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CS61575-IL1ZR 数据手册
-XO¶ &21),'(17,$/ CS61574A CS61575 T1/E1 Line Interface Features General Description • 4HE# 3!AND # 3CO MBINET HE COMPLETE ANALOG TRANSMITANDR ECEIVEL INEI NTERFACEF OR4OR % APPLICATIONSI NAL OWPOW ER  PINDE VICEOPE RATING FROM A 6SU PPLY"O THDEV ICESSUP PORTPR OCESSOR BASED ORST AND ALONEOPE RATIONAND INTERFACEW ITH INDUSTRYSTANDARD4AND%FRAMERS 4HERECEIVERUSESADIGITAL$ELAY ,OCKED ,OOPWHICHIS CONTINUOUSLYCALIBRATEDFROMACRYSTALREFERENCET OPRO VIDEE XCELLENTS TABILITY ANDJITT ERTO LERANCE4H E #3!HASARECEIVERJITTERATTENUATOROPTIMIZEDFOR MINIMUMDE LAY INS WITCHINGAN DT RANSMISSION APPLICA TIONS W HILET HE# 3AT TENUATOR IS OPTIMIZED FOR #0%APPLICATIONSSUBJECTTO!44 REQUIREMENTS 4HET RANSMITTERF EATURESI NTERNALP ULSESHA PINGAND A MATCHED C ONSTANTI MPEDANCEO UTPUT STAGET O INSURE SIGNALQUALITYONMISMATCHED POORLYTERMINATEDLINES 0ROVIDES!NALOG4RANSMISSION,INE )NTERFACEFOR4AND%!PPLICATIONS • 0ROVIDES,INE$RIVER *ITTER!TTENUATOR AND#LOCK2ECOVERY&UNCTIONS • &ULLY#OMPLIANTWITH!44 3TRATUM*ITTER2EQUIREMENTS • ,OW0OWER#ONSUMPTION TYPICALLYM7 Applications • ":3($"!-)%NCODER$ECODER • D"OF4RANSMITTER2ETURN,OSS • )NTERFACING. ETWORK %QUIPMENTS UCHAS $ !#3 AND #HANNEL"ANKSTOA$38 #ROSS#ONNECT • )NTERFACING# USTOMER0R EMISES%Q UIPMENTT OA #35 • "UILDING#HANNEL3ERVICE5NITS ORDERING INFORMATION 3EEPAGE  0IN&UNCTIONINHost Mode ;=0IN&UNCTIONINExtended Hardware Mode  40/3 ;4$!4!= 4.%' ;4#/$%= 2#,+ 20/3 ;2$!4!= 2.%' ;"06=    !-) ":3 ($" #/$%2 , / / 0 " ! # +   #,+% ).4 3$) 3$/ 4!/3 ,%. ,%. ,%.  2 % / 4 % 4#,+ -/$% , / # ! ,    46   ,).%$2)6%2  05,3% 3(!0%2 #/.42/,  ,).% 2%#%)6%2 , / / 0 " ! # + *)44%2 !44%.5!4/2  4'.$ #,/#+ $!4! 2%#/6%29    3)'.!, 15!,)49 -/.)4/2 $2)6%2 -/.)4/2       2,//0 84!,). 84!,/54 !#,+) #3 Cirrus Logic, Inc. Crystal Semiconductor Corporation http://www.cirrus.com 0/"OX !USTIN 4EXAS    &!8    ,,//0 3#,+  ,/3  26  44)0 42).' 24)0 22).' -4)0 ;2#/$%= -2).' ;0#3= $0;!)3= 2'.$ Copyright ¤ Cirrus Logic, Inc. 2009 #OPYRIGHT ©#RYSTAL3EMICONDUCTOR#ORPORATION (All Rights Reserved) !LL2IGHTS2ESERVED -!9 -8/¶ $3& '6) 1 -XO¶ &21),'(17,$/ CS61574A CS61575 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Parameter REFERENCEDTO2'.$ 4'.$6 Symbol Min Max Units $#3UPPLY 26  6 46 26  6 )NPUT6OLTAGE !NY0IN .OTE 6IN 2'.$  26  6 )NPUT#URRENT !NY0IN .OTE )IN   M! !MBIENT/PERATING4EMPERATURE 4!   °# 3TORAGE4EMPERATURE 4STG   °# 7!2.).'/PERATIONSATORBEYONDTHESELIMITSMAYRESULTINPERMANENTDAMAGETOTHEDEVICE .ORMALOPERATIONISNOTGUARANTEEDATTHESEEXTREMES .OTES  %XCLUDING24)0 22).' WHICHMUSTSTAYWITHIN 6TO26 6  4RANSIENTCURRENTSOFUPTOM!WILLNOTCAUSE3#2LATCH UP!LSO44)0 42).' 46 AND4'.$ CANWITHSTANDACONTINUOUSCURRENTOFM! RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units $#3UPPLY .OTE 26 46    6 !MBIENT/PERATING4EMPERATURE 4!    °#   M7 0OWER#ONSUMPTION .OTES  0# 0OWER#ONSUMPTION .OTES  0#  M7 .OTES  46 MUSTNOTEXCEED26 BYMORETHAN6  0OWERCONSUMPTIONWHILEDRIVINGLINELOADOVEROPERATINGTEMPERATURERANGE)NCLUDES)#ANDLOAD $IGITALINPUTLEVELSAREWITHINOFTHESUPPLYRAILSANDDIGITALOUTPUTSAREDRIVINGAP& CAPACITIVELOAD  !SSUMESONESDENSITYANDMAXIMUMLINELENGTHAT6  !SSUMESONESDENSITYANDFTLINELENGTHAT6 DIGITAL CHARACTERISTICS Parameter 4! °#TO°#46 26 6±'.$ 6 Symbol Min Typ Max  (IGH ,EVEL)NPUT6OLTAGE .OTES  6)( 0).3      ,OW ,EVEL)NPUT6OLTAGE .OTES  6),  0).3      (IGH ,EVEL/UTPUT6OLTAGE .OTES   6/(  )/54 μ! 0).3      ,OW ,EVEL/UTPUT6OLTAGE .OTES   6/, )/54M! 0).3      )NPUT,EAKAGE#URRENT%XCEPT0IN ± ,OW ,EVEL)NPUT6OLTAGE 0). 6),  (IGH ,EVEL)NPUT6OLTAGE 0). 6)( 26  -ID ,EVEL)NPUT6OLTAGE 0). .OTE 6)  .OTES  )N%XTENDED(ARDWARE-ODE PINSANDAREDIGITALINPUTS)N(OST-ODE PINIS ANOPENDRAINOUTPUTANDPINISATRISTATEOUTPUT  4HISSPECIFICATIONGUARANTEES44,COMPATIBILITY6 /(6 ) /54 μ!   /UTPUTDRIVERSWILLDRIVE#-/3LOGICLEVELSINTOA#-/3LOAD  !SANALTERNATIVETOSUPPLYINGA TO 6INPUT THISPINMAYBELEFTFLOATING 2 Units 6 6 6 6 μ! 6 6 6 DS154F3 -XO¶ &21),'(17,$/ ANALOG SPECIFICATIONS Parameter CS61574A CS61575 4! °#TO°#46 26 6±'.$ 6 Min Typ Max Units Transmitter !-)/UTPUT0ULSE!MPLITUDES .OTE    6 % Ω .OTE    6 % Ω .OTE    6 4 &##0ART .OTE    6 4 $38  .OTE %:EROSPACE LEVEL,%.   6 TRANSFORMERANDΩLOAD   6 TRANSFORMERANDΩLOAD 2ECOMMENDED/UTPUT,OADAT44)0AND42).'  Ω *ITTER!DDED$URING2EMOTE,OOPBACK .OTE (Z K(Z   5) K(Z K(Z   5)   5) (Z K(Z   5) "ROAD"AND 0OWERINK(ZBANDABOUTK(Z .OTES     D"M 0OWERINK(ZBANDABOUT-(Z .OTES    D" REFERENCEDTOPOWERINK(ZBANDATK(Z 0OSITIVETO.EGATIVE0ULSE)MBALANCE .OTES  4 $38    D" %AMPLITUDEATCENTEROFPULSE       %PULSEWIDTHATOFNOMINALAMPLITUDE 4RANSMITTER2ETURN,OSS .OTES   K(ZTOK(Z  D" K(ZTO-(Z  D" -(ZTO-(Z  D" 4RANSMITTER3HORT#IRCUIT#URRENT .OTES   M!2-3 Driver Performance Monitor -4)0-2).'3ENSITIVITY $IFFERENTIAL6OLTAGE2EQUIREDFOR$ETECTION  6 .OTES  5SINGA μ&CAPACITORINSERIESWITHTHEPRIMARYOFATRANSFORMERRECOMMENDED INTHE!PPLICATIONSSECTION  0ULSEAMPLITUDEMEASUREDATTHEOUTPUTOFAORTRANSFORMERACROSSAΩLOADFOR LINELENGTHSETTING,%.  0ULSEAMPLITUDEMEASUREDATTHEOUTPUTOFA TRANSFORMERACROSSA ΩLOADFORLINELENGTH SETTING,%.  0ULSEAMPLITUDEMEASUREDATTHEOUTPUTOFA TRANSFORMERACROSSA ΩLOADFOR LINELENGTHSETTING,%.  0ULSEAMPLITUDEMEASUREDATTHE$38 CROSS CONNECTACROSSAΩLOADFORLINELENGTHSETTINGS ,%.    ORUSINGATRANSFORMERANDTHELENGTHOF!7' !"!- OREQUIVALENTCABLESPECIFIEDIN4ABLE  )NPUTSIGNALTO24)022).'ISJITTERFREE6ALUESWILLREDUCESLIGHTLYIFJITTERFREECLOCKISINPUTTO4#,+  .OTPRODUCTIONTESTED0ARAMETERSGUARANTEEDBYDESIGNANDCHARACTERIZATION  2ETURNLOSSLOG!"3Z Z Z Z WHEREZIMPEDANCEOFTHETRANSMITTER AND ZIMPEDANCEOFLINELOAD -EASUREDWITHAREPEATINGDATAPATTERNWITH,%. ANDATRANSFORMERTERMINATEDWITHAΩLOAD ORATRANSFORMERTERMINATEDWITHA ΩLOAD  -EASUREDBROADBANDTHROUGHAΩRESISTORACROSSTHESECONDARYOFATRANSFORMER DURINGTHETRANSMISSIONOFANALLONESDATAPATTERNFOR,%. DS154F3 3 -XO¶ &21),'(17,$/ ANALOG SPECIFICATIONS Parameter Receiver 24)022).')NPUT)MPEDANCE 3ENSITIVITY"ELOW$38D" 6 CS61574A CS61575 4! °#TO°#46 26 6±'.$ 6 Min Typ Max Units   K Ω D" M6 $ATA$ECISION4HRESHOLD 4 $38  .OTE    OFPEAK 4 $38  .OTE    OFPEAK 4 &##0ARTAND% .OTE    OFPEAK !LLOWABLE#ONSECUTIVE:EROSBEFORE,/3    BITS 2ECEIVER)NPUT*ITTER4OLERANCE .OTE K(Z K(Z  5)  5) K(Z (ZANDBELOW  5) ,OSSOF3IGNAL4HRESHOLD .OTE    6 .OTES  &ORINPUTAMPLITUDEOF6 PKTO6 PK  &ORINPUTAMPLITUDEOF6 PKTO6 PKANDFROM6PKTO26   &ORINPUTAMPLITUDEOF6 PKTO6 PK  *ITTERTOLERANCEINCREASESATLOWERFREQUENCIES3EE&IGURE  4HEANALOGINPUTSQUELCHCIRCUITSHALLOPERATEWHENTHEINPUTSIGNALAMPLITUDEABOVEGROUNDONTHE 24)0AND22).'PINSFALLSWITHINTHERANGEOF6TO6 /PERATIONOFTHESQUELCHRESULTSIN THERECOVERYOFZEROS$URINGRECEIVE,/3 THE20/3 2.%'OR2$!4!OUTPUTSAREFORCEDLOW 4 DS154F3 -XO¶ &21),'(17,$/ ANALOG SPECIFICATIONS Parameter CS61574A CS61575 4! °#TO°#46 26 6±'.$ 6 Min Typ Max Units Jitter Attenuator *ITTER!TTENUATION#URVE#ORNER&REQUENCY .OTES  #3!  (Z #3  (Z #3!42ECEIVER*ITTER4RANSFER .OTES  *ITTER&REQ;(Z= !MPLITUDE;5)PP=     D"   D"       D"   D" K    D" K K  #342ECEIVER*ITTER4RANSFER .OTES  *ITTER&REQ;(Z= !MPLITUDE;5)PP=   D"       D"     D"   D" K    D" K K  #3!