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TPS40200D 数据手册
Sample & Buy Product Folder Support & Community Tools & Software Technical Documents TPS40200 SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 TPS40200 Wide Input Range Non-Synchronous Voltage Mode Controller 1 Features 3 Description • • • • • • The TPS40200 is a flexible, non-synchronous controller with a built-in 200-mA driver for P-channel FETs. The circuit operates with inputs up to 52 V with a power-saving feature that turns off driver current once the external FET has been fully turned on. This feature extends the flexibility of the device, allowing it to operate with an input voltage up to 52 V without dissipating excessive power. The circuit operates with voltage-mode feedback and has feed-forward input voltage compensation that responds instantly to input voltage change. The integral 700-mV reference is trimmed to 2%, providing the means to accurately control low voltages. The TPS40200 is available in an 8-pin SOIC and an 8-pin VSON package and supports many of the features of more complex controllers. Clock frequency, soft-start, and overcurrent limits are each easily programmed by a single, external component. The part has undervoltage lockout, and can be easily synchronized to other controllers or a system clock to satisfy sequencing and/or noise-reduction requirements. 1 • • • • • • Input Voltage Range 4.5 V to 52 V Output Voltage (700 mV to 90% VIN) 200-mA Internal P-channel FET Driver Voltage Feed-Forward Compensation Undervoltage Lockout Programmable Fixed-Frequency (between 35 kHz and 500 kHz) Operation Programmable Short-Circuit Protection Hiccup Overcurrent Fault Recovery Programmable Closed-Loop Soft-Start 700 mV 1% Reference Voltage External Synchronization Small 8-Pin SOIC (D) and VSON (DRB) Packages 2 Applications • • • • • Industrial Control Distributed Power Systems DSL/Cable Modems Scanners Telecom Device Information(1) PART NUMBER TPS40200 PACKAGE BODY SIZE (NOM) VSON (8) 3.00 mm x 3.00 mm SOIC (8) 4.90 mm x 3.90 mm (1) For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at the end of the datasheet. Simplified Schematic Efficiency vs Output Current VIN 100 VOUT = 5 V 90 2 SS ISNS 7 3 COMP GDRV 6 4 FB Efficiency (%) TPS40200 VDD 8 1 RC VOUT GND 5 80 70 VIN (V) 16 12 8 60 50 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Load Current (A) UDG-11201 1 An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety-critical applications, intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. PRODUCTION DATA. TPS40200 SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 www.ti.com Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Features .................................................................. Applications ........................................................... Description ............................................................. Revision History..................................................... Pin Configuration and Functions ......................... Specifications......................................................... 1 1 1 2 3 4 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 4 4 4 4 5 7 Absolute Maximum Ratings ...................................... Handling Ratings ...................................................... Recommended Operating Conditions....................... Thermal Information .................................................. Electrical Characteristics........................................... Typical Characteristics .............................................. Detailed Description ............................................ 11 7.1 Overview ................................................................. 11 7.2 Functional Block Diagram ....................................... 11 7.3 Feature Description................................................. 11 7.4 Device Functional Modes........................................ 18 8 Application and Implementation ........................ 19 8.1 Application Information............................................ 19 8.2 Typical Application .................................................. 19 9 Power Supply Recommendations...................... 37 10 Layout................................................................... 37 10.1 Layout Guidelines ................................................. 37 10.2 Layout Example .................................................... 38 11 Device and Documentation Support ................. 39 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 Device Support .................................................... Documentation Support ....................................... Trademarks ........................................................... Electrostatic Discharge Caution ............................ Glossary ................................................................ 39 39 39 39 39 12 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information ........................................................... 39 4 Revision History Changes from Revision F (September 2014) to Revision G • 2 Page Changed Added Handling Rating table, Feature Description section, Device Functional Modes, Application and Implementation section, Power Supply Recommendations section, Layout section, Device and Documentation Support section, and Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information section. .............................................................. 1 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 TPS40200 www.ti.com SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 5 Pin Configuration and Functions 8 PINS VSON (DRB) PACKAGE (BOTTOM VIEW) RC 1 8 8 PINS SOIC (D) PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) SS COMP FB 2 7 3 6 RC 1 8 VDD SS 2 7 ISNS COMP 3 6 GDRV FB 4 5 GND 4 5 VDD ISNS GDRV GND Pin Functions PIN I/O DESCRIPTION NAME NO. COMP 3 O Error amplifier output. Connect control loop compensation network from COMP to FB. FB 4 I Error amplifier inverting input. Connect feedback resistor network center tap to this pin. GND 5 GDRV 6 O Driver output for external P-channel MOSFET ISNS 7 I Current-sense comparator input. Connect a current sense resistor between ISNS and VDD in order to set desired overcurrent threshold. RC 1 I Switching frequency setting RC network. Connect a capacitor from the RC pin to the GND pin and connect a resistor from the VDD pin to the RC pin. The device may be synchronized to an external clock by connecting an open drain output to this pin and pulling it to GND. For mor info on pulse width for synchronization, please refer to the Synchronizing the Oscillator section. SS 2 I Soft-start programming pin. Connect capacitor from SS to GND to program soft start time. Pulling this pin below 150 mV causes the output switching to stop, placing the device in a shutdown state. The pin also functions as a restart timer for overcurrent events. VDD 8 I System input voltage. Connect local bypass capacitor from VDD to GND. Device ground. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 3 TPS40200 SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 www.ti.com 6 Specifications 6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) Input voltage range Output voltage range TJ (1) MIN MAX VDD , ISNS –0.3 52 RC, FB –0.3 5.5 SS –0.3 9.0 COMP –0.3 9.0 GDRV VIN –10 VIN –40 125 Operating Junction Temperature Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds (1) UNIT V V °C 260 Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, which do not imply functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under Recommended Operating Conditions. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 6.2 Handling Ratings MIN MAX UNIT –55 150 °C Human body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001, all pins (1) –1500 1500 Charged device model (CDM), per JEDEC specification JESD22-C101, all pins (2) –1500 1500 Tstg Storage temperature range V(ESD) Electrostatic discharge (1) (2) V JEDEC document JEP155 states that 500 V HBM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. JEDEC document JEP157 states that 250 V CDM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. 