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CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 数据手册
CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A Cypress Semiconductor 198 Champion Court San Jose, CA 95134-1709 www.cypress.com Copyrights Copyrights © Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2015-2017. This document is the property of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation and its subsidiaries, including Spansion LLC ("Cypress"). This document, including any software or firmware included or referenced in this document ("Software"), is owned by Cypress under the intellectual property laws and treaties of the United States and other countries worldwide. Cypress reserves all rights under such laws and treaties and does not, except as specifically stated in this paragraph, grant any license under its patents, copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights. If the Software is not accompanied by a license agreement and you do not otherwise have a written agreement with Cypress governing the use of the Software, then Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive, nontransferable license (without the right to sublicense) (1) under its copyright rights in the Software (a) for Software provided in source code form, to modify and reproduce the Software solely for use with Cypress hardware products, only internally within your organization, and (b) to distribute the Software in binary code form externally to end users (either directly or indirectly through resellers and distributors), solely for use on Cypress hardware product units, and (2) under those claims of Cypress's patents that are infringed by the Software (as provided by Cypress, unmodified) to make, use, distribute, and import the Software solely for use with Cypress hardware products. Any other use, reproduction, modification, translation, or compilation of the Software is prohibited. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, CYPRESS MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIS DOCUMENT OR ANY SOFTWARE OR ACCOMPANYING HARDWARE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Cypress reserves the right to make changes to this document without further notice. Cypress does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described in this document. Any information provided in this document, including any sample design information or programming code, is provided only for reference purposes. It is the responsibility of the user of this document to properly design, program, and test the functionality and safety of any application made of this information and any resulting product. Cypress products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as critical components in systems designed or intended for the operation of weapons, weapons systems, nuclear installations, life-support devices or systems, other medical devices or systems (including resuscitation equipment and surgical implants), pollution control or hazardous substances management, or other uses where the failure of the device or system could cause personal injury, death, or property damage ("Unintended Uses"). A critical component is any component of a device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. Cypress is not liable, in whole or in part, and you shall and hereby do release Cypress from any claim, damage, or other liability arising from or related to all Unintended Uses of Cypress products. You shall indemnify and hold Cypress harmless from and against all claims, costs, damages, and other liabilities, including claims for personal injury or death, arising from or related to any Unintended Uses of Cypress products. Cypress, the Cypress logo, Spansion, the Spansion logo, and combinations thereof, WICED, PSoC, CapSense, EZ-USB, FRAM, and Traveo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cypress in the United States and other countries. For a more complete list of Cypress trademarks, visit cypress.com. Other names and brands may be claimed as property of their respective owners. CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 2 Contents Safety Information 5 1. Introduction 7 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Kit Contents .................................................................................................................7 Getting Started.............................................................................................................8 Additional Learning Resources....................................................................................9 Technical Support........................................................................................................9 Documentation Conventions........................................................................................9 Acronyms and Definitions ............................................................................................9 2. Kit Installation 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Install SK-FM4-U120-9B560 Kit Software and Driver ................................................10 Uninstall SK-FM4-U120-9B560 Kit Software and Driver ......... 11 Install CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 DVK Contents ...................... 11 Uninstall CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 DVK Contents .................... 13 3. Kit Overview 3.1 3.2 3.3 32 nvSRAM Kit Software ................................................................................................32 6. Kit Example Firmware 6.1 6.2 20 Program the FM4 MCU Evaluation Board .................................................................20 Run the FM4 MCU Evaluation Board ........................................................................24 Spansion Virtual Communication Port Driver Installation ..........................................26 Development Kit Setup ..............................................................................................30 5. Kit Software 5.1 14 CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 Kit Overview ........................................................................14 Kit Introduction and Configuration Guide ...................................................................15 3.2.1 Power Supply Jumper ....................................................................................15 3.2.2 Parallel nvSRAM Device ................................................................................15 3.2.3 Headers to FM4 MCU Evaluation Board (SK-FM4-U120-9B560)..................15 3.2.4 Interrupt (INT and INT1) Pins.........................................................................16 3.2.5 Test Points......................................................................................................17 3.2.6 54 TSOP II - Not Populated by Default ..........................................................18 nvSRAM and MCU Kit Connection ............................................................................18 4. Kit Operation 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 10 41 Example Firmware Structure .....................................................................................41 nvSRAM Access APIs ...............................................................................................42 6.2.1 nvSRAMRead (uint32_t address, uint8_t length, uint8_t *txData) .................42 6.2.2 void nvSRAMWrite (uint32_t address, uint16_t data) ....................................43 CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 3 Contents 6.3 6.2.3 void nvSRAMWriteFullMem (uint16_t data1, uint16_t data2) ........................43 6.2.4 void nvSRAMReadRTC (uint8_t address, uint8_t length, uint8_t *txData) ....43 6.2.5 void nvSRAMWriteRTC (uint8_t address, uint8_t data) .................................44 6.2.6 void HSBStoreIF(void)....................................................................................44 6.2.7 void write_data_pattern (uint8_t pat, uint16_t data) .......................................44 6.2.8 void AutoStore (boolean_t enable).................................................................45 6.2.9 void SoftwareStoreRecall (boolean_t mode)..................................................46 6.2.10 void SleepIF (boolean_t mode) ......................................................................46 6.2.11 void SquareWave (uint8_t mode)...................................................................47 Firmware Changes to Enable 54 TSOP II Access .....................................................47 6.3.1 Changes in CY14B116.h ................................................................................48 6.3.2 Changes in CY14B116.c ................................................................................48 A. Appendix A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 A.5 A.6 49 CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 Kit