%2ECEIVER*ITTER4RANSFER .OTES   *ITTER&REQ;(Z= !MPLITUDE;5)PP=     D"     D"   D"     D"   K    D"   D" K K  #3%2ECEIVER*ITTER4RANSFER .OTES   *ITTER&REQ;(Z= !MPLITUDE;5)PP=     D"   D"       D"   D"     D" K  K K    D" !TTENUATOR)NPUT*ITTER4OLERANCE .OTES  "EFORE/NSETOF&)&//VERFLOWOR5NDERFLOW0ROTECTION #3!   5) #3  5) .OTES  !TTENUATIONMEASUREDATTHEDEMODULATOROUTPUTOFAN(0"WITHINPUTJITTEREQUALTOOF MEASUREDJITTERTOLERANCEUSINGAMEASUREMENTBANDWIDTHOF(ZF(Z (ZF  (Z AND(ZFK(Z CENTEREDAROUNDTHEJITTERFREQUENCY7ITHA 02"3DATAPATTERN  #RYSTALMUSTMEETSPECIFICATIONSDESCRIBEDIN!PPENDIX!  *ITTERMEASUREDATTHEDEMODULATOROUTPUTOFAN(0!OREQUIVALENT USINGAMEASUREMENT BANDWIDTHNOTTOEXCEED(ZCENTEREDAROUNDTHEJITTERFREQUENCY7ITHA  02"3 DATAPATTERN  *ITTERBELOWK(ZANDWITHINTHEATTENUATORSINPUTJITTERTOLERANCEISNOTTRANSLATEDORALIASEDTO OTHERFREQUENCIES/UTPUTJITTERINCREASESSIGNIFICANTLYWHENATTENUATORINPUTJITTERTOLERANCEIS EXCEEDED DS154F3 5 -XO¶ &21),'(17,$/ T1 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS CS61574A CS61575 4! °#TO°#46 26 6± '.$6)NPUTS,OGIC6 ,OGIC26 3EE&IGURES    Parameter Symbol Min Typ  #RYSTAL&REQUENCY .OTE FC 4#,+&REQUENCY FTCLK  4#,+0ULSE7IDTH .OTE TPWH  !#,+)$UTY#YCLE TPWHTPW  !#,+)&REQUENCY .OTE FACLKI  2#,+$UTY#YCLE .OTE TPWHTPW   2ISE4IME !LL$IG ITAL/UTPUTS .OTE TR &ALL4IME !LL$IGITAL/UTPUTS .OTE TF 40/34.%'4$!4! TO4#,+&ALLING3ETUP4IME TSU  4#,+&ALLINGTO40/34.%' 4$!4! (OLD4IME TH  20/32.%'6ALID"EFORE2#,+&ALLING .OTE TSU   2$!4!6ALID"EFORE2#,+&ALLING .OTE TSU   20/32.%'6ALID"EFORE2#,+2ISING .OTE TSU   20/32.%'6ALID!FTER2#,+&ALLING .OTE TH   2$!4!6ALID!FTER2#,+&ALLING .OTE TH   20/32.%'6ALID!FTER2#,+2ISING .OTE TH   .OTES  4HETRANSMITTEDPULSEWIDTHDOESNOTDEPENDONTHE4#,+DUTYCYCLE  !#,+)PROVIDEDBYANEXTERNALSOURCEOR4#,+  2#,+DUTYCYCLEWILLB EORWHENJITTERATTENUATORLIMITSAREREACHED  !TMAXLOADOFM!ANDP&  (OST-ODE#,+%   %XTENDED(ARDWARE-ODE  (ARDWARE-ODE OR(OST-ODE#,+%  E1 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS Max Units      -(Z -(Z NS  -(Z  NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 4! °#TO°#46 26 6± '.$6)NPUTS,OGIC6 ,OGIC26 3EE&IGURES    Parameter #RYSTAL&REQUENCY .OTE 4#,+&REQUENCY 4#,+0ULSE7IDTH .OTE !#,+)$UTY#YCLE !#,+)&REQUENCY .OTE 2#,+$UTY#YCLE .OTE 2ISE4IME !LL$IG ITAL/UTPUTS .OTE &ALL4IME !LL$IGITAL/UTPUTS .OTE 40/34.%'4$!4! TO4#,+&ALLING3ETUP4IME 4#,+&ALLINGTO40/34.%' 4$!4! (OLD4IME 20/32.%'6ALID"EFORE2#,+&ALLING .OTE 2$!4!6ALID"EFORE2#,+&ALLING .OTE 20/32.%'6ALID"EFORE2#,+2ISING .OTE 20/32.%'6ALID!FTER2#,+&ALLING .OTE 2$!4!6ALID!FTER2#,+&ALLING .OTE 20/32.%'6ALID!FTER2#,+2ISING .OTE 6 Symbol FC FTCLK TPWH TPWHTPW FACLKI TPWHTPW TR TF TSU TH TSU TSU TSU TH TH TH Min            Typ           Max      Units -(Z -(Z NS  -(Z  NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS DS154F3 -XO¶ &21),'(17,$/ SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS CS61574A CS61575 4! °TO°#46 26 ± )NPUTS,OGIC6 ,OGIC26 Parameter 3$)TO3#,+3ETUP4IM E 3#,+TO3$)(OLD4IME 3#,+,OW4IME 3#,+(IGH4IME 3#,+2ISEAND&ALL4IME #3TO3#,+3ETUP4IME 3#,+TO#3(OLD4IME #3)NACTIVE4IME 3#,+TO3$/6ALID #3TO3$/(IG H: )NPUT6ALID4O0#3&ALLING3ETUP4IME 0#32ISINGTO)NPUT)NVALID(OLD4IME 0#3!CTIVE,OW4IME .OTES  /UTPUTLOADCAPACITANCEP& .OTE Symbol Min Typ Max Units TDC TCDH TCL TCH TR T F TCC TCCH TCWH TCDV TCDZ TSU TH TPCSL              NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS TR !NY$IGITAL/UTPUT TF     Figure 1. Signal Rise and Fall Characteristics TPW 2#,+ T PWL 20/3 2.%' 2$!4! "06 T SU T PWH %84%.$%$ (!2$7!2% -/$%/2 (/34-/$% #,+% T H (!2$7!2% -/$%/2 (/34-/$% #,+% 2#,+ Figure 2. Recovered Clock and Data Switching Characteristics DS154F3 7 -XO¶ &21),'(17,$/ CS61574A CS61575 T PW T PWH T PW 4#,+ T SU T H T PWH 40/34.%' !#,+) Figure 3a. Transmit Clock and Data Switching Characteristics Figure 3b. Alternate External Clock Characteristics T CWH #3 T CC T CH T CCH T CL 3#,+ T CDH T DC 3$) ,3" T CDH ,3" #/.42/,"94% -3" $!4!"94% Figure 4. Serial Port Write Timing Diagram #3 T CDZ 3#,+ T CDV 3$/ ()'(: #,+% Figure 5. Serial Port Read Timing Diagram 0#3 ,%. 4!/3 2,//0 ,,//0 2#/$% 4#/$% T SU TH T PCSL 6!,)$).054$!4! Figure 6. Extended Hardware Mode Parallel Chip Select Timing Diagram 8 DS154F3 -XO¶ &21),'(17,$/ CS61574A CS61575 THEORY OF OPERATION Introduction to Operating Modes Enhancements in CS61575 and CS61574A The CS61574A and CS61575 support three operating modes which are selected by the level of the MODE pin as shown in Tables 1 and 2, Figure 7, and Figures A1-A3 of the Applications section. The CS61574A and CS61575 provide higher performance and more features than the CS61574 including: • • • • • • • • AT&T 62411, Stratum 4 compliant jitter attenuation over the full range of operating frequency and jitter amplitude (CS61575), 50% lower power consumption, Internally matched transmitter output impedance for improved signal quality, Optional AMI, B8ZS, HDB3 encoder/decoder or external line coding support, Receiver AIS (unframed all ones) detection, ANSI T1.231-1993 compliant receiver LOS (Loss of Signal) handling, Transmitter TTIP and TRING outputs are forced low when TCLK is static, The Driver Performance Monitor operates over a wider range of input signal levels. Existing designs using the CS61574 can be converted to the higher performance, pin-compatible CS61574A or CS61575 if the transmit transformer is replaced by a pin-compatible transformer with a new turns ratio. Understanding the Difference Between the CS61575 and CS61574A The CS61574A and CS61575 provide receiver jitter attenuation performance optimized for different applications. The CS61575 is optimized to attenuate large amplitude, low frequency jitter for T1 Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) applications as required by AT&T 62411. The CS61574A is optimized to minimize data delay in T1 and E1 switching or transmission applications. Refer to the "Jitter Attenuator" section for additional information. DS154F3 The modes are Hardware Mode, Extended Hardware Mode, and Host Mode. In Hardware and Extended Hardware Modes, discrete pins are used to configure and monitor the device. The Extended Hardware Mode provides a parallel chip select input which latches the control inputs allowing individual ICs to be configured using a common set of control lines. In the Host Mode, an external processor monitors and configures the device through a serial interface. There are thirteen multi-function pins whose functionality is determined by the operating mode. (see Table 2). Hardware Mode Control Method Control Pins MODE Pin Level Line Coding (RV+)-0.2 2.5 V V External No InternalAMI, B8ZS, or HDB3 Yes Yes No Yes No Table 1. Differences Between Operating Modes 9 -XO¶ &21),'(17,$/ CS61574A CS61575 HARDWARE MODE 4!/3 ,,//0 2,//0 ,%. #/.42/, 40/3 44)0 ,).%$2)6%2 4.%' #3" &2!