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    降压 开关稳压器 IC 正 可调式 0.6V 1 输出 12A 18-VFQFN

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TPS56C231LRNNR 数据手册
TPS56C231 SLVSGB5 – AUGUST 2022 TPS56C231 3.8-V to 17-V Input , 12-A Synchronous Step-Down Converter 1 Features 2 Applications • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Data center and enterprise computing POLs Wireless infrastructure IPCs, factory automation, PLC, test measurement High-end DTV 3 Description The TPS56C231 is a small, high-efficiency, synchronous buck converter with an adaptive ontime D-CAP3 control mode. Because external compensation is not required, the device is easy to use and requires few external components. The device is well-suited for space-constrained data center applications. The TPS56C231 has competitive features including a very accurate reference voltage, fast load transient response, and no requirement for external compensation, adjustable current limit, and both Ecomode and FCCM operation modes for selection at light-load condition through the configuration of the MODE pin. To attain high efficiency at light load, Eco-mode can be selected. To support tight output voltage ripple requirement, FCCM can be selected. The TPS56C231 operates from a –40°C to 125°C junction temperature range. Package Information Package(1) Part Number TPS56C231 (1) Body Size (NOM) RNN (VQFN-HR, 18) 3.50 mm × 3.50 mm For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at the end of the data sheet. 100 VIN VIN BOOT VREG5 SW 95 90 VOUT 85 EN PGOOD VREG5 MODE FB Efficiency (%) • • • • • • 4.5-V to 17-V input range without external bias 3.8-V to 17-V input range with external bias Supports 12-A continuous output current TPS56C231 supports 15-A peak current Integrated 7.8-mΩ and 3.2-mΩ MOSFETs 0.6-V ±1% reference voltage across a –40°C to 125°C junction temperature range 0.6-V to 5.5-V output voltage range 146-μA low quiescent current D-CAP3™ control mode for fast transient response Supports ceramic output capacitors Selectable fSW of 400 kHz, 800 kHz, and 1200 kHz Selectable FCCM (forced continuous conduction mode) for tight output voltage ripple Selectable Eco-mode (auto skip mode) for high light-load efficiency Optional external 5-V bias for enhanced efficiency Prebiased start-up capability Adjustable soft start with a default 1.2-ms soft-start time Power-good indicator to monitor output voltage Two adjustable current limit settings with hiccup restart: TPS56C231 (14.7 A, 17 A) and TPS56C231L (11.5 A, 13.8 A) Non-latched protections for UV, OV, OT, and UVLO Pin-to-pin compatible with 12-A TPS56C215, and 8-A TPS568231 and TPS568215 –40°C to 125°C operating junction temperature 3.5-mm × 3.5-mm, 18-pin HotRod™ QFN package 80 75 70 65 SS 60 AGND PGND VIN=12V, V OUT=1.2V, 400kHz VIN=12V, V OUT=3.3V, 400kHz VIN=12V, V OUT=5V, 400kHz 55 50 0 Simplified Schematic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Output Current (A) 9 10 11 12 Efficiency, FCCM Mode An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety-critical applications, intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. PRODUCTION DATA. TPS56C231 www.ti.com SLVSGB5 – AUGUST 2022 Table of Contents 1 Features............................................................................1 2 Applications..................................................................... 1 3 Description.......................................................................1 4 Revision History.............................................................. 2 5 Pin Configuration and Functions...................................3 6 Specifications.................................................................. 4 6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings........................................ 4 6.2 ESD Ratings............................................................... 4 6.3 Recommended Operating Conditions.........................4 6.4 Thermal Information....................................................5 6.5 Electrical Characteristics.............................................5 6.6 Typical Characteristics................................................ 7 7 Detailed Description......................................................13 7.1 Overview................................................................... 13 7.2 Functional Block Diagram......................................... 14 7.3 Feature Description...................................................15 7.4 Device Functional Modes..........................................19 8 Application and Implementation.................................. 20 8.1 Application Information............................................. 20 8.2 Typical Application.................................................... 20 8.3 Power Supply Recommendations.............................24 8.4 Layout....................................................................... 24 9 Device and Documentation Support............................26 9.1 Device Support......................................................... 26 9.2 Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates....26 9.3 Support Resources................................................... 26 9.4 Trademarks............................................................... 26 9.5 Electrostatic Discharge Caution................................26 9.6 Glossary....................................................................26 10 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information.................................................................... 26 4 Revision History NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version. 2 DATE REVISION NOTES August 2022 * Initial release Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS56C231 TPS56C231 www.ti.com SLVSGB5 – AUGUST 2022 5 Pin Configuration and Functions AGND 12 1 BOOT VIN 11 2 VIN BOOT 1 13 FB 14 SS 15 EN 16 PGOOD 17 VREG5 18 MODE 18 MODE TOP VIEW 17 VREG5 16 PGOOD 15 EN 14 SS 13 FB BOTTOM VIEW 12 AGND VIN 2 11 VIN PGND 10 3 PGND PGND 3 10 PGND PGND 9 4 PGND PGND 4 9 PGND PGND 8 5 PGND PGND 5 8 PGND 7 6 6 7 SW SW Figure 5-1. 18-Pin VQFN RNN Package (Bottom View and Top View) Table 5-1. Pin Functions Pin Name Type No. Description (1) 1 I Supply input for the gate drive voltage of the high-side MOSFET. Connect the bootstrap capacitor between BOOT and SW. 2,11 P Input voltage supply pin for the control circuitry. Connect the input decoupling capacitors between VIN and PGND. 