T-1 3/4 Low Profile LED Lamps
All dimensions in inches. .230 ± 010 .
These low profile T-1 3/4 lamps are available in a variety of color and lens effects providing a versatile package for many applications.
.060 ± 005 .
.185 ± 015 .
.200 ± 0 10 .
.020 ± 002 .
1. 00 MI N .
. 100 NO M.
. 050 NO M.
C M D 50152 C M D 50154 C M D53152 C M D 53154 C M D 54152 C M D 54154 C MD57152 C M D57154 P A R T N U MB E R H.E .R e d Red Y e l low Y e l low H.E .G reen H.E .G re e n H.E .R e d Red Output Color Non-Diffuse d Diffuse d Non-Diffused Diffused Non-D iffuse d Diffused Non-D iffused Diffused Diffusion Gr een Ora nge Ora nge Re d Y e llow Y e llow Gr een Re d P a ck a g e C olor 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 T e s t C urrent (mA) 2.0 2.2 2.0 2.1 1.6 2.1 2.2 1.6 F o r war d Volta ge Typ . (V) 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 F orw ard Voltage Ma x . (V) 2.0 4.0 2.0 0.4 3.0 1.5 2.5 0.6 Luminous Intensity Min. (mcd) 12 10 8.0 2.0 1.5 10 8.0 15 Luminous Intensity Ty p. ( mcd) Luminous Intensity Ma x . (mcd) 565 630 630 P e a k W a veleng th (nm) 660 585 585 565 660 50 45 50 50 45 50 45 45 Viewing Angle 20 1/2 (degrees ) 105 105 105 105 180 105 P o w er Dis si pa tion (mW ) 180 105 Opera ting Temperature ( C ° ) -55 to +100 -55 t o +100 -55 to +100 -55 t o +100 -55 to +100 -55 to +100 -55 to +100 -55 to +100 -55 to +100 -55 t o +100 -55 to +100 -55 t o +100 -55 to +100 -55 to +100 -55 to +100 -55 to +100 S tora ge Te mpera ture ( C °) 90 100 100 P ea k For ward Cu rren t Ma x. (1 µs @ 0.3% duty cyc le)(mA) 100 100 100 100 90 5 5 5 R e ve rs e Volta ge ( IR = 100 µ A ) (V ) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Le a d Solde r T ime @ 2 60 ° C 5 5 5 5 5
America: CML Innovative Technologies,Inc. 147 Central Avenue Hackensack -NJ 07601 -USA Tel:1-201-489 -8989 Fax:1-201-489 -6911 e-mail:americas@cml-it.com
Europe: CML Technologies GmbH &Co.KG Robert-Bunsen-Str.1 67098 Bad Dürkheim -GERMANY Tel:+49 (0)6322 9567-0 Fax:+49 (0)6322 9567-88 e-mail:europe@cml-it.com
Asia: CML Innovative Technologies,Inc. 61 Aida Street Singapore 459975 Tel:(65)9630 -5003 e-mail:asia@cml-it.com
CML-IT reserves the right to make specification revisions that enhance the design and/or performance of the product
T-1 3/4 Low Profile LED Lamps