-%2 #)2#5)4 CS61575 CS61574A 42).' -2).' -4)0 $2)6%2-/.)4/2 $024)0 20/3 2.%' *)44%2 !44%.5!4/2 42!.3-)4 42!.3&/2-%2 ,).%2%#%)6%2 22).' 2%#%)6% 42!.3&/2-%2 EXTENDED HARDWARE MODE 4#/$% 2#/$% 4!/3 ,,//0 2,//0 0#3 ,%. #/.42/, 44)0 4$!4! ,).%$2)6%2 !-) ":3 ($" #/$%2 4OR% 2%0%!4%2 /2 -58 "06 *)44%2 !44%.5!4/2 ,).% 2%#%)6%2 24)0 22).' 2%#%)6% 42!.3&/2-%2 !)3 HOST MODE μ03%2)!,0/24  #/.42/, 42!.3-)4 42!.3&/2-%2 CS61575 CS61574A !)3 $%4%#4 2$!4! 42).' #,+% #/.42/, 44)0 40/3 ,).%$2)6%2 4.%' #3" &2!-%2 #)2#5)4 CS61575 CS61574A $2)6%2-/.)4/2 42).' -2).' -4)0 $024)0 20/3 2.%' *)44%2 !44%.5!4/2 42!.3-)4 42!.3&/2-%2 ,).%2%#%)6%2 22).' 2%#%)6% 42!.3&/2-%2 Figure 7. Overview of Operating Modes 10 DS154F3 -XO¶ &21),'(17,$/ -/$% %84%.$%$ &5.#4)/. 0). (!2$7!2% (!2$7!2%  40/3 4$!4! 42!.3-)44%2 4#/$%  4.%'  2.%' "06  20/3 2$!4! 2%#%)6%2$0 $0!)3 2#/$%  -4)0  -2).'  0#3  ,%. ,%.  ,%. ,%. #/.42/,  ,%. ,%.  2,//0 2,//0  ,,//0 ,,//0  4!/3 4!/3 ./2-!,):%$ !-0,)45$% (/34 40/3 4.%' 2.%' 20/3 $0-4)0 -2).' ).4 3$) 3$/ #3 3#,+ #,+% Table 2. Pin Definitions The transmitter takes digital T1 or E1 input data and drives appropriately shaped bipolar pulses onto a transmission line. The transmit data (TPOS & TNEG or TDATA) is supplied synchronously and sampled on the falling edge of the input clock, TCLK. Either T1 (DSX-1 or Network Interface) or E1 CCITT G.703 pulse shapes may be selected. Pulse shaping and signal level are controlled by "line length select" inputs as shown in Table 3. LEN2 LEN1 LEN0                         Option Selected Application  &%%4 $38   &%%4 !"! &%%4 !44"  &%%4 OR#  &%%4 % Ω ##)44' Ω !44#" 2EPEATER &##0!24 /04! .ETWORK )NTERFACE !.3) 4 Table 3. Line Length Selection DS154F3 !.3)4) !44#" 30%#)&)#!4)/.3    /54054 05,3%3(!0%      4)-%NANOSECONDS  Figure 8. Typical Pulse Shape at DSX-1 Cross Connect The CS61575 and CS61574A line drivers are designed to drive a 75 Ω equivalent load. Transmitter    CS61574A CS61575 For E1 applications, the CS61574A and CS61575 drivers provide 14 dB of return loss during the transmission of both marks and spaces. This improves signal quality by minimizing reflections off the transmitter. Similar levels of return loss are provided for T1 applications. For T1 DSX-1 applications, line lengths from 0 to 655 feet (as measured from the transmitter to the DSX-1 cross connect) may be selected. The five partition arrangement in Table 3 meets ANSI T1.102 and AT&T CB-119 requirements when using #22 ABAM cable. A typical output pulse is shown in Figure 8. These pulse settings can also be used to meet CCITT pulse shape requirements for 1.544 MHz operation. For T1 Network Interface applications, two additional options are provided. Note that the optimal pulse width for Part 68 (324 ns) is narrower than the optimal pulse width for DSX-1 (350 ns). The CS61575 and CS61574A automatically adjusts the pulse width based upon the "line length" selection made. 11 -XO¶ &21),'(17,$/ 0ERCENTOF NOMINAL PEAK VOLTAGE CS61574A CS61575 NS when RLOOP is selected because the timing circuitry must adjust to the new frequency.  NS Transmit All Ones Select  NS      .OMINAL0ULSE  The transmitter provides for all ones insertion at the frequency of TCLK. Transmit all ones is selected when TAOS goes high, and causes continuous ones to be transmitted on the line (TTIP and TRING). In this mode, the TPOS and TNEG (or TDATA) inputs are ignored. If Remote Loopback is in effect, any TAOS request will be ignored.   Receiver NS NS Figure 9. Mask of the Pulse at the 2048 kbps Interface The E1 G.703 pulse shape is supported with line length selection LEN2/1/0=0/0/0. The pulse width will meet the G.703 pulse shape template shown in Figure 9, and specified in Table 4. The CS61574A and CS61575 will detect a static TCLK, and will force TTIP and TRING low to prevent transmission when data is not present. When any transmit control pin (TAOS, LEN0-2 or LLOOP) is toggled, the transmitter outputs will require approximately 22 bit periods to stabilize. The transmitter will take longer to stabilize The receiver extracts data and clock from an AMI (Alternate Mark Inversion) coded signal and outputs clock and synchronized data. The receiver is sensitive to signals over the entire range of ABAM cable lengths and requires no equalization or ALBO (Automatic Line Build Out) circuits. The signal is received on both ends of a centertapped, center-grounded transformer. The transformer is center tapped on the IC side. The clock and data recovery circuit exceeds the jitter tolerance specifications of Publications 43802, 43801, AT&T 62411, TR-TSY-000170, and CCITT REC. G.823. &ORC OAX IA LC ABLE &OR SHIELDEDTWIS TED Ω L OA D A ND PAIR  ΩL OADAND TRANSFORMERSP ECIFIED TRANSFORMERSP ECIFIED IN!PPLICATION3ECTION IN!PPLICATION3ECTION 6 6 ±6 ±6 NS .OMINALPEAKVOLTAGEOFAMARKPULSE 0EAKVOLTAGEOFASPACENOPULSE .OMINALPULSEWIDTH 2ATIOOFTHEAMPLITUDESOFPOSITIVEANDNEGATIVE TO PULSESATTHECENTEROFTHEPULSEINTERVAL 2ATIO OFT HE WIDTHS OFPOS ITIVEAND NEGATIVE TO PULSESATTHENOMINALHALFAMPLITUDE 7HENCONFIGUREDWITHAμ&NONPOLARIZEDCAPACITORINSERIESWITHTHE48TRANSFORMER PRIMARYASSHOWNIN&IGURES! !AND! Table 4. CCITT G.703 Specifications 12 DS154F3 -XO¶ &21),'(17,$/  24)0 $ATA ,EVEL 3LICER $ATA 3AMPLING #LOCK %XTRACTION %DGE $ETECTOR #LOCK 0HASE 3ELECTOR 22).' CS61574A CS61575 20/3 *ITTER !TTENUATOR 2.%' 2#,+ #ONTINUOUSLY #ALIBRATED $ELAY,INE Figure 10. Receiver Block Diagram A block diagram of the receiver is shown in Figure 10. The two leads of the transformer (RTIP and RRING) have opposite polarity allowing the receiver to treat RTIP and RRING as unipolar signals. Comparators are used to detect pulses on RTIP and RRING. The comparator thresholds are dynamically established at a percent of the peak level (50% of peak for E1, 65% of peak for T1; with the slicing level selected by LEN2/1/0 inputs). The leading edge of an incoming data pulse triggers the clock phase selector. The phase selector chooses one of the 13 available phases which the delay line produces for each bit period. The output from the phase selector feeds the clock and data recovery circuits which generate the recovered clock and sample the incoming signal at appropriate intervals to recover the data. sampler will continuously sample data based on its last input until a new pulse arrives to update the clock phase selector. The delay line is continuously calibrated using the crystal oscillator reference clock. The delay line produces 13 phases for each cycle of the reference clock. In effect, the 13 phases are analogous to a 20 MHz clock when the reference clock is 1.544 MHz. This implementation utilizes the benefits of a 20 MHz clock for clock recovery without actually having the clock present to impede analog circuit performance. -INIMUM 0ERFORMANCE    !44 Data sampling will continue at the periods selected by the phase selector until an incoming pulse deviates enough to cause a new phase to be selected for data sampling. The phases of the delay line are selected and updated to allow as much as 0.4 UI of jitter from 10 kHz to 100 kHz, without error. The jitter tolerance of the receiver exceeds that shown in Figure 11. Additionally, this method of clock and data recovery is tolerant of long strings of consecutive zeros. The data DS154F3   0%!