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    DS33X11+ - Interface, Ethernet Evaluation Board

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DS33X11DK 数据手册
Rev: 030508 DS33X11 Demo Kit General Description The DS33X11 demo kit (DK) is an easy-to-use evaluation board for the DS33X11 Ethernet-over-PDH device. The demo kit contains an option for either T3/E3 or T1/E1 serial links. All PDH links are complete with line interface, transformers, and network connections. Maxim’s ChipView software is provided with the demo kit, giving point-and-click access to configuration and status registers from a Windows®-based PC. On-board LEDs indicate receive loss-of-signal, queue overflow, Ethernet link, Tx/Rx, and interrupt status. Features ♦ Demonstrates Key Functions of DS33X11 Ethernet Transport Chipset ♦ Includes DS26521 T1/E1 SCT, DS3170 T3/E3 SCT, Transformers, BNC, and RJ48 Network Connectors and Termination ♦ Includes Ethernet PHY Supporting 10/100 and Gigabit Modes ♦ Provides Support for Hardware and Software Modes ♦ On-Board MMC2107 Processor and ChipView Software Provide Point-and-Click Access to the DS33X11, DS26528, DS3170, and PHY Registers ♦ All DS33X11 Interface Pins are Easily Accessible for External Data Source/Sink ♦ LEDs for Loss-of-Signal, Ethernet Link, Tx/Rx, and Interrupt Status ♦ Easy-to-Read Silkscreen Labels Identify the Signals Associated with All Connectors, Jumpers, and LEDs Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. Ordering Information PART DS33X11DK TYPE Demo card, T3/E3, T1/E1 Demo Kit Contents DS33X11DK Main Board CD-ROM Includes: ChipView Software and Manual DS33X11DK Data Sheet Configuration Files _____________________________________________ Demo Kit Board Maxim Integrated Products 1 For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim Direct at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim’s website at www.maxim-ic.com. _______________________________________________________________________________________ DS33X11DK Table of Contents 1. SYSTEM FLOORPLAN ......................................................................................................4 2. PCB ERRATA.....................................................................................................................4 3. FILE LOCATIONS ..............................................................................................................5 4. BASIC OPERATION...........................................................................................................6 4.1 POWERING UP THE DEMO KIT ..........................................................................................................6 4.1.1 4.2 4.2.1 4.3 General .................................................................................................................................................. 6 BASIC DS33X11 INITIALIZATION ......................................................................................................6 Additional Configuration for DS33X11 ................................................................................................... 7 MONITOR AND CAPTURE ETHERNET TRAFFIC ...................................................................................7 5. LEDS, CONFIGURATION SWITCHES, JUMPERS, AND CONNECTORS .......................7 6. REGISTER ACCESS........................................................................................................10 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 7. ADDRESS MAP ..............................................................................................................................10 CONTROL THROUGH EXTERNAL PROCESSOR .................................................................................10 SPI MODE .................................................................................................................................... 