TAXI™-compatible HOTLink® Transceiver
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Second-generation HOTLink® technology AMD™ AM7968/7969 TAXIchip™-compatible 8-bit 4B/5B or 10-bit 5B/6B NRZI encoded data transport 10-bit or 12-bit NRZI pre-encoded (bypass) data transport Synchronous TTL parallel interface Embedded/bypassable 256-character Transmit and Receive FIFOs 50- to 200-MBaud serial signaling rate Internal phase-locked loops (PLLs) with no external PLL components Dual differential PECL-compatible serial inputs and outputs Compatible with fiber-optic modules and copper cables Built-In Self-Test (BIST) for link testing Link Quality Indicator Single +5.0V ±10%supply 100-pin TQFP Pb-Free package option available FIFO and is encoded using embedded 4B/5B or 5B/6B encoders to improve its serial transmission characteristics. These encoded characters are then serialized, converted to NRZI, and output from two PECL-compatible differential transmission line drivers at a bit-rate of either 10 or 20 times the input reference clock in 8-bit (or 10-bit bypass) mode, or 12 or 24 times the reference clock in 10-bit (or 12-bit bypass) mode. The receive section of the CY7C9689A HOTLink accepts a serial bit-stream from one of two PECL compatible differential line receivers and, using a completely integrated PLL Clock Synchronizer, recovers the timing information necessary for data reconstruction. The recovered bit stream is converted from NRZI to NRZ, deserialized, framed into characters, 4B/5B or 5B/6B decoded, and checked for transmission errors. The recovered 8- or 10-bit decoded characters are then written to an internal Receive FIFO, and presented to the destination host system. The integrated 4B/5B and 5B/6B encoder/decoder may be bypassed (disabled) for systems that present externally encoded or scrambled data at the parallel interface. With the encoder bypassed, the pre-encoded parallel data stream is converted to and from a serial NRZI stream. The embedded FIFOs may also be bypassed (disabled) to create a reference-locked serial transmission link. For those systems requiring even greater FIFO storage capability, external FIFOs may be directly coupled to the CY7C9689A through the parallel interface without the need for additional glue-logic. The TTL parallel I/O interface may be configured as either a FIFO (configurable for depth expansion through external FIFOs) or as a pipeline register extender. The FIFO configurations are optimized for transport of time-independent (asynchronous) 8- or 10-bit character-oriented data across a link. A Built-In Self-Test (BIST) pattern generator and checker allows for testing of the high-speed serial data paths in both the transmit and receive sections, and across the interconnecting links. HOTLink devices are ideal for a variety of applications where parallel interfaces can be replaced with high-speed, point-to-point serial links. Some applications include interconnecting workstations, backplanes, servers, mass storage, and video transmission equipment.
Functional Description
The CY7C9689A HOTLink Transceiver is a point-to-point communications building block allowing the transfer of data over high-speed serial links (optical fiber, balanced, and unbalanced copper transmission lines) at speeds ranging between 50 and 200 MBaud. The transmit section accepts parallel data of selectable widths and converts it to serial data, while the receiver section accepts serial data and converts it to parallel data of selectable widths. Figure 1 illustrates typical connections between two independent host systems and corresponding CY7C9689A parts. The CY7C9689A provides enhanced technology, increased functionality, a higher level of integration, higher data rates, and lower power dissipation over the AMD AM7968/7969 TAXIchip products. The transmit section of the CY7C9689A HOTLink can be configured to accept either 8- or 10-bit data characters on each clock cycle, and stores the parallel data into an internal synchronous Transmit FIFO. Data is read from the Transmit
Figure 1. HOTLink System Connections
Decoder 4B/5B, 5B/6B
Encoder 4B/5B, 5B/6B
Framer Deserializer
FIFO Receive
Data Receive System Host Control Status
Serial Link
Transmit FIFO
Transmit Data System Host
CY7C9689A Encoder 4B/5B, 5B/6B Serializer FIFO Transmit
CY7C9689A Decoder 4B/5B, 5B/6B Deserializer Framer Receive FIFO
Control Status Receive Data
Data Transmit
Serial Link
Cypress Semiconductor Corporation Document #: 38-02020 Rev. *D
198 Champion Court
San Jose, CA 95134-1709 • 408-943-2600 Revised September 29, 2006
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TAXI™ HOTLink Transceiver Logic Block Diagram
Output Register MUX
MUX Flags Mode
Input Register
Receive FIFO Flags Transmit FIFO Transmit PLL Clock Multiplier MUX
Pipeline Register
Pipeline Register
Receive Control State Machine
BIST LFSR 4B/5B, 5B/6B Decoder
BIST LFSR 4B/5B, 5B/6B Encoder
Transmit Control State Machine
Deserializer Framer
Serial Shifter
Bit Clock Routing Matrix
Receive Clock/Data Recovery
Bit Clock
Signal Validation
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Pin Configuration
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Pin Descriptions
Pin 68 Name TXCLK I/O Characteristics TTL clock input Internal Pull-up Signal Description Transmit FIFO Clock. Used to sample all Transmit FIFO and related interface signals. Transmit Path Signals
44, 42, TXDATA[7:0] 40, 36, 34, 32, 30, 22
TTL input, sampled on Parallel Transmit DATA Input. TXCLK↑ or REFCLK↑ When selected (CE = LOW and TXEN = asserted), information on these inputs Internal Pull-up is processed as DATA when TXSC/D is LOW and ignored otherwise. When the encoder is bypassed (ENCBYP is LOW), TXDATA[7:0] functions as the least significant eight bits of the 10- or 12-bit pre-encoded transmit character. When the Transmit FIFO is enabled (FIFOBYP is HIGH), these inputs are sampled on the rising edge of TXCLK. When the Transmit FIFO is bypassed (FIFOBYP is LOW) these inputs are captured on the rising edge of REFCLK. TTL input, sampled on Parallel Transmit DATA or COMMAND Input. TXCLK↑ or REFCLK↑ When selected, BYTE8/10 is HIGH, and the encoder is enabled (ENCBYP is Internal Pull-up HIGH), information on these inputs are processed as TXCMD[2:3] if TXSC/D is HIGH and ignored otherwise. When selected, BYTE8/10 is LOW, and the encoder is enabled (ENCBYP is HIGH), information on these inputs are processed as TXDATA[9:8] if TXSC/D is LOW and ignored otherwise. When the encoder is bypassed (ENCBYP is LOW), TXDATA[9:8] functions as the 9th and 10th bits of the 10- or 12-bit pre-encoded transmit character. When the Transmit FIFO is enabled (FIFOBYP is HIGH), these inputs are sampled on the rising edge of TXCLK. When the Transmit FIFO is bypassed (FIFOBYP is LOW), these inputs are captured on the rising edge of REFCLK. TTL input, sampled on Parallel Transmit COMMAND Input. TXCLK↑ or REFCLK↑ When selected and the encoder is enabled (ENCBYP is HIGH), information on these inputs is processed as a COMMAND when TXSC/D is HIGH and ignored Internal Pull-up otherwise. When BYTE8/10 is HIGH and the encoder is bypassed (ENCBYP is LOW), the TXCMD[1:0] inputs are ignored. When BYTE8/10 is LOW and when the encoder is bypassed (ENCBYP is LOW), the TXCMD[1:0] inputs function as the 11th and 12th (MSB) bits of the 12-bit pre-encoded transmit character. When the Transmit FIFO is enabled (FIFOBYP is HIGH), these inputs are sampled on the rising edge of TXCLK. When the Transmit FIFO is bypassed (FIFOBYP is LOW), these inputs are sampled on the rising edge of REFCLK. TTL input, sampled on COMMAND or DATA input selector. TXCLK↑ or REFCLK↑ When selected, BYTE8/10 is HIGH, and the encoder is enabled (ENCBYP is Internal Pull-up HIGH), this input selects if the DATA or COMMAND inputs are processed. If TXSC/D is HIGH, the value on TXCMD[3:0] is captured as one of sixteen possible COMMANDs, and the data on the TXDATA[7:0] bits are ignored. If TXSC/D is LOW, the information on TXDATA[7:0] is captured as one of 256 possible 8-bit DATA values, and the information on the TXCMD[3:0] bus is ignored. When BYTE8/10 is LOW and the encoder is enabled (ENCBYP is HIGH) this input selects if the DATA or COMMAND inputs are processed. If TXSC/D is HIGH, the information on TXCMD[1:0] is captured as one of four possible COMMANDs, and the information on the TXDATA[9:0] bits are ignored. If TXSC/D is LOW, the information on TXDATA[9:0] is captured as one of 1024 possible 10-bit DATA values, and the information on the TXCMD[1:0] bus is ignored. When the encoder is bypassed (ENCBYP is LOW) TXSC/D is ignored
54, 46 TXDATA[9:8]/ TXCMD[2:3]
58, 56 TXCMD[1:0]
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Pin Descriptions (continued)
Pin 18 Name TXEN I/O Characteristics Signal Description TTL input, sampled on Transmit Enable. TXCLK↑ or REFCLK↑ TXEN is sampled on the rising edge of the TXCLK or REFCLK input and enables Internal Pull-up parallel data bus write operations (when selected). The device is selected when TXEN is asserted during a clock cycle immediately following one in which CE is sampled LOW. Depending on the level on EXTFIFO, the asserted state for TXEN can be active HIGH or active LOW. If EXTFIFO is LOW, then TXEN is active LOW and data is captured on the same clock cycle where TXEN is sampled LOW. If EXTFIFO is HIGH, then TXEN is active HIGH and data is captured on the clock cycle following any clock edge when TXEN is sampled HIGH. TTL input, asynchronous Internal Pull-up Transmitter BIST Enable. When TXBISTEN is LOW, the transmitter generates a 511-character repeating sequence that can be used to validate link integrity. This 4B/5B BIST sequence is generated regardless of the state of other configuration inputs. The transmitter returns to normal operation when TXBISTEN is HIGH. All Transmit FIFO read operations are suspended when BIST is active.
TTL input, sampled on Reset Transmit FIFO. When the Transmit FIFO is enabled (FIFOBYP is HIGH), TXEN is deasserted, TXCLK↑ Internal Pull-up CE is asserted (LOW), and TXRST is sampled LOW by TXCLK for seven cycles, the Transmit FIFO begins its internal reset process. The Transmit FIFO TXFULL flag is asserted and the host interface counter and address pointer are zeroed. This reset propagates to the serial transmit side, any remaining counters and pointers. The TXFULL flag is asserted until both sides of the Transmit FIFO have reset. While TXRST remains asserted, the Transmit FIFO remains in reset and the TXFULL output remains asserted. When the Transmit FIFO is bypassed (FIFOBYP is LOW), TXRST is ignored. TTL input, sampled on Transmitter Halt Control Input. TXCLK↑ When TXHALT is asserted LOW, transmission of data is suspended and the HOTLink TAXI transmits SYNC characters. When TXHALT is deasserted HIGH, Internal Pull-up normal data processing proceeds. If the Transmit FIFO is enabled (FIFOBYP is HIGH), the interface is allowed to continue loading data into the Transmit FIFO while TXHALT is asserted. Three-state TTL output, changes following TXCLK↑ or REFCLK↑ Transmit FIFO Full Status Flag. When the Transmit FIFO is enabled (FIFOBYP is HIGH) and its flags are driven (CE is LOW), TXFULL is asserted when four or fewer characters can be written to the HOTLink Transmit FIFO. If a Transmit FIFO reset has been initiated (TXRST was sampled asserted for a minimum of seven TXCLK cycles), TXFULL is asserted to enforce the full/unavailable status of the Transmit FIFO during reset. When the Transmit FIFO is bypassed (FIFOBYP is LOW), the TXFULL output changes after the rising edge of REFCLK. TXFULL is asserted when the transmitter is BUSY (not accepting a new data or command characters) and deasserted when new characters can be accepted. When the Transmit FIFO is bypassed and RANGESEL is HIGH or SPDSEL is LOW, TXFULL toggles at the character rate to provide a character rate reference control-indication since REFCLK is operating at twice of the data rate. The asserted state of this output (HIGH or LOW) is determined by the state of the EXTFIFO input. When EXTFIFO is LOW, TXFULL is active LOW. When EXTFIFO is HIGH, TXFULL is active HIGH.
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Pin Descriptions (continued)
Pin 70 Name TXHALF I/O Characteristics Three-state TTL output, changes following TXCLK↑ Signal Description Transmit FIFO Half-full Status Flag. When the Transmit FIFO is enabled (FIFOBYP is HIGH and CE is LOW) TXHALF is asserted when the HOTLink Transmit FIFO is half full (128 characters is half full). If a Transmit FIFO reset has been initiated (TXRST was sampled asserted for a minimum of seven TXCLK cycles), TXHALF is asserted to enforce the full/unavailable status of the Transmit FIFO during reset. When the Transmit FIFO is bypassed (FIFOBYP is LOW), TXHALF remains deasserted, having no logical function. TXHALF is forced to the High-Z state only during a “full-chip” reset (i.e., while RESET is LOW). Transmit FIFO Empty Status Flag. When the Transmit FIFO is enabled (FIFOBYP is HIGH and CE is LOW), TXEMPTY is asserted when the HOTLink Transmit FIFO has no data to forward to the encoder. If a Transmit FIFO reset has been initiated (TXRST was sampled asserted for a minimum of seven TXCLK cycles), TXEMPTY is deasserted and remains deasserted until the Transmit FIFO reset operation is complete. When the Transmit FIFO is bypassed (FIFOBYP is LOW), TXEMPTY is asserted to indicate that the transmitter can accept data. TXEMPTY is also used as a BIST progress indicator when TXBISTEN is asserted. When TXBISTEN is asserted LOW, TXEMPTY becomes the transmit BIST-loop counter indicator (regardless of the logic state of FIFOBYP). In this mode TXEMPTY is asserted for one TXCLK or REFCLK period at the end of each transmitted BIST sequence. Note: During BIST operations, when the Transmit FIFO is enabled (FIFOBYP is HIGH), it is necessary to keep TXCLK operating, even though no data is loaded into the Transmit FIFO and TXEN is never asserted, to allow the TXEMPTY flag to respond to the BIST state changes. The asserted state of this output (HIGH or LOW) is determined by the state of the EXTFIFO input. When EXTFIFO is LOW, TXEMPTY is active LOW. When EXTFIFO is HIGH, TXEMPTY is active HIGH. If CE is sampled asserted (LOW), TXEMPTY is driven to an active state. If CE is sampled deasserted (HIGH), TXEMPTY is placed into a High-Z state.
Three-state TTL output, changes following TXCLK↑ or REFCLK↑
Receive Path Signals 8 RXCLK Bidirectional TTL clock Receive Clock. Internal Pull-up When the Receive FIFO is enabled (FIFOBYP is HIGH), this clock is the Receive interface input clock and is used to control Receive FIFO read and reset, operations. When the Receive FIFO is bypassed (FIFOBYP is LOW), this clock becomes the recovered Receive PLL character clock output which runs continuously at the character rate. Three-state TTL output, changes following RXCLK↑ Parallel Receive DATA Outputs. When the decoder is enabled (ENCBYP is HIGH), the low-order eight bits of the decoded DATA character are presented on the RXDATA[7:0] outputs. COMMAND characters, when they are received, do not disturb these outputs. When the decoder is bypassed, the low order eight bits of the non-decoded character are presented on the RXDATA[7:0] outputs. When the Receive FIFO is disabled (FIFOBYP is LOW), these outputs change on the rising edge of the RXCLK output. When the Receive FIFO is enabled (FIFOBYP is HIGH), these outputs change on the rising edge of RXCLK input. RXEN is the three-state control for RXDATA[7:0].
