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DS3112DK 数据手册
DS3112 TEMPE T3/E3 Multiplexer 3.3V T3/E3 Framer and M13/E13/G.747 Mux www.maxim-ic.com FEATURES FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM Operates as M13 or E13 Multiplexer or as Stand-Alone T3 or E3 Framer Flexible Multiplexer can be Programmed for Multiple Configurations Including: M13 Multiplexing (28 T1 Lines into a T3 Data Stream) E13 Multiplexing (16 E1 Lines into an E3 Data Stream) E1 to T3 Multiplexing (21 E1 Lines into a T3 Data Stream) Two T1/E1 Drop and Insert Ports Supports T3 C-Bit Parity Mode B3ZS/HDB3 Encoder and Decoder Generates and Detects T3/E3 Alarms Generates and Detects T2/E2 Alarms Integrated HDLC Controller Handles LAPD Messages Without Host Intervention Integrated FEAC Controller Integrated BERT Supports Performance Monitoring T3/E3 and T1/E1 Diagnostic (Tx to Rx), Line (Rx to Tx), and Payload Loopback Supported Nonmultiplexed or Multiplexed 16-Bit Control Port (with Optional 8-Bit Mode) 3.3V Supply with 5V Tolerant I/O Available in 256-Pin 1.27mm Pitch PBGA Package IEEE 1149.1 JTAG Support T1/E1 T2/E2 T1/E1 T1/E1 T1/E1 T3/E3 T1/E1 T1/E1 T2/E2 T1/E1 DS3112 T1/E1 APPLICATIONS Wide Area Network Access Equipment PBXs Access Concentrators Digital Cross-Connect Systems Switches Routers Optical Multiplexers ADMs Test Equipment ORDERING INFORMATION PART DS3112 DS3112+ DS3112N DS3112N+ TEMP RANGE PIN-PACKAGE 0°C to +70°C 0°C to +70°C -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +85°C 256 PBGA 256 PBGA 256 PBGA 256 PBGA +Denotes lead-free/RoHS-compliant package. Note: Some revisions of this device may incorporate deviations from published specifications known as errata. Multiple revisions of any device may be simultaneously available through various sales channels. For information about device errata, click here: www.maxim-ic.com/errata. 1 of 133 REV: 092706 DS3112 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 DETAILED DESCRIPTION 1.1 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.2.6 1.2.7 1.2.8 1.2.9 2 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.4 CPU BUS SIGNAL DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................19 T3/E3 RECEIVE FRAMER SIGNAL DESCRIPTION ...........................................................................21 T3/E3 TRANSMIT FORMATTER SIGNAL DESCRIPTION ...................................................................23 LOW-SPEED (T1 OR E1) RECEIVE PORT SIGNAL DESCRIPTION ....................................................25 LOW-SPEED (T1 OR E1) TRANSMIT PORT SIGNAL DESCRIPTION ..................................................26 HIGH-SPEED (T3 OR E3) RECEIVE PORT SIGNAL DESCRIPTION ...................................................28 HIGH-SPEED (T3 OR E3) TRANSMIT PORT SIGNAL DESCRIPTION .................................................28 JTAG SIGNAL DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................29 SUPPLY, TEST, RESET, AND MODE SIGNAL DESCRIPTION ............................................................29 Status Registers................................................................................................................................... 38 MSR ..................................................................................................................................................... 39 TEST REGISTER DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................47 48 T3/E3 LINE LOOPBACK ...............................................................................................................48 T3/E3 DIAGNOSTIC LOOPBACK ...................................................................................................48 T3/E3 PAYLOAD LOOPBACK ........................................................................................................48 T3/E3 FRAMER CONTROL REGISTER DESCRIPTION .....................................................................49 T3/E3 FRAMER STATUS AND INTERRUPT REGISTER DESCRIPTION ...............................................53 T3/E3 PERFORMANCE ERROR COUNTERS ..................................................................................59 62 T1/E1 AIS GENERATION.............................................................................................................62 T2/E2/G.747 FRAMER CONTROL REGISTER DESCRIPTION ..........................................................62 T2/E2/G.747 FRAMER STATUS AND INTERRUPT REGISTER DESCRIPTION ....................................64 T1/E1 AIS GENERATION CONTROL REGISTER DESCRIPTION .......................................................68 T1/E1 LOOPBACK AND DROP AND INSERT FUNCTIONALITY 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 31 33 MASTER RESET AND ID REGISTER DESCRIPTION .........................................................................33 MASTER CONFIGURATION REGISTERS DESCRIPTION ...................................................................34 MASTER STATUS AND INTERRUPT REGISTER DESCRIPTION ..........................................................38 M13/E13/G.747 MULTIPLEXER AND T2/E2/G.747 FRAME 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 7 14 T3/E3 FRAMER 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 6 General Features ................................................................................................................................... 9 T3/E3 Framer ......................................................................................................................................... 9 T2/E2 Framer ......................................................................................................................................... 9 HDLC Controller..................................................................................................................................... 9 FEAC Controller ..................................................................................................................................... 9 BERT.................................................................................................................................................... 10 Diagnostics........................................................................................................................................... 10 Control Port .......................................................................................................................................... 10 Packaging and Power .......................................................................................................................... 10 MEMORY MAP MASTER DEVICE CONFIGURATION AND STATUS/INTERRUPT 4.1 4.2 4.3 5 APPLICABLE STANDARDS ..............................................................................................................8 MAIN DS3112 TEMPE FEATURES ................................................................................................9 PIN DESCRIPTION 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 3 4 7 70 T1/E1 LINE LOOPBACK ...............................................................................................................70 T1/E1 DIAGNOSTIC LOOPBACK ...................................................................................................70 T1 LINE LOOPBACK COMMAND ....................................................................................................70 T1/E1 DROP AND INSERT............................................................................................................70 T1/E1 LOOPBACK CONTROL REGISTER DESCRIPTION .................................................................71 2 of 133 DS3112 7.6 7.7 8 BERT 8.1 9 T1 LINE LOOPBACK COMMAND STATUS REGISTER DESCRIPTION .................................................75 T1/E1 DROP AND INSERT CONTROL REGISTER DESCRIPTION ......................................................76 78 BERT REGISTER DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................78 HDLC CONTROLLER 9.1 9.2 9.2 9.3 87 RECEIVE OPERATION ..................................................................................................................87 TRANSMIT OPERATION ................................................................................................................87 HDLC CONTROL AND FIFO REGISTER DESCRIPTION ..................................................................88 HDLC STATUS AND INTERRUPT REGISTER DESCRIPTION.............................................................91 10 FEAC CONTROLLER 10.1 10.2 96 FEAC CONTROL REGISTER DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................96 FEAC STATUS REGISTER DESCRIPTION......................................................................................98 11 JTAG 11.1 TAP CONTROLLER STATE MACHINE DESCRIPTION ....................................................................100 11.1.1 11.1.2 11.1.3 11.1.4 11.1.5 11.1.6 11.1.7 11.1.8 11.1.9 11.1.10 11.1.11 11.1.12 11.1.13 11.1.14 11.1.15 11.1.16 11.2 Test-Logic-Reset ........................................................................................................................... 101 Run-Test-Idle ................................................................................................................................. 101 Select-DR-Scan ............................................................................................................................. 101 Capture-DR.................................................................................................................................... 101 Shift-DR ......................................................................................................................................... 101 Exit1-DR......................................................................................................................................... 101 Pause-DR ...................................................................................................................................... 101 Exit2-DR......................................................................................................................................... 101 Update-DR ..................................................................................................................................... 101 Select-IR-Scan............................................................................................................................... 101 Capture-IR ..................................................................................................................................... 102 Shift-IR ........................................................................................................................................... 102 Exit1-IR .......................................................................................................................................... 102 Pause-IR ........................................................................................................................................ 102 Exit2-IR .......................................................................................................................................... 102 Update-IR....................................................................................................................................... 102 INSTRUCTION REGISTER AND INSTRUCTIONS .............................................................................103 11.2.1 11.2.2 11.2.3 11.2.4 11.2.5 11.2.6 11.3 99 SAMPLE/PRELOAD ...................................................................................................................... 103 EXTEST ......................................................................................................................................... 103 BYPASS......................................................................................................................................... 103 IDCODE ......................................................................................................................................... 103 HIGHZ............................................................................................................................................ 103 CLAMP........................................................................................................................................... 104 TEST REGISTERS ......................................................................................................................104 11.3.1 11.3.2 11.3.3 Bypass Register............................................................................................................................. 104 Identification Register .................................................................................................................... 104 Boundary Scan Register................................................................................................................ 104 12 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 13 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 14 APPLICATIONS AND STANDARDS OVERVIEW 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 109 110 121 APPLICATION EXAMPLES ...........................................................................................................121 M13 BASICS .............................................................................................................................122 T2 FRAMING STRUCTURE .........................................................................................................123 M12 MULTIPLEXING ..................................................................................................................123 T3 FRAMING STRUCTURE .........................................................................................................125 M23 MULTIPLEXING ..................................................................................................................125 C-BIT PARITY MODE .................................................................................................................126 3 of 133 DS3112 14.8 E13 BASICS .............................................................................................................................128 14.9 E2 FRAMING STRUCTURE AND E12 MULTIPLEXING ....................................................................129 14.10 E3 FRAMING STRUCTURE AND E23 MULTIPLEXING ................................................................129 14.11 G.747 BASICS ......................................................................................................................131 14.12 G.747 FRAMING STRUCTURE AND E12 MULTIPLEXING...........................................................132 15 PACKAGE INFORMATION 15.1 133 256-BALL PBGA (56-G6002-001)............................................................................................133 4 of 133 DS3112 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1. DS3112 Framer and Multiplexer Block Diagram (T3 Mode) ................................................................... 11 Figure 1-2. DS3112 Framer and Multiplexer Block Diagram (E3 Mode)................................................................... 12 Figure 1-3. DS3112 Framer and Multiplexer Block Diagram (G.747 Mode) ............................................................. 13 Figure 2-1. T3/E3 Receive Framer Timing ................................................................................................................ 22 Figure 2-2. T3/E3 Transmit Formatter Timing ........................................................................................................... 24 Figure 4-1. Event Status Bit....................................................................................................................................... 38 Figure 4-2. Alarm Status Bit....................................................................................................................................... 38 Figure 4-3. Real-Time Status Bit ............................................................................................................................... 39 Figure 4-4. BERT Status Bit Flow.............................................................................................................................. 41 Figure 4-5. HDLC Status Bit Flow.............................................................................................................................. 42 Figure 4-6. T2E2SR1 Status Bit Flow........................................................................................................................ 43 Figure 4-7. T2E2SR2 Status Bit Flow........................................................................................................................ 44 Figure 4-8. T1LB Status Bit Flow............................................................................................................................... 44 Figure 4-9. T3E3SR Status Bit Flow.......................................................................................................................... 45 Figure 5-1. T3E3SR Status Bit Flow.......................................................................................................................... 54 Figure 6-1. T2E2SR1 Status Bit Flow........................................................................................................................ 65 Figure 6-2. T2E2SR2 Status Bit Flow........................................................................................................................ 66 Figure 7-1. T1LBSR1 and T1LBSR2 Status Bit Flow ................................................................................................ 76 Figure 8-1. BERT Status Bit Flow.............................................................................................................................. 86 Figure 9-1. HSR Status Bit Flow................................................................................................................................ 94 Figure 11-1. JTAG Block Diagram............................................................................................................................. 99 Figure 11-2. TAP Controller State Machine............................................................................................................. 100 Figure 13-1. Low-Speed (T1 and E1) Port AC Timing Diagram.............................................................................. 111 Figure 13-2. High-Speed (T3 and E3) Port AC Timing Diagram ............................................................................. 112 Figure 13-3. Framer (T3 and E3) Port AC Timing Diagram..................................................................................... 113 Figure 13-4. Intel Read Cycle (Nonmultiplexed)...................................................................................................... 115 Figure 13-5. Intel Write Cycle (Nonmultiplexed)...................................................................................................... 115 Figure 13-6. Motorola Read Cycle (Nonmultiplexed) .............................................................................................. 116 Figure 13-7. Motorola Write Cycle (Nonmultiplexed)............................................................................................... 116 Figure 13-8. Intel Read Cycle (Multiplexed) ............................................................................................................ 117 Figure 13-9. Intel Write Cycle (Multiplexed) ............................................................................................................ 117 Figure 13-10. Motorola Read Cycle (Multiplexed) ................................................................................................... 118 Figure 13-11. Motorola Write Cycle (Multiplexed) ................................................................................................... 118 Figure 13-12. JTAG Test Port Interface AC Timing Diagram .................................................................................. 119 Figure 13-13. Reset and Manual Error Counter/Insert AC Timing Diagram............................................................ 120 Figure 14-1. Channelized T3/E3 Application ........................................................................................................... 121 Figure 14-2. Unchannelized Dual T3/E3 Application............................................................................................... 122 Figure 14-3. T2 M-Frame Structure ......................................................................................................................... 124 Figure 14-4. T2 Stuff Block Structure ...................................................................................................................... 124 Figure 14-5. T3 M-Frame Structure ......................................................................................................................... 127 Figure 14-6. T3 Stuff Block Structure ...................................................................................................................... 128 Figure 14-7. E2 Frame Structure ............................................................................................................................. 130 Figure 14-8. E3 Frame Structure ............................................................................................................................. 130 Figure 14-9. G.747 Frame Structure........................................................................................................................ 132 5 of 133 DS3112 LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1. Pin Naming Convention............................................................................................................................ 14 Table 2-2. Pin Description ......................................................................................................................................... 14 Table 2-3. Mode Select Decode ................................................................................................................................ 30 Table 3-1. Memory Map............................................................................................................................................. 31 Table 5-1. T3 Alarm Criteria ...................................................................................................................................... 56 Table 5-2. E3 Alarm Criteria ...................................................................................................................................... 57 Table 6-1. T2 Alarm Criteria ...................................................................................................................................... 67 Table 6-2. E2 Alarm Criteria ...................................................................................................................................... 67 Table 6-3. G.747 Alarm Criteria................................................................................................................................. 67 Table 11-1. Instruction Codes.................................................................................................................................. 103 Table 11-2. Boundary Scan Control Bits ................................................................................................................. 104 Table 12-1. Recommended DC Operating Conditions ............................................................................................ 109 Table 12-2. DC Characteristics................................................................................................................................ 109 Table 13-1. AC Characteristics—Low-Speed (T1 and E1) Ports ............................................................................ 110 Table 13-2. AC Characteristics—High-Speed (T3 and E3) Ports ........................................................................... 112 Table 13-3. AC Characteristics–Framer (T3 and E3) Ports .................................................................................... 113 Table 13-4. AC Characteristics—CPU Bus (Multiplexed and Nonmultiplexed) ...................................................... 114 Table 13-5. AC Characteristics—JTAG Test Port Interface .................................................................................... 119 Table 13-6. AC Characteristics—Reset and Manual Error Counter/Insert Signals................................................. 120 Table 14-1. T Carrier Rates ..................................................................................................................................... 122 Table 14-2. T2 Overhead Bit Assignments.............................................................................................................. 123 Table 14-3. T3 Overhead Bit Assignments.............................................................................................................. 125 Table 14-4. C-Bit Assignment for C-Bit Parity Mode ............................................................................................... 126 Table 14-5. E Carrier Rates..................................................................................................................................... 128 Table 14-6. G.747 Carrier Rates ............................................................................................................................. 131 6 of 133 DS3112 1 DETAILED DESCRIPTION The DS3112 TEMPE (T3 E3 MultiPlexEr) device can be used either as a multiplexer or a T3/E3 framer. When the device is used as a multiplexer, it can be operated in one of three modes: M13—Multiplex 28 T1 lines into a T3 data stream E13—Multiplex 16 E1 lines into an E3 data stream G.747—Multiplex 21 E1 lines into a T3 data stream See Figure 1-1, Figure 1-2, and Figure 1-3 for block diagrams of these three modes. In each of the block diagrams, the receive section is at the bottom and the transmit section is at the top. The receive path is defined as incoming T3/E3 data and the transmit path is defined as outgoing T3/E3 data. When the device is operated solely as a T3 or E3 framer, the multiplexer portion of the device is disabled and the raw T3/E3 payload will be output at the FRD output and input at the FTD input. See Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2 for details. In the receive path, raw T3/E3 data is clocked into the device (either in a bipolar or unipolar fashion) with the HRCLK at the HRPOS and HRNEG inputs. The data is then framed by the T3/E3 framer and passed through the two-step demultiplexing process to yield the resultant T1 and E1 data streams, which are output at the LRCLK and LRDAT outputs. In the transmit path, the reverse occurs. The T1 and E1 data streams are input to the device at the LTCLK and LTDAT inputs. The device will sample these inputs and then multiplex the T1 and E1 data streams through a two-step multiplexing process to yield the resultant T3 or E3 data stream. Then this data stream is passed through the T3/E3 formatter to have the framing overhead added, and the final data stream to be transmitted is output at the HTPOS and HTNEG outputs using the HTCLK output. The DS3112 has been designed to meet all of the latest telecommunications standards. Section 1.1 lists all of the applicable standards for the device. The TEMPE device has a number of advanced features such as: • The ability to drop and insert up to two T1 or E1 ports • An on-board HDLC controller with 256-byte buffers • An on-board Bit Error Rate Tester (BERT) • Advanced diagnostics to create and detect many different types of errors See Section 1.2 for a complete list of main features within the device. 7 of 133 DS3112 1.1 Applicable Standards 1) American National Standard for Telecommunications - ANSI T1.107 – 1995 “Digital Hierarchy Formats Specification” 2) American National Standard for Telecommunications - ANSI T1.231 - 199X – Draft “Digital Hierarchy - Layer 1 In-Service Digital Transmission Performance Monitoring” 3) American National Standard for Telecommunications - ANSI T1.231 – 1993 “Digital Hierarchy Layer 1 In-Service Digital Transmission Performance Monitoring” 4) American National Standard for Telecommunications - ANSI T1.404 – 1994 “Network-to-Customer Installation – DS3 Metallic Interface Specification” 5) American National Standard for Telecommunications - ANSI T1.403 – 1999 “Network and Customer Installation Interfaces – DS1 Electrical Interface” 6) American National Standard for Telecommunications - ANSI T1.102 – 1993 “Digital Hierarchy – Electrical Interfaces” 7) Bell Communications Research - TR-TSY-000009, Issue 1, May 1986 “Asynchronous Digital Multiplexes Requirements and Objectives” 8) Bell Communications Research - TR-TSY-000191, Issue 1, May 1986 “Alarm Indication Signal Requirements and Objectives” 9) Bellcore - GR-499-CORE, Issue 1, December 1995 “Transport Systems Generic Requirements (TSGR): Common Requirements” 10) Bellcore - GR-820-CORE, Issue 1, November 1994 “Generic Digital Transmission Surveillance” 11) Network Working Group Request for Comments - RFC1407, January, 1993 “Definition of Managed Objects for the DS3/E3 Interface Type” 12) International Telecommunication Union (ITU) G.703, 1991 “Physical/Electrical Characteristics of Hierarchical Digital Interfaces 13) International Telecommunication Union (ITU) G.823, March 1993 “The Control of Jitter and Wander Within Digital Networks Which are Based on the 2048kbps Hierarchy” 14) International Telecommunication Union (ITU) G.742, 1993 “Second Order Digital Multiplex Equipment Operating at 8448 kbps and Using Positive Justification” 15) International Telecommunication Union (ITU) G.747, 1993 “Second Order Digital Multiplex Equipment Operating at 6312 kbps and Multiplexing Three Tributaries at 2048kbps” 16) International Telecommunication Union (ITU) G.751, 1993 “Digital Multiplex Equipments Operating at the Third Order Bit Rate of 34368kbps and Using Positive Justification” 17) International Telecommunication Union (ITU) G.775, November 1994 “Loss Of Signal (LOS) and Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) Defect Detection and Clearance Criteria” 18) International Telecommunication Union (ITU) O.151, October 1992 “Error Performance Measuring Equipment Operating at the Primary Rate And Above” 19) International Telecommunication Union (ITU) O.153, October 1992 “Basic Parameters for the Measurement of Error Performance at Bit Rates Below the Primary Rate” 20) International Telecommunication Union (ITU) O.161, 1984 “In-Service Code Violation Monitors for Digital Systems” 8 of 133 DS3112 1.2 Main DS3112 TEMPE Features 1.2.1 General Features Can be operated as a standalone T3 or E3 framer without any M13 or E13 multiplexing T1/E1 FIFOs in the receive direction provide T1/E1 demultiplexed clocks with very little jitter Two T1/E1 drop and insert ports B3ZS/HDB3 encoder and decoder T3 C-Bit Parity mode All the receive T1/E1 ports can be clocked out on a common clock All the transmit T1/E1 ports can be clocked in on a common clock Generates gapped clocks that can be used as demand clocks in unchannelized T3/E3 applications T1/E1 ports can be configured into a “loop-timed” mode T3/E3 port interfaces can be either bipolar or unipolar The clock, data, and control signals can be inverted to allow a glueless interface to other device Loss of transmit and receive clock detect 1.2.2 T3/E3 Framer Generates T3/E3 Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) and Remote Alarm Indication (RAI) alarms Transmit framer pass through mode Generates T3 idle signal Detects the following T3/E3 alarms and events: Loss Of Signal (LOS), Loss Of Frame (LOF), Alarm Indication Signal (AIS), Remote Alarm Indication (RAI), T3 idle signal, Change Of Frame Alignment (COFA), B3ZS and HDB3 codewords being received, Severely Errored Framing Event (SEFE), and T3 Application ID status indication 1.2.3 T2/E2 Framer Generates T2/E2 Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) and Remote Alarm Indication (RAI) alarms Generates Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) for T1/E1 data streams in both the transmit and receive directions Detects the following T2/E2 alarms and events: Loss Of Frame (LOF), Alarm Indication Signal (AIS), and Remote Alarm Indication (RAI) Detects T1 line loopback commands (C3 bit is the inverse of C1 and C2) Generates T1 line loopback commands 1.2.4 HDLC Controller Designed to handle multiple LAPD messages without Host intervention 256 byte receive and transmit buffers are large enough to handle the three T3 messages (Path ID, Idle Signal ID, and Test Signal ID) that are sent and received once a second which means the Host only needs to access the HDLC Controller once a second Handles all of the normal Layer 2 tasks such as zero stuffing/destuffing, CRC generation/checking, abort generation/checking, flag generation/detection, and byte alignment Programmable high and low watermarks for the FIFO HDLC Controller can be used in either the T3 C-Bit Parity Mode or in the Sn Bits in the E3 Mode 1.2.5 FEAC Controller Designed to handle multiple FEAC codewords without Host intervention Receive FEAC automatically validates incoming codewords and stores them in a 4-byte FIFO Transmit FEAC can be configured to send either one codeword, or constant codewords, or two different codewords back-to-back to create T3 Line Loopback commands FEAC Controller can be used in either the T3 C-Bit Parity Mode or in the Sn Bits in the E3 Mode 9 of 133 DS3112 1.2.6 BERT Can generate and detect the pseudorandom patterns of 27 - 1, 211 - 1, 215 - 1 and QRSS as well as repetitive patterns from 1 to 32 bits in length BERT is a global chip resource that can be used either in the T3/E3 data path or in any one of the T1 or E1 data paths Large error counter (24 bits) allows testing to proceed for long periods without Host