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    具有增强启动和瞬态响应功能的 65KHz CCM PFC 控制器

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UCC28019ADR 数据手册
Order Now Product Folder Support & Community Tools & Software Technical Documents Reference Design UCC28019A SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 UCC28019A 8-Pin Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM) PFC Controller 1 Features 3 Description • • • • • • • • • The UCC28019A 8-pin active Power Factor Correction (PFC) controller uses the boost topology operating in Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM). The controller is suitable for systems in the 100 W to >2 kW range over a wide-range universal ac line input. Start-up current during undervoltage lockout is less than 200 μA. The user can control low power standby mode by pulling the VSENSE pin below 0.77 V. 1 8-Pin Solution Reduces External Components Wide-Range Universal AC Input Voltage Fixed 65-kHz Operating Frequency Maximum Duty Cycle of 98% (typ.) Output Over/Undervoltage Protection Input Brown-Out Protection Cycle-by-Cycle Peak Current Limiting Open Loop Detection Low-Power User-Controlled Standby Mode 2 Applications • • • • • CCM Boost Power Factor Correction Power Converters in the 100 W to >2 kW Range Digital TV Home Electronics White Goods and Industrial Electronics Server and Desktop Power Supplies Low-distortion wave shaping of the input current using average current mode control is achieved without input line sensing, reducing the external component count. Simple external networks allow for flexible compensation of the current and voltage control loops. The switching frequency is internally fixed and trimmed to better than ±5% accuracy at 25°C. Fast 1.5-A peak gate current drives the external switch. Numerous system-level protection features include peak current limit, soft over-current, open-loop detection, input brown-out, and output over/undervoltage. Soft-start limits boost current during start-up. A trimmed internal reference provides accurate protection thresholds and a regulation setpoint. An internal clamp limits the gate drive voltage to 12.5 V. Device Information(1) PART NUMBER UCC28019A PACKAGE BODY SIZE (NOM) SOIC (8) 3.91 mm × 4.9 mm PDIP (8) 6.35 mm × 9.81 mm (1) For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at the end of the data sheet. Simplified Schematic VOUT EMI Filter LINE INPUT – Bridge Rectifier + 1 GND GATE 8 2 ICOMP VCC 7 3 ISENSE VSENSE 6 4 VINS VCOMP 5 Auxilary Supply Rload UCC28019A 1 An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety-critical applications, intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. PRODUCTION DATA. UCC28019A SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 www.ti.com Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Features .................................................................. Applications ........................................................... Description ............................................................. Revision History..................................................... Pin Configuration and Functions ......................... Specifications......................................................... 1 1 1 2 3 4 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 4 4 4 4 5 7 Absolute Maximum Ratings ..................................... ESD Ratings.............................................................. Recommended Operating Conditions....................... Thermal Information .................................................. Electrical Characteristics........................................... Typical Characteristics .............................................. Detailed Description ............................................ 10 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Overview ................................................................. Functional Block Diagram ....................................... Feature Description................................................. Device Functional Modes........................................ 10 11 12 19 8 Application and Implementation ........................ 20 8.1 Application Information............................................ 20 8.2 Typical Application ................................................. 21 9 Power Supply Recommendations...................... 40 9.1 Bias Supply ............................................................. 40 10 Layout................................................................... 41 10.1 Layout Guidelines ................................................. 41 10.2 Layout Example .................................................... 42 11 Device and Documentation Support ................. 43 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 Device Support...................................................... Documentation Support ........................................ Community Resources.......................................... Trademarks ........................................................... Electrostatic Discharge Caution ............................ Glossary ................................................................ 43 43 43 43 43 43 12 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information ........................................................... 44 4 Revision History Changes from Revision C (August 2015) to Revision D Page • Changed VCOMP and ICOMP MAX value from 7 V to 7.5 V. ............................................................................................... 4 • Added VCOMP and ICOMP note. ......................................................................................................................................... 4 Changes from Revision B (April 2009) to Revision C • 2 Page Added ESD Ratings table, Feature Description section, Device Functional Modes, Application and Implementation section, Power Supply Recommendations section, Layout section, Device and Documentation Support section, and Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information section. ................................................................................................ 1 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A UCC28019A www.ti.com SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 5 Pin Configuration and Functions D, P Package 8-Pin SOIC, 8-Pin PDIP Top View GATE 8 2 ICOMP VCC 7 3 ISENSE VSENSE 6 VINS VCOMP 5 1 GND 4 Pin Functions PIN NO. NAME I/O DESCRIPTION SOIC, PDIP GND 1 — Ground: device ground reference. ICOMP 2 O Current loop compensation: Transconductance current amplifier output. A capacitor connected to GND provides compensation and averaging of the current sense signal in the current control loop. The controller is disabled if the voltage on ICOMP is less than 0.6 V. I Inductor current sense: Input for the voltage across the external current sense resistor, which represents the instantaneous current through the PFC boost inductor. This voltage is averaged by the current amplifier to eliminate the effects of ripple and noise. Soft Over Current (SOC) limits the average inductor current. Cycle-by-cycle Peak Current Limit (PCL) immediately shuts off the GATE drive if the peak-limit voltage is exceeded. An internal 1.5-μA current source pulls ISENSE above 0.1 V to shut down PFC operation if this pin becomes open-circuited. Use a 220-Ω resistor between this pin and the current sense resistor to limit inrush-surge currents into this pin. I Input ac voltage sense: A filtered resistor-divider network connects from this pin to the rectified-mains node. Input Brown-Out Protection (IBOP) detects when the system ac-input voltage is above a userdefined normal operating level, or below a user-defined “brown-out” level. At startup the controller is disabled until the VINS voltage exceeds a threshold of 1.5 V, initiating a soft start. The controller is also disabled if VINS drops below the brown-out threshold of 0.8 V. Operation will not resume until both VINS and VSENSE voltages exceed their enable thresholds, initiating another soft start. O Voltage loop compensation: Transconductance voltage error amplifier output. A resistor-capacitor network connected from this pin to GND provides compensation. VCOMP is held at GND until VCC, VINS, and VSENSE all exceed their threshold voltages. Once these conditions are satisfied, VCOMP is charged until the VSENSE voltage reaches 99% of its nominal regulation level. When Enhanced Dynamic Response (EDR) is engaged, a