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UCC3895DWTR 数据手册
Order Now Product Folder Support & Community Tools & Software Technical Documents UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 UCCx895 BiCMOS Advanced Phase-Shift PWM Controller 1 Features 3 Description • • • • The UCC3895 is a phase-shift PWM controller that implements control of a full-bridge power stage by phase shifting the switching of one half-bridge with respect to the other. The device allows constant frequency pulse-width modulation in conjunction with resonant zero-voltage switching to provide high efficiency at high frequencies. The part is used either as a voltage-mode or current-mode controller. 1 • • • • • • Programmable-output turnon delay Adaptive delay set Bidirectional oscillator synchronization Voltage-mode, peak current-mode, or average current-mode control Programmable soft start, soft stop, and chip disable via a single pin 0% to 100% duty-cycle control 7-MHz error amplifier Operation to 1 MHz Typical 5-mA operating current at 500 kHz Very low 150-μA current during UVLO While the UCC3895 maintains the functionality of the UC3875/6/7/8 family and UC3879, it improves on that controller family with additional features such as enhanced control logic, adaptive delay set, and shutdown capability. Because the device is built using the BCDMOS process, it operates with dramatically less supply current than it’s bipolar counterparts. The UCC3895 operates with a maximum clock frequency of 1 MHz. 2 Applications • • • • Phase-shifted full-bridge converters Off-line, telecom, datacom, and servers Distributed power architecture High-density power modules Device Information(1) PART NUMBER PACKAGE UCCx895 BODY SIZE (NOM) CDIP (20) 24.20 mm × 6.92 mm LCCC (20 8.89 mm × 8.89 mm SOIC (20) 12.80 mm × 7.50 mm PDIP (20) 24.33 mm × 6.35 mm TSSOP (20) 6.50 mm × 4.40 mm PLCC (20) 8.96 mm × 8.96 mm (1) For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at the end of the data sheet. Simplified Application Diagram UCC3895 1 EAN 2 EAOUT 3 Q1 EAP 20 7 SS/DISB 19 RAMP OUTA 18 4 REF OUTB 17 5 GND PGND 16 6 SYNC VDD 15 7 CT OUTC 14 8 RT OUTD 13 9 DELAB CS 12 10 DELCD ADS 11 VOUT A C VIN VBIAS B D Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated 1 An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety-critical applications, intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. PRODUCTION DATA. UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 Features .................................................................. Applications ........................................................... Description ............................................................. Revision History..................................................... Pin Configuration and Functions ......................... Specifications......................................................... 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 7 1 1 1 2 3 5 Absolute Maximum Ratings ...................................... 5 ESD Ratings.............................................................. 5 Recommended Operating Conditions....................... 5 Thermal Information .................................................. 6 Electrical Characteristics........................................... 6 Typical Characteristics ............................................ 10 Detailed Description ............................................ 11 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Overview ................................................................. Functional Block Diagrams ..................................... Feature Description................................................. Device Functional Modes........................................ 11 11 14 17 7.5 Programming........................................................... 17 8 Application and Implementation ........................ 20 8.1 Application Information............................................ 20 8.2 Typical Application .................................................. 22 9 Power Supply Recommendations...................... 42 10 Layout................................................................... 42 10.1 Layout Guidelines ................................................. 42 10.2 Layout Example .................................................... 43 11 Device and Documentation Support ................. 44 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 Documentation Support ........................................ Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates Community Resource............................................ Trademarks ........................................................... Electrostatic Discharge Caution ............................ Glossary ................................................................ 44 44 44 44 45 45 12 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information ........................................................... 45 4 Revision History NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version. Changes from Revision P (June 2013) to Revision Q Page • Added ESD Ratings table, Feature Description section, Device Functional Modes, Application and Implementation section, Power Supply Recommendations section, Layout section, Device and Documentation Support section, and Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information section .................................................................................................. 1 • Changed UCC1895 VOL MAX, From 250 mV : To 300 mV in Electrical Characteristics ....................................................... 8 • Changed UCC1895 RAMP sink current MIN, From 12 mA : To 10 mA in Electrical Characteristics .................................... 8 • Changed the FSW note in the Detailed Design Procedure section ...................................................................................... 23 • Changed the voltage drop across the RDS(on) from 0.5-V to 4.5-V forward voltage drop in the output rectifiers.................. 23 • Added Output Voltage Setpoint section................................................................................................................................ 34 • Added Setting the Switching Frequency section .................................................................................................................. 36 • Added Soft Start section....................................................................................................................................................... 36 • Added Setting the Switching Delays section ........................................................................................................................ 36 • Added Setting the Slope Compensation section .................................................................................................................. 38 Changes from Revision O (April 2010) to Revision P Page • Added The CS input connects to text to the beginning of the CS Detailed Pin Description. ............................................... 14 • Added second paragraph to detailed REF Pin Description and included the UCC1895 at the end of the first paragraph to differentiate capacitance capabilities of the devices. ...................................................................................... 16 • Changed UCC3895 Timing Diagram in the Application Information section to reflect the maximum duty cycle conditions 19 Changes from Revision N (May 2009) to Revision O • 2 Page Changed REF pin description from “Do not use more than 1.0 μF of total capacitance on this pin.” to “Do not use more than 4.7 μF of total capacitance on this pin.” .............................................................................................................. 16 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 www.ti.com SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 5 Pin Configuration and Functions PW AND DW PACKAGE DRAWINGS (TOP VIEW) N AND J PACKAGE DRAWINGS (TOP VIEW) PW and DW PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) EAN EAOUT RAMP REF GND SYNC CT RT DELAB DELCD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 EAP SS/DISB OUTA OUTB PGND VDD OUTC OUTD CS ADS 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 EAN 1 20 EAP EAOUT 2 19 SS/DISB RAMP 3 18 OUTA REF 4 17 OUTB GND 5 16 PGND SYNC 6 15 VDD CT 7 14 OUTC RT 8 13 OUTD DELAB 9 12 CS DELCD 10 11 ADS FN AND FK PACKAGE DRAWINGS (TOP VIEW) EAN EAOUT RAMP EAP SS/DISB 3 2 1 20 19 REF 4 18 OUTA GND 5 17 OUTB SYNC 6 16 PGND CT 7 15 VDD RT 8 14 OUTC 9 DELAB DELCD 10 11 12 13 OUTD CS ADS Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 Submit Documentation Feedback 3 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com Pin Functions PIN NAME NO. I/O DESCRIPTION ADS 11 I The adaptive-delay-set pin sets the ratio between the maximum and minimum programmed output delay dead time. CS 12 I Current sense input for cycle-by-cycle current limiting and for over-current comparator. CT 7 I Oscillator timing capacitor for programming the switching frequency. The UCC3895 oscillator charges CT via a programmed current. DELAB 9 I The delay-programming between complementary-outputs pin, DELAB, programs the dead time between switching of output A and output B. DELCD 10 I The delay-programming between complementary-outputs pin, DELCD, programs the dead time between switching of output C and output D. EAOUT 2 I/O EAP 20 I Non-inverting input to the error amplifier. Keep below 3.6 V for proper operation. EAN 1 I Inverting input to the error amplifier. Keep below 3.6 V for proper operation. GND 5 — OUTA 18 O OUTB 17 O OUTC 14 O OUTD 13 O PGND 16 — RAMP 3 I Inverting input of the PWM comparator. REF 4 O 5-V, ±1.2%, 5-mA voltage reference. For best performance, bypass with a 0.1-μF low ESR, low ESL capacitor to ground. Do not use more than 4.7 μF of total capacitance on this pin. RT 8 I Oscillator timing resistor for programming the switching frequency. SS/DISB 19 I Soft-start and disable pin which combines the two independent functions. SYNC 6 I/O VDD 15 I 4 Error amplifier output. Chip ground for all circuits except the output stages. The four outputs are 100-mA complementary MOS drivers, and are optimized to drive FET driver circuits such as UCC27714 or gate drive transformers. Output stage ground. The oscillator synchronization pin is bidirectional. The power supply input pin, VDD, must be bypassed with a minimum of a 1-μF low ESR, low ESL capacitor to ground. The addition of a 10-μF low ESR, low ESL between VDD and PGND is recommended. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 www.ti.com SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 6 Specifications 6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) (1) MAX UNIT Supply voltage MIN 17 V Output current 100 mA Reference current 15 mA Supply current 30 mA Analog inputs EAP, EAN, EAOUT, RAMP, SYNC, ADS, CS, SS/DISB –0.3 REF + 0.3 V Drive outputs OUTA, OUTB, OUTC, OUTD –0.3 VCC + 0.3 V 650 mW Power dissipation at TA = 25°C TJ DW-20 package N-20 package 1 W Junction temperature –55 150 °C Tstg Storage temperature –65 150 °C (1) Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, which do not imply functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under Recommended Operating Conditions. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 6.2 ESD Ratings VALUE V(ESD) (1) (2) Electrostatic discharge Human-body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 (1) ±1000 Charged-device model (CDM), per JEDEC specification JESD22-C101 (2) ±1000 UNIT V JEDEC document JEP155 states that 500-V HBM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. JEDEC document JEP157 states that 250-V CDM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. 6.3 Recommended Operating Conditions over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) (1) MIN NOM 10 MAX UNIT VDD Supply voltage VDD Supply voltage bypass capacitor (2) CREF Reference bypass capacitor (UCC1895) (3) 0.1 1 µF CREF Reference bypass capacitor (UCC2895, UCC3895) (3) 0.1 4.7 µF CT Timing capacitor (for 500-kHz switching frequency) RT Timing resistor (for 500-kHz switching frequency) RDEL_AB, RDEL_CD Delay resistor TJ (1) (2) (3) (4) Operating junction temperature (4) 16.5 V 10 × CREF µF 220 pF 82 kΩ 2.5 40 kΩ –55 125 °C TI recommends that there be a single point grounded between GND and PGND directly under the device. There must be a separate ground plane associated with the GND pin and all components associated with pins 1 through 12, plus 19 and 20, be located over this ground plane. Any connections associated with these pins to ground must be connected to this ground plane. The VDD capacitor must be a low ESR, ESL ceramic capacitor located directly across the VDD and PGND pins. A larger bulk capacitor must be located as physically close as possible to the VDD pins. The VREF capacitor must be a low ESR, ESL ceramic capacitor located directly across the REF and GND pins. If a larger capacitor is desired for the VREF then it must be located near the VREF cap and connected to the VREF pin with a resistor of 51 Ω or greater. The bulk capacitor on VDD must be a factor of 10 greater than the total VREF capacitance. TI does not recommended that the device operate under conditions beyond those specified in this table for extended periods of time. Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 Submit Documentation Feedback 5 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com 6.4 Thermal Information UCC2895 UCC3895 UCC1895 THERMAL METRIC (1) UCC2895 UCC3895 UCC3895 J (CDIP) FK (LCCC) DW (SOIC) PW (TSSOP) FN (PLCC) N (PDIP) UNIT 20 PINS 20 PINS 20 PINS 20 PINS 20 PINS 20 PINS RθJA Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance N/A N/A 66.4 91.0 54.8 48.6 °C/W RθJC(top) Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance 34.2 31.2 31.6 26.1 32.8 35.6 °C/W RθJB Junction-to-board thermal resistance 48.9 30.9 34.1 42.2 19.0 29.6 °C/W ψJT Junction-to-top characterization parameter N/A N/A 8.6 1.3 9.0 16.0 °C/W ψJB Junction-to-board characterization parameter N/A N/A 33.7 41.6 18.7 29.4 °C/W RθJC(bot) Junction-to-case (bottom) thermal resistance 8.9 3.3 N/A N/A N/A N/A °C/W (1) For more information about traditional and new thermal metrics, see the Semiconductor and IC Package Thermal Metrics application report, SPRA953. 6.5 Electrical Characteristics VDD = 12 V, RT = 82 kΩ, CT = 220 pF, RDELAB = 10 kΩ, RDELCD = 10 kΩ, CREF = 0.1 μF, CVDD = 0.1 μF and no load on the outputs, TA = TJ. TA = 0°C to 70°C for UCC3895x, TA = –40°C to 85°C for UCC2895x and TA = –55°C to 125°C for the UCC1895x (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT 10.2 11 11.8 V 8.2 9 9.8 V 1 2 3 V 150 250 µA 5 6 mA UVLO (UNDERVOLTAGE LOCKOUT) UVLO(on) Start-up voltage threshold UVLO(off) Minimum operating voltage after start-up UVLO(hys) Hysteresis SUPPLY ISTART Start-up current IDD Operating current VDD_CLAMP VDD clamp voltage VDD = 8 V IDD = 10 mA 16.5 17.5 18.5 TJ = 25°C 4.94 5 5.06 4.85 5 5.15 10 20 V VOLTAGE REFERENCE VREF Output voltage 10 V < VDD < VDD_CLAMP, 0 mA < IREF < 5 mA, temperature ISC Short circuit current REF = 0 V, TJ = 25°C V mA ERROR AMPLIFIER –0.1 3.6 VIO Common-mode input voltage range Offset voltage –7 7 mV IBIAS Input bias current (EAP, EAN) –1 1 µA EAOUT_VOH High-level output voltage EAP – EAN = 500 mV, IEAOUT = –0.5 mA 4 4.5 5 V EAOUT_VOL Low-level output voltage EAP – EAN = –500 mV, IEAOUT = 0.5 mA 0 0.2 0.4 ISOURCE Error amplifier output source current EAP – EAN = 500 mV, EAOUT = 2.5 V 1 1.5 mA ISINK Error amplifier output sink current EAP – EAN = –500 mV, EAOUT = 2.5 V 2.5 4.5 mA AVOL Open-loop dc gain 75 85 dB GBW Unity gain bandwidth (1) 5 7 mHz 1.5 2.2 V/µs No-load comparator turn-off threshold 0.45 0.5 0.55 V No-load comparator turn-on threshold 0.55 0.6 0.69 V 1 V < EAN < 0 V, EAP = 500 mV, 0.5 V < EAOUT < 3 V Slew rate (1) (1) 6 V V Ensured by design. Not production tested. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 www.ti.com SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 Electrical Characteristics (continued) VDD = 12 V, RT = 82 kΩ, CT = 220 pF, RDELAB = 10 kΩ, RDELCD = 10 kΩ, CREF = 0.1 μF, CVDD = 0.1 μF and no load on the outputs, TA = TJ. TA = 0°C to 70°C for UCC3895x, TA = –40°C to 85°C for UCC2895x and TA = –55°C to 125°C for the UCC1895x (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS No-load comparator hysteresis MIN TYP MAX UNIT 0.035 0.1 0.165 V OSCILLATOR fOSC Frequency TJ = 25°C Frequency total variation Over line, temperature 473 VIH_SYNC SYNC input threshold, SYNC VOH_SYNC High-level output voltage, SYNC ISYNC = –400 μA, VCT = 2.6 V VOL_SYNC Low-level output voltage, SYNC ISYNC = 100 μA, VCT = 0 V Sync output pulse width LOADSYNC = 3.9 kΩ and 30 pF in parallel VRT Timing resistor voltage VCT(peak) Timing capacitor peak voltage VCT(valley) Timing capacitor valley voltage 500 527 2.5% 5% kHz 2.05 2.1 2.4 V 4.1 4.5 5 V 0 0.5 1 V 85 135 ns 2.9 3 3.1 V 2.25 2.35 2.55 V 0 0.2 0.4 V 20 µA CURRENT SENSE ICS(bias) 0 V < CS < 2.5 V, 0 V ADS < 2.5 V Current sense bias current Peak current threshold Overcurrent threshold Current sense to output delay –4.5 1.9 2 2.1 V 2.4 2.5 2.6 V 75 110 ns 0 V ≤ CS ≤ 2.3 V, DELAB = DELCD = REF SOFT START/SHUTDOWN ISOURCE Soft-start source current SS/DISB = 3.0 V, CS = 1.9 V –40 –35 –30 µA ISINK Soft-start sink current SS/DISB = 3.0 V, CS = 2.6 V 325 350 375 µA 0.44 0.5 0.56 V 0.45 0.5 0.55 Soft-start/disable comparator threshold ADAPTIVE DELAY SET (ADS) ADS = CS = 0 V tDELAY (2) DELAB/DELCD output voltage ADS = 0 V, CS = 2 V 1.9 2 2.1 V Output delay (1) (2) ADS = CS = 0 V 450 560 620 ns ADS bias current 0 V < ADS < 2.5 V, 0 V < CS < 2.5 V –20 20 µA Output delay is measured between OUTA and OUTB, or OUTC and OUTD. Output delay is defined as shown below where: tf(OUTA) = falling edge of OUTA signal, tr(OUTB) = rising edge of OUTB signal (see Figure 1 and Figure 2). Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 Submit Documentation Feedback 7 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com Electrical Characteristics (continued) VDD = 12 V, RT = 82 kΩ, CT = 220 pF, RDELAB = 10 kΩ, RDELCD = 10 kΩ, CREF = 0.1 μF, CVDD = 0.1 μF and no load on the outputs, TA = TJ. TA = 0°C to 70°C for UCC3895x, TA = –40°C to 85°C for UCC2895x and TA = –55°C to 125°C for the UCC1895x (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT mV OUTPUT VOH High-level output voltage (all outputs) IOUT = –10 mA, VDD to output 250 400 VOL Low-level output voltage (all outputs) IOUT = 10 mA UCC1895 150 300 UCC2895, UCC3895 150 250 tR Rise time (1) CLOAD = 100 pF 20 35 ns CLOAD = 100 pF 20 35 ns 0.85 1.05 V 0.0% 0.85% 1.4% 70 120 ns 5 µA tF Fall time (1) mV PWM COMPARATOR EAOUT to RAMP input offset voltage RAMP = 0 V, DELAB = DELCD = REF Minimum phase shift (3) (OUTA to OUTC, OUTB to OUTD) RAMP = 0 V, EAOUT = 650 mV tDELAY Delay (2) (RAMP to OUTC, RAMP to OUTD) 0 V < RAMP < 2.5 V, EAOUT = 1.2 V, DELAB = DELCD = REF IR(bias) RAMP bias current RAMP < 5 V, CT = 2.2 V IR(sink) (3) RAMP = 5 V, CT = 2.6 V RAMP sink current Minimum phase shift is defined as: F = 180 ´ (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) t f (OUTC ) - t f (OUTA ) tPERIOD or F = 180 ´ 0.72 –5 UCC1895 10 19 UCC2895, UCC3895 12 19 mA t f (OUTC ) - t f (OUTB ) tPERIOD where tf(OUTA) = falling edge of OUTA signal tf(OUTB) = falling edge of OUTB signal tf(OUTC) = falling edge of OUTC signal tf(OUTD) = falling edge of OUTD signal tPERIOD = period of OUTA or OUTB signal tPERIOD OUTA tDELAY = tf(OUTA) - tf(OUTC) OUTC Figure 1. Same Applies to OUTB and OUTD 8 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 www.ti.com SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 OUTA tDELAY = tR(OUTB) - tf(OUTA) OUTB Figure 2. Same Applies to OUTC and OUTD Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 Submit Documentation Feedback 9 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com 6.6 Typical Characteristics 2000 1600 1400 Oscillator Frequency (kHz) Vcs = 2 V 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 200 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 Delay Resistance (k 100 1000 Timing