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    8 引脚准谐振绿色环保模式反激式控制器

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UCC28600DR 数据手册
Sample & Buy Product Folder Support & Community Tools & Software Technical Documents Reference Design UCC28600 SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 UCC28600 8-Pin Quasi-Resonant Flyback Green-Mode Controller 1 Features 3 Description • The UCC28600 is a PWM controller with advanced energy features to meet stringent world-wide energy efficiency requirements. 1 • • • • • • • • • Green-Mode Controller With Advanced Energy Saving Features Quasi-Resonant Mode Operation for Reduced EMI and Low Switching Losses (Low-Voltage Valley Switching) Low Standby Current for Minimum System NoLoad Power Consumption Low Start-up Current: 25-μA Maximum Programmable Line and Load Over-Voltage Protection Internal Over-Temperature Protection Current Limit Protection – Cycle-by-Cycle Power Limit – Primary-Side Over-Current Hiccup Restart Mode 1-A Sink, –0.75-A Source TrueDrive™ Gate Drive Output Programmable Soft-Start Green-Mode Status Pin (PFC Disable Function) UCC28600 integrates built-in advanced energy saving features with high-level protection features to provide cost-effective solutions for energy-efficient power supplies. UCC28600 incorporates frequency fold-back and green-mode operation to reduce the switching losses at light-load and no-load conditions. UCC28600 is available in the 8-pin SOIC package. Operating junction temperature range is –40°C to +105°C. The UCC28600 Design Calculator, (SLVC104), located in the Tools and Software section of the UCC28600 product folder, provides a user-interactive iterative process for selecting recommended component values for an optimal design. Device Information PART NUMBER • • BODY SIZE (NOM) SOIC (8) 4.90 mm × 3.91 mm (1) For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at the end of the data sheet. 2 Applications • PACKAGE UCC28600 (1) Bias Supplies for LCD-Monitors, LCD-TV, PDPTV, and Set Top Boxes AC-to-DC Adapters and Off-Line Battery Chargers Energy Efficient Power Supplies up to 200 W Typical Application Diagram Primary CBULK RSU NP Secondary NS NB CB 18 V ROVP1 UCC28600 CSS 1 SS STATUS 8 CVDD UCC28051 1 VO_SNS VCC 8 2 FB OVP 7 2 COMP DRV 7 3 CS VDD 6 3 MULTIN GND 6 4 GND OUT 5 4 CS ZCD 5 ROVP2 Feedback CBP M1 RPL RCS TL431 1 An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety-critical applications, intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. PRODUCTION DATA. UCC28600 SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 www.ti.com Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Features .................................................................. Applications ........................................................... Description ............................................................. Revision History..................................................... Pin Configuration and Functions ......................... Specifications......................................................... 1 1 1 2 3 4 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 4 4 4 4 5 6 7 Absolute Maximum Ratings ...................................... ESD Ratings ............................................................ Recommended Operating Conditions....................... Thermal Information .................................................. Electrical Characteristics........................................... Timing Requirements ................................................ Typical Characteristics .............................................. Detailed Description .............................................. 8 7.1 Overview ................................................................... 8 7.2 Functional Block Diagram ......................................... 8 7.3 Feature Description................................................. 11 7.4 Device Functional Modes........................................ 18 8 Application and Implementation ........................ 21 8.1 Application Information............................................ 21 8.2 Typical Application ................................................. 21 8.3 Do's and Don'ts ...................................................... 33 9 Power Supply Recommendations...................... 34 10 Layout................................................................... 34 10.1 Layout Guidelines ................................................. 34 10.2 Layout Example .................................................... 35 11 Device and Documentation Support ................. 36 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 Device Support .................................................... Documentation Support ....................................... Trademarks ........................................................... Electrostatic Discharge Caution ............................ Glossary ................................................................ 36 36 36 36 36 12 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information ........................................................... 37 4 Revision History NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version. Changes from Revision J (July 2011) to Revision K Page • Added Pin Configuration and Functions section, ESD table, Feature Description section, Device Functional Modes, Application and Implementation section, Power Supply Recommendations section, Layout section, Device and Documentation Support section, and Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information section. .................................... 1 • Changed Functional Block diagram........................................................................................................................................ 8 • Changed Control Flow Chart diagram .................................................................................................................................. 11 • Changed QR Detect Details image. ..................................................................................................................................... 13 • Changed Oscillator Details image. ....................................................................................................................................... 14 • Changed Fault Logic Details image...................................................................................................................................... 16 • Changed Mode Control with FB Pin Voltage image. ........................................................................................................... 18 • Changed Operation Mode Switching Frequencies image. .................................................................................................. 19 Changes from Revision H (November 2005) to Revision I • 2 Page Changed Equation 35 .......................................................................................................................................................... 29 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 UCC28600 www.ti.com SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 5 Pin Configuration and Functions D Package 8-Pin SOIC Top View SS FB CS GND 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5 STATUS OVP VDD OUT Pin Functions PIN NAME CS NO. 3 I/O DESCRIPTION I Current sense input. Also programs power limit, and used to control modulation and activate overcurrent protection. The CS voltage input originates across a current sense resistor and ground. Power limit is programmed with an effective series resistance between this pin and the current sense resistor. FB 2 I Feedback input or control input from the optocoupler to the PWM comparator used to control the peak current in the power MOSFET. An internal 20-kΩ resistor is between this pin and the internal 5-V regulated voltage. Connect the collector of the photo-transistor of the feedback optocoupler directly to this pin; connect the emitter of the photo-transistor to GND. The voltage of this pin controls the mode of operation in one of the three modes: quasi resonant (QR), frequency foldback mode (FFM) and green mode (GM). GND 4 – Ground for internal circuitry. Connect a ceramic 0.1-μF bypass capacitor between VDD and GND, with the capacitor as close to these two pins as possible. OUT 5 O 1-A sink (TrueDrive™ ) and 0.75-A source gate drive output. This output drives the power MOSFET and switches between GND and the lower of VDD or the 13-V internal output clamp. OVP 7 I Over voltage protection (OVP) input senses line-OVP, load-OVP and the resonant trough for QR turn-on. Detect line, load and resonant conditions using the primary bias winding of the transformer, adjust sensitivity with resistors connected to this pin. SS 1 I Soft-start programming pin. Program the soft-start rate with a capacitor to ground; the rate is determined by the capacitance and the internal soft-start charge current. The soft-start capacitor should be placed as close as possible to the SS pin and GND, keeping trace length to a minimum. All faults discharge the SS pin to GND through an internal MOSFET with an RDS(on) of approximately 100 Ω. The internal modulator comparator reacts to the lowest of the SS voltage, the internal FB voltage and the peak current limit. STATUS 8 O ACTIVE HIGH open drain signal that indicates the device has entered standby mode. This pin can be used to disable the PFC control circuit (high impedance = green mode). STATUS pin is high during UVLO, (VDD < start-up threshold), and softstart, (SS < FB). I Provides power to the device. Use a ceramic 0.1-μF by-pass capacitor for high-frequency filtering of the VDD pin, as described in the GND pin description. Operating energy is usually delivered from auxiliary winding. To prevent hiccup operation during start-up, a larger energy storage cap is also needed between VDD and GND. VDD 6 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 3 UCC28600 SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 www.ti.com 6 Specifications 6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) (1) MIN MAX UNIT 32 V Supply current 20 mA Output sink current (peak) 1.2 A Output source current (peak) –0.8 A –0.3 6.0 V –1.0 6.0 V –1.0 mA VDD Supply voltage range, IDD < 20 mA IDD IOUT(sink) IOUT(source) Analog inputs: FB, CS, SS VOVP IOVP(source) VSTATUS VDD = 0 V to 30 V 30 V Power dissipation, SOIC-8 package, TA = 25°C 650 mW TLEAD Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds 300 °C TJ Operating junction temperature –55 150 °C Tstg Storage temperature –65 150 °C (1) Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, which do not imply functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under Recommended Operating Conditions. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 6.2 ESD Ratings V(ESD) (1) (2) Electrostatic discharge VALUE UNIT Human body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001, all pins (1) ±2000 V Charged device model (CDM), per JEDEC specification JESD22-C101, all pins (2) ±1500 V JEDEC document JEP155 states that 500-V HBM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. JEDEC document JEP157 states that 250-V CDM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. 6.3 Recommended Operating Conditions over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) MIN VDD Input voltage CVDD VDD bypass capacitor CFB FB filter capacitor TJ Operating junction temperature NOM MAX 21 0.1 UNIT V μF 1.0 –40 390 pF 105 °C 6.4 Thermal Information UCC28600 THERMAL METRIC (1) D (SOIC) UNIT 8 PINS RθJA Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance 108.9 °C/W RθJC(top) Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance 55.5 °C/W RθJB Junction-to-board thermal resistance 48.9 °C/W ψJT Junction-to-top characterization parameter 10.5 °C/W ψJB Junction-to-board characterization parameter 48.5 °C/W (1) 4 For more information about traditional and new thermal metrics, see the Semiconductor and IC Package Thermal Metrics application report, SPRA953. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 UCC28600 www.ti.com SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 6.5 Electrical Characteristics VDD = 15 V, 0.1-μF capacitor from VDD to GND, 3.3-nF capacitor from SS to GND charged over 3.5 V, 500-Ω resistor from OVP to –0.1 V, FB = 4.8 V, STATUS = not connected, 1-nF capacitor from OUT to GND, CS = GND, TA = –40°C to +105°C, (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS TYP MAX 12 25 μA VFB = 0 V 350 550 μA Not switching 2.5 3.5 mA 130 kHz, QR mode 5.0 7.0 mA 21 26 32 V ISTARTUP Start-up current VDD = VUVLO –0.3 V ISTANDBY Standby current IDD Operating current VDD clamp FB = GND, IDD = 10 mA MIN UNIT UNDERVOLTAGE LOCKOUT VDD(uvlo) Start-up threshold VDD increasing 10.3 13.0 15.3 V VDD(uvlo) Stop threshold VDD decreasing 6.3 8 9.3 V ΔVDD(uvlo) Hysteresis 4.0 5.0 6.0 V PWM (RAMP) (1) DMIN Minimum duty cycle VSS = GND, VFB = 2 V DMAX Maximum duty cycle QR mode, fS = max, (open loop) 0% 99% OSCILLATOR (OSC) fQR(max) Maximum QR and DCM frequency fQR(min) Minimum QR and FFM frequency VFB = 1.3 V fSS Soft start frequency VSS = 2.0 V dTS/dFB VCO gain TS for 1.6 V < VFB < 1.8 V 117 130 143 kHz 32 40 48 kHz 32 40 48 kHz –38 –30 –22 μs/V 12 20 28 kΩ FEEDBACK (FB) RFB Feedback pullup resistor VFB FB, no load QR mode 3.30 4.87 6.00 V Green-mode ON threshold VFB threshold 0.3 0.5 0.7 V Green-mode OFF threshold VFB threshold 1.2 1.4 1.6 V Green-mode hysteresis VFB threshold 0.7 0.9 1.1 V FB threshold burst-ON VFB during green mode 0.3 0.5 0.7 V FB threshold burst-OFF VFB during green mode 0.5 0.7 0.9 V Burst Hysteresis VFB during green mode 0.13 0.25 0.42 V RDS(on) STATUS on resistance VSTATUS = 1 V 1.0 2.4 3.8 kΩ ISTATUS(leakage) STATUS leakage/off current VFB = 0.44 V, VSTATUS = 15 V 2.0 μA STATUS (1) –0.1 RCST and CCST are not connected in the circuit for maximum and minimum duty cycle tests, current sense tests, and power limit tests. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 5 UCC28600 SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 www.ti.com Electrical Characteristics (continued) VDD = 15 V, 0.1-μF capacitor from VDD to GND, 3.3-nF capacitor from SS to GND charged over 3.5 V, 500-Ω resistor from OVP to –0.1 V, FB = 4.8 V, STATUS = not connected, 1-nF capacitor from OUT to GND, CS = GND, TA = –40°C to +105°C, (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER CURRENT SENSE (CS) ACS(FB) VCS(os) VPL MIN TYP MAX UNIT Gain = ΔVFB / ΔVCS QR mode Shutdown threshold VFB = 2.4 V, VSS = 0 V 1.13 1.25 1.38 V CS discharge impedance CS = 0.1 V, VSS = 0 V 25 115 250 Ω CS offset SS mode, VSS ≤ 2.0 V 0.35 0.40 0.45 V CS current OVP = –300 μA –165 –150 –135 μA Peak CS voltage QR mode 0.70 0.81 0.92 V PL threshold Peak CS voltage + CS offset 1.05 1.20 1.37 V POWER LIMIT (PL) IPL(cs) TEST CONDITIONS (1) 2.5 V/V (1) SOFT START (SS) ISS(chg) Softstart charge current VSS = GND –8.3 –6.0 –4.5 μA ISS(dis) Softstart discharge current VSS = 0.5 V 2.0 5.0 10 mA VSS Switching ON threshold Output switching start 0.8 1.0 1.2 V –450 –370 μA –25 mV OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION (OVP) IOVP(line) Line overvoltage protection IOVP threshold, OUT = HI –512 VOVP(on) OVP voltage at OUT = HIGH VFB = 4.8 V, VSS = 5.0 V, IOVP(on), = –300 μA –125 VOVP(load) Load overvoltage protection VOVP threshold, OUT = LO 3.37 3.75 4.13 V 130 140 150 °C THERMAL PROTECTION (TSP) Thermal shutdown (TSP) temperature (2) Thermal shutdown hysteresis (2) 15 °C Ensured by design. Not production tested. 6.6 Timing Requirements CURRENT SENSE (CS) MIN NOM MAX UNIT 100 175 300 ns 50 100 150 ns (1) CS to output delay time (power limit), CS = 1.0 VPULSE CS to output delay time (over current fault), CS = 1.45 VPULSE OUT tRISE Rise time, 10% to 90% of 13-V typical OUT clamp 50 75 ns tFALL Fall time 10 20 ns (1) 6 RCST and CCST are not connected in the circuit for maximum and minimum duty cycle tests, current sense tests, and power limit tests. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 UCC28600 www.ti.com SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 31 142 29 137 fS – Switching Frequency – kHz VDD – Clamp Voltage – V 6.7 Typical Characteristics 27 25 23 21 –50 132 127 122 117 0 50 100 150 –50 0 TJ – Temperature – °C Figure 1. Clamp Voltage vs. Temperature 100 150 Figure 2. Switching Frequency vs. Temperature -372 IOVP Over-Voltage Protection Threshold - PA 0.95 PL Threshold, QR Mode, Peak CS Voltage – V 50 TJ – Temperature – °C 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.75 -392 -412 -432 -452 -472 -492 0.70 –50 0 50 100 150 -512 -50 TJ – Temperature – °C 0 50 100 150 TJ - Temperature - °C Figure 3. PL Threshold vs. Temperature Figure 4. Over-Voltage Protection Threshold vs. Temperature Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 7 UCC28600 SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 www.ti.com 7 Detailed Description 7.1 Overview The UCC28600 is a flyback power supply controller that operates in different operating modes, modulating the peak primary current and/or the switching frequency, depending upon the line and load conditions. The controller will operate in burst mode operation, or green mode (GM) driving the primary side MOSFET with packets of 40-kHz pulses, at fixed peak primary current for light-load conditions. As the load increases, the 40-kHz switching will become consistent and the controller will transition to frequency fold-back mode (FFM), where the peak primary current is held constant and the switching frequency is modulated from 40 kHz up to 130 kHz, in order to maintain regulation. At higher loads, the UCC28600 will operate in either DCM, where the peak primary current is modulated but the switching frequency is maintained at its maximum value, or quasi-resonant mode (QRM), where the switching frequency and the peak primary current are both modulated in order to maintain regulation. 7.2 Functional Block Diagram RSU CBULK RVDD CVDD ROVP1 OVP VDD ROVP2 6 7 UCC28600 REF + VDD_OK 5.0 VREF 26 V ILINE 13/8 V On-Chip Thermal Shutdown STATUS Fault Logic REF_OK VDD_OK OVR_T LOAD_OVP STATUS LINE_OVP SS_DIS CS SS_MODE BURST RUN 8 VREF 6PA SS QR DETECT ____ LOAD_OVP OUT LINE_OVP CS BURST QR_DONE OSCILLATOR RUN SS_MODEQR_DONE 1 CSS OSC_CL REF D CLK + FB 2 Q Modulation Comparison 3 RPL ILINE 2 RCS + R VCS(os) 4 GND + 1.5R OUT CS GAIN = 1/2.5 20 k: 5 Q PL 1.2 V REF Feedback SET CLR GREEN MODE OSC_CL FB FB_CLAMP VDD 400 mV 8 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 UCC28600 www.ti.com SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 Functional Block Diagram (continued) 7.2.1 Terminal Components Table 1. Terminal Components PIN NAME NO. I/O DESCRIPTION V PL RCS ICS(2)  IP(1)  ICS(1)  IP(2) V PL RPL  VCS(os) IP(2)  IP(1) (1) ICS(1)  IP(2)  ICS(2)  IP(1) (2) I where: • IP(1) is the peak primary current at low line, full load (2) • IP(2) is the peak primary current at high line, full load (2) • ICS(1) is the power limit current that is sourced at the CS pin at low-line voltage (2) • ICS(2) is the power limit current that is sourced at the CS pin at high-line voltage (2) • VPL is the Power Limit (PL) threshold (1) • VCS(os) is the CS offset voltage (1) 2 I Opto-isolator collector 4 – Bypass capacitor to VDD, CBP = 0.1 μF 5 O Power MOSFET gate CS 3 FB GND OUT OVP  VCS(os) ICS(2)  ICS(1) (1) (2) 7 I ROVP1 § NB · 1 VBULK(ov) ¸ ¨ IOVP(line) © NP ¹ ROVP2 § · ¨ ¸ VOVP(line) ¸ ROVP1 ¨ ¨ NB V ¸ OUT(shutdown)  VF  VOVP(load) ¸ ¨N © P ¹ (3) (4) where: • IOVP(line) is OVPline current threshold (1) • VBULK(ov) is the allowed input over- voltage level (2) • VOVP(load) is OVPload (1) • VOUT(shutdown) is the allowed output over-voltage level (2) • VF is the forward voltage of the secondary rectifier • NB is the number of turns on the bias winding (2) • NS is the number of turns on the secondary windings (2) • NP is the number of turns on the primary windings (2) CSS ! ISS u tSS(min) duepower limit ACS(FB) u VPL  VCS(os) (5) where tSS(min) is the greater of: tSS(min) ª RLOAD(ss)COUT VOUT  'VOUT(step) º ln « » 2 RLOAD(ss)POUT(max)limit ¼» ¬« (6) ª COUT VOUT 2 º « » «¬ 2PLIM »¼ (7) or SS 1 I tSS(min) • • • • • • • (1) (2) RLOAD(ss) is the effective load impedance during soft-start (2) ΔVOUT(step) is the allowed change in VOUT due to a load step POUT(max limit) Programmed power limit level, in W (2) ACS(FB) is the current sense gain (1) VCS(os) is the CS offset voltage (1) ISS is the soft-start charging current (1) VPL is the power limit threshold (1) (2) Refer to the Electrical Characteristics for constant parameters. Refer to the UCC28600 Design Calculator (SLVC104) or laboratory measurements for currents, voltages and times in the operational circuit. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 9 UCC28600 SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 www.ti.com Functional Block Diagram (continued) Table 1. Terminal Components (continued) PIN NAME NO. I/O DESCRIPTION RST2 RST1 STATUS 8 O (1) (2) VBE(off ) ISTATUS(leakage) (8) ª § I ·º RST2 u « VDD(uvlo  on)  VBE(sat)  RDS(on) u ¨ CC ¸ »  RDS(on) VBE(sat) «¬ © Esat ¹ »¼ § § ICC · · u RST2 ¸  VBE(sat) ¨¨ ¨ Esat ¸ ¸ ¹ ©© ¹ (9) where: • βSAT is the gain of transistor QST in saturation • VBE(sat) is the base-emitter voltage of transistor QST in saturation • VDD(uvlo-on) is the start-up threshold (1) • ICC is the collector current of QST • ISTATUS(leakage) is the maximum leakage/off current of the STATUS pin (1) • VBE(off) is the maximum allowable voltage across the base emitter junction that will not turn QST on • RDS(on) is the RDS(on) of STATUS (1) CVDD is the greater of: ª TBURST º « IDD  CISS VOUT(hi) fQR(max) » 'VDD(burst) ¼» ¬« (10) C VDD ª º TSS « IDD  CISS VOUT(hi) fQR(max) » 'VDD(uvlo) »¼ «¬ (11) R VDD § · § S · § NB · ¨ VDS1(os) fQR(max) LLEAKAGE CD  CSNUB ¸ ¨ 4 ¸¨ N ¸¨ ¸ IDD C V f  © ¹© P ¹ ISS OUT(hi) QR(max) © ¹ (12) C VDD or RSU VDD 10 6 I VBULK(min) (13) ISTARTUP where: • IDD is the operating current of the UCC28600 (1) • CISS is the input capacitance of MOSFET M1 • VOUT(hi) is VOH of the OUT pin, either 13 V (typ) VOUT clamp or less as measured • fQR(max) is fS at high line, maximum load (1) • TBURST is the measured burst mode period • ΔVDD(burst) is the allowed VDD ripple during burst mode • ΔVDD(uvlo) is the UVLO hysteresis (1) • VDS1(os) is the amount of drain-source overshoot voltage • LLEAKAGE is the leakage inductance of the primary winding • CD is the total drain node capacitance of MOSFET M1 • ISTARTUP is IDD start-up current of the UCC28600 (1) • CSNUB is the snubber capacitor value • tSS is the soft start charge time (2) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 UCC28600 www.ti.com SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 7.3 Feature Description The UCC28600 is a multi-mode controller, as illustrated in Figure 5 and Figure 12. The mode of operation depends upon line and load conditions. Under all modes of operation, the UCC28600 terminates the OUT = HI signal based on the switch current. Thus, the UCC28600 always operates in current mode control so that the power MOSFET current is always limited. Under normal operating conditions, the FB pin commands the operating mode of the UCC28600 at the voltage thresholds shown in the control flow chart, Figure 11. Soft-start and fault responses are the exception. During soft start, the converter switching frequency is fixed at 40 kHz and FB is set to 5V. The soft-start mode is latched-OFF when VSS becomes greater than VFB for the first time after UVLOON. The soft-start state cannot be recovered until after passing UVLOOFF, and then, UVLOON. From 100% to approximately 30% full rated power the UCC28600 controls the converter in quasi-resonant mode (QRM) or discontinuous conduction mode (DCM), where DCM operation is at the clamped maximum switching frequency (130 kHz). For loads that are between approximately 30% and 10% full rated power, the converter operates in frequency foldback mode (FFM), where the peak switch current is constant and the output voltage is regulated by modulating the switching frequency for a given and fixed VIN. Effectively, operation in FFM results in the application of constant volt-seconds to the flyback transformer each switching cycle. Voltage regulation in FFM is achieved by varying the switching frequency in the range from 130 kHz to 40 kHz. For extremely light loads (below approximately 10% full rated power), the converter is controlled using bursts of 40-kHz pulses. START Y RUN = 0 STATUS = 1 N VCC > 13 V? Y RUN = 1 STATUS = 1 VCC < 8 V? N REF < 4 V? OVP = 1? OT = 1? OC = 1? RUN = 0 Soft Start Monitor VFB N VFB < 1.4 V 1.4 V < VFB < 2.0 V 2.0 V < VFB Fixed V-sec 40 kHz STATUS = 0 (In Run-Mode) STATUS = 0 (In Run-Mode) VFB < 0.5 V Fixed V-sec Freq. Foldback (Light Load) Quasi-Resonant Mode or DCM (Normal Load) Y Zero Pulses STATUS = 1 (In Green-Mode) STATUS = 0 (In Run-Mode) Fixed V-sec 40 kHz Burst N Y N VFB > 1.4 V Y VFB > 0.7 V Y VFB > 0.5 V N Figure 5. Control Flow Chart Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 11 UCC28600 SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 www.ti.com Feature Description (continued) Details