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    用于正负输出的单电感器多输出 (SIMO)

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TPS65136RTER 数据手册
TPS65136 www.ti.com ............................................................................................................................................................. SLVS831A – APRIL 2008 – REVISED JULY 2008 Single-Inductor, Multiple-Output (SIMO) Regulator for AMOLED • • • • • FEATURES 1 • • • • • • • • 23 2.3-V to 5.5-V Input Voltage Range 1% Output Voltage Accuracy Low-Noise Operation 750-mW Output Power at Vin = 2.9 V SIMO Regulator Technology Fixed 4.6-V Positive Output Voltage Negative Output Voltage Down to –6 V Advanced Power-Save Mode for Light-Load Efficiency Out-of-Audio Mode Short-Circuit Protection Excellent Line Regulation Thermal Shutdown 3-mm × 3-mm Thin QFN Package APPLICATIONS • Active-Matrix OLED Power Supply DESCRIPTION The TPS65136 is designed to provide best-in-class picture quality for active-matrix OLED (AMOLED) displays that require positive and negative supply rails. With its wide input voltage range, the device is ideally suited for AMOLED displays, which are used in mobile phones or SmartPhone™ devices. With the new single-inductor multiple-output (SIMO) technology, the smallest possible solution size is achieved. The device operates with a buck-boost topology and generates both positive and negative output voltages above or below the input voltage rail. The SIMO technology enables excellent line and load regulation. Excellent line-transient regulation is required to avoid disturbance of the AMOLED display as a result of input voltage variations that occur during transmit periods in mobile communication systems. TYPICAL APPLICATION L1 2.2 mH TPS65136 16 15 Vin 2.3 V to 5.5 V 1 C1 10 mF 8 4 11 C4 100 nF 12 5 L1 L2 L1 L2 VIN OUTP EN OUTP VAUX FB PGND FBG PGND OUTN GND OUTN 14 13 10 Vpos 4.6 V/80 mA 9 C2 4.7 mF 7 6 3 R1 464 kW 2 R2 442 kW C3 4.7 mF Vneg –4.4 V/80 mA S0337-01 1 2 3 Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet. SmartPhone is a trademark of Pinakin Dinesh. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date. Products conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters. Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated TPS65136 SLVS831A – APRIL 2008 – REVISED JULY 2008 ............................................................................................................................................................. www.ti.com These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates. ORDERING INFORMATION (1) TA OPTIONS –40°C to 85°C (1) 4.6 V fixed ORDERING P/N PACKAGE PACKAGE MARKING TPS65136RTE RTE CCO (2) The RTE package is available in tape and reel. Add R suffix (TPS65136RTER) to order quantities of 3000 parts per reel. For the most current package and ordering information, see the Package Option Addendum at the end of this document, or see the TI Web site at www.ti.com. Contact the factory for other output voltage options. (2) 16-Terminal TQFN PACKAGE OUTN 3 VAUX 4 L1 L2 L2 13 12 PGND 11 PGND Exposed Thermal Die 10 OUTP 9 5 6 7 8 EN 2 14 FB OUTN 15 FBG 1 16 GND VIN L1 RTE Package (Top View) OUTP P0081-01 TERMINAL FUNCTIONS TERMINAL NAME NO. I/O DESCRIPTION EN 8 I Input pin to enable the device. Pulling this pin high enables the device. This pin has an internal 500-kΩ pulldown resistor. FB 7 I Feedback regulation input for the positive output voltage rail FBG 6 I Feedback regulation input GND 5 – Analog ground L1 13, 14 I/O Inductor terminal L2 15, 16 I/O Inductor terminal OUTN 2, 3 O Negative output OUTP 9, 10 O Positive output PGND 11, 12 – Power GND VAUX 4 O Reference voltage output. This pin requires a 100-nF capacitor for stability. VIN 1 I Input supply – Connect this pad to analog GND. Exposed thermal die 2 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TPS65136 TPS65136 www.ti.com ............................................................................................................................................................. SLVS831A – APRIL 2008 – REVISED JULY 2008 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM L1 L1 15 L2 L2 13 16 14 OVP VIN OUTP VAUX M4 1 Vpos 9 M1 OUTP VAUX 10 M2 FB Gate Drive EN 8 7 Bias (1.2 V) UVLO Thermal Shutdown FBG 6 OUTN PGND GND 2 5 M3 Vneg 3 VAUX 4 VAUX Regulator Current Limit OUTP + VoltageControlled Oscillator VCO OUTN Current Sense/ Soft Start Ipeak – – + PWM/PFM Control Vref – + Gate Drive Out-of-Audio Mode 20 kHz OUTP OUTP OUTN Short-Circuit Protection OUTN 11 PGND 12 