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    RES 0.15 OHM 1% 2W 2512 WIDE

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73WL7R150F 数据手册
73WLx & 73WEx Series Current Sensing Resistor – Wide Terminal Chip Features         Thick Film Construction – Wide Terminal Configuration 0.75 – 21 Watts Power Rating @ +70°C 73WEx – Lead Free Design Resistance Range 5 – 910 milliohms 73WLX – RoHS Compliant in Accordance with EU Directive 2011/65/EU and 2015/863 Operating Temperature to +155°C - Lead-Free Termination Finish - Exemption 7(c)-I, Electrical and electronic components containing EIA Standard Package Sizes lead [Pb] in glass Terminal Finish – Matte Tin (e3) Reflow Capable per JEDEC J-STD-020, +260°C maximum Tape and Reel Packaging Applications  Current Detection  Current Limiting  Regulated Battery Circuits  Motor Control  Power Supply  Hard Disk Drives  Inverter/Converter  Industrial Equipment  Infotainment Systems Description 73WLx & 73WEx Series Current Sensing Resistors are ceramic packaged devices that provides excellent accuracy for current detection. Each resistor has good electrical and thermal characteristics. Ordering Information Pa cka g e Code 6 Model 73 WL Code WL WE Type 4-Digit Resistor Code 4-Digit Resistor Code Res i s tor V a l ue R024 Code R024 R100 Code 4 6 7 Res i s tor T ol era nce G Resistor Value 2 0.024 ohms 2 0.100 ohms Package Size 1206 [3216] 2010 [5025] 2512 [6432] Code F J Tolerance ±1% ±5% Notes: 1. No dashes or spaces to appear in part number. 2. The "R" indicates decimal point. See Addendum for Standard EIA Values and Codes. N ot a l l perf orm a nce com bi na ti ons a nd res i s tor va l ues m a y be a va i l a bl e. Conta ct your l oca l CT S Repres enta ti ve or CTS Cus tom er Servi ce f or a va i l a bi l i ty. This product is specified for use only in standard commercial applications. Supplier disclaims all express and implied warranties and liability in connection with any use of this product in any non-commercial applications or in any application that may expose the product to conditions that are outside of the tolerances provided in its specification. DOC# 008-0543-0 Rev. C Page 1 of 7 ©2017 CTS® Corporation. Information/product(s) subject to change. No warranty that product(s) will meet the stated specifications for customer specific applications or test equipment. Visit www.ctscorp.com for list of applicable patent(s), more information, or to request a quote. 73WLx & 73WEx Series Current Sensing Resistor – Wide Terminal Chip Ordering Information Part Number Examples T ol era nce / V a l ue 0.024 0.100 0.750 0.007 0.016 0.091 Ohm s Ohm s Ohm s Ohm s Ohm s Ohm s Pa cka g e Si ze 2010 [5025] 1206 [3216] 2512 [6432] 2010 [5025] 1206 [3216] 2512 [6432] 4- Di g i t Code J [ ±5%] 73WL6R024J 73WL4R100J 73WL7R750J 73WE6R007J 73WE4R016J 73WE7R091J F [ ±1%] 73WL4R100F 73WL7R750F 73WE4R016F 73WE7R091F Electrical & Environmental Specifications Operating Conditions Mo d el Ty p e 73WL4 P ac k age Code I n c h [m m ] 1206 [3216] R at ed P o w er [W at t s] 0.75 R esist an c e R an ge [m Ω] R esist o r To ler an c e [% ] Tem p er at u r e C o effic ien t 100 - 910 ±1 ±200ppm/°C 10 - 33 36 - 91 ±500ppm/°C ±5 100 - 910 100 - 910 73WL6 2010 [5025] 1.0 73WL7 2512 [6432] 2.0 1206 [3216] 0.75 7 3 W E6 2010 [5025] 1.0 7 3 W E7 2512 [6432] 2.0 DOC# 008-0543-0 Rev. C 200 400 +70°C -55°C to +155°C 200 400 +70°C -55°C to +155°C 200 400 ±100ppm/°C +70°C -55°C to +155°C 200 400 ±100ppm/°C +70°C -55°C to +155°C 200 400 ±100ppm/°C +70°C -55°C to +155°C 200 400 ±200ppm/°C ±350ppm/°C ±200ppm/°C ±500ppm/°C ±5 100 - 910 7 3 W E4 -55°C to +155°C ±200ppm/°C ±1 10 - 33 36 - 91 Ov er lo ad Vo lt age [m ax V] +70°C ±350ppm/°C ±500ppm/°C ±5 100 - 910 100 - 910 W o r k in g Vo lt age [m ax V] ±200ppm/°C ±1 10 - 33 36 - 91 R at ed Op er at in g Am b ien t Tem p er at u r e Tem p er at u r e R an ge ±350ppm/°C ±200ppm/°C 10 - 91 ±1 5 - 91 ±5 10 - 91 ±1 5 - 91 ±5 10 - 91 ±1 5 - 91 ±5 Page 2 of 7 ©2017 CTS® Corporation. Information/product(s) subject to change. No warranty that product(s) will meet the stated specifications for customer specific applications or test equipment. Visit www.ctscorp.com for list of applicable patent(s), more information, or to request a quote. 