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SK-FM4-U120-9B560 数据手册
Please note that Cypress is an Infineon Technologies Company. The document following this cover page is marked as “Cypress” document as this is the company that originally developed the product. Please note that Infineon will continue to offer the product to new and existing customers as part of the Infineon product portfolio. Continuity of document content The fact that Infineon offers the following product as part of the Infineon product portfolio does not lead to any changes to this document. Future revisions will occur when appropriate, and any changes will be set out on the document history page. Continuity of ordering part numbers Infineon continues to support existing part numbers. Please continue to use the ordering part numbers listed in the datasheet for ordering. www.infineon.com Starter Kit User Guide FM4-U120-9B560 FM4-U120-9B560-MEM Hardware V1.1 / Documentation V1.8 Document Number: 002-09878 Rev. *B Warranty and Disclaimer © Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2015-2018. This document is the property of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation and its subsidiaries, including Spansion LLC (“Cypress”). This document, including any software or firmware included or referenced in this document (“Software”), is owned by Cypress under the intellectual property laws and treaties of the United States and other countries worldwide. Cypress reserves all rights under such laws and treaties and does not, except as specifically stated in this paragraph, grant any license under its patents, copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights. If the Software is not accompanied by a license agreement and you do not otherwise have a written agreement with Cypress governing the use of the Software, then Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive, nontransferable license (without the right to sublicense) (1) under its copyright rights in the Software (a) for Software provided in source code form, to modify and reproduce the Software solely for use with Cypress hardware products, only internally within your organization, and (b) to distribute the Software in binary code form externally to end users (either directly or indirectly through resellers and distributors), solely for use on Cypress hardware product units, and (2) under those claims of Cypress’s patents that are infringed by the Software (as provided by Cypress, unmodified) to make, use, distribute, and import the Software solely for use with Cypress hardware products. Any other use, reproduction, modification, translation, or compilation of the Software is prohibited. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, CYPRESS MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIS DOCUMENT OR ANY SOFTWARE OR ACCOMPANYING HARDWARE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. No computing device can be absolutely secure. Therefore, despite security measures implemented in Cypress hardware or software products, Cypress does not assume any liability arising out of any security breach, such as unauthorized access to or use of a Cypress product. In addition, the products described in these materials may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Cypress reserves the right to make changes to this document without further notice. Cypress does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described in this document. Any information provided in this document, including any sample design information or programming code, is provided only for reference purposes. It is the responsibility of the user of this document to properly design, program, and test the functionality and safety of any application made of this information and any resulting product. Cypress products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as critical components in systems designed or intended for the operation of weapons, weapons systems, nuclear installations, life-support devices or systems, other medical devices or systems (including resuscitation equipment and surgical implants), pollution control or hazardous substances management, or other uses where the failure of the device or system could cause personal injury, death, or property damage (“Unintended Uses”). A critical component is any component of a device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. Cypress is not liable, in whole or in part, and you shall and hereby do release Cypress from any claim, damage, or other liability arising from or related to all Unintended Uses of Cypress products. You shall indemnify and hold Cypress harmless from and against all claims, costs, damages, and other liabilities, including claims for personal injury or death, arising from or related to any Unintended Uses of Cypress products. Cypress, the Cypress logo, Spansion, the Spansion logo, and combinations thereof, WICED, PSoC, CapSense, EZ-USB, F-RAM, and Traveo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cypress in the United States and other countries. For a more complete list of Cypress trademarks, visit cypress.com. Other