of the functional boxes in the Block Diagram/Typical Application drawing are shown in Figure 8, Figure 6, Figure 7 and Figure 10. These figures conceptualize how the UCC28600 executes the command of the FB voltage to have the responses that are shown in Figure 11, Figure 5 and Figure 12. The details of the functional boxes also conceptualize the various fault detections and responses that are included in the UCC28600. During all modes of operation, this controller operates in current mode control. This allows the UCC28600 to monitor the FB voltage to determine and respond to the varying load levels such as heavy, light or ultra-light. Quasi-resonant mode and DCM occurs for feedback voltages VFB between 2.0 V and 4.0 V, respectively. In turn, the CS voltage is commanded to be between 0.4 V and 0.8 V. A cycle-by-cycle power limit imposes a fixed 0.8-V limit on the CS voltage. An overcurrent shutdown threshold in the fault logic gives added protection against highcurrent, slew-rate shorted winding faults, shown in Figure 10. The power limit feature in the QR DETECT circuit of Figure 7 adds an offset to the CS signal that is proportional to the line voltage. The power limit feature is programmed with RPL, as shown in the Typical Application Diagram. Mode Clamps 1.4 V OSC_CL + 450 kΩ + 100 kΩ FB 2.0 V 450 kΩ 100 kΩ + FB_CL Figure 6. Mode Clamp Details 12 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 UCC28600 www.ti.com SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 CIN RSU NP CVDD Auxiliary Winding ROVP1 NS COUT NB ROVP2 VDD OVP 7 UCC28600 QR Detect 0.1 V + Slope RCS + QR_DONE (Oscillator) -0.1 V OUT (From Driver) 0.1 V + + + REF (5 V) ILINE REF (5 V) Power Limit Offset RPL ILINE 2 1 3.75 V ILINE Burst (from FAULT logic) LOAD_OVP (Fault Logic) + 1 k: LINE_OVP (Fault Logic) 0.45 V 0 CS CS 3 Figure 7. QR Detect Details Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 13 UCC28600 SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 www.ti.com 7.3.1 Oscillator The oscillator, shown in Figure 8, is internally set and trimmed so it is clamped by the circuit in Figure 8 to a nominal 130-kHz maximum operating frequency. It also has a minimum frequency clamp of 40 kHz. If the FB voltage tries to drive operation to less than 40 kHz, the converter operates in green mode. REF + OSC Peak Comparator 4.0V SS_MODE S Q R Q QR_DONE CLK + OSC_CL 0.1V 130 kHz OSC Clamp Comparator + OSC Valley Comparator RUN Figure 8. Oscillator Details 14 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 UCC28600 www.ti.com SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 7.3.2 Status The STATUS pin is an open drain output, as shown in Figure 10. The status output goes into the OFF-state when FB falls below 0.5 V and it returns to the ON-state (low impedance to GND) when FB rises above 1.4 V. This pin is used to control bias power for a PFC stage, as shown in Figure 9. Key elements for implementing this function include Q1, RST1 and RST2, as shown in Figure 9. Resistors RST1 and RST2 are selected to saturate Q1 when it is desirable for the PFC to be operational. During green mode, the STATUS pin becomes a high impedance and RST2 causes Q1 to turn-OFF, thus saving bias power. If necessary, use a Zener diode and a resistor (DZ1 and RVCC) to maintain VCC in the safe operating range of the PFC controller. NOTE The DVDD – CVDD combination is in addition to the standard DBIAS – CBIAS components. This added stage is required to isolate the STATUS circuitry from the start-up resistor, RSU, to ensure there is no conduction through STATUS when VDD is below the UVLO turn-on threshold. Primary CBULK NP RSU Secondary NS DBIAS To Zero Current Detection RVCC Q1 NB DVDD CBIAS RST2 RST1 10 V DZ1 UCC28600 UCC28051 VCC STATUS M2 8 Feedback 8 M1 2 CVDD FB VDD CVCC 0.1 mF 4 6 RCS GND TL431 GND 5 Figure 9. Using STATUS for PFC Shut-Down During Green Mode Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 15 UCC28600 SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 www.ti.com 7.3.3 Fault Logic Advanced logic control coordinates the fault detections to provide proper power supply recovery. This provides the conditioning for the thermal protection. Line overvoltage protection (line OVP) and load OVP are implemented in this block. It prevents operation when the internal reference is below 4.5 V. If a fault is detected in the thermal shutdown, line OVP, load OVP, or REF, the UCC28600 undergoes a shutdown/retry cycle. Refer to the fault logic diagram in Figure 10 and the QR detect diagram in Figure 7 to program line OVP and load OVP. To program the load OVP, select the ROVP1 – ROVP2 divider ratio to be 3.75 V at the desired output shutdown voltage. To program line OVP, select the impedance of the ROVP1 – ROVP2 combination to draw 450 μA when the VOVP is 0.45 V during the ON-time of the power MOSFET at the highest allowable input voltage. UCC28600 REF VDD_OK REF_OK SET D Q OVR_T CLR Thermal Shutdown REF (5 V) Q RUN LINE_OVP (QR Detect) SS/DIS LOAD_OVP (QR Detect) 20 kW S Q R Q BURST + 0.6 V/0.7 V FB 1.25 V + Burst Power-Up Reset 8 STATUS 7 0.6 V/1.5 V FB + SS_MODE CS 3 CS Figure 10. Fault Logic Details 16 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 UCC28600 www.ti.com SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 7.3.4 Protection Features The UCC28600 has many protection features that are found only on larger, full featured controllers. Refer to the Functional Block Diagram, Typical Application Diagram, Figure 6, Figure 7, Figure 8, Figure 10, Figure 11, and Figure 12 for detailed block descriptions that show how the features are integrated into the normal control functions. 7.3.5 Overtemperature Overtemperature lockout typically occurs when the substrate temperature reaches 140°C. Retry is allowed if the substrate temperature reduces by the hysteresis value. Upon an overtemperature fault, CSS on softstart is discharged and STATUS is forced to a high impedance. 7.3.6 Cycle-by-Cycle Power Limit The cycle terminates when the CS voltage plus the power limit offset exceeds 1.2 V. In order to have power limited over the full line voltage range of the QR Flyback converter, the CS pin voltage must have a component that is proportional to the primary current plus a component that is proportional to the line voltage due to predictable switching frequency variations due to line voltage. At power limit, the CS pin voltage plus the internal CS offset is compared against a constant 1.2-V reference in the PWM comparator. Thus during cycle-by-cycle power limit, the peak CS voltage is typically 0.8 V. The current that is sourced from the OVP pin (ILINE) is reflected to a dependent current source of ½ ILINE, that is connected to the CS pin. The power limit function can be programmed by a resistor, RPL, that is between the CS pin and the current sense resistor. The current, ILINE, is proportional to line voltage by the transformer turns ratio NB/NP and resistor ROVP1. Current ILINE is programmed to set the line over voltage protection. Resistor RPL results in the addition of a voltage to the current sense signal that is proportional to the line voltage. The proper amount of additional voltage has the effect of limiting the power on a cycle-by-cycle basis. Note that RCS, RPL, ROVP1 and ROVP2 must be adjusted as a set due to the functional interactions. 7.3.7 Primary Current Protection When the primary current exceeds maximum current level which is indicated by a voltage of 1.25 V at the CS pin, the device initiates a shutdown. Retry occurs after a UVLOOFF or UVLOON cycle. Because the device will initiate cycle-by-cycle power limit first, primary side current protection is not intended to protect against output short circuit conditions. However, this feature does protect the MOSFET against extreme conditions such as transformer saturation. 7.3.8 Over-Voltage Protection Line and load over voltage protection is programmed with the transformer turn ratios, ROVP1 and ROVP2. The OVP pin has a 0-V voltage source that can only source current; OVP cannot sink current. Line over voltage protection occurs when the OVP pin is clamped at 0 V. When the bias winding is negative, during OUT = HI or portions of the resonant ring, the 0-V voltage source clamps OVP to 0 V and the current that is sourced from the OVP pin is mirrored to the Line_OVP comparator and the QR detection circuit. The Line_OVP comparator initiates a shutdown-retry sequence if OVP sources any more than 450 μA. Load-over voltage protection occurs when the OVP pin voltage is positive. When the bias winding is positive, during demagnetization or portions of the resonant ring, the OVP pin voltage is positive. If the OVP voltage is greater than 3.75 V, the device initiates a shutdown. Retry occurs after a UVLOOFF or UVLOON cycle. 