Block Diagram ................................................................49 CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 Kit Components Placement .................................................50 CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 Kit Schematic.......................................................................51 Pin Assignment Table ................................................................................................55 Bill of Materials (BOM) ...............................................................................................58 FM4 MCU Evaluation Board ......................................................................................61 Revision History CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 65 4 Safety Information Regulatory Compliance The CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit is intended for use as a memory development platform for hardware or software in a laboratory environment. The board is an opensystem design, which does not include a shielded enclosure. Therefore, the board may cause interference with other electrical or electronic devices in close proximity. Attaching additional wiring to this product or modifying the product operation from the factory default may affect its performance and cause interference with other apparatus in the immediate vicinity. If such interference is detected, suitable mitigating measures should be taken. The CY14NVSRAMKIT-001, as shipped from the factory, has been verified to meet with the requirements of CE as a Class A product. The CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 contains ESD-sensitive devices. Electrostatic charges readily accumulate on the human body and any equipment, and can discharge without detection. Permanent damage may occur on devices subjected to high-energy discharges. Proper ESD precautions are recommended to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality. Store unused CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 boards in the protective shipping package. End-of-Life/Product Recycling The end-of-life cycle for this kit is five years from the date of manufacture mentioned on the back of the box. Contact your nearest recycler to discard the kit. CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 5 General Safety Instructions ESD Protection ESD can damage boards and associated components. Cypress recommends that the user perform procedures only at an ESD workstation. If an ESD workstation is not available, use appropriate ESD protection by wearing an antistatic wrist strap attached to the chassis ground (any unpainted metal surface) on the board when handling parts. Handling Supercapacitors The CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 board uses a 0.1 Farad supercapacitor for RTC backup. It is advisable not to touch the capacitor positive pin (anode) with a bare hand or a conducting material to avoid electrical shock. Handling Boards CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 boards are sensitive to ESD. Hold the board only by its edges. After removing the board from its box, place it on a grounded, static-free surface. Use a conductive foam pad if available. Do not slide board over any surface. CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 6 1. Introduction Thank you for your interest in the CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit (DVK). The kit (shield) is designed as an easy-to-use and inexpensive development kit, showcasing the features of Cypress high-speed, parallel access (asynchronous interface), nonvolatile SRAM (nvSRAM). This kit works in conjunction with the SK-FM4-U120-9B560 FM4 MCU Evaluation Board, a starter kit for ARM® Cortex®-M4-based devices. You will need both kits to demonstrate the operation described in this guide. This board features a 16-Mbit parallel nvSRAM with real time clock (RTC) and associated circuits, super capacitor for RTC backup in the absence of the VCC supply, FM4 mounting headers, and test pins. This kit supports 3.3-V power supply. Cypress nvSRAM is built on 130-nm technology and combines a silicon-oxide-nitride-oxide-silicon (SONOS) nonvolatile data storage cell with a high-performance SRAM cell. The parallel nvSRAMs provide the fastest nonvolatile writes at bus speed. They do not have any write delays and data is instantly nonvolatile. Because of fast write speeds, parallel nvSRAMs need to be active for short periods, yielding low energy consumption. Endurance is unlimited for writing into SRAM. The SRAM data is automatically saved to nonvolatile memory upon power down. 1.1 Kit Contents The CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 DVK includes the following contents, as shown in Figure 1-1: ■ CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 DVK board ■ Quick Start Guide CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 7 Introduction Figure 1-1. Kit Contents Visit www.cypress.com/CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 for more information. Inspect the contents of the kit; if you find any part missing, contact your nearest Cypress sales office for help. 1.2 Getting Started This guide helps you to get acquainted with the CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 DVK. The Kit Installation chapter on page 10 describes the installation of the kit software. The Kit Overview chapter on page 14 explains the features of the kit. The Kit Operation chapter on page 20 explains how to program and run the kit. The Kit Software chapter on page 32 explains the GUI. The Kit Example Firmware chapter on page 41 explains the nvSRAM access APIs and pseudo codes. The Appendix on page 49 provides the kit block diagram, schematics, pin assignment, and the bill of materials (BOM). CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 8 Introduction 1.3 Additional Learning Resources Visit www.cypress.com/go/nvsram for additional learning resources in the form of datasheets and application notes. Information on the companion FM4 MCU Evaluation Board resources is available at: FM4-U120-9B560 FM4 MCU Evaluation Board 1.4 Technical Support For assistance, visit Cypress Support or contact customer support at +1 (800) 541-4736 Ext. 2 (in the USA) or +1 (408) 943-2600 Ext. 2 (International). 1.5 Documentation Conventions Table 1-1. Document Conventions for Guides Convention 1.6 Usage Courier New Displays file locations, user entered text, and source code: C:\ ...cd\icc\ Italics Displays file names and reference documentation. [Bracketed, Bold] Displays keyboard commands in procedures: [Enter] or [Ctrl] [C] File > Open Represents menu paths: File > Open > New Project Bold Displays commands, menu paths, and icon names in procedures: Click the File icon and then click Open. Times New Roman Displays an equation: 2+2=4 Text in gray boxes Describes cautions or unique functionality of the product. Acronyms and Definitions Terms Description API application programming interface BOM bill of materials DAP debug and programming DNI do not install DVK development kit EBI external bus interface FBGA fine-pitch ball grid array MCU microcontroller unit nvSRAM nonvolatile static random access memory QSG quick start guide RTC real time clock TSOP thin small outline package UG user guide CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 9 2. Kit Installation This section describes the installation and uninstallation of the FM4 MCU Evaluation Board software, driver, and the CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 DVK contents. 2.1 Install SK-FM4-U120-9B560 Kit Software and Driver The CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 DVK works with the FM4-U120-9B560 FM4 MCU Evaluation Board. Therefore, all software and drivers for that evaluation board need to be installed to work with the CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 DVK. Follow these steps to install the FM4-related software and drivers. 1. Download the “Complete Driver, Documentation, Software and Tools package” from the Documentation table on the FM4-U120-9B560 FM4 MCU Evaluation Board web page. Click Driver, Documentation, Software and Tool package to download the zip file. Table 2-1. FM4 MCU Documentation 2. Save the downloaded file and extract the folders and files to a local folder. Figure 2-1 shows the contents of FM4-U120-9B560_CDv13.zip. You can download the latest version of the SK-FM4U120-9B560 kit driver, documentation, software, and tool at the FM4 MCU Evaluation Board webpage. Figure 2-1. FM4-U120-9B560_CDv13.zip File Contents CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 10 Kit Installation 3. To install the driver for the Debug and Programming (DAP) port (CN3) of the FM4-U120-9B560 FM4 MCU Evaluation Board, open \drivers\cmsis-dap and click driverinstaller. Figure 2-2. Install CMSIS-DAP Driver When the Windows security dialog pops up, click Install this driver software anyway to continue the driver installation. 