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 G Power GND pin for the controller circuit and the internal circuitry. Connect to AGND with a short trace. SW 6, 7 O Switch node pin. Connect the output inductor to this pin. AGND 12 G Ground of internal analog circuitry. Connect AGND to the PGND plane with a short trace. FB 13 I Converter feedback input. Connect to the center tap of the resistor divider between output voltage and AGND. SS 14 O Soft-start time selection pin. Connecting an external capacitor sets the soft-start time and if no external capacitor is connected, the converter starts up in 1.2 ms. EN 15 I Enable input control, leaving this pin floating enables the converter. This pin can also be used to adjust the input UVLO by connecting to the center tap of the resistor divider between VIN and EN. PGOOD 16 O Open-drain power-good indicator. The pin is asserted low if output voltage is out of the PGOOD threshold, overvoltage, or if the device is under thermal shutdown, EN shutdown, or during soft start. VREG5 17 I/O 4.7-V internal LDO output that can also be driven externally with a 5-V input. This pin supplies voltage to the internal circuitry and gate driver. Bypass this pin with a 4.7-µF capacitor. MODE 18 I Switching frequency, current limit selection, and light load operation mode selection pin. Connect this pin to a resistor divider from VREG5 and AGND for different MODE options shown in Table 7-2. BOOT VIN PGND (1) I = input, P = power, G = ground, O = output Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS56C231 3 TPS56C231 www.ti.com SLVSGB5 – AUGUST 2022 6 Specifications 6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) (1) MIN MAX VIN –0.3 20 SW –2 19 SW (10-ns transient) –5 25 VIN-SW 22 VIN-SW (10-ns transient) 25 UNIT EN –0.3 6.5 BOOT-SW –0.3 6.5 BOOT-SW (10-ns transient) –0.3 7.5 BOOT –0.3 25.5 SS, MODE, FB –0.3 6.5 VREG5 –0.3 6 PGOOD –0.3 6.5 TJ Operating junction temperature –40 150 °C Tstg Storage temperature –55 150 °C Pin voltage (1) V Operation outside the Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent device damage. Absolute Maximum Ratings do not imply functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those listed under Recommended Operating Conditions. If used outside the Recommended Operating Conditions but within theAbsolute Maximum Ratings, the device may not be fully functional, and this may affect device reliability, functionality, performance, and shorten the device lifetime. 6.2 ESD Ratings VALUE V(ESD) (1) (2) Electrostatic discharge Human-body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001(1) ±2000 Charged-device model (CDM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-002(2) ±500 UNIT V JEDEC document JEP155 states that 500-V HBM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. JEDEC document JEP157 states that 250-V CDM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. 6.3 Recommended Operating Conditions over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) MIN Pin voltage 4 NOM MAX UNIT VIN 3.8 17 V SW –1.8 17 V BOOT –0.1 23.5 V VREG5, MODE, FB, PGOOD, EN –0.1 5.5 V 0 12 A –40 125 °C Output current ILOAD Operating junction temperature TJ Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS56C231 TPS56C231 www.ti.com SLVSGB5 – AUGUST 2022 6.4 Thermal Information RNN (JEDEC) THERMAL METRIC(1) RθJA RNN (TI EVM) UNIT 18 PINS Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance 49.9 27 °C/W applicable(2) °C/W RθJC(top) Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance 24.9 Not RθJB Junction-to-board thermal resistance 11.3 Not applicable(2) °C/W ψJT Junction-to-top characterization parameter 0.5 0.4 °C/W ψJB Junction-to-board characterization parameter 11 10 °C/W (1) (2) For more information about traditional and new thermal metrics, see the IC Package Thermal Metrics application report. Not applicable to an EVM layout 6.5 Electrical Characteristics TJ = –40°C to +125°C, VIN = 12 V (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT SUPPLY CURRENT IIN VIN supply current TJ = 25°C, VEN = 5 V, non-switching 146 µA IVINSDN VIN shutdown current VEN = 0 V 9.3 µA LOGIC THRESHOLD VENH EN H-level threshold voltage 1.175 1.225 1.3 V VENL EN L-level threshold voltage 1.025 1.104 1.15 V VENHYS IENp1 IENp2 0.121 EN pullup current V VEN = 1.0 V 0.35 1.91 2.95 µA VEN = 1.3 V 3 4.197 5.5 µA 598 600 602 mV FEEDBACK VOLTAGE TJ = 25°C VFB FB voltage TJ = 0°C to 85°C 597.5 600 602.5 mV TJ = –40°C to 85°C 594 600 602.5 mV TJ = –40°C to 125°C 594 600 606 mV LDO VOLTAGE VREG5 LDO output voltage TJ = –40°C to 125°C 4.58 4.7 4.83 V ILIM5 LDO output current limit TJ = –40°C to 125°C 100 150 200 mA UVLO UVLO UVLO, VREG5 = 4.7 V UVLO threshold UVLO threshold, VREG5 = 4.7 V VREG5 rising voltage 4.25 V VREG5 falling voltage 3.52 V VREG5 hysteresis 730 mV VIN rising voltage, VREG5 = 4.7 V 3.32 V VIN falling voltage, VREG5 = 4.7 V 3.24 V VIN hysteresis, VREG5 = 4.7 V 80 mV MOSFET RDS(on)H High-side switch resistance TJ = 25°C, VVREG5 = 4.7 V 7.8 mΩ RDS(on)L Low-side switch resistance TJ = 25°C, VVREG5 = 4.7 V 3.2 mΩ 60 ns ON-TIME TIMER CONTROL tON min SW minimum on time(1) VIN = 17 V, VOUT = 0.6 V, fSW = 1200 kHz tOFF SW minimum off time VFB = 0.5 V 310 ns SOFT START AND OUTPUT DISCHARGE Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS56C231 5 TPS56C231 www.ti.com SLVSGB5 – AUGUST 2022 6.5 Electrical Characteristics (continued) TJ = –40°C to +125°C, VIN = 12 V (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER CONDITIONS tSS Soft-start time Internal soft start time, TJ = – 40°C to 125°C Iss Soft-start charge current TJ = –40°C to 125°C RDIS Discharge resistance TJ = 25°C, VOUT = 0.5 V, VEN = 0 V MIN TYP MAX 1.2 4.9 6 UNIT ms 7.1 370 µA Ω CURRENT LIMIT IOCL INOCL TPS56C231 current limit (low-side sourcing) ILIM-1 option, valley current 12 14.7 16.8 A ILIM option, valley current 14 17 19.2 A TPS56C231L current limit (low-side sourcing) ILIM-1 option, valley current 9.775 11.5 13.225 A ILIM option, valley current 11.73 13.8 15.87 A TPS56C231 current limit (low-side negative) Valley current 4.9 A TPS56C231L current limit (low-side negative) Valley current 4 A POWER GOOD VPGOODTH PGOOD threshold VFB falling (fault) 84% VFB rising (good) 93% VFB rising (fault) 116% VFB falling (good) 108% Delay from low to high 128 µs Delay form high to low 14 µs tPGOODLY PGOOD delay time VPG_L PGOOD sink current IOL = 4 mA IPGLK PGOOD