #1 to TP3 and TP4. These are the EVM input supply monitoring points. 5. Connect LOAD1 to J5. Set LOAD1 to constant current mode to sink 0 ADC before input voltage is applied. 6. Connect voltmeter #2 across TP13 and TP14. This is the EVM output supply monitoring point. This configuration is local sensing. 7. Remove the oscilloscope probe jacket and position the probe as shown in Figure 5-1. TP17 and TP18 are implemented to provide the user with the means to achieve good noise immune measurements of ripple voltage and transient response. Figure 5-1. Probe Position for Ripple Measurement 8. Place a fan as shown in Figure 5-2 and turn it on, making sure air is flowing across the EVM. SLUU224A – MAY 2005 – REVISED MARCH 2022 Submit Document Feedback TPS40100 Buck Controller Evaluation Module User's Guide Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated 7 Test Setup www.ti.com J1 Power Good and SyncIn J5 Tracking In and Enable Monitor J4 Margin Enable Enable SW1 Switch Closed = OFF Switch Open = ON GND GND GND GND Remote GNDSenseJumper Disabled TrackingEngageS2 1 2 3 4 J2 TrackingEnable JumperDisable Position - TP18 3 TP17 TP4 TP14 J7 +3.3Vout - VIN 10.8V 13.2V Ammeter #1 + - + + Voltmeter #1 - J8 Remote+SenseJumper Disabled 2 1 + + - - EnableS1 TP3 + LOAD1 3.3 V @ 10 A Voltmeter #2 + J5 TP13 3 2 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS TPS40100EVM-001 12Vto3.3V@10A HPA089A 1MΩ, DC 1V/div 20mHzBW J6 1 Metal Ground Barrel FAN Probe Tip TP17 TP18 Tip and Barrel Vout ripple and transient measurement for TP17 and TP18 Figure 5-2. TPS40100EVM-001 Recommended Test Setup 5.2.3 Start-Up and Shutdown Procedure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Increase VIN (V1) from 0 V to 12 VDC. Observe that VOUT has risen to its nominal voltage. Vary LOAD1 from 0 ADC–10 ADC. Vary VIN from 10.8 VDC to 13.2 VDC. Decrease LOAD1 to 0 A. Decrease VIN to 0 V. 5.2.4 Equipment Shutdown 1. 2. 3. 4. Shut down the oscilloscope. Shut down LOAD. Shut down VIN. Shut down the fan. 5.3 Other Tests 5.3.1 Adjusting Output Voltage (R1 and R3) The regulated output voltage can be adjusted by changing the values of the feedback resistors, R1 and R3. R19 and R17 are located in the feedback to provide the user with positive remote sense and the ability to perform loop analysis with a frequency/gain analyzer. Resistors R12 and the parallel combination of R1 and R3 are the dominant resistors associated with setting the output voltage. The following are the equations associated for establishing the output voltage. × R3 RPARALLEL =   R1  R1 + R3 8 (1) TPS40100 Buck Controller Evaluation Module User's Guide Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated SLUU224A – MAY 2005 – REVISED MARCH 2022 Submit Document Feedback www.ti.com Test Setup VOUT =  VREF RR12 + R17 + 1 (2) PARALLEL V where • • • REF RPARALLEL =   V   × R17 + R12 OUT −  VREF (3) VVREF = 0.690 V R17 = 49.9 Ω R12 = 18.2 kΩ R1//R3 can be adjusted to provide user defined output voltages. Table 5-1 contains values for R1//R3 to generate popular output voltages. Table 5-1. Adjusting VOUT with R1/R3 VOUT R1//R3 (RPARALLEL) R1 R3 3.3 V 4.82 k 12.4 k 7.87 k 2.5 V 6.95 k 7.15 k 237 k 2.2 V 8.33 k 8.66 k 205 k 2.0 V 9.61 k 10.0 k 237 k 1.8 V 11.34 k 12.1 k 178 k 1.5 V 15.55 k 16.2 k 365 k 1.2 V 24.69 k 26.1 k 422 k 5.3.2 Remote Sense Test Setup In order for the remote sense feature of the TPS40100EVM-001 to function properly, it is essential that the test setup be configured correctly. Use the following steps to set up the remote sense: 1. Ensure that the remote sense jumpers J7 and J8 are shunted across pins 1 and 2. 