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    CLI300 - IRED - Photosensor Photointerrupters - Clairex Technologies, Inc

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CLI300 数据手册
CLI300 Series IRED - Photosensor Photointerrupters ® Clairex Technologies, Inc.  March, 2005 features • rugged plastic package • hermetically sealed components • various output configurations description The CLI300 series each consist of an IRED and photosensor mounted in a black plastic housing. Each device has 12 inch leads and two holes for bracket mounting in any position. Alternate output circuits and lead lengths are available. For assistance, call Clairex. absolute maximum ratings (TA = 25°C unless otherwise stated) storage and operating temperature................................................ -55°C to +100°C IRED continuous forward current ............................................................................. 60mA reverse voltage .................................................................................................... 5V continuous power dissipation(1) .................................................................... 100mW CLI325, CLI355 and CLI375 OUTPUT collector-emitter voltage..................................................................................... 30V (2) continuous collector current ......................................................................... 50mA continuous power dissipation(3) .................................................................... 200mW (4) CLI385 OUTPUT supply voltage.................................................................................................... 18V sink current ..................................................................................................... 25mA continuous power dissipation(3) .................................................................... 200mW notes: 1. Derate linearly 1.07mW/°C from 25°C free air temperature to TA = +100°C. 2. 200mA when pulsed at 1.0ms, 10% duty cycle. 3. Derate linearly 2.13mW/°C from 25°C free air temperature to TA = +100°C. 4. Buffer output. Output is LOW when input radiation is below threshold level. electrical characteristics (TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted) symbol parameter Input IRED, all devices VF IR ID ID VCC ICC Forward voltage Reverse current Collector-emitter dark current Collector-emitter dark current Supply voltage Supply current min 4 - typ - max 1.5 10 100 50 16 12 units V µA nA nA V mA test conditions IF = 10mA VR = 5V VCE = 10V, Ee = 0 VCE = 10V, Ee = 0 Output CLI325, CLI355 Output CLI375 Output CLI385 VCC = 4.5V – 16V Clairex reserves the right to make changes at any time to improve design and to provide the best possible product. Revised 3/16/06 Clairex Technologies, Inc. Phone: 972-265-4900 1301 East Plano Parkway Fax: 972-265-4949 Plano, Texas 75074-8524 www.clairex.com CLI300 Series IRED - Photosensor Photointerrupters electrical characteristics (TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted) symbol parameter Coupled CLI325 IL VCE(sat) tr, tf VCE(sat) IL VO VOFF tr, tf VCE(sat) IL tr, tf Sensor light current Saturation voltage Output rise and fall time Saturation voltage Sensor light current Voltage output across 270Ω resistor Voltage output across 270Ω resistor Output rise and fall time ® Clairex Technologies, Inc.  min 3.0 12.0 3.2 - typ 50 300 max 1.2 1.2 0.4 - units mA V µsec V mA V V µsec V mA µsec V µA mA ns µs µs test conditions IF = 10mA, VCE = 5V IF = 10mA, IC = 4mA IC = 2.0mA, VCC=10V, RL = 100Ω IF = 10mA, IC = 4mA IF = 10mA, VCC = 5V IF = 10mA, VCC = 5V Ee = 0 IC = 2.0mA, VCC = 10V, RL =100Ω IF = 20mA, IC = 1mA IF = 10mA, VCE = 5V IC = 2.0mA, VCC = 10V, RL =100Ω IOL = 15mA, IF = 0(6) IF = 15mA, VOH = 18V Coupled CLI355 Coupled CLI375 Saturation voltage 0.5 Sensor light current 1.0 Output rise and fall time 5.0 Coupled CLI385 (VCC = 5V unless otherwise noted) VOL Low level output voltage 0.4 IOH High level output leakage 5.0 IF+ IRED positive going threshold(7) 10 IF+/IF Hysteresis ratio 1.2 tr, tf Output rise and fall time 75 tPLH Propagation delay, low to high 6.0 tPHL Propagation delay, high to low 6.0 note: 6. IF = 0 equates to light path being blocked by opaque object. 7. Minimum current applied to IRED to cause output to change state. IF = 0(6) or 15mA, f = 10kHz, Duty Cycle = 50%, RL = 240Ω, CL = 15pF Schematic Configurations RED CLI325 BLUE RED CLI355 BLUE RED CLI375 BLUE RED CLI385 * BLUE GREEN GREEN 330 ohms BLACK YELLOW 270 ohms BLACK YELLOW BLACK YELLOW BLACK YELLOW * The CLI385 features an open collector, buffer, digital output. Other output functions such as inverter and internal 10K pull-up are available. Obtain a copy of the CLL Series data sheet from our website at www.clairex.com to see other available output configurations. Clairex reserves the right to make changes at any time to improve design and to provide the best possible product Clairex Technologies, Inc. Phone: 972-265-4900 1301 East Plano Parkway Fax: 972-265-4949 Plano, Texas 75074-8524 www.clairex.com
### 物料型号 - CLI300系列包含不同型号,如CLI325、CLI355、CLI375和CLI385。

### 器件简介 - CLI300系列由一个IRED(红外发射二极管)和光电传感器组成,安装在黑色塑料外壳中。每个设备有12英寸的引脚和两个用于支架安装的孔,可以安装在任何位置。提供不同的输出电路和引脚长度。

### 引脚分配 - 每个设备有12英寸的引脚,用于支架安装。

### 参数特性 - IRED参数: - 连续正向电流:60mA - 反向电压:5V - 输出参数(不同型号): - CLI325、CLI355和CLI375型号的集电极-发射极电压、连续集电极电流和连续功耗。 - CLI385型号的供电电压、连续功耗等。

### 功能详解 - CLI385具有开路集电极、缓冲器、数字输出功能。其他输出功能如反相器和内部10K上拉电阻也可用。

### 应用信息 - 该系列产品具有坚固的塑料封装和密封元件,提供多种输出配置。

### 封装信息 - 封装在黑色塑料外壳中,具有12英寸引脚和两个用于支架安装的孔。
CLI300 价格&库存

