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UCC25630-3DDBR 数据手册
Product Folder Order Now Support & Community Tools & Software Technical Documents UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 UCC256303 LLC Resonant Controller Enabling Ultra-Low Standby Power 1 Features 3 Description • The UCC256303 is a fully featured LLC controller with integrated high-voltage gate driver. It has been designed to pair with a PFC stage to provide a complete power system using a minimum of external components. The resulting power system is designed to meet the most stringent requirements for standby power without the need for a separate standby power converter, and with PFC stage running all the time. UCC256303 includes a range of features designed to make LLC converter operation well controlled and robust. This device aims to unburden the LLC designer and allow mainstream applications to benefit from efficiency advantages of the LLC topology. 1 • • • • • • • • • • • Hybrid Hysteretic Control (HHC) – Best-in-Class Transient Response – Easy Compensation Design Optimized Low Power Features Enable 75 mW Standby Power Design with PFC on – Advanced Burst Mode Opto-Coupler Low Power Operation – Helps Enable Compliance to CoC Tier II Standard Fast Exit from Burst Mode Improved Capacitive Region Avoidance Scheme Adaptive Dead-Time Internal High-Side Gate Drivers (0.6-A and 1.2-A Capability) Robust Soft Start with No Hard Switching Over Temperature, Output Over Voltage, Input Over and Under Voltage Protection with Three Levels of Over Current Protections Wide Operating Frequency Range (35 kHz to 1 MHz) LLC Resonant Controller in SOIC16 with High Voltage Clearance External Bias Required Create a Custom Design Using the UCC256303 With the WEBENCH® Power Designer 2 Applications • • • • UCC256303 uses hybrid hysteretic control to provide best in class line and load transient response. The control effort is approximately linearly proportional to average input current in one cycle. The control makes the open loop transfer function a first order system so that it’s very easy to compensate. The system is always stable with proper frequency compensation. UCC256303 provides a high efficient burst mode with consistent burst power level during each burst on cycle. The burst power level is programmable and adaptively changes with input voltage, making the optimization of efficiency very easy. Device Information(1) PART NUMBER UCC256303 PACKAGE BODY SIZE (NOM) SOIC (14) 9.9 mm x 3.9 mm (1) For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at the end of the data sheet. Digital TV SMPS AC-DC Adapter Gaming Desktop PC Simplified Schematic Cr Lr Lm HO Vout HS VIN BLK BW LO VCR ISNS FB 1 HV External Bias 3 VCC BLK 4 BLK FB 5 FB 6 ISNS VCR 7 BW 8 HS 16 HO 15 HB 14 HS HO CBOOT ISNS UCC256303 LLC Controller RVCC 12 GND 11 VCR LO 10 BW LL/SS 9 LO CSS Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated 1 An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety-critical applications, intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. PRODUCTION DATA. UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 Features .................................................................. Applications ........................................................... Description ............................................................. Revision History..................................................... Pin Configuration and Functions ......................... Specifications......................................................... 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 7 2 Absolute Maximum Ratings ...................................... 5 ESD Ratings.............................................................. 5 Recommended Operating Conditions....................... 6 Thermal Information .................................................. 6 Electrical Characteristics........................................... 7 Switching Characteristics .......................................... 9 Typical Characteristics ............................................ 10 Detailed Description ............................................ 14 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 8 1 1 1 3 4 5 Overview ................................................................. Functional Block Diagram ....................................... Feature Description................................................. Device Functional Modes........................................ 14 16 17 31 Application and Implementation ........................ 43 8.1 Application Information............................................ 43 8.2 Typical Application ................................................. 43 9 Power Supply Recommendations...................... 58 9.1 VCC Pin Capacitor.................................................. 58 9.2 Boot Capacitor ........................................................ 58 9.3 RVCC Pin Capacitor ............................................... 59 10 Layout................................................................... 60 10.1 Layout Guidelines ................................................. 60 10.2 Layout Example .................................................... 60 11 Device and Documentation Support ................. 61 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 Device Support...................................................... Documentation Support (if applicable).................. Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates Community Resources.......................................... Trademarks ........................................................... Electrostatic Discharge Caution ............................ Glossary ................................................................ 61 61 61 61 61 61 62 12 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information ........................................................... 62 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 UCC256303 www.ti.com SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 4 Revision History NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version. Changes from Revision Original (September 2017) to Revision A • Page Added a footnote for VCC absolute maximum rating ............................................................................................................ 5 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 3 UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com 5 Pin Configuration and Functions DDB Package 16-Pin SOIC Top View 1 HV HS 16 HO 15 3 VCC HB 14 4 BLK 5 FB 6 ISNS GND 11 7 VCR LO 10 8 BW UCC256303 LLC Controller RVCC 12 LL/SS 9 Pin Functions PIN NAME NO. I/O DESCRIPTION BLK 4 I This pin is used to sense the PFC output voltage level. A resistive divider should be used to attenuate the signal before it is applied to this pin. The voltage level on this pin will determine when the LLC converter start/stops switching. The sensed BLK voltage is also used to adjust the burst mode threshold to improve efficiency over the input voltage range. BW 8 I This pin is used to sense the output voltage through the bias winding. The sensed voltage is used for output over voltage protection. FB 5 I LLC stage control feedback input. The amount of current sourced from this pin will determine the LLC input power level. GND 11 G Ground reference for all signals. HB 14 I High-side gate-drive floating supply voltage. The bootstrap capacitor is connected between this pin and pin HS. A high voltage, high speed diode should be connected from RVCC to this pin to supply power to the upper MOSFET driver during the period when the lower MOSFET is conducting. HO 15 O High-side floating gate-drive output. HS 16 I High-side gate-drive floating ground. Current return for the high-side gate-drive current. HV 1 I Connect to GND ISNS 6 I Resonant current sense. The resonant capacitor voltage is differentiated with a first order filter to measure the resonant current LL/SS 9 I The capacitance value connected from this pin to ground will define the duration of the softstart period. This pin is also used to program the burst mode threshold; the resistor divider on this pin programs the burst mode threshold and the threshold scaling factor with BLK pin voltage. LO 10 O Low-side gate-drive output. Missing 2 N/A Functional creepage and clearance Missing 13 N/A Functional creepage and clearance RVCC 12 P Regulated 12-V supply. This pin is used to supply the gate driver and PFC controller. VCC 3 P Supply input. VCR 7 I Resonant capacitor voltage sense 4 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 UCC256303 www.ti.com SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 6 Specifications 6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted), all voltages are with respect to GND, currents are positive into and negative out of the specified terminal. (1) MIN Input voltage HO output voltage LO output voltage UNIT –0.3 640 V BLK, FB, LL/SS –0.3 7 V VCR –0.3 7 V HB - HS –0.3 17 V VCC (2) –0.3 30 V BW, ISNS RVCC output voltage MAX HB -5 7 V DC -0.3 17 V DC HS – 0.3 HB + 0.3 HS - 2 HB + 0.3 –0.3 RVCC + 0.3 –2 RVCC + 0.3 Transient, less than 100 ns DC Transient, less than 100 ns V V Floating ground slew rate, dVHS/dt –50 50 V/ns HO, LO pulsed current, IOUT_PULSED –0.6 1.2 A Junction temperature range, TJ –40 150 Storage temperature range, Tstg –5 150 Lead temperature (1) (2) Soldering, 10 second 300 Reflow 260 °C Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, which do not imply functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under Recommended Operating Conditions. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. During VCC shutdown, VCC may have a momentary voltage undershoot which exceeds the absolute minimum voltage rating. For duration of 8 ms or less VCC absolute minimum (MIN) is -0.5V. It is not recommended to enter this state repeatedly within a short duration of time. 6.2 ESD Ratings VALUE V(ESD) (1) (2) Electrostatic discharge Human body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001, high voltage pins (1) ±1000 Human body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001, all other pins (1) ±2000 Charged device model (CDM), per JEDEC specification JESD22-C101, all pins (2) ±500 UNIT V JEDEC document JEP155 states that 500-V HBM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. JEDEC document JEP157 states that 250-V CDM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 5 UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com 6.3 Recommended Operating Conditions All voltages are with respect to GND, –40°C< TJ =TA < 125°C, currents are positive into and negative out of the specified terminal, unless otherwise noted. MIN HS Input voltage VCC Supply voltage 11.25 HB - HS Driver bootstrap voltage 10 CB Ceramic bypass capacitor from HB to HS 0.1 CRVCC RVCC pin decoupling capacitor 4.7 IRVCCMAX Maximum output current of RVCC TA Operating ambient temperature (1) NOM MAX UNIT 600 V 15 26 V 12 16 V 5 µF µF (1) –40 100 mA 125 °C Not tested in production. Specified by characterization. 6.4 Thermal Information UCC25630 THERMAL METRIC (1) D (SOIC) UNIT 14 PINS RθJA Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance 74.7 °C/W RθJC(top) Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance 30.7 °C/W RθJB Junction-to-board thermal resistance 31.8 °C/W ΨJT Junction-to-top characterization parameter 4.4 °C/W ΨJB Junction-to-board characterization parameter 31.4 °C/W (1) 6 For more information about traditional and new thermal metrics, see the Semiconductor and IC Package Thermal Metrics application report, SPRA953. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 UCC256303 www.ti.com SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 6.5 Electrical Characteristics All voltages are with respect to GND, –40°C< TJ =TA < 125°C, VCC = 15 V, currents are positive into and negative out of the specified terminal, unless otherwise noted. PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT SUPPLY VOLTAGE VCCStartExt In external bias mode, gate starts switching above this level 10.5 V SUPPLY CURRENT ICCSleep Current drawn from VCC rail during burst off period VCC = 15V 600 645 750 µA ICCRun Current drawn from VCC Pin while gate is switching. Excluding Gate Current VCC = 15V, maximum dead time 1.70 2.2 2.80 mA 11.60 12 12.40 V REGULATED SUPPLY VRVCC Regulated supply voltage VCC = 15V VRVCC VRVCCUVLO VCC = 11.25V, ICC = 30mA 10.7 RVCC under voltage lock out voltage V 7 (1) V BULK VOLTAGE SENSE VBLKStart Input voltage that allows LLC to start switching VBLKStop Input voltage that forces LLC operation to stop VBLKOVRise VBLKOVFall Voltage rising 2.99 3.05 3.095 V Voltage falling 2.13 2.17 2.23 V Input voltage that causes switching to stop Voltage rising 3.94 4.03 4.11 V Input voltage that causes switching to re-start Voltage falling 3.64 3.76 3.86 V 81.5 100.4 119.5 kΩ 139.7 163.6 184.7 µA FEEDBACK PIN RFBInternal Internal pull down resistor value IFB FB internal current source f-3dB Feedback chain -3dB cut off frequency (2) 1 MHz RESONANT CURRENT SENSE VISNS_OCP1 VISNS_OCP1_S OCP1 threshold OCP1 threshold during soft start 3.97 (1) 4.03 4.07 5 V V S VISNS_OCP2 OCP2 threshold 0.68 0.84 0.99 V VISNS_OCP3 OCP3 threshold 0.49 0.64 0.79 V TISNS_OCP2 The time the average input current needs to stay above OCP2 threshold before OCP2 is triggered (1) 2 ms TISNS_OCP3 The time the average input current needs to stay above OCP3 threshold before OCP3 is triggered (1) 50 ms VIpolarityHyst Resonant current polarity detection hysteresis nOCP1 Number of OCP1 cycles before OCP1 fault is tripped (1) (1) (2) 16.9 30.7 44.7 mV 4 Not tested in production. Specified by characterization Not tested in production. Specified by design Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 7 UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com Electrical Characteristics (continued) All voltages are with respect to GND, –40°C< TJ =TA < 125°C, VCC = 15 V, currents are positive into and negative out of the specified terminal, unless otherwise noted. PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT RESONANT CAPACITOR VOLTAGE SENSE VCM Internal common mode voltage 2.91 3.02 3.14 V IRAMP Frequency compensation ramp current source value 1.63 1.84 2.10 mA IMismatch Pull up and pull down ramp current source mismatch (3) –1.25% 1.25% SOFT START ISSUp Current output from SS pin to charge up the soft start capacitor RSSDown SS pin pull down resistance ZCS or OCP1 VLOL LO output low voltage VRVCC - VLOH LO output high voltage VHOL - VHS 21.8 25.8 29.8 µA 222 401 580 Ω Isink = 20mA 0.027 0.052 0.087 V Isource = 20mA 0.113 0.178 0.263 V HO output low voltage Isink = 20mA 0.027 0.053 0.087 V VHB - VHOH HO output high voltage Isource = 20mA 0.113 0.173 0.263 V VHB- High side gate driver UVLO rise threshold 7.35 7.94 8.70 V High side gate driver UVLO fall threshold 6.65 7.25 7.76 V HSUVLOFall Isource_pk HO, LO peak source current GATE DRIVER HSUVLORise VHB- Isink_pk HO, LO peak sink current (2) (2) -0.6 A 1.2 A BOOTSTRAP IBOOT_QUIESC (HB - HS) quiescent current HB - HS = 12V 51.10 74.40 97.70 µA ENT IBOOT_LEAK HB to GND leakage current 0.02 0.40 5.40 µA tChargeBoot Length of charge boot state 234 267 296 µs Output voltage OVP –4.1 -3.97 -3.86 V LL voltage scaling resistor value 240 250 258 kΩ ±50 V/ns BIAS WINDING VBWOVRise BURST MODE RLL ADAPTIVE DEADTIME dVHS/dt Detectable PSN slew rate (1) ±1 FAULT RECOVERY tPauseTimeOut Paused timer (1) 1 s THERMAL SHUTDOWN TJ_r Thermal shutdown temperature TJ_H (3) 8 Thermal shutdown hsyterisis (1) Temperature rising 125 (1) 145 °C 20 °C IMismatch calculated as average of (IPD-(IPD+IPU)/(IPD+IPU)/2)) and (IPU-(IPD+IPU)/((IPD+IPU)/2) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 UCC256303 www.ti.com SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 6.6 Switching Characteristics All voltages are with respect to GND, –40°C < TJ =TA < 125°C, VCC = 12 V, currents are positive into and negative out of the specified terminal, unless otherwise noted. MIN TYP MAX tr(LO) Rise time PARAMETER 10% to 90%, 1-nF load 18 35 50 ns tf(LO) Fall time 10% to 90%, 1-nF load 15 25 50 ns tr(HO) Rise time 10% to 90%, 1-nF load 18 35 50 ns tf(HO) Fall time 10% to 90%, 1-nF load 15 25 50 ns tDT(min) Minimum dead time tDT(max) tON(min) tON(max) (1) TEST CONDITIONS (1) Maximum dead time (dead time fault) (1) Minimum gate on time Maximum gate on time (1) (1) UNIT 100 ns 150 µs 250 ns 14.5 µs Not tested in production. Ensured by design Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 9 UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com 6.7 Typical Characteristics 2.4 72 VCC=11.25 V VCC=15 V VCC=25 V 70 VCC=11.25 V VCC=15 V VCC=25 V 2.1 1.8 IBoot_Leak (µA) IBoot_Quiescent (PA) 68 1.5 66 1.2 64 0.9 62 0.6 60 0.3 58 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature (°C) 80 100 120 0 -60 140 -40 -20 0 D001 Figure 1. IBOOT_QUIESCENT vs Temperature 20 40 60 Temperature (°C) 80 100 120 140 D002 Figure 2. IBOOT_LEAK vs Temperature 0.8 1.88 VCC=11.25 V VCC=15 V VCC=25 V 1.86 VCC=11.25 V VCC=15 V VCC=25 V 0.6 IRamp (mA) Imismatch(%) 0.4 1.84 1.82 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 1.8 -0.6 1.78 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature (°C) 80 100 120 140 -0.8 -60 -40 -20 Figure 3. IRAMP vs Temperature 40 60 80 100 120 140 D004 Figure 4. IMISMATCH vs Temperature VCC=11.25 V VCC=15 V VCC=25 V 251.5 251 12 11.5 250.5 250 VRVCC (V) RLL (k:) 20 Temperature (°C) 12.5 252 249.5 11 10.5 249 248.5 10 VCC=11.25 V VCC=15 V VCC=25 V 248 9.5 247.5 247 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature (°C) 80 100 120 140 9 -60 -40 D005 Figure 5. RLL vs Temperature 10 0 D003 -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature (°C) 80 100 120 140 D006 Figure 6. VRVCC vs Temperature, ICC = 100 mA Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 UCC256303 www.ti.com SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 Typical Characteristics (continued) 0.95 12.1 12 0.9 11.9 0.85 ICCSleep (PA) VRVCC (V) 11.8 VCC=11.25 V VCC=15 V VCC=25 V 11.7 11.6 0.8 VCC=11.25 V VCC=15 V VCC=25 V 0.75 0.7 11.5 0.65 11.4 0.6 11.3 11.2 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature (°C) 80 100 120 140 0.55 -60 -40 -20 0 D007 Figure 7. VRVCC vs Temperature, ICC = 0 mA 20 40 60 Temperature (°C) 80 100 120 140 D008 Figure 8. iCCSleep vs Temperature 3.035 2.6 VCC=11.25 V VCC=15 V VCC=25 V 2.55 2.5 3.03 3.025 3.02 VCM (V) ICCRun (mA) 2.45 2.4 3.015 2.35 3.01 2.3 3.005 2.25 2.15 -60 VCC=11.25 V VCC=15 V VCC=25 V 3 2.2 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature (°C) 80 100 120 140 2.995 -60 -40 -20 Figure 9. ICCRun vs Temperature 20 40 60 Temperature (°C) 80 100 120 140 D010 Figure 10. VCM vs Temperature 167 102 166 101.5 165 101 164 VCC=11.25 V VCC=15 V VCC=25 V IFB (PA) RFB (k:) 102.5 100.5 163 100 162 99.5 161 VCC=11.25 V VCC=15 V VCC=25 V 99 98.5 -10 0 D009 0 10 20 160 30 40 50 Temperature (°C) 60 70 80 90 159 -60 -40 D011 Figure 11. RFB vs Temperature -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature (°C) 80 100 120 Product Folder Links: UCC256303 D012 Figure 12. IFB vs Temperature Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated 140 11 UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com Typical Characteristics (continued) 26.4 460 VCC=11.25 V VCC=15 V VCC=25 V 26.2 VCC=11.25 V VCC=15 V VCC=25 V 440 RSSDown (:) 26 ISSUp (PA) 420 25.8 25.6 400 25.4 380 25.2 25 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature (°C) 80 100 120 140 360 -60 -40 -20 Figure 13. ISSUp vs Temperature 20 40 60 Temperature (°C) 80 100 120 140 D014 Figure 14. RSSDown vs Temperature 8.1 7.285 VCC=11.25 V VCC=15 V VCC=25 V 8.05 VCC=11.25 V VCC=15 V VCC=25 V 7.28 7.275 VHB-HSUVLOFall (V) 8 VHB-HSUVLORise (V) 0 D013 7.27 7.265 7.95 7.9 7.26 7.255 7.85 7.25 7.245 7.8 7.24 7.75 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature (°C) 80 100 120 140 7.235 -60 -40 -20 0 D015 Figure 15. IHB-HSUVLORise vs Temperature 20 40 60 Temperature (°C) 80 100 120 140 D016 Figure 16. IHB-HSUVLOFall vs Temperature 75 260 VCC=11.25 V VCC=15 V VCC=25 V 70 VCC=11.25 V VCC=15 V VCC=25 V 240 65 VRVCC-VLOH (mV) 220 VOL (mV) 60 200 55 180 50 160 45 140 40 35 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature (°C) 80 100 120 140 120 -60 -40 D017 Figure 17. VLOL vs Temperature 12 Submit Documentation Feedback -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature (°C) 80 100 120 140 D018 Figure 18. VRVCC-VLOH vs Temperature Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 UCC256303 www.ti.com SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 Typical Characteristics (continued) 75 260 VCC=11.25 V VCC=15 V VCC=25 V 70 VCC=11.25 V VCC=15 V VCC=25 V 240 65 VHOL - VHS (mV) VHB - VHOH (mV) 220 60 200 55 180 50 160 45 140 40 35 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature (°C) 80 100 120 140 120 -60 -40 D019 Figure 19. VHOL- VHS vs Temperature -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature (°C) 80 100 120 Product Folder Links: UCC256303 D020 Figure 20. VHB - VHOH vs Temperature Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated 140 13 UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com 7 Detailed Description 7.1 Overview The high level of integration of UCC256303 enables significant reduction in the list of materials and solution size without compromising functionality. UCC256303 achieves extremely low standby power using burst mode. The device's novel control scheme offers excellent transient performance and simplified compensation. Many consumer applications with mid-high power consumption, including large screen televisions, AC-DC adapters, server power supplies, and LED drivers, employ PFC + LLC power supplies because they offer improved efficiency, and small size, compared with a PFC + Flyback topology. A disadvantage of the PFC + LLC power supply system is that it naturally offers poor light load efficiency and high no-load power because the LLC stage requires a minimum amount of circulating current to maintain regulation. UCC256303 LLC controller is designed to make a LLC power supply system with advanced control algorithm and high efficient burst mode. UCC256303 contains a number of novel features that enable it to offer excellent light load efficiency and no load power. UCC256303 uses a novel control algorithm, Hybrid Hysteretic Control (HHC), to achieve regulation. In this control algorithm, the switching frequency is defined by the resonant capacitor voltage, which carries accurate input current information. Therefore, the control effort controls the input current directly. This enables excellent load and line transient response, and high efficient burst mode. In addition, comparing with traditional Direct Frequency Control (DFC), HHC changes the system to a first order system. Therefore, the compensation design is much easier and can achieve higher loop bandwidth. UCC256303 includes robust algorithms for avoiding ZCS operation region. When near ZCS operation is detected, UCC256303 over-rides the feedback signal and ramps up the switching frequency until operation is restored. After which the switching frequency is ramped back down at a rate determined by the soft-start capacitor until control has been handed back to the voltage control loop. UCC256303 monitors the half-bridge switched node to determine the required dead-time in the gate signals for the outgoing and incoming power switches. In this way the dead-time is automatically adjusted to provide optimum efficiency and security of operation. UCC256303 includes an algorithm for adaptive dead-time that makes its operation inherently robust compared with alternative parts. 