41, 43, RXDATA[7:0] 45, 47, 48, 53, 59,61
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Pin Descriptions (continued)
Pin Name I/O Characteristics Three-state TTL output, changes following RXCLK↑ Signal Description Parallel Receive DATA or COMMAND Output. When BYTE8/10 is HIGH and the decoder is enabled (ENCBYP is HIGH) these outputs reflects the value for the most recently received RXCMD[2:3]. When BYTE8/10 is LOW and the decoder is enabled (ENCBYP is HIGH) these outputs reflects the value for the most recently received RXDATA[9:8]. When the decoder is bypassed (ENCBYP is LOW), RXDATA[9:8] functions as the 9th and 10th bits of the 10- or 12-bit non-decoded receive character. When the Receive FIFO is disabled (FIFOBYP is LOW), these outputs change on the rising edge of the RXCLK output. When the Receive FIFO is enabled (FIFOBYP is HIGH), these outputs change on the rising edge of the RXCLK input. RXEN is a three-state control for RXDATA[9:8]/RXCMD[2:3]. Parallel Receive COMMAND Outputs. When the decoder is enabled (ENCBYP is HIGH) these outputs reflect the value for the most recently received RXCMD[1:0]. When BYTE8/10 is HIGH and the decoder is bypassed (ENCBYP is LOW), these outputs have no meaning and are driven LOW. When BYTE8/10 is LOW and the decoder is bypassed (ENCBYP is LOW), RXCMD[1:0] functions as the 11th and 12th (MSB) bits of the 12-bit non-decoded receive character. When the Receive FIFO is disabled (FIFOBYP is LOW), this output changes on the rising edge of the RXCLK output. When the Receive FIFO is enabled (FIFOBYP is HIGH), these outputs change on the rising edge of the RXCLK input. RXEN is a three-state control for RXCMD[1:0]. Receive Enable Input. RXEN is a three-state control for the parallel data bus read operations. RXEN is sampled on the rising edge of the RXCLK input (or output) and enables parallel data bus read operations (when selected). The device is selected when RXEN is asserted during an RXCLK cycle immediately following one in which CE is sampled LOW. The parallel data pins are driven to active levels after the rising edge of RXCLK. When RXEN is de-asserted (ending the selection) the parallel data pins are High-Z after the rising edge of RXCLK. Depending on the level on EXTFIFO, this signal can be active HIGH or active LOW. If EXTFIFO is LOW, then RXEN is active LOW. If EXTFIFO is HIGH, then RXEN is active HIGH. Data is delivered on the clock cycle following any clock edge when RXEN is active. COMMAND or DATA Output Indicator. When BYTE8/10 is HIGH and the decoder is enabled (ENCBYP is HIGH), this output indicates which group of outputs have been updated. If RXSC/D is HIGH, RXCMD[3:0] contains a new COMMAND. The DATA on the RXDATA[7:0] pins remain unchanged. If RXSC/D is LOW, RXDATA[7:0] contains a new DATA character. The COMMAND output on RXCMD[3:0] remain unchanged. When BYTE8/10 is LOW and the decoder is enabled (ENCBYP is HIGH), this output indicates which group of outputs have been updated. If RXSC/D is HIGH, RXCMD[1:0] contains a new COMMAND and the DATA on the RXDATA[9:0] remain unchanged. If RXSC/D is LOW, RXDATA[9:0] contains a new DATA character and the COMMAND output on RXCMD[1:0] remain unchanged. When the decoder is bypassed (ENCBYP is LOW) RXSC/D is not used and may be left unconnected. RXEN is a three-state control for RXSC/D. 31, 33 RXDATA[9:8]/ RXCMD[2:3]
23, 29 RXDATA[11:10 Three-state TTL ]/RXCMD[1:0] output, changes following RXCLK↑
TTL input, sampled on RXCLK↑ Internal Pull-up
Three-state TTL output, changes following RXCLK↑
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Pin Descriptions (continued)
Pin 6 Name VLTN I/O Characteristics Three-state TTL output, changes following RXCLK↑ Internal Pull-down Signal Description Code Rule Violation Detected. VLTN is asserted in response to detection of a 4B/5B or 5B/6B character that does not meet the coding rules of these characters. When VLTN is asserted, the values on the output DATA and COMMAND buses remain unchanged. VLTN remains asserted for one RXCLK period. VLTN is used to report character mismatches when RXBISTEN is driven LOW. VLTN is driven LOW when the decoder is bypassed (ENCBYP is LOW). RXEN is a three-state control for VLTN.
TTL input, sampled on Receive FIFO Reset. Active LOW. When the Receive FIFO is enabled (FIFOBYP is HIGH), RXEN is deasserted, RXCLK↑ Internal Pull-up CE is asserted (LOW), and RXRST is sampled while asserted (LOW) by RXCLK for seven cycles, the Receive FIFO begins its internal reset process. Once the reset operation is started, the RXEMPTY flag is asserted and the interface counters and address pointer are zeroed. The reset operation proceeds to clear out the internal write pointers and counters. The RXEMPTY output remains asserted through the reset operation and remains asserted until new data is written to the Receive FIFO. While RXRST remains asserted, the Receive FIFO remains in reset and cannot accept received characters. When the Receive FIFO is bypassed (FIFOBYP is LOW), RXRST is ignored. Receiver Discard Policy Mode Select. 00b—allows all characters to be written into the Receive FIFO or output to the Receive data bus 01b—discards all JK or LM sync characters except the “last” one of a string of sync characters. Single sync characters in a data stream are included in the data written into the Receive FIFO. 1Xb—discards all JK or LM sync characters. The data stream written into the Receive FIFO does not include sync characters. Receiver BIST Enable. Active LOW. When LOW, the receiver is configured to perform a character-for-character match of the incoming data stream with a 511-character BIST sequence. The result of character mismatches are indicated on the VLTN pin. Completion of each 511-character BIST loop is accompanied by an assertion pulse on the RXFULL flag. The state of ENCBYP, FIFOBYP, and BYTE8/10 have no effect on BIST operation. Reframe Enable. Used to control when the framer is allowed to adjust the character boundaries based on detection of one or more framing characters in the data stream. When framing is enabled (RFEN is HIGH) the receive framer realigns the serial stream to the incoming 10-bit JK sync character (if BYTE8/10 is HIGH) or the 12-bit LM sync character (if BYTE8/10 is LOW). Framing is disabled when RFEN is LOW. The deassertion of RFEN freezes the character boundary relationship between the serial stream and character clock. RFEN is an asynchronous input, sampled by the internal Receive PLL character clock.
24, 25 RXMODE[1:0] Static control input TTL levels Normally wired HIGH or LOW
TTL input, asynchronous Internal Pull-up
TTL input, asynchronous Internal Pull-up
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Pin Descriptions (continued)
Pin 10 Name RXFULL I/O Characteristics Three-state TTL output, changes following RXCLK↑ Signal Description Receive FIFO Full Flag. When the Receive FIFO is enabled (FIFOBYP is HIGH) and its flags are driven (CE is LOW), RXFULL is asserted when space is available for four or fewer characters to be written to the HOTLink Receive FIFO. If the RXCLK input is not continuous or the FIFO is accessed at a rate slower than data is being received, RXFULL may also indicate that some data has been lost because of FIFO overflow. When the Receive FIFO is bypassed (FIFOBYP is LOW), RXFULL is deasserted to indicate that valid data may be present. RXFULL is also used as a BIST progress indicator, and pulses once every pass through the 511 character BIST loop. When RXBISTEN is asserted (LOW), RXFULL becomes the receive BIST loop progress indicator (regardless of the logic state of FIFOBYP). While RXBISTEN is asserted, RXFULL is asserted until the receiver detects the start of the BIST pattern. Then RXFULL is deasserted for the duration of the BIST pattern, pulsing asserted for one RXCLK period on the last symbol of each BIST loop. If 14 of 28 consecutive symbols are received in error, RXFULL returns to the asserted state until the start of a BIST pattern is again detected. The asserted state of this output (HIGH or LOW) is determined by the state of the EXTFIFO input. When EXTFIFO is LOW, RXFULL is active LOW. When EXTFIFO is HIGH, RXFULL is active HIGH. Receive FIFO Half-full Flag. When the Receive FIFO is enabled (FIFOBYP is HIGH and CE is LOW) RXHALF is asserted when the HOTLink Receive FIFO is half full (128 characters is half full). If a Receive FIFO reset has been initiated (RXRST was sampled asserted for a minimum of seven RXCLK cycles), RXHALF is deasserted to enforce the empty/unavailable status of the Receive FIFO during reset. If FIFOBYP is LOW, RXHALF remains deasserted having no logical function. RXHALF is forced to the High-Z state only during a “full-chip” reset (i.e., while RESET is LOW). Receive FIFO Empty Flag. When the Receive FIFO is enabled (FIFOBYP is HIGH) and its flags are driven (CE is LOW), RXEMPTY is asserted when the HOTLink Receive FIFO has no data to forward to the parallel interface. If a Receive FIFO reset has been initiated (RXRST was sampled asserted for a minimum of seven RXCLK cycles), RXEMPTY is asserted to enforce the empty/unavailable status of the Receive FIFO during reset. Any read operation occurring when RXEMPTY is asserted results in no change in the FIFO status, and the data from the last valid read remains on the RXDATA bus. When the Receive FIFO is bypassed but the decoder is enabled, RXEMPTY is used as a valid data indicator. When deasserted it indicates that valid data is present at the RXDATA or RXCMD outputs as indicated by RXSC/D. When asserted it indicates that a SYNC character (JK or LM) is present on the RXCMD output pins. When the Receive FIFO is bypassed (FIFOBYP is LOW), RXEMPTY is deasserted whenever data is ready. The asserted state of this output (HIGH or LOW) is determined by the state of the EXTFIFO input. When EXTFIFO is LOW, RXEMPTY is active LOW. When EXTFIFO is HIGH, RXEMPTY is active HIGH.
Three-state TTL output, changes following RXCLK↑
Three-state TTL output, changes following RXCLK↑
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Pin Descriptions (continued)
Pin 71 CE Name I/O Characteristics Signal Description Control Signals TTL input sampled on Chip Enable Input. Active LOW. TXCLK↑, RXCLK↑, or When CE is asserted and sampled LOW by RXCLK, the Receive FIFO status REFCLK↑ flags are driven to their active states. When this input is deasserted and sampled by RXCLK, the Receive FIFO status flags are placed in a High-Z state. When CE has been sampled LOW and RXEN changes from deasserted to asserted and is sampled by RXCLK, the RXSC/D, RXDATA[7:0], RXDATA[9:8]/RXCMD[2:3] and VLTN output drivers are enabled and go to their driven levels. These pins remain driven until RXEN is sampled deasserted. When the Transmit FIFO is enabled (FIFOBYP is HIGH), and CE is asserted and sampled by TXCLK, the Transmit FIFO status flags are driven to their active states. When this input is deasserted and sampled by TXCLK, the Transmit FIFO status flags are placed in a High-Z state. When the Transmit FIFO is bypassed (FIFOBYP is LOW), and CE is asserted and sampled by REFCLK, the Transmit FIFO status flags are driven to their active states. When this input is deasserted and sampled by REFCLK, the Transmit FIFO status flags are placed in a High-Z state. When the Transmit FIFO is enabled (FIFOBYP is HIGH), CE has been sampled LOW, and TXEN changes from deasserted to asserted and is sampled by TXCLK, the TXSC/D, TXDATA[7:0], TXDATA[9:8]/RXCMD[2:3], and TXCMD[1:0] inputs are sampled and passed to the Transmit FIFO. These inputs are sampled on all consecutive TXCLK cycles until TXEN is sampled deasserted. When the Transmit FIFO is bypassed (FIFOBYP is LOW), CE has been sampled LOW, and TXEN changes from deasserted to asserted and is sampled by REFCLK, the TXSC/D, TXDATA[7:0], TXDATA[9:8]/RXCMD[2:3], and TXCMD[1:0] inputs are sampled and passed to the encoder or serializer as directed by other control inputs. These inputs are sampled on all consecutive REFCLK cycles until TXEN is sampled deasserted. TTL clock input PLL Frequency Reference Clock. This clock input is used as the timing reference for the transmit and receive PLLs. When the Transmit FIFO is bypassed (FIFOBYP is HIGH), REFCLK is also used as the clock for the parallel transmit interface. Speed Select. Used to select from one of two operating serial rates for the CY7C9689A. When SPDSEL is HIGH, the signaling rate is between 100 and 200 MBaud. When LOW, the signaling rate is between 50 and 100 MBaud. Used in combination with RANGESEL and BYTE8/10 to configure the VCO multipliers and dividers. Range Select. Selects the proper prescaler for the REFCLK input. If RANGESEL is LOW, the REFCLK input is passed directly to the Transmit PLL clock multiplier. If RANGESEL is HIGH, REFLCK is divided by two before being sent to the Transmit PLL multiplier. When the Transmit FIFO is bypassed (FIFOBYP is LOW), with RANGESEL HIGH or SPDSEL LOW, TXFULL toggles at half the REFCLK rate to provide a character rate indication, and to show when data can be accepted. Master Reset for Internal Logic. Pulsed LOW for one or more REFCLK cycles. FIFO Bypass Enable. When asserted, the Transmit and Receive FIFOs are bypassed. In this mode TXCLK is not used. Instead all transmit data must be synchronous to REFCLK. Transmit FIFO status flags are synchronized to REFCLK. All received data is synchronous to RXCLK output. Receive FIFO status flags are synchronized to RXCLK (the recovered Receive PLL character clock). When not asserted, the Transmit and Receive FIFOs are enabled. In this mode all Transmit FIFO writes are synchronized to TXCLK, and all Receive FIFO reads are synchronous to the RXCLK input. Page 10 of 51
Static control input TTL levels Normally wired HIGH or LOW Static control input TTL levels Normally wired HIGH or LOW
51 28
Asynchronous TTL input Static control input TTL levels Normally wired HIGH or LOW
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Pin Descriptions (continued)
Pin 50 Name BYTE8/10 I/O Characteristics Static control input TTL levels Normally wired HIGH or LOW Signal Description 8/10-bit Parallel Data Size Select. When set for 8-bit data (BYTE8/10 is HIGH) and the encoder is enabled (ENCBYP is HIGH), 8-bit DATA characters and 4-bit COMMAND characters are captured at the TXDATA[7:0] or TXCMD[3:0] inputs (selected by the TXSC/D input) and passed to the Transmit FIFO (if enabled) and encoder. Received characters are decoded, passed through the Receive FIFO (if enabled) and presented at either the RXDATA[7:0] or RXCMD[3:0] outputs and indicated by the RXSC/D output. When set for 8-bit data (BYTE8/10 is HIGH) and the encoder is bypassed (ENCBYP is LOW), the internal data paths are set for 10-bit characters. Each received character is presented to the Receive FIFO (if enabled) and is passed to the RXDATA[9:0] outputs. When set for 10-bit data (BYTE8/10 is LOW) and the encoder is enabled (ENCBYP is HIGH), 10-bit DATA characters and 2-bit COMMAND characters are captured at the TXDATA[9:0] or TXCMD[1:0] inputs (selected by the TXSC/D input) and passed to the Transmit FIFO (if enabled) and encoder. Received characters are decoded, passed through the Receive FIFO (if enabled) and presented at either the RXDATA[9:0] or RXCMD[1:0] outputs and indicated by the RXSC/D output. When set for 10-bit data (BYTE8/10 is LOW) and the encoder is bypassed (ENCBYP is LOW), the internal clock data paths are set for 12-bit characters. Each received character is presented to the Receive FIFO (if enabled) and is passed to the RXDATA[9:0] and the RXCMD[1:0] outputs. External FIFO Mode. EXTFIFO modifies the active state of the RXEN and TXEN inputs and the timing of the Transmitter and Receiver data buses. When configured for external FIFOs (EXTFIFO is HIGH), TXEN is assumed to be driven by the empty flag of an attached CY7C42X5 FIFO, and RXEN is assumed to be driven by the almost full flag of an attached CY7C42X5 FIFO. In this mode the active data transition is in the clock following the clock edge that “enables” the data bus. When not configured for external FIFOs (EXTFIFO is LOW), TXEN is assumed to be driven as a pipeline register and RXEN is assumed to be driven by a controller for a pipeline register. In this mode the active data transition is within the same clock as the clock edge that “enables” the data bus. EXTFIFO also modifies the output state of the Receive and Transmit FIFO flags. When configured for external FIFOs (EXTFIFO is HIGH), the Full and Empty FIFO flags are active HIGH (the Half full flag is always active LOW). When not configured for external FIFOs (EXTFIFO is LOW), all of the FIFO flags are active LOW. Enable Encoder Bypass Mode. When asserted, both the encoder and decoder are bypassed. Data is transmitted without 4B/5B or 5B/6B encoding (but with NRZI encoding), LSB first. Received data are presented as parallel characters to the parallel interface without decoding. When deasserted, data is passed through both the encoder in the Transmit path and the decoder in the Receive path. Differential Serial Data Outputs. These PECL-compatible differential outputs are capable of driving terminated transmission lines or commercial fiber-optic transmitter modules. To minimize the power dissipation of unused outputs, the outputs should be left unconnected and the associated CURSETA or CURSETB should be connected to VDD. Differential Serial Data Inputs. These inputs accept the serial data stream for deserialization and decoding. Only one serial stream at a time may be fed to the receive PLL to extract the data content. This stream is selected using the A/B input.