6.3 Recommended Operating Conditions over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) MIN MAX UNIT VDD Input voltage 4.5 52 V TJ Operating temperature range –40 125 °C 6.4 Thermal Information THERMAL METRIC (1) D DRB SOIC VSON (8 PINS) (8 PINS) RθJA Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance 109.6 44.2 RθJC(top) Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance 54.0 53.6 RθJB Junction-to-board thermal resistance 49.6 19.8 ψJT Junction-to-top characterization parameter 11.2 1.1 ψJB Junction-to-board characterization parameter 49.1 19.9 RθJC(bot) Junction-to-case (bottom) thermal resistance N/A 7.9 (1) 4 UNIT °C/W For more information about traditional and new thermal metrics, see the IC Package Thermal Metrics application report, SPRA953. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 TPS40200 www.ti.com SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 6.5 Electrical Characteristics –40°C < TA = TJ < 85°C, VDD = 12 V, fOSC = 100 kHz (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT VOLTAGE REFERENCE COMP = FB, TA = 25°C VFB Feedback voltage 4.5 < VDD < 52 689 696 702 TA = 25°C 686 696 703 –40°C < TA < 85°C 679 696 708 –40°C < TA < 125°C 679 696 710 125 300 200 300 6 8 10 V 1.5 3.0 mA 4.25 4.5 mV GATE DRIVER Isrc Gate driver pull-up current Isnk Gate driver pull-down current VGATE Gate driver output voltage VGATE = (VDD – VGDRV), for 12 < VDD < 52 mA mA QUIESCENT CURRENT Iqq Device quiescent current f OSC = 300 kHz, Driver not switching, 4.5 < VDD < 52 UNDERVOLTAGE LOCKOUT (UVLO) VUVLO(on) Turn-on threshold VUVLO(off) Turn-off threshold VUVLO(HYST) Hysteresis –40°C < TA < 125°C 3.8 4.05 110 200 275 65 105 170 V mV SOFT-START RSS(chg) Internal soft-start pull-up resistance RSS(dchg) Internal soft-start pull-down resistance 190 305 485 VSSRST Soft-start reset threshold 100 150 200 0°C < TA < 125°C 65 100 140 –40°C < TA < 125°C 55 100 140 100 150 200 kΩ mV OVERCURRENT PROTECTION VILIM Overcurrent threshold OCDF Overcurrent duty cycle (1) VILIM(rst) Overcurrent reset threshold 4.5 < VDD < 52 mV 2% mV OSCILLATOR Oscillator frequency range (1) fOSC Oscillator frequency Frequency line regulation VRMP (1) Ramp amplitude 35 500 RRC = 200 kΩ, CRC = 470 pF 85 100 115 RRC = 68.1 kΩ, CRC = 470 pF 255 300 345 12 V < VDD < 52 V -9% 4.5 V < VDD < 12 V –20% 4.5 V < VDD < 52 V kHz 0% 0% VDD÷10 V Ensured by design. Not production tested. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 5 TPS40200 SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 www.ti.com Electrical Characteristics (continued) –40°C < TA = TJ < 85°C, VDD = 12 V, fOSC = 100 kHz (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX VDD = 12 V 200 400 VDD = 30 V 100 200 UNIT PULSE WIDTH MODULATOR tMIN Minimum controllable pulse width (2) DMAX Maximum duty cycle KPWM Modulator and power stage DC gain fosc = 100 kHz, CL = 470 pF 93% 95% fosc = 300 kHz, CL = 470 pF 90% 93% 8 10 12 100 250 ns V/V ERROR AMPLIFIER IIB Input bias current AOL Open loop gain (1) 60 (1) nA 80 dB MHz GBWP Unity gain bandwidth 1.5 3 ICOMP(src) Output source current VFB = 0.6 V, COMP = 1 V 100 250 μA ICOMP(snk) Output sink current VFB = 1.2 V, COMP = 1 V 1.0 2.5 mA (2) 6 See Figure 21 for for tMIN vs fOSC at various input voltages. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 TPS40200 www.ti.com SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 6.6 Typical Characteristics 3 1.66 1.65 2.5 1.64 2 1.62 IDD - mA IDD - mA 1.63 1.61 1.6 1.5 1 1.59 1.58 VDD = 12 V 0.5 1.57 0 1.56 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 5 125 10 15 20 Temp - °C 4.3 156 4.25 155.5 155 154.5 154 VDD = 12 V 153.5 -50 -25 30 35 VDD - V 40 45 50 55 Figure 2. Quiescent Current vs Input Voltage 156.5 UVLO Turn On - V Reset Threshold - mV Figure 1. Quiescent Current vs Temperature 25 Turn On 4.2 4.15 4.1 Turn Off 4.05 4 0 25 50 75 100 -50 125 -25 0 Temp - °C 25 50 Temp - °C 75 100 125 Figure 4. UVLO Turn-On and Turn-Off vs Temperature Figure 3. Soft-Start Threshold vs Temperature 103 98 96 102.5 VDD = 4.5 V 102 R = 202 kW C = 470 pF 92 ILIM threshold - mV Frequency (kHz) 94 90 88 VDD = 12 V 86 84 80 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 101 VDD = 12 V 100.5 100 VDD = 52 V 82 101.5 125 99.5 -50 Temp (°C) -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 Temp - °C Figure 5. Oscillator Frequency vs Temperature Figure 6. Current Limit Threshold vs Temperature Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 7 TPS40200 SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 www.ti.com Typical Characteristics (continued) 275 21.00 R = 68.1 kW C = 470 pF TJ = 25°C 270 Oscillator Frequency (kHz) 265 TJ = 25°C 20.50 260 Gain - dB 255 250 245 20.00 240 235 19.50 230 225 220 19.00 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 VDD (V) 40 45 50 55 5 10 Figure 7. Oscillator Frequency vs VDD 15 20 25 30 35 VDD - V 40 45 50 55 Figure 8. Power Stage Gain vs VDD 20.50 20.50 20.30 20.45 VDD = 24 V VDD = 4.5 V 20.40 VDD = 12 V 19.90 Gain - dB Gain - dB 20.10 19.70 20.35 VDD = 52 V 20.30 19.50 20.25 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 -50 -25 0 Temp - °C Figure 9. Power Stage Gain vs Temperature 2.6 VDD = 24 V Vramp - V Vramp - V 2.2 2 1.8 1.6 VDD = 12 V 1.2 1 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 6 5.8 5.6 5.4 5.2 5 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3 100 125 VDD = 52 V VDD = 36 V -50 Temp - °C -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 Temp - °C Figure 11. Modulator Ramp Amplitude vs Temperature 8 75 Figure 10. Power Stage Gain vs Temperature 2.8 1.4 50 Temp °C 3 2.4 25 Figure 12. Modulator Ramp Amplitude vs Temperature Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 TPS40200 www.ti.com SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Typical Characteristics (continued) 160 6 TJ = 25°C 140 5 120 4 IIB - nA VRAMP - V 100 3 80 60 2 40 1 20 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 VDD - V 40 45 50 55 -50 0 25 75 100 125 Figure 14. Feedback Amplifier Input Bias Current vs Temperature 3.5 300 3 250 2.5 Output Current - mA 200 150 100 2 1.5 1 50 0.5 0 0 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 -50 -25 0 25 Temp - °C 50 75 100 125 Temp - °C Figure 15. Comp Source Current vs Temperature Figure 16. Comp Sink Current vs Temperature 8.4 8 VDD = 12 V 7.8 VJ = 25°C 8.2 7.6 VGATE - V 50 Temp - °C Figure 13. Modulator Ramp Amplitude vs VDD Output Current - mA -25 8 7.4 7.8 7.2 7.6 7 7.4 6.8 7.2 6.6 7 6.4 Temp - °C 30 35 VDD - V Figure 17. Gate Drive Voltage vs Temperature Figure 18. Gate Drive Voltage vs VIN -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 5 10 15 20 25 40 45 50 55 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 9 TPS40200 SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 www.ti.com 720 720 718 718 716 716 714 714 712 VFB - mV VFB - mV Typical Characteristics (continued) VDD = 24 V 710 708 706 712 710 VDD = 4.5 V 708 706 VDD = 50 V 704 704 702 702 700 VDD = 12 V 700 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 -50 -25 Temp - °C Figure 19. Reference Voltage vs Temperature 50 75 100 125 Figure 20. Reference Voltage vs Temperature 100 600 95 Maximum Duty Cycle (%) VDD = 4.5 V 500 Pulse Width - ns 25 Temp - °C 700 400 300 VDD = 24 V VDD = 12 V 200 100 VDD = 36 V 100 85 80 75 fOSC (kHz) 500 200 100 50 70 60 0 0 90 65 VDD = 52 V 200 300 400 500 0 10 20 30 40 50 Input Voltage (V) Frequency - kHz Figure 21. Minimum Controllable Pulse Width vs Frequency 10 0 Figure 22. Maximum Duty Cycle vs Input Voltage Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 TPS40200 www.ti.com SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 7 Detailed Description 7.1 Overview The TPS40200 is a non-synchronous controller with a built in 200-mA driver designed to drive high speed Pchannel FETs up to 500 kHz. Small size combined with complete functionality makes the part both versatile and easy to use. The controller uses a low-value current-sensing resistor in series with the input voltage and the power FETs source connection to detect switching current. When the voltage drop across this resistor exceeds 100 mV, the part enters an hiccup fault mode at about 2% of the operating frequency. The device uses voltage feedback to an error amplifier that is biased by a precision 700-mV reference. Feedforward compensation from the input keeps the PWM gain constant over the full input voltage range, eliminating the need to change frequency compensation for different input voltages. The TPS40200 also incorporates a soft-start feature where the output follows a slowly rising soft-start voltage, preventing output-voltage overshoot. 