PGND B0299-01 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TPS65136 3 TPS65136 SLVS831A – APRIL 2008 – REVISED JULY 2008 ............................................................................................................................................................. www.ti.com ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (1) Over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted). VALUE UNIT Input voltage range VIN (2) –0.3 to 7 V Voltage range at EN –0.3 to 7 V Voltage range at L1, OUTN –8 to 7 V –0.5 to 0.5 V –0.3 to 7 V ESD rating, HBM 2 kV ESD rating, MM 200 V 1 kV Voltage range at FBG Voltage range at L2, OUTP, FB ESD rating, CDM Continuous total power dissipation See Dissipation Ratings Table TJ Operating junction temperature range –40 to 150 °C TA Operating ambient temperature range –40 to 85 °C Tstg Storage temperature range –65 to 150 °C (1) (2) Stresses beyond those listed under absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under recommended operating conditions is not implied. Exposure to absolute–maximum–rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. All voltage values are with respect to network ground terminal. DISSIPATION RATINGS (1) PACKAGE RθJA (1) TA ≤ 25°C POWER RATING TA = 70°C POWER RATING TA = 85°C POWER RATING RTE 40°C/W 2.5 W 1.37 W 1W Thermal resistance measured on a printed circuit board using thermal vias. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT Vin Input voltage range 2.3 5.5 V TA Operating ambient temperature –40 85 °C TJ Operating junction temperature –40 125 °C ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Vin = 3.7 V, EN = VIN, OUTP = 4.6 V, OUTN = –5.4 V, TA = –40°C to 85°C; typical values are at TA = 25°C (unless otherwise noted). PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT SUPPLY CURRENT Vin Input voltage range IQ Operating quiescent current into Vin 2.3 1.7 5.5 ISD Shutdown current into Vin 0.1 VUVLO Undervoltage lockout threshold 2 Vin falling 1.8 2 Vin rising 2 2.3 Thermal shutdown Thermal shutdown hysteresis V mA µA V 140 °C 5 °C ENABLE VH Logic high-level voltage Vin = 2.5 V to 5.5 V VL Logic low-level voltage Vin = 2.5 V to 5.5 V R Pulldown resistor 1.2 V 0.4 500 V kΩ OUTPUT OVPP 4 Positive overvoltage protection Iout = 10 mA Submit Documentation Feedback 5.5 7 V Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TPS65136 TPS65136 www.ti.com ............................................................................................................................................................. SLVS831A – APRIL 2008 – REVISED JULY 2008 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) Vin = 3.7 V, EN = VIN, OUTP = 4.6 V, OUTN = –5.4 V, TA = –40°C to 85°C; typical values are at TA = 25°C (unless otherwise noted). PARAMETER Voutn Negative output voltage range OVPN Negative overvoltage protection Imis Output current mismatch Vpos/Vneg Voutp Positive output voltage regulation tdly Sequencing delay VFBG Feedback ground regulation rDS(on) ISW TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP –2.5 –7.6 –30% Vpos start to Vneg start MAX UNIT –6 V –6 V 30% 4.554 4.6 4.646 6 8.7 11 ms –10 0 10 mV M1 MOSFET on-resistance Isw = 100 mA 200 M2 MOSFET on-resistance Isw = 100 mA 400 M3 MOSFET on-resistance Isw = 100 mA 900 M4 MOSFET on-resistance Isw = 100 mA Switch current limit (M2) Vin = 3.7 V 620 700 940 Vin = 2.5 V 720 830 1120 750 V mΩ 600 mA Pout Output power Vpos – Vneg ≤ 10 V; Vin = 2.9 V fs Switching frequency Iout neg = Iout pos = 30 mA 1 MHz Iout neg = Iout pos = 0 mA 40 kHz 1 V Volow (1) mW Output pulldown voltage (1) EN = GND, Iout neg = Iout pos = 1 mA Line regulation positive output OUTP Iout neg = Iout pos = 5 mA 0 %/V Line regulation negative output OUTN Iout neg = Iout pos = 5 mA 0.008 %/V Load regulation positive output OUTP Vin = 3.7 V 0.27 %/A Load regulation negative output OUTN Vin = 3.7 V 0.25 %/A The device actively pulls down the outputs during shutdown. The value specifies the output voltage as a current is forced into the outputs during shutdown. TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS TABLE OF GRAPHS FIGURE Efficiency vs load current (2.2 µH) Figure 1 Efficiency vs load current (4.7 µH) Figure 2 Operation at light load current DCM operation Figure 3 Operation at high load current CCM operation Figure 4 Line transient response Iout = 30 mA Figure 5 Line transient response Iout = 50 mA Figure 6 Start-up Figure 7 Switching frequency vs load current Quiescent current vs input voltage Figure 8 Figure 9 Maximum output