483-V411-K1M1-A1S0ZN-10A | E-T-A Circuit Protection and Control | CIR BRKR THRM 10A | | | 获取价格 |
482-G323-J1M1-B2S0T-20A | E-T-A Circuit Protection and Control | CIRC BRKR THRM | | | 获取价格 |
452-2-K14-LN2-50A | E-T-A Circuit Protection and Control | CIRC BRKR THRM MAGNETIC | | | 获取价格 |
4120-G111-J2M1-K5S0ZN-10A | E-T-A Circuit Protection and Control | CIR BRKR THRM 10A | | | 获取价格 |
4120-G217-J3M1-S8S0ZB-10A | E-T-A Circuit Protection and Control | CIR BRKR THRM 10A | | | 获取价格 |
4120-G111-K1M1-A1S0ZE-5A | E-T-A Circuit Protection and Control | CIR BRKR THRM 5A | | | 获取价格 |
3120-F501-N7Q1-W15FY2-16A | E-T-A Circuit Protection and Control | CIR BRKR THRM 16A 250VAC 50VDC | | | 获取价格 |
3130-F311-P7T1-W12QY1-2.5A | E-T-A Circuit Protection and Control | CIR BRKR THRM 2.5A 250VAC/50VDC | | | 获取价格 |
3120-F551-H7T1-W19DG4-10A | E-T-A Circuit Protection and Control | CIR BRKR THRM 10A 250VAC 50VDC | | | 获取价格 |
1658-G41-04-S80-30A | E-T-A Circuit Protection and Control | 断路器 热敏式 30A 240 V AC 28 V DC 按下复位 面板安装 | | | 获取价格 |
3120-F551-P7T1-W14FB3-5A | E-T-A Circuit Protection and Control | CIRBRKRTHRM5A250VAC/50VDC | | | 获取价格 |
8340-F110-P1F1-A2H142-0.05A | E-T-A Circuit Protection and Control | CIR BRKR MAG 50MA 240VAC 80VDC | | | 获取价格 |
8340-F110-K4T2-LLH0-5A | E-T-A Circuit Protection and Control | CIR BRKR MAG 5A 240VAC 80VDC | | | 获取价格 |
8340-F110-K4K2-ALH142-25A | E-T-A Circuit Protection and Control | CIR BRKR MAG 25A 240VAC 80VDC | | | 获取价格 |
3120-F321-P7T1-W15DB3-5A | E-T-A Circuit Protection and Control | CIR BRKR THRM 5A | | | 获取价格 |
447-S-H-FN-125A | E-T-A Circuit Protection and Control | CIR BRKR THRM-MAG 125A 28VDC | | | 获取价格 |
446-S-H-N-80A | E-T-A Circuit Protection and Control | CIR BRKR THRM-MAG 80A 28VDC | | | 获取价格 |
1170-21-D91-3A | E-T-A Circuit Protection and Control | CIRCUIT BREAKER THRM 3A 28VDC | | | 获取价格 |
8340-F920-K4M2-ANH0-20A | E-T-A Circuit Protection and Control | CIR BRKR MAG 20A 240VAC 80VDC | | | 获取价格 |
8340-F910-P1M1-A2H0-16A | E-T-A Circuit Protection and Control | CIR BRKR MAG 16A 240VAC 80VDC | | | 获取价格 |