names and brands may be claimed as property of their respective owners. SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 2 Information about this PDF Document ▪ For your convenience this user guide includes external links that simplify installing of drivers, software utilities, and quick jumps to documentation. ▪ Some PDF viewer do not allow access to external content by links because of security reasons. ▪ A viewer called “PDF XChange” is provided in the software package of this starter kit. It’s use is free of charge and no additional installation is required. ▪ Launching “start.bat” opens this user guide in the PDF XChange viewer. ▪ Please ensure you have copied the complete software package related to this starter kit to use and run the links and examples given on the next pages. ▪ Please contact the Cypress Support for any question. SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 3 Overview ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ MCU Features, Board Features, and Contents Please check jumper setting / Test it by a GUI The Hardware / Pin Overview The Jumper Table / Jumper Default Board Power Software Examples & Tools  Additional documents  Schematic Flash Programming  Factsheet  Data sheet MB9B560R Series JTAG / CMSIS-DAP  Peripheral Manual IAR-Embedded Workbench  Peripheral Manual (Timer Part)  Peripheral Manual (Analog Part) KEIL µVision  Peripheral Manual (Communication Part)  Flash Programming Manual and Errata Contacts and More Please visit www.cypress.com to find latest releases of the above mentioned documents. SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 4 Features of the Microcontroller ▪ The FM4-U120-9B560 and FM4-U120-9B560-MEM are based on the Cypress Arm® Cortex®-M4 device MB9BF568R ▪ The MB9B560R Series includes the following features: • • • • • • • • • • • • Up to 1 MByte Flash Memory and 32 KByte Work Flash Memory Up to 128 KByte RAM Up to 160 MHz clock Up to 2 CAN controller 2.0A/B Up to 8 UART / LIN / SPI / I²C interfaces USB-Host/-Device interface SD-Card interface Three 12 bit ADCs, up to 24 channels Two 12 bit DACs Up to 16 channel external interrupts Two Multifunction timer with waveform generator, e.g. Motor control Timers (ICUs, OCUs, PPGs, others) SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 5 Features of the Board ▪ The FM4-U120-9B560(-MEM) is available in two versions: Feature FM4-U120-9B560 External Power Supply FM4-U120-9B560-MEM USB, DAP, JTAG or from FM4-U-PERIPHERAL On-board Voltage 3.3 V or 5 V User-LEDs, Reset-LED 3.3 V 3x User-LEDs (R,G,B) + Reset Buttons 3x buttons: Reset + External Interrupt + NMI Potentiometer AN18 (0V .. Onboard voltage 3.3V/5V) Debug interface Onboard CMSIS-DAP incl. Status LEDs (connected, running) (optional 20 pin JTAG-IF to be used with external JTAG adapter) Virtual COM port (USB-2-UART bridge) USB interface Yes USB Function (Mini-USB Type B) SD-Card interface Yes No External Memory No NAND-Flash: 32 MByte SDRAM: 16 MByte SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 6 Contents FM4-U120-9B560 ▪ The FM4-U120-9B560(-MEM) contents • The FM4-U120-9B560 or FM4-U120-9B560-MEM evaluation board • One USB mini cable • 1-page flyer Additional information B A Box SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY FM4-U120-9B560(-MEM) USB cable 7 Please Check Jumper Setting LED Note: Please set J9 (USB) instead of J7 (CMSIS-DAP) Please set J19 and J20:1-2 (SIN0/SOT0) SOT0 SIN0 FM4-U120-9B560 supports 5 V and 3.3 V operation FM4-U120-9B560-MEM supports only 3.3 V operation DAP 3V USB NMI USBF USBF Run SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 8 Test it by Terminal using USB ▪ The microcontroller on the FM4-U120-9B560(-MEM) is already preprogrammed with a test application (\sw-examples\testsoftware) • Install the USB driver first \drivers\driverinstaller.exe • Connect the starter kit to CN4 (USB) with your PC ✓ ✓ Ensure jumper J9 (USB) is set for correct power supply Ensure jumper J19 and J20:1-2 are set correctly for use of SIN0/SOT0 • Press the ‚Reset‘- Button • Check the availability for virtual COM port ✓ e.g. Windows Device Manager • Open a serial terminal tool ✓ ✓ e.g. Cypress Serial Port Viewer \tools\serialportviewer\setup.exe Settings 115200 baud, 8N1 • Press to show welcome menu • Please select any function to test the on-board features SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 9 Test it by a GUI ▪ The microcontroller on the FM4-U120-9B560(-MEM) is already preprogrammed with a test application (\sw-examples\testsoftware) • Install the USB driver first \drivers\driverinstaller.exe • Connect the starter kit to CN4 (USB) with your PC • Open the PC software \sw-examples\testsoftware\SK-FM4-U120-9B560_demo.exe • The picture of the board will be shown with current status of on-board features • LED allows control of the RGB-LED ✓ Just click to the checkboxes • Status of user-buttons SW2 and SW3 are shown interactively • ADC represents the potentiometer R11 SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 10 Test it ▪ You finished successfully the first test. ▪ Next section covers: • The onboard features • How