+ 4/ 0%!+ *)44%2 UNITINTERVALS         K *)44%2&2%15%.#9 K K (Z Figure 11. Minimum Input Jitter Tolerance of Receiver 13 -XO¶ &21),'(17,$/ In the Hardware Mode, data at RPOS and RNEG should be sampled on the rising edge of RCLK, the recovered clock. In the Extended Hardware Mode, data at RDATA should be sampled on the falling edge of RCLK. In the Host Mode, CLKE determines the clock polarity for which output data should be sampled as shown in Table 5. -/$% PIN #,+% PIN $!4! #,/#+ #LOCK%DGE FOR6ALID$ATA ,/7 6 8 20/3 2.%' 2#,+ 2#,+ 2ISING 2ISING ()'( 6 6 ,/7 20/3 2.%' 3$/ 2#,+ 2#,+ 3#,+ 2ISING 2ISING &ALLING ()'( 6 6 ()'( 20/3 2.%' 3$/ 2#,+ 2#,+ 3#,+ &ALLING &ALLING 2ISING -)$$,% 6 8 2$!4! 2#,+ &ALLING 8$ONTCARE Table 5. Data Output/Clock Relationship Loss of Signal The receiver will indicate loss of signal after power-up, reset or upon receiving 175 consecutive zeros. A digital counter counts received zeros, based on RCLK cycles. A zero is received when the RTIP and RRING inputs are below the input comparator slicing threshold level established by the peak detector. After the signal is removed for a period of time the data slicing threshold level decays to approximately 300 mVpeak. If ACLKI is present during the LOS state, ACLKI is switched into the input of the jitter attenuator, resulting in RCLK matching the frequency of ACLKI. The jitter attenuator buffers any instantaneous changes in phase between the last recovered clock and the ACLKI reference clock. This means that RCLK will smoothly transition to the new frequency. If ACLKI is not present, then the crystal oscillator of the jitter attenuator is 14 CS61574A CS61575 forced to its center frequency. Table 6 shows the status of RCLK upon LOS. #RYSTAL PRESENT !#,+) PRESENT .O 9ES !#,+) 9ES .O #ENTERED#RYSTAL 9ES 9ES !#,+)VIATHE *ITTER!TTENUATOR 3OURCEOF2#,+ Table 6. RCLK Status at LOS Jitter Attenuator The jitter attenuator reduces wander and jitter in the recovered clock signal. It consists of a 32 or 192-bit FIFO, a crystal oscillator, a set of load capacitors for the crystal, and control logic. The jitter attenuator exceeds the jitter attenuation requirements of Publications 43802 and REC. G.742. A typical jitter attenuation curve is shown in Figure 12. The CS61575 fully meets AT&T 62411 jitter attenuation requirements. The CS61574A will have a discontinuity in the jitter transfer function when the incoming jitter amplitude exceeds approximately 23 UIs. The jitter attenuator works in the following manner. The recovered clock and data are input to the FIFO with the recovered clock controlling the FIFO’s write pointer. The crystal oscillator controls the FIFO’s read pointer which reads data out of the FIFO and presents it at RPOS and RNEG (or RDATA). RCLK is equivalent to the oscillator’s output. By changing the load capacitance that the IC presents to the crystal, the oscillatior frequency (and RCLK) is adjusted to the average frequency of the recovered signal. Logic determines the phase relationship between the read and write pointers and decides how to adjust the load capacitance of the crystal. Jitter is absorbed in the FIFO according to the jitter transfer characteristic shown in Figure 12. DS154F3 -XO¶ &21),'(17,$/  A -INIMUM!TTENUATION,IMIT !TTENUATIONIND"  2EQUIREMENTS    B -AXIMUM !TTENUATION ,IMIT  -EASURED0ERFORMANCE     K K &REQUENCYIN(Z Figure 12. Typical Jitter Transfer Function The FIFO in the jitter attenuator is designed to prevent overflow and underflow. If the jitter amplitude becomes very large, the read and write pointers may get very close together. Should they attempt to cross, the oscillator’s divide by four circuit adjusts by performing a divide by 3 1/2 or divide by 4 1/2 to prevent the overflow or underflow. During this activity, data will never be lost. The difference between the CS61575 and CS61574A is the depth of the FIFO in the jitter attenuator. The CS61575 has a 192-bit FIFO which allows it to attenuate large amplitude, low frequency jitter as required by AT&T 62411 (e.g., 28 UIpp @ 300 Hz). This makes the CS61575 ideal for use in T1 Customer Premises Equipment which must be compatible with AT&T 62411 requirements. In single-line Stratum 4, Type II systems which are loop-timed, he CS61575 recovered clock can be used as the transmit clock eliminating the need for an external system clock synchronizer. In Stratum 4, Type I systems which transfer timing and require a clock synchronizer, the CS61575 simplifies the design of the synchronizer by absorbing large amplitude low frequency jitter before it reaches the synchronizer. DS154F3 CS61574A CS61575 The CS61574A has a 32-bit FIFO which allows it to absorb jitter with minimum data delay in T1 and E1 switching or transmission applications. The CS61574A will tolerate large amplitude jitter by tracking rather than attenuating it, preventing data errors so that the jitter may be absorbed in external frame buffers. With large amplitude input jitter, the CS61574A jitter transfer function may exhibit some jitter peaking, but will offer performance comparable to the CS61574. The jitter attenuator may be bypassed by pulling XTALIN to RV+ through a 1 kΩ resistor and providing a 1.544 MHz (or 2.048 MHz) clock on ACLKI. RCLK may exhibit quantization jitter of approximately 1/13 UIpp and a duty cycle of approximately 30% (70%) when the attenuator is disabled. Local Loopback Local loopback is selected by taking LLOOP, pin 27, high or by setting the LLOOP register bit via the serial interface. The local loopback mode takes clock and data presented on TCLK, TPOS, and TNEG (or TDATA), sends it through the jitter attenuator and outputs it at RCLK, RPOS and RNEG (or RDATA). If the jitter attenuator is disabled, it is bypassed. Inputs to the transmitter are still transmitted on TTIP and TRING, unless TAOS has been selected in which case, AMI-coded continuous ones are transmitted at the TCLK frequency. The receiver RTIP and RRING inputs are ignored when local loopback is in effect. 15 -XO¶ &21),'(17,$/ mally low, and goes high upon detecting a driver failure. Remote Loopback Remote loopback is selected by taking RLOOP, pin 26, high or by setting the RLOOP register bit via the serial interface. In remote loopback, the recovered clock and data input on RTIP and RRING are sent through the jitter attenuator and back out on the line via TTIP and TRING. Selecting remote loopback overrides any TAOS request (see Table 7). The recovered incoming signals are also sent to RCLK, RPOS and RNEG (or RDATA). Simultaneous selection of local and remote loopback modes is not valid (see Reset). 