2. Connect load wires with a maximum length of six inches from pin 2 of J5 (+Vout) to the positive terminal of the load. Connect the same length of wire from pin 3 of J5 (RTN) to the negative terminal of the load. Be sure to properly gauge the load wires for 10 A. AWG#16 is recommended. 3. Connect a sense wire from J5 pin 1 to the positive terminal of the load. This is the +senseline. Be sure to not exceed six inches in length. AWG#22 wire is recommended. 4. Connect a sense wire from J5 pin 4 to the negative terminal of the load. This is the –sense line. Be sure to not exceed six inches in length. AWG#22 wire is recommended. 5. Monitor voltage at TP13 and TP14 using a voltmeter. This will be the regulated voltage at the load. 6. Monitor voltage at J5 pins 2 and 3. This is the voltage at the output connector. This voltage will increase based on the load. 7. Set load to 0 A, constant current. Both monitoring points should read very close to the same value. 8. Increase the load gradually and observe the difference in voltages present at the monitoring points. The set voltage (3.3 V) will be regulated at the load; this will be noted at TP13 and TP14. The direct output of the converter (J5 pins 2 and 3) will read a higher voltage. As IR losses increase over load wires and terminals, the direct output of the converter will compensate by raising the voltage to keep within regulation at the load. CAUTION Long distance runs from the output of the converter and the load will cause erratic behavior. This can show up as pulse width jitter or an oscillatory effect on the ripple voltage. If this condition occurs, check the setup and make adjustments. Please see Figure 5-3 for test setup. SLUU224A – MAY 2005 – REVISED MARCH 2022 Submit Document Feedback TPS40100 Buck Controller Evaluation Module User's Guide Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated 9 Test Setup www.ti.com 4 13 14 15 10 7 4 1 11 8 5 2 12 9 6 3 1 3 2 J3 Enable S1 Max 6" length - 4 2 Tracking Enable Jumper Disabled 1 TP2 - J5 3 J2 ++ - + - Input Supply Remote + Sense Jumper Enabled TP14 TrackingEngageS2 TP1 1 Max 6" length + LOAD1 3.3 V @ 10A - + + Max 6" length Voltage monitored at the load. Reading can be taken at the load if desired. NOTE: This is the point to which the converter will be regulating to. TP13 Voltmeter #3 Voltmeter #2 Remote GND Sense Jumper Enabled Voltage monitored at the output connector. NOTE: This will read a higher value as load current increases. Voltage will be regulated to set voltage at LOAD. Figure 5-3. TPS40100EVM-001 Recommended Remote Test Setup 5.3.3 Voltage Tracking Test Setup The following procedure is for a single EVM demonstration of the track function. Please see Figure 5-4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Shunt pins 2 and 3 of J8 (tracking enable jumper). The tracking engage switch (S2) should be in the closed position. Connect an oscilloscope probe to the TRACKING IN pin (J3 pin 1) and VOUT (TP 17 and 18). Connect the load to the output of the EVM and set from 1 A–10 A (User selectable). Power on the EVM with an input voltage of 10.8 V–13.2 V (Allow for SS voltage to reach 3.5 V to ensure proper tracking performance or wait one to two seconds). 