to program the Flash ✓ Serial ROM Boot loader USB Direct UART0 ✓ ✓ On-board CMSIS-DAP JTAG with optional emulator • How to start with IAR-Embedded-Workbench and KEIL µVision SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 11 Hardware SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 12 The Hardware (Top Side) – Jumper Overview 60 59 VBat 2 1 - +5V CMSISDAP 3V3 J24 J25 Expansion Header Pin 1-60 Virt. COM J20 J21 RST R11 INT J1 J2 NMI J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8 3V/5V J9 J10 J11 J12 61 62 SLIDE OWNER Expansion Header Pin 61-120 SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 119 120 Option: Ext. JTAG J17 J18 J19 + J13 J14 USBDevicePort 13 The Hardware (Top Side) – Jumper Function Overview 60 59 VBat 2 1 - +5V CMSISDAP 3V3 P46 P47 Expansion Header Pin 1-60 Virt. COM RST Variable Resistor INT AN18 P22 U5V NMI JTAG MD1 MD0 SK DAP JTAG 3V/5V USB NMI USBF USBF 61 62 SLIDE OWNER Expansion Header Pin 61-120 SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY Option: Ext. JTAG MD1/LED SOT0/P22 MD1 MD0 SIN0 + 119 U5V 120 Prog/Run USBDevicePort 14 The Hardware (Bottom Side) 2.54mm x 30 J16 2 1 60 59 Expansion Header Pin 1-60 55.88mm (= 22x 2.54mm) (FM4-U120-9B560-MEM) 3V3 SDRAM (FM4-U120-9B560-MEM) NAND FLASH +5V SD-Card interface (only FM4-U120-9B560) 119 120 Expansion Header Pin 61-120 61 62 2.54mm x 29 SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 15 The Hardware – Pin Overview 1 - 20 Pin Microcontroller-Function FM4-U120-9B560 FM4-U120-9B560-MEM VCC_MCU 3V3 or 5V0 VCC_MCU 3V3 or 5V0 1 VCC 2 P50/CTS4_0/AIN0_2/RTO10_0/INT00_0/MADATA00_0 SDRAM, NAND FLASH 3 P51/RTS4_0/BIN0_2/RTO11_0/INT01_0/MADATA01_0 SDRAM, NAND FLASH 4 P52/SCK4_0/ZIN0_2/RTO12_0/MADATA02_0 SDRAM, NAND FLASH 5 P53/TIOA1_2/SOT4_0/RTO13_0/MADATA03_0 SDRAM, NAND FLASH 6 P54/TIOB1_2/SIN4_0/RTO14_0/INT02_0/MADATA04_0 SDRAM, NAND FLASH 7 P55/ADTG_1/SIN6_0/RTO15_0/INT07_2/MADATA05_0 SDRAM, NAND FLASH 8 P56/SOT6_0/DTTI1X_0/INT08_2/MADATA06_0 SDRAM, NAND FLASH 9 P57/SCK6_0/MADATA07_0 SDRAM, NAND FLASH 10 P58/SIN4_2/AIN1_0/INT04_2/MADATA08_0 SDRAM 11 P59/RX1_1/SOT4_2/BIN1_0/INT07_1/MADATA09_0 SDRAM 12 P5A/TX1_1/SCK4_2/ZIN1_0/MADATA10_0 SDRAM 13 P5B/CTS4_2/MADATA11_0 SDRAM 14 P30/TIOB0_1/RTS4_2/INT15_2/WKUP1/MADATA12_0 SDRAM 15 P31/TIOB1_1/SIN3_1/INT09_2/MADATA13_0 SDRAM 16 P32/TIOB2_1/SOT3_1/INT10_1/MADATA14_0 SDRAM 17 P33/ADTG_6/TIOB3_1/SCK3_1/INT04_0/MADATA15_0 SDRAM 18 P34/TX0_1/TIOB4_1/FRCK0_0/MNALE_0 NAND FLASH 19 P35/RX0_1/TIOB5_1/IC03_0/INT08_1/MNCLE_0 NAND FLASH 20 P36/SIN5_2/IC02_0/INT09_1/MNWEX_0 NAND FLASH SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 16 The Hardware – Pin Overview 21 - 40 Pin Microcontroller-Function FM4-U120-9B560 FM4-U120-9B560-MEM 21 P37/SOT5_2/IC01_0/INT05_2/MNREX_0 NAND FLASH 22 P38/SCK5_2/IC00_0/INT06_2 23 P39/ADTG_2/DTTI0X_0/RTCCO_2/SUBOUT_2/MSDCLK_0 SDRAM 24 P3A/TIOA0_1/AIN0_0/RTO00_0/MSDCKE_0 SDRAM 25 P3B/TIOA1_1/BIN0_0/RTO01_0/MRASX_0 SDRAM 26 P3C/TIOA2_1/ZIN0_0/RTO02_0/MCASX_0 SDRAM 27 P3D/TIOA3_1/RTO03_0/MAD00_0 SDRAM 28 P3E/TIOA4_1/RTO04_0/MAD01_0 SDRAM 29 P3F/TIOA5_1/RTO05_0/MAD02_0 SDRAM 30 VSS GND GND 31 VCC VCC_MCU 3V3 or 5V0 VCC_MCU 3V3 or 5V0 32 P40/TIOA0_0/RTO10_1/INT12_1 33 P41/TIOA1_0/RTO11_1/INT13_1 34 P42/TIOA2_0/RTO12_1/MSDWEX_0 SDRAM 35 P43/ADTG_7/TIOA3_0/RTO13_1/MCSX8_0 SDRAM 36 P44/TIOA4_0/RTO14_1/DA0 37 P45/TIOB0_0/RTO15_1/DA1 38 INITX 39 40 LED_G LED_G Button Reset / JTAG Button Reset / JTAG P46/X0A Sub-Crystal 32.768 kHz Sub-Crystal 32.768 kHz P47/X1A Sub-Crystal 32.768 kHz Sub-Crystal 32.768 kHz SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 17 The Hardware – Pin Overview 41 - 60 Pin Microcontroller-Function FM4-U120-9B560 FM4-U120-9B560-MEM Pull-Down resistor Pull-Down resistor 41 P48/VREGCTL 42 P49/VWAKEUP 43 VBAT Battery (CN1) Battery (CN1) 44 C Capacitor 4u7 Capacitor 4u7 45 VSS GND GND 46 VCC VCC_MCU 3V3 or 5V0 VCC_MCU 3V3 or 5V0 47 P4B/TIOB1_0/SCS7_1/MAD03_0 SDRAM 48 P4C/TIOB2_0/SCK7_1/AIN1_2/MAD04_0 SDRAM 49 P4D/TIOB3_0/SOT7_1/BIN1_2/INT13_2/MAD05_0 SDRAM 50 P4E/TIOB4_0/SIN7_1/ZIN1_2/FRCK1_1/INT11_1/WKUP2/MAD06_0 SDRAM 51 P70/TX0_0/TIOA4_2/AIN0_1/IC13_1 52 P71/RX0_0/TIOB4_2/BIN0_1/IC12_1/INT15_1 53 P72/TIOA6_0/SIN2_0/ZIN0_1/IC11_1/INT14_2 54 P73/TIOB6_0/SOT2_0/IC10_1/INT03_2 55 P74/SCK2_0/DTTI1X_1 56 PE0/MD1 57 MD0 58 USB USB LED_B / MD1 LED_B / MD1 MD0 MD0 PE2/X0 Main-Crystal 4 MHz Main-Crystal 4 MHz 59 PE3/X1 Main-Crystal 4 MHz Main-Crystal 4 MHz 60 VSS GND GND SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 18 The Hardware – Pin Overview 61 - 80 Pin Microcontroller-Function FM4-U120-9B560 FM4-U120-9B560-MEM VCC_MCU 3V3 or 5V0 VCC_MCU 3V3 or 5V0 61 VCC 62 P10/AN00/RX1_2/SIN1_1/FRCK0_2/INT02_1/MAD07_0 SDRAM 63 P11/AN01/TX1_2/SOT1_1/IC00_2/MAD08_0 SDRAM 64 P12/AN02/SCK1_1/IC01_2/RTCCO_1/SUBOUT_1/MAD09_0 SDRAM 65 P13/AN03/SIN0_1/IC02_2/INT03_1/MAD10_0 SDRAM 66 P14/AN04/SOT0_1/IC03_2/MAD11_0 SDRAM 67 P15/AN05/SCK0_1/MAD12_0 68 P16/AN06/SIN2_2/INT14_1/MAD13_0 69 P17/AN07/SOT2_2/WKUP3/MAD14_0 70 AVCC VCC_MCU VCC_MCU 71 AVSS GND GND 72 AVRL GND GND 73 AVRH VCC_MCU VCC_MCU 74 P18/AN08/SCK2_2/MAD15_0 75 P19/AN09/SIN4_1/IC00_1/INT05_1/MAD16_0 76 P1A/AN10/SOT4_1/IC01_1/MAD17_0 