4. To install the Flash MCU Programmer required to program the FM4 MCU Evaluation Board with the nvSRAM firmware (.srec file), open \tools\PCWFM and click setup. Figure 2-3. Install Flash MCU Programmer The default installation location is as follows: Windows 7 (64-bit): C:\Program Files (x86)\Spansion\FLASH MCU Programmer\FM3 Windows 7 (32-bit): C:\Program Files\Spansion\FLASH MCU Programmer\FM3 2.2 Uninstall SK-FM4-U120-9B560 Kit Software and Driver To uninstall the software, go to Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features; select the appropriate software package and click Uninstall. 2.3 Install CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 DVK Contents Follow these steps to install the CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 DVK contents. 1. Download the kit software from www.cypress.com/CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 (see Figure 2-4). Figure 2-4. nvSRAM DVK Software The CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 Kit Setup executable file installs the kit contents, which include kit software, firmware, hardware files, and user documents. 2. The kit startup screen appears as shown in Figure 2-5. CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 11 Kit Installation Figure 2-5. Kit Installer Startup Screen Select the folder in which you want to install the CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 kit-related files or keep the default (recommended). Choose the directory and click Next. 3. Select the Typical installation type in the Product Installation Overview window, as shown in Figure 2-6. Click Next. Figure 2-6. Product Installation Overview Window When the installation begins, a list of packages appears on the installation page. A green check mark appears next to each package after successful installation. 4. If this is the first Cypress product that you have installed, enter your contact information or select Continue without Contact Information. Click Finish to complete the kit installation. CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 12 Kit Installation When the installation is complete, the kit contents and software are available as follows: \CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit\1.0 \nvSRAM Kit Software\1.0 The default locations are as follows: Kit: Windows 7 (64-bit): C:\Program Files (x86)\Cypress\CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit\1.0 Windows 7 (32-bit): C:\Program Files\Cypress\CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit\1.0 Software: Windows 7 (64-bit): C:\Program Files (x86)\Cypress\nvSRAM Kit Software\1.0 Windows 7 (32-bit): C:\Program Files\Cypress\ nvSRAM Kit Software\1.0 Note: For Windows 7/8/8.1 users, the installed files and the folder are read-only. To modify these files or folders, copy them to another location on your system, change the folder property to disable the Read-only attribute, and modify the folder. After the installation is complete, the following are installed on your computer: ■ ■ Kit documents ❐ Quick Start Guide ❐ Kit Guide ❐ Release Notes Firmware ❐ ■ Software ❐ ■ 2.4 Kit firmware project nvSRAM kit software Hardware ❐ Schematic ❐ Layout ❐ Gerber ❐ PCB assembly drawing ❐ Bill of Materials (BOM) Uninstall CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 DVK Contents The software can be uninstalled using one of the following methods: ■ Go to Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features; select the appropriate software package and click Uninstall. ■ Go to Start > All Programs > Cypress > Cypress Update Manager > Cypress Update Manager. ❐ Select the CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 Kit Rev ** row and click Uninstall. ❐ Select the nvSRAM Kit Rev ** row and click Uninstall. Note: This method will uninstall only the kit software and not all the other software that may have been installed along with the kit software. CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 13 3. 3.1 Kit Overview CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 Kit Overview The CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 DVK can be used to understand the features of parallel nvSRAMs (asynchronous interface). The DVK is an add-on board, which contains a 16-Mbit, x16, 3.3 V, parallel nvSRAM with RTC. It provides two 30x2 headers (J1 and J3) compatible with an SK-FM4-U1209B560 FM4 MCU Evaluation Board. An additional two-pin header 2x1 (J2) is available next to J3 to be used as a guide for mounting the board in the correct orientation. The kit operates using a 3.3-V power supply from the baseboard. The CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM DVK consists of the following blocks as shown in Figure 3-1. ■ 16-Mbit (1Mx16), parallel nvSRAM with RTC ■ SK-FM4-U120-9B560 compatible headers ■ 3.3-V VCC power supply ■ POWER LED (LED1) ■ INT/INT1 STATUS LED (LED2) ■ Test points for HSB (HSB# and HSB1#) and RTC (INT and INT1) ■ Do Not Install (DNI) footprint for the nvSRAM with RTC in 54 TSOP II ■ 0.1 Farad super capacitor, which provides RTC backup for more than two days Figure 3-1. CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 DVK Board Markup CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 14 Kit Overview 3.2 Kit Introduction and Configuration Guide The following sections describe various aspects of the kit hardware and the kit setup. 3.2.1 Power Supply Jumper The CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 DVK hardware operates at 3.3 V, selected through header J4, as shown in Figure 3-2. The factory default jumper setting is 3.3 V (short pins 1 and 2 of J4). CAUTION ■ ■ Do not power the CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 board through an external power source. The board is designed to be powered by the FM4 MCU base board. The CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 operates from 2.7 V to 3.6 V. Exceeding the maximum voltage limit (3.6 V) can damage the board. Figure 3-2. VCC Select Jumper 3.2.2 Parallel nvSRAM Device Figure 3-3 shows the 16-Mbit, 1Mx16, 3.3 V, parallel nvSRAM with RTC part in the 165 FBGA package option. Figure 3-3. Cypress Parallel nvSRAM Device on the Board 3.2.3 Headers to FM4 MCU Evaluation Board (SK-FM4-U120-9B560) Figure 3-4 shows the headers to the SK-FM4-U120-9B560 board – J1, J2, and J3. You can plug the DVK board onto the FM4 MCU Evaluation Board through these connectors. For the schematic, refer to the Appendix on page 49. CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 15 Kit Overview Figure 3-4. Headers to FM4 MCU Evaluation Board (SK-FM4-U120-9B560) 3.2.4 Interrupt (INT and INT1) Pins The DVK board provides the nvSRAM RTC interrupt output via INT and INT1 pins for the 165 FBGA and 54-TSOP II packages respectively; see Figure 3-5. Loading a jumper to short pin 1 and 2 of the J5 connects the 165 FBGA nvSRAM interrupt output to the INT/INT1 STATUS LED. Similarly, loading a jumper to short pin 3 and 4 of the J5 connects the 54 TSOP II nvSRAM interrupt output to the INT/INT1 STATUS LED. The default loading for jumper J5 shorts pin 1 and 2 position. The INT1 pin functionality is not available on the kit because the 54 TSOP II package is not populated by default. CAUTION: When the 54 TSOP II nvSRAM is populated (by the user), it is recommended to connect only one jumper either on pin 1 and pin 2 or on pin 3 and pin 4 of J5 to monitor the interrupt outputs. Connecting two jumpers to enable the interrupt of both devices on the INT/INT1 STATUS LED can cause output contention when the output driver of either nvSRAM is configured as active HIGH (push or pull) output. CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 16 Kit Overview Figure 3-5. Interrupt Pins 3.2.5 Test Points The DVK board provides INT, INT1, HSB#, HSB1#, VRTCcap, VCAP, VCAP1, VCC, and GND test points as shown in Figure 3-6. These test points are not loaded by default. Figure 3-6. Test Points Table 3-1. Test Points Test Points Description VCC Test point for the kit board VCC INT Test point for the 165 FBGA nvSRAM interrupt output pin (INT) INT1 Test point for the 54 TSOP II nvSRAM interrupt output pin (INT) HSB# Test point for the 165 FBGA nvSRAM HSB# pin HSB1# Test point for the 54 TSOP II nvSRAM HSB# pin VRTCcap Test point for the RTC backup capacitor VCAP Test point for the 165 FBGA nvSRAM VCAP pin VCAP1 Test point for the 54 TSOP II nvSRAM VCAP pin GND Test point for the kit board ground CAUTION: The VCC test point is only for probing and measurement purposes. Do not power the kit using this test point to avoid any damage to the board. CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 17 Kit Overview 3.2.6 54 TSOP II - Not Populated by Default The DVK board provides a footprint option for the 16-Mbit nvSRAM in the 54 TSOP II package. You can mount a 16-Mbit (1M x 16), 3.3 V, parallel nvSRAM device to evaluate the 54 TSOP II package in addition to the default 165 FBGA option on the DVK board. An independent chip select control is provided for the 54 TSOP II package, which enable access to the second device on the board with an appropriate firmware modification. Figure 3-7. 