current 2.2 µH, LPS3008-222 Figure 10 Maximum output current 2.2 µH, LPF3010-2R2 Figure 11 Maximum output current 4.7 µH, LPS3008-472 Figure 12 Maximum output current 4.7 µH, LPF3010-4R7 Figure 13 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TPS65136 5 TPS65136 SLVS831A – APRIL 2008 – REVISED JULY 2008 ............................................................................................................................................................. www.ti.com EFFICIENCY vs LOAD CURRENT (2.2 µH) EFFICIENCY vs LOAD CURRENT (4.7 µH) 80 80 70 70 60 50 50 Efficiency − % Efficiency − % VI = 4.5 V 60 VI = 2.5 V 40 VI = 3.7 V 30 20 30 VI = 4.5 V L = 2.2 µH Vpos = 4.6 V Vneg = −5 V 1 10 100 L = 4.7 µH Vpos = 4.6 V Vneg = −5 V 10 1k IO − Load Current − mA 6 VI = 3.7 V 40 20 10 0 0.1 VI = 2.5 V 0 0.1 G001 1 10 100 IO − Load Current − mA Figure 1. Figure 2. OPERATION AT LIGHT LOAD CURRENT DCM OPERATION OPERATION AT HIGH LOAD CURRENT CCM OPERATION Figure 3. Figure 4. Submit Documentation Feedback 1k G002 Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TPS65136 TPS65136 www.ti.com ............................................................................................................................................................. SLVS831A – APRIL 2008 – REVISED JULY 2008 LINE TRANSIENT RESPONSE Iout = 30 mA LINE TRANSIENT RESPONSE Iout = 50 mA Figure 5. Figure 6. START-UP SWITCHING FREQUENCY vs LOAD CURRENT 3000 f − Switching Frequency − kHz 2500 VI = 4.5 V 2000 VI = 3.7 V 1500 VI = 2.5 V 1000 500 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 IO − Load Current − mA Figure 7. 120 G008 Figure 8. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TPS65136 7 TPS65136 SLVS831A – APRIL 2008 – REVISED JULY 2008 ............................................................................................................................................................. www.ti.com QUIESCENT CURRENT vs INPUT VOLTAGE MAXIMUM OUTPUT CURRENT 2.2 µH, LPS3008-222 5.0 10.2 L = 2.2 µH VO = Vpos + |Vneg| = 10 V TA = 85°C 4.5 10.1 3.5 VO − Output Voltage − V Iq − Quiescent Current − mA 4.0 TA = 85°C 3.0 2.5 TA = 25°C 2.0 1.5 VI = 2.5 V 10.0 VI = 2.9 V VI = 2.3 V 9.9 1.0 TA = −40°C 0.5 0.0 2.0 9.8 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 VI − Input Voltage − V 6.0 30 60 70 80 90 G009 100 G010 Figure 9. Figure 10. MAXIMUM OUTPUT CURRENT 2.2 µH, LPF3010-2R2 MAXIMUM OUTPUT CURRENT 4.7 µH, LPS3008-472 10.2 L = 4.7 µH VO = Vpos + |Vneg| = 10 V TA = 85°C L = 2.2 µH VO = Vpos + |Vneg| = 10 V TA = 85°C 10.1 VO − Output Voltage − V 10.1 VI = 2.9 V 10.0 VI = 2.3 V 9.9 VI = 2.9 V 10.0 VI = 2.3 V 9.9 VI = 2.5 V VI = 2.5 V 9.8 9.8 30 40 50 60 70 80 IO − Output Current − mA 90 100 30 G011 Figure 11. 8 50 IO − Output Current − mA 10.2 VO − Output Voltage − V 40 40 50 60 70 80 IO − Output Current − mA 90 100 G012 Figure 12. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TPS65136 TPS65136 www.ti.com ............................................................................................................................................................. SLVS831A – APRIL 2008 – REVISED JULY 2008 MAXIMUM OUTPUT CURRENT 4.7 µH, LPF3010-4R7 10.2 L = 4.7 µH VO = Vpos + |Vneg| = 10 V TA = 85°C VO − Output Voltage − V 10.1 VI = 2.9 V 10.0 VI = 2.3 V 9.9 VI = 2.5 V 9.8 30 40 50 60 70 80 IO − Output Current − mA 90 100 G013 Figure 13. DETAILED DESCRIPTION The TPS65136 operates with a four-switch buck-boost converter topology, generating a negative and a positive output voltage with a single inductor. The device uses the SIMO regulator technology featuring best-in-class line-transient regulation, buck-boost mode for the positive and negative outputs, and highest efficiency over the entire load-current range. High efficiency over the entire load-current range is implemented by reducing the converter switching frequency. Out-of-audio mode avoids the switching frequency going below 20 kHz. As illustrated in the functional block diagram, the converter operates with two control loops. One error amplifier sets the output voltage for the positive output, OUTP. The ground error amplifier regulates FBG to typically 0 V. Using the external feedback divider allows setting the output voltage of the negative output, OUTN. In principle, the converter topology operates just like any other buck-boost converter topology with the difference that the output voltage across the inductor is the sum of the positive and negative output voltages. With this consideration, all calculations of the buck-boost converter