14 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 UCC256303 www.ti.com SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 Overview (continued) UCC256303 includes high and low-side drivers that can directly drive LLC power stage delivering up to 1-kW peak/500-W continuous power. This allows complete and fully featured power systems to be realized with minimum component count. At low output power levels UCC256303 automatically transitions into light-load burst mode. The LLC equivalent load current level during the burst on period is a programmable value. The space period between bursts is terminated by the secondary voltage regulator loop based on the FB pin voltage. During burst mode, the resonant capacitor voltage is monitored so that the first and last burst pulse widths are fully optimized for best efficiency. This method allows UCC256303 to achieve higher light-load efficiency and reduced no-load power compared with alternative parts. In addition, UCC256303 enables the opto-coupler to operate at a low power mode, which can save up to 20 mW at standby mode comparing with conventional solution. Additional protection features of UCC256303 include three-level over current protection, output over voltage protection, input voltage OVP and UVP, gate driver UVLO protection, and over temperature protection. The key features of UCC256303 can be summarized as follows: • Integrated high voltage gate driver • Hybrid Hysteretic Control helps achieve best in class load and line transient response • Optimized light load burst mode enables 150-mW standby power design • Improved capacitive region operation prevention scheme • Adaptive dead time • Wide operating frequency range (35 kHz ~ 1 MHz) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 15 UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com 7.2 Functional Block Diagram BLK BW + BLKStartTh BLKStart - HV + BLKStopTh Bias winding sense OVP BLKStop + BLKOVRiseTh BLKOVFallTh To RVCC BLKOV - MUX BLKSns external supply VCC monitor VCC Vbus Active/Low Power Wake Up Control HB VCCStartSwitching Temperature sensor RVCCEn LDO WaveGenEn VCCShort OTP SlewDone_H HO Adaptive SlewDone_L Dead Time RVCCUVLO HS VCM + RVCC + - RVCC VCM High Voltage Isolation OCP1 + + - OCP1Th HSON IPolarity - Level Shift LSON OCP2 - LO OCP2Th To resonant capacitor CISNS ISNS RISNS VCC Average MUX + OCP3 OCP3Th AVDD HSON FB IPolarity SlewDone_H SSEn ZCS Feedback Optocoupler FBReplica RFB ZCS SlewDone_L ChargeSS FBLessThanSS FBLessThanBMT SS Ctrl SSEnd HSON LSON Waveform generator Pick lower value Pick higher value Vcm + - + + HSRampOn - LSRampOn + - MUX MUX SSEnd SSEnd VCR AVDD VCM AVDD To RVCC AVDD HSRampOn ChargeSS SS LL/SS Rdischarge LSRampOn ZCS BLKSns Burst Threshold Gen + - OVP OTP OCP1 OCP2 OCP3 BLKStart BLKStop BLKOV RVCCUVLO VCCStartSwitching ACZeroCrossing FBLessThanBMT WaveGenEn RVCCEn System states and faults SSEn BMT VCR GND Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated 16 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 UCC256303 www.ti.com SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 7.3 Feature Description 7.3.1 Hybrid Hysteretic Control UCC256303 uses a novel control scheme – Hybrid Hysteretic Control (HHC) - to achieve best in class line and load transient performance. The control method makes the compensator very easy to design. The control method also makes light load management easier and more efficient. Improved line transient enables lower bulk capacitor/output capacitor value and saves system cost. HHC is a control method which combines traditional frequency control and charge control – It is charge control with added frequency compensation ramp. Comparing with traditional frequency control, it changes the power stage transfer function from a 2nd order system to a 1st order system, so that it is very easy to compensate. The control effort is directly related to input current, so the line and load transients are best in class. Comparing with charge control, the hybrid hysteretic control avoids unstable condition by adding in a frequency compensation ramp. The frequency compensation makes the system always stable, and makes the output impedance lower as well. Lower output impedance makes the transient performance better than charge control. In summary, the problems solved by HHC are: • Help LLC converters achieve best in class load transient and line transient • Changes the small-signal transfer function to a 1st order system which is very easy to compensate, and can achieve very high bandwidth • Inherently stable via frequency compensation • Makes burst mode control high efficiency optimization much easier Figure 21 shows the HHC implementation in UCC256303: a capacitor divider (C1 and C2) and two well matched controlled current source. IIN + Gate_H Lr VOUT Lm VIN Gate_L Cr - AVDD Icomp Gate_L Gate_H Q S Dead time control Q R C1 Gate_H C2 VCR = Q R Gate_L VTL - + - VCOMP - + + - Q S VCR Icomp + Compensator VCM VTH VCR Turn high side off when VCR > VTH; Turn low side off when VCR < VTL; High side and low side are turned on by dead time control circuits + VCOMP = VTH - VTL (VTH + VTL)/2 = VCM Figure 21. UCC256303 HHC Implementation Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 17 UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com Feature Description (continued) The resonant capacitor voltage is divided down by the capacitor divider formed by C1 and C2. The current sources are controlled by the gate drive signals. When high side switch is on, turn on the upper current source to inject a constant current into the capacitor divider; when low side switch is on, turn on the lower current source to pull the same amount of constant current outside of the capacitor divider. The two current sources add a triangular compensation ramp to the VCR node. The current sources are supplied by a reference voltage Vref. This voltage needs to be equal to or larger than twice of the common mode voltage VCM. The divided resonant capacitor voltage and the compensation ramp voltage are then added together to get VCR node voltage. If the frequency compensation ramp dominates, the VCR node voltage will look like a triangular waveform, and the control will be similar to direct frequency control. If the resonant capacitor voltage dominates, the shape of the VCR node voltage will look like the actual resonant capacitor voltage, and the control will be similar to charge control. This is why the control method is called “hybrid” and the compensation ramp is called frequency compensation. This set up has an inherent negative feedback to keep the high side and low side on time balanced, and also keep the common mode voltage at VCR node at VCM. There are two input signals needed for the new control scheme: VCR and VCOMP. VCR is the sum of the scaled down version of the resonant capacitor voltage and the frequency compensation ramp. VCOMP is the voltage loop compensator output. The waveform below shows how the high-side and low-side switches are controlled based on VCR and VCOMP. The common mode voltage of VCR is VCM. High-Side Gate T/2 Low-Side Gate û 9&5¶ VTH û VCR VTL t1 t2 t3 t4 Figure 22. HHC Gate On/Off Control Principle Based on VCOMP and VCM (3 V), two thresholds: Vthh and Vthl are created. Vcomp Vthh VCM 2 Vcomp Vthh VCM 2 (1) (2) The VCR voltage is compared with the two thresholds. When VCR > Vthh, turn off high side switch; when VCR < Vthl, turn off low side switch. HO and LO turn on edges are controlled by adaptive dead time circuit. 18 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 UCC256303 www.ti.com SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 Feature Description (continued) 7.3.2 Regulated 12-V Supply RVCC pin is the regulated 12-V supply which can supply up to 100-mA current. The regulated rail is used to supply the PFC, and LLC gate driver. RVCC has under voltage lock out (UVLO) function. If during normal operation, RVCC voltage is less than RVCCUVLO threshold. It is treated as a fault and the system will enter FAULT state. Details about the FAULT handling will be discussed in the section. 7.3.3 Feedback Chain Control of output voltage is provided by a voltage regulator circuit located on the secondary side of the isolation barrier. The demand signal from the secondary regulator circuit is transferred across the isolation barrier using an opto-coupler and is fed into the FB pin on UCC256303. This section discusses about the whole feedback chain. The feedback chain has the following functions: • Optocoupler feedback signal input and bias • System external shut down • Soft start function selection by a pick lower block • Burst mode selection by a pick higher block • Convert single ended feedback demand to two thresholds Vthh and Vthl; and VCR comparison with the thresholds and the common mode voltage VCM VCC IFB AVDD FB FBLessThanSS SSEn ZCS Feedback Optocoupler FBreplica SS Ctrl SSEnd Pick lower value RFB Pick higher value SSreplica MUX FBLessThanBMT ChargeSS BMTreplica + Vcm + - + + - SSEnd AVDD SS VcrHigherThanVthh VcrHigherThanVcm MUX SSEnd VcrLowerThanVthl - BMT VCR VCM + - Figure 23. Feedback Chain Block Diagram Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 19 UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com Feature Description (continued) The timing diagram below shows the FB chain waveforms. The sequence is normal soft start followed by a ZCS event, and load step into burst mode, and then come out of burst mode. FBreplica SSreplica BMTreplica Vthh Vcm Vthl SSEn ZCS FBLessThanSS SSEnd ChargeSS FBLessThanBMT Figure 24. Feedback Chain Timing Diagram 7.3.4 Optocoupler Feedback Signal Input and Bias The secondary regulator circuit and optocoupler feedback circuit all add directly to the no load power consumed by the system. To achieve very low no load power it is necessary to drive the optocoupler in a low current mode. As shown in Figure 24, a constant current source IFB is generated out of VCC voltage and connected to FB pin. A resistor RFB is also connected to this current source with a PMOS in series. During normal operation, the PMOS is always on. The PMOS limits the maximum voltage on the FBreplica. IFB Iopto IRFB (3) From this equation, when Iopto increases, IRFB will decrease, making FBreplica decrease. In this way, the control effort is inverted. This circuit can also limit the optocoupler maximum current to be IFB. A conventional way to bias the optocoupler is using a pull up resistor on the collector of the optocoupler output. To reduce the power consumption, the pull up resistor needs to be big, which will limit the loop bandwidth. For the bias current method used in UCC256303, the optocoupler current is limited and there is no loop bandwidth issue. 20 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 UCC256303 www.ti.com SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 Feature Description (continued) 7.3.5 System External Shut Down This function provides a way to shut down the system by an external signal. When the FBreplica is less than the burst mode threshold, stop LLC switching. When FBLessThanBMT is true for more than 200 ms, go to startup state and try to re-start. Before LLC starts switching, the system has to make sure that FBLessThanBMT is not true. If FBreplica is constantly held low by an external signal, the system will not start again. This function can be used for system on/off control or any other fault shut down which isn’t included in UCC25630. To implement this function, an external biased optocoupler is needed. The schematic below is an example of such implementation. Figure 25. External Disable Example Circuit Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 21 UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com Feature Description (continued) 7.3.6 Pick Lower Block and Soft Start Multiplexer This part of the circuit consists of 3 elements: • A pick lower block • A MUX which selects AVDD or SS signal as the second input to the pick lower block • A SS control block which handles the charge and discharge of the SS capacitor in cause of a ZCS fault The pick lower block has two inputs. The first input is FBreplica. The second input is selected between AVDD and SS pin voltage. The other output of the block is the lower of the two inputs. The MUX selects between SS and AVDD. The selection is based on SSEnd (soft start end) signal, which is an output of the SS Ctrl block. SSEnd is high when SS is higher than FBreplica, and soft start process has been initiated by the state machine, and there is no ZCS condition. Switching to AVDD after soft start has ended helps make sure that during non-soft start or non-ZCS fault condition, FBreplica signal is always sent through the pick lower block. It also releases the SS pin to do the other function – light load threshold programming. The SS control block handles the charge and discharge of the SS capacitor in cause of a ZCS fault. It reset the SSEnd signal when ZCS happens, so the effect of pulling down on SS pin to increase the switching frequency can pass through the pick lower block. The relationship of the SS control block inputs and outputs is the following: SSEnd SSEn & !ZCS & (!FBLessThanSS) (4) ChargeSS SSEn & !SSEnd & !ZCS (5) 7.3.7 Pick Higher Block and Burst Mode Multiplexer The output of the pick lower block goes into a pick higher block, which selects the higher of the pick lower block output and the burst mode threshold setting. The burst mode multiplexer selects between BMT and ground. During soft start, the multiplexer selects ground. The startup process is open loop and controlled by the soft start ramp. Burst mode is not enabled during soft start phase. After soft start, the higher of the two inputs are sent to the differential amplifier. The other output is a comparator output FBLessThanBMT. It is sent to the waveform generator state machine to control burst mode and system external shut down. 7.3.8 VCR Comparators The output of the pick higher block is sent to a differential amplifier to convert the signal to two thresholds symmetrical to Vcm. The difference between the two thresholds Vthh and Vthl equals the input amplitude. The VCR pin voltage is then compared with Vthh, Vthl, and Vcm. The results are sent to the waveform generator. 