6. Open the Tracking Engage Switch (S2) (Shorting pins 1 and 2 open) and observe how VOUT tracks the TRACKING IN pins rising voltage. Waveforms should be simultaneous. 7. Close the Tracking Engage (S2) (Shorting pins 2 and 3 open) and observe how VOUT tracks the TRACKING IN pins falling voltage. Waveforms should be simultaneous. 10 TPS40100 Buck Controller Evaluation Module User's Guide Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated SLUU224A – MAY 2005 – REVISED MARCH 2022 Submit Document Feedback www.ti.com Test Setup 1MΩ, DC 1V/div 60mHzBW 4 13 14 15 Tracking Engage S2 Closed = Discharge tracking voltage signal. Open = Charge tracking voltage signal. 10 7 4 1 11 8 5 2 12 9 6 3 2 ConnectorJ3 Pin 1Tracking In Pin2,3Gnd Pin4 EnableMonitor J3 J6 13 Remote + Sense Jumper Disabled TP13 TrackingEngageS2 TP3 1 EnableS1 1 Module to Module TP Tracking Enable Jumper +3.3Vout + - J8 J2 Vout Scope JackTP 17&18 + + - - TP3 - 2 J5 3 4 + LOAD1 3.3V @ 3A Voltmeter #2 + TP4 TP14 J7 Remote GND Sense Jumper Disabled Figure 5-4. TPS40100EVM-001 Single EVM Tracking Test Setup Single Unit Tracking (Charge) • • • • Channel 1 (+ 3.3 VOUT) Channel 4 (Tracking In) VIN = 12 V IOUT = 10 A Figure 5-5. Single EVM Tracking Charging Ramp Single Unit Tracking (Discharge) • Channel 1 (+ 3.3 VOUT) SLUU224A – MAY 2005 – REVISED MARCH 2022 Submit Document Feedback TPS40100 Buck Controller Evaluation Module User's Guide Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated 11 Test Setup • • • www.ti.com Channel 4 (Tracking In) VIN = 12 V IOUT = 10 A Figure 5-6. Single EVM Tracking Discharging Ramp To demonstrate multiple EVM (2 modules) tracking, the following procedure must be followed to ensure proper functionality. The second TPS40100 EVM should be configured to a different output voltage. 1. Shunt pins 2 and 3 of the Tracking Enable Jumper (J8) for both modules. 2. Connect J3 pin 1 of each EVM. 3. Connect TP16 of each EVM. This is the module to module test point. This allows either module to be the control EVM through S2. 4. The Tracking Engage Switch (S2) should be in the closed (shorting pins 2 and 3) position on the control EVMs. 5. Connect an oscilloscope probe to the TP17 and 18 of both modules and pin 1 of J3 of one of the modules. Modules should have a common input voltage and return. 6. Remote sense jumpers (J6 and 7) should have pins 2 and 3 shunted, activating local output sensing. 7. Apply an input voltage of 10.8 V to 13.2 V. 8. Allow the SS voltage to reach 3.5 V. 9. Open the control EVM Tracking Engage Switch (S2) (Opening pins 2 and 3) and observe the monitored points (Both EVM outputs and the tracking in voltage. Output voltage should follow the tracking in voltage until reaching the regulation point). 10. Close the Tracking Engage Switch (S2) (Shorting pins 2 and 3) of the control EVM and observe the monitored points (Both EVM outputs and the tracking in voltage). Falling waveforms should be coincidal. 