73WLx & 73WEx Series Current Sensing Resistor – Wide Terminal Chip Electrical & Environmental Specifications Power Derating Curve – Typical With the rated ambient temperature set to +70°C, the maximum power [maximum current for 0Ω product] at a temperature of no more than rated ambient temperature shall be equal to the rated power [rate current for 0Ω product]. The maximum power at a temperature exceeding the rated ambient temperature shall be a value determined by reducing the rated power according to the power reduction curve in the figure below. Rated Voltage The rated voltage shall be the DC or AC [effective power frequency] voltage corresponding to the rated power and shall be determined with the formula shown below. If the determined rated voltage exceeds the maximum operating voltage specified in Operating Conditions table, the maximum operating voltage shall be the rated voltage. E = Rated Voaltge [V] E = √ PxR P = Rated Power [W] R = Nomimal Resistance [Ω] Environmental Parameters Max im u m D elt a R [% ] Test Test D esc r ip t io n 7 3 W L x & 7 3 W Ex Tem p er at u r e C o effic ien t S h o r t -Tim e Ov er lo ad I n su lat io n R esist an c e D ielec t r ic W it h st an d in g Vo lt age R esist an c e t o S o ld er H eat S o ld er ab ilit y H igh Tem p er at u r e Ex p o su r e C h an ge o f Tem p er at u r e ±200ppm/°C ±2.0 9 1 Over 10 ohm No Breakdown ±1.0 No Damage Over 95% Coverage ±3.0 ±1.0 No Damage Measured temperature at -55°C to 155°C Apply 2.5 times the rated voltage, 5 seconds, maximum 100V Measured at terminals and center of resistor by D.C. 100V ±15V in 1 minute [JIS C 5202] Applied at terminals and center of resistor on A.C. 400V, 1 minute [JIS C 5201-1 4.7] Immerse in solder, +260°C ±5°C, 10 ±1 seconds Immerse terminal in solder [Sn3Ag0.5Cu], +245°C ±0.5°C, 3 ±0.5 seconds [JIS C 5201-1 4.17] 1,000 hours @ +155°C ±2°C, bias load 0% power [JIS C 5201-1 4.23.2] 30 minutes @ -55°C, 10 minutes @ +25°C, 30 minutes @ +155°C, 10 minutes @ +25°C; 1,000 cycles Mo ist u r e Resist an c e ±1.0 MIL-STD-202, Method 106, 0% power 7a and 7b not required, 1 cycle = 24 hours, 10 cycles B ias Hu m id it y ±3.0 1,000 hours @ +85°C ±2°C, 90% - 95% relative humidity, bias load 10%, on time 90 minutes/off time 30 minutes En d u r an c e [Rat ed L o ad ] ±3.0 1,000 hours @ +70°C ±3°C, bias load, on time 90 minutes/off time 30 minutes R esist an c e t o S o lv en t No Damage Immerse in Isopropyl alcohol, +20°C to +25°C, 60 ±5 seconds Ter m in al St r en gt h [B en d in g] ±0.1 No Damage 3mm bending, 1mm/second, hold 5 seconds 1. Temperature Coefficient value varies by resistance range. Referecne data sheet for specific value. DOC# 008-0543-0 Rev. C Page 3 of 7 ©2017 CTS® Corporation. Information/product(s) subject to change. No warranty that product(s) will meet the stated specifications for customer specific applications or test equipment. Visit www.ctscorp.com for list of applicable patent(s), more information, or to request a quote. 