higher transconductance is applied to VCOMP to reduce the charge time for faster transient response. Soft Start is programmed by the capacitance on this pin. The EDR higher transconductance is inhibited during Soft Start. I Output voltage sense: An external resistor-divider network connected from this pin to the PFC output voltage provides feedback sensing for regulation to the internal 5-V reference voltage. A small capacitor from this pin to GND filters high-frequency noise. Standby mode disables the controller and discharges VCOMP when the voltage at VSENSE drops below the enable threshold of 0.8 V. An internal 100-nA current source pulls VSENSE to GND for Open-Loop Protection (OLP), including pin disconnection. Output Over-Voltage Protection (OVP) disables the GATE output when VSENSE exceeds 105% of the reference voltage. Enhanced Dynamic Response (EDR) rapidly returns the output voltage to its normal regulation level when a system line or load step causes VSENSE to fall below 95% of the reference voltage. ISENSE VINS VCOMP VSENSE 3 4 5 6 VCC 7 GATE 8 Device supply: External bias supply input. Under-Voltage Lockout (UVLO) disables the controller until VCC exceeds a turn-on threshold of 10.5 V. Operation continues until VCC falls below the turn-off (UVLO) threshold of 9.5 V. A ceramic by-pass capacitor of 0.1 μF minimum value should be connected from VCC to GND as close to the device as possible for high frequency filtering of the VCC voltage. O Gate drive: Integrated push-pull gate driver for one or more external power MOSFETs. Typical 2.0-A sink and 1.5-A source capability. Output voltage is typically clamped at 12.5 V. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A 3 UCC28019A SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 www.ti.com 6 Specifications 6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings (1) Over operating free-air temperature range unless otherwise noted. Unless noted, all voltages are with respect to GND. Currents are positive into and negative out of the specified terminal. MIN MAX UNIT VCC, GATE –0.3 22 V VINS, VSENSE, –0.3 7 V VCOMP, ICOMP (2) –0.3 7.5 V ISENSE –24 7 V Input current range VSENSE, ISENSE –1 1 mA Lead temperature, TSOL Soldering, 10s Input voltage range Junction temperature, TJ (1) (2) 300 °C Operating –55 150 °C Storage –65 150 °C Stresses beyond those listed under “absolute maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition beyond those included under “recommended operating conditions” is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods of time may affect device reliability. The VCOMP and ICOMP pin can go to 7.5 V ±6% due to internal drive circuitry. Absolute maximum rating is 7 V when an external bias is applied to the pin, with the source current limited below 50 µA. 6.2 ESD Ratings V(ESD) (1) (2) Electrostatic discharge VALUE UNIT Human-body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 (1) ±2000 V Charged-device model (CDM), per JEDEC specification JESD22C101 (2) ±500 V JEDEC document JEP155 states that 500-V HBM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. JEDEC document JEP157 states that 250-V CDM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. 6.3 Recommended Operating Conditions over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) MIN VCC input voltage from a low-impedance source Operating junction temperature, TJ MAX UNIT VCCOFF + 1 V 21 V -40 125 °C 6.4 Thermal Information UCC28019A THERMAL METRIC (1) P (PDIP) D (SOIC) UNIT 8 PINS 8 PINS RθJA Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance 52.8 113.0 °C/W RθJC(top) Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance 42.3 61.5 °C/W RθJB Junction-to-board thermal resistance 30.0 53.2 °C/W ψJT Junction-to-top characterization parameter 19.5 15.9 °C/W ψJB Junction-to-board characterization parameter 29.9 52.7 °C/W (1) 4 For more information about traditional and new thermal metrics, see the Semiconductor and IC Package Thermal Metrics application report, SPRA953. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A UCC28019A www.ti.com SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 6.5 Electrical Characteristics Unless otherwise noted, VCC=15 VDC, 0.1 μF from VCC to GND, -40°C ≤ TJ = TA ≤ 125°C. All voltages are with respect to GND. Currents are positive into and negative out of the specified terminal. PARAMETER TEST CONDITION MIN TYP MAX UNIT VCC Bias Supply ICCPRESTART ICC pre-start current VCC = VCCON – 0.1 V 25 100 200 μA ICCSTBY ICC standby current VSENSE = 0.5 V 1 2.2 2.9 mA ICCON_load ICC operating current VSENSE = 4.5 V, CGATE = 4.7 nF 4 7.5 10 mA Under Voltage Lockout (UVLO) VCCON VCC turn on threshold 10 10.5 11 V VCCOFF VCC turn off threshold 9 9.5 10 V 0.8 1 1.2 V UVLO hysteresis Oscillator TA = 25°C fSW Switching frequency 61.7 65 68.3 kHz -25°C ≤ TA ≤ 125°C 59 65 71 kHz -40°C ≤ TA ≤ 125°C 57 71 kHz PWM DMIN Minimum duty cycle VCOMP = 0 V, VSENSE = 5 V, ICOMP = 6.4 V DMAX Maximum duty cycle VSENSE = 4.95 V tOFF(min) Minimum off time VSENSE = 3 V, ICOMP = 1 V 0% 94% 98% 99.3% 100 250 600 ns -0.66 -0.73 -0.79 V -1 -1.08 -1.15 V -2.1 -4.0 μA System Protection VSOC ISENSE threshold, Soft Over Current (SOC) VPCL ISENSE threshold, Peak Current Limit (PCL) IISOP ISENSE bias current, ISENSE Open-Pin Protection (ISOP) ISENSE = 0 V VISOP ISENSE threshold, ISENSE Open-Pin Protection (ISOP) ISENSE = open pin VOLP VSENSE threshold, Open Loop Protection (OLP) ICOMP = 1 V, ISENSE = -0.1 V, VCOMP = 1 V Open Loop Protection (OLP) Internal pull-down current VSENSE = 0.5 V 0.082 0.77 V 0.82 0.86 V 100 250 nA 4.63 4.75 4.87 V 5.12 5.25 5.38 V VUVD VSENSE threshold, output UnderVoltage Detection (UVD) (1) VOVP VSENSE threshold, output Over-Voltage Protection (OVP) VINSBROWNOUT Input Brown-Out Detection (IBOP) high-to-low threshold 0.76 0.82 0.88 V VINSENABLE_th Input Brown-Out Detection (IBOP) low-to-high threshold 1.4 1.5 1.6 V IVINS_0V VINS bias current 0 ±0.1 μA _th ISENSE = -0.1 V VINS = 0 V ICOMP threshold, external overload protection (1) 0.6 V Not production tested. Characterized by design. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A 5 UCC28019A SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 www.ti.com Electrical Characteristics (continued) Unless otherwise noted, VCC=15 VDC, 0.1 μF from VCC to GND, -40°C ≤ TJ = TA ≤ 125°C. All voltages are with respect to GND. Currents are positive into and negative out of the specified terminal. PARAMETER TEST CONDITION MIN TYP MAX UNIT 0.75 0.95 1.15 mS Current Loop gmi Transconductance gain TA = 25°C Output linear range (1) ±50 3.7 4 μA ICOMP voltage during OLP VSENSE = 0.5 V 4.3 V VREF Reference voltage -40°C ≤ TA ≤ 125°C gmv Transconductance gain without EDR gmv-EDR Transconductance gain under EDR VSENSE = 4.65 V Maximum sink current under normal operation VSENSE = 6 V, VCOMP = 4 V Source current under soft start VSENSE = 4 V, VCOMP = 2.5 V Maximum source current under EDR operation VSENSE = 4 V, VCOMP = 2.5 V -300 μA VSENSE = 4 V, VCOMP = 4 V -170 μA Voltage Loop 4.9 5 5.1 V -31.5 -42 -52.5 μS -440 Enhanced dynamic response VSENSE low threshold, falling (1) μS 21 30 38 μA -21 -30 -38 μA 4.63 4.75 4.87 V 20 100 250 nA 0 0.2 0.4 VSENSE input bias current VSENSE = 5 V VCOMP voltage during OLP VSENSE = 0.5 V, IVCOMP = 0.5 mA VCOMP rapid discharge current VCOMP = 3 V, VCC = 0 V 0.77 VPRECHARGE VCOMP precharge voltage IVCOMP = -100 μA, VSENSE = 5 V 1.76 IPRECHARGE VCOMP precharge current VCOMP = 1.0 V VSENSE threshold, end of soft start Initial start up GATE current, peak, sinking (1) GATE current, peak, sourcing (1) GATE rise time CGATE = 4.7 nF, GATE = 2 V to 8 V 8 40 GATE fall time CGATE = 4.7 nF, GATE = 8 V to 2 V 8 GATE low voltage, no load I GATE = 0 A GATE low voltage, sinking I GATE = 20 mA GATE low voltage, sourcing I GATE = -20 mA V mA V -1 mA 4.95 V CGATE = 4.7 nF 2 A CGATE = 4.7 nF -1.5 GATE Driver GATE low voltage, sinking, device OFF GATE high voltage 6 A 60 ns 25 40 ns 0 0.05 V 0.3 0.8 V -0.3 -0.8 V VCC = 5 V, IGATE = 5 mA 0.2 0.75 1.2 V VCC = 5 V, IGATE = 20 mA 0.2 0.9 1.5 V VCC = 20 V, CGATE = 4.7 nF 11.0 12.5 14.0 V VCC = 11 V, CGATE = 4.7 nF 9.5 10.5 11.0 V VCC = VCCOFF + 0.2 V, CGATE = 4.7 nF 8.0 9.4 10.2 V Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A UCC28019A www.ti.com SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 6.6 Typical Characteristics Unless otherwise noted, VCC = 15 VDC, 0.1 μF from VCC to GND, -40°C ≤ TJ = TA ≤ 125°C. All voltages are with respect to GND. Currents are positive into and negative out of the specified terminal. 