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TPS79301DBVRQ1 数据手册
Sample & Buy Product Folder Technical Documents Support & Community Tools & Software TPS793-Q1 SGLS162I – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2016 TPS793-Q1 Ultralow-Noise, High-PSRR, Fast RF 200-mA Low-Dropout Linear Regulators 1 Features 3 Description • • The TPS793xx-Q1 family of low-dropout (LDO) lowpower linear voltage regulators features high powersupply rejection ratio (PSRR), ultralow noise, fast start-up, and excellent line and load transient responses in a small-outline SOT-23 package. Each TPS793-Q1 device in the family is stable, with a small 2.2-μF ceramic capacitor on the output. The TPS793xx-Q1 family uses an advanced, proprietary, BiCMOS fabrication process to yield extremely low dropout voltages (for example, 112 mV at 200 mA, TPS79330-Q1). Each device achieves fast start-up times (approximately 50 μs with a 0.001-μF bypass capacitor), while consuming very low quiescent current (170 μA typical). Moreover, when the device is placed in standby mode, the supply current is reduced to less than 1 μA. The TPS79328-Q1 exhibits approximately 32 μVRMS of output voltage noise with a 0.1-μF bypass capacitor. Applications with analog components that are noise sensitive, such as portable RF electronics, benefit from the high PSRR and low-noise features, as well as the fast response time. 1 • • • • • • • • • Qualified For Automotive Applications AEC-Q100 Qualified With the Following Results: – Device Temperature Grade 1: –40°C to +125°C – Device HBM ESD Classification Level 1C – Device CDM ESD Classification Level C2 200-mA Low-Dropout Regulator With EN Available in 1.8-V, 2.5-V, 2.8-V, 3-V, 3.3-V, 4.75V, and Adjustable Options High PSRR (70 dB at 10 kHz) Ultralow Noise (32 μV) Fast Start-Up Time (50 μs) Stable With a 2.2-μF Ceramic Capacitor Excellent Load and Line Transient Very Low Dropout Voltage (112 mV at Full Load, TPS79330-Q1) 5-Pin SOT-23 (DBV) Package 2 Applications VCOs RF Bluetooth™ PART NUMBER TPS793xx-Q1 TPS79328-Q1 Ripple Rejection vs Frequency 100 SOT-23 (6) Hz IO = 200 mA 80 70 50 IO = 10 mA 30 VI = 3.8 V Co = 10 mF C(byp) = 0.01 mF 10 0 10 2.90 × 2.90 mm 0.3 VI = 3.8 V Co = 2.2 mF C(byp) = 0.1 mF 0.25 60 20 BODY SIZE (NOM) TPS79328-Q1 Output Spectral Noise Density vs Frequency mV/ Ripple Rejection − dB 90 40 PACKAGE (1) For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at the end of the data sheet. 100 1k 10 k 100 k f − Frequency − Hz 1M 10 M Output Spectral Noise Density − • • • Device Information(1) 0.2 0.15 IO = 1 mA 0.1 IO = 200 mA 0.05 0 100 1k 10 k f − Frequency − Hz 100 k 1 An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety-critical applications, intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. PRODUCTION DATA. TPS793-Q1 SGLS162I – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2016 www.ti.com Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Features .................................................................. Applications ........................................................... Description ............................................................. Revision History..................................................... Voltage Options ..................................................... Pin Configuration and Functions ......................... Specifications......................................................... 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 4 4 4 4 5 7 Absolute Maximum Ratings ...................................... ESD Ratings.............................................................. Recommended Operating Conditions....................... Thermal Information .................................................. Electrical Characteristics........................................... Typical Characteristics .............................................. Detailed Description ............................................ 