10 MAC AND PHY REGISTERS ...........................................................................................................10 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/RESOURCES ..................................................................11 7.1 7.2 7.3 DS33X11 INFORMATION ...............................................................................................................11 DS33X11DK INFORMATION ..........................................................................................................11 TECHNICAL SUPPORT ....................................................................................................................11 8. COMPONENT LIST ..........................................................................................................12 9. SCHEMATICS ..................................................................................................................19 Rev: 030508 2 of 39 _______________________________________________________________________________________ DS33X11DK List of Figures Figure 1-1. DS33X11 System Floorplan...................................................................................................................... 4 List of Tables Table 3-1. File Details.................................................................................................................................................. 5 Table 5-1. Main Board PCB Configuration .................................................................................................................. 7 Table 6-1. Overview of Daughter Card Address Map................................................................................................ 10 Table 8-1. Component List ........................................................................................................................................ 12 Rev: 030508 3 of 39 _______________________________________________________________________________________ DS33X11DK 1. System Floorplan Figure 1-1. DS33X11 System Floorplan DS33X11 DEMO KIT POWER (5V) DS26521 T1/E1 TRANSFORMER AND NETWORK CONNECTIONS (T3/E3) TRANSFORMER AND NETWORK CONNECTIONS (T1/E1) DRIVER CONFIGURATION DS3170 T3/E3 FET SWITCH + TEST POINTS CLOCK SELECT, PHY CONFIG 10/100/1000 ETHERNET PHY AND MAGNETICS DS33X11 LEDs USB SERIAL PORT (57600-8-N-1) JUMPERS FOR ETHERNET CONFIG TEST POINTS SPI CONFIG JUMPERS DDR MICROPROCESSOR 2. PCB Errata DS33X11DK01A0 board errata: • SSTL_TESTI pin should have been pulled high (done via rework). • Needs a reset controller (added by rework). • Silkscreen at JP21 was backwards (fixed by swapping oscillators to make silkscreen correct). • Three-pin bias jumpers are missing +- silkscreen. DS33X11DK02A0 board errata: • There are no errata for DS33X11DK02A0. Rev: 030508 4 of 39 _______________________________________________________________________________________ DS33X11DK 3. File Locations This demo kit relies upon several supporting files, which are provided on the CD-ROM and are available as a zip file from the Maxim website at www.maxim-ic.com/DS33X11DK. All locations are given relative to the top directory of the CD-ROM/zip file. The DS33X11, DS3170, and DS26521 register definition files and configuration files are listed in Table 3-1. Table 3-1. File Details FILE NAME FILE USAGE .\DS33X11_cfg_demo_gui\_ds33x161_GlobalMicroport.def Top-level definition file to select in ChipView’s register mode. This file will autoload the remaining definition files for the DS33X11. (Note that the wan files still need to be loaded (either DS).) .\DS33X11_cfg_demo_gui\ds33x161_Lan.def .\DS33X11_cfg_demo_gui\ds33x161_BufferMan.def .\DS33X11_cfg_demo_gui\ds33x161_EncapDecap.def .\DS33X11_cfg_demo_gui\ds33x161_Vcat.def .\DS33X11_cfg_demo_gui\ds33x161_SerialPort.def DS33X11 dependent files. These are called by the _ds33x161_GlobalMicroport.def file listed above. .\DS33X11_cfg_demo_gui\ds33x11_lan_T3wan_ext.mfg File for manually configuring the DS33X11 to interface with the DS3170. .\DS33X11_cfg_demo_gui\ds33x11_lan_T1wan_ext.mfg File for manually configuring the DS33X11 to interface with the DS26521. .\DS33X11_cfg_demo_gui\x11_wan1.eset GUI interface for loading settings when running the Xchip plug-in (launched from the Tools menu of the ChipView program). .\DS33X11_cfg_demo_gui\te3_ds3170\ds3170_evbrd.def Top-level definition file to select the DS3170 T3/E3 transceiver. This file will autoload the remaining definition files for the DS3170. .\DS33X11_cfg_demo_gui\te3_ds3170\misc1_p1.def .\DS33X11_cfg_demo_gui\te3_ds3170\feac_frac_p1.def .\DS33X11_cfg_demo_gui\te3_ds3170\ttrace_p1.def .\DS33X11_cfg_demo_gui\te3_ds3170\ds3_p1.def .\DS33X11_cfg_demo_gui\te3_ds3170\e3751_p1.def .\DS33X11_cfg_demo_gui\te3_ds3170\e3832_p1.def .\DS33X11_cfg_demo_gui\te3_ds3170\port1.def DS3170 dependent files. These are called by the ds3170_evbrd.def file listed above. .\DS33X11_cfg_demo_gui\te3_ds3170\70_t3_sct_needscoaxlb.mfg Configuration file for T3 mode. .\DS33X11_cfg_demo_gui\ds26521\DS26521_GLOBAL_T1.def .