4.0 12.0 TJ = 25°C VSENSE = VINS = 3V No Gate Load 11.0 VCC Turn ON ICC - Supply Current - mA VCC(on)/VCC(off) - UVLO Threshold - V 3.5 10.0 VCC Turn OFF 9.0 3.0 2.5 2.0 ICC Turn OFF ICC Turn ON 1.5 1.0 0.5 8.0 0 -60 -35 15 -10 40 65 90 115 140 0 5 TJ - Temperature - °C 20 Figure 2. Supply Current vs Bias Supply Voltage Figure 1. UVLO Thrasholds vs Temperature 10 0.5 9 VCC = 15V 7 ICC(start) - Supply Current - mA 8 ICC - Supply Current - mA 15 10 VCC - Bias Supply Voltage - V Operating, GATE Load = 4.7 nF 6 5 4 3 Standby 2 VCC = UVLO - 0.1 V 0.4 0.3 0.2 Pre-Start 0.1 1 0 0 -60 -35 -10 15 40 65 90 115 140 -60 -35 -10 TJ - Temperature - °C Figure 3. Supply Current vs Temperature 115 140 Figure 4. Supply Current vs Temperature 75 75 VCC = 15V 73 73 71 fSW - Switching Frequency - kHz fSW - Switching Frequency - kHz 15 40 65 90 TJ - Temperature - °C 69 67 Switching Frequency 65 63 61 59 71 69 67 63 61 59 57 55 55 -35 -10 15 40 65 90 115 Switching Frequency 65 57 -60 TJ = 25°C 140 10 TJ - Temperature - °C 12 14 16 18 20 VCC - Bias Supply Voltage - V Figure 5. Oscillator Frequency vs Temperature Figure 6. Oscillator Frequency vs Bias Supply Voltage Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A 7 UCC28019A SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 www.ti.com Typical Characteristics (continued) Unless otherwise noted, VCC = 15 VDC, 0.1 μF from VCC to GND, -40°C ≤ TJ = TA ≤ 125°C. All voltages are with respect to GND. Currents are positive into and negative out of the specified terminal. 2.0 50 1.8 48 VCC = 15V 1.6 46 1.4 Gain, No EDR 44 1.2 gmv - Gain - µA/V gmi - Gain - mA/V VCC = 15V Gain 1.0 0.8 42 40 38 0.6 36 0.4 34 0.2 32 0 30 -60 -35 -10 15 40 65 90 115 140 -60 -35 -10 TJ - Temperature - °C 15 40 65 90 115 140 TJ - Temperature - °C Figure 7. Current Averaging Amplifier Transconductance vs Temperature Figure 8. Voltage Error Amplifier Transconductance vs Temperature 0 5.50 VCC = 15V VCC = 15V -0.1 VSOC - ISENSE Threshold - V VREF - Reference Voltage - V -0.2 5.25 Reference Voltage 5.00 4.75 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -0.6 Soft Over-Current Protection (SOC) -0.7 -0.8 -0.9 -1.0 4.50 -60 -35 -10 15 40 65 90 TJ - Temperature - °C 115 140 -60 Figure 9. Reference Voltage vs Temperature -10 15 40 65 90 TJ - Temperature - °C 115 140 Figure 10. ISENSE Threshold vs Temperature 2.0 5.50 VCC = 15V 1.8 VOLP – VSENSE Threshold - V VOVP / VUVD- VSENSE Threshold - V -35 5.25 Over-Voltage Protection (VOVP) 5.00 4.75 VCC = 15V 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 Open Loop Protection 0.8 0.6 0.4 Under-Voltage Protection (VUVD) 0.2 4.50 0 -60 -35 -10 15 40 65 90 TJ - Temperature - °C 115 140 Figure 11. VSENSE Threshold vs Temperature 8 -60 -35 -10 15 40 65 90 TJ - Temperature - °C 115 140 Figure 12. VSENSE Threshold vs Temperature Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A UCC28019A www.ti.com SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 Typical Characteristics (continued) 2.0 600 1.8 1.6 500 VINS Enable (VINSENABLE_TH) 1.4 450 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 400 350 300 0.4 200 0.2 105 0 100 -35 -10 15 40 65 90 TJ - Temperature - °C 115 tOFF(min) 250 Input Brown-Out Protection (VINSBROWNOUT_TH) -60 -60 140 -35 -10 15 40 65 90 115 140 TJ - Temperature - °C Figure 13. VINS Threshold vs Temperature Figure 14. Minimum Off Time vs Temperature 50 50 VCC = 15V CGATE = 4.7 nF VGATE = 2V-8V 45 40 40 35 35 30 30 25 TJ = 25°C, CGATE = 4.7 nF VGATE = 2V-8V 45 t - Time - ns t - Time - ns VSENSE = 3 V ICOMP = 1 V 550 VCC = 15V t - Time - ns VINSENABLE_TH / VINSBROUWNOUT_TH – VINS Threshold - V Unless otherwise noted, VCC = 15 VDC, 0.1 μF from VCC to GND, -40°C ≤ TJ = TA ≤ 125°C. All voltages are with respect to GND. Currents are positive into and negative out of the specified terminal. Fall Time 20 Rise Time 25 20 Fall Time 15 15 Rise Time 10 10 5 5 0 0 -60 -35 -10 15 40 65 90 115 140 10 12 TJ - Temperature - °C 14 16 18 20 VCC - Bias Supply Voltage - V Figure 16. Gate Drive Switching vs Bias Supply Voltage Figure 15. Gate Drive Switching vs Temperature 2.0 VCC = 5V ICC = 20mA 1.8 VGATE – Gate Low Voltage - V 1.6 1.4 1.2 VGATE 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -60 -35 -10 15 40 65 90 115 140 TJ - Temperature - °C Figure 17. Gate Low Voltage With Device Off vs Temperature Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A 9 UCC28019A SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 www.ti.com 7 Detailed Description 7.1 Overview The UCC28019A is a switch-mode controller used in boost converters for power factor correction operating at a fixed frequency in continuous conduction mode. The UCC28019A requires few external components to operate as an active PFC pre-regulator. Its trimmed oscillator provides a nominal fixed switching frequency of 65 kHz, ensuring that both the fundamental and second harmonic components of the conducted-EMI noise spectrum are below the EN55022 conducted-band 150 kHz measurement limit. Its tightly-trimmed internal 5-V reference voltage provides for accurate output voltage regulation over the typical world-wide 85-265VAC mains input range from zero to full output load. Regulation is accomplished in two loops. The inner current loop shapes the average input current to match the sinusoidal input voltage under continuous inductor current conditions. Under light load conditions, depending on the boost inductor value, the inductor current may go discontinuous but still meet Class-D requirements of EN61000-3-2 despite the higher harmonics. The outer voltage loop regulates the PFC output voltage by generating a voltage on VCOMP (dependent upon the line and load conditions) which determines the internal gain parameters for maintaining a low-distortion steady-state input current wave-shape. 10 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A UCC28019A www.ti.com SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 7.2 Functional Block Diagram EMI Filter LBST LINE INPUT – Bridge Rectifier RVINS1 QBST CIN + RFB1 COUT ICOMP Protection UCC28019A Block Diagram 2 Current Amplifier FAULT CICOMP VCC PWM Comparator KPC(s) + Gate Driver gmi S Q R Q + 4V Fault IBOP PWM RAMP M2 GAIN M1, K1 UVLO Min Off Time Fault Logic OLP 65kHz Oscillator PCL OVP Clock M2 8 S Q R Q UVLO 7 + 40k 40k Peak Current Limit (PCL) 300ns Leading Edge Blanking VPCL 1.08V CISENSEfilter ISENSE Open-pin Protection + Q S Q R + VCC CVCC VCCOFF 9.5V 1 GND -1x + Soft Over Current (SOC) SOC VSOC 0.73V S Q R Q VINENABLE_th 1.5V Voltage Error Amplifier + OLP/STANDBY 0.82V + 100nA + 5V gmv IBOP 5V VINBROWNOUT_th 0.82V UNDERVOLTAGE 4.75V OLP/STANDBY + CVINS + EDR Input Brown-Out Protection (IBOP) 4 OVERVOLTAGE 5.25V OVP + 20k VCCON 10.5V UVLO + ISOP VINS Auxiliary Supply Pre-Drive and Clamp Circuit SOC 3 GATE VCOMP M1 RISENSEfilter ISENSE RLOAD RFB2 10k ISOP ICOMP VOUT RGATE RVINS2 RSENSE 0.6V DBST + 6 gmv Enhancement + END OF SS CVSENSE END OF SOFT-START 4.95V 5 UVLO Rapid Discharge when VCC < VCCOFF VPRECHARGE Q FAULT VCOMP RCV EDR SS VSENSE Q S END OF SS R FAULT CCV2 FAULT CCV1 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A 11 UCC28019A SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 www.ti.com 7.3 Feature Description 7.3.1 Soft-Start Soft Start controls the rate of rise of VCOMP in order to obtain a linear control of the increasing duty cycle as a function of time. VCOMP, the output of the voltage loop transconductance amplifier, is pulled low during UVLO, IBOP, and OLP (Open-Loop Protection)/STANDBY. Once the fault condition is released, an initial pre-charge source rapidly charges VCOMP to about 1.9 V. After that point, a constant 30 μA of current is sourced into the compensation components causing the voltage on this pin to ramp linearly until the output voltage reaches 85% of its final value. At this point, the sourcing current decreases until the output voltage reaches 99% of its final rated voltage. The Soft-Start time is controlled by the voltage error amplifier compensation capacitor values selected, and is user programmable based on desired loop crossover frequency. Once the output voltage exceeds 99% of rated voltage, the pre-charge source is discountinued and EDR is no longer inhibited. Soft-Start + VCOMP 5V gmv VSENSE FAULT ISS = -30uA for VSENSE < 4.25V during Soft-Start VCOMP FAULT END OF SS (LATCHED) + VPRECHARGE source for rapid pre-charge of VCOMP prior to Soft-Start Figure 18. Soft Start 12 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A UCC28019A www.ti.com SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 Feature Description (continued) 7.3.2 System Protection System-level protection features help keep the converter within safe operating limits. VCC Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO) During startup, Under-Voltage Lockout (UVLO) keeps the device in the off state until VCC rises above the 10.5-V enable threshold, VCCON. With a typical 1 V of hysteresis on UVLO to increase noise immunity, the device turns off when VCC drops to the 9.5-V disable threshold, VCCOFF. UVLO VCC Auxilary Supply + VCC ON 10.5V S Q R Q C DECOUPLE UVLO GND + VCCOFF 9.5V Figure 19. UVLO If, during a brief ac-line dropout, the VCC voltage falls below the level necessary to bias the internal FAULT circuitry, the UVLO condition enables a special rapid discharge circuit which continues to discharge the VCOMP capacitors through a low impedance despite a complete lack of VCC. This helps to avoid an excessive current surge should the ac-line return while there is still substantial voltage stored on the VCOMP capacitors. Typically, these capacitors can be discharged to less than 1.2 V within 150 ms of loss of VCC. Input Brown-Out Protection (IBOP) The sensed line-voltage input, VINS, provides a means for the designer to set the desired mains RMS voltage level at which the PFC pre-regulator should start-up, VACturnon, as well as the desired mains RMS level at which it should shut down, VACturnoff. This prevents unwanted sustained system operation at or below a brown-out voltage, where excessive line current could overheat components. In addition, because VCC bias is not derived directly from the line voltage, IBOP protects the circuit from low line conditions that may not trigger the VCC UVLO turn-off. R VINS1 VINS 20k Input Brown-Out Protection (IBOP) Rectified AC Line + CIN R VINS2 S Q R Q VINENABLE_th 1.5V CVINS IBOP 5V VINBROWNOUT_th 0.8V + Figure 20. Input Brown-Out Protection Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A 13 UCC28019A SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 www.ti.com Feature Description (continued) Input line voltage is sensed directly from the rectified ac mains voltage through a resistor-divider filter network providing a scaled and filtered value at the VINS input. IBOP will put the device into standby mode when VINS falls (high to low) below 0.8 V, VINSBROWNOUT_th. The device comes out of standby when VINS rises (low to high) above 1.5 V, VINSENABLE_th. Bias current sourced from VINS, IVINS_0V, is less than 0.1 μA. With a bias current this low, there is little concern for any set-point error caused by this current flowing through the sensing network. The highest praticable value resistance for this network should be chosen to minimize power dissipation, especially in applications requiring low standby power. Be aware that higher resistance values are more susceptible to noise pickup, but low-noise PCB layout techniques can help mitigate this. Also, depending on the resistor type used and its voltage rating, RVINS1 should be implemented with multiple resistors in series to reduce voltage stresses. First, select RVINS1 based on choosing the highest reasonable resistance value available for typical applications. Then select RVINS2 based on this value: RVINS 2 = RVINS 1 VINS ENABLE _ th 2VACturnon - VINS ENABLE _ th (1) Power dissipated in the resistor network is: PVINS = VIN ( RMS )2 RVINS 1 + RVINS 2 (2) The filter capacitor, CVINS, has two functions. First, to attenuate the voltage ripple to levels between the enable and brown-out threshold to prevent ripple on VINS from falsely triggering IBOP when the converter is operating at low line. Second, CVINS delays the brown-out protection operation for a desired number of line-half-cycle periods while still having a good response to an actual brown-out event. The capacitor is chosen so that it will discharge to the VINSBROWNOUT_th level after a delay of N number of line ½cycles to accommodate ac-line dropout ride-through requirements. CVINS = -tdischrg æ ç VINS BROWNOUT _ th RVINS 2 ln ç RVINS 2 ç 0.9V AC min ç RVINS 1 + RVINS 2 è ö ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ø (3) Where, tdischrg = 1 N 2 f LINE (4) and VACmin is the lowest normal operating rms input voltage. 14 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A UCC28019A www.ti.com SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 Feature Description (continued) Output Overvoltage Protection (OVP) VOUT(OVP) is the output voltage exceeding 5% of the rated value, causing VSENSE to exceed a 5.25-V threshold (5-V reference voltage + 5%), VOVP. The normal control loop is bypassed and the GATE output is disabled until VSENSE falls below 5.25 V. VOUT(OVP) is 420 V in a system with a 400-V rated output, for example. Open Loop Protection/Standby (OLP/Standby) If the output voltage feedback components were to fail and disconnect (open loop) the signal from the VSENSE input, then it is likely that the voltage error amp would increase the GATE output to maximum duty cycle. To prevent this, an internal pull-down forces VSENSE low. If the output voltage falls below 16% of its rated voltage, causing VSENSE to fall below 0.8 V, the device is put in standby, a state where the PWM switching is halted and the device is still on but draws standby current below 2.9 mA. This shutdown feature also gives the designer the option of pulling VSENSE low with an external switch. ISENSE Open-Pin Protection (ISOP) If the current feedback components were to fail and disconnect (open loop) the signal to the ISENSE input, then it is likely that the PWM stage would increase the GATE output to maximum duty cycle. To prevent this, an internal pull-up source drives ISENSE above 0.1 V so that a detector forces a state where the PWM switching is halted and the device is still on but draws standby current below 2.9 mA. This shutdown feature avoids continual operation in OVP and severely distorted input current. Output Undervoltage Detection (UVD) and Enhanced Dynamic Response (EDR) During normal operation, small perturbations on the PFC output voltage rarely exceed 5% deviation and the normal voltage control loop gain drives the output back into regulation. For large changes in line or load, if the output voltage drop exceeds -5%, an output under-voltage is detected (UVD) and Enhanced Dynamic Response (EDR) acts to speed up the slow response of the low-bandwidth voltage loop. During EDR, the transconductance of the voltage error amplifier is increased approximately 16 times to speed charging of the voltage-loop compensation capacitors to the level required for regulation. EDR is removed when VSENSE > 4.75 V. The EDR feature is not activated until soft start is completed. Over and Under Voltage Protection Open Loop Protection / Standby Soft-Start Complete Output Voltage R FB1 Standby VSENSE R FB2 Optional OVERVOLTAGE 5.25V UNDERVOLTAGE 4.75V + OVP + UVD SOFT-START COMPLETE 4.95V END OF SS + OPEN LOOP PROTECTION/STANDBY 0.82V + OLP/STANDBY Figure 21. OVP, UVD, OLP/ Standby, Soft Start Complete Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A 15 UCC28019A SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 www.ti.com Feature Description (continued) OVP 105% VREF 100% VREF EDR 95% VREF Feedback Voltage OLP/SS 16% VREF Protection State OLP Soft-Start (No EDR to 99% VREF) Run OVP (No Gate Output) Run UVD (EDR on) OLP Figure 22. Soft Start and Protection States Over-Current Protection Inductor current is sensed by RISENSE, a low value resistor in the return path of input rectifier. The other side of the resistor is tied to the system ground. The voltage is sensed on the rectifier side of the sense resistor and is always negative. The voltage at ISENSE is buffered by a fixed gain of -1.0 to provide a positive internal signal to the current functions. There are two over-current protection features; Soft Over-Current (SOC) protects against an overload on the output and Peak Current Limit (PCL) protects against inductor saturation. Soft Over Current (SOC) LINE INPUT VSOC 0.73V ISENSE Open-Pin Protection (ISOP) – + VOUT I ISOP 1.5µA SOC + VISOP 0.1V RISENSE ISOP + ISENSE RISENSEfilter C ISENSEfilter VPCL 1.08V (Optional) + 300 ns Leading Edge Blanking PCL + -1x Peak Current Limit (PCL) Figure 23. Soft Over Current/ Peak Current Limit Soft Over Current (SOC) Soft Over-Current (SOC) limits the input current. SOC is activated when the current sense voltage on ISENSE reaches -0.73 V, affecting the internal VCOMP level, and the control loop is adjusted to reduce the PWM duty cycle. 