11 8.1 Overview ................................................................. 11 8.2 Functional Block Diagram ....................................... 11 8.3 Feature Description................................................. 12 8.4 Device Functional Modes........................................ 13 9 Application and Implementation ........................ 14 9.1 Application Information............................................ 14 9.2 Typical Application .................................................. 14 10 Power Supply Recommendations ..................... 17 11 Layout................................................................... 17 11.1 Layout Guidelines ................................................. 17 11.2 Layout Example .................................................... 17 11.3 Power Dissipation and Junction Temperature ...... 17 12 Device and Documentation Support ................. 19 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 Device Support...................................................... Documentation Support ........................................ Community Resource............................................ Trademarks ........................................................... Electrostatic Discharge Caution ............................ Glossary ................................................................ 19 19 19 19 20 20 13 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information ........................................................... 20 4 Revision History NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version. Changes from Revision H (January 2013) to Revision I Page • Changed document part numbers to the generic TPS793-Q1 .............................................................................................. 1 • Removed the 2.85-V version from the data sheet ................................................................................................................. 1 • Added ESD Ratings table, Feature Description section, Device Functional Modes, Application and Implementation section, Power Supply Recommendations section, Layout section, Device and Documentation Support section, and Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information section ................................................................................................. 1 2 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS793-Q1 TPS793-Q1 www.ti.com SGLS162I – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2016 5 Voltage Options (1) OUTPUT VOLTAGE ORDERABLE PART NUMBER SYMBOL 1.2 V to 5.5 V TPS79301DBVRQ1 PGV1 1.8 V TPS79318DBVRQ1 PHH1 2.5 V TPS79325DBVRQ1 PGW1 2.8 V TPS79328DBVRQ1 PGX1 2.85 V TPS793285QDBVRQ1 PHI1 3V TPS79330QDBVRQ1 PGY1 3.3 V TPS79333DBVRQ1 PHU1 4.75 V TPS793475QDBVRQ1 (1) PHJ1 Product Preview 6 Pin Configuration and Functions Fixed Option: DBV Package 6-Pin SOT-23 Top View IN 1 GND 2 EN 3 5 4 Adjustable Option: DBV Package 6-Pin SOT-23 Top View OUT IN 1 6 OUT GND 2 5 FB EN 3 4 BYPASS BYPASS Pin Functions PIN NAME I/O DESCRIPTION ADJ FIXED BYPASS 4 4 — EN 3 3 I Enable input that enables or shuts down the device. When EN goes to a logic high, the device is enabled. When the device goes to a logic low, the device is in shutdown mode. FB 5 N/A I Feedback input voltage for the adjustable device GND 2 2 — Regulator ground IN 1 1 I Input to the device OUT 6 5 O Regulated output of the device An external bypass capacitor, connected to this terminal, in conjunction with an internal resistor, creates a low-pass filter to further reduce regulator noise. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS793-Q1 3 TPS793-Q1 SGLS162I – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2016 www.ti.com 7 Specifications 7.