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MB9EF226EPMC-GSK5E2 数据手册
Please note that Cypress is an Infineon Technologies Company. The document following this cover page is marked as “Cypress” document as this is the company that originally developed the product. Please note that Infineon will continue to offer the product to new and existing customers as part of the Infineon product portfolio. Continuity of document content The fact that Infineon offers the following product as part of the Infineon product portfolio does not lead to any changes to this document. Future revisions will occur when appropriate, and any changes will be set out on the document history page. Continuity of ordering part numbers Infineon continues to support existing part numbers. Please continue to use the ordering part numbers listed in the datasheet for ordering. www.infineon.com CY9EF226 - Titan CY9EF226 Series General Description CY9EF226 series is based on Cypress’s advanced Arm architecture (32-bit with instruction pipeline for RISC-like performance). Improvements compared to the previous generation include significantly improved performance at higher frequency, reduced power consumption and faster start-up time. For highest processing speed at optimized power consumption an internal PLL can be selected to supply the CPU with up to 128 MHz operation frequency from an external resonator. Note: Arm, Cortex, Thumb and CoreSight are the trademarks of Arm Limited in the EU and other countries. Features High-Performance/High Memory Content Arm Cortex-R4, 8KB D-Cache, 8KB I-Cache ■ 32-Bit Armv7 architecture ■ 205 DMIPS ■ 2MB Internal Flash ■ 48KB Internal EEFlash (Data Flash) ■ 208KB Internal RAM with ECC ■ ■ Graphics 2D-Graphics Engine ■ 1MB Embedded VRAM ■ Max Resolution: 1024 pixel hor. x 1024 pixel ver. ■ 4 Display Layer plus Alpha blending layer ■ Display Controller/TCON ■ Max. Pixel clock of 40MHz ■ Bit Blitter ■ Signature Unit ■ Command Sequencer ■ TTL and RSDS Output (RGB888) ■ Dithering for Display with low color resolution ■ Other Features ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 2x CAN, 2 x LIN-USART, 3 x SPI, 1 x I2C, 2 x I2S ■ Up to six Stepper Motor Control (SMC) outputs ■ HS-SPI (memory mapped access) ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Multiple Memory Production Units (MPU) ■ Peripheral Protection Units (PPU) ■ Timing Protection Unit (TPU) ■ Cyclic Redundancy Checks (CRC of Flash, Cache and RAM) ■ Watchdog ■ Flash-, Debug- and Test-Security ■ Switchable Power Domains 16KB Retention RAM Flexible Clock Control Debugging/Testing Arm Coresight Debug and Trace Debugging via JTAG Interface Boundary Scan Characteristics ■ Safety Features/Security Features Up/Down Counters Programmable Pulse Generators Analog-to-Digital Converters - 50 channels Sound Generator Free Running/Reload Timers Real Time Clock (RTC) Input Capture Units, Output Compare units 32 external Interrupts Low Power ■ Connectivity Secure Hardware Extension (SHE) ❐ Self-contained secure area ❐ Random Number generator ❐ Secure repository for cryptographic keys ❐ AES encryption/decryption block ■ ■ 5V and 3.3V capable IOs Ta: 40 °C to +105 °C Package: LQFP-176 Applications ■ ■ Hybrid Automotive Instruments Cluster with pointers and TFT display Classical Automotive Instruments Cluster with pointers Errata: For information on silicon errata, see Errata on page 292. Details include trigger conditions, devices affected, and proposed workaround. Cypress Semiconductor Corporation Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C • 198 Champion Court • San Jose, CA 95134-1709 • 408-943-2600 Revised April 25, 2019 CY9EF226 - Titan Block Diagram Graphical Subsystem "IRIS−SDL " GFX0_DCLKI GFXSPI_CLKi GFXSPI_DATA0i.... GFXSPI_DATA3i GFXSPI_SSi Display Controller Pixel Engine EIC EIC0_INT00.... EIC0_INT31 NMI EIC0_NMI RTC RTC_WOT SYSC SYSC_CKOT SYSC_CKOTX Memories Watchdog TPU IRQ Control Power Control HS−SPI (1 ch) CLK_CFG_PD4 RetRAM 16K EEFlash 48K option CLK_MEM_E_PD3 BootROM 16K GFX0_DISP[0].... GFX0_DISP[25] GFX0_TSIG[0].... GFX0_TSIG[11] TCON Bus Matrix Controlgroup Signature TCMRAM 128K HS−SPI CLK_DBG_PD2 Command Seq TCFlash 2M SPI−MEM 256MB CLK_TRACE_PD2 CLK_HPM_PD2 VRAM 512KB/1M SRAM 64K Memory Map Trace I−Cache 8K 128 MHz GPIOn_mi GPIOn_mo I2S (2 ch) Peripheral Bus Bridge 1 SPIn_CLKi SPIn_DATA0i˘. SPIn_DATA3i SPIn_SSi SPIn_CLKo SPIn_DATA[0]o˘. SPIn_DATA[3]o SPIn_SSo SPIn_SSO[1]˘. SPIn_SSO[3] CRC MLB (1 ch) Peripheral Bus Bridge 0 SG_SGA SG_SGO SG (1 ch) 10−bit ADC I2Sn_ECLK I2Sn_SCKi I2Sn_SDi I2Sn_WSi CANn_RX CANn_TX CAN (2 ch) I2Sn_SDo I2Sn_WSo I2Sn_SCKo USART6_SCKi USART6_SIN USART6_SCKo USART6_SOT I/O Timer (4 ch) FRT 0/1/2/3 ICU 2/3 OCU 0/1 MLBn_SIGo MLBn_DATo (50 ch) USART (1 ch) I/O Timer (4 ch) FRT 16/17/18/19 ICU 18/19 OCU 16/17 MLBn_CLKi PPU PERI5_AHB BUS FRTn_FRCK ICUn_IN0, ICUn_IN1 OTDn,OTDn_I,OTDn_G,OTDn_GI PPG_ETRG0˘.. PPG_ETRG3 PPGA PPGB 16−bit PPG (8 ch) CLK_PERI1_PD2 CLK_PERI3_PD2 GPIO (117 pins) SPI (3 ch) PLL’s CSV/CLK−out CLK_HPM_PD2 DMA (8 ch) PERI0_RBUS UDC0_AIN0, UDC0_AIN1 UDC0_BIN0, UDC0_BIN1 UDC0_ZIN0, UDC0_ZIN1 UDC0_UDOT0 UDC0_UDOT1 PERI4_SLAVE AHB BUS UDC (1 ch) RLTn_TIN RLTn_TOUT CLK_PERI4_PD2 PERI3_eRBUS RLT (10 ch) Peripheral Bus Bridge 4 PERI1_RBUS Peripheral Bus Bridge 3 SHE CLK_HPM_PD2 CLK_DMA_PD2 DMA0_DEOP_ACK0, DMA0_DEOP_ACK1 DMA0_DREQ0, DMA0_DREQ1 DMA0_DSTP0, DMA0_DSTP1 DMA0_DREQ_ACK0, DMA0_DREQ_ACK1 DMA0_DSTP_ACK0, DMA0_DSTP_ACK1 DMA0_DEOP0, DMA0_DEOP1 CLK_PERI0_PD2 CLK_HPM_PD2 Oscillators CLK_SYS_PD3 High Performance Matrix (HPM) CLK_HPM_PD2 D−Cache 8K MPU 8 ch CLK_GFX_PD5 CLK_CFG_PD1 Clock group Cortex R4 On−chip Debug CLK_MEM_E_PD3 ECC X0 X1 MODE X0A X1A RSTX DBG0_CTL DBG0_CLK DBG0_TRACE0.... DBG0_TRACE7 AVDD5 AVSS5 AVRH ADC0_AN0..... ADC0_AN31 ADC0_EDGI FRTn_FRCK ICUn_IN0, ICUn_IN1 OTDn,OTDn_I,OTDn_G,OTDn_GI USART (1 ch) USART0_SCKi USART0_SIN USART0_SCKo USART0_SOT I2C (1 ch) I2C0_SCLi I2C0_SDAi I2C0_SCLo I2C0_SDAo SMC (6 ch) SMCn_M1 SMCn_P1 SMCn_M2 SMCn_P2 16−bit PPG (16 ch) PPG_ETRG0˘.. PPG_ETRG3 PPGn_PPGA PPGn_PPGB Power Domain Power Domain Modules PD1 Clockgroup (Osc, PLL, CSV), Controlgroup (EIC, NMI, RTC, SYSC, WDG, TPU, IRQ Control, Power Control) PD2 Peripheral bus 0 (ADC, FRT, ICU, OCU, USART, I2C, SMC, PPG), Peripheral bus 1 (SG, CAN, USART, FRT, ICU, OCU, PPG), Peripheral bus 3 (RLT, UDC, GPIO, PPU), Peripheral bus 4 (SPI, I2S), On-Chip Debug, Trace, SRAM, CRC, Cortex R4, SHE, MPU, I-Cache, D-Cache, TCM, TCFlash, EEFlash, TPU, BootROM, HS-SPI, MLB, IRIS-SDL PD4 RetRAM Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 2 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Contents CY9EF226 Features .......................................................... 4 Resource Distribution for Non-modulated Clock ....... 13 Lock/Unlock Values for Protection Units ................... 13 ID-Values for Module Identification Registers ........... 14 Package and Pin Assignment ....................................... 15 Package .................................................................... 15 QFP-176 Pin Assignment .......................................... 15 I/O Pins and Functions .............................................. 19 I/O Pin Types ............................................................. 65 IO Circuit Types ......................................................... 68 Packages ................................................................... 73 Interrupt/DMA .................................................................. 74 Interrupt Table ........................................................... 74 NMI ............................................................................ 80 DMA Overview .......................................................... 81 PPU ........................................................................... 85 Master ID ................................................................... 86 I/O Map ............................................................................. 86 Electrical Characteristics ............................................. 245 Absolute Maximum Ratings ..................................... 245 Recommended Operating Conditions ..................... 249 DC Characteristics .................................................. 250 AC Characteristics ................................................... 257 Analog Digital Converter ......................................... 268 FLASH Memory Program/Erase Characteristics ..... 270 RC Oscillator Frequency ......................................... 271 ESD Structure between Power Domains ................ 273 Procedures .................................................................... 275 Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Boundary Scan ........................................................ 275 Flash Parallel Programming .................................... 277 Debug and Trace ..................................................... 286 Handling Devices .......................................................... 288 Preventing Latch-up ................................................ 288 Handling of Unused Input Pins ................................ 288 Power Supply Pins .................................................. 288 Power on Sequence ................................................ 288 Pin State During Active External Reset ................... 289 Crystal Oscillator Circuit .......................................... 289 Notes on Using External Clock ................................ 289 Reference Documents .................................................. 291 Errata ............................................................................. 292 Ordering Information .................................................... 309 Appendix ....................................................................... 310 Workaround for Flash Erase Suspend Issue ........... 310 Workaround for IRQ Unit Register Read Timing Issue ............................................................ 311 Workaround for IUNIT Interrupt Handling Problem ................................................................... 318 Document History Page ............................................... 320 Sales, Solutions, and Legal Information .................... 321 Worldwide Sales and Design Support ..................... 321 Products .................................................................. 321 PSoC® Solutions .................................................... 321 Cypress Developer Community ............................... 321 Technical Support ................................................... 321 Page 3 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan CY9EF226 Features Table 1. Overview Feature Max. Core frequency CY9EF226 / QFP-176 CY9EF226L / QFP-176 128 MHz 128 MHz 8 channels 8 channels TCFlash 2 MB 2 MB EEFlash 48 KB 48 KB DMA AXI RAM (with ECC) 64 KB 64 KB TCM RAM (with ECC) 128 KB 128 KB RetRAM 16 KB 16 KB I/D each 8KB I/D each 8KB Core has 4-way-associative cache SHE Boot-ROM IRQ Ctrl Graphics subsystem Graphic RAM (VRAM) yes yes 16 KB 16 KB 256 256 Iris-SDL - 1MB 1MB 1 channel 1 channel 4 4 10 channels 10 channels FRT 8 channels 8 channels ICU 8 channels 8 channels OCU 8 channels 8 channels PPG 24 channels 24 channels RTC (with auto calibration) Source clock timer RLT (Reload Timer) (32 bit) SG (Sound Generator) 1 channel 1 channel UDC (UpDown Counter) 2 channels 2 channels CAN 2 channels 2 channels USART (LIN-USART) 2 channels 2 channels SPI 3 channels 3 channels I2C 1 channel 1 channel I2S 2 channels 2 channels Quad - SPI 2 channel 2 channel Media LB 1 channel 1 channel 32 channels 32 channels 32/1 32/1 4(6) channels 4 channels 50 channels (including 24 channels shared with SMC) 50 channels (including 24 channels shared with SMC) CRC 1 channel 1 channel Package QFP-176 QFP-176 EIC (External Interrupts) NMI (intern / extern) SMC ADC (10-bit) Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 4 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 2. Device Features Feature Technology Description 90 nm CMOS with embedded flash Processor Subsystem ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Cortex R4 CPU core 32-bit Arm architecture, dual-issue superscalar eight stage pipeline  Armv7 and Thumb -2 instruction set compliant Memory Protection Unit (MPU) with 12 regions Two Tightly Coupled Memory (TCM) ports. 64-bit AXI slave port for access to TCMs 64-bit AXI master port Vectored Interrupt Controller (VIC) port for faster interrupt processing Single error correction, double error detection (SECDED) Error Correction Coding (ECC) for memory error detection and correction Instruction cache: 8KB 4-way set-associative Data cache: 8KB 4-way set-associative Up to 8 break-points and 8 watchpoints Debug and Trace ■ ■ ■ ■ Arm Coresight technology Standard 5-pin JTAG interface 4-bit, 8-bit and 16-bit trace data width supported depending on package Secure entry supported for debugger Graphics Subsystem ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 2D graphics engine with base level hardware acceleration Maximum frame resolution: 1024 pixel x 1024 pixel Video modes up to 40MHz pixel clock 1MB embedded SRAM video memory 64-bit multi-layer AXI bus for memory access Quad SPI interface for external flash One background and 3 alpha blended foreground layers. One dedicated alpha layer. Rotation of display by 90/180/270 degrees Gamma correction for display output Color dithering for low resolution panels Copy and blend bit operations (OpenGL and OpenVG blending modes) Pixel formats 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, and 32 bpp Raster operations (ROP2 and ROP3) Clocks ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ External main clock of 4MHz (up to 8MHz under evaluation) External sub clock (typical 32.768 kHz) Embedded RC oscillator (typical 8/12 MHz, configurable) Embedded Slow RC oscillator (typical 100 kHz) On-chip Phase Locked Loop (PLL) clock multiplier for main clock, Spread Spectrum Clock Generation (SSCG), SSCG for graphics Stabilization timers for all source clocks Clock Supervisor ■ Clock supervision for all source clocks and PLL outputs ■ Reset generation for out-of-bound clock frequencies on input source clocks, or PLL output clocks Resets ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ External Reset Software triggered hard reset Clock supervision resets Watchdog Low Voltage Detection reset Software reset Watchdog Timer ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 32-bit counter Supports selection of four clock sources (Main clock, Sub clock, RC clock or Slow RC clock) Support for window watchdog functionality Reset or NMI generation support on watchdog errors Support for preemptive warning interrupt before watchdog reset or NMI generation Additional safety provision through three times redundancy and error correction logic for important configuration bits Option to halt watchdog counter in case of core reaching break-point Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 5 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 2. Device Features (Continued) Feature Description DMA ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 64-bit AHB Master Interface 32-bit AHB Slave Interface Block, burst and demand transfer modes Fixed and incremental addressing for source as well as destination 116 clients 8 channels to handle independent data flows Fixed priority, dynamic priority, and round robin arbitration Interrupts ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Interrupt Request (IRQ) and Fast Interrupt Request (FIQ) capability NMI sources can generate FIQ Supports 32 Non Maskable Interrupt (NMI) source for FIQ generation Supports 512 Normal Interrupt sources for IRQ generation Supports request for low power mode entry Programmable 32-level priority controller for normal IRQ sources. Also, supports programmable priority level masking Programmable 16-level priority controller for NMI interrupt sources Software interrupt generation Privileged mode support for restricted access External Interrupts ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Up to 32 pins can be used as external interrupts Optional 25ns (typical) noise filters on all lines DMA support NMI support Five polarity support (‘H’, ‘L’, rising edge, falling edge, and, any edge) Event capture support for all 32 external interrupt pins Software enabled monitoring of external events, with sampling frequency of 500Hz to 16MHz Timing Protection ■ Up to eight identical 24-bit timers for execution time protection, locking time protection, inter-arrival time protection or deadline protection ■ Normal and overflow mode support ■ Global linear prescaler (1 to 64) to scale down clock frequency ■ Additional, individual timer prescaler to support 4 different software programmable frequencies (1, 1/2, 1/4, and 1/16) ■ Start, stop, and continue options per timer controllable by software Memory Protection Peripheral Protection CAN USART/LIN ■ ■ ■ ■ Memory protection unit for all bus masters AXI interface support 8 programmable memory regions, and one background region which covers entire 4GB address space Unauthorized access generates NMI ■ Protection to all peripherals and General Purpose IOs (GPIO) ■ Individual protection setting for up to 512 peripherals, and 512 GPIO channels ■ DMA access support for faster register configuration ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Supports CAN protocol version 2.0 part A and B Bit rates up to 1 Mbps 64 message objects Each message object has its own identifier mask Programmable FIFO mode (concatenation of message objects) Maskable interrupt Disabled automatic retransmission mode for time triggered CAN applications Programmable loop-back mode for self-test operation ■ Programmable LIN or USART function ■ Full-duplex support ■ Clock synchronous (start-stop synchronization and start-stop-bit option),and Clock asynchronous (using start-, stop-bits) transfer modes ■ Dedicated baud rate generator. Mechanism for automatic baud rate adjust available in LIN mode ■ Support for data length of 7-bits (not in synchronous or LIN mode) and 8-bits ■ Support for signal modes Non-Return to Zero (NRZ) and Non-Return to Zero Inverted (NRZI) ■ Reception error detection for framing, overrun, parity, checksum, sync field timeout, and frame-ID (only in LIN mode) errors ■ Interrupt capability for transmission, reception, and errors ■ DMA support Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 6 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 2. Device Features (Continued) Feature I2C Stepper Motor Control Description ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Master/slave transmitting and receiving functions 7-bit addressing as master and slave 10-bit addressing as master and slave Acknowledge disable option upon slave address reception (master-only operation) Address mirroring to give interface several slave addresses Up to 400 kbps transfer rate Optional noise filters for SDA and SCL Interrupt capability on transmission and bus error events ■ PWM duty cycle programmable from 0% to 100% ■ Programmable setting to select ‘L’, ‘H’, ‘PWM’ and ‘HighZ’ output ■ High current output pins A/D Converter ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 50 channels Conversion time: 1us per channel RC type Successive Approximation (SAR) with sample and hold circuit 10-bit or 8-bit resolution Program selection analog input from 32 channels Single conversion, continuous conversion, and scan conversion options Interrupt capability DMA support 4 range comparator channels for comparing conversion output with thresholds I2S ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Programmable master/slave operations Supports transmission only, reception only and simultaneous transmission/reception operations Support for 1 sub frame and 2 sub frame constructions Up to 32 channels supported in each sub frame Support for individual configuration of channel number, channel length, word length in each sub frame Word length support from 7-bits to 32-bits Programmable frequency, polarity, and phase of frame synchronous signal Programmable sampling point of received data (center or at the end of received data) Support for frequency division from 1 to 126 in multiples of 2 DMA support Interrupt capability Sound Generator ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Produces sound/melody with varying frequency and amplitude Square wave sound output with frequency of 100Hz – 6kHz (resolution 20Hz) Programmable Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) cycle width of 255 or 511 clocks. PWM duty cycle programmable from 0% to 100% Two 2-bit prescaler with programmable clock division of 1, 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4 Automatic linear or exponential amplitude increment or decrement Start, stop, resume functionality DMA support Automatic sound output stop when amplitude becomes 0 Up Down Counter ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Format: 32-bit or 2 times 16-bit Three count modes (timer mode, up/down count mode, and phase difference count mode) supported Multiply by 2 or multiply by 4 in phase difference count mode Count source can be internal clock or external trigger Counting range: any value between 0 and 232-1 can be set 4 interrupt options (Compare-match interrupt, Underflow interrupt, Overflow interrupt, and Count direction change interrupt) Reload Timers ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 32-bit reload counter External and Internal clock/event source Trigger signal programmable as rising/falling edge or both Gated count function One-shot or reload counter mode Counter state can be made visible at external pin Prescaler with six different settings for the internal clock and two settings for the external clock Several Reload Timers can be cascaded to form a longer Reload Timer DMA support Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 7 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 2. Device Features (Continued) Feature Free Running Timers Description ■ ■ ■ ■ Signals an interrupt on overflow, match with Compare registers, zero-detection, or match with Compare Clear Register Option to mask zero detection, compare clear match interrupt, or both to allow for interrupt generation only after multiple events Programmable timer period up to 1 s Support for 11 counter clocks. Prescaler with 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64, 1/128, 1/256, 1/512, and 1/1024 of peripheral clock frequency ■ DMA support Input Capture Units ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Consists of 2 independent input channels 16-bit wide capture registers per channel Signals an interrupt upon external event Rising edge, falling edge or rising & falling edge sensitive DMA support Output Compare Units ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Consists of 2 independent channels 16-bit wide Signals an interrupt when a match with 16-bit I/O Timer occurs A pair of compare registers can be used to generate an output signal Interrupt capability Programmable Pulse Generator ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 16-bit down counter, cycle and duty setting registers Interrupt at trigger, counter borrow and/or duty match PWM operation and one-shot operation Internal prescaler allows 1, 1/4, 1/16, 1/64 of peripheral clock as counter clock and Reload timer underflow as clock input Can be triggered by software or reload timer Real Time Clock ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Can be clocked from main clock, sub clock or RC clock Automatic calibration support even when device is in low power state Interrupt capability on half-second, 1 second, 1 minute, 1 hour, and 1 day duration Additional capability for interrupt generation on calibration failure detection and calibration done event Auto calibration of Sub clock or RC clock with respect to Main clock Separate clock selector for calibration Configurable calibration duration Auto/manual trigger for calibration Internal Memories- TCMRAM Internal Memories- System RAM ■ 128 KB ■ 64-bit interface ■ Single error correction, double error detection (SECDED) ECC support ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Internal Memories- Retention RAM ■ ■ Tightly Coupled Flash Memory ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 64-bit AXI interface 64 KB Single error correction, double error detection (SECDED) ECC support Parallel read/write capability for 2 different banks 16 KB 4 banks 32-bit AHB Low leakage RAMs for low power consumption 2 MB Parallel Programming support Mapped to TCM address space as well as Cacheable address space through AXI interface Single error correction, double error detection (SECDED) ECC support TCM address space supports only read access Cacheable AXI address space supports write and read access Detection of hang-up 1 state 32 large sectors of 64KB each 16 small sectors of 8KB each Sector-wise access protection for write and read accesses Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 8 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 2. Device Features (Continued) Feature EEPROM Emulation Flash Memory[1] Description ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 48 KB Single error correction, double error detection (SECDED) ECC support Support for sector erase EEPROM emulation mode support Support for mirroring of memory in 3 diverse memory-mapped regions 6 sectors of 8KB each Sector-wise access protection for write and read accesses Note 1. Electronically Erasable and Programmable Read-Only Memory (EEPROM). Quad SPI Error Collection Low Voltage Detect ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Supports legacy as well as the dual-bit and quad-bit modes of SPI operation Supports up to four slave devices in master mode Programmable transfer rate, active-level of slave-select signal, polarity, and phase of the serial clock per slave select Support for memory mapped operation of external serial flash and serial SRAM devices in command sequencer mode Additional direct mode support for standard SPI operation through FIFO interface ■ Error collection on all peripherals ■ Optional Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) generation capability ■ Low voltage detection for 5V, 3.3V, and 1.2V ■ Programmable thresholds ■ Reset generation capability on low voltage events I/O Ports ■ ■ ■ ■ MediaLB ■ Implements ■ Supports 16 logical channels ■ Each logical channel can be programmed as synchronous, asynchronous, isochronous and control channel type and as transmit or receive ■ Loop back mode between the logical channel 0 (reception) and logical channel 1(transmission) ■ Programmable for 256Fs, 512Fs and 1024Fs transfer rates of operation at either 44.0kHz, 48.0kHz, or 48.1kHz. ■ 3-pin mode All functional pins can be used as GPIO Programmable analog or digital functionality selection Programmable input levels (Automotive, CMOS, and TTL) Programmable pull-up/pull-down and output drive SHE ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Implements all commands defined by the functional specification of SHE (chapter 7) Provides AES-128 encryption and decryption operations Electronic cipher book (ECB) and cipher block chaining (CBC) modes Supports generation of the cipher-based message authentication code (CMAC) Implements Miyaguchi-Preneel compression function. Provides random number generation function Supports secure booting Measurement during / before application start-up Secure boot mode, start address and length of the bootloader are configurable by the user Secure key storage implemented in EEFLASH CRC ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Programmable 8, 16, 24 or 32 bit input data width Programmable polynomial value (Polynomial degree from 2 to 32) Programmable initial seed value Programmable final checksum