intervention Errors can be inserted into the generated BERT patterns for diagnostic purposes 1.2.7 Diagnostics T3/E3 and T1/E1 diagnostic loopbacks (transmit to receive) T3/E3 and T1/E1 line loopbacks (receive to transmit) T3/E3 payload loopback T3/E3 errors counters for: BiPolar Violations (BPV), Code Violations (CV), Loss Of Frame (LOF), framing bit errors (F, M or FAS), EXcessive Zeros (EXZ), T3 Parity bits, T3 C-Bit Parity, and Far End Block Errors (FEBE) Error counters can be either updated automatically on one second boundaries as timed by the DS3112 or via software control or via an external hardware pulse Can insert the following T3/E3 errors: BiPolar Violations (BPV), EXcessive Zeros (EXZ), T3 Parity bits, T3 C-Bit Parity, framing bit errors (F, M, or FAS) Inserted errors can be either controlled via software or via an external hardware pulse Generates T2/E2 Loss Of Frame (LOF) 1.2.8 Control Port Nonmultiplexed or multiplexed 16-bit control port (with an optional 8-bit mode) Intel and Motorola Bus compatible 1.2.9 Packaging and Power 3.3V low-power CMOS with 5V tolerant inputs and outputs 256-pin plastic BGA package (27mm x 27mm) IEEE 1149.1 JTAG test port 10 of 133 Signal Inversion HRNEG HRPOS T2 Framer 2 7 Error Counters CPU Interface & Global Configuration (Routed to All Blocks) FRMECU CA0 to CD0 to CWR* CRD* CCS* CALE CIM CA7 CD15 (CR/W*) (CDS*) 11 of 133 Receive T1 Loop Timed Mode T1 Diagnostic Loopback T1 Line Loopback Transmit Signal Inversion Control To BERT To BERT To BERT To BERT 1 FIFO 1 to 7 Demux AIS Gen. FEAC Controller FIFO HDLC Controller with 256 Byte Buffer M / F / X Bit & AIS Generation BERT Insert BERT Insert Signal Inversion Control BERT Insert BERT Insert FIFO AIS Gen. FIFO AIS Gen. FIFO AIS Gen. FIFO AIS Gen. C Bit Generation & Bit Stuffing Control 7 AIS Gen. Transmit BERT FIFO BERT Mux 2 AIS Gen. mux 1 4 to 1 Mux T2 Formatter FIFO Receive BERT C Bit Generation (M13 Mode Only) & Bit Stuffing Control BERT Mux 7 to 1 Mux AIS Gen. T3 Payload Loopback M / F / P / X Bit Generation C Parity Mode [includes HDLC Data Link, FEAC, FEBE, CP, and Application ID Insertion] Diagnostic Error Insertion B3ZS Coder / Unipolar Coder & BPV Insertion Sync Control Loss Of Transmit Clock C Bit Decoding & Bit Destuffing Control HTPOS Signal Inversion & Force Data Control / AIS Generation HTNEG T3 Formatter T2 Framer T3 Diagnostic Loopback T3 Line Loopback HTCLK Signal Inversion Control Alarm & Loopback Detection T3 Framer C Bit Decoding (M13 Mode Only) & Bit Destuffing Control C Parity Mode [extracts HDLC Data Link, FEAC, FEBE, CP, and Application ID bit] Alarm & Error Detection T3 Framer B3ZS Decoder / Unipolar Decoder & BPV Detector HRCLK DS3112 Figure 1-1. DS3112 Framer and Multiplexer Block Diagram (T3 Mode) HRCLK FTMEI FTDEN FTD FTCLK FTSOF LTDAT LTCLK LTDAT LTCLK LTDAT LTCLK LTDAT LTCLK 1 of 7 LTDATA LTCLKA 1 of 28 LTDATB LTCLKB LTCCLK from other ports 1 to 4 Demux Signal Inversion Control JTAG Test Block CINT* CMS TEST RST* T3E3MS G747E (tied low) (tied low) LRDATA LRCLKA from other ports LRDATB LRCLKB LRDAT LRCLK LRDAT LRCLK LRDAT LRCLK LRDAT LRCLK 1 of 7 LRCCLK FRSOF FRCLK FRD FRDEN FRLOS FRLOF JTDI JTRST* JTCLK JTMS JTDO Signal Inversion HRNEG HRPOS FRMECU CA0 to CD0 to CWR* CRD* CCS* CALE CIM CA7 CD15 (CR/W*) (CDS*) E2 Framer 2 3 4 Error Counters CPU Interface & Global Configuration (Routed to All Blocks) 12 of 133 Receive E1 Loop Timed Mode E1 Diagnostic Loopback E1 Line Loopback Transmit Signal Inversion Control To BERT To BERT To BERT 1 To BERT 1 to 4 Demux FIFO FEAC Controller AIS Gen. HDLC Controller with 256 Byte Buffer BERT Insert BERT Insert Signal Inversion Control BERT Insert BERT Insert FIFO AIS Gen. FIFO AIS Gen. FIFO AIS Gen. FIFO AIS Gen. C Bit Generation & Bit Stuffing Control 4 FIFO Transmit BERT AIS Gen. BERT Mux FAS / RAI / Sn / AIS Generation 3 FIFO BERT Mux 2 AIS Gen. C Bit Generation & Bit Stuffing Control mux 1 4 to 1 Mux E2 Formatter FIFO Receive BERT 4 to 1 Mux AIS Gen. E3 Payload Loopback FAS & RAI Generation Sn Bit Insertion Diagnostic Error Insertion HDB3 Coder / Unipolar Coder & BPV Insertion Sync Control Loss Of Transmit Clock C Bit Decoding & Bit Destuffing Control HTPOS Signal Inversion & Force Data Control / AIS Generation HTNEG E3 Formatter E2 Framer E3 Diagnostic Loopback E3 Line Loopback HTCLK Signal Inversion Control Alarm & Sn Bit Detection E3 Framer C Bit Decoding & Bit Destuffing Control Sn Bit Extraction Alarm & Error Detection E3 Framer HDB3 Decoder / Unipolar Decoder & BPV Detector HRCLK DS3112 Figure 1-2. DS3112 Framer and Multiplexer Block Diagram (E3 Mode) HRCLK FTMEI FTDEN FTD FTCLK FTSOF LTDAT LTCLK LTDAT LTCLK LTDAT LTCLK LTDAT LTCLK 1 of 4 LTDATA LTCLKA 1 of 16 LTDATB LTCLKB from other ports LTCCLK 1 to 4 Demux Signal Inversion Control JTAG Test Block CINT* CMS TEST RST* T3E3MS G747E (tied high) (tied low) LRDATA LRCLKA from other ports LRDATB LRCLKB LRDAT LRCLK LRDAT LRCLK LRDAT LRCLK LRDAT LRCLK 1 of 4 LRCCLK FRSOF FRCLK FRD FRDEN FRLOS FRLOF JTDI JTRST* JTCLK JTMS JTDO Signal Inversion HRNEG HRPOS G747 Framer 2 7 Error Counters CPU Interface & Global Configuration (Routed to All Blocks) FRMECU CA0 to CD0 to CWR* CRD* CCS* CALE CIM CA7 CD15 (CR/W*) (CDS*) 13 of 133 Receive E1 Loop Timed Mode E1 Diagnostic Loopback E1 Line Loopback Transmit Signal Inversion Control To BERT 1 To BERT 1 to 7 Demux To BERT FEAC Controller FIFO HDLC Controller with 256 Byte Buffer FAS / RAI / Sn / AIS Generation BERT Insert BERT Insert Signal Inversion Control BERT Insert FIFO AIS Gen. FIFO AIS Gen. FIFO AIS Gen. C Bit Generation & Bit Stuffing Control 7 AIS Gen. Transmit BERT FIFO BERT Mux 2 AIS Gen. mux 1 FIFO Receive BERT C Bit Generation (M13 Mode Only) & Bit Stuffing Control BERT Mux 7 to 1 Mux AIS Gen. T3 Payload Loopback M / F / P / X Bit Generation C Parity Mode [includes HDLC Data Link, FEAC, FEBE, CP, and Application ID Insertion] Diagnostic Error Insertion B3ZS Coder / Unipolar Coder & BPV Insertion Sync Control Loss Of Transmit Clock C Bit Decoding & Bit Destuffing Control HTPOS Signal Inversion & Force Data Control / AIS Generation HTNEG T3 Formatter G747 Framer T3 Diagnostic Loopback T3 Line Loopback HTCLK Signal Inversion Control Alarm & Sn Bit Detection T3 Framer C Bit Decoding (M13 Mode Only) & Bit Destuffing Control C Parity Mode [extracts HDLC Data Link, FEAC, FEBE, CP, and Application ID bit] Alarm & Error Detection T3 Framer B3ZS Decoder / Unipolar Decoder & BPV Detector HRCLK DS3112 Figure 1-3. DS3112 Framer and Multiplexer Block Diagram (G.747 Mode) HRCLK FTMEI FTDEN FTD FTCLK FTSOF 3 to 1 G747 Mux Formatter LTDAT LTCLK LTDAT LTCLK LTDAT LTCLK 1 of 7 LTDATA LTCLKA 1 of 21 LTDATB LTCLKB from other ports LTCCLK 1 to 3 Demux Signal Inversion Control JTAG Test Block CINT* CMS TEST RST* T3E3MS G747E (tied low) (tied high) LRDATA LRCLKA from other ports LRDATB LRCLKB LRDAT LRCLK LRDAT LRCLK LRDAT LRCLK 1 of 7 LRCCLK FRSOF FRCLK FRD FRDEN FRLOS FRLOF JTDI JTRST* JTCLK JTMS JTDO DS3112 2 PIN DESCRIPTION This section describes the input and output signals on the DS3112. Signal names follow a convention that is shown in Table 2-1. Table 2-2 lists all the signals, their signal type, description, and pin location. Table 2-1. Pin Naming Convention FIRST LETTERS C FR FT LR LT HR HT J SIGNAL CATEGORY SECTION CPU/Host Control Access Port T3/E3 Receive Framer T3/E3 Transmit Formatter Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Port Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Port High-Speed (T3 or E3) Receive Port High-Speed (T3 or E3) Transmit Port JTAG Test Port 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Table 2-2. Pin Description PIN C7 H3 H2 H1 J4 J3 J2 J1 K2 C4 C2 D2 D3 E4 C1 D1 E3 E2 E1 F3 G4 F2 F1 G3 G2 G1 B3 A2 B2 NAME CALE CA0 CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 CA5 CA6 CA7 CCS CD0 CD1 CD2 CD3 CD4 CD5 CD6 CD7 CD8 CD9 CD10 CD11 CD12 CD13 CD14 CD15 CIM CINT CMS TYPE I I I I I I I I I I I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I O I FUNCTION CPU Bus Address Latch Enable CPU Bus Address Bit 0 (LSB) CPU Bus Address Bit 1 CPU Bus Address Bit 2 CPU Bus Address Bit 3 CPU Bus Address Bit 4 CPU Bus Address Bit 5 CPU Bus Address Bit 6 CPU Bus Address Bit 7 (MSB) CPU Bus Chip Select (Active Low) CPU Bus Data Bit 0 (LSB) CPU Bus Data Bit 1 CPU Bus Data Bit 2 CPU Bus Data Bit 3 CPU Bus Data Bit 4 CPU Bus Data Bit 5 CPU Bus Data Bit 6 CPU Bus Data Bit 7 CPU Bus Data Bit 8 CPU Bus Data Bit 9 CPU Bus Data Bit 10 CPU Bus Data Bit 11 CPU Bus Data Bit 12 CPU Bus Data Bit 13 CPU Bus Data Bit 14 CPU Bus Data Bit 15 (MSB) CPU Bus Intel/Motorola Bus Select, 0 = Intel, 1 = Motorola CPU Bus Interrupt CPU Bus Mode Select, 0 = 16 Bit, 1 = 8 Bit Mode 14 of 133 DS3112 PIN D5 TYPE I A9 B9 C9 C8 B8 A7 A8 A10 B10 C10 C11 A11 NAME CRD(CDS) CWR (CR/W) FRCLK FRD FRDEN FRLOF FRLOS FRMECU FRSOF FTCLK FTD FTDEN FTMEI FTSOF B6 G.747E I A13 C12 HRCLK HRNEG I I B13 HRPOS I B14 HTCLK O A14 HTNEG O C14 HTPOS O D7 B5 A4 A5 C6 G20 N2 R1 R3 U2 V2 Y2 Y3 Y5 Y6 V8 V9 V10 V11 Y13 JTCLK JTDI JTDO JTMS JTRST LRCCLK LRCLK1 LRCLK2 LRCLK3 LRCLK4 LRCLK5 LRCLK6 LRCLK7 LRCLK8 LRCLK9 LRCLK10 LRCLK11 LRCLK12 LRCLK13 LRCLK14 I I O I I I O O O O O O O O O O O O O O A3 I O O O O O I O I I O I I/O FUNCTION CPU Bus Read Enable (CPU Bus Data Strobe) CPU Bus Write Enable (CPU Bus Read/Write Select) Receive Framer (T3 or E3) Clock Output Receive Framer (T3 or E3) Data Output Receive Framer (T3 or E3) Data Enable Output Receive Framer (T3 or E3) Loss Of Frame Output Receive Framer (T3 or E3) Loss Of Signal Output Receive Framer (T3 or E3) Manual Error Counter Update Receive Framer (T3 or E3) Start Of Frame Pulse Transmit Framer (T3 or E3) Clock Input Transmit Framer (T3 or E3) Data Input Transmit Framer (T3 or E3) Data Enable Output Transmit Framer (T3 or E3) Manual Error Insert Pulse Transmit Framer (T3 or E3) Start Of Frame Pulse G.747 Mode Enable, 0 = Normal T3 Mode, 1 = G.747 Mode High-Speed (T3 or E3) Port Receive Clock Input High-Speed (T3 or E3) Port Receive Negative Data Input High-Speed (T3 or E3) Port Receive Positive or NRZ Data Input High-Speed (T3 or E3) Port Transmit Clock Output High-Speed (T3 or E3) Port Transmit Negative Data Output High-Speed (T3 or E3) Port Transmit Positive or NRZ Data Output JTAG IEEE 1149.1 Test Serial Clock JTAG IEEE 1149.1 Test Serial Data Input JTAG IEEE 1149.1 Test Serial Data Output JTAG IEEE 1149.1 Test Mode Select JTAG IEEE 1149.1 Test Reset (Active Low) Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Port Common Receive Clock Input Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Clock from Port 1 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Clock from Port 2 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Clock from Port 3 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Clock from Port 4 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Clock from Port 5 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Clock from Port 6 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Clock from Port 7 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Clock from Port 8 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Clock from Port 9 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Clock from Port 10 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Clock from Port 11 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Clock from Port 12 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Clock from Port 13 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Clock from Port 14 15 of 133 DS3112 PIN W14 Y16 Y17 U16 V18 V19 V20 T20 R20 N18 M18 L18 K18 H20 K1 M1 N1 P2 P4 T3 U3 W3 U5 W5 W6 Y7 U9 W10 W11 V12 Y14 W15 W16 Y18 Y19 W20 T17 T19 R19 P20 M17 L19 K19 J18 K3 L3 NAME LRCLK15 LRCLK16 LRCLK17 LRCLK18 LRCLK19 LRCLK20 LRCLK21 LRCLK22 LRCLK23 LRCLK24 LRCLK25 LRCLK26 LRCLK27 LRCLK28 LRCLKA LRCLKB LRDAT1 LRDAT2 LRDAT3 LRDAT4 LRDAT5 LRDAT6 LRDAT7 LRDAT8 LRDAT9 LRDAT10 LRDAT11 LRDAT12 LRDAT13 LRDAT14 LRDAT15 LRDAT16 LRDAT17 LRDAT18 LRDAT19 LRDAT20 LRDAT21 LRDAT22 LRDAT23 LRDAT24 LRDAT25 LRDAT26 LRDAT27 LRDAT28 LRDATA LRDATB TYPE O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O FUNCTION Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Clock from Port 15 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Clock from Port 16 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Clock from Port 17 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Clock from Port 18 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Clock from Port 19 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Clock from Port 20 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Clock from Port 21 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Clock from Port 22 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Clock from Port 23 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Clock from Port 24 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Clock from Port 25 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Clock from Port 26 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Clock from Port 27 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Clock from Port 28 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Clock from Drop Port A Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Clock from Drop Port B Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Data from Port 1 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Data from Port 2 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Data from Port 3 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Data from Port 4 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Data from Port 5 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Data from Port 6 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Data from Port 7 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Data from Port 8 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Data from Port 9 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Data from Port 10 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Data from Port 11 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Data from Port 12 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Data from Port 13 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Data from Port 14 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Data from Port 15 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Data from Port 16 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Data from Port 17 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Data from Port 18 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Data from Port 19 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Data from Port 20 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Data from Port 21 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Data from Port 22 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Data from Port 23 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Data from Port 24 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Data from Port 25 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Data from Port 26 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Data from Port 27 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Data from Port 28 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Data from Drop Port A Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Data from Drop Port B 16 of 133 DS3112 PIN G19 P1 R2 U1 T4 V3 V4 V5 U7 W7 Y8 Y9 Y11 W12 V13 V14 V15 W17 W18 Y20 U18 T18 P17 P19 N20 M20 K20 J19 H18 L2 M3 N3 P3 T2 V1 W1 W4 Y4 V6 V7 W8 W9 Y10 Y12 W13 Y15 NAME LTCCLK LTCLK1 LTCLK2 LTCLK3 LTCLK4 LTCLK5 LTCLK6 LTCLK7 LTCLK8 LTCLK9 LTCLK10 LTCLK11 LTCLK12 LTCLK13 LTCLK14 LTCLK15 LTCLK16 LTCLK17 LTCLK18 LTCLK19 LTCLK20 LTCLK21 LTCLK22 LTCLK23 LTCLK24 LTCLK25 LTCLK26 LTCLK27 LTCLK28 LTCLKA LTCLKB LTDAT1 LTDAT2 LTDAT3 LTDAT4 LTDAT5 LTDAT6 LTDAT7 LTDAT8 LTDAT9 LTDAT10 LTDAT11 LTDAT12 LTDAT13 LTDAT14 LTDAT15 TYPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUNCTION Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Port Common Transmit Clock Input Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Clock for Port 1 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Clock for Port 2 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Clock for Port 3 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Clock for Port 4 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Clock for Port 5 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Clock for Port 6 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Clock for Port 7 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Clock for Port 8 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Clock for Port 9 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Clock for Port 10 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Clock for Port 11 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Clock for Port 12 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Clock for Port 13 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Clock for Port 14 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Clock for Port 15 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Clock for Port 16 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Clock for Port 17 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Clock for Port 18 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Clock for Port 19 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Clock for Port 20 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Clock for Port 21 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Clock for Port 22 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Clock for Port 23 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Clock for Port 24 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Clock for Port 25 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Clock for Port 26 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Clock for Port 27 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Clock for Port 28 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Clock for Insert Port A Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Clock for Insert Port B Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Data for Port 1 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Data for Port 2 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Data for Port 3 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Data for Port 4 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Data for Port 5 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Data for Port 6 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Data for Port 7 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Data for Port 8 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Data for Port 9 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Data for Port 10 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Data for Port 11 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Data for Port 12 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Data for Port 13 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Data for Port 14 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Data for Port 15 17 of 133 DS3112 PIN U14 V16 V17 W19 U19 U20 R18 P18 N19 M19 L20 J20 H19 L1 M2 NAME LTDAT16 LTDAT17 LTDAT18 LTDAT19 LTDAT20 LTDAT21 LTDAT22 LTDAT23 LTDAT24 LTDAT25 LTDAT26 LTDAT27 LTDAT28 LTDATA LTDATB TYPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUNCTION Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Data for Port 16 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Data for Port 17 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Data for Port 18 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Data for Port 19 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Data for Port 20 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Data for Port 21 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Data for Port 22 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Data for Port 23 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Data for Port 24 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Data for Port 25 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Data for Port 26 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Data for Port 27 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Data for Port 28 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Data for Insert Port A Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Data for Insert Port B A6, A12, A15– A20, B1, B7, B11, B12, B15– B20, C13, C15– C20, D12, D14, D16, D18, D19, D20, E17–E20, F18, F19, F20, G17, G18, T1, W2, Y1 N.C. — No Connection. Do not connect any signal to this pin. RST T3E3MS TEST I I I C5 B4 C3 D6, D10, D11, D15, F4, F17, K4, K17, L4, L17, R4, R17, U6, U10, U11, U15 A1, D4, D8, D9, D13, D17, H4, H17, J17, M4, N4, N17, U4, U8, U12, U13, U17 VDD VSS Active-Low Reset T3/E3 Mode Select, 0 = T3, 1 = E3 Active-Low Factory Test Input 3.3V (±5%) Positive Supply — Ground Reference 18 of 133 DS3112 2.2 CPU Bus Signal Description Signal Name: CMS Signal Description: CPU Bus Mode Select Signal Type: Input This signal should be tied low when the device is to be operated as a 16-bit bus. This signal should be tied high when the device is to be operated as an 8-bit bus. 0 = CPU Bus is in the 16-Bit Mode 1 = CPU Bus is in the 8-Bit Mode Signal Name: CIM Signal Description: CPU Bus Intel/Motorola Bus Select Signal Type: Input The signal determines whether the CPU Bus will operate in the Intel Mode (CIM = 0) or the Motorola Mode (CIM = 1). The signal names in parentheses are operational when the device is in the Motorola Mode. 0 = CPU Bus is in the Intel Mode 1 = CPU Bus is in the Motorola Mode Signal Name: CD0 to CD15 Signal Description: CPU Bus Data Bus Signal Type: Input/Output (Tri-State Capable) The external host will configure the device and obtain real-time status information about the device via these signals. When reading data from the CPU Bus, these signals will be outputs. When writing data to the CPU Bus, these signals will become inputs. When the CPU bus is operated in the 8-bit mode (CMS = 1), CD8 to CD15 are inactive and should be tied low. Signal Name: CA0 to CA7 Signal Description: CPU Bus Address Bus Signal Type: Input These input signals determine which internal device configuration register that the external host wishes to access. When the CPU bus is operated in the 16-bit mode (CMS = 0), CA0 is inactive and should be tied low. When the CPU bus is operated in the 8-bit mode (CMS = 1), CA0 is the least significant address bit. Signal Name: CWR (CR/W) Signal Description: CPU Bus Write Enable (CPU Bus Read/Write Select) Signal Type: Input In Intel Mode (CIM = 0), this signal will determine when data is to be written to the device. In Motorola Mode (CIM = 1), this signal will be used to determine whether a read or write is to occur. Signal Name: CRD (CDS) Signal Description: CPU Bus Read Enable (CPU Bus Data Strobe) Signal Type: Input In Intel Mode (CIM = 0) this signal will determine when data is to be read from the device. In Motorola Mode (CIM = 1), a rising edge will be used to write data into the device. 19 of 133 DS3112 Signal Name: CINT Signal Description: CPU Bus Interrupt Signal Type: Output (Open Drain) This signal is an open-drain output that will be forced low if one or more unmasked interrupt sources within the device is active. The signal will remain low until either the interrupt is serviced or masked. Signal Name: CCS Signal Description: CPU Bus Chip Select Signal Type: Input This active low signal must be asserted for the device to accept a read or write command from an external host. Signal Name: CALE Signal Description: CPU Bus Address Latch Enable Signal Type: Input This input signal controls a latch that exists on the CA0 to CA7 inputs. When CALE is high, the latch is transparent. The falling edge of CALE causes the latch to sample and hold the CA0 to CA7 inputs. In nonmultiplexed bus applications, CALE should be tied high. In multiplexed bus applications, CA[7:0] should be tied to CD[7:0] and the falling edge of CALE will latch the address. 20 of 133 DS3112 2.3 T3/E3 Receive Framer Signal Description Signal Name: FRSOF Signal Description: T3/E3 Receive Framer Start Of Frame Sync Signal Signal Type: Output This signal pulses for one FRCLK period to indicate the T3 or E3 frame boundary (Figure 2-1). This signal can be configured via the FRSOFI control bit in Master Control Register 3 (Section 4.2) to be either active high (normal mode) or active low (inverted mode). Signal Name: FRCLK Signal Description: T3/E3 Receive Framer Clock Signal Type: Output This signal outputs the clock that is used to pass data through the receive T3/E3 framer. It can be sourced from either the HRCLK or FTCLK inputs (Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2). This signal is used to clock the receive data out of the device at the FRD output. Data can be either updated on a rising edge (normal mode) or a falling edge (inverted mode). This option is controlled via the FRCLKI control bit in Master Control Register 3 (Section 4.3). Signal Name: FRD Signal Description: T3/E3 Receive Framer Serial Data Signal Type: Output This signal outputs data from the receive T3/E3 framer. This signal is updated either on the rising edge of FRCLK (normal mode) or the falling edge of FRCLK (inverted mode). This option is controlled via the FRCLKI control bit in Master Control Register 3 (Section 4.3). Also, this signal can be internally inverted if enabled via the FRDI control bit in Master Control Register 3 (Section 4.3). Signal Name: FRDEN Signal Description: T3/E3 Receive Framer Serial Data Enable or Gapped Clock Output Signal Type: Output Via the DENMS control bit in Master Control Register 1, this signal can be configured to either output a data enable or a gapped clock. In the data enable mode, this signal will go active when payload data is available at the FRD output and it will go inactive when overhead data is being output at the FRD output. In the gapped clock mode, this signal will transition for each bit of payload data and will be suppressed for each bit of overhead data. In the T3 Mode, overhead data is defined as the M Bits, F Bits, C Bits, X Bits, and P Bits. In the E3 Mode, overhead data is defined as the FAS word, RAI Bit and Sn Bit (i.e., bits 1 to 12). See Figure 2-1 for an example. This signal can be internally inverted if enabled via the FRDENI control bit in Master Control Register 3 (Section 4.3). Signal Name: FRMECU Signal Description: T3/E3 Receive Framer Manual Error Counter Update Strobe Signal Type: Input Via the AECU control bit in Master Control Register 1 (Section 4.3), the DS3112 can be configured to use this asynchronous input to initiate an updating of the internal error counters. A zero to one transition on this input causes the device to begin loading the internal error counters with the latest error counts. This signal must be returned low before a subsequent updating of the error counters can occur. The host must wait at least 100ns before reading the error counters to allow the device time to update the error counters. This signal is logically ORed with the MECU control bit in Master Control Register 1. If this signal is not used, then it should be tied low. 21 of 133 DS3112 Signal Name: FRLOS Signal Description: T3/E3 Receive Framer Loss Of Signal Signal Type: Output This signal will be forced high when the receive T3/E3 framer is in a Loss Of Signal (LOS) state. It will remain high as long as the LOS state persists and will return low when the framer exits the LOS state. See Section 5.3 for details on the set and clear criteria for this signal. LOS status is also available via a software bit in the T3/E3 Status Register (Section 5.3). Signal Name: FRLOF Signal Description: T3/E3 Receive Framer Loss Of Frame Signal Type: Output This signal will be forced high when the receive T3/E3 framer is in a Loss Of Frame (LOF) state. It will remain high as long as the LOF state persists and will return low when the framer synchronizes. See Section 5.3 for details on the set and clear criteria for this signal. LOF status is also available via a software bit in the T3/E3 Status Register (Section 5.3). Figure 2-1. T3/E3 Receive Framer Timing FRCLK Normal Mode FRCLK Inverted Mode Last Bit of the Frame FRD (see note) T3: X1 E3: Bit 1 of FAS FRDEN Data Enable Mode for T3 (see note) FRDEN Data Enable Mode for E3 (see note) FRDEN Gapped Clock Mode for T3 (see note) FRDEN Gapped Clock Mode for E3 (see note) FRSOF (see note) NOTE: FRD, FRDEN, AND FRSOF CAN BE INVERTED VIA MASTER CONTROL REGISTER 3. 22 of 133 DS3112 2.4 T3/E3 Transmit Formatter Signal Description Signal Name: FTSOF Signal Description: T3/E3 Transmit Formatter Start Of Frame Sync Signal Signal Type: Output/Input This signal can be configured via the FTSOFC control bit in Master Control Register 1 to be either an output or an input. When this signal is an output, it pulses for one FTCLK period to indicate a T3 or E3 frame boundary (Figure 2-2). When this signal is an input, it is sampled to set the transmit T3 or E3 frame boundary (Figure 2-2). This signal can be configured via the FTSOFI control bit in Master Control Register 3 (Section 4.2) to be either active high (normal mode) or active low (inverted mode). Signal Name: FTCLK Signal Description: T3/E3 Transmit Formatter Clock Signal Type: Input An accurate T3 (44.736MHz ±20ppm) or E3 (34.368MHz ±20ppm) clock should be applied at this signal. This signal is used to clock data into the transmit T3/E3 formatter. Transmit data can be clocked into the device either on a rising edge (normal mode) or a falling edge (inverted mode). This option is controlled via the FTCLKI control bit in Master Control Register 3 (Section 4.2). Signal Name: FTD Signal Description: T3/E3 Transmit Formatter Serial Data Signal Type: Input This signal inputs data into the transmit T3/E3 formatter. This signal can be sampled either on the rising edge of FTCLK (normal mode) or the falling edge of FTCLK (inverted mode). This option is controlled via the FTCLKI control bit in Master Control Register 3 (Section 4.2). Also, the data input to this signal can be internally inverted if enabled via the FTDI control bit in Master Control Register 3 (Section 4.2). When T3 C-Bit Parity Mode is disabled, C Bits are sampled at this input. This signal is ignored when the M13/E13 multiplexer is enabled. (See the UNCHEN control bit in Master Control Register 1.) If not used, this signal should be tied low. Signal Name: FTDEN Signal Description: T3/E3 Transmit Formatter Serial Data Enable or Gapped Clock Output Signal Type: Output Via the DENMS control bit in Master Control Register 1, this signal can be configured to either output a data enable or a gapped clock. In the data enable mode, this signal will go active when payload data should be made available at the FTD input. In the gapped clock mode, this signal will act as a demand clock for the FTD input and it will transition for each bit of payload data needed at the FTD input and it will be suppressed when the transmit formatter inserts overhead data and hence no data is needed at the FTD input. In the T3 Mode, overhead data is defined as the M Bits, F Bits, C Bits, X Bits, and P Bits. In the E3 Mode, overhead data is defined as the FAS word, RAI Bit and Sn Bit (i.e., bits 1 to 12). See Figure 2-2 for an example. This signal can be internally inverted if enabled via the FTDENI control bit in Master Control Register 3 (Section 4.2). This signal operates in the same manner even when the device is configured in the Transmit Pass Through mode (see the TPT control bit in the T3/E3 Control Register). 23 of 133 DS3112 Signal Name: FTMEI Signal Description: T3/E3 Transmit Formatter Manual Error Insert Strobe Signal Type: Input Via the EIC control bit in the T3/E3 Error Insert Control Register (Section 5.2), the DS3112 can be configured to use this asynchronous input to cause errors to be inserted into the transmitted data stream. A zero to one transition on this input causes the device to begin the process of causing errors to be inserted. This signal must be returned low before any subsequent errors can be generated. If this signal is not used, then it should be tied low. Figure 2-2. T3/E3 Transmit Formatter Timing FTCLK Normal Mode FTCLK Inverted Mode Last Bit of the Frame T3: X1 E3: Bit 1 of FAS FTD (see note) FTDEN Data Enable Mode for T3 (see note) FTDEN Data Enable Mode for (see note) FTDEN Gapped Clock Mode for T3 (see note) FTDEN Gapped Clock Mode for E3 (see note) FTSOF Output Mode (see note) FTSOF Input Mode (see note) NOTE: FTD, FTDEN, AND FTSOF CAN BE INVERTED VIA MASTER CONTROL REGISTER 3. 