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DS1620 数据手册
DS1620 Digital Thermometer and Thermostat BENEFITS AND FEATURES    Simply Adds Temperature Monitoring and Control to Any System o Measures Temperatures From -55°C to +125°C in 0.5°C Increments; Fahrenheit Equivalent is -67°F to +257°F in 0.9°F Increments o Temperature is Read as a 9-Bit Value o Converts Temperature to Digital Word in 750ms (max) o Thermostatic Settings are User-Definable and Nonvolatile Can Be Used in a Wide Variety of Applications o Supply Voltage Range Covers From 2.7V to 5.5V o Data is Read From/Written Via a 3-Wire Serial Interface (CLK, DQ, RST ) Saves Space o Requires No External Components o 8-Pin DIP or SOIC (208-mil) Packages PIN ASSIGNMENT DQ 1 8 VDD CLK/CONV 2 7 THIGH RST 3 6 TLOW GND 4 5 TCOM DS1620S 8-Pin SOIC (208-mil) DQ 1 8 VDD CLK/CONV 2 7 THIGH RST 3 6 TLOW GND 4 5 TCOM DS1620 8-Pin DIP (300-mil) PIN DESCRIPTION DQ CLK/ CONV APPLICATIONS ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ Thermostatic Controls Industrial Systems Consumer Products Thermometers RST GND THIGH TLOW TCOM VDD - 3-Wire Input/Output - 3-Wire Clock Input and Stand-alone Convert Input - 3-Wire Reset Input - Ground - High Temperature Trigger - Low Temperature Trigger - High/Low Combination Trigger - Power Supply Voltage (3V - 5V) DESCRIPTION The DS1620 Digital Thermometer and Thermostat provides 9–bit temperature readings which indicate the temperature of the device. With three thermal alarm outputs, the DS1620 can also act as a thermostat. THIGH is driven high if the DS1620’s temperature is greater than or equal to a user–defined temperature TH. TLOW is driven high if the DS1620’s temperature is less than or equal to a user–defined temperature TL. TCOM is driven high when the temperature exceeds TH and stays high until the temperature falls below that of TL. 1 of 12 19-7539; Rev 3; 3/15 DS1620 User–defined temperature settings are stored in nonvolatile memory, so parts can be programmed prior to insertion in a system, as well as used in standalone applications without a CPU. Temperature settings and temperature readings are all communicated to/from the DS1620 over a simple 3–wire interface. ORDERING INFORMATION PART DS1620 DS1620+ DS1620S DS1620S+ DS1620S/T&R DS1620S+T&R PACKAGE MARKING DS1620 DS1620 (See Note) DS1620 DS1620 (See Note) DS1620 DS1620 (See Note) DESCRIPTION 8-Pin DIP (300 mil) Lead-Free 8-Pin DIP (300 mil) 8-Pin SOIC (208 mil) Lead-Free 8-Pin SOIC (208 mil) 8-Pin SOIC (208 mil), 2000-Piece Tape-and-Reel Lead-Free 8-Pin SOIC (208 mil), 2000-Piece Tape-and-Reel Note: A “+” symbol will also be marked on the package near the Pin 1 indicator DETAILED PIN DESCRIPTION Table 1 PIN 1 2 SYMBOL DQ CLK/ CONV 3 4 5 GND TCOM 6 7 8 TLOW THIGH VDD RST DESCRIPTION Data Input/Output pin for 3-wire communication port. Clock input pin for 3-wire communication port. When the DS1620 is used in a stand-alone application with no 3–wire port, this pin can be used as a convert pin. Temperature conversion will begin on the falling edge of CONV . Reset input pin for 3-wire communication port. Ground pin. High/Low Combination Trigger. Goes high when temperature exceeds TH; will reset to low when temperature falls below TL. Low Temperature Trigger. Goes high when temperature falls below TL. High Temperature Trigger. Goes high when temperature exceeds TH. Supply Voltage. 2.7V – 5.5V input power pin. Table 2. DS1620 REGISTER SUMMARY REGISTER NAME (USER ACCESS) Temperature (Read Only) SIZE MEMORY TYPE 9 Bits SRAM TH (Read/Write) 9 Bits EEPROM TL (Read/Write) 9 Bits EEPROM REGISTER CONTENTS AND POWER-UP/POR STATE Measured Temperature (Two’s Complement) Power-Up/POR State: -60ºC (1 1000 1000) Upper Alarm Trip Point (Two’s Complement) Power-Up/POR State: User-Defined. Initial State from Factory: +15°C (0 0001 1110) Lower Alarm Trip Point (Two’s Complement) Power-Up/POR State: User-Defined. Initial State from Factory: +10°C (0 0001 0100) OPERATION-MEASURING TEMPERATURE A block diagram of the DS1620 is shown in Figure 1. .. 