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RR122-1A53-511 数据手册
® REDROCK® RR122-1A52-511 REDROCK® RR122-1A53-511 TMR DIGITAL PUSH-PULL MAGNETIC SENSOR 1 Description 2 Features The RedRock® RR122-1A52-511 and RR122-1A53-511 are digital magnetic sensors ideal for use in medical, industrial, automotive, and consumer applications. They are based on patented Tunneling Magnetoresistance (TMR) technology with seamless CMOS integration. u Operate sensitivity of 9 G Lowest Average Current < 1.0 mA u Wide Supply Voltage range of 1.7V – 5.5V u Omnipolar Push-Pull Response u Operating Frequency of 250 Hz u Temperature Rated up to 125°C u RoHS & REACH Compliant u The RR122-1A52-511 and RR122-1A53-511 feature an operate sensitivity of 9 G (0.9 mT), with an omnipolar magnetic field response. They offer a wide supply voltage range from 1.7 up to 5.5 V, ideal for applications ranging from small battery-powered electronics to industrial machinery. They have extremely low average current drain (1.0 mA) for an active magnetic sensor operating at 250 Hz and high operating temperature range from -40°C up to +125°C. 3 Applications Proximity Detection Rotary Sensing u Fluid Level Detection u Door & Lid Closure Detection u Utility Meters u Motor Controllers u Consumer Electronics u u Device Packages Device Information Part Series Package RR122-1A52-511 RR122-1A53-511 Body Size (mm) Temp Rating ºC 2.9 x 1.6 x 1.2 2.9 x 1.6 x 1.2 - 40 to +125 SOT-23-3 SOT-23-3 - 40 to +85 SO T-2 3-3 Device Nomenclature Ordering Information Functional Block Diagram for Digital Push-Pull Output RR122-X X X X-Y Y Y Series Magnetic Polarity Response 1 = Omnipolar 3 = Bipolar/Latch 2 = Unipolar VDD CURRENT SOURCE DUTY CYCLE CONTROL TMR SENSOR Bop /Brp Comparators VREF OUTPUT LOGIC & LATCH DIGITAL PUSHPULL OUTPUT GND (401) 943-2686 | redrock@cotorelay.com | www.cotorelay.com Magnetic Sensitivity (G) A: Op 9, Rel 5 E: Op 15, Rel 10 B: Op 30, Rel 20 F: Op 70, Rel 50 C: Op 10, Rel -10 Clock Frequency (Hz) 1: 2 5: 250 9: 10000 2: 10 6: 500 U: 100+Turbo (10000) 3: 20 7: 2500 Package 1: SOT-23-3 2: LGA-4 5: SOT-23-5 Output Response 1: Active Low Supply Voltage (V) 5: 1.7 -- 5.5 Temp Rating (ºC) 2: - 40 -- + 85 3: - 40 -- + 125 © Coto Technology 2022. All rights reserved. | rev.04062022 | page 1 REDROCK® RR122-1A52-511 REDROCK® RR122-1A53-511 TMR DIGITAL PUSH-PULL MAGNETIC SENSOR ® 4 Specifications 4.1 Absolute Environmental Ratings1,2 Parameters Units Min Operating Temperature (TOP) (RR122-1A52-511) ºC -40 +85 Operating Temperature (TOP) (RR122-1A53-511) ºC -40 +125 Storage Temperature (TSTG) ºC -65 +150 Junction Temperature (TJ) ºC +150 Soldering Temperature (3 cycles, 1 min.) (TSOL) ºC +260 ESD Level Human Body Model per JESD22-A114 V ±4000 ESD Level Charged Device Model (CDM) per JESD22-C1010 V ±500 Junction-to-Ambient Thermal Resistance (SOT-23-3) ºC/W Maximum Magnetic Field Exposure (BMAX) Typ Max 202 G ±600 4.2 Absolute Electrical Ratings1,2 Parameters Units Min Supply Voltage (VDD) V -0.3 6.0 Push-pull Output (Active Low)(VOUT_PP) V -0.3 VDD + 0.3 Input and Output Current (IIN/IOUT) Typ mA Max ±20 4.3 Operating Electrical Characteristics for