24 of 133 DS3112 2.5 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Port Signal Description Signal Name: LRDAT1 to LRDAT28 Signal Description: Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Serial Data Outputs Signal Type: Output These output signals present the demultiplexed serial data for the 28 T1 data streams or the 16/21 E1 data streams. Data can be clocked out of the device either on rising edges (normal clock mode) or falling edges (inverted clock mode) of the associated LRCLK. This option is controlled via the LRCLKI control bit in Master Control Register 2 (Section 4.2). Also, the data can be internally inverted before being output if enabled via the LRDATI control bit in Master Control Register 2 (Section 4.2). When the device is in the E3 Mode, LRDAT17 to LRDAT28 are meaningless and should be ignored. When the device is in the G.747 Mode, LRDAT4, LRDAT8, LRDAT12, LRDAT16, LRDAT20, LRDAT24, and LRDAT28 are meaningless and should be ignored. When the M13/E13 multiplexer is disabled, then these outputs are meaningless and should be ignored. Signal Name: LRCLK1 to LRCLK28 Signal Description: Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Serial Clock Outputs Signal Type: Output These output signals present the demultiplexed serial clocks for the 28 T1 data streams or the 16/21 E1 data streams. The T1 or E1 serial data streams at the associated LRDAT signals can be clocked out of the device either on rising edges (normal clock mode) or falling edges (inverted clock mode) of LRCLK. This option is controlled via the LRCLKI control bit in Master Control Register 2 (Section 4.2). When the device is in the E3 Mode, LRCLK17 to LRCLK28 are meaningless and should be ignored. When the device is in the G.747 Mode, LRCLK4, LRCLK8, LRCLK12, LRCLK16, LRCLK20, LRCLK24, and LRCLK28 are meaningless and should be ignored. When the M13/E13 multiplexer is disabled, then these outputs are meaningless and should be ignored. Signal Name: LRDATA/LRDATB Signal Description: Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Drop Port Serial Data Outputs Signal Type: Output These two output signals present the demultiplexed serial data from one of the 28 T1 data streams or from one of the 16/21 E1 data streams (Section 7.4). Data can be clocked out of the device either on rising edges (normal clock mode) or falling edges (inverted clock mode) of the associated LRCLK. This option is controlled via the LRCLKI control bit in Master Control Register 2 (Section 4.2). Also, the data can be internally inverted before being output if enabled via the LRDATI control bit in Master Control Register 2 (Section 4.2). When the M13/E13 multiplexer is disabled, then these outputs are meaningless and should be ignored. Signal Name: LRCLKA/LRCLKB Signal Description: Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Drop Port Serial Clock Outputs Signal Type: Output These output signals present the demultiplexed serial clocks from one of the 28 T1 data streams or from one of the 16/21 E1 data streams (Section 7.4). The T1 or E1 serial data streams at the associated LRDAT signals can be clocked out of the device either on rising edges (normal clock mode) or falling edges (inverted clock mode) of LRCLK. This option is controlled via the LRCLKI control bit in Master Control Register 2 (Section 4.2). When the M13/E13 multiplexer is disabled, then these outputs are meaningless and should be ignored. 25 of 133 DS3112 Signal Name: LRCCLK Signal Description: Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Receive Common Clock Input Signal Type: Input If enabled via the LRCCEN control bit in Master Control Register 1 (Section 4.2), all 28 LRCLK or 16/21 LRCLK can be slaved to this common clock input. In T3 mode, LRCCLK would be a 1.544MHz clock and in E3 mode, LRCCLK would be 2.048MHz. Use of this configuration is only possible in applications where it can be guaranteed that all of the multiplexed T1 or E1 signals at the far end are based on a common clock. If this signal is not used, then it should be tied low. This signal can be internally inverted. This option is controlled via the LRCLKI control bit in Master Control Register 2 (Section 4.2). 2.6 Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Port Signal Description Signal Name: LTDAT1 to LTDAT28 Signal Description: Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Serial Data Inputs Signal Type: Input These input signals sample the serial data from the 28 T1 data streams or the 16/21 E1 data streams that will be multiplexed into a single T3 or E3 data stream. Data can be clocked into the device either on falling edges (normal clock mode) or rising edges (inverted clock mode) of the associated LTCLK. This option is controlled via the LTCLKI control bit in Master Control Register 2 (Section 4.2). Also, the data can be internally inverted before being multiplexed if enabled via the LTDATI control bit in Master Control Register 2 (Section 4.2). When the device is in the E3 Mode, LTDAT17 to LTDAT28 are ignored and should be tied low. When the device is in the G.747 Mode, LTDAT4, LTDAT8, LTDAT12, LTDAT16, LTDAT20, LTDAT24, and LTDAT28 are ignored and should be tied low. When the M13/E13 multiplexer is disabled, then these inputs are ignored and should be tied low. Signal Name: LTCLK1 to LTCLK28 Signal Description: Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Serial Clock Inputs Signal Type: Input These input signals clock data in from the 28 T1 data streams or from the 16/21 E1 data streams. The T1 or E1 serial data streams at the associated LTDAT signals can be clocked into the device either on falling edges (normal clock mode) or rising edges (inverted clock mode) of LTCLK. This option is controlled via the LTCLKI control bit in Master Control Register 2 (Section 4.2). When the device is in the E3 Mode, LTCLK17 to LTCLK28 are meaningless and should be tied low. When the device is in the G.747 Mode, LTCLK4, LTCLK8, LTCLK12, LTCLK16, LTCLK20, LTCLK24, and LTCLK28 are meaningless and should be tied low. When the M13/E13 multiplexer is disabled, then these inputs are ignored and should be tied low. 26 of 133 DS3112 Signal Name: LTDATA/LTDATB Signal Description: Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Insert Port Serial Data Inputs Signal Type: Input These two input signals allow data to be inserted in place of any of the 28 T1 data streams or into any of the 16/21 E1 data streams (Section 7.4). Data can be clocked into the device either on falling edges (normal clock mode) or rising edges (inverted clock mode) of the associated LTCLK. This option is controlled via the LTCLKI control bit in Master Control Register 2 (Section 4.2). Also, the data can be internally inverted before being multiplexed if enabled via the LTDATI control bit in Master Control Register 2 (Section 4.2). When the M13/E13 multiplexer is disabled, then these inputs are ignored and should be tied low. Signal Name: LTCLKA/LTCLKB Signal Description: Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Insert Port Serial Clock Inputs Signal Type: Input These two input signals are used to clock data into the device that will be inserted into one of the 28 T1 data streams or into one of the 16/21 E1 data streams (Section 7.4). The T1 or E1 serial data streams at the associated LTDAT signals can be clocked into the device either on falling edges (normal clock mode) or rising edges (inverted clock mode) of LTCLKA/LTCLKB. This option is controlled via the LTCLKI control bit in Master Control Register 2 (Section 4.2). When the M13/E13 multiplexer is disabled, then these inputs are ignored and should be tied low. Signal Name: LTCCLK Signal Description: Low-Speed (T1 or E1) Transmit Common Clock Input Signal Type: Input If enabled via the LTCCEN in Master Control Register 1 (Section 4.2), all 28 LTCLK or 16 LTCLK signals are disabled and all the data at the 28 LTDAT or 16 LTDAT inputs (as well as the LTDATA and LTDATB inputs) will be clocked into the device using the LTCCLK signal. In T3 mode, LTCCLK would be a 1.544MHz clock and in E3 mode, LTCCLK would be 2.048MHz. If not used, this signal should be tied low. If this signal is used, then all of the LTCLK signals should be tied low. This signal can be internally inverted. This option is controlled via the LTCLKI control bit in Master Control Register 2 (Section 4.2). 27 of 133 DS3112 2.7 High-Speed (T3 or E3) Receive Port Signal Description Signal Name: HRPOS/HRNEG Signal Description: High-Speed (T3 or E3) Receive Serial Data Inputs Signal Type: Input These input signals sample the serial data from the incoming T3 data streams or E3 data streams. Data can be clocked into the device either on rising edges (normal clock mode) or falling edges (inverted clock mode) of the associated HRCLK. This option is controlled via the HRCLKI control bit in Master Control Register 2 (Section 4.2). Signal Name: HRCLK Signal Description: High-Speed (T3 or E3) Receive Serial Clock Input Signal Type: Input This signal is used to clock data in from the incoming T3 or E3 data streams. The T3 or E3 serial data streams at the HRPOS and HRNEG signals can be clocked into the device either on rising edges (normal clock mode) or falling edges (inverted clock mode) of HRCLK. This option is controlled via the HRCLKI control bit in Master Control Register 2 (Section 4.2). Note: The HRCLK must be present for the host to be able to obtain status information (except the LOTC and LORC status bits, see Section 4.3) from the device. 2.8 High-Speed (T3 or E3) Transmit Port Signal Description Signal Name: HTPOS/HTNEG Signal Description: High-Speed (T3 or E3) Transmit Serial Data Outputs Signal Type: Output These output signals present the outgoing T3 data streams or E3 data streams. Data can be clocked out of the device either on rising edges (normal clock mode) or falling edges (inverted clock mode) of HTCLK. This option is controlled via the HTCLKI control bit in Master Control Register 2 (Section 4.2). Also, these outputs can be forced high or low via the HTDATH and HTDATL control bits respectively in Master Control Register 2 (Section 4.2). Signal Name: HTCLK Signal Description: High-Speed (T3 or E3) Transmit Serial Clock Output Signal Type: Output This output signal is used to clock T3 or E3 data out of the device. The T3 or E3 serial data streams at the HTPOS and HTNEG signals can be clocked out of the device either on rising edges (normal clock mode) or falling edges (inverted clock mode) of HTCLK. This option is controlled via the HTCLKI control bit in Master Control Register 2 (Section 4.2). 28 of 133 DS3112 2.9 JTAG Signal Description Signal Name: JTCLK Signal Description: JTAG IEEE 1149.1 Test Serial Clock Signal Type: Input This signal is used to shift data into JTDI on the rising edge and out of JTDO on the falling edge. If not used, this signal should be pulled high. Signal Name: JTDI Signal Description: JTAG IEEE 1149.1 Test Serial Data Input Signal Type: Input (with internal 10kΩ pullup) Test instructions and data are clocked into this signal on the rising edge of JTCLK. If not used, this signal should be pulled high. This signal has an internal pullup. Signal Name: JTDO Signal Description: JTAG IEEE 1149.1 Test Serial Data Output Signal Type: Output Test instructions are clocked out of this signal on the falling edge of JTCLK. If not used, this signal should be left open circuited. Signal Name: JTRST Signal Description: JTAG IEEE 1149.1 Test Reset Signal Type: Input (with internal 10kΩ pullup) This signal is used to asynchronously reset the test access port controller. At power-up, JTRST must be set low and then high. This action will set the device into the boundary scan bypass mode allowing normal device operation. If boundary scan is not used, this signal should be held low. This signal has an internal pullup. Signal Name: JTMS Signal Description: JTAG IEEE 1149.1 Test Mode Select Signal Type: Input (with internal 10kΩ pullup) This signal is sampled on the rising edge of JTCLK and is used to place the test port into the various defined IEEE 1149.1 states. If not used, this signal should be pulled high. This signal has an internal pullup. 2.10 Supply, Test, Reset, and Mode Signal Description Signal Name: RST* Signal Description: Global Hardware Reset Signal Type: Input (with internal 10kΩ pullup) This active low asynchronous signal causes the device to be reset. When this signal is forced low, it causes all of the internal registers to be forced to 00h and the high-speed T3/E3 ports as well as the lowspeed T1/E1 ports to source an unframed all ones data pattern. The device will be held in a reset state as long as this signal is low. This signal should be activated after the hardware configuration signals (LIEN and T3E3MS) and the clocks (FTCLK, LTCLK, HRCLK, and LITCLK) are stable and must be returned high before the device can be configured for operation. 29 of 133 DS3112 Signal Name: T3E3MS Signal Description: T3/E3 Mode Select Input Signal Type: Input This signal determines whether the DS3112 will operate in either the T3 mode or the E3 mode. It acts as a global control bit for the entire DS3112. This signal should be set into the proper state before a hardware reset is issued via the RST signal. This input is coupled with the G.747E input to create a special test mode whereby all the outputs are tri-stated (Table 2-3). 0 = T3 Mode 1 = E3 Mode Signal Name: G.747E Signal Description: G.747 Mode Enable Input Signal Type: Input This signal determines whether the DS3112 will operate in either the T3 mode or the G.747 mode. It acts as a global control bit for the entire DS3112. This signal should be set into the proper state before a hardware reset is issued via the RST signal. This input is coupled with the T3E3MS input to create a special test mode whereby all the outputs are tri-stated (Table 2-3). 0 = T3 Mode 1 = G.747 Mode Table 2-3. Mode Select Decode T3E3MS 0 0 1 G.747E 0 1 0 1 1 MODE SELECTED T3 or M13 Operation G.747 Operation E3 or E13 Operation Special Test Mode that tri-states all outputs. JTRST must be driven low for tri-state operation without power-up. Refer to note for JTRST signal. Signal Name: TEST Signal Description: Factory Test Input Signal Type: Input (with internal 10kΩ pullup) This input should be left open circuited by the user. Signal Name: VSS Signal Description: Digital Ground Reference Signal Type: N/A All VSS signals should be tied together. Signal Name: VDD Signal Description: Digital Positive Supply Signal Type: N/A 3.3V (±5%). All VDD signals should be tied together. 30 of 133 DS3112 3 MEMORY MAP Table 3-1. Memory Map ADDRESS 00 02 04 06 08 0A 0C 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 2A 30 32 34 36 40 42 44 46 50 52 54 56 58 5A 5C 5E 60 62 6E 70 72 74 76 78 7A 7C 7E 80 ACRONYM MRID MC1 MC2 MC3 MSR IMSR TEST T3E3CR T3E3SR IT3E3SR T3E3INFO T3E3EIC BPVCR EXZCR FECR PCR CPCR FEBECR T2E2CR1 T2E2CR2 T2E2SR1 T2E2SR2 T1E1RAIS1 T1E1RAIS2 T1E1TAIS1 T1E1TAIS2 T1E1LLB1 T1E1LLB2 T1E1DLB1 T1E1DLB2 T1LBCR1 T1LBCR2 T1LBSR1 T1LBSR2 T1E1SDP T1E1SIP BERTMC BERTC0 BERTC1 BERTRP0 BERTRP1 BERTBC0 BERTBC1 BERTEC0 BERTEC1 HCR R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R R/W R/W R/W R R/W R R/W R R R R R R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R R R R R/W REGISTER NAME Master Reset and ID Register Master Configuration Register 1 Master Configuration Register 2 Master Configuration Register 3 Master Status Register Interrupt Mask Register for MSR Test Register T3/E3 Control Register T3/E3 Status Register Interrupt Mask for T3E3SR T3/E3 Information Register T3/E3 Error Insert Control Register T3/E3 Bipolar Violation (BPV) Count Register T3/E3 Excessive Zero (EXZ) Count Register T3/E3 Frame Error Count Register T3 Parity Bit Error Count Register T3 C-Bit Parity Error Count Register T3 Far End Block Error or E3 RAI Count Register T2/E2 Control Register 1 T2/E2 Control Register 2 T2/E2 Status Register 1 T2/E2 Status Register 2 T1/E1 Receive Path AIS Generation Control Register 1 T1/E1 Receive Path AIS Generation Control Register 2 T1/E1 Transmit Path AIS Generation Control Register 1 T1/E1 Transmit Path AIS Generation Control Register 2 T1/E1 Line Loopback Control Register 1 T1/E1 Line Loopback Control Register 2 T1/E1 Diagnostic Loopback Control Register 1 T1/E1 Diagnostic Loopback Control Register 2 T1 Line Loopback Command Register 1 T1 Line Loopback Command Register 2 T1 Line Loopback Status Register 1 T1 Line Loopback Status Register 2 T1/E1 Select Register for Receive Drop Ports A and B T1/E1 Select Register for Transmit Drop Ports A and B BERT Mux Control Register BERT Control 0 BERT Control 1 BERT Repetitive Pattern Set 0 (lower word) BERT Repetitive Pattern Set 1 (upper word) BERT Bit Counter 0 (lower word) BERT Bit Counter 1 (upper word) BERT Error Counter 0 (lower word) BERT Error Counter 1 (upper word) HDLC Control Register 31 of 133 SECTION 4.1 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.3 4.3 4.4 5.2 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 6.2 6.2 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 7.1 7.1 7.2 7.2 7.3 7.3 7.6 7.6 7.4 7.4 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 9.1 DS3112 ADDRESS 82 84 86 88 90 92 38, 48, 64, 66, 68, 94, 96, 98, 0E, 1A, 1C, 1E, 2C, 2E, 3A, 3C, 3E, 4A, 4C, 4E, 6A, 6C, 8A, 8C, 8E, 9A, 9C, 9E ACRONYM RHDLC THDLC HSR IHSR FCR FSR R/W R W R R/W R/W R — — REGISTER NAME Receive HDLC FIFO Register Transmit HDLC FIFO Register HDLC Status Register Interrupt Mask Register for HSR FEAC Control Register FEAC Status Register Not Assigned *Addresses A0 to FF are not assigned. 32 of 133 SECTION 9.2 9.2 9.3 9.3 10.1 10.2 * DS3112 4 MASTER DEVICE CONFIGURATION AND STATUS/INTERRUPT 4.1 Master Reset and ID Register Description The master reset and ID (MRID) register can be used to globally reset the device. When the RST bit is set to one, all of the internal registers will be placed into their default state, which is 0000h. A reset can also be invoked by the RST hardware signal. The upper byte of the MRID register is read-only and it can be read by the host to determine the chip revision. Contact the factory for specifics on the meaning of the value read from the ID0 to ID7 bits. Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: MRID Master Reset and ID Register 00h Bit # Name Default 7 — — 6 — — 5 — — 4 — — Bit # Name Default 15 ID7 X 14 ID6 X 13 ID5 X 12 ID4 X 3 T3E3RSY 0 11 ID3 X 2 T2E2RSY 0 10 ID2 X 1 RFIFOR 0 9 ID1 X 0 RST 0 8 ID0 X Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bit 0: Master Software Reset (RST). When this bit is set to a one by the host, it will force all of the internal registers to their default state, which is 0000h and forces the T3/E3 and T1/E1 outputs to send an all ones pattern. This bit must be set high for a minimum of 100ns. This software bit is logically ORed with the hardware signal RST. 0 = normal operation 1 = force all internal registers to their default value of 0000h Bit 1: Low-Speed (T1/E1) Receive FIFO Reset (RFIFOR). A zero to one transition on this bit will cause the receive T1/E1 demux FIFOs to be reset, which will cause them to be flushed. See the DS3112 Block Diagrams in Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2 for details on the placement of the FIFOs within the chip. This bit must be cleared and set again for a subsequent reset to occur. Bit 2: T2/E2/G.747 Force Receive Framer Resynchronization (T2E2RSY). A zero to one transition on this bit will cause all seven of the T2 receive framers or all four of the E2 receive framers or all seven of the G.747 framers to resynchronize. This bit must be cleared and set again for a subsequent resynchronization to occur. Bit 3: T3/E3 Force Receive Framer Resynchronization (T3E3RSY). A zero to one transition on this bit will cause the T3 receive framer or the E3 receive framer to resynchronize. This bit must be cleared and set again for a subsequent resynchronization to occur. Bits 8 to 15: Chip Revision ID Bit 0 to 7 (ID0 to ID7). Read-only. Contact the factory for details on the meaning of the ID bits. 33 of 133 DS3112 4.2 Master Configuration Registers Description Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: MC1 Master Configuration Register 1 02h Bit # Name Default 7 FTSOFC 0 6 LOTCMC 0 5 UNI 0 4 MECU 0 3 AECU 0 2 CBEN 0 1 UNCHEN 0 0 ZCSD 0 Bit # Name Default 15 — — 14 — — 13 — — 12 — — 11 LLTM 0 10 DENMS 0 9 LRCCEN 0 8 LTCCEN 0 Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bit 0: Zero Code Suppression Disable (ZCSD). 0 = enable the B3ZS and HDB3 encoders/decoders 1 = disable the B3ZS and HDB3 encoders/decoders Bit 1: T3/E3 Unchannelized Mode Enable (UNCHEN). When this bit is set low, the M13/E13/G.747 multiplexer is enabled and data at the FTD input is ignored. When this bit is set high, the M13/E13/G.747 multiplexer is disabled and the LTDAT inputs are ignored. The table below displays which bits are not sampled at the FTD input when UNCHEN = 1. 0 = enable the M13/E13/G.747 multiplexers and disable the FTD Input 1 = disable the M13/E13/G.747 multiplexers and enable the FTD Input DS3112 MODE T3 M23 (C-Bit Parity Disabled) T3 C-Bit Parity E3 BITS POSITIONS NOT SAMPLED AT FTD F/P/M/C/X F/P/M/X FAS/Sn/RAI Bit 2: T3 C-Bit Parity Mode Enable (CBEN). This bit is only active when the device is T3 mode. When this bit is set low, C-Bit Parity is defeated and the C Bits are sourced from the M23 Multiplexer Block (Figure 1-1). This bit should not be set low in the T3 unchannelized mode (UNCHEN = 1). When this bit is set high, C-Bit Parity mode is enabled and the C bits are sourced from the T3 framer block (Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-3). 0 = disable C-Bit Parity mode (also known as the M23 Mode) 1 = enable C-Bit Parity mode Bit 3: Automatic One-Second Error Counters Update Defeat (AECU). When this bit is set low, the device will automatically update the T3/E3 performance error counters on an internally created one-second boundary. The host will be notified of the update via the setting of the OST status bit in the Master Status Register. In this mode, the host has a full one second period to retrieve the error information before if will be overwritten with the next update. When this bit is set high, the device will defeat the automatic one-second update and enable a manual update mode. In the manual update mode, the device relies on either the Framer Manual Error Counter Update (FRMECU) hardware input signal or the MECU control bit to update the error counters. The FRMECU hardware input signal and MECU control bit are logically ORed and hence a zero to one transition on either will initiate an error counter update to occur. After either the FRMECU signal or MECU bit has toggled, the host must wait at least 100ns before reading the error counters to allow the device time to complete the update. 0 = enable the automatic update mode and disable the manual update mode 1 = disable the automatic update mode and enable the manual update mode 34 of 133 DS3112 Bit 4: Manual Error Counter Update (MECU). A zero to one transition on this bit will cause the device to update the performance error counters. This bit is ignored if the AECU control bit is set low. This bit must be cleared and set again for a subsequent update. This bit is logically ORed with the external FRMECU hardware input signal. After this bit has toggled, the host must wait at least 100ns before reading the error counters to allow the device time to complete the update. Bit 5: High-Speed (T3/E3) Port Unipolar Enable (UNI). When this bit is set low, the device will output a bipolar coded signal at HTPOS and HTNEG and expect a bipolar coded signal at HRPOS and HRNEG. When this bit is set high, the device will output a NRZ coded signal at HTPOS and expect a NRZ coded signal at HRPOS. In the unipolar mode, the device will force the HTNEG output low and the HRNEG input is ignored and should be tied low. In the unipolar mode, the B3ZS and HDB3 coder/decoders should be disabled by setting the ZCSD bit to one (ZCSD = 1). 0 = bipolar mode 1 = unipolar mode Bit 6: Loss Of Transmit Clock Mux Control (LOTCMC). The DS3112 can detect if the FTCLK fails to transition. If this bit is set low, the device will take no action (other than setting the LOTC status bit) when the FTCLK fails to transition. When this bit is set high, the device will automatically switch to the input receive clock (HRCLK) when the FTCLK fails and transmit AIS. 0 = do not switch to the HRCLK signal if FTCLK fails to transition 1 = automatically switch to the HRCLK signal if the FTCLK fails to transition and send AIS Bit 7: T3/E3 Transmit Frame Sync I/O Control (FTSOFC). When this bit is set low, the FTSOF signal will be an output and will pulse for one FTCLK cycle at the beginning of each frame. When this bit is high, the FTSOF signal is an input and the device uses it to determine the frame boundaries. 0 = FTSOF is an output 1 = FTSOF is an input Bit 8: Low-Speed (T1/E1) Transmit Port Common Clock Enable (LTCCEN). When this bit is set high, the LTCLK1 to LTCLK28 and LTCLKA and LTCLKB inputs are ignored and a common clock sourced via the LTCCLK input is used in their place. 0 = disable LTCCLK 1 = enable LTCCLK Bit 9: Low-Speed (T1/E1) Receive Port Common Clock Enable (LRCCEN). When this bit is set high, the LRCLK1 to LRCLK28 and LRCLKA and LRCLKB outputs will all be sourced from the LRCCLK input. This configuration can only be used in applications where it can be insured that all of the T1 or E1 channels from the far end are being sourced from a common clock. 0 = disable LRCCLK 1 = enable LRCCLK Bit 10: High-Speed (T3/E3) Data Enable Mode Select (DENMS). When this bit is set low, the FRDEN and FTDEN outputs will be asserted during payload data and deasserted during overhead data. When this bit is high, FRDEN and FTDEN are gapped clocks that pulse during payload data and are suppressed during overhead data. 0 = FRDEN and FTDEN are data enables 1 = FRDEN and FTDEN are gapped clocks Bit 11: Low-Speed (T1/E1) Port Loop Timed Mode (LLTM). When this bit is set low, the low-speed T1 and E1 receive clocks (LRCLK) are not routed to the transmit side. When this bit is high, the LRCLKs are routed to the transmit side to be used as the transmit T1 and E1 clocks. When enabled, all the low-speed ports are looped timed. This control bit affects all the low-speed ports. The device is not capable of setting individual low-speed ports into and out of looped timed mode. See the block diagram in Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2 for more details. 0 = disable loop timed mode (LRCLK is not used to replace the associated LTCLK) 1 = enable loop timed mode (LRCLK replaces the associated LTCLK) 35 of 133 DS3112 Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 — — Bit # Name Default 15 — — MC2 Master Configuration Register 2 04h 6 — — 14 — — 5 HTDATL 0 13 — — 4 HTDATH 0 12 — — 3 HRDATI 0 2 HRCLKI 0 1 HTDATI 0 0 HTCLKI 0 11 LRDATI 0 10 LRCLKI 0 9 LTDATI 0 8 LTCLKI 0 Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bit 0: HTCLK Invert Enable (HTCLKI). 0 = do not invert the HTCLK signal (normal mode) 1 = invert the HTCLK signal (inverted mode) Bit 1: HTPOS/HTNEG Invert Enable (HTDATI). 0 = do not invert the HTPOS and HTNEG signals (normal mode) 1 = invert the HTPOS and HTNEG signals (inverted mode) Bit 2: HRCLK Invert Enable (HRCLKI). 0 = do not invert the HRCLK signal (normal mode) 1 = invert the HRCLK signal (inverted mode) Bit 3: HRPOS/HRNEG Invert Enable (HTDATI). 0 = do not invert the HRPOS and HRNEG signals (normal mode) 1 = invert the HRPOS and HRNEG signals (inverted mode) Bit 4: HTPOS/HTNEG Force High Disable (HTDATH). Note that this bit must be set by the host in order for T3/E3 traffic to be output from the device. 0 = force the HTPOS and HTNEG signals high (force high mode) 1 = allow normal transmit data to appear at the HTPOS and HTNEG signals (normal mode) Bit 5: HTPOS/HTNEG Force Low Enable (HTDATL). 0 = allow normal transmit data to appear at the HTPOS and HTNEG signals (normal mode) 1 = force the HTPOS and HTNEG signals low (force low mode) Bit 8: LTCLK Invert Enable (LTCLKI). 0 = do not invert the LTCLK[n], LTCLKA, LTCLKB, and LTCCLK signals (normal mode) 1 = invert the LTCLK[n], LTCLKA, LTCLKB, and LTCCLK signals (inverted mode) Bit 9: LTDAT Invert Enable (LTDATI). 0 = do not invert the LTDAT[n], LTDATA and LTDATB signals (normal mode) 1 = invert the LTDAT[n], LTDATA and LTDATB signals (inverted mode) Bit 10: LRCLK Invert Enable (LRCLKI). 0 = do not invert the LRCLK[n], LRCLKA, LRCLKB, and LRCCLK signals (normal mode) 1 = invert the LRCLK[n], LRCLKA, LRCLKB, and LRCCLK signals (inverted mode) Bit 11: LRDAT Invert Enable (LRDATI). 0 = do not invert the LRDAT[n], LRDATA and LRDATB signals (normal mode) 1 = invert the LRDAT[n], LRDATA and LRDATB signals (inverted mode) 36 of 133 DS3112 Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: MC3 Master Configuration Register 3 06h Bit # Name Default 7 FRSOFI 0 6 FRCLKI 0 5 FRDI 0 4 FRDENI 0 3 FTSOFI 0 2 FTCLKI 0 1 FTDI 0 0 FTDENI 0 Bit # Name Default 15 — — 14 — — 13 — — 12 — — 11 — — 10 — — 9 — — 8 — — Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bit 0: FTDEN Invert Enable (FTDENI). 0 = do not invert the FTDEN signal (normal mode) 1 = invert the FTDEN signal (inverted mode) Bit 1: FTD Invert Enable (FTDI). 0 = do not invert the FTD signal (normal mode) 1 = invert the FTD signal (inverted mode) Bit 2: FTCLK Invert Enable (FTCLKI). 0 = do not invert the FTCLK signal (normal mode) 1 = invert the FTCLK signal (inverted mode) Bit 3: FTSOF Invert Enable (FTSOFI). 0 = do not invert the FTSOF signal (normal mode) 1 = invert the FTSOF signal (inverted mode) Bit 4: FRDEN Invert Enable (FRDENI). 0 = do not invert the FRDEN signal (normal mode) 1 = invert the FRDEN signal (inverted mode) Bit 5: FRD Invert Enable (FRDI). 0 = do not invert the FRD signal (normal mode) 1 = invert the FRD signal (inverted mode) Bit 6: FRCLK Invert Enable (FRCLKI). 0 = do not invert the FRCLK signal (normal mode) 1 = invert the FRCLK signal (inverted mode) Bit 7: FRSOF Invert Enable (FRSOFI). 0 = do not invert the FRSOF signal (normal mode) 1 = invert the FRSOF signal (inverted mode) 37 of 133 DS3112 4.3 Master Status and Interrupt Register Description 4.3.1 Status Registers The status registers in the DS3112 allow the host to monitor the real-time condition of the device. Most of the status bits in the device can cause a hardware interrupt to occur. Also, most of the status bits within the device are latched to ensure that the host can detect changes in state and the true status of the device. There are three types of status bits in the DS3112. The first type is called an event status bit and is derived from a momentary condition or state that occurs within the device. The event status bits are always cleared when read and can generate an interrupt when they are asserted. An example of an event status bit is the one-second timer boundary occurrence (OST). The second type of status bit is called an alarm status bit, which is derived from conditions that can occur for longer than an instance. The alarm status bits will be cleared when read unless the alarm is still present. The alarm status bits generate interrupts on a change in state in the alarm (i.e., when it is asserted or deasserted). An example of an alarm status bit is the loss of frame (LOF). The third type of status bit is called a real-time status bit. The real-time status bit remains active as long as the condition exists and will generate an interrupt as long as the condition exists. An example of a realtime status bit is the loss of transmit clock (LOTC). Figure 4-1. Event Status Bit Internal Signal Status Bit Interrupt Read Figure 4-2. Alarm Status Bit Internal Signal Status Bit Interrupt Read 38 of 133 DS3112 Figure 4-3. Real-Time Status Bit Internal Signal Status Bit Interrupt Read 4.3.2 MSR The Master Status Register (MSR) is a special status register that can be used to help the host quickly locate changes in device status. There is a status bit in the MSR for each of the major blocks within the DS3112. When an alarm or event occurs in one of these blocks, the device can be configured to set a bit in the MSR. Status bits in the MSR can also cause a hardware interrupt to occur. In either polled or interrupt driven software routines, the host can first read the MSR to locate which status registers need to be serviced. Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: MSR Master Status Register 08h Bit # Name Default 7 — — 6 T2E2SR2 — 5 T2E2SR1 — Bit # Name Default 15 — — 14 — — 13 G.747 — 4 FEAC — 12 T3E3MS — 3 HDLC — 2 BERT — 11 LORC — 10 LOTC — 1 COVF — 9 T3E3SR — 0 OST — 8 T1LB — Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bit 0: One-Second Timer Boundary Occurrence (OST). This latched read-only event-status bit will be set to a one on each one-second boundary as timed by the DS3112. The device chooses an arbitrary one-second boundary that is timed from the HRCLK signal. This bit will be cleared when read and will not be set again until another one-second boundary has occurred. The setting of this status bit can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the OST bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one. The interrupt will be allowed to clear when this bit is read. Bit 1: Counter Overflow Event (COVF). This latched read-only event-status bit will be set to a one if any of the error counters saturates (the error counters saturate when full). This bit will be cleared when read even if one or more of the error counters is still saturated. The setting of this status bit can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the COVF bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one. The interrupt will be allowed to clear when this bit is read. Bit 2: Change in BERT Status (BERT). This read-only real-time status bit will be set to a one if there is a major change of status in the BERT receiver and the associated interrupt enable bit is set in the BERTCO register. A major change of status is defined as either a change in the receive synchronization (i.e., the BERT has gone into or out of receive synchronization), a bit error has been detected, or an overflow has occurred in either the Bit Counter or the Error Counter. The host must read the status bits of the BERT in the BERT Status Register (BERTEC0) to 39 of 133 DS3112 determine the change of state. This bit will be cleared when the BERTEC0 is read and will not be set again until the BERT has experienced another change of state. The setting of this status bit can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the BERT bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one. The interrupt will be allowed to clear when the BERTEC0 register is read (Figure 4-4). Bit 3: Change in HDLC Status (HDLC). This read-only real-time status bit will be set to a one if there is a change of status in the HDLC controller and the associated interrupt enable bit is set in the IHSR register. The host must read the status bits of the HDLC in the HDLC Status Register (HSR) to determine the change of state. This bit will be cleared when the HSR is read and will not be set again until the HDLC has experienced another change of state. The setting of this status bit can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the HDLC bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one. The interrupt will be allowed to clear when the HSR register is read (see Figure 4-5). Bit 4: Change in FEAC Status (FEAC). This read-only real-time status bit will be set to a one when the FEAC controller has detected and verified a new Far End Alarm and Control (FEAC) 16-bit codeword. This bit will be cleared when the FEAC Status Register (FSR) is read and will not be set again until the FEAC controller has detected and verified another new codeword. The setting of this status bit can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the FEAC bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one. The interrupt will be allowed to clear when the FSR register is read. Bit 5: Change in T2/E2 LOF or AIS Status (T2E2SR1). This read-only real-time status bit will be set to a one when one or more of the T2/E2/G.747 framers have detected a change in either Loss Of Frame (LOF) or Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) and the associated interrupt enable bit is set in the T2E2SR1 register. See the T2E2SR1 register description in Section 6.3 for more details. This bit will be cleared when the T2E2SR1 register is read. The setting of this status bit can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the T2E2SR1 bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one. The interrupt will be allowed to clear when the T2E2SR1 register is read (see Figure 4-6). Bit 6: Change in T2/E2 RAI Status (T2E2SR2). This read-only real-time status bit will be set to a one when one or more of the T2/E2/G.747 framers have detected a change in the detection of the Remote Alarm Indication (RAI) signal and the interrupt enable (bit 7) is set in the T2E2SR2 register. See the T2E2SR2 register description in Section 6.3 for more details. This bit will be cleared when the T2E2SR2 register is read. The setting of this status bit can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the T2E2SR2 bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one. The interrupt will be allowed to clear when the T2E2SR2 register is read (see Figure 4-7). Bit 8: T1 Loopback Detected (T1LB). This read-only real-time status bit will be set to a one when one or more of the T2 framers have detects an active T1 loopback command. See the T1LBSR1 and T1LBSR2 register descriptions in Section 7.3 for more details. This bit will be cleared when the T1 loopback command is no longer active on any of the lines. The setting of this status bit can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the T1LB bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one. The interrupt will be allowed to clear when the none of the T2 framers detects an active T1 loopback command (see Figure 4-8). Bit 9: Change in T3/E3 Framer Status (T3E3SR). This read-only real-time status bit will be set to a one when the T3/E3 framer has detected a change in RAI, AIS, LOF, LOS, or T3 Idle signal or has detected the start of a Transmit or Receive Frame and the associated interrupt enable bit is set in the T3E3SR register. See the T3E3SR register description in Section 5.3 for more details. This bit will be cleared when the T3E3SR register is read. The setting of this status bit can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the T3E3SR bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one. The interrupt will be allowed to clear when the T3E3SR register is read (see Figure 4-9). Bit 10: Loss Of Transmit Clock Detected (LOTC). This read-only real-time status bit will be set to a one when the device detects that the FTCLK clock has not toggled for 200ns (±100ns). This bit will be cleared when a clock is detected at the FTCLK input. The setting of this status bit can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the LOTC bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one. The interrupt will be allowed to clear when the 40 of 133 DS3112 device detects a clock at FTCLK. The HRCLK checks for the presence of the FTCLK. On reset, both the LOTC and LORC status bits will be set and then immediately cleared if the clock is present. Bit 11: Loss Of Receive Clock Detected (LORC). This read-only real-time status bit will be set to a one when the device detects that the HRCLK clock has not toggled for 200ns (±100ns). This bit will be cleared when a clock is detected at the HRCLK input. The setting of this status bit can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the LORC bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one. The interrupt will be allowed to clear when the device detects a clock at HRCLK. The FTCLK checks for the presence of the HRCLK. On reset, both the LOTC and LORC status bits will be set and then immediately cleared if the clock is present. Bit 12: State of the T3E3MS Input Signal (T3E3MS). This read-only real-time status bit reflects the current state of the external T3E3MS input signal. This status bit cannot generate an interrupt. Bit 13: State of the G.747E Input Signal (G.747E). This read-only real-time status bit reflects the current state of the external G.747E input signal. This status bit cannot generate an interrupt. Figure 4-4. BERT Status Bit Flow Internal RLOS Signal from BERT Alarm Latch RLOS (BERTEC0 Bit 4) Change in State Detect Event Latch Mask IESYNC (BERTC0 Bit 15) Internal Bit Error Detected Signal from BERT Event Latch BED (BERTEC0 Bit 3) Mask BERT Status Bit (MSR Bit 2) OR IEBED (BERTC0 Bit 14) Internal Counter Overflow Signal from BERT Event Latch BECO or BBCO (BERTEC0 Bits 1 & 2) Mask Mask INT* Hardware Signal BERT (IMSR Bit 2) IEOF (BERTC0 Bit 13) NOTE: ALL EVENT AND ALARM LATCHES ABOVE ARE CLEARED WHEN THE BERTEC0 REGISTER IS READ. 41 of 133 DS3112 Figure 4-5. HDLC Status Bit Flow Transmit Packet End Signal from HDLC Event Latch TEND (HSR Bit 0) Mask TEND (IHSR Bit 0) Internal Transmit Low Water Mark Signal from HDLC TLWM (HSR Bit 2) Mask TLWM (IHSR Bit 2) Internal Receive High Water Mark Signal from HDLC RHWM (HSR Bit 4) Mask RHWM (IHSR Bit 4) Internal Receive Packet Start Signal from HDLC Event Latch RPS (HSR Bit 5) Mask RPS (IHSR Bit 5) Internal Receive Packet End Signal from HDLC Event Latch RPE (HSR Bit 6) HDLC Status Bit (MSR Bit 3) OR Mask Mask RPE (IHSR Bit 6) Internal Transmit FIFO Underrun Signal from HDLC Event Latch HDLC (IMSR Bit 3) TUDR (HSR Bit 7) Mask TUDR (IHSR Bit 3) Internal Receive FIFO Overrun Signal from HDLC Event Latch ROVR (HSR Bit 13) Mask ROVR (IHSR Bit 13) Internal Receive Abort Detect Signal from HDLC Event Latch RABT (HSR Bit 15) Mask RABT (IHSR Bit 15) NOTE: ALL EVENT LATCHES ABOVE ARE CLEARED WHEN THE HSR REGISTER IS READ. 42 of 133 INT* Hardware Signal DS3112 Figure 4-6. T2E2SR1 Status Bit Flow Internal LOF Signal from T2/E2 Framer 1 Alarm Latch LOF1 (T2E2SR1 Bit 0) Change in State Detect Internal LOF Signal from T2/E2 Framer 2 Alarm Latch Event Latch LOF2 (T2E2SR1 Bit 1) Change in State Detect Event Latch OR Internal LOF Signal from T2 Framer 7 Alarm Latch IELOF (T2E2SR1 Bit 7) LOF7 (T2E2SR1 Bit 6) Change in State Detect Mask Event Latch T2E2SR1 Status Bit (MSR Bit 5) OR Internal AIS Signal from T2/E2 Framer 1 Alarm Latch Change in State Detect Internal AIS Signal from T2/E2 Framer 2 Alarm Latch Mask AIS1 (T2E2SR1 Bit 8) T2E2SR1 (IMSR Bit 5) Event Latch AIS2 (T2E2SR1 Bit 9) Change in State Detect Event Latch OR Internal AIS Signal from T2 Framer 7 Alarm Latch IEAIS (T2E2SR1 Bit 15) AIS7 (T2E2SR1 Bit 14) Change in State Detect Mask Event Latch NOTE: ALL EVENT AND ALARM LATCHES ABOVE ARE CLEARED WHEN THE T2E2SR1 REGISTER IS READ. 43 of 133 INT* Hardware Signal DS3112 Figure 4-7. T2E2SR2 Status Bit Flow Internal RAI Signal from T2/E2 Framer 1 Alarm Latch RAI1 (T2E2SR2 Bit 0) Change in State Detect Internal RAI Signal from T2/E2 Framer 2 Alarm Latch Event Latch RAI2 (T2E2SR2 Bit 1) Change in State Detect Event Latch OR Internal RAI Signal from T2 Framer 7 Alarm Latch IERAI (T2E2SR2 Bit 7) RAI7 (T2E2SR2 Bit 6) Change in State Detect T2E2SR2 Status Bit (MSR Bit 6) Mask Mask T2E2SR2 (IMSR Bit 6) Event Latch NOTE: ALL EVENT AND ALARM LATCHES ABOVE ARE CLEARED WHEN THE T2E2SR2 REGISTER IS READ. Figure 4-8. T1LB Status Bit Flow Internal T1 Loopback Command Signal from T2/E2 Framer Internal T1 Loopback Command Signal from T2/E2 Framer LLB1 (T1LBSR1 Bit 0) LLB2 (T1LBSR1 Bit 1) T1LB Status Bit (MSR Bit 8) OR Mask Internal T1 Loopback Command Signal from T2/E2 Framer LLB28 (T1LBSR2 Bit 11) 44 of 133 T1LB (IMSR Bit 8) INT* Hardware Signal INT* Hardware Signal DS3112 Figure 4-9. T3E3SR Status Bit Flow Receive LOS Signal from T3/E3 Framer Alarm Latch LOS (T3E3SR Bit 0) Change in State Detect Event Latch Mask LOS (IT3E3SR Bit 0) Receive LOF Signal from T3/E3 Framer Alarm Latch LOF (T3E3SR Bit 1) Change in State Detect Event Latch Mask LOF (IT3E3SR Bit 1) Receive AIS Signal from T3/E3 Framer Alarm Latch AIS (T3E3SR Bit 2) Change in State Detect Event Latch Mask AIS (IT3E3SR Bit 2) Receive RAI Signal from T3/E3 Framer Alarm Latch AIS (T3E3SR Bit 3) Change in State Detect Event Latch Mask T3E3SR Status Bit (MSR Bit 9) OR AIS (IT3E3SR Bit 3) Receive Idle Signal from T3/E3 Framer Alarm Latch Mask T3IDLE (T3E3SR Bit 4) Change in State Detect Event Latch Mask T3E3SR (IMSR Bit 9) T3IDLE (IT3E3SR Bit 4) Receive Start Of Frame Signal from T3/E3 Framer Event Latch RSOF (T3E3SR Bit 5) Mask RSOF (IT3E3SR Bit 5) Transmit Start Of Frame Signal from T3/E3 Framer Event Latch TSOF (T3E3SR Bit 6) Mask TSOF (IT3E3SR Bit 6) NOTE: ALL EVENT AND ALARM LATCHES ABOVE ARE CLEARED WHEN THE T3E3SR REGISTER IS READ. 45 of 133 INT* Hardware Signal DS3112 Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: IMSR Interrupt Mask for Master Status Register 0Ah Bit # Name Default 7 — — 6 T2E2SR2 0 5 T2E2SR1 0 4 FEAC 0 3 HDLC 0 2 BERT 0 1 COVF 0 0 OST 0 Bit # Name Default 15 — — 14 — — 13 — — 12 — — 11 LORC 0 10 LOTC 0 9 T3E3SR 0 8 T1LB 0 Bit 0: One-Second Timer Boundary Occurrence (OST). 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt unmasked Bit 1: Counter Overflow Event (COVF). 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt unmasked Bit 2: Change in BERT Status (BERT). 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt unmasked Bit 3: Change in HDLC Status (HDLC). 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt unmasked Bit 4: Change in FEAC Status (FEAC). 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt unmasked Bit 5: Change in T2/E2 LOF or AIS Status (T2E2SR1). 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt unmasked Bit 6: Change in T2/E2 RAI Status (T2E2SR2). 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt unmasked Bit 8: T1 Loopback Detected (T1LB). 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt unmasked Bit 9: Change in T3/E3 Framer Status (T3E3SR). 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt unmasked Bit 10: Loss Of Transmit Clock (LOTC). 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt unmasked Bit 11: Loss Of Receive Clock (LORC). 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt unmasked 46 of 133 DS3112 4.4 Test Register Description Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: TEST Test Register 0Ch Bit # Name Default 7 — — 6 — — 5 FT5 0 4 FT4 0 3 FT3 0 2 FT2 0 1 FT1 0 0 FT0 0 Bit # Name Default 15 — — 14 — — 13 — — 12 — — 11 — — 10 — — 9 — — 8 — — Bits 0 to 5: Factory Test Bits (FT0 to FT5). These bits are used by the factory to place the DS3112 into the test mode. For normal device operation, these bits should be set to zero whenever this register is written to. 47 of 133 DS3112 5 T3/E3 FRAMER On the receive side, the T3/E3 framer locates the frame boundaries of the incoming T3 or E3 data stream and monitors the data stream for alarms and errors. Alarms are detected and reported in T3/E3 Status Register (T3E3SR) and the T3/E3 Information Register (T3E3INFO), which are described in Section 5.3. Errors are accumulated in a set of error counters (Section 5.4). The host can force the T3/E3 framer to resynchronize via the T3E3RSY control bit in the MRID register (Section 4.1). On the transmit side, the device formats the outgoing data stream with the proper framing pattern and overhead and can generate alarms. It can also inject errors for diagnostic testing purposes (T3E3EIC register). The transmit side of the framer is called the “formatter.” The T3/E3 framer and formatter can be used in conjunction with the multiplexer or as a stand-alone framer. This selection is made in the Master Configuration 1 (MC1) register (Section 4.2). 5.1 T3/E3 Line Loopback The line loopback loops the incoming T3/E3 data (the HRCLK, HRPOS, and HRNEG inputs) directly back to the transmit side (the HTCLK, HTPOS, and HTNEG outputs). When this loopback is enabled, the incoming receive data continues to pass through the device but the data output from the T3/E3 formatter is replaced with the data being input to the device. See the block diagrams in Section 1 for a visual description of this loopback. 5.2 T3/E3 Diagnostic Loopback The diagnostic loopback loops the outgoing T3/E3 data from the T3/E3 formatter back to receive side framer. When this loopback is enabled, the incoming receive data at HRCLK, HRPOS, and HRNEG is ignored. See the block diagrams in Section 1 for a visual description of this loopback. Please note that the device can still generate AIS at the HTCLK, HTPOS, and HTNEG outputs when this loopback is invoked. This is important to keep the data that is being looped back from disturbing downstream equipment. 5.3 T3/E3 Payload Loopback The payload loopback loops the framed T3/E3 data from the receive side framer back to the transmit side formatter. When this loopback is enabled, the incoming receive data continues to pass through the device but the data normally being input to the T3/E3 formatter is ignored. See the block diagrams in Section 1 for a visual description of this loopback. 48 of 133 DS3112 5.4 T3/E3 Framer Control Register Description Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 DLB 0 Bit # Name Default 15 — — T3E3CR T3/E3 Control Register 10h 6 LLB 0 5 T3IDLE 0 4 E3SnC1 0 14 PLB 0 13 TFEBE 0 12 AFEBED 0 3 E3SnC0 0 11 ECC 0 2 TPT 0 10 FECC1 0 1 TRAI 0 0 TAIS 0 9 FECC0 0 8 E3CVE 0 Bit 0: T3/E3 Transmit Alarm Indication Signal (TAIS). When this bit is set high in the T3 mode, the transmitter will generate a properly F-bit and M-bit framed 101010... data pattern with both X bits set to one, all C bits set to zero, and the proper P bits. This is true regardless of whether the device is in the C-Bit Parity mode or not. When this bit is set high in the E3 mode, the transmitter will generate an unframed all ones. When this bit it set low, normal data is transmitted. 0 = do not transmit AIS 1 = transmit AIS Bit 1: T3/E3 Transmit Remote Alarm Indication (TRAI). When this bit is set high in the T3 mode, both X bits will be set to a zero. When this bit is set high in the E3 mode, the RAI bit (bit number 11 of each E3 frame) will be set to a one. When this bit it set low in the T3 mode, both X bits will be set to one. When this bit is set low in the E3 mode, the RAI bit will be set to a zero. 0 = do not transmit RAI 1 = transmit RAI Bit 2: T3/E3 Transmit Pass Through Enable (TPT). 0 = enable the framer to insert framing and overhead bits 1 = framer will not insert any framing or overhead bits Bits 3 and 4: E3 National Bit Control Bits 0 and 1 (E3SnC0 and E3SnC1). These bits determine from where the E3 national bit is sourced. On the receive side, the Sn bit is always routed to the T3E3INFO Register as well as the HDLC controller and the FEAC controller. These bits are ignored in the T3 mode. E3SnC1 E3SnC0 SOURCE OF THE E3 NATIONAL BIT (Sn) 0 0 Force the Sn bit to one 0 1 Use the HDLC controller to source the Sn bit 1 0 Use the FEAC controller to source the Sn bit 1 1 Force the Sn bit to zero Bit 5: Transmit T3 Idle Signal Enable (T3IDLE). When this bit is set high, the T3 Idle Signal will be transmitted instead of the normal transmit data. The T3 Idle Signal is defined as a normally T3 framed pattern (i.e., with the proper F bits and M bits along with the proper P bits) where the information bit fields are completely filled with a data pattern of ...1100... and the C bits in Subframe 3 are set to zero and both X bits are set to one. This bit is ignored in the E3 mode. 0 = transmit data normally 1 = transmit T3 Idle Signal Bit 6: T3/E3 Line Loopback Enable (LLB). See Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2 for a visual description of this loopback. 0 = disable loopback 1 = enable loopback 49 of 133 DS3112 Bit 7: T3/E3 Diagnostic Loopback Enable (DLB). See Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2 for a visual description of this loopback. 0 = disable loopback 1 = enable loopback Bit 8: E3 Code Violation Enable (E3CVE). This bit is ignored in the T3 mode. This bit is used in the E3 mode to configure the BiPolar Violation Count Register (BPVCR) to count either BiPolar Violations (BPV) or Code Violations (CV). A BPV is defined as consecutive pulses (or marks) of the same polarity that are not part of a HDB3 codeword. A CV is defined in ITU O.161 as consecutive BPVs of the same polarity. 0 = count BPV 1 = count CV Bits 9 and 10: T3/E3 Frame Error Counting Control Bits 0 and 1 (FECC0 and FECC1). FECC1 FECC0 FRAME ERROR COUNT REGISTER (FECR) CONFIGURATION T3 Mode: Count Loss Of Frame (LOF) Occurrences 0 0 E3 Mode: Count Loss Of Frame (LOF) Occurrences T3 Mode: Count Both F Bit and M Bit Errors 0 1 E3 Mode: Count Bit Errors in the FAS Word T3 Mode: Count Only F Bit Errors 1 0 E3 Mode: Count Word Errors in the FAS Word T3 Mode: Count Only M Bit Errors 1 1 E3 Mode: Illegal State Bit 11: Error Counting Control (ECC). This bit is used to control whether the device will increment the error counters during Loss Of Frame (LOF) conditions. It only affects the error counters that count errors that are based on framed information and these include the following: Frame Error Counter (when it is configured to count frame errors, not LOF occurrences) T3 Parity Bit Error Counter T3 C-Bit Parity Error Counter T3 Far End Block Error or E3 RAI Counter When this bit is set low, these error counters will not be allowed to increment during LOF conditions. When this bit is set high, these error counters will be allowed to increment during LOF conditions. 0 = stop the FECR/PCR/CPCR/FEBECR error counters from incrementing during LOF 1 = allow the FECR/PCR/CPCR/FEBECR error counters to increment during LOF Bit 12: Automatic FEBE Defeat (AFEBED). This bit is ignored in the E3 mode and in the T3 mode when the device is not configured in the C-Bit Parity Mode. When this bit is low, the device will automatically insert the FEBE codes into the transmitted data stream by setting all three C bits in Subframe 4 to zero. 0 = automatically insert FEBE codes in the transmit data stream based on detected errors 1 = use the TFEBE control to determine the state of the FEBE codes Bit 13: Transmit FEBE Setting (TFEBE). This bit is only active when AFEBED is active (i.e., AFEBED = 1). When this bit is low, the device will force the FEBE code to 111 continuously. When this bit is set high, the device will force the FEBE code to 000 continuously. 0 = force FEBE to 111 (null state) 1 = force FEBE to 000 (active state) Bit 14: T3/E3 Payload Loopback Enable (PLB). See Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2 for a visual description of this loopback. 0 = disable loopback 1 = enable loopback 50 of 133 DS3112 Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: T3E3EIC T3/E3 Error Insert Control Register 18h Bit # Name Default 7 MEIMS 0 6 FBEIC1 0 5 FBEIC0 0 4 FBEI 0 3 T3CPBEI 0 2 T3PBEI 0 1 EXZI 0 0 BPVI 0 Bit # Name Default 15 — — 14 — — 13 — — 12 — — 11 — — 10 — — 9 — — 8 — — Bit 0: BiPolar Violation Insert (BPVI). A zero to one transition on this bit will cause a single BPV to be inserted into the transmit data stream. Once this bit has been toggled from a 0 to a 1, the device waits for the next occurrence of three consecutive ones to insert the BPV. This bit must be cleared and set again for a subsequent error to be inserted. Toggling this bit has no affect when the T3/E3 interface is in the Unipolar Mode (Section 4.2 for details about the Unipolar Mode). In the manual error insert mode (MEIMS = 1), errors will be inserted on each toggle of the FTMEI input signal as long as this bit is set high. When this bit is set low, no errors will be inserted. Bit 1: Excessive Zero Insert (EXZI). A zero to one transition on this bit will cause a single EXZ event to be inserted into the transmit data stream. An EXZ event is defined as three or more consecutive zeros in the T3 mode and four or more consecutive zeros in the E3 mode. Once this bit has been toggled from a zero to a one, the device waits for the next possible B3ZS/HDB3 codeword insertion and it suppresses that codeword from being inserted and hence this creates the EXZ event. This bit must be cleared and set again for a subsequent error to be inserted. Toggling this bit has no affect when the T3/E3 interface is in the Unipolar Mode (Section 4.2 for details about the Unipolar Mode). In the Manual Error Insert mode (MEIMS = 1), errors will be inserted on each toggle of the FTMEI input signal as long as this bit is set high. When this bit is set low, no errors will be inserted. Bit 2: T3 Parity Bit Error Insert (T3PBEI). A zero to one transition on this bit will cause a single T3 parity error event to be inserted into the transmit data stream. A T3 parity event is defined as flipping the proper polarity of both the P bits in a T3 Frame. (See Section 14.5 for details about the P bits.) Once this bit has been toggled from a zero to a one, the device waits for the next T3 frame to flip both P bits. This bit must be cleared and set again for a subsequent error to be inserted. Toggling this bit has no affect when the device is operated in the E3 mode. In the Manual Error Insert mode (MEIMS = 1), errors will be inserted on each toggle of the FTMEI input signal as long as this bit is set high. When this bit is set low, no errors will be inserted. Bit 3: T3 C-Bit Parity Error Insert (T3CPBEI). A zero to one transition on this bit will cause a single T3 C-Bit parity error event to be inserted into the transmit data stream. A T3 parity event is defined as flipping the proper polarity of all three CP bits in a T3 Frame. (See Section 14.7 for details about the CP bits.) Once this bit has been toggled from a zero to a one, the device waits for the next T3 frame to flip the three CP bits. This bit must be cleared and set again for a subsequent error to be inserted. Toggling this bit has no affect when the T3 framer is not operated in the C-Bit parity mode (See Section 14.7 for details about the C-Bit Parity mode.) or when the device is operated in the E3 mode. In the Manual Error Insert mode (MEIMS = 1), errors will be inserted on each toggle of the FTMEI input signal as long as this bit is set high. When this bit is set low, no errors will be inserted. Bit 4: Frame Bit Error Insert (FBEI). A zero to one transition on this bit will cause the transmit framer to generate framing bit errors. The type of framing bit errors inserted is controlled by the FBEIC0 and FBEIC1 bits (see discussion below). Once this bit has been toggled from a 0 to a 1, the device waits for the next possible framing bit to insert the errors. This bit must be cleared and set again for a subsequent error to be inserted. In the Manual Error Insert mode (MEIMS = 1), errors will be inserted on each toggle of the FTMEI input signal as long as this bit is set high. When this bit is set low, no errors will be inserted. 51 of 133 DS3112 Bits 5 and 6: Frame Bit Error Insert Control Bits 0 and 1 (FBEIC0 and FBEIC1). FBEIC1 FBEIC0 TYPE OF FRAMING BIT ERROR INSERTED T3 Mode: A single F-bit error E3 Mode: A single FAS word of 1111000000 is generated instead of the normal FAS 0 0 word, which is 1111010000 (i.e., only 1 bit inverted) T3 Mode: A single M-bit error 0 1 E3 Mode: A single FAS word of 0000101111 is generated instead of the normal FAS word, which is 1111010000 (i.e., all FAS bits are inverted) T3 Mode: Four consecutive F-bit errors (causes the far end to lose synchronization) E3 Mode: Four consecutive FAS words of 1111000000 are generated instead of the 1 0 normal FAS word, which is 1111010000 (i.e., only 1 bit inverted; causes the far end to lose synchronization) T3 Mode: Three consecutive M-bit errors (causes the far end to lose synchronization) E3 Mode: Four consecutive FAS words of 0000101111 are generated instead of the 1 1 normal FAS word, which is 1111010000 (i.e., all FAS bits are inverted; causes the far end to lose synchronization) Bit 7: Manual Error Insert Mode Select (MEIMS). When this bit is set low, the device will insert errors on each 0 to 1 transition of the BPVI, EXZI, T3PBEI, T3CPBEI, or FBEI control bits. When this bit is set high, the device will insert errors on each 0 to 1 transition of the FTMEI input signal. The appropriate BPVI, EXZI, T3PBEI, T3CPBEI, or FBEI control bit must be set to one for this to occur. If all of the BPVI, EXZI, T3PBEI, T3CPBEI, and FBEI control bits are set to zero, no errors are inserted. 0 = use zero to one transition on the BPVI, EXZI, T3PBEI, T3CPBEI, or FBEI control bits to insert errors 1 = use zero to one transition on the FTMEI input signal to insert errors 52 of 133 DS3112 5.5 T3/E3 Framer Status and Interrupt Register Description Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: T3E3SR T3/E3 Status Register 12h Bit # Name Default 7 — — 6 RSOF — 5 TSOF — 4 T3IDLE — 3 RAI — 2 AIS — 1 LOF — 0 LOS — Bit # Name Default 15 — — 14 — — 13 — — 12 — — 11 — — 10 — — 9 — — 8 — — Note: See Figure 5-1 for details on the signal flow for the status bits in the T3E3SR register. Bits that are underlined are read-only. All others are read-write. Bit 0: Loss Of Signal Occurrence (LOS). This latched read-only alarm-status bit will be set to a one when the T3 or E3 framer detects a loss of signal. This bit will be cleared when read unless a LOS condition still exists. A change in state of the LOS can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the LOS bit in the Interrupt Mask for T3E3SR (IT3E3SR) register is set to a one and the T3E3SR bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one. The interrupt will be allowed to clear when this bit is read. The LOS alarm criteria are described in Table 5-1 and Table 5-2. Bit 1: Loss Of Frame Occurrence (LOF). This latched read-only alarm status bit will be set to a one when the T3 or E3 framer detects a loss of frame. This bit will be cleared when read unless a LOF condition still exists. A change in state of the LOF can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the LOF bit in the Interrupt Mask for T3E3SR (IT3E3SR) register is set to a one and the T3E3SR bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one. The interrupt will be allowed to clear when this bit is read. The LOF alarm criteria are described in Table 5-1 and Table 5-2. Bit 2: Alarm Indication Signal Detected (AIS). This latched read-only alarm-status bit will be set to a one when the T3 or E3 framer detects an incoming Alarm Indication Signal. This bit will be cleared when read unless an AIS signal is still present. A change in state of the AIS detection can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the AIS bit in the Interrupt Mask for T3E3SR (IT3E3SR) register is set to a one and the T3E3SR bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one. The interrupt will be allowed to clear when this bit is read. The AIS alarm detection criteria is described in Table 5-1 and Table 5-2. Bit 3: Remote Alarm Indication Detected (RAI). This latched read-only alarm status bit will be set to a one when the T3 or E3 framer detects an incoming Remote Alarm Indication (RAI) signal. This bit will be cleared when read unless an RAI signal is still present. A change in state of the RAI detection can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the RAI bit in the Interrupt Mask for T3E3SR (IT3E3SR) register is set to a one and the T3E3SR bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one. The interrupt will be allowed to clear when this bit is read. The RAI alarm detection criteria are described in Table 5-1 and Table 5-2. RAI can also be indicated via the FEAC codes when the device is operated in the C-Bit Parity Mode. Bit 4: T3 Idle Signal Detected (T3IDLE). This latched read-only alarm status bit will be set to a one when the T3 framer detects an incoming idle signal. This bit will be cleared when read unless the idle signal is still present. A change in state of idle detection can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the IDLE bit in the Interrupt Mask for T3E3SR (IT3E3SR) register is set to a one and the T3E3SR bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one. The IDLE detection criteria are described in Table 5-1. The interrupt will be allowed to clear when this bit is read. When the DS3112 is operated in the E3 mode, this status bit should be ignored. Bit 5: Transmit T3/E3 Start Of Frame (TSOF). This latched read-only event-status bit will be set to a one on each T3/E3 transmit frame boundary. This bit is a software version of the FTSOF hardware signal and it will be cleared when read. The setting of this bit can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the TSOF bit in the Interrupt 53 of 133 DS3112 Mask for T3E3SR (IT3E3SR) register is set to a one and the T3E3SR bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one. Bit 6: Receive T3/E3 Start Of Frame (RSOF). This latched read-only event status bit will be set to a one on each T3/E3 receive frame boundary. This bit is a software version of the FRSOF hardware signal and it will be cleared when read. The setting of this bit can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the RSOF bit in the Interrupt Mask for T3E3SR (IT3E3SR) register is set to a one and the T3E3SR bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one. Figure 5-1. T3E3SR Status Bit Flow Receive LOS Signal from T3/E3 Framer Alarm Latch LOS (T3E3SR Bit 0) Change in State Detect Event Latch Mask LOS (IT3E3SR Bit 0) Receive LOF Signal from T3/E3 Framer Alarm Latch LOF (T3E3SR Bit 1) Change in State Detect Event Latch Mask LOF (IT3E3SR Bit 1) Receive AIS Signal from T3/E3 Framer Alarm Latch AIS (T3E3SR Bit 2) Change in State Detect Event Latch Mask AIS (IT3E3SR Bit 2) Receive RAI Signal from T3/E3 Framer Alarm Latch RAI (T3E3SR Bit 3) Change in State Detect Event Latch Mask T3E3SR Status Bit (MSR Bit 9) OR RAI (IT3E3SR Bit 3) Receive Idle Signal from T3/E3 Framer Alarm Latch Mask T3IDLE (T3E3SR Bit 4) Change in State Detect Event Latch Mask T3E3SR (IMSR Bit 9) T3IDLE (IT3E3SR Bit 4) Receive Start Of Frame Signal from T3/E3 Framer Event Latch TSOF (T3E3SR Bit 5) Mask TSOF (IT3E3SR Bit 5) Transmit Start Of Frame Signal from T3/E3 Framer Event Latch RSOF (T3E3SR Bit 6) Mask RSOF (IT3E3SR Bit 6) NOTE: ALL EVENT AND ALARM LATCHES ABOVE ARE CLEARED WHEN THE T3E3SR REGISTER IS READ. 54 of 133 INT* Hardware Signal DS3112 Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: IT3E3SR Interrupt Mask for T3/E3 Status Register 14h Bit # Name Default 7 — — 6 RSOF 0 5 TSOF 0 4 T3IDLE 0 3 RAI 0 2 AIS 0 1 LOF 0 0 LOS 0 Bit # Name Default 15 — — 14 — — 13 — — 12 — — 11 — — 10 — — 9 — — 8 — — Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bit 0: Loss Of Signal Occurrence (LOS). 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt unmasked Bit 1: Loss Of Frame Occurrence (LOF). 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt unmasked Bit 2: Alarm Indication Signal Detected (AIS). 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt unmasked Bit 3: Remote Alarm Indication Detected (RAI). 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt unmasked Bit 4: T3 Idle Signal Detected (T3IDLE). 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt unmasked Bit 5: Transmit T3/E3 Start Of Frame (TSOF). 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt unmasked Bit 6: Receive T3/E3 Start Of Frame (RSOF). 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt unmasked 55 of 133 DS3112 Table 5-1. T3 Alarm Criteria ALARM/ CONDITION AIS DEFINITION Alarm Indication Signal Properly framed 1010... pattern, which is aligned with the 1 just after each overhead bit and all C bits are set to zero LOS Loss Of Signal (Note 2) LOF Loss Of Frame Too many F bits or M bits in error RAI (Note 1) Remote Alarm Indication (This is also referred to as SEF/AIS in Bellcore GR820) Inactive: X1 = X2 = 1 Active: X1 = X2 = 0 Properly framed 1100... pattern, which is aligned with the 11 just after each overhead bit and the C bits in Subframe 3 are zero. Idle Signal SET CRITERIA In each 84-bit information field, the properly aligned 10... pattern is detected with less than 4-bit errors (out of 84 possible) for 1024 consecutive information bit fields (1.95ms) and all C bits are majority decoded to be zero during this time 192 consecutive zeros Three or more F bits in error out of 16 consecutive, or 2 or more M bits in error out of four consecutive X1 and X2 = 0 for four consecutive M frames (426µs) In each 84-bit information field, the properly aligned 1100... pattern is detected with less than 4-bit errors (out of 84 possible) for 1024 consecutive information bit fields (1.95ms) and the C bits in Subframe 3 are majority decoded to be zero during this time. Note 1: RAI can also be indicated via FEAC codes in the C-Bit Parity Mode Note 2: LOS is not defined for unipolar (binary) operation. 56 of 133 CLEAR CRITERIA In each 84 bit information field, the properly aligned 10... pattern is detected with 4 or more bit errors (out of 84 possible) for 1024 consecutive information bit fields (1.95ms) No EXZ events over a 192bit window that starts with the first one received Synchronization occurs X1 and X2 = 1 for four consecutive M frames (426µs) In each 84-bit information field, the properly aligned 1100... pattern is detected with four or more bit errors (out of 84 possible) for 1024 consecutive information bit fields (1.95ms) DS3112 Table 5-2. E3 Alarm Criteria ALARM/ CONDITION AIS DEFINITION Alarm Indication Signal Unframed all ones LOS Loss Of Signal (See note) LOF Loss Of Frame Too many FAS errors Remote Alarm Indication Inactive: Bit 11 of the frame = 0 Active: Bit 11 of the frame = 1 RAI SET CRITERIA Four or fewer zeros in two consecutive 1536bit frames 192 consecutive zeros Four consecutive bad FAS Bit 11 = 1 for 4 consecutive frames (6144 bits/179µs) CLEAR CRITERIA Five or more zeros in two consecutive 1536-bit frames No EXZ events over a 192-bit window that starts with the first one received Three consecutive good FAS Bit 11 = 0 for 4 consecutive frames (6144 bits/179µs) Note: LOS is not defined for unipolar (binary) operation. Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: T3E3INFO T3/E3 Information Register 16h Bit # Name Default 7 — — 6 — — 5 SEFE — 4 EXZ — 3 MBE — 2 FBE — 1 ZSCD — 0 COFA — Bit # Name Default 15 — — 14 — — 13 RAIC — 12 AISC — 11 LOFC — 10 LOSC — 9 T3AIC — 8 E3Sn — Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. The status bits in the T3E3INFO cannot cause a hardware interrupt to occur. Bit 0: Change Of Frame Alignment Detected (COFA). This latched read-only event-status bit will be set to a one when the T3/E3 framer has experienced a change of frame alignment (COFA). A COFA occurs when the device achieves synchronization in a different alignment than it had previously. If the device has never acquired synchronization before, then this status bit is meaningless. This bit will be cleared when read and will not be set again until the framer has lost synchronization and reacquired synchronization in a different alignment. Bit 1: Zero Suppression Codeword Detected (ZSCD). This latched read-only event-status bit will be set to a one when the T3/E3 framer has detected a B3ZS/HDB3 codeword. This bit will be cleared when read and will not be set again until the framer has detected another B3ZS/HDB3 codeword. Bit 2: F-Bit or FAS Error Detected (FBE). This latched read-only status bit will be set to a one when the DS3112 has detected an error in either the F bits (T3 mode) or the FAS word (E3 mode). This bit will be cleared when read and will not be set again until the device detects another error. Bit 3: M-Bit Error Detected (MBE). This latched read-only event status bit will be set to a one when the DS3112 has detected an error in the M bits. This bit will be cleared when read and will not be set again until the device detects another error in one of the M bits. This status bit has no meaning in the E3 mode and should be ignored. Bit 4: Excessive Zeros Detected (EXZ). This latched read-only event status bit will be set to a one each time the DS3112 has detected a consecutive string of either three or more zeros (T3 mode) or four or more zeros (E3 mode). This bit will be cleared when read and will not be set again until the device detects another EXcessive Zero event. 57 of 133 DS3112 Bit 5: Severely Errored Framing Event Detected (SEFE). This latched read-only event-status bit will be set to a one each time the DS3112 has detected either three or more F bits in error out of 16 consecutive F bits (T3 mode) or four bad FAS words in a row (E3 mode). This bit will be cleared when read and will not be set again until the device detects another SEFE event. Bit 8: E3 National Bit (E3Sn). This read-only real-time status bit reports the incoming E3 National Bit (Sn). It is loaded at the start of each E3 frame as the Sn bit is decoded. The host can use the RSOF status bit in the T3/E3 Status Register (T3E3SR) to determine when to read this bit. Bit 9: T3 Application ID Channel Status (T3AIC). This read-only real-time status bit can be used to help determine whether an incoming T3 data stream is in C-Bit Parity mode or M23 mode. In C-Bit Parity mode, it is recommended that the first C bit in each M frame be set to one. In M23 mode, the first C bit in each M frame should be toggling between zero and one to indicate that the bits need to be stuffed or not. This bit will be set to a one when the device detects that the first C bit in the M frame is set to one for 1020 times or more out of 1024 consecutive M frames (109ms). It will be allowed to be cleared when the device detects that the first C bit is set to one less than 1020 times out of 1024 consecutive M frames (109ms). This status bit has no meaning in the E3 mode and should be ignored. Bit 10: Loss Of Signal Clear Detected (LOSC). This latched read-only event-status bit will be set to a one each time the T3/E3 framer exits a Loss Of Signal (LOS) state. This bit will be cleared when read and will not be set again until the device once again exits the LOS state. The LOS alarm criteria are described in Table 5-1 and Table 5-2. This status bit is useful in helping the host determine if the LOS persists as defined in ANSI T1.231. Bit 11: Loss Of Frame Clear Detected (LOFC). This latched read-only event-status bit will be set to a one each time the T3/E3 framer exits a Loss Of Frame (LOF) state. This bit will be cleared when read and will not be set again until the device once again exits the LOF state. The LOF alarm criteria are described in Table 5-1 and Table 5-2. This status bit is useful in helping the host determine if the LOF persists as defined in ANSI T1.231. Bit 12: Alarm Indication Signal Clear Detected (AISC). This latched read-only event status bit will be set to a one each time the T3/E3 framer no longer detects the AIS alarm state. This bit will be cleared when read and will not be set again until the device once again exits the AIS alarm state. The AIS alarm criteria is described in Table 5-1 and Table 5-2. This status bit is useful in helping the host determine if the AIS persists as defined in ANSI T1.231. Bit 13: Remote Alarm Indication Clear Detected (RAIC). This latched read-only event-status bit will be set to a one each time the T3/E3 framer no longer detects the RAI alarm state. This bit will be cleared when read and will not be set again until the device once again exits the RAI alarm state. The RAI alarm criteria are described in Table 5-1 and Table 5-2. This status bit is useful in helping the host determine if the RAI persists as defined in ANSI T1.231. 58 of 133 DS3112 5.6 T3/E3 Performance Error Counters There are six error counters in the DS3112. All of the errors counters are 16 bits in length. The host has three options as to how these errors counters are updated. The device can be configured to automatically update the counters once a second or manually via either an internal software bit (MECU) or an external signal (FRMECU). See Section 4.2 for details. All the error counters saturate when full and will not rollover. Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: BPVCR BiPolar Violation Count Register 20h Bit # Name Default 7 BPV7 — 6 BPV6 — 5 BPV5 — 4 BPV4 — 3 BPV3 — 2 BPV2 — 1 BPV1 — 0 BPV0 — Bit # Name Default 15 BPV15 — 14 BPV14 — 13 BPV13 — 12 BPV12 — 11 BPV11 — 10 BPV10 — 9 BPV9 — 8 BPV8 — Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bits 0 to 15: 16-Bit BiPolar Violation Counter (BPV0 to BPV15). These bits report the number of BiPolar Violations (BPV). In the E3 Mode, this counter can also be configured via the E3CVE bit in the T3E3 Control Register (Section 5.2) to count Code Violations (CV). A BPV is defined as consecutive pulses (or marks) of the same polarity that are not part of a B3ZS/HDB3 codeword. A CV is defined in ITU O.161 as consecutive BPVs of the same polarity. Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: EXZCR EXcessive Zero Count Register 22h Bit # Name Default 7 EXZ7 — 6 EXZ6 — 5 EXZ5 — 4 EXZ4 — 3 EXZ3 — 2 EXZ2 — 1 EXZ1 — 0 EXZ0 — Bit # Name Default 15 EXZ15 — 14 EXZ14 — 13 EXZ13 — 12 EXZ12 — 11 EXZ11 — 10 EXZ10 — 9 EXZ9 — 8 EXZ8 — Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bits 0 to 15: 16-Bit EXcessive Zero Counter (EXZ0 to EXZ15). These bits report the number of EXcessive Zero occurrences (EXZ). An EXZ occurrence is defined as three or more consecutive zeros in the T3 mode and four or more consecutive zeros in the E3 mode. As an example, a string of eight consecutive zeros would only increment this counter once. 59 of 133 DS3112 Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: FECR Frame Error Count Register 24h Bit # Name Default 7 FE7 — 6 FE6 — 5 FE5 — 4 FE4 — 3 FE3 — 2 FE2 — 1 FE1 — 0 FE0 — Bit # Name Default 15 FE15 — 14 FE14 — 13 FE13 — 12 FE12 — 11 FE11 — 10 FE10 — 9 FE9 — 8 FE8 — Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bits 0 to 15: 16-Bit Framing Bit Error Counter (FE0 to FE15). These bits report either the number of Loss Of Frame (LOF) occurrences or the number of framing bit errors received. The FECR is configured via the host by the Frame Error Counting Control Bits (FECC0 and FECC1) in the T3E3 Control Register (Section 5.2). The possible configurations are shown below. FRAME ERROR COUNT REGISTER (FECR) FECC1 FECC0 CONFIGURATION T3 Mode: Count Loss Of Frame (LOF) Occurrences 0 0 E3 Mode: Count Loss Of Frame (LOF) Occurrences T3 Mode: Count both F Bit and M Bit Errors 0 1 E3 Mode: Count Bit Errors in the FAS Word T3 Mode: Count Only F Bit Errors 1 0 E3 Mode: Count Word Errors in the FAS Word T3 Mode: Count only M Bit Errors 1 1 E3 Mode: Illegal State When the FECR is configured to count LOF occurrences, the FECR increments by one each time the device loses receive synchronization. When the FECR is configured to count framing bit errors, it can be configured via the ECC control bit in the T3/E3 Control Register (Section 5.2) to either continue counting frame bit errors during a LOF or not. Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: PCR T3 Parity Bit Error Count Register 26h Bit # Name Default 7 PE7 6 PE6 5 PE5 4 PE4 3 PE3 2 PE2 1 PE1 0 PE0 — — — — — — — — Bit # Name Default 15 PE15 14 PE14 13 PE13 12 PE12 11 PE11 10 PE10 9 PE9 8 PE8 — — — — — — — — Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bits 0 to 15:16-Bit T3 Parity Bit Error Counter (PE0 to PE15). These bits report the number of T3 parity bit errors. In the E3 mode, this counter is meaningless and should be ignored. A parity bit error is defined as an occurrence when the two parity bits do not match one another or when the two Parity Bits do not match the parity calculation made on the information bits. Via the ECC control bit in the T3/E3 Control Register (Section 5.2), the PCR can be configured to either continue counting parity bit errors during a LOF or not. 60 of 133 DS3112 Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: CPCR T3 C-Bit Parity Bit Error Count Register 28h Bit # Name Default 7 CPE7 — 6 CPE6 — 5 CPE5 — 4 CPE4 — 3 CPE3 — 2 CPE2 — 1 CPE1 — 0 CPE0 — Bit # Name Default 15 CPE15 — 14 CPE14 — 13 CPE13 — 12 CPE12 — 11 CPE11 — 10 CPE10 — 9 CPE9 — 8 CPE8 — Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bits 0 to 15: 16-Bit T3 C-Bit Parity Bit Error Counter (CPE0 to CPE15). These bits report the number of T3 C-bit parity bit errors. When the device is not in the C-bit parity mode or when the device is in the E3 mode, this counter is meaningless and should be ignored. A C-bit parity bit error is defined as an occurrence when the majority decoded three CP parity bits do not match the parity calculation made on the information bits. Via the ECC control bit in the T3/E3 control register (Section 5.2), the CPCR can be configured to either continue counting C-bit parity bit errors during a LOF or not. Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: FEBECR T3 Far End Block Error or E3 RAI Count Register 2Ah Bit # Name Default 7 FEBE7 — 6 FEBE6 — 5 FEBE5 — 4 FEBE4 — 3 FEBE3 — 2 FEBE2 — 1 FEBE1 — 0 FEBE0 — Bit # Name Default 15 FEBE15 — 14 FEBE14 — 13 FEBE13 — 12 FEBE12 — 11 FEBE11 — 10 FEBE10 — 9 FEBE9 — 8 FEBE8 — Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bits 0 to 15: 16-Bit T3 Far End Block Error or E3 RAI Counter (FEBE0 to FEBE15). In the T3 C-bit parity mode, these bits report the number of T3 Far End Block Errors (FEBE). This counter increments each time the three FEBE bits do not equal 111. In the E3 Mode, these bits report the number of times the RAI bit is received in the “disturbed state” (i.e., the number of times that it is set to a one). In the T3 mode, when the device is not in the C-bit parity mode, this counter is meaningless and should be ignored. Via the ECC control bit in the T3/E3 control register (Section 5.2), the FEBECR can be configured to either continue counting FEBEs or active RAI bits during a LOF or not. 61 of 133 DS3112 6 M13/E13/G.747 MULTIPLEXER AND T2/E2/G.747 FRAME Note that if the DS3112 is used as a stand-alone T3/E3 framer and the multiplexer functionality is disabled, then the registers and functionality described in this section are not applicable and should be ignored by the host. On the receive side, the T2/E2/G.747 framer locates the frame boundaries of the incoming T2/E2/G.747 data stream and monitors the data stream for alarms and errors. Alarms are detected and reported in T2/E2 Status Registers (T2E2SR1 and T2E2SR2), which are described in Section 6.3. The host can force the T2/E2/G.747 framer to resynchronize via the T2E2RSY control bit in the MRID register (Section 4.1). On the transmit side, the device formats the outgoing data stream with the proper framing pattern and overhead and can generate alarms. It can also inject errors for diagnostic testing purposes. The transmit side of the framer is called the “formatter.” 6.1 T1/E1 AIS Generation The DS3112 can generate an Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) for the T1 and E1 data streams in both the transmit and receive directions. AIS for T1 and E1 signals is defined as an unframed all ones pattern. On reset, the DS3112 will force AIS in both the transmit and receive directions on all 28 T1 and 16/21 E1 data streams. It is the host’s task to configure the device to pass normal traffic via the T1E1RAIS1, T1E1RAIS2, T1E1TAIS1, and T1E1TAIS2 registers (Section 6.4). 6.2 T2/E2/G.747 Framer Control Register Description Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: T2E2CR1 T2/E2 Control Register 1 30h Bit # Name Default 7 — — 6 TRAI7 0 5 TRAI6 0 4 TRAI5 0 3 TRAI4 0 2 TRAI3 0 1 TRAI2 0 0 TRAI1 0 Bit # Name Default 15 — — 14 TAIS7 0 13 TAIS6 0 12 TAIS5 0 11 TAIS4 0 10 TAIS3 0 9 TAIS2 0 8 TAIS1 0 Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bits 0 to 6: T2/E2/G.747 Transmit Remote Alarm Indication (TRAIn where n = 1 to 7). When this bit is set high in the T3 mode, the X bit will be set to zero. When this bit is set high in the E3 mode, the RAI bit (bit number 11 of each E2 frame) will be set to a one. In the E3 mode, TRAI5 to TRAI7 (bits 4 to 6) are disabled and should be set low by the host. When this bit is set high in the G.747 mode, the RAI bit (bit number 1 of Set 2 in each G.747 frame) will be set to a one. When this bit it set low in the T3 mode, the X bit will be set to a one. When this bit is set low in the E3 and G.747 modes, the RAI bit will be set to zero. 0 = do not transmit RAI 1 = transmit RAI Bits 8 to 14:T2/E2/G.747 Transmit Alarm Indication Signal (TAISn where n = 1 to 7). When this bit is set high, the transmit formatter will generate an unframed all ones pattern. When this bit it set low, normal data is transmitted. In the E3 mode, TAIS5 to TAIS7 (bits 4 to 6) are disabled and should be set low by the host. 0 = do not transmit AIS 1 = transmit AIS 62 of 133 DS3112 Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: T2E2CR2 T2/E2 Control Register 2 32h Bit # Name Default 7 — — 6 LOFG7 0 5 LOFG6 0 4 LOFG5 0 3 LOFG4 0 2 LOFG3 0 1 LOFG2 0 0 LOFG1 0 Bit # Name Default 15 — — 14 — — 13 — — 12 — — 11 E2Sn4 — 10 E2Sn3 — 9 E2Sn2 — 8 E2Sn1 — Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bits 0 to 6: T2/E2/G.747 Transmit Loss Of Frame Generation (LOFGn where n = 1 to 7). A zero to one transition on this bit will cause the T2/E2/G.747 transmit formatter to generate enough framing bit errors to cause the far end to lose frame synchronization. This bit must be cleared and set again for a subsequent set of errors to be generated. MODE FRAMING ERRORS GENERATED T3 Mode Four consecutive F bit errors Four consecutive FAS words of 0000101111 generated instead of the normal FAS word, E3 Mode which is 1111010000 (i.e., all FAS bits are inverted) Four consecutive FAS words of 000101111 generated instead of the normal FAS word, G.747 Mode which is 111010000 (i.e., all FAS bits are inverted) Bits 8 to 11: E2 Transmit National Bit Setting (E2Snn where n = 1 to 4). These bits are ignored in the T3 and G.747 modes. The received Sn can be read from the T2E2 Status Register 2. 0 = force the Sn bit to zero 1 = force the Sn bit to one 63 of 133 DS3112 6.3 T2/E2/G.747 Framer Status and Interrupt Register Description Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: T2E2SR1 T2/E2 Status Register 1 34h Bit # Name Default 7 IELOF 0 6 LOF7 - 5 LOF6 - 4 LOF5 - 3 LOF4 - 2 LOF3 - 1 LOF2 - 0 LOF1 - Bit # Name Default 15 IEAIS 0 14 AIS7 - 13 AIS6 - 12 AIS5 - 11 AIS4 - 10 AIS3 - 9 AIS2 - 8 AIS1 - Note: See Figure 6-1 for details on the signal flow for the status bits in the T2E2SR1 register. Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bits 0 to 6: Loss Of Frame Occurrence (LOFn when n = 1 to 7). This latched read-only alarm-status bit will be set to a one each time the corresponding T2/E2/G.747 framer detects a Loss Of Frame (LOF). This bit will be cleared when read unless a LOF condition still exists in that T2/E2/G.747 framer. A change in state of the LOF in one or more of the T2/E2/G.747 framers can cause the T2E2SR1 status bit (in the MSR register) to be set and a hardware interrupt to occur if the IELOF bit is set to a one and the T2E2SR1 bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one (Figure 6-1). The interrupt will be allowed to clear when this bit is read. The LOF alarm criteria are described in Table 6-1, Table 6-2, and Table 6-3. In the E3 mode, LOF5 to LOF7 (bits 4 to 6) are meaningless and should be ignored. Bit 7: Interrupt Enable for Loss of Frame Occurrence (IELOF). This bit should be set to one if the host wishes to have T2/E2/G.747 LOF occurrences cause a hardware interrupt or the setting of the T2E2SR1 status bit in the MSR register (Figure 6-1). The T2E2SR1 bit in the Interrupt Mask for the Master Status Register (IMSR) must also be set to one for an interrupt to occur. 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt unmasked Bits 8 to 14: Alarm Indication Signal Detected (AISn when n = 1 to 7). This latched read-only alarm-status bit will be set to a one each time the corresponding T2/E2/G.747 framer detects an incoming AIS alarm. This bit will be cleared when read unless the AIS alarm still exists in that T2/E2/G.747 framer. A change in state of the AIS detector in one or more of the T2/E2/G.747 framers can cause the T2E2SR1 status bit (in the MSR register) to be set and a hardware interrupt to occur if the IEAIS bit is set to a one and the T2E2SR1 bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one (Figure 6-1). The interrupt will be allowed to clear when this bit is read. The AIS alarm criteria is described in Table 6-1, Table 6-2, and Table 6-3. In the E3 mode, AIS5 to AIS7 (bits 4 to 6) are meaningless and should be ignored. Bit 15: Interrupt Enable for Alarm Indication Signal (IEAIS). This bit should be set to one if the host wishes to have T2/E2/G.747 AIS detection occurrences cause a hardware interrupt or the setting of the T2E2SR1 status bit in the MSR register (Figure 6-1). The T2E2SR1 bit in the Interrupt Mask for the Master Status Register (IMSR) must also be set to one for an interrupt to occur. 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt unmasked 64 of 133 DS3112 Figure 6-1. T2E2SR1 Status Bit Flow Internal LOF Signal from T2/E2 Framer 1 Alarm Latch LOF1 (T2E2SR1 Bit 0) Change in State Detect Internal LOF Signal from T2/E2 Framer 2 Alarm Latch Event Latch LOF2 (T2E2SR1 Bit 1) Change in State Detect Event Latch OR Internal LOF Signal from T2 Framer 7 Alarm Latch IELOF (T2E2SR1 Bit 7) LOF7 (T2E2SR1 Bit 6) Change in State Detect Mask Event Latch T2E2SR1 Status Bit (MSR Bit 5) OR Internal AIS Signal from T2/E2 Framer 1 Alarm Latch Change in State Detect Internal AIS Signal from T2/E2 Framer 2 Alarm Latch Mask AIS1 (T2E2SR1 Bit 8) T2E2SR1 (IMSR Bit 5) Event Latch AIS2 (T2E2SR1 Bit 9) Change in State Detect Event Latch OR Internal AIS Signal from T2 Framer 7 Alarm Latch IEAIS (T2E2SR1 Bit 15) AIS7 (T2E2SR1 Bit 14) Change in State Detect Mask Event Latch NOTE: ALL EVENT AND ALARM LATCHES ABOVE ARE CLEARED WHEN THE T2E2SR1 REGISTER IS READ. 65 of 133 INT* Hardware Signal DS3112 Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: T2E2SR2 T2/E2 Status Register 2 36h Bit # Name Default 7 IERAI 0 6 RAI7 — 5 RAI6 — 4 RAI5 — 3 RAI4 — 2 RAI3 — 1 RAI2 — 0 RAI1 — Bit # Name Default 15 E2SOF4 — 14 E2SOF3 — 13 E2SOF2 — 12 E2SOF1 — 11 E2Sn4 — 10 E2Sn3 — 9 E2Sn2 — 8 E2Sn1 — Note: See Figure 6-2 for details on the signal flow for the status bits in the T2E2SR2 register. Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bits 0 to 6: Remote Alarm Indication Signal Detected (RAIn when n = 1 to 7). This latched read-only alarmstatus bit will be set to a one each time the corresponding T2/E2/G.747 framer detects an incoming RAI alarm. This bit will be cleared when read unless the RAI alarm still exists in that T2/E2/G.747 framer. A change in state of the RAI in one or more of the T2/E2/G.747 framers can cause the T2E2SR2 status bit (in the MSR register) to be set and a hardware interrupt to occur if the IERAI bit is set to a one and the T2E2SR2 bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one (Figure 6-2). The interrupt will be allowed to clear when this bit is read. The RAI alarm criteria are described in Table 6-1, Table 6-2, and Table 6-3. In the E3 mode, RAI5 to RAI7 (bits 4 to 6) are meaningless and should be ignored. Bit 7: Interrupt Enable for Remote Alarm Indication Signal (IERAI). This bit should be set to one if the host wishes to have RAI detection occurrences cause a hardware interrupt or the setting of the T2E2SR2 status bit in the MSR register (Figure 6-2). The T2E2SR2 bit in the Interrupt Mask for the Master Status Register (IMSR) must also be set to one for an interrupt to occur. 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt unmasked Bits 8 to 11: E2 Receive National Bit (E2Snn when n = 1 to 4). This read-only real-time status bit reports the incoming E2 National Bit (Sn). It is loaded at the start of each E2 frame as the Sn bit is decoded. The host can use the E2SOF status bit to determine when to read this bit. In the T3 and G.747 modes, this bit is meaningless and should be ignored. This bit cannot cause an interrupt to occur. Bits 12 to 15: E2 Receive Start Of Frame (E2SOFn where n = 1 to 4). This latched read-only event-status bit will be set to a one on each E2 receive frame boundary. This bit will be cleared when read. The setting of this status bit cannot cause an interrupt to occur. Figure 6-2. T2E2SR2 Status Bit Flow Internal RAI Signal from T2/E2 Framer 1 Alarm Latch RAI1 (T2E2SR2 Bit 0) Change in State Detect Internal RAI Signal from T2/E2 Framer 2 Alarm Latch Event Latch RAI2 (T2E2SR2 Bit 1) Change in State Detect Event Latch OR Internal RAI Signal from T2 Framer 7 Alarm Latch IERAI (T2E2SR2 Bit 7) RAI7 (T2E2SR2 Bit 6) Change in State Detect Event Latch T2E2SR2 Status Bit (MSR Bit 6) Mask Mask T2E2SR2 (IMSR Bit 6) NOTE: ALL EVENT AND ALARM LATCHES ABOVE ARE CLEARED WHEN THE T2E2SR2 REGISTER IS READ. 66 of 133 INT* Hardware Signal DS3112 Table 6-1. T2 Alarm Criteria ALARM/ CONDITION AIS LOF RAI DEFINITION Alarm Indication Signal Unframed all ones Loss Of Frame Too many F bits or M bits in error Remote Alarm Indication Inactive: X = 1 Active: X = 0 SET CRITERIA CLEAR CRITERIA Eight or fewer zeros in four consecutive M frames (4704 bits) Two or more F bits in error out of five, or two or more M bits in error out of four X = 0 for four consecutive M frames (4704 bits) Nine or more zeros in four consecutive M frames (4704 bits) Synchronization occurs X = 1 for four consecutive M frames (4704 bits) Table 6-2. E2 Alarm Criteria ALARM/ CONDITION AIS LOF RAI DEFINITION Alarm Indication Signal Unframed all ones SET CRITERIA CLEAR CRITERIA Four or fewer zeros in each of two consecutive 848-bit frames Four consecutive bad FAS Five or more zeros in each of two consecutive 848-bit frames Three consecutive good FAS Bit 11 = 0 for four consecutive frames (3392 bits) SET CRITERIA CLEAR CRITERIA Four or fewer zeros in each of two consecutive 840-bit frames Four consecutive bad FAS Five or more zeros in each of two consecutive 840-bit frames Three consecutive good FAS Bit 1 of Set 2 = 0 for four consecutive frames (3360 bits) Loss Of Frame Too many FAS errors Bit 11 = 1 for four consecutive Remote Alarm Indication Inactive: Bit 11 of the frame = 0 frames (3392 bits) Active: Bit 11 of the frame = 1 Table 6-3. G.747 Alarm Criteria ALARM/ CONDITION AIS LOF RAI DEFINITION Alarm Indication Signal Unframed all ones Loss Of Frame Too many FAS errors Remote Alarm Indication Inactive: Bit 1 of Set 2 = 0 Active: Bit 1 of Set 2 = 1 Bit 1 of Set 2 = 1 for four consecutive frames (3360 bits) 67 of 133 DS3112 6.4 T1/E1 AIS Generation Control Register Description Via the T1/E1 Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) Control Registers, the host can configure the DS3112 to generate an unframed all ones signal in either the transmit or receive paths on the 28 T1 ports or the 16/21 E1 ports. On reset, the device will force AIS in both the transmit and receive paths and it is up to the host to modify the T1/E1 AIS Generation Control Registers to allow normal T1/E1 traffic to traverse the DS3112. See the block diagrams in Section 1 for details on where the AIS signal is injected into the data flow. When the M13/E13 multiplexer function is disabled in the DS3112 (see the UNCHEN control bit in the Master Control Register 1 in Section 4.2 for details), the T1/E1 AIS Generation Control Registers are meaningless and can be set to any value. Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: T1E1RAIS1 T1/E1 Receive Path AIS Generation Control Register 1 40h Bit # Name Default 7 AIS8 0 6 AIS7 0 5 AIS6 0 4 AIS5 0 3 AIS4 0 2 AIS3 0 1 AIS2 0 0 AIS1 0 Bit # Name Default 15 AIS16 0 14 AIS15 0 13 AIS14 0 12 AIS13 0 11 AIS12 0 10 AIS11 0 9 AIS10 0 8 AIS9 0 Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bits 0 to 15: Receive AIS Generation Control for T1/E1 Ports 1 to 16 (AIS1 to AIS2). These bits determine whether the device will replace the demultiplexed T1/E1 data stream with an unframed all ones AIS signal. AIS1 controls the data at LRDAT1, AIS2 controls the data at LRDAT2, and so on. Since ports 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, and 28 are not active in the G.747 mode, the AIS4, AIS8, AIS12, and AIS16 bits have no affect in the G.747 mode. 0 = send AIS to the LRDAT output 1 = send normal data to the LRDAT output Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: T1E1RAIS2 T1/E1 Receive Path AIS Generation Control Register 2 42h Bit # Name Default 7 AIS24 0 6 AIS23 0 5 AIS22 0 4 AIS21 0 3 AIS20 0 2 AIS19 0 1 AIS18 0 0 AIS17 0 Bit # Name Default 15 — — 14 — — 13 — — 12 — — 11 AIS28 0 10 AIS27 0 9 AIS26 0 8 AIS25 0 Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bits 0 to 11:Receive AIS Generation Control for T1 Ports 17 to 28 (AIS17 to AIS28). These bits determine whether the device will replace the demultiplexed T1/E1 data stream with an unframed all ones AIS signal. AIS17 controls the data at LRDAT17, AIS18 controls the data at LRDAT18, and so on. Since ports 17 to 28 are not active in the E3 mode, these bits have no effect in the E3 mode. Since ports 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, and 28 are not active in the G.747 mode, the AIS20, AIS24 and AIS28 bits have no affect in the G.747 Mode. 0 = send AIS to the LRDAT output 1 = send normal data to the LRDAT output 68 of 133 DS3112 Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: T1E1TAIS1 T1/E1 Transmit Path AIS Generation Control Register 1 44h Bit # Name Default 7 AIS8 0 6 AIS7 0 5 AIS6 0 4 AIS5 0 3 AIS4 0 2 AIS3 0 1 AIS2 0 0 AIS1 0 Bit # Name Default 15 AIS16 0 14 AIS15 0 13 AIS14 0 12 AIS13 0 11 AIS12 0 10 AIS11 0 9 AIS10 0 8 AIS9 0 Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bits 0 to 15: Transmit AIS Generation Control for T1/E1 Ports 1 to 16 (AIS1 to AIS2). These bits determine whether the device will replace the data input from the 28 T1 data streams or 16/21 E1 data streams with an unframed all ones AIS signal. AIS1 controls the data from LTDAT1, AIS2 controls the data from LTDAT2, and so on. Since ports 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, and 28 are not active in the G.747 Mode, the AIS4, AIS8, AIS12, and AIS16 bits have no affect in the G.747 mode. 0 = replace data from LTDAT with AIS 1 = allow normal data from LTDAT to flow through to the multiplexer Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: T1E1TAIS2 T1/E1 Transmit Path AIS Generation Control Register 2 46h Bit # Name Default 7 AIS24 0 6 AIS23 0 5 AIS22 0 4 AIS21 0 3 AIS20 0 2 AIS19 0 1 AIS18 0 0 AIS17 0 Bit # Name Default 15 — — 14 — — 13 — — 12 — — 11 AIS28 0 10 AIS27 0 9 AIS26 0 8 AIS25 0 Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bits 0 to 11: Transmit AIS Generation Control for T1 Ports 17 to 28 (AIS17 to AIS28). These bits determine whether the device will replace the data input from the 28 T1 data streams or 16/21 E1 data streams with an unframed all ones AIS signal. AIS17 controls the data from LTDAT17, AIS18 controls the data from LTDAT18, and so on. Since ports 17 to 28 are not active in the E3 mode, these bits have no affect in the E3 mode. Since ports 22 to 28 are not active in the G.747 mode, these bits have no affect in the G.747 mode. Since ports 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, and 28 are not active in the G.747 mode, the AIS20, AIS24, and AIS28 bits have no effect in the G.747 mode. 0 = replace data from LTDAT with AIS 1 = allow normal data from LTDAT to flow through to the multiplexer 69 of 133 DS3112 7 T1/E1 LOOPBACK AND DROP AND INSERT FUNCTIONALITY On the T1 and E1 ports, the DS3112 has loopback capability in both directions. There is a per-port line loopback that loops the receive side back to the transmit side and a per-port diagnostic loopback that loops the transmit side back to the receive side. In addition, the device can detect the T1 line loopback command as well as generate it. Also, the DS3112 has two drop and insert ports that allow any two of the 28 T1 or 16/21 E1 data streams to be dropped or inserted from two auxiliary ports. All these functions are described below. 7.1 T1/E1 Line Loopback Each of the 28 T1 or 16/21 E1 receive demultiplexed ports can be looped back to the transmit side. This loopback is called a line loopback and is shown in the block diagrams in Section 1. When the line loopback is invoked, the normal transmit data input at the LTCLK and LTDAT inputs is ignored and replaced with the data from the associated receive port. The host invokes the line loopback via the T1E1LLB1 and T1E1LLB2 control registers (Section 7.5). 7.2 T1/E1 Diagnostic Loopback Each of the 28 T1 or 16/21 E1 transmit multiplexed ports can be looped back to the receive side. This loopback is called a diagnostic loopback and is shown in the block diagrams in Section 1. When the diagnostic loopback is invoked, the normal receive data output at the LRCLK and LRDAT outputs is replaced with the data from the associated transmit port. The host invokes the diagnostic loopback via the T1E1DLB1 and T1E1DLB2 control registers (Section 7.5). 7.3 T1 Line Loopback Command M13 systems have the ability to request that a T1 line be looped back, which is achieved by inverting the C3 bit. See Section 14.2 for details on M13 formats and operation. The DS3112 will detect when the C3 bit has been inverted and will indicate which T1 line is being requested to be placed into line loopback via the T1LBSR1 and T1LBSR2 registers (Section 7.6). When the host detects that a T1 line is being requested to be placed into loopback, it should set the appropriate control bit in either the T1E1LLB1 or T1E1LLB2 register. The DS3112 can also generate a T1 line loopback command by inverting the C3 bit, which is accomplished via the T1LBCR1 and L1LBCR2 registers (Section 7.5). Note that when E3 or G.747 mode is enabled, the T1 line loopback command functionality is not applicable. 7.4 T1/E1 Drop and Insert The DS3112 has the ability to drop any of the 28 T1 or 16/21 E1 receive channels to either one of two drop ports. Drop Port A and Drop Port B consist of the outputs LRCLKA/LRDATA and LRCLKB/LRDATB, respectively. See the block diagrams in Section 1 for more details. The host can determine which T1/E1 port should be dropped via the T1E1SDP control register (Section 7.7). When a T1/E1 channel is dropped to either Drop Port A or B, the demultiplexed data is still output at the normal LRCLK and LRDAT outputs. On the transmit side, there are a complimentary pair of Insert Ports that are controlled via the T1E1SIP control register (Section 7.7). When enabled, the inserted port data and clock (LTDATA/LTDATB and LTCLKA/LTCLKB, respectively) replace the data that would normally be multiplexed in at LTDAT and LTCLK inputs. 