54 TSOP II - Not Populated by Default 3.3 nvSRAM and MCU Kit Connection The FM4 MCU Evaluation Board is plugged onto the CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 through three connectors: J1, J2, and J3, as shown in Figure 3-8. CAUTION: Change the voltage setting jumper J15 on the FM4 MCU Evaluation Board to the 3V position as indicated in Figure 3-8 and Figure 3-9 before powering the board. Figure 3-8. FM4 MCU Evaluation Board Mounted on CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 CAUTION: The FM4 MCU Evaluation Board is plugged onto the CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 DVK through its compatible headers J1, J2, and J3. Because J1 and J3 are high pin-count connectors on the FM4 MCU Evaluation Board, removing the FM4 MCU Evaluation Board can be difficult and may lead to bending its J1 and J3 connector pins. Therefore, take care when removing the FM4 MCU Evaluation Board from the setup. Sliding the FM4 MCU Evaluation Board out of headers slowly and evenly will reduce the risk of bending connector pins. CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 18 Kit Overview Figure 3-9. 3.3-V Setting on FM4 MCU Evaluation Board CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 19 4. Kit Operation This section describes the setup to program and run the FM4 MCU Evaluation Board to execute the nvSRAM access on the CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 DVK. 4.1 Program the FM4 MCU Evaluation Board The FM4 MCU is a 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller device. A firmware code is required to configure the MCU as the nvSRAM host controller to access the nvSRAM device on the CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 DVK. The firmware example code provided with the DVK collateral supports different nvSRAM functionalities such as write/read memory access, RTC register access, hardware store, software store, and sleep mode by toggling the dedicated sleep (ZZ#) pin on the nvSRAM. The FM4 MCU board requires the following setup for firmware programming; see Figure 4-1: 1. Set the Prog jumper to the Programming Mode. 2. Retain USBF, USBF, and NMI jumper settings. 3. Set the 3V jumper position for 3.3 V operation. 4. Set the DAP jumper. 5. Set SOT0, SIN0, MD0, and MD1 jumpers. 6. All other jumpers, not marked, should remain unconnected. 7. Connect the MCU board to a PC via the CN3 port for programming. Refer to A.6.4 Jumper Setting Table - FM4 MCU Evaluation Board Programming Mode on page 63 for more details. Figure 4-1. FM4 MCU Evaluation Board Jumper Setting in Programming Mode CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 20 Kit Operation Figure 4-2. FM4 MCU Evaluation Board Setup in Programming Mode Note: LED5 (Green) indicates the board is powered from the USB port via the CN3 connector. LED3 (Red) indicates the board is powered in the Programming (and Debugging) mode. CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 connection to the FM4 MCU Evaluation Board is not necessary during programming. 8. Run the Flash MCU Programmer: Start > All Programs > FLASH MCU Programmer > FM3. Alternatively, you can execute "flash.exe" at the following locations: Windows 7 (64-bit): C:\Program Files (x86)\Spansion\FLASH MCU Programmer\FM3 Windows 7 (32-bit): C:\Program Files\Spansion\FLASH MCU Programmer\FM3 Figure 4-3. Flash MCU Programmer a. Select Target MCU: MB9BF568M/N/R CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 21 Kit Operation b. Select Crystal Frequency: 4MHz c. Select Hex File: \CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit\1.0\Firmware\Binary\Parallel_nvSRAM.srec The default binary file location is as follows: Windows 7 (64-bit): C:\Program Files (x86)\Cypress\CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit\1.0\Firmware\Binary\ Windows 7 (32-bit): C:\Program Files\Cypress\CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit\1.0\Firmware\Binary\ d. Select the Virtual COM-port by clicking the Set Environment button as shown in Figure 4-3. This will open a new ‘Customize setting’ window. Figure 4-4. COM Port Setting To identify the COM port for the Flash MCU Programmer: Start > All Programs > Computer. Right-click and select Properties > Device Manager > Ports (COM & LPT) and identify the CMSIS-DAP Spansion Virtual Communications Port (COMx). For example, Figure 4-5 shows it is assigned to communication port 5 (COM5). Enter this value in COM to set the COM port. Figure 4-5. Port Selection If the CMSIS-DAP Spansion Virtual Communications Port does not appear under Ports (COM & LPT), then the driver is not installed. Refer to 2.1 Install SK-FM4-U120-9B560 Kit Software and Driver on page 10 to install the Debug and Programming (DAP) port (CN3) driver. 9. Click the Full Operation button to program the device. When the operation starts, a window pops up with the message shown in Figure 4-6. CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 22 Kit Operation Figure 4-6. Wait for Reset (SW1) Button Press to Continue Programming 10.Press switch SW1 as shown in Figure 4-2 to reset the controller, then press OK (LED3 will blink). The programming cycle will complete and the message shown in Figure 4-7 is displayed. Press OK. Figure 4-7. End of MCU Flash Programming 11. After the programming is complete, the other buttons, which were grayed out initially, are enabled. However, these operations are not required to use the nvSRAM DVK. CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 23 Kit Operation Figure 4-8. Flash MCU Programmer Enables Buttons after Programming 4.2 Run the FM4 MCU Evaluation Board After the FM4 MCU is successfully programmed, it must be configured in the Run mode to execute user commands. The nvSRAM kit software program, discussed in the Kit Software chapter on page 32, sends the user commands to the MCU via the CN4 USB interface. The FM4 MCU firmware decodes the user commands and executes operation on the nvSRAM. The FM4 MCU Evaluation Board requires the following setup to run the programmed firmware as shown in Figure 4-9: 1. Set the Run jumper position to configure in the Run Mode. 2. Retain USBF, USBF, and NMI jumper setting. 3. Retain the 3V jumper position as is for 3.3 V operation. 4. Set the USB jumper. 5. Set the SOT0, SIN0, and LED jumpers. 6. All other jumpers, not marked, should remain unconnected in the DVK Run mode. 7. Connect the MCU board to a PC via the CN4 port. Refer to A.6.5 Jumper Setting Table - FM4 MCU Evaluation Board Run Mode on page 64 for more details. CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 24 Kit Operation Figure 4-9. FM4 MCU Evaluation Board Jumper Setting in Run Mode Figure 4-10. FM4 MCU Evaluation Board Setup in Run Mode LED2 and LED5 turn green to indicate the board is powered from the USB port via the CN4 connector. LED3 is off indicating the board is powered in the Run mode. After connecting the FM4 MCU Evaluation Board to your PC through the USB port (CN4), wait for drivers to install. When drivers are successfully installed, follow the steps in 4.3 Spansion Virtual Communication Port Driver Installation to verify or install the Spansion Virtual Communications Port driver. Connecting the FM4 MCU Evaluation Board USB port ‘CN4’ to the PC should recognize the port as a ‘Spansion Virtual Communications Port’. CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 25 Kit Operation 4.3 Spansion Virtual Communication Port Driver Installation 1. After connecting the FM4 MCU Base Board to your PC through the USB port (CN4), wait for drivers to install. When installed, follow steps 1 through 3 to verify if the driver is successfully installed. If the Spansion Virtual Communication Port driver is not installed, follow steps 1 through 8 to install the driver. Choose Start > Computer and right-click Properties, as shown in Figure 4-11. Figure 4-11. Open Computer Properties 2. Click Device Manager as shown in Figure 4-12. Figure 4-12. Open Device Manager 3. If the driver is installed, the board appears as Spansion Virtual Communications Port under Ports (COM & LPT) in the Device Manager as shown in Figure 4-18. 