2 of 12 DS1620 DS1620 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 1 The DS1620 measures temperature using a bandgap-based temperature sensor. The temperature reading is provided in a 9–bit, two’s complement reading by issuing a READ TEMPERATURE command. The data is transmitted serially through the 3–wire serial interface, LSB first. The DS1620 can measure temperature over the range of -55°C to +125°C in 0.5°C increments. For Fahrenheit usage, a lookup table or conversion factor must be used. Since data is transmitted over the 3–wire bus LSB first, temperature data can be written to/read from the DS1620 as either a 9–bit word (taking RST low after the 9th (MSB) bit), or as two transfers of 8–bit words, with the most significant 7 bits being ignored or set to 0, as illustrated in Table 3. After the MSB, the DS1620 will output 0s. Note that temperature is represented in the DS1620 in terms of a ½°C LSB, yielding the 9–bit format shown in Figure 2. TEMPERATURE, TH, and TL REGISTER FORMAT Figure 2 MSB X LSB X X X X X X 1 1 T = -25°C 3 of 12 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 DS1620 Table 3 describes the exact relationship of output data to measured temperature. . TEMPERATURE/DATA RELATIONSHIPS Table 3 TEMP +125˚C +25˚C +½˚C +0˚C -½˚C -25˚C -55˚C DIGITAL OUTPUT (Binary) 0 11111010 0 00110010 0 00000001 0 00000000 1 11111111 1 11001110 1 10010010 DIGITAL OUTPUT (Hex) 00FA 0032h 0001h 0000h 01FFh 01CEh 0192h Higher resolutions may be obtained by reading the temperature, and truncating the 0.5°C bit (the LSB) from the read value. This value is TEMP_READ. The value left in the counter may then be read by issuing a READ COUNTER command. This value is the count remaining (COUNT_REMAIN) after the gate period has ceased. By loading the value of the slope accumulator into the count register (using the READ SLOPE command), this value may then be read, yielding the number of counts per degree C (COUNT_PER_C) at that temperature. The actual temperature may be then be calculated by the user using the following: TEMPERATURE=TEMP_READ-0.25 + (COUNT_PER_C - COUNT_REMAIN) COUNT_PER_C OPERATION–THERMOSTAT CONTROLS Three thermally triggered outputs, THIGH, TLOW, and TCOM, are provided to allow the DS1620 to be used as a thermostat, as shown in Figure 3. When the DS1620’s temperature meets or exceeds the value stored in the high temperature trip register, the output THIGH becomes active (high) and remains active until the DS1620’s measured temperature becomes less than the stored value in the high temperature register, TH. The THIGH output can be used to indicate that a high temperature tolerance boundary has been met or exceeded, or it can be used as part of a closed loop system to activate a cooling system and deactivate it when the system temperature returns to tolerance. The TLOW output functions similarly to the THIGH output. When the DS1620’s measured temperature equals or falls below the value stored in the low temperature register, the TLOW output becomes active. TLOW remains active until the DS1620’s temperature becomes greater than the value stored in the low temperature register, TL. The TLOW output can be used to indicate that a low temperature tolerance boundary has been met or exceeded, or as part of a closed loop system it can be used to activate a heating system and deactivate it when the system temperature returns to tolerance. The TCOM output goes high when the measured temperature meets or exceeds TH, and will stay high until the temperature equals or falls below TL. In this way, any amount of hysteresis can be obtained. 4 of 12 DS1620 THERMOSTAT OUTPUT OPERATION Figure 3 THIGH TLOW TCOM TH TL T(°C) OPERATION AND CONTROL The DS1620 must have temperature settings resident in the TH and TL registers for thermostatic operation. A configuration/status register also determines the method of operation that the DS1620 will use in a particular application and indicates the status of the temperature conversion operation. The configuration register is defined as follows: CONFIGURATION/STATUS REGISTER DONE THF TLF NVB 1 0 CPU 1SHOT where DONE = Conversion Done Bit. 1=conversion complete, 0=conversion in progress. The power-up/POR state is a 1. THF = Temperature High Flag. This bit will be set to 1 when the temperature is greater than or equal to the value of TH. It will