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) (1) MIN MAX UNIT Input voltage (2) –0.3 6 V Voltage range at EN –0.3 VI + 0.3 V Voltage on OUT –0.3 6 V Peak output current Internally limited Continuous total power dissipation See Thermal Information TJ Operating junction temperature –40 150 °C Tstg Storage temperature –65 150 °C (1) (2) Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, which do not imply functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under Recommended Operating Conditions. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. All voltage values are with respect to network ground terminal 7.2 ESD Ratings VALUE V(ESD) (1) Human-body model (HBM), per AEC Q100-002 Electrostatic discharge (1) UNIT ±2000 Charged-device model (CDM), per AEC Q100-011 V ±250 AEC Q100-002 indicates that HBM stressing shall be in accordance with the ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 specification. 7.3 Recommended Operating Conditions over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) MIN NOM MAX UNIT VIN Input supply voltage 2.7 5.5 VEN Enable supply voltage V 0 VIN V VOUT Output voltage VFB 5 IOUT Output current 0 200 TJ Operating junction temperature –40 CIN Input capacitor 0.1 1 µF COUT Output capacitor 2.2 10 µF CNR Noise reduction capacitor 0 10 nF CFF Feed-forward capacitor 15 pF R2 Lower feedback resistor 30.1 kΩ 125 V mA °C 7.4 Thermal Information TPS793xx-Q1 THERMAL METRIC (1) DBV (SOT-23) UNIT 6 PINS RθJA Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance 225.1 °C/W RθJC(top) Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance 78.4 °C/W RθJB Junction-to-board thermal resistance 54.7 °C/W ψJT Junction-to-top characterization parameter 3.3 °C/W ψJB Junction-to-board characterization parameter 53.8 °C/W RθJC(bot) Junction-to-case (bottom) thermal resistance N/A °C/W (1) 4 For more information about traditional and new thermal metrics, see the Semiconductor and IC Package Thermal Metrics application report, SPRA953. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS793-Q1 TPS793-Q1 www.ti.com SGLS162I – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2016 7.5 Electrical Characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range, EN = VI, TJ = –40 to 125°C, VI = VO(typ) + 1 V, IO = 1 mA, Co = 10 μF, C(byp) = 0.01 μF (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER VI Input voltage (1) IO Continuous output current TJ Operating junction temperature TPS79301-Q1 TPS79318-Q1 TPS79325-Q1 Output voltage TPS79328-Q1 TPS79330-Q1 TPS79333-Q1 TPS793475-Q1 Quiescent current (GND current) Output voltage line regulation (ΔVO/VO) Time, start-up 0 μA < IO < 200 mA TPS79328-Q1 TPS79328-Q1 MIN TYP 0 μA < IO < 200 mA, V 0 200 mA –40 125 °C 5.5 – VFB VDROPOUT 1.8 2.8 V < VI < 5.5 V 1.764 1.836 2.5 3.5 V < VI < 5.5 V 2.45 2.55 TJ = 25°C 0 μA < IO < 200 mA, 2.8 3.8 V < VI < 5.5 V 2.744 3 4 V < VI < 5.5 V 2.94 3.06 TJ = 25°C 0 μA < IO < 200 mA, 3.3 4.3 V < VI < 5.5 V 3.234 0 μA < IO < 200 mA, 5.25 V < VI < 5.5 V 4.655 0 μA < IO < 200 mA, TJ = 25°C 3.366 TJ = 25°C 4.75 4.845 170 0 μA < IO < 200 mA TJ = 25°C 5 0.05 VO + 1 V < VI ≤ 5.5 V RL = 14 Ω, Co = 1 μF, TJ = 25°C VO = 0 V Standby current (2) EN = 0 V, High-level enable input voltage 2.7 V < VI < 5.5 V Low-level enable input voltage 2.7 V < VI < 5.5 V Input current (EN) EN = 0 Input current (FB) TPS79301-Q1 Internal reference, VFB TPS79301-Q1 C(byp) = 0.001 μF 55 C(byp) = 0.0047 μF 36 C(byp) = 0.01 μF 33 C(byp) = 0.1 μF 32 C(byp) = 0.001 μF 50 C(byp) = 0.0047 μF 70 TPS79328-Q1 (1) (2) 2.7 V < VI < 5.5 V 0.07 μVRMS μs 600 mA 1 μA 2 V –1 1.201 1.225 IO = 10 mA 70 IO = 200 mA 68 f = 10 kHz, TJ = 25°C, f = 100 kHz, TJ = 25°C, %/V 100 285 FB = 1.8 V f = 100 Hz, TJ = 25°C, Power-supply ripple rejection mV 0.12 C(byp) = 0.01 μF Output current limit μA 220 VO + 1 V < VI ≤ 5.5 V, TJ = 25°C BW = 200 Hz to 100 kHz, IO = 200 mA, TJ = 25°C V 2.856 TJ = 25°C 0 μA < IO < 200 mA, UNIT 5.5 TJ = 25°C 0 μA < IO < 200 mA, MAX 2.7 TJ = 25°C 0 μA < IO < 200 mA, Load regulation Output noise voltage TEST CONDITIONS 0.7 V 1 μA 1 μA 1.250 V 70 IO = 200 mA dB 43 Minimum VIN is 2.7 V or VOUT + VDO, whichever is greater. For adjustable versions, this parameter applies only after VIN is applied; then VEN transitions high to low. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS793-Q1 5 TPS793-Q1 SGLS162I – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2016 www.ti.com Electrical Characteristics (continued) over recommended operating free-air temperature range, EN = VI, TJ = –40 to 125°C, VI = VO(typ) + 1 V, IO = 1 mA, Co = 10 μF, C(byp) = 0.01 μF (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TPS79328-Q1 TPS79330-Q1 Dropout voltage (3) TPS79333-Q1 TPS793475-Q1 TEST CONDITIONS IO = 200 mA, IO = 200 mA, 120 TJ = 25°C 112 IO = 200 mA, 200 TJ = 25°C 102 TJ = 25°C 77 IO = 200 mA IO = 200 mA, TJ = 25°C UNIT mV 180 IO = 200 mA VCC rising MAX 200 IO = 200 mA UVLO hysteresis 6 TYP IO = 200 mA UVLO threshold (3) MIN TJ = 25°C 125 2.25 VCC rising 2.65 100 V mV Dropout is not measured for the TPS79318-Q1 and TPS79325-Q1 since minimum VIN = 2.7 V. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS793-Q1 TPS793-Q1 www.ti.com SGLS162I – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2016 7.6 Typical Characteristics 2.805 2.805 VI = 3.8 V Co = 10 mF TJ = 25° C V O − Output Voltage − V 2.803 2.8 V O − Output Voltage − V 2.804 2.802 2.801 2.8 2.799 2.798 2.797 IO = 1 mA 2.795 2.79 IO = 200 mA 2.785 2.78 VI = 3.8 V Co = 10 mF 2.796 2.795 2.775 0 50 100 150 −40 −25 −10 5 200 20 35 50 65 80 95 110 125 IO − Output Current − mA TJ − Junction Temperature − °C Figure 1. TPS79328-Q1 Output Voltage vs Output Current Figure 2. TPS79328-Q1 Output Voltage vs Junction Temperature 0.3 Hz 250 IO = 1 mA Output Spectral Noise Density − mV/ Ground Current − mA VI = 3.8 V Co = 10 mF 200 IO = 200 mA 150 100 50 0 −40 −25 −10 5 0.2 0.15 IO = 1 mA 0.1 IO = 200 mA 0.05 20 35 50 65 80 95 110 125 0 TJ − Junction Temperature − °C 100 1k 10 k f − Frequency − Hz Figure 3. TPS79328-Q1 Ground Current vs Junction Temperature Figure 4. TPS79328-Q1 Output Spectral Noise Density vs Frequency Hz Hz Output Spectral Noise Density − mV/ VI = 3.8 V Co = 10 mF C(byp) = 0.1 mF 0.25 0.2 IO = 1 mA 0.15 0.1 IO = 200 mA 0.05 0 100 100 k 1.6 0.3 Output Spectral Noise Density − mV/ VI = 3.8 V Co = 2.2 mF C(byp) = 0.1 mF 0.25 1k 10 k 100 k VI = 3.8 V IO = 200 mA Co= 10 mF 1.4 1.2 C(byp) = 0.001 mF 1 C(byp) = 0.0047 mF 0.8 C(byp) = 0.01 mF 0.6 C(byp) = 0.1 mF 0.4 0.2 0 100 1k 10 k 100 k f − Frequency − Hz f − Frequency − Hz Figure 5. TPS79328-Q1 Output Spectral Noise Density vs Frequency Figure 6. TPS79328-Q1 Output Spectral Noise Density vs Frequency Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS793-Q1 7 TPS793-Q1 SGLS162I – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2016 www.ti.com 2.5 VI = 3.8 V Co = 10 mF TJ = 25° C 60 VO = 2.8 V IO = 200 mA Co = 10 mF 50 Z o − Output Impedance − W RMS − Root Mean Squared Output Noise − mV(RMS) Typical Characteristics (continued) 40 30 20 2 1.5 IO = 1 mA 1 IO = 100 mA 0.5 10 BW = 100 Hz to 100 kHz 0 0.001 0.01 C(byp) − Bypass Capacitance − mF 0 10 100 0.1 1k 10 k 100 k f − Frequency − Hz 1M 10 M Figure 8. Output Impedance vs Frequency Figure 7. Root Mean Squared Output Noise vs Bypass Capacitance 180 100 VI = 2.7 V Co = 10 mF 90 IO = 200 mA 80 140 120 Ripple Rejection − dB V DO − Dropout Voltage − mV 160 IO = 200 mA 100 80 60 40 70 60 50 40 IO = 10 mA 30 20 IO = 10 mA 20 0 −40 −25 −10 5 VI = 3.8 V Co = 10 mF C(byp) = 0.01 mF 10 0 20 35 50 65 80 95 110 125 10 100 TJ − Junction Temperature − °C Figure 9. TPS79328-Q1 Dropout Voltage vs Junction Temperature 100 k 1M 10 M 100 VI = 