Capacitance (pF) C001 Figure 3. Output Delay (tDELAY) vs Delay Resistance (RDEL) Figure 4. Oscillator Frequency (fSW) vs Timing Capacitance (CT) 1.00 100 200 80 160 60 120 40 80 0.95 Gain (dB) EAOUT to Ramp Offset (V) C002 0.90 0.85 20 Phase Margin (°) Output Delay (ns) RT = 47 k RT = 62 k RT = 82 k RT = 100 k Vcs = 0 V 1800 40 Gain (dB) Phase Margin (°C) 0 0.80 ±60 ±40 0 ±20 20 40 60 80 100 1 120 Temperature (ƒC) 10 10k 100k 1M 0 10M Frequency (Hz) C004 Figure 6. Amplifier Gain and Phase Margin vs Frequency (fOSC) 13 Vdd = 10 V Vdd = 12 V Vdd = 15 V Vdd = 17 V 8 1k C003 Figure 5. EAOUT to Ramp Offset (VOFFSET) vs Temperature (TA) 9 100 Vdd = 10 V Vdd = 12 V Vdd = 15 V Vdd = 17 V 12 11 Idd (mA) Idd (mA) 10 7 6 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 0 400 800 1200 Oscillator Frequency (kHz) Figure 7. Input Current (IDD) vs Oscillator Frequency (fOSC) 10 Submit Documentation Feedback 1600 0 400 800 1200 Oscillator Frequency (kHz) C005 1600 C006 Figure 8. Input Current (IDD) vs Oscillator Frequency (fOSC) Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 www.ti.com SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 7 Detailed Description 7.1 Overview The UCC3895 device combines all the functions necessary to control a phase-shifted full bridge power stage in a 20-pin package. It includes all the outputs needed to drive the four switches in the full-bridge circuit. The dead times between the upper and lower switches in the full bridge may be set using the DELAB and DELCD inputs. Further, this dead time may be dynamically adjusted according to the load level using the ADS pin allowing the user to optimize the dead time for their particular power circuit and to achieve ZVS over the entire operating range. At light loads a no-load comparator forces cycle skipping to maintain output voltage regulation. At higherpower levels, two or more UCC3895 devices may be easily synchronized for parallel operation. The SS/DISB input may be used to set the length of the soft-start process and to turn the controller on and off. The controller may be used in Voltage mode or Current mode control and cycle-by-cycle current limiting is provided in both modes. The switching frequency may be set over a wide range making this device suited to both IGBT and MOSFET based designs. 7.2 Functional Block Diagrams + VOUT VIN CIN - UCC3895 EAP 20 1 EAN 2 EAOUT SS/DISB 19 3 RAMP OUTA 18 A 4 REF OUTB 17 B 5 GND PGND 16 6 SYNC VDD 15 QC DB C T1 LS DC CT OUTC 14 C 8 RT OUTD 13 D 9 DELAB CS 12 10 DELCD ADS 11 7 QA A QB QD D B VOUT + - Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Figure 9. Simplified Application Diagram Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 Submit Documentation Feedback 11 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com Functional Block Diagrams (continued) IRT RT Q 8 CT 7 Q Q 6 PWM COMPARATOR RAMP 0.8 V EAOUT EAP EAN R Q DELAY B D S Q DELAY C OUTA 9 DELAB 17 OUTB + ERROR AMP 20 NO LOAD COMPARATOR + + 1 CURRENT SENSE COMPARATOR R Q 14 DELAY D OUTC 10 DELCD 13 OUTD 16 PGND 11 ADS 4 REF 5 GND 0.5 V / 0.6 V + 12 2.5 V + OVER CURRENT COMPARATOR ADAPTIVE DELAY SET AMPLIFIER + REF Q S Q R HI=ON + 0.5 V + 19 11 V / 9 V REF REFERENCE OK COMPARATOR HI=ON 10(IRT) 0.5V UVLO COMPARATOR DISABLE COMPARATOR IRT SS 18 DELAY A 2 2V CS D S Q + 3 VDD OSC R SYNC 15 D S Q 8(IRT) 4V + Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Figure 10. Block Diagram 12 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 www.ti.com SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 Functional Block Diagrams (continued) REF VREF 8IRT RT IRT RT CT 2.5 V S CLOCK Q + CT + 0.2 V R SYNC CLOCK Figure 11. Oscillator Block Diagram REF 0.5 V 100 k: 75 k: TO DELAY A AND DELAY B BLOCKS + DELAB CS + 100 k: ADS REF 75 k: + TO DELAY C AND DELAY D BLOCKS DELCD Figure 12. Adaptive Delay Set Block Diagram Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 Submit Documentation Feedback 13 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com Functional Block Diagrams (continued) REF BUSSED CURRENT FROM ADS CIRCUIT 3.5 V DELAB/CD FROM PAD DELAYED CLOCK SIGNAL 2.5 V CLOCK Figure 13. Delay Block Diagram (One Delay Block Per Outlet) 7.3 Feature Description 7.3.1 ADS (Adaptive Delay Set) This function sets the ratio between the maximum and minimum programmed output-delay dead time. When the ADS pin is directly connected to the CS pin, no delay modulation occurs. The maximum delay modulation occurs when ADS is grounded. In this case, delay time is four-times longer when CS = 0 than when CS = 2 V (the peakcurrent threshold), ADS changes the output voltage on the delay pins DELAB and DELCD by Equation 1. VDEL = éë0.75 ´ (VCS - VADS )ùû + 0.5 V where • VCS and VADS are in volts (1) ADS must be limited to between 0 V and 2.5 V and must be less-than or equal-to CS. DELAB and DELCD are clamped to a minimum of 0.5 V. 7.3.2 CS (Current Sense) The CS input connects to the inverting input of the current-sense comparator and the non-inverting input of the overcurrent comparator and the ADS amplifier. The current sense signal is used for cycle-by-cycle current limiting in peak current-mode control, and for overcurrent protection in all cases with a secondary threshold for output shutdown. An output disable initiated by an overcurrent fault also results in a restart cycle, called soft stop, with full soft start. 7.3.3 CT (Oscillator Timing Capacitor) The UCC3895 oscillator charges CT via a programmed current. The waveform on CT is a sawtooth, with a peak voltage of 2.35 V. The approximate oscillator period is calculated by Equation 2. 5 ´ R T ´ CT t OSC = + 120 ns 48 where • • • • 14 CT is in Farads RT is in Ohms tOSC is in seconds CT can range from 100 to 880 pF Submit Documentation Feedback (2) Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 www.ti.com SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 Feature Description (continued) NOTE A large CT and a small RT combination results in extended fall times on the CT waveform. The increased fall time increases the SYNC pulse width, hence limiting the maximum phase shift between OUTA, OUTB and OUTC, OUTD outputs, which limits the maximum duty cycle of the converter (see Figure 11). 7.3.4 DELAB and DELCD (Delay Programming Between Complementary Outputs) DELAB programs the dead time between switching of OUTA and OUTB. DELCD programs the dead time between OUTC and OUTD. This delay is introduced between complementary outputs in the same leg of the external bridge. The UCC3895 allows the user to select the delay, in which the resonant switching of the external power stages takes place. Separate delays are provided for the two half-bridges to accommodate differences in resonant-capacitor charging currents. The delay in each stage is set according to Equation 3. (25 ´ 10 )´ R -12 DEL tDELAY = VDEL + 25 ns where • • • VDEL is in volts RDEL is in Ohms tDELAY is in seconds (3) DELAB and DELCD source about 1-mA maximum. Choose the delay resistors so that this maximum is not exceeded. Programmable output delay is defeated by tying DELAB and, or, DELCD to REF. For an optimum performance keep stray capacitance on these pins at less than 10 pF. 7.3.5 EAOUT, EAP, and EAN (Error Amplifier) EAOUT connects internally to the non-inverting input of the PWM comparator and the no-load comparator. EAOUT is internally clamped to the soft-start voltage. The no-load comparator shuts down the output stages when EAOUT falls below 500 mV, and allows the outputs to turn on again when EAOUT rises above 600 mV. EAP is the non-inverting and the EAN is the inverting input to the error amplifier. 7.3.6 OUTA, OUTB, OUTC, and OUTD (Output MOSFET Drivers) The four outputs are 100-mA complementary MOS drivers, and are optimized to drive MOSFET driver circuits. OUTA and OUTB are fully complementary, (assuming no programming delay) and operate near 50% duty cycle and one-half the oscillator frequency. OUTA and OUTB are intended to drive one half-bridge circuit in an external power stage. OUTC and OUTD drive the other half-bridge and have the same characteristics as OUTA and OUTB. OUTC is phase shifted with respect to OUTA, and OUTD is phase shifted with respect to OUTB. NOTE Changing the phase relationship of OUTC and OUTD with respect to OUTA and OUTB requires other than the nominal 50% duty ratio on OUTC and OUTD during those transients. 7.3.7 PGND (Power Ground) To keep output switching noise from critical analog circuits, the UCC3895 has two different ground connections. PGND is the ground connection for the high-current output stages. Both GND and PGND must be electrically tied together. Also, because PGND carries high current, board traces must be low impedance. 7.3.8 RAMP (Inverting Input of the PWM Comparator) This pin receives either the CT waveform in voltage and average current-mode controls, or the current signal (plus slope compensation) in peak current-mode control. Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 Submit Documentation Feedback 15 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com Feature Description (continued) 7.3.9 REF (Voltage Reference) The 5-V ± 1.2% reference supplies power to internal circuitry, and also supplies up to 5 mA to external loads. The reference is shutdown during undervoltage lockout but is operational during all other disable modes. For best performance, bypass with a 0.1-μF low-ESR low-ESL capacitor to GND. To ensure the stability of the internal reference, do not use more than 1 μF of total capacitance on this pin for the UCC1895. For the UCC2895 and the UCC3895, this capacitance increases as per the limits defined in the Recommended Operating Conditions of this specification. 7.3.10 RT (Oscillator Timing Resistor) The oscillator in the UCC3895 operates by charging an external timing capacitor, CT, with a fixed current programmed by RT. RT current is calculated with Equation 4. 3V IRT (A ) = RT (W ) (4) RT ranges from 40 kΩ to 120 kΩ. Soft-start charging and discharging currents are also programmed by IRT (Refer to Figure 11). 7.3.11 GND (Analog Ground) This pin is the chip ground for all internal circuits except the output stages. 