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    CLC2601ISO8X - Dual, Triple, and Quad 550MHz Amplifiers - Cadeka Microcircuits LLC.

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CLC2601ISO8X 数据手册
Data Sheet A m p l i fy t h e H u m a n E x p e r i e n c e Comlinear™ CLC2601, CLC3601, CLC4601 Dual, Triple, and Quad 550MHz Amplifiers features n 0.1dB gain flatness to 120MHz n 0.01%/0.06˚ differential gain/ phase error n 335MHz -3dB bandwidth at G = 2 n 550MHz -3dB bandwidth at G = 1 n 1,500V/μs slew rate n 52mA output current (sufficient for driving two video loads) n 5.2mA supply current n Fully specified at ±5V supplies n CLC2601: Pb-free SOIC-8 n CLC3601, CLC4601: Pb-free SOIC-14 applications n Video line drivers n S-Video driver n Video switchers and routers n ADC buffer n Active filters n Cable drivers n Twisted pair driver/receiver Comlinear™ CLC2601, CLC3601, CLC4601 Dual, Triple, and Quad 550MHz Amplifiers General Description The Comlinear CLC2601 (dual), CLC3601 (triple), and CLC4601 (quad) are high-performance, current feedback amplifiers. These amplifiers provide 550MHz unity gain bandwidth, ±0.1dB gain flatness to 120MHz, and 1,500V/μs slew rate, exceeding the requirements of high-definition television (HDTV) and other multimedia applications. These Comlinear high-performance amplifiers also provide ample output current to drive multiple video loads. The Comlinear CLC2601, CLC3601, and CLC4601 are designed to operate from ±5V supplies. They consume only 5.2mA of supply current per channel. The combination of high-speed, low-power, and excellent video performance make these amplifiers well suited for use in many general purpose, highspeed applications including standard definition and high definition video. Typical Application - Driving Dual Video Loads +Vs 75Ω Cable Input 75Ω Rf Rg 75Ω -Vs 75Ω 75Ω Cable Output A 75Ω 75Ω Cable Output B 75Ω Ordering Information Part Number CLC2601ISO8X CLC2601ISO8 CLC3601ISO14X CLC3601ISO14 CLC4601ISO14X CLC4601ISO14 Package SOIC-8 SOIC-8 SOIC-14 SOIC-14 SOIC-14 SOIC-14 Pb-Free Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Operating Temperature Range -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +85°C Packaging Method Reel Rail Reel Rail Reel Rail Rev 1C Moisture sensitivity level for all parts is MSL-1. ©2008 CADEKA Microcircuits LLC www.cadeka.com Data Sheet CLC2601 Pin Configuration OUT1 -IN1 +IN1 -V S 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5 CLC2601 Pin Assignments Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pin Name OUT1 -IN1 +IN1 -VS +IN2 -IN2 OUT2 +VS Description Output, channel 1 Negative input, channel 1 Positive input, channel 1 Negative supply Positive input, channel 2 Negative input, channel 2 Output, channel 2 Positive supply +VS OUT2 -IN2 +IN2 Comlinear™ CLC2601, CLC3601, CLC4601 Dual, Triple, and Quad 550MHz Amplifiers CLC3601 Pin Configuration NC NC NC +VS +IN1 -IN1 OUT1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 CLC3601 Pin Assignments OUT2 -IN2 +IN2 -VS +IN3 -IN3 OUT3 Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Pin Name NC NC NC +VS +IN1 -IN1 OUT1 OUT3 -IN3 +IN3 -VS +IN2 -IN2 OUT2 Description No Connect No Connect No Connect Positive supply Positive input, channel 1 Negative input, channel 1 Output, channel 1 Output, channel 3 Negative input, channel 3 Positive input, channel 3 Negative supply Positive input, channel 2 Negative input, channel 2 Output, channel 2 CLC4601 Pin Configuration OUT1 -IN1 +IN1 +VS +IN2 -IN2 OUT2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 CLC4601 Pin Assignments OUT4 -IN4 +IN4 -VS +IN3 -IN3 OUT3 Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Pin Name OUT1 -IN1 +IN1 +VS +IN2 -IN2 OUT2 OUT3 -IN3 +IN3 -VS +IN4 -IN4 OUT4 Description Output, channel 1 Negative input, channel 1 Positive input, channel 1 Positive supply Positive input, channel 2 Negative input, channel 2 Output, channel 2 Output, channel 3 Negative input, channel 3 Positive input, channel 3 Negative supply Positive input, channel 4 Negative input, channel 4 Output, channel 4 Rev 1C ©2004-2008 CADEKA