XOR value Interrupt and DMA trigger capability Configurable input/output bit reflection and byte swapping Supports PPU Supports block/multiple data transfers (more than 32-bit) Packages QFP-176 (series variant) Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 9 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 3. Memory Map Start Address Module Start Address Module FFFF4000 Reserved 05FE0000 AXI_SLAVE_CORE0_TCM_FLASH_SMALL_SECTORS FFFF0000 BOOTROM 05A00000 Reserved FFFEF000 ERCFG_CONFIG 05800000 AXI_SLAVE_CORE0_TCM_FLASH_LARGE_SECTORS B0D01000 Reserved 05020000 Reserved B0D00000 SYSTEM_RAM_CONFIG 05000000 AXI_SLAVE_CORE0_TCM_RAM B0C00000 PERI5_AHB 04800000 AXI_SLAVE_CORE0_DCACHE B0B00000 PERI4_SLAVE 04000000 AXI_SLAVE_CORE0_ICACHE B0A00000 PERI3_ERBUS 01A10000 Reserved B0900000 Reserved 01A00000 SYSTEM_RAM B0800000 PERI1_RBUS 01800000 Reserved B0700000 PERI0_RBUS 017E0000 AXI_FLASH_MEMORY_SMALL_SECTORS B0600000 MCU_CONFIG 01200000 Reserved B0500000 DEBUG_BUS 00100000 AXI_FLASH_MEMORY_LARGE_SECTORS B0400000 MEMORY_CONFIG 00FE0000 TCM_FLASH_SMALL_SECTORS B0180000 Reserved 00A00000 Reserved B0100000 GFXCFG 00080000 TCM_FLASH_LARGE_SECTORS B0080000 Reserved 00020000 Reserved B0000000 HSSPI0CFG 00000000 TCM_RAM 90000000 Reserved 80000000 HSSPI0_MEMORY 60000000 Reserved 40000000 GFXMEM 06000000 Reserved Table 4. HSSPI0 Memory Map Start Address Module B007FC00 BSU8 B0078400 Reserved B0078000 RICFG8 B0000000 HSSPI0 Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Table 5. Memory and Config (MEMORY_CONFIG) AHB Bus Memory Map Start Address Module B04C0000 EEFLASH_NOECC_MIR B0480000 EEFLASH_TABLE_MIR B0440000 EEFLASH_ECC_MIR B0418400 Reserved B0418000 BSU6 B0414400 Reserved B0414000 MPUXSHE0 B0413400 Reserved B0413000 SHE_IF_CFG B0412400 Reserved B0412000 EEFCFG B0411400 Reserved B0411000 TCFCFG Page 10 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 5. Memory and Config (MEMORY_CONFIG) AHB Bus Memory Map (Continued) Table 7. PERI0_RBUS Memory Map (Continued) Start Address Module Start Address Module B0748400 PPGGRP1 B0410400 Reserved B0748000 PPGGRP0 B0410000 TRCFG B073BC00 PPG15 B0408400 Reserved B073B800 PPG14 B0408000 TPU0 B073B400 PPG13 B0404000 Reserved B073B000 PPG12 B0400000 IRQ0 B073AC00 PPG11 B073A800 PPG10 B073A400 PPG9 B073A000 PPG8 B0739C00 PPG7 B0739800 PPG6 B0739400 PPG5 Table 6. MCU_CONFIG AHB Bus Memory Map Start Address Module B06FFC00 BSU7 B06F8000 RICFG7 B0648000 Reserved B063B000 RETRAMBANK3 B063A000 RETRAMBANK2 B0639000 RETRAMBANK1 B0638000 RETRAMBANK0 B0628400 Reserved B0628000 EICU0 B0620400 Reserved B0620000 EIC0 B0618400 Reserved B0618000 RTC B0610400 Reserved B0610000 RRCFG B0608400 Reserved B0608000 WDG B0601000 Reserved B0600000 SYSC Table 7. PERI0_RBUS Memory Map B0739000 PPG4 B0738C00 PPG3 B0738800 PPG2 B0738400 PPG1 B0738000 PPG0 B0731C00 Reserved B0731800 SMCTG0 B0731400 SMC5 B0731000 SMC4 B0730C00 SMC3 B0730800 SMC2 B0730400 SMC1 B0730000 SMC0 B0729800 Reserved B0728000 USART0 B0720C00 Reserved B0720000 I2C0 Reserved OCU1 Start Address Module B071C000 B07FFC00 BSU0 B0718400 B07F8000 RICFG0 B0718000 OCU0 B07F0400 Reserved B0714000 Reserved B07F0000 BECU0 B0710C00 ICU3 B07EC000 Reserved B0710800 ICU2 B07E8000 PPC B070C000 Reserved B074C400 Reserved B0708C00 FRT3 B074C000 PPGGLC0 B0708800 FRT2 B0748C00 PPGGRP3 B0708400 FRT1 B0748800 PPGGRP2 B0708000 FRT0 Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 11 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 7. PERI0_RBUS Memory Map (Continued) Start Address Module B0700400 Reserved Start Address Module B0700000 ADC0 B0AFFC00 BSU3 Table 8. PERI1_RBUS Memory Map Start Address Module B08FFC00 BSU1 B08F8000 RICFG1 B08F0400 Reserved B08F0000 BECU1 B085C400 Reserved B085C000 PPGGLC1 B0858400 PPGGRP17 B0858000 PPGGRP16 B0849C00 PPG71 B0849800 PPG70 B0849400 PPG69 B0849000 PPG68 B0848C00 PPG67 B0848800 PPG66 B0848400 PPG65 B0848000 PPG64 B0839800 Reserved B0838000 USART6 B082C000 Reserved B0828400 OCU17 B0828000 OCU16 B0824000 Reserved B0820C00 ICU19 B0820800 ICU18 B081C000 Reserved B0818C00 FRT19 B0818800 FRT18 B0818400 FRT17 B0818000 FRT16 B080A000 Reserved B0808400 CAN1 B0808000 CAN0 B0801000 Reserved B0800000 SG0 Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Table 9. PERI3_eRBUS Memory Map B0AF8000 RICFG3 B0AF0400 Reserved B0AF0000 BECU3 B0A21000 Reserved B0A20000 UDC0 B0A18000 Reserved B0A12400 RLT9 B0A12000 RLT8 B0A11C00 RLT7 B0A11800 RLT6 B0A11400 RLT5 B0A11000 RLT4 B0A10C00 RLT3 B0A10800 RLT2 B0A10400 RLT1 B0A10000 RLT0 B0A09000 Reserved B0A08000 GPIO B0A00400 Reserved B0A00000 PPU0 Table 10. PERI4_SLAVE AHB Bus Memory Map Start Address Module B0BFFC00 BSU4 B0BF8000 RICFG4 B0B40400 Reserved B0B40000 ARH0 B0B3B000 Reserved B0B38800 SPI2 B0B38400 SPI1 B0B38000 SPI0 B0B30800 Reserved B0B30000 CRC0 B0B22000 Reserved B0B20400 I2S1 B0B20000 I2S0 B0B10800 Reserved B0B10400 MPUHMLB0 Page 12 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 10. PERI4_SLAVE AHB Bus Memory Map (Continued) Start Address Lock/Unlock Values for Protection Units For various protection and system relevant units, registers must be unlocked before configuring and can be locked for protection. For the details about functionality, see the FCR4 Hardware Manual. Module B0B10000 MLB0 B0B00400 Reserved B0B00000 MPUXGFX Table 13. Lock/Unlock Values for FCR4 Protection Module Instances Module Table 11. PERI5_AHB Bus Memory Map Unlock Value Lock Value TPU0 ACC5A110 B10CACC5 ACC5BB01 BB0B10C1 D76B10C1 Start Address Module PPU0 B0CFFC00 BSU5 MPUHMLB0 D76ACC01 B0C09000 Reserved MPUXDMA0 ACCABB56 112ABB56 B0C08000 MPUXDMA0 MPUXGFX 01ACC384 0B10C834 B0C04000 Reserved MPUXSHE0 0x15EDDE51 10CE0EB1 B0C00000 DMA0 TRCFG ACC55ECC 5ECCB10C B0800000 PERI1_RBUS EXCFG ACC5B007 B007ECF6 B0700000 PERI0_RBUS Resource Distribution for Non-modulated Clock Some of the resources are available with modulated and non-modulated clock. Table 12 provides the distribution. Table 12. Clock Modulation for Resources Module Non-modulated IRQ0 17ACC911 17B10C11 RRCFG ACC5DECC DECCB10C SCCFG 5ECACCE5 A135331A SRCFG 5ECC551F 551FB10C GFXSIG A1ACC384 AB10C834 GFXGCTR 7E1ECA57 D15AB1E0 Modulation Possible TCFCFG CF61F1A5 EEFCFG CF6DF1A5 CAN 2 - SG 1 - WDG EDACCE55 SYSC 5CACCE55 ICU/OCU/FRT 4 4 PPG 8 16 USART/LIN 1 1 I2C 1 - SMC - 6 Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 13 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan ID-Values for Module Identification Registers For several peripheral and system related modules, the hardware contains Module Identification Registers that hold read-only values which contain information about the module number, the version and possible patches. Table 14. Module ID List Module ID-Register ID Value System Controller SYSC_SYSIDR 0x00041100 Security Checker SCCFG_MODID 0x00020400 SRAM Interface SRCFG_MID 0x00040300 TC-Flash Interface TCFCFG_FMIDR 0x000E0400 EE-Flash Interface EEFCFG_MIR 0x00090700 Interrupt Controller 0 IRQ0_MID 0x000B0100 DMA Controller 0 DMA0_ID 0x00010400 Timing Protection Unit 0 TPU0_MID 0x00050200 Memory Protection Unit for DMA MPUXDMA0_MID 0x000D0200 Memory Protection Unit for GFX MPUXGFX_MID 0x000D0200 Memory Protection Unit for SHE MPUXSHE0_MID 0x000D0200 Memory Protection Unit for MLB MPUHMLB0_MID Bus Error Collection Unit 0 BECU0_MIDH / BECU0_MIDL 0x0008 / 0x0300 Bus Error Collection Unit 1 BECU1_MIDH / BECU1_MIDL 0x0008 / 0x0300 Bus Error Collection Unit 3 BECU3_MIDH / BECU3_MIDL 0x0008 / 0x0300 High Speed SPI Interface 0 HSSPI0_MID 0x00060400 SPI Interface 0 SPI0_MID 0x00070400 SPI Interface 1 SPI1_MID 0x00070400 SPI Interface 2 SPI2_MID 0x00070400 Inter IC Sound 0 I2S0_MIDREG 0x000A0300 Inter IC Sound 1 I2S1_MIDREG 0x000A0300 SHE SHE_IF_CFG_MID 0x000F0200 Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C 0x00110100 Page 14 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Package and Pin Assignment Package QFP-176 package will be used for CY9EF226. The package code is LQP176. QFP-176 Pin Assignment P1_00 DVCC DVSS VSS VDP3 VDD P1_47 P1_46 P1_45 P1_44 P1_43 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 100 P1_01 101 P1_02 102 P1_03 103 P1_04 104 P1_05 105 P1_06 106 P1_07 107 DVSS 108 DVCC 109 P1_08 110 P1_09 111 P1_10 112 P1_11 113 P1_12 114 P1_13 115 P1_14 116 P1_15 117 DVSS 118 DVCC 119 P1_16 120 P1_17 121 P1_18 122 P1_19 123 P1_20 124 P1_21 125 P1_22 126 P1_23 127 DVSS 128 DVCC 129 AVSS5 130 AVRH5 131 AVDD5 132 VDP5 Figure 1. QFP-176 Pin Assignment VSS 133 88 P1 42 P0 24 134 87 P1 41 P0 25 135 86 P1 40 P0 40 136 85 P1 39 P0 41 137 84 P1 29 VSS 138 83 P1 28 VDD 139 82 P1 27 P0 42 140 81 P1 26 P0 43 141 80 VSS P0 44 142 79 VDP3 P0 45 143 78 P1 59 P0 46 144 77 P1 58 P0 47 145 76 P1 57 VSS 146 75 P1 56 VDP5 147 74 P1 55 P0 48 148 73 P1 54 P0 49 149 72 VSS P2 32 150 71 VDP3 P2 33 151 70 P1 53 P2 34 152 69 P1 52 P2 35 153 68 P1 51 P2 36 154 67 P1 50 P2 37 155 66 P1 49 VSS 156 65 P1 48 VSS VDD 157 64 P2 38 158 63 VDP3 P2 39 159 62 P2 25 P2 40 160 61 P2 24 P2 41 161 60 VSS P2 42 162 59 P2 23 P2 43 163 58 P2 22 P2 48 164 57 P2 49 165 56 P2 21 VSS 166 55 P2 20 ` ` ` ` VDD VDP5 167 54 VDP3 P2 50 168 53 P2 19 P2 51 169 52 P2 18 P0 62 170 51 VSS P0 63 171 50 P2 17 JTAG TDO 172 49 P2 16 JTAG TDI 173 48 VDP3 JTAG TMS 174 47 P2 15 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 X0 VSS X0A X1A RSTX VDP5 VSS VDP3 P1_30 P1_31 P1_32 P1_33 P1_34 P1_35 P1_36 P1_37 P1_38 P1_61 P1_62 P1_60 VSS VDP3 P2_00 P2_01 VSS P2_02 P2_03 VDD P2_04 P2_05 VDP3 P2_06 P2_07 VSS P2_08 P2_09 VDP3 P2_10 P2_11 VSS P2_12 P2_13 VDD 2 P2 14 1 46 45 X1 175 176 MODE JTAG TCK TAG NTRST Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 15 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 15. QFP-176 Package Pinout Pin Number Pin Name Pin Number Pin Name 1 2 MODE 40 P2_10 X1 41 P2_11 3 X0 42 VSS 4 VSS 43 P2_12 5 X0A 44 P2_13 6 X1A 45 VDD 7 RSTX 46 P2_14 8 VDP5 47 P2_15 9 VSS 48 VDP3 10 VDP3 49 P2_16 11 P1_30 50 P2_17 12 P1_31 51 VSS 13 P1_32 52 P2_18 14 P1_33 53 P2_19 15 P1_34 54 VDP3 16 P1_35 55 P2_20 17 P1_36 56 P2_21 18 P1_37 57 VDD 19 P1_38 58 P2_22 20 P1_61 59 P2_23 21 P1_62 60 VSS 22 P1_60 61 P2_24 23 VSS 62 P2_25 24 VDP3 63 VDP3 25 P2_00 64 VSS 26 P2_01 65 P1_48 27 VSS 66 P1_49 28 P2_02 67 P1_50 29 P2_03 68 P1_51 30 VDD 69 P1_52 31 P2_04 70 P1_53 32 P2_05 71 VDP3 33 VDP3 72 VSS 34 P2_06 73 P1_54 35 P2_07 74 P1_55 36 VSS 75 P1_56 37 P2_08 76 P1_57 38 P2_09 77 P1_58 39 VDP3 78 P1_59 79 VDP3 118 DVCC 80 VSS 119 P1_16 Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 16 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 15. QFP-176 Package Pinout (Continued) Pin Number Pin Name Pin Number Pin Name 81 P1_26 120 P1_17 82 P1_27 121 P1_18 83 P1_28 122 P1_19 84 P1_29 123 P1_20 85 P1_39 124 P1_21 86 P1_40 125 P1_22 87 P1_41 126 P1_23 88 P1_42 127 DVSS 89 P1_43 128 DVCC 90 P1_44 129 AVSS5 91 P1_45 130 AVRH5 92 P1_46 131 AVDD5 93 P1_47 132 VDP5 94 VDD 133 VSS 95 VDP3 134 P0_24 96 VSS 135 P0_25 97 DVSS 136 P0_40 98 DVCC 137 P0_41 99 P1_00 138 VSS 100 P1_01 139 VDD 101 P1_02 140 P0_42 102 P1_03 141 P0_43 103 P1_04 142 P0_44 104 P1_05 143 P0_45 105 P1_06 144 P0_46 106 P1_07 145 P0_47 107 DVSS 146 VSS 108 DVCC 147 VDP5 109 P1_08 148 P0_48 110 P1_09 149 P0_49 111 P1_10 150 P2_32 112 P1_11 151 P2_33 113 P1_12 152 P2_34 114 P1_13 153 P2_35 115 P1_14 154 P2_36 116 P1_15 155 P2_37 117 DVSS 156 VSS 157 VDD 173 JTAG_TDI 158 P2_38 174 JTAG_TMS 159 P2_39 175 JTAG_TCK 160 P2_40 176 JTAG_NTRST Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 17 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 15. QFP-176 Package Pinout (Continued) Pin Number Pin Name Pin Number Pin Name 161 P2_41 167 VDP5 162 P2_42 168 P2_50 163 P2_43 169 P2_51 164 P2_48 170 P0_62 165 P2_49 171 P0_63 166 VSS 172 JTAG_TDO Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 18 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan I/O Pins and Functions IO Pin configuration needs to be done by writing into Port Pin Multiplexing registers and Resource Input Configuration registers which are described in Port Pin Multiplexing and Resource Input Source. GPIO_PPERn register must be enabled before starting IO Pin configuration, since GPIO_PPERn enables corresponding pin of the device. Note Since writing GPIO PPERn registers are required for both Portmux & resource-mux registers. Port Pin Multiplexing Table 16. Port Multiplexing Register (Offset) Resource Functional Output Port PCFGR024 P0_24 (0x0030) PCFGR025 P0_25 (0x0032) PCFGR040 P0_40 (0x0050) POF=0 POF=1 POF=2 POF=3 GPIO0_24o OCU0_OTD0 _GI GPIO0_25o OCU0_OTD1 CAN1_TX _GI GPIO0_40o SPI2_SSo POF=4 PPG8_PPGB RTC_WOT PPG9_PPGB POF=5 OCU0_OTD0 OCU0_OTD1 PPG64_PPGB OCU16_OTD0_G POF=6 POF=7 Possible Resource Function Input RLT3_TOT PPG0_PPGA GPIO0_24i, EIC0_INT09, EIC0_INT10, CAN1_RX, ICU2_IN0 RLT4_TOT PPG1_PPGA GPIO0_25i, EIC0_INT08, CAN0_RX, ICU2_IN1, ADC0_AN25 PPG8_PPGA GPIO0_40i, EIC0_INT05, EIC0_INT12, EIC0_INT11, SPI2_SSi, USART6_SIN, USART0_SIN, FRT0_FRCK, RLT5_TIN, ADC0_AN15 PPG9_PPGA GPIO0_41i, EIC0_INT15, SPI2_DATA1i, USART6_SCKi, USART0_SCKi, FRT1_FRCK, RLT6_TIN, ICU2_IN0, ICU18_IN1, ADC0_AN16 PCFGR041 P0_41 (0x0052) GPIO0_41o SPI2_DATA1o SYSC_CKOT USART6_S PPG65_PPGB OCU16_OTD1_G CKo PCFGR042 P0_42 (0x0054) GPIO0_42i, EIC0_INT08, EIC0_INT10, EIC0_INT11, SPI2_DATA0i, CAN0_RX, GPIO0_42o SPI2_DATA0o SYSC_CKOT USART6_S PPG66_PPGB OCU17_OTD0_G RLT2_TOT PPG10_PPGA FRT2_FRCK, X OT CAN1_RX, ICU2_IN1, ICU19_IN0, USART0_SIN, ADC0_AN17 PCFGR043 P0_43 (0x0056) PCFGR044 P0_44 (0x0058) GPIO0_43o SPI2_CLKo GPIO0_44o SPI0_SSo Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C WDG_OBSERVE CAN0_TX SPI2_SSO2 SPI2_DATA2o PPG67_PPGB OCU17_OTD1_G PPG68_PPGB OCU0_OTD0_G PPG11_PPGA GPIO0_43i, EIC0_INT09, SPI2_CLKi, CAN1_RX, FRT3_FRCK, RLT2_TIN, ADC0_AN18 GPIO0_44i, EIC0_INT03, SPI2_SPI0_Ssi, RLT3_TOT PPG12_PPGA DATA2i, FRT16_FRCK, UDC0_AIN0, ADC0_AN19 Page 19 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 16. Port Multiplexing (Continued) Register (Offset) Resource Functional Output Port PCFGR045 P0_45 (0x005A) PCFGR046 P0_46 (0x005C) PCFGR047 P0_47 (0x005E) PCFGR048 P0_48 (0x0060) POF=0 POF=1 POF=2 GPIO0_45o SPI0_DATA1o SPI2_SSO3 GPIO0_46o SPI0_DATA0o SPI2_SSO1 GPIO0_47o SPI0_CLKo GPIO0_48o SPI1_SSo UDC0_UDO T0 SPI0_SSO2 POF=3 SPI2_DATA3o POF=4 POF=5 PPG69_PPGB OCU0_OTD1_G USART0_S PPG70_PPGB OCU1_OTD0_G CKo POF=6 POF=7 Possible Resource Function Input GPIO0_45i, EIC0_INT11, EIC0_INT12, FRT16_FRCK, FRT18_FRCK, SPI2_DATA3i, SPI0_DATA1i, PPG13_PPGA USART0_SIN, USART6_SIN, FRT17_FRCK, RLT3_TIN, FRT19_FRCK, UDC0_BIN0, ADC0_AN20 GPIO0_46i, EIC0_INT16, SPI0_DATA0i, USART0_SCKi, USART6_SCKi, PPG14_PPGA FRT18_FRCK, RLT4_TIN, UDC0_ZIN0, ICU18_IN0, ADC0_AN21 USART0_S PPG71_PPGB OCU1_OTD1_G OT GPIO0_47i, FRT0_FRCK, FRT1_FRCK, FRT2_FRCK, EIC0_INT17, FRT3_FRCK, SPI0_CLKi, OCU16_O PPG15_PPGA FRT16_FRCK, FRT17_FRCK, TD0_GI FRT19_FRCK, RLT0_TIN, FRT18_FRCK, EIC0_INT12, ICU18_IN1, USART6_SIN, ADC0_AN22 SPI0_DATA2o OCU0_OTD0 GPIO0_48i, EIC0_INT04, EIC0_INT09, EIC0_INT08, SPI0_DATA2i, SPI1_Ssi, RLT4_TOT PPG64_PPGA CAN1_RX, CAN0_RX, ICU2_IN0, UDC0_AIN1, ADC0_AN23 OCU0_OTD1 GPIO0_49i, EIC0_INT10, SPI1_RLT0_TOT PPG65_PPGA DATA1i, ICU2_IN1, CAN0_RX, UDC0_BIN1, ADC0_AN24 PPG0_PPGB PCFGR049 P0_49 (0x0062) GPIO0_49o SPI1_DATA1o SPI0_SSO1 PCFGR062 P0_62 (0x007C) GPIO0_62o I2C0_SCLo GPIO0_62i, EIC0_INT24, I2C0_SCLi PCFGR063 P0_63 (0x007E) GPIO0_63o I2C0_SDAo GPIO0_63i, EIC0_INT00, I2C0_SDAi PCFGR100 P1_00 (0x0080) GPIO1_00o SMC0_M2 PPG64_PPGB PPG0_PPGA GPIO1_00i, CAN0_RX, EIC0_INT08, EIC0_INT25, ADC0_AN26 PCFGR101 P1_01 (0x0082) GPIO1_01o SMC0_P2 PPG65_PPGB CAN0_TX PPG1_PPGA GPIO1_01i, EIC0_INT26, ADC0_AN26 PPG2_PPGA GPIO1_02i, EIC0_INT13, CAN1_RX, EIC0_INT09, ADC0_AN26 PCFGR102 P1_02 (0x0084) GPIO1_02o SMC0_M1 Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C CAN1_TX PPG1_PPGB PPG66_PPGB Page 20 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 16. Port Multiplexing (Continued) Register (Offset) Resource Functional Output Port POF=0 POF=1 POF=2 POF=3 POF=4 POF=5 POF=6 POF=7 Possible Resource Function Input PCFGR103 P1_03 (0x0086) GPIO1_03o SMC0_P1 PPG67_PPGB CAN1_TX PPG3_PPGA GPIO1_03i, EIC0_INT27, ADC0_AN26 PCFGR104 P1_04 (0x0088) GPIO1_04o SMC1_M2 PPG68_PPGB PPG4_PPGA GPIO1_04i, EIC0_INT28, ADC0_AN27 PCFGR105 P1_05 (0x008A) GPIO1_05o SMC1_P2 PPG69_PPGB PPG5_PPGA GPIO1_05i, EIC0_INT29, ADC0_AN27 PCFGR106 P1_06 (0x008C) GPIO1_06o SMC1_M1 PPG70_PPGB PPG6_PPGA GPIO1_06i, EIC0_INT30, ADC0_AN27 PCFGR107 P1_07 (0x008E) GPIO1_07o SMC1_P1 PPG71_PPGB PPG7_PPGA GPIO1_07i, EIC0_INT31, ADC0_AN27 PPG8_PPGA GPIO1_08i, USART0_SIN, RLT3_TIN, EIC0_INT00, SPI0_SSi, ADC0_AN28, EIC0_INT03, EIC0_INT11 GPIO1_09i, USART0_SCKi, RLT4_TIN, EIC0_INT01, SPI0_DATA1i, ICU2_IN1, ADC0_AN28 PCFGR108 P1_08 (0x0090) GPIO1_08o SMC2_M2 PPG0_PPGB SPI0_SSo PCFGR109 P1_09 (0x0092) GPIO1_09o SMC2_P2 PPG1_PPGB SPI0_DATA1o USART0_ SCKo PPG9_PPGA PCFGR110 P1_10 (0x0094) GPIO1_10o SMC2_M1 PPG2_PPGB SPI0_DATA0o USART0_ SOT GPIO1_10i, PPG10_PPGA EIC0_INT02, SPI0_DATA0i, ICU2_IN0, ADC0_AN28 PCFGR111 P1_11 (0x0096) GPIO1_11o SMC2_P1 PPG3_PPGB SPI0_CLKo PPG11_PPGA SPI1_SSo GPIO1_12i, USART6_SIN, RLT5_TIN, PPG12_PPGA EIC0_INT04, SPI1_SSi, ADC0_AN29, EIC0_INT12 PCFGR112 P1_12 (0x0098) GPIO1_12o SMC3_M2 PPG4_PPGB PCFGR113 P1_13 (0x009A) GPIO1_13o SMC3_P2 PPG5_PPGB PCFGR114 P1_14 (0x009C) GPIO1_14o SMC3_M1 PPG6_PPGB PCFGR115 P1_15 (0x009E) GPIO1_15o SMC3_P1 PPG7_PPGB GPIO1_11i, EIC0_INT03, SPI0_CLKi, RLT0_TIN, ADC0_AN28 SPI1_DATA1o USART6_ SCKo GPIO1_13i, USART6_SCKi, PPG13_PPGA RLT6_TIN, EIC0_INT05, SPI1_DATA1i, ICU18_IN0, ADC0_AN29 SPI1_DATA0o USART6_ SOT GPIO1_14i, PPG14_PPGA EIC0_INT06, SPI1_DATA0i, ICU19_IN1, ADC0_AN29 SPI1_CLKo GPIO1_15i, EIC0_INT07, PPG15_PPGA SPI1_CLKi, RLT1_TIN, ADC0_AN29 PCFGR116 P1_16 (0x00A0) GPIO1_16o SMC4_M2 PPG8_PPGB SPI2_SSo GPIO1_16i, EIC0_INT10, SPI1_SSO PPG64_PPGA EIC0_INT13, 2 SPI2_SSi, ADC0_AN30, EIC0_INT05 PCFGR117 P1_17 (0x00A2) GPIO1_17o SMC4_P2 PPG9_PPGB SPI2_DATA1o GPIO1_17i, SPI1_SSO PPG65_PPGA EIC0_INT14, SPI2_1 DATA1i, ADC0_AN30 Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 21 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 16. Port Multiplexing (Continued) Register (Offset) Resource Functional Output Port PCFGR118 P1_18 (0x00A4) POF=0 POF=3 POF=4 POF=5 POF=1 POF=2 GPIO1_18o SMC4_M1 SG0_SGA DMA0_DR EQ_ACK1 SG0_SGO DMA0_DPPG11_PPGB SPI2_CLKo STP_ACK1 GPIO1_19i, EIC0_INT16, SPI2_CLKi, PPG67_PPGA ICU19_IN1, RLT2_TIN, ADC0_AN30 DMA0_DE OP1 PPG12_PPGB GPIO1_20i, PPG68_PPGA EIC0_INT17, ADC0_AN31 PPG10_PPGB SPI2_DATA0o POF=6 POF=7 Possible Resource Function Input GPIO1_18i, SPI1_SSO EIC0_INT15, SPI2_PPG66_PPGA 3 DATA0i, ICU18_IN0, ADC0_AN30 PCFGR119 P1_19 (0x00A6) GPIO1_19o SMC4_P1 PCFGR120 P1_20 (0x00A8) GPIO1_20o SMC5_M2 PCFGR121 P1_21 (0x00AA) GPIO1_21o SMC5_P2 PPG13_PPGB GPIO1_21i, EIC0_INT18, PPG69_PPGA DMA0_DREQ1, ADC0_AN31 PCFGR122 P1_22 (0x00AC) GPIO1_22o SMC5_M1 PPG14_PPGB GPIO1_22i, PPG70_PPGA EIC0_INT19, DMA0_DSTP1, ADC0_AN31 PPG15_PPGB GPIO1_23i, EIC0_INT20, PPG71_PPGA DMA0_DEOP_ACK1, ADC0_AN31 PCFGR123 P1_23 (0x00AE) GPIO1_23o SMC5_P1 PCFGR126 P1_26 (0x00B4) GPIO1_26o DBG0_TRAC E0 PCFGR127 P1_27 (0x00B6) GPIO1_27o DBG0_TRAC E1 PCFGR128 P1_28 (0x00B8) GPIO1_28o DBG0_CTL RLT3_TOT GPIO1_28i, EIC0_INT22, DMA0_DSTP0 PCFGR129 P1_29 (0x00BA) GPIO1_29o DBG0_CLK RLT4_TOT GPIO1_29i, EIC0_INT23, DMA0_DEOP_ACK0 DMA0_DEO P0 I2S1_WSo PPG7_PPGB GPIO1_26i, PPG71_PPGA EIC0_INT07, I2S1_Wsi, ICU19_IN1 OCU17_OTD1 GPIO1_27i, EIC0_INT21, DMA0_DREQ0, I2S1_SCKi I2S1_SCKo PCFGR130 P1_30 (0x00BC) GPIO1_30o HSSPI0_SSO OCU0_OTD0 3 PCFGR131 P1_31 (0x00BE) HSSPI0_SSO USART0_S DBG0_TRACE DMA0_DSTGPIO1_31o 2 OCU0_OTD1 CKo 3 P_ACK0 GPIO1_31i, EIC0_INT24, USART0_SCKi, ICU3_IN1, RLT4_TIN PCFGR132 P1_32 (0x00C0) DBG0_TRACE GPIO1_32o HSSPI0_SSO OCU1_OTD0 USART0_S 1 OT 4 GPIO1_32i, EIC0_INT25, ICU3_IN0 PCFGR133 P1_33 (0x00C2) GPIO1_33o HSSPI0_SSo DBG0_TRACE 5 GPIO1_33i, EIC0_INT01, HSSPI0_SSi PCFGR134 P1_34 (0x00C4) HSSPI0_GPIO1_34o DATA3o GPIO1_34i, EIC0_INT08, HSSPI0_DATA3i, CAN0_RX, UDC0_AIN0 PCFGR135 P1_35 (0x00C6) GPIO1_35o HSSPI0_DATA2o GPIO1_35i, EIC0_INT26, HSSPI0_DATA2i, ICU2_IN0, UDC0_BIN0 Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C DBG0_TRACE DMA0_DREQ_A 2 CK0 GPIO1_30i, EIC0_INT11, PPG_ETRG2, GFX0_DCLKI, USART0_SIN, RLT3_TIN, ADC0_EDGI OCU1_OTD1 CAN0_TX CAN1_TX Page 22 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 16. Port Multiplexing (Continued) Register (Offset) Resource Functional Output Port POF=0 POF=1 POF=2 POF=3 POF=4 POF=5 POF=6 POF=7 Possible Resource Function Input GPIO1_36i, EIC0_INT09, HSSPI0_DATA1i, CAN1_RX, ICU2_IN1, UDC0_ZIN0 PCFGR136 P1_36 (0x00C8) GPIO1_36o HSSPI0_DATA1o PCFGR137 P1_37 (0x00CA) GPIO1_37o HSSPI0_DATA0o PCFGR138 P1_38 (0x00CC) GPIO1_38o HSSPI0_CLKo PCFGR139 P1_39 (0x00CE) GFXSPI_SSO OCU16_OTD GPIO1_39o 3 0 GPIO1_39i, EIC0_INT12, GFX0_DCLKI, USART6_SIN, RLT5_TIN PCFGR140 P1_40 (0x00D0) GFXSPI_SSO OCU16_OTD USART6_S DBG0_TRACE GPIO1_40o 2 1 CKo 6 GPIO1_40i, EIC0_INT27, PPG_ETRG3, USART6_SCKi, RLT6_TIN, ADC0_EDGI, ICU2_IN0 PCFGR141 P1_41 (0x00D2) OCU17_OTD USART6_S DBG0_TRACE GPIO1_41o GFXSPI_SSO 1 0 OT 7 PCFGR142 P1_42 (0x00D4) GPIO1_42o GFXSPI_SSo PCFGR143 P1_43 (0x00D6) UDC0_UDO T0 OCU17_OTD 1 GPIO1_43o GFXSPI_DATA3o PPG70_PPGB PPG71_PPGB PCFGR144 P1_44 (0x00D8) GPIO1_44o GFXSPI_DATA2o USART0_S PPG0_PPGB CKo PCFGR145 P1_45 (0x00DA) GPIO1_45o GFXSPI_DATA1o USART0_S PPG1_PPGB OT PCFGR146 P1_46 (0x00DC) GPIO1_46o GFXSPI_DATA0o PCFGR147 P1_47 (0x00DE) RLT5_TOT GPIO1_37i, EIC0_INT13, HSSPI0_DATA0i, ICU3_IN0 RLT6_TOT GPIO1_38i, EIC0_INT10, HSSPI0_CLKi, ICU3_IN1/ RLT3_TOT GPIO1_41i, EIC0_INT28, ICU2_IN1 RLT4_TOT PPG6_PPGA GPIO1_42i, EIC0_INT02, GFXSPI_SSi PPG7_PPGA GPIO1_43i, EIC0_INT11, GFXSPI_DATA3i, USART0_SIN, ICU18_IN0, RLT3_TIN, UDC0_AIN1 PPG8_PPGA GPIO1_44i, EIC0_INT29, GFXSPI_DATA2i, USART0_SCKi, ICU18_IN1, RLT4_TIN, UDC0_BIN1 PPG9_PPGA GPIO1_45i, EIC0_INT30, GFXSPI_DATA1i, ICU19_IN0, UDC0_ZIN1 PPG2_PPGB GPIO1_46i, PPG10_PPGA EIC0_INT31, GFXSPI_DATA0i, ICU19_IN1 GFXSPI_CLK GPIO1_47o o PPG3_PPGB PPG11_PPGA PCFGR148 P1_48 (0x00E0) GPIO1_48o GFX0_TSIG0 PPG4_PPGB PPG12_PPGA GPIO1_48i, EIC0_INT01 PCFGR149 P1_49 (0x00E2) GPIO1_49o GFX0_TSIG1 PPG5_PPGB GPIO1_49i, PPG13_PPGA EIC0_INT02 PCFGR150 P1_50 (0x00E4) GPIO1_50o GFX0_TSIG2 PPG6_PPGB PPG14_PPGA GPIO1_50i, EIC0_INT14 PCFGR151 P1_51 (0x00E6) GPIO1_51o GFX0_TSIG3 PPG7_PPGB PPG15_PPGA GPIO1_51i, EIC0_INT15 PCFGR152 P1_52 (0x00E8) GPIO1_52o GFX0_TSIG4 PPG8_PPGB GPIO1_52i, PPG64_PPGA EIC0_INT16, ICU2_IN0 Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C UDC0_UDO T1 UDC0_UDO T0 GPIO1_47i, EIC0_INT00, GFXSPI_CLKi Page 23 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 16. Port Multiplexing (Continued) Register (Offset) Resource Functional Output Port POF=0 POF=1 POF=2 POF=3 POF=4 POF=5 POF=6 POF=7 Possible Resource Function Input PCFGR153 P1_53 (0x00EA) GPIO1_53o GFX0_TSIG5 PPG9_PPGB PPG65_PPGA GPIO1_53i, EIC0_INT17, ICU2_IN1, UDC0_AIN0 PCFGR154 P1_54 (0x00EC) GPIO1_54o GFX0_TSIG6 PPG10_PPGB PPG66_PPGA GPIO1_54i, EIC0_INT18, ICU3_IN0, UDC0_BIN0 PCFGR155 P1_55 (0x00EE) GPIO1_55o GFX0_TSIG7 PPG11_PPGB PPG67_PPGA GPIO1_55i, EIC0_INT19, ICU3_IN1, UDC0_ZIN0 PCFGR156 P1_56 (0x00F0) GPIO1_56o GFX0_TSIG8 PPG12_PPGB GPIO1_56i, PPG68_PPGA EIC0_INT20, ICU18_IN0 PCFGR157 P1_57 (0x00F2) GPIO1_57o GFX0_TSIG9 PPG13_PPGB GPIO1_57i, PPG69_PPGA EIC0_INT21, ICU18_IN1, UDC0_AIN1 PCFGR158 P1_58 (0x00F4) GPIO1_58o GFX0_TSIG10 PPG14_PPGB GPIO1_58i, EIC0_INT22, PPG70_PPGA ICU19_IN0, UDC0_BIN1 PCFGR159 P1_59 (0x00F6) GPIO1_59o GFX0_TSIG11 PPG15_PPGB GPIO1_59i, PPG71_PPGA EIC0_INT23, ICU19_IN1, UDC0_ZIN1 PCFGR160 P1_60 (0x00F8) OCU17_OTD OCU17_OT OCU17_OTD1_G GPIO1_60o OCU17_OTD1 1_G PPG70_PPGB I RLT4_TOT PPG6_PPGA D1_I GPIO1_60i, MLB0_CLKi, EIC0_INT00 PCFGR161 P1_61 (0x00FA GPIO1_61o MLB0_SIGo GPIO1_61i, MLB0_SIGi, EIC0_INT01 PCFGR162 P1_62 (0x00FC) GPIO1_62o MLB0_DATo GPIO1_62i, MLB0_DATi, EIC0_INT02 PCFGR200 P2_00 (0x0100) GPIO2_00o GFX0_DISP0 PPG64_PPGB PPG0_PPGA GPIO2_00i, EIC0_INT21 PCFGR201 P2_01 (0x0102) GPIO2_01o GFX0_DISP1 PPG65_PPGB PPG1_PPGA GPIO2_01i, EIC0_INT22 PCFGR202 P2_02 (0x0104) GPIO2_02o GFX0_DISP2 PPG66_PPGB PPG2_PPGA GPIO2_02i, EIC0_INT23, FRT0_FRCK PCFGR203 P2_03 (0x0106) GPIO2_03o GFX0_DISP3 PPG67_PPGB PPG3_PPGA GPIO2_03i, EIC0_INT24, FRT1_FRCK PCFGR204 P2_04 (0x0108) GPIO2_04o GFX0_DISP4 PPG68_PPGB PPG4_PPGA GPIO2_04i, EIC0_INT25, FRT2_FRCK, ICU2_IN0 PCFGR205 P2_05 (0x010A) GPIO2_05o GFX0_DISP5 PPG69_PPGB PPG5_PPGA GPIO2_05i, EIC0_INT26, FRT3_FRCK, ICU2_IN1 PCFGR206 P2_06 (0x010C) GPIO2_06o GFX0_DISP6 PPG70_PPGB PPG6_PPGA GPIO2_06i, EIC0_INT27, FRT16_FRCK, ICU3_IN0 PCFGR207 P2_07 (0x010E) GPIO2_07o GFX0_DISP7 PPG71_PPGB PPG7_PPGA GPIO2_07i, EIC0_INT28, FRT17_FRCK, ICU3_IN1 PCFGR208 P2_08 (0x0110) GPIO2_08o GFX0_DISP8 PPG0_PPGB PPG8_PPGA GPIO2_08i, EIC0_INT29, FRT18_FRCK, ICU18_IN0 Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C UDC0_UDO T1 OCU0_OTD0 Page 24 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 16. Port Multiplexing (Continued) Register (Offset) Resource Functional Output Port POF=0 POF=1 POF=2 POF=3 POF=4 POF=5 POF=6 POF=7 Possible Resource Function Input PCFGR209 P2_09 (0x0112) GPIO2_09o GFX0_DISP9 PPG1_PPGB OCU0_OTD1 PPG9_PPGA GPIO2_09i, EIC0_INT30, FRT19_FRCK, ICU18_IN1 PCFGR210 P2_10 (0x0114) GPIO2_10o GFX0_DISP10 PPG2_PPGB OCU1_OTD0 PPG10_PPGA GPIO2_10i EIC0_INT31 FRT0_FRCK ICU19_IN0 PCFGR211 P2_11 (0x0116) GPIO2_11o GFX0_DISP11 PPG3_PPGB OCU1_OTD1 PPG11_PPGA GPIO2_11i, EIC0_INT14, FRT1_FRCK, ICU19_IN1 PCFGR212 P2_12 (0x0118) GPIO2_12o GFX0_DISP12 PPG4_PPGB OCU16_OTD0 GPIO2_12i, PPG12_PPGA EIC0_INT15, FRT2_FRCK, ICU2_IN0 OCU16_OTD1 GPIO2_13i, USART0_SIN, PPG13_PPGA EIC0_INT11, EIC0_INT16, FRT3_FRCK, ICU2_IN1, RLT3_TIN OCU17_OTD0 GPIO2_14i, USART0_SCKi, EIC0_INT17, FRT16_FRCK, ICU3_IN0, RLT4_TIN OCU17_OTD1 GPIO2_15i, EIC0_INT18, FRT17_FRCK, ICU3_IN1 PCFGR213 P2_13 (0x011A) GPIO2_13o GFX0_DISP13 PPG5_PPGB PCFGR214 P2_14 (0x011C) GPIO2_14o GFX0_DISP14 USART0_S CKo PCFGR215 P2_15 (0x011E) GPIO2_15o GFX0_DISP15 USART0_S OT PCFGR216 P2_16 (0x0120) GPIO2_16o GFX0_DISP16 OCU17_OT PPG6_PPGB D0 GPIO2_16i, EIC0_INT19, PPG14_PPGA FRT18_FRCK, ICU3_IN0 PCFGR217 P2_17 (0x0122) GPIO2_17o GFX0_DISP17 OCU17_OT PPG7_PPGB D1 GPIO2_17i, PPG15_PPGA EIC0_INT20, FRT19_FRCK, ICU3_IN1 PCFGR218 P2_18 (0x0124) GPIO2_18o GFX0_DISP18 SPI2_SSo RLT0_TOT GPIO2_18i, SPI2_SSi, EIC0_INT21, EIC0_INT05 PCFGR219 P2_19 (0x0126) GPIO2_19o GFX0_DISP19 SPI2_DATA1o RLT1_TOT GPIO2_19i, SPI2_DATA1i, EIC0_INT22 PCFGR220 P2_20 (0x0128) SPI2_GPIO2_20o GFX0_DISP20 DATA0o OCU0_OT D0 PPG64_PPGB RLT2_TOT PPG0_PPGA GPIO2_20i, SPI2_DATA0i, EIC0_INT23 PCFGR221 P2_21 (0x012A) GPIO2_21o GFX0_DISP21 SPI2_CLKo OCU0_OT D1 PPG65_PPGB RLT5_TOT PPG1_PPGA GPIO2_21i, SPI2_CLKi, EIC0_INT24, RLT2_TIN PCFGR222 P2_22 (0x012C) GPIO2_22o GFX0_DISP22 SPI0_CLKo OCU1_OT D0 PPG66_PPGB SPI2_DATA2o PPG2_PPGA GPIO2_22i, SPI0_CLKi, SPI2_DATA2i, EIC0_INT25, RLT0_TIN PCFGR223 P2_23 (0x012E) GPIO2_23o GFX0_DISP23 SPI0_DATA1o OCU1_OT D1 PPG67_PPGB SPI2_DATA3o SPI2_SSO PPG3_PPGA 3 GPIO2_23i, SPI0_DATA1i, SPI2_DATA3i, EIC0_INT26, RLT1_TIN PCFGR224 P2_24 (0x0130) SPI0_GPIO2_24o GFX0_DISP24 DATA0o OCU16_OT PPG68_PPGB SG0_SGO D0 SPI2_SSO PPG4_PPGA 2 GPIO2_24i, SPI0_DATA0i, EIC0_INT27, ICU19_IN0, RLT2_TIN SPI2_SSO PPG5_PPGA 1 GPIO2_25i, SPI0_SSi, EIC0_INT28, EIC0_INT03, ICU19_IN1, RLT5_TIN PCFGR225 P2_25 (0x0132) GPIO2_25o GFX0_DISP25 SPI0_SSo Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C OCU16_OT PPG69_PPGB SG0_SGA D1 Page 25 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 16. Port Multiplexing (Continued) Register (Offset) Resource Functional Output Port PCFGR232 P2_32 (0x0140) PCFGR233 P2_33 (0x0142) PCFGR234 P2_34 (0x0144) PCFGR235 P2_35 (0x0146) PCFGR236 P2_36 (0x0148) PCFGR237 P2_37 (0x014A) PCFGR238 P2_38 (0x014C) PCFGR239 P2_39 (0x014E) POF=0 POF=1 GPIO2_32o SPI2_SSo POF=2 UDC0_UDO T0 GPIO2_33o SPI2_DATA1o I2S0_SDo GPIO2_34o SPI2_DATA0o I2S0_WSo GPIO2_35o SPI2_CLKo GPIO2_36o SPI1_SSo I2S0_SCKo UDC0_UDO T1 GPIO2_37o SPI1_DATA1o I2S1_SDo GPIO2_38o SPI1_DATA0o I2S1_WSo GPIO2_39o SPI1_CLKo Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C