22 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 UCC256303 www.ti.com SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 Feature Description (continued) 7.3.9 Resonant Capacitor Voltage Sensing The resonant capacitor voltage sense pin senses the resonant capacitor voltage through a capacitor divider. Inside the device, two well matched, controlled current sources are connected to VCR pin to generate the frequency compensation ramp. The on/off control signals in of the two current sources come from the waveform generator block. During waveform generator IDLE state or before startup, short VCR node to Vcm. This action will help reduce the startup peak current, and help VCR voltage to settle down quickly during burst mode. AVDD HSRampOn VCR 7 VCR LSRampOn Figure 26. VCR Block Diagram The ramp current on/off sequence is shown in Figure 27. The ramp current is on all the time. It changes direction at the falling edge of high side on or low side on signal. HSON LSON 2 mA Compensation ramp 0 current -2 mA Figure 27. VCR Compensation Ramp Current On/Off On VCR pin, a capacitor divider is used to mix the resonant capacitor waveform and the compensation ramp waveform. Adjusting the size of the external capacitors can change the contribution of charge control and direct frequency control. Assume the divided down version of the resonant capacitor voltage by the capacitor divider is Vdiv, the compensation ramp current resulted voltage on VCR pin is Vramp. If Vdiv is much larger than Vramp, the control method is similar to charge control, in which the control effort is proportional to the input charge of one switching cycle. If Vramp is much larger than Vdiv, the control method is similar to direct frequency control, in which the control effort is proportional to the switching frequency. The most optimal transient response can be achieved by adjusting the ratio between Vdiv and Vramp. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 23 UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com Feature Description (continued) 7.3.10 Resonant Current Sensing The ISNS pin is connected to the resonant capacitor using a high voltage capacitor. The capacitor CISNS and the resistor RISNS form a differentiator. The resonant capacitor voltage is differentiated to get the resonant current. The differentiated signal is AC and goes both positive and negative. In order to sense the zero crossing, the signal is level shifted using an op amp adder. IPolarity comparator detects the direction of the resonant current. The digital state machine implements a blanking time on IPolarity – IPolarity edges during the first 400ns of dead time are ignored. OCP2 and OCP3 thresholds are based on average input current. To get the average input current, the differentiator output is multiplexed with the high side switch on signal HSON: when HS is on, the MUX output is the differentiator output; when HS is off, the MUX output is 0. The MUX output is then averaged using a low pass filter. The output of the filter is the sensed average input current. Note that the MUX needs to pass through both positive and negative voltages. OCP2 and OCP3 faults have a 2ms and 50ms timer respectively. Only when the OCP2/OCP3 comparators output high for continuous 2ms or 50ms, the faults will be activated. OCP1 threshold is set on the peak resonant current. The voltage on the ISNS pin gets compared to OCP1 threshold OCP1Th directly. The peak resonant current is checked once per cycle on the positive half cycle. OCP1 fault is only activated when there are 4 consecutive cycles of OCP1 event detected. During start up, the OCP1 comparator output of the first 15 cycles are ignored. VCM + - To Resonant Capacitor CISNS OCP1Th + - VCM + - OCP1 + OCP2Th ISNS IPolarity OCP2 6 RISNS MUX Average + OCP3Th OCP3 HSON Figure 28. ISNS Block Diagram 24 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 UCC256303 www.ti.com SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 Feature Description (continued) 7.3.11 Bulk Voltage Sensing The BLK pin is used to sense the LLC DC input voltage (bulk voltage) level. The comparators on BLK pin set the following thresholds: • Bulk voltage level when LLC starts switching – BLKStartTh • Bulk voltage level when LLC stops switching – BLKStopTh • Bulk voltage level when bulk over voltage fault is generated – BLKOVRiseTh • Bulk voltage level when bulk over voltage fault is cleared – BLKOVFallTh BLKOV signal is generated by one comparator with two thresholds selected by a MUX. This is to create necessary hysteresis for the BLKOV fault. The BLKSns signal is buffered and sent to burst mode threshold generation block to implement the adaptive burst mode threshold. Figure 29 shows the block diagram of the BLK pin. BLK 4 + BLKStartTh + BLKStopTh BLKStart BLKStop + BLKOVRiseTh BLKOVFallTh MUX - BLKOV BLKSns Figure 29. VCR Compensation Ramp Current On/Off AC plug in PFC start switching BLKOVRiseTh BLKOVFallTh BLKStartTh PFC output voltage RVCC LLC gate drive waveforms 1s FAULT timer Figure 30. Timing Diagram of BLK Operations Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 25 UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com Feature Description (continued) 7.3.12 Output Voltage Sensing The output voltage is sensed through the bias winding (BW) voltage sense pin. The sensed output voltage is compared with a fixed threshold to generate output OVP fault. The block diagram of the bias winding voltage sense block is shown below. BW 8 + Peak detect S/H + OVPTh - OVP Figure 31. Bias Winding Sensing Block Diagram The bias winding sense block consists of an inverting op amp to flip the BW signal. The flipped BW signal is then peak detected and sampled at low side turn off edge. The sampled voltage represents the output voltage during this cycle. The S/H output is them compared with OVP comparator. Shown below is the timing diagram of the BW sense block. BW pin Inverting Op-Amp Output Peak Detector Output LSON Sample Position Figure 32. Timing Diagram of BW Sense Block 26 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 UCC256303 www.ti.com SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 Feature Description (continued) 7.3.13 High Voltage Gate Driver The low-side gate driver output is LO. The gate driver is supplied by the 12-V RVCC rail. The high-side driver module consists of three physical device pins. HB and HS form the positive and negative rails, respectively, of the high-side driver, and HO connects to the gate of the upper half-bridge MOSFET. During periods when the lower half-bridge MOSFET is conducting, HS is shorted to GND via the conducting lower MOSFET. At this time power for the high side driver is obtained from RVCC via high voltage diode DBOOT, and capacitor CBOOT is charged to RVCC minis the forward drop on the diode. During periods when the upper half-bridge MOSFET is conducting, HS is connected the LLC input voltage rail. At this time the HV diode is reverse biased and the high side driver is powered by charge stored in CBOOT. The slew on HS pin is detected for adaptive dead time adjustment. The next gate is only turned on when the slew on HS pin is finished. Both the high-side and low side gate drivers have under voltage lock out (UVLO) protection. The low side gate driver UVLO is implemented on RVCC; the high side gate driver UVLO is implemented on (HB - HS) voltage. When operating at light load, UCC256303 enters burst mode. During the burst off period, the gate driver enters low power mode to reduce power consumption. The block diagram of the gate driver is shown in Figure 33. To RVCC WaveGenEn Wake Up Control Vbus Active/Low Power HB 14 HO SlewDone_H 15 Adaptive SlewDone_L Dead Time HS 16 Level Shift HSON High Voltage Isolation LO LSON 10 Figure 33. Gate Driver Block Diagram Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 27 UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com Feature Description (continued) 7.3.14 Protections ZCS Region Prevention Capacitive region is an LLC operation region in which the voltage gain increases when the switching frequency increases. It is also called ZCS region. Capacitive mode operation should be avoided for two reasons: • The feedback loop becomes positive feedback in capacitive region • The MOSFET may be damaged because of body diode reverse recovery To make sure that capacitive region operation does not happen, we need to first rely on the slew done signal. If there is a slew done signal detected, it suggests that the opposite body diode must not be conducting and to turn on the next FET. If there is no slew detected, IPolarity signal is used. The next gate will be turned on at the next IPolarity flip event. The IPolarity flip indicates that the capacitive operation cycle has already passed. The resonant current reverses the direction and begins to discharge the switch node. When the capacitive operation cycle has passed, the system enters a high frequency oscillation stage, where the oscillation frequency is determined by the parasitic elements in the circuit. In this stage, the body diode is no longer conducting and it is allowed to turn on the next gate. However, in the high frequency oscillation stage, the resonant current may be so small that the IPolarity detection is missed. In this case, the next gate will be turned on by maximum dead time timer expiration. In addition to preventing the next gate from turning on when the opposite body diode is conducting, the switching frequency is forced to ramp up until there is a cycle with no capacitive region operation detected The capacitive region detection is done by checking the resonant current polarity at HSON or LSON falling edge. If the resonant current is positive at LSON falling edge, or negative at HSON falling edge, the ZCS signal in the waveform generator is turned high. The ZCS signal keeps high until there is a half cycle without capacitive region operation happens. The force ramping up of the switching frequency is done by pull the SS pin down by a resistor to ground. Details will be discussed in SS pin section. Below is the flow chart of capacitive region prevention algorithm: 28 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 UCC256303 www.ti.com SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 Feature Description (continued) Start ZCS = 1, pull down SS pin Yes Slew done detected brefore Ipolarity blanking expires? ZCS event detected at HSON or LSON turn off edge? Yes No Yes No Ipolarity flip detected? Turn on the next gate No ZCS = 0 Maximum dead time expired? Yes Figure 34. Gate Driver Block Diagram Next Switch Turn On is Delayed HS LS ZCS Detected Resonant current No Slope Until Current Becomes Negative Primary Side Switch Node t VCOMP Ramps Down Until No ZCS Figure 35. Timing Diagram of a ZCS Event Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 29 UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com Feature Description (continued) Over Current Protection (OCP) There are three levels of OCP: 1. OCP1: peak current protection (highest threshold) 1. Fault action: count OCP1 cycles and shut down power stage if counter exceeds preset value 2. OCP2: average input current protection (high threshold) 1. Fault action: if above threshold for 2 ms, shut down 3. OCP3: average input current protection (low threshold) 1. Fault action: if above threshold for 50 ms, shut down The circuit block diagram has been discussed in the Resonant Current Sensing section. Over Output Voltage Protection (VOUTOVP) This is the output over voltage protection. VOUTOVP threshold is set on the bias winding voltage sense. The VOUTOVP trip point can be set by configuring the voltage divider on BW pin. Over Input Voltage Protection (VINOVP) This is the input over voltage protection. The fault actions have been discussed in the BLK section. The trip point can be set by configuring the voltage divider on BLK pin. Under Input Voltage Protection (VINUVP) This is the input under voltage protection. The fault actions have been discussed in the BLK section. The trip point can be set by configuring the voltage divider on BLK pin. Boot UVLO This is the high side gate driver UVLO. When (HB – HS) voltage is less than the threshold, the high side gate output will be shut down. RVCC UVLO This is the regulated 12-V UVLO. When RVCC voltage is less than the threshold, both the high side gate output and the low-side gate output will be turned off. Over Temperature Protection (OTP) This is the device over temperature protection. When OTP fault is tripped, if the device is switching, the switching will stop. If the device is in HV start up stage and JFET is on, the JFET will be turned off. Details of the OTP fault handling will be discussed in the Device Functional Modes section. There are two digital state machines in the system: • System States and Faults State Machine • Waveform Generator Stage Machine The system states control state machine controls system operation states and faults. The waveform generator state machine controls the gate driver behavior. 