7.3.12 SS/DISB (Soft Start/Disable) This pin combines two independent functions. Disable Mode: A rapid shutdown of the chip is accomplished by externally forcing SS/DISB below 0.5 V, externally forcing REF below 4 V, or if VDD drops below the undervoltage lockout threshold. In the case of REF being pulled below 4 V or an undervoltage condition, SS/DISB is actively pulled to ground via an internal MOSFET switch. If an overcurrent fault is sensed (CS = 2.5 V), a soft stop is initiated. In this mode, SS/DISB sinks a constant current of (10 × IRT). The soft stop continues until SS/DISB falls below 0.5 V. When any of these faults are detected, all outputs are forced to ground immediately. NOTE If SS/DISB is forced below 0.5 V, the pin starts to source current equal to IRT. The only time the part switches into low IDD current mode, though, is when the part is in undervoltage lockout. Soft Start Mode: After a fault or disable condition has passed, VDD is above the start threshold, and, or, SS/DISB falls below 0.5 V during a soft stop, SS/DISB switches to a soft-start mode. The pin then sources current, equal to IRT. A user-selected resistor/capacitor combination on SS/DISB determines the soft-start time constant. NOTE SS/DISB actively clamps the EAOUT pin voltage to approximately the SS/DISB pin voltage during soft-start, soft-stop, and disable conditions. 16 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 www.ti.com SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 Feature Description (continued) 7.3.13 SYNC (Oscillator Synchronization) This pin is bidirectional (refer to Figure 11). When used as an output, SYNC is used as a clock, which is the same as the internal clock of the device. When used as an input, SYNC overrides the internal oscillator of the chip and acts as the clock signal. This bidirectional feature allows synchronization of multiple power supplies. Also, the SYNC signal internally discharge the CT capacitor and any filter capacitors that are present on the RAMP pin. The internal SYNC circuitry is level sensitive, with an input-low threshold of 1.9 V, and an input-high threshold of 2.1 V. A resistor as small as 3.9 kΩ may be tied between SYNC and GND to reduce the sync pulse width. 7.3.14 VDD (Chip Supply) This is the input pin to the chip. VDD must be bypassed with a minimum of 1-μF low ESR, low ESL capacitor to ground. The addition of a 10-μF low ESR, low ESL between VDD and PGND is recommended. 7.4 Device Functional Modes The UCC3895 has a number of operational modes. These modes are described in detail in Feature Description section. • Current mode - The UCC3895 device may be operated in current mode control. The CS pin is connected to the current sense signal plus slope compensation. The RAMP pin is connected to the CS pin. • Voltage mode - The UCC3895 may be operated in voltage mode control. The RAMP pin is connected to the signal at CT. • Light load mode - Under light load conditions the signal at the EAOUT pin can fall below the threshold of the No-Load-Comparator. When this happens the UCC3895 maintains output regulation by skipping cycles. • Synchronized mode - Multiple UC3895 devices may be synchronised to each other or to an external clock signal. • Disable mode - The device will stop if the EN/DISB pin is pulled below 0.5 V. • Soft-start mode - This mode protects the power stage from excessive stresses during the start-up process. 7.5 Programming 7.5.1 Programming DELAB, DELCD and the Adaptive Delay Set The UCC3895 allows the user to set the delay between switch commands within each leg of the full-bridge power circuit according to Equation 5. (25 ´ 10 )´ R -12 DEL tDELAY = VDEL + 25 ns (5) From Equation 5 VDEL is determined in conjunction with the desire to use (or not) the ADS feature from Equation 6. VDEL = éë0.75 ´ (VCS - VADS )ùû + 0.5 V (6) Figure 14 illustrates the resistors needed to program the delay periods and the ADS function. Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 Submit Documentation Feedback 17 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com Programming (continued) UCC3895 9 DELAB 10 DELCD CS 12 ADS 11 RDELAB RDELCD Figure 14. Programming Adaptive Delay Set The ADS allows the user to vary the delay times between switch commands within each of the two legs of the converter. The delay-time modulation is implemented by connecting ADS (pin 11) to CS, GND, or a resistive divider from CS through ADS to GND to set VADS as shown in Figure 14. From Equation 6 for VDEL, if ADS is tied to GND then VDEL rises in direct proportion to VCS, causing a decrease in tDELAY as the load increases. In this condition, the maximum value of VDEL is 2 V. If ADS is connected to a resistive divider between CS and GND, the term (VCS – VADS) becomes smaller, reducing the level of VDEL. This reduction decreases the amount of delay modulation. In the limit of ADS tied to CS, VDEL = 0.5 V and no delay modulation occurs. Figure 15 graphically shows the delay time versus load for varying adaptive delay set feature voltages (VADS). In the case of maximum delay modulation (ADS = GND), when the circuit goes from light load to heavy load, the variation of VDEL is from 0.5 to 2 V. This change causes the delay times to vary by a 4:1 ratio as the load is changed. The ability to program an adaptive delay is a desirable feature because the optimum delay time is a function of the current flowing in the primary winding of the transformer, and changes by a factor of 10:1 or more as circuit loading changes. Reference 7 (see the Related Documentation section) describes the many interrelated factors for choosing the optimum delay times for the most efficient power conversion, and illustrates an external circuit to enable ADS using the UC3879. Implementing this adaptive feature is simplified in the UCC3895 controller, giving the user the ability to tailor the delay times to suit a particular application with a minimum of external parts. 18 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 www.ti.com SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 Programming (continued) DELAY TIME vs CURRENT SENSE VOLTAGE A = VADS/VCS RDELAY = 10k A=1.0 DELAY TIME (ns) 500 400 A=0.8 300 A=0.6 200 100 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 A=0.4 A=0.2 A=0.1 2.0 2.5 CURRENT SENSE VOLTAGE (V) Figure 15. Delay Time Under Varying ADS Voltages CLOCK RAMP & COMP PWM SIGNAL OUTPUT A OUTPUT B OUTPUT C OUTPUT D No Output Delay Shown, COMP to RAMP offset not included. Figure 16. UCC3895 Timing Diagram Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 Submit Documentation Feedback 19 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com 8 Application and Implementation NOTE Information in the following applications sections is not part of the TI component specification, and TI does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. TI’s customers are responsible for determining suitability of components for their purposes. Customers should validate and test their design implementation to confirm system functionality. 8.1 Application Information A simplified electrical diagram of this converter is shown in Figure 18. The controller device is located on the primary side of converter to allow easy bias power generation. The power stage includes primary side MOSFETs, QA, QB, QC and QD. Diode rectification is used here for simplicity but synchronous rectification is also possible and is described in application notes SLUU109 Using the UCC3895 in a Direct Control Driven Synchronous Rectifier Applications and SLUA287 Control Driven Synchronous Rectifiers In Phase Shifted Full Bridge Converters. The centre-tapped rectifier scheme with L-C output filter is a popular choice for the 12-V output converters in server power supplies. The major waveforms of the phase-shifted converter during normal operation are shown in Figure 17. The upper four waveforms show the output drive signals of the controller. Current, IPR, is the current flowing through the primary winding of the power transformer. The bottom two waveforms show the voltage at the output inductor, VLOUT, and the current through the output inductor, ILOUT. ZVS is an important feature for high input voltage converters in reducing switching losses associated with the internal parasitic capacitances of power switches and transformers. The controller ensures ZVS conditions over the entire load current range by adjusting the delay time between the primary MOSFETs switching in the same leg in accordance to the load variation. At light loads the output of the error amplifier (EAOUT) will drop below the threshold of the No-Load Comparator and the controller will enter a pulse skipping mode. 20 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 www.ti.com SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 Application Information (continued) TSW(nom) TABSET2 OUTA TABSET1 TCDSET2 OUTB TSW(osc) OUTC TCDSET1 OUTD IPR VOUTx(1-D) /D VLOUT VOUT ILOUT IOUT Figure 17. Major Waveforms of Phase-Shifted Converter Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 Submit Documentation Feedback 21 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com 8.2 Typical Application A typical application for the UCC3895 device is a controller for a phase-shifted full-bridge converter that converts a 390-VDC input to a regulated 12-V output. + RG CT VOUT VIN CIN 50 UCC3895 RR 1 - DA RCS RH RLF EAN EAP 20 CF 2 EAOUT SS/DISB 19 3 RAMP OUTA 18 A 4 REF OUTB 17 B RF RA ½ UCC27714 GND PGND 16 6 SYNC VDD 15 7 CT Q1 QC HO CT RSLC OUTC 14 8 RT OUTD 13 ½ UCC27714 D RAB 9 DELAB CS 12 RCD 10 DELCD ADS 11 HI QB QD ½ UCC27714 LOUT LI CE RADSH CRAMP HO DC C B RT C T1 LS CVDD RJ ½ UCC27714 DB HI RD 5 QA A CREF CLF RLOOP U2 CSS D LO LO U1 LI VOUT TL431 D1 + D2 RB COUT RADSL - Figure 18. UCC3895 Typical Application 8.2.1 Design Requirements Table 1 lists the requirements for this application. Table 1. UCC3895 Typical Application Design Requirements PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT 370 390 410 V 2 A 12.6 V INPUT CHARACTERISTICS VIN DC input voltage range IIN(max) Maximum input current VIN= 370 