12 TPS40100 Buck Controller Evaluation Module User's Guide Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated SLUU224A – MAY 2005 – REVISED MARCH 2022 Submit Document Feedback www.ti.com Test Setup 1MΩ, DC 1V/div 60mHzBW TPS40100 EVM #1 4 3 2 1 ConnectorJ3 Pin 1Tracking In Pin2,3Gnd Pin4 EnableMonitor J3 Tracking EngageS2 Remote + Sense Jumper Disabled TP13 TP3 EnableS1 TP16 1 + - J2 J8 TrackingEnable Jumper Vout Scope JackTP 17&18 TP4 + + - - Moduleto Module TP +3.3Vout Tracking Engage S2 Closed = Discharge tracking voltage signal. Open = Charge tracking voltage signal. J6 - 2 J5 3 + 4 LOAD1 3.3V @ 3A Voltmeter #2 + TP14 J7 Remote GND Sense Jumper Disabled + VIN (10.8 -13.2V) Tracking Engage S2 Closed = Discharge tracking voltage signal. Open = Charge tracking voltage signal. TPS40100 EVM #2 4 3 2 1 ConnectorJ3 Pin 1Tracking In Pin2,3Gnd Pin4 EnableMonitor J3 J6 Tracking EngageS2 Remote + Sense Jumper Disabled TP13 TP3 EnableS1 TP16 1 J8 TrackingEnable Jumper +3.3Vout + - J2 Vout Scope JackTP 17&18 TP4 + + - - Moduleto Module TP 2 - J5 3 4 + LOAD1 1.8V @ 3A Voltmeter #2 + TP14 J7 Remote GND Sense Jumper Disabled Figure 5-7. TPS40100EVM-001 Dual EVM Tracking Test Setup SLUU224A – MAY 2005 – REVISED MARCH 2022 Submit Document Feedback TPS40100 Buck Controller Evaluation Module User's Guide Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated 13 Test Setup www.ti.com 5.3.4 Enable and Disable Test Setup To begin testing, set up the EVM according to Section 5.2.2. The switch (ENABLE S1) provides the ability to enable and disable the device. Please see Figure 5-8 for illustration. Closing S1 will disable the device by pulling the UVLO pin of the TPS40100 low. Opening S1 will enable the device, providing that the appropriate input voltage is present. J3 pin 4 is an enable monitor pin providing a connection for user observation. 4 6 3 14 11 8 5 2 10 7 4 11 MarginUp5% 13 TP1 + - J2 3 2 1 J3 MarginDown3% 9 MarginDown3% 12 MarginUp3% 15 ConnectorJ3 Pin 1Tracking In Pin2,3Gnd Pin4 EnableMonitor EnableSw itch logic Enable= Open Disable = Closed EnableS1 TP16 TrackingEnable Jumper TP2 Figure 5-8. TPS40100EVM-001 Enable Test Setup Power-On Enable • • • • • Channel 1 (+ 3.3 VOUT) Channel 3 (Power good) Channel 4 (SS) VIN = 12 V IOUT = 10 A Figure 5-9. Power On from Enable 5.3.5 Margin Test Setup To begin testing, set up the EVM according to Figure 5-2. Choose the desired margin level. Connector J4 pins 3, 6, 12, and 15 are designated pins that can be connected to adjacent VIN pins (2, 5, 11, and 14) of J4 to enable the desired margin level. Please see Figure 5-10. For example, to margin the unit up 5%, connect a jumper across pins 2 and 3 of J4. 14 TPS40100 Buck Controller Evaluation Module User's Guide Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated SLUU224A – MAY 2005 – REVISED MARCH 2022 Submit Document Feedback www.ti.com Test Setup J4 Margin Enable To margin the unit shunt the associated pins. Example : Marginup 5% =shuntpins 2 and 3 10 7 4 1 14 11 8 5 2 6 GND GND 3 EnableSW1 31 MarginUp 3% TP1 9 2 MarginUp 5% MarginDown5% 15 12 TrackingLow SW2 + - MarginDown3% GND GND 13 TP16 J2 Tracking Enable Jumper TP2 Figure 5-10. TPS40100EVM-001 Margin Test Setup Margin Up 5% • • • • Channel1 VOUT (looking at transition of voltage 165 mV) Channel 2 corresponding margin pin VIN = 12 V IOUT = 10 A Figure 5-11. Margin Up 5% 5.3.6 Power Good and Synchronization Test Setup The TPS40100EVM-100 has the ability to be synchronized to an external clock. To begin testing, set up the EVM according to