\DS33X11_cfg_demo_gui\ds26521\DS26521_1_LIU_BERT.def .\DS33X11_cfg_demo_gui\ds26521\DS26521_1_T1.def .\DS33X11_cfg_demo_gui\ds26521\t1_config.mfg Rev: 030508 Top-level definition file to select the DS26521 T1/E1 transceiver. This file will autoload the remaining definition files for the DS26521. DS26521dependent files. These are called by DS26521_GLOBAL_T1.def file listed above. Configuration file for T1 mode. 5 of 39 _______________________________________________________________________________________ DS33X11DK 4. Basic Operation Note: In the following sections, software-related items are identified by bolding. Text in bold refers to items directly from the demo kit (DK) software. Text in bold and underlined refers to items from the Windows operating system. 4.1 • • • Powering Up the Demo Kit Connect the PCB power jack to the wall adapter. Connect the RS232 serial cable or USB cable between the host PC and the demo kit. Verify that the jumpers are configured as described in Table 5-1. 4.1.1 General • • Upon power-up the power LEDs (DS33, DS34, DS35 green) will be lit. Transceiver RLOS + LTC LED (DS38, DS37 red) will be lit. PHY LINK LED (DS07 green) should be lit if the Ethernet is connected. Ensure that the JP15 (DS33X11 RefClk) setting matches link mode. For Gigabit mode JP15 should be set to drive RefClk with 125MHz. For 10/100Mb modes, RefClk should be driven with 25MHz. Following are several basic system initializations. 4.2 Basic DS33X11 Initialization This section covers three basic methods for configuring the DS33X11. 1) Device Driver-Based Configuration. If the pins J50.1+J50.2 are unjumpered, the device driver will auto configure the DS33X11 upon power-up. This enables traffic to pass from the Ethernet port to the serial port. Refer to the device driver documentation for further details. 2) Register-Based Configuration—T1 Mode a) Install jumper J50.1+J50.2 to disable device drivers, and then reset the board. Ensure that J50.9+J50.10 is not installed. b) Launch ChipView.exe and select Register View. c) When prompted for a definition file, pick the file named _ds33x161_GlobalMicroport.def, Six additional definition files will load. d) Go to the File menu and select File→Definition File. When prompted, select DS26521_GLOBAL_T1.def. e) Go to the File menu and select File→Memory Config File→Load .MFG file. When prompted, select the file named ds33x11_lan_T1wan_ext.mfg. f) 3) Go to the File menu and select File→Memory Config File→Load .MFG file. When prompted, select the file named t1_config.mfg. Register-Based Configuration—T3 Mode a) Install Jumper J50.1+J50.2 to disable device drivers, and then reset the board. Ensure that J50.9+J50.10 is installed. b) Launch ChipView.exe and select Register View. c) When prompted for a definition file, pick the file named _ds33x161_GlobalMicroport.def. Six additional definition files will load. d) Go to the File menu and select File→Definition File. When prompted select ds3170_evbrd.def. e) Go to the File menu and select File→Memory Config File→Load .MFG file. When prompted, select the file named ds33x11_lan_T3wan_ext.mfg. f) Rev: 030508 Go to the File menu and select File→Memory Config File→Load .MFG file. When prompted, select the file named 70_t3_sct_needscoaxlb.mfg. 6 of 39 _______________________________________________________________________________________ DS33X11DK 4.2.1 Additional Configuration for DS33X11 • Using a patch or crossover cable, connect the Ethernet connector to an ordinary PC or network test equipment. This should cause the link LED to turn on. • Place a loopback connector at the T1E1 network side; RLOS and LTC LEDs should go out (DS38, DS37). • At this point any packets sent to the DS33X11 are echoed back. Incoming packets (i.e., ping) should cause the Activity LED to blink. • Note that ChipView.exe display settings can be changed using the Options→Settings menu. 4.3 5. Monitor and Capture Ethernet Traffic • Although ping is mentioned, it is not recommended. The ping command goes through the computer’s TCPIP stack and sometimes will not be sent out the PC’s network connector (i.e., if the PC’s ARP cache is out of date). Additionally, ping requires two PCs, as a PC with only one adapter cannot ping itself (a local ping gets sent to “local host” instead of out the connector). However, ping is still a valuable test once the prototyping stage is complete. • Generation and capture of arbitrary (raw) packets can be accomplished using CommView. A time-limited demo is