Static control input TTL levels Normally wired HIGH or LOW
Static control input TTL levels Normally wired HIGH or LOW
Analog I/O and Control 89, 90, OUTA± 81, 82 OUTB± PECL compatible differential output
94, 93, INA± 86, 85 INB±
PECL compatible differential input
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Pin Descriptions (continued)
Pin 97 Name CURSETA I/O Characteristics Analog Signal Description Current-set Resistor Input for OUTA±. A precision resistor is connected between this input and a clean ground to set the output differential amplitude and currents for the OUTA± differential driver. Current-set Resistor Input for OUTB±. A precision resistor is connected between this input and a clean ground to set the output differential amplitude and currents for the OUTB± differential driver. Carrier Detect Input. Used to allow an external device to signify a valid signal is being presented to the high-speed PECL input buffers, as is typical on an Optical Module. When CARDET is deasserted LOW, the LFI indicator asserts LOW signifying a Link Fault. This input can be tied HIGH for copper media applications. Input A or Input B Selector. When HIGH, input INA± is selected, when LOW, INB± is selected. Link Fault Indication Output. Active LOW. LFI changes synchronous with RXCLK. This output is driven LOW when the serial link currently selected by A/B is not suitable for data recovery. This could be because: Serial Data Amplitude is below acceptable levels Input transition density is not sufficient for PLL clock recovery Input Data stream is outside an acceptable frequency range of operation CARDET is LOW Diagnostic Loop Back Selector. When DLB is LOW, LOOP Mode is OFF. Output of the transmitter shifter is routed to both OUTA± and OUTB± and the serial input selected by A/B is routed to the receive PLL for data recovery. When DLB is HIGH, Diagnostic Loopback is Enabled. Output of the transmitter serial data is routed to the receive PLL for data recovery. Primarily used for System Diagnostic test. The serial inputs are ignored and OUTA± and OUTB± are both active. Test Mode Select. Used to force the part into a diagnostic test mode used for factory ATE test. This input must be tied HIGH during normal operation. Power for PECL-compatible I/O signals and internal circuits.
PECL input, asynchronous
2 3
Asynchronous TTL input TTL output, changes following RXCLK↑
Asynchronous TTL input
Asynchronous TTL input normally wired HIGH
Power 80, 87, VDDA 88, 95, 96, 98 76, 79, VSSA 83, 84, 91, 92, 99 14, 17, VDD 35, 55, 62, 64 4,11, VSS 13, 15, 26, 37, 38, 39, 52, 57, 63, 66
Ground for PECL-compatible I/O signals and internal circuits.
Power for TTL I/O signals and internal circuits.
Ground for TTL I/O signals and internal circuits.
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CY7C9689A HOTLink Operation
Overview The CY7C9689A is designed to move parallel data across both short and long distances with minimal overhead or host system intervention. This is accomplished by converting the parallel characters into a serial bit-stream, transmitting these serial bits at high speed, and converting the received serial bits back into the original parallel data format. The CY7C9689A offers a large feature set, allowing it to be used in a wide range of host systems. Some of the configuration options are • AMD TAXIchip 4B/5B- and 5B/6B-compatible encoder/decoder • AMD TAXIchip-compatible serial link • AMD TAXIchip parallel COMMAND and DATA I/O bus architecture • 8-bit or 10-bit character size • User-definable data packet or frame structure • Two-octave data rate range • Asynchronous (FIFOed) or synchronous data interface • Embedded or bypassable FIFO data storage • Encoded or non-encoded • Multi-PHY capability This flexibility allows the CY7C9689A to meet the data transport needs of almost any system. Transmit Data Path Transmit Data Interface/Transmit Data FIFO The transmit data interface to the host system is configurable as either an asynchronous buffered (FIFOed) parallel interface or as a synchronous pipeline register. The bus itself can be configured for operation with either 8-bit or 10-bit character widths. When configured for asynchronous operation (where the host-bus interface clock operates asynchronous to the serial character and bit stream clocks), the host interface becomes that of a synchronous FIFO clocked by TXCLK. In this configuration an internal 256-character Transmit FIFO is enabled that allows the host interface to be written at any rate from DC to 50 MHz. When configured for synchronous operation, the transmit interface is clocked by REFCLK and operates synchronous to the internal character and bit-stream clocks. The input register can be written at either 1/10 or 1/12 the serial bit rate. This interface can be clocked at up to 40 MHz when configured for 8-bit data width, and up to 33 MHz when configured for 10-bit data bus width. Actual clock rate depends on data rate as well as RANGESEL and SPDSEL logic levels. Both asynchronous and synchronous interface operations support user control over the logical sense of the FIFO status flags. Full and empty flags on both the transmitter and receiver can be active HIGH or active LOW. This facilitates interfacing with existing control logic or external FIFOs with minimal or no external glue logic.
Encoder Data from the host interface or Transmit FIFO is next passed to an Encoder block. The CY7C9689A contains both 4B/5B and 5B/6B encoders that are used to improve the serial transport characteristics of the data. For those systems that contain their own encoder or scrambler, this Encoder may be bypassed. Serializer/Line Driver The data from the Encoder is passed to a Serializer. This Serializer operates at 10 or 12 times the character rate. With the internal FIFOs enabled, REFCLK can run at 1x, 2x, or 4x the character rate. With the FIFOs bypassed, REFCLK can operate at 1x or 2x the character rate. The serialized data is output in NRZI format from two PECL-compatible differential line drivers configured to drive transmission lines or optical modules. Receive Data Interface Line Receiver/Deserializer/Framer Serial data is received at one of two PECL-compatible differential line receivers. The data is passed to both a Clock and Data Recovery PLL and to a Deserializer that converts NRZI serial data into NRZ parallel characters. The Framer adjusts the boundaries of these characters to match those of the original transmitted characters. Decoder The parallel characters are passed through a pair of 5B/4B or 6B/5B decoders and returned to their original form. For systems that make use of external decoding or descrambling, the decoder may be bypassed. Receive Data Interface/Receive Data FIFO Data from the decoder is passed either to a synchronous Receive FIFO or is passed directly to the output register. The output register can be configured for either 8-bit character or 10-bit character operation. When configured for an asynchronous buffered (FIFOed) interface, the data is passed through a 256-character Receive FIFO that allows data to be read at any rate from DC to 50 MHz. When configured for synchronous operation (Receive FIFO is bypassed) data is clocked out of the Receive Output register at up to 20 MHz when configured for 8-bit characters, or 16.67 MHz when configured for 10-bit characters. The receive interface is also configurable for FIFO flags with either HIGH or LOW status indication Oscillator Speed Selection The CY7C9689A is designed to operate over a two-octave range of serial signaling rates, covering the 50- to 200-MBaud range. To cover this wide range, the PLLs are configured into various sub-regions using the SPDSEL and RANGESEL inputs, and to a limited extent the BYTE8/10 input. These inputs are used to configure the various prescalers and clock dividers used with the transmit and receive PLLs.
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CY7C9689A TAXI HOTLink Transceiver Block Diagram Description
Transmit Input/Output Register The CY7C9689A provides a synchronous interface for data and command inputs, instead of the TAXI’s asynchronous strobed interface. The Transmit Input Register, shown in Figure 2, captures the data and command to be processed by the HOTLink Transmitter, and allows the input timing to be made compatible with asynchronous or synchronous host system buses. These buses can take the form of external FIFOs, state machines, or other control structures. Data and command present on the TXDATA[9:0] and TXSC/D inputs are captured at the rising edge of the selected sample clock. The transmit data bus bit-assignments vary depending on the data encoding and bus-width selected. These bus bit-assignments are shown in Table 1, and list the functional names of these different signals. Note that the function of several of these signals changes in different operating modes. The logical sense of the enable and FIFO flag signals depends on the intended interface convention and is set by the EXTFIFO pin. The transmit interface supports both synchronous and asynchronous clocking modes, each supporting both UTOPIA and Cascade timing models. The selection of the specific Table 1. Transmit Input Bus Signal Map
clocking mode is determined by the RANGESEL and SPDSEL inputs and the FIFO Bypass (FIFOBYP) signal. Figure 2. Transmit Input Register TXDATA[7:0] REFCLK TXCMD[3:0] TXEN TXCLK TXSC/D CE 12
Transmit Input Register
To Encoder Block
Transmit FIFO
Transmit Encoder Mode[1] TXDATA Bus Input Bit TXSC/D TXDATA[0] TXDATA[1] TXDATA[2] TXDATA[3] TXDATA[4] TXDATA[5] TXDATA[6] TXDATA[7] TXDATA[8]/TXCMD[3] TXDATA[9]/TXCMD[2] TXCMD[1] TXCMD[0] Encoded 8-bit Character Stream[2] TXSC/D TXDATA[0] TXDATA[1] TXDATA[2] TXDATA[3] TXDATA[4] TXDATA[5] TXDATA[6] TXDATA[7] TXCMD[3] TXCMD[2] TXCMD[1] TXCMD[0] TXD[0][4] TXD[1] TXD[2] TXD[3] TXD[4] TXD[5] TXD[6] TXD[7] TXD[8] TXD[9] Pre-encoded 10-bit Character Stream Encoded 10-bit Character Stream[3] TXSC/D TXDATA[0] TXDATA[1] TXDATA[2] TXDATA[3] TXDATA[4] TXDATA[5] TXDATA[6] TXDATA[7] TXDATA[8] TXDATA[9][3] TXCMD[1] TXCMD[0] TXD[0][5] TXD[1] TXD[2] TXD[3] TXD[4] TXD[5] TXD[6] TXD[7] TXD[8] TXD[9] TXD[10][5] TXD[11] Pre-encoded 12-bit Character Stream
Notes 1. All open cells are ignored. 2. When ENCBYP is HIGH and BYTE8/10 is HIGH, transmitted bit order is the encoded form (MSB to LSB) of TXDATA[7,6,5,4] and TXDATA[3,2,1,0] or TXCMD[3,2,1,0] as selected by TXSC/D. 3. When ENCBYP is HIGH and BYTE8/10 is LOW, transmitted bit order is the encoded form (MSB to LSB) of TXDATA[8,7,6,5,4] and TXDATA[9,3,2,1,0] or TXCMD[1,0] as selected by TXSC/D. 4. When ENCBYP is LOW and BYTE8/10 is HIGH, the transmitted bit order is (LSB to MSB) TXD[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]. 5. When ENCBYP is LOW and BYTE8/10 is LOW, the transmitted bit order is (LSB to MSB) TXD[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,10].
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Synchronous Interface Synchronous interface clocking operates the entire transmit data path synchronous to REFCLK. It is enabled by connecting FIFOBYP LOW to disable the internal FIFOs. Asynchronous Interface Asynchronous interface clocking controls the writing of host bus data into the Transmit FIFO. It is enabled by setting FIFOBYP HIGH to enable the internal FIFOs. In these configurations, all writes to the Transmit Input Register, and associated transfers to the Transmit FIFO, are controlled by TXCLK. The remainder of the transmit data path is clocked by REFCLK or synthesized derivatives of REFCLK. Shared Bus Timing Model The Shared Bus Timing Model allows multiple CY7C9689A transmitters to be accessed from a common host bus. It is enabled by setting EXTFIFO LOW. In shared bus timing, the TXEMPTY and TXFULL outputs and TXEN input are all active LOW signals. If the CY7C9689A is addressed by asserting CE LOW, it becomes “selected” when TXEN is asserted LOW. Following selection, data or command is written into the Transmit FIFO on every clock cycle where TXEN remains LOW. Cascade Timing Model The Cascade timing model is a variation of the shared bus timing model. Here the TXEMPTY and TXFULL outputs, and TXEN input, are all active HIGH signals. Cascade timing makes use of the same selection sequences as shared bus timing, but write data accesses use a delayed write. This delayed write is necessary to allow direct coupling to external FIFOs, or to state machines that initiate a write operation one clock cycle before the data is available on the bus. Cascade timing is enabled by setting EXTFIFO HIGH. When used for FIFO depth expansion, Cascade timing allows the size of the internal Transmit FIFO to be expanded to an almost unlimited depth. It allows a CY7C42x5 series synchronous FIFO to be attached to the transmit interface without any extra logic, as shown in Figure 3 Figure 3. External FIFO Depth Expansion of the CY7C9689A Transmit Data Path CY7C42x5 FIFO FF* WEN* D TXCLK FF* WEN* D WCLK EF* REN* Q RCLK “1” CY7C9689A TXEN TXFULL TXDATA TXSC/D TXCLK EXTFIFO
Transmit FIFO The Transmit FIFO is used to buffer data and command captured in the input register for later processing and transmission. This FIFO is sized to hold 256 14-bit characters. When the Transmit FIFO is enabled, and a Transmit FIFO write is enabled (the device is selected and TXEN is sampled asserted), data is captured in the transmit input register and stored into the Transmit FIFO. All Transmit FIFO write operations are clocked by TXCLK. The Transmit FIFO presents Full, Half-Full, and Empty FIFO flags. These flags are provided synchronous to TXCLK. When the Transmit FIFO is enabled, it allows operation with a Moore-type external controlling state machine. When configured for Cascade timing, the timing and active levels of these signals are also designed to support direct expansion to Cypress CY7C42x5 synchronous FIFOs. Regardless of bus width (8- or 10-bit characters) the Transmit FIFO can be clocked at any rate from DC to 50 MHz. This gives the Transmit FIFO a maximum bandwidth of 50 million characters per second. Since the serial outputs can only move 20 million characters per second at their fastest operating rate, there is ample time to service multiple CY7C9689A HOTLinks with a single controller. The read port of the Transmit FIFO is connected to a logic block that performs data formatting and validation. All data read operations from the Transmit FIFO are controlled by a Transmit Control State Machine that operates synchronous to REFCLK. Encoder Block The Encoder logic block performs two primary functions: encoding the data for serial transmission and generating BIST patterns to allow at-speed link and device testing. BIST LFSR The Encoder logic block operates on data stored in a register. This register accepts information directly from the Transmit FIFO, the Transmit Input Register or from the Transmit Control State Machine when it inserts special characters into the data stream. This same register is converted into a Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) when the BIST pattern generator is enabled (TXBISTEN is LOW). When enabled, this LFSR generates a 511-character sequence that includes all Data and Special Character codes, including the explicit violation symbols. This provides a predictable but pseudo-random sequence that can be matched to an identical LFSR in the Receiver. Encoder The data passed through the Transmit FIFO and pipeline register, or as received directly from the Transmit Input Register, is seldom in a form suitable for transmission across a serial link. The characters must usually be processed or transformed to guarantee: •a minimum transition density (to allow the serial receiver PLL to extract a clock from the data stream) •some way to allow the remote receiver to determine the correct character boundaries (framing).
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The CY7C9689A contains an integrated 4B/5B encoder that accepts 8-bit data characters and converts these into 10-bit transmission characters that have been optimized for transport on serial communications links. This 4B/5B encoding scheme is compliant with the ANSI X3T9.5 (FDDI) committee’s 4B/5B code. The CY7C9689A also contains a 5B/6B encoder that accepts 10-bit data characters and converts these into 12-bit transmission characters. The 4B/5B, 5B/6B encoder can be bypassed for those systems that operate with external 4B/5B or 5B/6B encoders or use alternate forms of encoding or scrambling to ensure good transmission characteristics. The complete encoding tables are listed in Table 7 and Table 8. When the Encoder is enabled, the transmit data characters (as passed through the Transmit FIFO and pipeline register) are converted to either a 10-bit or 12-bit Data symbol or a 10-bit or 12-bit Command Character, depending upon the state of the TXSC/D input. If TXSC/D is HIGH, the data on the command inputs are encoded into Command Character as shown in Table 8. If TXSC/D is LOW, the data inputs are encoded using the Data Character encoding in Table 7. The 4B/5B, 5B/6B coding function of the Encoder can be bypassed for systems that include an external coder or scrambler function as part of the controller or host system. This is performed by setting ENCBYP LOW. With the encoder bypassed, each 10-bit or 12-bit character (as captured in the Transmit Input Register) is passed directly to the Transmit Shifter (or Transmit FIFO) without modification. Transmit Shifter The Transmit Shifter accepts 10-bit (BYTE8/10 = HIGH) or 12-bit (BYTE8/10 = LOW) parallel data from the Encoder block once each character time, and shifts it out the serial interface output buffers using a PLL-multiplied bit-clock with NRZI encoding. This bit-clock runs at 2.5, 5, or 10 times the REFCLK rate (3, 6, or 12 times when BYTE8/10 is LOW) as selected by RANGESEL and SPDSEL (see Table 3). Timing for the parallel transfer is controlled by the counter and dividers in the Clock Multiplier PLL and is not affected by signal levels or timing at the input pins. Bits in each character are shifted out LSB first.