RR122-1A52-511 and RR122-1A53-5113 Parameters Units Min Typ Max Supply Voltage (VDD) V 1.7 3.0 5.5 Power-On Time (tON)(VDD > 90%) ms 50 75 Peak Power-On Current mA Output Voltage (High) (VOUTH) V Output Voltage (Low) (VOUTL) V Under Voltage Lockout Threshold Rising VDD (VUVLO-RISE) V Under Voltage Lockout Threshold Falling VDD (VUVLO-FALL) V 1.4 90% VDD 10% VDD 1.60 1.44 1.64 1.53 Under Voltage Lockout Hysteresis (VUV-HYST) mV 70 Average Supply Current @ VDD=1.7 V, fSW=250 Hz (IddAVG) mA 1.0 Average Supply Current @ VDD=3.0 V, fSW=250 Hz (IddAVG) mA 1.3 Notes: 1. Exceeding Absolute Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. 2. Unless otherwise specified, all characteristics are measured at 25ºC. 3. Unless otherwise specified, VDD = 1.7 V to 5.5 V, TA = -40ºC to +85ºC (1A52), -40ºC to +125ºC (1A53). Typical values are VDD = 3.0 V and TA = +25ºC. ESD Note: This product uses semiconductors that can be damaged by electrostatic discharge (ESD). When handling, proper ESD precautions should be taken to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality. Damage due to inappropriate handling is not covered under warranty. page 2 | © Coto Technology 2022. All rights reserved. | rev. 04062022 (401) 943-2686 | redrock@cotorelay.com | www.cotorelay.com REDROCK® RR122-1A52-511 REDROCK® RR122-1A53-511 TMR DIGITAL PUSH-PULL MAGNETIC SENSOR ® 4 Specifications (cont.) 4.4 Operating Characteristics for RR122-1A52-511 and RR122-1A53-5111 Parameters Units Min Typ Max Switching Frequency (fSW) Hz 150 250 350 Active Mode Time (tACT) ms Idle Mode Time @fSW =250 Hz (tIDLE) ms 2.8 4 6.7 Operate Point (BOPN) G 7 9 12 Operate Point (BOPS) G -12 -9 -7 Release Point (BRPN) G 3 5 7 Release Point (BRPS) G -7 -5 -3 Hysteresis (BHYST) G 3 4 2 2.6 Notes: 1. Unless otherwise specified, VDD = 1.7 V to 5.5 V, TA = -40ºC to +85ºC (1A52), -40ºC to +125ºC (1A53). Typical values are VDD = 3.0 V and TA = +25ºC. 2. Conditions: BHYST = | BOP - BRP | ESD Note: This product uses semiconductors that can be damaged by electrostatic discharge (ESD). When handling, proper ESD precautions should be taken to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality. Damage due to inappropriate handling is not covered under warranty. 5 Magnetic Response For more information please contact Coto Technology at RedRock@cotorelay.com. 5.1 Axis of Sensitivity Sensor Axis of Sensitivity (SOT-23-3 package) Note: The most straightforward way of aligning a magnet with a TMR sensor is by lining up the magnet’s magnetization axis with the sensor’s Axis of Sensitivity (as shown above). However, there are many other alignments and orientations that will also achieve proper operation. For any questions, or to learn more, please contact Coto Technology. Sensor Axis of Sensitivity (LGA-4 package) (401) 943-2686 | redrock@cotorelay.com | www.cotorelay.com © Coto Technology 2022 All rights reserved. | rev.04062022 | page 3 REDROCK® RR122-1A52-511 REDROCK® RR122-1A53-511 TMR DIGITAL PUSH-PULL MAGNETIC SENSOR ® 5 Magnetic Response (cont.) 5.2 Magnetic Response Table (SOT-23-3 package) Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Sensor is powered without magnetic