30 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 UCC256303 www.ti.com SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 7.4 Device Functional Modes 7.4.1 Burst Mode Control The efficiency of an LLC converter power stage drops rapidly with falling output power. To maintain reasonable light load efficiency it is necessary to operate the LLC converter in burst mode. In this mode the LLC converter operates at relatively high power for a short burst period and then all switching is stopped for a space period. During the Burst period excess charge is transferred to and stored in the output capacitor. During the Space period this stored charge is used to supply the load current. Providing an effective light-load scheme is a particular problem for an LLC controller that is located on the primary side of the isolation barrier. This is because the feedback demand signal (VCOMP) is mainly a function of input/output voltage ratio and only loosely related to load current. The normal method of placing a couple of thresholds in the VCOMP voltage window to switch OFF and ON the LLC converter does not work effectively. Another issue with the conventional method is that when burst on, the switching pulses are determined by VCOMP, which is usually at initial burst on, and decays as the output voltage rises. The resulting inductor current will be big at first and then decays. This is not optimal because the big current at first may create mechanical vibration. The high switching frequency afterwards may cause two much switching loss. For an advanced burst mode, the following features are desired: • The power delivered by each burst should be relatively constant for a certain load. • The Burst power is set high enough to provide reasonable LLC converter efficiency and low enough to avoid acoustic noise and excessive output voltage ripple. • When burst on, the average capacitor voltage should settle to VIN/2 as fast as possible for best efficiency. • The switching frequency or burst power level of each burst pulse should be optimized for efficient operation. • The burst pattern of each burst should be relatively constant. • There should be no audible noise. • Burst mode performance should be consistent across input voltage range. The HHC method makes the control of the burst mode very straight forward. The block diagram is a functionally accurate description of the burst mode control method in UCC256303. FB less than burst mode threshold Pick higher value COMP COMP_new MUX SSEnd Burst mode threshold Figure 36. Burst Mode Control Block Diagram The control effort is selected between the higher of the two signals: 1) the voltage loop compensator output (VCOMP) or 2) the Burst Mode Threshold level (BMT). When VCOMP goes below BMT, continue switching for a fixed number of switching cycles, then stop. Always switch while COMP is higher than BMT. If soft start isn’t done yet, send the COMP (controlled by soft start ramp). BMT is programmable and adaptively changed with input voltage. The last pulse of each burst on period is turned off when the resonant capacitor voltage equals VIN/2. In HHC method, this is approximately equivalent to VCR node voltage equals the common mode voltage VCM. This operation keeps the resonant capacitor voltage to about VIN/2 for each burst off period, thus enabling the burst pattern to settle as soon as possible during burst on period. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 31 UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com Device Functional Modes (continued) 7.4.2 Soft-Start and Burst-Mode Threshold The soft-start programming and burst mode threshold programming are multiplexed on one pin – LL/SS. In addition, when ZCS region operation happens, this pin is pulled down to ground through a resistor to increase the switching frequency. An internal constant current source charges the soft start capacitor to generate the soft-start command. Soft start period starts right after charge boot stage is done, and ends when FBreplica becomes lower than SS pin voltage. After soft start is done, the SS voltage is replaced by AVDD to send to the FB chain. The LL/SS pin is then used to generate the burst mode threshold. In UCC256303 we try to maintain the same burst mode power level over the input voltage range. This is done by adaptively changing the burst mode threshold with sensed BLK voltage. The programming resistors output provide two degrees of freedom, to set the burst mode threshold, as well as how the threshold changes with BLK voltage. When programmed correctly, the power stage will always enter burst mode at a certain output current level, making the system much easier to optimize. AVDD To RVCC ChargeSS LL/SS SS 9 Rdischarge ZCS BLKSns Burst Threshold Gen BMT Figure 37. LL/SS Block Diagram 32 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 UCC256303 www.ti.com SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 Device Functional Modes (continued) 7.4.3 System States and Faults State Machine Below is an overview of the system states sequence: The state transition diagram starts from the un-powered condition of UCC256303. When PFC output voltage reaches a certain level, LLC is turned on. Before LLC starts running, the LO pin is kept high to pull the HS node of the LLC bridge low, thus allowing the capacitor between HB and HS pins to be charged from VCC via the bootstrap diode. UCC256303 will remain in the CHARGE_BOOT state for a certain time to ensure the boot capacitor is fully charged. When the load drops to below a certain level, LLC operates in burst mode Fault conditions encountered by UCC256303 will cause operation to stop, or paused for a certain period of time followed by an automatic re-start. It is to ensure that while a persistent fault condition is present, it is not possible for UCC256303 or the power converter temperature to continue to rise as a result of the repeated re-start attempts. WaveGenEn OVP OTP OCP1 OCP2 OCP3 BLKStart BLKStop BLKOV RVCCUVLO VCCStartExt VCCStartSwitching ACZeroCrossing FBLessThanBMT RVCCEn System states and faults SSEn Figure 38. Block Diagram of System States and Faults State Machine Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 33 UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com Device Functional Modes (continued) Table 1 summarizes the inputs and outputs of Figure 38 Table 1. System States and Faults State Machine Block Inputs and Outputs SIGNAL NAME I/O DESCRIPTION OVP I Output over voltage fault OTP I Over temperature fault OCP1 I Peak current fault OCP2 I Average current fault with 2ms timer OCP3 I Average current fault with 50ms timer BLKStart I Bulk voltage is above start threshold BLKStop I Bulk voltage is below stop threshold BLKOV I Bulk over voltage fault RVCCUVLO I RVCC UVLO fault VCCStartSwitching I VCC is above start switching threshold (the threshold is different in self bias mode and external bias mode) ACZeroCrossing I AC zero crossing is detected FBLessThanBMT I FBReplica voltage is less than burst mode threshold WaveGenEn O Waveform generator enable RVCCEn O RVCC enable SSEn O Soft start enable 34 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 UCC256303 www.ti.com SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 The state machine is shown in Figure 39 and the description of the states and state transition conditions are in the tables below. AC plug in STARTUP 14 1 9 WAKEUP 13 2 8 CHARGE_ BOOT 12 15 3 7 STEADY_ STATE_ RUN 4 6 11 FAULT 5 LIGHT_ LOAD_ RUN 10 Figure 39. System States and Faults State Machine Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 35 UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com Table 2. States in System States and Faults State Machine STATE OUTPUT STATUS DESCRIPTION STARTUP WaveGenEn = 0 RVCCEn = 1 SSEn = 0 This is the first state after power on reset (POR).When VCC becomes higher than VCCstartswitching threshold, regulated RVCC is turned on to allow internal circuits to load trim settings and start up. WAKEUP WaveGenEn = 0 RVCCEn = 1 SSEn = 0 When BLK voltage reaches BLKStart level, the system enters WAKEUP state and stay in WAKEUP state for 150us for the analog circuits to wake up. CHARGE_BOOT WaveGenEn = 0 RVCCEn = 1 SSEn = 0 In this state, the BOOT capacitor is charged by turning on the low side switch for a certain period of time. STEADY_STATE_RUN WaveGenEn = 1 RVCCEn = 1 V SSEn = 1 In this state, the waveform generator is enabled. Soft start module is enabled. LLC starts to soft start. When soft start is done, the system enters normal operation. LIGHT_LOAD_RUN WaveGenEn = 1 RVCCEn = 1 SSEn = 1 If FBReplica is less than burst mode threshold during normal operation, the system enters LIGHT_LOAD_RUN mode. The FBLessThanBMT time is counted. If the time is longer than 200ms, it is treated as a fault, restart the system. FAULT WaveGenEn = 0 RVCCEn = 0 SSEn = 0 After any fault condition, the system enters FAULT state and waits for 1s before restart. The 1s timer allows system to cool down and prevents frequent repetitive start up in case of a persistent fault. 