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MSV 800
2V 800Ah
Cells Per Unit Voltage Per Unit Capacity Weight Maximum Discharge Current Internal Resistance Operating Temperature Range
MSV 800 is a long service life battery up to 15 years expected life under normal float charge. As wit hall CSB batteries , all are rechargeable, highly efficient , leak proof and maintenance free.
1 2 800Ah @ 10hr-rate to 1.80V per cell @25 (77 ) Approx. 50.6 kg(111.55 lbs) 4800A(5sec) Approx. 0.40 m Discharge: -20 ~50 (-4 ~122 ) Charge: 0 ~40 (32 ~104 ) Storage: -20 ~40 (-4 ~104 ) Nominal Operating Temperature Range 25 3 (77 5 ) 2.23 0.02/Cell at 25 (77 ) Temp. Float Charging Voltage Coefficient 3.3mV/ ( 1.8mV/ ) Recommended Maximum Charging Current Limit 240A Equalization / Cycle Use Charging Voltage 2.35V Temps coefficient 3.3mV/ ( 1.8mV/ ) Terminal Pb-Ca-Sn Alloy(L / Recessed Terminal) The container and cover are made of flame retardant Container Material
CSB-manufactured VRLA batteries are ULrecognized components under UL924 and UL1989. CSB is also certified by ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
plastics which meet ABS(UL 94-V0/File E88637) specifications.The oxygen index level is higher than 28
Dimensions :
Unit: mm (inch)
Overall Height (H) 339±3 (13.35±0.12)
Container height (h) 331±3 (13.03±0.12)
Length (L) 373±3 (14.69±0.12)
Width (W) 174±3 (7.1±0.12)
AB S V 0
The system of manufacturer was certified by URS according to ISO 9001,ISO 14001.
Constant Current Discharge Characteristics
Unit:A (25
F.V/Time 1.60V 1.67V 1.70V 1.75V 1.80V 1.83V F.V/Time 1.60V 1.67V 1.70V 1.75V 1.80V 1.83V
15MIN 1138 1038 964 842 732 636 15MIN 1865 1707 1627 1473 1343 1144
30MIN 783 746 728 671 587 519 30MIN 1378 1318 1276 1191 1066 925
60MIN 518 494 486 448 422 390 60MIN 922 920 890 832 784 722
2HR 306 296 290 274 264 248 2HR 554 550 538 514 494 464
3HR 230 218 216 202 194 186 3HR 416 410 402 386 370 354
4HR 182 176 174 164 158 150 4HR 334 330 328 314 302 288
5HR 154 148 146 138 134 128 5HR 282 280 278 266 258 246
6HR 134 128 126 120 118 112
8HR 106 104 102 98.0 96.0 91.2
10HR 90.0 88.0 86.0 82.0 80.0 78.0 10HR 168 166 164 160 158 152
Constant Power Discharge Characteristics
Unit:W (25
6HR 248 246 242 232 226 216
8HR 200 198 194 190 184 176
Ratings are preliminary and subject to change.
RA: 0812
MSV 800
2V 800Ah
Gas recombination efficiency
GLOBAL HQ CSB BATTERY CO., LTD. (TAIWAN) Tel : +886-2-2555-5600 Fax : +886-2-2555-3300 mail : service@csb-battery.com.tw BEIJING OFFICE. (CHINA) CSB BATTERY TECHNOLOGIES (BEIJING) CO., LTD. Tel : +86-10-59621300/1301/1302/1303 Fax : +86-10-59621304 mail : chinasls@csb-battery.com
AMERICA HQ CSB BATTERY TECHNOLOGIES INC. (U.S.A) Tel : +1-817-244-7777/1-(800)3-CSB-USA(272872) Fax : +1-817-244-4445 mail : csb@csb-battery.com SHANGHAI OFFICE. (CHINA) CSB BATTERY LOGISTIC (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD. Tel : +86-21-5046-1622/5046-0833 Fax : +86-21-5064-3314 mail : chinasls@csb-battery.com
EUROPE HQ CSB Battery Europe BV. Tel : +31(0)-180-418-140 Fax : +886-2-2555-3300 mail : eurosales@csb-battery.eu SHENZHEN OFFICE.( CHINA ) CSB BATTERY LOGISTIC ( SHANGHAI ) CO., LTD. Tel : +86-755-8831-6488/6396/6356 Fax : +86-755-8831-6548 mail : she@csb-battery.com.cn