7.2 Functional Block Diagram TPS40200 COMP 3 FB 4 SS E/A and SS Reference 2 + 700 mV Soft-Start and Overcurrent ISNS Enable E/A 7 + PWM Logic 1 VDD 6 GDRV 5 GND GDRV voltage swing limited to (VIN–8V) Driver RC 8 OSC UVLO UDG-05069 7.3 Feature Description 7.3.1 MOSFET Gate Drive The output driver sinking current is approximately 200 mA and is designed to drive P-channel power FETs. When the driver pulls the gate charge of the FET it is controlling to 8 V, the drive current folds back to a low level so that high-power dissipation only occurs during the turn-on period of the FET. This feature is particularly valuable when turning on a FET at high input voltages where leaving the gate drive current on would otherwise cause unacceptable power dissipation. 7.3.2 Undervoltage Lockout Protection Undervoltage lockout (UVLO) protection ensures proper startup of the device only when the input voltage has exceeded minimum operating voltage. Undervoltage protection incorporates hysteresis which eliminates hiccup starting in cases where input supply impedance is high. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 11 TPS40200 SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 www.ti.com Feature Description (continued) TPS40200 545 kW VDD 8 Run + + 200 kW 1.3 V 36 kW GND 5 UDG-05082 Figure 23. Undervoltage Lockout Undervoltage protection ensures proper startup of the device only when the input voltage has exceeded minimum operating voltage. The UVLO level is measured at the VDD pin with respect to GND. Startup voltage is typically 4.3 V with approximately 200 mV of hysteresis. The device shuts off at a nominal 4.1 V. As shown in Figure 23, when the input VDD voltage rises to 4.3 V , the 1.3-V comparator’s threshold voltage is exceeded and a RUN signal occurs. Feedback from the output closes the switch, and shunts the 200-kΩ resistor so that an approximately 200 mV lower voltage, or 4.1 V, is required before the part shuts down. 7.3.3 Selecting the Operating Frequency The operating frequency of the controller is determined by an external resistor RRC that is connected from the RC pin to VDD and a capacitor attached from the RC pin to ground. This connection and the two oscillator comparators inside the device, are shown in Figure 24. The oscillator frequency can be calculated in Equation 1. 1 f SW = R RC ´ C RC ´ 0.105 (1) where fSW is the clock frequency RRC is the timing resistor value in Ω CRC is the timing capacitor value in F RRC must be kept large enough that the current through it does not exceed 750 μA when the internal switch (shown in Figure 24) is discharging the timing capacitor. This condition may be expressed by Equation 2. VIN £ 750 mA R RC (2) 7.3.4 Synchronizing the Oscillator Figure 24 shows the functional diagram of the oscillator. When synchronizing the oscillator to an external clock, the RC pin must be pulled below 150 mV for 20 ns or more. The external clock frequency must be higher than the free running frequency of the converter as well. When synchronizing the controller, if the RC pin is held low for an excessive amount of time, erratic operation may occur. The maximum amount of time that the RC pin should be held low is 50% of a nominal output pulse, or 10% of the period of the synchronization frequency whichever is less. 12 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 TPS40200 www.ti.com SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Feature Description (continued) Under circumstances where the input voltage is high and the duty cycle is less than 50%, a Schottky diode connected from the RC pin to an external clock may be used to synchronize the oscillator. The cathode of the diode is connected to the RC pin. The trip point of the oscillator is set by an internal voltage divider to be 1/10 of the input voltage. The clock signal must have an amplitude higher than this trip point. When the clock goes low, it allows the reset current to restart the RC ramp, synchronizing the oscillator to the external clock. This provides a simple, single-component method for clock synchronization. TPS40200 VDD 8 VIN + S Q R Q CLK RRC External Frequency Synchronization (optional) RC + 1 + CRC 150 mV GND 5 UDG-05070 Figure 24. Oscillator Functional Diagram TPS40200 VDD 8 VIN + Amplitude > VIN 10 Q R Q CLK RC RRC RC + 1 Frequency > Controller Frequency S + CRC 150 mV GND 5 UDG-10076 Figure 25. Diode-Connected Synchronization Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 13 TPS40200 SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 www.ti.com Feature Description (continued) 7.3.5 Current Limit Resistor Selection As shown in Figure 28, a resistor in series with the power MOSFET sets the overcurrent protection level. Use a low-inductance resistor to avoid ringing signals and nuisance tripping. When the FET is on and the controller senses 100 mV or more drop from the VDD pin to the ISNS pin, an overcurrent condition is declared. When this happens, the FET is turned off, and as shown in Figure 26, the soft-start capacitor is discharged. When the softstart capacitor reaches a level below 150 mV, the converter clears the overcurrent condition flag and attempts to restart. If the condition that caused the overcurrent event to occur is still present on the output of the converter (see Figure 27), another overcurrent condition is declared and the process repeats indefinitely. Figure 27 shows the soft-start capacitor voltage during an extended output fault condition. The overall duty cycle of current conduction during a persistent fault is approximately 2%. VSS TPS40200 100 mV SS + Fault S 7 R 2 + Reset Fault Q Q Latched Fault 100 kW 300 mV + ISNS 8 + VDD 300 kW SS Reference Error Amplifier Enable Error Amplifier + 150 mV GND 5 UDG-10077 Figure 26. Current Limit Reset 14 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 TPS40200 www.ti.com SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Feature Description (continued) Figure 27. Typical Soft-Start Capacitor and VOUT During Overcurrent If necessary, a small RC filter can be added to the current sensing network to reduce nuisance tripping due to noise pickup. This filter can also be used to trim the overcurrent trip point to a higher level with the addition of a single resistor. See Figure 28. The nominal overcurrent trip point using the circuit of Figure 28 is described in Equation 3. V R + R F2 IOC = ILIM ´ F1 R ILIM R F2 (3) Where IOC is the overcurrent trip point, peak current in the inductor VILIM is the overcurrent threshold voltage for the TPS40200, typically 100 mV RILIM is the value of the current sense resistor in Ω RF1 and RF2 are the values of the scaling resistors in Ω The value of the capacitor is determined by the nominal pulse width of the converter and the values of the scaling resistors RF1 and RF2. It is best not to have the time constant of the filter longer than the nominal pulse width of the converter, otherwise a substantial increase in the overcurrent trip point occurs. Using this constraint, the capacitor value may be bounded by Equation 4. æ VOUT ö ç ÷ VIN ´ fSW ø è CF £ (RF1 ´ RF2 ) (RF1 + RF2 ) (4) Where CF is the value of the current limit filter capacitor in F VOUT is the output voltage of the converter VIN is the input voltage to the converter fSW is the converter switching frequency RF1 and RF2 are the values of the scaling resistors in Ω Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 15 TPS40200 SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 www.ti.com Feature Description (continued) VIN VDD 8 CF RF2 RILIM RF1 ISNS 7 GDRV 6 TPS40200 UDG-05071 Figure 28. Current Limit Adjustment NOTE The current limit resistor and its associated circuitry can be eliminated and the ISNS pin (pin 7) and the VDD pin (pin 8) are shorted. The result of this however, may result in damage to the device or PC board during an overcurrent event. 