Routing Matrix The Routing Matrix is a precision multiplexor that allows local diagnostic loopback. The signal routing for the transmit serial outputs is controlled by the DLB input as listed Table Table 2. Transmit Data Routing Matrix DLB[0] 0
Data Connections
Serial Line Drivers The serial interface PECL Output Drivers (ECL referenced to +5V) are the transmission line drivers for the serial media. OUTA± receives its data directly from the transmit shifter, while OUTB± receives its data from the Routing Matrix. These two outputs (OUTA± and OUTB±) are capable of direct connection to +5V optical modules, and can also directly drive DC- or AC-coupled transmission lines. The PECL-compatible Output Drivers can be viewed as programmable current sources. The output voltage is determined by the output current and the load impedance ZLOAD. The desired output voltage swing is therefore controlled by the current-set resistor RCURSET associated with that driver. Different RCURSET values are required for different line impedance/amplitude combinations. The output swing is designed to center around VDD–1.33V. Each output must be externally biased to VDD–1.33V. This differential output-swing can be specified two ways: either as a peak-to-peak voltage into a single-end load, or as an absolute differential voltage into a differential load. When specified into a single-ended load (one of the outputs switching into a load), the single output will both source and sink current as it changes between its HIGH and LOW levels. The voltage difference between this HIGH level and LOW level determine the peak-to-peak signal-swing of the output. This amplitude relationship is controlled by the load impedance on the driver, and by the resistance of the RCURSET resistor for that driver, as listed in Eq. 1
180 × Z LOAD R CURSET = --------------------------------V OPP
Eq. 1
In Eq. 1, VOPP is the difference in voltage levels at one output of the differential driver when that output is driving HIGH and Document #: 38-02020 Rev. *D Page 16 of 51
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LOW, ZLOAD is that load seen by the one output when it is sourcing and sinking current. With a known load impedance and a desired signal swing, it is possible to calculate the value of the associated CURSETA or CURSETB resistor that sets this current. Unused differential output drivers should be left open, and can reduce their power dissipation by connecting their respective CURSETx input to VDD. Transmit PLL Clock Multiplier The Transmit PLL Clock Multiplier accepts an external clock at the REFCLK input, and multiples that clock by 2.5, 5, or 10 (3, 6, or 12 when BYTE8/10 is LOW and the encoder is disabled) to generate a bit-rate clock for use by the transmit shifter. It also provides a character-rate clock used by the Transmit Controller state machine. The clock multiplier PLL can accept a REFCLK input between 8 MHz and 40 MHz, however, this clock range is limited by the operation mode of the CY7C9689A as selected by the SPDSEL and RANGESEL inputs, and to a limited extent, by the BYTE8/10 and FIFOBYP signals. The operating serial signalling rate and allowable range of REFCLK frequencies is listed in Table 3. Transmit Control State Machine The Transmit Control State Machine responds to multiple inputs to control the data stream passed to the encoder. It operates in response to: Table 3. Speed Select and Range Select Settings SPDSEL LOW LOW HIGH HIGH RANGESEL LOW HIGH[6] LOW HIGH Serial Data Rate (MBaud) 50–100 50–100 100–200 100–200 REFCLK[7] Frequency (MHz) 10–20 20–40 10–20 20–40
asserted) then the Transmit Control State Machine presents a JK or LM (when BYTE8/10 = LOW) Command Character code to the Encoder to maintain link synchronization. If both the Encoder and Transmit FIFO are bypassed and no data is enabled into the Input Register, the Transmit Control State Machine injects JK or LM (when BYTE8/10 = LOW) into the Serial Shifter Register at this time slot. This also occurs if the Encoder is bypassed, the Transmit FIFO is enabled, and the Transmit FIFO is empty. External Control of Data Flow The Transmit Control State Machine supports halting of data transmission by the TXHALT input. This control signal input is only interpreted when the Transmit FIFO is enabled. TXHALT is brought directly to the state machine without going through the Transmit FIFO. The assertion of TXHALT causes character processing to stop at the next FIFO character location. No additional data is read from the Transmit FIFO until TXHALT is deasserted. TXHALT may be used to prevent a remote FIFO overflow, which would result in lost data. This back-pressure mechanism can significantly improve data integrity in systems that cannot guarantee the full bandwidth of the host system at all times. Serial Line Receivers Two differential line receivers, INA± and INB±, are available for accepting serial data streams, with the active input selected using the A/B input. The DLB input allow the transmit Serializer output to be selected as a third input serial stream, but this path is generally used only for local diagnostic loopback purposes. The serial line receiver inputs are all differential, and will accommodate wire interconnect with filtering losses or transmission line attenuation greater than 9 dB (VDIF > 200 mV, or 400 mV peak-to-peak differential) or can be directly connected to +5V fiber-optic interface modules (any ECL logic family, not limited to ECL 100K). The common-mode tolerance of these line receivers accommodates a wide range of signal termination voltages. As can be seen in Table 2, these inputs are configured to allow single-pin control for most applications. For those systems requiring selection of only INA± or INB±, the DLB signals can be tied LOW, and the A/B selection can be performed using only A/B. For those systems requiring only a single input and a local loopback, the A/B can be tied HIGH or LOW, and DLB can be used for loopback control. Signal Detect The selected Line Receiver (that routed to the clock and data recovery PLL) is simultaneously monitored for: •analog amplitude (> 400 mV pk-pk) •transition density •received data stream outside normal frequency range (±400 ppm) •carrier detected.
•the state of the FIFOBYP input •the presence of data in the Transmit FIFO •the contents of the Transmit FIFO •the state of the transmitter BIST enable (TXBISTEN) •the state of external halt signal (TXHALT). These signals are used by the Transmit Control State Machine to control the data formatter, read access to the Transmit FIFO and BIST. They determine the content of the characters passed to the Encoder and Transmit Shifter. When the Transmit FIFO is bypassed, the Transmit Control State Machine operates synchronous to REFCLK. In this mode, data from the TXDATA bus is passed directly from the Input Register to the Pipeline Register. If no data is enabled into the Input register (TXEN is deasserted or TXFULL is
Notes 6. When SPDSEL is LOW and the FIFOs are bypassed (FIFOBYP is LOW), the RANGESEL input is ignored and is internally mapped to the LOW setting. 7. When configured for 12-bit preencoded data (BYTE8/10 and ENCBYP are both LOW) the allowable REFCLK ranges are 8.33 to 16.67 MHz and 16.67 to 33.33 MHz.
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All of these conditions must be valid for the Signal Detect block to indicate a valid signal is present. This status is presented on the LFI (Link Fault Indicator) output, which changes synchronous to RXCLK. While link status is monitored internally at all times, it is necessary to have transitions on RXCLK to allow this signal to change externally. Clock/Data Recovery The extraction of a bit-rate clock and recovery of data bits from the received serial stream is performed within the Clock/Data Recovery (CDR) block. The clock extraction function is performed by a high-performance embedded PLL that tracks the frequency of the incoming bit stream and aligns the phase of its internal bit-rate clock to the transitions in the serial data stream. The CDR makes use of the clock present at the REFCLK input. It is used to ensure that the VCO (within the CDR) is operating at the correct frequency (rather than some harmonic of the bit rate), to improve PLL acquisition time, and to limit unlocked frequency excursions of the CDR VCO when no data is present at the serial inputs. Regardless of the type of signal present, the CDR will attempt to recover a data stream from it. If the frequency of the recovered data stream is outside the limits for the range controls, the CDR PLL will track REFCLK instead of the data stream. When the frequency of the selected data stream returns to a valid frequency, the CDR PLL is allowed to track the received data stream. The frequency of REFCLK is required to be within ±400 ppm of the frequency of the clock that drives the REFCLK signal at the remote transmitter to ensure a lock to the incoming data stream. For systems using multiple or redundant connections, the LFI output can be used to select an alternate data stream. When an LFI indication is detected, external logic can toggle selection of the INA± and INB± inputs through the A/B input. When a port switch takes place, it is necessary for the PLL to reacquire the new serial stream and frame to the incoming characters. Clock Divider This block contains the clock division logic, used to transfer the data from the Deserializer/Framer to the Decoder once every character (once every ten or twelve bits) clock. This counter is free running and generates outputs at the bit-rate divided by 10 (12 when the BYTE8/10 is LOW). When the Receive FIFO is bypassed, one of these generated clocks is driven out the RXCLK pin. Deserializer/Framer The CDR circuit extracts bits from the serial data stream and clocks these bits into the Shifter/Framer at the bit-clock rate. When enabled, the Framer examines the data stream looking for JK or LM (when BYTE8/10 is LOW) characters at all possible bit positions. The location of this character in the data stream is used to determine the character boundaries of all following characters. The framer operates in two different modes, as selected by the RFEN input. When RFEN is asserted (HIGH), the framer is allowed to reset the internal character boundaries on any detected JK or LM (when BYTE8/10 is LOW) character.
If RFEN is LOW, the framer is disabled and no changes are made to character boundaries. The framer in the CY7C9689A operates by shifting the internal character position to align with the character clock. This ensures that the recovered clock does not contain any significant phase changes/hops during normal operation or framing, and allows the recovered clock to be replicated and distributed to other circuits using PLL-based logic elements. Decoder Block The decoder logic block performs two primary functions: decoding the received transmission characters back into Data and Command Character codes, and comparing generated BIST patterns with received characters to permit at-speed link and device testing. 5B/4B, 6B/5B Decoder The framed parallel output of the Deserializer is passed to the 5B/4B, 6B/5B Decoder. If the Decoder is enabled, it is transformed from a 10-bit or 12-bit transmission character back to the original Data and Command Character codes. This block uses the standard decoder patterns in Table 7 and Table 8 of this data sheet. Data Patterns on the data bus are indicated by a LOW on RXSC/D, and Command Character codes on the command bus are indicated by a HIGH. Invalid patterns or disparity errors are signaled as errors by a HIGH on VLTN. If the Decoder is bypassed and BYTE8/10 is HIGH, the ten (10) data bits of each transmission character are passed unchanged from the framer to the Pipeline Register. When the Decoder is bypassed and BYTE8/10 is LOW, the twelve (12) data bits of each transmission character are passed unchanged from the framer to the Pipeline Register. BIST LFSR The output register of the Decoder block is normally used to accumulate received characters for delivery to the Receive Formatter block. When configured for BIST mode (RXBISTEN is LOW), this register becomes a signature pattern generator and checker by logically converting to a Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR). When enabled, this LFSR generates a 511-character sequence that includes all Data and Command Character codes, including the explicit violation symbols. This provides a predictable but pseudo-random sequence that can be matched to an identical LFSR in the Transmitter. When synchronized with the received data stream, it checks each character in the Decoder with each character generated by the LFSR and indicates compare errors at the VLTN output of the Receive Output Register. The LFSR is initialized by the BIST hardware to the BIST loop start code of HEX data 00 (00 is sent only once per BIST loop). Once the start of the BIST loop has been detected by the receiver, RXRVS is asserted for pattern mismatches between the received characters and the internally generated character sequence. Code rule violations or running disparity errors that occur as part of the BIST loop do not cause an error indication. RXFULL pulses asserted for one RXCLK cycle per BIST loop and can be used to check test pattern progress. The specific patterns checked by the receiver are described in Table 4.
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If a large number of errors are detected, the receive BIST state machine aborts the compare operations and resets the LFSR to the D0.0 state to look for the start of the BIST sequence again. Receive Control State Machine The Receive Control State Machine responds to multiple input conditions to control the routing and handling of received characters. It controls the staging of characters across various registers and the Receive FIFO. It controls the various discard policies and error control within the receiver, and operates in response to: •the received character stream •the room for additional data in the Receive FIFO •the state of the receiver BIST enable (RXBISTEN) •the state of FIFOBYP. These signals and conditions are used by the Receive Control State Machine to control the Receive Formatter, write access to the Receive FIFO, the Receive Output register, and BIST. They determine the content of the characters passed to each of these destinations. The Receive Control State Machine always operates synchronous to the recovered character clock (bit-clock/10 or bit-clock/12). When the Receive FIFO is bypassed, RXCLK becomes an output that changes synchronous to the internal character clock. RXCLK operates at the same frequency as the internal character clock. Discard Policies When the Receive FIFO is enabled, the Receive Control State Machine has the ability to selectively discard specific characters from the data stream that are determined by the present configuration as being unnecessary. When discarding is enabled, it reduces the host system overhead necessary to keep the Receive FIFO from overflowing and losing data. The discard policy is configured as part of the operating mode and is set using the RXMODE[1:0] inputs. The four discard policies are listed in Table 5. Policy 0 is the simplest and also applies for all conditions where the Receive FIFO is bypassed. In this mode, every character that is received is placed into the Receive FIFO (when enabled) or into the Receive Output Register. In discard policy 1, the JK or LM SYNC character, which is automatically transmitted when no data is present in the Transmit FIFO, is treated differently here. In this mode, whenever two or more adjacent JK or LM characters are received, all of them are discarded except the last one received before any other character type. This allows these fill characters to be removed from the data stream, but the last SYNC character which can be used as a delimiter. Policy 2 is identical to policy 1 except that all C5.0 characters are removed from the data stream. When the FIFOs are bypassed (FIFOBYP LOW), no characters are actually discarded, but the receiver discard policy can be used to control external filtering of the data. The RXEMPTY FIFO flag is used to indicate if the character on the output bus is valid or not. In discard policy 0, the RXEMPTY flag is always deasserted to indicate that valid data is always Document #: 38-02020 Rev. *D
present. In discard policy 1, the RXEMPTY flag indicates an empty condition for all but the last JK or LM character before any other character is presented. In discard policy 2, the RXEMPTY flag indicates an empty condition for all JK or LM SYNC characters. When any other character is present, this flag indicates that valid or “interesting” Data or Special Characters are present. Receive FIFO The Receive FIFO is used to buffer data captured from the selected serial stream for later processing by the host system. This FIFO is sized to hold 256 14-bit characters. When the FIFO is enabled, it is written to by the Receive Control State Machine. When data is present in the Receive FIFO (as indicated by the RXFULL, RXHALF, and RXEMPTY Receive FIFO status flags), it can be read from the Output Register by asserting CE and RXEN. The read port on the Receive FIFO may be configured for the same two timing models as the transmit interface: UTOPIA and Cascade. Both are forms of a FIFO interface. The UTOPIA timing model has active LOW RXEMPTY and RXFULL status flags, and an active LOW RXEN enable. When configured for Cascade operation, these same signals are all active HIGH. Either timing model supports connection to various host bus interfaces, state machines, or external FIFOs for depth expansion (see Figure 4) Figure 4. External FIFO Depth Expansion of the CY7C9689A Receive Data Path)
WCLK “1”
The Receive FIFO presents Full, Half-Full, and Empty FIFO status flags. These flags are provided synchronous to RXCLK to allow operation with a Moore-type external controlling state machine. When configured with the Receive FIFO enabled, RXCLK is an input. When the Receive FIFO is bypassed (FIFOBYP is LOW), RXCLK is an output operating at the received character rate. Receive Input Register The input register is clocked by the rising edge of RXCLK. It samples numerous signals that control the reading of the
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Table 4. CY7C9689A TAXI HOTLink BIST Sequence D.00 C.JK C.TR D.89 D.15 D.A8 D.99 D.D1 C.SS D.50 C.JK C.IH C.SR D.42 D.0C C.TT D.46 D.64 C.IH C.QI C.SS C.HI C.JK C.HI C.II C.SR D.EE D.94 C.RS D.96 C.IH C.TS C.SR D.93 C.SS C.QQ D.FB D.55 C.QI C.HI C.QI C.TS C.TR D.77 D.2C D.EB D.91 D.E3 D.3D C.JK D.73 D.44 D.71 D.51 C.QI C.TS C.RS D.9B D.C4 D.52 D.C8 D.08 C.II D.E5 D.DE D.B1 D.1E C.RS D.35 C.II D.34 D.24 D.E0 C.TR D.C6 D.47 C.TS C.HI C.TS C.JK C.RS D.78 D.54 C.HH D.8F D.C5 C.TT D.1C C.IH C.JK C.JK C.TS C.QI D.29 C.TR D.9C C.RS D.C1 C.II C.II D.5C D.68 C.JK C.QI C.IH C.IH C.TR D.E1 D.12 C.QI C.TT D.4B C.II C.RS D.E6 C.QI C.QI C.SR D.70 D.23 C.RS D.6D D.CF D.11 D.C0 D.3A D.6B D.04 C.TS C.HH D.33 C.HQ C.HI C.QH C.SS C.SR C.QH C.TT D.3B C.RR D.66 C.SS C.TT D.09 D.36 D.31 C.TT D.97 D.9E C.TR D.25 C.SS C.TT D.61 D.95 C.RR D.B3 C.TT
C.QQ D.FC D.DD D.6E C.TR D.17 D.BD C.HI C.SS C.TR D.02 C.SR D.0D D.5E D.92 C.SS C.QI
C.QH D.D3 D.45
C.RR D.B0 D.6F
C.QQ D.F6 D.0A C.HI D.9F
C.RR D.BA D.48 D.2B D.4F C.TT D.74 C.HI C.TR D.58 D.EF D.40 D.19
C.HQ D.A9 C.II D.13 C.RS D.05 D.6C C.QI C.QH C.RR D.CA D.1D D.9A C.SR
C.HH D.85
C.QH D.D8 D.60 C.RS D.5F C.IH C.II D.49 C.HI
C.HQ D.AC C.QQ D.F1 D.E9 D.72 C.TT
C.QH D.D5 C.II D.98 C.QI C.II D.7B D.76 C.II D.06 C.IH C.TT D.EA C.RS D.37 C.HI C.IH
C.RR D.B4 D.1B D.E7 D.CB D.07 D.79 D.63
C.HH D.84
C.HH D.8A D.14 C.TR D.4D C.JK C.SR D.2A
C.HH D.87 D.5A C.QQ D.FA
C.HH D.80 D.4E D.56 C.HI C.HI
C.QQ D.F9 D.27
C.HQ D.AD C.HQ D.A6 C.QH D.D6 C.HH D.83 D.69 D.A7 C.SR D.57 D.32 D.59
C.HH D.81
C.HH D.86 C.TT D.2E D.C7 C.HQ C.TR
C.HQ D.A2 C.RR D.BE D.41 D.26 D.20 C.HH D.88
C.QQ D.F2 D.CE D.75 D.39 C.TS C.SR D.3C D.16
C.HH D.82 D.7C C.II
C.QQ D.F5 D.2D D.1A
Table 5. Receiver Discard Policies Policy # 0 (00) 1 (01) 2 (1X) Policy Description Keep all received characters Process Commands, discard all but the last JK or LM SYNC character Process Commands, discard all C5.0 characters
Receive FIFO and operation of the Receive Control State Machine. Receive Output Register The Receive Output Register changes in response to the rising edge of RXCLK. The Receive FIFO status flag outputs of this register are placed in a High-Z state when the CY7C9689A is not addressed (CE is sampled HIGH). The Page 20 of 51
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RXDATA bus output drivers are enabled when the device is selected by RXEN being asserted in the RXCLK cycle immediately following that in which the device was addressed (CE is sampled LOW), and RXEN being sampled by RXCLK. This initiates a Receive FIFO read cycle. Just as with the TXDATA bus on the Transmit Input Register, the receive outputs are also mapped by the specific decoding and bus-width selected by the ENCBYP, BYTE8/10 and FIFOBYP inputs. These assignments are shown in Table 6. Table 6. Receiver Output Bus Signal Map
If the Receive FIFO and Decoder are bypassed, all received characters are passed directly to the Receive Output Register. If framing is enabled, and JK or LM sync characters have been detected meeting the present framing requirements, the output characters will appear on proper character boundaries. If framing is disabled (RFEN is LOW) or sync characters have not been detected in the data stream, the received characters may not be output on their proper 10-bit boundaries. In this mode, some form of external framing and decoding/descrambling must be used to recover the original source data.