apply for this topology as well. During the first switch cycle, M1 and M2 are closed, connecting the inductor from VIN to GND. During the second switch cycle, the inductor discharges to the positive and negative outputs by closing switches M4 and M3. Because the inductor is discharged to both of the outputs simultaneously, the output voltages can be higher or lower than the input voltage. In addition to that, the converter operates best when the current out of OUTP is equal to the current flowing into OUTN. This is usually the case when driving an AMOLED panel. Any asymmetries in load current can be canceled out by the ground error amplifier connected to FBG. However, this is only possible for current asymmetries of typically 30%. During light load current in discontinuous conduction mode, the converter operates in peak-current-mode control with the switching cycle given by the internal voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). As the load current increases, the converter operates in continuous-conduction mode. In this mode, the converter moves to peak-current control with the switch cycle given by the fixed off-time. The SIMO regulator topology has excellent line transient regulation when operating in discontinuous conduction mode. As the load current increases, entering continuous conduction mode, the line transient performance is linearly decreased. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TPS65136 9 TPS65136 SLVS831A – APRIL 2008 – REVISED JULY 2008 ............................................................................................................................................................. www.ti.com Advanced Power-Save Mode for Light-Load Efficiency In order to maintain high efficiency over the entire load-current range, the converter reduces its switching frequency as the load current decreases. The advanced power-save mode controls the switching frequency using a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). The VCO frequency is proportional to the inductor peak current, with a lower frequency limit of 20 kHz. This avoids disturbance of the audio band and minimizes audible noise coming from the ceramic input and output capacitors. By maintaining a controlled switching frequency, possible EMI is minimized. This is especially important when using the device in mobile phones. See Figure 8 for typical switching frequency versus load current. Buck-Boost Mode Operation Buck-boost mode operation allows the input voltage to be higher than the output voltage. This mode allows the use of batteries and supply voltages that are above the fixed 4.6-V output voltage of OUTP. Inherent Excellent Line-Transient Regulation The SIMO regulator achieves inherent superior line-transient regulation when operating in discontinuous conduction mode, shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6. In discontinuous conduction mode, the current delivered to the output is given by the inductor peak current and falling slope of the inductor current. This is shown in Figure 14, where the output current, given by the area A, is the same for different input voltages. Because the converter uses peak-current-mode control, the peak current is fixed as long as the load current is fixed. The falling slope of the inductor current is given by the sum of the output voltage and inductor value. This is also a fixed value and independent of the input voltage. Because of this, any change in input voltage changes the converter duty cycle but does not change the inductor peak current or the falling slope of the inductor current. Therefore, the output current, given by the area A (Figure 14), remains constant over any input voltage variation. Because the area A is constant, the converter has an inherently perfect line regulation when operating in discontinuous conduction mode. Entering continuous conduction mode (CCM) linearly decreases the line-transient performance. However, the line-transient response in CCM is still as good as for any standard current-mode-controlled switching converter. The following formulas detail the relations of the TPS65136 converter topology operating in CCM. Vpos + Vneg Vin L Ip L A A tclock M0116-01 Figure 14. Inherently Perfect Line-Transient Regulation The converter always sees the sum of the negative and positive output voltage, which is calculated as: Vo = Voutp + Voutn The converter duty cycle is calculated using the efficiency estimation from the data sheet curves or from real application measurements. A 70% efficiency value is a good value to go through the calculations. Vo D= Vin g h + Vo The output current for entering continuous conduction mode can be calculated. The switching frequency can be obtained from the data sheet graphs. A frequency of 1.5 MHz is usually sufficient for these types of calculations. 