16 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 TPS40200 www.ti.com SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Feature Description (continued) 7.3.6 Calculating the Soft-Start Time An external capacitor CSS, connected from the SS pin to ground, controls the soft-start interval. An internal charging resistor connected to VDD produces a rising reference voltage which is connected though a 700-mV offset to the reference input of the TPS40200 error amplifier. When the soft-start capacitor voltage (VCSS) is below 150 mV, there is no switching activity. When VCSS rises above the 700 mV offset, the error amplifier starts to follow VSST– 700 mV, and uses this rising voltage as a reference. When VCSS reaches 1.4 V, the internal reference takes over, and further increases have no effect. An advantage of initiating a slow start in this fashion is that the controller cannot overshoot because its output follows a scaled version of the controller reference voltage. A conceptual drawing of the circuit that produces these results is shown in Figure 29. A consequence of the 700 mV offset is that the controller does not start switching until VCSS has risen to 700 mV. The output remains at 0 V during the resulting delay. When VCSS exceeds the 700 mV offset, the TPS40200 output follows the soft-start time constant. Once above 1.4 V, the 700-mV internal reference takes over, and normal operation begins. TPS40200 VSST 2 700 mV VSST(offset) Ideal Diodes + 105 kW SS Error Amplifier + CSS FB + 700 mV 4 COMP 3 UDG-05083 Figure 29. Soft-Start Circuit The slow-start time should be longer (slower) than the time constant of the output LC filter. This time constraint may be expressed as described in Equation 5. tS ³ 2p ´ LOUT ´ COUT (5) The calculation of the soft-start interval is simply the time it takes the RC network to exponentially charge from 0 V to 1.4 V. An internal 105 kΩ charging resistor is connected from the SS pin to VSST. For applications where the voltage is above 8 V, an internal regulator clamps the maximum charging voltage to 8 V. The result of this is a formula for the start-up time, as shown in Equation 6. æ VSST ö tSS = RC ´ CSS ´ ln ´ ç ÷ è VSST - 1.4 ø (6) Where tSS is the required soft-start time in seconds CSS is the soft-start capacitor value in F Rc is the internal soft-start charging resistor (105 kΩ nominal) VSST is the input voltage up to a maximum of 8 V Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 17 TPS40200 SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 www.ti.com Feature Description (continued) 7.3.7 Voltage Setting and Modulator Gain Since the input current to the error amplifier is negligible, the feedback impedance can be selected over a wide range. Knowing that the reference voltage is 696 mV, choose a convenient value for R1 and then calculate the value of R2 from Equation 7. æ R2 ö VOUT = 0.696 ´ ç 1 + R1 ÷ø è (7) Vg L VOUT d KPWM COUT RLOAD VC R2 + VREF R1 UDG-10220 Figure 30. System Gain Elements The error amplifier has a DC open loop gain of at least 60 dB with a minimum of a 1.5-MHz gain bandwidth product which gives the user flexibility with respect to the type of feedback compensation he uses for his particular application. The gain selected by the user at the crossover frequency is set to provide an over all unity gain for the system. The crossover frequency should be selected so that the error amplifier open-loop gain is high with respect to the required closed-loop gain, ensuring that the amplifier response is determined by the passive feedback elements. 7.4 Device Functional Modes 7.4.1 Operation Near Minimum Input Voltage The TPS40200 is designed to operate with input voltages above 4.5 V. The typical VDD UVLO threshold is 4.25 V and the device may operate at input voltages down to the UVLO voltage. At input voltages below the actual UVLO voltage, the device will not switch. When VVDD passes the UVLO threshold the device will become active. Switching is enabled and the soft start sequence is initiated. The TPS40200 will ramp up the output voltage at the rate determined by the external capacitor at the soft-start pin. 7.4.2 Operation With SS Pin The SS pin has a 150 mV threshold which can be used to disable the TPS40200. With SS forced below this threshold voltage the device is disabled and switching is inhibited even if VVDD is above its UVLO threshold. If the SS voltage is allowed to increase above the threshold while VVDD is above its UVLO threshold, the device becomes active. Switching is enabled and the soft start sequence is initiated. The TPS40200 will ramp up the output voltage at the rate determined by the external capacitor at the soft-start pin. 18 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 TPS40200 www.ti.com SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 8 Application and Implementation NOTE Information in the following applications sections is not part of the TI component specification, and TI does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. TI’s customers are responsible for determining suitability of components for their purposes. Customers should validate and test their design implementation to confirm system functionality. 8.1 Application Information The TPS40200 is a 4.5-V to 52-V buck controller with an integrated gate driver for a high-side p-channel MOSFET. This device is typically used to convert a higher DC voltage to a lower DC voltage with a maximum output current set by an external current sense resistor. In higher current applications, the maximum output current can also be limited by the thermal performance of the external MOSFET and rectifying diode switch. Use the following design procedure to select external components for the TPS40200. The design procedure illustrates the design of a typical buck regulator with the TPS40200. 8.2 Typical Application 8.2.1 Buck Regulator, 8 V to 12 V Input, 3.3 V to 5.0 V at 2.5-A Output The buck regulator design shown in Figure 31 shows the use of the TPS40200. It delivers 2.5 A at either 3.3 V or 5.0 V as selected by a single feedback resistor. It achieves approximately 90% efficiency at 3.3 V and 94% at 5.0 V. A discussion of design tradeoffs and methodology is included to serve as a guide to the successful design of buck converters using the TPS40200. The Bill of Materials for this application is given in Table 2. The efficiency and load regulation from boards built from this design are shown in Figure 42 and Figure 43. + + Notes D3 : Do not populate. SOT 23 Common Cathode Dual Schottky R6 =26.7k for 3.3 Vout, R6 = 16.2k for 5.0 Vout Figure 31. 8 V to 16 VIN Step-Down Buck Converter Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 19 TPS40200 SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 www.ti.com Typical Application (continued) Design Requirements Table 1. Design Parameters PARAMETER VIN TEST CONDITION Input Voltage VOUT VOUT MIN NOM MAX 8 12 16 V (1) V 3.4 UNIT Output Voltage IOUT = 2.5 A 3.2 3.3 Line Regulation ± 0.2 % VOUT 3.293 3.300 3.307 V Load Regulation ± 0.2% VOUT 3.293 3.300 3.307 V (1) V Output Voltage IOUT at 2.5 A 4.85 5.0 Line Regulation ± 0.2% × VOUT 4.99 5.00 5.01 V Load Regulation ± 0.2% × VOUT 4.99 5.00 5.01 V VRIPPLE Output ripple voltage At maximum output current 60 mV VOVER Output overshoot For 2.5 A load transient from 2.5 A to 0.25 A 100 mV VUNDER Output undershoot For 2.5 A load transient from 0.25 A to 2.5 A 60 IOUT Output Current ISCP Short circuit current trip point 0.125 3.75 Efficiency FS (1) At nominal input voltage and maximum output current Switching frequency 5.150 mV 2.500 A 5.00 A 90% 300 kHz Set point accuracy is dependent on external resistor tolerance and the device reference voltage. Line and Load regulation values are referenced to the nominal design output voltage. Detailed Design Procedure FET Selection Criteria • • • The maximum input voltage for this application is 16 V. Switching the inductor causes overshoot voltages that can equal the input voltage. Since the RDS(on) of the FET rises with breakdown voltage, select a FET with as low a breakdown voltage as possible. In this case, a 30-V FET was selected. The selection of a power FET size requires knowing both the switching losses and DC losses in the application. AC losses are all frequency dependent and directly related to device capacitances and device size. On the other hand, DC losses are inversely related to device size. The result is an optimum where the two types of losses are equal. Since device size is proportional