Microcircuits LLC www.cadeka.com 2 Data Sheet Absolute Maximum Ratings The safety of the device is not guaranteed when it is operated above the “Absolute Maximum Ratings”. The device should not be operated at these “absolute” limits. Adhere to the “Recommended Operating Conditions” for proper device function. The information contained in the Electrical Characteristics tables and Typical Performance plots reflect the operating conditions noted on the tables and plots. Comlinear™ CLC2601, CLC3601, CLC4601 Dual, Triple, and Quad 550MHz Amplifiers Parameter Supply Voltage Input Voltage Range Min 0 -Vs -0.5V Max +14 or ±7 +Vs +0.5V Unit V V Reliability Information Parameter Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Range Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10s) Package Thermal Resistance 8-Lead SOIC 14-Lead SOIC Notes: Package thermal resistance (qJA), JDEC standard, multi-layer test boards, still air. Min -65 Typ Max 150 150 260 Unit °C °C °C °C/W °C/W 100 88 ESD Protection Product Human Body Model (HBM) Charged Device Model (CDM) SOIC-8 2.5kV 2kV SOIC-14 2.5kV 2kV Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Operating Temperature Range Supply Voltage Range Min -40 ±4 Typ Max +85 ±6 Unit °C V Rev 1C ©2004-2008 CADEKA Microcircuits LLC www.cadeka.com 3 Data Sheet Electrical Characteristics TA = 25°C, Vs = ±5V, Rf = 510Ω, RL = 100Ω to GND, G = 2; unless otherwise noted. symbol UGBW BWSS BWLS BW0.1dBSS BW0.1dBLS tR, tF tS OS SR HD2 HD3 THD DG DP en in+ inXTALK VIO dVIO Ibn dIbn Ibi dIbni PSRR ZOL IS parameter -3dB Bandwidth -3dB Bandwidth Large Signal Bandwidth 0.1dB Gain Flatness 0.1dB Gain Flatness Rise and Fall Time Settling Time to 0.1% Overshoot Slew Rate 2nd Harmonic Distortion 3rd Harmonic Distortion Total Harmonic Distortion Differential Gain Differential Phase Input Voltage Noise Input Current Noise (+) Input Current Noise (-) Crosstalk Input Offset Voltage(1) Average Drift Input Bias Current Non-inverting(1) Average Drift Input Bias Current Inverting(1) Average Drift Power Supply Rejection Ratio(1) Open-Loop Transimpedance Supply Current(1) conditions G = +1, VOUT = 0.2Vpp, Rf = 1kΩ G = +2, VOUT = 0.2Vpp G = +2, VOUT = 4Vpp G = +2, VOUT = 0.2Vpp (Rf=453Ω for CLC4601) G = +2, VOUT = 4Vpp VOUT = 2V step; (10% to 90%) VOUT = 2V step VOUT = 0.2V step VOUT = 4V step 2Vpp, 1MHz 2Vpp, 1MHz 2Vpp, 1MHz NTSC (3.58MHz), DC-coupled, RL = 150Ω NTSC (3.58MHz), DC-coupled, RL = 150Ω > 1MHz > 1MHz > 1MHz Channel-to-channel 5MHz Min typ 550 335 200 120 55 1.4 20 1.5 1500 -82 -83 -80 0.01 0.06 7 1.3 11 -56 Max units MHz Frequency Domain Response Comlinear™ CLC2601, CLC3601, CLC4601 Dual, Triple, and Quad 550MHz Amplifiers MHz MHz MHz MHz ns ns % V/µs dBc dBc dB % ° nV/√Hz pA/√Hz pA/√Hz dB +7.5 7.0 30 mV µV/°C µA nA/°C µA nA/°C dB kΩ 14 28 28 mA mA mA MΩ pF V dB mΩ 2.6 V V mA mA Time Domain Response Distortion/Noise Response DC Performance -7.5 -7.0 -30 DC VOUT = VS / 2 CLC2601 Total CLC3601 Total CLC4601 Total 57 2.7 15 2.6 6 7.4 15 61 420 10.4 20.8 20.8 8 1 ±2.3 DC Closed Loop, DC RL = 100Ω (1) RL = 1kΩ VOUT = VS / 2 -2.6 50 54 90 ±2.95 ±3.35 52 65 Input Characteristics RIN CIN CMIR CMRR RO VOUT IOUT ISC notes: 1. 100% tested at 25°C Input Resistance Input Capacitance Common Mode Input Range Common Mode Rejection Ratio(1) Output Resistance Output Voltage Swing Output Current Short-Circuit Output Current Non-inverting Output Characteristics Rev 1C ©2004-2008 CADEKA Microcircuits LLC www.cadeka.com 4 Data Sheet Typical Performance Characteristics TA = 25°C, Vs = ±5V, Rf = 510Ω, RL = 100Ω, G = 2; unless otherwise noted. Non-Inverting Frequency Response 1 0 Inverting Frequency Response 1 0 Comlinear™ CLC2601, CLC3601, CLC4601 Dual, Triple, and Quad 550MHz Amplifiers Normalized Gain (dB) Normalized Gain (dB) -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 0.1 1 10 100 1000 VOUT = 0.2Vpp G=1 Rf = 1kΩ -1 -2 G = -10 G = -5 G = 10 G=5 G=2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 0.1 1 10 100 1000 VOUT = 0.2Vpp G = -2 G = -1 Frequency (MHz) Frequency (MHz) Frequency Response vs. CL 1 0 Frequency Response