70 of 133 DS3112 7.5 T1/E1 Loopback Control Register Description Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: T1E1LLB1 T1/E1 Line Loopback Control Register 1 50h Bit # Name Default 7 LLB8 0 6 LLB7 0 5 LLB6 0 4 LLB5 0 3 LLB4 0 2 LLB3 0 1 LLB2 0 0 LLB1 0 Bit # Name Default 15 LLB16 0 14 LLB15 0 13 LLB14 0 12 LLB13 0 11 LLB12 0 10 LLB11 0 9 LLB10 0 8 LLB9 0 Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bits 0 to 15: T1/E1 Line Loopback Enable for Ports 1 to 16 (LLB1 to LLB16). These bits enable or disable the T1/E1 Line Loopback (LLB). See the Block Diagrams in Section 1 for a visual description of this loopback. LLB1 corresponds to T1/E1 Port 1, LLB2 corresponds to T1/E1 Port 2, and so on. Since ports 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, and 28 are not active in the G.747 mode, the LLB4, LLB8, LLB12, and LLB16 bits have no effect in the G.747 mode. 0 = disable loopback 1 = enable loopback Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: T1E1LLB2 T1/E1 Line Loopback Control Register 2 52h Bit # Name Default 7 LLB24 0 6 LLB23 0 5 LLB22 0 4 LLB21 0 3 LLB20 0 2 LLB19 0 1 LLB18 0 0 LLB17 0 Bit # Name Default 15 — — 14 — — 13 — — 12 — — 11 LLB28 0 10 LLB27 0 9 LLB26 0 8 LLB25 0 Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bits 0 to 11: T1 Line Loopback Enable for Ports 17 to 28 (LLB17 to LLB28). These bits enable or disable the T1 Line Loopback (LLB). See the block diagrams in Section 1 for a visual description of this loopback. LLB1 corresponds to T17 Port 17, LLB18 corresponds to T1 Port 18, and so on. Since ports 17 to 28 are not active in the E3 mode, these bits have no effect in the E3 mode. Since ports 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, and 28 are not active in the G.747 mode, the LLB20, LLB24, and LLB28 bits have no effect in the G.747 mode. 0 = disable loopback 1 = enable loopback 71 of 133 DS3112 Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: T1E1DLB1 T1/E1 Diagnostic Loopback Control Register 1 54h Bit # Name Default 7 DLB8 0 6 DLB7 0 5 DLB6 0 4 DLB5 0 3 DLB4 0 2 DLB3 0 1 DLB2 0 0 DLB1 0 Bit # Name Default 15 DLB16 0 14 DLB15 0 13 DLB14 0 12 DLB13 0 11 DLB12 0 10 DLB11 0 9 DLB10 0 8 DLB9 0 Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bits 0 to 15: T1/E1 Diagnostic Loopback Enable for Ports 1 to 16 (DLB1 to DLB16). These bits enable or disable the T1/E1 Diagnostic Loopback (DLB). See the block diagrams in Section 1 for a visual description of this loopback. DLB1 corresponds to T1/E1 Port 1, DLB2 corresponds to T1/E1 Port 2, and so on. If the device is configured in Low-Speed T1/E1 Port Loop Timed mode (if LLTM bit in the MC1 register is set to a one) then only data will be looped back—the clock will not be looped back. Since ports 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, and 28 are not active in the G.747 mode, the DLB4, DLB8, DLB12, and DLB16 bits have no effect in the G.747 mode. 0 = disable loopback 1 = enable loopback Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: T1E1DLB2 T1/E1 Diagnostic Loopback Control Register 2 56h Bit # Name Default 7 DLB24 0 6 DLB23 0 5 DLB22 0 4 DLB21 0 3 DLB20 0 2 DLB19 0 1 DLB18 0 0 DLB17 0 Bit # Name Default 15 — — 14 — — 13 — — 12 — — 11 DLB28 0 10 DLB27 0 9 DLB26 0 8 DLB25 0 Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bits 17 to 28: T1 Diagnostic Loopback Enable for Ports 17 to 28 (DLB17 to DLB28). These bits enable or disable the T1 Diagnostic Loopback (DLB). See the block diagrams in Section 1 for a visual description of this loopback. DLB1 corresponds to T17 Port 17, DLB18 corresponds to T1 Port 18, and so on. Since ports 17 to 28 are not active in the E3 mode, these bits have no effect in the E3 mode. Since ports 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, and 28 are not active in the G.747 Mode, the DLB20, DLB24 and DLB28 bits have no affect in the G.747 mode. If the device is configured in Low-Speed T1/E1 Port Loop Timed mode (if LLTM bit in the MC1 register is set to a one), then only data will be looped back, the clock will not be looped back. 0 = disable loopback 1 = enable loopback 72 of 133 DS3112 Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: T1LBCR1 T1 Line Loopback Command Register 1 58h Bit # Name Default 7 LB8 0 6 LB7 0 5 LB6 0 4 LB5 0 3 LB4 0 2 LB3 0 1 LB2 0 0 LB1 0 Bit # Name Default 15 LB16 0 14 LB15 0 13 LB14 0 12 LB13 0 11 LB12 0 10 LB11 0 9 LB10 0 8 LB9 0 Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bits 0 to 15: T1 Line Loopback Far End Activate Command for Ports 1 to 16 (LB1 to LB16). These bits cause the appropriate T2 transmit formatter to generate a Line Loopback command for the far end. When this bit is set high, the T2 transmit formatter will force the C3 bit to be the inverse of the C1 and C2 bits. The T2 transmit formatter will continue to force the C3 bit to be the inverse of the C1 and C2 bits as long as this bit is held high. When this bit is set low, C3 will match the C1 and C2 bits. LB1 corresponds to T1/E1 Port 1, LB2 corresponds to T1/E1 Port 2, and so on. These bits are meaningless in the E3 and G.747 modes and should be set to 0. 0 = do not generate the line loopback command by inverting the C3 bit 1 = generate the line loopback command by inverting the C3 bit 73 of 133 DS3112 Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: T1LBCR2 T1 Line Loopback Command Register 2 5Ah Bit # Name Default 7 LB24 0 6 LB23 0 5 LB22 0 4 LB21 0 3 LB20 0 2 LB19 0 1 LB18 0 0 LB17 0 Bit # Name Default 15 — — 14 — — 13 — — 12 — — 11 LB28 0 10 LB27 0 9 LB26 0 8 LB25 0 Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bits 17 to 28: T1 Line Loopback Far End Activate Command for Ports 17 to 28 (LB17 to LB28). These bits cause the appropriate T2 transmit formatter to generate a Line Loopback command for the far end. When this bit is set high, the T2 transmit formatter will force the C3 bit to be the inverse of the C1 and C2 bits. The T2 transmit formatter will continue to force the C3 bit to be the inverse of the C1 and C2 bits as long as this bit is held high. When this bit is set low, C3 will match the C1 and C2 bits. LB17 corresponds to T1/E1 Port 17, L18 corresponds to T1/E1 Port 18, and so on. These bits are meaningless in the E3 and G.747 modes and should be set to 0. 0 = do not generate the line loopback command by inverting the C3 bit 1 = generate the line loopback command by inverting the C3 bit 74 of 133 DS3112 7.6 T1 Line Loopback Command Status Register Description Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: T1LBSR1 T1 Line Loopback Command Status Register 1 5Ch Bit # Name Default 7 LLB8 — 6 LLB7 — 5 LLB6 — 4 LLB5 — 3 LLB4 — 2 LLB3 — 1 LLB2 — 0 LLB1 — Bit # Name Default 15 LLB16 — 14 LLB15 — 13 LLB14 — 12 LLB13 — 11 LLB12 — 10 LLB11 — 9 LLB10 — 8 LLB9 — Note: See Figure 7-1 for details on the signal flow for the status bits in the T1LBSR1 and T1LBSR2 registers. Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bits 0 to 15: T1 Line Loopback Command Status for Ports 1 to 16 (LLB1 to LLB16). These read-only realtime status bits will be set to a one when the corresponding T2 framer detects that the C3 bit is the inverse of the C1 and C2 bits for 5 consecutive frames. These bits will be allowed to clear when the C3 bit is not the inverse of the C1 and C2 bits for five consecutive frames. LLB1 corresponds to T1/E1 Port 1, LLB2 corresponds to T1/E1 Port 2, and so on. The setting of any of the bits in T1LBSR1 or T1LBSR2 can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the T1LB bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) is set to a one. In the E3 and G.747 modes, these bits are meaningless and should be ignored. Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: T1LBSR2 T1 Line Loopback Command Status Register 2 5Eh Bit # Name Default 7 LLB24 — 6 LLB23 — 5 LLB22 — 4 LLB21 — 3 LLB20 — 2 LLB19 — 1 LLB18 — 0 LLB17 — Bit # Name Default 15 — — 14 — — 13 — — 12 — — 11 LLB28 — 10 LLB27 — 9 LLB26 — 8 LLB25 — Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bits 0 to 11: T1 Line Loopback Command Status for Ports 17 to 28 (LLB17 to LLB28). These read-only realtime status bits will be set to a one when the corresponding T2 framer detects that the C3 bit is the inverse of the C1 and C2 bits for 5 consecutive frames. These bits will be allowed to clear when the C3 bit is not the inverse of the C1 and C2 bits for five consecutive frames. LLB17 corresponds to T1/E1 Port 17, LLB18 corresponds to T1/E1 Port 18, and so on. The setting of any of the bits in T1LBSR1 or T1LBSR2 can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the T1LB bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) is set to a one. In the E3 and G.747 Modes, these bits are meaningless and should be ignored. 75 of 133 DS3112 Figure 7-1. T1LBSR1 and T1LBSR2 Status Bit Flow LLB1 (T1LBSR1 Bit 0) Internal T1 Loopback Command Signal from T2/E2 Framer LLB2 (T1LBSR1 Bit 1) Internal T1 Loopback Command Signal from T2/E2 Framer T1LB Status Bit (MSR Bit 8) OR INT* Hardware Signal Mask LLB28 (T1LBSR2 Bit 11) Internal T1 Loopback Command Signal from T2/E2 Framer T1LB (IMSR Bit 8) 7.7 T1/E1 Drop and Insert Control Register Description Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: T1E1SDP T1/E1 Select Register for Receive Drop Ports A and B 60h Bit # Name Default 7 — — 6 — — 5 — — 4 DPAS4 0 3 DPAS3 0 2 DPAS2 0 1 DPAS1 0 0 DPAS0 0 Bit # Name Default 15 — — 14 — — 13 — — 12 DPBS4 0 11 DPBS3 0 10 DPBS2 0 9 DPBS1 0 8 DPBS0 0 Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bits 0 to 4: T1/E1 Drop Port A Select Bits (DPAS0 to DPAS4). Bits 8 to 12: T1/E1 Drop Port B Select Bits (DPBS0 to DPBS4). These bits select which of the 28 T1 ports or 16 E1 ports (if any) should be output at either Drop Port A or Drop Port B. If no port is selected, the LRDATA, LRCLKA, LRDATB, and LRCLKB output pins will be forced low. DPxS4:0 00000 No Port 01000 Port 8 10000 Port 16 11000 Port 24 00001 Port 1 01001 Port 9 10001 Port 17 11001 Port 25 00010 Port 2 01010 Port 10 10010 Port 18 11010 Port 26 00011 Port 3 01011 Port 11 10011 Port 19 11011 Port 27 00100 Port 4 01100 Port 12 10100 Port 20 11100 Port 28 00101 Port 5 01101 Port 13 10101 Port 21 11101 No Port 00110 Port 6 01110 Port 14 10110 Port 22 11110 No Port 00111 Port 7 01111 Port 15 10111 Port 23 11111 No Port 76 of 133 DS3112 Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: T1E1SIP T1/E1 Select Register for Transmit Insert Ports A and B 62h Bit # Name Default 7 — — 6 — — 5 — — 4 IPAS4 0 3 IPAS3 0 2 IPAS2 0 1 IPAS1 0 0 IPAS0 0 Bit # Name Default 15 — — 14 — — 13 — — 12 IPBS4 0 11 IPBS3 0 10 IPBS2 0 9 IPBS1 0 8 IPBS0 0 Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bits 0 to 4: T1/E1 Insert Port A Select Bits (IPAS0 to IPAS4). Bits 8 to 12: T1/E1 Insert Port B Select Bits (IPBS0 to IPBS4). These bits select if clock and data from either of the two insert ports (Insert Port A or Insert Port B) should replace the clock and data presented at one of the 28 T1 ports or 16/21 E1 ports. If no port is selected, the clock and data presented at the LTDATA, LTCLKA, LTDATB, and LTCLKB input pins is ignored. The same port should not be selected for both Insert Port A and Insert Port B. IPxS4:0 00000 No Port 01000 Port 8 10000 Port 16 11000 Port 24 00001 Port 1 01001 Port 9 10001 Port 17 11001 Port 25 00010 Port 2 01010 Port 10 10010 Port 18 11010 Port 26 00011 Port 3 01011 Port 11 10011 Port 19 11011 Port 27 00100 Port 4 01100 Port 12 10100 Port 20 11100 Port 28 00101 Port 5 01101 Port 13 10101 Port 21 11101 No Port 00110 Port 6 01110 Port 14 10110 Port 22 11110 No Port 00111 Port 7 01111 Port 15 10111 Port 23 11111 No Port 77 of 133 DS3112 8 BERT The BERT block can generate and detect the following patterns: 7 11 15 • Pseudorandom patterns 2 - 1, 2 - 1, 2 - 1, and QRSS • A repetitive pattern from 1 to 32 bits in length • Alternating (16-bit) words that flip every 1 to 256 words The BERT receiver has a 32-bit bit counter and a 24-bit error counter. It can generate interrupts on detecting a bit error, a change in synchronization, or if an overflow occurs in the bit and error counters. See Section 8.1 for details on status bits and interrupts from the BERT block. To activate the BERT block, the host must configure the BERT mux via the BERT mux control register (Section 8.1). Data can be routed to the receive side of the BERT from either the T3/E3 framer or from one of the 28 T1 or 16/21 E1 receive ports. Data from the transmit side of the BERT can be inserted either into the T3/E3 framer or into one of the 28 T1 or 16/21 E1 transmit ports. See Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2 for a visual description of where data to and from the BERT can be placed. 8.1 BERT Register Description Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: BERTMC BERT Mux Control Register 0x6Eh Bit # Name Default 7 — — 6 — — 5 — — 4 RBPS4 0 3 RBPS3 0 2 RBPS2 0 1 RBPS1 0 0 RBPS0 0 Bit # Name Default 15 — — 14 — — 13 — — 12 TBPS4 0 11 TBPS3 0 10 TBPS2 0 9 TBPS1 0 8 TBPS0 0 Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bits 0 to 4: Receive BERT Port Select Bits 0 to 4 (RBPS0 to RBPS4). These bits determine if data from any of the 28 T1 or 16/21 E1 receive ports or the T3/E3 receive framer (with or without the overhead bits) will be routed to the receive side of the BERT. If these bits are set to 11101, only the T3/E3 payload data will be routed to the receive BERT. If these bits are set to 11110, all T3/E3 data (payload and the overhead bits) will be routed to the receive BERT. RBPS4:0 00000 No Data 01000 Port 8 00001 Port 1 01001 Port 9 00010 Port 2 01010 Port 10 00011 Port 3 01011 Port 11 00100 Port 4 01100 Port 12 00101 Port 5 01101 Port 13 00110 Port 6 01110 Port 14 00111 Port 7 01111 Port 15 10000 Port 16 11000 Port 24 10001 Port 17 11001 Port 25 10010 Port 18 11010 Port 26 10011 Port 19 11011 Port 27 10100 Port 20 11100 Port 28 10101 Port 21 11101 T3/E3 Framer (payload bits only) 10110 Port 22 11110 T3/E3 Framer (payload + overhead bits) 10111 Port 23 11111 Illegal State 78 of 133 DS3112 Bits 8 to 12: Transmit BERT Port Select Bits 0 to 4 (TBPS0 to TBPS4). These bits determine if the transmit BERT will be used to replace the normal transmit data on any of the 28 T1 or 16/21 E1 transmit ports or at the T3/E3 transmit formatter. If these bits are set to 11101, data from the transmit BERT is only placed in the payload bit positions of the T3/E3 data stream. If these bits are set to 11110, then data from the transmit BERT is placed into all bit positions of the T3/E3 data stream (payload and the overhead bits). TBPS4:0 00000 No Data 01000 Port 8 00001 Port 1 01001 Port 9 00010 Port 2 01010 Port 10 00011 Port 3 01011 Port 11 00100 Port 4 01100 Port 12 00101 Port 5 01101 Port 13 00110 Port 6 01110 Port 14 00111 Port 7 01111 Port 15 10000 Port 16 11000 Port 24 10001 Port 17 11001 Port 25 10010 Port 18 11010 Port 26 10011 Port 19 11011 Port 27 10100 Port 20 11100 Port 28 10101 Port 21 11101 T3/E3 Framer (payload bits only) 10110 Port 22 11110 T3/E3 Framer (payload + overhead bits) 10111 Port 23 11111 Illegal State 79 of 133 DS3112 Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: BERTC0 BERT Control Register 0 70h Bit # Name Default 7 PBS 0 6 TINV 0 5 RINV 0 4 PS2 0 3 PS1 0 2 PS0 0 1 LC 0 0 RESYNC 0 Bit # Name Default 15 IESYNC 0 14 IEBED 0 13 IEOF 0 12 n/a - 11 RPL3 0 10 RPL2 0 9 RPL1 0 8 RPL0 0 Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bit 0: Force Resynchronization (RESYNC). A low to high transition will force the receive BERT synchronizer to resynchronize to the incoming data stream. This bit should be toggled from low to high whenever the host wishes to acquire synchronization on a new pattern. Must be cleared and set again for a subsequent resynchronization. Bit 1: Load Bit and Error Counters (LC). A low to high transition latches the current bit and error counts into the host accessible registers BERTBC and BERTEC and clears the internal count. This bit should be toggled from low to high whenever the host wishes to begin a new acquisition period. Must be cleared and set again for a subsequent loads. Bits 2 to 4: Pattern Select Bits 0 (PS0 to PS2). If PBS = 0: 000 = Pseudorandom Pattern 27 - 1 (ANSI T1.403-1999 Annex B) 001 = Pseudorandom Pattern 211 - 1 (ITU O.153) 010 = Pseudorandom Pattern 215 - 1 (ITU O.151) 011 = Pseudorandom Pattern QRSS (2E20 - 1 with a one forced if the next 14 positions are zero) 100 = Repetitive Pattern 101 = Alternating Word Pattern 110 = Illegal State 111 = Illegal State If PBS = 1: 000 = Psuedorandom Pattern 29 - 1 001 = Pseudorandom Pattern 220 - 1 (non-QRSS) 010 = Pseudorandom Pattern 223 - 1 (ITU O.151) 011 = Illegal State 10X = Illegal State (X = 0 or 1) 11X = lllegal State (X = 0 or 1) Bit 5: Receive Invert Data Enable (RINV). 0 = do not invert the incoming data stream 1 = invert the incoming data stream Bit 6: Transmit Invert Data Enable (TINV). 0 = do not invert the outgoing data stream 1 = invert the outgoing data stream Bit 7: Pattern Bank Select (PBS) 0 = PS[2:0] select a pattern from Pattern Bank 0 1 = PS[2:0] select a pattern from Pattern Bank 1 80 of 133 DS3112 Bits 8 to 11: Repetitive Pattern Length Bits 5 (RPL0 to RPL3). RPL0 is the LSB and RPL3 is the MSB of a nibble that describes the how long the repetitive pattern is. The valid range is 17 (0000) to 32 (1111). These bits are ignored if the receive BERT is programmed for a pseudorandom pattern. To create repetitive patterns less than 17 bits in length, the user must set the length to an integer number of the desired length that is less than or equal to 32. For example, to create a 6-bit pattern, the user can set the length to 18 (0001) or to 24 (0111) or to 30 (1101). Repetitive Pattern Length Map Length Code Length 17 Bits 0000 18 Bits 21 Bits 0100 22 Bits 25 Bits 1000 26 Bits 29 Bits 1100 30 Bits Code 0001 0101 1001 1101 Length 19 Bits 23 Bits 27 Bits 31 Bits Code 0010 0110 1010 1101 Length 20 Bits 24 Bits 28 Bits 32 Bits Code 0011 0111 1011 1111 Bit 13: Interrupt Enable for Counter Overflow (IEOF). Allows the receive BERT to cause an interrupt if either the Bit Counter or the Error Counter overflows (Figure 8-1). 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt enabled Bit 14: Interrupt Enable for Bit Error Detected (IEBED). Allows the receive BERT to cause an interrupt if a bit error is detected (Figure 8-1). 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt enabled Bit 15: Interrupt Enable for Change of Synchronization Status (IESYNC). Allows the receive BERT to cause an interrupt if there is a change of state in the synchronization status (i.e., the receive BERT either goes into or out of synchronization) (Figure 8-1). 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt enabled 81 of 133 DS3112 Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: BERTC1 BERT Control Register 1 72h Bit # Name Default 7 EIB2 — 6 EIB1 0 5 EIB0 0 4 SBE 0 3 — 0 2 — 0 1 — 0 0 TC 0 Bit # Name Default 15 AWC7 0 14 AWC6 0 13 AWC5 0 12 AWC4 0 11 AWC3 0 10 AWC2 0 9 AWC1 0 8 AWC0 0 Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bit 0: Transmit Pattern Load (TC). A low to high transition loads the pattern generator with Repetitive or Pseudorandom pattern that is to be generated. This bit should be toggled from low to high whenever the host wishes to load a new pattern. Must be cleared and set again for a subsequent loads. Bit 4: Single Bit Error Insert (SBE). A low to high transition will create a single bit error. Must be cleared and set again for a subsequent bit error to be inserted. Bits 5 to 7: Error Insert Bits (EIB0 to EIB2). Will automatically insert bit errors at the prescribed rate into the generated data pattern. Useful for verifying error detection operation. EIB2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 EIB1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 EIB0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 ERROR RATE INSERTED No errors automatically inserted 10-1 (1 error per 10 bits) 10-2 (1 error per 100 bits) 10-3 (1 error per 1kbits) 10-4 (1 error per 10kbits) 10-5 (1 error per 100kbits) 10-6 (1 error per 1Mbits) 10-7 (1 error per 10Mbits) Bits 8 to 15: Alternating Word Count Rate (AWC0 to AWC7). When the BERT is programmed in the alternating word mode, the word in BERTRP0 will be transmitted for the count loaded into this register plus one, then flip to the other word loaded in BERTRP1 and again repeat for the same number of times. The valid count range is from 00h to FFh. AWC VALUE ALTERNATING COUNT ACTION 00h Send the word in BERTRP0 1 time followed by the word in BERTRP1 1 time… 01h Send the word in BERTRP0 2 times followed by the word in BERTRP1 2 times… 02h Send the word in BERTRP0 3 times followed by the word in BERTRP1 3 times… 06h Send the word in BERTRP0 7 times followed by the word in BERTRP1 7 times… 07h Send the word in BERTRP0 8 times followed by the word in BERTRP1 8 times… FFh Send the word in BERTRP0 256 times followed by the word in BERTRP1 256 times… 82 of 133 DS3112 Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: BERTRP0 BERT Repetitive Pattern 0 (lower word) 74h Bit # Name Default 7 RP7 0 6 RP6 0 5 RP5 0 4 RP4 0 3 RP3 0 2 RP2 0 1 RP1 0 0 RP0 0 Bit # Name Default 15 RP15 0 14 RP14 0 13 RP13 0 12 RP12 0 11 RP11 0 10 RP10 0 9 RP9 0 8 RP8 0 Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: BERTRP1 BERT Repetitive Pattern 1 (upper word) 76h Bit # Name Default 7 RP23 0 6 RP22 0 5 RP21 0 4 RP20 0 3 RP19 0 2 RP18 0 1 RP17 0 0 RP16 0 Bit # Name Default 15 RP31 0 14 RP30 0 13 RP29 0 12 RP28 0 11 RP27 0 10 RP26 0 9 RP25 0 8 RP24 0 Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bits 0 to 31: BERT Repetitive Pattern Set (RP0 to RP31). RP0 is the LSB and RP31 is the MSB. These registers must be properly loaded for the BERT to properly generate and synchronize to either a repetitive pattern, a pseudorandom pattern, or a alternating word pattern. For a repetitive pattern that is less than 17 bits, then the pattern should be repeated so that all 32 bits are used to describe the pattern. For example, if the pattern was the repeating 5-bit pattern …01101… (where rightmost bit is one sent first and received first) then BERTRP0 should be loaded with xB5AD and BERTRP1 should be loaded with x5AD6. For a pseudorandom pattern, both registers should be loaded with all ones (i.e., xFFFF). For an alternating word pattern, one word should be placed into BERTRP0 and the other word should be placed into BERTRP1. For example, if the DDS stress pattern “7E” is to be described, the user would place x0000 in BERTRP0 and x7E7E in BERTRP1 and the alternating word counter would be set to 50 (decimal) to allow 100 bytes of 00h followed by 100 bytes of 7Eh to be sent and received. 83 of 133 DS3112 Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: BERTBC0 BERT 32-Bit Bit Counter (lower word) 78h Bit # Name Default 7 BBC7 0 6 BBC6 0 5 BBC5 0 4 BBC4 0 3 BBC3 0 2 BBC2 0 1 BBC1 0 0 BBC0 0 Bit # Name Default 15 BBC15 0 14 BBC14 0 13 BBC13 0 12 BBC12 0 11 BBC11 0 10 BBC10 0 9 BBC9 0 8 BBC8 0 Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: BERTBC1 BERT 32-Bit Bit Counter (upper word) 7Ah Bit # Name Default 7 BBC23 0 6 BBC22 0 5 BBC21 0 4 BBC20 0 3 BBC19 0 2 BBC18 0 1 BBC17 0 0 BBC16 0 Bit # Name Default 15 BBC31 0 14 BBC30 0 13 BBC29 0 12 BBC28 0 11 BBC27 0 10 BBC26 0 9 BBC25 0 8 BBC24 0 Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bits 0 to 31: BERT 32-Bit Bit Counter (BBC0 to BBC31). This 32-bit counter will increment for each data bit (i.e., clock received). This counter is not disabled when the receive BERT loses synchronization. This counter can be cleared by toggling the LC control bit in BERTC0. This counter saturates and will not rollover. Upon saturation, the BBCO status bit in the BERTEC0 register will be set. This error counter starts counting when the BERT goes into receive synchronization (RLOS = 0 or SYNC = 1) and it will not stop counting when the BERT loses synchronization. It is recommended that the host toggle the LC bit in BERTC0 register once the BERT has synchronized and then toggle the LC bit again when the error-checking period is complete. If the device loses synchronization during this period, then the counting results are suspect. 84 of 133 DS3112 Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: BERTEC0 BERT 24-Bit Error Counter (lower) and Status Information 7Ch Bit # Name Default 7 — — 6 RA1 — 5 RA0 — 4 RLOS — 3 BED — 2 BBCO — 1 BECO — 0 SYNC — Bit # Name Default 15 BEC7 0 14 BEC6 0 13 BEC5 0 12 BEC4 0 11 BEC3 0 10 BEC2 0 9 BEC1 0 8 BEC0 0 Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bit 0: Real-Time Synchronization Status (SYNC). Read-only real-time status of the synchronizer (this bit is not latched). Will be set when the incoming pattern matches for 32 consecutive bit positions. Will be cleared when six or more bits out of 64 are received in error. Bit 1: BERT Error Counter Overflow (BECO). A latched read-only event-status bit that is set when the 24-bit BERT Error Counter (BEC) saturates. Cleared when read and will not be set again until another overflow occurs (i.e., the BEC counter must be cleared and allowed to overflow again). The setting of this status bit can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the IEOF bit in BERT Control Register 0 is set to a one and the BERT bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one. The interrupt will be allowed to clear when this bit is read (Figure 8-1). Bit 2: BERT Bit Counter Overflow (BBCO). A latched read-only event-status bit that is set when the 32-bit BERT Bit Counter (BBC) saturates. Cleared when read and will not be set again until another overflow occurs (i.e., the BBC counter must be cleared and allowed to overflow again). The setting of this status bit can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the IEOF bit in BERT Control Register 0 is set to a one and the BERT bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one. The interrupt will be allowed to clear when this bit is read (Figure 8-1). Bit 3: Bit Error Detected (BED). A latched read-only event status bit that is set when a bit error is detected. The receive BERT must be in synchronization for it to detect bit errors. This bit will be cleared when read. The setting of this status bit can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the IEBED bit in BERT Control Register 0 is set to a one and the BERT bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one. The interrupt will be allowed to clear when this bit is read (Figure 8-1). Bit 4: Receive Loss Of Synchronization (RLOS). A latched read-only alarm-status bit that is set whenever the receive BERT begins searching for a pattern. Once synchronization is achieved, this bit will remain set until read. A change in this status bit (i.e., the synchronizer goes into or out of synchronization) can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the IESYNC bit in BERT Control Register 0 is set to a one and the BERT bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one. The interrupt will be allowed to clear when this bit is read (Figure 8-1). Bit 5: Receive All Zeros (RA0). A latched read-only alarm-status bit that is set when 31 consecutive zeros are received. Allowed to be cleared once a one is received. Bit 6: Receive All Ones (RA1). A latched read-only alarm-status bit that is set when 31 consecutive ones are received. Allowed to be cleared once a zero is received. Bits 8 to 15: BERT 24-Bit Error Counter (BEC0 to BEC7). Lower byte of the 24-bit counter. See the BERTEC1 register description for details. 85 of 133 DS3112 Figure 8-1. BERT Status Bit Flow Internal RLOS Signal from BERT Alarm Latch RLOS (BERTEC0 Bit 4) Change in State Detect Event Latch Mask IESYNC (BERTC0 Bit 15) Internal Bit Error Detected Signal from BERT Event Latch BED (BERTEC0 Bit 3) Mask BERT Status Bit (MSR Bit 2) OR IEBED (BERTC0 Bit 14) Internal Counter Overflow Signal from BERT Event Latch BECO or BBCO (BERTEC0 Bits 1 & 2) INT* Hardware Signal Mask Mask BERT (IMSR Bit 2) IEOF (BERTC0 Bit 13) NOTE: ALL EVENT AND ALARM LATCHES ABOVE ARE CLEARED WHEN THE BERTEC0 REGISTER IS READ. Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: BERTEC1 BERT 24-Bit Error Counter (upper) 7Eh Bit # Name Default 7 BEC15 0 6 BEC14 0 5 BEC13 0 4 BEC12 0 3 BEC11 0 2 BEC10 0 1 BEC9 0 0 BEC8 0 Bit # Name Default 15 BEC23 0 14 BEC22 0 13 BEC21 0 12 BEC20 0 11 BEC19 0 10 BEC18 0 9 BEC17 0 8 BEC16 0 Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bits 0 to 15: BERT 24-Bit Error Counter (BEC8 to BEC23). Upper two bytes of the 24-bit counter. This 24-bit counter will increment for each data bit received in error. This counter is not disabled when the receive BERT loses synchronization. This counter can be cleared by toggling the LC control bit in BERTBC0. This counter saturates and will not rollover. Upon saturation, the BECO status bit in the BERTEC0 register will be set. This error counter starts counting when the BERT goes into receive synchronization (RLOS = 0 or SYNC = 1) and it will not stop counting when the BERT loses synchronization. It is recommended that the host toggle the LC bit in BERTC0 register once the BERT has synchronized and then toggle the LC bit again when the error checking period is complete. If the device loses synchronization during this period, then the counting results are suspect. 86 of 133 DS3112 9 HDLC CONTROLLER The DS3112 contains an on-board HDLC controller with 256-byte buffers in both the transmit and receive paths. When the device is operated in the T3 mode, the HDLC controller is only active in the CBit Parity mode. When the device is operated in the E3 mode, the user has the option to connect the HDLC controller to the Sn bit position. On the receive side, the HDLC controller is always connected to the receive E3 framer. If the host does not wish to use the HDLC controller for the Sn bit, then the status updates provided by the HDLC controller are ignored. On the transmit side, the host selects the source of the Sn via the E3SnC0 and E3SnC1 controls bits in the T3/E3 Control Register (Section 5.2). 9.1 Receive Operation On reset, the receive HDLC controller will flush the receive FIFO and begin searching for a new incoming HDLC packet. The receive HDLC controller performs a bit by bit search for a HDLC packet and when one is detected, it will zero destuff the incoming data stream and automatically byte align to it and place the incoming bytes as they are received into the receive FIFO. The first byte of each packet is marked in the receive FIFO by setting the Opening Byte (OBYTE) bit. Upon detecting a closing flag, the device will check the 16-bit CRC to see if the packet is valid or not and then mark the last byte of the packet in the receive FIFO by setting the Closing Byte (CBYTE) bit. The CRC is not passed to the receive FIFO. When the CBYTE bit is set, the host can obtain the status of the incoming packet via the Packet Status bits (PS0 and PS1). Incoming packets can be separated by a single flag or even by two flags that share a common zero. If the receive FIFO ever fills beyond capacity, the new incoming packet data will be discarded and the Receive FIFO Overrun (ROVR) status bit will be set. If such a scenario occurs, then the last packet in the FIFO is suspect and should be discarded. When an overflow occurs, the receive HDLC will stop accepting packets until either the FIFO is completely emptied or reset. If the receive HDLC controller ever detects an incoming abort (seven or more ones in a row), it will set the Receive Abort Sequence Detected (RABT) status bit. If an abort sequence is detected in the middle of an incoming packet, then the receive HDLC controller will set the Packet Status bits accordingly. The receive HDLC has been designed to minimize its real-time host support requirements. The receive FIFO is 256 bytes, which is deep enough to store the three T3 packets (Path ID, Idle Signal ID, and Test Signal ID) that can arrive once a second. Hence in T3 applications, the host only needs to access the receive HDLC once a second to retrieve the three messages. The host will be notified when a new message has begun (Receive Packet Start status bit) to be received and when a packet has completed (Receive Packet End status bit). Also, the host can be notified when the FIFO has filled beyond a programmable level called the high watermark. The host will read the incoming packet data out of the receive FIFO a byte at a time. When the receive FIFO is empty, the REMPTY bit in the FIFO will be set. 9.2 Transmit Operation On reset, the transmit HDLC controller will flush the transmit FIFO and transmit an abort followed by either 7Eh or FFh (depends on the setting of the TFS control bit) continuously. The transmit HDLC then waits until there are at least two bytes in the transmit FIFO before beginning to send the packet. The transmit HDLC will automatically add an opening flag of 7Eh to the beginning of the packet and zero stuff the outgoing data stream. When the transmit HDLC controller detects that the TMEND bit in the transmit FIFO is set, it will automatically calculate and add in the 16-bit CRC checksum followed by a closing flag of 7Eh. If the FIFO is empty, then it will begin sending either 7Eh or FFh continuously. If there is some more data in the FIFO, then the transmit HDLC will automatically add in the opening flag and begin sending the next packet. Between consecutive packets, there are always at least two flags of 7Eh. If the transmit FIFO ever empties when a packet is being sent (i.e., before the TMEND bit is set), 87 of 133 DS3112 then the transmit HDLC controller will send an abort of seven ones in a row (FEh) followed by a continuous transmission of either 7Eh (flags) or FFh (idle) and the Transmit FIFO Underrun (TUDR) status bit will be set. When the FIFO underruns, the transmit HDLC controller should be reset by the host. The transmit HDLC has been designed to minimize its real-time host support requirements. The transmit FIFO is 256 bytes, which is deep enough to store the three T3 packets (Path ID, Idle Signal ID, and Test Signal ID) that need to be sent once a second. Hence in T3 applications, the host only needs to access the transmit HDLC once a second to load up the three messages. Once the host has loaded an outgoing packet, it can monitor the Transmit Packet End (TEND) status bit to know when the packet has finished being transmitted. Also, the host can be notified when the FIFO has emptied below a programmable level called the low watermark. The host must never overfill the FIFO. To keep this from occurring, the host can obtain the real-time depth of the transmit FIFO via the Transmit FIFO Level bits in the HDLC Status Register (HSR). 9.2 HDLC Control and FIFO Register Description Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: HCR HDLC Control Register 80h Bit # Name Default 7 — — 6 RHR 0 5 THR 0 4 TFS 0 3 — — 2 TCRCI — 1 TZSD 0 0 TCRCD 0 Bit # Name Default 15 RHWMS2 0 14 RHWMS1 0 13 RHWMS0 0 12 TLWMS2 0 11 TLWMS1 0 10 TLWMS0 0 9 RID 0 8 TID 0 Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bit 0: Transmit CRC Defeat (TCRCD). When this bit is set low, the HDLC will automatically calculate and append the 16-bit CRC to the outgoing HDLC message. When this bit is set high, the device will not append the CRC to the outgoing message. 