4. If the driver is not installed, the board appears as Virtual Comm Port under Other devices in the Device Manager as shown in Figure 4-13. CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 26 Kit Operation Figure 4-13. Other Devices - Virtual Comm Port 5. Right-click Virtual Comm Port and select Properties as shown in Figure 4-14. The Virtual Comm Port Properties window opens up; select Update Driver from the Driver tab. CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 27 Kit Operation Figure 4-14. Update Virtual Comm Port Driver 6. In the Update Driver window, select Browse my computer for driver software as shown in Figure 4-15. Figure 4-15. Browse Virtual Comm Port Driver Software CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 28 Kit Operation 7. Browse the downloaded SK-FM4-U120-9B560 kit folder and select the Include subfolders check box. Click Next. Figure 4-16. Virtual Comm Port Driver Software Link 8. A Windows Security popup appears as below; select Install this driver software anyway (see Figure 4-17). Figure 4-17. Install Virtual Comm Port Driver Software 9. When the driver is installed successfully, the board will appear as Spansion Virtual Communications Port under Ports (COM & LPT) in the Device Manager as shown in Figure 4-18. Now the board is ready for use with the CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 DVK software. CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 29 Kit Operation Figure 4-18. Verify Spansion Virtual Communication Port 4.4 Development Kit Setup After configuring the FM4 MCU Evaluation Board in Run mode, connect the nvSRAM DVK with the FM4 MCU Evaluation Board, as shown in Figure 4-19 to run the software. CAUTION: Remove the USB connection to power off the FM4 MCU Evaluation Board before plugging on the CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 board. Software details are provided in the Kit Software chapter on page 32. CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 30 Kit Operation Figure 4-19. Development Kit Setup in Run Mode The following is the status of different LEDs when the setup is configured in Run mode and the FM4 MCU Evaluation Board is connected to the PC via USB connector CN4: ■ LED5 on the FM4 MCU Evaluation Board glows green indicating the MCU is configured in Run mode. ■ LED2 on the FM4 MCU Evaluation Board glows green indicating the MCU is successfully programmed with firmware. ■ POWER LED (LED1) on the nvSRAM DVK glows green. ■ INT/INT1 STATUS LED (LED2) on the nvSRAM DVK will blink at 1 Hz when the MCU is successfully programmed with the example firmware. Note: The CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 DVK factory setting is 1 Hz square-wave output at the INT pin. This will blink the INT/INT1 STATUS LED (LED2) every second when the jumper J5 pin 1 and 2 is shorted with 3.3 V VCC power applied to the kit. CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 31 5. Kit Software This section describes the nvSRAM kit software. Follow the instructions in sections 4.1 Program the FM4 MCU Evaluation Board on page 20, 4.2 Run the FM4 MCU Evaluation Board on page 24, and 4.4 Development Kit Setup on page 30 to set up the kit before using the nvSRAM kit software. 5.1 nvSRAM Kit Software Open the nvSRAM kit software from Start > All Programs > Cypress > nvSRAM Kit. Figure 5-1. nvSRAM Kit Software Startup Window CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 32 Kit Software The kit will appear as "Spansion Virtual Communications Port". Select this COM port from the dropdown list. When the COM port is selected, the COM port status will change to CONENCTED as indicated in Figure 5-2. Figure 5-2. nvSRAM Features CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 33 Kit Software When the correct COM port is selected, you can evaluate the following features in the nvSRAM Features tab. Table 5-1. nvSRAM Features nvSRAM Feature Write/Read cycle time Description This sets the cycle time for read/write operations. Options are 60 ns, 100 ns, 130 ns, 150 ns, and 190 ns. This box is writable with the nvSRAM address. It takes a maximum of five hexadecimal characters representing a 20-bit address, A0 to A19. Address Range is: 00000 to FFFEF to access the nvSRAM data memory. FFFF0 to FFFFF to access the 16 RTC registers. Data This box is writable and readable for nvSRAM data. It takes a maximum of four hexadecimal characters representing 16-bit data, DQ0 to DQ15. Range is 0000 to FFFF Selects a pattern to write the entire memory, 00000 to FFFEF. Options are Data, Data/ Data_b, Address, and Address/Address_b. Data: Write the entire memory with data specified in the ‘Data’ box. Select pattern Data/Data_b: Write the entire memory with data and complement of data on alternate address locations. Address: Write the entire memory with the last 16 bits of the address. Address/Address_b: Write the entire memory with the last 16 bits of the address and its complement alternatively. Single word write Clicking this button will write the value in the 'Data' box to the specified address location in the 'Address' box. Single word read Clicking this button will read the value from the address location specified in the 'Address' box and display it in the 'Data' box. Write pattern (full memory) Clicking this button will write the selected pattern to the entire memory, 00000 to FFFEF. Select one of the following nvSRAM features: - Software Store: Initiates the Software Store in nvSRAM. - Software Recall: Initiates the Software Recall in nvSRAM. Select feature - Autostore Enable: Enables the AutoStore feature in nvSRAM. - Autostore Disable: Disables the AutoStore feature in nvSRAM. - HSB Store: Toggles HSB LOW to initiate the hardware store in nvSRAM. - Sleep: Drives nvSRAM ZZ# low and puts it in the SLEEP mode. - Wakeup: Drives nvSRAM ZZ# high and wakes it up from the SLEEP mode. Execute Clicking this button will execute the selected nvSRAM feature. CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 34 Kit Software Selecting the RTC Features tab will display the following window, which allows you to evaluate RTC features. Figure 5-3. RTC Features Table 5-2. RTC Features RTC Feature RTC registers Description This box lists the 16 RTC registers. This checkbox against each RTC register indicates whether that particular register is WR/RD selection selected for RTC write/read operation. Checking the box for a register indicates that the RTC register is part of RTC write/read operation. Write Read Clicking this button will write to the selected RTC registers. A write operation will set the 'W' bit automatically for RTC writing except for the Flags register. Note: After every write, the nvSRAM RTC registers are read back and the GUI is updated with data from the device. Clicking this button will read from the selected RTC registers. A read operation will set the 'R' bit automatically for the RTC reading except the Flags register. CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 35 Kit Software Table 5-2. RTC Features RTC Feature Auto refresh Set calibration Description Clicking this button will read the RTC registers every 500 ms until the Stop button is clicked. ‘Auto refresh’ will change to the Stop button while running. No other operation can be performed during this time. This box sets the RTC calibration. You can enter calibration values either in binary form or in terms of PPM. Refer to the application note AN53313 - Real Time Clock Calibration in Cypress nvSRAM for more details. Note: After setting calibration, the nvSRAM RTC registers are read back and the GUI is updated with data from the device. Set alarm This box sets the RTC alarm. By default, the RTC alarm is disabled. You can enable the alarm by checking the box for the required alarm registers, setting appropriate values, and then clicking the Set button. Note: After setting alarm, the nvSRAM RTC registers are read back and the GUI is updated with data from the device. This box sets the square wave on INT/INT1 pin. The options are: Disable 1 Hz Set squarewave out 512 Hz 4096 Hz 32768 Hz Note: After setting squarewave, the nvSRAM RTC registers are read back and the GUI is updated with data from the device. CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 36 Kit Software The File menu functions are shown in Figure 5-4. Figure 5-4. Load/Dump Features Figure 5-5. Load Memory Figure 5-6. Dump Memory Figure 5-7. Load RTC Selection CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 37 Kit Software Figure 5-8. Load RTC Figure 5-9. Dump RTC Selection CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 38 Kit Software Figure 5-10. Dump RTC Table 5-3. File Menu Options File Menu Load Memory… Description This menu selection opens the 'Load Memory' dialog box, which specifies the starting address, ending address, and the file from which to load data to nvSRAM memory. This menu selection opens the 'Dump Memory' dialog box, which specifies the starting Dump Memory… address, ending address, and the file to which the data from nvSRAM memory should be saved. Load RTC… This menu selection will load the 16 bytes of data from a file into the nvSRAM RTC registers. Dump RTC… This menu selection will dump the 16 bytes of data from the nvSRAM RTC registers to a file. Exit This menu selection will exit the application. The Help menu functions are shown in Figure 5-11. CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 39 Kit Software Figure 5-11. Help Menu Table 5-4. Help Menu Help Menu Description User Guide… This menu selection (or pressing [F1]) will open the kit user guide. About… This menu selection provides information about the nvSRAM Kit Software CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 40 6. Kit Example Firmware This chapter discusses the kit example firmware structure and function description for the nvSRAM access. The kit example firmware code is custom built for the nvSRAM access using the FM4 MCU Evaluation Board. You can leverage these example codes and functions to develop the nvSRAM access for the target controller platform. 