available at www.tamos.com/products/commview. • Wireshark is an excellent (and free) packet capture utility. Download is available at www.wireshark.org. • Adding additional Ethernet ports to a PC is rather simple when a USB-to-Ethernet adapter is used. This allows for end-to-end testing using a single PC. When using two adapters the PC has a different IP address for each adapter. Test equipment allows selection of either adapter. Operating -system-based network traffic is sent out of the default adapter; usually this is the adapter that has recently had connection to a live network. LEDs, Configuration Switches, Jumpers, and Connectors The DS33X11DK has several configuration switches, oscillators, and jumpers. Table 5-1 provides a description of these signals, given in order of appearance on the PC board, from top to bottom and then left to right (with the board held so that the RS232 and USB connectors are on the right-hand side of the board). Table 5-1. Main Board PCB Configuration SILKSCREEN REFERENCE FUNCTION BASIC SETTING SCHEMATIC PAGE J44+J45 WAN Network Connection — 40 J47 WAN Network Connection — 42 J46 Power Jack — 28 J43 USB — 32 J51 RS232 DB9 Connector — 32 DS33, DS34, DS35 LED ON 35 J48+J49 Test Points Not used 42 YB08 (PCB solder side) Oscillator — 40 DS36 LED User setting (OFF) 40 Rev: 030508 DESCRIPTION T3/E3 jumpers for network interface. Used with 2-pin coax adapter (provided). T1/E1 RJ45 connector for network interface. System power. Always connected to 5V wall adapter (provided). USB interface. RS232 DB9 connector, operates in ASCII mode at 57.6K,8,N,1. Power OK LEDs for 1.8V, 2.5V, and 3.3V power supplies. All three LEDs must be lit. Address Data Bus Test Points. See Section 6.2 regarding control by external processor. Silkscreen for these signals is provided a few inches to the left of the signals. Oscillator for T3/E3 MCLK. Silkscreen and target are provided on top side of PCB. DS3170 general-purpose I/O LED. Not configured by ini files. 7 of 39 _______________________________________________________________________________________ DS33X11DK SILKSCREEN REFERENCE FUNCTION • • • J50 SCHEMATIC DESCRIPTION PAGE P1+P2: Jumper to enable drivers (remove to disable drivers). P3+P4: Jumper to enable interrupt handlers (this jumper is only valid when drivers are enabled). P5+P6: Jumper to set for looptime—WAN TxClock driven by RxClock. Remove to set for source time WAN TxClock driven by oscillator (this jumper is only valid when drivers are enabled). P7+P8: Reserved, currently has no impact on system. P9+P10: Jumper to enable T3/E3 mode, remove jumper to set T1/E1 mode. This jumper controls FET switches U22 and UB34. BASIC SETTING Configuration • • J52 FPGA JTAG Not used 34 J53 Test Point — 41 DS37–DS38 DS26521 LEDs — 41 JP16 Bias PHY ManMDIX Jumper P1+2 (high) 37 JP17 Bias PHY MultiEn Jumper P1+2 (high) 37 JP18 Bias PHY MdixEn Jumper P2+3 (low) 37 JP19 Bias PHY MacClkEn Jumper P2+3 (low) 37 JP20 PHY Clock In Jumper P1+2 (high) 38 YB09 (PCB solder side) 125MHz Oscillator Not populated 24 YB10 (PCB solder side) 25MHz Oscillator — 24 125MHz Oscillator — 24 Connector/Test Points — 36 J54 DS33X11 Test Points — 22 JP15, JP101 DS33X11 RefClk JP15.1+JP15.2, JP101 installed 24 J2 Ethernet Connection — 38 YB11 JB05+JB04 (PCB solder side) Rev: 030508 JTAG Test Points for Lattice FPGA. Not shared with other devices. DS26521 Test Points (see silkscreen at top of board). TCLK, REFCLKIO, TSYSCLK, TSIG, RSYSCLK, TSSYNCIO, TSER, RM_RFSYNC, RSIG. DS26521 LTC and RLOS Pins. Should be off when configured and connected to another device. Check TCLK setting if LEDs flicker on/off. Default MDIX Setting. P1+2 PHY is set to straight mode; P2+3 PHY is in crossover mode. PHY Advertisement Setting. P2+3 selects multiple node priority (switch or hub). P1+2 selects single node priority (NIC). P2+3 enables pair swap mode. P1+3 disables pair swap mode. P2+3 PHY clock to MAC output is enabled. P1+2 PHY clock to MAC output is disabled. PHY Clock Input. Always set for P1+2, driving PHY with 25MHz oscillator. Setting P2+3 would drive with DS33X11 RefClk and work in MII mode, but not in GMII mode (this jumper is removed in DS33X11DK02A0). 125MHz Oscillator. Can be jumpered to DS33X11 RefClk. This oscillator is not populated. In GMII mode RefClk is driven by PHY clock out (using jumper JP101). 