Figure 5-2. Connector J1 contains both the power-good pin and sync-in pin. Power good can be monitored for its steady state response with a DMM or with an oscilloscope to illustrate its dynamic response. The power-good voltage swing will range from 0 V– 4.5 V depending on the condition of the output. A low on this pin dictates a power fault and a high (4.5 V) conveys “power ok.” Pin 4 of J1 is the input for an external clock frequency. To test, set up a function generator to provide a squarewave at a frequency of above 410 kHz and below 480 kHz. The function generator should be set to provide a 0-V to 5-V square wave with a 50% duty cycle. Once power is applied to the EVM, apply the external SLUU224A – MAY 2005 – REVISED MARCH 2022 Submit Document Feedback TPS40100 Buck Controller Evaluation Module User's Guide Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated 15 Test Setup www.ti.com clock to the sync-in pin and observe the gate drive of the low-side MOSFET (Q2). This should be measured using an oscilloscope measuring at TP7. Gate drive pulse will coincide with external clock frequency. Please see Figure 5-12. SquareWave,Freq=120% SWF,5Vpeak Function Generator J1 Pin1 Power Good Pin2,3Gnd Pin 4 SYNC IN Voltmeter - + GNDGND SYNC IN GND GND EnableSW1 POWER GOOD TrackingEngageS2 TP1 TP9 + - LDRV J2 TrackingEnable Jumper TP2 1MΩ, DC 1V/div 60mHzBW Figure 5-12. TPS40100EVM-001 Power Good and Synchronization Test Setup Synchronization • • • • Channel 1 switch node voltage Channel 2 external clock signal VIN = 12 V IOUT = 10 A Figure 5-13. Synchronization 16 TPS40100 Buck Controller Evaluation Module User's Guide Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated SLUU224A – MAY 2005 – REVISED MARCH 2022 Submit Document Feedback www.ti.com TPS40100EVM Typical Performance Data and Characteristics Curves 6 TPS40100EVM Typical Performance Data and Characteristics Curves Figure 6-1 through Figure 6-3 present typical performance curves for the TPS40100EVM-001. Since actual performance data can be affected by measurement techniques and environmental variables, these curves are presented for reference and can differ from actual field measurements. 6.1 Efficiency 96 94 Efficiency (% ) 92 90 10.8 v 12.0 v 13.2 v 88 86 84 82 80 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Load Current (A) Figure 6-1. TPS40100EVM-001 Efficiency V12V_IN = 10.8 V–13.2 V, VOUT = 3.3 V, IOUT = 0 A–10 A Vout (V) 6.2 Line and Load Regulation 3.315 3.313 3.311 3.309 3.307 3.305 3.303 3.301 3.299 3.297 3.295 12.0 v 10.8 v 13.2 v 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Load Current (A) Figure 6-2. TPS40100EVM-001 Line Regulation IOUT = 10 A, VIN = 10.8 V–13.2 V SLUU224A – MAY 2005 – REVISED MARCH 2022 Submit Document Feedback TPS40100 Buck Controller Evaluation Module User's Guide Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated 17 TPS40100EVM Typical Performance Data and Characteristics Curves www.ti.com 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 -160 -180 80 60 Gain (dB) 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 100 1000 10000 100000 Phase (°) 6.3 Loop Stability 1000000 Frequency (Hz) Figure 6-3. TPS40100EVM-001 Loop Response VIN = 12 V, VOUT = 3.3 V, IOUT = 10 A 18 TPS40100 Buck Controller Evaluation Module User's Guide Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated SLUU224A – MAY 2005 – REVISED MARCH 2022 Submit Document Feedback www.ti.com EVM Assembly Drawings and Layout 7 EVM Assembly Drawings and Layout Figure 7-1 through Figure 7-6 show the design of the TPS40100EVM-001 printed circuit board. The EVM has been designed using a 4-layer, 2-oz copper-clad 3.0-inch × 3.25-inch circuit board with most of the components on the top side to allow the user to easily view, probe, and evaluate the TPS40100 control IC in a practical application. Moving components to both sides of the PCB or using additional internal layers can offer additional size reduction for space constrained systems. Figure 7-1. TPS40100EVM-001 Component Placement (Viewed from Top) SLUU224A – MAY 2005 – REVISED MARCH 2022 Submit Document Feedback TPS40100 Buck Controller Evaluation Module User's Guide Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated 19 EVM Assembly Drawings and Layout www.ti.com Figure 7-2. TPS40100EVM-001 Silkscreen (Viewed from Top) 20 TPS40100 Buck Controller Evaluation Module User's Guide Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated SLUU224A – MAY 2005 – REVISED MARCH 2022 Submit Document Feedback www.ti.com EVM Assembly Drawings and Layout Figure 7-3. TPS40100EVM-001 Top Copper (Viewed from Top) Figure 7-4. TPS40100EVM-001 Layer 2 (X-Ray View from Top) SLUU224A – MAY 2005 – REVISED MARCH 2022 Submit Document Feedback TPS40100 Buck Controller Evaluation Module User's Guide Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated 21 EVM Assembly Drawings and Layout www.ti.com Figure 7-5. TPS40100EVM-001 Layer 3 (X-Ray View from Top) 22 TPS40100 Buck Controller Evaluation Module User's Guide Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated SLUU224A – MAY 2005 – REVISED MARCH 2022 Submit Document Feedback www.ti.com EVM Assembly Drawings and Layout Figure 7-6. TPS40100EVM-001 Bottom Copper (X-Ray View from Top) SLUU224A – MAY 2005 – REVISED MARCH 2022 Submit Document Feedback TPS40100 Buck Controller Evaluation Module User's Guide Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated 23 List of Materials www.ti.com 8 List of Materials Count RefDes Value Description 5 C1, C11, C16, C18, C21 0.1 μF 1 C10 1 Part Number MFR Capacitor, Ceramic, 0.1 μF, 603 50 V, X7R, 10% Std Std 560 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, 560 pF, 50 V, X7R, 20% 603 Std Std C12 1500 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, 1500 pF, 50 V, X7R, 20% 603 Std Std 1 C14 2.2 μF Capacitor, Ceramic, 2.2 μF, 603 10 V, X7R, 20% Std Std 1 C15 2.2 μF Capacitor, Ceramic, 2.2 μF, 805 16 V, X7R, 20% C2012X7R1C225M TDK 2 C17, C19 1.0 μF Capacitor, Ceramic, 1.0 μF, 805 25 V, X7R, 20% C2012X7R1E105M TDK 4 C2–C5 22 μF Capacitor, Ceramic, 22 μF, 2220 16 V, X7R, 20% C5750X7R1C226M TDK 1 C20 0.1 μF Capacitor, Ceramic, 0.1 μF, 805 6.3 V, X5R, 10% C2012X5R0J226K TDK 1 C22 100 μF Capacitor, Ceramic, 100 μF, 6.3 V, X5R, 20% Std Std 1 C24 1.0 μF Capacitor, Ceramic, 1.0 μF, 603 50 V, X7R, 20% Std Std 1 C25 1500 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, 1500 pF, 50 V, X7R, 10% 805 Std Std 1 C26 220 μF Capacitor, POSCAP, 220 μF, 10 V, 12 mΩ, 20% 7343(D) 10TPB220M Sanyo 2 C6, C13 .068 μF Capacitor, Ceramic, 0.068 μF, 25 V, X7R, 10% 603 Std Std 1 C7 330 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, 330 pF, 50 V, X7R, 