leak current VPGOOD = 5.5 V 0.4 V 1 uA OUTPUT UNDERVOLTAGE AND OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION VOVP Output OVP threshold OVP detect 121% TOVPDEL Output OVP response delay VUVP Output UVP threshold tUVPDGL UVP prop deglitch 1 ms tUVPDEL Output hiccup delay relative to SS time UVP detect 1 cycle tUVPEN Output hiccup enable delay relative to SS time UVP detect 7 cycle 52 Hiccup detect µs 70% THERMAL SHUTDOWN TSDN (1) 6 Thermal shutdown threshold(1) Shutdown temperature Hysteresis 160 °C 15 °C Not production tested Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS56C231 TPS56C231 www.ti.com SLVSGB5 – AUGUST 2022 6.6 Typical Characteristics 154 11.5 152 11 150 10.5 IVINSDN (uA) Non-switching Current (uA) TJ = –40°C to 125°C, VIN = 12 V(unless otherwise noted) 148 146 10 9.5 144 9 142 8.5 140 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Junction Temperature (°C) 120 8 -40 140 Figure 6-1. Quiescent Current vs Temperature 0 20 40 60 80 100 Junction Temperature (°C) 120 140 Figure 6-2. Shutdown Current vs Temperature 10.5 0.602 10 High-side RDS(ON) (mohm) 0.601 Reference Voltage (V) -20 0.6 0.599 0.598 0.597 0.596 0.595 9.5 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 0.594 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Junction Temperature (°C) 120 6 -40 140 Figure 6-3. Reference Voltage vs Temperature -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Junction Temperature (°C) 120 140 Figure 6-4. High-Side RDS(on) vs Temperature 4.5 6.1 6 4.1 3.9 3.7 ISS (uA) Low-side RDS(ON) (mohm) 4.3 3.5 3.3 5.9 5.8 3.1 5.7 2.9 2.7 2.5 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Junction Temperature (°C) 120 Figure 6-5. Low-Side RDS(on) vs Temperature 140 5.6 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Junction Temperature (°C) 120 140 Figure 6-6. Soft-Start Charge Current vs Temperature Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS56C231 7 TPS56C231 www.ti.com SLVSGB5 – AUGUST 2022 6.6 Typical Characteristics (continued) 3.1 5.1 2.8 4.8 2.5 4.5 IENp2 (uA) IENp1 (uA) TJ = –40°C to 125°C, VIN = 12 V(unless otherwise noted) 2.2 1.9 4.2 3.9 1.6 3.6 1.3 3.3 1 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Junction Temperature (°C) 120 3 -40 140 Figure 6-7. Enable Pullup Current, VEN = 1 V 20 40 60 80 100 Junction Temperature (°C) 120 140 16 ILIM ILIM-1 18 17 16 15 14 13 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Junction Temperature (°C) 120 Low-side Valley Current Limit (A) Low-side Valley Current Limit (A) 0 Figure 6-8. Enable Pullup Current, VEN = 1.3 V 19 12 -40 -20 14 13 12 11 10 9 -40 140 Figure 6-9. TPS56C231 Current Limit vs Temperature ILIM ILIM-1 15 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Junction Temperature (°C) 120 140 Figure 6-10. TPS56C231L Current Limit vs Temperature 100 100 90 95 90 80 Efficiency (%) Efficiency (%) 85 70 60 50 80 75 70 65 40 60 30 20 0.001 VIN=5V, V OUT=1.2V, 400kHz VIN=12V, V OUT=1.2V, 400kHz 50 0.01 0.1 1 Output Current (A) 10 20 Figure 6-11. Efficiency, DCM Mode, fSW = 400 kHz 8 VIN=5V, V OUT=1.2V, 400kHz VIN=12V, V OUT=1.2V, 400kHz 55 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Output Current (A) 9 10 11 12 Figure 6-12. Efficiency, FCCM Mode, fSW = 400 kHz Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS56C231 TPS56C231 www.ti.com SLVSGB5 – AUGUST 2022 6.6 Typical Characteristics (continued) TJ = –40°C to 125°C, VIN = 12 V(unless otherwise noted) 100 100 90 95 90 80 Efficiency (%) Efficiency (%) 85 70 60 50 80 75 70 65 40 60 30 20 0.001 VIN=5V, V OUT=1.2V, 800kHz VIN=12V, V OUT=1.2V, 800kHz VIN=5V, V OUT=1.2V, 800kHz VIN=12V, V OUT=1.2V, 800kHz 55 50 0.01 0.1 1 Output Current (A) 10 20 0 Figure 6-13. Efficiency, DCM Mode, fSW = 800 kHz 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Output Current (A) 9 10 11 12 Figure 6-14. Efficiency, FCCM Mode, fSW = 800 kHz 100 100 90 95 90 80 Efficiency (%) Efficiency (%) 85 70 60 50 80 75 70 65 40 60 30 20 0.001 VIN=5V, V OUT=1.2V, 1200kHz VIN=12V, V OUT=1.2V, 1200kHz VIN=5V, V OUT=1.2V, 1200kHz VIN=12V, V OUT=1.2V, 1200kHz 55 50 0.01 0.1 1 Output Current (A) 10 20 0 Figure 6-15. Efficiency, DCM Mode, fSW = 1200 kHz 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Output Current (A) 9 10 11 12 Figure 6-16. Efficiency, FCCM Mode, fSW = 1200 kHz 100 100 90 95 90 80 Efficiency (%) Efficiency (%) 85 70 60 50 80 75 70 65 40 VIN=12V, V OUT=1.2V, 400kHz VIN=12V, V OUT=3.3V, 400kHz VIN=12V, V OUT=5V, 400kHz 30 20 0.001 60 VIN=12V, V OUT=1.2V, 400kHz VIN=12V, V OUT=3.3V, 400kHz VIN=12V, V OUT=5V, 400kHz 55 50 0.01 0.1 1 Output Current (A) 10 20 Figure 6-17. Efficiency, DCM Mode, fSW = 400 kHz 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Output Current (A) 9 10 11 12 Figure 6-18. Efficiency, FCCM Mode, fSW = 400 kHz Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS56C231 9 TPS56C231 www.ti.com SLVSGB5 – AUGUST 2022 6.6 Typical Characteristics (continued) TJ = –40°C to 125°C, VIN = 12 V(unless otherwise noted) 100 100 90 95 90 80 Efficiency (%) Efficiency (%) 85 70 60 50 75 70 65 40 60 VIN=12V, V OUT=1.2V, 800kHz VIN=12V, V OUT=3.3V, 800kHz VIN=12V, V OUT=5V, 800kHz 30 20 0.001 80 VIN=12V, V OUT=1.2V, 800kHz VIN=12V, V OUT=3.3V, 800kHz VIN=12V, V OUT=5V, 800kHz 55 50 0.01 0.1 Output Current (A) 1 10 20 0 Figure 6-19. Efficiency, DCM Mode, fSW = 800 kHz 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Output Current (A) 9 10 11 12 Figure 6-20. Efficiency, FCCM Mode, fSW = 800 kHz 100 100 90 95 90 80 Efficiency (%) Efficiency (%) 85 70 60 50 80 75 70 65 40 20 0.001 60 VIN=12V, V OUT=1.2V, 1200kHz VIN=12V, V OUT=3.3V, 1200kHz VIN=12V, V OUT=5V, 1200kHz 30 VIN=12V, V OUT=1.2V, 1200kHz VIN=12V, V OUT=3.3V, 1200kHz VIN=12V, V OUT=5V, 1200kHz 55 50 0.01 0.1 1 Output Current (A) 10 20 0 Figure 6-21. Efficiency, DCM Mode, fSW = 1200 kHz 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Output Current (A) 9 10 11 12 Figure 6-22. Efficiency, FCCM Mode, fSW = 1200 kHz 1.208 100 90 1.206 Output Voltage (V) Efficiency (%) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0.001 Ext-5VCC, VIN=5V, V OUT=1.2V, 800kHz Ext-5VCC, VIN=12V, V OUT=1.2V, 800kHz Internal 5VCC, VIN=5V, V OUT=1.2V, 800kHz Internal 5VCC, VIN=12V, V OUT=1.2V, 800kHz 0.01 0.1 1 Output Current (A) 10 20 Figure 6-23. Efficiency, Ext-VCC vs Internal-VCC, DCM Mode, fSW = 800 kHz 10 1.204 1.202 1.2 1.198 VIN=5V, V OUT=1.2V VIN=12V, V OUT=1.2V 1.196 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Output