6.1 Example Firmware Structure The example firmware API is broken into three files: ■ GUIif.c - This file contains the high-level function call used by the GUI. ■ CY14B116.c - This file contains the low-level function calls used to communicate with the nvSRAM device. ■ EBItest.c - This file contains FM4 MCU-specific functions for the hardware test. These three files are stored in the nvSRAM folder of the example project. The example firmware project file path is shown in the following table. Table 6-1. Example Project File Path Project Files File Path Main project \CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit\1.0\Firmware\Source\main_project\IAR nvSRAM project files \CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit\1.0\Firmware\Source\cypress\nvp\nvSRAM\ FM4 library \CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit\1.0\Firmware\Source\library Bin file \CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit\1.0\Firmware\Source\main_project\IAR\nvSRAM_Kit\Exe CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 41 Kit Example Firmware 6.2 nvSRAM Access APIs This section lists the nvSRAM access application programming interface (API) functions that are used in the FM4 MCU example firmware. nvSRAM APIs are defined in CY14B116.c. See 6.1 Example Firmware Structure for file description and access path. Table 6-2. nvSRAM Access APIs (CY14B116.h and CY14B116.c) Functions Description Modes nvSRAMRead (uint32_t address, uint8_t length, uint8_t *txData) Read from the nvSRAM, 1 to 255 bytes nvSRAMWrite (uint32_t address, uint16_t data) Write to the nvSRAM, one address location nvSRAMWriteFullMem (uint16_t data1, uint16_t data2) Write the entire memory array (00000 to FFFEF) with 16-bit dataword1 (data1) and dataword2 (data2) at None consecutive address locations nvSRAMReadRTC (uint8_t address, uint8_t length, uint8_t *txData) Read RTC registers nvSRAMWriteRTC (uint8_t address, uint8_t data) Write to RTC registers HSBStoreIF (void) Triggers hardware store by toggling the HSB# pin low Writes a test pattern to the full nvSRAM array. write_data_pattern (uint8_t pat, uint16_t data) DATA_PAT, "pat" sets the data pattern to be written. The pattern can be one of the DATAB_PAT, ADDR_PAT, four patterns: Data, Data_bar, Address, Address_bar. Data and ADDRB_PAT Address are values set by the user to execute this function AutoStore (boolean_t enable) Enable/Disable Auto Store in nvSRAM AUTOSTORE_ENABLE, AUTOSTORE_DISABLE SoftwareStoreRecall (boolean_t mode) Trigger a Software Store/Recall function in nvSRAM SOFTSTORE, SOFTRECALL SleepIF (boolean_t mode) Enters nvSRAM sleep mode by toggling the ZZ# pin low SLEEP_ENTRY, SLEEP_EXIT DISABLE_SQ_WAVE, SquareWave (uint8_t mode) Set the squarewave output on the INT pin. By setting the correct mode, the square wave output can either be disabled or enabled with one of four output frequencies: 1 Hz, 512 Hz, 4096 Hz, or 32768 Hz ENABLE_1HZ, ENABLE_512HZ, ENABLE_4096HZ, ENABLE_32768HZ The following sections provide details on the nvSRAM APIs. 6.2.1 nvSRAMRead (uint32_t address, uint8_t length, uint8_t *txData) /****************************************************************************** ** \param address - memory address ** \param length - number of bytes to read ** \param txData - read data buffer ** CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 42 Kit Example Firmware *****************************************************************************/ void nvSRAMRead (uint32_t address, uint8_t length, uint8_t *txData) { uint16_t tempData; uint8_t u8Counter; for (u8Counter = 0u; u8Counter < length; u8Counter = u8Counter+1) { tempData = *((uint16_t*)(nvSRAM_BASE_ADDRESS + ((address + u8Counter) * 2))); // MCU reads 16-bit data txData[(u8Counter*2)] = (uint8_t)(tempData>>8); //Stores lower byte of 16-bit read data txData[(u8Counter*2)+1] = (uint8_t)(tempData); //Stores upper byte of 16-bit read data } } 6.2.2 void nvSRAMWrite (uint32_t address, uint16_t data) /******************************************************************************* ** \param address - memory address ** \param data - data word to write ** *****************************************************************************/ void nvSRAMWrite (uint32_t address, uint16_t data) { *(uint16_t*)(nvSRAM_BASE_ADDRESS + (address * 2)) = data; // MCU writes 16-bit data to nvSRAM } 6.2.3 void nvSRAMWriteFullMem (uint16_t data1, uint16_t data2) /******************************************************************************* ** \param data1 - data word (data1) to write ** \param data2 - data word (data2) to write ** *****************************************************************************/ void nvSRAMWriteFullMem (uint16_t data1, uint16_t data2) { uint32_t u32Counter; for (u32Counter = 0u; u32Counter < nvSRAM_MEM_SIZE; u32Counter=u32Counter+2) { *(uint16_t*)(nvSRAM_BASE_ADDRESS + (u32Counter * 2)) = data1; *(uint16_t*)(nvSRAM_BASE_ADDRESS + ((u32Counter + 1) * 2)) = data2; } } 6.2.4 void nvSRAMReadRTC (uint8_t address, uint8_t length, uint8_t *txData) /****************************************************************************** ** \param address - RTC address ** \param length - number of bytes to read ** \param txData - read data buffer ** *****************************************************************************/ void nvSRAMReadRTC (uint8_t address, uint8_t length, uint8_t *txData) { uint16_t tempData; uint8_t u8Counter; CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 43 Kit Example Firmware for (u8Counter = 0u; u8Counter < length; u8Counter = u8Counter+1) { // 0x0FFFF0 is the RTC OFFSET address for x16 part tempData = *((uint16_t*)(nvSRAM_BASE_ADDRESS + ((nvSRAM_RTC_OFFSET + address + u8Counter) * 2))); txData[u8Counter] = (uint8_t)(tempData); } } 6.2.5 void nvSRAMWriteRTC (uint8_t address, uint8_t data) /******************************************************************************* ** \param address - RTC address ** \param data - write data byte ** *****************************************************************************/ void nvSRAMWriteRTC (uint8_t address, uint8_t data) { *((uint16_t*)(nvSRAM_BASE_ADDRESS + ((nvSRAM_RTC_OFFSET + address) * 2))) = data; } 6.2.6 void HSBStoreIF(void) /******************************************************************************* ** \param none ** *****************************************************************************/ void HSBStoreIF(void) { uint32_t temp = 0; BOARD_HSB = 0u; // HM: Set a standard value = 5us or 10 us while (temp < 500) { temp++; } BOARD_HSB = 1u; } 6.2.7 void write_data_pattern (uint8_t pat, uint16_t data) /******************************************************************************* ** \param pat - user data pattern type (0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04) ** \param data - write data word ** *****************************************************************************/ void write_data_pattern (uint8_t pat, uint16_t data) { switch(pat) { case DATA_PAT: \\ pat = 0x00 nvSRAMWriteFullMem(data, data); break; CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 44 Kit Example Firmware case DATAB_PAT: \\ pat = 0x01 nvSRAMWriteFullMem(data, (data ^ 0xFFFF)); break; case ADDR_PAT: \\ pat = 0x02 nvSRAMWriteFullMemAddr(); break; case ADDRB_PAT: \\ pat = 0x03 nvSRAMWriteFullMemAddrb(); break; default: break; } } 6.2.8 void AutoStore (boolean_t enable) / ********************************************************************************* *********** ** \param enable - true, enables AutoStore; false, disables AutoStore in nvSRAM ** ********************************************************************************* **********/ void AutoStore (boolean_t enable) { uint8_t temp[2]; if (enable) { nvSRAMRead 0x4E38 nvSRAMRead 0XB1C7 nvSRAMRead 0x83E0 nvSRAMRead 0x7C1F nvSRAMRead 0x703F nvSRAMRead address 0x4B46 } (FUNCTION_MODE_0, 0x1, temp); \\ FUNCTION_MODE_0 is read address (FUNCTION_MODE_1, 0x1, temp); \\ FUNCTION_MODE_1 is read address (FUNCTION_MODE_2, 0x1, temp); \\ FUNCTION_MODE_2 is read address (FUNCTION_MODE_3, 0x1, temp); \\ FUNCTION_MODE_3 is read address (FUNCTION_MODE_4, 0x1, temp); \\ FUNCTION_MODE_4 is read address (M_AUTOSTORE_ENABLE, 0x1, temp); \\ M_AUTOSTORE_ENABLE is read else { nvSRAMRead 0x4E38 nvSRAMRead 0XB1C7 nvSRAMRead 0x83E0 nvSRAMRead 0x7C1F nvSRAMRead 0x703F (FUNCTION_MODE_0, 0x1, temp); \\ FUNCTION_MODE_0 is read address (FUNCTION_MODE_1, 0x1, temp); \\ FUNCTION_MODE_1 is read address (FUNCTION_MODE_2, 0x1, temp); \\ FUNCTION_MODE_2 is read address (FUNCTION_MODE_3, 0x1, temp); \\ FUNCTION_MODE_3 is read