7.3.9 Undervoltage Lockout Protection is provided to guard against operation during unfavorable bias conditions. Undervoltage lockout (UVLO) always monitors VDD to prevent operation below the UVLO threshold. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 17 UCC28600 SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 www.ti.com 7.4 Device Functional Modes Depending upon the line and load conditions, the UCC28600 controls the converter using different modes of operation, which are defined as quasi-resonant (QR mode), discontinuous conduction mode (DCM), frequency foldback mode (FFM) and green mode (GM), determined by the voltage on the FB pin, as shown in Figure 11. For extremely light loads (below approximately 10% full rated power), the converter is controlled using bursts of 40-kHz pulses. As the load increases, the number of pulses in these burst packets increases until the converter is switching consistently at 40 kHz, at which point it transitions into the next operating mode, called frequency foldback. Frequency foldback mode (FFM) typically begins at loads that are between approximately 10% and up to 30% full rated power, the peak primary side switch current is constant and the output voltage is regulated by modulating the switching frequency from 40 kHz up to 130 kHz. From approximately 30% to 100% full rated power, the UCC28600 controls the converter in either quasi-resonant mode (QRM) or discontinuous conduction mode (DCM). In QRM, the switching frequency will decrease as the load increases; DCM operation is at the clamped maximum switching frequency (130 kHz). The valley detection circuitry is active during FFM, DCM, and QRM operation. Internal Reference VFB Control Range Limit 40 kHz < fS < 130 kHz Green Mode-OFF, Burst-ON Green Mode-ON, Burst-OFF Keep in mind that the aforementioned boundaries of steady-state operation are approximate because they are subject to converter design parameters. FFM Green Mode QR Mode or DCM Mode Green Mode Hysteresis Burst Hysteresis VFB 0V 0.5 V 0.7 V 1.4 V 2.0 V 4.0 V 5.0 V Figure 11. Mode Control with FB Pin Voltage 18 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 UCC28600 www.ti.com SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 IC Off Softstart Regular Operation Fixed Frequency Frequency Foldback DCM (maximum fs) Constant Voltseconds (ZCS) Burst Mode Load Power POUT POUT, MAX t Switching Frequency fsw fSS (40 kHz) SS Mode (fixed fSW) QR Mode (ZVS) Burst Mode fMAX = Oscillator Frequency (130 kHz) This mode applies bursts of 40kHz soft-start pulses to the power MOSFET gate. The average fsw is shown in this operating mode. fGRMODE_MX (40 kHz) fQR_MIN : (internally limited to 40 kHz. t Hysteretic transition into Burst Mode. Feedback Voltage VFB t Power Supply Output Voltage VOUT Status, pulled up to VDD t VSTATUS Green Mode, PFC bias OFF Peak MOSFET Current t Load Shown is slightly less than Over Current Threshold t Figure 12. Operation Mode Switching Frequencies Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 19 UCC28600 SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 www.ti.com 7.4.1 Quasi-Resonant and DCM Control During this control mode, the rising edge of OUT will occur just after the valley of the resonant ring when the transformer is fully demagnetized. Resonant valley switching is an integral part of QR operation. In this mode, the flyback converter operates at the boundary of discontinuous conduction mode and continuous conduction mode. By adjusting both the peak current and the switching frequency, the output power is adjusted to match the load requirement. When the load increases, the peak current increases and the switching frequency decreases. The minimum switching frequency of the converter is limited to 40 kHz. The transformer magnetizing inductor value has to be designed accordingly so that the converter can deliver the maximum required power while maintaining a switching frequency that is greater than the fQR(min) over the entire input operating range. As the load decreases from its designed maximum output power, the UCC28600 will demand a higher switching frequency and decreased peak current. The converter’s maximum switching frequency will be limited to 130 kHz. At this maximum switching frequency, the converter enters DCM control. At DCM control, the peak current is adjusted to control the output power. Slight frequency dithering between resonant valleys will occur as the valley detection is active in DCM control. Quasi-resonant (QR) and DCM operation occur for feedback voltages, VFB, between 2.0 V and 3.0 V. In turn, the peak CS voltage is commanded to be between 0.4 V and 0.8 V. The CS pin has an internal dependent current source, 1/2 ILINE. This current source adds a proportional step offset (power limit offset) to the CS signal and is part of the cycle-by-cycle power limit function that is discussed in the Protection Features section. 7.4.2 Frequency Foldback Mode Control Operation in FFM results in the application of constant volt-seconds to the flyback transformer during each switching cycle. During frequency foldback mode, as the load decreases, the MOSFET peak current is kept constant and the switching frequency is reduced (foldback) to reduce the output power. In this mode, the flyback converter will always operate in discontinuous conduction mode. When the FB voltage is between 1.4 V and 2.0 V, the voltage controlled oscillator restricts the operating frequency between 40 kHz and 130 kHz and the CS is clamped to 0.4 V, including the power limit offset. Valley detection is active during FFM. 7.4.3 Green-Mode Control During green mode, the converter operates at a fixed switching frequency of 40 kHz and fixed peak current. The output power is adjusted by the converter ON/OFF durations, which is also known as burst mode. When the FB voltage is between 1.4 V and 0.5 V, the controller is commanding an excess of energy to be transferred to the load which in turn, drives the error higher and FB lower. When FB reaches 0.5 V, the OUT pulses are terminated and do not resume until FB reaches 0.7 V. In this mode, the converter operates in hysteretic control with the OUT pulse terminated at a fixed CS voltage level of 0.4 V. The power limit offset is turned OFF during Green mode and it returns to ON when FB is above 1.4 V. Green mode reduces the average switching frequency in order to minimize switching losses and increase the efficiency at light-load conditions. 7.4.4 Operating Mode Programming Boundaries of the operating modes are programmed by the flyback transformer and the four components RPL, RCS, ROVP1 and ROVP2; shown in the Functional Block Diagram and Typical Application Diagram drawing. The transformer characteristics that predominantly affect the modes are the magnetizing inductance of the primary and the magnitude of the output voltage, reflected to the primary. To a lesser degree (yet significant), the boundaries are affected by the MOSFET output capacitance and transformer leakage inductance. The design procedure here is to select a magnetizing inductance and a reflected output voltage that operates at the DCM/CCM boundary at maximum load and maximum line. The actual inductance should be noticeably smaller to account for the ring between the magnetizing inductance and the total stray capacitance measured at the drain of the power MOSFET. This programs the QR/DCM boundary of operation. All other mode boundaries are preset with the thresholds in the oscillator and green-mode blocks. The four components RPL, RCS, ROVP1 and ROVP2 must be programmed as a set due to the interactions of the functions. The use of the UCC28600 design calculator, SLVC104, is highly recommended in order to achieve the desired results with a careful balance between the transformer parameters and the programming resistors. 