2,//0 4!/3 )NPUT )NPUT 3IGNAL 3IGNAL 3OURCEOF $ATAFOR 44)042).' 3OURCEOF #LOCKFOR 44)042).'   4$!4! 4#,+   ALLS 4#,+  8 24)022).' 24)022).'2#,+ .OTES  8$ONTCARE4HEIDENTIFIED!LL/NES3ELECT INPUTISIGNOREDWHENTHEINDICATEDLOOPBACK ISINEFFECT  ,OGICINDICATESTHAT,OOPBACKOR!LL/NES OPTIONISSELECTED Table 7. Interaction of RLOOP with TAOS In the Extended Hardware Mode the transmitted data is looped before the AMI/B8ZS/HDB3 encoder/decoder during remote loopback so that the transmitted signal matches the received signal, even in the presence of received bipolar violations. Data output on RDATA is decoded, however, if RCODE is low. Driver Performance Monitor To aid in early detection and easy isolation of non-functioning links, the IC is able to monitor transmit drive performance and report when the driver is no longer operational. This feature can be used to monitor either the device’s performance or the performance of a neighboring driver. The driver performance monitor indicator is nor16 CS61574A CS61575 The driver performance monitor consists of an activity detector that monitors the transmitted signal when MTIP is connected to TTIP and MRING is connected to TRING. DPM will go high if the absolute difference between MTIP and MRING does not transition above or below a threshold level within a time-out period. In the Host Mode, DPM is available from both the register and pin 11. Whenever more than one line interface IC resides on the same circuit board, the effectiveness of the driver performance monitor can be maximized by having each IC monitor performance of a neighboring IC, rather than having it monitor its own performance. Note that a CS61574A or CS61575 can not be used to monitor a CS61574 due to output stage differences. Line Code Encoder/Decoder In the Extended Hardware Mode, three line codes are available: AMI, B8ZS and HDB3. The input to the encoder is TDATA. The outputs from the decoder are RDATA and BPV (Bipolar Violation Strobe). The encoder and decoder are selected using the LEN2, LEN1, LEN0, TCODE and RCODE pins as shown in Table 8. 4#/$% 4RANSMIT %NCODER 3ELECTION 2#/$% 2ECEIVER $ECODER 3ELECTION ,/7 ()'( ,/7 ()'( ,%.    ($" ":3 %NCODER %NCODER !-) %NCODER ($" ":3 $ECODER $ECODER !-) $ECODER Table 8. Encoder/Decoder Selection DS154F3 -XO¶ &21),'(17,$/ Alarm Indication Signal In the Extended Hardware Mode, the receiver sets the output pin AIS high when less than 9 zeros are detected out of 8192 bit periods. AIS returns low when 9 or more zeros are detected out of 8192 bit periods. Parallel Chip Select In the Extended Hardware Mode, PCS can be used to gate the digital control inputs: TCODE, RCODE, LEN0, LEN1, LEN2, RLOOP, LLOOP and TAOS. Inputs are accepted on these pins only when PCS is low and will immediately change the operating state of the device. Therefore, when cycling PCS to update the operating state, the digital control inputs should be stable for the entire PCS low period. The digital control inputs are ignored when PCS is high. Power On Reset / Reset Upon power-up, the IC is held in a static state until the supply crosses a threshold of approximately 3 Volts. When this threshold is crossed, the device will delay for about 10 ms to allow the power supply to reach operating voltage. After this delay, calibration of the delay lines used in the transmit and receive sections commences. The delay lines can be calibrated only if a reference clock is present. The reference clock for the receiver is provided by the crystal oscillator, or ACLKI if the oscillator is disabled. The reference clock for the transmitter is provided by TCLK. The initial calibration should take less than 20 ms. In operation, the delay lines are continuously calibrated, making the performance of the device independent of power supply or temperature variations. The continuous calibration function forgoes any requirement to reset the line interface when in operation. However, a reset function is available which will clear all registers. DS154F3 CS61574A CS61575 In the Hardware and Extended Hardware Modes, a reset request is made by simultaneously setting both the RLOOP and LLOOP pins high for at least 200 ns. Reset will initiate on the falling edge of the reset request (falling edge of RLOOP and LLOOP). In the Host Mode, a reset is initiated by simultaneously writing RLOOP and LLOOP to the register. In either mode, a reset will set all registers to 0 and force the oscillator to its center frequency before initiating calibration. A reset will also set LOS high. Serial Interface In the Host Mode, pins 23 through 28 serve as a microprocessor/microcontroller interface. One on-board register can be written to via the SDI pin or read from via the SDO pin at the clock rate determined by SCLK. Through this register, a host controller can be used to control operational characteristics and monitor device status. The serial port read/write timing is independent of the system transmit and receive timing. Data transfers are initiated by taking the chip select input, CS, low (CS must initially be high). Address and input data bits are clocked in on the rising edge of SCLK. The clock edge on which output data is stable and valid is determined by CLKE as shown in Table 5. Data transfers are terminated by setting CS high. CS may go high no sooner than 50 ns after the rising edge of the SCLK cycle corresponding to the last write bit. For a serial data read, CS may go high any time to terminate the output. Figure 13 shows the timing relationships for data transfers when CLKE = 1. When CLKE = 1, data bit D7 is held until the falling edge of the 16th clock cycle. When CLKE = 0, data bit D7 is held until the rising edge of the 17th clock cycle. SDO goes High-Z after CS goes high or at the end of the hold period of data bit D7. 17 -XO¶ &21),'(17,$/ CS61574A CS61575 #3 3#,+ 3$) 27        $ $ $ $ $ $ $ATA)NPUT/UTPUT $ $ $ $ $ !DDRESS#OMMAND"YTE 3$/ $ $ $ $ $ Figure 13. Input/Output Timing An address/command byte, shown in Table 9, precedes a data register. The first bit of the address/command byte determines whether a read or a write is requested. The next six bits contain the address. The line interface responds to address 16 (0010000). The last bit is ignored. ,3" FIRSTBIT -3" LASTBIT         27 !$$0 !$$ !$$ !$$ !$$ 8 2EAD7RITE3ELECTWRITE READ ,3"OFADDRESS -USTBE -USTBE -USTBE -USTBE -USTBE 2ESERVED -USTBE $ONT#ARE Table 9. Address/Command Byte The data register, shown in Table 10, can be written to the serial port. Data is input on the eight clock cycles immediately following the address/command byte. Bits 0 and 1 are used to clear an interrupt issued from the INT pin, which occurs in response to a loss of signal or a problem with the output driver. ,3" FIRSTBIT IN -3" LASTBIT IN         CLR,/3 CLR$0,%. ,%. ,%. 