field. Magnet applied, polarity North. Magnet removed. Magnet applied, polarity South. Magnet removed. N S S N N S S N Scenario OR OR N S S N N S OMNIPOLAR SENSOR OUTPUT LOW HIGH S N LOW HIGH (Activated) (Activated) 5.3 Magnetic Response Output Diagram VOUT Output HIGH BOPS BOPN Output LOW BRPN BRPS S - Pole page 4 | © Coto Technology 2022. All rights reserved. | rev.04062022 0 N - Pole (401) 943-2686 | redrock@cotorelay.com | www.cotorelay.com HIGH REDROCK® RR122-1A52-511 REDROCK® RR122-1A53-511 TMR DIGITAL PUSH-PULL MAGNETIC SENSOR ® 6 Application Information RR122 Push-Pull Output Application Circuit The output voltage on the RR122 is active low, meaning that while a sufficiently strong magnetic field is present, the output voltage is low. The output voltage can be connected to a digital I/O pin on a microcontroller. A decoupling capacitor between the supply voltage and ground is required with placement close to the magnetic sensor. A capacitor with a value of 1 mF, placed not more than 10 mm from the sensor, is required. 6.1 Application Circuit (SOT-23-3) 6.2 Package Pinout (SOT-23-3) GND 3 VDD GND 4 3 OUT DNC 1 2 VDD 1 1.0mF RR122 2 VOUT 1 2 VDD OUT 3 GND 7 Dimensions Millimeters (Inches) SOT-23-3 Package Top View End View 2.90 ± 0.15 (0.114 ± .006) 1.45 ± 0.20 (0.057 ± .008) 1.20 ± 0.20 (.047 ± .008) 3 2.80 ± 0.25 (.110± .010) 0.10 ± 0.10 (.004 ± .004) 0.44 ± 0.15 (.017 ± .006) 0.6 (0.024) 1.60 ± 0.15 (0.063 ± .006) 1 Side View 2 0.40 ± 0.15 (.016 ± .006) 1.90 (0.075) 1.10 ± 0.15 (.043± .006) 8 TMR Sensor Location 8.1 SOT-23-3 Package 8.2 SOT Package - Side View 3 0.76 mm 1.45 mm 1.60 mm 0.80 mm 1 2 2.90 mm (401) 943-2686 | redrock@cotorelay.com | www.cotorelay.com © Coto Technology 2022 All rights reserved. | rev.04062022 | page 5 REDROCK® RR122-1A52-511 REDROCK® RR122-1A53-511 TMR DIGITAL PUSH-PULL MAGNETIC SENSOR ® 9 TMR Sensor & Switch Packaging 9.1 SOT-23-3 Tape & Reel Packaging Standard packaging is Tape & Reel containing 3,000 pieces. MSL Rating is 1. 4.0 ± 0.01 Ø1.5 +0.1 -0 2.0 ± 0.05 1.75 ± 0.1 1 4.0 ± 0.01 see Fig. B below see Fig. A below Fig. A DIRECTION OF FEED R 2.55 ± 0.1 0.6 5º MAX. .3 .3 Bo3.2 ± 0.1 3 0. 5º MAX.(2X) R0 .3 2 Ø1.1 ± 0.1 1.1 ± 0.1 5º MAX.(2X) R0 R0 1 2.75 2 Fig. B 0.20 ± 0.05 Ao3.3 ± 0.1 5º MAX.(2X) 8.0 ± 0.2 3.5 ± 0.05 3 3 Ko1.47 ± 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Ø178.0±1 60.3±0.5 EIAJ-RRM0BB 16 15 20 17.40±0.20 1.50±0.10 1.50±0.10 Ø13.20±0.20 2.20±0.30 page 6 | © Coto Technology 2022. All rights reserved. | rev.04062022 (401) 943-2686 | redrock@cotorelay.com | www.cotorelay.com 0.8 19 9.30±0.5 (measured at hub) 0.6 18 0.4 0.2 17 REDROCK® RR122-1A52-511 REDROCK® RR122-1A53-511 TMR DIGITAL PUSH-PULL MAGNETIC SENSOR ® 9 TMR Sensor & Switch Packaging 9.2 RedRock Package Codes RR122-1A52-511 / RR122-1A53-511 (SOT-23-3) 3 Week # Part Code Seq # ME # # # # 1 2 Year 9.3 RedRock TMR Packaging Box Dimensions – 14x10x6 inches Box Dimensions – 18x14x12 inches • Fits 1 to 3 reels = 3000 to 9000 pcs • Weight for 3000 pcs = 0.90 kilos • Weight for 9000 pcs = 1.00 kilos • Fits 4 to 24 reels = 12000 to 72000 pcs • Weight for 12000 pcs = 1.50 kilos • Weight for 72000 pcs = 4.90 kilos 10 Suggested Pb-Free Reflow Profile Notes: 1. Fully compatible with standard no-lead solder profile, 260ºC for 30 seconds max (3 cycles max). 