I2S1_SCKo POF=3 SPI1_DATA2o SPI1_DATA3o OCU1_OT D1_I OCU1_OT D0_I POF=4 PPG8_PPGB PPG9_PPGB POF=5 OCU0_OTD0 OCU0_OTD1 PPG10_PPGB OCU1_OTD0 PPG11_PPGB OCU1_OTD1 PPG12_PPGB OCU16_OTD0 PPG13_PPGB OCU16_OTD1 OCU17_OT PPG14_PPGB OCU17_OTD0 D1_I OCU17_OT PPG15_PPGB OCU17_OTD1 D0_I POF=6 POF=7 Possible Resource Function Input RLT9_TOT PPG0_PPGA GPIO2_32i, I2S0_ECLK, I2S1_ECLK, SPI1_DATA2i, SPI2_Ssi, SPI0_Ssi, ICU2_IN0, EIC0_INT05, EIC0_INT03, ADC0_EDGI RLT8_TOT PPG1_PPGA GPIO2_33i, I2S0_Sdi, I2S1_Sdi, SPI1_DATA3i, UDC0_AIN0, SPI2_DATA1i, SPI0_DATA1i, ICU2_IN1, EIC0_INT26, ADC0_AN0 RLT7_TOT PPG2_PPGA GPIO2_34i, I2S0_WSi,I2S1_WSi, UDC0_BIN0, SPI2_DATA0i, SPI0_DATA0i, ICU3_IN0, EIC0_INT06, EIC0_INT07, ADC0_AN1 PPG3_PPGA GPIO2_35i, I2S0_SCKi, I2S1_SCKi, UDC0_ZIN0, SPI2_CLKi, SPI0_CLKi, RLT2_TIN, ICU3_IN1, EIC0_INT29, ADC0_AN2 PPG4_PPGA GPIO2_36i, I2S1_ECLK, I2S0_ECLK, SPI1_SSi, SPI2_SSi, RLT9_TIN, ICU18_IN0, EIC0_INT04, EIC0_INT05, ADC0_AN3 PPG5_PPGA GPIO2_37i, I2S1_SDi, I2S0_SDi, UDC0_AIN1, SPI1_DATA1i, SPI2_DATA1i, RLT8_TIN, ICU18_IN1, EIC0_INT30, ADC0_AN4 OCU17_O PPG6_PPGA TD1_GI GPIO2_38i, I2S1_WSi, I2S0_WSi, PPG_ETRG0, UDC0_BIN1, SPI1_DATA0i, SPI2_DATA0i, RLT7_TIN, ICU19_IN0, EIC0_INT06, EIC0_INT07, ADC0_AN5 OCU17_O PPG7_PPGA TD0_GI GPIO2_39i, I2S1_SCKi, I2S0_SCKi, PPG_ETRG1, UDC0_ZIN1, SPI1_CLKi, SPI2_CLKi, RLT1_TIN, ICU19_IN1, EIC0_INT31, ADC0_AN6 Page 26 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 16. Port Multiplexing (Continued) Register (Offset) Resource Functional Output Port PCFGR240 P2_40 (0x0150) PCFGR241 P2_41 (0x0152) PCFGR242 P2_42 (0x0154) PCFGR243 P2_43 (0x0156) PCFGR248 P2_48 (0x0160) PCFGR249 P2_49 (0x0162) PCFGR250 P2_50 (0x0164) POF=0 POF=1 GPIO2_40o SPI0_SSo POF=2 reserved GPIO2_41o SPI0_DATA1o reserved GPIO2_42o SPI0_DATA0o reserved GPIO2_43o SPI0_CLKo GPIO2_48o SG0_SGA GPIO2_49o SG0_SGO reserved CAN1_TX I2S1_SDo GPIO2_50o SPI1_DATA0o SPI0_SSO3 Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C POF=3 OCU1_OT D1_GI OCU1_OT D0_GI SG0_SGA SG0_SGO POF=4 POF=5 POF=6 POF=7 Possible Resource Function Input RLT8_TOT PPG8_PPGA GPIO2_40i, I2S0_ECLK, SPI0_SSi, SPI1_SSi, ICU2_IN0, FRT16_FRCK, CAN1_RX, EIC0_INT03, EIC0_INT04, EIC0_INT10, ADC0_AN7 PPG65_PPGB OCU0_OTD0_I RLT9_TOT PPG9_PPGA GPIO2_41i, I2S0_Sdi, CAN0_RX, CAN1_RX, SPI0_DATA1i, SPI1_DATA1i, RLT8_TIN, ICU2_IN1, FRT17_FRCK, EIC0_INT08, EIC0_INT09, ADC0_AN8 PPG66_PPGB OCU0_OTD1_GI GPIO2_42i, I2S0_WSi, SPI0_DATA0i, SPI1_DATA0i, RLT9_TIN, OCU16_O PPG10_PPGA ICU3_IN0, TD1_GI FRT18_FRCK, EIC0_INT06, ADC0_AN9 PPG64_PPGB OCU0_OTD1_I PPG67_PPGB OCU0_OTD0_GI PPG11_PPGA GPIO2_43i, I2S0_SCKi, EIC0_NMI, SPI0_CLKi, SPI1_CLKi, RLT0_TIN, ICU3_IN1, FRT19_FRCK, ADC0_AN10 USART6_S PPG68_PPGB OCU16_OTD1_I CKo GPIO2_48i, I2S1_ECLK, RLT6_TIN, CAN0_RX, ICU18_IN0, RLT7_TOT PPG12_PPGA FRT0_FRCK, USART6_SCKi, USART0_SCKi, EIC0_INT08, ADC0_AN11 USART6_S PPG69_PPGB OCU16_OTD0_I OT GPIO2_49i, I2S1_Sdi, CAN1_RX, FRT0_FRCK, EIC0_INT08, RLT7_TIN, ICU18_IN1, RLT1_TOT PPG13_PPGA FRT1_FRCK, FRT2_FRCK, FRT3_FRCK, CAN0_RX, EIC0_INT09, ADC0_AN12 SPI0_DATA3o GPIO2_50i, EIC0_INT08, RLT5_TIN, I2S1_WSi, EIC0_INT07, SPI0_DATA3i, SPI1_DATA0i, CAN0_RX, EIC0_INT11, I2S1_WSo PPG66_PPGA ICU3_IN0, EIC0_INT12, FRT2_FRCK, CAN1_RX, UDC0_ZIN1, USART6_SIN, USART0_SIN, EIC0_INT09, ADC0_AN13 PPG2_PPGB OCU1_OTD0 Page 27 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 16. Port Multiplexing (Continued) Register (Offset) Resource Functional Output Port PCFGR251 P2_51 (0x0166) POF=0 POF=1 GPIO2_51o SPI1_CLKo Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C POF=2 UDC0_UDO T1 POF=3 CAN0_TX POF=4 PPG3_PPGB POF=5 OCU1_OTD1 POF=6 POF=7 Possible Resource Function Input GPIO2_51i, EIC0_INT09, FRT2_FRCK, I2S1_SCKi, FRT16_FRCK, FRT17_FRCK, SPI1_CLKi, FRT18_FRCK, I2S1_SCK PPG67_PPGA CAN1_RX, o ICU3_IN1, RLT1_TIN, FRT3_FRCK, FRT19_FRCK, FRT0_FRCK, FRT1_FRCK, ADC0_AN14 Page 28 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Resource Input Source Table 17. RICFG0_ADC Register (Offset) ADC0EDGI (0x000C) Resource Input Register Field Source for Resource Input Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 PORTPIN OCU - - - - - - 0: Pins selected by All the signals PORTSEL that are registers will be enabled by ADC0EDGIL disabled the ADC0ED1: Pins GIOCUn selected by registers PORTSEL ANDed registers will be together. enabled for ADC0 trigger. reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL - - - - - - reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved OCU10 OCU11 reserved reserved reserved reserved ADC0_EDGI ADC0EDGI H 000:reserved 001: reserved 010: P1_30 is selected 011: P1_40 is selected 100:reserved 101: P2_32 is selected 110:reserved 111: reserved OCU00 ADC0EDGIOCU0 (0x000E) ADC0EDGIOCU0L ADC0_EDGI - ADC0EDGIOCU1 (0x0010) ADC0_EDGI - ADC0EDGIOCU2 (0x0012) ADC0_EDGI - ADC0EDGIOCU3 (0x0014) ADC0_EDGI - - 0: OCU0_OTD0 is disabled 1: OCU0_OTD0 is enabled OCU01 0: 0: 0: OCU0_OTD1 OCU1_OTD0 OCU1_OTD1 is disabled is disabled is disabled 1: 1: 1: OCU0_OTD1 OCU1_OTD0 OCU1_OTD1 is enabled is enabled is enabled - - - - - - - - reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved - - - - - - - - reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved - - - - - - - - reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved - - - - - - - - reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved - - - - - - - - reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved - - - - - - - - reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved - - - - - - - - reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved Note 2. The ADC0ZPDEN register is write-only-once protected. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 29 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 17. RICFG0_ADC (Continued) Register (Offset) ADC0EDGIOCU4 (0x0016) Resource Input ADC0_EDGI Register Field ADC0_EDGI - ADC0EDGIOCU6 (0x001A) ADC0_EDGI - ADC0EDGIOCU7 (0x001C) ADC0_EDGI - ADC0TIMI (0x001E) ADC0_TIMI Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 OCU160 OCU161 OCU170 OCU171 0: 0: 0: 0: ADC0EDG- OCU16_OTD0 OCU16_OTD OCU17_OTD OCU17_OTD IOCU4L 1 is disabled 0 is disabled 1 is disabled is disabled 1: 1: 1: 1: OCU16_OTD0 OCU16_OTD OCU17_OTD OCU17_OTD 1 is enabled 1 is enabled 0 is enabled is enabled - ADC0EDGIOCU5 (0x0018) Source for Resource Input Bit 0 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 reserved reserved reserved reserved - - - - - - - - reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved - - - - - - - - reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved - - - - - - - - reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved - - - - - - - - reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved - - - - - - - - reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved - - - - - - - - reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved - - - - - - - - reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RLT PPGL PPGH - - reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved ADTRGH and ADTRGL signals of PPG0 to PPG63 All the signals OR-ed UFSET output for which the together of RLT that is correADC0TIMIL disabled (0), selected by ADC0TIMIRLT enabled (1). sponding bit is set are OR-ed All the signals bits [3:0] is together is disabled (0) or for which the disable (0) or correenabled (1) enabled (1) sponding bit is set are OR-ed together,is enabled (2). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Note 2. The ADC0ZPDEN register is write-only-once protected. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 30 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 17. RICFG0_ADC (Continued) Register (Offset) Resource Input Register Field Source for Resource Input Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 - - - - - - - - reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RLT ADC0TIMIR LTL ADC0TIMIR LT (0x0020) ADC0_TIMI - 0000: RLT0_UFSET 0001: RLT1_UFSET ... 1001: RLT9_UFSET 1010 - 1111: reserved ZPDEN ADC0ZPDE N1 (0x003E) ADC0_ZPD ADC0ZPDIE N 0: ZPD is disabled 1: ZPD is enabled Note 2. The ADC0ZPDEN register is write-only-once protected. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 31 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 18. RICFG0 Register ADC0AN26 (0x0000) ADC0AN27 (0x0002) ADC0AN28 (0x0004) ADC0AN29 (0x0006) ADC0AN30 (0x0008) ADC0AN31 (0x000A) Resource Input ADC0_AN26 ADC0_AN27 ADC0_AN28 ADC0_AN29 ADC0_AN30 ADC0_AN31 ADC0EDGI 0 ADC0_EDGI (0x00C) FRT0TEXT (0x0400) FRT0_TEXT RESSEL[3:0]/ PORTSEL[3:0] Source for Resource Input Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - P1_02/P1_0 P1_03/P1_0 P1_00/P1_01 P1_01/P1_00 3 2 PORTSEL (0-7) P1_00 P1_01 P1_02 P1_03 PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) P1_04 P1_05 P1_06 P1_07 P1_04/ P1_05 P1_05/ P1_04 P1_06/ P1_07 P1_07/ P1_06 PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - P1_09/ P1_08 P1_10/ P1_11 P1_11/ P1_10 PORTSEL (0-7) P1_08 P1_09 P1_10 P1_11 P1_08/ P1_09 PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) P1_12 P1_13 P1_14 P1_15 P1_12/ P1_13 P1_13/ P1_12 P1_14/ P1_15 P1_15/ P1_14 PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - P1_17/ P1_16 P1_18/ P1_19 P1_19/ P1_18 PORTSEL (0-7) P1_16 P1_17 P1_18 P1_19 P1_16/ P1_17 PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) P1_20 P1_21 P1_22 P1_23 P1_20/ P1_21 P1_21/ P1_20 P1_22/ P1_23 P1_23/ P1_22 PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P1_30 P1_40 reserved P2_32 reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT0_TOT PPG10_PPG B reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved reserved P0_40 P0_47 reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) P2_48 P2_49 P2_51 P2_02 P2_10 reserved reserved reserved Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 32 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 18. RICFG0 (Continued) Register FRT1TEXT (0x0420) Resource Input FRT1_TEXT RESSEL[3:0]/ PORTSEL[3:0] Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT1_TOT PPG11_PPG B reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P0_41 P0_47 reserved reserved P2_49 P2_51 PORTSEL (8-15) P2_03 P2_11 reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RLT4_TOT PPG12_PPG B reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) FRT2TEXT (0x0440) FRT3TEXT (0x0460) ICU2IN0 (0x0840) ICU2IN1 (0x0842) FRT2_TEXT FRT3_TEXT ICU2_IN0 ICU2_IN1 ICU2FRTSEL ICU2_FRTS (0x0844) EL ICU3IN0 (0x0860) ICU3IN1 (0x0862) ICU3_IN0 ICU3_IN1 ICU2FRTSEL ICU2_FRTS (0x0864) EL Source for Resource Input Bit 0 PORT_PIN RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved GND P0_42 P0_47 reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) P2_49 P2_50 P2_51 P2_04 P2_12 reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT5_TOT PPG13_PPG B reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P0_43 P0_47 reserved reserved P2_49 P2_51 PORTSEL (8-15) P2_05 P2_13 reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved reserved P0_24 reserved P0_48 P1_35 PORTSEL (8-15) P0_41 P1_10 P2_32 P2_40 reserved P1_40 P2_04 RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - P1_52 P2_12 - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved reserved P0_25 reserved P0_49 P1_36 P1_53 PORTSEL (8-15) P0_42 P1_09 P2_33 P2_41 reserved P1_41 P2_05 RESSEL (0-7) FRT2 FRT0 reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved P1_37 P1_54 P1_32 PORTSEL (8-15) P2_34 P2_42 reserved reserved P2_50 P2_06 P2_14 RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - P2_13 P2_16 - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved P1_38 P1_55 P1_31 PORTSEL (8-15) P2_35 P2_43 reserved reserved P2_51 P2_07 P2_15 RESSEL (0-7) FRT3 FRT1 ICU2 reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C P2_17 Page 33 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 18. RICFG0 (Continued) Register Resource Input OCU0OTD0G OCU0_OTD ATE (0x0C00) 0GATE OCU0OTD0G OCU0_OTD M (0x0C02) 0GM OCU0OTD1G OCU0_OTD ATE (0x0C04) 1GATE OCU0OTD1G OCU0_OTD M (0x0C06) 1GM Source for Resource Input RESSEL[3:0]/ PORTSEL[3:0] Bit 0 Bit 1 RESSEL (0-7) RLT4_TOT RLT0_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - OCU1OTD0G OCU1_OTD ATE (0x0C24) 0GATE OCU1OTD0G OCU1_OTD M (0x0C26) 0GM OCU1OTD1G OCU1_OTD ATE (0x0C28) 1GATE Bit 5 PPG5_PPGA PPG6_PPGA OCU1_OTD0 OCU1_OTD1 - - - - Bit 6 Bit 7 reserved reserved - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) RLT4_TOT RLT1_TOT reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - PPG5_PPGA PPG7_PPGA OCU1_OTD0 OCU1_OTD1 - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved - - - - - - OCU1_MTR OCU0_CMP G 0OUT RESSEL (8-15) - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) OCU1_FRT SEL Bit 4 PORTSEL (0-7) RESSEL (0-7) OCU1FRTSE L (0x0C22) Bit 3 PORTSEL (8-15) PORTSEL (8-15) OCU1CMP0E OCU1_CMP XT (0x0C20) 0EXT Bit 2 FRT1_CNT_ FRT0_CNT_ EN EN RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) RLT4_TOT RLT2_TOT reserved reserved PPG5_PPGA PPG8_PPGA OCU0_OTD0 OCU0_OTD1 RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) RLT4_TOT RLT3_TOT reserved reserved PPG5_PPGA PPG9_PPGA OCU0_OTD0 OCU0_OTD1 RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 34 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 18. RICFG0 (Continued) Register Resource Input OCU1OTD1G OCU1_OTD M (0x0C2A) 1GM USART0SCKI USART0_SC (0x1400) KI USART0SIN (0x1402) USART0_SI N PPG0PPGAG PPG0_PPG ATE (0x1C00) AGATE RESSEL[3:0]/ PORTSEL[3:0] Source for Resource Input Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P0_41 P0_46 P1_31 P1_44 P1_09 GND PORTSEL (8-15) reserved P2_48 P2_14 reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved reserved P0_40 P0_45 P1_30 P1_43 P0_42 PORTSEL (8-15) P1_08 reserved reserved reserved P2_50 P2_13 reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT PORTSEL (8-15) PPG0PPGAG PPG0_PPG M (0x1C02) AGM PPG0PPGBG PPG0_PPG ATE (0x1C04) BGATE PPG0PPGBG PPG0_PPG M (0x1C06) BGM PPG1PPGAG PPG1_PPG ATE (0x1C20) AGATE PPG1PPGAG PPG1_PPG M (0x1C22) AGM RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 35 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 18. RICFG0 (Continued) Register Resource Input PPG1PPGBG PPG1_PPG ATE (0x1C24) BGATE PPG1PPGBG PPG1_PPG M (0x1C26) BGM PPG2PPGAG PPG2_PPG ATE (0x1C40) AGATE PPG2PPGAG PPG2_PPG M (0x1C42) AGM PPG2PPGBG PPG2_PPG ATE (0x1C44) BGATE PPG2PPGBG PPG2_PPG M (0x1C46) BGM PPG3PPGAG PPG3_PPG ATE (0x1C60) AGATE PPG3PPGAG PPG3_PPG M (0x1C62) AGM RESSEL[3:0]/ PORTSEL[3:0] Source for Resource Input Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 36 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 18. RICFG0 (Continued) Register Resource Input PPG3PPGBG PPG3_PPG ATE (0x1C64) BGATE PPG3PPGBG PPG3_PPG M (0x1C66) BGM PPG4PPGAG PPG4_PPG ATE (0x1C80) AGATE PPG4PPGAG PPG4_PPG M (0x1C82) AGM PPG4PPGBG PPG4_PPG ATE (0x1C84) BGATE PPG4PPGBG PPG4_PPG M (0x1C86) BGM PPG5PPGAG PPG5_PPG ATE (0x1CA0) AGATE PPG5PPGAG PPG5_PPG M (0x1CA2) AGM RESSEL[3:0]/ PORTSEL[3:0] Source for Resource Input Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 37 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 18. RICFG0 (Continued) Register Resource Input PPG5PPGBG PPG5_PPG ATE (0x1CA4) BGATE PPG5PPGBG PPG5_PPG M (0x1CA6) BGM PPG6PPGAG PPG6_PPG ATE (0x1CC0) AGATE PPG6PPGAG PPG6_PPG M (0x1CC2) AGM PPG6PPGBG PPG6_PPG ATE (0x1CC4) BGATE PPG6PPGBG PPG6_PPG M (0x1CC6) BGM PPG7PPGAG PPG7_PPG ATE (0x1CE0) AGATE PPG7PPGAG PPG7_PPG M (0x1CE2) AGM RESSEL[3:0]/ PORTSEL[3:0] Source for Resource Input Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 38 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 18. RICFG0 (Continued) Register Resource Input PPG7PPGBG PPG7_PPG ATE (0x1CE4) BGATE PPG7PPGBG PPG7_PPG M (0x1CE6) BGM PPG8PPGAG PPG8_PPG ATE (0x1D00) AGATE PPG8PPGAG PPG8_PPG M (0x1D02) AGM PPG8PPGBG PPG8_PPG ATE (0x1D04) BGATE PPG8PPGBG PPG8_PPG M (0x1D06) BGM PPG9PPGAG PPG9_PPG ATE (0x1D20) AGATE PPG9PPGAG PPG9_PPG M (0x1D22) AGM RESSEL[3:0]/ PORTSEL[3:0] Source for Resource Input Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 39 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 18. RICFG0 (Continued) Register Resource Input PPG9PPGBG PPG9_PPG ATE (0x1D24) BGATE PPG9PPGBG PPG9_PPG M (0x1D26) BGM PPG10PPGA GATE (0x1D40) PPG10PPGA GM (0x1D42) PPG10PPGB GATE (0x1D44) PPG10PPGB GM (0x1D46) PPG10_PP GAGATE PPG10_PP GAGM PPG10_PP GBGATE PPG10_PP GBGM PPG11PPGA PPG11_PPG GATE AGATE (0x1D60) PPG11PPGA PPG11_PPG GM (0x1D62) AGM RESSEL[3:0]/ PORTSEL[3:0] Source for Resource Input Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 40 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 18. RICFG0 (Continued) Register Resource Input PPG11PPGB PPG11_PPG GATE BGATE (0x1D64) PPG11PPGB PPG11_PPG GM (0x1D66) BGM PPG12PPGA GATE (0x1D80) PPG12PPGA GM (0x1D82) PPG12PPGB GATE (0x1D84) PPG12PPGB GM (0x1D86) PPG13PPGA GATE (0x1DA0) PPG13PPGA GM (0x1DA2) PPG12_PP GAGATE PPG12_PP GAGM PPG12_PP GBGATE PPG12_PP GBGM PPG13_PP GAGATE PPG13_PP GAGM RESSEL[3:0]/ PORTSEL[3:0] Source for Resource Input Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 41 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 18. RICFG0 (Continued) Register PPG13PPGB GATE (0x1DA4) PPG13PPGB GM (0x1DA6) PPG14PPGA GATE (0x1DC0) PPG14PPGA GM (0x1DC2) PPG14PPGB GATE (0x1DC4) PPG14PPGB GM (0x1DC6) PPG15PPGA GATE (0x1DE0) PPG15PPGA GM (0x1DE2) Resource Input PPG13_PP GBGATE PPG13_PP GBGM PPG14_PP GAGATE PPG14_PP GAGM PPG14_PP GBGATE PPG14_PP GBGM PPG15_PP GAGATE PPG15_PP GAGM RESSEL[3:0]/ PORTSEL[3:0] Source for Resource Input Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 42 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 18. RICFG0 (Continued) Register PPG15PPGB GATE (0x1DE4) PPG15PPGB GM (0x1DE6) Resource Input PPG15_PP GBGATE PPG15_PP GBGM PPGGRP0ET PPGGRP0_ RG0 (0x2400) ETRG0 PPGGRP0ET PPGGRP0_ RG1 (0x2402) ETRG1 PPGGRP0ET PPGGRP0_ RG2 (0x2404) ETRG2 PPGGRP0ET PPGGRP0_ RG3 (0x2406) ETRG3 PPGGRP0RL PPGGRP0_ TTRG1 RLTTRG1 (0x2408) PPGGRP1ET PPGGRP1_ RG0 (0x2420) ETRG0 PPGGRP1ET PPGGRP1_ RG1 (0x2422) ETRG1 RESSEL[3:0]/ PORTSEL[3:0] Source for Resource Input Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN OCU0_OTD OCU0_OTD1 OCU1_OTD0 OCU1_OTD1 0 OCU0_OTD OCU0_OTD1 OCU1_OTD0 OCU1_OTD1 0 RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN OCU16_OT OCU16_OTD OCU17_OTD OCU17_OTD D0 1 0 1 OCU16_OT OCU16_OTD OCU17_OTD OCU17_OTD D0 1 0 1 RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RLT8_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN OCU0_OTD OCU0_OTD1 OCU1_OTD0 OCU1_OTD1 0 OCU0_OTD OCU0_OTD1 OCU1_OTD0 OCU1_OTD1 0 RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 43 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 18. RICFG0 (Continued) Register Resource Input PPGGRP1ET PPGGRP1_ RG2 (0x2424) ETRG2 PPGGRP1ET PPGGRP1_ RG3 (0x2426) ETRG3 PPGGRP1RL PPGGRP1_ TTRG1 RLTTRG1 (0x2428) PPGGRP2ET PPGGRP2_ RG0 (0x2440) ETRG0 PPGGRP2ET PPGGRP2_ RG1 (0x2442) ETRG1 PPGGRP2ET PPGGRP2_ RG2 (0x2444) ETRG2 PPGGRP2ET PPGGRP2_ RG3 (0x2446) ETRG3 PPGGRP2RL PPGGRP2_ TTRG1 RLTTRG1 (0x2448) PPGGRP3ET PPGGRP3_ RG0 (0x2460) ETRG0 RESSEL[3:0]/ PORTSEL[3:0] Source for Resource Input Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 OCU16_OT OCU16_OTD OCU17_OTD OCU17_OTD D0 1 0 1 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN OCU16_OT OCU16_OTD OCU17_OTD OCU17_OTD D0 1 0 1 RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RLT8_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN OCU0_OTD OCU0_OTD1 OCU1_OTD0 OCU1_OTD1 0 OCU0_OTD OCU0_OTD1 OCU1_OTD0 OCU1_OTD1 0 RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN OCU16_OT OCU16_OTD OCU17_OTD OCU17_OTD D0 1 0 1 OCU16_OT OCU16_OTD OCU17_OTD OCU17_OTD D0 1 0 1 RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RLT8_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C OCU0_OTD OCU0_OTD1 OCU1_OTD0 OCU1_OTD1 0 Page 44 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 18. RICFG0 (Continued) Register Resource Input PPGGRP3ET PPGGRP3_ RG1 (0x2462) ETRG1 PPGGRP3ET PPGGRP3_ RG2 (0x2464) ETRG2 PPGGRP3ET PPGGRP3_ RG3 (0x2466) ETRG3 PPGGRP3RL PPGGRP3_ TTRG1 RLTTRG1 (0x2468) RESSEL[3:0]/ PORTSEL[3:0] Source for Resource Input Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 OCU0_OTD OCU0_OTD1 OCU1_OTD0 OCU1_OTD1 0 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN OCU16_OT OCU16_OTD OCU17_OTD OCU17_OTD D0 1 0 1 RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - OCU16_OT OCU16_OTD OCU17_OTD OCU17_OTD D0 1 0 1 PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RLT8_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 45 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 19. RICFG1 Source for Resource Input Register Resource Input RESSEL[3:0]/ PORTSEL[3:0] RESSEL (0-7) CAN0RX (0x0400) CAN1RX (0x0420) CAN0_RX CAN1_RX FRT17TEXT (0x0C20) FRT16_TEXT FRT17_TEXT FRT19TEXT (0x0C60) ICU18IN0 (0x1040) ICU18IN1 (0x1042) FRT18_TEXT FRT19_TEXT ICU18_IN0 ICU18_IN1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 CAN0_RX CAN1_RX and CAN1_TX reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - reserved P0_25 reserved P0_42 P0_48 reserved P1_34 P1_00 PORTSEL (8-15) P2_41 reserved reserved reserved P0_49 P2_48 P2_49 P2_50 RESSEL (0-7) CAN0_RX CAN1_RX and CAN1_TX reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved P0_24 reserved P0_43 P0_48 reserved P1_36 P1_02 PORTSEL (8-15) P2_41 reserved reserved P0_42 P2_40 P2_49 P2_50 P2_51 RLT6_TOT PPG64_PP GB reserved reserved reserved PORT_PIN RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P0_44 P0_45 P0_47 P2_40 reserved P2_51 PORTSEL (8-15) P2_06 P2_14 reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT7_TOT PPG65_PP GB reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P0_45 P0_47 P2_41 reserved P2_51 P2_07 PORTSEL (8-15) P2_15 reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RLT8_TOT PPG66_PP GB reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) FRT18TEXT (0x0C40) Bit 1 PORTSEL (0-7) RESSEL (0-7) FRT16TEXT (0x0C00) Bit 0 PORT_PIN RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P0_45 P0_46 P0_47 P2_42 reserved P2_51 PORTSEL (8-15) P2_08 P2_16 reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT9_TOT PPG67_PP GB reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P0_45 P0_47 P2_43 reserved P2_51 P2_09 PORTSEL (8-15) P2_17 reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved P1_43 P1_56 P0_46 PORTSEL (8-15) P1_13 P1_18 P2_36 reserved reserved reserved P2_48 P2_08 RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved P1_44 P1_57 P0_41 PORTSEL (8-15) P0_47 P2_37 reserved reserved reserved P2_49 P2_09 reserved Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 46 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 19. RICFG1 (Continued) Source for Resource Input Register Resource Input ICU18FRTSE ICU18_FRTSE L (0x1044) L ICU19IN0 (0x1060) ICU19IN1 (0x1062) ICU19_IN0 ICU19_IN1 ICU19FRTSE ICU19_FRTSE L (0x1064) L OCU16OTD0 GATE (0x1400) OCU16OTD0 GM (0x1402) OCU16OTD0 GM (0x1402) OCU16OTD1 GM (0x1406) OCU16_OTD0 GATE OCU16_OTD0 GM OCU16_OTD0 GM OCU16_OTD1 GM RESSEL[3:0]/ PORTSEL[3:0] Bit 0 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 RESSEL (0-7) FRT18 FRT16 reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved P1_45 P1_58 P0_42 PORTSEL (8-15) P2_38 reserved reserved reserved reserved P2_24 P2_10 reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved reserved reserved P1_26 P1_46 P1_59 P1_14 PORTSEL (8-15) P1_19 P2_39 reserved reserved reserved reserved P2_25 P2_11 reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) FRT19 FRT17 ICU18_TOU T0 RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT PPG64_PP GB PPG65_PP GB OCU17_OT D0 OCU17_OT D1 reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) RLT4_TOT RLT6_TOT PPG64_PP GB PPG66_PP GB OCU17_OT D0 OCU17_OT D1 reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 47 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 19. RICFG1 (Continued) Source for Resource Input Register Resource Input OCU17CMP0 OCU17_CMP0 EXT (0x1420) EXT RESSEL[3:0]/ PORTSEL[3:0] Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 RESSEL (0-7) OCU17_MT RG OCU16_CM P0OUT reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) OCU17FRTS EL (0x1422) OCU17OTD0 GATE (0x1424) OCU17OTD0 GM (0x1426) OCU17OTD1 GATE (0x1428) OCU17OTD1 GM (0x142A) OCU17_FRTS EL OCU17_OTD0 GATE OCU17_OTD0 GM OCU17_OTD1 GATE OCU17_OTD1 GM USART6SCKI USART6_SCKI (0x1C00) USART6SIN (0x1C02) USART6_SIN FRT17_CNT FRT16_CNT _EN _EN RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PPG67_PP GB OCU16_OT D0 OCU16_OT D1 reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) RLT4_TOT RLT7_TOT PPG64_PP GB RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PPG68_PP GB OCU16_OT D0 OCU16_OT D1 reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) RLT4_TOT RLT8_TOT PPG64_PP GB RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P0_41 P0_46 P1_40 P1_13 reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) P2_48 reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved reserved P0_40 P0_45 P1_39 P0_47 P1_12 PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved P2_50 reserved reserved reserved reserved Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 48 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 19. RICFG1 (Continued) Source for Resource Input Register PPG64PPGA GATE (0x2400) PPG64PPGA GM (0x2402) PPG64PPGB GATE (0x2404) PPG64PPGB GM (0x2406) PPG65PPGA GATE (0x2420) PPG65PPGA GM (0x2422) PPG65PPGB GATE (0x2424) PPG65PPGB GM (0x2426) Resource Input PPG64_PPGA GATE PPG64_PPGA GM PPG64_PPGB GATE PPG64_PPGB GM PPG65_PPGA GATE PPG65_PPGA GM PPG65_PPGB GATE PPG65_PPGB GM RESSEL[3:0]/ PORTSEL[3:0] Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 49 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 19. RICFG1 (Continued) Source for Resource Input Register PPG66PPGA GATE (0x2440) PPG66PPGA GM (0x2442) PPG66PPGB GATE (0x2444) PPG66PPGB GM (0x2446) PPG67PPGA GATE (0x2460) PPG67PPGA GM (0x2462) PPG67PPGB GATE (0x2464) PPG67PPGB GM (0x2466) Resource Input PPG66_PPGA GATE PPG66_PPGA GM PPG66_PPGB GATE PPG66_PPGB GM PPG67_PPGA GATE PPG67_PPGA GM PPG67_PPGB GATE PPG67_PPGB GM RESSEL[3:0]/ PORTSEL[3:0] Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 50 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 19. RICFG1 (Continued) Source for Resource Input Register PPG68PPGA GATE (0x2480) PPG68PPGA GM (0x2482) PPG68PPGB GATE (0x2484) PPG68PPGB GM (0x2486) PPG69PPGA GATE (0x24A0) PPG69PPGA GM (0x24A2) PPG69PPGB GATE (0x24A4) PPG69PPGB GM (0x24A6) Resource Input PPG68_PPGA GATE PPG68_PPGA GM PPG68_PPGB GATE PPG68_PPGB GM PPG69_PPGA GATE PPG69_PPGA GM PPG69_PPGB GATE PPG69_PPGB GM RESSEL[3:0]/ PORTSEL[3:0] Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 51 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 19. RICFG1 (Continued) Source for Resource Input Register PPG70PPGA GATE (0x24C0) PPG70PPGA GM (0x24C2) PPG70PPGB GATE (0x24C4) PPG70PPGB GM (0x24C6) PPG71PPGA GATE (0x24E0) PPG71PPGA GM (0x24E2) PPG71PPGB GATE (0x24E4) PPG71PPGB GM (0x24E6) Resource Input PPG70_PPGA GATE PPG70_PPGA GM PPG70_PPGB GATE PPG70_PPGB GM PPG71_PPGA GATE PPG71_PPGA GM PPG71_PPGB GATE PPG71_PPGB GM RESSEL[3:0]/ PORTSEL[3:0] Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ VDD RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) SPECIAL0_ GND SPECIAL0_ VDD reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 52 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 19. RICFG1 (Continued) Source for Resource Input Register Resource Input PPGGRP16E PPGGRP16_E TRG0 TRG0 (0x2C00) PPGGRP16E PPGGRP16_E TRG1 TRG1 (0x2C02) PPGGRP16E PPGGRP16_E TRG2 TRG2 (0x2C04) PPGGRP16E PPGGRP16_E TRG3 TRG3 (0x2C06) PPGGRP16R PPGGRP16_R LTTRG1 LTTRG1 (0x2C08) PPGGRP17E PPGGRP17_E TRG0 TRG0 (0x2C20) PPGGRP17E PPGGRP17_E TRG1 TRG1 (0x2C22) PPGGRP17E PPGGRP17_E TRG2 TRG2 (0x2C24) RESSEL[3:0]/ PORTSEL[3:0] Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN OCU0_OTD 0 OCU0_OTD 1 OCU1_OTD 0 OCU1_OTD 1 reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN OCU0_OTD 0 OCU0_OTD 1 OCU1_OTD 0 OCU1_OTD 1 reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN OCU16_OT D0 OCU16_OT D1 OCU17_OT D0 OCU17_OT D1 reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN OCU16_OT D0 OCU16_OT D1 OCU17_OT D0 OCU17_OT D1 reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RLT8_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN OCU0_OTD 0 OCU0_OTD 1 OCU1_OTD 0 OCU1_OTD 1 reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN OCU0_OTD 0 OCU0_OTD 1 OCU1_OTD 0 OCU1_OTD 1 reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN OCU16_OT D0 OCU16_OT D1 OCU17_OT D0 OCU17_OT D1 reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 53 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 19. RICFG1 (Continued) Source for Resource Input Register Resource Input PPGGRP17E PPGGRP17_E TRG3 TRG3 (0x2C26) PPGGRP17R PPGGRP17_R LTTRG1 LTTRG1 (0x2C28) RESSEL[3:0]/ PORTSEL[3:0] Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN OCU16_OT D0 OCU16_OT D1 OCU17_OT D0 OCU17_OT D1 reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (0-7) RLT1_TOT RLT2_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT7_TOT RLT8_TOT RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 54 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 20. RICFG3 Source for Resource Input Register Resource Input RESSEL[3:0] PORTSEL[3:0] RESSEL (0-7) RLT0TIN (0x0800) RLT1TIN (0x0820) RLT0_TIN RLT1_TIN RLT3TIN (0x0860) RLT2_TIN RLT3_TIN RLT5TIN (0x08A0) RLT4_TIN RLT5_TIN RLT7TIN (0x08E0) RLT6_TIN RLT7_TIN Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 PORT_PIN RLT9_TOT RLT9_UFSET RLT1_TOT PPG0_PPGA Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 SPECIAL0_M SPECIAL0_R CLKDIV4 CCLKDIV4 - reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved P0_47 P2_22 P1_11 P2_43 reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN RLT0_TOT RLT0_UFSET RLT2_TOT PPG1_PPGA RESSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P2_23 P1_15 P2_39 reserved P2_51 reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved PORT_PIN RLT1_TOT RLT1_UFSET RLT3_TOT PPG2_PPGA SPECIAL0_M SPECIAL0_R CLKDIV4 CCLKDIV4 SPECIAL0_M SPECIAL0_R CLKDIV4 CCLKDIV4 - - RESSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (0-7) reserved P0_43 P2_24 P1_19 P2_35 reserved P2_21 reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN RLT2_TOT RLT2_UFSET RLT4_TOT PPG3_PPGA RESSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (0-7) reserved P0_45 P1_30 P1_43 P1_08 reserved P2_13 reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved PORT_PIN RLT3_TOT RLT3_UFSET RLT5_TOT PPG4_PPGA SPECIAL0_M SPECIAL0_R CLKDIV4 CCLKDIV4 USART0_SO USART6_SOT T - - RESSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (0-7) reserved P0_46 P1_31 P1_44 P1_09 reserved P2_14 reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN RLT4_TOT RLT4_UFSET RLT6_TOT PPG5_PPGA RESSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (0-7) reserved P0_40 P1_39 P2_25 P1_12 reserved reserved P2_50 PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) RLT6TIN (0x08C0) Bit 2 RESSEL (8-15) RESSEL (0-7) RLT4TIN (0x0880) Bit 1 PORTSEL (0-7) RESSEL (0-7) RLT2TIN (0x0840) Bit 0 PORT_PIN RLT5_TOT RLT5_UFSET RLT7_TOT PPG6_PPGA USART0_SO USART6_SOT T UDC0_UDOT UDC0_UDOT 0 1 - - RESSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (0-7) reserved P0_41 P1_40 P1_13 reserved P2_48 reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN RLT6_TOT RLT6_UFSET RLT8_TOT PPG7_PPGA RESSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved reserved P2_38 reserved P2_49 reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C UDC0_UDOT UDC0_UDOT 0 1 - Page 55 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 20. RICFG3 (Continued) Source for Resource Input Register Resource Input RESSEL[3:0] PORTSEL[3:0] RESSEL (0-7) RLT8TIN (0x0900) RLT9TIN (0x0920) RLT8_TIN RLT9_TIN UDC0AIN0 UDC0_AIN0 (0x1000) UDC0AIN1 UDC0_AIN1 (0x1004) UDC0BIN0 UDC0_BIN0 (0x1008) UDC0BIN1 UDC0_BIN1 (0x100C) UDC0ZIN1 (0x1014) UDC0_ZIN0 UDC0_ZIN1 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 PORT_PIN RLT7_TOT RLT7_UFSET RLT9_TOT PPG8_PPGA Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 UDC0_UDOT UDC0_UDOT 0 1 - RESSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved reserved P2_37 P2_41 reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN RLT8_TOT RLT8_UFSET RLT0_TOT PPG9_PPGA RESSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved reserved P2_36 P2_42 reserved reserved reserved UDC0_UDOT UDC0_UDOT 0 1 - PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN RLT0_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT7_TOT - - - - RESSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P1_34 P1_53 P0_44 P2_33 reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN RLT1_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT7_TOT - - - - RESSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P1_43 P1_57 P0_48 P2_37 reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN RLT1_TOT RLT4_TOT RLT8_TOT - - - - RESSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P1_35 P1_54 P0_45 P2_34 reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN RLT2_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT8_TOT - - - - RESSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P1_44 P1_58 P0_49 P2_38 reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) UDC0ZIN0 (0x1010) Bit 0 PORT_PIN RLT2_TOT RLT5_TOT RLT9_TOT PPG0_PPGA PPG1_PPGA PPG3_PP PPG2_PPGA GA RESSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P1_36 P1_55 P0_46 P2_35 reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN RLT3_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT9_TOT PPG0_PPGA PPG1_PPGA PPG2_PPGA PPG3_PP GA RESSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P1_45 P1_59 reserved P2_39 reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved P2_50 reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 56 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 21. RICFG4 Register I2S0ECLK (0x1000) I2S0SCKI (0x1004) I2S0SDI (0x1008) I2S0WSI (0x100C) I2S1ECLK (0x1020) I2S1SCKI (0x1024) I2S1SDI (0x1028) Resource Input I2S0_ECLK I2S0_SCKi I2S0_SDi I2S0_WSi I2S1_ECLK I2S1_SCKi I2S1_SDi Source for Resource Input RESSEL[3:0] /PORTSEL[3:0] Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN SPECIAL0_C LK_PERI1 - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved reserved reserved P2_32 P2_36 P2_40 reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved reserved P2_35 P2_39 P2_43 reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved reserved P2_33 P2_37 P2_41 reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved reserved P2_34 P2_38 P2_42 reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) PORT_PIN SPECIAL0_C LK_PERI1 - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved reserved reserved P2_32 P2_36 reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) P2_48 reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P1_27 P2_35 P2_39 reserved reserved P2_51 PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 57 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 21. RICFG4 (Continued) Register I2S1SDI (0x1028) I2S1WSI (0x102C) SPI0CLKI (0x1C00) SPI0DATA0I (0x1C04) SPI0DATA1I (0x1C08) SPI0SSI (0x1C0C) SPI1CLKI (0x1C20) SPI1DATA0I (0x1C24) Resource Input I2S1_SDi I2S1_WSi SPI0_CLKi SPI0_DATA0i SPI0_DATA1i SPI0_SSi SPI1_CLKi SPI1_DATA0i Source for Resource Input RESSEL[3:0] /PORTSEL[3:0] Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved reserved P2_33 P2_37 reserved reserved P2_49 PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P1_26 P2_34 P2_38 reserved reserved P2_50 PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P0_47 P1_11 P2_35 P2_43 reserved P2_22 PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P0_46 P1_10 P2_34 P2_42 reserved P2_24 PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P0_45 P1_09 P2_33 P2_41 reserved P2_23 PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P0_44 P1_08 P2_32 P2_40 reserved P2_25 PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved reserved P1_15 P2_39 P2_43 reserved P2_51 PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 58 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 21. RICFG4 (Continued) Register SPI1DATA0I (0x1C24) SPI1DATA1I (0x1C28) SPI1SSI (0x1C2C) SPI2CLKI (0x1C40) SPI2DATA0I (0x1C44) SPI2DATA1I (0x1C48) SPI2DATA2I (0x1C4C) Resource Input SPI1_DATA0i SPI1_DATA1i SPI1_SSi SPI2_CLKi SPI2_DATA0i SPI2_DATA1i SPI2_DATA2i Source for Resource Input RESSEL[3:0] /PORTSEL[3:0] Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved reserved P1_14 P2_38 P2_42 reserved P2_50 PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P0_49 P1_13 P2_37 P2_41 reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P0_48 P1_12 P2_36 P2_40 reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P0_43 P1_19 P2_35 P2_39 reserved P2_21 PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P0_42 P1_18 P2_34 P2_38 reserved P2_20 PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P0_41 P1_17 P2_33 P2_37 reserved P2_19 PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved reserved P2_22 reserved reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 59 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 21. RICFG4 (Continued) Register SPI2DATA3I (0x1C50) SPI2SSI (0x1C58) Source for Resource Input Resource Input RESSEL[3:0] /PORTSEL[3:0] Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 SPI2_DATA3i RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved P0_45 reserved P2_23 reserved reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P0_40 P1_16 P2_32 P2_36 reserved P2_18 PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved SPI2_SSi Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 60 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 22. RICFG7 Register Resource Input RESSEL[3:0]/PORT SEL[3:0] RESSEL (0-7) GFX0DCLKI (0x0000) EIC0INT00 (0x1000) EIC0INT01 (0x1004) EIC0INT02 (0x1008) EIC0INT03 (0x100C) EIC0INT04 (0x1010) EIC0INT05 (0x1014) EIC0INT06 (0x1018) EIC0INT07 (0x101C) GFX0_DCLKI EIC0_INT00 EIC0_INT01 EIC0_INT02 EIC0_INT03 EIC0_INT04 EIC0_INT05 EIC0_INT06 EIC0_INT07 Source for Resource Input Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved P1_30 P1_39 reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved P1_47 P0_63 P1_08 reserved P1_60 reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved P1_33 P1_48 P1_09 reserved P1_61 reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved P1_42 P1_49 P1_10 reserved reserved P1_62 reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P0_44 P1_11 P1_08 P2_32 P2_40 reserved PORTSEL (8-15) P2_25 reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P0_48 P1_12 P2_36 P2_40 reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P0_40 P1_13 P1_16 P2_32 P2_36 reserved PORTSEL (8-15) P2_18 reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved reserved P1_14 P2_34 P2_38 P2_42 reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P1_26 P1_15 P2_34 P2_38 reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) P2_50 reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 61 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 22. RICFG7 (Continued) Register Resource Input RESSEL[3:0]/PORT SEL[3:0] RESSEL (0-7) EIC0INT08 (0x1020) EIC0INT09 (0x1024) EIC0INT10 (0x1028) EIC0INT11 (0x102C) EIC0INT12 (0x1030) EIC0INT13 (0x1034) EIC0INT14 (0x1038) EIC0INT15 (0x103C) EIC0INT16 (0x1040) EIC0_INT08 EIC0_INT09 EIC0_INT10 EIC0_INT11 EIC0_INT12 EIC0_INT13 EIC0_INT14 EIC0_INT15 EIC0_INT16 Source for Resource Input Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved P0_25 reserved P0_42 P0_48 reserved P1_34 P1_00 PORTSEL (8-15) P2_41 reserved reserved P2_48 P2_49 P2_50 reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved P0_24 reserved P0_43 P0_48 reserved P1_36 P1_02 PORTSEL (8-15) P2_41 reserved reserved P2_49 P2_50 P2_51 reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved P0_24 reserved P0_42 P0_49 reserved P1_38 P1_16 PORTSEL (8-15) P2_40 reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved reserved P0_40 P0_45 P1_30 P1_43 P0_42 PORTSEL (8-15) P1_08 reserved reserved reserved P2_50 P2_13 reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved reserved P0_40 P0_45 P1_39 P0_47 P1_12 PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved P2_50 reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved P1_37 P1_02 P1_16 reserved reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P1_50 P1_17 P2_11 reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved P0_41 P1_51 P1_18 P2_12 reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved P0_46 P1_52 P1_19 P2_13 reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 62 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 22. RICFG7 (Continued) Register Resource Input RESSEL[3:0]/PORT SEL[3:0] RESSEL (0-7) EIC0INT17 (0x1044) EIC0INT18 (0x1048) EIC0INT19 (0x104C) EIC0INT20 (0x1050) EIC0INT21 (0x1054) EIC0INT22 (0x1058) EIC0INT23 (0x105C) EIC0INT24 (0x1060) EIC0INT25 (0x1064) EIC0_INT17 EIC0_INT18 EIC0_INT19 EIC0_INT20 EIC0_INT21 EIC0_INT22 EIC0_INT23 EIC0_INT24 EIC0_INT25 Source for Resource Input Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved P0_47 P1_53 P1_20 P2_14 reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P1_54 P1_21 P2_15 reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P1_55 P1_22 P2_16 reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved reserved P1_56 P1_23 P2_17 reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved P1_27 P1_57 P2_00 P2_18 reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved P1_28 P1_58 P2_01 P2_19 reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved P1_29 P1_59 P2_02 P2_20 reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved P1_31 P0_62 P2_03 P2_21 reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved P1_32 P1_00 P2_04 P2_22 reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 63 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 22. RICFG7 (Continued) Register Resource Input RESSEL[3:0]/PORT SEL[3:0] RESSEL (0-7) EIC0INT26 (0x1068) EIC0INT27 (0x106C) EIC0INT28 (0x1070) EIC0INT29 (0x1074) EIC0INT30 (0x1078) EIC0INT31 (0x107C) EIC0NMI (0x1080) EIC0_INT26 EIC0_INT27 EIC0_INT28 EIC0_INT29 EIC0_INT30 EIC0_INT31 EIC0_NMI Source for Resource Input Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved P1_35 P1_01 P2_05 P2_23 P2_33 reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved P1_40 P1_03 P2_06 P2_24 reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved P1_41 P1_04 P2_07 P2_25 reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved P1_44 P1_05 P2_08 P2_35 reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved P1_45 P1_06 P2_09 P2_37 reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved P1_46 P1_07 P2_10 P2_39 reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved RESSEL (0-7) - - - - - - - - RESSEL (8-15) - - - - - - - - PORTSEL (0-7) reserved P2_43 reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved PORTSEL (8-15) reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 64 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 23. RICFG8 Source for Resource Input Register Resource Input RESSEL[3:0]/ PORTSEL[3:0] RESSEL (0-7) HSSPI0MS HSSPI0_MSTAR RESSEL (8-15) TART T (0x0000) PORTSEL (0-7) PORTSEL (8-15) Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 RLT0_TOT RLT3_TOT RLT6_TOT RLT9_TOT OCU16_OTD0 reserved reserved - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I/O Pin Types PPG64_PPGB Table 24. Pin Circuit Type of QFP-176 (Continued) Table 24. Pin Circuit Type of QFP-176 Pin Number IO_TYPE RSDS Pin Number IO_TYPE 31 1 MODE 32 RSDS 2 X1 33 VDD33 3 X0 34 RSDS 4 VSS50 35 RSDS 5 X0A 36 VSS33 6 X1A 37 RSDS 7 MODE 38 RSDS 8 VDD50 39 VDD33 9 VSS50 40 RSDS 10 VDD33 41 RSDS 11 BIDI33 42 VSS33 12 BIDI33 43 RSDS 13 BIDI33 44 RSDS 14 BIDI33 45 VDD12L 15 BIDI33 46 RSDS 16 BIDI33 47 RSDS 17 BIDI33 48 VDD33 18 BIDI33 49 RSDS 19 BIDI33 50 RSDS 20 BIDI33 51 VSS33 21 BIDI33 52 RSDS 22 BIDI33 53 RSDS 23 VSS33 54 VDD33 24 VDD33 55 RSDS 25 RSDS 56 RSDS 26 RSDS 57 VDD12L 27 VSS33 58 RSDS 28 RSDS 59 RSDS 29 RSDS 60 VSS33 30 VDD12L 61 RSDS Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 65 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 24. Pin Circuit Type of QFP-176 (Continued) Table 24. Pin Circuit Type of QFP-176 (Continued) Pin Number IO_TYPE Pin Number IO_TYPE 62 RSDS 103 SMC 63 VDD33 104 SMC 64 VSS33 105 SMC 65 TTL33 106 SMC 66 TTL33 107 HVSS 67 TTL33 108 HVDD 68 TTL33 109 SMC 69 TTL33 110 SMC 70 TTL33 111 SMC 71 VDD33 112 SMC 72 VSS33 113 SMC 73 TTL33 114 SMC 74 TTL33 115 SMC 75 TTL33 116 SMC 76 TTL33 117 HVSS 77 TTL33 118 HVDD 78 TTL33 119 SMC 79 VDD33 120 SMC 80 VSS33 121 SMC 81 BIDI33 122 SMC 82 BIDI33 123 SMC 83 BIDI33 124 SMC 84 BIDI33 125 SMC 85 BIDI33 126 SMC 86 BIDI33 127 HVSS 87 BIDI33 128 HVDD 88 BIDI33 129 AVSS5 89 BIDI33 130 AVRH5 90 BIDI33 131 AVCC5 91 BIDI33 132 VDD50 92 BIDI33 133 VSS50 93 BIDI33 134 BIDI50 94 VDD12L 135 BIDI50 95 VDD33 136 BIDI50 96 VSS33 137 BIDI50 97 HVSS 138 VSS50 98 HVDD 139 VDD12H 99 SMC 140 BIDI50 100 SMC 141 BIDI50 101 SMC 142 BIDI50 102 SMC 143 BIDI50 Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 66 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 24. Pin Circuit Type of QFP-176 (Continued) Pin Number IO_TYPE 144 BIDI50 145 BIDI50 146 VSS50 147 VDD50 148 BIDI50 149 BIDI50 150 BIDI50 151 BIDI50 152 BIDI50 153 BIDI50 154 BIDI50 155 BIDI50 156 VSS50 157 VDD12H 158 BIDI50 159 BIDI50 160 BIDI50 161 BIDI50 162 BIDI50 163 BIDI50 164 BIDI50 165 BIDI50 166 VSS50 167 VDD50 168 BIDI50 169 BIDI50 170 I2C 171 I2C 172 JTAGO 173 JTAGIUP 174 JTAGIUP 175 JTAGIUP 176 JTAGIDN Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 67 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan IO Circuit Types Table 25. IO Circuit Type Type Circuit Remarks High-speed oscillation circuit: X1 MAINOSC 0 R 1 Xout Programmable between oscillation mode (external crystal or resonator connected to X0/X1pins) and Fast external Clock Input (FCI) mode (external clock connected to X0 pin Note: The built-in feedback resistor 'R' (1MOhm typical) is located between X0 and X1 and will be disabled in the Fast External Clock Input Mode (FCI). FCI X0 FCI or osc disable X1A Xout SUBOSC Low-speed oscillation circuit R X0A osc disable R Hysteresis inputs JTAGIDN Pull−down Resistor JTAGIUP Pull−up Resistor R Hysteresis inputs Pout JTAGO ■ TTL level input pin ■ Pull-down resistor value: approx. 50 k ■ TTL level input pin ■ Pull-up resistor value: approx. 50 k ■ CMOS level output ■ Output Driving strength is fixed: IOL +1 mA IOH -1mA Nout Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 68 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 25. IO Circuit Type (Continued) Type Circuit Remarks ANE AVRH5 AVR ■ A/D converter ref+ (AVRH5) power supply input pin with protection circuit ■ Flash devices do not have a protection circuit against VDP5 for pins AVRH5 ■ CMOS Hysteresis input pin ■ CMOS level output (programmable) ANE MODE R Hysteresis inputs Pull−up control ODR[1:0] IOL IOH 00 +2mA -2mA 01 +5mA -5mA Pout Nout Pull−down control Standby control for input shutdown TTL input with input shutdown function TTL input Nout Pull−down control R Standby control for input shutdown Standby control for input shutdown -20mA ■ Hysteresis input Pout -10mA +20mA Hysteresis input with input shutdown function Pull−up control RSDS +10mA 11 ■ R Standby control for input shutdown 10 PIL Input buffer Levels 00 Hysteresis 20% / 80% 10 TTL 0.8V / 2V ■ Programmable pull-up and pull-down resistor: 33k approx. ■ RSDS differential output data BOOST Id 0 +2mA 1 +4mA Hysteresis input TTL input RSDS mode control RSDS output data RSDS output enable Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 69 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 25. IO Circuit Type (Continued) Type Circuit Remarks ■ Pull−up control CMOS level output (programmable) ODR[1:0] IOL IOH 00 +1mA -1mA 01 +2mA -2mA 10 +5mA -5mA 11 +2mA -2mA Pout Nout Pull−down control R BIDI50 ■ Hysteresis input with input shutdown function ■ Automotive input with input shutdown function ■ TTL input with input shutdown function ■ CMOS input with input shutdown function PIL Hysteresis input Standby control for input shutdown Automotive input Standby control for input shutdown TTL input Standby control for input shutdown Input buffer Levels 00 Hysteresis 20% / 80% 01 Automotive 50% / 80% 10 TTL 0.8V / 2V 11 CMOS 20% / 80% ■ Programmable pull-up and pull-down resistor; 50k approx. ■ Analog input ■ CMOS level output CMOS input Standby control for input shutdown Analog input Pull−up control Pout BIDI33 R Standby control for input shutdown Standby control for input shutdown Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Hysteresis input IOL IOH -- +12mA -12mA ■ Hysteresis input with input shutdown function ■ TTL input with input shutdown function Nout Pull−down control ODR[1:0] ■ PIL Input buffer Levels 00 Hysteresis 20% / 80% 10 TTL 0.8V / 2V Programmable pull-up and pull-down resistor: 33k approx. TTL input Page 70 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 25. IO Circuit Type (Continued) Type Circuit Remarks ■ CMOS level output (programmable) ODR[1:0] IOL IOH 00 +2mA -2mA 01 +5mA -5mA 10 +10mA -10mA 11 +20mA -20mA Pull−up control Pout TTL33 ■ Hysteresis input with input shutdown function ■ TTL input with input shutdown function Nout Pull−down control PIL Input buffer Levels Hysteresis input 00 Hysteresis 20% / 80% 10 TTL 0.8V / 2V R Standby control for input shutdown Standby control for input shutdown TTL input ■ Programmable pull-up and pull-down resistor: 33k approx. ■ CMOS level output (programmable) Pull−up control ODR[1:0] IOL IOH 00 +1mA -1mA Pout Nout Pull−down control R SMC Standby control for input shutdown Standby control for input shutdown Standby control for input shutdown Standby control for input shutdown Hysteresis input +2mA -2mA 10 +30mA -30mA 11 +5mA -5mA ■ Hysteresis input with input shutdown function ■ Automotive input with input shutdown function ■ TTL input with input shutdown function ■ CMOS input with input shutdown function Automotive input TTL input 01 ■ PIL Input buffer Levels 00 Hysteresis 20% / 80% 01 Automotive 50% / 80% 10 TTL 0.8V / 2V 11 CMOS 20% / 80% Programmable pull-up resistor and pull down resistor: 50k approx. CMOS input Analog input Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 71 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 25. IO Circuit Type (Continued) Type Circuit Remarks ■ CMOS level output (programmable) ODR[1:0] IIC_E N IOL IOH 00 0 +1mA -1mA 01 0 +2mA -2mA 10 0 +5mA -5mA 11 0 +2mA -2mA -- 1 (Pseudo +3mA Open Drain)*1 Pull−up control Pout I2C_enable Nout ■ Hysteresis input with input shutdown function ■ Automotive input with input shutdown function ■ TTL input with input shutdown function ■ CMOS input with input shutdown function ■ I2C_enable is high, when the corresponding PCFGRxxx_POF value is set to I2C function and the I2C interface module is enabled. Pull−down control I2C R Standby control for input shutdown Standby control for input shutdown Standby control for input shutdown Standby control for input shutdown Hysteresis input Automotive input Note *1: For Pseudo Open Drain output logic value 1, Push/Pull CMOS driver is switched to HIZ state. TTL input CMOS input ■ Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C PIL Input buffer Levels 00 Hysteresis 20% / 80% 01 Automotive 50% / 80% 10 TTL 0.8V / 2V 11 CMOS 20% / 80% Programmable pull-up resistor and pull-down resistor: 50k approx. Page 72 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Packages D % $ $  / , $ 7 ( '  ( ( 6  &  ( 1 $ / 3  * 1 , 7 $ ( 6  7 $  ' ( 1 , 0 5 ( 7 ( '  ( %  2 7    ' ( 1 , 0 5 ( 7 (  ' 1  2 ( , 5 6 $ 8  5 ' 7 1 2 $ 5  + 3 &  7 ' $ /( 2'0 ,6 06 , ( 0 (  '5' 83/ /2 &P0 1P , (  7 '  2 8 / 16 , & 2 1 '1, 2   , ( (6  8' ' 51 + 17  $ $2 ( 1 5   '$ '3  /  6 6 3 ( 1 1/ 20 2%, ,$6 8 6 7 1:1$ (2(' 0/07 / , ,$ '$ '           c 0.09 D1 24.00 BSC 0.50 BSC E 26.00 BSC 0.45 0.60 0.75 L1 0.30 0.50 0.70 ș 0° 5 $E1 % 2 0'  $(' '(( &7 ( $ +;& ( 7 2 2  / 7 1  2 +( ,7 % 6  '7 8, 2 5: 1 7 2' 1 5$$ (& 3/   5 5 (($ %+%7 0702  ( $2 $6 ') '8    ($ ' '&P$ 8P( / /7  &2 ( 11+  ,/ 1 7  7 /  $5 2$+ 2 1+7  6( 6 6 8 ( , 5 262' ' 0$ 1 5 E 4 for output Note 13. If MediaLB is used, a minimum CLK_PERI4_PD2 value of 50 MHz is required. In addition, the system must be able to handle 6MByte/sec on the bus. This means that depending on the bus traffic, as well as access to system RAM by other masters, higher CLK_PERI4_PD2 values are required. External Reset Timing (TA = 40 °C to 105 °C, VDD = 1.1V to 1.3V, VDP3 = 3.0V to 3.6V, VDP5 = AVDD5 = 3.0V to 5.5V, DVCC = 3.0V to 5.5V, VSS = AVSS5 = DVSS = 0V) Table 47. External Reset Timing Parameter Symbol Pin Reset input time tRSTL RSTX Value Min Typ Max 500   Unit Remarks ns  Figure 6. External Reset Timing t RSTL RSTX 0.2VDP5 0.2VDP5 External Input Timing (TA = 40 °C to 105 °C, VDD = 1.1V to 1.3V, VDP3 = 3.0V to 3.6V, VDP5 = AVDD5 = 3.0V to 5.5V, DVCC = 3.0V to 5.5V, VSS = AVSS5 = DVSS = 0V) Table 48. External Input Timing Parameter Symbol Pin Condition EIC0_INTk NMI Value Min Max 200 - Unit ns RLTn_TIN tINH tINL NMI Reload Timer PPG_ETRGx ADCn_EDGI External Interrupt General purpose IO Pi_jj Input pulse width Used Pin Input Function PPG Trigger input - FRTn_FRCK AD Converter Trigger 2*tCLK_PER + tNF[14, 15] - ns Free Running Timer external clock ICUn_INm Input Capture UDCn_AIN, UDCn_BIN, UDCn_ZIN Up/Down Counter Notes 14.tCLK_PER is the period of the corresponding peripheral clock. 15.tNF is 200ns, if noise filter is enabled and 0ns, if noise filter is bypassed. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 259 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Figure 7. External Input Timing External Pin input VIH VIH VIL tINH VIL t INL Slew Rate High Current Outputs (TA = 40 °C to 105 °C, VDD = 1.1V to 1.3V, VDP3 = 3.0V to 3.6V, VDP5 = AVDD5 = 3.0V to 5.5V, DVCC = 3.0V to 5.5V, VSS = AVSS5 = DVSS = 0V) Table 49. Slew Rate High Current Outputs Parameter Symbol Output rise/fall time tR30 tF30 Pin Value Condition I/O circuit type SMC Min Output driving strength set to “30mA” 15 at CLOAD = 0 pF Max  Unit Remarks ns  Figure 8. Slew Rate High Current Output Timing Slew rate output timing VH VH = 0.9 x DVCC VL = 0.1 x DVCC VH VL VL t R30 Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C t F30 Page 260 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan USART Timing Note The values given below are for an I/O drive strength IO drive = 5mA. If IO drive is 2mA, all the maximum output timing described in the different tables must be increased by 10ns. (TA = 40 °C to 105 °C, VDD = 1.1V to 1.3V, VDP3 = 3.0V to 3.6V, VDP5 = 3.0V to 5.5V, DVCC = 3.0V to 5.5V, VSS = 0V, IOdrive = 5 mA, CL = 50pF) Table 50. USART Timing Parameter Symbol Pin tSCYCI SCK SCK SOT delay time tSLOVI SCK, SOT SOT SCK delay time tOVSHI SCK, SOT Valid SIN SCK tIVSHI SCK, SIN SCK Valid SIN hold time tSHIXI SCK, SIN Serial clock “L” pulse width tSLBHE Serial clock “H” pulse width Condition VDP5 = 4.5V to 5.5V VDP5 = 3.0V to 4.5V Unit Min Max Min Max 4*tCLK_PERI0_PD2 - 4*tCLK_PERI0_PD2 - -20 +20 -30 +30 ns - N*tCLK_PERI0_PD2 – 30[19] - ns - tCLK_PERI0_PD2 + 55 - ns 0 - 0 - ns SCK tCLK_PERI0_PD2 + 10 - tCLK_PERI0_PD2 + 10 - ns tSHSLE SCK tCLK_PERI0_PD2 + 10 - tCLK_PERI0_PD2 + 10 - ns SCK SOT delay time tSLOVE SCK, SOT - 2 tCLK_PERI0_PD2 +45 - 2 tCLK_PERI0_PD2 +45 ns Valid SIN SCK tIVSHE SCK, SIN tCLK_PERI0_PD2/2 + 10 - tCLK_PERI0_PD2/2 + 10 - ns SCK Valid SIN hold time tSHIXE SCK, SIN tCLK_PERI0_PD2 + 10 - tCLK_PERI0_PD2 + 10 - ns SCK fall time tFE SCK - 20 - 20 ns SCK rise time tRE SCK - 20 - 20 ns Serial clock cycle time Internal Shift N*tCLK_PERI0_PD2 – 20[19] Clock Mode tCLK_PERI0_PD2 + 45 External Shift Clock Mode ns Notes 16. AC characteristic in CLK synchronized mode. 17. CL is the load capacity value of pins when testing. 