Current (A) 9 10 11 12 Figure 6-24. Load Regulation, fSW = 800 kHz Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS56C231 TPS56C231 www.ti.com SLVSGB5 – AUGUST 2022 6.6 Typical Characteristics (continued) TJ = –40°C to 125°C, VIN = 12 V(unless otherwise noted) 450 900 VIN=5V, V OUT=1.2V VIN=12V, V OUT=1.2V 400 700 Frequency (kHz) Frequency (kHz) 350 300 250 200 150 600 500 400 300 100 200 50 100 0 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 Output Current (A) 0 0.001 10 20 Figure 6-25. fSW Load Regulation, DCM Mode, fSW = 400 kHz 0.01 0.1 1 Output Current (A) 10 20 Figure 6-26. fSW Load Regulation, DCM Mode, fSW = 800 kHz 1200 600 VIN=5V, V OUT=1.2V VIN=12V, V OUT=1.2V 550 Frequency (kHz) 1000 Frequency (kHz) VIN=5V, V OUT=1.2V VIN=12V, V OUT=1.2V 800 800 600 400 200 500 450 400 350 0 0.001 VIN=5V, V OUT=1.2V VIN=12V, V OUT=1.2V 300 0.01 0.1 1 Output Current (A) 10 20 Figure 6-27. fSW Load Regulation, DCM Mode, fSW = 1200 kHz 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Output Current (A) 9 10 11 12 Figure 6-28. fSW Load Regulation, FCCM Mode, fSW = 400 kHz 900 1200 850 1150 1100 Frequency (kHz) Frequency (kHz) 800 750 700 650 1050 1000 950 900 850 600 800 550 VIN=5V, V OUT=1.2V VIN=12V, V OUT=1.2V 500 VIN=5V, V OUT=1.2V VIN=12V, V OUT=1.2V 750 700 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Output Current (A) 9 10 11 12 Figure 6-29. fSW Load Regulation, FCCM Mode, fSW = 800 kHz 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Output Current (A) 9 10 11 12 Figure 6-30. fSW Load Regulation, FCCM Mode, fSW = 1200 kHz Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS56C231 11 TPS56C231 www.ti.com SLVSGB5 – AUGUST 2022 6.6 Typical Characteristics (continued) 600 900 550 850 500 800 Frequency (kHz) Frequency (kHz) TJ = –40°C to 125°C, VIN = 12 V(unless otherwise noted) 450 400 350 300 650 VIN=12V, V OUT=1.2V VIN=12V, V OUT=3.3V VIN=12V, V OUT=5V 550 200 500 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Output Current (A) 9 10 11 12 Figure 6-31. fSW Load Regulation, FCCM Mode, fSW = 400 kHz 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Output Current (A) 9 10 11 12 Figure 6-32. fSW Load Regulation, FCCM Mode, fSW = 800 kHz 1300 500 1200 400 Frequency (kHz) Frequency (kHz) 700 600 VIN=12V, V OUT=1.2V VIN=12V, V OUT=3.3V VIN=12V, V OUT=5V 250 1100 1000 900 700 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Output Current (A) 9 10 11 200 0.01 0.1 1 Output Current (A) 10 20 Figure 6-34. fSW Load Regulation, DCM Mode, fSW = 400 kHz 1000 1400 VIN=12V, V OUT=1.2V VIN=12V, V OUT=3.3V VIN=12V, V OUT=5V 1200 Frequency (kHz) 800 300 0 0.001 12 Figure 6-33. fSW Load Regulation, FCCM Mode, fSW = 1200 kHz VIN=12V, V OUT=1.2V VIN=12V, V OUT=3.3V VIN=12V, V OUT=5V 100 VIN=12V, V OUT=1.2V VIN=12V, V OUT=3.3V VIN=12V, V OUT=5V 800 Frequency (kHz) 750 600 400 VIN=12V, V OUT=1.2V VIN=12V, V OUT=3.3V VIN=12V, V OUT=5V 1000 800 600 400 200 200 0 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 Output Current (A) 10 20 Figure 6-35. fSW Load Regulation, DCM Mode, fSW = 800 kHz 12 0 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 Output Current (A) 10 20 Figure 6-36. fSW Load Regulation, DCM Mode, fSW = 1200 kHz Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS56C231 TPS56C231 www.ti.com SLVSGB5 – AUGUST 2022 7 Detailed Description 7.1 Overview The TPS56C231x is a high-density, synchronous step-down buck converter that can operate from 3.8-V to 17-V input voltage (VIN). The device has 7.8-mΩ and 3.2-mΩ integrated MOSFETs that enable high efficiency up to 12 A. The device employs D-CAP3 control mode that provides fast transient response with no external compensation components and an accurate feedback voltage. The control topology provides a seamless transition between FCCM operating mode at higher load condition and Eco-mode operation at lighter load condition. Eco-mode allows the TPS56C231x to maintain high efficiency at light load. The TPS56C231x can adapt to both low equivalent series resistance (ESR) output capacitors such as POSCAP or SP-CAP, and ultra-low ESR ceramic capacitors. The TPS56C231x has three selectable switching frequencies (fSW): 400 kHz, 800 kHz, and 1200 kHz. These frequencies give the flexibility to optimize the design for higher efficiency or smaller size. There are two selectable current limits. All these options are configured by choosing the right voltage on the MODE pin. The TPS56C231 has higher OCP to support higher peak current requirement. The TPS56C231x has a 4.7-V internal LDO that creates bias for all internal circuitry. There is a feature to overdrive this internal LDO with an external voltage on the VREG5 pin, which improves the efficiency of the converter. The undervoltage lockout (UVLO) circuit monitors the VREG5 pin voltage to protect the internal circuitry from low input voltages. The device has an internal pullup current source on the EN pin, which can enable the device even with the pin floating. Soft-start time can be selected by connecting a capacitor to the SS pin. The device is protected from output short, undervoltage, and overtemperature conditions. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS56C231 13 TPS56C231 www.ti.com SLVSGB5 – AUGUST 2022 7.2 Functional Block Diagram PG high threshold UV threshold + PGOOD + UV PG Logic + OV + PG low threshold VIN OV threshold + Vref + VREGOK LDO VREG5 UVLO + +PWM FB SS BOOT Internal SS + Control Logic VIN SS On/Off time Minimum On/Off Internal/External VREG5 OVP/UVP/TSD FCCM/SKIP Soft-Start PGOOD Ripple injection SW One Shot SW XCON PGND Ip1 Ih + + EN OCL + Mode ZC Light Load Operation/ Current Limit/ Switching Frequency + NOCL OT threshold + THOK Discharge Control 14 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS56C231 TPS56C231 www.ti.com SLVSGB5 – AUGUST 2022 7.3 Feature Description 7.3.1 PWM Operation and D-CAP3 Control Mode The TPS56C231x operates using the adaptive on-time PWM control with a proprietary D-CAP3 control mode, which enables low external component count with a fast load transient response while maintaining a good output voltage accuracy. At the beginning of each switching cycle, the high-side MOSFET is turned on for an on time set by an internal one-shot timer. This on time is set based on the input voltage of the converter, output voltage of the converter, and the pseudo-fixed frequency, hence this type of control topology is called an adaptive on-time control. The one-shot timer resets