CPI || V KP-9130 IOT AmPLIFIer CPI 4CW50,000J
VKL-9130 IOT Amplifier
CPI/Microwave Power Products (MPP) offers IOT’s for particle accelerator applications. Integral Cavity Inductive Output Tubes (IC IOT) have been created by utilizing the fundamental electrical design of our external cavity IOT used in terrestrial UHF television broadcasting and incorporating conventional klystron cavity and coupling technology. The VKL-9130A is an IC IOT that provides 30 kW CW or 90kW pulsed at 1300 MHz. CPI also offers IC IOT’s that provide 90 kW CW at 500 MHz and 80 kW CW from 650 MHz to 805 MHz.
• VKL-9130A (30kW CW) • VKL-9130B (90 kW pulsed) • Coaxial Output Window with Alumina Ceramic • Water-cooled collector, cavity, and coupling loop • Air cooled input circuit and electron gun • Compact size with “collector (water) down” • Requires VYW-9130A (Magnet, I/P circuit, & Stand)
Frequency Output Power Beam Voltage Beam Current Drive Power -1dB Bandwidth Gain efficiency VYW-9130A eLeCTrOmAGNeT: main Coil Current main Coil Voltage IOT sIZe with ACCessOrIes: Height Weight IOT sYsTem sIZe with ACCessOrIes: Height Weight 1300 30(CW) / 90 (pulse) 35 / 42 1.4 / 3.4 2 >20 >60 mHz kWatts kV A Watts mHz dB %
VKL-9130 with VYW-9130A
15-25 7.5 +3
22.5 / 57.2 25 / 11.4
inches / cm pounds / kg
39 / 99 255 / 104
inches / cm pounds / kg
The values listed above represent specified limits for the product and are subject to change. The data should be used for basic information only. Formal, controlled specifications may be obtained from CPI for use in equipment design. For information on this and other CPI products, visit our website at: w ww.cpii.com, or contact: CPI MPP Division, 607 Hansen Way, Palo Alto, CA 94303 telephone : 1(800) 414-8823. fax : ( 650) 856-0705 | email : marketing@cpii.com
CPI || V KL-9130 IOT AmPLIFIer CPI 4CW50,000J
E ffic ienc y vs O utput P ower (35K V )
G rid V olta ge = -1 1 0 V
100.0 100
90 90.0 B e a m V o l ta g e G a in > 2 0 .5 dB = 35kV G r i d B i a s V o l ta g e = -1 1 0 V
80.0 80
70 70.0
efficiency (%)
60 60.0 50 50.0 40 40.0 Efficiency (%) 30 30.0 20 20.0
5 5
100 1
15 15
20 20
25 25
30 30
35 35
O utput P ower vs Drive P ower (35K V ) OuTPuT POWer Versus DrIVe POWer
G rid V olta ge = -1 1 0V
O u tp u t P o w e r (k W ) Output Power (kW)
90 3 5
B e a m V o l ta g e = 35kV
80 3 0 60 2 5 Output Power (kW) 50 2 0 40 1 5 20 1 0 10 0
G r i d B i a s V o l ta g e = -1 1 0 V G a in > 2 0 . 5 d B
0 0 0 25 25 50 150 75 50 100 100 1 25 125 150 150 175 175 200 200 225 225 250 250
Drive Power (W)
The values listed above represent specified limits for the product and are subject to change. The data should be used for basic information only. Formal, controlled specifications may be obtained from CPI for use in equipment design. For information on this and other CPI products, visit our website at: w ww.cpii.com, or contact: CPI MPP Division, 607 Hansen Way, Palo Alto, CA 94303 telephone : 1(800) 414-8823. fax : ( 650) 856-0705 | email : marketing@cpii.com