73WLx & 73WEx Series Current Sensing Resistor – Wide Terminal Chip Mechanical Specifications Package Drawing/Dimensions Mo d el Typ e 73WL4 7 3 W E4 73WL6 7 3 W E6 73WL7 7 3 W E7 P ac k age Code I n c h [m m ] L 1206 [3216] 3.2 ±0.15 5.0 ±0.2 2010 [5025] 2512 [6432] 6.3 ±0.2 W 1.6 ±0.15 2.5 ±0.2 3.2 ±0.2 Recommended Pad Layout Mo d el Ty p e 73WL4 7 3 W E4 73WL6 7 3 W E6 73WL7 7 3 W E7 0.55 +0.15 -0.05 0.56 ±0.015 0.56 ±0.15 c d 0.3 ±0.2 0.5 ±0.2 0.5 ±0.2 0.3 ±0.2 0.6 ±0.2 0.5 ±0.2 0.5 ±0.2 0.9 ±0.2 0.6 ±0.2 0.6 ±0.2 Notes C D im en sio n s [m m ] L W 0.65 3.2 2.65 1.3 5.0 4.0 1.45 6.4 4.85 DOC# 008-0543-0 Rev. C D im en sio n s [m m ] t 1. Terminal Details Base Metal - Silver [Ag] or Cooper [Cu] plate. Barrier Plating – Nickel [Ni]. Finish Plating – Matte Tin [Sn]. Page 4 of 7 ©2017 CTS® Corporation. Information/product(s) subject to change. No warranty that product(s) will meet the stated specifications for customer specific applications or test equipment. Visit www.ctscorp.com for list of applicable patent(s), more information, or to request a quote. 73WLx & 73WEx Series Current Sensing Resistor – Wide Terminal Chip Mechanical Specifications Marking Information Mo d el Ty p e P ar t Mar k in g 73WL4 73WL6 Rxxx = "R" is the decimal point and 3 digits [E24] are significant values. See resistor tables for codes. 73WL7 7 3 W E4 7 3 W E6 No Marking 7 3 W E7 Packaging Tape and Reel Information Paper Tape Mo d el Ty p e 73WL4 7 3 W E4 A 2.00 +0.10 -0.15 [mm] B 3.57 +0.10 -0.15 t 0.80 ±0.20 Embossed Tape Mo d el Typ e 73WL6 7 3 W E6 73WL7 7 3 W E7 DOC# 008-0543-0 Rev. C [mm] A B t 2.9 ±0.1 5.3 ±0.1 1.0 ±0.1 3.4 ±0.1 6.6 ±0.1 1.0 ±0.1 Page 5 of 7 ©2017 CTS® Corporation. Information/product(s) subject to change. No warranty that product(s) will meet the stated specifications for customer specific applications or test equipment. Visit www.ctscorp.com for list of applicable patent(s), more information, or to request a quote. 73WLx & 73WEx Series Current Sensing Resistor – Wide Terminal Chip Packaging Tape and Reel Information Reel Mo d el Ty p e 73WL4 7 3 W E4 73WL6 7 3 W E6 73WL7 7 3 W E7 [mm] Qu an t it y P er Reel W M A B C D 5,000 13.0 ±1.4 180 2.5 ±0.6 13.5 ±0.6 21.9 ±0.6 60 4,000 17.0 ±1.4 180 2.5 ±0.6 13.5 ±0.6 21.9 ±0.6 60 4,000 17.0 ±1.4 180 2.5 ±0.6 13.5 ±0.6 21.9 ±0.6 60 DOC# 008-0543-0 Rev. C Page 6 of 7 ©2017 CTS® Corporation. Information/product(s) subject to change. No warranty that product(s) will meet the stated specifications for customer specific applications or test equipment. Visit www.ctscorp.com for list of applicable patent(s), more information, or to request a quote. 73WLx & 73WEx Series Current Sensing Resistor – Wide Terminal Chip Addendum 73WLx Standard EIA Codes and Resistor Values - E-24 [4-Digit Resistor Code for J & F Tolerances] C OD E OH MS COD E OH MS C OD E OH MS COD E OH MS R010 0.0100 R033 0.0330 R100 0.1000 R330 0.3300 R011 0.0110 R036 0.0360 R110 0.1100 R360 0.3600 R012 0.0120 R039 0.0390 R120 0.1200 R390 0.3900 R013 0.0130 R043 0.0430 R130 0.1300 R430 0.4300 R015 0.0150 R047 0.0470 R150 0.1500 R470 0.4700 R016 0.0160 R051 0.0510 R160 0.1600 R510 0.5100 R018 0.0180 R056 0.0560 R180 0.1800 R560 0.5600 R020 0.0200 R062 0.0620 R200 0.2000 R620 0.6200 R022 0.0220 R068 0.0680 R220 0.2200 R680 0.6800 R024 0.0240 R075 0.0750 R240 0.2400 R750 0.7500 R027 0.0270 R082 0.0820 R270 0.2700 R820 0.8200 R030 0.0300 R091 0.0910 R300 0.3000 R910 0.9100 73WEx Standard EIA Codes and Resistor Values - E-24 [4-Digit Resistor Code for J & F Tolerances] C OD E OH MS COD E OH MS C OD E OH MS COD E OH MS R005 0.0050 R012 0.0120 R024 0.0240 R056 0.0560 R006 0.0060 R013 0.0130 R027 0.0270 R062 0.0620 R007 0.0070 R015 0.0150 R030 0.0300 R068 0.0680 R008 0.0080 R016 0.0160 R033 0.0330 R075 0.0750 R009 0.0090 R018 0.0180 R036 0.0360 R082 0.0820 R010 0.0100 R020 0.0200 R039 0.0390 R091 0.0910 R011 0.0110 R022 0.0220 R043 0.0430 DOC# 008-0543-0 Rev. C Page 7 of 7 ©2017 CTS® Corporation. Information/product(s) subject to change. No warranty that product(s) will meet the stated specifications for customer specific applications or test equipment. Visit www.ctscorp.com for list of applicable patent(s), more information, or to request a quote.
物料型号: - 73WLx系列:符合RoHS指令2011/65/EU和2015/863,无铅终端镀层。 - 73WEx系列:无铅设计。