20 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 UCC28600 www.ti.com SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 8 Application and Implementation NOTE Information in the following Applications section is not part of the TI component specification, and TI does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. TI’s customers are responsible for determining suitability of components for their purposes. Customers should validate and test their design implementation to confirm system functionality. 8.1 Application Information The UCC28600 device is a flyback controller that operates in a mode that is determined by the FB voltage. Line and load conditions set the FB voltage and the controller will operate in Green Mode (GM) under light-load conditions, Frequency Foldback Mode (FFM) when operating at loads approximately between 10% and 30% full rated load, and Quasi-Resonant (QR) or Discontinuous Mode (DCM) at higher loads. Valley switching under all modes, except green mode, reduces switching losses and improves efficiency. Valley skipping also helps reduce EMI. A dedicated STATUS pin is used in higher power applications that use a power factor corrected (PFC) front end. Under light-load conditions, the STATUS signal can be used to disconnect the bias power to the PFC controller, reducing light-load power consumption. 8.2 Typical Application A typical application for the UCC28600 is an off-line flyback controller from 65 W to 120 W, using a PFC output voltage as its input, as shown in Figure 13. The PFC stage is assumed to operate from a universal AC input and can be controlled by a device such as the UCC28051. The auxiliary winding provides the bias to the controllers and provides over voltage protection and valley switching information, as well as bias to the UCC28600 and UCC28051. The UCC28600 will disable the PFC controller during green mode operation, improving light-load system efficiency. The series resistor connected between the current sense pin and the current sense resistor programs the power limit of the converter. Low valley voltage switching and multi-mode operation will keep the efficiency curve high over the entire operation range. Typical applications include bias supplies for LCD monitors, LCD and PDP televisions, set top boxes, AC-DC adaptors, and energy efficient power supplies up to 200 W. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 21 UCC28600 SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 www.ti.com Typical Application (continued) PFC OUTPUT or BRIDGE RECTIFIER PRIMARY + CBULK RSU RSNUB CSNUB N1 VBULK SECONDARY + N2 COUT - D2 RVDD CVDD PFC CONTROLLER BIAS (if used) QST VOUT ROUT - D1 NB CBIAS ROVP1 RST2 ICC RST1 UCC28600 1 SS STATUS 8 2 FB OVP 7 3 CS VDD 6 4 GND OUT 5 CSS FEEDBACK ROVP2 M1 TL431 CBP 100nF RPL RCS Figure 13. Simplified Application 22 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 UCC28600 www.ti.com SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 Typical Application (continued) 8.2.1 Design Requirements The following table illustrates a typical set of performance requirements for an off-line flyback converter. Table 2. Design Example Performance Requirements PARAMETER VIN AC line input voltage fLINE Line frequency PFCOUTPUT PFC output voltage PFC Input power factor CONDITIONS Input to PFC stage MIN NOM MAX UNIT 85 115/230 265 VRMS 47 50/60 63 Hz 350 390 400 V VIN = 115 VRMS, IOUT = 6.2 A 0.998 VIN = 230 VRMS, IOUT = 6.2 A 0.97 VOUT Output voltage 85 VRMS ≤ VIN ≤ 265 VRMS, 0 A ≤ IOUT ≤ 6.2 A 19.0 IOUT Output load current 85 VRMS ≤ VIN ≤ 265 VRMS 0 VRIPPLE Output voltage ripple 85 VRMS ≤ VIN ≤ 265 VRMS, IOUT = 6.2 A 250 mV VOVP Output over voltage limit VIN = 115 VRMS, IOUT = 6.2 A 23.4 V VIN = 230 VRMS, IOUT = 6.2 A 23.6 V fCO 19.4 19.8 V 6.2 A Control loop bandwidth VIN = 115 VRMS, IOUT = 3 A 2.6 kHz Phase margin VIN = 115 VRMS, IOUT = 3 A 70 degrees ηPEAK Peak efficiency VIN = 265 VRMS, IOUT = 6 A 87.4% η Full load efficiency VIN = 115 VRMS, IOUT = 6.2 A 82.7% VIN = 230 VRMS, IOUT = 6.2 A 86.4% No load power consumption VIN = 115 VRMS, IOUT = 0 A 230 mW VIN = 230 VRMS, IOUT = 0 A 420 mW Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 23 UCC28600 SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 www.ti.com 8.2.2 Detailed Design Procedure This procedure outlines the steps to design an off-line universal input quasi-resonant flyback converter using the UCC28600. Refer to Figure 13 for component names and network locations. For additional design help, the design calculator, SLVC104, provides a user-interactive iterative process for selecting recommended component values for an optimum design when used without a PFC input. Input Bulk Capacitor and Minimum Bulk Voltage Bulk capacitance may consist of one or more capacitors connected in parallel, often with some inductance between them to suppress differential-mode conducted noise. EMI filter design is beyond the scope of this design procedure. The minimum bulk valley voltage, VBULK(min) is dependent upon the input CBULK capacitor value; this minimum valley voltage is used in the power stage design. The input capacitor is chosen to maintain an acceptable input voltage ripple. For a design that uses a regulated PFC output voltage for the input rail the required input capacitor to the flyback stage is calculated using the minimum PFC output voltage, VPFCoutput(min). Assuming a 15% ripple, the desired minimum bulk valley voltage is: VBULK(min) = 0.85 x VPFCoutput(min) (14) Designs that do not have a PFC input stage will require a much larger input capacitor. The VBULK(min) when designing without a PFC input stage will be based upon the allowable voltage at the valley of the ripple on the input rail, which can be 25% to 40% of the minimum rectified AC line voltage. Under those conditions, substitute the value of the minimum rectified line voltage for VPFCoutput(min) and the value of the maximum rectified line voltage wherever VPFCoutput(max) is used. The maximum input power, PIN, is estimated by the output power, POUT, and full-load efficiency target, η, as shown: POUT VOUT u IOUT max PIN max   (15) The following equation provides an accurate solution for determining the input capacitance needed to achieve the minimum bulk valley voltage target, VBULK(min): CBULK ª § VBULK min · º 1 ¸» 2PIN u «0.25  u arcsin ¨ « 2Œ ¨ 9PFCoutput min ¸ » © ¹¼ ¬ t 2 2 VPFCoutput min  VBULK min u fLINE min (16) If an input capacitance other than the calculated value is used, iterate the VBULK(min) value until the desired capacitance is obtained so that the actual VBULK(min) is determined. 24 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 UCC28600 www.ti.com SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 Transformer Turns Ratio and Primary Inductance The allowable flyback voltage, VFLYBACK, seen by the MOSFET, determines the minimum primary to secondary turns-ratio, NPS. The flyback voltage is calculated based upon the acceptable Drain to Source voltage rating of the MOSFET and the maximum PFC output voltage rail, VPFCoutput(max) (or rectified maximum line voltage if not using a PFC input stage), and derating to account for voltage spikes due to leakage inductance: VFLYBACK V DS max  VPFCoutput max 1.5 (17) Typically, in an off-line design or a design with a PFC output voltage of 390 VDC to 400 VDC, a MOSFET rated for VDS(max) of 600 VDS or greater is used. The primary to secondary turns-ratio takes the output diode voltage drop, VF, into account: VFLYBACK NPS VOUT  VF (18) The primary to bias winding turns ratio is calculated, based upon the desired bias voltage, VBIAS, for the UCC28600 controller and the PFC controller bias voltage, making sure to avoid the absolute maximum rating for VDD of each controller: V NPB NPS u OUT VBIAS (19) The switching frequency at the minimum bulk valley voltage is used as a limiting factor for the maximum primary inductance. The UCC28600 will operate in quasi-resonant mode during operation at maximum load, minimum input voltage and its peak primary current and its switching frequency will be modulated during each switching cycle. Using a switching frequency of 80 kHz, for fSW, at this operating point will give adequate margin for manufacturing tolerances in the transformer, the parasitic switch node capacitance, which influences the resonant frequency to each valley, and keep the controller from trying to go continuous during transient conditions. The switching period, tSW, is equal to 1/fSW. Using volt-second balance, the maximum primary inductance can be calculated: 2 LP max ªV u VOUT  VF u NPS u 0.925 u tSW