address (FUNCTION_MODE_4, 0x1, temp); \\ FUNCTION_MODE_4 is read address CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 45 Kit Example Firmware nvSRAMRead (M_AUTOSTORE_DISABLE, 0x1, temp); \\ M_AUTOSTORE_ DISABLE is read address 0x8B45 } } 6.2.9 void SoftwareStoreRecall (boolean_t mode) /******************************************************************************** ** \param mode - true, enables Software Store; false, disables Software Store in nvSRAM ** ********************************************************************************/ void SoftwareStoreRecall (boolean_t mode) { uint8_t temp[2]; if (mode) { // TRUE = SOFT STORE nvSRAMRead (FUNCTION_MODE_0, 0x1, temp); \\ 0x4E38 nvSRAMRead (FUNCTION_MODE_1, 0x1, temp); \\ 0XB1C7 nvSRAMRead (FUNCTION_MODE_2, 0x1, temp); \\ 0x83E0 nvSRAMRead (FUNCTION_MODE_3, 0x1, temp); \\ 0x7C1F nvSRAMRead (FUNCTION_MODE_4, 0x1, temp); \\ 0x703F nvSRAMRead (M_SOFTSTORE_ENABLE, 0x1, temp); address 0x8FC0 } else { // FALSE = SOFT RECALL nvSRAMRead (FUNCTION_MODE_0, 0x1, temp); \\ 0x4E38 nvSRAMRead (FUNCTION_MODE_1, 0x1, temp); \\ 0XB1C7 nvSRAMRead (FUNCTION_MODE_2, 0x1, temp); \\ 0x83E0 nvSRAMRead (FUNCTION_MODE_3, 0x1, temp); \\ 0x7C1F nvSRAMRead (FUNCTION_MODE_4, 0x1, temp); \\ 0x703F nvSRAMRead (M_SOFTRECALL_ENABLE, 0x1, temp); address 0x4C63 } } 6.2.10 FUNCTION_MODE_0 is read address FUNCTION_MODE_1 is read address FUNCTION_MODE_2 is read address FUNCTION_MODE_3 is read address FUNCTION_MODE_4 is read address \\ M_SOFTSTORE_ENABLE is read FUNCTION_MODE_0 is read address FUNCTION_MODE_1 is read address FUNCTION_MODE_2 is read address FUNCTION_MODE_3 is read address FUNCTION_MODE_4 is read address \\ M_ SOFTRECALL_ENABLE is read void SleepIF (boolean_t mode) /******************************************************************************** ** \param mode - true, enables nvSRAM sleep; false, disables nvSRAM sleep ** CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 46 Kit Example Firmware ********************************************************************************/ void SleepIF (boolean_t mode) { if (mode) { BOARD_ZZ = 0u; } else { BOARD_ZZ = 1u; } } 6.2.11 void SquareWave (uint8_t mode) /******************************************************************************** ** \param mode - true, enables square-wave on the INT pin; false, disables squarewave ** ********************************************************************************/ void SquareWave (uint8_t mode) { uint8_t temp; uint8_t tempData; nvSRAMReadRTC (0x06, 0x1, &temp); \\ Reads the RTC register 0x06 setting if (mode != DISABLE_SQ_WAVE) { temp = temp & 0xEC; temp = temp | (mode - 1) | 0x10; } else { temp = temp & 0xEF; } nvSRAMReadRTC(0x00, 0x1, &tempData); tempData = tempData | 0x02; // Set W bit nvSRAMWriteRTC(0x00, tempData); nvSRAMWriteRTC(0x06, temp); tempData = tempData & 0xFD; // Reset W bit nvSRAMWriteRTC(0x00, tempData); } 6.3 Firmware Changes to Enable 54 TSOP II Access This section describes changes to be made in the firmware to enable access for the 16-Mbit, 1Mx16 nvSRAM (CY14B116M) in the 54 TSOP II package. This package option is default DNI on the CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 DVK hardware. The hardware must be populated with the CY14B116M, 54 TSOP II nvSRAM to access this feature. CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 47 Kit Example Firmware Update the Base Address to support the selected EBI and then initiate the EBI. The 165 FBGA package is connected to the CS4 (chip select control 4) and the 54 TSOP II package is connected to the CS3 (chip select control 3) of the FM4 MCU. The following sections describe the changes to be made in the respective files. 6.3.1 Changes in CY14B116.h // CS3 TSOP //#define nvSRAM_BASE_ADDRESS (0x63000000ul) //base address for CS3 control // CS4 FBGA //#define nvSRAM_BASE_ADDRESS (0x64000000ul) //base address for CS4 control 6.3.2 // Uncomment to enable the // Uncomment to enable the Changes in CY14B116.c nvSRAM_Init(uint8_t cycles) function // CS3 TSOP // return (Extif_InitArea(3u, &stcExtIF)); // Uncomment to return for CS3 // CS4 FBGA // return (Extif_InitArea(4u, &stcExtIF)); // Uncomment to return for CS4 The sleep pin (ZZ#) is not available on the nvSRAM 54 TSOP II package. Hence, the Sleep and Wakeup features, described in Table 5-1 on page 34, is not applicable for the 54 TSOP II package. CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 48 A. A.1 Appendix CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 Kit Block Diagram CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 49 A.2 CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 Kit Components Placement CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 50 A.3 CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 Kit Schematic CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 51 CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 52 CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 53 CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 54 A.4 Pin Assignment Table This section provides the pin map of the headers and their usage. FM4 Board (Connector) Pin nvSRAM Pin MCU Pin Pin Description I/O Port 1 1 D0 2 2 MADATA00_0 Port 5_0 D1 3 3 MADATA01_0 Port 5_1 D2 4 4 MADATA02_0 Port 5_2 D3 5 5 MADATA03_0 Port 5_3 D4 6 6 MADATA04_0 Port 5_4 D5 7 7 MADATA05_0 Port 5_5 D6 8 8 MADATA06_0 Port 5_6 D7 9 9 MADATA07_0 Port 5_7 D8 10 10 MADATA08_0 Port 5_8 D9 11 11 MADATA09_0 Port 5_9 D10 12 12 MADATA10_0 Port 5_A D11 13 13 MADATA11_0 Port 5_B D12 14 14 MADATA12_0 Port 3_0 D13 15 15 MADATA13_0 Port 3_1 D14 16 16 MADATA14_0 Port 3_2 MADATA15_0 Port 3_3 D15 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 MAD00_0 Port 3_D A0 28 28 MAD01_0 Port 3_E A1 29 29 MAD02_0 Port 3_F 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 55 nvSRAM Pin FM4 Board (Connector) Pin MCU Pin 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 Pin Description I/O Port 46 46 A2 47 47 MAD03_0 Port 4_B A3 48 48 MAD04_0 Port 4_C A4 49 49 MAD05_0 Port 4_D A5 50 50 MAD06_0 Port 4_E 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 A6 62 62 MAD07_0 Port 1_0 A7 63 63 MAD08_0 Port 1_1 A8 64 64 MAD09_0 Port 1_2 A9 65 65 MAD10_0 Port 1_3 A10 66 66 MAD11_0 Port 1_4 A11 67 67 MAD12_0 Port 1_5 A12 68 68 MAD13_0 Port 1_6 A13 69 69 MAD14_0 Port 1_7 70 70 71 71 72 72 73 73 A14 74 74 MAD15_0 Port 1_8 A15 75 75 MAD16_0 Port 1_9 A16 76 76 MAD17_0 Port 1_A A17 77 77 MAD18_0 Port 1_B A18 78 78 MAD19_0 Port 1_C A19 79 79 MAD20_0 Port 1_D A20 (32 Mb) 80 80 MAD21_0 Port 1_E 81 81 82 82 83 83 CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 56 nvSRAM Pin INT (54 TSOP) INT (165-FBGA) FM4 Board (Connector) Pin 84 MCU Pin Pin Description I/O Port 84 Port 2_5 Port 2_4 85 85 86 86 87 87 88 88 89 89 90 90 91 91 BHE# 92 92 MDQM1_0 Port 0_E BLE# 93 93 MDQM0_0 Port 0_D 94 94 95 95 96 96 CE2 (165-FBGA) 97 97 MCSX5_0 Port 0_9 CE1# (165-FBGA) 98 98 MCSX4_0 Port 0_8 99 99 MCSX3_0 Port 0_6 CE# (54-TSOP II) ZZ# 100 100 101 101 102 102 103 103 104 104 105 105 106 106 107 107 108 108 109 109 Port 6_7 HSB1# (54-TSOP) 110 110 Port 6_6 HSB# (165-FBGA) 111 111 Port 6_5 112 112 WE# 113 113 MWEX_0 Port 6_3 OE# 114 114 MOEX_0 Port 6_2 115 115 116 116 117 117 118 118 119 119 120 120 Port 6_4 CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 57 A.5 Item Bill of Materials (BOM) Qty Reference Value Description Manufacturer Manufacturing Part Number 1 1 N/A 121.69 mm X 67.56 mm, 1.6mm thick, 35 micron, 6 Layer, Enig Finish, High Cypress Semiconductor Tg, Blue color Solder mask, white color silkscreen 2 1 C1 10 uF CAP TANT 10UF 10V 20% 1206 AVX Corporation TPSA106M010R1800 3 26 C13,C14,C15,C16, C17,C18,C19,C20, C21,C22,C23,C24, C25,C26,C27,C28, 0.1uF C29,C30,C31,C32, C33,C34,C35,C36, C37,C38 CAP CER 0.1UF 50V Y5V 0603 Murata Electronics GRM188R71C104KA0 1D 4 1 C10 22uf CAP TANT 22UF 6.3V 10% 1206 Kemet T491A226K006AT 12pF Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors MLCC - SMD/ Murata Electronics SMT 0603 12pF 50volts North America C0G 1% GRM1885C1H120FA0 1D GRM1885C1H680FA0 1D EDLF104A5R5C 5 1 C8 6 1 C9 68pF Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors MLCC - SMD/ Murata Electronics SMT 0603 68pF 50volts North America C0G 1% 7 1 C12 0.1F CAP 100mF 5.5V THROUGH HOLE 8 2 J1,J3 CONNECTOR EDGE 30X2 Connector Header 60 Sullins Connector Position 0.100" (2.54mm) Solutions Tin Through Hole PPTC302LFBN-RC 9 1 J2 CONNECTOR EDGE 2X1 Connector Header 2 Sullins Connector Position 0.100" (2.54mm) Solutions Tin Through Hole PPTC021LFBN-RC 10 1 J4 2 Pin Header CONN HEADER VERT SGL 2POS GOLD 3M 961102-6404-AR 11 1 J5 JUMPER2 (2x2) CONN HEADER VERT DUAL 4POS GOLD 3M 961204-6404-AR 12 1 LED1 LED Green LED GREEN CLEAR 0805 SMD Visual Communications Company CMD17-21VGC/TR8 VCC 13 1 LED2 LED Red LED RED CLEAR 0805 SMD Visual Communications Company CMD17-21VRC/TR8 VCC 14 1 R2 330E RES SMD 330 OHM 1% 1/10W 0603 Panasonic Electronic Components Cornell Dubilier Electronics (CDE) CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A