Receiver Decoder Mode[1] RXDATA Bus Output Bit RXSC/D RXDATA[0] RXDATA[1] RXDATA[2] RXDATA[3] RXDATA[4] RXDATA[5] RXDATA[6] RXDATA[7] RXDATA[8]/RXCMD[3] RXDATA[9]/RXCMD[2] RXCMD[1] RXCMD[0] VLTN Encoded 8-bit Character Stream[8] RXSC/D RXDATA[0] RXDATA[1] RXDATA[2] RXDATA[3] RXDATA[4] RXDATA[5] RXDATA[6] RXDATA[7] RXCMD[3] RXCMD[2] RXCMD[1] RXCMD[0] VLTN RXD[0][10, 11] RXD[1] RXD[2] RXD[3] RXD[4] RXD[5] RXD[6] RXD[7] RXD[8] RXD[9] Pre-encoded 10-bit Character Stream Encoded 10-bit Character Stream[9] RXSC/D RXDATA[0] RXDATA[1] RXDATA[2] RXDATA[3] RXDATA[4] RXDATA[5] RXDATA[6] RXDATA[7] RXDATA[8] RXDATA[9][9] RXCMD[1] RXCMD[0] VLTN RXD[0][10, 12] RXD[1] RXD[2] RXD[3] RXD[4] RXD[5] RXD[6] RXD[7] RXD[8] RXD[9] RXD[10][12] RXD[11] Pre-encoded 12-bit Character Stream
Notes 8. When BYTE8/10 is HIGH, received bit order is decoded form the serial stream and presented (MSB to LSB) at RXDATA[7,6,5,4] and RXDATA[3,2,1,0] or RXCMD[3,2,1,0] as indicated by RXSC/D. 9. When BYTE8/10 is LOW, received bit order is decoded form the serial stream and presented (MSB to LSB) at RXDATA[8,7,6,5,4] and RXDATA[9,3,2,1,0] or RXCMD[1,0] as indicated by RXSC/D. 10. First bit shifted into the receiver. 11. When ENCBYP is LOW and BYTE8/10 is HIGH, the received bit order is (LSB to MSB) RXD[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]. 12. When ENCBYP is LOW and BYTE8/10 is LOW, the received bit order is (LSB to MSB) RXD[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,10].
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Maximum Ratings
(Above which the useful life may be impaired. For user guidelines, not tested.) Storage Temperature ................................. –65°C to +150°C Ambient Temperature with (Power Applied) –55°C to +125°C Supply Voltage to Ground Potential ............... –0.5V to +6.5V DC Voltage Applied to Outputs ..............–0.5V to VDD + 0.5V Output Current into TTL Outputs (LOW) ......................30 mA DC Input Voltage....................................–0.5V to VDD + 0.5V
Static Discharge Voltage........................................... > 2001V (per MIL-STD-883, Method 3015) Latch-up Current..................................................... > 200 mA Operating Range Range Commercial Industrial Ambient Temperature 0°C to +70°C –40°C to +85°C VDD 5.0V ± 10% 5.0V ± 10%
CY7C9689A DC Electrical Characteristics Over the Operating Range
Parameter TTL Outputs VOHT VOLT IOST IOZL TTL Inputs VIHT VILT IIHT IILT IILPDT IILPUT VOHE VOLE VODIF Input HIGH Voltage Input LOW Voltage Input HIGH Current Input LOW Current Input HIGH Current with Internal Pull-down Input LOW Current with Internal Pull-up Output HIGH Voltage (VDD referenced) Output LOW Voltage (VDD referenced) Output Differential Voltage |(OUT+) − (OUT−)| VIN = VDD VIN = 0.0V VIN = VCC VIN = 0.0V Load = 50Ω to VDD − 1.33V; RCURSET = 10k Load = 50Ω to VDD − 1.33V; RCURSET = 10k Load = 50Ω to VDD − 1.33V; RCURSET = 10k –300 VDD − 1.03 VDD − 0.83 VDD − 2.0 600 VDD − 1.62 1100 2.0 –0.5 VCC 0.8 ±40 −40 +300 V V µA µA µA µA V V mV Output HIGH Voltage Output LOW Voltage Output Short Circuit Current High-Z Output Leakage Current IOH = −2 mA, VDD = Min. IOL = 8 mA, VDD = Min. VOUT = 0V[13] –30 –20 2.4 0.4 −80 20 V V mA mA Description Test Conditions Min. Max. Unit
Transmitter PECL-Compatible Output Pins: OUTA+, OUTA−, OUTB+, OUTB−
Receiver Single-ended PECL-Compatible Input Pin: CARDET VIHE VILE IIHE IILE VDIFF VIHH VILL IIHH IILL[14] Input HIGH Voltage (VDD referenced) Input LOW Voltage (VDD referenced) Input HIGH Current Input LOW Current Input Differential Voltage |(IN+) − (IN−)| Highest Input HIGH Voltage Lowest Input LOW Voltage Input HIGH Current Input LOW Current VIN = VIHH Max. VIN = VILL Min. −200 2.5 750 VIN = VIHE(min.) VIN = VILE(max.) –40 200 2500 VDD VDD − 1.165 2.5 VDD VDD − 1.475 +40 V V µA µA mV V V µA µA
Receiver Differential Line Receiver Input Pins: INA+, INA−, INB+, INB−
Notes 13. Tested one output at a time, output shorted for less than one second, less than 10% duty cycle. 14. To guarantee positive currents for all PECL voltages, an external pull-down resistor must be present.
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CY7C9689A DC Electrical Characteristics Over the Operating Range
Parameter Miscellaneous IDD[15] Power Supply Current Freq. = Max. Commercial Description Test Conditions Min. Typ. 170 Max. Max. 250 mA Unit
Parameter CINTTL CINPECL Description TTL Input Capacitance PECL input Capacitance Test Conditions TA = 25°C, f0 = 1 MHz, VDD = 5.0V TA = 25°C, f0 = 1 MHz, VDD = 5.0V Max. 7 4 Unit pF pF
AC Test Loads and Waveforms
5.0V OUTPUT R1=500Ω R2=333Ω CL ≤ 10 pF (Includes fixture and probe capacitance) R1 CL R2
VDD – 1.3
RL =50 Ω CL < 5 pF (Includes fixture and probe capacitance)
(a) TTL AC Test Load
3.0V Vth=1.5V 0.0V < 1 ns 3.0V 2.0V 0.8V 2.0V 0.8V
(b) PECL AC Test Load
VIHE 80% 20% VILE 80% 20% ≤ 250 ps
Vth=1.5V VILE < 1 ns
≤ 250 ps
(c) TTL Input Test Waveform
(d) PECL Input Test Waveform
Notes 15. Maximum ICC is measured with VDD = MAX, RFEN = LOW, and outputs unloaded. Typical IDD is measured with VDD = 5.0V, TA = 25°C, RFEN = LOW, and outputs unloaded. 16. Tested initially and after any design or process changes that may affect these parameters, but not 100% tested. 17. Cypress uses constant current (ATE) load configurations and forcing functions. This figure is for reference only.
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CY7C9689A Transmitter TTL Switching Characteristics, FIFO Enabled Over the Operating Range
Description TXCLK Clock Cycle Frequency With Transmit FIFO Enabled
Min. 20 6.5 6.5 0.7 0.7 2 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 0 1.5 1.5
Max. 50
Unit MHz ns ns ns
5 5 15
ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
TXCLK Fall Time[18] Flag Access Time From TXCLK↑ to Output Transmit Data Set-up Time to TXCLK↑ Transmit Data Hold Time from TXCLK↑ Transmit Enable Set-up Time to TXCLK↑ Transmit Enable Hold Time from TXCLK↑ Transmit FIFO Reset (TXRST) Set-up Time to TXCLK↑ Transmit FIFO Reset (TXRST Hold Time from TXCLK↑ Transmit Chip Enable (CE) Set-up Time to TXCLK↑ Transmit Chip Enable (CE) Hold Time from TXCLK↑ Sample of CE LOW by TXCLK↑, Output High-Z to Active HIGH or LOW Sample of CE LOW by TXCLK↑ to Output Valid Sample of CE HIGH by TXCLK↑ to Output in High-Z
20 20
ns ns
CY7C9689A Receiver TTL Switching Characteristics, FIFO Enabled Over the Operating Range
Parameter fRIS tRXCLKIP tRXCPWH tRXCPWL tRXCLKIR[16] tRXCLKIF[16] tRXENS tRXENH tRXRSS tRXRSH tRXCES tRXCEH tRXA tRXZA RXCLK Input Period RXCLK Input HIGH Time RXCLK Input LOW Time RXCLK Input Rise Time[18] RXCLK Input Fall Time[18] Receive Enable Set-up Time to RXCLK↑ Receive Enable Hold Time from RXCLK↑ Receive FIFO Reset (RXRXT) Set-up Time to RXCLK↑ Receive FIFO Reset (RXRXT) Hold Time from RXCLK↑ Receive Chip Enable (CE) Set-up Time to RXCLK↑ Receive Chip Enable (CE) Hold Time from RXCLK↑ Flag and Data Access Time From RXCLK↑ to Output Sample of CE LOW by RXCLK↑, Output High-Z to Active HIGH or LOW,[19] or Sample of RXEN Asserted by RXCLK↑, Output High-Z to Active HIGH or LOW Description RXCLK Clock Cycle Frequency With Receive FIFO Enabled 20 6.5 6.5 0.7 0.7 4 1 4 1 4 1 1.5 0 15 5 5 Min. Max. 50 Unit MHz ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Notes 18. Input/output rise and fall time is measured between 0.8V and 2.0V 19. Parallel data output specifications are only valid if all outputs are loaded with similar DC and AC loads.
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CY7C9689A Receiver TTL Switching Characteristics, FIFO Enabled Over the Operating Range (continued)
Parameter tRXOE tRXZA Description Sample of CE LOW by RXCLK↑ to Output Valid,[19] or Sample of RXEN Asserted by RXCLK↑ to RXDATA Outputs Valid Sample of CE HIGH by RXCLK↑ to Output in High-Z,[19] or Sample of RXEN Asserted by RXCLK↑ to RXDATA Outputs in High-Z Min. 1.5 1.5 Max. 20 20 Unit ns ns
CY7C9689A Transmitter TTL Switching Characteristics, FIFO Bypassed Over the Operating Range
Parameter tTRA tREFDS tREFDH tREFENS tREFENH tREFCES tREFCEH tREFZA tREFOE tREFAZ Description Flag Access Time From REFCLK↑ to Output Write Data Set-up Time to REFCLK↑ Write Data Hold Time from REFCLK↑ Transmit Enable Set-up Time to REFCLK↑ Transmit Enable Hold Time from REFCLK↑ Transmit Chip Enable (CE) Set-up Time to REFCLK↑ Transmit Chip Enable (CE) Hold Time from REFCLK↑ Sample of CE LOW by REFCLK↑, Output High-Z to Active HIGH or LOW Sample of CE LOW by REFCLK↑ to Flag Output Valid Sample of CE HIGH by REFCLK↑ to Flag Output High-Z Min. 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 0 1.5 1.5 20 20 Max. 15 Unit ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
CY7C9689A Receiver TTL Switching Characteristics, FIFO Bypassed Over the Operating Range
Parameter fROS[20] Description RXCLK Clock Output Frequency—100 to 200 MBaud 8-bit Operation (SPDSEL is HIGH and BYTE8/10 is HIGH) RXCLK Clock Output Frequency—50 to 100 MBaud 8-bit Operation (SPDSEL is LOW and BYTE8/10 is HIGH) RXCLK Clock Output Frequency—100 to 200 MBaud 10-bit Operation (SPDSEL is HIGH and BYTE8/10 is LOW) RXCLK Clock Output Frequency—50 to 100 MBaud 10-bit Operation (SPDSEL is LOW and BYTE8/10 is LOW) tRXCLKOP tRXCLKOD tRXCLKOR[16] tRXCLKOF[16] tRXENS tRXENH tRXZA tRXOE tRXAZ RXCLK Output Period RXCLK Output Duty Cycle RXCLK Output Rise Time
Min. 10 5 8.33 4.16 25 40 0.25 0.25 4 1 0 1.5 1.5
Max. 20 10 16.67 8.33 240 60 2 2
Unit MHz MHz MHz MHz ns % ns ns ns ns ns
RXCLK Output Fall Time[18] Receive Enable Set-up Time to RXCLK↑ Receive Enable Hold Time from RXCLK↑ Sample of CE LOW by RXCLK↑, Outputs High-Z to Active Sample of RXEN Asserted by RXCLK↑ to RXDATA Outputs High-Z to Active Sample of CE LOW by RXCLK↑ to Flag Output Valid Sample of RXEN Asserted by RXCLK↑ to RXDATA Output Low-Z Sample of CE HIGH by RXCLK↑ to Flag Output High-Z Sample of RXEN Deasserted by RXCLK↑ to RXDATA Output High-Z
20 20
ns ns
Note 20. The period of tROS will match the period of the transmitter PLL reference (REFCLK) when receiving serial data. When data is interrupted, RXCLK may drift to REFCLK +0.2%.