25MHz Oscillator. Used for PHY clock in (MII+GMII). Used for DS33X11 RefClk in MII mode. DS33X11 SysClock. Test Points for interface signals between PHY and DS33X11. Test Points for RGCLK, RSYNC, RDAT, TGCLK, TSYNC, TDAT. JP15 selects DS33X11 RefClk source: • JP15.1+2 to select PHY MacClkOut (GMII mode). • JP15.2+3 to select 25MHz oscillator (MII mode). JP101 should always be installed as it connects MacClkOut to JP15.1. RJ45 Ethernet Connector. Used in 10/100 and Gigabit modes. 8 of 39 _______________________________________________________________________________________ DS33X11DK SILKSCREEN REFERENCE FUNCTION JP26 Bias PHY ANEN JP24 Bias PHY Duplex JP27+JP26 Bias PHY Speed1 + Speed0 JP25 Bias PHY NonIEEE DS41 LED Duplex DS46+42 DS47+43 DS48+45 LED Link Speed 1 of the 6 should be lit (when linked) 36 DS44+39 LED Activity — 36 J57 JTAG Jumpered P1+3 P7+9 27 JP21 YB12, YB13 DS26521 MCLK Select Jumpered P2+3 42 J55.1–J55.8 DS33X11 SPI Test Points Jumpered P1+2 P3+4 P5+6 P7+8 27 J55.9+J55.10 DS33X11 Bias SPI SWAP Jumpered P9+10 (high) 27 Both jumpered 27 — 27 J55.11–J55.14 DS40 DS33X11 Bias SPI CPHA Bias SPI CPOL LED BASIC SETTING Jumper P2+3 (high) Jumper P2+3 (high) Jumper P1+2 (low) P1+2 (low) Jumper P2+3 (high) — SCHEMATIC PAGE 38 38 38 38 36 DESCRIPTION Jumper P2+3 to enable auto negotiation. Jumper P2+3 to enable full duplex. Jumper P1.2 to force half duplex. If auto negotiation is enabled, this setting advertises capability for 10/100/1000 speeds. If auto negotiation is disabled, this setting forces 10Mb mode. Jumper P2+3 to enable IEEE-compliant operation. LED is on in full-duplex mode. LED to indicate link speed—1000Mbps, 100Mbps, or 10Mbps. Only one of the six LEDs should be lit. See the JP15+JP101 description for setting in GMII vs. MII mode. Flashes for PHY TX-RX activity. JTAG for DS33X11, DS26521, and DS3170. DS33X11 can be isolated from DS26521 and DS3170. Jumpers on P1+3 and P7+9 prevent the devices from entering JTAG mode. Jumper P2+3 for 1.544MHz. Jumper P1+2 for 2.048MHz. SPI Test Points for DS33X11. The first four jumpers are installed to connect the DS33X11 to the processor SPI port (MISO, MOSI, SCLK, CS). Processor default is to transfer MSB first. Jumper P9+10 to match this setting. Processor default is to have normal phase and idle high. See the SPI section (Section 6.3) for further detail. DS33X11 interrupt LED. Jumper P1+2 for MII mode. Jumper P2+3 for RMII mode (RMII mode is not available in this demo kit). Jumper P1+2 for DTE mode. Jumper P2+3 for DCE mode. (This demo kit does not support DCE mode.) OnCe debug connector for MMC2107 microcontroller. JP22 DS33X11 Bias RMII Jumpered P1+2 (low) 27 JP28 DS33X11 Bias DCE Jumpered P1+2 (low) 27 J58 OnCe Not used 32 Flash VPP Not used 32 For programming flash memory. LED ON 32 LED to display kit status. Should be on. JB06 (PCB solder side) DS50 Rev: 030508 9 of 39 _______________________________________________________________________________________ DS33X11DK 6. Register Access 6.1 Address Map The external device address space begins at 0x81000000. All offsets given in Table 6-1 are relative to this offset. Table 6-1. Overview of Daughter Card Address Map OFFSET DEVICE DESCRIPTION 0X0000 to 0X0087 FPGA 0X1000 to 0X1FFF — 0X4000 to 0X5FFF DS26521 DS26521 T1/E1 device. Uses CS_X2. 0X8000 to 0X9FFF DS3170 DS3170 T3/E3 device. Uses CS_X4. Processor board identification. Reserved. All device registers can be easily modified using the ChipView host-based user-interface software with the definition files previously mentioned. 6.2 Control Through External Processor The demo kit is intended to be controlled using the on-board microcontroller and a host PC. However, the demo kit has jumper points to allow it to be controlled by an external processor. The DS33X11 can be controlled in SPI mode by attaching to the signals at J55 pins 2, 4, 6, 8. The transceivers (DS26521 and DS3170) can be controlled by jumpering J49.12+14. Doing so pulls up the tristate_bus signal and places the FPGA in a high-impedance mode (see the Address Map section). 6.3 SPI Mode The DS33X11 uses SPI mode and is addressed differently than devices that use a parallel address/data bus. The DS33X11 does not have an address offset. Its base address starts at 0x00. Table 5-1 details the default bias levels for SPI configuration pins. To change these settings the processor’s SPI settings must also change. The processor SPI settings can be changed in ChipView’s terminal mode using the SPISG S function. 