10% 603 Std Std 1 C8 10 nF Capacitor, Ceramic, 10 nF, 603 50 V, X7R, 10% Std Std 1 C9 270 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, 270 pF, 50 V, X7R, 10% 603 Std Std 1 D1 1N4148SW Diode, Switching, 75 V, 200 mA, 200 mW SOD- 323 1N4148WS-7 Diode Inc 1 D2 SDM10K45-7 Diode, Schottky, 200 mA, 45 V SOD-323 SDM10K45-7 Diodes Inc 1 D3 BAT54S Diode, Dual Schottky, 200 mA, 30 V SOT23 BAT54S Zetex 1 D4 BAT54HT1 Diode, Schottky, 200 mA, 30 V SOD323 BAT54HT1 On Semiconductor 2 J1, J3 ED1516 Terminal Block, 4 pin, 6 A, 3.5 mm 0.55 × 0.25 ED1516 OST 1 J2 ED1609-ND Terminal Block, 2 pin, 15 A, 5.1 mm 0.40 × 0.35 ED1609 × 0.100 OST 1 J4 Header, 3 × 5 pin, 100-mil spacing 5 × 3 × 0.80 STD STD 1 J5 Terminal Block, 4 pin, 15 A, 5.1 mm 0.35 ED2227 OST 3 J6–J8 Header, 3 pin, 100-mil spacing, (36-pin strip) 0.100 × 3 PTC36SAAN Sullins 1 L1 1.8 μH Inductor, SMT, 1.8 μH, 16 A, 3.19 mΩ 0.512 × 0.55 inch 744318180/LF Wurth Elektronik 0 L1 (Second source 1.9 μH only) Inductor, SMT, 1.9 μH, 20 A, 3.00 mΩ 0.512 × 0.551 inch PG0077.202 Pulse Engineering 24 Size 1812 TPS40100 Buck Controller Evaluation Module User's Guide Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated SLUU224A – MAY 2005 – REVISED MARCH 2022 Submit Document Feedback www.ti.com List of Materials Count RefDes Value Description Size Part Number MFR 1 Q1 HAT2168H Mosfet, N-Ch, Vds 30 V, Rds 7.9 mΩ, Id 30 A LFPAK HAT2168H Hitachi 1 Q2 HAT2160H Mosfet, N-Ch, Vds 20 V, Rds 2.6 mΩ, Id 60 A LFPAK HAT2160H Hitachi 4 Q3–Q6 2N7002 MOSFET, N-ch, 60 V, 115 mA, 1.2 Ω SOT23 2N7002DICT Vishay-Liteon 1 R1 12.4 k Resistor, Chip, 12.4 kΩ, 1/16-W,1% 603 Std Std 1 R10 42.2 k Resistor, Chip, 42.2 kΩ, 1/16- W, 1% 603 Std Std 1 R11 100 Resistor, Chip, 100 Ω, 1/16-W, 1% 603 Std Std 1 R12 18.2 k Resistor, Chip, 18.2 k Ohms, 1/16-W, 1% 603 Std Std 1 R13 274 k Resistor, Chip, 274 kΩ, 1/16-W, 1% 603 Std Std 1 R14 100 k Resistor, Chip, 100 kΩ, 1/16-W, 1% 603 Std Std 2 R15,R26 0 Resistor, Chip, 0 Ω, 1/16W, 1% 603 Std Std 1 R16 4.87 k Resistor, Chip, 4.87 kΩ, 1/16- W, 1% 603 Std Std 1 R17 49.9 Resistor, Chip, 49.9 Ω, 1/16-W, 1% 603 Std Std 2 R18, R19 10 Resistor, Chip, 10.0 Ω, 1/16-W,1% 603 Std Std 1 R2 127 k Resistor, Chip, 127 kΩ, 1/16-W,1% 603 Std Std 4 R20– R24 511 k Resistor, Chip, 511 kΩ, 1/16-W,1% 603 Std Std 2 R22, R25 30.1 k Resistor, Chip, 30.1 kΩ, 1/16-W, 1% 603 Std Std 1 R27 2 Resistor, Chip, 2 Ω, 1/10W, 805 1% Std Std 1 R28 100 Resistor, Chip, 100 Ω, 1/16-W,1% 603 Std Std 1 R29 49.9 k Resistor, Chip, 49.9 kΩ, 1/16-W, 1% 603 Std Std 1 R3 7.87 k Resistor, Chip, 7.87 kΩ, 1/16-W, 1% 603 Std Std 1 R4 105 k Resistor, Chip, 105 kΩ, 1/16-W,1% 603 Std Std 1 R5 17.8 k Resistor, Chip, 17.8 kΩ, 1/16-W, 1% 603 Std Std 1 R6 1.62 k Resistor, Chip, 1.62 kΩ, 1/16-W, 1% 603 Std Std 1 R7 110 k Resistor, Chip, 110 kΩ, 1/16-W, 1% 603 Std Std 1 R8 15.0 k Resistor, Chip, 15.0 kΩ, 1/16-W, 1% 603 Std Std 1 R9 127 k Resistor, Chip, 127 kΩ, 1/16-W, 1% 603 Std Std 2 S1, S2 Switch, ON-ON Mini Toggle (Initial switch position closed shorting pins 1 and 2) 0.28 inch × G12AP 0.18 inch SLUU224A – MAY 2005 – REVISED MARCH 2022 Submit Document Feedback NKK TPS40100 Buck Controller Evaluation Module User's Guide Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated 25 Revision History www.ti.com Count RefDes Value Description Size Part Number MFR 5 TP1, TP2, TP4, TP12, TP14 