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CY7C9689A REFCLK Input Switching Characteristics Over the Operating Range
Parameter fREF Description REFCLK Clock Frequency—50 to 100 MBaud, 10-bit Mode, REFCLK = 2x Character Rate REFCLK Clock Frequency—50 to 100 MBaud, 8-bit Mode, REFCLK = 2x Character Rate REFCLK Clock Frequency—50 to 100 MBaud, 10-bit Mode, REFCLK = 4x Character Rate REFCLK Clock Frequency—50 to 100 MBaud, 8-bit Mode, REFCLK = 4x Character Rate REFCLK Clock Frequency—100 to 200 MBaud, 10-bit Mode, REFCLK = Character Rate REFCLK Clock Frequency—100 to 200 MBaud, 8-bit Mode, REFCLK = Character Rate REFCLK Clock Frequency—100 to 200 MBaud, 10-bit Mode, REFCLK = 2x Character Rate REFCLK Clock Frequency—100 to 200 MBaud, 8-bit Mode, REFCLK = 2x Character Rate tREFCLK tREFH tREFL tREFRX REFCLK Period REFCLK HIGH Time REFCLK LOW Time REFCLK Frequency Referenced to Received Clock Period[22] Conditions SPDSEL RANGESEL BYTE8/10 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1[18] 1[18] 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Min. 8.33 10 16.67 20 8.33 10 16.67 20 25 6.5 6.5 −0.04 +0.04 Max. 16.67 20 33.3 40 16.67 20 33.3 40 120 Unit MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz ns ns ns %
CY7C9689A Receiver Switching Characteristics Over the Operating Range
Parameter tB[23] tSA tEFW tIN_J Bit Time Static Alignment[16, 24] 0.65
[16, 25, 27, 28]
Min. 20.0
Max. 5.0 600 0.5
Unit ns ps UI UI
Error Free Window[16, 25, 26] IN± Peak-to-Peak Input Jitter Tolerance
Notes 21. When configured for synchronous operation with the FIFOs bypassed (FIFOBYP is LOW), if RANGESEL is HIGH the SPDSEL input is ignored and operation is forced to the 100–200 MBaud range. 22. REFCLK has no phase or frequency relationship with RXCLK and only acts as a centering reference to reduce clock synchronization time. REFCLK must be within ±0.04% of the transmitter PLL reference (REFCLK) frequency, necessitating a ±200-PPM crystal. 23. The PECL switching threshold is the midpoint between the PECL− VOH, and VOL specification (approximately VDD − 1.33V). 24. Static alignment is a measure of the alignment of the Receiver sampling point to the center of a bit. Static alignment is measured by the absolute difference of the left and right edge shifts (|tSH_L – tSH_R|) of one bit until a character error occurs. 25. Receiver UI (Unit Interval) is calculated as 1/(fREF*N) when operated in 8-bit mode (N = 10) and 10-bit mode (N = 12) if no data is being received, or 1/(fREF*N) of the remote transmitter if data is being received. In an operating link this is equivalent to N * tB when REFCLK = 1X the character rate. An alternate multiply ratios (2X or 4X, as selected by SPDSEL and RANGESEL), the numerator is multiplied by 2 or 4 respectively. 26. Error Free Window is a measure of the time window between bit centers where a transition may occur without causing a bit sampling error. EFW is measured over the operating range, input jitter < 50% Dj. 27. The specification is sum of 25% Duty Cycle Distortion (DCD), 10% Data Dependant Jitter (DDJ), 15% Random Jitter (RJ). 28. Parallel data output specifications are only valid if all outputs are loaded with similar DC and AC loads.
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CY7C9689A Transmitter Switching Characteristics Over the Operating Range
Parameter tB[23] tRISE tFALL tDJ tRJ tJT Bit Time PECL Output Rise Time 20−80% (PECL Test Load) Deterministic Jitter (peak-peak) Random Jitter (σ) [16, 30] Transmitter Total Output Jitter (peak-peak)[16]
[16, 29] [16]
Min. 20.0 200 200
Max. 5.0 1700 1700 0.02 0.008 0.08
Unit ns ps ps UI UI UI
PECL Output Fall Time 80−20% (PECL Test Load)[16]
CY7C9689A HOTLink Transmitter Switching Waveforms
Write Cycle Asynchronous (FIFO) Interface EXTFIFO = HIGH tTXCLK FIFOBYP = HIGH tTXCPWH
tTXDH Note 31
Notes 29. While sending continuous JK, outputs loaded to 50Ω to VDD − 1.3V, over the operating range. 30. While sending continuous HH, after 100,000 samples measured at the cross point of differential outputs, time referenced to REFCLK input, over the operating range. 31. When EXTFIFO is HIGH, the write data is captured on the clock cycle following TXEN = HIGH.
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CY7C9689A HOTLink Transmitter Switching Waveforms (continued)
Write Cycle Asynchronous (FIFO) Interface EXTFIFO = LOW FIFOBYP = HIGH
tTXDH Note 32
Notes 32. Illustrates timing only. TXEN and TXRST not usually active in same time period. 33. When transferring data to the Transmitter input from a depth expanded external FIFO, the data is captured from the external FIFO one clock cycle following the actual enable (TXEN = HIGH).
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CY7C9689A HOTLink Transmitter Switching Waveforms (continued)
tTXOZA Write Cycle Synchronous Interface EXTFIFO = HIGH FIFOBYP = LOW
tREFDH Note 34
Note 34. \When transferring data to the Transmitter input from a synchronous external controller, the data is captured in the same clock cycle as the actual enable (TXEN = LOW).
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CY7C9689A HOTLink Transmitter Switching Waveforms (continued)
Write Cycle Synchronous Interface EXTFIFO = LOW FIFOBYP = LOW
tREFDH Note 35
Note 35. On inhibited reads, or if the Receive FIFO goes empty, the data outputs do not change.
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CY7C9689A HOTLink Transmitter Switching Waveforms (continued)
OUTPUT ENABLE Timing Synchronous Interface EXTFIFO = LOW FIFOBYP = LOW
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CY7C9689A HOTLink Receiver Switching Waveforms
Read Cycle Asynchronous (FIFO) Interface EXTFIFO = HIGH FIFOBYP = HIGH tRXCLKOD tRXCPWH
Note 36
Note 37
Read Cycle Asynchronous (FIFO) Interface EXTFIFO = LOW FIFOBYP = HIGH
Note 38
Notes 36. When reading data from synchronous data interface, the data is captured on any clock cycle that RXEN = LOW. RXEMPTY = HIGH indicates data is available. RXEMPTY = LOW indicates that the FIFO is empty. 37. Illustrates timing only. RXEN and RXRST not usually active in same time period. 38. Receive FIFO Reads are inhibited while the outputs are High-Z.
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CY7C9689A HOTLink Receiver Switching Waveforms (continued)
Output Enable Timing
Note 39
tRXAZ Note 40
Static Alignment
Error-Free Window
Table 7. HOTLink TAXI-compatible Encoder Patterns 4B/5B Encoder HEX Data 0 1 4-bit Binary Data[41] 0000 0001 5-bit Encoded Symbol[42, 43] 11110 01001 HEX Data 00 01 5B/6B Encoder 5-bit Binary Data[41] 00000 00001 6-bit Encoded Symbol[42, 43] 110110 010001
Notes 39. Binary Input Data is the parallel input data which is input to the Transmitter and output from the Receiver. Binary bits are listed from left to right in the following order: 8-Bit mode (BYTE8/10 is HIGH and TXSC/D or RXSC/D is LOW)—TXDATA/RXDATA[7], [6], [5], [4], and TXDATA/RXDATA[3], [2], [1], [0]; 10-Bit mode (BYTE8/10 is LOW and TXSC/D or RXSC/D is LOW)—TXDATA/RXDATA[8], [7], [6], [5], [4], and TXDATA/RXDATA[9], [3], [2], [1], [0]. 40. The ENCODED Symbols are shown here as “ones and zeros”, but are converted to and from an NRZI stream at the transmitter output and receiver input. NRZI represents a “one” as a state transition (either LOW-to-HIGH or HIGH-to-LOW) and a “zero” as no transition within the bit interval. 41. Encoded Serial Symbol bits are shifted out with the most significant bit (Left-most) of the most significant nibble coming out first. 42. Binary CMD is the parallel input data which is input to the Transmitter and output from the Receiver. Binary bits are listed from left to right in the following order: 8-Bit mode (BYTE8/10 is HIGH and TXSC/D or RXSC/D is HIGH)—TXCMD/RXCMD[3], [2], [1], [0]; 10-Bit mode (BYTE8/10 is LOW and TXSC/D or RXSC/D is HIGH)—TXCMD/RXCMD[1], [0]. 43. While these Commands are legal data and will not disrupt normal operation if used occasionally, they may cause data errors if grouped into recurrent fields. Normal PLL operation cannot be guaranteed if one or more of these commands is continuously repeated.
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Table 7. HOTLink TAXI-compatible Encoder Patterns (continued) 4B/5B Encoder HEX Data 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 4-bit Binary Data[41] 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 5-bit Encoded Symbol[42, 43] 10100 10101 01010 01011 01110 01111 10010 10011 10110 10111 11010 11011 11100 11101 HEX Data 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 5B/6B Encoder 5-bit Binary Data[41] 00010 00011 00100 00101 00110 00111 01000 01001 01010 01011 01100 01101 01110 01111 10000 10001 10010 10011 10100 10101 10110 10111 10001 11001 11010 11011 11100 11101 11110 11111 6-bit Encoded Symbol[42, 43] 100100 100101 010010 010011 010110 010111 100010 110001 110111 100111 110010 110011 110100 110101 111110 011001 101001 101101 011010 011011 011110 011111 101010 101011 101110 101111 111010 111011 111100 111101
Table 8. HOTLink TAXI Compatible Command Symbols CY7C9689A (Transmitter) Command Input TXCMD[3:0] HEX 0 Binary CMD[44] 0000 Encoded Symbol[42, 43] 11000 10001 Mnemonic JK (8-bit SYNC) CY7C9689A (Receiver) Command Output RXCMD[3:0] HEX 0 Binary CMD[44] 0000
8-bit mode (BYTE8/10 is HIGH)
Note 44. Signals labeled in italics are internal to the CY7C9689A.
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Table 8. HOTLink TAXI Compatible Command Symbols (continued) CY7C9689A (Transmitter) Command Input TXCMD[3:0] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8[45] 9[45] A[45] B C D[45] E[45] F[45] 0 1 2 3 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 00 01 10 11 11111 11111 01101 01101 01101 11001 11111 00100 01101 00111 11001 00111 11001 11001 00100 00100 00100 11111 00100 00000 00111 00111 00111 11001 00000 00100 00000 11111 00000 00000 011000 100011 111111 111111 011101 011101 011101 111001 II TT TS IH TR SR SS HH HI HQ RR RS QH QI QQ LM (10-bit SYNC) I’I’ T’T’ T’S’ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 1 2 3 CY7C9689A (Receiver) Command Output RXCMD[3:0] 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 00 01 10 11
10-bit mode (BYTE8/10 is LOW)
Functional Description
The interconnection of two or more CY7C9689A Transceivers forms a general-purpose communications subsystem capable of transporting user data at up to 20 MBytes per second over several types of serial interface media. The CY7C9689A is highly configurable with multiple modes of operation. In the transmit section of the CY7C9689A, data moves from the input register, through the Transmit FIFO, to the 4B/5B Encoder. The encoded data is then shifted serially out the OUTx± differential PECL compatible drivers. The bit-rate clock is generated internally from a 2.5x, 5x, or 10x PLL clock multiplier. A more complete description is found in the section CY7C9689A HOTLink Transmit-Path Operating Mode Description. In the receive section of the CY7C9689A, serial data is sampled by the receiver on one of the INx± differential line receiver inputs. The receiver clock and data recovery PLL locks onto the selected serial bit stream and generates an internal bit-rate sample clock. The bit stream is deserialized, decoded, and presented to the Receive FIFO, along with a character clock. The data in the FIFO can then be read either slower or faster than the incoming character rate. A more complete description is found in the section CY7C9689A HOTLink Receive-Path Operating Mode Description.
The Transmitter and Receiver parallel interface timing and functionality can be configured to Cascade directly to external FIFOs for depth expansion, couple directly to registers, or couple directly to state machines. These interfaces can accept or output either: • 8-bit characters • 10-bit characters • 10-bit pre-encoded characters (pre-scrambled or pre-encoded) • 12-bit pre-encoded characters (pre-scrambled or pre-encoded). The bit numbering and content of the parallel transmit interface is shown in Table 1. When operated with the 4B/5B, 5B/6B Encoder bypassed, the TXSC/D and RXSC/D bits are ignored. The HOTLink Transceiver serial interface provides a seamless interface to various types of media. A minimal number of external passive components are required to properly terminate transmission lines and provide LVPECL loads. For power supply decoupling, a single capacitor (in the range of 0.02 µF to 0.1 µF) is required per power/ground pair. Additional information on interfacing these components to various media can be found in the HOTLink Design Considerations application note.
Note 45. Signals shown as dotted lines represent the differences in timing and active state of signals when operated in Cascade Timing.
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CY7C9689A TAXI HOTLink Transmit-Path Operating Mode Descriptions
The TAXI HOTLink Transmitter can be configured into several operating modes, each providing different capabilities and fitting different transmission needs. These modes are selected using the FIFOBYP, ENCBYP and BYTE8/10 inputs on the CY7C9689A Transceiver. These modes can be reduced to five primary classes: • Synchronous Encoded • Synchronous Pre-encoded • Asynchronous Encoded • Asynchronous Pre-encoded. Synchronous Encoded In this mode, the Transmit FIFO is bypassed, while the 4B/5B, 5B/6B encoder is enabled. One character is accepted at the Transmit Input Register at the rising edge of REFCLK, and passed to the Encoder where it is encoded for serial transmission. The Serializer operates synchronous to REFCLK, which is multiplied by 10 or 5 to generate the serial data bit-clock. In this mode the TXRST and TXHALT inputs are not interpreted and may be tied either HIGH or LOW. To place the CY7C9689A into synchronous modes, FIFOBYP must be LOW. This mode is usually used for products that must meet specific predefined protocol requirements, and cannot tolerate the uncontrolled insertion of SYNC fill characters. The host system is required to provide new data at every rising edge of REFCLK (along with TXEN) to maintain the data stream. If TXEN is not asserted, the Encoder is loaded with JK or LM sync characters. Input Register Mapping In Encoded modes, the bits of the TXDATA input bus are mapped into characters (as shown in Table 1), including a TXSVS bit, eight bits of data, and a TXSC/D bit to select either Special Character codes or Data characters. The TXSC/D bit controls the encoding of the TXDATA[7:0] or TXDATA[9:0] bits of each character. It is used to identify if the input character represents a Data Character or a Special Character code. If TXSC/D is LOW, the character appeared on the TXDATA bus is encoded using the Data Character codes listed in Table 7. If TXSC/D is HIGH, the character on the TXCMD bus is encoded using the Special Character codes listed in Table 8. Synchronous Pre-encoded In synchronous pre-encoded mode, both the Transmit FIFO and the 4B/5B encoder are bypassed, and data passes directly from the Transmit Input Register to the Serializer. The Serializer operates synchronous to REFCLK, which is multiplied by 10 or 5 when BYTE8/10 is HIGH (as selected by the SPDSEL and RANGESEL inputs) to generate the serial data bit-clock. In this mode, part of the TXCMD bus inputs are used as part of the data input bus. To place the CY7C9689A into synchronous modes, FIFOBYP must be LOW. This mode is usually used for products containing external encoders or scramblers, that must meet specific protocol
requirements. The host system is required to provide new data at every rising edge of the REFCLK (along with TXEN) to maintain the data stream. If TXEN is not asserted, the Serializer is loaded with JK or LM sync characters. In this mode the LSB of each input character (TXDATA[0]) is shifted out first, followed sequentially by TXDATA[1] through TXDATA[9] (TXDATA[11] when BYTE8/10 is LOW). Asynchronous Encoded In Asynchronous Encoded mode, both the Transmit FIFO and the Encoder are enabled. This provides 256 characters of data buffering. The Serializer operates synchronous to REFCLK, which is multiplied by 2.5, 5, or 10 to generate the serial data bit-clock (as selected by SPDSEL and RANGESEL). In this mode the TXRST and TXHALT inputs are interpreted. This mode supports the same Input Register mapping as Synchronous Encoded mode. Because both the Transmit FIFO and Encoder are enabled, the input FIFO may be loaded at any rate supported by the FIFO (up to 50 MHz), without generating any decoder errors at the receive end of the link.