18. Depending on the used machine clock frequency, the maximum possible baud rate can be limited by some parameters. tCLK_PERI0_PD2 is the cycle time of the clock (CLK_PERI0_PD2), Unit: ns 19. Parameter N depends on tSCYCI and can be calculated as follows: • if tSCYCI = 2*k*tCLK_PERI0_PD2, then N = k, where k is an integer > 2 • if tSCYCI = (2*k+1)*tCLK_PERI0_PD2, then N = k+1, where k is an integer > 1. Examples tSCYCI N 4 * tCLK_PERI0_PD2 2 5 * tCLK_PERI0_PD2, 6 * tCLK_PERI0_PD2 7 * tCLK_PERI0_PD2, 8 * tCLK_PERI0_PD2 …. 3 4 …. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 261 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Figure 9. USART Timing t SCYCI 0.8*VDP5 SCK for ESCR:SCES =0 SCK for ESCR:SCES = 1 0.2*VDP5 0.2*VDP5 0.8*VDP5 0.8*VDP5 t SLOVI 0.2*VDP5 t OVSHI 0.8*VDP5 SOT 0.2*VDP5 t IVSHI SIN t SHIXI V IH V IH V IL V IL Internal Shift Clock Mode t SLSHE V IH SCK for ESCR:SCES =0 V IL t SLOVE V IL V IL t RE 0.8*VDP5 0.2*VDP5 t IVSHE SIN V IH V IH V IL t FE V IH V IL V IH SCK for ESCR:SCES = 1 SOT t SHSLE t SHIXE V IH V IH V IL V IL External Shift Clock Mode Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 262 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan I2C Timing (TA = 40 °C to 105 °C, VDD = 1.1V to 1.3V, VDP3 = 3.0V to 3.6V, VDP5 = AVDD5 = 4.5V to 5.5V[19], DVCC = 3.0V to 5.5V, VSS = AVSS5 = DVSS = 0V) Table 51. I2C Timing Parameter Symbol Standard-Mode Fast-Mode Unit Min Max Min Max fSCL 0 100 0 400 kHz tHDSTA 4.0 - 0.6 - s “L” width of the SCL clock tLOW 4.7 - 1.3 - s “H” width of the SCL clock tHIGH 4.0 - 0.6 - s Set-up time for a repeated START condition SCLSDA tSUSTA 4.7 - 0.6 - s Data hold time SCLSDA tHDDAT 0 3.45 0 0.9 s Data set-up time SDA---SCL¦¦- tSUDAT 250 - 100 - ns Set-up time for STOP condition SCL--SDA tSUSTO 4 - 0.6 - s tBUS 4.7 - 1.3 - s Output fall time from 0.7*VDP5 to 0.3*VDP5 with a bus capacitance from 10pF to 400pF tof 20 + 0.1*Cb [21] 250 20 + 0.1*Cb [21] 250 ns Capacitive load for each bus line Cb - 400 - 400 pF Pulse width of spikes which will be suppressed by input noise filter tSP n/a n/a 0 1*tCLK_PERI0_PD2[22] ns SCL clock frequency Hold time (repeated) START condition SDASCL Bus free time between a STOP and START condition Notes 20.For use at over 100 kHz, set the CLK_PERI0_PD2 to at least 6 MHz. 21.Cb = capacitance of one bus line in pF. 22.tCLK_PERI0_PD2 is the cycle time of the peripheral clock CLK_PERI0_PD2 23.I2C spec only guaranteed at VDP5 = 4.5V to 5.5V. Figure 10. I2C Timing SDA t LOW t SUDAT t BUS t HDSTA SCL t HDSTA t HDDAT Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C t HIGH t SUSTA t SUSTO Page 263 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan HSSPI Timing (TA = 40 °C to 105 °C, VDD = 1.1V to 1.3V, VDP3 = 3.0V to 3.6V, VDP5 = AVDD5 = 3.0V to 5.5V, DVCC = 3.0V to 5.5V, VSS = AVSS5 = DVSS = 0V)] Table 52. HSSPI Interface Timing (Master Mode) Parameter Symbol HSSPI clock frequency Input setup time (HSSPIn_DATAi) TIS,DATA Input hold time (HSSPIn_DATAi) TIH,DATA Value Unit Remarks Min Typ Max - - 64 MHz 12.1 - - ns No clock retiming 5.6 - - ns With clock retiming 0 - - ns No clock retiming 1.5 - - ns With clock retiming Output delay time (HSSPIn_DATAo) TOD,DATA - - 3.8 ns Output hold time (HSSPIn_DATAo) TOH,DATA 5 - - ns Output delay time (HSSPIn_SSELo) TOD,SSEL - - 5.05 ns Output hold time (HSSPIn_SSELo) TOH,SSEL 0 - - ns Figure 11. HSSPI Interface Timing HSSPIn_CLK T IS,DATA T IH,DATA HSSPIn_DATAi T IS,SSEL T IH,SSEL HSSPIn_SSELi TOD,DATA T OH,DATA TOD,SSEL T OH,SSEL HSSPIn_DATAo HSSPIn_SSELo Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 264 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 53. HSSPI Interface Timing (Slave Mode) Parameter Value Symbol HSSPI clock frequency Unit Min Typ Max - - 25 MHz Input setup time (HSSPIn_DATAi) TIS,DATA 5 - - ns Input hold time (HSSPIn_DATAi) TIH,DATA 0 - - ns Input setup time (HSSPIn_SSELi) TIS,SSEL 8.2 - - ns Input hold time (HSSPIn_SSELi) TIH,SSEL 2 - - ns Output delay time (HSSPIn_DATAo) TOD,DATA - - 15.5 ns Output hold time (HSSPIn_SSELo) TOH,DATA 0 - - ns Remarks SPI Timing (TA = 40 °C to 105 °C, VDD = 1.1V to 1.3V, VDP3 = 3.0V to 3.6V, VDP5 = AVDD5 = 3.0V to 5.5V, DVCC = 3.0V to 5.5V, VSS = AVSS5 = DVSS = 0V) For each SPI module, several combinations of I/O pins can be chosen for each SPI signal. The timing depends on the actual combination and is given below as separate values for each possible type of I/O-cell. When I/O/cells of different types are mixed, the worst case table, called “OVERALL SPI Interface timing” must be used. In Master Mode, using the clock retiming function improves the setup and hold times for input data. The usable maximum clock frequency depends on the transmission mode (Master to Slave / Slave to Master, using clock-retiming or not). An example for calculation is given below each table. Table 54. OVERALL SPI Interface Timing Parameter Symbol Master Mode, Non-retimed Clock Master Mode, Retimed Clock Slave Mode Unit Min Max Min Max Min Max TIS,DATA 24.9 - 9.9 - 9.8 - ns TIH,DATA -6.1[24] - 9.9 - 9.8 - ns TOD,DATA - 12.2 - 12.2 - 41.5 ns TOH,DATA -5.3[24] - -5.3[24] - 6.3 - ns Input setup time (SPIn_SSELi) TIS,SSEL - - - - 11.9 - ns Input hold time (SPIn_SSELi) TIH,SSEL - - - - 7.9 - ns Output delay time (SPIn_SSELo) TOD,SSEL - 12.1 - 12.1 - - ns Output hold time (SPIn_SSELo) TOH,SSEL -4.6[24] - -4.6[24] - - - ns Input setup time (SPIn_DATAi) Input hold time (SPIn_DATAi) Output delay time (SPIn_DATAo) Output hold time (SPIn_DATAo) Example for calculation of max. frequencies for communication of Master (retimed mode) and Slave: Transmission Half Period Time Max. Frequency Unit From Master to Slave T/2 = TOD,DATA (Master) + TIS,DATA (Slave) 20.8 MHz From Slave to Master T/2 = TOD,DATA (Slave) + TIS,DATA (Master) 10.5 MHz Note 24. A negative hold time implies that the clock edge output is delayed with respect to data output. In any case, an external device that will receive data, must use a sampling point that is outside the time interval given by Output hold time and Output delay time. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 265 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 55. SPI Interface Timing for All Cells of Type RSDS Parameter Symbol Master Mode, Master Mode, Non-retimed Clock Retimed Clock Slave Mode Unit Min Max Min Max Min Max TIS,DATA 23.8 - 3.1 - 3.0 - ns TIH,DATA -7.0[25] - 8.4 - 8.3 - ns TOD,DATA - 11.6 - 11.6 - 41.5 ns TOH,DATA -4.1[25] - -4.1[25] - 7.6 - ns Input setup time (SPIn_SSELi) TIS,SSEL - - - - 7.8 - ns Input hold time (SPIn_SSELi) TIH,SSEL - - - - 3.8 - ns Output delay time (SPIn_SSELo) TOD,SSEL - 11.5 - 11.5 - - ns Output hold time (SPIn_SSELo) TOH,SSEL 2.6 - 2.6 - - - ns Input setup time (SPIn_DATAi) Input hold time (SPIn_DATAi) Output delay time (SPIn_DATAo) Output hold time (SPIn_DATAo) Example for calculation of max. frequencies for communication of Master (retimed mode) and Slave: Transmission Half Period Time Max. Frequency Unit From Master to Slave T/2 = TOD,DATA (Master) + TIS,DATA (Slave) 25.9 MHz From Slave to Master T/2 = TOD,DATA (Slave) + TIS,DATA (Master) 11.2 MHz Note 25. A negative hold time implies that the clock edge output is delayed with respect to data output. In any case, an external device that will receive data, must use a sampling point that is outside the time interval given by Output hold time and Output delay time. Table 56. SPI Interface Timing for All Cells of Type BIDI50 Parameter Symbol Input setup time (SPIn_DATAi) TIS,DATA Master Mode, Master Mode, Non-retimed Clock Retimed Clock Slave Mode Min Max Min Max Min Max 24.4 - 5.5 - 5.2 - [26] Unit ns Input hold time (SPIn_DATAi) TIH,DATA -6.1 - 5.4 - 5.3 - ns Output delay time (SPIn_DATAo) TOD,DATA - 9.2 - 9.2 - 30.2 ns Output hold time (SPIn_DATAo) TOH,DATA -4.7[26] - -4.7[26] - 6.4 - ns Input setup time (SPIn_SSELi) TIS,SSEL - - - - 8.3 - ns Input hold time (SPIn_SSELi) TIH,SSEL - - - - 2.2 - ns Output delay time (SPIn_SSELo) TOD,SSEL - 7.4 - 7.4 - - ns Output hold time (SPIn_SSELo) TOH,SSEL 0.3 - 0.3 - - - ns Example for calculation of max. frequencies for communication of Master (retimed mode) and Slave: Transmission Half Period Time Max. Frequency Unit From Master to Slave T/2 = TOD,DATA (Master) + TIS,DATA (Slave) 31.8 MHz From Slave to Master T/2 = TOD,DATA (Slave) + TIS,DATA (Master) 14.0 MHz Note 26. A negative hold time implies that the clock edge output is delayed with respect to data output. In any case, an external device that will receive data, must use a sampling point that is outside the time interval given by Output hold time and Output delay time. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 266 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 57. SPI Interface Timing for All Cells of Type SMC Parameter Symbol Master Mode, Master Mode, Non-retimed Clock Retimed Clock Slave Mode Unit Min Max Min Max Min Max TIS,DATA 24.9 - 4.4 - 4.3 - ns TIH,DATA -6.8[27] - 5.3 - 5.2 - ns TOD,DATA - 8.9 - 8.9 - 32.1 ns TOH,DATA -0.8[27] - -0.8[27] - 7.7 - ns Input setup time (SPIn_SSELi) TIS,SSEL - - - - 6.7 - ns Input hold time (SPIn_SSELi) TIH,SSEL - - - - 3.1 - ns Output delay time (SPIn_SSELo) TOD,SSEL - 7.4 - 7.4 - - ns Output hold time (SPIn_SSELo) TOH,SSEL 1.8 - 1.8 - - - ns Input setup time (SPIn_DATAi) Input hold time (SPIn_DATAi) Output delay time (SPIn_DATAo) Output hold time (SPIn_DATAo) Example for calculation of max. frequencies for communication of Master (retimed mode) and Slave: Transmission Half Period Time Max. Frequency Unit From Master to Slave T/2 = TOD,DATA (Master) + TIS,DATA (Slave) 35.4 MHz From Slave to Master T/2 = TOD,DATA (Slave) + TIS,DATA (Master) 13.6 MHz Note 27. A negative hold time implies that the clock edge output is delayed with respect to data output. In any case, an external device that will receive data, must use a sampling point that is outside the time interval given by Output hold time and Output delay time. Figure 12. SPI Interface Timing SPIn_CLK T IS,DATA T IH,DATA SPIn_DATAi T IS,SSEL T IH,SSEL SPIn_SSELi TOD,DATA T OH,DATA TOD,SSEL T OH,SSEL SPIn_DATAo SPIn_SSELo Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 267 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Analog Digital Converter (TA = -40 °C to 105 °C, 3.0V - AVRH5, VDD = 1.1V to 1.3V, VDP3 = 3.0V to 3.6V, VDP5 = AVDD5 = 3.0V to 5.5V, DVCC = 3.0V to 5.5V, VSS = AVSS5 = DVSS = 0V) Table 58. Analog Digital Converter Parameter Symbol Pin Resolution - Total error Value Unit Remarks Min Typ Max - - - 10 bit - - - -3 - +3 LSB - Nonlinearity error - - -2.5 - +2.5 LSB - Differential nonlinearity error - - -1.9 - +1.9 LSB - Full scale transition voltage VFST ANi Typ - 20 AVRH5 - 1.5 LSB Typ + 20 mV between 1022 and 1023 Zero Transition Voltage VZT ANi Typ - 20 AVSS5 + 0.5 LSB Typ + 20 mV between 0 and 1 Conversion Rate TS pi_jj(ANIN) 353 - 1186 KS/s 646.8 - - ns Fclk=17MHz, Tclk=58.8ns * 11 clocks - - 2750 ns AVDD5 = 4.5V...5.5V, Fclk=4MHz, Tclk=250ns * 11 clocks - - 1837 ns AVDD5 = 3.0V...4.5V, Fclk=6MHz, Tclk=167ns * 11 clocks -1 - +1 A TA  25C, AVSS5 < VI < AVDD5, AVRH5 -3 - +3 A TA  105C, AVSS5 < VI < AVDD5, AVRH5 Comparison Time - TCOMP - Analog input leakage current (during conversion) IAIN Analog input voltage range VAIN ANn AVSS5 - AVRH5 V - AVRH5 AVRH5 AVDD5 - 0.5 - AVDD5 V - IA AVDD5 - 2 3.4 mA - - 6 A - - 11 A Reference voltage range Power supply current Reference voltage current Offset between input channels IAH ANn AVDD5 A/D Converter active 25°C, A/D Converter not operated 105°C, A/D Converter not operated IR AVRH5 - 0.6 1 mA A/D Converter active IRH AVRH5 - - 0.6 A A/D Converter not operated - ANn - - 4 LSB - Note 28. The accuracy gets worse as |AVRH5 | becomes smaller. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 268 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Minimum Sampling Time The minimum sampling time can be calculated from the following formula: For pins ADC0_AN0..25: Tsamp = 7.63 x [ Rext x ( Cext + 16pF ) + ( Rext + 1.78kOhm ) x 18.7pF ] For Pins ADC0_AN26..31: Tsamp = 7.63 x [ Rext x ( Cext + 16pF ) + ( Rext + 1.78kOhm ) x 2.6pF + (Rext + 3.55 kOhm ) x 18.7pF ] Definition of A/D Converter Terms ■ Resolution: Analog variation that is recognized by an A/D converter. ■ Total error: Difference between the actual value and the ideal value. The total error includes zero transition error, full-scale transition error and nonlinearity error. ■ Nonlinearity error: Deviation between a line across zero-transition line (00 0000 0000 00 0000 0001) and full-scale transition line (11 1111 1110 11 1111 1111) and actual conversion characteristics. ■ Differential linearity error: Deviation of input voltage, which is required for changing output code by 1 LSB, from an ideal value. ■ Zero reading voltage: Input voltage which results in the minimum conversion value. ■ Full scale reading voltage: Input voltage which results in the maximum conversion value. Figure 13. Total Error of Digital Output Total error 3FF 1.5 LSB 3FE Actual conversion characteristics 3FD Digital output {1 LSB X (N−1) + 0.5 LSB} 004 V NT (Actually−measured value) 003 Actual conversion characteristics 002 Ideal characteristics 001 0.5 LSB 0 AVRH Analog input Total error of digital output "N" = 1 LSB = (Ideal value) V NT − {1 LSB X (N−1) + 0.5 LSB} AVRH 1024 1 LSB [LSB] [V] N : A/D converter digital output value V OT (Ideal value) = 0 + 0.5 LSB [V] V FST (Ideal value) = AVRH − 1.5LB [V] V NT : A voltage at which digital output transition from (N−1) to N. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 269 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan FLASH Memory Program/Erase Characteristics (TA = -40 °C to 105 °C, VDD = 1.1V to 1.3V, VDP3 = 3.0V to 3.6V, VDP5 = AVDD5 = 3.0V to 5.5V, DVCC = 3.0V to 5.5V, VSS = AVSS5 = DVSS = 0V) Table 59. Program/Erase Time for TCFLASH and EEFLASH Value Parameter Sector Erase Time Macro Erase Time Unit Min Typ[29] Max Small Sector - 0.3 1.1 s Large Sector - 0.7 3.7 s TCFLASH - 13.6 68 s EEFLASH - 2.4 8.8 s - 12 384 s Word Programming Time Remarks The internal programming time before the erase procedure starts is included. Note 29. Typical definition: TA=25°C / VDD=1.2V / Program/Erase cycle = Immediately after shipment. Table 60. Program/Erase Cycle and Data Retention Time[30] Program/Erase Cycle at Each Sector Data Retention Time Min Value Unit Min Value Unit 1000 cycles 20 years 10000 cycles 10 years 100000 cycles 5 years Note 30. These values were converted from the technology qualification using Arrhenius equation to translate high temperature measurements into normalized values at +85°C. Table 61. Execution Time Limit Parameter Value Unit 1.3 ms TCFLASH 187.2 s EEFLASH 63 s 7.8 s Program Execution Time limit[31] Macro Erase Execution Time limit Sector Erase Execution Time limit [32] Note 31. This is the time it takes for the macro to detect a Hang up 1 error when 1 is to be programmed to a memory cell whose memory value is either 0 or X. 32. See the Hardware Manual for an explanation about Flash Timing Limit Exceeded Flags. The time during Sector Erase Suspend (period from Suspend Command Write Cycle to Resume Command Write Cycle) is not included. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 270 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan RC Oscillator Frequency This chapter provides reference values for the RC Configuration Register (SYSC_RCCFGR) settings. The corresponding oscillator is commonly referred to as the “12 MHz RC Oscillator”, because its typical frequency at the central setting is about 12 MHz, with the SYSC_RCCFGR:SFREQ bit set to “1”. When the SYSC_RCCFGR:SFREQ bit is set to “0”, the central setting corresponds to about 8 MHz. The default value of SYSC_RCCFGR:SFREQ is “1” and the default value of SYSC_RCCFGR:TRM[7:0] is “0xFF”, so the default frequency setting is 16.9 MHz (typical value). Figure 14. RC Oscillator Frequency at SYSC_RCCFGR:SFREQ = 0 MHz RC Oscillator frequency 14.7 11.6 10.1 9.3 7.9 6.3 5.2 4.1 3.3 0x00 0x7F 0xFF SYSC_RCCFGR:TRM[7:0] setting Note 33. The provided function values are not guaranteed and can serve for reference, only. Guaranteed values are listed in Table 45 on page 257. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 271 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Figure 15. RC Oscillator Frequency at SYSC_RCCFGR:SFREQ = 1 MHz 21.3 RC Oscillator frequency 16.9 14.6 13.4 11.6 9.3 7.7 6.1 4.9 0x00 0x7F 0xFF SYSC_RCCFGR:TRM[7:0] setting Note 34. The provided function values are not guaranteed and can serve for reference, only. Guaranteed values are listed in Table 45 on page 257. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 272 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan ESD Structure between Power Domains There are ESD diodes between VDD, VDP3 and VSS to protect VDD against ESD overvoltage. Figure 16. ESD Diodes between VDP3, VDD and VSS There are ESD diodes between VDD, VDP5 and VSS to protect VDD against ESD overvoltage. Figure 17. ESD Diodes between VDP5, VDD and VSS There are ESD diodes between AVSS5, VDP5 and VSS to protect AVSS5 and VSS against ESD overvoltage. Figure 18. ESD Diodes between VDP5, AVSS5 and VSS There are ESD diodes between AVDD5 and AVSS5 to protect AVDD5 and AVSS5 against ESD overvoltage. Figure 19. ESD Diodes between AVDD5 and AVSS5 There are ESD diodes between DVSS, DVCC (SMC supply) and VSS to protect DVSS and VSS against ESD overvoltage. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 273 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Figure 20. ESD Diodes between DVCC, DVSS and VSS There are ESD diodes between VDP5, AVDD5 and VSS to protect AVDD5 against ESD overvoltage. Figure 21. ESD Diodes between VDP5, AVDD5 and VSS Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 274 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Procedures Boundary Scan Boundary scan is supported using standard 1EEE 1149.1 JTAG interface. A 5-pin JTAG connection is available on QFP-176 (production variant). Instruction register supported is 6-bits wide, and the standard instructions listed In Table 62 on page 275 are supported. Any other value of instruction register is reserved, and should not be entered. Entering reserved values can result in indeterminate operation. Boundary scan mode may be entered by setting pins MODE = “1” and MD[0] = “0”. Table 62. Standard Instructions Instruction Code (in Binary) Instruction Accessible Data Register ‘000000’ EXTEST Boundary scan chain ‘000001’ SAMPLE Boundary scan chain ‘000010’ PRELOAD Boundary scan chain ‘000011’ IDCODE ‘000100’ USERCODE Remarks Device ID code register For CY9EF226, IDCODE is 0x0F159009 Device user code register For CY9EF226, USERCODE is 32-bits long, and is 0xC4202012 ‘000101’ HIGHZ Boundary scan chain ‘000110’ CLAMP Boundary scan chain ‘010001’ IO_CNTRL ‘111111’ BYPASS Command must be followed by 16bit data value: 0x04pp, where “pp” is a pin control setting from Table 63. IO Control register Bypass register Table 63. IO Control (IO_CNTRL) Register Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C 3 2 1 0 OUTDR[1] OUTDR[0] PITILS[1] PITILS[0] RW RW RW RW 0 4 DCPUP 0 5 RW 0 6 DCPDN R0W0 reserved 0 7 RW R0W0 reserved 0 8 R0W0 reserved R0W0 reserved 0 9 R0W0 reserved R0W0 reserved 0 10 R0W0 reserved 11 I2C 12 RW 13 SEL 14 RW 15 R0W0 reserved IO_CNTRL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 275 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 64. IO Control (IO_CNTRL) Register Bits Bit Position Bit Field Name [15:11] reserved [10] SEL Bit Description Reserved. Always write 0 to these bits. Selection of DCPDN, DCPUP, OUTDR and PITILS "0": IO_CNTRL[5:0] are disabled. Input buffers are disabled. "1": IO_CNTRL[5:0] will control IO pads Extends IO_CNTRL[3:2], but for I2C IO cell only (see below) [9] I2C "0” : set I2C cell to value selected by IO_CNTRL[3:2] [8:6] reserved Reserved. Always write 0 to these bits. "1" : set I2C cell to "pseudo open drain" Control all pull-down resistors of the IOs [5] DCPDN Valid if bit [10] is "1" "0” : All pull-downs are disabled "1” : All pull-downs are enabled Control all pull-up resistors of the IOs [4] DCPUP Valid if bit [10] is "1" "0” : All pull-uos are disabled "1” : All pull-ups are enabled Output driver strength Valid if bit 10 is "1" Bit selection depends on IO cell type (IO Circuit Types on page 68) [3:2] OUTDR[1:0] BIDI50 BIDI33 SMC I2C RSDS/TTL33 “00” 5mA± 12mA 5mA 5mA 5mA “01” 2mA 12mA 2mA 2mA 2mA “10” 1mA 12mA 1mA 1mA 10mA “11” - - 30mA - 20mA x + bit[9] = “1” - - - pseudo open drain - OUTDR Pin Input Test Input Level Select Valid if bit 10 is "1" [1:0] PITILS "00”: Hysteresis "01”: Automotive "10”: TTL "11”: CMOS Note 35.When Bit[10] = “0”, all input buffers are disabled in Boundary Scan mode. Then, input of data via external pins to the BSR (Boundary Scan Register) is impossible. Therefore, the minimum setting to allow input to the BSR is 0x0400. Procedure for Configuration for Port Input: 1. MODE clipped to ’1’ and MD[0] clipped to ’0’. 2. Release JTAG_NRST and RSTX. 3. JTAG-Instruction IO_CNTRL (010001). 4. Set IO_CNTRL-reg 10th bit: (For example, 0000010000000000). 5. JTAG-Instruction SAMPLE > Port Input. The serial chain starts with the I/O closest to JTAG_TDI pin, and ends with the I/O closest to the JTAG_TDO pin. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 276 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Flash Parallel Programming Flash Parallel Programming (FPP) mode is supported to allow for quick programming/erase of embedded flashes. In this mode program or erase of flash is done using a flash memory programmer directly via external pins. Flash programming is done either in 8-bit or 16-bit mode through the command sequence. Refer Section 4 of Tightly Coupled Flash Chapter of HWM for details of Flash program/erase command sequence. Flash addressing in this mode is direct physical addressing, with higher order bits used for flash macro selection. In CY9EF226 device, there are 2 flash macros of 1MB+64KB size and 1 flash macro of 64KB. Details about flash macro sectoring are shown in Table 65. Table 65. Flash Sector Information Flash Macro Macro size Small Sectors (8KB/sector) Large sectors (64KB/sector) TCFLASH macro 0 1MB + 64KB 8 16 TCFLASH macro 1 1MB + 64KB 8 16 EEFLASH macro 64KB 8 Not Available Details about mapping of flash pins to external pins are presented in Table 66. Table 66. Flash Pin Mapping to External Pins External Pin Number External Pin Name (QFP-176) 93 Flash Macro Pin P1_47 DFSEL Function Flash select signal. Refer Table 72 on page 284 for additional details regarding use of DFSEL. 3 X0 FCLK Flash clock 1 MODE MODE Mode pin to enter test mode (MODE = ‘1’) 7 RSTX RSTX 11 P1_30 SMD[0] Set to ‘1’ when entering FPP mode. 12 P1_31 SMD[1] Set to ‘1’ when entering FPP mode. 13 P1_32 MD[0] Set to ‘1’ when entering FPP mode. 14 P1_33 MD[1] Set to ‘1’ when entering FPP mode. 15 P1_34 MD[2] Set to ‘1’ when entering FPP mode. 16 P1_35 FRSTX Device Reset pin External flash reset pin 0: Reset 1: Normal operation External power enable to flash macro at 5V 17 P1_36 FRSTRX 0: Reset 1: Normal operation Flash macro enable 99 P1_00 CEX 0: Macro recognizes read/write commands 1: Neither read operation nor write operation is executed Write enable 20 P1_61 WEX 0: Macro recognizes read commands 1: Macro recognizes write commands Byte access enable 21 P1_62 BYTEX 0: 8-bit write mode 1: 16-bit write mode Direction control signal for shared pins like data and ECC data 0: Shared data/ECC data pins are in output mode 136 P0_40 OEX 1: Shared data/ECC data pins are in input mode limitation applies for read (output) data (they appear as logical ORed of all FLASHs) Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 277 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 66. Flash Pin Mapping to External Pins (Continued) External Pin Number External Pin Name (QFP-176) Flash Macro Pin 100 P1_01 FA[00] 101 P1_02 FA[01] 102 P1_03 FA[02] 103 P1_04 FA[03] 104 P1_05 FA[04] 105 P1_06 FA[05] 106 P1_07 FA[06] 109 P1_08 FA[07] 110 P1_09 FA[08] Function 111 P1_10 FA[09] 112 P1_11 FA[10] 113 P1_12 FA[11] 114 P1_13 FA[12] 115 P1_14 FA[13] 116 P1_15 FA[14] 119 P1_16 FA[15] 120 P1_17 FA[16] 121 P1_18 FA[17] 122 P1_19 FA[18] 123 P1_20 FA[19] 124 P1_21 FA[20] 125 P1_22 FA[21] 126 P1_23 FA[22] 150 P2_32 DIN[00]/DOR[00] 151 P2_33 DIN[01]/DOR[01] 152 P2_34 DIN[02]/DOR[02] 153 P2_35 DIN[03]/DOR[03] 154 P2_36 DIN[04]/DOR[04] 155 P2_37 DIN[05]/DOR[05] 158 P2_38 DIN[06]/DOR[06] 159 P2_39 DIN[07]/DOR[07] Shared data input/output. 160 P2_40 DIN[08]/DOR[08] Refer Section / 161 P2_41 DIN[09]/DOR[09] 162 P2_42 DIN[10]/DOR[10] 163 P2_43 DIN[11]/DOR[11] 164 P2_48 DIN[12]/DOR[12] 165 P2_49 DIN[13]/DOR[13] 168 P2_50 DIN[14]/DOR[14] 169 P2_51 DIN[15]/DOR[15] Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Flash address. Refer to Table 69 on page 282 for additional details regarding use of FA[21]. Page 278 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 66. Flash Pin Mapping to External Pins (Continued) External Pin Number External Pin Name (QFP-176) Flash Macro Pin Function 141 P0_43 EDIN[00]/EDOR[00 ] 142 P0_44 EDIN[01]/EDOR[01 ] 143 P0_45 EDIN[02]/EDOR[02 ] 144 P0_46 EDIN[03]/EDOR[03 Shared ECC data input/output ] Refer Section / 145 P0_47 EDIN[04]/EDOR[04 ] 148 P0_48 EDIN[05]/EDOR[05 ] 149 P0_49 EDIN[06]/EDOR[06 ] 137 P0_41 ECCA ECC write access enable 0: ECC write disable 1: ECC write enable Internal voltage ready/busy flag at 5V 134 P0_24 RDYR 0: Busy 1: Ready FLASH internal state at PPROGRAM, ERASE and power on 140 P0_42 RDY 0: busy 1: ready Output behaves as open drain (needs pull-up) to support programming multiple devices at once. 64-bit read enable 135 P0_25 RD64 0: 32-bit read mode 1: 64-bit read mode Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 279 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Timing requirements for flash signals are provided in Figure 22 and Table 67. Figure 22. Flash Timing Parameters RDYR / Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 280 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 67. Flash Timing Requirements Parameter Symbol Min. Value Unit Cycle Time tCY 100 ns Clock High Time tCWH 25 ns Clock Low Time tCWL 25 ns CEX setup tSCE 20 ns CEX hold tHCE 20 ns WEX setup tSWE 20 ns WEX hold tHWE 20 ns RD64 setup tSRD 20 ns RD64 hold tHRD 20 ns BYTEX setup tSBW 20 ns BYTEX hold tHBW 20 ns ECCA setup tSEC 20 ns ECCA hold tHEC 20 ns OEX setup tSOE 20 ns OEX hold tHOE 20 ns DFSEL setup tSDF 20 ns DFSEL hold tHDF 20 ns FA setup tSA 20 ns FA hold tHA 20 ns DIN/EDIN setup tSI 20 ns DIN/EDIN hold tHI 20 ns RDY output delay tACY 80 ns DOR/EDOR output delay tACC 80 ns tHD 5 ns DOR/EDOR hold Notes 36. Input Data should change at falling edge of X0 clock. 37. Output data should be sampled at next rising edge of X0 clock. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 281 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Memory Map This flash memory consists of 16 sectors of 64k byte (large sector) and 8 sectors of 8k byte (small sector). Address Space Assignment and Memory Cell Select Address A large sector is composed of 16k word, and a small sector is composed of 2k word. 1word data width is 39 bit (regular bit: 32 bit + ECC parity bit: 7bit) for both large sector and small sector. The select address assignment is listed below. The assignment in the large sector and that in the small sector differ. When the small sector (FA[20]=0) is selected, no matter what the values (1/0) of FA[19:16] are, the memory cell to be used is determined according to the values of FA[15:0]. ■ Large Sector (0x100000 ~ 0x1FFFFF) Table 68. Large Sector (0x100000 ~ 0x1FFFFF) ❐ In read or program mode, an address pin input is ignored as shown below. Apply a given value (1/0) to the corresponding pin. For the correspondence between data output pins and data input pins, see Output Data Table and Input Data Table. 