VDC to 410 VDC OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS VOUT Output voltage VIN= 370 VDC to 410 VDC IOUT Output current VIN= 370 VDC to 410 VDC Output voltage transient 90% load step Continuous output power VIN= 370 VDC to 410 VDC 600 W Load regulation VIN = 370 VDC to 410 VDC, IOUT= 5 A to 50 A 140 mV Line regulation VIN = 370 VDC to 410 VDC, IOUT= 5 A to 50 A 140 mV Output ripple voltage VIN = 370 VDC to 410 VDC, IOUT= 5 A to 50 A 200 mV POUT 11.4 12 50 600 A mV SYSTEM FSW Switching frequency Full-load efficiency 22 Submit Documentation Feedback 100 VIN= 370 VDC to 410 VDC, POUT= 500 W 92% kHz 93% Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 www.ti.com SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 8.2.2 Detailed Design Procedure The phase-shifted full-bridge converter topology is well suited to high-power server applications. This is because the phase-shifted, full-bridge converter can obtain zero-voltage switching on the primary side of the converter, reducing switching losses and EMI and increasing overall efficiency. This is a review of the design of a 600-W, phase-shifted, full-bridge converter for one of these power systems using TI's UCC3895 device. The review is based on typical values. In a production design, the values may need to be modified for worst-case conditions. NOTE FSW refers to the switching frequency applied to the power transformer. The oscillator on the UCC2895 is set to 2 × FSW. The output inductor also experiences a switching frequency which is 2 × FSW. Power Loss Budget To meet the efficiency goal a power loss budget needs to be set. æ 1- h ö PBUDGET = POUT ´ ç ÷ » 52W è h ø (7) Preliminary Transformer Calculations (T1) Transformer turns ratio (a1): a1 = NP NS (8) The voltage drop across the RDS(on) of the primary side FETs is negligible. We assume a 0.5-V forward voltage drop in the output rectifiers. Vf = 0.45V (9) Select transformer turns based on 70% duty cycle (DMAX) at minimum specified input voltage. This will give some room for dropout if a PFC front end is used. a1 = NP NS (10) ´ DMAX V » 21 a1 = INMIN VOUT - Vf (11) Turns ratio rounded to the nearest whole turn. a1 = 21 (12) Calculated typical duty cycle (DTYP) based on average input voltage. (V + Vf )´ a1 » 0.66 DTYP = OUT VIN (13) Output inductor peak-to-peak ripple current is set to 20% of the output current. DILOUT = POUT ´ 0.2 = 10 A VOUT (14) Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 Submit Documentation Feedback 23 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com Care must be taken in selecting the correct amount of magnetizing inductance (LMAG). The following equations calculate the minimum magnetizing inductance of the primary of the transformer (T1) to ensure the converter operates in current-mode control. As LMAG reduces, the increasing magnetizing current becomes an increasing proportion of the signal at the CS pin. If the magnetizing current increases enough it can swamp out the current sense signal across RCS and the converter will operate increasingly as if it were in voltage mode control rather than current mode. LMAG ³ VIN ´ (1 - DTYP ) » 2.78mH DILOUT ´ 0.5 ´ 2 ´ FSW a1 (15) Figure 19 shows the transformer primary and secondary currents during normal operation. IPP IMP2 IMP IMP2 C /PP - 4ILOUT/(2 a1) 0A IPS IMS2 IMS IMS C /PS + 4ILOUT/2 0A 4ILOUT/2 0A TON TOFF Figure 19. T1 Primary and Secondary Currents 24 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 www.ti.com SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 Calculate T1 secondary RMS current (ISRMS): IPS = POUT DILOUT + » 55 A VOUT 2 (16) POUT DILOUT » 45 A VOUT 2 (17) ΔI - LOUT » 50 A 2 (18) IMS = IMS2 = IPS Secondary RMS current (ISRMS1) when energy is being delivered to the secondary: (OUTA = OUTD = HI or OUTB = OUTC = HI). (I - I ) æD öé ISRMS1 = ç MAX ÷ êIPS ´ IMS + PS MS 3 è 2 ø êë 2 ù ú » 29.6 A úû (19) Secondary RMS current (ISRMS2) during freewheeling period: (OUTA = OUTC = HI or OUTB = OUTD = HI). (I - I ) æ 1 - DMAX ö é êIPS ´ IMS2 + PS MS2 = ç ÷ 2 3 è ø êë 2 ISRMS2 ù ú » 20.3 A úû (20) Secondary RMS current (ISRMS3) caused by the negative current in the opposing winding during freewheeling period, please refer to Figure 19. ISRMS3 = DILOUT æ 1 - DMAX ö ç 2 ´ 3 ÷ » 1.1A 2 è ø (21) Total secondary RMS current (ISRMS): ISRMS = ISRMS12 + ISRMS22 + ISRMS3 2 » 36.0 A (22) Calculate T1 Primary RMS Current (IPRMS): D ILMAG = VINMIN ´ DMAX » 0.47 A LMAG ´ 2 ´ FSW (23) æ P DI IPP = ç OUT + LOUT 2 è VOUT ´ h ö1 ÷ + DILMAG » 3.3 A ø a1 (24) æ P DI IMP = ç OUT - LOUT 2 è VOUT ´ h ö1 ÷ + DILMAG » 2.8A ø a1 (25) é (IPP - IMP )2 ùú ê IPRMS1 = (DMAX ) IPP ´ IMP + » 2.5 A ê ú 3 ë û (26) æ DI ö1 IMP2 = IPP - ç LOUT ÷ » 3.0 A è 2 ø a1 (27) Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 Submit Documentation Feedback 25 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com T1 Primary RMS (IPRMS1) current when energy is being delivered to the secondary. é (IPP - IMP )2 ùú ê IPRMS1 = (DMAX ) IPP ´ IMP + » 2.5 A ê ú 3 ë û (28) T1 Primary RMS (IPRMS2) current when the converter is free wheeling. IPRMS2 2 é IPP - IMP2 ) ù ( ú » 1.7 A = (1 - DMAX )êIPP ´ IMP2 + 3 êë úû (29) Total T1 primary RMS current (IPRMS): IPRMS = IPRMS12 + IPRMS22 » 3.1A (30) We select a transformer with the following specifications: a1= 21 LMAG = 2.8mH (31) (32) Transformer Primary DC resistance: DCRP = 0.215 W (33) Transformer Secondary DC resistance: DCRS = 0.58 W (34) Estimated transformer core losses (PT1) are twice the copper loss. NOTE This is just an estimate and the total losses may vary based on magnetic design. ( ) PT1 » 2 ´ IPRMS 2 ´ DCRP + 2 ´ ISRMS 2 ´ DCRS » 7.0 W (35) Calculate remaining power budget: PBUDGET = PBUDGET - PT1 » 45W 26 Submit Documentation Feedback (36) Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 www.ti.com SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 QA, QB, QC, QD FET Selection In this design to meet efficiency and voltage requirements 20 A, 650 V, CoolMOS FETs from Infineon are chosen for QA..QD. FET drain to source on resistance: Rds(on)QA = 0.220 W (37) FET Specified COSS: COSS _ QA _ SPEC = 780pF (38) Voltage across drain-to-source (VdsQA) where COSS was measured, data sheet parameter: VdsQA = 25 V (39) Calculate average Coss [2]: COSS _ QA _ AVG = COSS _ QA _ SPEC VdsQA » 193pF VINMAX (40) QA FET gate charge: QA g = 15nC (41) Voltage applied to FET gate to activate FET: Vg = 12 V (42) Calculate QA losses (PQA) based on Rds(on)QA and gate charge (QAg): PQA IPRMS2 u RDS(on)QA 2 u QAg u Vg u fSW | 2.1W (43) Recalculate power budget: PBUDGET = PBUDGET - 4 ´ PQA » 36.6W Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 (44) Submit Documentation Feedback 27 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com Selecting LS Calculating the value of the shim inductor (LS) is based on the amount of energy required to achieve zero voltage switching. This inductor needs to able to deplete the energy from the parasitic capacitance at the switch node. The following equation selects LS to achieve ZVS at 100% load down to 50% load based on the primary FET’s average total COSS at the switch node. NOTE The actual parasitic capacitance at the switched node may differ from the estimate and LS may have to be adjusted accordingly. VINMAX 2 - LLK » 26 mH LS ³ (2 ´ COSS _ QA _ AVG ) 2 æ IPP DILOUT ö ç 2 - 2 ´ a1 ÷ è ø (45) LS = 26 mH (46) Typical shim inductor DC resistance: DCRLS = 27mW (47) Estimate LS power loss (PLS) and readjust remaining power budget: PLS = 2 ´ IPRMS 2 ´ DCRLS » 0.5 W (48) PBUDGET = PBUDGET - PLS » 36.1W (49) Selecting Diodes DB and DC There is a potential for high voltage ringing on the secondary rectifiers, caused by the difference in current between the transformer and the shim inductor when the transformer comes out of freewheeling. Diodes DB and DC provide a path for this current and prevent any ringing by clamping the transformer primary to the primary side power rails. Normally these diodes do not dissipate much power but they should be sized to carry the full primary current. The worse case power dissipated in these diodes is: P = 0.5 ´ LS ´ I2PRMS ´ FSW (50) The diodes should be ultra-fast types and rated for the input voltage of the converter – VIN (410 VDC in this case). A MURS360 part is suitable at this power level. 28 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 www.ti.com SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 Output Inductor Selection (LOUT) Inductor LOUT is designed for 20% inductor ripple current (∆ILOUT): DILOUT = LOUT POUT ´ 0.2 600 W ´ 0.2 = » 10 A VOUT 12 V (51) VOUT u (1 DTYP ) | 2 PH 'ILOUT u 2 u fSW (52) Calculate output inductor RMS current (ILOUT_RMS): 2 ILOUT _ RMS 2 æ P ö æ DI ö = ç OUT ÷ + ç LOUT ÷ = 50.3 A è VOUT ø è 3 ø (53) LOUT = 2 mH (54) Typical output inductor DC resistance: DCRLOUT = 750 mW (55) Estimate output inductor losses (PLOUT) and recalculate power budget. Note PLOUT is an estimate of inductor losses that is twice the copper loss. Note this may vary based on magnetic manufactures. It is advisable to double check the magnetic loss with the magnetic manufacture. PLOUT = 2 ´ ILOUT _ RMS 2 ´ DCRLOUT » 3.8 W (56) PBUDGET = PBUDGET - PLOUT » 32.8W (57) Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 Submit Documentation Feedback 29 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com Output Capacitance (COUT) The output capacitor is selected based on holdup and transient (VTRAN) load requirements. Time it takes LOUT to change 90% of its full load current: tHU LOUT ´ POUT ´ 0.9 VOUT = = 7.5 ms VOUT (58) During load transients most of the current will immediately go through the capacitors equivalent series resistance (ESRCOUT). The following equations are used to select ESRCOUT and COUT based on a 90% load step in current. The ESR is selected for 90% of the allowable transient voltage (VTRAN), while the output capacitance (COUT) is selected for 10% of VTRAN. ESRCOUT £ COUT VTRAN ´ 0.9 = 12mW POUT ´ 0.9 VOUT (59) POUT ´ 0.9 ´ tHU VOUT ³ » 5.6mF VTRAN ´ 0.1 (60) Before selecting the output capacitor, the output capacitor RMS current (ICOUT_RMS) must