remain 1 until reset by writing 0 into this location or by removing power from the device. This feature provides a method of determining if the DS1620 has ever been subjected to temperatures above TH while power has been applied. The power-up/POR state is a 0. TLF = Temperature Low Flag. This bit will be set to 1 when the temperature is less than or equal to the value of TL. It will remain 1 until reset by writing 0 into this location or by removing power from the device. This feature provides a method of determining if the DS1620 has ever been subjected to temperatures below TL while power has been applied. The power-up/POR state is a 0. NVB = Nonvolatile Memory Busy Flag. 1=write to an E2 memory cell in progress. 0=nonvolatile memory is not busy. A copy to E2 may take up to 10 ms. The power-up/POR state is a 0. CPU = CPU Use Bit. If CPU=0, the CLK/ CONV pin acts as a conversion start control, when RST is low. If CPU is 1, the DS1620 will be used with a CPU communicating to it over the 3–wire port, and the operation of the CLK/ CONV pin is as a normal clock in concert with DQ and RST . This bit is stored in nonvolatile E2 memory, capable of at least 50,000 writes. The DS1620 is shipped with CPU=0. 5 of 12 DS1620 1SHOT = One–Shot Mode. If 1SHOT is 1, the DS1620 will perform one temperature conversion upon reception of the Start Convert T protocol. If 1SHOT is 0, the DS1620 will continuously perform temperature conversion. This bit is stored in nonvolatile E2 memory, capable of at least 50,000 writes. The DS1620 is shipped with 1SHOT=0. For typical thermostat operation, the DS1620 will operate in continuous mode. However, for applications where only one reading is needed at certain times or to conserve power, the one–shot mode may be used. Note that the thermostat outputs (THIGH, TLOW, TCOM) will remain in the state they were in after the last valid temperature conversion cycle when operating in one–shot mode. OPERATION IN STAND-ALONE MODE In applications where the DS1620 is used as a simple thermostat, no CPU is required. Since the temperature limits are nonvolatile, the DS1620 can be programmed prior to insertion in the system. In order to facilitate operation without a CPU, the CLK/ CONV pin (pin 2) can be used to initiate conversions. Note that the CPU bit must be set to 0 in the configuration register to use this mode of operation. Whether CPU=0 or 1, the 3–wire port is active. Setting CPU=1 disables the stand–alone mode. To use the CLK/ CONV pin to initiate conversions, RST must be low and CLK/ CONV must be high. If CLK/ CONV is driven low and then brought high in less than 10 ms, one temperature conversion will be performed and then the DS1620 will return to an idle state. If CLK/ CONV is driven low and remains low, continuous conversions will take place until CLK/ CONV is brought high again. With the CPU bit set to 0, the CLK/ CONV will override the 1SHOT bit if it is equal to 1. This means that even if the part is set for one–shot mode, driving CLK/ CONV low will initiate conversions. 3-WIRE COMMUNICATIONS The 3–wire bus is comprised of three signals. These are the RST (reset) signal, the CLK (clock) signal, and the DQ (data) signal. All data transfers are initiated by driving the RST input high. Driving the RST input low terminates communication. (See Figures 4 and 5.) A clock cycle is a sequence of a falling edge followed by a rising edge. For data inputs, the data must be valid during the rising edge of a clock cycle. Data bits are output on the falling edge of the clock and remain valid through the rising edge. When reading data from the DS1620, the DQ pin goes to a high-impedance state while the clock is high. Taking RST low will terminate any communication and cause the DQ pin to go to a high-impedance state. Data over the 3–wire interface is communicated LSB first. The command set for the 3–wire interface as shown in Table 4 is as follows. Read Temperature [AAh] This command reads the contents of the register which contains the last temperature conversion result. The next nine clock cycles will output the contents of this register. Write TH [01h] This command writes to the TH (HIGH TEMPERATURE) register. After issuing this command the next nine clock cycles clock in the 9–bit temperature limit which will set the threshold for operation of the THIGH output. 