2,//0 ,,//0 4!/3 #LEAR,OSS/F3IGNAL #LEAR$RIVER0ERFORMANCE "IT ,INE,ENGTH3ELECT "IT ,INE,ENGTH3ELECT "IT ,INE,ENGTH3ELECT 2EMOTE,OOPBACK ,OCAL,OOPBACK 4RANSMIT!LL/NES3ELECT Table 10. Input Data Register 18 Writing a "1" to either "Clear LOS" or "Clear DPM" over the serial interface has three effects: 1) The current interrupt on the serial interface will be cleared. (Note that simply reading the register bits will not clear the interrupt). 2) Output data bits 5, 6 and 7 will be reset as appropriate. 3) Future interrupts for the corresponding LOS or DPM will be prevented from occurring. Writing a "0" to either "Clear LOS" or "Clear DPM" enables the corresponding interrupt for LOS or DPM. Output data from the serial interface is presented as shown in Tables 11 and 12. Bits 2, 3 and 4 can be read to verify line length selection. Bits 5, 6 and 7 must be decoded. Codes 101, 110 and 111 (Bits 5, 6 and 7) indicate intermittent loss of signal and/or driver problems. SDO goes to a high impedance state when not in use. SDO and SDI may be tied together in applications where the host processor has a bi-directional I/O port. ,3" FIRSTBIT IN      ,/3 $0,%. ,%. ,%. ,OSS/F3IGNAL $RIVER0ERFORMANCE "IT ,INE,ENGTH3ELECT "IT ,INE,ENGTH3ELECT "IT ,INE,ENGTH3ELECT Table 11. Output Data Bits 0 - 4 DS154F3 -XO¶ &21),'(17,$/        "ITS                     CS61574A CS61575 3TATUS 2ESETHASOCCURREDORNOPROGRAMINPUT 4!/3 NEFFECT I ,,//0INEFFECT 4!/3,,//0INEFFECT 2,//0INEFFECT $0-CHANGEDSTATESINCELASTCLEAR$0- OCCURRED ,/3CHANGEDSTATESINCELASTCLEAR,/3 OCCURRED ,/3AND$0-HAVECHANGEDSTATESINCE LASTCLEAR,/3ANDCLEAR$0- Schematic & Layout Review Service #ONFIRM/PTIMUM 3CHEMATIC,AYOUT "EFORE"UILDING9OUR"OARD &OR/UR&REE2EVIEW3ERVICE #ALL!PPLICATIONS%NGINEERING C a l l : ( 5 1 2 ) 4 4 5 - 7 2 2 2 Table 12. Coding for Serial Output bits 5,6,7 Power Supply The device operates from a single +5 Volt supply. Separate pins for transmit and receive supplies provide internal isolation. These pins should be connected externally near the device and decoupled to their respective grounds. TV+ must not exceed RV+ by more than 0.3V. Decoupling and filtering of the power supplies is crucial for the proper operation of the analog circuits in both the transmit and receive paths. A 1.0 μF capacitor should be connected between TV+ and TGND, and a 0.1 μF capacitor should be connected between RV+ and RGND. Use mylar or ceramic capacitors and place them as closely as possible to their respective power supply pins. A 68 μF tantalum capacitor should be added close to the RV+/RGND supply. Wire-wrap breadboarding of the line interface is not recommended because lead resistance and inductance serve to defeat the function of the decoupling capacitors. DS154F3 19 -XO¶ &21),'(17,$/ CS61574A CS61575 PIN DESCRIPTIONS Hardware Mode ACLKI  TAOS  TCLK  LLOOP  TPOS RLOOP   +DUGZDUH0RGH TNEG  LEN2  MODE  LEN1  RNEG  LEN0  RPOS  RGND  RCLK  RV+  XTALIN  RRING   XTALOUT  RTIP  DPM  MRING  LOS  MTIP  TTIP  TRING  TGND  TV+ ACLKI TCLK TAOS TPOS LLOOP TNEG RLOOP MODE LEN2 RNEG RPOS RCLK XTALIN XTALOUT               TOP VIEW        LEN1 LEN0 RGND RV+ RRING        DPM RTIP LOS MRING TTIP MTIP TGND TRING TV+ 20 DS154F3 -XO¶ &21),'(17,$/ CS61574A CS61575 Extended Hardware Mode ACLKI  TAOS  TCLK  LLOOP  TDATA RLOOP   ([WHQGHG+DUGZDUH0RGH TCODE  LEN2  MODE  LEN1  BPV  LEN0  RDATA  RGND  RCLK  RV+  XTALIN  RRING   XTALOUT  RTIP  AIS  PCS  LOS  RCODE  TTIP  TRING  TGND  TV+ ACLKI TCLK TAOS TDATA LLOOP TCODE RLOOP MODE BPV RDATA RCLK XTALIN XTALOUT LEN2               TOP VIEW        LEN1 LEN0 RGND RV+ RRING        AIS RTIP LOS PCS TTIP RCODE TGND TRING TV+ DS154F3 21 -XO¶ &21),'(17,$/ CS61574A CS61575 Host Mode ACLKI  CLKE  TCLK  SCLK  TPOS   CS ([WHQGHG+DUGZDUH0RGH TNEG  SDO  MODE  SDI  RNEG  INT  RPOS  RGND  RCLK  RV+  XTALIN  RRING   XTALOUT  RTIP  DPM  MRING  LOS  MTIP  TTIP  TRING  TGND  TV+ ACLKI TCLK CLKE TPOS SCLK TNEG CS MODE SDO RNEG RPOS RCLK XTALIN XTALOUT               TOP VIEW        SDI INT RGND RV+ RRING        DPM RTIP LOS MRING TTIP MTIP TGND TRING TV+ 22 DS154F3 -XO¶ &21),'(17,$/ CS61574A CS61575 Power Supplies RGND - Ground, Pin 22. Power supply ground for all subcircuits except the transmit driver; typically 0 Volts. RV+ - Power Supply, Pin 21. Power supply for all subcircuits except the transmit driver; typically +5 Volts. TGND - Ground, Transmit Driver, Pin 14. Power supply ground for the transmit driver; typically 0 Volts. TV+ - Power Supply, Transmit Driver, Pin 15. Power supply for the transmit driver; typically +5 Volts. TV+ must not exceed RV+ by more than 0.3 V. Oscillator XTALIN, XTALOUT - Crystal Connections, Pins 9 and 10. A 6.176 MHz (or 8.192 MHz) crystal should be connected across these pins. If a 1.544 MHz (or 2.048 MHz) clock is provided on ACLKI (pin 1), the jitter attenuator may be disabled by tying XTALIN, Pin 9 to RV+ through a 1 kΩ resistor, and floating XTALOUT, Pin 10. Overdriving the oscillator with an external clock is not supported. See Appendix A. Control ACLKI - Alternate External Clock Input, Pin 1. A 1.544 MHz (or 2.048 MHz) clock may be input to ACLKI, or this pin must be tied to ground. During LOS, the ACLKI input signal, if present, is output on RCLK through the jitter attenuator. CLKE - Clock Edge, Pin 28. (Host Mode) Setting CLKE to logic 1 causes RPOS and RNEG to be valid on the falling edge of RCLK, and SDO to be valid on the rising edge of SCLK. Conversely, setting CLKE to logic 0 causes RPOS and RNEG to be valid on the rising edge of RCLK, and SDO to be valid on the falling edge of SCLK. CS - Chip Select, Pin 26. (Host Mode) This pin must transition from high to low to read or write the serial port. INT - Receive Alarm Interrupt, Pin 23. (Host Mode) Goes low when LOS or DPM change state to flag the host processor. INT is cleared by writing "clear LOS" or "clear DPM" to the register. INT is an open drain output and should be tied to the power supply through a resistor. DS154F3 23 -XO¶ &21),'(17,$/ CS61574A CS61575 LEN0, LEN1, LEN2 - Line Length Selection, Pins 23, 24 and 25. (Hardware and Extended Hardware Modes) Determines the shape and amplitude of the transmitted pulse to accommodate several cable types and lengths. See Table 3 for information on line length selection. Also controls the receiver slicing level and the line code in Extended Hardware Mode. LLOOP - Local Loopback, Pin 27. (Hardware and Extended Hardware Modes) Setting LLOOP to a logic 1 routes the transmit clock and data through the jitter attenuator to the receive clock and data pins. TCLK and TPOS/TNEG (or TDATA) are still transmitted unless overridden by a TAOS request. Inputs on RTIP and RRING are ignored. MODE - Mode Select, Pin 5. Driving the MODE pin high puts the line interface in the Host Mode. In the host mode, a serial control port is used to control the line interface and determine its status. Grounding