to RDS(on), begin by selecting a device with an RDS(on) that results in a small loss of power relative to package thermal capability and overall efficiency objectives. In this application, the efficiency target is 90% and the output power 8.25 W. This gives a total power-loss budget of 0.916 W. Total FET losses must be small relative to this number. The DC conduction loss in the FET is given by: PDC = Irms2 × RDS(on) The RMS current is given by: 1 IRMS æ æ (DIP-P )2 = ç D ´ ç IOUT 2 + çç ç 12 è è öö2 ÷÷ ÷ ÷÷ øø (8) Where t DIP-P = DV ´ D ´ S LI ΔV = VIN – VOUT –(DCR + RDS(on)) × IOUT RDS(on) is the FET on-state resistance DCR is the inductor DC resistance D is the duty cycle tS = the reciprocal of the switching frequency 20 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 TPS40200 www.ti.com SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Using the values in this example, the DC power loss is 129 mW. The remaining FET losses are as follows: • PSW is the power dissipated while switching the FET on and off • PGATE is the power dissipated driving the FET gate capacitance • PCOSS is the power switching the FET output capacitance The total power dissipated by the FET is the sum of these contributions. PFET = PSW + PGATE + PCOSS + PRDS(on) (9) The P-channel FET used in this application is a FDC654P with the following characteristics: tRISE = 13 × 10–9 COSS = 83 × 10–12 tFALL = 6 × 10–9 QG = 9 nC RDS(on) = 0.1 Ω VGATE= 1.9 V –9 QGS = 1.0 × 10–9 QGD = 1.2 × 10 Using these device characteristics and Equation 10: æ ö f f PSW = S ´ çç VIN ´ Ipk ´ t CHON ÷÷ + S VIN ´ Ipk ´ t CHOFF 2 è ø 2 ( where tCH(on ) = ) = 10 mW (10) QGD ´ RG QGD ´ RG and tCH(off ) = are the switching times for the power FET. VIN - VTH VIN spacer PGATE = QG × VGATE × fS = 22 mW (11) 2 PCROSS = COSS ´ VIN _ MAX ´ fS 2 = 2 mW (12) The gate current, IG = QG × fS = 2.7 mA The sum of the switching losses is 34 mW, and is comparable to the 129-mW DC losses. At added expense, a slightly larger FET is better because the DC loss drops and the AC losses increase, with both moving toward the optimum point of equal losses. Rectifier Selection Criteria 1. Rectifier Breakdown Voltage The rectifier has to withstand the maximum input voltage which in this case is 16 V. To allow for switching transients which can approach the switching voltage a 30-V rectifier was selected. 2. Diode Size The importance of power losses from the Schottky rectifier D2 is determined by the duty cycle. For a low duty cycle application, the rectifier is conducting most of the time, and the current that flows through it times its forward drop can be the largest component of loss in the entire controller. In this application, the duty cycle ranges from 20% to 40%, which in the worst case means that the diode is conducting 80% of the time. Where efficiency is of paramount importance, choose a diode with a minimum of forward drop. In more cost sensitive applications, size may be reduced to the point of the thermal limitations of the diode package. The device in this application is large relative to the current required by the application. In a more cost sensitive application, a smaller diode in a less-expensive package will provide a less-efficient but appropriate solution The device used has the following characteristics: • Vf = 0.3 V at 3 A • Ct = 300 pF (Ct = the effective reverse voltage capacitance of the synchronous rectifier, D2). The two components of the losses from the diode D2 are: Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 21 TPS40200 SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 I æ PCON = Vf ´ ç IOUT + RIPPLE 4 è www.ti.com ö ÷ ´ (1 - D) = 653 mW ø (13) Where D = the duty cycle IRIPPLE is the ripple current IOUT is the output current VF is the forward voltage PCOND is the conduction power loss The switching capacitance of this diode adds an AC loss, given by: 1 2 PSW = éC ´ (VIN + Vf ) ´ f ù = 6.8 mW ê ë ûú 2 (14) This additional loss raises the total loss to: 660 mW. At an output voltage of 3.3 V, the application runs at a nominal duty cycle of 27%, and the diode is conducting 72.5% of the time. As the output voltage is moved up to 5 V, the on-time increases to 46% and the diode is conducting only 54% of the time during each clock cycle. This change in duty cycle proportionately reduces the conduction power losses in the diode. This reduction may be expressed as æ 0.54 ö 660 ç ÷ = 491 mW è0.725ø for a savings in power of 660 – 491 = 169 mW. To illustrate the relevance of this power savings we measured the full load module Efficiency for this application at 3.3 V and 5 V. The 5-V output efficiency is 92% vs. 89% for the 3.3 V design. This difference in efficiency represents a 456 mW reduction in losses between the two conditions. This 169 mW power-loss reduction in the rectifier represents 37% of the difference. Inductor Selection Criteria The P-channel FET driver facilitates switching the power FET at a high frequency. This, in turn, enables the use of smaller, less-expensive inductors as illustrated in this 300 kHz application. Ferrite, with its good high frequency properties, is the material of choice. Several manufacturers provide catalogs with inductor saturation currents, inductance values, and LSRs (internal resistance) for their various-sized ferrites. In this application, the device must deliver a maximum current of 2.5 A. This requires that the output inductor’s saturation current be above 2.5 A plus ½ the ripple current caused during inductor switching. The value of the inductor determines this ripple current. A low value of inductance has a higher ripple current that contributes to ripple voltage across the resistance of the output capacitors. The advantages of a low inductance are a higher transient response, lower DCR, a higher saturation current, and a smaller, less expensive part. Too low an inductor however, leads to higher peak currents which ultimately are bounded by the overcurrent limit set to protect the output FET or by output ripple voltage. Fortunately, with low ESR Ceramic capacitors on the output, the resulting ripple voltage for relatively high ripple currents can be small. For example, a single 1-μF, 1206 size, 6.3-V, ceramic capacitor has an internal resistance of 2 Ω at 1 MHz. For this 2.5-A application, a 10% ripple current of 0.25 A produces a 50-mV ripple voltage. This ripple voltage may be further reduced by additional parallel capacitors. The other bound on inductance is the minimum current at which the controller enters discontinuous conduction. At this point, Inductor current is zero. The minimum output current for this application is specified at 0.125 A. This average current is 1/2 the peak current that must develop during a minimum on time. The conditions for minimum on time are high line and low load. Using: LMIN = VIN - VOUT ´ t on = 32 mH IPEAK (15) Where VIN = 16 V VOUT = 3.3 V IPEAK = 0.25 A 22 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 TPS40200 www.ti.com SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 tON = 0.686 μs tON is given by 3. 