· Silicon epitaxial planar diode · Fast switching diodes · 500mW power dissipation · This diode is also available in the Mini-MELF case with the type designation LL4148
0.075(1.9) MAX. DIA.
1.083(27.5) MIN.
0.154(3.9) MAX.
Mechanical Data
· Case: DO-35 glass case · Polarity: Color band denotes cathode end · Weight: Approx. 0.13 gram
0.020(0.52) MAX. DIA.
1.083(27.5) MIN.
Dimensions in inches and (millimeters)
Maximum Ratings And Electrical Characteristics
(Ratings at 25℃ ambient temperature unless otherwise specified)
T ype B AW75
T ype Differentiation V R R M = 35 V
Ordering C ode B AW75±T AP
R emarks Ammopack
A bs olute Maximum R atings
T j = 25 C P arameter R epetitive peak revers e voltage R evers e voltage P eak forward s urge current R epetitive peak forward current F orward current A verage forward current P ower dis s ipation dis ipation J unction temperature S torage temperature range Tes t C onditions T ype S ymbol VR R M VR IF S M IF R M IF I FAV PV PV Tj Ts tg V alue 35 25 2000 450 300 150 440 500 200 ±65...+200 Unit V V mA mA mA mA mW mW
℃ ℃
tp=1 s
V R =0 l=4 mm, T L =45 ℃ l=4 mm, T L 25 ℃
Maximum T hermal R es is tanc e
T j = 25 ℃ P arameter J unction ambient Tes t C onditions l=4 mm, T L =cons tant S ymbol R thJ A V alue 350 Unit K /W
E lec tric al C harac teris tic s
T j = 25 ℃ P arameter F orward voltage R evers e c urrent current B reakdown voltage Diode capacitance R evers e recovery time recovery time Tes t C onditions I F =30mA V R =25 V V R =25 V, T j=150 ℃ I R =5 A, tp/T =0.01, tp=0.3ms V R =0, f=1MHz, V HF =50mV I F =I R =10mA, iR =1mA I F =10mA, V R =6V, iR =1mA, R L =100 T ype S ymbol VF IR IR V (B R ) CD trr trr Min Typ Max 1 100 100 4 4 2 Unit V nA A V pF ns ns