3.8 V Co = 2.2 mF C(byp) = 0.01 mF 80 IO = 200 mA 70 60 50 VI = 3.8 V Co = 2.2 mF C(byp) = 0.1 mF 90 Ripple Rejection − dB 90 Ripple Rejection − dB 10 k Figure 10. TPS79328-Q1 Ripple Rejection vs Frequency 100 IO = 10 mA 40 30 80 IO = 200 mA 70 60 50 IO = 10 mA 40 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 10 100 1k 10 k 100 k 1M 10 M 10 f − Frequency − Hz 100 1k 10 k 100 k 1M 10 M f − Frequency − Hz Figure 11. TPS79328-Q1 Ripple Rejection vs Frequency 8 1k f − Frequency − Hz Figure 12. TPS79328-Q1 Ripple Rejection vs Frequency Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS793-Q1 TPS793-Q1 www.ti.com SGLS162I – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2016 V O − Output Voltage − mV 4 2 V − Output Voltage − V O 0 C(byp) = 0.001 mF VI = 3.8 V VO = 2.8 V IO = 200 mA Co = 2.2 mF TJ = 25°C 3 2 C(byp) = 0.0047 mF 1 C(byp) = 0.01 mF 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 t − Time − ms DV − Change In O Output Voltage − mV Figure 13. TPS79328-Q1 Output Voltage and Enable Voltage vs Time (Start-Up) 4.8 3.8 dv dt 0.4 V ms 0 -20 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 t − Time − ms Figure 14. TPS79328-Q1 Line Transient Response VO = 3 V RL = 15 W VI = 3.8 V Co = 10 mF 20 IO = 200 mA Co = 2.2 mF C(byp) = 0.01 mF 20 V I − Input Voltage − mV Enable Voltage − V Typical Characteristics (continued) 500 mV/div 0 I O − Output Current − mA −20 −40 di dt 300 0.02A ms VI VO 200 1mA 100 0 0 1s/div 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 t − Time − ms Figure 16. Power Up and Power Down Figure 15. TPS79328-Q1 Load Transient Response 200 TJ = 125°C 200 V DO − Dropout Voltage − mV DC Dropuoy Voltage − mV 250 TJ = 125°C 150 TJ = 25°C 100 TJ = −55°C 50 150 TJ = 25°C 100 50 TJ = −40°C IO = 200 mA 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 IO − Output Current − mA VI − Input Voltage − V Figure 17. Dropout Voltage vs Output Current Figure 18. TPS79301-Q1 Dropout Voltage vs Input Voltage Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS793-Q1 9 TPS793-Q1 SGLS162I – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2016 www.ti.com Typical Characteristics (continued) 100 IO = 200 mA ESR − Equivalent Series Resistance − W V I − Minimum Required Input Voltage − V 4 TJ = 125°C TJ = 25°C TJ = −40°C 3 2.8 2 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3 Co = 2.2 mF VI = 5.5 V, VO ≥ 1.5 V TJ = −40°C to 125°C 10 Region of Instability 1 0.1 Region of Stability 0.01 0 3.25 3.5 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.2 VO − Output Voltage − V IO − Output Current − A Figure 19. Minimum Required Input Voltage vs Output Voltage Figure 20. Typical Regions of Stability Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) vs Output Current ESR − Equivalent Series Resistance − W 100 Co = 10 mF VI = 5.5 V TJ = −40°C to 125°C 10 Region of Instability 1 0.1 Region of Stability 0.01 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.2 IO − Output Current − A Figure 21. Typical Regions of Stability Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) vs Output Current 10 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS793-Q1 TPS793-Q1 www.ti.com SGLS162I – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2016 8 Detailed Description 8.1 Overview The TPS793xx-Q1 family of LDO regulators has been optimized for use in noise-sensitive battery-operated equipment. The device features extremely low dropout voltages, high PSRR, ultralow output noise, low quiescent current (170 μA typically), and enable-input to reduce supply currents to less than 1 μA when the regulator is turned off. 8.2 Functional Block Diagram VOUT VIN Current Sense UVLO SHUTDOWN ILIM _ GND R1 + FB EN R2 UVLO Thermal Shutdown VIN External to the Device 250 kW Bandgap Reference Vref Bypass Figure 22. Functional Block Diagram – Adjustable Version VOUT VIN UVLO Current