the MODE pin puts the line interface in the Hardware Mode, where configuration and status are controlled by discrete pins. Floating the MODE pin or driving it to +2.5 Vselects the Extended Hardware Mode, where configuration and status are controlled by discrete pins. When floating MODE, there should be no external load on the pin. MODE defines the status of 13 pins (see Table 2). PCS - Parallel Chip Select, Pin 18. (Extended Hardware Mode) Setting PCS high causes the line interface to ignore the TCODE, RCODE, LEN0, LEN1, LEN2, RLOOP, LLOOP and TAOS inputs. RCODE - Receiver Decoder Select, Pin 17. (Extended Hardware Mode) Setting RCODE low enables B8ZS or HDB3 zero substitution in the receiver decoder. Setting RCODE high enables the AMI receiver decoder (see Table 8). RLOOP - Remote Loopback, Pin 26. (Hardware and Extended Hardware Modes) Setting RLOOP to a logic 1 causes the recovered clock and data to be sent through the jitter attenuator (if active) and through the driver back to the line. The recovered signal is also sent to RCLK and RPOS/RNEG (or RDATA). Any TAOS request is ignored. Simultaneously taking RLOOP and LLOOP high for at least 200 ns initiates a device reset. SCLK - Serial Clock, Pin 27. (Host Mode) Clock used to read or write the serial port registers. SCLK can be either high or low when the line interface is selected using the CS pin. SDI - Serial Data Input, Pin 24. (Host Mode) Data for the on-chip register. Sampled on the rising edge of SCLK. SDO - Serial Data Output, Pin 25. (Host Mode) Status and control information from the on-chip register. If CLKE is high SDO is valid on the rising edge of SCLK. If CLKE is low SDO is valid on the falling edge of SCLK. This pin goes to a high-impedance state when the serial port is being written to or after bit D7 is output. 24 DS154F3 -XO¶ &21),'(17,$/ CS61574A CS61575 TAOS - Transmit All Ones Select, Pin 28. (Hardware and Extended Hardware Modes) Setting TAOS to a logic 1 causes continuous ones to be transmitted at the frequency determined by TCLK. TCODE - Transmitter Encoder Select, Pin 4. (Extended Hardware Mode) Setting TCODE low enables B8ZS or HDB3 zero substitution in the transmitter encoder. Setting TCODE high enables the AMI transmitter encoder . Data RCLK - Recovered Clock, Pin 8. The receiver recovered clock generated by the jitter attenuator is output on this pin.When in the loss of signal state ACLKI (if present) is output on RCLK via the jitter attenuator. If ACLKI is not present during LOS, RCLK is forced to the center frequency of the crystal oscillator.. RDATA - Receive Data - Pin 7. (Extended Hardware Mode) Data recovered from the RTIP and RRING inputs is output at this pin, after being decoded by the line code decoder. RDATA is NRZ. RDATA is stable and valid on the falling edge of RCLK. RPOS, RNEG - Receive Positive Data, Receive Negative Data, Pins 6 and 7. (Hardware and Host Modes) The receiver recovered NRZ digital data is output on these pins. In the Hardware Mode, RPOS and RNEG are stable and valid on the rising edge of RCLK. In the Host Mode, CLKE determines the clock edge for which RPOS and RNEG are stable and valid. See Table 5. A positive pulse (with respect to ground) received on the RTIP pin generates a logic 1 on RPOS, and a positive pulse received on the RRING pin generates a logic 1 on RNEG. RTIP, RRING - Receive Tip, Receive Ring, Pins 19 and 20. The AMI receive signal is input to these pins. A center-tapped, center-grounded, 2:1, step-up transformer is required on these inputs, as shown in Figure A1 in the Applications section. Data and clock are recovered and output on RCLK and RPOS/RNEG or RDATA. TCLK - Transmit Clock, Pin 2. The1.544 MHz (or 2.048 MHz) transmit clock is input on this pin. TPOS/TNEG or TDATA are sampled on the falling edge of TCLK. TDATA - Transmit Data, Pin 3. (Extended Hardware Mode) Transmitter NRZ input data which passes through the line code encoder, and is then driven on to the line through TTIP and TRING. TDATA is sampled on the falling edge of TCLK. TPOS, TNEG - Transmit Positive Data, Transmit Negative Data, Pins 3 and 4. (Hardware and Host Modes) Inputs for clock and data to be transmitted. The signal is driven on to the line through TTIP and TRING. TPOS and TNEG are sampled on the falling edge of TCLK. A TPOS input causes a positive pulse to be transmitted, while a TNEG input causes a negative pulse to be transmitted. DS154F3 25 -XO¶ &21),'(17,$/ CS61574A CS61575 TTIP, TRING - Transmit Tip, Transmit Ring, Pins 13 and 16. The AMI signal is driven to the line through these pins. The transmitter output is designed to drive a 75 Ω load between TTIP and TRING. A transformer is required as shown in Table A1. Status AIS - Alarm Indication Signal, Pin 11. (Extended Hardware Mode) AIS goes high when unframed all-ones condition (blue alarm) is detected, using the detection criteria of less than three zeros out of 2048 bit periods. BPV- Bipolar Violation Strobe, Pin 6. (Extended Hardware Mode) BPV strobes high when a bipolar violation is detected in the received signal. B8ZS (or HDB3) zero substitutions are not flagged as bipolar violations if the B8ZS (or HDB3) decoder has been enabled. DPM - Driver Performance Monitor, Pin 11. (Hardware and Host Modes) DPM goes high if no activity is detected on MTIP and MRING. LOS - Loss of Signal, Pin 12. LOS goes high when 175 consecutive zeros have been received. LOS returns low when the ones density reaches 12.5% (based upon 175 bit periods starting with a one and containing less than 100 consectutive zeros) as prescribed in ANSI T1.231-1993. When in the loss of signal state RPOS/RNEG or RDATA are forced low, and ACLKI (if present) is output on RCLK via the jitter attenuator. If ACLKI is not present during LOS, RCLK is forced to the center frequency of the crystal oscillator. MTIP, MRING - Monitor Tip, Monitor Ring, Pins 17 and 18. (Hardware and Host Modes) These pins are normally connected to TTIP and TRING and monitor the output of a line interface IC. If the INT pin in the host mode is used, and the monitor is not used, writing "clear DPM" to the serial interface will prevent an interrupt from the driver performance monitor. Ordering Guide Model #3 )0 #3 ),Z #3! )0 #3! ),Z 26 Frequency 4% T%1 4% T% FIFO Depth (Bits)  12  3 Package  PIN0LASTIC$)0 2 PIN0,##, Lead-free  PIN0LASTIC$)0  PIN0,##, Lead-free DS154F3 -XO¶ &21),'(17,$/   28 pin Plastic DIP %   $ ! 3%!4).' 0,!.% " ! , ∝ E " # E! ./4%3 0/3)4)/.!,4/,%2!.#%/&,%!$33(!,,"%7)4(). MM !4-!8)-5--!4%2)!,#/.$)4)/. ). 2%,!4)/.4/3%!4).'0,!.%!.$%!#(/4(%2 $)-%.3)/.E!4/#%.4%2/&,%!$37(%.&/2-%$0!2!,,%, $)-%.3)/.%$/%3./4).#,5$%-/,$&,!3( CS61574A CS61575 MILLIMETERS INCHES DIM MIN NOM MAX MIN NOM MAX       A A1             B B1             C       D E1       e1       eA     L             ∝ 28-pin PLCC 28 % % DIM A MILLIMETERS INCHES MIN NOM MAX MIN NOM MAX       A1       B       D/E       $ D1/E1       $ D2/E2       e "       E ! ! $% DS154F3 27 -XO¶ &21),'(17,$/ CS61574A CS61575 APPLICATIONS 6 μ& 2'.