and turns on again once the feedback voltage (VFB) falls below the internal reference voltage (VREF). An internal ramp is generated, which is fed to the FB pin to simulate the output voltage ripple, enabling the use of very low-ESR output capacitors such as multi-layered ceramic caps (MLCC). No external current sense network or loop compensation is required for D-CAP3 control mode topology. The TPS56C231x includes an error amplifier that makes the output voltage very accurate. This error amplifier is absent in other flavors of D-CAP3 control mode. For any control topology that is compensated internally, there is a range of the output filter it can support. The output filter used with the TPS56C231x is a low-pass L-C circuit. This L-C filter has double pole that is described in Equation 1. ¦P = 1 2 ´ p ´ LOUT ´ COUT (1) At low frequencies, the overall loop gain is set by the output set-point resistor divider network and the internal gain of the TPS56C231x. The low frequency L-C double pole has a 180 degree in-phase. At the output filter frequency, the gain rolls off at a –40 dB per decade rate and the phase drops rapidly. The internal ripple generation network introduces a high-frequency zero that reduces the gain roll off from –40 dB to –20 dB per decade and increases the phase to 90 degree one decade above the zero frequency. The internal ripple injection high frequency zero is changed according to the switching frequency selected as shown in Table 7-1. The inductor and capacitor selected for the output filter must be such that the double pole is located close enough to the high-frequency zero so that the phase boost provided by this high-frequency zero provides adequate phase margin for the stability requirement. The crossover frequency of the overall system usually must be targeted to be less than one-fifth of the switching frequency (fSW). Table 7-1. Ripple Injection Zero Switching Frequency (kHz) Zero Location (kHz) 400 17.8 800 27.1 1200 29.8 7.3.2 Eco-mode Control The TPS56C231x is designed with Eco-mode control to increase efficiency at light loads. This option can be chosen using the MODE pin as shown in Table 7-2. As the output current decreases from heavy load condition, the inductor current is also reduced. If the output current is reduced enough, the valley of the inductor current reaches the zero level, which is the boundary between continuous conduction and discontinuous conduction modes. The low-side MOSFET is turned off when a zero inductor current is detected. As the load current further decreases, the converter runs into discontinuous conduction mode. The on time is kept approximately the same as it is in continuous conduction mode. The off time increases as it takes more time to discharge the output with a smaller load current. Use Equation 2 to calculate the light load current where the transition to Eco-mode operation happens (IOUT(LL)). IOUT(LL) = 1 2 × LOUT × FSW × (VIN -VOUT ) × VOUT VIN (2) Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS56C231 15 TPS56C231 www.ti.com SLVSGB5 – AUGUST 2022 After identifying the application requirements, design the output inductance (LOUT) so that the inductor peak-topeak ripple current is approximately between 20% and 30% of the IOUT(ma×) (peak current in the application). Size the inductor properly so that the valley current does not hit the negative low-side current limit. 7.3.3 4.7-V LDO The VREG5 pin is the output of the internal 4.7-V linear regulator that creates the bias for all the internal circuitry and MOSFET gate drivers. The VREG5 pin must be bypassed with a 4.7-µF capacitor. An external voltage that is above the internal output voltage of the LDO can override the internal LDO, switching it to the external rail after a higher voltage is detected. This action enhances the efficiency of the converter because the quiescent current now runs off this external rail instead of the input power supply. The UVLO circuit monitors the VREG5 pin voltage and disables the output when VREG5 falls below the UVLO threshold. When using an external bias on the VREG5 rail, any power-up and power-down sequencing can be applied but it is important to understand that if there is a discharge path on the VREG5 rail that can pull a current higher than the internal current limit of the LDO (ILIM5) from the VREG5, then the VREG5 LDO turns off thereby, shutting down the output of TPS56C231x. If such condition does not exist and if the external VREG5 rail is turned off, the VREG5 voltage switches over to the internal LDO voltage, which is 4.7 V typically in a few nanoseconds. 7.3.4 MODE Selection The TPS56C231x has a MODE pin that can offer 12 different states of operation as a combination of current limit, switching frequency, and light load operation. The device can operate at two different current limits (ILIM-1 and ILIM) to support an output continuous current of 12 A, respectively. The TPS56C231x is designed to compare the valley current of the inductor against the current limit thresholds, so make sure to understand that the output current is half the ripple current higher than the valley current. Take the TPS56C231 as an example, with the ILIM current limit selection, the OCL threshold is 14 A minimum, which means that a pk-pk inductor ripple current of 2 A minimum is needed to draw 15 A out of the converter without entering an overcurrent condition. The TPS56C231x can operate at three different frequencies of 400 kHz, 800 kHz, and 1200 kHz and also can choose between Eco-mode and FCCM mode. In Eco-mode, TPS56C231x works in DCM (discontinuous conduction mode) with high efficiency in light loading. In FCCM mode, TPS56C231x works in forced PWM (forced continuous conduction mode) with tight output voltage ripple. The device reads the voltage on the MODE pin during start-up and latches onto one of the MODE options listed in Table 7-2. The voltage on the MODE pin can be set by connecting this pin to the center tap of a resistor divider connected between VREG5 and AGND. A guideline for the top resistor (RM_H) and the bottom resistor (RM_L) in 1% resistors is shown in Table 7-2. Ensure that the voltage for the MODE pin is derived from the VREG5 rail only because, internally, this voltage is referenced to detect the MODE option. The MODE pin setting can be reset only by a VIN power cycling. Table 7-2. MODE Pin Resistor Settings 16 RM_L (kΩ) RM_H (kΩ) Light Load Operation Current Limit Frequency (kHz) 5.1 