3 V 1 ´ 300 kHz 16 V spacer The inductor used in the circuit is the closest standard value of 33 μH. This is the minimum inductance that can be used in the converter to deliver the minimum current while maintaining continuous conduction. Output Capacitance In order to satisfy the output voltage over and under shoot specifications there must be enough output capacitance to keep the output voltage within the specified voltage limits during load current steps. In a situation where a full load of 2.5 A within the specified voltage limits is suddenly removed, the output capacitor must absorb energy stored in the output inductor. This condition may be described by realizing that the energy in the stored in the inductor must be suddenly absorbed by the output capacitance. This energy relationship is written as: 1 1 2 2 2 ´ L OIO £ ´ C O VOS - VO 2 2 (16) [ ( )] Where VOS is the allowed over-shoot voltage above the output voltage LO is the inductance IO is the output current CO is the output capacitance VO is the output voltage In this application, the worst case load step is 2.25 A and the allowed overshoot is 100 mV. With a 33 μH output inductor, this implies an output capacitance of 249 μF for a 3.3 V output and 165 μF for a 5 V output.. When the load increases from minimum to full load the output capacitor must deliver current to the load. The worst case is for a minimum on time that occurs at 16 V in and 3.3 VOUT and minimum load. This corresponds to an off time of (1 – 0.2 ) times the period 3.3 μs and is the worst case time before the inductor can start supplying current. This situation may be represented by: t DVO < DIO ´ OFFMAX CO (17) Where ΔVO is the undershoot specification of 60 mV ΔIO is the load current step tOFF(max) is the maximum off time This condition produces a requirement of 100 μF for the output capacitance. The larger of these two requirements becomes the minimum value of output capacitance. The ripple current develops a voltage across the ESR of the output capacitance, so another requirement on this component is it ESR be small relative to the ripple voltage specification. Switching Frequency The TPS40200 has a built-in, 8-V, 200-mA, P-channel FET driver output that facilitates using P-channel switching FETs A clock frequency of 300 kHz is chosen as a switching frequency that represents a compromise between a high-frequency that allows the use of smaller capacitors and inductors but one that is not so high as to cause excessive transistor switching losses. As previously discussed, an optimum frequency can be selected by picking a value where the DC and switching losses are equal. The frequency is set by using the design formula given in the FET Selection Criteria section. 1 RRC ´ CRC = 0.105 ´ fSW (18) Where Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 23 TPS40200 SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 www.ti.com RRC is the timing resistor value in Ω RRC = 68.1 kΩ CRC is the timing capacitor value in F C5 = 470 pF fSW is the desired switching frequency in Hz fSW = 297 kHz. At a worst case of 16 V, the timing resistor draws about 250 μA which is well below the 750 μA maximum which the circuit can pull down. Calculating the Overcurrent Threshold Level The current limit in the TSP40200 is triggered by a comparator with a 100-mV offset whose inputs are connected across a current-sense resistor between VIN and the source of the high-side switching FET. When current in this resistor develops more than 100 mV, the comparator trips and terminates the output gate drive. In this application, the current-limit resistor is set by the peak output stage current which consists of the maximum load current plus ½ the ripple current. In this case, we have 2.5 + 0.125 = 2.625 A. To accommodate tolerances a 25% margin is added giving a 3.25 A peak current. Using the equation below then yields a value for RILIM of 0.03 Ω. Current sensing in a switching environment requires attention to both circuit board traces and noise pick up. In the design shown a small RC filter has been added to the circuit to prevent switching noise from tripping the current sense comparator. The requirements of this filter are board-dependent, but with the layout used in this application, no unreasonable overcurrent is observed. VIN TPS40200 VDD 8 CF RF2 RF1 ISNS 7 GDRV 6 RILIM IILIM = 0.1 RILIM UDG-11200 Figure 32. Overcurrent Trip Circuit for RF2 Open 24 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 TPS40200 www.ti.com SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Soft-Start Capacitor The soft-start interval is given (in pF) by the following equation: t SS C SS = ´ 10 3 æ VSST ö ÷ R ´ ln çç ÷ è VSST - 1.4 ø (19) Where R is an internal 105-kΩ charging resistor VIN is the input voltage up to 8 V where the charging voltage is internally clamped to 8 V maximum VOS = 700 mV, and because the input voltage is 12 V, VSST = 8 V. The oscilloscope picture below shows the expected delay at the output (middle trace) until the soft-start node (bottom trace) reaches 700 mV. At this point, the output rises following the exponential rise of the soft-start capacitor voltage until the soft-start capacitor reaches 1.4 V and the internal 700-mV reference takes over. This total time is approximately 1 ms, which agrees with the calculated value of 0.95 ms where the soft-start capacitance is 0.047 μF. A. Channel 1 is the output voltage (VOUT) rising to 3.3 V B. Channel 2 is the soft start pin (SS) Figure 33. Soft-Start Showing Output Delay and Controlled Rise to Programmed Output Voltage Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 25 TPS40200 SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 www.ti.com Frequency Compensation The four elements that determine the system overall response are discussed below The gain of the error amplifier (KEA) is the first of there elements. Its output develops a control voltage which is the input to the PWM. The TPS40200 has a unique modulator that scales the peak to peak amplitude of the PWM ramp to be 0.1 times the value of the input voltage. Since modulator gain is given by VIN divided by VRAMP, the modulator gain is 10 and is constant at 10 (20 dB) over the entire specified input voltage range. The last two elements that affect system gain are the transfer characteristic of the output LC filter and the feedback network from the output to the input to the error amplifier. These four elements maybe expressed by the following expression that represents the system transfer function as shown in Figure 34. TV (S ) = K FB ´ K EA (S)´ K PWM ´ X LC (S) (20) Where KFB is the output voltage setting divider KEA is the error amplifier feedback KPWM is the modulator gain XLC is the filter transfer function vg Vref + KEA - vc KPWM d XLC vo Tv(s) KFB Figure 34. Control Loop 26 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 TPS40200 www.ti.com SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Figure 35 shows the feedback network used in this application. This is a Type II compensation network which gives a combination of good transient response and phase boost for good stability. This type of compensation has a pole at the origin causing a –20dB/decade (–1) slope followed by a zero that causes a region of flat gain followed by a final pole that returns the gain slope to –1. The bode plot in Figure 36 shows the effect of these poles and zeros. The procedure for setting up the compensation network is as follows: 1. Determine the break frequency of the output capacitor. 2. Select a zero frequency well below this break frequency. 3. From the gain bandwidth of the error amplifier select a crossover frequency where the amplifier gain is large relative to expected closed loop gain 4. Select a second zero well above the crossover frequency, that returns the gain slope to a –1 slope. 5. Calculate the required gain for the amplifier at crossover. Be prepared to iterate this procedure to optimize the pole and zero locations as needed. The frequency response of this converter is largely determined by two poles that arise from the LC output filter and a higher frequency zero caused by the ESR of the output capacitance. The poles from the output filter cause a –40 dB/decade roll off with a phase shift approaching 180 degrees followed by the output capacitor zero that reduced the roll off to –20 dB and gives a phase boost back toward 90 degrees. In other nomenclature, this is a –2 slope followed by a –1 slope. The two zeros in the compensation network act to cancel the double pole from the output filter The compensation network’s two poles produce a region where the error amplifier is flat and can be set to a gain such that the overall gain of the system is zero dB. This region is set so that it brackets the system crossover frequency. C7 P1 Slope = –1 R10 Gain (dB) C8 R8 Z1 P2 + R6 VREF f1 f2 Frequency Figure 35. Error Amplifier Feedback Elements Figure 36. Error Amplifier Bode Plot Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 27 TPS40200 SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 www.ti.com In order to properly compensate this system, it is necessary to know the frequencies of its poles and zeros. Step 1 The break frequency of the output capacitor is given by: 1 fESR = 2p ´ RESR ´ COUT (21) Where COUT = the output capacitor, 220 μF RESR = the ESR of the capacitors Because of the ESR of the output capacitor, the output LC filter has a single-pole response above the 1.8-kHz break frequency of the output capacitor and its ESR. This simplifies compensation since the system becomes essentially a single pole system. Step 2 The first zero is place well below the 1.8-kHz break frequency of the output capacitor and its ESR. The phase boost from this zero is shown in Figure 38. 