6.4 MAC and PHY Registers The MAC and PHY are accessed indirectly. This process is automated by the indirect register module. To load this module, first select the DS33X162 device driver demo plugin using the Tools→Plugins menu. Once the device driver demo loads, select the indirect register module from the Tools→Indirect register menu. The first tab of the menu has a selection for the device bus mode. Select SPI mode when using the DS33X11. To test that the indirect register section is working, try to reset the PHY. Select the PHY tab, change the Padd field to 00001 to select the PHY at MDIO address 1. In the Data write field enter 00 00 80 00. Click the Write PHY button. At this point the link LED of the PHY should go out (and turn back on in a few seconds). Rev: 030508 10 of 39 _______________________________________________________________________________________ DS33X11DK 7. Additional Information/Resources 7.1 DS33X11 Information For more information about the DS33X11, refer to the DS33X11 data sheet available on our website at www.maxim-ic.com/DS33X11. 7.2 DS33X11DK Information For more information about the DS33X11DK, including software downloads, refer to the DS33X11DK data sheet available on the our website at www.maxim-ic.com/DS33X11DK. 7.3 Technical Support For additional technical support, go to www.maxim-ic.com/support. Rev: 030508 11 of 39 _______________________________________________________________________________________ DS33X11DK 8. Component List Table 8-1 shows the component list for the DS33X11 and DS33X162 demo kits and resource cards. This BOM contains the part listing for four boards. These boards are the DS33X11DK, DS33X162DK, DualPhyRC, and GigPhyRC. Each reference designator is only used once. For example, U25 only appears on the DS33X11DK and is not used on any of the other boards. See Table 5-1. Table 8-1. Component List DESIGNATION QTY DESCRIPTION SUPPLIER PART C02, C22, C145, CB19, CB23, D CASE TANT 470uF CB42, CB95, CB129, CB303, 15 KEM T491D477M006AS 6.3V 20% CB319, CB445, CB447, CB452, CB460, CB463 Reference designators shown on 0603 CERAM 4.7uF 6.3V 231 UNK ECJ-1VB0J475M next row MULTILAYER C03, C08, C11, C14, C15, C16, C17, C21, C24, C29, C33, C45, C49, C51, C52, C91, C92, C96, C97, C115, C119, C120, C122, C123, C129, C137, C138, C141, C142, C146, C149, C151, C153, C158, C258, C263, C265, CB01, CB04, CB06, CB09, CB13, CB16, CB17, CB21, CB24, CB26, CB27, CB28, CB36, CB37, CB41, CB44, CB45, CB46, CB47, CB48, CB58, CB60, CB66, CB67, CB74, CB75, CB76, CB78, CB80, CB84, CB92, CB93, CB98, CB99, CB100, CB104, CB107, CB114, CB115, CB116, CB118, CB123, CB125, CB126, CB137, CB138, CB141, CB144, CB151, CB155, CB158, CB163, CB164, CB166, CB170, CB171, CB172, CB179, CB181, CB183, CB185, CB186, CB188, CB189, CB191, CB192, CB193, CB195, CB197, CB198, CB201, CB204, CB209, CB215, CB218, CB221, CB222, CB227, CB229, CB230, CB231, CB234, CB235, CB239, CB243, CB249, CB251, CB255, CB258, CB263, CB264, CB267, CB270, CB271, CB273, CB276, CB277, CB278, CB284, CB287, CB293, CB294, CB297, CB298, CB302, CB304, CB306, CB307, CB320, CB322, CB327, CB328, CB341, CB343, CB344, CB345, CB347, CB348, CB351, CB352, CB353, CB357, CB358, CB364, CB365, CB366, CB367, CB369, CB370, CB371, CB375, CB376, CB379, CB380, CB388, CB392, CB393, CB395, CB396, CB399, CB400, CB401, CB404, CB405, CB406, CB407, CB408, CB409, CB415, CB416, CB423, CB424, CB425, CB427, CB431, CB436, CB438, CB441, CB442, CB446, CB449, CB453, CB454, CB462, CB467, CB760, CB766, CB768, CB777, CB779, CB789, CB790, CB791, CB792, CB793, CB795, CB798, CB802, CB804, CB805, CB807, CB808, CB810, CB812, CB813, CB815, CB816, CB817, CB818, CB824, CB827, CB856, CB857, CB859 Reference designators shown on L_0603 CERAM .01uF 114 AVX 06035C103KAT next row 50V 10% X7R C04, C05, C06, C07, C09, C10, C18, C20, C32, C37, C40, C41, C42, C50, C57, C70, C89, C98, C104, C113, C114, C118, C125, C133, C134, C136, C148, C150, C261, C266, CB03, CB11, CB14, CB20, CB30, CB34, CB52, CB55, CB61, CB69, CB71, CB73, CB83, CB103, CB109, CB112, CB119, CB120, CB128, CB139, CB150, CB157, CB161, CB167, CB173, CB187, CB194, CB205, CB206, CB207, CB213, CB216, CB217, CB219, CB223, CB224, CB225, CB228, CB240, CB256, CB259, CB261, CB275, CB285, CB295, CB300, CB308, CB332, CB350, CB354, CB359, CB361, CB381, CB385, CB391, CB398, CB402, CB413, CB414, CB419, CB428, CB432, CB435, CB439, CB443, CB444, CB448, CB451, CB466, CB468, CB761, CB765, CB770, CB771, CB772, CB776, CB794, CB803, CB806, CB811, CB819, CB823, CB853, CB855 L_0603 CERAM 22pF C110, C112, CB86, CB87 4 AVX 06033A220JAT 25V 5% NPO C156, C259, CB51, CB762, CB763, CB764, CB767, CB769, CB773, 