be calculated. ICOUT _ RMS = DILOUT 3 » 5.8 A (61) To meet the design requirements five 1500-µF, aluminum electrolytic capacitors are chosen for the design from United Chemi-Con™, part number EKY-160ELL152MJ30S. These capacitors have an ESR of 31 mΩ. Number of output capacitors: n=5 (62) Total output capacitance: COUT = 1500 mF ´ n » 7500 mF (63) Effective output capacitance ESR: ESRCOUT = 31mW = 6.2mW n (64) Calculate output capacitor loss (PCOUT): PCOUT = ICOUT _ RMS 2 ´ ESRCOUT » 0.21W (65) Recalculate remaining Power Budget: PBUDGET = PBUDGET - PCOUT » 32.6W (66) Select Rectifier Diodes Selecting the rectifier diodes begins with determining the voltage and current ratings necessary. In this case the peak diode reverse voltage is given by: Vr =2× VINMAX a1 » 38V (67) The average output diode current is given by: If = 30 IOUT _ avg 2 » 30A Submit Documentation Feedback (68) Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 www.ti.com SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 For this design we select dual 40-A, 45-V Schottky diodes type STPS40L45CT. This is a dual diode and we connect both of the diodes in parallel for current sharing. Each diode in the package will carry approximately half of the If calculated above, or about 15 A. The forward voltage drop of these diodes at maximum output current will be typically 0.45 V. The power loss in the output rectifiers is dominated by the VfIf product. The loss in each dual diode package is given by: PDiode =Vf ×If » 13.5W (69) The device will require a heatsink to keep its junction temperature at a reasonable level. The heatsink thermal resistance will have to be less than: R TH_HSK_D = TJ_max - TA PDiode - R THJC » 4.5 o CW -1 (70) where Tj_max = 125°C, TA = 50°C, and RTH_jc = 0.8°CW–1. A typical heatsink with this thermal resistance would have dimensions 63.5 mm × 42 mm × 25 mm. Recalculate the power budget. PBUDGET = PBUDGET - 2 ´ PDiode » 5.6W Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 (71) Submit Documentation Feedback 31 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com Input Capacitance (CIN) The input voltage in this design is 390 VDC, which is generally fed by the output of a PFC boost pre-regulator. The input capacitance is generally selected based on holdup and ripple requirements. NOTE The delay time needed to achieve ZVS can act as a duty cycle clamp (DCLAMP). Calculate tank frequency: fR = 1 2p LS ´ (2 ´ COSS _ QA _ AVG ) (72) Estimated delay time: tDELAY = 2 » 314ns f R ´4 (73) Effective duty cycle clamp (DCLAMP): DCLAMP § 1 ¨ © 2 u fSW · tDELAY ¸ u 2 u fSW ¹ 94% (74) VDROP is the minimum input voltage where the converter can still maintain output regulation. The converter’s input voltage would only drop down this low during a brownout or line-drop condition if this converter was following a PFC pre-regulator. a1´ (VOUT + Vf ) » 278V VDROP = DCLAMP (75) CIN was calculated based on one line cycle of holdup: 2 ´ POUT ´ CIN ³ (V 2 IN 1 60Hz - VDROP 2 ) » 364 mF (76) Calculate high frequency input capacitor RMS current (ICINRMS). 2 ICINRMS = I 2 PRMS1 æ POUT ö -ç ÷ = 1.8 A V a1 ´ è INMIN ø (77) To meet the input capacitance and RMS current requirements for this design a 330-µF capacitor was chosen from Panasonic part number EETHC2W331EA. CIN = 330 mF (78) This capacitor has a high frequency (ESRCIN) of 150 mΩ, measured with an impedance analyzer at 200 kHz. ESRCIN = 0.150 W (79) Estimate CIN power dissipation (PCIN): PCIN = ICINRMS 2 ´ ESRCIN = 0.5 W (80) Recalculate remaining power budget: PBUDGET = PBUDGET - PCIN » 5.0 W (81) There is roughly 5.0 W left in the power budget left for the current sensing network, and biasing the control device and all resistors supporting the control device. 32 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 www.ti.com SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 Current Sense Network (CT, RCS, RR, DA) The CT chosen for this design has a turns ratio (CTRAT) of 100:1. CTRAT = IP = 100 IS (82) Calculate nominal peak current (IP1) at VINMIN: Peak primary current: æ P DI IP1 = ç OUT + LOUT 2 è VOUT ´ h ö1 VINMIN ´ DMAX » 3.3 A ÷ + ø a1 LMAG ´ 2 ´ FSW (83) The CS pin voltage where peak current limit will trip. VP = 2 V (84) Calculate current sense resistor (RCS) and leave 300 mV for slope compensation. Include a 1.1 factor for margin: RCS = VP - 0.3 V » 47 W IP1 ´ 1.1 CTRAT (85) Select a standard resistor for RCS: RCS = 47 W (86) Estimate power loss for RCS: 2 PRCS æI ö = ç PRMS1 ÷ ´ RCS » 0.03 W è CTRAT ø (87) Calculate maximum reverse voltage (VDA) on DA: VDA = VP DCLAMP » 29.8 V 1 - DCLAMP (88) Estimate DA power loss (PDA): PDA = POUT ´ 0.6 V » 0.01W VINMIN ´ h ´ CTRAT (89) Calculate reset resistor RR: Resistor RR is used to reset the current sense transformer CT. RR = 100 ´ RCS = 4.7kW (90) Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 Submit Documentation Feedback 33 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com Resistor RLF and capacitor CLF form a low pass filter for the current sense signal (Pin 15). For this design we chose the following values. This filter has a low frequency pole (fLFP) at 482 kHz. This should work for most applications but may be adjusted to suit individual layouts and EMI present in the design. RLF = 1kW (91) CLF = 330pF (92) fLFP = 1 = 482kHz 2pf ´ RLF ´ CLF (93) The UCC3895 REF output (Pin 4) needs a high frequency bypass capacitor to filter out high frequency noise. The maximum amount of capacitance allowed is given in the Recommended Operating Conditions. CREF = 1 mF (94) The voltage amplifier reference voltage (Pin 2, EA+) can be set with a voltage divider (R1, R2), for this design example, the error amplifier reference voltage (V1) will be set to 2.5 V. Select a standard resistor value for R1 and then calculate resistor value R2. UCC3895 reference voltage: VREF = 5 V (95) Set voltage amplifier reference voltage: V1 = 2.5 V R1 = 2.37kW R1´ (VREF - V1) R2 = = 2.37kW V1 (96) (97) (98) Voltage divider formed by resistor R3 and R4 are chosen to set the DC output voltage (VOUT) at Pin 3 (EA–). Select a standard resistor for R3: R3 = 2.37kW (99) Calculate R4: R4 = R3 ´ (VOUT - V1) V1 » 9kW (100) Then choose a standard resistor for R4: R4 = R3 ´ (VOUT - V1) V1 » 9.09kW (101) Output Voltage Setpoint Peak current mode control is chosen for this design and a TL431 (U1) acts as the output voltage error amplifier. It has a 2.5-V internal reference and we want to regulate VOUT to 12 V. We set RB, the lower resistor of the output voltage divider chain to 10 kΩ. RA the upper resistor is given by: RA §V · RB ¨ OUT 1¸ © VREF ¹ 38 k : (102) It is possible, but not necessary, to add a small resistor, RLOOP, in series with the feedback network as a signal injection point for loop stability tests, RLOOP. The output of U1 is transferred across the isolation barrier by the optocoupler U2 and fed into the EAP pin of the UCC3895 as a current demand signal. The UCC2895 internal error amplifier is configured as a voltage follower by connecting EAN to EAOUT. 34 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 www.ti.com SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 Voltage Loop Compensation We choose a standard configuration for a TL431 / optocoupler based feedback network. Type 2 loop compensation is appropriate for a design using peak current mode control. First we set the DC operating points for the TL431 (U1) and the optocoupler (U2). We assume that the optocoupler (U2) has a current transfer ratio (CTR) of 1 and choose to operate it at a maximum LED current, IF of 10 mA. RD is then given by: VOUT VF Vk _ MIN RD | 820 : IF (103) We set the parallel combination of RG and RF to 2.4 kΩ for a nominal 10-dB gain for output perturbations via the direct path from RD to the optocoupler diode. This path exists in parallel with the path through RA and the TL431. The direct path is important at frequencies where the gain of the TL431 integrator has fallen to 0 dB. RG and RF form a potential divider whose function is to keep the EAP pin within the upper limit of its common mode input range (VCM_MAX = 3.6 V) when there is no current in the photo-transistor. RG is connected to VREF and this constraint on the voltage at the EAP pin gives: VREF RG RF 1 0.39 RF VCM _ MAX (104) Since we know the parallel value of RF and RG and their ratio (RF/RG), we calculate RF as follows: 1.39 RF RF || RG | 8.6k : 0.39 (105) and RG 0.39 RF 3.3 k : (106) At low frequencies the gain is dominated by the response of the TL431 error amplifier which is configured as a pure integrator. The TL431 has a typical open loop gain of about 60 dB at DC, which decreases at the normal –20 dB per decade. Its gain will be 0 dB when the impedance of CE falls to that of RA. Even though the TL431 gain has fallen to 0 dB, the system still has 10-dB gain due to the direct path through RD. We put the zero due to capacitor CE and resistor RA at the desired 0-dB gain frequency of 2 kHz. Since RA is already selected from VOUT setpoint considerations we calculate CE as follows: 1 CE | 22 nF 2Œ 2000+]38N : (107) The optocoupler has a 10-dB response through the direct path, to perturbations on VOUT. At higher frequencies the capacitance at the collector of the optocoupler (CF) forms a pole with the resistor in series with the optocoupler LED. The gain then rolls off in half a decade to reach 0 dB. With CF = 68 nF this pole is at about 2.8 kHz. Having chosen the component values in the feedback path around the TL431 we can draw a Bode Plot of the VOUT to EAP transfer function GC(f). The control to output transfer function of the power train is approximated by: GCO f û9OUT 5 | a1u CTRAT u LOAD û9C 5CS § 1 V (65COUT u &OUT u¨ © 1 V 5LOAD u &OUT · ¸u ¹ 1 1 s sPP § s · ¨ ¸ © sPP ¹ 2 where • • • s = 2πjf is the complex frequency sPP is FSW / 2 = 50 kHz in this case The overall loop response is then given by GC(f). GC(o). (108) This loop response has a crossover frequency of 7.5 kHz. TI recommends that you check the loop stability of the final design with load transient tests and by checking that the gain and phase margins are sufficient. RLOOP provides a convenient point to inject signals for loop gain and phase measurements. The feedback network may need to be adjusted to achieve satisfactory performance. Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 Submit Documentation Feedback 35 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com Setting the Switching Frequency In this design we set the UCC2895 oscillator frequency to 200 kHz to give a switching frequency (FSW) of 100 kHz at the transformer primary. We set RT = 82 kΩ, within the limits given in the RT (Oscillator Timing Resistor) section and rearrange Equation 2 to find the needed value of CT. 48 u ª¬tOSC 120ns º¼ CT | 560 pF 5 u RT (109) This value is within the limits for CT in the CT (Oscillator Timing Capacitor) section. Soft Start IRT 3V | 36 A RT (110) The UCC3895 has a soft-start function to reduce component stresses during the start-up phase. For this design we set the soft-start time to 50 ms. This time is controlled by the value of the capacitor CSS at the SS/DISB pin and the charging current set by RT (Equation 4). t t 3V CSS IRT u SS u SS | 470 nF RT 3.6 V 3.6 V (111) Setting the Switching Delays Higher power designs will benefit from the adaptive delays provided by the ADS pin but that feature is not used in this example. Setting RADSH = 0 Ω defeats the adaptive delay and a fixed value for tDELAB and tDELCD is used. If it is planned to use the adaptive delay feature then the resistor RADSL should be included in the layout but not populated until delay optimisation is being done on actual hardware. RAHI UCC3895 CS 15 ADEL 14 RAEFHI ADELEF 13 RA RAEF Figure 20. UCC3895 Adaptive Delays We set the delay times as follows. The resonant frequency of the shim inductor LS with the stray capacitance at the switched node is given by: 1 fR | 1.6 MHz 2Œ /S u2 u &OSS _ AVG (112) Set the initial tABSET and tCDSET values to half the resonant period tDELAY 314 ns (113) The resistors RAB and RCD are given by a modified version of Equation 5 and Equation 6. tDELAY 25 ns u 0.5 V | 5.6 k : RAB RCD 25 u10 12 (114) 36 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 www.ti.com SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 It is important to recognise that the delay times set by RAB and RCD are those measured at the device pins. Propagation delays mean that the delay times seen at the primary of the transformer will be different and this is the reason why the delays have to be optimised on actual hardware. Once the prototype is up and running it is recommended that you fine tune tABSET and tCDSET at light load. Refer to Figure 21 and Figure 22. It is easier to achieve ZVS at the drain of QD than at the drain of QA because the output inductor current reflected in the transformer primary is greater at QD and QC turn-off than it is at QA and QB turn-off. Set t ABSET at resonant tank Peak and Valley t ABSET = t 1 - t 0 t ABSET = t 4 - t 3 QB d QA g Miller Plateau tMILLER = t QB 2 - t1 Miller Plateau g t MILLER = t 5 - t 4 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 Figure 21. tABSET to Achieve Valley Switching at Light Loads Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 Submit Documentation Feedback 37 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 Set t t CDSET QD QC =t CDSET at resonant tank Peak and Valley t CDSET - t0 1 =t 4 - t3 d g Miller Plateau t MILLER QD www.ti.com =t 2 -t1 Miller Plateau g t MILLER t 0 t1 t 2 =t 5 -t4 t 3 t4 t 5 Figure 22. tCDSET to Achieve Valley Switching at Light Loads Setting the Slope Compensation Slope compensation is necessary to stabilise a converter operating in peak current mode at duty cycles greater than 50%. The optimum slope compensation ramp should be half the inductor current ramp downslope during the off time. This slope is calculated as follows: VOUT u RCS me 0.5 67 mv V 1 LOUT ua1u CTRAT (115) The magnetizing current of the power transformer provides part of the compensating ramp and is calculated as follows. The VIN x DTYP factor takes account of the fact that the slope of the magnetizing current is less at lower input voltages. VIN u DTYP u RCS | 43 mv V 1 mMAG LMAG u CTRAT (116) The added slope compensation ramp is then: mSUM me mMAG | 24 mv V 1 (117) The resistor RSC sets the added slope compensation ramp, mSUM and is chosen as follows: 8 u IRT RSC = RLF u =21 k: mMAG u CT (118) A small AC coupling capacitor is used in the emitter of Q1 to eliminate the need for offset biasing circuitry. CC = 1 nF. The resistor REL is a DC load resistor for the emitter of Q1. It should have the same value as RSC. 38 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 www.ti.com SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 A small capacitor at the RAMP pin input helps suppress high frequency noise, we set CRAMP = 56 pF. Transistor Q1 is a small signal NPN type. In peak current mode control the RAMP pin receives the current sense signal, plus the slope compensation ramp, through the 510-Ω resistor RRCS. The 10-kΩ resistor RRB provides approximately 250-mV offset bias. The value of this resistor may be adjusted up or down to alter the point at which the internal no load comparator trips. Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Figure 23. Daughter Board Schematic Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 Submit Documentation Feedback 39 FC1 390V/2A VIN- J3 VIN+ J1 FC2 U2 UCC27714D TP5 PGND C2 0.47µF C1 330µF PGND C18 1µF VBIAS R20 2.20 PGND MURS360T3G C14 0.1µF D12 R5 1.0Meg R2 1.0Meg R1 1.0Meg SW i PGND R16 10.0k R9 10.0k UCC27714D U3 D9 BAT54-7-F 3.01 R15 D4 BAT54-7-F 3.01 R6 HS1 MURS360T3G C15 0.1µF D13 PGND Q3,Q4 Q4 SPP20N60C3 HS2 PGND Q1, Q2 Q1 SPP20N60C3 10 F1 Fuse, 2A, 250V, TH 13 HB LI 14 NC HI 1 OUTA 2 OUTB 3 10 HO VSS 12 HS NC/EN 4 9 NC COM 8 NC LO 5 11 NC VDD 6 7 13 HB LI 14 NC HI 1 OUTC 2 OUTD 12 3 HO VSS 9 HS 8 NC 11 NC NC/EN PGND 4 NC COM 5 LO 6 VDD 7 TP1 VBULK PGND C20 1µF VBIAS R22 2.20 D5 BAT54-7-F SW i 7 6 5 4 8 Q3 SPP20N60C3 3 60PR964 R17 10.0k R8 10.0k Q2 SPP20N60C3 2 1 L2 D10 BAT54-7-F 3.01 R14 3.01 R7 Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 PGND R23 21.0k C24 1000pF R26 21.0k 9 7 12 10 C13 REF 0.1uF C17 56pF C19 R19 10k R28 82.0k 1000pF Q5 3.3k R21 PGND 75PR8107 T2 D11 MURS360T3G 1 3 3 5 PE-63587 T1 D3 MURS360T3G 1 2 2 2 R30 10.0M 0 R32 R18 510 STPS40L45CT D8 ES3BB-13-F D7 DELCD DELAB OUTD OUTC OUTB OUTA C4 1500µF CS C27 0.1uF PGND GND REF SS/DISB VBIAS UCC1895J VDD CT RT SYNC ADS CS RAMP EAOUT EAN EAP U4 C26 1.0uF 15 7 8 6 11 12 3 2 1 20 R3 47 75PR8108 L1 ES3BB-13-F D2 STPS40L45CT D6 C22 560pF 3 1 3 1 R4 4.70k D1 1N4148W-7-F 16 5 4 19 10 9 13 14 17 18 R13 100k R31 20.0 C28 1µF C9 1µF REF C3 0.22µF C25 330pF 1.00k R29 OUTD OUTC OUTB OUTA C5 1500µF CS 0.047µF C21 R11 1.00k R33 4.48k C10 1µF R12 1.00k R35 4.48k C6 1500µF R25 8.56k GND C11 1µF C16 0.068µF C7 1500µF U1 VOUT VOUT TP2 C12 1µF LOOP+ TP3 LOOP- TP4 VOUT+ R10 49.9 J4 12V/50A CXS70-14-C J2 R24 820 U5A 0.022µF C23 GND R34 10.0k R27 37.9k CXS70-14-C TP6 VOUT- C8 1500µF 1 Submit Documentation Feedback 8 40 2 3 6 7 HV i UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Figure 24. Power Stage Schematic Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 www.ti.com SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 8.2.3 Application Curves OUTA OUTA OUTB Transformer Primary Typical OUTD OUTC OUTD Operating at Dmax VIN = 390 V IOUT = 5 A VIN = 390 V IOUT = 5 A Figure 25. Full Bridge Gate Drives and Primary Switched Nodes Figure 26. Gate Drive Signals at DMAX OUTA OUTB VOUT OUTD OUTC D = 72% VIN = 390 V IOUT = 10 A VIN = 390 V IOUT = 10 A Figure 27. Gate Drive Signals D = 72% Figure 28. Typical Start-up (Into 50% Full Load) Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 Submit Documentation Feedback 41 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com 9 Power Supply Recommendations The UCC3895 device should be operated from a VDD rail within the limits given in the Recommended Operating Conditions of this data sheet. To avoid the possibility that the device might stop switching, VDD must not be allowed to fall into the UVLO(off) range. In order to minimize power dissipation in the device, VDD should not be unnecessarily high. Keeping VDD at 12 V is a good compromise between these competing constraints. The gate drive outputs from the UCC3895 device deliver large-current pulses into their loads. This indicates the need for a low-ESR decoupling capacitor to be connected as directly as possible between the VDD and PGND terminals. TI recommends ceramic capacitors with stable dielectric characteristics over temperature, such as X7R. Avoid capacitors which have a large drop in capacitance with applied DC voltage bias. For example, use a part that has a low-voltage co-efficient of capacitance. The recommended decoupling capacitance is 1 μF, X7R, with at least a 25-V rating with a 0.1-µF NPO capacitor in parallel. 