300 FCCM ILIM-1 400 10 200 FCCM ILIM 400 20 160 FCCM ILIM-1 800 20 120 FCCM ILIM 800 51 200 FCCM ILIM-1 1200 51 180 FCCM ILIM 1200 51 150 DCM ILIM-1 400 51 120 DCM ILIM 400 51 91 DCM ILIM-1 800 51 82 DCM ILIM 800 51 62 DCM ILIM-1 1200 51 51 DCM ILIM 1200 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS56C231 TPS56C231 www.ti.com SLVSGB5 – AUGUST 2022 Figure 7-1 shows the typical start-up sequence of the device after the EN pin voltage crosses the EN turn-on threshold. After the voltage on VREG5 pin crosses the rising UVLO threshold, it takes 144 μs to read the first MODE setting and a maximum of approximately 180 μs from accomplishing MODE to soft start. The output voltage starts ramping after the MODE setting reading is completed. VIN EN Threshold 1.225 V for Buck EN EN Threshold 0.8 V for VREG5 UVLO VREG5 tss (1.2ms) MODE 144us 180us 1ms VOUT PGOOD Figure 7-1. Power-Up Sequence 7.3.5 Soft Start and Prebiased Soft Start The TPS56C231x has an internal 1.2-ms soft-start time and an external adjustable soft-start time that can be set by connecting a capacitor on the SS pin. When the EN pin becomes high, the soft-start charge current (ISS) begins charging the external capacitor (CSS) connected between SS and AGND. The device tracks the lower of the internal soft-start voltage or the external soft-start voltage as the reference. Equation 3 is the equation for the soft-start time (tSS): TSS(S) = CSS × VREF ISS (3) where • VREF is 0.6 V and ISS is 6 µA. If the output capacitor is prebiased at start-up, the device initiates switching and starts ramping up only after the internal reference voltage becomes greater than the feedback voltage, VFB. This scheme ensures that the converters ramp up smoothly into the regulation point. 7.3.6 Enable and Adjustable UVLO The EN pin controls the turn-on and turn-off of the device. When EN pin voltage is above the turn-on threshold, which is approximately 1.2 V, the device starts switching and when the EN pin voltage falls below the turn-off threshold, which is approximately 1.1 V, it stops switching. If the user application requires a different turn-on (VSTART) and turn-off thresholds (VSTOP), respectively, the EN pin can be configured as shown in Figure 7-2 by Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS56C231 17 TPS56C231 www.ti.com SLVSGB5 – AUGUST 2022 connecting a resistor divider between VIN and EN. The EN pin has a pullup current, Ip1, that sets the default state of the pin when it is floating. This current increases to Ip2 when the EN pin voltage crosses the turn-on threshold. Use Equation 4 and Equation 5 to set the UVLO thresholds. IC VIN R1 R2 Ip1 Ih EN Figure 7-2. Adjustable VIN Undervoltage Lockout æV ö VSTART ç ENFALLING ÷ - VSTOP V è ENRISING ø R1 = æ VENFALLING ö Ip1 ç1 ÷ + Ih VENRISING ø è R2 = (4) R1´ VENFALLING VSTOP - VENFALLING + R1 Ip2 (5) where • • • • • Ip2 is 4.197 μA. Ip1 is 1.91 μA. Ih is 2.287 μA. VENRISING is 1.225 V. VENFALLING is 1.104 V. 7.3.7 Power Good The power-good (PGOOD) pin is an open-drain output. After the FB pin voltage is between 93% and 108% of the internal reference voltage (VREF), PGOOD is de-asserted and floats after a 14-µs de-glitch time. TI recommends a 10-kΩ pullup resistor to pull it up to VREG5. The PGOOD pin is pulled low when the FB pin voltage is lower than VUVP or greater than VOVP threshold, in an event of thermal shutdown, or during the soft-start period. 7.3.8 Overcurrent Protection and Undervoltage Protection The output overcurrent limit (OCL) is implemented using a cycle-by-cycle valley detect control circuit. The switch current is monitored during the off state by measuring the low-side FET drain-to-source voltage. This voltage is proportional to the switch current. During the on time of the high-side FET switch, the switch current increases at a linear rate determined by: • • • 18 Input voltage Output voltage On time Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS56C231 TPS56C231 www.ti.com • SLVSGB5 – AUGUST 2022 Output inductor value During the on time of the low-side FET switch, this current decreases linearly. The average value of the switch current is the load current IOUT. If the measured drain-to-source voltage of the low-side FET is above the voltage proportional to current limit, the low-side FET stays on until the current level becomes lower than the OCL level, which reduces the output current available. When the current is limited, the output voltage tends to drop because the load demand is higher than what the converter can support. When the output voltage falls below 70% of the target voltage, the UVP comparator detects it and shuts down the device after a wait time of 1 ms, the device restarts after a 7-ms hiccup time. In this type of valley detect control, the load current is higher than the OCL threshold by one half of the peak-to-peak inductor ripple current. When the overcurrent condition is removed, the output voltage returns to the regulated value. If an OCL condition happens during start-up, then the device enters hiccup-mode immediately without a 1-ms wait time. 7.3.9 UVLO Protection Undervoltage lockout protection (UVLO) monitors the internal VREG5 regulator voltage. When the VREG5 voltage is lower than UVLO threshold voltage, the device is shut off. This protection is non-latching. 7.3.10 Thermal Shutdown The device monitors the internal die temperature. If this temperature exceeds the thermal shutdown threshold value (TSDN typically 160°C), the device shuts off. This protection is a non-latch protection. During start-up, if the device temperature is higher than 160°C, the device does not start switching and does not load the MODE settings. If the device temperature goes higher than TSDN threshold after start-up, it stops switching with SS reset to ground and an internal discharge switch turns on to quickly discharge the output voltage. The device re-starts switching when the temperature goes below the thermal shutdown threshold but the MODE settings are not re-loaded again. 7.3.11 Output Voltage Discharge The device has a 370-Ω discharge switch that discharges the output VOUT through the SW node during any event of fault like output overvoltage, output undervoltage, TSD, and if VREG5 voltage below the UVLO, and when the EN pin voltage (VEN) is below the turn-on threshold. 