Sense GND SHUTDOWN ILIM _ EN R1 + UVLO R2 Thermal Shutdown VIN Bandgap Reference 250 kW Vref Bypass Figure 23. Functional Block Diagram – Fixed Version Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS793-Q1 11 TPS793-Q1 SGLS162I – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2016 www.ti.com 8.3 Feature Description 8.3.1 Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO) The TPS793xx-Q1 uses an undervoltage lockout (UVLO) circuit that disables the output until the input voltage is greater than the rising UVLO voltage. This circuit ensures that the device does not exhibit any unpredictable behavior when the supply voltage is lower than the operational range of the internal circuitry, VIN(min). 8.3.2 Shutdown The enable pin (EN) is active high. Enable the device by forcing the EN pin to exceed VEN(high) (2 V minimum). Turn off the device by forcing the EN pin to drop below 0.7 V. If shutdown capability is not required, connect EN to IN. 8.3.3 Foldback Current Limit The TPS793xx-Q1 features internal current limiting and thermal protection. During normal operation, the TPS793xx-Q1 limits output current to approximately 400 mA. When current limiting engages, the output voltage scales back linearly until the overcurrent condition ends. While current limiting is designed to prevent gross device failure, care should be taken not to exceed the power dissipation ratings of the package or the absolute maximum voltage ratings of the device. 8.3.4 Thermal Protection Thermal protection disables the output when the junction temperature rises to approximately 165°C, allowing the device to cool. When the junction temperature cools to approximately 140°C, the output circuitry is again enabled. Depending on power dissipation, thermal resistance, and ambient temperature, the thermal protection circuit may cycle on and off. This cycling limits regulator dissipation, protecting the device from damage as a result of overheating. Any tendency to activate the thermal protection circuit indicates excessive power dissipation or an inadequate heatsink. For reliable operation, junction temperature must be limited to 125°C maximum. To estimate the margin of safety in a complete design (including heatsink), increase the ambient temperature until the thermal protection is triggered; use worst-case loads and signal conditions. The TPS793xx-Q1 internal protection circuitry is designed to protect against overload conditions. This circuitry is not intended to replace proper heatsinking. Continuously running the TPS793xx-Q1 into thermal shutdown degrades device reliability. 8.3.5 Reverse Current Operation The TPS793xx-Q1 PMOS-pass transistor has a built-in back diode that conducts reverse current when the input voltage drops below the output voltage (for example, during power down). Current is conducted from the output to the input and is not internally limited. If extended reverse voltage operation is anticipated, external limiting to 5% of the rated output current is recommended. 8.3.6 Regulator Protection The TPS793xx-Q1 features internal current limiting and thermal protection. During normal operation, the TPS793xx-Q1 limits output current to approximately 400 mA. When current limiting engages, the output voltage scales back linearly until the overcurrent condition ends. While current limiting is designed to prevent gross device failure, care should be taken not to exceed the power dissipation ratings of the package or the absolute maximum voltage ratings of the device. If the temperature of the device exceeds approximately 165°C, thermalprotection circuitry shuts it down. Once the device has cooled down to below approximately 140°C, regulator operation resumes. The TPS793xx-Q1 PMOS-pass transistor has a built-in back diode that conducts reverse current when the input voltage drops below the output voltage (for example, during power down). Current is conducted from the output to the input and is not internally limited. If extended reverse voltage operation is anticipated, external limiting might be appropriate. 