CY7C9689A TAXI HOTLink Receive-Path Operating Mode Descriptions
The HOTLink Receiver can be configured into several operating modes, each providing different capabilities and fitting different reception needs. These modes are selected using the FIFOBYP, ENCBYP, BYTE8/10 inputs on the CY7C9689A Transceiver. These modes can be reduced to four primary classes: • Synchronous Decoded • Synchronous Undecoded • Asynchronous Decoded • Asynchronous Undecoded. In all these modes, serial data is received at one of the differential line receiver inputs and routed to the Deserializer and Framer. The PLL in the clock and data recovery block is used to extract a bit-rate clock from the transitions in the data stream, and uses that clock to capture bits from the serial stream. These bits are passed to the Deserializer where they are formed into 10- or 12-bit characters. To align the incoming bit stream to the proper character boundaries, the Framer must be enabled by asserting RFEN HIGH. The Framer logic-block checks the incoming bit stream for the unique pattern that defines the character boundaries. This logic filter looks for the JK or LM (when BYTE8/10 is LOW) sync character. Once a sync character is found, the Framer captures the offset of the data stream from the present character boundaries, and resets the boundary to reflect this new offset, thus framing the data to the correct character boundaries. Since noise induced errors can cause the incoming data to be corrupted, and since many combinations of corrupt and legal data can create an aliased sync character, the framer may also be disabled by deasserting RFEN LOW. Synchronous Decoded In these modes, the Receive FIFO is bypassed, while the 5B/4B, 6B/5B Decoder is enabled. Framed characters output from the Deserializer are decoded, and passed directly to the Page 36 of 51
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Receive Output Register. The Deserializer operates synchronous to the recovered bit-clock, which is divided by 10, generate the output RXCLK clock. In this mode the RXRST input is not interpreted and may be biased either HIGH or LOW. These modes are usually used for products that must meet specific protocol requirements. New decoded characters are provided at the RXDATA outputs once every rising edge of RXCLK. If RXEMPTY is asserted LOW, the characters on the RXCMD output register is a JK or LM sync character, and the discard policy is set to non-0. Because the decoder is now enabled, all received characters are checked for compliance to the 4B/5B decoding rules. Output Register Mapping The RXDATA[11:0] output bus is mapped into a character consisting of eight bits of data and four bits of command, or ten bits of data and two bits of command. An accompanying RXSC/D bit identifies the character as either command or data. The Violation (VLTN) output indicates a code violation has occurred. When the VLTN output is asserted HIGH, this indicates a transmission error is detected in the character at the current transfer clock cycle. Synchronous Undecoded In this mode, both the Receive FIFO and the 5B/4B, 6B/5B Decoder are bypassed, and data passes directly from the Deserializer to the output register. The Deserializer operates synchronous to the recovered bit-clock, which is divided by 10 to generate the output RXCLK clock. In this mode the RXRST input is not interpreted and may be biased either HIGH or LOW. This mode is usually used for products containing external decoders or descramblers that must meet specific protocol requirements. New data is provided at the RXDATA outputs once every rising edge of RXCLK. Received characters are not checked for any specific coding requirements and no decoding errors are reported. Asynchronous Decoded In Asynchronous Decoded mode, both the Receive FIFO and the Decoder of the CY7C9689A are enabled. The deserializer operates synchronous to the recovered bit-clock, which is divided by 10 to generate the Receive FIFO write clock. Characters are read from the Receive FIFO, using the external RXCLK input, when addressed by CE and selected by RXEN. In this mode the RXRST input is interpreted.
Asynchronous Decoded mode supports the same Output Register mapping as the Synchronous Decoded mode. Because both the Receive FIFO and Decoder are enabled, the output FIFO may be read at any rate supported by the FIFO, however, if the Receive FIFO ever indicates a full condition (RXFULL is asserted), data may be lost. Asynchronous Undecoded In Asynchronous Undecoded modes, the Receive FIFO is enabled. This means that all characters received from the serial interface are written to the Receive FIFO before being passed to the output register. The Deserializer operates synchronous to the recovered bit-clock, which is divided by 10 (or 12) to generate the Receive FIFO write clock. Data is read from the Receive FIFO, using the RXCLK input clock, when addressed by CE and selected by RXEN. These modes are usually used for products containing external decoders or descramblers, that must meet specific protocol requirements. New data may be read from the Receive FIFO any time that the FIFO status flags indicate a non-empty condition (RXEMPTY is deasserted). To ensure that data is not lost, the Receive FIFO must be read faster than data is loaded into the Receive FIFO. If the receiver is to provide framed characters, it is necessary for the transmit end to include JK or LM sync characters in the data stream. This can be done by: • operating the transmitter in encoded mode and writing JK or LM characters into the data stream • operating the transmitter in pre-encoded mode and writing the 10-bit value for an encoded JK (1100010001) or LM (011000100011) character to the data stream • not enabling the transmitter when it is operated in synchronous mode, or by allowing the transit FIFO to go empty when it is operated in asynchronous mode.
BIST Operation and Reporting
The CY7C9689ADX HOTLink Transceiver incorporates the same Built-In Self-Test (BIST) capability. This link diagnostic uses a Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) to generate a 511-character repeating sequence that is compared, character-for-character, at the receiver. BIST mode is intended to check the entire high-speed serial link at full link-speed, without the use of specialized and expensive test equipment. The complete sequence of characters used in BIST are documented in Table 4.
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Figure 5. Built-In Self-Test Illustration
Don’t Care
LOW to enable FIFO Flags
LOW to enable VLTN reads Ignore these outputs ERROR Forced to indicate EMPTY by BIST BIST LOOP
Start of RX BIST Wait Enable RX BIST
Start of RX BIST match
HIGH to select A
BIST Enable Inputs There are separate BIST enable inputs for the transmit and receive paths of the CY7C9689A. These inputs are both active LOW; i.e., BIST is enabled in its respective section of the device when the BIST enable input is determined to be at a logic-0 level. Both BIST enable inputs are asynchronous; i.e., they are synchronized inside the CY7C9689A to the internal state machines. BIST Transmit Path The transmit path operation with BIST is controlled by the TXBISTEN input and overrides most other inputs (see Figure 5). When the Transmit FIFO is enabled (not bypassed) and TXBISTEN is recognized internally, all reads from the Transmit FIFO are suspended and the BIST generator is enabled to sequence out the 511 character repeating BIST sequence. If the recognition occurs in the middle of a data field, the following data is not transmitted at that time, but remains in the Transmit FIFO. Once the TXBISTEN signal is removed, the data in the Transmit FIFO is again available for transmission. To ensure proper data handling at the destination, the transmit host controller should either use TXHALT to prevent transmission of data at specific boundaries, or allow the Transmit FIFO to completely empty before enabling BIST. With transmit BIST enabled, the Transmit FIFO remains available for loading of data. It may be written up to its normal maximum limit while the BIST operation takes place. To allow Document #: 38-02020 Rev. *D
removal of stale data from the Transmit FIFO, it may also be reset during a BIST operation. The reset operation proceeds as documented, with the exception of the information presented on the TXEMPTY FIFO status flag. Since this flag is used to present BIST loop status, it continues to reflect the state of the transmit BIST loop status until TXBISTEN is no longer recognized internally. The completion of the reset operation may still be monitored through the TXFULL FIFO status flag. The TXEMPTY flag, when used for transmit BIST progress indication, continues to reflect the active HIGH or active LOW settings determined by the UTOPIA or Cascade timing model selected by EXTFIFO; i.e., when configured for the Cascade timing model, the TXEMPTY and TXFULL FIFO flags are active HIGH, when configured for the UTOPIA timing model the TXEMPTY and TXFULL FIFO flags are active LOW. The illustration in Figure 5 uses the UTOPIA conventions. When TXBISTEN is first recognized, the TXEMPTY flag is clocked to a reset state, regardless of the addressed state of the Transmit FIFO (if CE is LOW or not), but is not driven out of the part unless CE has been sampled asserted (LOW). Following this, on each completed pass through the BIST loop, the TXEMPTY flag is set for one interface clock period (TXCLK or REFCLK). The TXEMPTY flag remains set until the interface is addressed and the state of TXEMPTY has been observed. If
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the device is not addressed (CE is not sampled LOW), the flag remains set internally regardless of the number of TXCLK clock cycles that are processed. If the device status is not polled on a sufficiently regular basis, it is possible for the host system to miss one or more of these BIST loop indications. A pass through the loop is defined as that condition where the Encoder generates the 0x00 (where 0x denotes Hex number, e.g. 0x00 denotes HEX00) state. Depending on the initial state of the BIST LFSR, the first pass through the loop may occur at substantially less than 511 character periods. Following the first pass, as long as TXBISTEN remains LOW, all remaining passes are exactly 511 characters in length. When the Transmit FIFO is bypassed, the interface is clocked by the REFCLK signal instead of TXCLK. While the active or asserted state of the TXEMPTY signal is still controlled by the EXTFIFO, the state of any completed BIST loops is no longer preserved. Instead, the TXEMPTY flag reflects the dynamic state of the BIST loop progress, and is asserted only once every 511 character periods. If the interface is not addressed at the time that this occurs, then the FIFO status flags remain in a high-Z state and the loop event is lost. BIST Receive Path The receive path operation in BIST is similar to that of the transmit path. While the Receive FIFO is enabled (not bypassed) and RXBISTEN is recognized internally, all writes to the Receive FIFO are suspended. Any data present in the Receive FIFO when RXBISTEN is recognized remains in the FIFO and cannot be read until the BIST operation is complete. The data in the Receive FIFO remains valid, but is NOT available for reading through the host parallel interface. This is because the error output indicator for receive BIST operations is the VLTN signal, which is normally part of the RXDATA bus. To prevent read operations while BIST is in operation, the RXEMPTY and RXHALF flags are forced to indicate an Empty condition. Once RXBISTEN has been removed and recognized internally, the Receive FIFO status flags are updated to reflect the current content status of the Receive FIFO. To allow removal of stale data from the Receive FIFO, it may be reset during a BIST operation. The reset operation proceeds as documented, with the exception that the RXEMPTY and RXHALF status flags already indicate an empty condition. The RXFULL flag is used to present BIST progress. The active (asserted) state on RXFULL (and RXEMPTY) remain controlled by the present operating mode and interface timing model (UTOPIA or Cascade). When RXBISTEN has been recognized, RXFULL becomes the receive BIST loop indicator (regardless of the logic state of FIFOBYP). When RXBISTEN is first recognized, the RXFULL flag is clocked to a set state, regardless of the addressed state of the Receive FIFO (if CE is sampled LOW or not). Following this, RXFULL remains set until the receiver detects the start of the BIST pattern. Then RXFULL is deasserted for the duration of the BIST pattern, pulsing asserted for one RXCLK period on the last symbol of each BIST loop. If 14 of 28 consecutive characters are received in error, RXFULL returns to the set state until the start of a BIST sequence is again detected. Just like the BIST status flag on the transmit data path, the RXFULL flag captures the asserted states, and keeps them Document #: 38-02020 Rev. *D
until they are read. This means that if the status flag is not read on a regular basis, events may be lost. The detection of errors is presented on the VLTN output. Unlike the RXFULL FIFO status flag, the active state of this output is not controlled by the EXTFIFO input. With the Receive FIFO enabled, these outputs should operate the same as the RXFULL flag, with respect to preserving the detection state of an error until it is read. Unlike the RXFULL flag, which only needs the CY7C9689A to be addressed (CE sampled LOW by RXCLK) to enable the RXFULL three-state driver, and an RXCLK to “read” the flag, the VLTN output requires a selection (assertion of RXEN while addressed) to enable the RXDATA bus three-state drivers. The selection process is necessary to ensure that a multi-PHY implementation does not enable multiple VLTN drivers at the same time. When the Receive FIFO is bypassed, the interface is clocked by the RXCLK output signal. While the active or asserted state of the RXFULL signal is still controlled by the EXTFIFO input, the state of any completed BIST loops or detected errors are no longer preserved. Instead, the RXFULL flag reflects the dynamic state of the BIST loop progress, and is asserted only once every 511 character periods. If the interface is not addressed at the time that this occurs, then the FIFO status flags remain in a high-Z state and the loop event is lost. This is also true of the VLTN output, such that if the CY7C9689A receive path is not selected to enable the RXDATA bus three-state drivers, the detection of a BIST miscompare is lost. BIST Three-state Control When BIST is enabled on either the transmitter or the receiver, the three-state enable signals for the BIST status flags and error indicators work the same as for normal data processing. The output drivers for the BIST status that is presented on FIFO status flags are only enabled when CE has been sampled asserted (LOW) by the respective clock (TXCLK, RXCLK, or REFCLK). To access the BIST error information, it is necessary to perform a read cycle of the addressed receiver. This means that CE must be LOW to enable the receiver (Rx_Match), and RXEN must be asserted from HIGH to LOW to select the device. Because the part is in BIST, no data is read from the FIFO, but the data bus is driven. This allows the VLTN indicator to be driven onto the RXDATA bus. So long as RXEN remains asserted, the receiver stays selected, the data bus remains driven, and VLTN has meaning.
Bus Interfacing
The parallel transmit and receive host interfaces to the CY7C9689A are configurable for either synchronous or asynchronous operation. Each of these configurations supports two selectable timing and control models of Shared Bus or Cascade. All asynchronous bus configurations have the internal Transmit and Receive FIFOs enabled. This allows data to be written or read from these FIFOs at any rate up to the maximum 50-MHz clock rate of the FIFOs. All internal operations of the CY7C9689A do not use the external TXCLK or RXCLK, but instead make use of synthesized derivatives of
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REFCLK for transmit path operations and a recovered character clock for receive path operations. All synchronous bus configurations require the bus interface operations to be synchronous to REFCLK on the transmit path and the recovered clock (output as RXCLK) on the receive path. The internal FIFOs are bypassed in all synchronous modes. The two supported timing and control models are Shared Bus and Cascade. The Shared Bus is based on the timing model of a FIFO with active LOW FIFO status flags and read/write enables. The Cascade timing model is a modification of the Shared Bus model that changes the flags and FIFO read/write enables to active HIGH. This model is present primarily to allow depth expansion of the internal FIFO by direct coupling to external CY7C42x5 synchronous FIFOs. To allow this direct coupling, the cycle-to-cycle timing between the transmit and receive enables (TXEN and RXEN) are also modified to ensure correct data transfer. These four configurations of bus operation and timing/control can all be used with or without external FIFOs. Depending on the specific mode selected, the amount of external hardware necessary to properly couple the CY7C9689A to state machines or external FIFOs is minimal in all cases, and may be zero if the proper configuration is selected. With only minor exceptions, all configurations of the CY7C9689A in the Shared Bus mode borrowed concepts from the ATM Forum’s UTOPIA Bus operation. concepts of addressing and selection to control the enabled/disabled state of the output drivers, and when data can be written to or read from the part. Shared Bus Interface Concept The CY7C9689A Parallel Interface is designed for interfacing to a Shared Bus. The maximum TXCLK and RXCLK frequency is 50 MHz, which provides a total bandwidth of 50Million characters per second in each direction. More than two CY7C9689A can be serviced on the same bus at full serial line speed. The CY7C9689A is designed to be the Slave in Master-Slave type of shared bus architecture. Generally, the bus Master (a Medium Access Device, MAC) is a higher layer device that sources out going data/command and sinks incoming data/command to/from Slaves (CY7C9689A) on the shared bus (see Figure 6) Figure 6. Shared Bus Architecture Bus Master
The data bus (TXDATA, RXDATA), command bus (TXCMD, RXCMD) and FIFO status flags (TXFULL, RXEMPTY, etc.) of each CY7C9689A on the shared bus can be connected together respectively. Each Slave can be assigned an address. The address of each Slave can be decoded by a decoder which drives the CE input of each Slave. The bus Master will poll each Slave by selecting (or “Addressing”) the device, and sample the FIFO flags. Depending on the FIFOs status on each Slave device, the Master can schedule read accesses to Slaves which have data in the RXFIFOs, and write accesses to Slaves which have room in the TXFIFOs. While data is being transferred on the data/command bus, the bus Master can continue to poll each Slave device independently. Device Selection All actions on the Shared Bus interface are controlled by the Chip Enable and selection states of the interface. These states control the read and write access to the Receive and Transmit FIFOs, access to the FIFO status flags, reset of the Transmit and Receive FIFOs, and read and write access to the Serial Address Register. The CY7C9689A supports the concept of an “address match” through a single Chip Enable (CE) input. Address Match and FIFO Flag Access The CY7C9689A makes use of a single active-LOW Chip Enable (CE) to generate address-match conditions. This allows multiple CY7C9689A devices to share a common bus, with device output three-state controls being managed by either an address match condition (CE sampled LOW), or by a selection state. The Transmit and Receive FIFO flag output drivers are enabled in any TXCLK, REFCLK, or RXCLK cycle following CE being sampled asserted (LOW) by the rising edge of the respective clock. The CE input is sampled separately by the clocks for the transmit and receive interfaces, which allows these clocks to be both asynchronous to each other, and to operate at different clock rates. An example of both Transmit and Receive FIFO flag access is shown in Figure 7 Figure 7. FIFO Flag Driver Enables.
Transmit Port Addressing
Receive Port Addressing
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When the Transmit FIFO is enabled (FIFOBYP is HIGH) and CE is sampled LOW by the rising edge of TXCLK, the output drivers for the TXFULL and TXEMPTY FIFO flags are enabled. When CE is sampled HIGH by the rising edge of TXCLK, these same output drivers are disabled. When the Transmit FIFO is bypassed (FIFOBYP is LOW and not in byte-packed mode) and CE is sampled LOW by the rising edge of REFCLK, the output drivers for the TXFULL and TXEMPTY FIFO flags are enabled. When CE is sampled HIGH by the rising edge of REFCLK, the FIFO flag output drivers are disabled. When CE is sampled LOW by the rising edge of RXCLK (input or output), the output drivers for the RXFULL and RXEMPTY FIFO flags are enabled. When CE is sampled HIGH by the rising edge of RXCLK, the FIFO flag output drivers are disabled. Device Selection The concept of selection is used to control the access to the transmit and receive parallel-data ports of the device. There are three primary types of selection: • Transmit data selection (with and without internal Transmit FIFO) • Receive data selection (with and without internal Receive FIFO) • Continuous selection (for either or both transmit and receive interfaces). In addition to these normal selection types, there are two additional sequences that are used to control the internal Transmit and Receive FIFOs reset operations, and to control read/write access to the Serial Address Register: • Transmit reset sequence • Receive reset sequence. Of these operations, the transmit data selection and transmit reset sequence are mutually exclusive and cannot exist at the same time. The receive data selection and receive reset sequence are also mutually exclusive and cannot exist at the same time. Either transmit operation can exist at the same time as either receive operation.