7.4 Device Functional Modes 7.4.1 Light Load Operation When the MODE pin is selected to operate in FCCM mode, the converter operates in continuous conduction mode (FCCM) during light-load conditions. During FCCM, the switching frequency (fSW) is maintained at an almost constant level over the entire load range, which is suitable for applications requiring tight control of the switching frequency and output voltage ripple at the cost of lower efficiency under light load. If the MODE pin is selected to operate in Eco-mode, the device enters pulse skip mode after the valley of the inductor ripple current crosses zero. The Eco-mode maintains higher efficiency at light load with a lower switching frequency. 7.4.2 Standby Operation The TPS56C231x can be placed in standby mode by pulling the EN pin low. The device operates with a shutdown current of approximately 9 μA when in standby condition. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS56C231 19 TPS56C231 www.ti.com SLVSGB5 – AUGUST 2022 8 Application and Implementation Note Information in the following applications sections is not part of the TI component specification, and TI does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. TI’s customers are responsible for determining suitability of components for their purposes, as well as validating and testing their design implementation to confirm system functionality. 8.1 Application Information The schematic of Figure 8-1 shows a typical application for the TPS56C231x. This design converts an input voltage range of 4.5 V to 17 V down to 1.2 V with a maximum output current of 12 A. 8.2 Typical Application U1 VIN = 4.5 V - 17 V VIN VIN C1 0.1µF C2 0.1µF C3 22µF C4 22µF 2 11 C5 22µF C6 22µF EN 15 VIN VIN EN BOOT SW SW 1 R10 6 7 C9 0 0.1µF L1 VOUT SW R3 PG 16 PGOOD 10.0k R4 82.0k C8 4.7uF R5 51.0k FB VREG5 17 MODE 18 SS 14 0.047µF C7 VREG5 MODE PGND PGND PGND PGND PGND PGND SS AGND 13 FB 3 4 5 8 9 10 R6 0 R7 10.0k R8 0 VOUT = 1.2 V VOUT 680nH C11 47µF C12 47µF C13 47µF C14 47µF C10 56pF R9 10.0k 12 Figure 8-1. Application Schematic 8.2.1 Design Requirements Table 8-1. Design Parameters Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit VOUT Output voltage 1.2 IOUT Output current 12 A ΔVOUT Transient response 40 mV VIN Input voltage VOUT(ripple) Output voltage ripple fSW 4.5 20 17 V mV(P-P) Start input voltage Input voltage rising Internal UVLO V Stop input voltage Input voltage falling Internal UVLO V Switching frequency 800 Operating mode TA 12 V kHz DCM Ambient temperature 25 °C 8.2.2 Detailed Design Procedure External Component Selection Output Voltage Set Point To change the output voltage of the application, change the value of the upper feedback resistor. By changing this resistor, the user can change the output voltage above 0.6 V. See Equation 6. 20 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS56C231 TPS56C231 www.ti.com SLVSGB5 – AUGUST 2022 æ ö R VOUT = 0.6 ´ ç 1 + UPPER ÷ è RLOWER ø (6) Switching Frequency and MODE Selection Switching frequency, current limit, and switching mode (DCM or FCCM) are set by a voltage divider from VREG5 to GND connected to the MODE pin. See Table 7-2 for possible MODE pin configurations. Switching frequency selection is a trade-off between higher efficiency and smaller system solution size. Lower switching frequency yields higher overall efficiency but relatively bigger external components. Higher switching frequencies cause additional switching losses, which impact efficiency and thermal performance. For this design, 800 kHz is chosen as the switching frequency. The switching mode is DCM and the output current is 12 A. Inductor Selection The inductor ripple current is filtered by the output capacitor. A higher inductor ripple current means the output capacitor must have a ripple current rating higher than the inductor ripple current. See Table 8-2 for recommended inductor values. Use Equation 7 and Equation 8 to calculate the RMS and peak currents through the inductor. Make sure that the inductor is rated to handle these currents. 2ö æ 1 æ VOUT × (VIN(max) - VOUT )ö ÷ ç 2 ÷ IL(rms)= ç I OUT + × ç 12 ç VIN(max) × LOUT × FSW ÷ ÷÷ ç è ø ø è IL(peak) = IOUT + (7) IOUT(ripple) (8) 2 During transient, short-circuit conditions, the inductor current can increase up to the current limit of the device, so it is safe to choose an inductor with a saturation current higher than the peak current under current limit condition. Output Capacitor Selection After selecting the inductor, the output capacitor must be optimized. In D-CAP3 control mode, the regulator reacts within one cycle to the change in the duty cycle so the good transient performance can be achieved without needing large amounts of output capacitance. Table 8-2 gives the recommended output capacitance range. Ceramic capacitors have very low ESR, otherwise the maximum ESR of the capacitor must be less than VOUT(ripple) / IOUT(ripple). Table 8-2. Recommended Component Values VOUT (V) 0.6 1.2 3.3 RLOWER (kΩ) RUPPER (kΩ) 10 10 10 0 10 45.3 fSW (kHz) LOUT (µH) COUT(min) (µF) COUT(max) (µF) CFF (pF) 400 0.68 300 500 — 800 0.47 100 500 — 1200 0.33 88 500 — 400 1.2 100 500 — 800 0.68 88 500 — 1200 0.47 88 500 — 400 2.4 88 500 100 – 220 800 1.5 88 500 100 – 220 1200 1.2 88 500 100 – 220 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS56C231 21 TPS56C231 www.ti.com SLVSGB5 – AUGUST 2022 Table 8-2. Recommended Component Values (continued) VOUT (V) 5.5 RLOWER (kΩ) RUPPER (kΩ) 10 82.5 fSW (kHz) LOUT (µH) COUT(min) (µF) COUT(max) (µF) CFF (pF) 400 3.3 88 500 100 – 220 800 2.4 88 500 100 – 220 1200 1.5 88 700 100 – 220 Input Capacitor Selection Equation 9 gives the minimum input capacitance required. CIN(min) = IOUT ×VOUT VINripple ×VIN ×FSW (9) TI recommends using a high quality X5R or X7R input decoupling capacitors of 40 µF on the input voltage pin. The voltage rating on the input capacitor must be greater than the maximum input voltage. The capacitor must also have a ripple current rating greater than the maximum input current ripple of the application. Use Equation 10 to calculate the input ripple current: ICIN(rms) = IOUT × 22 (VIN(min)-VOUT ) VOUT × VIN(min) VIN(min) Submit Document Feedback (10) Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS56C231 TPS56C231 www.ti.com SLVSGB5 – AUGUST 2022 8.2.3 Application Curves VIN = 12 V. Ta = 25°C (unless otherwise specified). 