12 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS793-Q1 TPS793-Q1 www.ti.com SGLS162I – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2016 8.4 Device Functional Modes 8.4.1 Normal Operation The device regulates to the nominal output voltage under the following conditions: • The input voltage is at least as high as VIN(min). • The input voltage is greater than the nominal output voltage added to the dropout voltage. • The enable voltage is greater than VEN(min). • The output current is less than the current limit. • The device junction temperature is less than the maximum specified junction temperature. 8.4.2 Dropout Operation If the input voltage is lower than the nominal output voltage plus the specified dropout voltage, but all other conditions are met for normal operation, the device operates in dropout mode. In this mode of operation, the output voltage is the same as the input voltage minus the dropout voltage. The transient performance of the device is significantly degraded because the pass device is in the linear region and no longer controls the current through the LDO. Line or load transients in dropout can result in large output voltage deviations. 8.4.3 Disabled The device is disabled under the following conditions: • The enable voltage is less than the enable falling threshold voltage or has not yet exceeded the enable rising threshold. • The device junction temperature is greater than the thermal shutdown temperature. • The input voltage is less than UVLOfalling. Table 1 lists the conditions that lead to the different modes of operation. Table 1. Device Functional Mode Comparison OPERATING MODE PARAMETER VIN VEN IOUT TJ Normal mode VIN > VOUT(nom) + VDO and VIN>VIN(min) VEN > VEN(high) IOUT < ILIM TJ < 125°C Dropout mode VIN(min) < VIN< VOUT(nom) + VDO VEN > VEN(high) — TJ < 125°C Disabled mode (any true condition disables the device) VIN < UVLOfalling VEN < VEN(low) — TJ > 165°C (1) (1) Approximate value for thermal shutdown Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS793-Q1 13 TPS793-Q1 SGLS162I – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2016 www.ti.com 9 Application and Implementation NOTE Information in the following applications sections is not part of the TI component specification, and TI does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. TI’s customers are responsible for determining suitability of components for their purposes. Customers should validate and test their design implementation to confirm system functionality. 9.1 Application Information The TPS793xx-Q1 family of low-dropout (LDO) regulators has been optimized for use in noise-sensitive batteryoperated equipment. The device features extremely low dropout voltages, high PSRR, ultralow output noise, low quiescent current (170 μA typically), and enable-input to reduce supply currents to less than 1 μA when the regulator is turned off. 9.2 Typical Application A typical application circuit is shown in Figure 24. 1 VI IN BYPASS OUT 4 5 VO 3 0.1 mF 0.01 mF EN + 2.2 mF GND 2 Figure 24. Typical Application Circuit 9.2.1 Design Requirements Table 2 lists the design requirements. Table 2. Design Parameters PARAMETER DESIGN REQUIREMENTS Input voltage 3 V – 4 V (Lithium Ion battery) Output voltage 2.8 V DC output current 10 mA Peak output current 75 mA Maximum ambient temperature 65°C 9.2.2 Detailed Design Procedure External Capacitor Requirements A 0.1-μF or larger ceramic input bypass capacitor, connected between IN and GND and located close to the TPS793xx-Q1, is required for stability and improves transient response, noise rejection, and ripple rejection. A higher-value electrolytic input capacitor may be necessary if large, fast-rise-time load transients are anticipated and the device is located several inches from the power source. 