5011 Test Point, Black, Thru Hole 0.125 × 0.125 5011 Keystone 2 TP3, TP13 5010 Test Point, Red, Thru Hole 0.125 × 0.125 5010 Keystone 1 — (Remote Sense –) Shunt, 100-mil, Black (Initial Placement Across Pins 2, 3 of J6) 0.1 929950-00 3M 1 — (Remote Sense +) Shunt, 100-mil, Black (Initial Placement Across Pins 2, 3 of J7) 0.1 929950-00 3M 1 — (Tracking Enable) Shunt, 100 mil, Black (Initial Placement Across Pins 1, 2 of J8) 0.1 929950-01 3M 4 — margin Shunt, 100-mil, Black 0.1 (Initial Placement Across Pins (1, 2) (4, 5) (7, 8) (10, 11) (13, 14) of connector J4) 929950-00 3M 11 TP18 5012 TestPoint, White, Thru Hole 0.125 × 0.125 5012 Keystone 1 U1 TPS40100RGE IC,Midrange Input Synchronous Buck Controller QFN-24 TPS40100RGE TI EVM Any 1 PCB,3.25 inch × 3.0 inch × 0.062 inch 9 Revision History NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version. Changes from Revision * (May 2005) to Revision A (March 2022) Page • Updated the numbering format for tables, figures, and cross-references throughout the document. ................2 • Updated the user's guide title............................................................................................................................. 2 26 TPS40100 Buck Controller Evaluation Module User's Guide Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated SLUU224A – MAY 2005 – REVISED MARCH 2022 Submit Document Feedback IMPORTANT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER TI PROVIDES TECHNICAL AND RELIABILITY DATA (INCLUDING DATA SHEETS), DESIGN RESOURCES (INCLUDING REFERENCE DESIGNS), APPLICATION OR OTHER DESIGN ADVICE, WEB TOOLS, SAFETY INFORMATION, AND OTHER RESOURCES “AS IS” AND WITH ALL FAULTS, AND DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS AND IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. These resources are intended for skilled developers designing with TI products. You are solely responsible for (1) selecting the appropriate TI products for your application, (2) designing, validating and testing your application, and (3) ensuring your application meets applicable standards, and any other safety, security, regulatory or other requirements. These resources are subject to change without notice. TI grants you permission to use these resources only for development of an application that uses the TI products described in the resource. Other reproduction and display of these resources is prohibited. No license is granted to any other TI intellectual property right or to any third party intellectual property right. TI disclaims responsibility for, and you will fully indemnify TI and its representatives against, any claims, damages, costs, losses, and liabilities arising out of your use of these resources. TI’s products are provided subject to TI’s Terms of Sale or other applicable terms available either on ti.com or provided in conjunction with such TI products. TI’s provision of these resources does not expand or otherwise alter TI’s applicable warranties or warranty disclaimers for TI products. TI objects to and rejects any additional or different terms you may have proposed. IMPORTANT NOTICE Mailing Address: Texas Instruments, Post Office Box 655303, Dallas, Texas 75265 Copyright © 2022, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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