0603 CERAM 0.1uF 16V 16 Phycomp 06032R104K7B20D 10% CB774, CB775, CB780, CB782, CB786, CB787, CB788 C25, C126, CB10, CB31, CB33, CB88, CB89, CB102, CB145, L_1206 CERAM 10uF CB146, CB147, CB315, CB333, 20 Panasonic ECJ-3YB1A106M 10V 20% CB338, CB363, CB368, CB383, CB417, CB418, CB437 C28, C31, C132, CB25, CB32, CB35, CB38, CB40, CB43, CB56, CB68, CB81, CB85, CB96, CB105, 0603 CERAM .1uF 16V CB313, CB321, CB324, CB372, 28 Panasonic ECJ-1VB1C104K 10% CB373, CB384, CB394, CB397, CB410, CB411, CB412, CB422, CB450 C39, C44, C54, C55, C56, C60, C61, C64, C99, C100, C101, C102, 1206 CERAM 10uF 10V 18 Panasonic ECJ-3YB1A106M 20% C103, C105, C106, C107, C108, C109 Rev: 030508 12 of 39 _______________________________________________________________________________________ DS33X11DK DESIGNATION QTY DESCRIPTION SUPPLIER PART C58, C63, C67, C69, C73, C76, C77, C86, C87, CB108, CB153, 1206 CERAM 0.1uF 25V 16 Panasonic ECJ-3VB1E104K 10% CB208, CB238, CB252, CB253, CB254 C59, C62, C65, C66, C68, C71, 1206 CERAM 560pf 50V C72, C75, C78, C79, C80, C81, 17 AVXZ 12065A561JAT2A 5% C82, C83, C84, C85, C116 Reference designators shown on L_0603 CERAM .1uF 226 AVX 0603YC104MAT next row (begins with C01) 16V 20% X7R C01, C12, C13, C19, C23, C26, C27, C30, C34, C35, C36, C38, C43, C46, C47, C48, C53, C74, C88, C90, C93, C94, C95, C111, C117, C121, C124, C127, C128, C130, C131, C135, C139, C140, C143, C144, C147, C152, C154, C155, C157, C260, C262, C264, CB02, CB05, CB07, CB12, CB18, CB22, CB29, CB39, CB49, CB53, CB57, CB59, CB62, CB63, CB64, CB65, CB70, CB72, CB77, CB79, CB82, CB90, CB91, CB94, CB97, CB101, CB106, CB110, CB111, CB113, CB117, CB121, CB122, CB124, CB130, CB131, CB132, CB133, CB134, CB135, CB136, CB140, CB142, CB148, CB149, CB152, CB154, CB156, CB159, CB160, CB162, CB165, CB168, CB169, CB174, CB175, CB176, CB177, CB178, CB180, CB182, CB184, CB190, CB196, CB199, CB200, CB202, CB203, CB210, CB211, CB212, CB214, CB220, CB226, CB232, CB233, CB236, CB237, CB241, CB242, CB244, CB245, CB246, CB247, CB248, CB250, CB257, CB260, CB262, CB266, CB268, CB269, CB272, CB274, CB280, CB282, CB283, CB286, CB288, CB289, CB296, CB299, CB301, CB305, CB309, CB310, CB311, CB312, CB314, CB316, CB317, CB318, CB323, CB325, CB326, CB329, CB330, CB331, CB334, CB335, CB336, CB337, CB339, CB340, CB342, CB346, CB349, CB355, CB356, CB360, CB362, CB374, CB377, CB378, CB382, CB386, CB387, CB389, CB390, CB403, CB420, CB421, CB426, CB430, CB433, CB434, CB440, CB455, CB456, CB457, CB458, CB459, CB461, CB464, CB465, CB469, CB470, CB757, CB758, CB759, CB778, CB781, CB783, CB784, CB785, CB796, CB797, CB799, CB800, CB801, CB809, CB814, CB820, CB821, CB822, CB825, CB826, CB828, CB829, CB852, CB854, CB858 CB08, CB15, CB54, CB127, CB143, L_D CASE TANT 68uF CB279, CB281, CB290, CB291, 10 Panasonic ECS-T1CD686R 16V 20% CB292 L_1206 CERAM 1uF 16V CB265, CB429 2 Panasonic ECJ-3YB1C105K 10% SCHOTTKY DIODE, 1 International DB01, DB02, DB03 3 10BQ040 AMP 40 VOLT Rectifier DS01, DS02, DS03, DS33, DS34, DS35, DS41, DS42, DS43, DS44, DS45, DS46, DS47, DS48, DS49, 24 LED, GREEN, SMD Panasonic LN1351C DS75, DS76, DS77, DS78, DS79, DS80, DS81, DS82, DS83 DS04, DS05, DS06, DS07, DS17, DS18, DS19, DS20, DS21, DS24, 17 L_LED, RED, SMD Panasonic LN1251C DS25, DS26, DS36, DS37, DS38, DS39, DS40 DS08, DS50, DS63, DS64, DS65, 6 L_LED, GREEN, SMD Panasonic LN1351C DS66 DS09, DS10, DS11, DS12, DS13, DS14, DS15, DS16, DS22, DS23, 20 LED, RED, SMD Panasonic LN1251C DS27, DS28, DS29, DS30, DS31, DS32, DS71, DS72, DS73, DS74 DS67, DS68, DS69, DS70 4 LED, AMBER, SMD Panasonic LN1451C KIT, 4-40 HARDWARE, H01, H02, H03, H04, H05, H06, 12 .50 NYLON STANDOFF NA 4-40KIT4 H07, H08, H09, H10, H11, H12 AND NYLON HEX-NUT TERMINAL STRIP, 16 J01, J12, J13, J17, J18 5 Samtec TSW-108-07-T-D PIN, DUAL ROW, VERT J02, J50 2 J03, J43 2 J04, J51 2 J05, J06, J48, J49 4 J07, J08, J10, J11 4 Rev: 030508 TERMINAL STRIP, 10 PIN, DUAL ROW, VERT TYPE B SINGLE RT ANGLE, BLACK L_CONN, DB9 RA, LONG CASE NON POPULATED HEADER, 14 PIN, DUAL ROW, VERT NOPOP TERMINAL STRIP, 16 PIN, DUAL ROW, VERT NA NA MOL NA AMP 747459-1 Samtec NOPOP-HDR-TSW-107-14-T-D Samtec NOPOP-TSW-108-07-T-D 13 of 39 _______________________________________________________________________________________ DS33X11DK DESIGNATION QTY J09, J14, J20, J21, J22, J23, J52, J53, J57 9 J15, J46 2 J16, J24 2 J19, J25, JB06 J26, J27, J28, J29, J30, J31, J32, J33, J34, J35, J36, J37, J38, J39, J40, J41, J44, J45 3 18 J42, J58 2 J47 1 J54, J93, J94, J95, J96 5 J55 1 J56, J98 