6 of 12 DS1620 Write TL [02h] This command writes to the TL (LOW TEMPERATURE) register. After issuing this command the next nine clock cycles clock in the 9–bit temperature limit which will set the threshold for operation of the TLOW output. Read TH [A1h] This command reads the value of the TH (HIGH TEMPERATURE) register. After issuing this command the next nine clock cycles clock out the 9–bit temperature limit which sets the threshold for operation of the THIGH output. Read TL [A2h] This command reads the value of the TL (LOW TEMPERATURE) register. After issuing this command the next nine clock cycles clock out the 9–bit temperature limit which sets the threshold for operation of the TLOW output. Read Counter [A0h] This command reads the value of the counter byte. The next nine clock cycles will output the contents of this register. Read Slope [A9h] This command reads the value of the slope counter byte from the DS1620. The next nine clock cycles will output the contents of this register. Start Convert T [EEh] This command begins a temperature conversion. No further data is required. In one–shot mode the temperature conversion will be performed and then the DS1620 will remain idle. In continuous mode this command will initiate continuous conversions. Stop Convert T [22h] This command stops temperature conversion. No further data is required. This command may be used to halt a DS1620 in continuous conversion mode. After issuing this command the current temperature measurement will be completed and then the DS1620 will remain idle until a Start Convert T is issued to resume continuous operation. Write Config [0Ch] This command writes to the configuration register. After issuing this command the next eight clock cycles clock in the value of the configuration register. Read Config [ACh] This command reads the value in the configuration register. After issuing this command the next eight clock cycles output the value of the configuration register. 7 of 12 DS1620 DS1620 COMMAND SET Table 4 INSTRUCTION Read Temperature Read Counter Read Slope Start Convert T Stop Convert T Write TH Write TL Read TH Read TL Write Config Read Config 3-WIRE BUS DATA AFTER ISSUING DESCRIPTION PROTOCOL PROTOCOL TEMPERATURE CONVERSION COMMANDS Reads last converted temperature AAh value from temperature register. Reads value of count remaining A0h from counter. Reads value of the slope A9h accumulator. Initiates temperature conversion. EEh Idle Halts temperature conversion. 22h Idle THERMOSTAT COMMANDS Writes high temperature limit value 01h into TH register. Writes low temperature limit value 02h into TL register. Reads stored value of high A1h temperature limit from TH register. Reads stored value of low A2h temperature limit from TL register. Writes configuration data to 0Ch configuration register. Reads configuration data from ACh configuration register. NOTES: NOTES 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1. In continuous conversion mode, a Stop Convert T command will halt continuous conversion. To restart, the Start Convert T command must be issued. In one–shot mode, a Start Convert T command must be issued for every temperature reading desired. 2. Writing to the E2 requires up to 10 ms at room temperature. After issuing a write command no further writes should be requested for at least 10 ms. 8 of 12 DS1620 FUNCTION EXAMPLE Example: CPU sets up DS1620 for continuous conversion and thermostatic function. DS1620 MODE CPU MODE (3-WIRE) DATA (LSB FIRST) COMMENTS TX RX 0Ch CPU issues Write Config command TX RX 00h CPU sets DS1620 up for continuous conversion TX RX CPU issues Reset to DS1620 Toggle RST TX RX 01h CPU issues Write TH command TX RX 0050h CPU sends data for TH limit of +40˚C TX RX CPU issues Reset to DS1620 Toggle RST TX RX 02h CPU issues Write TL command TX RX 0014h CPU sends data for TL limit of +10˚C TX RX CPU issues Reset to DS1620 Toggle RST TX RX A1h CPU issues Read TH command RX TX 0050h DS1620 sends back stored value of TH for CPU to verify TX RX CPU issues Reset to DS1620 Toggle RST TX RX A2h CPU issues Read TL command RX TX 0014h DS1620 sends back stored value of TL for CPU to verify TX RX CPU issues Reset to DS1620 Toggle RST TX RX EEh CPU issues Start Convert T command TX RX CPU issues Reset to DS1620 Drop RST READ DATA TRANSFER Figure 4 9 of 12 DS1620 WRITE DATA TRANSFER Figure 5 NOTE: tCL, tCH, tR, and tF apply to both read and write data transfer. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Voltage on Any Pin Relative to Ground Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Soldering Temperature –0.5V to +6.0V –55°C to +125°C –55°C to +125°C 260°C for 10 seconds * This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operation sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods of time may affect reliability. RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS PARAMETER Supply Logic 1 Logic 0 SYMBOL VDD VIH VIL MIN 2.7 0.7 x VDD -0.3 TYP 10 of 12 MAX 5.5 VCC + 0.3 0.3 x VDD UNITS V V V NOTES 1,2 1 1 DS1620 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS PARAMETER Thermometer Error Thermometer Resolution Logic 0 Output Logic 1 Output Input Resistance Active Supply Current Standby Supply Current Input Current on Each Pin Thermal Drift SYMBOL TERR VOL VOH RI ICC ISTBY (-55°C to +125°C; VDD=2.7V to 5.5V) CONDITION 0°C to +70°C 3.0V ≤ VDD ≤ 5.5V 0°C to +70°C 2.7V ≤ VDD < 3.0V -55°C to +125°C RST to GND DQ, CLK to VDD 0°C to +70°C 0°C to +70°C 0.4 < VI/O < 0.9 x VDD MIN MAX ±0.5 UNITS °C NOTES 2 ±1.25 ±2.0 2.4 1 1 -10 12 0.4 1 1.5 +10 Bits V V MΩ MΩ mA µA µA ±0.2 °C 4 5 6 6 7 SINGLE CONVERT TIMING DIAGRAM (STAND-ALONE MODE) CONV tCNV AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS PARAMETERS Temperature Conversion Time Data to CLK Setup CLK to Data Hold CLK to Data Delay CLK Low Time CLK High Time CLK Frequency CLK Rise and Fall RST to CLK Setup CLK to RST Hold RST Inactive Time CLK High to I/O High-Z RST Low to I/O High-Z Convert Pulse Width SYMBOL TTC tDC tCDH tCDD tCL tCH fCLK tR , tF tCC tCCH tCWH tCDZ tRDZ tCNV (-55°C to +125°C; VDD=2.7V to 5.5V) MIN 35 40 285 285 DC 100 40 125 250 ns 11 of 12 TYP MAX 750 150 1.75 500 50 50 500 ms UNITS ms ns ns ns ns ns MHz ns ns ns ns ns ns NOTES 8 8 8, 9, 10 8 8 8 8 8 8, 11 8 8 12 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS PARAMETER Input Capacitance I/O Capacitance EEPROM SYMBOL CI CI/O DS1620 (-55°C to +125°C; VDD=2.7V to 5.5V) MIN TYP 5 10 MAX UNITS pF pF NOTES AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (-55°C to +125°C; VDD=2.7V to 5.5V) PARAMETER EEPROM Write Cycle Time EEPROM Writes EEPROM Data Retention CONDITIONS MIN -55°C to +55°C -55°C to +55°C 50k 10 TYP 4 MAX 10 UNITS Ms Writes Years NOTES: 1. All voltages are referenced to ground. 2. Valid for design revisions D1 and above. The supply range for Rev. C2 and below is 4.5V < 5.5V. 3. Thermometer error reflects temperature accuracy as tested during calibration. 4. Logic 0 voltages are specified at a sink current of 4mA 5. Logic 1 voltages are specified at a source current of 1mA. 6. ISTBY, ICC specified with DQ, CLK/ CONV = VDD, and RST = GND. 7. Drift data is based on a 1000hr stress test at +125°C with VDD = 5.5V 8. Measured at VIH = 0.7 x VDD or VIL = 0.3 x VDD. 9. Measured at VOH = 2.4V or VOL = 0.4V. 10. Load capacitance = 50pF. 11. tCWH must be 10ms minimum following any write command that involves the E2 memory. 12. 250ns is the guaranteed minimum pulse width for a conversion to start; however, a smaller pulse width may start a conversion. Maxim Integrated cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim Integrated product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim Integrated reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. The parametric values (min and max limits) shown in the Electrical Characteristics table are guaranteed. Other parametric values quoted in this data sheet are provided for guidance. Maxim Integrated 160 Rio Robles, San Jose, CA 95134 USA 1-408-601-1000 ©2015 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. Maxim Integrated and the Maxim Integrated logo are trademarks of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. 12 of 12
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