77 P1B/AN11/SCK4_1/IC02_1/MAD18_0 78 P1C/AN12/CTS4_1/IC03_1/MAD19_0 79 P1D/AN13/RTS4_1/DTTI0X_1/MAD20_0 80 P1E/AN14/ADTG_5/FRCK0_1/MAD21_0 SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY SDRAM SDRAM 19 The Hardware – Pin Overview 81 - 100 Pin Microcontroller-Function FM4-U120-9B560 FM4-U120-9B560-MEM LED_R LED_R 81 P1F/ADTG_4/TIOB6_2/RTO05_1 82 P27/TIOA6_2/RTO04_1/INT02_2 83 P26/TIOB5_0/SCK2_1/RTO03_1 84 P25/TX1_0/TIOA5_0/SOT2_1/RTO02_1 85 P24/RX1_0/SIN2_1/RTO01_1/INT01_2 86 P23/AN15/TIOA7_1/SCK0_0/RTO00_1/MAD22_0 87 P22/CROUT_0/AN16/TIOB7_1/SOT0_0/ZIN1_1 JTAG JTAG 88 P21/AN17/SIN0_0/BIN1_1/INT06_1/MAD23_0 JTAG JTAG 89 P20/AN18/AIN1_1/INT05_0/MAD24_0 Potentiometer R11 Potentiometer R11 90 VSS GND GND 91 VCC VCC_MCU 3V3 or 5V0 VCC_MCU 3V3 or 5V0 92 P0E/TIOB5_2/SCS6_1/IC13_0/S_CLK_0/MDQM1_0 SD-Card SDRAM 93 P0D/TIOA5_2/SCK6_1/IC12_0/S_CMD_0/MDQM0_0 SD-Card SDRAM 94 P0C/TIOA6_1/SOT6_1/IC11_0/S_DATA1_0/MALE_0 SD-Card 95 P0B/TIOB6_1/SIN6_1/IC10_0/INT00_1/S_DATA0_0/MCSX0_0 SD-Card 96 P0A/SIN1_0/FRCK1_0/INT12_2/S_DATA3_0/MCSX1_0 SD-Card 97 P09/AN19/TRACED0/TIOA3_2/SOT1_0/S_DATA2_0/MCSX5_0 SD-Card 98 P08/AN20/TRACED1/TIOB3_2/SCK1_0/MCSX4_0 99 P07/AN21/TRACED2/TIOA0_2/SCK7_0/MCLKOUT_0 100 P06/AN22/TRACED3/TIOB0_2/SOT7_0/MCSX3_0 SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY NAND FLASH 20 The Hardware – Pin Overview 101 - 120 Pin Microcontroller-Function FM4-U120-9B560 FM4-U120-9B560-MEM 101 P05/AN23/ADTG_0/TRACECLK/SIN7_0/INT01_1/MCSX2_0 102 P04/TDO/SWO JTAG JTAG 103 P03/TMS/SWDIO JTAG JTAG 104 P02/TDI/MCSX6_0 JTAG JTAG 105 P01/TCK/SWCLK JTAG JTAG 106 P00/TRSTX/MCSX7_0 JTAG JTAG 107 VSS GND GND 108 P68/TIOB7_2/SCK3_0/INT00_2 Button INT Button INT 109 P67/TIOA7_2/SOT3_0 110 P66/ADTG_8/SIN3_0/INT11_2 111 P65/TIOB7_0/SCK5_1 112 P64/TIOA7_0/SOT5_1/INT10_2 113 P63/CROUT_1/RX0_2/SIN5_1/INT03_0/S_CD_0/MWEX_0 SD-Card 114 P62/ADTG_3/TX0_2/SIN5_0/INT04_1/S_WP_0/MOEX_0 SD-Card 115 P61/UHCONX0/TIOB2_2/SOT5_0/RTCCO_0/SUBOUT_0 USB USB 116 P60/TIOA2_2/SCK5_0/NMIX/WKUP0/MRDY_0 Button NMIX Button NMIX 117 USBVCC 3V3 3V3 118 P80/UDM0 USB USB 119 P81/UDP0 USB USB 120 VSS GND GND SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 21 Jumper Table Jumper Function FM4-U120-9B560(-MEM) (Default setting marked bold) J1 (2 pin) CMSIS-DAP Crystal (P22) (Do not change!) Open: 4MHz Closed: 48MHz J2 (2 pin) VBUS detection of CMSIS-DAP Open: 3V3 Closed: 5V (only for FM4-U120-9B560) J3 (2 pin) CMSIS-DAP reset Open: CMSIS-DAP normal operation Closed: CMSIS-DAP reset assert J4 (2 pin) Operation of MD1 (CMSIS-DAP) Open: Run-Mode Closed: Test-Mode J5 (2 pin) Operation of MD0 (CMSIS-DAP) Open: Run-Mode (CMSIS-DAP) Closed: Firmware update of CMSIS-DAP J6-J9 J10 (2 pin) Power Supply Source Please select just one power source! SW3 NMI Jumper J10 needs to be opend for programming J9: USB Host powered (CN4) J8: JTAG powered (CN2) J7: CMSIS-DAP powered (CN3) J6: Powered by FM4-U-PERIPHERAL (J16) Open: Button SW3 disconnected / Programming mode Closed: Button SW3 (NMI) is connected J11 (2 pin) USB D+ Open: USB is disconnected Closed: USB is connected J12 (2 pin) USB D- Open: USB is disconnected Closed: USB is connected J13 (2 pin) VBUS detection Open: 3V3 Closed: 5V (only for FM4-U120-9B560) SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 22 Jumper Table (continued) Jumper Function FM4-U120-9B560(-MEM) (Default setting marked bold) J14 (3 pin) J15 (3 pin) USB VBUS detection See also J10 MCU voltage selection FM4-U120-9B560-MEM can be used with 3V3 only 1-2: VBUS is connected to INT03_2 (Run-Mode) 2-3: VBUS is connected to NMIX (Programming Mode) 1-2: MCU is powered from 3V3 2-3: MCU is powered from 5V (not FM4-U120-9B560-MEM) Open: Run-Mode and Programming-Mode Closed: Test-Mode J17 (2 pin) Operation of MD1 J18 (2 pin) Operation of MD0 Open: Run-Mode Closed: Programming-Mode J19 (2 pin) CMSIS-DAP Virtual COM port (SIN0_0) Open: SIN0 is disconnected from CMSIS-DAP Closed: CMSIS-DAP’s virtual COM port is connected J20 (3 pin) CMSIS-DAP Virtual COM port (SOT0_0) 2-3: SOT0/P22 is used for USB programming 1-2: CMSIS-DAP’s virtual COM port is connected J21 (3 pin) MD1/PE0 J22 (2 pin) J23 (2 pin) J24 (2 pin) J25 (2 pin) SLIDE OWNER (Do not change!) See also J17 X0/PE2 Do not close J22 if crystal Y1 is assembled. X1/PE3 Do not close J23 if crystal Y1 is assembled. X0A/P46 Do not close J24 if crystal Y2 is assembled. X1A/P47 Do not close J25 if crystal Y2 is assembled. SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 1-2: MD1 (Programming-Mode) 2-3: PE0 (LED Blue) Open: PE2 is disconnected Closed: PE2 is connected to pin header U2 Open: PE3 is disconnected Closed: PE3 is connected to pin header U2 Open: P46 is disconnected Closed: PE2 is connected to pin header U2 Open: P47 is disconnected Closed: PE2 is connected to pin header U2 23 Jumper – Default (Run mode, CMSIS-DAP) LED SOT0 SIN0 FM4-U120-9B560 supports 5V and 3.3V operation FM4-U120-9B560-MEM supports only 3.3V operation DAP 3V NMI USBF USBF Run SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 24 P22 MD0 SIN0 Jumper – Programming Mode (USB Direct Mode) MD1 (U5V) 3V/5V USB NMI USBF USBF (U5V) Prog SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 25 Jumper – Power the Starter Kit ▪ The starter kit can be powered • • • • by peripheral base-board (J16): by CMSIS-DAP (CN3): by external JTAG (CN2): by USB-host (CN4): Close jumper J6 Close jumper J7 (default) Close jumper J8 Close jumper J9 ▪ 3.3V or 5V • Jumper J15 selects the target voltage ✓ ✓ FM4-U120-9B560 can operate 3.3V or 5V FM4-U120-9B560-MEM can operate 3.3V only • Default: J15: 1-2 (3.3V) SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 26 Software SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 27 Software Examples (1/2) Simple Software ▪ Simple example that demonstrates the usage of some peripherals • Available for IAR EWARM or KEIL µVision: See \sw-examples\ or www.cypress.com • mb9bf56xr_template ✓ ‚Empty‘ project as base for user applications • mb9bf56xr_adc_dvm ✓ Digital Voltage Meter based on the A/D-Converter and UART • mb9bf56xr_gpio ✓ I/O example to control LEDs and readout the user buttons • mb9bf56xr_mfs ✓ SLIDE OWNER An UART example allows serial communication SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 28 Software Examples (2/2) Peripheral Driver Library (PDL ▪ Example projects that are built with PDL (Peripheral Driver Library) • Available for IAR EWARM or KEIL µVision: See \sw-examples\ or www.cypress.com • mb9bf56xr_pdl ✓ The Peripheral Drivel Library (PDL) includes an API for all peripherals mb9bf56xr_pdl_adc_dvm mb9bf56xr_pdl_gpio mb9bf56xr_pdl_mfs mb9bf56xr_pdl_template : Example for ADC : Example for simple IO access : Example for serial communication (UART) : Project frame for user applications based on PDL ▪ Functional test • tp_sk-fm4-u120-9b560 ✓ SLIDE OWNER Program for Please check the jumper setting the board features (LEDs, buttons, ADC, USB, ...) SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 29 Software Tools ▪ The following software utility tools are available: • USB Virtual-COM port ✓ ✓ ✓ Allows UART communication via the PC’s USB connection Onboard UART-2-USB converter (via CN3, CMSIS-DAP) Install the latest version from here: http://www.cypress.com/documentation/software-and-drivers/cmsis-dapspansion-cypress-fm-link • FLASH USB DIRECT Programmer ✓ ✓ Microcontroller Flash programming (via CN4, USB-Device-Port) Install the latest version from here: http://www.cypress.com/documentation/software-and-drivers/flash-usbdirect-programmer-1 • Terminal program‚ Serial Port Viewer ✓ SLIDE OWNER Install the latest version from here: http://www.cypress.com/documentation/software-and-drivers/serial-portviewer-and-terminal SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 30 Flash Programming SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 31 Flash Programming ▪ There are several options to program the microcontroller’s flash: • FLASH USB DIRECT Programmer via CN4 (USB) ✓ Install the latest version from here: ✓ http://www.cypress.com/documentation/software-and-drivers/flash-usb-directprogrammer-1 USB driver is located in subdirectory of FLASH USB DIRECT Programmer • FLASH MCU Programmer via CN3 (Serial by use of virtual COM-port) ✓ Install the latest version from here: ✓ http://www.cypress.com/documentation/software-and-drivers/flash-mcuprogrammer-1 Install the latest driver of USB/Virtual-COM port from here: http://www.cypress.com/documentation/software-and-drivers/cmsis-dapspansion-cypress-fm-link • JTAG Programming via CN3 (CMSIS-DAP) ✓ Example is given for IAR and KEIL ✓ See documentation of your development suite, how to setup CMSIS-DAP • JTAG Programming via CN2 (optional JTAG adapter) ✓ The correct JTAG-adapter must be selected in the IDE toolchain ✓ No dedicated jumper setting is required SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 32 Flash Programming via CN4 (USB Direct) ▪ FLASH USB DIRECT Programming via CN4 (USB) • Jumper Setting ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Close J9 (Power:USB), J11 (USB D+), J12 (USB D-) and J18 (MD0) Set J14 to position 2-3 (P60, USB_VCC_DETECT) Set J20 to position 2-3 (P22) Set J21 to position 1-2 (MD1) For 5V operation set J15 to 2-3, close J2 and J13 For 3.3V operation set J15 to 1-2, open J2 and J13 • Connect the board via USB-Device (CN4) to the USB-Port of the PC ✓ If connected for first time Windows OS may ask for a driver See subfolder ‚driver‘ of USBdirect installation path or \tools\USBDIRECT\driver • Start the FLASH USB DIRECT Programmer ✓ SLIDE OWNER Install from here: http://www.cypress.com/documentation/software-anddrivers/flash-usb-direct-programmer-1 SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 33 Flash Programming via CN4 (USB Direct) P22 MD0 SIN0 Jumper setting PRG-mode using USB direct MD1 (U5V) 3V/5V USB NMI USBF USBF (U5V) Prog SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY Connect PC 34 Flash Programming via CN4 (USB Direct) ▪ Choose the right target MCU MB9BF568M/N/R ▪ Browse for the programming file (*.srec or *.hex) • IAR: see subfolder \example\IAR\output\release\exe • ARM/KEIL: see subfolder \example\ARM\output\release ▪ Adjust the corresponding virtual COM-port Select MCU: MB9BF568M/N/R Select file (*.srec; *.hex) Select Virtual COM-port ▪ Use