16 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A UCC28019A www.ti.com SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 Feature Description (continued) Peak Current Limit (PCL) Peak Current Limit (PCL) operates on a cycle-by-cycle basis. When the current sense voltage on ISENSE reaches -1.08 V, PCL is activated, immediately terminating the active switch cycle. PCL is leading-edge blanked to improve noise immunity against false triggering. Current Sense Resistor, RISENSE The current sense resistor, RISENSE, is sized using the minimum threshold value of Soft Over Current (SOC), VSOC(min) = 0.66 V. To avoid triggering this threshold during normal operation, resulting in a decreased duty-cycle, the resistor is sized for an overload current of 10% more than the peak inductor current, RISENSE £ VSOC(min) 1.1I L _ PEAK (max) (5) Since RISENSE sees the average input current, worst-case power dissipation occurs at input low-line when input current is at its maximum. Power dissipated by the sense resistor is given by: PRISENSE = ( I IN _ RMS (max) )2 RISENSE (6) Peak Current Limit (PCL) protection turns off the output driver when the voltage across the sense resistor reaches the PCL threshold, VPCL. The absolute maximum peak current, IPCL, is given by: I PCL = VPCL RISENSE (7) 7.3.3 Gate Driver The GATE output is designed with a current-optimized structure to directly drive large values of total MOSFET gate capacitance at high turn-on and turn-off speeds. An internal clamp limits voltage on the MOSFET gate to 12.5 V (typical). When VCC voltage is below the UVLO level, the GATE output is held in the Off state. An external gate drive resistor, RGATE, can be used to limit the rise and fall times and dampen ringing caused by parasitic inductances and capacitances of the gate drive circuit and to reduce EMI. The final value of the resistor depends upon the parasitic elements associated with the layout and other considerations. A 10-kΩ resistor close to the gate of the MOSFET, between the gate and ground, discharges stray gate capacitance and helps protect against inadvertent dv/dt-triggered turn-on. VCC UVLO Gate Driver FAULT Fault Logic OLP VCC From PWM Latch Rectified AC L BOOST DBOOST VOUT QBOOST IBOP GATE COUT RGATE PCL OVP CLOCK S Q R Q 10k Pre-Drive and Clamp Circuit GND Figure 24. Gate Driver Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A 17 UCC28019A SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 www.ti.com Feature Description (continued) 7.3.4 Current Loop The overall system current loop consists of the current averaging amplifier stage, the pulse width modulator (PWM) stage, the external boost inductor stage and the external current sensing resistor. 7.3.5 ISENSE and ICOMP Functions The negative polarity signal from the current sense resistor is buffered and inverted at the ISENSE input. The internal positive signal is then averaged by the current amplifier (gmi), whose output is the ICOMP pin. The voltage on ICOMP is proportional to the average inductor current. An external capacitor to GND is applied to the ICOMP pin for current loop compensation and current ripple filtering. The gain of the averaging amplifier is determined by the internal VCOMP voltage. This gain is non-linear to accommodate the world-wide ac-line voltage range. ICOMP is connected to 4V internally whenever the device is in a Fault or Standby condition. 7.3.6 Pulse Width Modulator The PWM stage compares the ICOMP signal with a periodic ramp to generate a leading-edge-modulated output signal which is High whenever the ramp voltage exceeds the ICOMP voltage. The slope of the ramp is defined by a non-linear function of the internal VCOMP voltage. PWM cycle VICOMP VRAMP = F(VVCOMP) PWM tOFF tON t Figure 25. PWM Generation The PWM output signal always starts Low at the beginning of the cycle, triggered by the internal clock. The output stays Low for a minimum off-time, tOFF_min, after which the ramp rises linearly to intersect the ICOMP voltage. The ramp-ICOMP intersection determines tOFF, and hence DOFF. Since DOFF = VIN/VOUT by the boosttopology equation, and since VIN is sinusoidal in wave-shape, and since ICOMP is proportional to the inductor current, it follows that the control loop forces the inductor current to follow the input voltage wave-shape to maintain boost regulation. Therefore, the average input current is also sinusoidal in wave-shape. 7.3.7 Control Logic The output of the PWM comparator stage is conveyed to the GATE drive stage, subject to control by various protection functions incorporated into the device. The GATE output duty-cycle may be as high as 99%, but will always have a minimum off-time tOFF_min. Normal duty-cycle operation can be interrupted directly by OVP and PCL on a cycle-by-cycle basis. UVLO, IBOP and OLP/Standby also terminate the GATE output pulse, and further inhibit output until the SS operation can begin. 7.3.8 Voltage Loop The outer control loop of the PFC controller is the voltage loop. This loop consists of the PFC output sensing stage, the voltage error amplifier stage, and the non-linear gain generation. 18 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A UCC28019A www.ti.com SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 Feature Description (continued) 7.3.9 Output Sensing A resistor-divider network from the PFC output voltage to GND forms the sensing block for the voltage control loop. The resistor ratio is determined by the desired output voltage and the internal 5-V regulation reference voltage. Like the VINS input, the very low bias current at the VSENSE input allows the choice of the highest practicable resistor values for lowest power dissipation and standby current. A small capacitor from VSENSE to GND serves to filter the signal in a high-noise environment. This filter time constant should generally be less than 100 μs. 7.3.10 Voltage Error Amplifier The transconductance error amplifier (gmv) generates an output current proportional to the difference between the voltage feedback signal at VSENSE and the internal 5-V reference. This output current charges or discharges the compensation network capacitors on the VCOMP pin to establish the proper VCOMP voltage for the system operating conditions. Proper selection of the compensation network components leads to a stable PFC preregulator over the entire ac-line range and 0-100% load range. The total capacitance also determines the rate-ofrise of the VCOMP voltage at soft start, as discussed earlier. The amplifier output VCOMP is pulled to GND during any Fault or Standby condition to discharge the compensation capacitors to an initial zero state. Usually, the large capacitor has a series resistor which delays complete discharge for their respective time constant (which may be several hundred milliseconds). If VCC bias voltage is quickly removed after UVLO, the normal discharge transistor on VCOMP loses drive and the large capacitor could be left with substantial voltage on it, negating the benefit of a subsequent soft start. The UCC28019A incorporates a parallel discharge path which operates without VCC bias, to further discharge the compensation network after VCC is removed. When output voltage perturbations greater than ±5% appear at the VSENSE input, the amplifier moves out of linear operation. On an over-voltage, the OVP function acts directly to shut off the GATE output until VSENSE returns within ±5% of regulation. On an under-voltage, the UVD function invokes EDR which immediately increases the voltage error amplifier transconductance to about 440 μS. This higher gain facilitates faster charging of the compensation capacitors to the new operating level. 7.3.11 Non-Linear Gain Generation The voltage at VCOMP is used to set the current amplifier gain and the PWM ramp slope. This voltage is buffered internally and is then subject to modification by the SOC function, as discussed earlier. Together the current gain and the PWM slope adjust to the different system operating conditions (set by the acline voltage and output load level) as VCOMP changes, to provide a low-distortion, high-power-factor input current wave-shape following that of the input voltage. 7.4 Device Functional Modes This device has no functional modes. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A 19 UCC28019A SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 www.ti.com 8 Application and Implementation NOTE Information in the following applications sections is not part of the TI component specification, and TI does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. TI’s customers are responsible for determining suitability of components for their purposes. Customers should validate and test their design implementation to confirm system functionality. 8.1 Application Information The UCC28019A is a switch-mode controller used in boost converters for power factor correction operating at a fixed frequency in continuous conduction mode. The UCC28019A requires few external components to operate as an active PFC pre-regulator. The operating switching frequency is fixed at 65 kHz. The internal 5-V reference voltage provides for accurate output voltage regulation over the typical world-wide 85VAC to 265-VAC mains input range from zero to full output load. The usable system load ranges from 100 W to few kW. Regulation is accomplished in two loops. The inner current loop shapes the average input current to match the sinusoidal input voltage under continuous inductor current conditions. Under light-load conditions, depending on the boost inductor value, the inductor current may go discontinuous but still meet Class-A/D requirements of IEC 61000-3-2 despite the higher harmonics. The outer voltage loop regulates the PFC output voltage by generating a voltage on VCOMP (dependent upon the line and load conditions) which determines the internal gain parameters for maintaining a low-distortion, steady-state, input-current wave shape. 20 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A UCC28019A www.ti.com SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 8.2 Typical Application + + Figure 26 illustrates the design process and component selection for a continuous conduction mode power factor correction boost converter utilizing the UCC28019A. The target design is a universal input, 350-W PFC designed for an ATX supply application. This design process is directly tied to the UCC28019A Design Calculator (SLUC117) spreadsheet that can be found in the Tools section of the UCC28019A product folder on the Texas Instruments website. Figure 26. Design Example Schematic Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A 21 UCC28019A SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 www.ti.com Typical Application (continued) 8.2.1 Design Requirements Design goal parameters for a continuous conduction mode power factor correction boost converter utilizing the UCC28019A. Table 1. Design Goal Parameters PARAMETER TEST CONDITION MIN TYP MAX UNIT 115 265 VAC Input characteristics VIN Input voltage 85 fLINE Input frequency 47 Brown out voltage 63 Hz VAC(on), IOUT = 0.9 A 75 VAC VAC(off), IOUT = 0.9 A 65 VAC Output characteristics VOUT Output voltage 85 VAC ≤ VIN ≤ 265 VAC, 47 Hz ≤ fLINE ≤ 63 Hz 0 A ≤ IOUT ≤ 0.9 A 380 390 402 VDC VRIPPLE(SW High frequency output voltage ripple ) VIN = 115 VAC, fLINE = 60 Hz, IOUT = 0.9 A 3.9 VPP VIN = 230 VAC , fLINE = 50 Hz, IOUT = 0.9 A 3.9 VPP VRIPPLE(f_LI Line frequency output voltage ripple NE) VIN = 115 VAC, fLINE = 60 Hz, IOUT = 0.9 A 19.5 VPP VIN = 230 VAC, fLINE = 50 Hz, IOUT = 0.9 A 19.5 VPP 0.9 A 350 W 85 VAC ≤ VIN ≤ 265 VAC, 47 Hz ≤ fLINE ≤ 63 Hz IOUT Output load current POUT Output power VOUT(OVP) Output over voltage protection 410 V VOUT(UVP) Output under voltage protection 370 V Control loop characteristics fSW Switching frequency TJ = 25°C f(CO) Control loop bandwidth VIN = 162 VDC, IOUT = 0.45 A 14 Hz Phase margin VIN = 162 VDC, IOUT = 0.45 A 70 degrees PF Power factor VIN = 115 VAC, IOUT = 0.9 A THD Total harmonic distortion η Full load efficiency TAMB Ambient temperature 22 61.7 65 68.3 0.98 VIN = 115 VAC, fLINE = 60 Hz, IOUT = 0.9 A 4.3% 10% VIN = 230 VAC, fLINE = 50 Hz, IOUT = 0.9 A 6.6% 10% VIN = 115 VAC, fLINE = 60 Hz, IOUT = 0.9 A 0.95 50 Submit Documentation Feedback kHz °C Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A UCC28019A www.ti.com SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 8.2.2 Detailed Design Procedure Current Calculations First, determine the maximum average output current, IOUT(max): I OUT (max) = I OUT (max) = POUT (max) VOUT (8) 350 W @ 0 .9 A 390 V (9) The maximum input RMS line current, IIN_RMS(max), is calculated using the parameters from Table 1 and the efficiency and power factor initial assumptions: I I IN _ RMS (max) IN _ RMS (max) = = POUT (max) hVIN (min) PF (10) 350W = 4.52 A 0.92 ´ 85V ´ 0.99 (11) Based upon the calculated RMS value, the maximum peak input current, IIN_PEAK(max), and the maximum average input current, IIN_AVG(max), assuming the waveform is sinusoidal, can be determined. I IN _ PEAK (max) = 2 I IN _ RMS (max) (12) I IN _ PEAK (max) = 2 ´ 4.52 A = 6.39 A I IN _ AVG(max) = I IN _ AVG(max) = (13) 2 I IN _ PEAK (max) p (14) 2 ´ 6.39 A = 4.07 A p (15) Bridge Rectifier Assuming a forward voltage drop, VF_BRIDGE, of 0.95 V across the rectifier diodes, BR1, the power loss in the input bridge, PBRIDGE, can be calculated: PBRIDGE = 2VF _ BRIDGE I IN _ AVG(max) (16) PBRIDGE = 2 ´ 0.95V ´ 4.07 A = 7.73W (17) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A 23 UCC28019A SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 www.ti.com Input Capacitor Note that the UCC28019A is a continuous conduction mode controller and as such the inductor ripple current should be sized accordingly. High inductor ripple current has an impact on the CCM/DCM boundary and results in higher light-load THD, and also affects the choices for RSENSE and CICOMP values. Allowing an inductor ripple current, IRIPPLE, of 20% and a high frequency ripple voltage factor, ΔVRIPPLE_IN, of 6%, the minimum input capacitor value, CIN, is calculated by first determining the input ripple current, IRIPPLE, and the input ripple voltage, VIN_RIPPLE(max): I RIPPLE = DI RIPPLE I IN _ PEAK (max) (18) DI RIPPLE = 0.2 I RIPPLE (19) = 0.2 ´ 6.39 A = 1.28 A (20) VIN _ RIPPLE(max) = DVRIPPLE _ INVIN _ RECTIFIED(min) DVRIPPLE _ IN = 0.06 (22) VIN _ RECTIFIED = 2VIN V IN _ RECTIFIED (min) = (21) (23) 2 ´ 85V = 120 .2V VIN _ RIPPLE(max) = 0.06 ´120.2V = 7.21V (24) (25) The value for the input x-capacitor can now be calculated: CIN = CIN = I RIPPLE 8 f SW VIN _ RIPPLE(max) (26) 1.28 A = 0.341m F 8 ´ 65kHz ´ 7.21V (27) A 0.33 μF, 275 VAC ex-2 film capacitor was selected for CIN. 24 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A UCC28019A www.ti.com SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 Boost Inductor The boost inductor, LBST, is selected after determining the maximum inductor peak current, IL_PEAK(max): I L _ PEAK (max) = I IN _ PEAK (max) + I L _ PEAK (max) = 6.39 A + I RIPPLE 2 (28) 1.28 A = 7.03 A 2 (29) The minimum value of the boost inductor is calculated based upon a worst case duty cycle of 0.5: LBST (min) ³ LBST (min) ³ VOUT D( 1 - D ) f SW ( typ ) I RIPPLE (30) 390V ´ 0.5( 1 - 0.5 ) ³ 1.17 mH 65kHz ´1.28 A (31) The actual value of the boost inductor that will be used is 1.25 mH. The maximum duty cycle, DUTY(max), can be calculated and will occur at the minimum input voltage: DUTY(max) = VOUT - VIN _ RECTIFIED(min) VOUT (32) VIN _ RECTIFIED(min) = 2 ´ 85V = 120V DUTY(max) = (33) 390V - 120V = 0.692 390V (34) Boost Diode The diode losses are estimated based upon the forward voltage drop, VF, at 125°C and the reverse recovery charge, QRR, of the diode. This design uses a silicon-carbide diode. Although somewhat more expensive, it essentially eliminates the reverse recovery losses because QRR is equal to 0nC. PDIODE = VF _125C I OUT (max) + 0.5 f SW ( typ )VOUT QRR (35) VF _125C = 1.5V (36) QRR = 0nC (37) PDIODE = 1.5V ´ 0.897 A + 0.5 ´ 65kHz ´ 390V ´ 0nC = 1.35W (38) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A 25 UCC28019A SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 www.ti.com Switching Element The conduction losses of the switch are estimated using the RDS(on) of the FET at 125°C , found in the FET data sheet, and the calculated drain to source RMS current, IDS_RMS: 2 PCOND = I DS _ RMS RDSon( 125C ) (39) RDSon( 125C ) = 0.35W I DS _ RMS = I DS _ RMS = (40) POUT (max) 2- 16VIN _ RECTIFIED(min) VIN _ RECTIFIED(min) 350W 120V 2- 3p VOUT (41) 16 ´120V = 3.54 A 3p ´ 390V (42) PCOND = 3.54 A2 ´ 0.35W = 4.38W (43) The switching losses are estimated using the rise time, (tr), and fall time, (tf), of the gate, and the output capacitance losses. For the selected device: t r = 5 . 0 ns ,t f = 4 . 