16 bit program mode (BYTEX=1): Ignore FA[0] and input 16 bit. ❐ FPP mode can only output 8 or 16 bit. ❐ RD64 should always be kept 0. ❐ BYTEX=0: DQ[7:0] is used ❐ BYTEX=1: DQ[15:0] is used 8 bit program mode (BYTEX=0): Ignore none of FA[20:0] and input 8bit selected in FA[20:0]. ■ Small Sector (0x0*0000 ~ 0x0*FFFF) Table 69. Small Sector (0x0*0000 ~ 0x0*FFFF) The left asterisk mark in the value indicates a given value (except an indeterminate value). ❐ When small sector is selected (FA[20]=0), input a given value (1/0) to FA[19:16] pins. ❐ In read or program mode, an address pin input is ignored as shown below. Apply a given value (1/0) to the corresponding pin. For the correspondence between data output pins and data input pins, see Output Data Table and Input Data Table. 8bit program mode (BYTEX=0): Ignore none of FA[20,15:0] and input 8bit selected in FA[20,15:0]. Output Data Table In 32 bit read mode, the data is output to different output pins based on the sector-selected lowest address values as shown in Table 70. 16bit program mode (BYTEX=1): Ignore FA[0] and input 16bit. ❐ FPP mode can only output 8 or 16 bit. ❐ RD64 should always be kept 0. ❐ BYTEX=0: DQ[7:0] is used ❐ BYTEX=1: DQ[15:0] is used Table 70. Data Output Correspondence Table in Read Bit Modes Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 282 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan FA[#] indicates the lowest bit of sector-selected address, i.e., FA[16] when the large sector is selected (FA[n]=1), and FA[13] when the small sector is selected (FA[n]=0). ❐ Even Sector indicates an even-number-th sector (large sector FA[16]=0 / small sector FA[13]=0). Odd Sector indicates an odd-number-th sector (larget sector FA[16]=1 / small sector FA[13]=1) "even-number-th" and "odd-number-th" respectively indicate the even number and odd number in Sector No. values shown in Memory Map. ❐ Input Data Table In 8 bit program mode, the data of the different input pins based on the FA[0] values is programmed as shown in Table 71. When ECCA=1 is input at the program data input, the data is written to ECC parity bit as well as Regular bit. When ECCA=0 is input at the program data input, the data is written only to Regular bit. In this case, EDIN[6:0] input value is "don’t care," and regardless of the value, no value is written to ECC parity bit. In the case of erase operation, regardless of input values to ECCA, both Regular bit and ECC parity bit are erased together. Table 71. Correspondence Table of Data Input and Memory Cell Bit in Program Bit Modes Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 283 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan ■ "Any" a value of either 1 or 0. ■ FA[#] indicates the lowest bit of sector-selected address, i.e. FA[16] when the large sector is selected (FA[n]=1), and FA[13] when the small sector is selected (FA[n]=0). When programming, in both 8bit mode and 16bit mode, program/erase operation is executed per one sector specified by the selected addresses. ■ ■ Program Data Input means the 4th write cycle of a program command in the normal operation state and the 2nd write cycle of a program command in the Unlock-bypass state. Command Data Input means the write cycles in the write command sequence other than those mentioned above in which program data is input. Table 73 provides the address translation for small sectors of TCFLASH macro 0 and 1. Table 73. TCFlash Small Sectors Address Translation Flash Address Bit CPU Address Bit FA[21] 0 FA[20] 0 FA[19] 0 FA[18] 0 FA[17] 0 FA[16] 0 FA[15] ADDR[15] Flash Macro Selection and Address Mapping in FPP The TC-Flash macro can be accessed using the address decoding scheme as mentioned in Table 72. FA[14] ADDR[14] FA[13] ADDR[02] FA[12] ADDR[13] Table 72. Flash Macro Selection FA[11] ADDR[12] DFSEL FA[21] Flash Macro Selection 0 0 TCFLASH macro 0 0 1 TCFLASH macro 1 However, device level memory map differs from actual physical address to flash macro. Hence, it is expected that the flash parallel programmer must translate CPU mode addressing to actual physical address to flash. Hence, CPU execution code must be located at physical addresses that are mapped to the CPU mode addresses. Translation of CPU mode address to actual physical address differs based on whether small or large sectors are accessed. FA[10] ADDR[11] FA[09] ADDR[10] FA[08] ADDR[09] FA[07] ADDR[08] FA[06] ADDR[07] FA[05] ADDR[06] FA[04] ADDR[05] FA[03] ADDR[04] FA[02] ADDR[03] FA[01] ADDR[01] FA[00] ADDR[00] Note 38. Small sectors are interleaved (even and odd sectors). Even numbered sectors provide lower 4 byte and odd numbered sectors provide upper 4 byte of a 64 bit FLASH line. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 284 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Table 74 provides the address translation for large sectors of TCFlash. Table 74. TCFlash Large Sectors Address Translation Flash Address Bit CPU Address Bit FA[21] ADDR[03] FA[20] 1 FA[19] ADDR[20] FA[18] ADDR[19] FA[17] ADDR[18] FA[16] ADDR[02] FA[15] ADDR[17] FA[14] ADDR[16] FA[13] ADDR[15] FA[12] ADDR[14] FA[11] ADDR[13] FA[10] ADDR[12] FA[09] ADDR[11] FA[08] ADDR[10] FA[07] ADDR[09] FA[06] ADDR[08] FA[05] ADDR[07] FA[04] ADDR[06] FA[03] ADDR[05] FA[02] ADDR[04] FA[01] ADDR[01] FA[00] ADDR[00] Note 39. Large sectors of TCFLASH are 4-times interleaved for best read performance (see also HW/Manual fig. 9.3-2 TCFLASH sector/address mapping - CPU mode). 40. Large sectors are interleaved (even and odd numbered sectors). Even numbered sectors provide lower 4 byte and odd numbered sectors provide upper 4 byte of a 64 bit FLASH line. 41. Address space is interleaved between TCFLASH0 and TCFLASH1. TCFLASH0 keeps lower 8 byte and TCFLASH1 keeps upper 8 byte of a 128 bit FLASH line (2 FLASHs are read in parallel). The EEFlash macro can not be programed in FPP mode with respect to SHE security. Flash Power On Sequence Prior to entering flash parallel programming mode, the sequence mentioned below must be followed: 1. Apply following constant pin setting: MODE = 1 and MD[2:0] = 111. The pins for MD[2:0] have pull-up, thus can be left open. 2. Assert RSTX = 0 and JTAG_nTRST = 0. The pin JTAG_nTRST has pull-down, so it will be kept in reset by the device if it is left open. Asserting FRSTX = 0 and FRSTRX = 0 is optional. This is done internally at device startup. 3. Ramp up the power supply (please refer to device specific datasheet for power supply sequence) and wait till all power supplies (VDP5, VDP3 & VDD) are stable 4. Wait for at least 500ns after all power supplies are stable. 5. De-assert RSTX= 1, also deassert FRSTX = 1 and FRSTRX = 1 if those were asserted before. 6. Wait until Flash Parallel Programming mode is entered by the bootROM program (boot time). Wait time should be >=2.5 ms after RSTX release. Note that the wait time is necessary because RDY pin is High-Z before FPP mode is entered. Looking at RDY (which has pull-up) alone would cause mis-interpretation before that time is elapsed. 7. Flash access is possible after RDY pin goes to “1”. Clock supply is needed for monitoring RDY. RDY pin is pseudo open drain and thus needs a pull-up resistor. That makes it possible to program multiple devices at once by using wired-AND of the RDY outputs, to detect when slowest device becomes ready. Failure to follow the above sequence can result in indeterminate behavior. Once the above sequence is completed, flash parallel programming mode may be entered. Flash parallel programming mode standard usage: Entering FPP by releasing RSTX while keeping. ■ MODE = ‘1’ ■ MD[1] = ‘1’, MD[0] = ‘1’ ■ SMD[2] = ‘1’, SMD[1] = ‘1’, SMD[0] = ‘1’ Furthermore, Flash parallel programming mode may be entered using 2 options: 1. Setting MCFG_DTAR:FPPREQ 2. Setting MCFG_TSR:MD=’XXX111’, and MCFG_TSR:SMD= ’11111’ Once flash parallel mode is requested, the bit SYSC_MCR:FPPEN is set, which enables entry to FPP mode. However, it must be noted that FPP access must also be enabled in Security Description Record (SDR) (see HWM). The external programmer must also take care to program ECC bits for flash data contents. This also applies to flash erase, where bit flipping (XOR with 0x73) is to be performed to handle ECC checking for erased flash. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 285 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Figure 23. Power On Sequence VDP5 tRP RSTX VDD XTAL0 / FCLK tHCE CEX WEX,FA[n:0],ECCA RD64,RD32,BYTEX DIN[15:0],EDIN[6:0] valid tREGRDYR tARYR RDYR tARY RDY tACY tREGRDY DQ[15:0],EDQ[6:0] Recommendation: FRSTX = FRSTRX = ’1’ Table 75. Timing Parameters Related to Power ON Sequence Parameter Symbol Hardware Reset(FRSTX=0) period Value Unit Min Max tRP 440 - Hardware Reset(RSTX=0) period tRP 500 - ns FRSTRX fall to RDYR fall access tARYR - 80 ns ns FRSTX fall to RDY reset tARY - 80 ns FRSTRX rise to RDYR rise access tREGRDYR - 80 ns FRSTRX rise to RDY rise access tREGRDY - 80 ns Debug and Trace A standard 5-pin JTAG interface is supported for debug and trace. Conventional debug (core halted, and invasive) as well as trace debug (core not halted and non-invasive) are supported. The procedures for debug and trace rely on Arm Coresight technology. The salient features for debug are: ■ Secure mode entry for debugger ■ Up to 8 breakpoints, or 8 watchpoints Tracing support is provided on both packages as shown below: ■ QFP-176: 4-bit and 8-bit trace data shared with resources. Table 76 provides the trace port to pin mapping in QFP-176 package. Table 76. Trace Port to External Pin Mapping External Pin Number (QFP-176) External Pin Name Trace Port 83 - TRACECTL TRACECTL CTL 84 - TRACECLK TRACECLK CLK 81 - TRACE[00] TRACE[00] TRACE[00] 82 - TRACE[01] TRACE[01] TRACE[01] 11 - TRACE[02] TRACE[02] TRACE[02] 12 - TRACE[03] TRACE[03] TRACE[03] 13 - TRACE[04] TRACE[04] TRACE[04] 14 - TRACE[05] TRACE[05] TRACE[05] 86 - TRACE[06] TRACE[06] TRACE[06] 87 - TRACE[07] TRACE[07] TRACE[07] Package QFP-176 has no dedicated trace pins. See the Port Pin Multiplexing table (see Table 16) in Port Pin Multiplexing for relevant pins and the corresponding settings for their activation. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 286 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan In general, additional information regarding debug and trace methodology can be obtained from Coresight TRM provided by Arm Limited. However, an additional characteristic is the support of security feature to prevent unauthorized access through the debug port. At the time of initiating the debugger access, it depends on the security configuration of the device, whether it is necessary to transmit a security key. The security key can only be transmitted once after reset. If a wrong key is entered, further accesses are disabled, and the only method to regain access is through application of external reset. Power domain on/off status information can be obtained through debug port by accessing register on memory mapped address 0xB0509400. This provides an easy method to obtain information on current state of power domains, without the need to access device level internal registers. Table 78 provides the details. Table 78. Power Domain Status Information for Debugger Bit Number Function 31:3 Reserved 2 1. Embedded Trace Macro (ETM) and Instrumentation Trace Macro (ITM) for processor core 2. Independent AHB bus trace macro (HTM) for up to 8 busses (see Table 77). PD4 on/off status 0: Power domain is off 1: Power domain is on 1 PD3 on/off status 0: Power domain is off 1: Power domain is on Further, Cross Trigger Interface (CTI) macros are included to support cross triggering among all the above macros. 0 PD2 on/off status 0: Power domain is off 1: Power domain is on In the device, trace support is provided for the following components/buses: Table 77. HTM Trace Sources Bus Width (Bits) Source ID DMA master 64 1 PERI4 master 32 2 MEMORY_CONFIG slave 64 3 MCU_CONFIG slave 32 4 PERI5 slave 32 5 PERI3 slave 64 6 PERI4 slave 32 7 HSSPI slave 32 8 Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 287 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Handling Devices Preventing Latch-up Power on Sequence Latch-up may occur in a CMOS IC if a voltage higher than (VDD, VDP3 or VDP5) or less than (VSS) is applied to an input or output pin or if a voltage exceeding the rating is applied between the power supply pins and ground pins. If latch-up occurs, the power supply current increases rapidly, sometimes resulting in thermal breakdown of the device. Therefore, be very careful not to apply voltages in excess of the absolute maximum ratings. At any time, the difference between the power supply pins belonging to the same voltage level must not exceed 0.5V. This especially applies to the power on sequence. Otherwise, the risk of latchup will increase. Figure 24 shows the power on sequence and the groups of power supply that might be used, depending on the actual application. Handling of Unused Input Pins If unused input pins are left open, abnormal operation may result. Any unused input pins should be connected to pull-up or pull-down resistor (2K to 10K) or enable internal pullup or pulldown resistors (PUE/PDE) before the input enable (PIE) is activated by software. The pins of circuit type MODE can be connected to VSS or VDP5 directly. Power Supply Pins In FCR4 series, devices including multiple power supply pins and ground pins are designed as follows: pins necessary to be at the same potential are interconnected internally to prevent malfunctions such as latch-up. All of the power supply pins and ground pins must be externally connected to the power supply and ground respectively in order to reduce unnecessary radiation, to prevent strobe signal malfunctions due to the ground level rising and to follow the total output current ratings. Furthermore, the power supply pins and ground pins of the FCR4 series must be connected to the current supply source via a low impedance. It is also recommended to connect a ceramic capacitor of approximately 0.1 F as a bypass capacitor between power supply pin and ground pin near this device. If DVCC is not set to the same voltage level as AVDD5, the ZPD functionality of SMC pins cannot be used. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Furthermore, VDP5 supply must be switched on before any other power supply or at least at the same time. The following conditions must be fulfilled at any moment: 1. The voltage of VDP5 must be higher or equal than the voltage on AVDD5 and AVRH5. 2. The voltage of VDP3 must be higher or equal than the voltage on VDD. In particular, VDP3 must not be switched off for saving power. 3. The supply voltage for MODE and RSTX pins must reach the minimum operational value before switching on core voltage supply. Page 288 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Figure 24. Power on Sequence V 5.5V 5V AVRH5 = AVDD5 = DVCC = VDP5 0.5V 3.6V 3.3V VDP3 3.0V VDP5 0.5V 1.3V 1.2V VDD 1.1V 0.5V t RSTX pin Internal RSTX undefined MODE pin internal MODE undefined Pin State During Active External Reset Crystal Oscillator Circuit Table 79 shows the state of output/bidirectional pins during External Reset. For subsequent reset or power saving states, the pin state can be programmed according to the possibilities listed in HWM. Before software execution is started, however, the user must pay attention to the listed behavior. HIZ Noise in proximity to the X0/X0A and X1/X1A pins can cause the device to operate abnormally. Printed circuit boards should be designed so that the X0/X0A and X1/X1A pins, and crystal oscillator, as well as bypass capacitors connected to ground, are located near the device and ground. It is recommended that the printed circuit board layout be designed such that the X0/X0A and X1/X1A pins are surrounded by ground plane for the stable operation. Please request the oscillator manufacturer to evaluate the related characteristics of the crystal and this device. BIDI33 HIZ SMC HIZ Notes on Using External Clock Table 79. Pin State During Active External Reset Pin Type Reset State JTAGO HIZ BIDI50 I2C HIZ Opposite Phase Clock Supply: Oscillation Mode RSDS HIZ TTL33 HIZ When using the external clock, it is possible to simultaneously supply the X0/X0A and X1/X1A pins. In the described combination X0/X0A should be supplied with a clock signal which has the opposite phase to the X1/X1A pins. However, in this case the stop mode (oscillation stop mode) must not be used (This is because the X1/X1A pin stops at “H” output in STOP mode). With opposite phase supply at X0 and X1, a frequency up to 16 MHz is possible. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 289 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Example of Using Opposite Phase Supply Single Phase Clock Supply: Fast Clock Input Mode Figure 25. Example of Using Opposite Phase Supply X0 (X0A) When a high frequency clock needs to be fed, it is possible to directly supply a single phase clock at X0. For this mode: ■ SYSC_SPCCFGR:FCIMEN bit must be set to “1”. ■ The input clock must have 50% duty cycle. Example of Using Fast Clock Input Mode X1 (X1A) Figure 27. Example of Using Fast Clock Input Mode X0 Single Phase Clock Supply For lower frequencies, up to 4 MHz, it is possible to supply a single phase clock at X0. X1 Figure 26. Example of Using Single Phase Supply X0 (X0A) Unused Sub Clock Signal If the pins X0A and X1A are not connected to an oscillator, a pull-down resistor must be connected on the X0A pin and the X1A pin must be left open. X1 (X1A) Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 290 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Reference Documents Document Type Definition Primary User Document Code CY9EF226 Datasheet The function and its characteristics are specified quantitatively. Investigator and hardware engineer 002-05678 FCR4 Cluster Hardware manual The function and its operation of FCR4 cluster series are described. Software engineer 002-09388 Iris-SDL Hardware manual The function and its operation of GPU core platform are described. Software engineer 002-09380 Arm Cortex™-R4 Technical Reference Manual Arm documentation set for the Arm Cortex-R4 processor core platform Software engineer Revision: r1p4 Application note The reference software, sample application, the reference board design and so on are explained. Software and hardware engineer Under consideration Notes 42. Refer all documents for the system development. 43. Primary user is a most likely engineer for whom the document is the most useful. 44. FCR4 Hardware manual is expected to be used as dictionary of platform specification. 45. The IRIS-SDL manual describes the implemented graphics IP. 46. The Arm Technical Reference manual describes the Cortex™-R4 architecture of core, bus, trace and debug interface. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 291 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Errata This section describes the errata for the Titan, CY9EF226. Details include errata trigger conditions, scope of impact, available workaround, and silicon revision applicability. Contact your local Cypress Sales Representative if you have questions. CY9EF226 Qualification Status In Production CY9EF226 Errata Summary The following table defines the errata applicability to the affected part numbers of Titan, CY9EF226. Items Affected Part Number Fix Status [1] Flash Erase Suspend Issue [2] Port Pin Output Function Select Problem [3] SHE AXI Master Address Mask Problem [4] TCFlash Programming [5] 3V IO Doman ESD Diode No silicon fix planned. Workaround available. [6] IRQ Unit Register Read Timing Issue [7] IUNIT Interrupt Handling Problem [8] IUNIT Nesting Level Status Problem [9] 1.2V LVD VDP3 Supply Problem CY9EF226BPMC-GSE2 CY9EF226EBPMC-GSE2 CY9EF226LBPMC-GSE2 [10] SCT Compare Value Update Limitation [11] Flash Execution Limitation No silicon fix planned. No workaround available. [12] Automatic ADC Input Disable Problem No silicon fix planned. No workaround available. [13] RTC Configuration Synchronization Problem [14] PSS Wakeup Problem No silicon fix planned. Workaround available. [15] Undefined Data under Certain Conditions when Reading the Flash Memory Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 292 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan 1. Flash Erase Suspend Issue Problem Definition The functional limitation was found with Flash memory implemented in the Arm Cortex R4 cluster series MCUs. After issuing a Flash memory erase suspend command during Flash memory erase operation data of Flash memory may not be correctly readable even when the erase suspend state is reached. This functional limitation can only occur when erase suspend is used. Parameters Affected All part numbers of the CY9EF226 series are affected. Conditions for Functional Limitation The limitation may occur when all following conditions are met: ■ The sector erase suspend command is issued during sector erase. ■ When a read command is issued to one of the sectors inside the Flash macro currently in sector erase suspend state. Details of the Limitation Data may not be read correctly irrespective of the large sectors or small sectors if the following operations are executed in sequence: ■ The sector erase suspend command is issued to the flash memory during sector erase. ■ After the state of the sector erase suspend is completed, the reading operation for the flash memory (instruction read or data read) is performed. In this case, the read data are undefined. After this, read data will remain undefined until the sector erase resume command is issued. Combination of operating conditions for flash memories is the following table. Table 95. Combination of Operating Conditions for Flash Memories (FCR4 Family) Flash Memory to which the Sector Erase Suspend Command is Issued Flash Memory from which Data is Read Value of Data in the Sector Read Erase Suspend State 1 TC Flash-A TC Flash-A 2 TC Flash-B TC Flash-B Undefined Undefined 3 EE Flash EE Flash Undefined 4 TC Flash-A TC Flash-B / EE Flash Normal 5 TC Flash-B TC Flash-A / EE Normal 6 EE Flash TC Flash-A / TC Flash-B Normal Causes of the Limitation The flash memory control circuit consists of the following two circuits: ■ The circuit to control automatic algorithm execution for sector erase operation. ■ The circuit, which receives the sector erase suspend command from the above mentioned circuit, to stop the automatic algorithm execution and to switch to the state where the read operation is enabled. The limitation is caused by the circuitry changing the erase state to erase suspend state not allowing normal data read. Workaround Refer to Workaround for Flash Erase Suspend Issue on page 310. Fix Status There is no plan to fix this limitation. SW workaround is available. The following software products (all releases) are not affected by this limitation, because they do not use erase suspend: ■ FCR4 MCAL (SW-MCAL31-DRV-FCR4-E01, SW-MCAL31-DRV-FCR4-E02, SW-MCAL40-DRV-FCR4-E01) ■ FCR4 FEE/FLS (SW-FEEFLS-DRV-FCR4-E01, SW-FEE40-DRV-FCR4-E01) Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 293 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan 2. Port Pin Output Function Select Problem Problem Definition A problem was found in the logic of the port pin multiplexing on 32-bit FCR4 Cluster Series MCUs. Because of this problem the behaviour of the port pin multiplexing is not working as specified. This problem is called “Port Pin Output Function Select Problem”. Parameters Affected All part numbers of the CY9EF226 series are affected. Trigger Condition The problem occurs if the port pin output function select value '010' is programmed for port pin P2_40, P2_41, P2_42 or P2_43. Rootcause The port pin output function select value '010' for port pin P2_40, P2_41, P2_42, P2_43 does not select the specified output function. Workaround Do not program pin output function select value '010' for port pin P2_40, P2_41, P2_42, P2_43. To use the resources specified for port pin output function, select value '010' on port pin P2_40, P2_41, P2_42, P2_43. Select another specified port pin location for the corresponding resource functional output. Note The pin output function RTC_WOT, SYSC_CKOT, SYSC_CKOTX, WDG_OBSERVE specified on port pin P0_40, P0_41, P0_42, P0_43 are only supported when power domain PD2 is active. Fix Status No fixes planned. SW workaround is available. 3. SHE AXI Master Address Mask Problem Problem Definition The SHE AXI Master Address Mask problem was found in the AXI Master Interface on the 32-bit FCR4 Cluster Series MCUs. In case Input Channel Master is configured in a way the transfer will start in the address ranges: ■ 0x05900000 - 0x059FFFFF ■ 0x05FE0000 - 0x05FEFFFF the first burst will be executed starting at the configured address. The transfer will continue after the completion of the first burst at address 0x00FF0000. In case Input Channel Master is configured in a way the transfer will start in either of the address ranges: ■ 0x01100000 - 0x011FFFFF ■ 0x017E0000 - 0x017EFFFF the first burst will be executed starting at the configured address. The transfer will continue after the completion of the first burst at address 0x017F0000. In case Input Channel Master is configured in a way the transfer will start outside of both the address ranges ■ 0x05900000 - 0x059FFFFF ■ 0x05FE0000 - 0x05FEFFFF But crossing these address ranges, the transfer will be performed till address 0x058FFFFF and continue with next burst at address 0x05FF0000. In case Input Channel Master is configured in a way the transfer will start outside the address ranges ■ 0x01100000 - 0x011FFFFF ■ 0x017E0000 - 0x017EFFFF but crossing these address ranges, the transfer will be performed till address 0x010FFFFF and continue with next burst at address 0x017F0000. Parameters Affected All part numbers of the CY9EF226 series are affected. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 294 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan 3. SHE AXI Master Address Mask Problem (Continued) Trigger Conditions Problem may occur if all of the following conditions are met: ■ Secure boot for TCFlash or any SHE AXI Master read operation is used. Note Secure boot uses SHE AXI Master implicitly. ■ Above operation includes access to any of the following address ranges: ❐ 0x05900000 - 0x059FFFFF ❐ 0x05FE0000 - 0x05FEFFFF ❐ 0x01100000 - 0x011FFFFF ❐ 0x017E0000 - 0x017EFFFF Rootcause The current implementation of the SHE AXI Interface masks the address range between large and small sectors. The size of the masking window overlaps with Flash address range 0x05900000 0x059FFFFF, 0x05FE000 - 0x05FEFFFF, 0x01100000 - 0x011FFFFF and 0x017E0000 0x017EFFFF. Workaround ■ Store code protected by Secure Boot either in address range ❐ 0x01000000 - 0x010FFFFF (0x05800000 - 0x058FFFFF), or ❐ 0x017F0000 - 0x017FFFFF (0x05FF0000 - 0x05FFFFFF) ■ Do not access the following address ranges via SHE AXI Master IF (relocate content or use SHE Input FIFO instead) ❐ 0x05900000 - 0x059FFFFF ❐ 0x05FE0000 - 0x05FEFFFF ❐ 0x01000000 - 0x010FFFFF ❐ 0x017F0000 - 0x017FFFFF Fix Status No fixes planned. SW workaround is available. 4. TCFlash Programming Problem Definition TCFlash programming problem was found in the logic of the TCFlash Interface in the CY9EF226 series. Because of this problem, the behavior of the TCFlash programming is not working as specified. Parameters Affected All part numbers of the CY9EF226 series are affected. Trigger Conditions Programming the TCFlash with ECC is not possible with 16 bit access sequences. Rootcause Data abort of 16 bit programming sequence. Workaround To handle ECC calculation and Flash writes, Flash write in CPU mode is restricted to 32-bit mode. Fix Status No fixes planned. SW workaround is available. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 295 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan 5. 