100 1.206 90 1.205 1.204 Output Voltage (V) Efficiency (%) 80 70 60 50 1.203 1.202 1.201 1.2 1.199 40 1.198 30 1.197 20 0.001 1.196 0.01 0.1 Output Current (A) 1 10 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Output Current (A) 9 10 11 12 Figure 8-2. Efficiency Figure 8-3. Load Regulation Figure 8-4. Output Voltage Ripple, IOUT = 10 mA, Time = 80 μS/div Figure 8-5. Output Voltage Ripple, IOUT = 12 A, Time = 1 μS/div Figure 8-6. Start-Up Relative to EN Rising, Time = 2 ms/div Figure 8-7. Shutdown Relative to EN Falling, Time = 200 μS/div Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS56C231 23 TPS56C231 www.ti.com SLVSGB5 – AUGUST 2022 Figure 8-8. Transient Response, Load Step = 3 A – Figure 8-9. Transient Response, Load Step = 1.2 A 9 A – 3 A, Slew Rate Setting = 2.5 A/μS, Time = 100 – 10.8 A – 1.2 A, Slew Rate Setting = 2.5 A/μS, Time uS/div = 100 μS/div 8.3 Power Supply Recommendations The TPS56C231x is intended to be powered by a well regulated DC voltage. The input voltage range is 3.8 V to 17 V. The TPS56C231x is a buck converter. The input supply voltage must be greater than the desired output voltage for proper operation. Input supply current must be appropriate for the desired output current. If the input voltage supply is located far from the TPS56C231x circuit, TI recommends some additional input bulk capacitance. Typical values are 100 µF to 470 µF. 8.4 Layout 8.4.1 Layout Guidelines • • • • • • • • • 24 Use a four-layer or six-layer PCB for good thermal performance and with maximum ground plane. 3-inch × 3-inch, four-layer PCB with 2-oz. copper is used as an example. VIN, PGND, and SW traces must be as wide as possible to reduce trace impedance and improve heat dissipation. Place equal capacitors on each side of the IC. Place them right from each VIN to PGND pin as close as possible to the device on the same side of the PCB. Use vias near both VIN pins and provide a low impedance connection between them through an internal layer. Use multiple vias near both PGND pins and use the layer directly below the device to connect them together, which helps to minimize noise and can help heat dissipation. Inner layer 1 is ground with the PGND to AGND net tie. Inner layer 2 has VIN copper pour that has vias to the top layer VIN. Bottom layer is GND with the BOOT trace routing. Reference feedback to the quiet AGND and route away from the switch node. Also keep feedback resistors and the feedforward capacitor near the IC. Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS56C231 TPS56C231 www.ti.com SLVSGB5 – AUGUST 2022 CFF Rupper 8.4.2 Layout Example PGND PGND PGND PGND PGND Css FB VIN AGND Rlower SS SW EN SW PG RM_H MO DE BOOT PGND VRE G5 VIN CVREG5 CB T RM_L OOT Top Line VIN Plane Bottom Line SW Plane GND Plane VOUT Plane Figure 8-10. Layout Example Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS56C231 25 TPS56C231 www.ti.com SLVSGB5 – AUGUST 2022 9 Device and Documentation Support 9.1 Device Support 9.1.1 Third-Party Products Disclaimer TI'S PUBLICATION OF INFORMATION REGARDING THIRD-PARTY PRODUCTS OR SERVICES DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN ENDORSEMENT REGARDING THE SUITABILITY OF SUCH PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OR A WARRANTY, REPRESENTATION OR ENDORSEMENT OF SUCH PRODUCTS OR SERVICES, EITHER ALONE OR IN COMBINATION WITH ANY TI PRODUCT OR SERVICE. 9.2 Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates To receive notification of documentation updates, navigate to the device product folder on ti.com. Click on Subscribe to updates to register and receive a weekly digest of any product information that has changed. For change details, review the revision history included in any revised document. 9.3 Support Resources TI E2E™ support forums are an engineer's go-to source for fast, verified answers and design help — straight from the experts. Search existing answers or ask your own question to get the quick design help you need. Linked content is provided "AS IS" by the respective contributors. They do not constitute TI specifications and do not necessarily reflect TI's views; see TI's Terms of Use. 9.4 Trademarks D-CAP3™, HotRod™, and TI E2E™ are trademarks of Texas Instruments. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 9.5 Electrostatic Discharge Caution This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage. ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications. 9.6 Glossary TI Glossary This glossary lists and explains terms, acronyms, and definitions. 10 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information The following pages include mechanical, packaging, and orderable information. This information is the most current data available for the designated devices. This data is subject to change without notice and revision of this document. For browser-based versions of this data sheet, refer to the left-hand navigation. 26 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS56C231 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 12-Dec-2023 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan (2) Lead finish/ Ball material MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) Device Marking (3) Samples (4/5) (6) TPS56C231LRNNR ACTIVE VQFN-HR RNN 18 3000 RoHS & Green SN Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 125 C231L Samples TPS56C231RNNR ACTIVE VQFN-HR RNN 18 3000 RoHS & Green SN Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 125 56C231 Samples (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. (2) RoHS: TI defines "RoHS" to mean semiconductor products that are compliant with the current EU RoHS requirements for all 10 RoHS substances, including the requirement that RoHS substance do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, "RoHS" products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. TI may reference these types of products as "Pb-Free". RoHS Exempt: TI defines "RoHS Exempt" to mean products that contain lead but are compliant with EU RoHS pursuant to a specific EU RoHS exemption. Green: TI defines "Green" to mean the content of Chlorine (Cl) and Bromine (Br) based flame retardants meet JS709B low halogen requirements of
TPS56C231LRNNR 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 1+12.30423
  • 10+12.03012
  • 30+11.84739
  • 100+11.66465


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 3000+11.596013000+1.40373
  • 6000+11.372406000+1.37666


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+22.277921+2.69680
  • 10+16.6014110+2.00964
  • 25+15.1817625+1.83779
  • 100+13.61821100+1.64852
  • 250+12.87256250+1.55826
  • 500+12.42295500+1.50383
  • 1000+12.053061000+1.45906