5 ns (44) COSS = 780 pF (45) PSW = f SW ( typ ) ( 0 .5 VOUT I IN - PEAK (max) (t r + t f )+ 0 .5C OSS V 2 OUT ) (46) PSW = 65kHz( 0.5 ´ 390V ´ 6.39 A (5n + 4.5ns ) + 0.5 ´ 780 pF ´ 390V ) = 4.626W 2 (47) Total FET losses: PCOND + PSW = 4.38W + 4.626W = 9.007W 26 Submit Documentation Feedback (48) Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A UCC28019A www.ti.com SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 Sense Resistor To accommodate the gain of the internal non-linear power limit, RSENSE is sized such that it will trigger the soft over-current at 25% higher than the maximum peak inductor current using the minimum SOC threshold, VSOC, of ISENSE. RSENSE = RSENSE = VSOC I L _ PEAK (max) ´1.25 (49) 0.66V = 0.075W 7.03 A ´1.25 (50) Using a parallel combination of available standard value resistors, the sense resistor is chosen. RSENSE = 0.067W (51) The power dissipated across the sense resistor, PRsense, must be calculated: 2 PRsense = I IN _ RMS (max) RSENSE (52) 2 PRsense = ( 4.52 A ) ´ 0.067W = 1.37W (53) The peak current limit, PCL, protection feature will be triggered when current through the sense resistor results in the voltage across RSENSE to be equal to the VPCL threshold. For a worst case analysis, the maximum VPCL threshold is used: I PCL = I PCL = VPCL RSENSE (54) 1.15V = 17.16 A 0.067W (55) To protect the device from inrush current, a standard 220-Ω resistor, RISENSE, is placed in series with the ISENSE pin. A 1000-pF capacitor, CISENSE, is placed close to the device to improve noise immunity on the ISENSE pin. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A 27 UCC28019A SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 www.ti.com Output Capacitor The output capacitor, COUT, is sized to meet holdup requirements of the converter. Assuming the downstream converters require the output of the PFC stage to never fall below 300 V, VOUT_HOLDUP(min), during one line cycle, tHOLDUP = 1/fLINE(min), the minimum calculated value for the capacitor is: COUT (min) ³ COUT (min) ³ 2 OUT V 2 POUT t HOLDUP 2 - VOUT _ HOLDUP(min) (56) 2 ´ 350W ´ 21.28ms ³ 240 m F 390V 2 - 300V 2 (57) It is advisable to de-rate this capacitor value by 20%; the actual capacitor used is 270 μF. Setting the maximum peak-to-peak output ripple voltage to be less than 5% of the output voltage will ensure that the ripple voltage will not trigger the output over-voltage or output under-voltage protection features of the controller. The maximum peak-to-peak ripple voltage, occurring at twice the line frequency, and the ripple current of the output capacitor are calculated: VOUT _ RIPPLE( pp ) < 0.05VOUT (58) VOUT _ RIPPLE( pp ) < 0.05 ´ 390V < 19.5VPP VOUT _ RIPPLE( pp ) = VOUT _ RIPPLE( pp ) = (59) I OUT p ( 2 f LINE(min) )COUT (60) 0 .9 A = 11.26V p ( 2 ´ 47 Hz ) ´ 270 m F (61) The required ripple current rating at twice the line frequency is equal to: I Cout _ 2 fline = I Cout _ 2 fline = I OUT (max) 2 (62) 0 .9 A = 0.635 A 2 (63) There will also be a high frequency ripple current through the output capacitor: I Cout _ HF = I OUT (max) I Cout _ HF = 0.9 A 16VOUT 3p VIN _ RECTIFIED(min) - 1 .5 16 ´ 390V - 1 .5 = 1 .8 A 3p ´120V (64) (65) The total ripple current in the output capacitor is the combination of both and the output capacitor must be selected accordingly: 28 I Cout _ RMS ( total ) 2 2 = I Cout _ 2 fline + I Cout _ HF I Cout _ RMS ( total ) = 0.635 A2 + 1.8 A2 = 1.9 A Submit Documentation Feedback (66) (67) Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A UCC28019A www.ti.com SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 Output Voltage Set Point For low power dissipation and minimal contribution to the voltage set point error, it is recommended to use 1 MΩ for the top voltage feedback divider resistor, RFB1. Multiple resistors in series are used due to the maximum allowable voltage across each. Using the internal 5-V reference, VREF, select the bottom divider resistor, RFB2, to meet the output voltage design goals. RFB 2 = RFB 2 = VREF RFB1 VOUT - VREF (68) 5V ´1M W = 13.04k W 390V - 5V (69) Using 13 kΩ for RFB2 results in a nominal output voltage set point of 391 V. The over-voltage protection, OVD, will be triggered when the output voltage exceeds 5% of its nominal set-point: æ R + RFB 2 ö VOUT ( OVP ) = VSENSEOVP ç FB1 ÷ RFB 2 è ø (70) æ 1M W + 13k W ö VOUT ( OVP ) = 5.25V ´ ç ÷ = 410.7V 13k W è ø (71) The under-voltage detection, UVD, will be triggered when the output voltage falls below 5% of its nominal setpoint: æ R + RFB 2 ö VOUT ( UVD ) = VSENSEUVD ç FB1 ÷ RFB 2 è ø (72) æ 1M W + 13k W ö VOUT ( UVD ) = 4 .75V ´ ç ÷ = 371 .6V 13k W è ø (73) A small capacitor on VSENSE must be added to filter out noise. Limit the value of the filter capacitor such that the RC time constant is less than 0.1 ms so as not to significantly reduce the control response time to output voltage deviations. With careful layout, the noise on this design is minimal, so an RC time constant of 0.01 ms was all that was needed: CVSENSE = CVSENSE = 0.01ms RFB 2 (74) 0.01ms = 769 pF 13k W (75) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A 29 UCC28019A SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 www.ti.com Loop Compensation The selection of compensation components, for both the current loop and the voltage loop, is made easier by using the UCC28019A Design Calculator spreadsheet that can be found in the Tools section of the UCC28019A product folder on the Texas Instruments website. The current loop is compensated first by determining the product of the internal loop variables, M1M2, using the internal controller constants K1 and KFQ: M 1M 2 = K FQ = K FQ = 2 I OUT (max)VOUT RSENSE K1 h 2VIN2 _ RMS K FQ (76) 1 f SW ( typ ) (77) 1 = 15.385m s 65kHz (78) K1 = 7 M 1M 2 = (79) 0.9 A ´ 391V 2 ´ 0.067W ´ 7 V = 0.374 2 2 0.92 ´115V ´15.385m s ms (80) The VCOMP operating point is found on Figure 27. The Design Calculator spreadsheet enables the user to iteratively select the appropriate VCOMP value. M1M2 vs VCOMP 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 M1M2 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 VCOMP - V Figure 27. M1M2 vs. VCOMP 30 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A UCC28019A www.ti.com SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 For the given M1M2 of 0.374 V/μs, the VCOMP is approximately equal to 4, as shown in Figure 27. The individual loop factors, M1 which is the current loop gain factor, and M2 which is the voltage loop PWM ramp slope, are calculated using the following conditions: The M1 current loop gain factor: • if : 0 < VCOMP < 2 then : M 1 = 0 . 064 • (81) if : 2 ≤ VCOMP < 3 then : M 1 = 0.139 ´ VCOMP - 0.214 • (82) if : 3 ≤ VCOMP < 5.5 then : M 1 = 0 . 279 ´ V C O M P - 0 . 632 • (83) if : 5.5 ≤ VCOMP < 7 then : M 1 = 0.903 (84) In this example: VCOMP = 4 M 1 = 0.279 ´ 4 - 0.632 = 0.484 (85) The M2 PWM ramp slope: • if : 0 < VCOMP < 1.5 then : M 2 = 0 • V ms (86) if : 1.5 ≤ VCOMP < 5.6 then : M 2 = 0.1223 ´ (VCOMP - 1.5 )2 • V ms (87) if : 5.6 ≤ VCOMP < 7 then : M 2 = 2.056 V ms (88) In this example: VCOMP = 4 M 2 = 0.1223 ´ ( 4 - 1.5 )2 V V = 0.764 ms ms (89) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A 31 UCC28019A SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 www.ti.com Verify that the product of the individual gain factors is approximately equal to the M1M2 factor determined above, if not, reselect VCOMP and recalculate M1M2. M 1 ´ M 2 = 0.484 ´ 0.764 0.37 V V = 0.37 ms ms (90) V V @ M 1M 2 = 0.372 ms ms (91) The non-linear gain variable, M3, can now be calculated: • if : 0 < VCOMP < 3 then : M 3 = 0.0510 ´ VCOMP 2 - 0.1543 ´ VCOMP - 0.1167 • (92) if : 3 ≤ VCOMP < 7 then : M 3 = 0.1026 ´ VCOMP 2 - 0.3596 ´ VCOMP + 0.3085 (93) In this example: VCOMP = 4 M 3 = 0.1026 ´ 42 - 0.3596 ´ 4 + 0.3085 = 0.512 (94) The frequency of the current averaging pole, fIAVG, is chosen to be at 9.5 kHz. The required capacitor on ICOMP, CICOMP, for this is determined using the transconductance gain, gmi, of the internal current amplifier: CICOMP = CICOMP = g mi M 1 K1 2p f IAVG (95) 0.95mS ´ 0.484 = 1100 pF 7 ´ 2 ´ p ´ 9.5kHz (96) Using a 1200 pF capacitor for CICOMP results in a current averaging pole frequency of 8.7 kHz: f IAVG = f 32 IAVG = g mi M 1 K1 2p CICOMP (97) 0.95mS ´ 0.484 = 8.7 kHz 7 ´ 2 ´ p ´1200 pF Submit Documentation Feedback (98) Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A UCC28019A www.ti.com SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 The transfer function of the current loop can be plotted: GCL ( f ) = K1 RSENSEVOUT ´ K FQ M 1M 2 LBST 1 s( f )2 K1CICOMP s( f ) + g mi M 1 (99) GCLdB ( f ) = 20 log ( GCL ( f ) ) (100) CURRENT AVERAGING CIRCUIT -80 100 80 60 -100 Phase 40 -120 0 qGCL(f) GCLdB(f) 20 Gain -140 -20 -40 -160 -60 -80 -180 -100 10 100 3 1*10 4 1*10 5 1*10 6 1*10 f - Hz Figure 28. Bode Plot of the Current Averaging Circuit. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A 33 UCC28019A SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 www.ti.com The open loop of the voltage transfer function, GVL(f) contains the product of the voltage feedback gain, GFB, and the gain from the pulse width modulator to the power stage, GPWM_PS, which includes the pulse width modulator to power stage pole, fPWM_PS. The plotted result is shown in Figure 29. GFB = GFB = RFB 2 RFB1 + RFB 2 (101) 13k W = 0.013 1M W + 13k W (102) 1 f PWM _ PS = 2p f PWM _ PS = 3 K1 RSENSEVOUT COUT 2 K FQ M 1M 2VIN ( typ ) (103) 1 = 1.581Hz 7 ´ 0.067W ´ 391V 3 ´ 270 m F 2p V 15.385m s ´ 0.484 ´ 0.764 ´115V 2 ms (104) M 3VOUT M 1M 2 ´1m s GPWM _ PS ( f ) = s( f ) 1+ 2p f PWM _ PS (105) GVL ( f ) = GFB GPWM _ PS ( f ) (106) GVLdB ( f ) = 20 log ( GVL ( f ) ) (107) OPEN LOOP VOLTAGE TRANSFER FUNCTION 0 20 -20 0 -40 qGVL(f) GVLdB(f) Gain Phase -20 -60 -40 -80 -100 -60 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1*103 1*104 f - Hz Figure 29. Bode Plot of the Open Loop Voltage Transfer Function 34 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A UCC28019A www.ti.com SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 The voltage error amplifier is compensated with a zero, fZERO, at the fPWM_PS pole and a pole, fPOLE, placed at 20 Hz to reject high frequency noise and roll off the gain amplitude. The overall voltage loop crossover, fV, is desired to be at 10 Hz. The compensation components of the voltage error amplifier are selected accordingly. f ZERO = 1 2p RVCOMP CVCOMP (108) 1 f POLE = 2p RVCOMP CVCOMP CVCOMP _ P CVCOMP + CVCOMP _ P (109) é ê ê 1 + s( f )RVCOMP CVCOMP GEA ( f ) = gmv ê é æ RVCOMP CVCOMP CVCOMP _ P ê 1 C C s( f ) s( f ) + + ê ç ( ) VCOMP _ P ê VCOMP ç CVCOMP + CVCOMP _ P êë è ë ù ú ú ú öù ú ÷÷ ú ú ø úû û fV = 10 Hz (110) (111) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A 35 UCC28019A SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 www.ti.com From Figure 29, and the Design Calculator spreadsheet, the open loop gain of the voltage transfer function at 10 Hz is approximately 0.667 dB. Estimating that the parallel capacitor, CVCOMP_P, is much smaller than the series capacitor, CVCOMP, the unity gain will be at fV, and the zero will be at fPWM_PS, the series compensation capacitor is determined: gmv CVCOMP = 10 fV f PWM _ PS GVLdB ( f ) 20 ´ 2p fV (112) 10 Hz = 0.667 dB 1.581Hz = 3.92 m F 10 20 ´ 2 ´ p ´10 Hz 42 m S ´ CVCOMP (113) A 3.3-μF capacitor is used for CVCOMP. RVCOMP = RVCOMP = 1 2p f ZERO CVCOMP (114) 1 = 30.51k W 2 ´ p ´1.581Hz ´ 3.3m F (115) A 33.2-kΩ resistor is used for RVCOMP. CVCOMP _ P = CVCOMP _ P = 36 CVCOMP 2p f POLE RVCOMP CVCOMP - 1 3 .3 m F = 0 .258 m F 2 ´ p ´ 20 Hz ´ 33 .2 k W ´ 3 .3 m F - 1 Submit Documentation Feedback (116) (117) Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A UCC28019A www.ti.com SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 A 0.22-μF capacitor is used for CVCOMP_P. The total closed loop transfer function, GVL_total, contains the combined stages and is plotted in Figure 30. GVL _ total ( f ) = GFB ( f )GPWM _ PS ( f )GEA ( f ) ( GVL _ totaldB ( f ) = 20 log GVL _ total ( f ) (118) ) (119) 100 100 50 80 60 0 Gain qGVL_total(f) GVL_totaldB(f) CLOSED LOOP VOLTAGE TRANSFER FUNCTION 40 -50 Phase -100 20 -150 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1*103 1*104 f - Hz Figure 30. Closed Loop Voltage Bode Plot Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A 37 UCC28019A SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 www.ti.com Brown Out Protection Select the top divider resistor into the VINS pin so as not to contribute excessive power loss. The extremely low bias current into VINS means the value of RVINS1 could be hundreds of megaOhms. For practical purposes, a value less than 10 MΩ is usually chosen. Assuming approximately 150 times the input bias current through the resistor dividers will result in an RVINS1 that is less than 10 MΩ , so as to not contribute excessive noise, and still maintain minimal power loss. The brown out protection will turn off the gate drive when the input falls below the user programmable minimum voltage, VAC(off), and turn on when the input rises above VAC(on). IVINS = 150 ´ IVINS _ 0V (120) IVINS = 150 ´ 0.1m A = 15m A (121) VAC( on ) = 75V (122) V AC ( off ) = 65V RVINS 1 = RVINS 1 = (123) 2 ´ VAC( on ) - VF _ BRIDGE - VINS ENABLE _ th(max) IVINS (124) 2 ´ 75V - 0.95V - 1.6V = 6.9 M W 15m A (125) A 6.5-M resistance is chosen. RVINS 2 = RVINS 2 = 38 VINS ENABLE _ th(max)´R VINS 1 2 ´ VAC( on ) - VINS ENABLE _ th(max) - VF _ BRIDGE 1.6V ´ 6.5M W = 100k W 2 ´ 75V - 1.6V - 0.95V Submit Documentation Feedback (126) (127) Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A UCC28019A www.ti.com SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 The capacitor on VINS, CVINS, is selected so that it's discharge time is greater than the output capacitor hold up time. COUT was chosen to meet one-cycle hold-up time so CVINS will be chosen to meet 2.5 half-line cycles. tCVINS _ dischrg = tCVINS _ dischrg = CVINS = C VINS = N HALF _ CYCLES 2 ´ f LINE (min) (128) 2 .5 = 25 .6 ms 2 ´ 47 Hz (129) -tCVINS _ dischrg é ù ê ú VINS BROWNOUT _ th(min) ê ú RVINS 2 ´ ln ê ú æ ö RVINS 2 ê 0.9 ´ VIN _ RMS (min) ´ ç ÷ú êë è RVINS 1 + RVINS 2 ø úû -25.6ms é ù ê ú 0.76V ú 100k W ´ ln ê 100k W öú ê 0.9 ´ 85V ´ æ ç ÷ êë è 6.5M W + 100k W ø úû (130) = 0.63m F (131) 8.2.3 Application Curves 1 20 IOUT 85 VAC IOUT 115 VAC IOUT 230 VAC IOUT 265 VAC 0.95 18 Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) 0.9 Power Factor 85 VAC, 50 Hz 115 VAC, 50 Hz 230 VAC, 50 Hz 265 VAC, 50 Hz 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 16 14 12 10 8 6 0.65 4 0.6 2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Load Current (A) 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 D001 Figure 31. Power Factor vs. Load Current 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Load Current (A) 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 D001 Figure 32. Total Harmonic Distortion vs. Load Current Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28019A 39 UCC28019A SLUS828D – DECEMBER 2008 – REVISED OCTOBER 2017 www.ti.com 9 Power Supply Recommendations 9.1 Bias Supply The UCC28019A operates from an external bias supply. It is recommended that the device be powered from a regulated auxiliary supply. NOTE This device is not intended to be used from a bootstrap bias supply. A bootstrap bias supply is fed from the input high voltage through a resistor with sufficient capacitance on VCC to hold up the voltage on VCC until current can be supplied from a bias winding on the boost inductor. For that reason, the minimal hysteresis on VCC would require an unreasonable value of hold-up capacitance. During normal operation, when the output is regulated, current drawn by the device includes the nominal run current plus the current supplied to the gate of the external boost switch. Decoupling of the bias supply must take switching current into account in order to keep ripple voltage on VCC to a minimum. A ceramic capacitor of 0.1 μF minimum value from VCC to GND with short, wide traces is recommended. VCC VCC(ON) 10.5V VCC(OFF) 9.5V ICC ICC(ON) ICC(stby)
UCC28019ADR 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 1+6.08040
  • 10+4.89240
  • 30+4.29840
  • 100+3.46680
  • 500+3.11040
  • 1000+2.92680


  •  国内价格
  • 1+6.06950
  • 10+5.60260
  • 100+5.13570
  • 1000+4.66880


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+11.591601+1.39960
  • 10+7.6500010+0.92370
  • 100+6.36720100+0.76880
  • 500+6.11070500+0.73780
  • 1000+5.912401000+0.71390
  • 2500+5.632602500+0.68010
  • 5000+5.376005000+0.64910
  • 10000+5.2944010000+0.63930


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+11.834571+1.42887
  • 10+8.6202610+1.04078
  • 25+7.8155925+0.94363
  • 100+6.92857100+0.83653
  • 250+6.50522250+0.78542
  • 500+6.25031500+0.75464
  • 1000+6.040341000+0.72929


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 2500+5.818712500+0.70253
  • 5000+5.685155000+0.68641
  • 7500+5.618277500+0.67833
  • 12500+5.5441712500+0.66939


  •  国内价格
  • 1+4.20200
  • 100+4.20200
  • 1250+4.20200
  • 2500+4.20200


  •  国内价格
  • 1+3.65690
  • 10+3.37560
  • 30+3.31934
  • 100+3.15056


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 2500+6.222652500+0.75130
  • 5000+6.124255000+0.73942