器件简介: - 这些是陶瓷封装的电流检测电阻,具有出色的电流检测精度和良好的电气及热特性。

引脚分配: - 宽端子配置,具体引脚分配未在文档中详述。

参数特性: - 功率范围:0.75至21瓦特(在+70°C时)。 - 电阻范围:5毫欧姆至910毫欧姆。 - 工作温度:最高+155°C。 - 封装尺寸:符合EIA标准尺寸。 - 端子表面处理:亚光锡(e3)。 - 回流能力:符合JEDEC J-STD-020标准,最高+260°C。 - 包装:胶带和卷轴包装。

功能详解: - 用于电流检测和电流限制。 - 适用于电池电路、电机控制、电源、硬盘驱动器、变流器/转换器和工业设备、信息娱乐系统等。

应用信息: - 适用于电流检测和电流限制等多种应用场景。

封装信息: - 提供多种封装尺寸,如1206 [3216]、2010 [5025]、2512 [6432]等。 - 电阻公差:±1%和±5%。 - 4位数字电阻代码用于表示电阻值。

订购信息: - 提供了详细的型号、电阻值、公差、封装尺寸和4位数字电阻代码的示例。

电气和环境规格: - 包括工作条件、额定电压、环境参数测试等详细信息。

机械规格: - 提供了封装绘图、尺寸和推荐垫布局。

包装信息: - 包括纸张胶带、卷轴信息和压花胶带的详细规格。

附录: - 提供了EIA标准代码和电阻值的E-24标准4位电阻代码表。
73WL7R150F 价格&库存