0 = enable CRC generation (normal operation) 1 = disable CRC generation Bit 1: Transmit Zero Stuffer Defeat (TZSD). When this bit is set low, the HDLC will automatically enable the zero stuffer in between the opening and closing flags of the HDLC message. When this bit is set high, the device will not enable the zero stuffer under any condition. 0 = enable zero stuffer (normal operation) 1 = disable zero stuffer Bit 2: Transmit CRC Invert (TCRCI). When this bit is set low, the HDLC will allow the CRC to be generated normally. When this bit is set high, the device will invert all 16 bits of the generated CRC. This bit is ignored when the CRC generation is disabled (TCRCD = 1). This bit is useful in testing HDLC operation. 0 = do not invert the generated CRC (normal operation) 1 = Invert the generated CRC Bit 4: Transmit Flag/Idle Select (TFS). This control bit determines whether flags or idle bytes will be transmitted in between packets. 0 = 7Eh (flags) 1 = FFh (idle) 88 of 133 DS3112 Bit 5: Transmit HDLC Reset (THR). A zero to one transition will reset the Transmit HDLC controller. Must be cleared and set again for a subsequent reset. A reset will flush the current contents of the transmit FIFO and cause one FEh abort sequence (7 ones is a row) to be sent followed by either 7Eh (flags) or FFh (idle) until a new packet is initiated by writing new data (at least 2 bytes) into the FIFO. Bit 6: Receive HDLC Reset (RHR). A zero to one transition will reset the Receive HDLC controller. Must be cleared and set again for a subsequent reset. A reset will flush the current contents of the receive FIFO and cause the receive HDLC controller to begin searching for a new incoming HDLC packet. Bit 8: Transmit Invert Data (TID). The control bit determines whether all of the data from the HDLC controller (including flags and CRC checksum) will be inverted after processing. 0 = do not invert data (normal operation) 1 = invert all data Bit 9: Receive Invert Data (RID). The control bit determines whether all of the data into the HDLC controller (including flags and CRC checksum) will be inverted before processing. 0 = do not invert data (normal operation) 1 = invert all data Bits 10 to 12: Transmit Low Watermark Select Bits (TLWMS0 to TLWMS2). These control bits determine when the HDLC controller should set the TLWM status bit in the HDLC Status Register (HSR). When the transmit FIFO contains less than the number of bytes configured by these bits, the TLWM status bit will be set to a one. TRANSMIT LOW TLWMS2 TLWMS1 TLWMS0 WATERMARK (bytes) 0 0 0 16 0 0 1 48 0 1 0 80 0 1 1 112 1 0 0 144 1 0 1 176 1 1 0 208 1 1 1 240 Bits 13 to 15: Receive High Watermark Select Bits (RHWMS0 to RHWMS2). These control bits determine when the HDLC controller should set the RHWM status bit in the HDLC Status Register (HSR). When the receive FIFO contains more than the number of bytes configured by these bits, the RHWM status bit will be set to a one. RECEIVE HIGH RHWMS2 RHWMS1 RHWMS0 WATERMARK (bytes) 0 0 0 16 0 0 1 48 0 1 0 80 0 1 1 112 1 0 0 144 1 0 1 176 1 1 0 208 1 1 1 240 89 of 133 DS3112 Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: RHDLC Receive HDLC FIFO 82h Bit # Name Default 7 D7 — 6 D6 — 5 D5 — 4 D4 — 3 D3 — 2 D2 — 1 D1 — 0 D0 — Bit # Name Default 15 — — 14 — — 13 — — 12 — — 11 PS1 — 10 PS0 — 9 CBYTE — 8 OBYTE — Note 1: When the CPU bus is operated in the 8-bit mode (CMS = 1), the host should always read the lower byte (bits 0 to 7) first followed by the upper byte (bits 8 to 15). Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Note 2: Packets with three or fewer bytes (including the CRC FCS) in between flags are invalid and the data that appears in the FIFO in such instances is meaningless. If only one byte is received between flags, then both the CBYTE and OBYTE bits will be set. If two bytes are received, then OBYTE will be set for the first one received and CBYTE will be set for the second byte received. If three bytes are received, then OBYTE will be set for the first one received and CBYTE will be set for the third byte received. In all of these cases, the packet status will be reported as PS0 = 0/PS1 = 1 and the data in the FIFO should be ignored. Bits 0 to 7: Receive FIFO Data (D0 to D7). Data from the Receive FIFO can be read from these bits. D0 is the LSB and is received first while D7 is the MSB and is received last. Bit 8: Opening Byte (OBYTE). This bit will be set to a one when the byte available at the D0 to D7 bits from the Receive FIFO is the first byte of a HDLC packet. Bit 9: Closing Byte (CBYTE). This bit will be set to a one when the byte available at the D0 to D7 bits from the Receive FIFO is the last byte of a HDLC packet whether the packet is valid or not. The host can use the PS0 and PS1 bits to determine if the packet is valid or not. Bits 10 and 11: Packet Status Bits 0 and 1 (PS0 and PS1). These bits are only valid when the CBYTE bit is set to a one. These bits inform the host of the validity of the incoming packet and the cause of the problem if the packet was received in error. PACKET PS1 PS0 REASON FOR INVALID RECEPTION OF THE PACKET STATUS 0 0 Valid — 0 1 Invalid Corrupt CRC Incoming packet was either too short (three or fewer bytes including the CRC) or 1 0 Invalid did not contain an integral number of octets 1 1 Invalid Abort sequence detected 90 of 133 DS3112 Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: THDLC Transmit HDLC FIFO 84h Bit # Name Default 7 D7 0 6 D6 0 5 D5 0 4 D4 0 3 D3 0 2 D2 0 1 D1 0 0 D0 0 Bit # Name Default 15 — — 14 — — 13 — — 12 — — 11 — — 10 — — 9 — — 8 TMEND 0 Note 1: When the CPU bus is operated in the 8-bit mode (CMS = 1), the host should always write to the lower byte (bits 0 to 7) first followed by the upper byte (bits 8 to 15). Note 2: The THDLC is a write-only register. Note 3: The Transmit FIFO can be filled to a maximum capacity of 256 bytes. When the Transmit FIFO is full, it will not accept any additional data. Bits 0 to 7: Transmit FIFO Data (D0 to D7). Data for the Transmit FIFO can be written to these bits. D0 is the LSB and is transmitted first while D7 is the MSB and is transmitted last. Bit 8: Transmit Message End (TMEND). This bit is used to delineate multiple messages in the Transmit FIFO. It should be set to a one when the last byte of a packet is written to the Transmit FIFO. The setting of this bit indicates to the HDLC controller that the message is complete and that it should calculate and add in the CRC checksum and at least two flags. This bit should be set to zero for all other data written to the FIFO. All HDLC messages must be at least 2 bytes in length. 9.3 HDLC Status and Interrupt Register Description Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: HSR HDLC Status Register 86h Bit # Name Default 7 TUDR — 6 RPE — 5 RPS — 4 RHWM — 3 — — 2 TLWM — 1 — — 0 TEND — Bit # Name Default 15 RABT — 14 REMPTY — 13 ROVR — 12 TEMPTY — 11 TFL3 — 10 TFL2 — 9 TFL1 — 8 TFL0 — Note: See Figure 9-1 for details on the signal flow for the status bits in the HSR register. Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bit 0: Transmit Packet End (TEND). This latched read-only event-status bit will be set to a one each time the transmit HDLC controller reads a transmit FIFO byte with the corresponding TMEND bit set or if a FIFO underrun occurs. This bit will be cleared when read and will not be set again until another message end is detected. The setting of this bit can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the TEND bit in the Interrupt Mask for HSR (IHSR) register is set to a one and the HDLC bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one. The interrupt will be allowed to clear when this bit is read. Bit 2: Transmit FIFO Low Watermark (TLWM). This read-only real time status bit will be set to a one when the transmit FIFO contains less than the number of bytes configured by the Transmit Low Watermark Setting control bits (TLWMS0 to TLWMS2) in the HDLC Control Register (HCR). This bit will be cleared when the FIFO fills beyond the low watermark. The setting of this bit can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the TLWM bit in the Interrupt Mask for HSR (IHSR) register is set to a one and the HDLC bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one. 91 of 133 DS3112 Bit 4: Receive FIFO High Watermark (RHWM). This read-only real-time status bit will be set to a one when the receive FIFO contains more than the number of bytes configured by the Receive High Watermark Setting control bits (RHWMS0 to RHWMS2) in the HDLC Control Register (HCR). This bit will be cleared when the FIFO empties below the high watermark. The setting of this bit can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the RHWM bit in the Interrupt Mask for HSR (IHSR) register is set to a one and the HDLC bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one. Bit 5: Receive Packet Start (RPS). This latched read-only event-status bit will be set to a one each time the HDLC controller detects an opening byte of an HDLC packet. This bit will be cleared when read and will not be set again until another message is detected. The setting of this bit can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the RPS bit in the Interrupt Mask for HSR (IHSR) register is set to a one and the HDLC bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one. The interrupt will be allowed to clear when this bit is read. Bit 6: Receive Packet End (RPE). This latched read-only event-status bit will be set to a one each time the HDLC controller detects the finish of a message whether the packet is valid (CRC correct) or not (bad CRC, abort sequence detected, packet too small, not an integral number of octets, or an overrun occurred). This bit will be cleared when read and will not be set again until another message end is detected. The setting of this bit can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the RPE bit in the Interrupt Mask for HSR (IHSR) register is set to a one and the HDLC bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one. The interrupt will be allowed to clear when this bit is read. Bit 7: Transmit FIFO Underrun (TUDR). This latched read-only event-status bit will be set to a one each time the transmit FIFO underruns and an abort is automatically sent. This bit will be cleared when read and will not be set again until another underrun occurs (i.e., the FIFO has been written to and then allowed to empty again). The setting of this bit can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the TUDR bit in the Interrupt Mask for HSR (IHSR) register is set to a one and the HDLC bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one. The interrupt will be allowed to clear when this bit is read. Bits 8 to 11: Transmit FIFO Level Bits 0 to 3 (TFL0 to TFL3). These read-only real-time status bits indicate the current depth of the transmit FIFO with a 16-byte resolution. These status bits cannot cause a hardware interrupt. TFL3 TFL2 TFL1 TFL0 TRANSMIT FIFO LEVEL 0 0 0 0 empty to 15 bytes 0 0 0 1 16 to 31 bytes 0 0 1 0 32 to 47 bytes 0 0 1 1 48 to 63 bytes 0 1 0 0 64 to 79 bytes 0 1 0 1 80 to 95 bytes 0 1 1 0 96 to 111 bytes 0 1 1 1 112 to 127 bytes 1 0 0 0 128 to 143 bytes 1 0 0 1 144 to 159 bytes 1 0 1 0 160 to 175 bytes 1 0 1 1 176 to 191 bytes 1 1 0 0 192 to 207 bytes 1 1 0 1 208 to 223 bytes 1 1 1 0 224 to 239 bytes 1 1 1 1 240 to 256 bytes Bit 12: Transmit FIFO Empty (TEMPTY). This read-only real-time status bit will be set to a one when the transmit FIFO is empty. It will be cleared when the transmit FIFO contains one or more bytes. This status bit cannot cause a hardware interrupt. Bit 13: Receive FIFO Overrun (ROVR). This latched read-only event-status bit will be set to a one each time the receive FIFO overruns. This bit will be cleared when read and will not be set again until another overrun occurs 92 of 133 DS3112 (i.e., the FIFO has been read from and then allowed to fill up again). The setting of this bit can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the ROVR bit in the Interrupt Mask for HSR (IHSR) register is set to a one and the HDLC bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one. The interrupt will be allowed to clear when this bit is read. Bit 14: Receive FIFO Empty (REMPTY). This real-time bit will be set to a one when the Receive FIFO is empty and will be set to a zero when the Receive FIFO is not empty. Bit 15: Receive Abort Sequence Detected (RABT). This latched read-only event-status bit will be set to a one each time the receive HDLC controller detects seven or more ones in a row during packet reception. If the receive HDLC is not currently receiving a packet, then seven or more ones in a row will not trigger this status bit. This bit will be cleared when read and will not be set again until another abort is detected (at least one valid flag must be detected before another abort can be detected). The setting of this bit can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the RABT bit in the Interrupt Mask for HSR (IHSR) register is set to a one and the HDLC bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one. The interrupt will be allowed to clear when this bit is read. 93 of 133 DS3112 Figure 9-1. HSR Status Bit Flow Transmit Packet End Signal from HDLC Event Latch TEND (HSR Bit 0) Mask TEND (IHSR Bit 0) Internal Transmit Low Water Mark Signal from HDLC TLWM (HSR Bit 2) Mask TLWM (IHSR Bit 2) Internal Receive High Water Mark Signal from HDLC RHWM (HSR Bit 4) Mask RHWM (IHSR Bit 4) Internal Receive Packet Start Signal from HDLC Event Latch RPS (HSR Bit 5) Mask RPS (IHSR Bit 5) Internal Receive Packet End Signal from HDLC Event Latch RPE (HSR Bit 6) HDLC Status Bit (MSR Bit 3) OR Mask Mask RPE (IHSR Bit 6) Internal Transmit FIFO Underrun Signal from HDLC Event Latch HDLC (IMSR Bit 3) TUDR (HSR Bit 7) Mask TUDR (IHSR Bit 7) Internal Receive FIFO Overrun Signal from HDLC Event Latch ROVR (HSR Bit 13) Mask ROVR (IHSR Bit 13) Internal Receive Abort Detect Signal from HDLC Event Latch RABT (HSR Bit 15) Mask RABT (IHSR Bit 15) NOTE: ALL EVENT LATCHES ABOVE ARE CLEARED WHEN THE HSR REGISTER IS READ. 94 of 133 INT* Hardware Signal DS3112 Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: IHSR Interrupt Mask for HDLC Status Register 88h Bit # Name Default 7 TUDR 0 6 RPE 0 5 RPS 0 4 RHWM 0 3 — — 2 TLWM 0 1 — — 0 TEND 0 Bit # Name Default 15 RABT 0 14 — — 13 ROVR 0 12 — — 11 — — 10 — — 9 — — 8 — — Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bit 0: Transmit Packet End (TEND). 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt unmasked Bit 2: Transmit FIFO Low Watermark (TLWM). 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt unmasked Bit 4: Receive FIFO High Watermark (RHWM). 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt unmasked Bit 5: Receive Packet Start (RPS). 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt unmasked Bit 6: Receive Packet End (RPE). 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt unmasked Bit 7: Transmit FIFO Underrun (TUDR). 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt unmasked Bit 13: Receive FIFO Overrun (ROVR). 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt unmasked Bit 15: Receive Abort Sequence Detected (RABT). 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt unmasked 95 of 133 DS3112 10 FEAC CONTROLLER The DS3112 contains an onboard FEAC controller. When the device is operated in the T3 mode, the FEAC controller is only active in the C-Bit Parity Mode. When the device is operated in the E3 mode, the user has the option to connect the FEAC controller to the Sn bit position. On the receive side, the FEAC controller is always connected to the receive E3 framer. If the host does not wish to use the FEAC controller for the Sn bit, then the status updates provided by the FEAC controller are ignored. On the transmit side, the host selects the source of the Sn via the E3SnC0 and E3SnC1 controls bits in the T3/E3 Control Register (Section 5.2). The DS3112 can both detect and generate Far End Alarm Codewords (FEAC). The FEAC codeword is a repeating 16 bit pattern of the form ...0xxxxxx011111111... where the rightmost bit is transmitted first. The FEAC codeword must be transmitted at least 10 times. When no FEAC codeword is being transmitted, the data pattern should be forced to all ones. The receive FEAC detector does a bit by bit search for a data pattern of the form of a FEAC codeword. Once found, the receive FEAC detector validates incoming codewords by checking to see that the same codeword is found in three consecutive opportunities. Once validated, a codeword is considered no longer present when it is received incorrectly twice in a row. Once a codeword is validated, the Receive FEAC Codeword Detect (RFCD) status bit is set and the codeword is written into the Receive FEAC FIFO for the host to read. The host can use the RFCD status to know when to read the Receive FEAC FIFO. The Receive FEAC FIFO is four codewords deep. If the FIFO is full when the receive FEAC detector attempts to write a new incoming codeword, the latest incoming codeword(s) will be discarded and the Receive FEAC FIFO Overflow (RFFO) status bit will be set. The DS3112 can transmit two different FEAC codewords. This is useful if the host wishes to generate a Loopback Command which is made up of 10 FEAC codewords that indicate the type of loopback followed by 10 FEAC codewords that indicate which line is to be looped back. 10.1 FEAC Control Register Description Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: FCR FEAC Control Register 90h Bit # Name Default 7 TFS1 0 6 TFS0 0 5 TFCA5 0 4 TFCA4 0 3 TFCA3 0 2 TFCA2 0 1 TFCA1 0 0 TFCA0 0 Bit # Name Default 15 RFR 0 14 IERFI — 13 TFCB5 0 12 TFCB4 0 11 TFCB3 0 10 TFCB2 0 9 TFCB1 0 8 TFCB0 0 Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bits 0 to 5: Transmit FEAC Codeword A Data (TFCA0 to TFCA5). The FEAC codeword is of the form ...0xxxxxx011111111... where the rightmost bit is transmitted first. These six bits are the middle six bits of the second byte of the FEAC codeword (i.e., the six “x” bits). The device can generate two different codewords and these six bits represent what will be transmitted for codeword A. TFCA0 is the LSB and is transmitted first while TFCA5 is the MSB and is transmitted last. The TFS0 and TFS1 control bits determine if this codeword is to be generated. These bits should only be changed when the transmit FEAC controller is in the idle state (TFS0 = 0 and TFS1 = 0). 96 of 133 DS3112 Bits 6 and 7: Transmit FEAC Codeword Select Bits 0 and 1 (TFS0 and TFS1). These two bits control what two available codewords should be generated. Both TFS0 and TFS1 are edge triggered. To change the action, the host must go back to the null state (TFS0 = TFS1 = 0) before proceeding to the desired action. Wait a minimum of (10) codewords before changing to out-of-idle state. TFS1 TFS0 ACTION 0 0 Idle state; do not generate a FEAC codeword (send all ones) 0 1 Send 10 of codeword A followed by all ones 1 0 Send 10 of codeword A followed by 10 of codeword B followed by all ones 1 1 Send codeword A continuously (will be sent for at least 10 times) Bits 8 to 13: Transmit FEAC Codeword B Data (TFCB0 to TFCB5). The FEAC codeword is of the form ...0xxxxxx011111111... where the rightmost bit is transmitted first. These six bits are the middle six bits of the second byte of the FEAC codeword (i.e., the six “x” bits). The device can generate two different codewords and these six bits represent what will be transmitted for codeword B. TFCB0 is the LSB and is transmitted first while TFCB5 is the MSB and is transmitted last. The TFS0 and TFS1 control bits determine if this codeword is to be generated. These bits should only be changed when the transmit FEAC controller is in the idle state (TFS0 = 0 and TFS1 = 0). Bit 14: Interrupt Enable, Receive FEAC Idle (IERFI). This bit masks or enables interrupts caused by the Receive FEAC Idle (RFI) bit in the FSR register. 0 = interrupt masked 1 = interrupt unmasked Bit 15: Receive FEAC Controller Reset (RFR). A zero to one transition will reset the receive FEAC controller and flush the Receive FEAC FIFO. This bit must be cleared and set again for a subsequent reset. 97 of 133 DS3112 10.2 FEAC Status Register Description Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: FSR FEAC Status Register 92h Bit # Name Default 7 — — 6 — — 5 — — 4 — — 3 — — 2 — — 1 RFI — 0 RFCD — Bit # Name Default 15 RFFO — 14 RFFE — 13 RFF5 — 12 RFF4 — 11 RFF3 — 10 RFF2 — 9 RFF1 — 8 RFF0 — Note: Bits that are underlined are read-only; all other bits are read-write. Bit 0: Receive FEAC Codeword Detected (RFCD). This latched read-only event-status bit will be set to a one each time the FEAC controller has detected and validated a new FEAC codeword. This bit will be cleared when read and will not be set again until another new codeword is detected. The setting of this bit can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the FEAC bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) register is set to a one. The interrupt will be allowed to clear when this bit is read. Bit 1: Receive FEAC Idle (RFI). This latched read-only event status bit will be set to a one each time the FEAC controller has detected 16 consecutive ones following a valid codeword. This bit will be cleared when read. The setting of this bit can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the IERFI bit in the FEAC Control Register (FCR) is set to one and the FEAC bit in the Interrupt Mask for MSR (IMSR) is set to one. Bits 8 to 13: Receive FEAC FIFO Data (RFF0 to RFF5). Data from the Receive FEAC FIFO can be read from these bits. The FEAC codeword is of the form ...0xxxxxx011111111... where the rightmost bit is received first. These six bits are the debounced and integrated middle six bits of the second byte of the FEAC codeword (i.e., the six “x” bits). RFF0 is the LSB and is received first while RFF5 is the MSB and is received last. Bit 14: Receive FEAC FIFO Empty (RFFE). This read-only real time status bit will be set to a one when the Receive FEAC FIFO is empty and hence the RFF0 to RFF5 bits contain no valid information. Bit 15: Receive FEAC FIFO Overflow (RFFO). This latched read-only event-status bit will be set to a one when the receive FEAC controller has attempted to write to an already full Receive FEAC FIFO and current incoming FEAC codeword is lost. This bit will be cleared when read and will not be set again until another FIFO overflow occurs (i.e., the Receive FEAC FIFO has been read and then fills beyond capacity). 98 of 133 DS3112 11 JTAG The DS3112 device supports the standard instruction codes SAMPLE/PRELOAD, BYPASS, and EXTEST. Optional public instructions included are HIGHZ, CLAMP, IDCODE (Figure 11-1). The DS3112 contains the following items that meet the requirements set by the IEEE 1149.1 Standard Test Access Port and Boundary Scan Architecture: Test Access Port (TAP) TAP Controller Instruction Register Bypass Register Boundary Scan Register Device Identification Register The Test Access Port has the necessary interface pins, namely JTCLK, JTRST, JTDI, JTDO, and JTMS. Details on these pins can be found in Section 2.9. Details on the Boundary Scan Architecture and the Test Access Port can be found in IEEE 1149.1-1990, IEEE 1149.1a-1993, and IEEE 1149.1b-1994. Figure 11-1. JTAG Block Diagram Boundary Scan Register Identification Register Mux Bypass Register Instruction Register Select Test Access Port Controller 10K JTDI 10K JTMS Tri-State 10K JTCLK 99 of 133 JTRST JTDO DS3112 11.1 TAP Controller State Machine Description This section describes the operation of the test access port (TAP) controller state machine (Figure 11-2). The TAP controller is a finite state machine that responds to the logic level at JTMS on the rising edge of JTCLK. Figure 11-2. TAP Controller State Machine Test-Logic-Reset 1 0 Run-Test/Idle 1 Select DR-Scan 1 0 1 Select IR-Scan 0 0 1 1 Capture-IR Capture-DR 0 0 Shift-DR Shift-IR 0 0 1 1 1 Exit1- DR 1 Exit1-IR 0 0 Pause-IR Pause-DR 0 0 1 0 1 0 Exit2-DR Exit2-IR 1 1 Update-DR 1 0 100 of 133 Update-IR 1 0 DS3112 11.1.1 Test-Logic-Reset Upon power-up of the DS3112, the TAP controller will be in the Test-Logic-Reset state. The Instruction register will contain the IDCODE instruction. All system logic on the DS3112 will operate normally. 11.1.2 Run-Test-Idle Run-Test-Idle is used between scan operations or during specific tests. The Instruction register and Test register will remain idle. 11.1.3 Select-DR-Scan All test registers retain their previous state. With JTMS low, a rising edge of JTCLK moves the controller into the Capture-DR state and will initiate a scan sequence. JTMS high moves the controller to the SelectIR-SCAN state. 11.1.4 Capture-DR Data can be parallel-loaded into the Test Data registers selected by the current instruction. If the instruction does not call for a parallel load or the selected register does not allow parallel loads, the Test register will remain at its current value. On the rising edge of JTCLK, the controller will go to the ShiftDR state if JTMS is low or it will go to the Exit1-DR state if JTMS is high. 11.1.5 Shift-DR The Test Data register selected by the current instruction will be connected between JTDI and JTDO and will shift data one stage towards its serial output on each rising edge of JTCLK. If a Test register selected by the current instruction is not placed in the serial path, it will maintain its previous state. 11.1.6 Exit1-DR While in this state, a rising edge on JTCLK with JTMS high will put the controller in the Update-DR state, which terminates the scanning process. A rising edge on JTCLK with JTMS low will put the controller in the Pause-DR state. 11.1.7 Pause-DR Shifting of the Test registers is halted while in this state. All Test registers selected by the current instruction will retain their previous state. The controller will remain in this state while JTMS is low. A rising edge on JTCLK with JTMS high will put the controller in the Exit2-DR state. 11.1.8 Exit2-DR While in this state, a rising edge on JTCLK with JTMS high will put the controller in the Update-DR state and terminate the scanning process. A rising edge on JTCLK with JTMS low will enter the Shift-DR state. 11.1.9 Update-DR A falling edge on JTCLK while in the Update-DR state will latch the data from the shift register path of the Test registers into the data output latches. This prevents changes at the parallel output due to changes in the shift register. A rising edge on JTCLK with JTMS low will put the controller in the Run-Test-Idle state. With JTMS high, the controller will enter the Select-DR-Scan state. 11.1.10 Select-IR-Scan All Test registers retain their previous state. The Instruction register will remain unchanged during this state. With JTMS low, a rising edge on JTCLK moves the controller into the Capture-IR state and will initiate a scan sequence for the Instruction register. JTMS high during a rising edge on JTCLK puts the controller back into the Test-Logic-Reset state. 101 of 133 DS3112 11.1.11 Capture-IR The Capture-IR state is used to load the shift register in the Instruction register with a fixed value. This value is loaded on the rising edge of JTCLK. If JTMS is high on the rising edge of JTCLK, the controller will enter the Exit1-IR state. If JTMS is low on the rising edge of JTCLK, the controller will enter the Shift-IR state. 11.1.12 Shift-IR In this state, the shift register in the Instruction register is connected between JTDI and JTDO and shifts data one stage for every rising edge of JTCLK towards the serial output. The parallel register, as well as all Test registers remain at their previous states. A rising edge on JTCLK with JTMS high will move the controller to the Exit1-IR state. A rising edge on JTCLK with JTMS low will keep the controller in the Shift-IR state while moving data one stage through the Instruction shift register. 11.1.13 Exit1-IR A rising edge on JTCLK with JTMS low will put the controller in the Pause-IR state. If JTMS is high on the rising edge of JTCLK, the controller will enter the Update-IR state and terminate the scanning process. 11.1.14 Pause-IR Shifting of the Instruction register is halted temporarily. With JTMS high, a rising edge on JTCLK will put the controller in the Exit2-IR state. The controller will remain in the Pause-IR state if JTMS is low during a rising edge on JTCLK. 11.1.15 Exit2-IR A rising edge on JTCLK with JTMS high will put the controller in the Update-IR state. The controller will loop back to the Shift-IR state if JTMS is low during a rising edge of JTCLK in this state. 11.1.16 Update-IR The instruction shifted into the Instruction shift register is latched into the parallel output on the falling edge of JTCLK as the controller enters this state. Once latched, this instruction becomes the current instruction. A rising edge on JTCLK with JTMS low will put the controller in the Run-Test-Idle state. With JTMS high, the controller will enter the Select-DR-Scan state. 102 of 133 DS3112 11.2 Instruction Register and Instructions The Instruction register contains a shift register as well as a latched parallel output and is 3 bits in length. When the TAP controller enters the Shift-IR state, the instruction shift register will be connected between JTDI and JTDO. While in the Shift-IR state, a rising edge on JTCLK with JTMS low will shift data one stage towards the serial output at JTDO. A rising edge on JTCLK in the Exit1-IR state or the Exit2-IR state with JTMS high will move the controller to the Update-IR state. The falling edge of that same JTCLK will latch the data in the instruction shift register to the instruction parallel output. Instructions supported by the DS3112 and their respective operational binary codes are shown in Table 11-1. Table 11-1. Instruction Codes INSTRUCTIONS SAMPLE/PRELOAD BYPASS EXTEST CLAMP HIGH-Z IDCODE SELECTED REGISTER Boundary Scan Bypass Boundary Scan Bypass Bypass Device Identification INSTRUCTION CODES 010 111 000 011 100 001 11.2.1 SAMPLE/PRELOAD A mandatory instruction for the IEEE 1149.1 specification that supports two functions. The digital I/Os of the DS3112 can be sampled at the Boundary Scan register without interfering with the normal operation of the device by using the Capture-DR state. SAMPLE/PRELOAD also allows the DS3112 to shift data into the Boundary Scan register via JTDI using the Shift-DR state. 11.2.2 EXTEST EXTEST allows testing of all interconnections to the DS3112. When the EXTEST instruction is latched in the instruction register, the following actions occur. Once enabled via the Update-IR state, the parallel outputs of all digital output pins will be driven. The Boundary Scan register will be connected between JTDI and JTDO. The Capture-DR will sample all digital inputs into the Boundary Scan register. 11.2.3 BYPASS When the BYPASS instruction is latched into the parallel Instruction register, JTDI connects to JTDO through the one-bit Bypass Test register. This allows data to pass from JTDI to JTDO not affecting the device's normal operation. 11.2.4 IDCODE When the IDCODE instruction is latched into the parallel Instruction register, the Identification Test register is selected. The device identification code will be loaded into the Identification register on the rising edge of JTCLK following entry into the Capture-DR state. Shift-DR can be used to shift the identification code out serially via JTDO. During Test-Logic-Reset, the identification code is forced into the instruction register's parallel output. The device ID code will always have a one in the LSB position. The next 11 bits identify the manufacturer’s JEDEC number and number of continuation bytes followed by 16 bits for the device and 4 bits for the version. The device ID code for the DS3112 is 0000B143h. 11.2.5 HIGHZ All digital outputs will be placed into a high impedance state. The Bypass Register will be connected between JTDI and JTDO. 103 of 133 DS3112 11.2.6 CLAMP All digital outputs will output data from the boundary scan parallel output while connecting the Bypass Register between JTDI and JTDO. The outputs will not change during the CLAMP instruction. 11.3 Test Registers IEEE 1149.1 requires a minimum of two test registers, the bypass register and the boundary scan register. An optional test register, the Identification register, has been included in the DS3112 design. It is used in conjunction with the IDCODE instruction and the Test-Logic-Reset state of the TAP controller. 11.3.1 Bypass Register This is a single one-bit shift register used in conjunction with the BYPASS, CLAMP, and HIGH-Z instructions that provides a short path between JTDI and JTDO. 11.3.2 Identification Register The Identification register contains a 32-bit shift register and a 32-bit latched parallel output. This register is selected during the IDCODE instruction and when the TAP controller is in the Test-Logic-Reset state. 