10 Layout 10.1 Layout Guidelines In order to increase the reliability and robustness of the design, it is recommended that the following layout guidelines are followed. • EAN pin - This is the inverting input to the error amplifier. It is a high impedance pin and is susceptible to noise pickup. Keep tracks from this pin as short as possible. • EAP pin - This is the non-inverting input to the error amplifier. It is a high impedance pin and is susceptible to noise pickup. Keep tracks from this pin as short as possible. • EAOUT - pin Keep tracks from this pin as short as possible. • RAMP,CT, RT, DELAB, DELCD and ADS pins - The components connected to these pins are used to set important operating parameters. Keep these components close to the IC and provide short, low impedance return connections to the GND pin. • REF pin - Decouple this pin to GND with a good quality ceramic capacitor. A 1-µF, X7R, 25-V capacitor is recommended. Keep REF PCB tracks as far away as possible from sources of switching noise. • SYNC pin - This pin is essentially a digital I/O port. If it is unused, then it may be left open circuit. If Synchronisation is used, then route the incoming Synchronisation signal as far away from noise sensitive input pins as possible. • CS pin - This connection is arguably the most important single connection in the entire PSU system. Avoid running the CS signal traces near to sources of high dv/dt. Provide a simple RC filter as close as possible to the pin to help filter out leading edge noise spikes which will occur at the beginning of each switching cycle. • SS/DISB pin - Keep tracks from this pin as short as possible. If the Enable signal is coming from a remote source then avoid running it close to any source of high dv/dt (MOSFET Drain connections for example) and add a simple RC filter at the SS/DISB pin. • OUTA, OUTB, OUTC, and OUTD pins - These are the gate drive output pins and will have a high dv/dt rate associated with their rising and falling edges. Keep the tracks from these pins as far away from noise sensitive input pins as possible. Ensure that the return currents from these outputs do not cause voltage changes in the analog ground connections to noise sensitive input pins. • VDD pin - This pin must be decoupled to PGND using ceramic capacitors as detailed in the Power Supply Recommendations section. Keep this capacitor as close to the VDD and PGND pins as possible. • GND pin - This pin provides the analog ground reference to the controller. Use this pin to provide a return path for the components at the RAMP, REF, CT, RT, DELAB, DELCD, ADS, CS, and SS/DISB pins. Use a Ground Plane to minimise the impedance of the ground connection and to reduce noise pickup. It is important to have a low impedance connection from GND to PGND. • PGND pin - This pin provides the ground reference to the controller. This pin should be used to return the currents from the OUTX and SYNC pins. Use a Ground Plane to minimise the impedance of the ground connection and to reduce noise pickup. An ideal ground plane provides an equipotential surface to which the controller ground pins can be connected. However, real ground planes have a non-zero impedance and having separate ground planes for analog and driver circuits is an easy way to prevent the analog ground from being disturbed by driver return currents. A single ground plane may be used if care is taken to ensure that the driver return currents are kept away from the part of the ground plane used for analog connections. 42 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 www.ti.com SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 10.2 Layout Example Further layout information for this device is given in application report SLUA501. Figure 29. Suggested PCB Layout Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 Submit Documentation Feedback 43 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 www.ti.com 11 Device and Documentation Support 11.1 Documentation Support 11.1.1 Related Documentation See the following for related documentation: 1. UCC2895 Layout and Grounding Recommendations, (SLUA501). 2. Using the UCC3895 in a Direct Control Driven Synchronous Rectifier Applications, (SLUU109). 3. M. Dennis, A Comparison Between the BiCMOS UCC3895 Phase Shift Controller and the UC3875, Application Note (SLUA246). 4. L. Balogh, The Current-Doubler Rectifier: An Alternative Rectification Technique for Push-Pull and Bridge Converters, Application Note (SLUA121). 5. W. Andreycak, Phase Shifted, Zero Voltage Transition Design Considerations, Application Note (SLUA107). 6. L. Balogh, The New UC3879 Phase Shifted PWM Controller Simplifies the Design of Zero Voltage Transition Full-Bridge Converters, Application Note (SLUA122). 7. L. Balogh, Design Review: 100 W, 400 kHz, dc-to-dc Converter With Current Doubler Synchronous Rectification Achieves 92% Efficiency, Unitrode Power Supply Design Seminar Manual, SEM-1100, 1996, Topic 2. 8. UC3875 Phase Shift Resonant Controller, Data Sheet (SLUS229). 9. UC3879 Phase Shift Resonant Controller, Data Sheet (SLUS230). 10. UCC3895EVM-1, Using the UCC3895 in a Direct Control Driven Synchronous Rectifier Applications, User's Guide (SLUU109). 11. UCC3895,OUTC/OUTD Asymmetric Duty Cycle Operation, Application Report (SLUA275). 12. Current Doubler Rectifier Offers Ripple Current Cancellation, Application Note (SLUA323). 13. Control Driven Synchronous Rectifiers In Phase Shifted Full Bridge Converters, Application Note (SLUA287). 11.1.2 Related Links The table below lists quick access links. Categories include technical documents, support and community resources, tools and software, and quick access to sample or buy. Table 2. Related Links PARTS PRODUCT FOLDER SAMPLE & BUY TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS TOOLS & SOFTWARE SUPPORT & COMMUNITY UCC1895 Click here Click here Click here Click here Click here UCC2895 Click here Click here Click here Click here Click here UCC3895 Click here Click here Click here Click here Click here 11.2 Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates To receive notification of documentation updates, navigate to the device product folder on ti.com. In the upper right corner, click on Alert me to register and receive a weekly digest of any product information that has changed. For change details, review the revision history included in any revised document. 11.3 Community Resource TI E2E™ support forums are an engineer's go-to source for fast, verified answers and design help — straight from the experts. Search existing answers or ask your own question to get the quick design help you need. Linked content is provided "AS IS" by the respective contributors. They do not constitute TI specifications and do not necessarily reflect TI's views; see TI's Terms of Use. 11.4 Trademarks E2E is a trademark of Texas Instruments. 44 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895 www.ti.com SLUS157Q – DECEMBER 1999 – REVISED OCTOBER 2019 11.4 Trademarks (continued) United Chemi-Con is a trademark of United Chemi-Con. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 11.5 Electrostatic Discharge Caution These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates. 11.6 Glossary SLYZ022 — TI Glossary. This glossary lists and explains terms, acronyms, and definitions. 12 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information The following pages include mechanical, packaging, and orderable information. This information is the most current data available for the designated devices. This data is subject to change without notice and revision of this document. For browser-based versions of this data sheet, refer to the left-hand navigation. Copyright © 1999–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: UCC1895 UCC2895 UCC3895 Submit Documentation Feedback 45 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 10-Jun-2022 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan (2) Lead finish/ Ball material MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) Device Marking (3) Samples (4/5) (6) UCC1895J ACTIVE CDIP J 20 1 Non-RoHS & Green SNPB N / A for Pkg Type -55 to 125 UCC1895J Samples UCC1895L ACTIVE LCCC FK 20 1 Non-RoHS & Green SNPB N / A for Pkg Type -55 to 125 UCC1895L Samples UCC2895DW ACTIVE SOIC DW 20 25 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 85 UCC2895DW Samples UCC2895DWG4 ACTIVE SOIC DW 20 25 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 85 UCC2895DW Samples UCC2895DWTR ACTIVE SOIC DW 20 2000 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 85 UCC2895DW Samples UCC2895DWTRG4 ACTIVE SOIC DW 20 2000 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 85 UCC2895DW Samples UCC2895N ACTIVE PDIP N 20 18 RoHS & Green NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type -40 to 85 UCC2895N Samples UCC2895PW ACTIVE TSSOP PW 20 70 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 85 UCC2895 Samples UCC2895PWTR ACTIVE TSSOP PW 20 2000 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 85 UCC2895 Samples UCC3895DW ACTIVE SOIC DW 20 25 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR 0 to 70 UCC3895DW Samples UCC3895DWG4 ACTIVE SOIC DW 20 25 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR 0 to 70 UCC3895DW Samples UCC3895DWTR ACTIVE SOIC DW 20 2000 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR 0 to 70 UCC3895DW Samples UCC3895DWTRG4 ACTIVE SOIC DW 20 2000 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR 0 to 70 UCC3895DW Samples UCC3895N ACTIVE PDIP N 20 18 RoHS & Green NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type 0 to 70 UCC3895N Samples UCC3895NG4 ACTIVE PDIP N 20 18 RoHS & Green NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type 0 to 70 UCC3895N Samples UCC3895PW ACTIVE TSSOP PW 20 70 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR 0 to 70 UCC3895 Samples UCC3895PWTR ACTIVE TSSOP PW 20 2000 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR 0 to 70 UCC3895 Samples UCC3895PWTRG4 ACTIVE TSSOP PW 20 2000 RoHS & Green NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR 0 to 70 UCC3895 Samples (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. Addendum-Page 1 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 10-Jun-2022 LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. (2) RoHS: TI defines "RoHS" to mean semiconductor products that are compliant with the current EU RoHS requirements for all 10 RoHS substances, including the requirement that RoHS substance do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, "RoHS" products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. TI may reference these types of products as "Pb-Free". RoHS Exempt: TI defines "RoHS Exempt" to mean products that contain lead but are compliant with EU RoHS pursuant to a specific EU RoHS exemption. Green: TI defines "Green" to mean the content of Chlorine (Cl) and Bromine (Br) based flame retardants meet JS709B low halogen requirements of
UCC3895DWTR 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+8.01900


    •  国内价格
    • 1+14.00859
    • 10+12.85174
    • 30+12.62037
    • 100+11.92627


    •  国内价格 香港价格
    • 2000+23.564182000+2.85250


    •  国内价格 香港价格
    • 1+42.236221+5.11280
    • 10+32.1584610+3.89286
    • 25+29.6395925+3.58795
    • 100+26.87196100+3.25292
    • 250+25.55224250+3.09316
    • 500+24.75719500+2.99692
    • 1000+24.102821000+2.91771
