Doc. No. : PCN160302
: 2016.03.24
To : Dear Valued Customers
Product/Process Change Notice
We hereby submit PCN for your review and approval.
Application or type:Product Label D/C change.
Detail of the change:Increased from 2 code to 4 code.
Current:Old D/C
After the change:New D/C
D/C : XX
D/C : 3A
3A : 2013 week 1
A3 : 2013 week 27
D/C : 1301
13 : 2013
01 : week 1
1. First half of the year : digit code + character code 1. YY : Last two digit of the year. Ex:2013
- digit code : year
2. WW : indicate week of the year.
- character code : A.B...Z indicate 1st,2nd...
week of the year
2. Second half of the year : character code + digit
- character code : A.B...Z indicate 27th,28th...
week of the year
- digit code : year
QR-0708-03 版本:A
Comchip Technology Co., Ltd.
Reason for the change:
Old D/C encoding is not easy to understand, the new D/C encoding easy to understand.
Evaluation items: All Packing
Implemented from:
Effective Date: Sep. 1th, 2016
R&D Dept. Signature:
QA Dept. Signature:
Answer To PCN
Please complete the form below duly signed and fax back to Comchip Technology Co.
Please select your answer
1. Approved this PCN
2. Approved this PCN with conditions
3. Disapproved this PCN
Responsibility By
Please specify the condition or explain the reason if you select 2 or 3.
Unless a Comchip Technology Co., Ltd. Sales representative is contacted in writing within 30 days
of the posting of this notice, all changes described in this announcement are considered approved.
QR-0708-03 版本:A
Comchip Technology Co., Ltd.