Full Operation • Download • Erase / Blank check • Program & Verify ▪ Reset jumpers and return to Run-mode jumper setting SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 35 Flash Programming via CN4 (USB Direct) LED SOT0 SIN0 Jumper setting RUN-mode using USB direct (U5V) 3V/5V USB NMI USBF USBF (U5V) Run SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY Connect PC 36 Flash Programming via CN3 (Serial) ▪ FLASH MCU Programming via CN3 (Serial)* • Jumper setting ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Open jumpers J3 (JTAG) and J10 (NMIX) Close jumpers J7 (Power: DAP), J18 (MD0) and J19 (SIN0) Do not set J9 (USB Host powered)! Set J20 to position 1-2 (SOT0) Set J21 to position 1-2 (MD1) Check jumper setting: J14:2-3 (P60) • Connect the board via USB CMSIS-DAP (CN3) to the USB-Port of the PC ✓ When connected for first time Windows OS may ask for ‚spansionusbvcomm.inf‘ \drivers\cmsis-dap • Use the FLASH MCU Programmer for FM3/FM4 ✓ SLIDE OWNER Install the latest version from here: http://www.cypress.com/documentation/software-and-drivers/flash-mcuprogrammer-1 *Note: Do not connect CN4 to PC/USB while using serial programming SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 37 Flash Programming via CN3 (Serial) Jumper setting PRG-mode using CMSIS-DAP (serial communication) Connect MD1 SOT0 MD0 SIN0 PC (U5V) DAP 3V/5V NMI USBF USBF (U5V) Prog SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 38 Flash Programming via CN3 (Serial) ▪ Choose the right target MCU MB9BF568M/N/R ▪ Select 4MHz Crystal Frequency ▪ Browse for the programming file (*.srec or *.hex) • IAR: see subfolder \example\IAR\output\release\exe • ARM/KEIL: see subfolder \example\ARM\output\release ▪ Adjust the corresponding virtual COM-port Select MCU: MB9BF568M/N/R Select 4MHz Crystal Frequency Select file (*.srec / *.hex) Select Virtual COM-port Execute ‚Full Operation‘ incl. stand-alone operations - Download - Erase - Blank Check - Program&Verify ▪ Reset jumpers and return to Run-mode jumper setting SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 39 Flash Programming via CN3 (Serial) Jumper setting RUN-mode using CMSIS-DAP (serial communication) Connect LED SOT0 SIN0 PC (U5V) DAP 3V/5V NMI USBF USBF (U5V) Run SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 40 JTAG Debugger SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 41 JTAG Adapter CMSIS-DAP ▪ This starter kit includes an onboard JTAG adapter • Compatible to CMSIS-DAP http://www.keil.com/support/man/docs/dapdebug/dapdebug_introduction.htm • Please update the onboard CMSIS-DAP with latest firmware • Select debugger CMSIS-DAP in your tool chain ▪ Any other JTAG-adapter can be connected to CN2, too. • Select used JTAG-adapter within IDE tool chain (No jumper setting is required) ▪ Additional virtual COM port is provided by CN3 ✓ Install the latest version from here: http://www.cypress.com/documentation/software-and-drivers/cmsis-dapspansion-cypress-fm-link ✓ Please set jumper J19 and J20 accordingly SIN0/SOT0 CN3 (USB) CMSIS-DAP JTAG MB9BF568R CN2 (JTAG) SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 42 CMSIS-DAP Firmware Update Please see instructions coming with Firmware update package! Install latest version from here: http://www.cypress.com/documentation/software-and-drivers/cmsis-dapspansion-cypress-fm-link CMSISDAP LED SOT0 SIN0 Virt. COM (U5V) MD0 DAP 3V/5V NMI USBF USBF (U5V) Prog/Run Prog/Run SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 43 Test it by Terminal using CMSIS - DAP ▪ The microcontroller on the FM4-U120-9B560(-MEM) is already preprogrammed with a test application (\sw-examples\testsoftware) • Install latest version from here: Install latest version from here: http://www.cypress.com/documentation/software-and-drivers/cmsis-dapspansion-cypress-fm-link • Connect the starter kit to CN3 (CMSIS-DAP) with your PC ✓ Ensure jumper J7 (CMSIS-DAP) is set for correct power supply • Press the ‚Reset‘- Button • Check the availability for virtual COM port ✓ e.g. Windows Device Manager • Open a serial terminal tool ✓ e.g. Cypress Serial Port Viewer ✓ Settings 115200 baud, 8N1 • Press to show welcome menu • Please select any function to test the on-board features SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 44 JTAG Adapter CMSIS-DAP – Using IAR Setup in IAR EWARM (1) Navigate to project options: Via Files-List Right-click at the project Select [Options...] Or via menu tab [Project] Select [Options...] SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 45 JTAG Adapter CMSIS-DAP – Using IAR Setup in IAR EWARM (2) Setup Project Debbuger Options (1) Navigate to [Debugger] (2) Select tab [Setup] (3) Select driver [CMSIS-DAP] 2 1 3 (4) Select in [CMSIS-DAP] (5) Select tab [JTAG/SWD] (6) Select [SWD] 5 6 4 SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 46 JTAG Adapter CMSIS-DAP – Using Keil Setup in Keil µVision (1) Navigate to project options: Via Project Right-click at the project Select [Options...] Or via menu tab [Project] Select [Options...] SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 47 JTAG Adapter CMSIS-DAP – Using Keil Setup in Keil µVision (2) 1 Setup Debug & Utilities (1) Select tab [Debug] (2) Select [CMSIS-DAP Debugger] 2 (3) Select tab [Utilities] (4) Select [CMSIS-DAP Debugger] 3 4 SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 48 IAR Embedded Workbench Installation Getting Started Open Project Build Project Debug Project SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 49 IAR Workbench Getting Started ▪ Install EWARM from IAR-CD or download latest version from IAR Website • EWARM size-limited (32k) or time-limited (full) Evaluation Version ✓ http://supp.iar.com/Download/SW/?item=EWARM-EVAL ▪ Start EWARM Workbench ▪ Choose File → Open → Workspace • e.g.: \sw-examples\mb9bf56xr_gpio-v11\example\IAR\mb9bf56xr_io.eww SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 50 IAR Workbench – Main Window ▪ IAR Workbench • Workspace on left side of Workbench window ✓ If hidden then View→Workspace • Source files on right side of Workbench window as tabbed windows • Project open File → Open → Workspace → *.eww • For new projects start with ’mb9bf56xr_template’ SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 51 IAR Workbench – Menu Bar ▪ IAR Menu Bar File Control (new, open, save, etc.) SLIDE OWNER Configuration Control (e.g. RAM or ROM debugging) Build Control (compile, make, stop build) Edit Control Navigation Control Debug Control (cut, copy, paste, undo, redo) (Find, Bookmarks, File Navigation, etc.) (Breakpoint, start Debug w/ and w/o download) SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 52 IAR Workbench – Workspace ▪ IAR Workspace Window Project Name Sub Folder Modules Main Modules Module Includes Project Description Project Built Output SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 53 IAR Workbench – Making Project ▪ Making the Project • Use Make-Icon ( ), or Menu: Project→Make • Check for no errors in Output window below • Build errors are indicated by or In Output window and Source view SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 54 IAR Workbench – Download to Target ▪ Download to Target and Start Debugging • Use Icon, -D, or Project→Download and Debug • A new menu bar will occur on sucessful connection to target Reset Target Stop SLIDE OWNER Step Out Step Over Step Into SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY Run to Cursor Next Statement End Debugging Run Trace Control 55 IAR Workbench – Debug (1) ▪ Source Window • The Source windows do not change contents but get additional information ✓ Current line (PC): ✓ Halted on Breakpoint: ✓ Halted on Data break (example): ▪ Disassembly Window • Shows ‘pure‘ disassebly view • Shows mixed mode view SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 56 IAR Workbench – Debug (2) ▪ Watch Window • Watch ✓ Expressions/Variables have to be added by user and are updated by Halt/Breakpoint • Quick Watch ✓ The Quick watch allows the user to calculate and recalculate expressions even with variables ✓ The drop down menu memorizes the last typed contents SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 57 IAR Workbench – Simulator ▪ Simulator • • • • Mark Project File in Workspace Choose Project→Options Choose Simulator in Debugger Setup Start Simulator with usual Icon SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 58 KEIL µVision Installation Getting Started Open Project Build Project Debug Project SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 59 KEIL µVision IDE and Debugger Getting Started ▪ Install µVision from KEIL-CD or download latest version from KEIL Website • Evaluation Version ✓ https://www.keil.com/demo/eval/arm.htm ✓ Registration required ▪ Install ULINK-ME • Special installation is not needed, because ULINK-ME acts as a USB Human Interface Device (HID) and thus needs no extra USB driver ▪ Install ULINK Pro (optional) • ULINK Pro needs an own dedicated USB driver located in: \KEIL\ARM\ULINK ▪ Start µVision SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 60 KEIL µVision – Getting Started ▪ Choose Menu: Project→Open Project... • Browse to: \sw-examples\mb9bf56xr_gpio-v11\example\ARM\ • Choose mb9bf56xr_gpio.uvproj SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 61 KEIL µVision – Main Window ▪ KEIL µVision • Project window on left side of IDE window ✓ Choose: View→Project Window if hidden • Source files on right side of IDE window as tabbed windows • Output window on bottom side of IDE window SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 62 KEIL µVision – Menu Bars (1) ▪ Menu Bar 1 • Can be moved in bar window area or set floating SLIDE OWNER File Control Navigation Control (new, open, save, etc.) (Bookmarks + search, etc.) (Text search, search in files, etc.) Edit Control Debug Control (cut, copy, paste, etc.) (indention, commenting) (Start/Stop Debug Session, set/remove/disable breakpoints, remove/disable all breakpoints) SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY Project Window View IDE Configuration 63 KEIL µVision – Menu Bars (2) ▪ Menu Bar 2 • Can be moved in bar window area or set floating Configuration Control Build Control (Compile [Translate], Build, Rebuild, etc.) (e.g. RAM or ROM debugging) Manage Books, File