vs. RL 2 1 RL = 2.5KΩ Normalized Gain (dB) -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 0.1 1 VOUT = 0.2Vpp CL = 500pF Rs = 7Ω CL = 100pF Rs = 15Ω CL = 50pF Rs = 20Ω CL = 10pF Rs = 40Ω 10 100 1000 Normalized Gain (dB) -1 CL = 1000pF Rs = 5Ω 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 0.1 1 10 100 1000 VOUT = 0.2Vpp RL = 150Ω RL = 1KΩ RL = 50Ω Frequency (MHz) Frequency (MHz) Frequency Response vs. VOUT 1 0 Frequency Response vs. Temperature 1 0 Normalized Gain (dB) -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 0.1 1 Normalized Gain (dB) -1 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 + 85degC VOUT = 2Vpp + 25degC VOUT = 4Vpp VOUT = 2Vpp VOUT = 1Vpp - 40degC Rev 1C 10 100 1000 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Frequency (MHz) Frequency (MHz) ©2004-2008 CADEKA Microcircuits LLC www.cadeka.com 5 Data Sheet Typical Performance Characteristics - Continued TA = 25°C, Vs = ±5V, Rf = 510Ω, RL = 100Ω, G = 2; unless otherwise noted. Frequency Response vs. Rf at G=1 3 Rf = 510Ω 2 Rf = 750Ω Frequency Response vs. Rf at G=2 2 1 Rf = 250Ω Comlinear™ CLC2601, CLC3601, CLC4601 Dual, Triple, and Quad 550MHz Amplifiers Normalized Gain (dB) 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 0.1 1 Normalized Gain (dB) 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 Rf = 1.24kΩ G=2 Rf = 510Ω Rf = 1kΩ Rf = 1.kΩ Rf = 1.24kΩ G=1 10 100 1000 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Frequency (MHz) Frequency (MHz) Frequency Response vs. Rf at G=5 1 0 Rf = 200Ω Gain Flatness 0.1 0 Normalized Gain (dB) Rf = 510Ω Normalized Gain (dB) -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 0.1 1 G=5 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 Rf = 100Ω VOUT = 0.2Vpp 10 100 1000 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Frequency (MHz) Frequency (MHz) Open Loop Transimpendance Gain/Phase vs. Frequency 1M 0 -20 100k Gain 10k Phase -40 -60 -80 -100 1k -120 -140 100 -160 -180 10 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M 1G -200 Input Voltage Noise 100 Input Voltage Noise (nV/√Hz) Transimpedance Gain (Ω) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Transimpedance Phase (°) Rev 1C Frequency (Hz) Frequency (MHz) ©2004-2008 CADEKA Microcircuits LLC www.cadeka.com 6 Data Sheet Typical Performance Characteristics - Continued TA = 25°C, Vs = ±5V, Rf = 510Ω, RL = 100Ω, G = 2; unless otherwise noted. 2nd Harmonic Distortion vs. RL -55 -60 -65 RL = 100Ω 3rd Harmonic Distortion vs. RL -50 -55 -60 RL = 100Ω Comlinear™ CLC2601, CLC3601, CLC4601 Dual, Triple, and Quad 550MHz Amplifiers Distortion (dBc) Distortion (dBc) -70 -75 -80 -85 -90 -95 0 5 10 15 20 VOUT = 2Vpp RL = 1kΩ -65 -70 -75 -80 -85 -90 0 5 10 15 20 RL = 1kΩ VOUT = 2Vpp Frequency (MHz) Frequency (MHz) 2nd Harmonic Distortion vs. VOUT -55 -60 -65 20MHz 3rd Harmonic Distortion vs. VOUT -45 -50 -55 Distortion (dBc) -70 -75 5MHz -80 -85 1MHz -90 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 Distortion (dBc) -60 -65 -70 -75 -80 -85 -90 0.5 0.75 20MHz 5MHz 1MHz 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 Output Amplitude (Vpp) Output Amplitude (Vpp) CMRR vs. Frequency 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M PSRR vs. Frequency -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M CMRR (dB) PSRR (dB) Rev 1C Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) ©2004-2008 CADEKA Microcircuits LLC www.cadeka.com 7 Data Sheet Typical Performance Characteristics - Continued TA = 25°C, Vs = ±5V, Rf = 510Ω, RL = 100Ω, G = 2; unless otherwise noted. Small Signal Pulse Response 0.125 0.100 0.075 0.050 Large Signal Pulse Response 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 Comlinear™ CLC2601, CLC3601, CLC4601 Dual, Triple, and Quad 550MHz Amplifiers Voltage (V) 0.000 -0.025 -0.050 -0.075 -0.100 -0.125 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Voltage (V) 0.025 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 -2.5 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Time (ns) Time (ns) Crosstalk vs. Frequency -30 -35 -45 -50 -40 Closed Loop Output