14 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2003–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TPS793-Q1 TPS793-Q1 www.ti.com SGLS162I – APRIL 2003 – REVISED MARCH 2016 Like all LDOs, the TPS793xx-Q1 requires an output capacitor connected between OUT and GND to stabilize the internal control loop. The minimum recommended capacitance is 2.2-μF. Any 2.2-μF or larger ceramic capacitor is suitable, provided the capacitance does not vary significantly over temperature. The internal voltage reference is a key source of noise in an LDO regulator. The TPS793xx-Q1 has a BYPASS pin that is connected to the voltage reference through a 250-kΩ internal resistor. The 250-kΩ internal resistor, in conjunction with an external bypass capacitor connected to the BYPASS pin, creates a low pass filter to reduce the voltage reference noise and, therefore, the noise at the regulator output. For the regulator to operate properly, the current flow out of the BYPASS pin must be at a minimum, because any leakage current creates an IR drop across the internal resistor, thus, creating an output error. Therefore, the bypass capacitor must have minimal leakage current. For example, the TPS79328-Q1 exhibits only 32 μVRMS of output voltage noise using a 0.1-μF ceramic bypass capacitor and a 2.2-μF ceramic output capacitor. Note that the output starts up slower as the bypass capacitance increases due to the RC time constant at the BYPASS pin that is created by the internal 250-kΩ resistor and external capacitor. Programming the TPS79301-Q1 Adjustable LDO Regulator The output voltage of the TPS79301-Q1 adjustable regulator is programmed using an external resistor divider as shown in Figure 25. The output voltage is calculated using Equation 1. R1 ö æ VO = Vref ´ ç 1 + ÷ è R2 ø where Vref = 1.2246 V typical (the internal reference voltage) (1) Resistors R1 and R2 should be chosen for approximately 50-μA divider current. Lower-value resistors can be used for improved noise performance, but the solution consumes more power. Higher resistor values should be avoided as leakage current into/out of FB across R1/R2 creates an offset voltage that artificially increases/decreases the feedback voltage and, thus, erroneously decreases or increases VO. The recommended design procedure is to choose R2 = 30.1 kΩ to set the divider current at 50 μA, C1 = 15 pF for stability, and then calculate R1 using Equation 2. æ V ö R1 = ç O - 1÷ ´ R2 è Vref ø (2) To improve the stability of the adjustable version, TI suggests placing a small compensation capacitor between OUT and FB. For voltages 1.8 V, the approximate value of this capacitor can be calculated using Equation 3. C1 = (3 ´ 10-7 ) ´ (R1 + R2) (R1´ R2) (3) The suggested value of this capacitor for several resistor ratios is shown in the table in Table 3. If this capacitor is not used (such as in a unity-gain configuration) or if an output voltage
TPS79301DBVRQ1 价格&库存


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+7.785531+0.94246
  • 10+5.5491310+0.67174
  • 25+5.0005225+0.60533
  • 100+4.39753100+0.53234
  • 250+4.10977250+0.49750
  • 500+3.93636500+0.47651
  • 1000+3.793561000+0.45922


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 3000+3.617073000+0.43786
  • 6000+3.530746000+0.42741
  • 9000+3.487529000+0.42218
  • 15000+3.4395915000+0.41637
  • 21000+3.4115821000+0.41298


    •  国内价格 香港价格
    • 1+55.116631+6.67200
    • 10+35.8274610+4.33700
    • 50+26.4596250+3.20300
    • 100+23.14700100+2.80200
    • 500+21.90787500+2.65200
    • 1000+21.354391000+2.58500
    • 2000+20.668742000+2.50200
    • 4000+20.396134000+2.46900


    •  国内价格
    • 1+3.94200
    • 10+3.85560
    • 30+3.79080