10 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TPS65136 TPS65136 www.ti.com ............................................................................................................................................................. SLVS831A – APRIL 2008 – REVISED JULY 2008 Ic = Vo g (1 - D)2 fS g 2 g L (1) The inductor ripple current when operating in CCM can also be calculated. V gD DiL = in L g fS Last but not least, the converter switch peak current is calculated. I V gD Isw = in + out 2 g f g L 1- D (2) Overvoltage Protection The device monitors both the positive and negative output voltages. The positive regulator monitors the positive output and reduces the current limit when the output voltage exceeds the overvoltage protection limit. The negative output is clamped using a zener diode, typically to –7.6 V. Short-Circuit Protection Both outputs are protected against short circuits either to GND or against the other output. For the positive output, the device switching frequency and the current limit are reduced in case of a short circuit. Soft-Start Operation The device increases the current limit during soft-start operation to avoid high inrush currents during start-up. The current limit typically ramps up to its full-current limit within 100 µs. Start-Up Sequencing The TPS65136 includes an internal, fixed start-up sequence, where the negative output voltage rail comes up after the positive output voltage rail. The device starts the positive rail first, and an internal counter delays the start-up of the negative rail, typically by 8.7 ms. The negative rail is clamped, typically to –0.4 V, until the internal timer commands the negative rail to start up. Vpos 8.7 ms Vneg T0298-01 Figure 15. Start-Up Sequencing Output-Current Mismatch The device operates best when the current of the positive output is similar to the current of the negative output. However, the device is able to regulate an output-current mismatch between the outputs of up to 30%. If the output-current mismatch becomes much larger, then one of the outputs goes out of regulation. Input Capacitor Selection The device typically requires a 10-µF ceramic input capacitor. Larger values can be used to lower the input voltage ripple. Table 1 lists capacitors suitable for use on the TPS65136 input. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TPS65136 11 TPS65136 SLVS831A – APRIL 2008 – REVISED JULY 2008 ............................................................................................................................................................. www.ti.com Table 1. Input Capacitor Selection CAPACITOR COMPONENT SUPPLIER SIZE 10 µF/10 V Taiyo Yuden LMK212BJ106 0805 10 µF/6.3 V Taiyo Yuden JMK107BJ106 0603 Inductor Selection/Efficiency/Line-Transient Response The device is internally compensated and provides stable operation with either a 4.7-µH or 2.2-µH inductor. For this type of converter, the inductor selection is a key element in the design process, because it has an impact on several application parameters. The inductor selection influences the converter efficiency, line transient response, and maximum output current. Because the inductor ripple current is fairly large in this type of application, the inductor has a major impact on the overall converter efficiency. Having large inductor ripple current causes the inductor core and magnetizing losses to become dominant. Due to this, an inductor with a larger dc winding resistance can possibly achieve higher converter efficiencies when having lower core and magnetizing losses. Therefore, minimizing inductor ripple current also increases the overall converter efficiency. A 4.7-µH inductor achieves a higher efficiency compared to a 2.2-µH inductor, due to lower inductor ripple current. The inductor value also influences the line transient regulation. This is because the inductor value influences the current range entering continuous conduction mode (CCM). As discussed, the line transient performance decreases when entering CCM. The larger the inductor value, the lower the load current when entering CCM. The formula to calculate the current entering CCM is shown in Equation 1. The inductors listed in Table 2 achieve a good overall converter efficiency while having