Impedance vs. Frequency 10 -55 -60 -65 -70 -75 -80 -85 -90 -95 0.1 1 10 100 VOUT = 2Vpp Output Impedance (Ω) Crosstalk (dB) 1 0.1 Frequency (MHz) 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M Frequency (Hz) Differential Gain & Phase AC Coupled Output 0.04 0.03 RL = 150Ω AC coupled into 220µF Differential Gain & Phase DC Coupled Output 0.02 0.01 RL = 150Ω DC coupled DG Diff Gain (%) / Diff Phase (°) Diff Gain (%) / Diff Phase (°) 0.02 0.01 0 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 -0.04 -0.7 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 0.1 Input Voltage (V) 0.3 0.5 0.7 DP DG 0 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 -0.04 -0.05 -0.06 -0.07 -0.7 -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 DP Rev 1C Input Voltage (V) ©2004-2008 CADEKA Microcircuits LLC www.cadeka.com 8 Data Sheet General Information - Current Feedback Technology Advantages of CFB Technology The CLCx601 Family of amplifiers utilize current feedback (CFB) technology to achieve superior performance. The primary advantage of CFB technology is higher slew rate performance when compared to voltage feedback (VFB) architecture. High slew rate contributes directly to better large signal pulse response, full power bandwidth, and distortion. CFB also alleviates the traditional trade-off between closed loop gain and usable bandwidth that is seen with a VFB amplifier. With CFB, the bandwidth is primarily determined by the value of the feedback resistor, Rf. By using optimum feedback resistor values, the bandwidth of a CFB amplifier remains nearly constant with different gain configurations. When designing with CFB amplifiers always abide by these basic rules: • Use the recommended feedback resistor value • Do not use reactive (capacitors, diodes, inductors, etc.) elements in the direct feedback path • Avoid stray or parasitic capacitance across feedback resistors • Follow general high-speed amplifier layout guidelines • Ensure proper precautions have been made for driving capacitive loads Ierr x1 Zo*Ierr Rf VOUT Comlinear™ CLC2601, CLC3601, CLC4601 Dual, Triple, and Quad 550MHz Amplifiers VIN Rg RL VOUT VIN =− Rf Rg + 1+ 1 Rf Zo(jω ) Eq. 2 Figure 2. Inverting Gain Configuration with First Order Transfer Function CFB Technology - Theory of Operation Figure 1 shows a simple representation of a current feedback amplifier that is configured in the traditional noninverting gain configuration. Instead of having two high-impedance inputs similar to a VFB amplifier, the inputs of a CFB amplifier are connected across a unity gain buffer. This buffer has a high impedance input and a low impedance output. It can source or sink current (Ierr) as needed to force the non-inverting input to track the value of Vin. The CFB architecture employs a high gain trans-impedance stage that senses Ierr and drives the output to a value of (Zo(jω) * Ierr) volts. With the application of negative feedback, the amplifier will drive the output to a voltage in a manner which tries to drive Ierr to zero. In practice, primarily due to limitations on the value of Zo(jω), Ierr remains a small but finite value. A closer look at the closed loop transfer function (Eq.1) shows the effect of the trans-impedance, Zo(jω) on the gain of the circuit. At low frequencies where Zo(jω) is very large with respect to Rf, the second term of the equation approaches unity, allowing Rf and Rg to set the gain. At higher frequencies, the value of Zo(jω) will roll off, and the effect of the secondary term will begin to dominate. The -3dB small signal parameter specifies the frequency where the value Zo(jω) equals the value of Rf causing the gain to drop by 0.707 of the value at DC. For more information regarding current feedback amplifiers, visit www.cadeka.com for detailed application notes, such as AN-3: The Ins and Outs of Current Feedback Amplifiers. www.cadeka.com VIN Ierr x1 Zo*Ierr Rf VOUT RL Rg VOUT VIN = 1+ Rf Rg + 1+ 1 Rf Zo(jω ) Eq. 1 Rev 1C Figure 1. Non-Inverting Gain Configuration with First Order Transfer Function ©2004-2008 CADEKA Microcircuits LLC 9 Data Sheet Application