ERJ-3EKF3300V 58 Item Qty Reference Value Description Manufacturer Manufacturing Part Number RES SMD 220 OHM 1% 1/10W 0603 Panasonic Electronic Components ERJ-3EKF2200V R10,R11,R12,R13, 10K R14,R15,R17,R18 RES SMD 10K OHM 1% 1/10W 0603 Panasonic Electronic Components ERJ-3EKF1002V 1 R20 120E RES 120 OHM 1/10W 1% 0603 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-3EKF1200V 18 1 TP1 GND TEST POINT PC MINI .040"D Black Keystone Electronics 5001 19 1 TP3 VCC TEST POINT PC MINI .040"D Black Keystone Electronics 5001 20 1 TVS1 3.6V 350W TVS DIODE 3VWM 12VC SOD523 Vishay Semiconductor Diodes Division VESD03-02V-G-08 21 1 U1 CY14B116MBZ45XI IC nvSRAM 16Mbit X16 45ns 165FBGA Cypress Semiconductor CY14B116M-BZ45XI CMR200T32.768KDZF -UT 15 1 R16 16 8 17 220E 22 1 Y1 32.768 KHz (12.5 pF) Crystal 32.7680kHz 20ppm 12.5pF 50 kOhm Citizen Finedevice 40°C - 85°C Surface Co Ltd Mount Cylindrical Can, Radial 23 2 N/A N/A Headers & Wire Housings 2.54MM SHUNT 3M 969102-0000-DA 24 4 N/A N/A BUMPER CYLINDRICAL .312X.215 BLACK Bumpon Protective Products Rollstock SJ61A6 No Load Components 25 2 C5,C11 47uf CAP TANT 47UF 6.3V 20% 1206 Kemet T491A476M006AT 26 1 TP4 HSB# TEST POINT PC MINI .040"D Black Keystone Electronics 5001 27 1 TP6 HSB1# TEST POINT PC MINI .040"D Black Keystone Electronics 5001 28 1 TP7 INT1 TEST POINT PC MINI .040"D Black Keystone Electronics 5001 29 1 TP2 GND TEST POINT PC MINI .040"D Black Keystone Electronics 5001 30 1 TP5 INT TEST POINT PC MINI .040"D Black Keystone Electronics 5001 31 1 TP8 VCAP1_TP TEST POINT PC MINI .040"D Black Keystone Electronics 5001 32 1 TP13 VCAP_TP TEST POINT PC MINI .040"D Black Keystone Electronics 5001 33 1 TP14 VRTCcap_TP TEST POINT PC MINI .040"D Black Keystone Electronics 5001 32.768 KHz (12.5 pF) Crystal 32.7680kHz 20ppm 12.5pF 50 kOhm Citizen Finedevice 40°C - 85°C Surface Co Ltd Mount Cylindrical Can, Radial 34 1 Y2 CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A CMR200T32.768KDZF -UT 59 Item Qty Reference Value Manufacturer Manufacturing Part Number IC NVSRAM 16MBIT X16 Cypress Semicon45NS 54 TSOP II ductor CY14B116M-ZSP45XI RN1,RN2,RN3,RN TC164-JR4,RN5,RN6,RN7,R 070RL N8,RN9,RN10 RES ARRAY ZERO OHM 4 RES 1206 Yageo TC164-JR-070RL 4 R6,R21,R22,R23 0E RES 0.0 OHM 1/10W 0603 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-3GEY0R00V 38 2 C2,C3 0.1uF CAP CER 0.1UF 50V Y5V 0603 Murata Electronics GRM188R71C104KA0 1D 39 1 C4 22uf CAP TANT 22UF 6.3V 10% 1206 Kemet T491A226K006AT 12pF Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors MLCC - SMD/ Murata Electronics SMT 0603 12pF 50volts North America C0G 1% GRM1885C1H120FA0 1D GRM1885C1H680FA0 1D 35 1 U2 36 10 37 40 1 C6 CY14B116MZSP45XI Description 41 1 C7 68pF Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors MLCC - SMD/ Murata Electronics SMT 0603 68pF 50volts North America C0G 1% 42 1 R5 220E RES SMD 220 OHM 1% 1/10W 0603 Panasonic Electronic Components ERJ-3EKF2200V 43 2 R3,R4 10K RES SMD 10K OHM 1% 1/10W 0603 Panasonic Electronic Components ERJ-3EKF1002V Special Jumper Installation Instructions 44 45 1 1 J4 Install jumper across pins 1 and 2 Headers & Wire Housings 2.54MM SHUNT 3M 969102-0000-DA J5 Install jumper across pins 1 and 2 for INT output Headers & Wire Housings 2.54MM SHUNT 3M 969102-0000-DA Cypress Semiconductor Cypress Semiconductor Label 46 1 N/A N/A LBL, PCA Label, Vendor Code, Datecode, Serial Number 121-60231-01 REV 01 (YYWWVVXXXXX) 47 1 N/A N/A LBL, CY14NVSRAMKIT001 QR Code, 10mm X 10mm N/A LBL, Anti-Static Warning, ULINE PN S-6516, 5/8" x "Cypress Semicon2", "Attention Observe ductor Precautions 48 1 N/A Install on Bottom of PCB As per the Silk Screen in the Corners 49 4 N/A N/A BUMPER CYLINDRICAL .312X.215 BLACK Bumpon Protective Products Rollstock CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A SJ61A6 60 A.6 FM4 MCU Evaluation Board This section provides details on the SK-FM4-U120-9B560 FM4 MCU Evaluation Board jumpers and their settings in Program and Run modes. A.6.1 FM4 MCU Evaluation Hardware (Top Side) - Jumper Details A.6.2 FM4 MCU Evaluation Hardware (Top Side) - Jumper Function Overview CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 61 A.6.3 Jumper Setting Table - SK-FM4-U120-9B560 FM4 MCU Evaluation Board Table A-1. FM4 MCU Evaluation Board SK-FM4-U120-9B560 Board Jumper No of Pins J1 2 CMSIS-DAP Crystal (P22) (Do not change!) Open: 4MHz Closed: 48MHz J2 2 VBUS detection of CMSIS-DAP Open: 3V3 Closed: 5V (only for SK-FM4-U120-9B560) J3 2 CMSIS-DAP reset Open: CMSIS-DAP normal operation Closed: CMSIS-DAP reset assert J4 2 Operation of MD1 (CMSIS-DAP) Open: Run-Mode Closed: Test-Mode J5 2 Operation of MD0 (CMSIS-DAP) Open: Run-Mode (CMSIS-DAP) Closed: Firmware update of CMSIS-DAP J6 2 J7 2 J8 2 Power Supply Source Select only one power source! J9 2 J9: USB Host powered (CN4) J8: JTAG powered (CN2) J7: CMSIS-DAP powered (CN3) J6: Powered by SK-FM4-U-PERIPHERAL (J16) J10 2 SW3 NMI Jumper J10 needs to be opened for programming Open: Button SW3 disconnected / Programming mode Closed: Button SW3 (NMI) is connected J11 2 USB D+ Open: USB is disconnected Closed: USB is connected J12 2 USB D– Open: USB is disconnected Closed: USB is connected J13 2 VBUS detection Open: 3V3 Closed: 5V (only for SK-FM4-U120-9B560) Jumper Function (Default setting marked bold) J14 3 USB VBUS detection See also J10 1-2: VBUS is connected to INT03_2 (RunMode) 2-3: VBUS is connected to NMIX (Programming Mode) J15 3 MCU voltage selection SK-FM4-U1209B560 1-2: MCU is powered from 3V3 2-3: MCU is powered from 5V J16 2 Can be powered by peripheral baseboard See note in J6-J9 setting J17 2 Operation of MD1 (Do not change!) Open: Run-Mode and Programming-Mode Closed: Test-Mode J18 2 Operation of MD0 Open: Run-Mode Closed: Programming-Mode J19 2 CMSIS-DAP Virtual COM port (SIN0_0) Open: SIN0 is disconnected from CMSIS-DAP Closed: CMSIS-DAP’s virtual COM port is connect CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 62 Table A-1. FM4 MCU Evaluation Board A.6.4 SK-FM4-U120-9B560 Board Jumper No of Pins J20 3 CMSIS-DAP Virtual COM port (SOT0_0) 2-3: SOT0/P22 is used for USB programming 1-2: CMSIS-DAP’s virtual COM port is connected J21 3 MD1/PE0 See also J17 1-2: MD1 (Programming-Mode) 2-3: PE0 (LED Blue) J22 2 X0/PE2 Do not close J22 if crystal Y1 is assembled. Open: PE2 is disconnected Closed: PE2 is connected to pin header U2 J23 2 X1/PE3 Do not close J23 if crystal Y1 is assembled. Open: PE3 is disconnected Closed: PE3 is connected to pin header U2 J24 2 X0A/P46 Do not close J24 if crystal Y2 is assembled. Open: P46 is disconnected Closed: PE2 is connected to pin header U2 J25 2 X1A/P47 Do not close J25 if crystal Y2 is assembled. Open: P47 is disconnected Closed: PE2 is connected to pin header U2 Jumper Function (Default setting marked bold) Jumper Setting Table - FM4 MCU Evaluation Board Programming Mode Table A-2. Programming Mode Jumper Reference Jumper Name Jumper Function J7 DAP CMSIS-DAP powered (CN3) J10 NMI Retain as is to default jumper setting J11 USBF Retain as is to default jumper setting J12 USBF Retain as is to default jumper setting J14 Prog Configures the FM4 MCU in programming mode J15 3V Configures the 3.3 V operation J18 MD0 Sets Mode 0 pin (MD0) for programming J19 SIN0 Sets serial interface channel 1 input pin (SIN0) for programming J20 SOT0 Sets serial interface channel 0 output (SOT0) for programming J21 MD1 Sets Mode 1 pin (MD1) for programming J1-J6, J8, J9, J13, J16, J17, J22-J25 See Table A-1 These jumpers are not populated by default (Open) on the FM4 MCU Evaluation Board CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 63 A.6.5 Jumper Setting Table - FM4 MCU Evaluation Board Run Mode Table A-3. Run Mode Jumper Reference Jumper Name Jumper Function J9 USB USB Host powered (CN4) J10 NMI Retain as is to default jumper setting J11 USBF Retain as is to default jumper setting J12 USBF Retain as is to default jumper setting J14 Run Configures the FM4 MCU in run mode J15 3V Configures the 3.3 V operation J18 MD0 Sets Mode 0 pin (MD0) for programming J19 SIN0 Sets serial interface channel 1 input pin (SIN0) for CMSIS-DAP's virtual COM port J20 SOT0 Sets serial interface channel 0 output (SOT0) for CMSIS-DAP's virtual COM port J21 LED Sets jumper for blue LED (LED2) J1-J8, J13, J16, J17, See Table A-1 J22-J25 These jumpers are not populated by default (Open) on the FM4 MCU Evaluation Board CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 64 Revision History Document Revision History CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide Revision History Document Title: CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide Document Number: 002-03522 Revision ECN# Issue Date Origin of Change Description of Change ** 5052981 12/16/2015 ZSK Initial version of kit guide. *A 5713267 04/26/2017 SHEA Updated logo and copyright CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A 65
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