a low device profile of just 0,8 mm. The inductor saturation current should be 900 mA, depending on the maximum output current of the application. See Equation 2, where the converter switch current limit is calculated. The converter switch current is equal to the peak inductor current. Table 2. Inductor Selection INDUCTOR VALUE COMPONENT SUPPLIER DIMENSIONS in mm Isat/DCR 2.2 µH Coilcraft LPS3008-222 2,95 × 2,95 × 0,8 1.1 A/175 mΩ 2.2 µH TOKO FDSE0312-2R2 3,3 × 3,3 × 1,2 1.2 A/160 mΩ 2.2 µH ABCO LPF3010T-2R2 2,8 × 2,8 × 1 1.0A/100 mΩ 2.2 µH Maruwa CXFU0208-2R2 2,65 × 2,65 × 0,8 0.85A/185 mΩ 4.7 µH Maruwa CXFU0208-4R7 2,65 × 2,65 × 0,8 0.51A/440 mΩ 4.7 µH Coilcraft LPS3008-472 2,95 × 2,95 × 0,8 0.8 A/350 mΩ 4.7 µH ABCO LPF3010T-4R7 2,8 × 2,8 × 1 0.7A/280 mΩ Output Capacitor Selection A 4.7-µF output capacitor is generally sufficient for most applications, but larger values can be used as well for improved line-transient response at higher load currents. The capacitor of Table 3 is recommended for use with the TPS65136. Table 3. Output Capacitor Selection CAPACITOR COMPONENT SUPPLIER SIZE 4.7 µF/10V Taiyo Yuden LMK107BJ475 0603 Setting the Negative Output Voltage OUTN For highest output-voltage accuracy, the TPS65136 has an internally fixed output voltage for the positive output. The negative output voltage is adjustable. Because the feedback FBG is regulated to ground, the voltage across R1 is equal to the positive output voltage of 4.6 V. R1 is selected to have at least 10 µA through the feedback divider. 4.6 V R1 = » 464 kW 10 μA R2 is then calculated as: 12 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TPS65136 TPS65136 www.ti.com ............................................................................................................................................................. SLVS831A – APRIL 2008 – REVISED JULY 2008 R2 = Vneg 4.6 V ´ R1 PCB Layout Guidelines PCB layout is an important task in the power supply design. Good PCB layout minimizes EMI and allows very good output voltage regulation. For the TPS65136, the following PCB layout guidelines are recommended. Place the power components first. The inductor and the input and output capacitors must be as close as possible to the IC pins. Place the bypass capacitor for the reference output voltage VAUX as close as possible to pin 4. Use bold and wide traces for power traces connecting the inductor and input and output capacitors. Use a common ground plane or a start ground connection. See the TPS65136EVM-063 user's guide (SLVU244) and evaluation module for a PCB layout example. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TPS65136 13 TPS65136 SLVS831A – APRIL 2008 – REVISED JULY 2008 ............................................................................................................................................................. www.ti.com TYPICAL APPLICATION L1 2.2 mH TPS65136 16 15 Vin 2.3 V to 5.5 V 1 C1 10 mF 8 4 11 C4 100 nF 12 5 L1 L2 L1 L2 VIN OUTP EN OUTP VAUX FB PGND FBG PGND OUTN GND OUTN 14 13 10 Vpos 4.6 V/80 mA 9 C2 4.7 mF 7 6 3 R1 464 kW 2 R2 442 kW C3 4.7 mF Vneg –4.4 V/80 mA S0337-01 Figure 16. Standard Application AMOLED Supply 14 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TPS65136 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 6-Feb-2020 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp (2) (6) (3) Op Temp (°C) Device Marking (4/5) TPS65136RTER ACTIVE WQFN RTE 16 3000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 85 CCO TPS65136RTERG4 ACTIVE WQFN RTE 16 3000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 85 CCO (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. (2) RoHS: TI defines "RoHS" to mean semiconductor products that are compliant with the current EU RoHS requirements for all 10 RoHS substances, including the requirement that RoHS substance do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, "RoHS" products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. TI may reference these types of products as "Pb-Free". RoHS Exempt: TI defines "RoHS Exempt" to mean products that contain lead but are compliant with EU RoHS pursuant to a specific EU RoHS exemption. Green: TI defines "Green" to mean the content of Chlorine (Cl) and Bromine (Br) based flame retardants meet JS709B low halogen requirements of
TPS65136RTER 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 1+22.56215
  • 10+21.72651
  • 100+19.21961
  • 500+18.71822


  •  国内价格
  • 1+8.30132
  • 10+7.34055
  • 30+6.65626
  • 100+6.04109
  • 500+5.75079
  • 1000+5.64020