Extensions, Environment MB9BF51x Release Download to Target SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY Target Options Manage MultiProject Workspace 64 KEIL µVision – Project Window ▪ µVision Project Window Project Name Startup Code Subfolder Startup Code Source and Header Files Main Project Code Subfolder Main Project Code Source and Header Files Project Description Subfolder and Abstract File SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 65 KEIL µVision – Making Project ▪ Making the Project • Use Rebuild Icon ( ) or Project→Rebuild all target files • Check for no errors in Output window below • Build errors are shown in Output window. ✓ SLIDE OWNER Can be double-clicked by showing the source line with a blue arrow SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 66 KEIL µVision – Debug (1) ▪ Start Debugging • Download to target first, when MCU Flash does not contain the current application openend and built in the IDE ✓ Use Download Icon ( ) or Menu: Flash→Download • Start Debug Session ✓ Use Start/Stop Debug Icon ( Session ) or Menu: Debug→Start/Stop Debug • Ending Debug Session ✓ SLIDE OWNER Use same way as for starting debug session SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 67 KEIL µVision – Debug (2) ▪ Debugging Icon Bar • During a Debug Session there will be visible a new icon bar Reset Target Start/ Stop Application SLIDE OWNER Step Control Show Windows (Step in, out, etc.) Show Source/Code Line of current PC SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY (Command, Disassembly, Symbols, Registers, Call Stack) Show (multiple) Windows (Watch, Memory, Serial, Analysis, Trace, System Viewer) Tool Box (can be customized) Debug Restore Views 68 KEIL µVision – Debug (3) ▪ Source View • The Source windows do not change contents but get additional information Active Breakpoint Disabled Breakpoint Current Program Counter Current Cursor Line of Source Code Code Lines with compiled Instructions (dark grey ) SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 69 KEIL µVision – Debug (4) ▪ Disassembly View • Mixed mode is selectable and deselectable Active Breakpoint Disabled Breakpoint Current Program Counter Current Cursor Line of Code highlighted in yellow background ( ) SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 70 KEIL µVision – Debug (5) ▪ Memory Window • Up to 4 Memory windows can be displayed in tabs • Memory is updated during runtime • Memory window tabs are shared with Watch windows ▪ Register View • Register view is a tab of the Project window • Changes are highlighted in dark blue text background • Register tree knots can be expanded SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 71 KEIL µVision – Debug (6) ▪ Variable Windows • Watch Windows ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Up to 2 Watch windows are sharing their tabs with e.g. Memory and Local views Updated during runtime Any changes are highlighted in dark blue text backround color Displayed values can be changed by user during break • Local View ✓ ✓ ✓ SLIDE OWNER The local view shares the tab with e.g. Memory and Watch windows Any changes are highlighted in dark blue text backround color Displayed values can be changed by user during break SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 72 KEIL µVision – Trace (ULINK ME) ▪ Trace via ITM • Simple Trace views via Instrumentation Trace Macro is supported by µLINK ME ✓ ✓ ✓ SLIDE OWNER Records Exceptions Counters SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 73 KEIL µVision – Trace (ULINK Pro) (1) ▪ Trace via ETM • Check settings in menu: Flash→Configure Flash Tools... Tab:Debug enables ETM pins SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 74 KEIL µVision – Trace (ULINK Pro) (2) ▪ Instruction Trace • Real Time Trace recording • Output can be filtered by several ETM and ITM events • Trace buffer is held in PC memory and transfered to µVision on break SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 75 KEIL µVision – Simulator ▪ Simulator • The Core Simulator can be selected by the menu: [Flash] → [Configure Flash Tools...] → [Debug] and then choosing [Use Simulator] • Look & feel is like using ULINK debugger • Controlable also with *.ini files SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 76 Finally SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 77 Cypress Support ▪ Please check the following website, for any available updates www.cypress.com SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 78 Recycling ▪ Gültig für EU-Länder: • Gemäß der Europäischen WEEE-Richtlinie und deren Umsetzung in landesspezifische Gesetze nehmen wir dieses Gerät wieder zurück. • Zur Entsorgung schicken Sie das Gerät bitte an die folgende Adresse: ▪ Valid for European Union Countries: • According to the European WEEE-Directive and its implementation into national laws we take this device back. • For disposal please send the device to the following address: Cypress Semiconductor 198 Champion Court San Jose, CA 95134 USA Tel: +1-408-943-2600 ▪ This board is compliant with China RoHS SLIDE OWNER SHOW TITLE MM/DD/YY 79
SK-FM4-U120-9B560 价格&库存