3V IO Doman ESD Diode Problem Definition The 3V IO domain ESD diode problem was found in the specific use-case of switching off the VDP3 supply (3V IO domain) on 32-bit FCR4 Cluster Series MCUs. Due to an ESD diode between VDD (core supply) and VDP3 (3V IO domain supply), the voltage on VDP3 does not reach 0V even if not supplied. External components connected to same supply as VDP3 will be supplied with a voltage around 0.55V from VDD supply. Therefore, power saving target in standby modes may not be achieved. Parameters Affected All part numbers of the CY9EF226 series are affected. Trigger Conditions The problem occurs if the supply of the 3V IO domain (VDP3) is switched off. Rootcause There is an ESD diode between VDD and VDP3 in the core supply cell to protect VDD against ESD overvoltage. VDP3 (3.3V typ when supply is on) Uth (~0.65V) VDP3 (0.55V when supply is off) VDD (1.2V typ) VSS(0V) In case VDP3 supply is switched off, then VDP3 is supplied by VDD - Uth (threshold voltage of diode) which is around 1.2V - 0.65V = 0.55V. Workaround Choose any one of the following workaround: 1. Keep 3V power on in standby modes, or 2. Switch 3V power off in standby modes, and use separated supplies of MCU and external components to avoid external components being supplied via ESD diode, or 3. Switch 3V power off in standby modes, and use same supply of MCU and external components, but do not exceed the maximum current limit of forward-biased diode which is 4mA, i.e. current on VDP3 must not exceed 4mA in that case. Fix Status No fixes planned. Hardware workaround is available. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 296 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan 6. IRQ Unit Register Read Timing Issue Problem Definition The IRQ Unit register read timing issue was found in the Interrupt Unit (i.e., IRQ-Unit or I-Unit) on the 32-bit FCR4 Cluster Series MCUs. Due to this problem, data from I-Unit registers may be invalid when read at CLK_MEM_I_PD3 frequencies higher than 64 MHz (even though CLK_MEM_I_PD3 maximum frequency is specified up to 128 MHz). The following are not affected by the timing issue: ■ Write accesses to Interrupt Unit ■ IRQ vector address transfer to CPU via Arm VIC port (if enabled) Parameters Affected All part numbers of the CY9EF226 series are affected. Trigger Conditions The problem may occur at the following conditions: ■ CLK_MEM_I_PD3 is set to more than 64 MHz, and ■ Data is read from I-Unit addresses (0xB0400000 - 0xB0400D57) or IRQ0_NMIVAS mirror register at address 0xFFFEFBFC Since occurrence of this timing issue is depending on logic path delays, the probability of reading invalid data is increasing with: ■ Higher temperature conditions than room temperature ■ Lower voltage conditions on VDD supply than nominal 1.2V ■ Wafer process slow conditions Rootcause The root cause for this problem is a misinterpretation of the internal specification document, which states that one wait cycle is inserted in AHB read transactions while reading of all registers of the interrupt controller module. In the RTL design, there is one additional wait cycle added on the AHB bus, but internally, there was just one pipeline register added to the register read paths. With this, the valid read data is captured after one clock cycle, and then simply delayed by another clock cycle. For creating the timing constraining of the interrupt controller module, it was incorrectly assumed that the register read data actually has two clock cycles 'time' until it is being captured (and then output to the AHB bus). This assumption then led to the incorrect introduction of a multicycle_path definition in the timing constraints file, which effectively causes a frequency relaxation of a factor of 2 for all register read accesses to interrupt controller registers. Workaround For workaround details, refer to “Workaround for IRQ Unit Register Read Timing Issue” on page 311. Fix Status No fixes planned. SW workaround is available. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 297 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan 7. IUNIT Interrupt Handling Problem Problem Definition The IUNIT Interrupt Handling problem was found in the logic of the IUNIT on 32-bit FCR4 Cluster Series MCUs. Because of this problem, the IUNIT is not working as specified. ■ IRQ Priority Level Mask: If enabled IRQ[n] is selected by the priority encoder (no other interrupt with higher priority pending and IRQ0_IRQPLn < IRQ0_IRQPLM) and IRQ0_IRQPLM is changed to IRQ0_IRQPLM  IRQ0_IRQPLn while the interrupt unit is waiting for the CPU to read the interrupt vector address, the interrupt hold status for IRQ[n] in IRQ0_IRQHSn is not set. ❐ If IRQ[n] is active and IRQ0_IRQPLM is set to IRQ0_IRQPLM > IRQ0_IRQPL[n] before the interrupt flag at the peripheral is cleared and no enabled interrupt with high priority was asserted then IRQ[n] will be selected again for interrupt service. ❐ If IRQ[n]/IRQ[m] is active and IRQ0_IRQPLM is set to IRQ0_IRQPLM > IRQ0_IRQPL[m] > IRQ0_IRQPL[n] after the interrupt flag at the peripheral asserting IRQ[n] is cleared and no enabled interrupt with higher priority was asserted, then IRQ[n] will be nested by IRQ[m]. ■ IRQ/NMI Priority Level: IRQ0_IRQPL0~127, IRQ0_NMIPL0~7 are changed during interrupt priority evaluation. ❐ Wrong IRQ/NMI interrupt number and vector (even the number and vector of a non-existing IRQ/NMI interrupt) can be handed over to the CPU. ❐ One IRQ/NMI interrupt is executed, but the hold status bit of another IRQ/NMI interrupt (or no hold status bit or several hold status bits) may get set. ■ IRQ/NMI Hold clear: IRQ0_IRQHC, IRQ0_NMIHC are written during interrupt priority evaluation. ❐ Wrong IRQ/NMI interrupt number and vector (even the number and vector of a non-existing IRQ/NMI interrupt) can be handed over to the CPU. ■ IRQ0_IRQHC byte write access: 8-bit (byte) width write access to IRQ0_IRQHC register triggers the hold clear of partly specified IRQ number. Parameters Affected All part numbers of the CY9EF226 series are affected. Trigger Condition 1. Enabled IRQ[n] is selected for interrupt service (no other interrupt with higher priority pending and IRQ0_IRQPLn < IRQPLM) and IRQ0_IRQPLM is changed to equal or lower value than IRQ0_IRQPLn before IRQ0_IRQHS is set (point in time when CPU reads the interrupt vector address). 2. Priorities of active IRQ/NMI are changed during interrupt priority evaluation. 3. IRQ/NMI Hold Bit is cleared during interrupt priority evaluation. 4. IRQ0_IRQHC write access with 8-bit access width. Rootcause 1. Not all inputs of priority encoder are latched during interrupt processing (period from start of priority evaluation until handover to CPU), in this case priority level mask IRQ0_IRQPLM. 2. Not all inputs of priority encoder are latched during interrupt processing (period from start of priority evaluation until handover to CPU), in this case priority level IRQ0_IRQPL0~127, resp. IRQ0_NMIPL0~7. 3. Not all inputs of priority encoder are latched during interrupt processing (period from start of priority evaluation until handover to CPU), in this case hold status IRQ0_IRQHS0~15 cleared by IRQ0_IRQHC, resp. IRQ0_NMIHS cleared by IRQ0_NMIHC. 4. Write strobes for the relevant 2 bytes of IRQ0_IRQHC are evaluated by OR instead of AND which causes byte write access effects change on full 16 Bit. Workaround Refer to Workaround for IUNIT Interrupt Handling Problem on page 318. Fix Status No fixes planned. SW workaround is available. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 298 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan 8. IUNIT Nesting Level Status Problem Problem Definition The IUNIT Nesting Level Status Register problem was found in the logic of IUNIT on the 32-bit FCR4 Cluster Series MCUs. Because of this problem, the IUNIT Nesting Level Status Register (IRQ0_NESTL) is not working as specified. Parameters Affected All part numbers of the CY9EF226 series are affected. Trigger Conditions At least one of the following conditions must occur: Rootcause ■ Handover of IRQ vector address to CPU (by VIC protocol) and clearing of IRQ Hold status (by CPU executing ISR) occurs in the same clock cycle ■ Handover of NMI vector address to CPU (by CPU reading the IRQ0_NMIVAS register) occurs one clock cycle before clearing of NMI Hold status (by CPU executing NMI handler). IRQ0_NESTL:IRQNL: If handover of IRQ vector address to CPU (by VIC protocol) and clearing of IRQ Hold status (by CPU executing ISR) occurs in the same clock cycle, then IRQ0_NESTL:IRQNL is incremented (if it is =0) or decremented (if it is !=0), but its value should not be changed. IRQ0_NESTL:NMINL: If handover of NMI vector address to CPU (by CPU reading the IRQ0_NMIVAS register) occurs one clock cycle before clearing of NMI Hold status (by CPU executing NMI handler), then IRQ0_NESTL:NMINL is incremented (if it is =0) or decremented (if it is !=0), but its value should not be changed. Workaround Do not evaluate the value returned by reading IUNIT Nesting Level Status Register (IRQ0_NESTL). If software needs information about the current nesting level, a variable counter can be implemented which is incremented/decremented in the interrupt handler entry/exit code. Fix Status No fixes planned. SW workaround is available. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 299 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan 9. 1.2V LVD VDP3 Supply Problem Problem Definition The 1.2V Low Voltage Detection – VDP3 Supply problem was found on 32-bit FCR4 Cluster Series MCUs in the behavior of the 1.2V Low Voltage Detection (1.2V LVD, which is supervising the 1.2V core supply VDD) which is linked to the VDP3 supply voltage. Because of this problem, the 1.2V LVD may not output power-good even if VDD supply is above set limit of LVD. This may cause prevention of system startup after power-on and reset release and/or wrong 1.2V LVD behavior (Reset/Interrupt) at RUN and PSS mode. Parameters Affected All part numbers of the CY9EF226 series are affected. Trigger Conditions The problem may occur at the following conditions: Rootcause ■ VDD is above set limits of 1.2V LVD (set by default to 0.8V lower limit at reset) ■ 1.2V LVD is enabled (enabled by default at reset) ■ VDP3 supply is smaller than 2.2V The band-gap reference (BGR) of 1.2V LVD (supervising 1.2V core supply VDD) is connected to VDP3 supply. If VDP3 supply is 0x0000 0x017F01BF --> 0x20DF Any code fetch (after translation) from flash address 0x0000 - 0x20DF will be prohibited, which effectively covers 0x0000 - 0x3FFF area since code fetches are always done with 64-bit width. A correct implementation would need to compare the access with two areas: 0x0000 - 0x00DF and 0x2000 - 0x20DF Workaround None, but read accesses are not prohibited, hence the affected regions can be used for constants. Fix Status No fixes planned. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 302 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan 12. Automatic ADC Input Disable Problem Problem Definition The Automatic ADC Input Disable problem was found in port pin multiplexing on 32-bit FCR4 Cluster Series MCUs. Intended function: For pins with an ADC input, the digital input buffer is disabled irrespective of the PPC_PCFGRijj:PIE value if the corresponding ADC channel is enabled, i.e., if the corresponding bit of the ADCn_ER32/ADCn_ER10 register is set to ’1’. Problem: On MBEF226 series: Using ADC input of pin P0_40 de-activates the digital inputs of pin P0_15 and P0_40. Using ADC input of pin P2_41 de-activates the digital inputs of pin P0_08 and P2_41. Using ADC input of pin P2_42 de-activates the digital inputs of pin P0_09 and P2_42. Using ADC input of pin P2_43 de-activates the digital inputs of pin P0_10 and P2_43. Using ADC input of pin P2_44 de-activates the digital inputs of pin P0_11 and P2_44. Using ADC input of pin P2_45 de-activates the digital inputs of pin P0_12 and P2_45. Using ADC input of pin P2_46 de-activates the digital inputs of pin P0_13 and P2_46. Using ADC input of pin P2_47 de-activates the digital inputs of pin P0_14 and P2_47. Parameters Affected All part numbers of the CY9EF226 series are affected. Trigger Condition The problem occurs if the following conditions are met On MBEF226 series: ■ Pin P0_40 is used as ADC input function (configuring the corresponding pin as ADC input with setting ADC0_ER32.ADE15 to ‘1’) and ■ Pin P0_15 is used as GPIO INPUT function or Peripheral INPUT function or ■ Pin P2_41 is used as ADC input function (configuring the corresponding pin as ADC input with setting ADC0_ER32.ADE08 to ‘1’) and ■ Pin P0_08 is used as GPIO INPUT function or Peripheral INPUT function or ■ Pin P2_42 is used as ADC input function (configuring the corresponding pin as ADC input with setting ADC0_ER32.ADE09 to ‘1’) and ■ Pin P0_09 is used as GPIO INPUT function or Peripheral INPUT function or ■ Pin P2_43 is used as ADC input function (configuring the corresponding pin as ADC input with setting ADC0_ER32.ADE10 to ‘1’) and ■ Pin P0_10 is used as GPIO INPUT function or Peripheral INPUT function or ■ Pin P2_44 is used as ADC input function (configuring the corresponding pin as ADC input with setting ADC0_ER32.ADE11 to ‘1’) and ■ Pin P0_11 is used as GPIO INPUT function or Peripheral INPUT function or ■ Pin P2_45 is used as ADC input function (configuring the corresponding pin as ADC input with setting ADC0_ER32.ADE12 to ‘1’) and ■ Pin P0_12 is used as GPIO INPUT function or Peripheral INPUT function or ■ Pin P2_46 is used as ADC input function (configuring the corresponding pin as ADC input with setting ADC0_ER32.ADE13 to ‘1’) and ■ Pin P0_13 is used as GPIO INPUT function or Peripheral INPUT function or ■ Pin P2_47 is used as ADC input function (configuring the corresponding pin as ADC input with setting ADC0_ER32.ADE14 to ‘1’) and ■ Pin P0_14 is used as GPIO INPUT function or Peripheral INPUT function Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 303 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan 12. Automatic ADC Input Disable Problem (Continued) Rootcause Misconnection of the ADC channel enable and the digital input disable of affected pins. Workaround None, don’t use affected pin pairs as ADC input and as GPIO INPUT or Peripheral INPUT at same time. Fix Status No fixes planned. 13. RTC Configuration Synchronization Problem Problem Definition The RTC Configuration Synchronization problem was found in synchronization architecture of the RTC on 32-bit FCR4 Cluster Series MCUs. In the case of two consecutive write accesses to RTC_WTCR register, it could happen that the values UPCAL, SCAL[2:0], ENUP, ACAL are synchronized as random values into the CLK_MAIN clock domain or cannot be changed inside CLK_MAIN clock domain until next hard reset occurrence. In the case of two consecutive write accesses to RTC_WTCR register it could happen that the values RCKSEL[1:0], CSM are synchronized as random value into the RTC clock domain or cannot be changed inside RTC clock domain until next hard reset occurrence. That UPCAL, SCAL[2:0], ENUP, ACAL, RCKSEL[1:0], CSM cannot be changed in CLK_MAIN or RTC clock domain cannot be identified by reading back RTC_WTCR. Parameters Affected All part numbers of the CY9EF226 series are affected. Trigger Conditions The problem could occur if the following conditions are met: Two write accesses to RTC_WTCR are performed within less than 10 times the period of slowest clock out of CLK_MAIN, previous and new CLK_S_RTC and CLK_CFG_PD1 in between. Figure 28. RTC Timer Module Diagram Cause of Failure The synchronization of the random data for UPCAL, SCAL[2:0], ENUP, ACAL into the CLK_MAIN clock domain is caused if the data sampled in CLK_CFG_PD1 domain changes at sampling by CLK_MAIN. The synchronization of the random data for RCKSEL[1:0], CSM into the RTC clock domain is caused if the data sampled in CLK_CFG_PD1 domain changes at sampling by CLK_S_RTC. The locking of UPCAL, SCAL[2:0], ENUP, ACAL inside CLK_MAIN clock domain until hard reset occurrence is caused if the second write access occurs during handshake of synchronization flag. The locking of RCKSEL[1:0], CSM inside RTC clock domain until hard reset occurrence is caused if the second write access occurs during handshake of synchronization flag. The waveform in Figure 29 shows the principle of handshake interference which causes a deadlock. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 304 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan 13. RTC Configuration Synchronization Problem (Continued) Figure 29. Handshake Synchronization Workaround ■ Fix Status No fixes planned. SW workaround is available. Ensure that after write accesses to RTC_WTCR there is no write to RTC_WTCR for 10 times the period of slowest clock out of CLK_MAIN, previous and new CLK_S_RTC and CLK_CFG_PD1. 1. Write RTC_WTCR 2. Read RTC_WTCR to ensure that first write has arrived at RTC due to CPU store buffer. 3. Wait 10 times the period of slowest clock out of CLK_MAIN, previous and new CLK_S_RTC and CLK_CFG_PD1 before next write access to RTC_WTCR. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 305 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan 14. PSS Wakeup Problem Problem Definition The PSS Wakeup problem was found at wakeup from Power Saving State (PSS) on 32-bit FCR4 Cluster Series MCUs. At wakeup from PSS, an unexpected Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) will appear if the PSS profile settings meet certain conditions. Parameters Affected All part numbers of the CY9EF226 series are affected. Problem Condition The problem will occur if the following conditions are met: The device is in PSS state and receives a wakeup event AND the RC oscillator is OFF in PSS state (SYSC_PSSCKSRER:RCOSCEN=0) AND the Low Voltage Detection (LVD) threshold settings differ between RUN and PSS profile ( (SYSC_RUNLVDCFGR:SV12[2:0] != SYSC_PSSLVDCFGR:SV12[2:0]) OR (SYSC_RUNLVDCFGR:SV33[2:0] != SYSC_PSSLVDCFGR:SV33[2:0]) OR (SYSC_RUNLVDCFGR:SV50[2:0] != SYSC_PSSLVDCFGR:SV50[2:0]) ). Rootcause Before the transition from RUN to PSS state, the PSS profile is checked for validity. If the PSS profile is not valid, SYSC_SYSSTSR:IPPAPSS would be set and a transition to PSS would not be possible. When the profile was good and the device has entered the PSS state, following happens after a wakeup event: 1. The fast RC oscillator is started (in case it was OFF in PSS). 2. An unintended PSS profile check is executed, caused by a logic bug. 3. The RUN profile is checked normally as described in hardware manual. Figure 28. PSS to RUN State Switching RCCLK WAKEUP_EVENT Unintended PSS Profile Check DEVICE STATE PSS Apply Source Clock Enable CSV Enable Settings LVD settings Apply Disable Source Clock CSV Disable Settings Apply Clock Selection, Enable and Power Settings RUN CPU SOURCE CLOCK READY POWER DOMAIN READY/ CLOCK SWITCHING DONE Normal RUN Profile Check RUNBUSY RUNDN RCCLK Refer to the 002-09388_0C_FCR4_Cluster Series HWM.pdf, Chapter PSS to RUN State Switching", page 282. Generally, the unintended PSS profile check has no effect because of the PSS profile was already checked at the preceding RUN to PSS transition. However, at startup, the following invalid PSS profile setting rule builds an exception: Refer to the 002-09388_0C_FCR4_Cluster Series HWM.pdf, Chapter PSS Profile Invalid PSS Profile Settings for RUN to PSS Transitions, page 286. After wakeup, the APP profile of LVD already holds the settings for RUN state. Now, the mentioned rule compares the LVD threshold settings (APP differ from PSS?), and if the RC oscillator is disabled in PSS, the rule is fulfilled, the PSS profile error flag SYSC_SYSERRR:PSSERRIF is set and NMI is triggered. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 306 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan 14. PSS Wakeup Problem (Continued) Workaround Do not use the combination of settings mentioned in the above Problem Condition. If the mentioned combination of settings was applied, execute and handle this particular NMI exception by ignoring it once after every wake-up. Fix Status No fixes planned. 15. Undefined Data under Certain Conditions when Reading the Flash Memory Overview This functional limitation is that invalid data may be read from the TCM interface when changing the wait state setting of the Flash interface or at concurrent TCM port and AXI port accesses to the Flash memory on 32-bit FCR4 Cluster Series MCUs. Parameters Affected All part numbers of the CY9EF226 series are affected. Details of the Limitation The Flash memory is connected via the TCFLASH_IF to the CPU and the High Performance bus Matrix (HPM) as shown in Figure 29. The TCM port of this interface is the direct connection to the TCM port of the CPU and the AXI port is the connection to the HPM. Invalid data may be read from the TCM port of the Flash memory at the following two conditions: ■ The wait state setting of the Flash interface can be changed by writing to register TCFCFG_FCFGR:FAWC[1:0]. If the Wait state setting is changed while the Flash is read via the TCM interface, then invalid data may be read from the TCM port of the Flash interface. ■ If the Flash is read via the TCM port while there is a concurrent access via the AXI port, then invalid data may be read from the TCM port of the Flash interface. Figure 29. Connection of Flash Memory Arm Cortex−R4 Level−1 interface CPU T C M T Flash−A C M Cache TCFLASH_IF Flash−B Level−2 interface AXI Note: AXI master AXI slave CY9DF125 (ATLAS-L ) devices do not have a Flash-B macro. HPM Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 307 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan 15. Undefined Data under Certain Conditions when Reading the Flash Memory (Continued) Workaround For issue no. 1, avoid changing the wait state setting of the Flash interface while reading from the Flash interface via the TCM port. Use the default setting of TCFCFG_FCFGR:FAWC[1:0] instead. The default setting is 1 wait state which is sufficient to run the CPU with the maximum specified clock. In case it is unavoidable to change wait state settings, make sure there are no accesses to the Flash memory via the TCM port. For example, execute code from a routine previously copied to RAM. For issue no. 2, access the Flash memory only in one of the following ways: a. Access the Flash memory only via the AXI interface. b. Access the Flash memory only via the TCM interface. In this case, ensure no xmaster is accessing the Flash memory via the AXI interface. Accesses by other masters than the CPU can detected by using the Memory Protection Unit (MPU) for AXI and the MPU for AHB. See FCR4 Cluster Series Hardware Manual for details how to use the MPU. To allow access by other masters to the Flash memory, such masters should use the address range of the AXI slave interface of the CPU where the TCFLASH is also mapped. That would use the arbitration logic within the CPU and the Flash interface would face only accesses through its TCM port. For details of the memory map, refer to FCR4 Cluster Series Hardware Manual, chapter 1, symbols AXI_SLAVE_CORE0_TCM_FLASH_SMALL_SECTORS, AXI_SLAVE_CORE0_TCM_FLASH_LARGE_SECTORS Fix Status No fixes planned. SW workaround is available. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 308 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Ordering Information Table 96 lists the CY9EF226 series key package features and ordering codes. The table contains only the parts that are currently available. If you do not see what you are looking for, contact your local sales representative. For more information, visit the Cypress website at www.cypress.com and refer to the product summary page at http://www.cypress.com/products. Table 96. Ordering Information Part Number Package Remarks CY9EF226BPMC-GSE2 176-pin plastic LQFP LQP176 Lead-free package 4 SMC variant CY9EF226EBPMC-GSE2 176-pin plastic LQFP LQP176 Lead-free package 6 SMC variant CY9EF226LBPMC-GSE2 176-pin plastic LQFP LQP176 Lead-free package 4 SMC variant w/o graphic subsystem Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 309 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Appendix Workaround for Flash Erase Suspend Issue To avoid this limitation, the following workaround by software is recommended. After the flash sector erase suspend operation (issue of the suspend command + verification of DQ6/TOGG1 bit) is finished, check the hardware sequence flag DQ4 bit indicating the specific internal state which can read flash or not (see Figure 30). If the value of DQ4 bit is “1”, then issue the sector erase resume command and restart the sector erase suspend operation after the waiting time. Figure 30. Workaround by Software Please note the following factors of internal circuit when using the software workaround: ■ At least 2 ms waiting time is required to restart the sector erase suspend operation after the resume command is issued by DQ4 = "1" (see *1 in Figure 30). ■ Approximately a maximum of 10 ms would be required for DQ4 to become "0" after the suspend command is issued first. Though DQ4 is an undefined bit on the hardware manual, it can be used to read the internal sequence state. If DQ4 =="0", it indicates the internal state allowing data read/instruction fetch from flash. But if DQ4 =="1", internal circuit have not changed to the state allowing data read/instruction fetch. See the following table and figure representing bit assignment of DQ4 bit for FCR4 family and FR5 family, respectively. See Table 97 and Figure 30 representing bit assignment of DQ4 bit for FCR4 family and FR5 family, respectively. Table 97. Bit Assignment of Hardware Sequence Flags (Cypress Cortex R4 Family) Read data bit no. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hardware sequence flag DQ7 DQ6 DQ5 DQ4 DQ3 DQ2 - - Read data bit no. 