$  #ONTROL  -ONITOR    26  &RAME &ORMAT %NCODER $ECODER ,/3 ).4 $0- 3$) 3$/ -/$%  2#,+  3#,+ #3 2.%'  46 !#,+)   μ& 4'.$  26 #,+% 20/3  84,    μ& 40/3 CS61574A OR CS61575 IN HOST MODE 24)0 84!,/54 2'.$    μ0 3ERIAL 0ORT      22).'  -4)0  -2).'  42).' 84!,). KΩ 2 4.%' 4#,+ 6 4'.$  44)0 2   2%#%)6%  ,).%  #4 0%   μ&     42!.3-)4  ,).%  0%  Figure A1. T1 Host Mode Configuration Frequency MHz 1.544 (T1) 2.048 (E1) Cable Ω 100 120 75 R1 and R2 Transmit Transformer Ω 200 1:1.15 240 1:1.26 150 1:1 Crystal XTL CXT6176 CXT8192 Table A1. External Component Values Line Interface Figures A1-A3 show typical T1 and E1 line interface application circuits. Table A1 shows the external components which are specific to each application. Figure A1 illustrates a T1 interface in the Host Mode. Figure A2 illustrates a 120 Ω E1 interface in the Hardware Mode. Figure A3 illustrates a 75 Ω E1 interface in the Extended Hardware Mode The receiver transformer has a grounded center tap on the IC side. Resistors between the RTIP 28 and RRING pins to ground provide the termination for the receive line. The transmitter transformer matches the 75 Ω transmitter output impedance to the line impedance. Figures A1-A3 show a 0.47 μF capacitor in series with the transmit transformer primary. This capacitor is needed to prevent any output stage imbalance from resulting in a DC current through the transformer primary. This current might saturate the transformer producing an output offset level shift. DS154F3 -XO¶ &21),'(17,$/ CS61574A CS61575 6 μ& 2'.$ #ONTROL  -ONITOR  4!/3  !#,+) 26 4'.$  46 2,//0 ,%.   ,,//0 ,%.   ,/3 ,%.   $024)0   20/3 2.%'  2#,+     CS61574A OR CS61575 IN HARDWARE MODE -/$%   84,  μ&   &RAME &ORMAT %NCODER $ECODER μ& ,INE ,ENGTH 3ETTING  2 2    22).'  40/3 -4)0  4.%' -2).'  4#,+ 42).'  μ&  44)0   84!,). 84!,/54 2'.$  2%#%)6%  ,).% #4 0%   42!.3-)4  ,).%  0%  4'.$  Figure A2. 120 Ω, E1 Hardware Mode Configuration 6 μ& 2'.$ #ONTROL  -ONITOR &RAME &ORMAT %NCODER $ECODER  2#/$%  0#3   26 μ& 4'.$  46 "06 ,%.   4!/3 ,%.   !#,+) ,%.  24)0   2,//0  ,,//0  ,/3  !)3  -/$%  4#/$%  2$!4!  2#,+  4$!4!   84, μ&  CS61574A OR CS61575 IN EXTENDED HARDWARE MODE 4#,+ 2'.$   2 2    42).'  μ&  44)0   4'.$  2%#%)6%  ,).%  22).' 84!,). 84!,/54 ,INE ,ENGTH 3ETTING #4 0%   42!.3-)4  ,).%  0%  Figure A3. 75 Ω, E1 Extended Hardware Mode Configuration DS154F3 29 -XO¶ &21),'(17,$/ CS61574A CS61575 Parameter Turns Ratio Receiver Transmitter 1:2 CT ± 5% Primary Inductance 600 μH min. @ 772 kHz 1:1 ± 1.5 % for 75 Ω E1 1:1.15 ± 5 % for 100 Ω T1 1:1.26 ± 1.5 % for 120 Ω E1 1.5 mH min. @ 772 kHz Primary Leakage Inductance 1.3 μH max. @ 772 kHz 0.4 μH max. @ 772 kHz 23 pF max. 0.3 μH max. @ 772 kHz 0.4 μH max. @ 772 kHz 18 pF max. 16 V-μs min. for T1 12 V-μs min. for E1 16 V-μs min. for T1 12 V-μs min. for E1 Secondary Leakage Inductance Interwinding Capacitance ET-constant Table A2. Transformer Specifications Transformers Designing for AT&T 62411 Recommended transmitter and receiver transformer specifications are shown in Table A2. The transformers in Table A3 have been tested and recommended for use with the CS61574A and CS61575. Refer to the "Telecom Transformer Selection Guide" for detailed schematics which show how to connect the line interface IC with a particular transformer. For additional information on the requirements of AT&T 62411 and the design of an appropriate system synchronizer, please refer to the Crystal Semiconductor Application Notes: "AT&T 62411 Design Considerations – Jitter and Synchronization" and "Jitter Testing Procedures for Compliance with AT&T 62411". Transmit Side Jitter Attenuation In applications where it is advantageous to use a single transmitter transformer for 75Ω and 120Ω E1 applications, a 1:1.26 transformer may be used. Although transmitter return loss will be reduced for 75Ω applications, the pulse amplitude will be correct across a 75Ω load. Selecting an Oscillator Crystal Specific crystal parameters are required for proper operation of the jitter attenuator. It is recommended that the Crystal Semiconductor CXT6176 crystal be used for T1 applications and the CXT8192 crystal be used for E1 applications. 30 In some applications it is desirable to attenuate jitter from the signal to be transmitted. A CS61575 in local loopback mode can be used as a jitter attenuator. The inputs to the jitter attenuator are TPOS, TNEG, TCLK. The outputs from the jitter attenuator are RPOS, RNEG and RCLK. Line Protection Secondary protection components can be added to provide lightning surge and AC power-cross immunity. Refer to the application note "Secondary Line Protection for T1 and E1 Line Cards" for detailed information on the different electrical safety standards and specific application circuit recommendations. DS154F3 -XO¶ &21),'(17,$/ Application RX: T1 & E1 Turns Ratio(s) 1:2CT TX: T1 1:1.15 TX: E1 (75 & 120 Ω) 1:1.26 1:1 RX &TX: T1 RX &TX: E1 (75 & 120 Ω) 1:2CT 1:1.15 1:2CT 1:1.26 1:1 1:2CT 1:1.15 1:2CT 1:1.26 1:1 1:2CT RX &TX: T1 RX &TX: E1 (75 & 120 Ω) RX : T1 & E1 TX: E1 (75 & 120 Ω) 1:1.26 1:1 CS61574A CS61575 Manufacturer Part Number Package Type Pulse Engineering Schott Bel Fuse Pulse Engineering Schott Bel Fuse Pulse Engineering Schott Bel Fuse Pulse Engineering Bel Fuse Pulse Engineering Bel Fuse PE-65351 67129300 0553-0013-HC PE-65388 67129310 0553-0013-RC PE-65389 67129320 0553-0013-SC PE-65565 0553-0013-7J PE-65566 0553-0013-8J 1.5 kV through-hole, single Pulse Engineering Bel Fuse Pulse Engineering Bel Fuse PE-65765 S553-0013-06 PE-65766 S553-0013-07 Pulse Engineering PE-65835 Pulse Engineering PE-65839 1.5 kV through-hole, single 1.5 kV through-hole, single 1.5 kV through-hole, dual 1.5 kV through-hole, dual 1.5 kVsurface-mount, dual 1.5 kV surface-mount, dual 3 kV through-hole, single EN60950, EN41003 approved 3 kV through-hole, single EN60950, EN41003 approved Table A3. Recommended Transformers Interfacing The CS61575 and CS61574A With the CS62180B T1 Transceiver To interface with the CS62180B, connect the devices as shown in Figure A4. In this case, the line interface and CS62180B are in Host Mode controlled by a microprocessor serial interface. If the line interface is used in Hardware Mode, then the line interface RCLK output must be inverted before being input to the CS62180B. If the CS61575 or CS61574A is used in Extended Hardware Mode, the RCLK output does not have to be inverted before being input to the CS62180B. 4/(/34#/.42/,,%2 -(Z #,/#+ 3)'.!, !#,+ 3#,+ 4#,+ 3$/ 40/3 40/3 3$) 4.%' 4.%' 3#,+ 4#,+ 3$/ 3$) 2.%' 2.%' #,+% 20/3 20/3 -/$% 2#,+ 2#,+ #3" K #3 ).4 #3 6 K 6 #3!/2 #3 Figure A4. Interfacing the CS61574A or CS61575 with a CS62180B (Host Mode) DS154F3 31 &6$&6 $33(1',;$5(&200(1'('&5
CS61575-IL1ZR 价格&库存