2. Profile shown as example. Users are advised to develop their own board-level profile. 3. Suggested Pb-free reflow profile derived from IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020E. 4. Temperature tolerance: +0ºC, as measured at any point on the package or leads 5. MSL rating of 1 (SOT-23-3 only) compatible with J-STD-020 or equivalent. 6. All temperatures refer to the center of the package, measured on the package body surface that is facing up during assembly reflow (e.g., livebug). If parts are reflowed in other than the normal live bug assembly reflow orientation (i.e., dead-bug), Tp shall be within ± 2°C of the live bug Tp and still meet the Tc requirements, otherwise, the profile shall be adjusted to achieve the latter. To accurately measure actual peak package body temperatures, refer to JEP140 for recommended thermocouple use. 7. Reflow profiles in this document are for classification/preconditioning and are not meant to specify board assembly profiles. Actual board assembly profiles should be developed based on specific process needs and board designs and should not exceed the parameters in this table. 260ºC Max. Ramp Up Rate = 3ºC/s Max. Ramp Down Rate = 6ºC/s 217ºC Temperature 200ºC Preheat Area 255ºC 30 seconds max. 60-150 seconds 150ºC 60-120 seconds 25 Time 25ºC to Peak Time (401) 943-2686 | redrock@cotorelay.com | www.cotorelay.com © Coto Technology 2022 All rights reserved. | rev.04062022 | page 7 REDROCK® RR122-1A52-511 REDROCK® RR122-1A53-511 TMR DIGITAL PUSH-PULL MAGNETIC SENSOR 11 Suggested Solder Pad Layout Dimensions in mm (inches) SOT-23-3 Solder Pad Layout 0.76 (.030) 1.12 (.044) 1.58 (0.062) 3.16 (.124) 0.94 (.037) 1.90 (.075) page 8 | © Coto Technology 2022. All rights reserved. | rev.04062022 (401) 943-2686 | redrock@cotorelay.com | www.cotorelay.com ® ® REDROCK® RR122-1A52-511 REDROCK® RR122-1A53-511 TMR DIGITAL PUSH-PULL MAGNETIC SENSOR Revision History Date Description 1 12/14/2021 Corrected Misleading Elements in Table 4.3 2 03/09/2022 Revised/expanded Magnetic Response Section (Section 5) 3 03/09/2022 Removed sections 7 and 10, consolidating information within new Section 5 4 03/09/2022 Modified packaging drawings (9.1) 5 03/09/2022 Added RedRock Package Code section (9.2) 6 03/09/2022 Added Package Pinouts (Section 6) 7 04/04/2022 Modified Average Supply Current @ VDD=3.0 V (Table 4.3) (401) 943-2686 | redrock@cotorelay.com | www.cotorelay.com © Coto Technology 2022 All rights reserved. | rev.04062022 | page 9
RR122-1A53-511 价格&库存


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+7.794711+0.94357
  • 10+6.3699510+0.77110
  • 25+5.8645825+0.70992
  • 100+5.16592100+0.62535
  • 250+4.74566250+0.57448
  • 500+4.44733500+0.53836


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+6.780681+0.82082
  • 10+5.9203010+0.71667
  • 25+5.6003125+0.67793
  • 100+5.14646100+0.62299
  • 250+4.86251250+0.58862
  • 500+4.65671500+0.56371


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 3000+3.752103000+0.45420