36 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 UCC256303 www.ti.com SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 Table 3. System States and Faults State Machine State Transition Conditions STATE TRANSITION CONDITION DESCRIPTION 1 System ready (trim load done) VCCStartSwitching = 1 BLKStart = 1 BLKStop = 0 BLKOV = 0 RVCCUVLO = 0 2 BLKStart = 1 BLKStop = 0 BLKOV = 0 RVCCUVLO = 0 FBLessThanBMT = 0 3 Charge boot done 4 FBLessThanBMT = 1 5 FBLessThanBMT = 0 6 VCCStartSwitching = 0 or FBLessThanBMT time out 7 VCCStartSwitching = 0 8 VCCStartSwitching = 0 or BLKOV = 1 9 VCCStartSwitching = 0 or BLKOV = 1 10 OTP = 1 or BLKOV = 1 or BLKStop = 1 or OVP or OCP1 or OCP2 time out or OCP3 time out or RVCCUVLO = 1 11 OTP = 1 or BLKOV = 1 or BLKStop = 1 or OVP or OCP1 or OCP2 time out or OCP3 time out or RVCCUVLO = 1 12 OTP = 1 13 OTP = 1 14 OTP = 1 15 1s pause time out Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 37 UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com Figure 40 only shows the most commonly used state transition (assuming no faults during start up states so all the states are captured in the timing diagram). Many different ways of state transitions may happen according to the state machine, but are not captured in this section. In Figure 40, a normal start up procedure is shown. The system enters normal operation and then a fault (OCP, OVP, or OTP) happens. NOTE OCP1 and OVP are fast faults and are first processed in the waveform generator state machine. The system is configured to be restart after 1s pause time. AC plug in VCC VCCStartSwitching PFC output voltage RVCC LLC output voltage LLC gate drive waveforms STARTUP STEADY_STATE_RUN FAULT STARTUP STEADY_STATE_RUN System state WAKEUP WAKEUP CHARGE_BOOT CHARGE_BOOT Figure 40. Timing Diagram of System States and Faults 38 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 UCC256303 www.ti.com SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 7.4.4 Waveform Generator State Machine The waveform generator module consists of a state machine that implements hybrid hysteretic control, adaptive dead time, and ZCS protection. Each cycle of LLC operation is broken down into 4 separate periods: HSON, DTHL, LSON, and DTLH. In addition, there is an IDLE state and a WAKEUP state. The initial state of this state machine is IDLE. In IDLE state, the system is operating in a low power mode. When WaveGenEn command is received, the state machine enters WAKEUP state to turn on various circuit blocks. Once the WAKEUP timer is expired, the system enters LSON (low side on) state. LSON state is followed by DTLH (dead time high to low) state, which is the dead time state. After DTLH state, the high side turns on and system enters HSON. HSON state is followed by DTHL (dead time low to high) state. After DTHL, the system goes back to LSON state again. There are minimum and maximum timers in each of the states. The state transition conditions and descriptions are discussed in detail below. IPolarity ZCS SlewDone_H HSON SlewDone_L Waveform generator VcrHigherThanVthh LSON HSRampOn VcrLowerThanVthl LSRampOn VcrHighThanVcm WaveGenEn Figure 41. Waveform Generator State Machine Block Diagram Table 4 summarizes the inputs and outputs of the Waveform Generator State Machine Block Diagram NOTE OVP and OCP1 faults are not listed here. But they are processed in the wave gen state machine before handled to system states and faults state machine. Table 4. Waveform Generator State Machine Inputs and Outputs SIGNAL NAME I/O DESCRIPTION IPolarity I Polarity of the resonant current (Note: this signal has a 1us blanking time during dead time. IPolarity signal listed here is after blanking. See ISNS section for details.) SlewDone_H I Primary side switch node completes slewing from low to high SlewDone_L I Primary side switch node completes slewing from high to low VcrHigherThanVthh I VCR voltage is higher than the high threshold Vthh VcrLowerThanVthl I VCR voltage is lower than the low threshold Vthl VcrHighThanVcm I VCR voltage is high than the common mode voltage Vcm WaveGenEn I Waveform generator enable ZCS O Zero current switching is detected HSON O High side gate driver on LSON O Low side gate driver on HSRampOn O High side compensation current ramp on LSRampOn O Low side compensation current ramp on Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 39 UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com The state machine is shown in Figure 42 and the description of the states and state transition conditions are in Table 5. LSON 2 6 3 8 WakeUp 7 1 DTHL 11 9 IDLE DTLH Power on reset 10 5 4 HSON Figure 42. Waveform Generator State Machine 40 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 UCC256303 www.ti.com SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 Table 5. States in Waveform Generator State Machine STATE OUTPUT STATUS DESCRIPTION HSON = 0 LSON = 0 HSRampOn = 0 LSRampOn = 0 ZCS = 0 Both high side and low side are off in this state. Various circuits are operating in low power mode. This is the first state after POR. During burst off period, the system is in IDLE state as well. Upon entering IDLE state, load burst cycle counter, switching cycle counter, OCP1 counter, and OVP counter. Load startup cycle counter if WaveGenEn_Rising = 1 WakeUp HSON = 0 LSON = 0 HSRampOn = 0 LSRampOn = 0 ZCS = 0 In this state, internal circuits wake up from low power mode. LSON HSON = 0 LSON = 1 HSRampOn = 0 LSRampOn = 1 ZCS = 0 or 1 In this state, the low side gate turns on; the low side ramp current source turns on. ZCS may be 0 or 1 depends on the detected result. More details will be described in ZCS section. Enable low side on timer. DTLH HSON = 0 LSON = 0 HSRampOn = 1 LSRampOn = 0 ZCS = 0 or 1 Dead time from low side on to high side on. Low side ramp current source turns off. High side ramp current source turns on. Enable dead time timer. HSON HSON = 1 LSON = 0 HSRampOn = 1 LSRampOn = 0 ZCS = 0 or 1 In this state, the high side gate turns on; the high side ramp current source turns on. ZCS may be 0 or 1 depends on the detected result. More details will be described in ZCS section. Enable high side on timer. DTHL HSON = 0 LSON = 0 HSRampOn = 0 LSRampOn = 1 ZCS = 0 or 1 Dead time from high side on to low side on. High side ramp current source turns off. Low side ramp current source turns on. Enable dead time timer. IDLE Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 41 UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com Table 6. Waveform Generator State Machine State Transition Conditions STATE TRANSITION CONDITION DESCRIPTION 1 WaveGenEn = 1 and FBLessThanBMT = 0 and minimum IDLE time expired 2 Wake up time expired 3 (VcrLowerThanVthl = 1 or LSON max timer expired) and LSON min timer expired 4 StartUpCounterExpired = 0 and DTStartUpTimerExpired = 1 DTMaxTimerExpired = 1 SlewDone_H = 1 SlewDone_H = 1 and MeasuredDTExpired = 1; (Note: this condition and the condition above is selectable using a trim bit, depending on whether dead time measure and match feature is wanted) IPolarityFallingEdgeDetected = 1 5 (VcrHigherThanVthh = 1 or HSON max timer expired) and HSON min timer expired 6 StartUpCounterExpired = 0 and DTStartUpTimerExpired = 1 DTMaxTimerExpired = 1 SlewDone_L = 1 IPolarityFallingEdgeDetected = 1 7 WaveGenEn = 0 8 WaveGenEn = 0 (VcrLowerThanVthl = 1 or LSON max timer expired) and LSON min timer expired and (OCP1 counter expire or OVP counter expire) 9 WaveGenEn = 0 10 WaveGenEn = 0 BurstModeCountExpire = 1 and VcrHigherThanVcm = 1 and FBLessThanBMT = 1 and HSON min time expired 11 WaveGenEn = 0 Table 7. Waveform Generator State Machine Internal Counters and Timers INTERNAL VARIABLE DESCRIPTION Switching cycle counter This counter counts the switching cycle OVP counter Bias Winding Overvoltage counter. The counter decrements every time a Bias Winding Overvoltage occurs Startup counter Startup Counter. Counter gets set to 15 when wave generator enable toggles from low to high, and then decrements every switching cycle. When the count hits 0, the dead time state is no longer permitted to be exited via the startup dead time expiration. Burst cycle counter Burst counter. Counter gets set to 15 and then decrements every switching cycle until it hits ‘0’. If FBLessThanBMT = 1 when the counter is ‘0’, the switcher will stop until FBLessThanBMT = 0. OCP1 counter OCP1 counter. Counter gets set to 4 and then decrements every switching cycle when OCP1 occurs, until it hits ‘0’ Wakeup timer Wakeup state timer DT max timer Maximum dead time timer Startup dead time max timer Dead time max clamp for the first few start up cycles before the startup counter expires Gate on min timer Minimum gate on time timer Gate on max timer Maximum gate on time timer 42 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 UCC256303 www.ti.com SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 8 Application and Implementation NOTE Information in the following applications sections is not part of the TI component specification, and TI does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. TI’s customers are responsible for determining suitability of components for their purposes. Customers should validate and test their design implementation to confirm system functionality. 8.1 Application Information UCC256303 can be used in a wide range of applications in which LLC topology is implemented. In order to make the part easier to use, TI has prepared a list of materials to demonstrate the features of the device: • Full featured EVM hardware • An excel design calculator • Simulation models • Application notes on Hybrid Hysteretic Control theory In the following sections, a typical design example is presented. 8.2 Typical Application Shown below is a typical half bridge LLC application using UCC256303 as the controller. Cr Lr Lm HO Vout HS VIN BLK BW LO VCR ISNS FB 1 HV HS 16 HO 15 HS HO CBOOT External Bias 3 VCC BLK 4 BLK FB 5 FB 6 ISNS GND 11 VCR 7 VCR LO 10 BW 8 BW LL/SS 9 ISNS HB 14 UCC256303 LLC Controller RVCC 12 LO CSS Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 43 UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com Typical Application (continued) 8.2.1 Design Requirements The design specifications are summarized in Table 8. Table 8. System Design Specifications PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS INPUT CHARACTERISTICS DC Voltage range 340 AC Voltage range 85 AC Voltage frequency 47 Input DC UVLO On Input DC UVLO Off 390 410 VDC 264 VAC 63 Hz 320 VDC 140 VDC Input DC current Input = 340 VDC, full load = 10 A 0.383 A Input DC current Input = 390 VDC, full load = 10 A 0.331 A Input DC current Input = 410 VDC, full load = 10 A 0.315 A OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS Output voltage, VOUT No load to full load Output load current, IOUT 340 VDC to 410 VDC Output voltage ripple 390 VDC and full load = 10 A 12 VDC 10 130 A mVpp SYSTEMS CHARACTERISTICS Switching frequency 44 53 Peak efficiency 390 VDC, load = ??A Operating temperature Natural convection Submit Documentation Feedback 160 kHz 92.9 25 ºC Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 UCC256303 www.ti.com SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 8.2.2 Detailed Design Procedure LLC Power Stage Requirements Start the design by deciding the LLC power stage component values. The LLC power stage design procedure outlined here follows the one given in the TI application note “Designing an LLC Resonant Half-Bridge Power Converters”. The application note contains a full explanation of the origin of each of the equations used. The equations given below are based on the First Harmonic Approximation (FHA) method commonly used to analyze the LLC topology. This method gives a good starting point for any design, but a final design requires an iterative approach combining the FHA results, circuit simulation, and hardware testing. An alternative design approach is given in TI application note SLUA733, LLC Design for UCC29950. LLC Gain Range First, determine the transformer turns ratio by the nominal input and output voltages. VIN nom / 2 390 / 2 n 16.25 Ÿ 16 VOUT nom 12 (6) Then determine the LLC gain range Mg(min) and Mg(max). Assume there is a 0.5-V drop in the rectifier diodes (Vf) and a further 0.5-V drop due to other losses (Vloss). VOUT min Vf 12 0.5 16 0.976 Mg min n 410 / 2 VIN max / 2 (7) Mg max n VOUT max VIN min Vf Vloss /2 16 12 0.5 0.5 340 / 2 1.224 (8) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 45 UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com Select Ln and Qe Ln is the ratio between the magnetizing inductance and the resonant inductance. Lm Ln Lr (9) Qe is the quality factor of the resonant tank. Qe Lr / Cr Re (10) In this equation, Re is the equivalent load resistance. Selecting Ln and Qe values should result in an LLC gain curve, as shown below, that intersects with Mg(min) and Mg(max) traces. The peak gain of the resulting curve should be larger than Mg(max). Details of how to select Ln and Qe are not discussed here. They are available in the Application Note, UCC25630x Practical Design Guidelines and UCC256303 Design Calculator. In this case, the selected Ln and Qe values are: Ln 13.5 Qe 46 0.15 (11) (12) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 UCC256303 www.ti.com SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 Determine Equivalent Load Resistance Determine the equivalent load resistance by Equation 13. 