1 fZ1 = 2p ´ R8 ´ C8 (22) Where R8 = 300 kΩ C8 = 1500 pF fZ1 = 354 Hz Step 3 From its minimum gain bandwidth product of 1.5 MHz, and knowing it has a 20 dB/decade roll off, the open-loop gain of the error amplifier is 33 dB at 35 kHz. This approximate frequency is chosen for a crossover frequency to keep the amplifier gain contribution to the overall system gain small, as well as following the convention of placing the crossover frequency between 1/6 to 1/10 the 300 kHz switching frequency. Step 4 The second pole is placed well above the 35 kHz crossover frequency. 1 fP2 = ´ (C7 + C8 ) 2p ´ C 7 ´ C 8 ´ R 8 (23) Where R8 = 300 kΩ C7 = 10 pF C8 = 1500 pF fP2 = 53 kHz 28 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 TPS40200 www.ti.com SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Step 5 Calculate the gain elements in the system to determine the gain required by the error amplifier to make the over all gain 0 dB at 35 kHz. The total gain around the voltage feedback loop is: TV (S ) = K FB ´ K EA (S)´ K PWM ´ X LC (S) (24) Where KFB is the output voltage setting divider KEA is the error amplifier feedback KPWM is the modulator gain XLC is the filter transfer function With reference to the graphic below, the output filter's transfer characteristic XLC (S) can be estimated by the following: RSW VIN L D Vsw VOUT 1-D RSR COUT RLOAD Figure 37. Output Filter Analysis X LC (S) = Z OUT (S) Z OUT (S) + Z L (S) + R SW ´ D + R SR ´ (1 - D) (25) Where ZOUT is the parallel combination of output capacitor(s) and the load RSW is the RDS(on) of the switching FET plus the current-sense resistor RSR is the resistance of the synchronous rectifier D is the duty cycle estimated as 3.3 / 12 = 0.27 To • • • • evaluate XLC(S) at 35 kHz use the following: ZOUT(s) at 35 kHz, which is dominated by the output capacitor's ESR; estimated to be 400 mΩ ZL(s) at 35 kHz is 7.25 Ω RSW = 0.95 mΩ, including the RLIM resistance RSR = 100 mΩ Using these numbers, XLC(S) = 0.04 or –27.9 dB. The feedback network has a gain to the error amplifier given by: R K fb = 10 R6 (26) Where for 3.3 VOUT, R6 = 26.7 kΩ Using the values in this application, Kfb = 11.4 dB. The modulator has a gain of 10 that is flat to well beyond 35 kHz, so KPWM = 20 dB. To achieve 0 db overall gain, the amplifier and feedback gain must be set to –7.9 dB (20 dB – 27.9dB). The amplifier gain, including the feedback gain, Kfb, can be approximated by this expression: Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 29 TPS40200 SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 VOUT (S ) = VIN www.ti.com A VOL R10 R10 1+ + ´ (1 + A VOL ) R 8 ZFS (27) Where Zfs is the parallel combination of C7 in parallel with the sum of R8 and the impedance of C8. AVOLis the open-loop gain of the error amplifier at 35 kHz, which is 44.6 dB or 33 dB. Figure 38 shows the result of the compensation. The crossover frequency is 35 kHz and the phase margin is 45°. The response of the system is dominated by the ESR of the output capacitor and is exploited to produce an essentially single-pole system with simple compensation. 50 180 40 Gain 160 Phase 140 30 120 10 100 0 80 –10 60 –20 –30 40 –40 20 –50 0.1 Phase (°) Gain (dB) 20 1 10 100 Crossover Frequency (kHz) 0 1000 Figure 38. Overall System Gain and Phase Response Figure 38 also shows the phase boost that gives the system a crossover phase margin of 47°. The bill of materials for this application is shown below. The efficiency and load regulation from boards built from this design are shown in the following two figures. Gerber PCB layout files and additional application information are available from the factory. 30 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 TPS40200 www.ti.com SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Table 2. Bill of Materials, Buck Regulator, 12 V to 3.3 V and 5.0 V REF. DES. VALUE DESCRIPTION SIZE MFR. PART NUMBER C1 100 μF Capacitor, Aluminum, SM, 25V, 0.3 Ω 8 x 10 mm Sanyo 20SVP100M C12 220 μF Capacitor, Aluminum, SM, 6.3V, 0.4 Ω 8 x 6.2 mm Panasonic EEVFC0J221P C13 100 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, 50V, [COG], [20%] 603 muRata Std. C3 0.1 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, 50V, [X7R], [20%] 603 muRata Std. C2, C11 1 μF Capacitor, Ceramic, 50V, [X7R], [20%] 603 muRata Std. C4, C5 470 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, 50V, [X7R], [20%] 603 muRata Std. C6 0.047 μF Capacitor, Ceramic, 50V, [X7R], [20%] 603 muRata Std. C7 10 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, 50V, [COG], [20%] 603 muRata Std. C8 1500 pF Capacitor, Ceramic, 50V, [X7R], [20%] 603 muRata Std. D1 12 V Diode, Zener, 12-V, 350mW SOT23 Diodes, Inc. BZX84C12T Diode, Schottky, 30A, 30V SMC On Semi MBRS330T3 Diode Zener 12V 5mA VMD2 Rohm VDZT2R12B J1,J3 Terminal Block 4-Pin 15A 5.1 mm 0.8 x 0.35 OST ED2227 J2 Header, 2-pin, 100 mil spacing, (36-pin strip) 0.100 x 2 Sullins PTC36SAAN Inductor, SMT, 3.2A, .039 Ω 12.5 x 12.5 mm TDK SLF12575T330M3R2PF PCB 2 Layer PCB 2 Ounce Cu 1.4 x 2.12 x 0.062 Q1 Trans, N-Chan Enhancement Switching, 50mA SOT-143B Phillips BSS83 Q2 MOSFET, P-ch, 30V, 3.6A, 75mΩ SuperSOT-6 Fairchild FDC654P U1 IC, Low Cost Non-Sync Buck Controller SO-8 TI TPS40200D D2 D3 L1 12 V 33 μH HPA164 R1 10 Ω Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 1% 603 Std. Std. R10 100 kΩ Resistor, Chip, , 1/16W, 1% 603 Std. Std. R11 10 kΩ Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 1% 603 Std. Std. R12 1 MΩ Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 1% 603 Std. Std. R13 49.9 Ω Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 1% 603 Std. Std. R2 0.02 Ω Resistor, Chip, ½ W, 5% 2010 Std. Std. R3 68.1 kΩ Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 1% 603 Std. Std. R4 2.0 kΩ Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 1% 603 Std. Std. R5 0Ω Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 1% 603 Std. Std. R6 26.7 kΩ Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 1% 603 Std. Std. R7 1.0 kΩ Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 1% 603 Std. Std. R8 300 kΩ Resistor, Chip, 1/16W, 1% 603 Std. Std. Printed Circuit Board Plots The following figures Figure 39 through Figure 41 show the design of the TPS40200EVM-001 printed circuit board. The design uses 2-layer, 2-oz copper and is 1.4” x 2.3” in size. All components are mounted on the top side to allow the user to easily view, probe, and evaluate the TPS40200 control IC in a practical application. Moving components to both sides of the printed circuit board (PCB) or using additional internal layers can offer additional size reduction for space constrained applications. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 31 TPS40200 SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 www.ti.com Figure 39. TPS40200EVM-001 Component Placement (Viewed from Top) Figure 40. TPS40200EVM-001 Top Copper (Viewed from Top) Figure 41. TPS40200EVM-001 Bottom Copper (X-Ray View from Top) 32 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 TPS40200 www.ti.com SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Application Curves 100 100 VOUT = 5 V VOUT = 3.3 V 90 Efficiency (%) Efficiency (%) 90 80 70 80 70 VIN (V) VIN (V) 16 12 8 60 16 12 8 60 50 50 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0.5 0 1.5 1.0 2.0 2.5 Load Current (A) Load Current (A) Figure 42. Full-Load Efficiency at 5.0 VOUT Figure 43. Full-Load Efficiency at 3.3 VOUT 8.2.2 18 V - 50 V Input, 16 V at 1-A Output This is an example of using the TPS40200 in a higher voltage application. The output voltage is 16 V at 1 A with an 18 V to 50 V input. Some of the test results are shown below. + + Figure 44. Buck Converter. VIN = 18 V to 50 V; VOUT = 16 V @ 1 A Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 33 TPS40200 SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 www.ti.com Design Requirements Table 3. Design Parameters PARAMETER VIN Input Voltage VOUT Output Voltage IOUT Output Current ISCP Short circuit current trip point FS Switching Frequency MIN NOM MAX 18 50 16 1 2 200 UNIT V A kHz Detailed Design Procedures Using the design parameters stated in Table 3, follow the detailed design procedures listed under Detailed Design Procedure. Application Curves 16.50 100 16.45 95 Output Voltage (V) Efficiency (%) 16.40 90 85 80 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 16.25 1.0 16.10 0.0 34 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Load Current (A) Load Current (A) Figure 45. Efficiency vs. Load VIN (V) 24 48 16.15 70 0.1 16.30 16.20 VIN (V) 24 48 75 16.35 Figure 46. 