º fSW « BULK min » u « » 2 u PIN max VBULK min  NPS u VOUT  VF ¬ ¼ (20) The resistor divider on OVP senses the line voltage during the switch on-time when the auxiliary winding voltage is proportional to the line voltage. During this portion of the switching cycle, the OVP pin is internally clamped to approximately 0 V and sources current proportional to the line voltage. The ROVP1 resistor is chosen using the nominal line over-voltage protection current threshold, IOVP(line), which is equal to 450 µA. VBULK OVP ROVP1 NPB u IOVP line (21) The OVP pin is also used to sense the output voltage when the OUT signal is low. To set the output overvoltage level, VOUT(shutdown), which is the desired voltage level on the output that would cause the controller to shutdown, use the load overvoltage protection threshold, VOVP(load), equal to 3.75 V, to determine the required ROVP2 resistor. ROVP1 u VOVP load ROVP 2 NPS u VOUT shutdown  VF  VOVP load NPB (22) The peak primary current at low input voltage, full load, IP(1), can be estimated with the following equation: VBULK min u VOUT  VF u NPS u 0.925 u tSW IP 1 N u V V L u V P BULKmin PS OUT F Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 (23) 25 UCC28600 SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 www.ti.com The switching frequency at maximum input voltage can be estimated: fSWvin max 2 2 2 NPS uVPFCoutput max u 0.925 u VOUT  VF 2 2 u LP u PINmax u ªVPFCoutput max  NPS u VOUT  VF º «¬ »¼ 2 (24) Now that the switching frequency at the maximum input voltage has been determined, the peak primary current at maximum load, IP(2), at the maximum input voltage can be calculated: ª 0.925 º » VPFCoutput max u «NPS u VOUT  VF u fSWvin max » « ¬ ¼ IP 2 ª º LP u NPS u VOUT  VF  VPFCoutput max ¬« ¼» (25) The power limit current that is sourced at the CS pin adds a voltage step to the CS waveform that is proportional to the line voltage. At minimum input voltage, maximum load, this current is referred to as ICS(1) and can be estimated from the following equation: ICS 1 ª § 1 1 · VBULK min º » 0.5 u «550mV u ¨  ¸ © ROVP1 ROVP 2 ¹ NPB u ROVP1 ¼» ¬« (26) At maximum input voltage and maximum load, the power limit current sourced from CS is referred to as ICS(2) and is estimated using the same formula: ICS 2 ª § 1 1 · VPFCoutput max º »  0.5 u «550mV u ¨ ¸ «¬ © ROVP1 ROVP 2 ¹ NPB u ROVP1 »¼ (27) The appropriate values of the current sense resistor, RCS, and the power limit resistor, RPL, are both dependent upon the internal power limit threshold, VPL = 1.20 V, the CS offset voltage, VCS(os) = 0.40 V, peak primary currents, and the power limit currents, calculated above, and can be calculated as shown: RCS V  V u I  I I u I  I u I V  V u I  I I u I  I u I PL CS 2 RPL 26 CS os CS 2 CS 1 P 1 CS 1 P 2 PL CS os P 2 P 1 CS 1 P 2 CS 2 P 1 (28) (29) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 UCC28600 www.ti.com SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 Non-Ideal Current Sense Value Resistors RCS, RPL, ROVP1 and ROVP2 must be programmed as a set due to functional interactions in the converter. Often, the ideal value for RCS is not available because the selection range of current sense resistors is too coarse to meet the required power limit tolerances. This issue can be solved by using the next larger available value of RCS and use a resistive divider with a Thevenin resistance that is equal to the ideal RPL value in order to attenuate the CS signal to its ideal value, as shown in Figure 14. The equations for modifying the circuit are: RCS RPL1 RPL u RDCS where • • RDCS = ideal, but non-standard, value of current sense resistor. RPL = previously calculated value of the power limit resistor. (30) RPL1 § RCS · ¨ ¸ 1 © RDCS ¹ RPL2 where • RCS = available, standard value current sense resistor. (31) The board should be laid out to include RPL2 in order to fascillitate final optimization of the design based upon readily available components. From power MOSFET From power MOSFET RPL To CS RPL1 To CS RDCS RPL2 (a) RCS (b) Figure 14. Modifications to Fit a Standard Current Sense Resistor Value Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 27 UCC28600 SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 www.ti.com Snubber Damping Resonance between the leakage inductance and the MOSFET drain capacitance can cause false load-OVP faults, in spite of the typical 2-μs delay in load-OVP detection. The bias winding is sensitive to the overshoot and ringing because it is well coupled to the primary winding. A technique to eliminate the problem is to use an R2CD snubber instead of an RCD snubber, shown in Figure 15. A damping resistor added to the RCD snubber reduces ringing between the drain capacitor and the inductance when the snubber diode commutates OFF. PRIMARY SECONDARY LLEAK CD Resonance + VIN CBULK VD LM RSNUB1 'VSNUB CSNUB - VBULK LLEAK DS VR CD M1 + VD + VG 0V - VG RCS 0V (a) (b) PRIMARY + VIN - Reduced LLEAK CD Resonance SECONDARY VD CBULK RSNUB2 RSNUB1 'VSNUB LM VBULK CSNUB LLEAK DS VR CD M1 + 0V VD + VG - VG 0V RCS (d) (c) Figure 15. (a) RCD Snubber, (b) RCD Snubber Waveform, (c) R2CD Snubber, (d) R2CD Snubber Waveform 28 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 UCC28600 www.ti.com SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 Begin the design of the R2CD using the same procedure as designing an RCD snubber. Then, add the damping resistor, RSNUB2. The procedure is as follows: 'V Pick SNUB between0.5and1 VR (32) Select a capacitor for ΔVSNUB: CSNUB ICS(peak)2LLEAK VR  'VSNUB 2  VR2 (33) Pick RSNUB to discharge CSNUB: §1 VR · 1 § LLEAKICS(peak) · RSNUB ¨  ¨ ¸ ¸ © 2 'VSNUB ¹ CSNUB © 'VSNUB ¹ é é ùù ê ê úú DVSNUB ö ê æ 1 ö 1 æ ú ê ú V 1 + ´ + ´ ç R 1 úú 2 ÷ø ê èç 3 ø÷ ê VR è + ê êë VSNUB 2 úû ú ë û P (RSNUB1 ) = RSNUB1 (34) 2 2 (35) Pick RSNUB2 to dampen the LLEAK-CSNUB resonance with a Q that is between 1.7 and 2.2: § 'V · RSNUB2 ¨ SNUB ¸ ¨ ICS(peak) ¸ © ¹ P RSNUB (36) ª º « » L f 1 LEAK S(max) » ICS(peak)2RSNUB2 « 'VSNUB · » «3 § ¸» « ¨ VR  2 ¹¼ ¬ © (37) For the original selection of ΔVSNUB, Q 2VR 1 'VSNUB (38) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 29 UCC28600 SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 www.ti.com Open Loop Test Circuit RCST 37.4k, See note CCST 560 pF, See note + 5V UCC28600 1 SS STATUS V(FB) STATUS 8 CSS 3.3 nF ROVP 500 2 FB OVP 7 3 CS VDD 6 4 GND OUT 5 IOVP V(OVP) CFBT 47 pF V(CS) ICS GND IDD V(OUT) CDD 100 nF CBIAS 1 PF VDD ROUT 10 COUT 1.0nF Figure 16. Open Loop Test Circuit NOTE RCST and CCST are not connected for maximum and minimum duty cycle tests, current sense tests and power limit tests. 30 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 UCC28600 www.ti.com SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 8.2.3 Application Curves The following figures show the UCC28600 in various operating modes in a 120-W converter, output voltage equal to 19.4 V. Drain CH1: 200 V/ div. Drain CH1: 200 V/div. Gate CH1: 10 V/div. Gate CH2: 10 V/div. FB CH1: 1.0 V/div. FB CH3: 1.0 V/div. CS CH1: 500 mV/ div. CS CH4: 500 mV/div. t - Time - 25 Ps/div. t - Time - 200 Ps/div. Figure 17. Green Mode Showing Frequency of Burst Packets, 900 Hz Apart, 3% Full-Rated Load Figure 18. Green Mode Showing 40-kHz Switching Within Burst Packets, 3% Full-Rated Load Drain CH1: 200 V/ div. Drain CH1: 200 V/ div. Gate CH2:10 V/div. Gate CH2:10 V/div. FB CH3:5.0 V/div. FB CH3:5.0 V/div. CS CH4:1.0 V/div. CS CH4:1.0 V/div. t - Time - 2.50 Ps/div. t - Time - 2.50 Ps/div. Figure 19. Frequency Foldback Mode, 115-kHz Switching, 24% Full-Rated Load Figure 20. DCM Operation, 130-kHz Switching, 74% Full-Rated Load 25 Drain CH1: 200 V/ div. VOUT - Output Voltage - V 20 Gate CH2: 10 V/div. FB CH3: 5.0 V/div. 15 10 CS CH4: 1.0 V/div. 5 0.0 t - Time - 2.50 Ps/div. 0.0 2 4 6 8 10 12 IOUT - Output Current - A Figure 21. QR Operation, 116-kHz Switching, 90% Full-Rated Load Figure 22. Output Voltage vs. Output Current Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 31 UCC28600 www.ti.com 120 25 100 Phase 20 80 15 60 10 40 5 20 0 0 -5 100 80 Efficiency - % 30 Phase - O Gain - dB SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 60 40 -20 Gain -10 -40 -15 -60 -20 20 -80 1E + 02 1E + 03 1E + 04 0 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 IOUT - Output Load - A f - Frequency - Hz Figure 23. Phase/Gain vs. Frequency 32 VIN = 85VRMS VIN = 115VRMS VIN = 230VRMS VIN = 265VRMS