11.3.3 Boundary Scan Register This register contains both a shift register path and a latched parallel output for all control cells and digital I/O cells and is 196 bits in length. Table 11-2 shows all the cell bit locations and definitions. Table 11-2. Boundary Scan Control Bits BIT SYMBOL PIN 0 OUT_ENB Control bit 1 TEST C3 2 CINT_ENB_N Control bit 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 CINT_OUT CINT_IN CMS CIM CCS CRD CWR T3E3MS RST G.747E CALE FRMECU FRLOF FRLOS FRSOF FRDEN FRD FRCLK FTDEN A2 A2 B2 B3 C4 D5 A3 B4 C5 B6 C7 A7 C8 B8 A8 C9 B9 A9 C10 I/O OR CONTROL BIT DESCRIPTION 0 = outputs are active 1 = outputs are tri-state (“z”) I 0 = CINT is a zero (“0”) 1 = CINT is tri-state (“z”) O (open drain) I I I I I I I I I I I O O O O O O O 104 of 133 DS3112 BIT SYMBOL PIN 22 23 FTD FTCLK FTSOF_ENB_ N FTSOF_OUT FTSOF_IN FTMEI HRNEG HRCLK HRPOS HTNEG HTCLK HTPOS LTCCLK LRCCLK LTCLK28 LTDAT28 LRCLK28 LRDAT28 LTCLK27 LTDAT27 LRCLK27 LRDAT27 LTCLK26 LTDAT26 LRCLK26 LRDAT26 LTCLK25 LTDAT25 LRCLK25 LRDAT25 LTCLK24 LTDAT24 LRCLK24 LRDAT24 LTCLK23 LTDAT23 LRCLK23 LRDAT23 LTCLK22 LTDAT22 LRCLK22 LRDAT22 LTCLK21 LTDAT21 LRCLK21 LRDAT21 LTCLK20 LTDAT20 B10 A10 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 Control bit A11 A11 C11 C12 A13 B13 A14 B14 C14 G19 G20 H18 H19 H20 J18 J19 J20 K18 K19 K20 L20 L18 L19 M20 M19 M18 M17 N20 N19 N18 P20 P19 P18 R20 R19 P17 R18 T20 T19 T18 U20 V20 T17 U18 U19 I/O OR CONTROL BIT DESCRIPTION I I 1 = FTSOF is an input 0 = FTSOF is an output O I I I I I O O O I I I I O O I I O O I I O O I I O O I I O O I I O O I I O O I I O O I I 105 of 133 DS3112 BIT SYMBOL PIN 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 LRCLK20 LRDAT20 LTCLK19 LTDAT19 LRCLK19 LRDAT19 LTCLK18 LTDAT18 LRCLK18 LRDAT18 LTCLK17 LTDAT17 LRCLK17 LRDAT17 LTCLK16 LTDAT16 LRCLK16 LRDAT16 LTCLK15 LTDAT15 LRCLK15 LRDAT15 LTCLK14 LTDAT14 LRCLK14 LRDAT14 LTCLK13 LTDAT13 LRCLK13 LRDAT13 LTCLK12 LTDAT12 LRCLK12 LRDAT12 LTCLK11 LTDAT11 LRCLK11 LRDAT11 LTCLK10 LTDAT10 LRCLK10 LRDAT10 LTCLK9 LTDAT9 LRCLK9 LRDAT9 LTCLK8 LTDAT8 LRCLK8 V19 W20 Y20 W19 V18 Y19 W18 V17 U16 Y18 W17 V16 Y17 W16 V15 U14 Y16 W15 V14 Y15 W14 Y14 V13 W13 Y13 V12 W12 Y12 V11 W11 Y11 Y10 V10 W10 Y9 W9 V9 U9 Y8 W8 V8 Y7 W7 V7 Y6 W6 U7 V6 Y5 I/O OR CONTROL BIT DESCRIPTION O O I I O O I I O O I I O O I I O O I I O O I I O O I I O O I I O O I I O O I I O O I I O O I I O 106 of 133 DS3112 BIT SYMBOL PIN 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 LRDAT8 LTCLK7 LTDAT7 LRCLK7 LRDAT7 LTCLK6 LTDAT6 LRCLK6 LRDAT6 LTCLK5 LTDAT5 LRCLK5 LRDAT5 LTCLK4 LTDAT4 LRCLK4 LRDAT4 LTCLK3 LTDAT3 LRCLK3 LRDAT3 LTCLK2 LTDAT2 LRCLK2 LRDAT2 LTCLK1 LTDAT1 LRCLK1 LRDAT1 LTCLKB LTDATB LRCLKB LRDATB LTCLKA LTDATA LRCLKA LRDATA CA7 CA6 CA5 CA4 CA3 CA2 CA1 CA0 CD15_OUT CD15_IN CD14_OUT CD14_IN W5 V5 Y4 Y3 U5 V4 W4 Y2 W3 V3 W1 V2 U3 T4 V1 U2 T3 U1 T2 R3 P4 R2 P3 R1 P2 P1 N3 N2 N1 M3 M2 M1 L3 L2 L1 K1 K3 K2 J1 J2 J3 J4 H1 H2 H3 G1 G1 G2 G2 I/O OR CONTROL BIT DESCRIPTION O I I O O I I O O I I O O I I O O I I O O I I O O I I O O I I O O I I O O I I I I I I I I O I O I 107 of 133 DS3112 BIT SYMBOL PIN 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 CD13_OUT CD13_IN CD12_OUT CD12_IN CD11_OUT CD11_IN CD10_OUT CD10_IN CD9_OUT CD9_IN CD8_OUT CD8_IN CD7_OUT CD7_IN CD6_OUT CD6_IN CD5_OUT CD5_IN CD4_OUT CD4_IN CD3_OUT CD3_IN CD2_OUT CD2_IN CD1_OUT CD1_IN CD0_OUT CD0_IN G3 G3 F1 F1 F2 F2 G4 G4 F3 F3 E1 E1 E2 E2 E3 E3 D1 D1 C1 C1 E4 E4 D3 D3 D2 D2 C2 C2 196 CD_ENB_N Control bit I/O OR CONTROL BIT DESCRIPTION O I O I O I O I O I O I O I O I O I O I O I O I O I O I 1 = CD is an input 0 = CD is an output 108 of 133 DS3112 12 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Voltage Range on Any Pin with Respect to VSS (except VDD)……………………………...-0.3V to +5.5V Supply Voltage (VDD) Range with Respect to VSS……………………………….………..-0.3V to +3.63V Operating Temperature Range………………………………………………………………..0°C to +70°C Storage Temperature Range………………………………………………………………-55°C to +125°C Soldering Temperature………………………………………….See IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020 Specification Note: The typical values listed below are not production tested. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operation sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods of time can affect reliability. Table 12-1. Recommended DC Operating Conditions (TA = 0°C to +70°C for DS3112, TA = -40°C to +85°C for DS3112N.) PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX Logic 1 VIH 2.2 5.5 Logic 0 VIL -0.3 0.8 Supply VDD 3.135 3.465 UNITS V V V NOTES Table 12-2. DC Characteristics (VDD = 3.3V ±5%, TA = 0°C to +70°C for DS3112; TA = -40°C to +85°C for DS3112N.) PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES Supply Current at VDD = 3.465V IDD 150 mA 1 Pin Capacitance CIO 7 pF Input Leakage IIL -10 +10 2 µA Input Leakage (with Pullups) IILP -500 +500 2 µA Output Leakage ILO -10 +10 3 µA Output Current (2.4V) IOH -4.0 mA Output Current (0.4V) IOL +4.0 mA NOTES: 1) FTCLK = HRCLK = 44.736MHz and LTCLK1 to LTCLK28 = 1.544MHz; other inputs at VDD or grounded; other outputs left open-circuited. 2) 0V < VIN < VDD. 3) Outputs in tri-state. 109 of 133 DS3112 13 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Table 13-1. AC Characteristics—Low-Speed (T1 and E1) Ports (VDD = 3.3V ±5%, TA = 0°C to +70°C for DS3112; TA = -40°C to +85°C for DS3112N.) (See Figure 13-1.) PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNITS 648 ns LRCLK/LRCCLK/LTCLK/LTCCLK t1 Clock Period 488 ns 294 324 354 ns LRCLK Clock High Time t2 204 244 284 ns LTCLK/LTCCLK/LRCCLK Clock t2 100 ns High Time 294 324 354 ns LRCLK Clock Low Time t3 204 244 284 ns LTCLK/LTCCLK/LRCCLK Clock t3 100 ns Low Time LTDAT Setup Time to the Falling Edge or Rising Edge of t4 50 ns LTCLK/LTCCLK LTDAT Hold Time from the Falling Edge or Rising Edge of t5 50 ns LTCLK/LTCCLK Delay from the Rising Edge or Falling Edge of LRCLK to Data t6 50 ns Valid on LRDAT Delay from the Rising Edge or Falling Edge of LRCCLK to Data t6 100 ns Valid on LRDAT NOTES 1 2 1 2 1 2 5 NOTES: 1) T3 mode. 2) E3 mode. 3) In normal mode, LTDAT is sampled on the falling edge of LTCLK/LTCCLK and LRDAT is updated on the rising edge of LRCLK/LRCCLK. 4) In inverted mode, LTDAT is sampled on the rising edge of LTCLK/LTCCLK and LRDAT is updated on the falling edge of LRCLK/LRCCLK. 5) LRCCLK is enabled. (See Section 4.2 and Figure 1-1, Figure 1-2, and Figure 1-3 for details.) 110 of 133 DS3112 Figure 13-1. Low-Speed (T1 and E1) Port AC Timing Diagram t1 t2 LRCLK (or LRCCLK) / LTCLK (or LTCCLK) Normal Mode t3 LRCLK (or LRCCLK) / LTCLK (or LTCCLK) Inverted Mode t4 t5 LTDAT t6 LRDAT ls_ac 111 of 133 DS3112 Table 13-2. AC Characteristics—High-Speed (T3 and E3) Ports (VDD = 3.3V ±5%, TA = 0°C to +70°C for DS3112; TA = -40°C to +85°C for DS3112N.) (See Figure 13-2.) PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES 22.4 ns 1, 3 HRCLK/HTCLK Clock Period t1 29.1 ns 2, 3 HRCLK Clock Low Time t2 9 ns HRCLK Clock High Time t3 9 ns HRPOS/HRNEG Setup Time to the Rising Edge or Falling Edge of t4 3 ns HRCLK HRPOS/HRNEG Hold Time from the Rising Edge or Falling Edge of t5 3 ns HRCLK Delay from the Rising Edge or Falling Edge of HTCLK to Data t6 3 10 ns Valid on HTPOS/HTNEG NOTES: 1) T3 mode. 2) E3 mode. 3) HTCLK is a buffered version of either FTCLK or HRCLK and, as such, the duty cycle of HTCLK is determined by the source clock. 4) In normal mode, HRPOS and HRNEG are sampled on the rising edge of HRCLK and HTPOS and HTNEG are updated on the rising edge of HTCLK. 5) In inverted mode, HRPOS and HRNEG are sampled on the falling edge of HRCLK and HTPOS and HTNEG are updated on the falling edge of HTCLK. Figure 13-2. High-Speed (T3 and E3) Port AC Timing Diagram t1 t2 t3 HRCLK / HTCLK Normal Mode HRCLK / HTCLK Inverted Mode t4 t5 HRPOS / HRNEG t6 HTPOS / HTNEG ls_ac 112 of 133 DS3112 Table 13-3. AC Characteristics–Framer (T3 and E3) Ports (VDD = 3.3V ±5%, TA = 0°C to +70°C for DS3112; TA = -40°C to +85°C for DS3112N.) (See Figure 13-3.) PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNITS 22.4 ns FRCLK/FTCLK Clock Period t1 29.1 ns FTCLK Clock Low Time t2 9 ns FTCLK Clock High Time t3 9 ns FTD/FTSOF Setup Time to the Rising Edge or Falling Edge of t4 3 ns FTCLK FTD/FTSOF Hold Time from the Rising Edge or Falling Edge of t5 3 ns FTCLK Delay from the Rising Edge or Falling Edge of FRCLK/FTCLK to t6 3 10 ns Data Valid on FRDEN/FRD/ FRSOF/FTDEN/FTSOF NOTES 1, 3 2, 3 4 4 5 NOTES: 1) T3 mode. 2) E3 mode. 3) FRCLK is a buffered version of either FTCLK or HRCLK and, as such, the duty cycle of FRCLK is determined by the source clock. 4) FTSOF is configured to be an input. 5) FTSOF is configured to be an output. 6) In normal mode, FTD (and FTSOF if it is configured as an input) is sampled on the rising edge of FTCLK and FRDEN, FRD, FRSOF, and FTDEN (and FTSOF if it is configured as an output) are updated on the rising edge of FRCLK or FTCLK. 7) In inverted mode, FTD (and FTSOF if it is configured as an input) is sampled on the falling edge of FTCLK and FRDEN, FRD, FRSOF, and FTDEN (and FTSOF if it is configured as an output) are updated on the falling edge of FRCLK or FTCLK. Figure 13-3. Framer (T3 and E3) Port AC Timing Diagram t1 t2 t3 FRCLK / FTCLK Normal Mode FRCLK / FTCLK Inverted Mode t4 t5 FTD / FTSOF t6 FRD / FRDEN / FRSOF / FTSOF / FTDEN ls_ac 113 of 133 DS3112 Table 13-4. AC Characteristics—CPU Bus (Multiplexed and Nonmultiplexed) (VDD = 3.3V ±5%, TA = 0°C to +70°C for DS3112; TA = -40°C to +85°C for DS3112N.) (See Figure 13-4, Figure 13-5, Figure 13-6, Figure 13-7, Figure 13-8, Figure 13-9, Figure 13-10, and Figure 13-11.) PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES Setup Time for CA[7:0] Valid to CCS t1 0 ns Active Setup Time for CCS Active to CRD, t2 0 ns CWR, or CDS Active Delay Time from CRD or CDS Active t3 65 ns to CD[15:0] Valid Hold Time from CRD or CWR or CDS t4 0 ns Inactive to CCS Inactive Hold Time from CCS or CRD or CDS t5 5 20 ns Inactive to CD[15:0] Tri-State Wait Time from CWR or CDS Active t6 65 ns to Latch CD[15:0] CD[15:0] Setup Time to CWR or CDS t7 10 ns Inactive CD[15:0] Hold Time from CWR or t8 2 ns CDS Inactive CA[7:0] Hold Time from CWR or t9 5 ns CRD or CDS Inactive CRD, CWR, or CDS Inactive Time t10 75 ns Muxed Address Valid to CALE Falling t11 10 ns 2 Muxed Address Hold Time t12 10 ns 2 CALE Pulse Width t13 30 ns 2 Setup Time for CALE High or Muxed t14 0 ns 2 Address Valid to CCS Active NOTES: 1) In nonmultiplexed bus applications (Figure 13-4), CALE should be tied high. 2) In multiplexed bus applications (Figure 13-5), CA[7:0] should be tied to CD[7:0] and the falling edge of CALE will latch the address. 114 of 133 DS3112 Figure 13-4. Intel Read Cycle (Nonmultiplexed) t9 CA[7:0] Address Valid Data Valid CD[15:0] t5 CWR t1 CCS t2 t3 t4 t10 CRD Figure 13-5. Intel Write Cycle (Nonmultiplexed) t9 CA[7:0] Address Valid CD[15:0] t7 t8 CRD t1 CCS t2 t6 t4 t10 CWR 115 of 133 DS3112 Figure 13-6. Motorola Read Cycle (Nonmultiplexed) t9 Address Valid CA[7:0] Data Valid CD[15:0] t5 CR/W t1 CCS t2 t3 t4 t10 CDS Figure 13-7. Motorola Write Cycle (Nonmultiplexed) t9 CA[7:0] Address Valid CD[15:0] t7 t8 CR/W t1 CCS t2 t6 t4 t10 CDS 116 of 133 DS3112 Figure 13-8. Intel Read Cycle (Multiplexed) t13 t12 CALE t11 Address Valid CA[7:0] t14 CD[15:0] Data Valid t14 CWR t5 t1 CCS t2 t3 t4 t10 CRD NOTE: t14 STARTS ON THE OCCURRENCE OF EITHER THE RISING EDGE OF CALE OR A VALID ADDRESS, WHICHEVER OCCURS FIRST. Figure 13-9. Intel Write Cycle (Multiplexed) t13 CALE CA[7:0] t12 t11 Address Valid t14 CD[15:0] t14 t7 CRD t8 t1 CCS t2 t6 t4 t10 CWR NOTE: t14 STARTS ON THE OCCURRENCE OF EITHER THE RISING EDGE OF CALE OR A VALID ADDRESS, WHICHEVER OCCURS FIRST. 117 of 133 DS3112 Figure 13-10. Motorola Read Cycle (Multiplexed) t13 t12 CALE t11 Address Valid CA[7:0] t14 Data Valid CD[15:0] t14 CR/W t5 t1 CCS t2 t4 t3 t10 CDS NOTE: t14 STARTS ON THE OCCURRENCE OF EITHER THE RISING EDGE OF CALE OR A VALID ADDRESS, WHICHEVER OCCURS FIRST. Figure 13-11. Motorola Write Cycle (Multiplexed) t13 CALE CA[7:0] t12 t11 Address Valid t14 CD[15:0] t14 t7 t8 CR/W t1 CCS t2 t6 t4 t10 CDS NOTE: t14 STARTS ON THE OCCURRENCE OF EITHER THE RISING EDGE OF CALE OR A VALID ADDRESS, WHICHEVER OCCURS FIRST. 118 of 133 DS3112 Table 13-5. AC Characteristics—JTAG Test Port Interface (VDD = 3.3V ±5%, TA = 0°C to +70°C for DS3112; TA = -40°C to +85°C for DS3112N.) (See Figure 13-12.) PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNITS JTCLK Clock Period t1 1000 ns JTCLK Clock Low Time t2 400 ns JTCLK Clock High Time t3 400 ns JTMS/JTDI Setup Time to the t4 50 ns Rising Edge of JTCLK JTMS/JTDI Hold Time from the t5 50 ns Rising Edge of JTCLK Delay Time from the Falling Edge t6 2 50 ns of JTCLK to Data Valid on JTDO Figure 13-12. JTAG Test Port Interface AC Timing Diagram t1 t3 t2 JTCLK t4 t5 JTMS/JTDI t6 JTDO 119 of 133 NOTES DS3112 Table 13-6. AC Characteristics—Reset and Manual Error Counter/Insert Signals (VDD = 3.3V ±5%, TA = 0°C to +70°C for DS3112; TA = -40°C to +85°C for DS3112N.) (See Figure 13-13 .) PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES RST Low Time t1 1000 ns FRMECU/FTMEI High Time t2 50 ns FRMECU/FTMEI Low Time t3 1000 ns Figure 13-13. Reset and Manual Error Counter/Insert AC Timing Diagram t1 RST t2 t3 FRMECU/ FTMEI 120 of 133 DS3112 14 APPLICATIONS AND STANDARDS OVERVIEW 14.1 Application Examples Figure 14-1 and Figure 14-2 detail two possible applications of the DS3112. Figure 14-1 shows an example of a channelized T3/E3 application. It shows the DS3112 being used to multiplex and demultiplex a T3/E3 data stream into either 28 T1 data streams or 16 E1 data streams. The demultiplexed T1/E1 data streams are fed into the DS21FF42/44 16-channel T1/E1 framer and the DS21FT42 12channel T1 framer devices. The T1/E1 framers locate the frame boundaries and concatenate four T1/E1 data streams into one 8.192MHz data stream, which is feed into the DS3134 HDLC controller. Figure 14-2 shows an example of a dual unchannelized T3/E3 application. In this application, the multiplexing capability of the DS3112 is disabled and it is only used as a T3/E3 framer. Figure 14-1. Channelized T3/E3 Application 8.192MHz I/F PCI Bus bipolar I/F 16 Channel T1/E1 Framer DS3134 CHATEAU 256 Channel HDLC Controller DS21FF42/ DS21FF44 DS3112 TEMPE T1/E1 datastreams 8.192MHz I/F DS21FT42 12 Channel T1 Framer 121 of 133 T3/E3 Framer & M13/ E13/ G747 Mux DS3150 T3/E3 Line Interface T3/E3 Line - or - NRZ I/F OC-3/ OC-12/ OC-48 Mux Optical I/F DS3112 Figure 14-2. Unchannelized Dual T3/E3 Application DS3112 TEMPE 44.2Mbps (T3) or 34Mbps (E3) datastream PCI Bus DS3134 CHATEAU 256 Channel HDLC Controller T3/E3 Framer & M13/ E13/ G747 Mux 44.2Mbps (T3) or 34Mbps (E3) datastream DS3112 TEMPE T3/E3 Framer & M13/ E13/ G747 Mux bipolar I/F DS3150 T3/E3 Line Interface T3/E3 Line - or NRZ I/F bipolar I/F OC-3/ OC-12/ OC-48 Mux DS3150 T3/E3 Line Interface Optical I/F T3/E3 Line - or NRZ I/F OC-3/ OC-12/ OC-48 Mux Optical I/F 14.2 M13 Basics M13 multiplexing is a two-step process of merging 28 T1 lines into a single T3 line. First, four of the T1 lines are merged into a single T2 rate and then seven T2 rates are merged to form the T3. The first step of this process is called a M12 function since it is merging T1 lines into T2. The second step of this process is called a M23 function since it is merging T2 lines into a T3. The term M13 implies that both M12 and M23 are being performed to map 28 T1 lines into the T3. These two steps are independent and will be discussed separately. Table 14-1. T Carrier Rates T CARRIER LEVEL T1/DS1 T2/DS2 T3/DS3 NOMINAL DATA RATE (Mbps) 1.544 6.312 44.736 122 of 133 DS3112 14.3 T2 Framing Structure To understand the M12 function users must understand T2 framing. The T2 frame structure is made up of four subframes called M subframes (Figure 14-3). The four M subframes are transmitted one after another (...M1/M2/M3/M4/M1/M2...) to make up the complete T2 M frame data structure. Each M subframe is made up of six blocks and each block is made up of 49 bits. The first bit of each block is dedicated to overhead and the next 48 bits are the information bits where the T1 data will be placed for transport. The definitions of the overhead bits are shown in Table 14-2 and the placements of the overhead bits are shown in Figure 14-3. Table 14-2. T2 Overhead Bit Assignments OVERHEAD BIT M Bits (M1/M2/M3) F Bits (F1/F2) C Bits (C1/C2/C3) X Bit DESCRIPTION The M bits provide the frame alignment pattern for the four M subframes. Like all framing patterns, the M bits are fixed to a certain state (M1 = 0/M2 = 1/M3 = 1). The F bits provide the frame alignment pattern for the M frame. Like all framing patterns, the F bits are fixed to a certain state (F1 = 0/F2 = 1). In the M12 application, the C bits are used to indicate when stuffing occurs. If all three C Bits within a subframe are set to 1, then stuffing has occurred in the stuff block of that subframe. If all three C Bits are set to zero, then no stuffing has occurred. When the three C bits are not equal, a majority vote is used to determine the true state. The exception to this rule is when the C3 bit is the inverse of C1 and C2. When this occurs, it indicates that the T1 signal should be looped back. The X bit is used as a Remote Alarm Indication (RAI). It will be set to a zero (X = 0) when the T2 framer cannot synchronize. It will be set to a one (X = 1) otherwise. 14.4 M12 Multiplexing The M12 function multiplexes four T1 lines into a single T2 line. Since there are four M subframes in the T2 framing structure, it might be concluded that each M subframe supports one T1 line but this is not the case. The four T1 lines are bit interleaved into the T2 framing structure. A bit from T1 line #1 is placed immediately after the overhead bit, followed by a bit from T1 line #2, which is followed by a bit from T1 line #3, which is followed by a bit from T1 line #4, and then the process repeats. Since there are 48 information bits in each block, there are 12 bits from each T1 line in a block. The second and fourth T1 lines are logically inverted before the bit interleaving occurs. The four T1 lines are mapped asynchronously into the T2 data stream. This implies that there is no T1 framing information passed to the T2 level. The four T1 lines can have independent timing sources and they do not need to be timing locked to the T2 clock. To account for differences in timing, bit stuffing is used. The last block of each M subframe is the stuff block (Figure 14-3). In each stuff block there is an associated stuff bit (Figure 14-4) that will be either an information bit (if the three C bits are decoded to be a zero) or a stuff bit (if the three C bits are decoded to be a one). As shown in Figure 14-4 the position of the stuff bit varies depending on the M subframe. This is done to allow a stuffing opportunity to occur on each T1 line in every T2 M frame. For example, if the C bits in M Subframe 2 were all set to one, then the second bit after the F2 overhead bit in the last block would be a stuff bit instead of an information bit. 123 of 133 DS3112 Figure 14-3. T2 M-Frame Structure M1 Subframe M1 (0) 48 Info Bits Stuff Block C1 48 Info Bits F1 (0) 48 Info Bits C2 48 Info Bits C3 48 Info Bits M2 Subframe M2 (1) 48 Info Bits Stuff Block C1 48 Info Bits F1 (0) 48 Info Bits C2 48 Info Bits C3 48 Info Bits M3 Subframe M3 (1) 48 Info Bits X F2 (1) 48 Info Bits Stuff Block C1 48 Info Bits F1 (0) 48 Info Bits C2 48 Info Bits C3 48 Info Bits M4 Subframe 48 Info Bits F2 (1) 48 Info Bits F2 (1) 48 Info Bits Stuff Block C1 48 Info Bits F1 (0) 48 Info Bits C2 48 Info Bits C3 48 Info Bits F2 (1) 48 Info Bits NOTE: M1 IS TRANSMITTED AND RECEIVED FIRST. Figure 14-4. T2 Stuff Block Structure M1 Subframe F2 Stuff Bit 1 Info Bit 2 Info Bit 3 Info Bit 4 Info Bit 5 Info Bit 6 Info Bit 7 Info Bit 8 ...... Info Bit 48 M2 Subframe F2 Info Bit 1 Stuff Bit 2 Info Bit 3 Info Bit 4 Info Bit 5 Info Bit 6 Info Bit 7 Info Bit 8 ...... Info Bit 48 M3 Subframe F2 Info Bit 1 Info Bit 2 Stuff Bit 3 Info Bit 4 Info Bit 5 Info Bit 6 Info Bit 7 Info Bit 8 ...... Info Bit 48 M4 Subframe F2 Info Bit 1 Info Bit 2 Info Bit 3 Stuff Bit 4 Info Bit 5 Info Bit 6 Info Bit 7 Info Bit 8 ...... Info Bit 48 124 of 133 DS3112 14.5 T3 Framing Structure As with M12, to understand the M23 function requires an understanding of T3 framing. The T3 frame structure is very similar to the T2 frame structure; however, it is made up of seven M subframes (see Figure 14-5). The seven M subframes are transmitted one after another (...M1/M2/M3/.../ M6/M7M1/M2...) to make up the complete T3 M frame structure. Each M subframe is made up of eight blocks and each block is made up of 85 bits. The first bit of each block is dedicated to overhead and the next 84 bits are the information bits where the T2 data will be placed for transport. Table 14-3 shows the definitions of the overhead bits, and Figure 14-5 shows the placements of the overhead bits. Table 14-3. T3 Overhead Bit Assignments OVERHEAD BIT M Bits (M1/M2/M3) F Bits (F1/F2/F3/F4) C Bits (C1/C2/C3) P Bits (P1/P2) X Bits (X1/X2) DESCRIPTION The M bits provide the frame alignment pattern for the seven M subframes. Like all framing patterns, the M bits are fixed to a certain state (M1 = 0/M2 = 1/M3 = 0). The F bits provide the frame alignment pattern for the M frame. Like all framing patterns, the F bits are fixed to a certain state (F1 = 1/F2 = 0/F3 = 0/F4 = 1). In the M23 application, the C bits are used to indicate when stuffing occurs. If all three C bits within a subframe are set to 1, then stuffing has occurred in the stuff block of that subframe. If all three C bits are set to zero, then no stuffing has occurred. When the three C bits are not equal, a majority vote is used to determine the true state. In the C-Bit Parity application, the C bits are defined as shown in Table 14-4. The P bits provide parity information for the preceding M frame (not including the M, F, X, and C overhead bits). P1 and P2 are always the same value (if they are not the same value, this implies a parity error). The X bit is used as a Remote Alarm Indication (RAI). It will be set to a zero (X1 = X2 = 0) when the T3 framer cannot synchronize or detects AIS. It will be set to a one (X1 = X2 = 1) otherwise. The value of the X bits should not change more than once per second. X1 and X2 are always the same value. 14.6 M23 Multiplexing The M23 function multiplexes seven T2 data streams into a single T3 data stream. The seven T2 data streams are bit interleaved into the T3 framing structure. A bit from T2 line #1 is placed immediately after the overhead bit in the information bit field, followed by a bit from T2 line #2, and so on. Since there are 84 information bits in each block, there are 12 bits from each T2 line in a block. The seven T2 lines are mapped asynchronously into the T3 data stream. This implies that there is no T2 framing information passed to the T3 level. The seven T2 lines can have independent timing sources and they do not need to be timing locked to the T3 clock. To account for differences in timing, bit stuffing is used. The last block of each M subframe is the stuff block (Figure 14-5). In each stuff block there is an associated stuff bit (Figure 14-6) that will be either an information bit (if the three C bits are decoded to be zero) or a stuff bit (if the three C bits are decoded to be a one). As shown in Figure 14-6, the position of the stuff bit varies depending on the M subframe. This is done to allow a stuffing opportunity to occur on each T2 line in every T3 frame. For example, if the C bits in M Subframe 5 were all set to one, then the fifth bit after the F4 overhead bit in the last block would be a stuff bit instead of an information bit. 125 of 133 DS3112 14.7 C-Bit Parity Mode Unlike the M23 application that uses the C bits for stuffing, the C-Bit Parity mode assumes that a stuff bit should be placed at every opportunity and, hence, the C bits can be used for other purposes. Table 14-4 lists how the C bits are redefined in the C-Bit Parity mode. Table 14-4. C-Bit Assignment for C-Bit Parity Mode M SUBFRAME NUMBER 1 C-BIT NUMBER FUNCTION DESCRIPTION 1 Application ID This bit (which is fixed to a value of 1) identifies the T3 data stream as operating in C-Bit Parity mode. 2 Reserved Must be set to one (1). 3 Far End Alarm and Control (FEAC) 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Unused Unused Unused C-Bit Parity (CP) C-Bit Parity (CP) C-Bit Parity (CP) FEBE FEBE FEBE A serial communications channel that contains a repeating 16-bit codeword that indicates the state of the far-end and can control the near-end by invoking loopbacks both on the T3 and T1 lines. If no codewords are being sent, the channel contains all ones. All unused bits are set to a one (1). 5 1 2 3 Data Link Data Link Data Link 6 1 2 3 1 2 3 Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused 2 3 4 7 All three CP bits are set to the same value as the two P bits. If the three CP bits are not equal, a majority vote is used to decode the true value. All three Far End Block Error (FEBE) bits shall be set to one (111) if the local T3 framer did not incur an error in either the M bits or F bits nor has it detected a CP parity error. The FEBE bits are set to any value except 111 when an error is detected in the M bits or F bits or if a CP parity error is detected. During an LOF event, these bits are set to 000. These three C bits make up a 28.2kbps HDLC (LAPD) maintenance data link over which three 76 octet messages are sent from the local end to the remote end once a second. Must be set to 1. Must be set to 1. Must be set to 1. Must be set to 1. Must be set to 1. Must be set to 1. 126 of 133 DS3112 Figure 14-5. T3 M-Frame Structure M1 Subframe X1 84 Info Bits F1 (1) Stuff Block 84 Info Bits C1 84 Info Bits F2 (0) 84 Info Bits C2 84 Info Bits F3 (0) 84 Info Bits C3 M2 Subframe X2 84 Info Bits F1 (1) P1 F1 (1) 84 Info Bits C1 84 Info Bits F2 (0) 84 Info Bits C2 84 Info Bits F3 (0) 84 Info Bits C3 P2 F1 (1) 84 Info Bits C1 84 Info Bits F2 (0) 84 Info Bits C2 84 Info Bits F3 (0) 84 Info Bits C3 M1 (0) F1 (1) 84 Info Bits C1 84 Info Bits F2 (0) 84 Info Bits C2 84 Info Bits F3 (0) 84 Info Bits C3 M2 (1) F1 (1) 84 Info Bits C1 84 Info Bits F2 (0) 84 Info Bits C2 84 Info Bits F3 (0) 84 Info Bits C3 M3 (0) F1 (1) F4 (1) 84 Info Bits 84 Info Bits F4 (1) 84 Info Bits 84 Info Bits F4 (1) 84 Info Bits Stuff Block 84 Info Bits C1 84 Info Bits F2 (0) 84 Info Bits C2 84 Info Bits F3 (0) 84 Info Bits C3 M7 Subframe 84 Info Bits 84 Info Bits Stuff Block M6 Subframe 84 Info Bits F4 (1) 84 Info Bits Stuff Block M5 Subframe 84 Info Bits 84 Info Bits Stuff Block M4 Subframe 84 Info Bits F4 (1) 84 Info Bits Stuff Block M3 Subframe 84 Info Bits 84 Info Bits 84 Info Bits F4 (1) 84 Info Bits Stuff Block 84 Info Bits C1 84 Info Bits F2 (0) 84 Info Bits C2 NOTE: X1 IS TRANSMITTED AND RECEIVED FIRST. 127 of 133 84 Info Bits F3 (0) 84 Info Bits C3 84 Info Bits F4 (1) 84 Info Bits DS3112 Figure 14-6. T3 Stuff Block Structure M1 Subframe F4 Stuff Bit 1 Info Bit 2 Info Bit 3 Info Bit 4 Info Bit 5 Info Bit 6 Info Bit 7 Info Bit 8 ...... Info Bit 84 M2 Subframe F4 Info Bit 1 Stuff Bit 2 Info Bit 3 Info Bit 4 Info Bit 5 Info Bit 6 Info Bit 7 Info Bit 8 ...... Info Bit 84 M3 Subframe F4 Info Bit 1 Info Bit 2 Stuff Bit 3 Info Bit 4 Info Bit 5 Info Bit 6 Info Bit 7 Info Bit 8 ...... Info Bit 84 M4 Subframe F4 Info Bit 1 Info Bit 2 Info Bit 3 Stuff Bit 4 Info Bit 5 Info Bit 6 Info Bit 7 Info Bit 8 ...... Info Bit 84 M5 Subframe F4 Info Bit 1 Info Bit 2 Info Bit 3 Info Bit 4 Stuff Bit 5 Info Bit 6 Info Bit 7 Info Bit 8 ...... Info Bit 84 M6 Subframe F4 Info Bit 1 Info Bit 2 Info Bit 3 Info Bit 4 Info Bit 5 Stuff Bit 6 Info Bit 7 Info Bit 8 ...... Info Bit 84 M7 Subframe F4 Info Bit 1 Info Bit 2 Info Bit 3 Info Bit 4 Info Bit 5 Info Bit 6 Stuff Bit 7 Info Bit 8 ...... Info Bit 84 14.8 E13 Basics E13 multiplexing is a two-step process of merging 16 E1 lines into a single E3 line. First, four of the E1 lines are merged into a single E2 rate and then four E2 rates are merged to form the E3. The first step of this process is called a E12 function since it is merging E1 lines into E2. The second step of this process is called a E23 function since it is merging E2 lines into a E3. The term E13 implies that both E12 and E23 are being performed to map 16 E1 lines into the E3. These two steps are independent and will be discussed separately. Table 14-5. E Carrier Rates E CARRIER LEVEL E1 E2 E3 NOMINAL DATA RATE (Mbps) 2.048 8.448 34.368 128 of 133 DS3112 14.9 E2 Framing Structure and E12 Multiplexing The E2 frame structure is made up of four 212-bit sets (Figure 14-7). The four sets are transmitted one after another (...Set1/Set2/Set3/Set4/Set1...) to make up the complete E2 frame structure. The Frame Alignment Signal (FAS) is placed in the first 10 bits of Set 1 and is followed by the Remote Alarm Indication (RAI) bit and a National Bit (Sn). The remainder of Set 1 is filled with bits from the four tributaries. The four tributaries are bit interleaved starting with a bit from Tributary 1 immediately after the Sn bit. The first four bits of Sets 2, 3, and 4 are the Justification Control Bits. Bits 5 to 8 of Set 4 are the Stuffing Bits. The Justification Control bits control when data will be stuffed into the Stuffing Bit positions. When a majority of the three Justification Control Bits from a particular tributary is set to zero, the Stuffing Bit position will be used for tributary data. When the Justification Control Bits are majority decoded to be one, the Stuffing Bit will not be used for tributary data. 14.10 E3 Framing Structure and E23 Multiplexing The E3 frame structure and the E23 multiplexing scheme are almost identical to the E2 framing structure and the E12 multiplexing scheme. The E3 frame structure is made up of four 384-bit sets (Figure 14-8). The four sets are transmitted one after another (...Set1/Set2/Set3/Set4/Set1...) to make up the complete E3 frame structure. The Frame Alignment Signal (FAS) is placed in the first 10 bits of Set 1 and is followed by the Remote Alarm Indication (RAI) bit and a National Bit (Sn). The remainder of Set 1 is filled with bits from the four tributaries. The four tributaries are bit interleaved starting with a bit from Tributary 1 immediately after the Sn bit. The first four bits of Sets 2, 3, and 4 are the Justification Control Bits. Bits 5 to 8 of Set 4 are the Stuffing Bits. The Justification Control bits control when data will be stuffed into the Stuffing Bit positions. When a majority of the three Justification Control Bits from a particular tributary is set to zero, the Stuffing Bit position will be used for tributary data. When the Justification Control Bits are majority decoded to be one, the Stuffing Bit will not be used for tributary data. 129 of 133 DS3112 Figure 14-7. E2 Frame Structure Set 1 Bit 1 FAS (1111010000) RAI Sn b11 b21 b31 b41 b12 Bit 212 ...bits from the tributaries... Set 2 Bit 1 c11 Bit 212 c21 c31 c41 ...bits from the tributaries... Set 3 Bit 1 c12 Bit 212 c22 c32 c42 c23 c33 c43 ...bits from the tributaries... Set 4 Bit 1 c13 NOTE 1: NOTE 2: NOTE 3: NOTE 4: Bit 212 s1 s2 s3 BIT 1 OF SET 1 IS TRANSMITTED FIRST. BJI TRIBUTARY BITS CJI JUSTIFICATION CONTROL BITS SJ STUFFING BITS s4 ...bits from the tributaries... J = TRIBUTARY NUMBER J = TRIBUTARY NUMBER J = TRIBUTARY NUMBER I = BIT NUMBER I = CONTROL BIT NUMBER Figure 14-8. E3 Frame Structure Set 1 Bit 1 FAS (1111010000) RAI Sn b21 b11 b31 b41 b12 Bit 384 ...bits from the tributaries... Set 2 Bit 1 c11 Bit 384 c21 c31 c41 ...bits from the tributaries... c22 c32 c42 ...bits from the tributaries... Set 3 Bit 1 c12 Bit 384 Set 4 Bit 1 c22 c12 NOTE 1: NOTE 2: NOTE 3: NOTE 4: Bit 384 c32 c42 s1 s2 BIT 1 OF SET 1 IS TRANSMITTED FIRST. BJI TRIBUTARY BITS CJI JUSTIFICATION CONTROL BITS SJ STUFFING BITS s3 s4 J = TRIBUTARY NUMBER J = TRIBUTARY NUMBER J = TRIBUTARY NUMBER 130 of 133 ...bits from the tributaries... I = BIT NUMBER I = CONTROL STUFFING BIT NUMBER DS3112 14.11 G.747 Basics G.747 multiplexing is a mixture of T3 and E1. It is a two-step process of merging 21 E1 lines into a single T3 line. First, three of the E1 lines are merged into a single T2 rate and then seven T2 rates are merged to form the T3 just like the normal T2 to T3 multiplexing scheme. Once the three E1 lines have been multiplexed together, the resultant 6.312Mbps data stream is treated just like a T2 data stream that contains four T1 lines. We will only discuss the G.747 multiplexing scheme in this section. See Section 14.6 for details on the T2 to T3 multiplexing scheme (e.g., M23) and the T3 framing structure. Table 14-6. G.747 Carrier Rates T OR E CARRIER LEVEL E1 T2 T3 NOMINAL DATA RATE (Mbps) 2.048 6.312 44.736 131 of 133 DS3112 14.12 G.747 Framing Structure and E12 Multiplexing The G.747 frame structure is made up of five 168-bit sets (Figure 14-9). The five sets are transmitted one after another (...Set1/Set2/Set3/Set4/Set5/Set1...) to make up the complete G.747 frame structure. The Frame Alignment Signal (FAS) is placed in the first 9 bits of Set 1. Set 2 contains the Remote Alarm Indication (RAI) bit and a Parity Bit (PAR) as well as a reserved bit, which is fixed to a one. The PAR bit will be set to a one when there are odd numbers of ones from the tributaries in the preceding frame and it will be set to a zero when there is an even number of ones. The parity calculation does not include the FAS, RAI, reserved bit, or Justification Control Bits. The three tributaries are bit interleaved starting with a bit from Tributary 1 immediately after the FAS in Set 1. The first three bits of Sets 3, 4, and 5 are the Justification Control Bits. Bits 4 to 6 of Set 5 are the Stuffing Bits. The Justification Control bits control when data will be stuffed into the Stuffing Bit positions. When a majority of the three Justification Control Bits from a particular tributary is set to zero, the Stuffing Bit position will be used for tributary data. When the Justification Control Bits are majority decoded to be one, the Stuffing Bit will not be used for tributary data. Figure 14-9. G.747 Frame Structure Set 1 Bit 1 FAS (111010000) b11 b21 b31 b12 b22 b32 b13 Bit 168 ...bits from the tributaries... Set 2 Bit 1 RAI Bit 168 PAR 1 ...bits from the tributaries... Set 3 Bit 1 c11 Bit 168 c21 c31 ...bits from the tributaries... Set 4 Bit 1 c12 Bit 168 c22 c32 c23 c33 ...bits from the tributaries... Set 5 Bit 1 c13 NOTE 1: NOTE 2: NOTE 3: NOTE 4: Bit 168 s1 BIT 1 OF SET 1 IS TRANSMITTED FIRST. BJI TRIBUTARY BITS CJI JUSTIFICATION CONTROL BITS SJ STUFFING BITS s2 s3 ...bits from the tributaries... J = TRIBUTARY NUMBER J = TRIBUTARY NUMBER J = TRIBUTARY NUMBER 132 of 133 I = BIT NUMBER I = CONTROL STUFFING BIT NUMBER DS3112 15 PACKAGE INFORMATION (The package drawing(s) in this data sheet may not reflect the most current specifications. The package number provided for each package is a link to the latest package outline information.) 15.1 256-Ball PBGA (56-G6002-001) 133 of 133 Maxim/Dallas Semiconductor cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim/Dallas Semiconductor product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim/Dallas Semiconductor reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600 © 2006 Maxim Integrated Products The Maxim logo is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. The Dallas logo is a registered trademark of Dallas Semiconductor Corporation.
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