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Hardware sequence flag DQ15 DQ14 DQ13 - DQ11 DQ10 - - Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 310 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Workaround for IRQ Unit Register Read Timing Issue General Considerations It is assumed that for normal operation of the MCU and most use cases it is not necessary to read back any I-Unit registers, i.e. the application software e.g. knows which vector addresses are configured, which priorities are set, and which IRQ channels are enabled. Furthermore, it is assumed that for IRQ handling the application enables the Arm VIC port which is not affected by the read timing issue. It is not necessary to poll the I-Unit lock status bit (IRQ0_CSR_LST) after unlocking/locking the I-Unit. This bit does not indicate any I-Unit internal time consuming operations. Its purpose is to inform the application about the current lock state so that exceptions caused by double unlocking or locking can be avoided. This can also be implemented with software means (e.g. semaphore). For debugging during development or error logging purposes, it may be useful to read certain status registers from the I-Unit (e.g. IRQ0_IRQST, IRQ0_EAN) which still can be done but it must be regarded that the gathered information may not be reliable. Considering above mentioned assumptions the only functionality that is affected by the read timing issue is the NMI handling. FCR4 MCUs by default use the Arm "high exception vectors" option with exception vector table located at address 0xFFFF0000. This area is implemented as ROM and its contents are not changeable. The instruction placed at the FIQ exception vector (Note FIQ and NMI are used synonymously throughout the document) will read from the NMIVAS mirror register at address 0xFFFEFBFC to retrieve the branch target. Due to the read timing issue, the target address is not reliable and the read must be prevented. Following two workarounds exist to overcome this situation and still provide NMI functionality: ■ Workaround #1: Using Memory Protection Unit -> preventing the read from NMIVAS mirror ■ Workaround #2: Using Arm "low exception vector" option -> allowing to replace the instruction at FIQ exception vector All described preparatory steps in these workarounds (e.g. MPU configuration) must be completed before application enables NMIs (clearing of 'F'-bit in CPU Current Program Status Register). If these workarounds are used, it is also not necessary to initialize the NMI specific I-Unit registers (NMI priorities, NMI vectors) Software samples are provided to demonstrate both workarounds: ■ Workaround #1: fcr4_nmi_mpu_mbxxxxx-vxx ■ Workaround #2: fcr4_nmi_low_exception_mbxxxxx-vxx Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 311 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Workaround #1 (MPU) Overview This workaround aims to detect the read access to the IRQ0_NMIVAS mirror register from the instruction at the FIQ exception vector. The NMIVAS mirror register is located at address 0xFFFEFBFC which will be secured by a memory protection region supported by the Arm core MPU. The flowchart below introduces the process of the workaround when the application code is interrupted by an NMI event. Figure 31. Workaround #1 Software Flow Protected area with no access permission 0xFFFEFBFC Permission fault leads to Data Abort exception NMIVAS mirror Read address of NMI Exception Handler Application code . . . NMI event Exception table 0xFFFF0010 Data Abort Exception Data Abort Exception Handler 0xFFFF001C FIQ Exception Evaluation of Data Abort cause: NMI exception in case of access to NMIVAS mirror register (0xFFFEFBFC) ... Regular data abort exception handling User Data Abort Exception Handler NMI Dispatcher Dummy read (non-mirrored) NMIVAS Evaluation of NMI cause by checking all NMI flags in relevant resources. Branch to corresponding User NMI Handler User NMI Handler Clear corresponding NMI flag Clear all NMI Hold bits Return to application code Problem Description 1. Each non-maskable interrupt will cause an FIQ exception and the instruction at address 0xFFFF001C is executed. The instruction reads the vector for the NMI exception handler. This vector is determined by the I-Unit and made available via NMIVAS register and because of the specified hardware fault in the I-Unit cannot be read reliably. To prevent a branch to a corrupted NMI vector address, the access to NMIVAS mirror register at address 0xFFFEFBFC must be protected by an Arm MPU region. 2. When the FIQ exception instruction accesses the NMIVAS mirror register, a Data Abort exception will occur because of the MPU protection. 3. After the Data Abort handler is entered, the Data Fault Status Register (DFSR) and Data Fault Address Register (DFAR) which are located in System Control coprocessor and the CPU Link Register (R14) are evaluated to determine whether the Data Abort was caused by the occurrence of an NMI. Conditions for NMI cause: • Data Fault Status Register DFSR[10,3:0] = 0b01101 (Permission Fault) DFSR[11] = 0 (read access) • Data Fault Address Register DFAR = 0xFFFEFBFC (NMIVAS mirror register) • Link Register R14_abt = 0xFFFF0024 shows that an NMI caused the abort (0xFFFF001C + 0x8) Before evaluation starts, all CPU registers modified by the code are pushed on Data Abort stack (R13_abt). Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 312 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan 4. There are two cases depending on this evaluation result: a. In case not all conditions are true, the Data Abort was not caused by the occurrence of an NMI. The modified registers are restored from the stack and the Data Abort handler branches to the user's Data Abort handler ("branch without link" -> Link Register is not modified). This behavior is transparent for the user's Data Abort handler which can be written assuming that the handler is directly executed from a Data Abort exception. b. In case all conditions are true, the Data Abort was caused by the occurrence of an NMI. Data Fault Status and Data Fault Address register are explicitly cleared to prevent a repetitive NMI handling in case an NMI occurred shortly after a "normal" Data Abort. After that, the modified registers are restored from the stack and the CPU mode is changed from "Abort" to "FIQ". The program continues at NMI Dispatcher function where a dummy read to the NMIVAS register is done, because this read has the I-Unit internal effect of deasserting the nFIQ CPU signal and setting the NMI Hold bit of the NMI which has won I-Unit priority decision. Finally, the NMI cause must be evaluated. This is done by checking all NMI flags in the corresponding peripheral resources (availability may vary for different FCR4 derivates). As it is not possible to reliably read the I-Unit ECC Double Bit Error NMI flag (IRQ0_EEI_EENS), the software must assume that this is the NMI cause in case no other NMI is present. Once the NMI cause has been detected, the software can branch to the user's NMI handler. Before doing the "branch without link", the stack and registers should be restored (if used by NMI Dispatcher), as the user handler will directly return to the program location where the NMI occurred. 5. The user NMI handler must be changed as described in “Changes to User NMI Handler” on page 316. It will directly return to the application code. Arm MPU Configuration The MPU is a part of Cortex-R4 MCU and can be configured via System Control Coprocessor. It controls the accesses to defined memory regions with the configuration of permission rights. For protection of NMIVAS mirror register, this function will be used as follows. The setup of MPU is done by defining: ■ Region number ■ Region access permissions ■ Region size and enable setting ■ Region base address The region number with the highest priority ('11') must be chosen. The access permission must be set to 'No Access' in User and in Privileged Mode. The region size (bit 5..1) is set to minimum size (32 byte) which will not influence any other used memory area. Bit 0 enables the configured MPU setup. It must be ensured that the region base address is 32 byte aligned and the NMIVAS mirror address is within the given region size. In addition, two more settings in the System Control Register (also located in System Control Coprocessor) must be done for activating the MPU function: ■ M (bit 0) = 1: MPU enable ■ BR (bit 17) = 1: MPU background region enable Refer to the Arm Cortex-R4 Technical Reference Manual and the provided software sample for information on how to configure and enable the MPU. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 313 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Configuration Sequence The following configuration sequence for this workaround is recommended: 1. Reset (High Exception Vectors active, FIQ/NMI masked, IRQ masked). 2. Configure MPU to prohibit access to NMIVAS mirror register. 3. Enable NMI processing in CPU (clear 'F'-bit in CPSR register). 4. Configure IRQ vector table, priority levels and channel enable status in I-Unit. 5. Enable VIC port (to enable IRQ processing via not-affected VIC port). 6. Enable IRQ processing in I-Unit (IRQ0_CSR_IRQEN). 7. Enable IRQ processing in CPU (clear 'I'-bit in CPSR register). Workaround Limitations The following limitations need to be considered, if this workaround is used: ■ NMI dispatcher and all called NMI handlers must not allow NMI nesting. If NMIs would be re-enabled (clearing of 'F'-bit in CPU Current Program Status Register), another NMI exception could occur. In case the NMI flag of the already handled NMI is evaluated again by the new/nested NMI Dispatcher function, the same handler will be called again. Further error scenarios are imaginable which can also result in some inconsistent state. ■ Return from a "normal" Data or Prefetch Abort may not be possible. It can happen that while a “normal” Data or Prefetch Abort handler is currently executed, an NMI occurs because they are not masked on Abort exception entry. As a consequence, this NMI will lead to another Data Abort exception that overwrites the original SPSR_abt and R14_abt CPU register values, and the Fault Status Registers in the System Control Coprocessor. This makes it impossible for the user's Data or Prefetch Abort handler to return to application or correctly evaluate the circumstances (for example, program location and processor state) of the original Abort. Basically, a similar behavior can occur on any Armv7-R architecture if another precise Abort occurs while an Abort handler is executed. Workaround #2 (Low Exception) Overview The application needs to set up an exception table at the “low exception table” location at address 0x0 (inside TCMRAM) and afterwards make this the active table. With this solution, the instruction at the FIQ exception vector can be chosen arbitrarily and the read to NMIVAS register is avoided. Problem Description Preconditions For the implementation shown in the software samples, the linker settings of the application must ensure that 64 bytes starting from address 0x0 are reserved for the low exception table and corresponding handler addresses (address area 0x00 - 0x3F). Exception Table Setup The exception table in Armv7-R architecture is defined as provided in Table 98. Table 98. Armv7-R Exception Table Offset to Table Base (0x0 or 0xFFFF0000) Exception Type 0x00 Reset 0x04 Undefined Instruction 0x08 Supervisor Call / (Software Interrupt) 0x0C Prefetch Abort 0x10 Data Abort 0x14 Reserved 0x18 IRQ (if VIC port disabled) 0x1C FIQ Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 314 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Typically, a LDR PC, [PC, #+/-] instruction is placed at each of these exception vectors which will do a 32-bit read at a PC-relative location and move this value to the PC (= branch to this address). In Arm terminology, the data that is read are called “literals”. These literals are the addresses of the corresponding exception handler functions. In the sample software, the exception table and literals are setup as provided in Table 99. Table 99. Exception Table Setup in Sample Software Absolute Address Content 0x00 don’t care (on reset high exception table is getting active anyway) 0x04 LDR PC, [PC, #+0x18] 0x08 LDR PC, [PC, #+0x18] 0x0C LDR PC, [PC, #+0x18] 0x10 LDR PC, [PC, #+0x18] 0x14 don’t care 0x18 LDR PC, [PC, #+0x18] 0x1C LDR PC, [PC, #+0x18] 0x20 don’t care 0x24 Address of Undefined Instruction handler 0x28 Address of Supervisor Call handler 0x2C Address of Prefetch Abort handler 0x30 Address of Data Abort handler 0x34 don’t care 0x38 Address of IRQ handler (in case VIC port disabled) 0x3C Address of special NMI dispatcher function (see Problem Description of NMI Dispatcher) The offset value in the LDR PC, [PC, #+0x18] instruction regards the fact that in Armv7-R architecture, the PC always points to the address of the currently executed instruction + 0x8 0x18 + 0x8 = 0x20 offset between instruction and corresponding literal. MPU protection of low exception table (optional) Especially when considering the probability of immature software using uninitialized NULL pointers, it is recommended to protect the low exception table and related literals against accidental write accesses by setting up a read-only MPU region for that address area. Refer to the Arm Cortex-R4 Technical Reference Manual and the provided software sample for information on how to configure and enable the MPU. Switching the active exception table To make the low exception table active, the 'V' bit (bit 13) in the System Control Register of the System Control Coprocessor must be cleared. Problem Description of NMI Dispatcher The same NMI Dispatcher as for Workaround #1 is also used for Workaround #2. This function executes a dummy read to the NMIVAS register, because this read has the I-Unit internal effect of deasserting the nFIQ CPU signal and setting the NMI Hold bit of the NMI which has won I-Unit priority decision. Finally, the NMI cause must be evaluated. This is done by checking all NMI flags in the corresponding peripheral resources (availability may vary for different FCR4 derivates). As it is not possible to reliably read the I-Unit ECC Double Bit Error NMI flag (IRQ0_EEI_EENS), the software must assume that this is the NMI cause in case no other NMI is present. Once the NMI cause has been detected, the software can branch to the user's NMI handler. Before doing the "branch without link", the stack and registers should be restored (if used by NMI Dispatcher), as the user handler will directly return to the program location where the NMI occurred. The user NMI handler must be changed as described in “Changes to User NMI Handler” on page 316. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 315 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Configuration Sequence The following configuration sequence for this workaround is recommended: 1. Reset (High Exception Vectors active, FIQ/NMI masked, IRQ masked). 2. Create Low Exception Vector table at 0x00000000. 3. Configure MPU to protect exception vector table in TCMRAM. 4. Switch to Low Exception Vector table. 5. Enable NMI processing in CPU (clear 'F'-bit in CPSR register). 6. Configure IRQ vector table, priority levels, and channel enable status in I-Unit. 7. Enable VIC port (to enable IRQ processing via not-affected VIC port). 8. Enable IRQ processing in I-Unit (IRQ0_CSR_IRQEN). 9. Enable IRQ processing in CPU (clear 'I'-bit in CPSR register). Workaround Limitations Following limitations need to be considered, if this workaround is used: ■ NMI dispatcher and all called NMI handlers must not allow NMI nesting. If NMIs would be re-enabled (clearing of 'F'-bit in CPU Current Program Status Register), another NMI exception could occur. In case the NMI flag of the already handled NMI is evaluated again by the new/nested NMI Dispatcher function, the same handler will be called again. Further error scenarios are imaginable which can also result in some inconsistent state. Changes to User NMI Handler The limitation and workarounds covered by this document result in necessary changes to the user NMI handlers. A different NMI handler exit code is required for correct operation. Instead of only clearing the corresponding NMI Hold bit, all NMI Hold bits must be cleared (as currently set Hold Bit cannot be read back from I-Unit). If this is not done, a problem can occur in case of multiple pending NMIs. The software NMI dispatcher may have evaluated a different “winning” NMI than the I-Unit hardware logic (in case of multiple pending NMIs), because it uses the resource NMI flags to determine pending NMIs. Consequently, the NMI Hold bit would not be cleared by the user NMI handler and this prevents the I-Unit from asserting the nFIQ signal to CPU again for this still pending and not yet handled NMI. Ordering of NMI Flag Evaluation In the event of an NMI, no information can be read from the I-Unit, hence the NMI flag(s) of all resources that can generate NMIs need to be evaluated. Following order of NMI flag evaluation is used in the provided software samples: 1. Low voltage detection NMI 2. System controller error NMI 3. External NMI pin 4. Watchdog NMI 5. Timing Protection Unit NMI 6. MPU DMA Access Violation NMI 7. MPU IRIS Access Violation NMI (if available) 8. MPU MLB0 Access Violation NMI (if available) 9. Bus Error Collection Unit BECU0 Access Violation (Peripheral group 0) 10.Bus Error Collection Unit BECU1 Access Violation (Peripheral group 1) 11.Bus Error Collection Unit BECU3 Access Violation (Peripheral group 3) 12.Iris Signature Unit NMI (if available) 13.MPU SHE Access violation (if available) 14.IRQ Double Error NMI Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 316 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan The order may be re-arranged to decrease NMI latency for certain use cases, except "IRQ Double Error NMI", which must remain on last position as it must be determined by exclusion principle. Writing I-Unit Registers Care must be taken when writing code for the initialization of I-Unit registers. Any code that would result in RMW (Read-Modify-Write) accesses must be avoided. RMW accesses may be generated if register bit field types are used for assigning values. Example: If priority level for IRQ channel 2 shall be set to 19: C-Code: IRQ0_IRQPL0_IRQPL2 = 19; (wrong!) Compiler Output: 32-bit read of IRQ0_IRQPL0 register Modify bits belonging to IRQPL2 bit field 32-bit write of IRQ0_IRQPL0 register Because the read of this RMW access is affected by the limitation described in this Customer Information, a possibility that other priority levels in the same register are getting corrupted exists. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 317 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Workaround for IUNIT Interrupt Handling Problem 1. To change the IRQ Priority Level Mask Register (IRQ0_IRQPLM), use the following workaround: a. Safe sequence to change IRQ0_PLM (temporarily disable interrupt processing and perform wait until IUNIT idle) SuspendAllInterrupts(); // globally disable all IRQs with // 'I'-bit in CPU CPSR IRQ0_UNLOCK = ; IRQ0_CSR = 0; // setting IRQEN bit to '0' IRQ0_CSR; // dummy read to generate wait cycles // until state machine has returned to // idle state IRQ0_IRQPLM = ; IRQ0_CSR = 1; // setting IRQEN bit to '1' IRQ0_UNLOCK = ; ResumeAllInterrupts(); // restore previous state of 'I'// bit in CPU CPSR b. Extension for each ISR entry code (check if corresponding IRQ0_IRQPL[n] < current IRQ0_IRQPLM) Pseudocode: __interrupt void Interrupt_1_Handler(void) { // Check if priority of current IRQ is higher (means lower value) // than the currently active priority level mask if (Interrupt_1_Prio < Current_PLM_Value) { // The interrupt is "valid" and corresponding code // shall be executed // Call user callback function, which is also responsible // for clearing the interrupt flag in the peripheral .... } // Clear Hold-Bit of Interrupt_1 ... } IMPORTANT: “Interrupt_1_Prio” must be determined indirectly by the called ISR and OS/application internal interrupt priority configuration variable(s). IRQ0_IRQPL0~127 and IRQ0_IRQST:IRQSN must not be read. (see “Workaround for IRQ Unit Register Read Timing Issue” on page 311) Current_PLM_value must be read from OS/application internal buffer variable IRQ0_IRQPLM must not be read. (see “Workaround for IRQ Unit Register Read Timing Issue” on page 311). Current_PLM_value must be read from OS/application internal buffer variable IRQ0_IRQPLM must not be read. (see “Workaround for IRQ Unit Register Read Timing Issue” on page 311) 2. To avoid changing the priority level of an active IRQ interrupt, configure IRQ0_IRQPL0~127 only in initial phase before enabling interrupts by setting IRQ0_CSR.IRQEN=1. With the software workaround explained in “Workaround for IRQ Unit Register Read Timing Issue” on page 311, it is not necessary to change IRQ0_NMIPL0~7. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 318 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan 3. IRQ Hold Clear - use following sequence to clear the bit: IRQ0_UNLOCK = IRQ0_CSR = 0; // setting IRQEN bit to '0' IRQ0_CSR; // dummy read to generate wait cycles // until IRQ is latched in IUNIT, resp. // state machine returned to idle state IRQ0_IRQHC = // clear Hold-bit of IRQ IRQ0_CSR = 1; // setting IRQEN bit to '1' IRQ0_UNLOCK = NMI Hold Clear - use following workaround: NMI handling shall be implemented according to workarounds in “Workaround for IRQ Unit Register Read Timing Issue” on page 311 (will not use any potential wrong NMI register values, as reading is prohibited anyway). 4. Perform write access to IRQ0_IRQHC only with 16-bit or 32-bit access width. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 319 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Document History Page Document Title: CY9EF226 - Titan, CY9EF226 Series Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. ECN No. Orig. of Change Submission Date Description of Change Initial draft Corrected pinout for 176pin and 240pin variant Updated electrical characteristics, procedures, io map. added device handling, order information New IO Map tables included; Corrections to RICFG tables **   09/01/2015 Updated part numbers, removed preliminary Added CY9EF226L part number for non graphics variant Updated IO Map tables: corrected addresses 0xb0400aa8 0xb070005c-0xb0707ffe 0xb0c02900-0xb0cffffc 0xfffef000-0xfffefff8 corrected default values of IRQ0_NMIPL0, IRQ0_IRQPL0, IRQ0_IRQPL12, IRQ0_IRQPL13, EECFG_EMENR 0xb07fa46a-0xb07ffffe Updated to Cypress template. Updated CY Logo and Sales Disclaimer. Added Features. Incorporated all customer information documents into the Errata. Updated references to “Pin State while Power-On-Reset” in section title, section text, and table title for Table 79, in Pin State During Active External Reset. *A 5300963 GESC 07/01/2016 Updated Table 2: Removed “Power on Reset (PoR)” from the list of Resets. Removed PT_TESTPAD in Figure 1. Updated Figure 1. Added ESD Structure between Power Domains. Updated Ordering Information. Added Document Definition in Reference Documents. *B 5981420 NOFL 12/21/2017 Added ordering information: CY9EF226PMC-GSK5E2, CY9EF226BPMC-GSK5E2, CY9EF226EPMC-GSK5E2, CY9EF226EBPMC-GSK5E2, CY9EF226LPMC-GSK5E2, CY9EF226LBPMC-GSK5E2. Updated package name from FPT-176P-M07 to LQP176. Removed QFP240 references in the entire document. Replaced all references to MB9EF226 with CY9EF226. *C 6557075 NOFL 04/25/2019 Updated Errata and Ordering Information. Updated Copyright information. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Page 320 of 321 CY9EF226 - Titan Sales, Solutions, and Legal Information Worldwide Sales and Design Support Cypress maintains a worldwide network of offices, solution centers, manufacturer’s representatives, and distributors. To find the office closest to you, visit us at Cypress Locations. PSoC® Solutions Products Arm® Cortex® Microcontrollers Automotive cypress.com/arm cypress.com/automotive Clocks & Buffers Interface cypress.com/clocks cypress.com/interface Internet of Things Memory cypress.com/iot cypress.com/memory Microcontrollers cypress.com/mcu PSoC cypress.com/psoc Power Management ICs Cypress Developer Community Community | Projects | Video | Blogs | Training | Components Technical Support cypress.com/support cypress.com/pmic Touch Sensing cypress.com/touch USB Controllers Wireless Connectivity PSoC 1 | PSoC 3 | PSoC 4 | PSoC 5LP | PSoC 6 MCU cypress.com/usb cypress.com/wireless © Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2015-2019. This document is the property of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation and its subsidiaries (“Cypress”). This document, including any software or firmware included or referenced in this document (“Software”), is owned by Cypress under the intellectual property laws and treaties of the United States and other countries worldwide. Cypress reserves all rights under such laws and treaties and does not, except as specifically stated in this paragraph, grant any license under its patents, copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights. If the Software is not accompanied by a license agreement and you do not otherwise have a written agreement with Cypress governing the use of the Software, then Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive, nontransferable license (without the right to sublicense) (1) under its copyright rights in the Software (a) for Software provided in source code form, to modify and reproduce the Software solely for use with Cypress hardware products, only internally within your organization, and (b) to distribute the Software in binary code form externally to end users (either directly or indirectly through resellers and distributors), solely for use on Cypress hardware product units, and (2) under those claims of Cypress's patents that are infringed by the Software (as provided by Cypress, unmodified) to make, use, distribute, and import the Software solely for use with Cypress hardware products. Any other use, reproduction, modification, translation, or compilation of the Software is prohibited. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, CYPRESS MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIS DOCUMENT OR ANY SOFTWARE OR ACCOMPANYING HARDWARE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. No computing device can be absolutely secure. Therefore, despite security measures implemented in Cypress hardware or software products, Cypress shall have no liability arising out of any security breach, such as unauthorized access to or use of a Cypress product. CYPRESS DOES NOT REPRESENT, WARRANT, OR GUARANTEE THAT CYPRESS PRODUCTS, OR SYSTEMS CREATED USING CYPRESS PRODUCTS, WILL BE FREE FROM CORRUPTION, ATTACK, VIRUSES, INTERFERENCE, HACKING, DATA LOSS OR THEFT, OR OTHER SECURITY INTRUSION (collectively, "Security Breach"). Cypress disclaims any liability relating to any Security Breach, and you shall and hereby do release Cypress from any claim, damage, or other liability arising from any Security Breach. In addition, the products described in these materials may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Cypress reserves the right to make changes to this document without further notice. Cypress does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described in this document. Any information provided in this document, including any sample design information or programming code, is provided only for reference purposes. It is the responsibility of the user of this document to properly design, program, and test the functionality and safety of any application made of this information and any resulting product. "High-Risk Device" means any device or system whose failure could cause personal injury, death, or property damage. Examples of High-Risk Devices are weapons, nuclear installations, surgical implants, and other medical devices. “Critical Component” means any component of a High-Risk Device whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause, directly or indirectly, the failure of the High-Risk Device, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. Cypress is not liable, in whole or in part, and you shall and hereby do release Cypress from any claim, damage, or other liability arising from any use of a Cypress product as a Critical Component in a High-Risk Device. You shall indemnify and hold Cypress, its directors, officers, employees, agents, affiliates, distributors, and assigns harmless from and against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, arising out of any claim, including claims for product liability, personal injury or death, or property damage arising from any use of a Cypress product as a Critical Component in a High-Risk Device. Cypress products are not intended or authorized for use as a Critical Component in any High-Risk Device except to the limited extent that (i) Cypress's published data sheet for the product explicitly states Cypress has qualified the product for use in a specific High-Risk Device, or (ii) Cypress has given you advance written authorization to use the product as a Critical Component in the specific High-Risk Device and you have signed a separate indemnification agreement. Cypress, the Cypress logo, Spansion, the Spansion logo, and combinations thereof, WICED, PSoC, CapSense, EZ-USB, F-RAM, and Traveo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cypress in the United States and other countries. For a more complete list of Cypress trademarks, visit cypress.com. Other names and brands may be claimed as property of their respective owners. Document Number: 002-05678 Rev. *C Revised April 25, 2019 Page 321 of 321
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