17604 Load Regulation, Two Input Voltage Extremes Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 TPS40200 www.ti.com SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 8.2.3 Wide Input Voltage Led Constant Current Driver This application uses the TPS40200 as a buck controller that drives a string of LED diodes. The feedback point for this circuit is a sense resistor in series with this string. The low 0.7 V reference minimizes power wasted in this resistor, and maintains the LED current at a value given by 0.7/RSENSE. As the input voltage is varied, the duty cycle changes to maintain the LED current at a constant value so that the light intensity does not change with large input voltage variations. + + Figure 47. Wide-Input Voltage Range LED Driver Design Requirements Table 4. Design Parameters PARAMETER MIN NOM 12 MAX 30 UNIT VIN Input Voltage ILED Output Voltage ISCP Short circuit current trip point 3.3 A FS Switching Frequency 300 kHz 0.25 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 V A 35 TPS40200 SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 www.ti.com Detailed Design Procedures Using the design parameters stated in Table 4, follow the detailed design procedures listed under Detailed Design Procedure. Application Curve 100 Efficiency (%) 90 80 70 60 50 10 15 20 Input Voltage (V) 25 30 Figure 48. Efficiency vs Input Voltage 36 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 TPS40200 www.ti.com SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 9 Power Supply Recommendations The TPS40200 is designed to operate from an input voltage supply range between 4.5 V and 52 V. This input supply should be well regulated. If the input supply is located more than a few inches from the buck power stage controlled by the TPS40200, additional bulk capacitance may be required in addition to the ceramic-bypass capacitors. An electrolytic capacitor with a value of 100 uF is a typical choice. 10 Layout 10.1 Layout Guidelines • • • • • • • Keep the AC current loops as short as possible. For the maximum effectiveness from C3, place it near the VDD pin of the controller and design the input AC loop consisting of C1-RSENSE-Q1-D1 to be as short as possible. Excessive high frequency noise on VDD during switching degrades overall regulation as the load increases. Keep the output loop A (D1-L1-C2) as small as possible. A larger loop can degrade the application output noise performance. Traces carrying large AC currents should NOT be connected through a ground plane. Instead, use PCB traces on the top layer to conduct the AC current and use the ground plane as a noise shield. Split the ground plane as necessary to keep noise away from the TPS40200 and noise sensitive areas such as feedback resistors R6, and R10. Keep the SW node as physically small as possible to minimize parasitic capacitance and to minimize radiated emissions. For good output voltage regulation, Kelvin connections should be brought from the load to R6 and R10. The trace from the R6-R10 junction to the TPS40200 should be short and kept away from any noise source (such as the SW node). The gate drive trace should be as close as possible to the power FET gate. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 37 TPS40200 SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 www.ti.com 10.2 Layout Example R3 R1 Input C5 C3 TPS40200 C6 1 RC RSENSE VDD 8 C4 Q1 R5 C1 L1 Output ISNS 7 2 SS R4 3 COMP GDRV 6 C2 D1 C7 C8 Ground 4 FB GND 5 R8 R9 C9 R6 R10 UDG-07045 R3 C5 TPS40200 C3 R1 VDD C4 R5 SS ISEN COMP GDRV FB GND R4 RSENSE High current Power stage components Switch node R8 R6 Low current Control Components R9 R10 C1 Q1 L1 D1 C9 C7 RC C8 C6 Input Output C2 Ground Kelvin Ground Kelvin Voltage Sense Figure 49. PC Board Layout Recommendations 38 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 TPS40200 www.ti.com SLUS659G – FEBRUARY 2006 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 11 Device and Documentation Support 11.1 Device Support 11.1.1 Related Products DEVICE NUMBER TPS4007 TPS4009 TL5001 DESCRIPTION Low Input Synchronous Buck Controller Wide Input Range Controller TPS40057 Wide input (8V to 40V) Synchronous Buck Controller TPS40190 Low Pin Count Synchronous Buck Controller TPS40192 TPS40193 – 4.5 V to 18 V Low Pin Count Synchronous Buck Controller 11.1.2 Third-Party Products Disclaimer TI'S PUBLICATION OF INFORMATION REGARDING THIRD-PARTY PRODUCTS OR SERVICES DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN ENDORSEMENT REGARDING THE SUITABILITY OF SUCH PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OR A WARRANTY, REPRESENTATION OR ENDORSEMENT OF SUCH PRODUCTS OR SERVICES, EITHER ALONE OR IN COMBINATION WITH ANY TI PRODUCT OR SERVICE. 11.2 Documentation Support 11.2.1 Related Documentation • Under the Hood of Low Voltage DC/DC Converters – SEM1500 Topic 5 – 2002 Seminar Series • Understanding Buck Power Stages in Switchmode Power Supplies – SLVA057 • Design and Application Guide for High Speed MOSFET Gate Drive Circuits- SEM 1400 – 2001 Seminar Series • Designing Stable Control Loops - SEM 1400 – 2001 Seminar Series • http://power.ti.com 11.3 Trademarks All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 11.4 Electrostatic Discharge Caution These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates. 11.5 Glossary SLYZ022 — TI Glossary. This glossary lists and explains terms, acronyms, and definitions. 12 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information The following pages include mechanical, packaging, and orderable information. This information is the most current data available for the designated devices. This data is subject to change without notice and revision of this document. For browser-based versions of this data sheet, refer to the left-hand navigation. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2006–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS40200 39 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 13-Aug-2021 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan (2) Lead finish/ Ball material MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) Device Marking (3) (4/5) (6) TPS40200D ACTIVE SOIC D 8 75 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 85 40200 TPS40200DG4 ACTIVE SOIC D 8 75 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 85 40200 TPS40200DR ACTIVE SOIC D 8 2500 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 85 40200 TPS40200DRBR ACTIVE SON DRB 8 3000 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 85 4200 TPS40200DRBT ACTIVE SON DRB 8 250 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 85 4200 TPS40200DRG4 ACTIVE SOIC D 8 2500 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 85 40200 TPS40200GDR ACTIVE SOIC D 8 2500 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 85 40200 (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. (2) RoHS: TI defines "RoHS" to mean semiconductor products that are compliant with the current EU RoHS requirements for all 10 RoHS substances, including the requirement that RoHS substance do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, "RoHS" products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. TI may reference these types of products as "Pb-Free". RoHS Exempt: TI defines "RoHS Exempt" to mean products that contain lead but are compliant with EU RoHS pursuant to a specific EU RoHS exemption. Green: TI defines "Green" to mean the content of Chlorine (Cl) and Bromine (Br) based flame retardants meet JS709B low halogen requirements of
TPS40200D 价格&库存


    •  国内价格 香港价格
    • 6+18.125836+2.19418
    • 10+14.3565010+1.73789
    • 75+13.7393375+1.66318
    • 300+9.99840300+1.21033


    •  国内价格
    • 5+14.45746
    • 20+14.02408
    • 40+13.60285


    •  国内价格
    • 1+3.87820
    • 10+3.57980
    • 50+3.28150
    • 100+2.98320