Information Basic Operation Figures 3, 4, and 5 illustrate typical circuit configurations for non-inverting, inverting, and unity gain topologies for dual supply applications. They show the recommended bypass capacitor values and overall closed loop gain equations. +Vs 6.8μF CFB amplifiers can be used in unity gain configurations. Do not use the traditional voltage follower circuit, where the output is tied directly to the inverting input. With a CFB amplifier, a feedback resistor of appropriate value must be used to prevent unstable behavior. Refer to figure 5 and Table 1. Although this seems cumbersome, it does allow a degree of freedom to adjust the passband characteristics. Feedback Resistor Selection One of the key design considerations when using a CFB amplifier is the selection of the feedback resistor, Rf. Rf is used in conjunction with Rg to set the gain in the traditional non-inverting and inverting circuit configurations. Refer to figures 3 and 4. As discussed in the Current Feedback Technology section, the value of the feedback resistor has a pronounced effect on the frequency response of the circuit. Table 1, provides recommended Rf and associated Rg values for various gain settings. These values produce the optimum frequency response, maximum bandwidth with minimum peaking. Adjust these values to optimize performance for a specific application. The typical performance characteristics section includes plots that illustrate how the bandwidth is directly affected by the value of Rf at various gain settings. Comlinear™ CLC2601, CLC3601, CLC4601 Dual, Triple, and Quad 550MHz Amplifiers Input + - 0.1μF Output 0.1μF RL Rf G = 1 + (Rf/Rg) Rg -Vs 6.8μF Figure 3. Typical Non-Inverting Gain Circuit +Vs 6.8μF R1 Input Rg + - 0.1μF Output 0.1μF 6.8μF -Vs RL Rf G = - (Rf/Rg) For optimum input offset voltage set R1 = Rf || Rg Gain (V/V 1 2 5 Rf (Ω) 1120 510 200 Rg (Ω) 510 50 ±0.1dB BW (MHz) 165 120 40 -3dB BW (MHz) 520 335 230 Figure 4. Typical Inverting Gain Circuit Table 1: Recommended Rf vs. Gain +Vs 6.8μF Input + - 0.1μF Output 0.1μF 6.8μF -Vs RL Rf G=1 Rf is required for CFB amplifiers In general, lowering the value of Rf from the recommended value will extend the bandwidth at the expense of additional high frequency gain peaking. This will cause increased overshoot and ringing in the pulse response characteristics. Reducing Rf too much will eventually cause oscillatory behavior. Increasing the value of Rf will lower the bandwidth. Lowering the bandwidth creates a flatter frequency response and improves 0.1dB bandwidth performance. This is important in applications such as video. Further increase in Rf will cause premature gain rolloff and adversely affect gain flatness. www.cadeka.com Rev 1C Figure 5. Typical Unity Gain (G=1) Circuit ©2004-2008 CADEKA Microcircuits LLC 10 Data Sheet Driving Capacitive Loads Increased phase delay at the output due to capacitive loading can cause ringing, peaking in the frequency response, and possible unstable behavior. Use a series resistance, RS, between the amplifier and the load to help improve stability and settling performance. Refer to Figure 6. ringing. Refer to the layout considerations section for additional information regarding high speed layout techniques. Overdrive Recovery An overdrive condition is defined as the point when either one of the inputs or the output exceed their specified voltage range. Overdrive recovery is the time needed for the amplifier to return to its normal or linear operating point. The recovery time varies, based on whether the input or output is overdriven and by how much the range is exceeded. The CLCx601 Family will typically recover in less than 20ns from an overdrive condition. Figure 7 shows the CLC2601 in an overdriven condition. 1.00 0.75 0.50 Input Output 4 3 2 Comlinear™ CLC2601, CLC3601, CLC4601 Dual, Triple, and Quad 550MHz Amplifiers Input + Rf Rg Rs CL RL Output Figure 6. Addition of RS for Driving Capacitive Loads Table 2 provides the recommended RS for various capacitive loads. The recommended RS values result in
CLC2601ISO8X 价格&库存