Submit Documentation Feedback Figure 24. Efficiency vs. Output Load Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 UCC28600 www.ti.com SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 8.3 Do's and Don'ts Always be sure to do the following: • Isolate the STATUS pin from the start up resistor with a diode to prevent the bias current from the bulk input rail from being diverter away from VDD and into STATUS circuit. • Use a bypass capacitor on VDD, minimum value of 0.1 µF, to filter high frequency noise. • Use a large bulk capacitor on VDD to hold the bias above the UVLO turn off threshold between the long periods of time between burst packets at light load. • Use a large enough capacitor on SS to prevent triggering power limit when charging the output capacitor bank at turn on. • Place the SS capacitor as close as possible to the SS pin with short traces and return to the quiet signal ground. • Design the loop crossover frequency to be between 2 kHz to 3 kHz at nominal input voltage and 50% load with a phase margin of 70 degrees to satisfactorily stabilize the loop for the entire range of operation. • Add a small filter capacitor to CS to effectively create an RC low pass filter in conjunction with the power limit resistor, RPL, which will improve noise immunity at the current sense pin. • Place a 10-kΩ resistor between the gate of the MOSFET and ground to discharge the gate capacitance and protect against inadvertent dv/dt triggered turn-on. • Use a small value gate drive resistor in series with the gate drive to control the turn on transition time and reduce the dv/dt ringing in this node. • Select the ROVP1, ROVP2, RPL, and RCS together as the OVP resistors set up an internal dependent current source that impact the RCS and RPL component values. • Design the transformer so the bias winding is well coupled to both the primary winding and the secondary winding. The bias winding is used not only for VDD bias but also for valley detection, line over-voltage, load over-voltage, and power limit off-set current. CAUTION Do not use a filter capacitor larger than 390 pF on the FB pin, this capacitor will provide a delay time to over-load response; capacitors larger than 390 pF will adversely affect performance. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 33 UCC28600 SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 www.ti.com 9 Power Supply Recommendations The UCC28600 is intended for AC-to-DC adaptors with input voltage range of 85 VAC(rms) to 265 VAC(rms) using the flyback topology. This controller can be used in supplies from a few Watts of power up to 200 Watts limited only by the practical use of a DCM flyback in regards to peak currents and output capacitor component size. The UCC28600 can be used in bias supplies for LCD monitors, TVs, and set-top boxes, as well as AC-to-DC adapters for energy-efficient supplies. 10 Layout 10.1 Layout Guidelines To increase the reliability and feasibility of the design it is recommended to adhere to the following guidelines for PCB layout. 1. Minimize the high current loops to reduce parasitic capacitances and inductances. At the same time, do not inadvertently make traces with a high dv/dt too wide as this will create a very good E-field antenna. 2. Separate the device signal ground from the high current power ground in order to isolate the noise away from the device substrate. The separate grounds should, ideally, be tied together at the input capacitor on the primary side. 3. Return the sense resistor to the ground side of the input capacitor, instead of to the ground plane under the device. 4. The bypass capacitor on VDD must be placed as close as possible to the VDD and GND pins of the device. 5. The filter capacitor on CS must be placed as close as possible to the CS pin and GND pin of the device. 6. The filter capacitor on FB must be placed as close as possible to the FB and GND pins of the device. 34 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 UCC28600 www.ti.com SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 10.2 Layout Example The partial layout example shown in Figure 25 demonstrates an effective component and track arrangement for the printed circuit board. Actual board layout must conform to the constraints on a specific design, so many variations are possible. CFB ROVP2 CSS SS STATUS FB OVP ROVP1 UCC28600 CS VDD RVDD GND OUT RSU CVDD3 CCS To AUX Winding RG RPL To PGND To VBULK G D S RCS RGS To PGND To PGND CBULK To PRI Winding To VBULK Figure 25. Partial Layout Example Showing Component Placement Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 35 UCC28600 SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 www.ti.com 11 Device and Documentation Support 11.1 Device Support 11.1.1 Development Support UCC28600 Design Calculator, A QR Flyback Designer.xls, spreadsheet for Microsoft Excel 2003, (SLVC104) 11.2 Documentation Support 11.2.1 Related Documentation • Power Supply Seminar SEM-1400 Topic 2: Design And Application Guide For High Speed MOSFET Gate Drive Circuits, by Laszlo Balogh, (SLUP169) • Datasheet, UCC3581 Micro Power PWM Controller, (SLUS295) • Datasheet, UCC28051 Transition Mode PFC Controller, (SLUS515) • Design Considerations for the UCC28600, (SLUA399) 11.2.2 Related Products • UCC28051 Transition Mode PFC Controller (SLUS515) • UCC3581 Micro Power PWM Controller (SLUS295) 11.3 Trademarks TrueDrive is a trademark of Texas Instruments. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 11.4 Electrostatic Discharge Caution These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates. 11.5 Glossary SLYZ022 — TI Glossary. This glossary lists and explains terms, acronyms, and definitions. 36 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 UCC28600 www.ti.com SLUS646K – NOVEMBER 2005 – REVISED AUGUST 2015 12 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information The following pages include mechanical, packaging, and orderable information. This information is the most current data available for the designated devices. This data is subject to change without notice and revision of this document. For browser-based versions of this data sheet, refer to the left-hand navigation. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2005–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC28600 37 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 13-Aug-2021 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan (2) Lead finish/ Ball material MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) Device Marking (3) (4/5) (6) UCC28600D ACTIVE SOIC D 8 75 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 105 28600D UCC28600DG4 ACTIVE SOIC D 8 75 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 105 28600D UCC28600DR ACTIVE SOIC D 8 2500 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 105 28600D UCC28600DRG4 ACTIVE SOIC D 8 2500 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 105 28600D (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. (2) RoHS: TI defines "RoHS" to mean semiconductor products that are compliant with the current EU RoHS requirements for all 10 RoHS substances, including the requirement that RoHS substance do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, "RoHS" products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. TI may reference these types of products as "Pb-Free". RoHS Exempt: TI defines "RoHS Exempt" to mean products that contain lead but are compliant with EU RoHS pursuant to a specific EU RoHS exemption. Green: TI defines "Green" to mean the content of Chlorine (Cl) and Bromine (Br) based flame retardants meet JS709B low halogen requirements of
UCC28600DR 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 1+3.31630
  • 10+3.06120
  • 100+2.40670
  • 1000+2.35950


  •  国内价格
  • 1+1.81568


  •  国内价格
  • 1+2.78300
  • 100+2.14500
  • 1250+1.87000
  • 2500+1.76000


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+8.633361+1.04509
  • 10+6.2077510+0.75147
  • 25+5.5989725+0.67777
  • 100+4.93456100+0.59734
  • 250+4.61731250+0.55894
  • 500+4.42597500+0.53578
  • 1000+4.268371000+0.51670


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 2500+4.102162500+0.49658
  • 5000+4.001975000+0.48445
  • 7500+3.951787500+0.47838
  • 12500+3.8961912500+0.47165
  • 17500+3.8637017500+0.46771


  •  国内价格
  • 1+4.51440
  • 10+3.58560
  • 30+3.13200
  • 100+2.67840


    •  国内价格
    • 10+1.98880