All normal forms of selection require that an Chip Enable must be asserted (CE sampled LOW) either at the same time as the selection control signal being sampled asserted, or one or more clock cycles prior to the selection control signal being sampled asserted. Transmit Data Selection Asynchronous With Shared Bus Timing and Control (Transmit FIFO Enabled) When CE is sampled LOW and TXRST is sampled HIGH by the rising edge of TXCLK, a Tx_Match condition is generated. This Tx_Match condition continues until CE is sampled HIGH or TXRST is sampled LOW at the rising edge of TXCLK. When a Tx_Match (or Tx_RstMatch) condition is present, the TXEMPTY and TXFULL output drivers are enabled. When a Tx_Match (or Tx_RstMatch) condition is not present, these same drivers are disabled (High-Z). The selection state of the Transmit FIFO is entered when a Tx_Match condition is present, and TXEN transitions from HIGH to LOW. Once selected, the Transmit FIFO remains selected until TXEN is sampled HIGH by the rising edge of TXCLK. In the selected state, data present on the TXDATA inputs is captured and stored in the Transmit FIFO. This transmit interface selection process is shown in Figure 8. Synchronous With Shared Bus Timing and Control (Transmit FIFO Bypassed) When the Transmit FIFO is bypassed (FIFOBYP is LOW and not in byte-packed mode), the CY7C9689A must still be selected to write data into the Transmit Input Register. When CE is sampled LOW and TXRST is sampled HIGH by the rising edge of REFCLK, a Tx_Match condition is generated. This Tx_Match condition continues until CE is sampled HIGH or TXRST is sampled LOW at the rising edge of REFCLK. When a Tx_Match (or Tx_RstMatch) condition is present, the TXEMPTY and TXFULL output drivers are enabled (with the Transmit FIFO bypassed, the status flags normally indicate an Empty condition). When a Tx_Match (or Tx_RstMatch) condition is not present, these same drivers are disabled (High-Z).
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Figure 8. Transmit Selection with Transmit FIFO Enabled
(Shared Bus Timing)
Note 47 [46]
D2 D1
D3 D2 D3
(Cascade Timing)
Not Full
Note 47
Not Full
The selection state of the Transmit Input Register is entered when a Tx_Match condition is present, and TXEN transitions from HIGH to LOW. Once selected, the transmit input register remains selected until TXEN is sampled HIGH by the rising edge of REFCLK. In the selected state, data present on the TXDATA inputs is captured in the Transmit Input Register and passed to the Serializer or Encoder (as selected by the ENCBYP input). This transmit interface selection process is shown in Figure 9. When the 4B/5B Encoder is enabled and data is not written to the Transmit Input Register, the data stream is automatically padded with JK or LM SYNC characters. When the 4B/5B, 5B/6B Encoder is disabled and no data is written to the Transmit Input Register, JK or LM SYNC characters are also automatically padded with SYNC characters.
Receive Data Selection Asynchronous With Shared Bus Timing and Control (Receive FIFO Enabled) When CE is sampled LOW and RXRST is sampled HIGH by the rising edge of RXCLK input, an Rx_Match condition is generated. This Rx_Match condition continues until CE is sampled HIGH or RXRST is sampled LOW at the rising edge of RXCLK input. When an Rx_Match (or Rx_RstMatch) condition is present, the RXEMPTY and RXFULL output drivers are enabled. When an Rx_Match (or Rx_RstMatch) condition is not present, these same drivers are disabled (High-Z).
Notes 46. Signals shown as dotted lines indicate timing and levels when configured for external FIFOs (EXTFIFO is HIGH). 47. Signal names listed in italics are internal signals, shown for reference only.
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The selection state of the Receive FIFO is entered when an Rx_Match condition is present, and RXEN transitions from HIGH to LOW. Once selected, the Receive FIFO remains selected until RXEN is sampled HIGH by the rising edge of
RXCLK input. The selected state initiates a read cycle from the Receive FIFO and enables the Receive FIFO data onto the RXDATA bus. This receive interface selection process is shown in Figure 10
Figure 9. Transmit Selection with Transmit FIFO Bypassed
Note 47
(Shared Bus Timing)
D2 D1
D3 D2 D3
(Cascade Timing)
Not Full
Note 47
Not Full
Synchronous With UTOPIA Timing and Control (Receive FIFO Bypassed) When the Receive FIFO is bypassed (FIFOBYP is LOW), the CY7C9689A must still be selected to enable the output drivers for the RXDATA bus. With the Receive FIFO bypassed, RXCLK becomes a synchronous output clock operating at the character rate. When CE is sampled LOW and RXRST is sampled HIGH by the rising edge of RXCLK output, an Rx_Match condition is generated. This Rx_Match condition continues until CE is sampled HIGH or RXRST is sampled LOW at the rising edge of RXCLK. When an Rx_Match (or Rx_RstMatch) condition is present, the RXEMPTY and RXFULL output drivers are enabled. With
the Receive FIFO bypassed, these flags normally indicate a non-empty condition but may indicate empty if a JK or LM SYNC character is present in the output register and the receiver discard policy is non-0. When an Rx_Match (or Rx_RstMatch) condition is not present, these same drivers are disabled (High-Z). The selection state of the Receive Output Register is entered when an Rx_Match condition is present, and RXEN transitions from HIGH to LOW. Once selected, the Receive Output Register remains selected until RXEN is sampled HIGH by the rising edge of RXCLK output. In the selected state, the output drivers for the RXDATA outputs are enabled, and new data is presented to the RXDATA bus on every clock cycle
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Figure 10. Receive Selection with Receive FIFO Enabled
Note 47
Note 47
D1 Not Empty
Continuous Selection Continuous Selection is a specialized form of selection which does not require sequenced assertion of CE and TXEN or RXEN to select the device for data transfers. In this Continuous Selection mode, the CE and associated TXEN or RXEN enable signal must be asserted when the device is powered up or during assertion of RESET. So long as these signals remain asserted, the device remains selected and data is accepted and presented on every clock cycle. Note: The use of continuous selection makes it impossible to reset the respective internal FIFOs, or to access the Serial Address Register. FIFO Reset Address Match When CE and TXRST are both LOW, and this condition is sampled by the rising edge of TXCLK, a Tx_RstMatch condition is generated. This Tx_RstMatch condition continues until CE or TXRST is sampled HIGH by the rising edge of TXCLK. When a Tx_RstMatch (or Tx_Match) condition is present, the TXEMPTY and TXFULL output drivers are enabled (just as in a normal Tx_Match condition). When a Tx_RstMatch (or Tx_Match) condition is not present, these same drivers are disabled (High-Z). The Transmit FIFO reset Address Match is shown in Figure 11. Note that although TXRST remains LOW for more than one clock cycle, the Tx_RstMatch does not because the CE signal is no longer asserted (LOW). When CE and RXRST are both LOW, and this condition is sampled by the rising edge of RXCLK, an Rx_RstMatch
condition is generated. This Rx_RstMatch condition continues until CE or RXRST is sampled HIGH, at the rising edge of Figure 11. Transmit FIFO Reset Address Match
TXCLK TXRST CE Tx_RstMatch Tx_Match
[46] [46]
RXCLK. When an Rx_RstMatch (or Rx_Match) condition is present, the RXEMPTY and RXFULL output drivers are enabled. When an Rx_RstMatch (or Rx_Match) condition is not present, these same drivers are disabled (High-Z). The Receive FIFO reset Address Match is shown in Figure 12. Note that while the FIFO flags remain asserted for more than one clock cycle, this is due to an Rx_Match condition, not a continuation of the Rx_RstMatch.
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Figure 12. Receive FIFO Reset Address Match
FIFO reset has been recognized by the Transmit Control State Machine and that a reset has been started. However, if the TXEN is asserted prior to or during the assertion and sampling of TXRST, the reset sequence is inhibited until TXEN is removed. Note: The FIFO FULL state forced by the reset operation is different from a FULL state caused by normal FIFO data writes. For normal FIFO write operations, when FULL is first asserted, the Transmit FIFO must still accept up to four additional writes of data. When a FULL state is asserted due to a Transmit FIFO reset operation, the FIFO will not accept any additional data. The Transmit FIFO reset does not complete until the external reset condition is removed. This can be removed by deassertion of either TXRST or CE. If CE is deasserted (HIGH) to remove the reset condition, the Transmit FIFO flag’s drivers are disabled, and the Transmit FIFO must be addressed at a later time to validate completion of the Transmit FIFO reset. If TXRST is deasserted (HIGH) to remove the reset condition, the Tx_RstMatch is changed to a Tx_Match, and the Transmit FIFO status flags remain driven. The Transmit FIFO reset operation is complete when the Transmit FIFO flags indicate an EMPTY state (TXEMPTY is asserted and both TXHALF and TXFULL are deasserted). A valid Transmit FIFO reset sequence is shown in Figure 15. Here the TXRST and CE are asserted (LOW) at the same time. When these signals are both sampled LOW by TXCLK, a Tx_RstMatch condition is present. With TXEN deasserted (HIGH), the Transmit FIFO is not selected for data transfers. This Tx_RstMatch condition must remain for eight TXCLK cycles to initiate the Tx_FIFO_Reset. Following this the TXFULL FIFO status flag is asserted to indicate that the Transmit FIFO reset sequence has completed and that a Transmit FIFO reset is in progress. When the TXRST signal is deasserted (HIGH), CE remains LOW to allow the FIFO status flags to be driven. This allows the completion of the reset operation to be monitored. To allow better multi-tasking on multi-PHY implementations, it is possible to deassert CE (HIGH) as soon as the FULL state is indicated. The FIFO reset operation will complete and the EMPTY state (indicating completion of the reset operation) can be detected during a separate polling operation. For those links implemented with a single PHY, it is possible to hardwire CE LOW and still perform normal accesses and reset operations. This is shown in Figure . In a single-PHY implementation, a Transmit FIFO reset can never be initiated with TXEN asserted at the same time as TXRST. Since CE is always LOW, any assertion of TXEN causes the Transmit FIFO to be selected, clearing the reset counter.
Valid Valid
FIFO Reset Sequence On power-up, the Transmitter and Receiver FIFOs are cleared automatically. If the usage of the FIFOs in specific operating modes results in stale or unwanted data, this data can be cleared by resetting the respective FIFO. Data in the Transmit FIFO will empty automatically if it is enabled to read the FIFO (assuming TXHALT is not LOW). Stale received data can be “flushed” by reading it, or the Receive FIFO can be reset to remove the unwanted data. The Transmit and Receive FIFOs are reset when the Tx_RstMatch or Rx_RstMatch condition remains present for eight consecutive clock cycles. Any disruption of the reset sequence prior to reaching the eight cycle count, either by removal of CE or the respective TXRST or RXRST, or assertion of the associated TXEN or RXEN, terminates the sequence and does not reset the FIFO. Because CE must remain asserted during the reset sequence, the addressed FIFO flags remain driven during the entire sequence. Transmit FIFO Reset Sequence The Transmit FIFO reset sequence (see Figure 15) is started when TXRST and CE are first sampled LOW by the rising edge of TXCLK. Because a Tx_RstMatch condition is present, the Transmit FIFO flags are asserted and can be used to track the status of any Transmit FIFO reset in progress. Once the reset sequence has reached its maximum count (eight TXCLK cycles), the Transmit FIFO flags are asserted to indicate a FULL condition (TXEMPTY is deasserted, and both TXHALF and TXFULL are asserted). This indicates that the Transmit
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Figure 13. Transmit FIFO Reset Sequence with Constant CE
Note 48
Tx_Match Tx_FIFO_Reset
Note 48
Not Full
Notes 48. Signals shown as dotted lines indicate timing and levels when configured for external FIFOs (EXTFIFO is HIGH). 49. Signal names listed in italics are internal signals, shown for reference only.
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Figure 14. Invalid Transmit FIFO Reset Sequence with TXEN Asserted
Note 48
Tx_Match Tx_FIFO_Reset
Note 48
Not Full
Figure 15. Transmit FIFO Reset Sequence
[49] [49]
Note 48
Note 48
Not Full
Figure 14 shows a sequence of input signals which will not produce a FIFO reset. In this case TXEN was asserted to select a Transmit FIFO for data transfers. Because TXEN remains active, the assertion of CE and TXRST does not
initiate a reset operation. This is shown by the TXFULL flag remaining HIGH (deasserted) following what would be the normal expiration of the seven-state reset counter.
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Receive FIFO Reset Sequence The Receive FIFO reset sequence operates (for the most part) the same as the Transmit FIFO reset sequence. The same requirements exist for the assertion state of RXRST and selection of the interface. A sample Receive FIFO reset sequence is shown in Figure 16. Upon recognition of a Receive FIFO reset, the Receive FIFO flags are forced to
indicate an EMPTY state to prohibit additional reads from the FIFO. Unlike the Transmit FIFO, where the internal completion of the reset operation is shown by first going FULL and later going EMPTY when the internal reset is complete, there is no secondary indication of the completion of the internal reset of the Receive FIFO. The Receive FIFO is usable as soon as new data is placed into it by the Receive Control State Machine
Figure 16. Receive FIFO Reset Sequence.
Note 48
Rx_Match Rx_FIFO_Reset
Note 48
Not Empty
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Printed Circuit Board Layout Suggestions
Power Supply Bypass 0.01-µF MLC X7R 1206 Chip Cap (4 sites)
OUTA± OUTB± INB± Power Supply Bypass 0.01-µF MLC X7R CURSETB Resistor Power Supply Bypass 0.01-µF MLC X7R 1206 Chip Cap (2 sites) RXSC/D
CURSETA Resistor
Power Supply Bypass 0.01-µF MLC X7R RESET
Via to VDD plane Via to VSS plane This is a typical printed circuit board layout showing example placement of power supply bypass components and other components mounted on the same side as the CY7C9689A.
Power Supply Bypass 0.01-µF MLC X7R
Other layouts, including cases with components mounted on the reverse side would work as well.
Ordering Information
Ordering Code CY7C9689A-AC CY7C9689A-AXC CY7C9689A-AXI Package Name A100 A100 A100 Package Type 100-lead Thin Quad Flat Pack Pb-Free 100-lead Thin Quad Flat Pack Pb-Free 100-lead Thin Quad Flat Pack Operating Range Commercial Commercial Industrial
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Package Diagram
Figure 17. 100-Pin Thin Plastic Quad Flat Pack (TQFP) A100SA
16.00±0.25 SQ 14.00±0.05 SQ 100 76
0° MIN. STAND-OFF 0.05 MIN. 0.15 MAX.
R 0.08 MIN. 0.20 MAX.
R 0.08 MIN. 0.20 MAX. 0.50 TYP.
0.20 MIN. 0.60±0.15
51 1.00 REF. 26 50 NOTE: PKG. CAN HAVE
12°±1° (8X)
0.20 MAX.
HOTLink is a registered trademark of Cypress Semiconductor, Inc. AMD, TAXI, and TAXIchip are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. Inc. All product and company names mentioned in this document are trademarks of their respective holders
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© Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2006. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Cypress Semiconductor Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuitry other than circuitry embodied in a Cypress product. Nor does it convey or imply any license under patent or other rights. Cypress products are not warranted nor intended to be used for medical, life support, life saving, critical control or safety applications, unless pursuant to an express written agreement with Cypress. Furthermore, Cypress does not authorize its products for use as critical components in life-support systems where a malfunction or failure may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user. The inclusion of Cypress products in life-support systems application implies that the manufacturer assumes all risk of such use and in doing so indemnifies Cypress against all charges.
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Document History Page
Document Title: CY7C9689A TAXI™-compatible HOTLink® Transceiver Document Number: 38-02020 REV. ** *A *B ECN NO. 106249 107695 113563 Issue Date 04/20/01 06/28/01 04/10/02 Orig. of Change SZV SPN REV Description of Change Changed from Spec number: 38-00758 to 38-02020 Changed part number: CY7C9689 to CY7C9689A Removed parity reference Deleted mention of Byte-packer Fixed formatting to change mF to µF Changed pins 23 and 29 to RXDATA[11:10]/RXCMD[1:0] LFI was changed from “three state” to just output pin Fixed flip flop to Q as output and D as input Font problem with up-arrow symbols corrected Added Pb-Free part numbers to ordering information
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