8 u n 2 VOUT nom 8 u 162 12 u u 249 : Re 10 IOUT nom Œ2 Œ2 (13) Determine Component Parameters for LLC Resonant Circuit Before determining the resonant tank component parameters, a nominal switching frequency (resonant frequency) should be selected. In this design, 100 kHz is selected as the resonant frequency. f0 100 kHz (14) The resonant tank parameters can be calculated as the following: 1 1 Cr 42.6 2Œ u 4e u I0 u 5e 2Œ u 0.15 u 100 N+] u 249 : 1 Lr 1 2 2Œ u I0 Lm Ln u Lr &r 2Œ u 100 N+] 13.5 u 59.5 PH 2 (15) 59.5 PH u 42.6 Q) (16) 803 PH (17) After the preliminary parameters are selected, find the closest actual component value that is available, re-check the gain curve with the selected parameters, and then run time domain simulation to verify the circuit operation. The following resonant tank parameters are: Cr 44 nF (18) Lr 61.5 PH (19) Lm 830 PH (20) Based on the final resonant tank parameters, the resonant frequency can be calculated: 1 1 96.8 kHz f0 2Œ /r &r 2Œ 44 Q) u 61.5 P+ (21) Based on the new LLC gain curve, the normalized switching frequency at maximum and minimum gain are given by: fn Mgmax 0.52 (22) fn Mgmin 1.15 (23) The maximum and minimum switching frequencies are: fSW Mgmax 50.3 kHz fSW Mgmin (24) 111.3 kHz (25) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 47 UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com LLC Primary-Side Currents The primary-side currents are calculated for component selection purpose. The currents are calculated based on a 110% overload condition. The primary side RMS load current is given by: I 1.1u 10 $ Œ Œ 0.764 A u o u Ioe 16 2 2 n 2 2 (26) The RMS magnetizing current at minimum switching frequency is given by: Im 2 2 nVOUT u Œ &/m 2 2 16 u 12 u Œ 2Œ u 50.3 N+] u 830 P+ 0.659 A (27) The total current in resonant tank is given by: 2 Im Ir 2 Ioe 0.764 A 2 0.659 A 2 1.009 A (28) LLC Secondary-Side Currents The total secondary side RMS load current is the current referred from the primary side current (Ioe) to the secondary side. Ioes n u Ioe 16 u 0.764 A 12.218 A (29) In this design, the transformer’s secondary side has a center-tapped configuration. The current of each secondary transformer winding is calculated by: Iws 2 u Ioes 2 2 u 12.218 A 2 8.639 A (30) The corresponding half-wave average current is: Isav 2 u Ioes 2 2 u 12.218 A Œ 5.503 A (31) LLC Transformer A bias winding is needed in order to utilize the over-voltage protection function. The transformer can be built or purchased according to these specifications: • Turns ratio: Primary : Secondary : Bias = 32 : 2 : 3 • Primary terminal voltage: 450Vac • Primary magnetizing inductance: LM = 830 µH • Primary side winding rated current: Ir = 1.009 A • Secondary terminal voltage: 36Vac • Secondary winding rated current: Iws = 8.639 A • Minimum switching frequency: 50.3 kHz • Maximum switching frequency: 111.3 kHz • Insulation between primary and secondary sides: IEC60950 reinforced insulation The minimum operating frequency during normal operation is that calculated above but during shutdown the LLC can operate at right above ZCS boundary condition, which is a lower frequency. The magnetic components in the resonant circuit, the transformer and resonant inductor, should be rated to operate at this lower frequency. 48 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 UCC256303 www.ti.com SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 LLC Resonant Inductor The AC voltage across the resonant inductor is given by its impedance times the current: VLR 2Œ u 50.3 u 103 u 61.5 u 10 &/R ,R 6 u 1.009 19.6079 (32) The inductor can be built or purchased according to the following specifications: • Inductance: Lr = 61.5 µH • Rated current: Ir = 1.009 A • Terminal AC voltage: • Frequency range: 50.3 kHz to 111.3 kHz The minimum operating frequency during normal operation is that calculated above but during shutdown the LLC can operate at right above ZCS boundary condition, which is a lower frequency. The magnetic components in the resonant circuit, the transformer and resonant inductor, should be rated to operate at this lower frequency. LLC Resonant Capacitor This capacitor carries the full-primary current at a high frequency. A low dissipation factor part is needed to prevent overheating in the part. The AC voltage across the resonant capacitor is given by its impedance times the current. Ir 1.009 VCR 72.5V &&r 2Œ u 50.3 u 103 u 44 u 10 9 VCR § VIN max ¨ ¨ 2 © rms · ¸ ¸ ¹ 2 2 VCR § 410 · ¨ 2 ¸ © ¹ (33) 2 72.52 217.4V (34) Peak voltage: VCR VIN peak max 2 2VCR 410 2 2 u 72.5 2VCR 410 2 2 u 72.5 102.5V 307.5V (35) Valley voltage: VCR VIN valley max 2 (36) Rated current: Ir 1.009 A (37) LLC Primary-Side MOSFETs Each MOSFET sees the input voltage as its maximum applied voltage. Choose the MOSFET voltage rating to be 1.5 times of the maximum bulk voltage: VQLLC peak 1.5 u VIN max 615V (38) Choose the MOSFET current rating to be 1.1 times of the maximum primary side RMS current: IQLLC 1.1u Ir 1.109 A Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 (39) 49 UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com Design Considerations for Adaptive Dead-Time After the resonant tank is designed and the primary side MOSFET is selected, the ZVS operation of the converter needs to be double checked. ZVS can only be achieved when there is enough current left in the resonant inductor at the gate turn off edge to discharge the switch node. UCC256303 implements adaptive deadtime based on the slewing of the switch node. The slew detection circuit has a detection range of 1V/ns to 50 V/ns. To check the ZVS operation, a series of time domain simulations are conducted, and the resonant current at the gate turn off edges are captured. An example plot is shown below: 2 Remaining Ires at Gate Turn Off (A) Input Voltage (V) 350 360 370 380 390 400 1.75 1.5 1.25 1 0.75 0 2 4 6 Load Current (A) 8 10 12 D001 Figure 43. Adaptive Dead-Time The figure above assumes the maximum switching frequency occurs at 5% load, and system starts to burst at 5% load. From this plot, the minimum resonant current left in the tank is Imin = 0.8 A in the interested operation range. In order to calculate the slew rate, the primary side switch node parasitic capacitance must be known. This value can be estimated from the MOSFET datasheet. In this case, Cswitchnode = 400 pF. The minimum slew rate is given by: IMIN 0.8 A 2V / ns Cswitchnode 400 pF (40) This is larger than 1 V/ns minimum detectable slew rate. LLC Rectifier Diodes The voltage rating of the output diodes is given by: VIN max 410 1.2 u 30.75V VDB 1.2 u 16 n (41) The current rating of the output diodes is given by: ISAV 50 2 u Ioes Œ 2 u 12.218 Œ 5.5 A Submit Documentation Feedback (42) Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 UCC256303 www.ti.com SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 LLC Output Capacitors The LLC converter topology does not require an output filter although a small second stage filter inductor may be useful in reducing peak-to-peak output noise. Assuming that the output capacitors carry the rectifier’s full wave output current then the capacitor ripple current rating is: Œ Œ u 10 11.11A IRECT IOUT 2 2 2 2 (43) Use 20 V rating for 12-V output voltage: VLLCcap 20V (44) The capacitor’s RMS current rating is: IC out § Œ · IOUT ¸ ¨ 2 2 © ¹ 2 2 IOUT § Œ · u 10 ¸ ¨ 2 2 © ¹ 2 102 4.84 A (45) Solid Aluminum capacitors with conductive polymer technology have high ripple-current ratings and are a good choice here. The ripple-current rating for a single capacitor may not be sufficient so multiple capacitors are often connected in parallel. The ripple voltage at the output of the LLC stage is a function of the amount of AC current that flows in the capacitors. To estimate this voltage, assume that all the current, including the DC current in the load, flows in the filter capacitors. VOUT pk pk 0.3V ESRmax 19 m: Œ IRECT pk 2 u 10 A 4 (46) The capacitor specifications are: • Voltage Rating: 20 V • Ripple Current Rating: 4.84 A • ESR: < 19 mΩ Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 51 UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com BLK Pin Voltage Divider BLK pin senses the LLC input voltage and determines when to turn on and off the LLC converter. Different versions of UCC256303 have different BLK thresholds. Choose bulk startup voltage at 340 V, then the BLK resistor divider ratio can be calculated as below: 340V kBLK 113.33 3V (47) The desired power consumption of the BLK pin resistor divider is PBLKsns = 10 mW. The BLK sense resistor total value is given by: RBLKsns 2 VIN nom PBLKsns 3902 0.01 15.21M : (48) The lower BLK divider resistor value is given by: RBLKsns 15.21M : RBLKlower 134 k : kBLK 113.33 (49) The higher BLK divider resistor value is given by: RBLKupper RBLKsns RBLKlower 15.08 M : (50) The actual bulk voltage thresholds can be calculated: VBulkStart 340V (51) (52) VBulkOVRise VBulkOVFall 4 340V u 453V 3 3.75 340V u 425V 3 (53) (54) BW Pin Voltage Divider BW pin senses the output voltage through the bias winding and protects the power stage from over voltage. The nominal output voltage is 12 V. The bias winding has 3 turns, and the secondary side winding has 2 turns. So the nominal voltage of the bias winding is given by: 3 VBiasWindingNom 12V u 18V 2 (55) The desired OVP threshold in this design is 115% of the nominal value. The OVP threshold level in UCC256303 device is 4 V, so the nominal BW pin voltage is given by: 4V 3.48V VBWnom 115% (56) Choose the lower resistor of the BW resistor divider to be 10 kΩ. RBWlower 10 k : (57) The upper resistor can be calculated by: RBWupper 52 § VBiasWindingNom VBWnom · RBWlower u ¨ ¸ VBWnom © ¹ § 18 3.48 · 10 k : u ¨ ¸ © 3.48 ¹ Submit Documentation Feedback 41.75 k : (58) Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 UCC256303 www.ti.com SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 ISNS Pin Differentiator ISNS pin sets the over current protection level. OCP1 is peak current protection level; OCP2 and OCP3 are average current protection levels. The threshold voltages are 0.6 V, 0.8 V, and 4 V, respectively. Set OCP3 level at 150% of full load. Thus, the sensed average input current level at full load is given by: 0.6V VISNSfullload 0.4V 150% (59) The current sense ratio can then be calculated: VISNSfullload 0.4V kISNS § POUT · § 120W 1 · 1 u ¨ ¸ ¨ 0.94 u 390V ¸ 9bulknom ¹ © ¹ © (60) 1.222 : Select a current sense capacitor first, since there are less high voltage capacitor choices than resistors: CISNS 150 pF (61) Then calculate the required ISNS resistor value: kISNSCr 1.222 : u 44 n RISNS 358.45 : CISNS 150 p (62) After the current sense ratio is determined, the peak ISNS pin voltage at full load can be calculated: VISNSpeak 2Ir u kISNS 2 u 1.009 A u 1.222 : 1.74V (63) The peak resonant current at OCP1 level is given by: 4V IrespeakOCP1 3.27 A 1.222 : (64) The peak secondary-side current at OCP1 level is given by: Npri 32 IsecpeakOCP1 IrespeakOCP1 3.27 A u 52.37 A Nsec 2 (65) VCR Pin Capacitor Divider The capacitor divider on the VCR pin sets two parameters: (1) the divider ratio of the resonant capacitor voltage; (2) the amount of frequency compensation to be added. The first criteria the capacitor divider needs to meet is that under over load condition, the peak-to-peak voltage on VCR pin is with in 6 V. As derived earlier, the following relationship between VCOMP voltage, ΔVCR, switching period, input average current, and the VCR capacitor divider is shown in Equation 66 C1 T 1 1 VCOMP 'VCR | u IIN avg u T ICOMP u u C1 C2 Cr C1 C2 2 (66) In this equation, C1 is the upper capacitor on the capacitor divider; C2 is the lower capacitor on the capacitor divider. VCOMP is contributed by two parts – the divided resonant capacitor voltage, and the voltage generated by the VCR pin internal current sources. Define the contribution of the internal current source to be KVCRRamp. T 1 u ICOMP u C1 C2 2 1 kVCRRamp C1 I T 1 1 C1 IN avg uI u T ICOMP u u u2 1 C1 C2 Cr IN avg C1 C2 2 C I r (67) COMP Select C1 and C2 so that KVCRRamp is within 0.1 ~ 0.6 range, and at over load condition, VCOMP is less than 6 V. In this example C1 = 150 pF and C2 = 15 nF is select. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 53 UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com Burst Mode Programming The burst mode programming interface enables user to program a burst mode threshold voltage (VLL) which adaptively changes with input voltage. This way, consistent burst threshold can be achieved across VIN range, thus making the efficiency curve more consistent across VIN range. The following relationship exists between VLL voltage and BLK pin voltage: VLL a u VBLK b (68) In this equation, VLL is the burst mode threshold voltage; VBLK is BLK pin voltage; two parameters a and b can be programmed by two external resistors. After soft start is done, the sensed BLK pin voltage is applied to LL/SS pin from inside the IC through a buffer. As shown in the figure below, this creates a difference between the current flowing through the programming resistor RLLUpper and RLLLower. The difference between the current flows into the LL/SS pin, mirrored and then applied to a 250-kΩ resistor RLL. The voltage on RLL is used as VLL. AVDD RVCC LL/SS R2 9 R1 + - VLL - VBLK + AGND Figure 44. Burst Mode Programming The relationship between VLL and VBLK can then be derived: VRVCC VBLK VBLK VLL RLLUpper RLLLower RLL (69) Equation 69 rearranged produces Equation 70 VLL RLLUpper RLLLower u RLL RLLUpper RLLLower u VBLK RLL VRVCC RLLUpper (70) To determine RLLUpper and RLLLower, two sets of (VLL, VBLK) values are required. VBLK can be measured directly from BLK pin. VLL level can be measured by inserting a 10-kΩ resistor between the feedback optocoupler emitter and ground. Assume the voltage measured on the 10-kΩ resistor is V10k. Then VLL voltage can be calculated as: V10 k : · § VLL ¨¨ IFB ¸ u 100 k 10 k ¸¹ © (71) Remove the RLLUpper. In this way, the VLL voltage is at its minimal value 0.7 V, which is determined by the internal circuit design. Then adjust the load current to the desired burst mode threshold load level, and make sure the power stage does not burst in this condition. For example, 10% load is the desired burst mode threshold level. With 10 A as the full-load condition, set the load current to 1 A. After the load current is set, change the input voltage to two different voltages and record two different readings (V10k, VBLK). Then based on Equation 70 and Equation 71, RLLUpper and RLLLower can be solved. In this example select the lower resistor to be 402 kΩ and the upper resistor to be 732 kΩ. 54 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 UCC256303 www.ti.com SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 Soft-Start Capacitor The soft-start capacitor sets the speed of the soft-start ramp. The soft start time varies with load condition. At full load or over load condition, the soft start time is the longest. It is not easy to calculate the exact soft start time value. However, it can be estimated that under full load condition, the longest possible soft start time is given by: 7V u CSS TSS 25 $ (72) Using a 150-nF soft-start capacitor, gives the longest possible soft-start time as 42 ms according to Equation 72. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 55 UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com 8.2.3 Application Curves 12.03 94 Vin = 390 V 92 12.025 90 Efficiency (%) Vout (V) 12.02 12.015 12.01 88 86 84 82 80 12.005 78 12 76 0 56 1 2 3 4 5 6 Iout (A) 7 8 9 10 0 D002 2 4 6 Iout (A) Figure 45. Figure 46. Figure 47. Figure 48. Submit Documentation Feedback 8 10 D002 Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 UCC256303 www.ti.com SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 Figure 49. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 57 UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com 9 Power Supply Recommendations 9.1 VCC Pin Capacitor The VCC capacitor should be sized based on the total start-up charge required by the system. The start-up charge will mostly be consumed by the gate driver circuit. Thus the total start-up charge can be estimated by the start-up switching frequency, MOSFET gate charge, and the soft-start time. Assume the total start-up charge required by the system is shown in Equation 73 Qtot 1.6 mC (73) During PFC and LLC startup phase, the maximum VCC voltage drop allowed is Vccdropmax 26V 10.5V 15.5V (74) The minimum VCC capacitor needed: Qtot CVCC 103 ) Vccdropmax (75) Choose 110-µF capacitor. 9.2 Boot Capacitor During burst off period, power consumed by the high side gate driver from the HB pin must be drawn from CBOOT and will cause its voltage to decay. At the start of the next burst period there must be sufficient voltage remaining on CBOOT to power the high side gate driver until the conduction period of LO allows it to be replenished from CRVCC. The power consumed by the high side driver during this burst off period will therefore have a direct impact on the size and cost of capacitors that must be connected to CBOOT and RVCC. Assume the system has a maximum burst off period of 10 ms. tmaxoff 10 ms (76) Assume the bootstrap diode has a forward voltage drop of 1 V: Vbootforwarddrop 1V (77) Assume the boot voltage to be always above 8 V to avoid UVLO fault. Then the maximum allowed voltage drop on boot capacitor is: Vbootmaxdrop VRVCC Vbootforwarddrop 8V 12V 1V 8V 3V (78) Boot capacitor can then be sized: Ibootleak tmaxoff 85 $ u 10 PV Cboot 3V Vbootmaxdrop 284 nF (79) 1200 Minimum Required Boot Capacitance (nF) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 Maximum Burst Off Period (ms) 21 24 27 30 D002 Figure 50. Minimum Required Boot Capacitance vs. Maximum Burst Off Period 58 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 UCC256303 www.ti.com SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 9.3 RVCC Pin Capacitor RVCC capacitor needs to be at least 5 times of boot capacitor. In addition, sizing of the RVCC capacitor depends on the stability of RVCC LDO. If load is light on RVCC, smaller capacitors can be used. The larger the load, the larger the capacitor is needed. In a typical system, the RVCC LDO powers the PFC and LLC gate drivers. The plot below shows the worst case RVCC LDO phase margin versus RVCC capacitor for various load currents. RVCC capacitor should be sized based on the figure below. 60 DC Load Current (mA) 1 10 25 50 50 75 Phase Margin (Degrees) 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 RVCC Capacitance (PF) 7 8 9 10 D003 Figure 51. RVCC Pin Capacitor Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 59 UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com 10 Layout 10.1 Layout Guidelines • • • • • • • • • • • Put a 2.2-µF ceramic capacitor on VCC pin in addition to the energy storage electrolytic capacitor. The 2.2-µF ceramic capacitor should be put as close as possible to the VCC pin. RVCC pin should have a bypass capacitor of 4.7 µF or more. It is recommended to add a 0.1-µF ceramic capacitor in addition to the 4.7 µF. The capacitors should be put as close as possible to the RVCC pin. RVCC cap needs to be at least 5 times of boot capacitor. Minimum recommended boot capacitor is 0.1 µF. The minimum value of the boot capacitor needs to be determined by the minimum burst frequency. The boot capacitor should be large enough to hold the bootstrap voltage during the lowest burst frequency. Please refer to the boot leakage current in the electrical table. Use large copper pour around GND pin The filtering capacitor on BW, ISNS, BLK should be put as close as possible to the pin FB trace should be as short as possible Soft-start capacitor should be put as close as possible to LL/SS pin Use film capacitor or C0G, NP0 ceramic capacitor on VCR divider and ISNS capacitor for low distortion It is recommended that ISNS resistor is less than 500 Ω to keep the node impedance low Add necessary filtering capacitors on BW pin to filter out the high spikes on the bias winding waveform. It is critical to filter out the high spikes because internally the signal is peak detected and then sampled at the low side turn off edge. Keep necessary high voltage clearance 10.2 Layout Example 60 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 UCC256303 www.ti.com SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 11 Device and Documentation Support 11.1 Device Support 11.1.1 Development Support Custom Design With WEBENCH® Tools Click here to create a custom design using the UCC256303 device with the WEBENCH® Power Designer. 1. Start by entering the input voltage (VIN), output voltage (VOUT), and output current (IOUT) requirements. 2. Optimize the design for key parameters such as efficiency, footprint, and cost using the optimizer dial. 3. Compare the generated design with other possible solutions from Texas Instruments. The WEBENCH Power Designer provides a customized schematic along with a list of materials with real-time pricing and component availability. In most cases, these actions are available: • Run electrical simulations to see important waveforms and circuit performance • Run thermal simulations to understand board thermal performance • Export customized schematic and layout into popular CAD formats • Print PDF reports for the design, and share the design with colleagues Get more information about WEBENCH tools at www.ti.com/WEBENCH. 11.2 Documentation Support (if applicable) 11.2.1 Related Documentation For related documentation see the following: • Design Spreadsheet, UCC25630 Design Calculator, UCC634 • User Guide, Using UCC25630-1EVM-291, 11.3 Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates To receive notification of documentation updates, navigate to the device product folder on ti.com. In the upper right corner, click on Alert me to register and receive a weekly digest of any product information that has changed. For change details, review the revision history included in any revised document. 11.4 Community Resources The following links connect to TI community resources. Linked contents are provided "AS IS" by the respective contributors. They do not constitute TI specifications and do not necessarily reflect TI's views; see TI's Terms of Use. TI E2E™ Online Community TI's Engineer-to-Engineer (E2E) Community. Created to foster collaboration among engineers. At e2e.ti.com, you can ask questions, share knowledge, explore ideas and help solve problems with fellow engineers. Design Support TI's Design Support Quickly find helpful E2E forums along with design support tools and contact information for technical support. 11.5 Trademarks E2E is a trademark of Texas Instruments. WEBENCH is a registered trademark of Texas Instruments. 11.6 Electrostatic Discharge Caution This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage. ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 61 UCC256303 SLUSD49A – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com 11.7 Glossary SLYZ022 — TI Glossary. This glossary lists and explains terms, acronyms, and definitions. 12 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information The following pages include mechanical, packaging, and orderable information. This information is the most current data available for the designated devices. This data is subject to change without notice and revision of this document. For browser-based versions of this data sheet, refer to the left-hand navigation. 62 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2017–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC256303 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 10-Dec-2020 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan (2) Lead finish/ Ball material MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) Device Marking (3) (4/5) (6) UCC25630-3DDBR ACTIVE SOIC DDB 14 2500 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 125 UCC256303 UCC25630-3DDBT ACTIVE SOIC DDB 14 250 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 125 UCC256303 (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. (2) RoHS: TI defines "RoHS" to mean semiconductor products that are compliant with the current EU RoHS requirements for all 10 RoHS substances, including the requirement that RoHS substance do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, "RoHS" products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. TI may reference these types of products as "Pb-Free". RoHS Exempt: TI defines "RoHS Exempt" to mean products that contain lead but are compliant with EU RoHS pursuant to a specific EU RoHS exemption. Green: TI defines "Green" to mean the content of Chlorine (Cl) and Bromine (Br) based flame retardants meet JS709B low halogen requirements of
UCC25630-3DDBR 价格&库存


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 7+11.305597+1.36857
  • 10+11.1308110+1.34741
  • 25+10.9560225+1.32626
  • 100+10.78244100+1.30524
  • 250+7.99654250+0.96800
  • 500+7.86478500+0.95205
  • 1000+7.733931000+0.93621


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 2500+17.797722500+2.15446


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+17.580711+2.12819
  • 10+12.9526810+1.56796
  • 25+11.8030425+1.42879
  • 100+10.53764100+1.27561
  • 250+9.93569250+1.20274
  • 500+9.57252500+1.15878
  • 1000+9.273581000+1.12259


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+32.848441+3.97639
  • 10+24.7893210+3.00081
  • 25+22.7788025+2.75743
  • 100+20.56580100+2.48954
  • 250+19.51042250+2.36179
  • 500+18.87397500+2.28474
  • 1000+18.350481000+2.22137