2 J91, J92 2 J97, J99 2 JB01, JB05 2 JB02, JB04 2 JB03 1 Reference designators shown on next row (begins with JP01) 49 DESCRIPTION L_TERMINAL STRIP, 10 PIN, DUAL ROW, VERT CONN 2.1MM/5.5MM PWRJACK RT ANGLE PCB, closed frame, high current 24VDC@5A also requires 5V ACDC adapter INPUT 100240VAC 50-60HZ 0.6A OUTPUT DC 5V 2.6A. PN DMS050260-P5P-SZ. MODEL 3Z-161WP05 CONNECTOR, STACKED OCTAL JACK, 64-PIN, SHIELDED 100 MIL 2 POS JUMPER L_2 PIN HEADER, .100 CENTERS, VERTICAL 100 MIL 2*7 POS JUMPER L_RJ48 8 PIN SINGLE PORT CONNECTOR L_TERMINAL STRIP, 10 PIN, DUAL ROW, VERT DO NOT POPULATE HEADER, 14 PIN, DUAL ROW, VERT CONNECTOR, PULSEJACK, 16 PIN CONNECTOR, FASTJACK SINGLE, 8 PIN FOR NATIONAL PHY SOCKET, SMD, 50 PIN, 2 ROW VERTICAL PLUG, SMD, 50 PIN, 2 ROW VERTICAL TESTPOINTS FOR SMD 50 PIN, 2 ROW VERTICAL 100 MIL 2 POS JUMPER DO NOT POPULATE 100 MIL 3 POS JUMPER SUPPLIER PART Samtec TSW-105-07-T-D DIGIKEY CP-002AH-ND MOL SD-44520-001 NA NA Samtec TSW-102-07-T-S NA NA MOLEX 15-43-8588 DNP DNP Samtec HDR-TSW-107-14-T-D Pulse JK0654218Z Halo Electronics HFJ11-2450E Samtec TFM-125-02-S-D-LC Samtec SFM-125-L2-S-D-LC NA NA_NOTPOPULATED NOPOP NA NA NA JP01, JP02, JP03, JP04, JP05, JP06, JP07, JP08, JP09, JP10, JP11, JP12, JP13, JP14, JP15, JP16, JP17, JP18, JP19, JP20, JP21, JP22, JP23, JP24, JP25, JP26, JP27, JP28, JP29, JP67, JP68, JP69, JP70, JP71, JP72, JP73, JP74, JP75, JP76, JP77, JP78, JP79, JP80, JP81, JP82, JP83, JP84, JP85, JP86 R01, R02, R42, R43, RB01, RB02, RB04, RB39, RB46, RB47, RB62, RB87, RB88, RB89, RB90, RB91, RB107, RB128, RB231, RB232 R03, R05, RB09, RB10, RB12, RB14, RB26, RB28, RB96, RB97, RB100, RB113, RB114, RB115, RB116, RB118, RB120, RB122, RB123 R04, RB03, RB05, RB07, RB13, RB18, RB23, RB24, RB25, RB92, RB99, RB101, RB104, RB106, RB121 Rev: 030508 20 RES 0603 0.0 Ohm 1/16W 5% Panasonic ERJ-3GEY0R00V 19 RES 0603 30 Ohm 1/16W 5% Panasonic ERJ-3GEYJ300V 15 L_RES 0603 330 Ohm 1/16W 5% Panasonic ERJ-3GEYJ331V 14 of 39 _______________________________________________________________________________________ DS33X11DK DESIGNATION QTY R06, R07, R39, R41 4 R08, RB06, RB15, RB17, RB19, RB20, RB21, RB43, RB45 R09, R10, R11, R12, R14, R15, R16, R17, R18, R19, R20, R21, R22, R23, R24, R25, R26, R27, R28, R29, R30, R31, R32, R33, R34, R35, RB32, RB33, RB48, RB49, RB50, RB51 R13, RB30, RB31, RB60, RB61, RB109, RB110, RB111, RB127 32 R36, R40 2 R37, R38 2 RB08, RB41, RB98, RB108 4 RB11, RB95 2 RB119, RB246 2 RB125, RB126, RB129, RB245, RB248, RB249 6 RB16, RB22, RB131, RB132 4 RB233, RB234, RB235, RB236, RB239, RB241 6 RB237, RB238 2 RB27, RB124, RB130, RB247 4 RB29, RB34, RB35, RB36, RB37, RB38 6 RB40, RB44, RB112, RB240, RB242, RB243, RB244 7 RB42, RB117 2 RB52, RB53, RB54, RB55, RB56, RB57, RB58, RB59, RB63, RB64, RB65, RB66, RB67, RB68, RB69, RB70, RB103, RB105 RB71, RB72, RB73, RB74, RB75, RB76, RB77, RB78, RB79, RB80, RB81, RB82, RB83, RB84, RB85, RB86, RB93, RB94, RB102 RP01, RP02, RP03, RP04, RP05, RP06, RP41, RP42, RP43, RP44, RP48, RP49, RPB07, RPB10, RPB109, RPB110 RP07, RP08, RP09, RP10, RP12, RP45, RP46, RP47, RP50, RP51, RPB15, RPB19, RPB93, RPB98, RPB107, RPB108, RPB131, RPB132, RPB144, RPB145 See next row (begins with RP11) Rev: 030508 9 DESCRIPTION RES 0603 24.3 Ohm 1/16W 1% L_RES 0603 1.0K Ohm 1/16W 5% RES 1206 61.9 Ohm 1/8W 1% SUPPLIER PART Panasonic ERJ-3EKF24R3V Panasonic ERJ-3GEYJ102V Panasonic ERJ-8ENF61R9V Panasonic ERJ-3GEYJ103V Panasonic ERJ-3GEYJ105V Panasonic ERJ-6ENF61R9V Panasonic ERJ-3GEYJ103V Panasonic ERJ-3GEYJ152V Panasonic ERJ-3EKF9761V L_RES 0603 10K Ohm 1/16W 5% RES 0603 1.0M Ohm 1/16W 5% RES 0805 61.9 Ohm 1/10W 1% RES 0603 10K Ohm 1/16W 5% RES 0603 1.5K Ohm 1/16W 5% RES 0603 9.76K Ohm 1/16W 1% RES 0603 2.0K Ohm 1/16W 5% L_RES 0603 0 Ohm 1/16W 1% RES 0603 2.2K Ohm 1/16W 5% RES 0603 4.87K Ohm 1/16W 1% RES 0603 330 Ohm 1/16W 5% RES 0603 51 Ohm 1/10W 5% - SEE SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS RES 0603 30 Ohm 1/16W RES 0805 10K Ohm 1/10W 1% Panasonic ERJ-3GEYJ202V AVX CJ10-000F Panasonic ERJ-3GEYJ222V Panasonic ERJ-3EKF4871V Panasonic ERJ-3GEYJ331V Panasonic ERJ-3GEY0R00V Panasonic ERJ-3GEYJ300V Panasonic ERJ-6ENF1002V 18 RES 0603 332 Ohm 1/16W 1% Panasonic ERJ-3EKF3320V 19 RES 0603 51 Ohm 1/16W 5% Panasonic ERJ-3GEYJ510V 16 4 PACK RESISTOR 24 OHM 2 PCT KOA CN1J4TTD240G 20 4 PACK RESISTOR 50 OHM 2 PCT KOA CN1J4TTD500G 62 4 PACK RESISTOR 30 OHM 5% QUAD 0402 PANASONIC EXB-N8V300JX 9 15 of 39 _______________________________________________________________________________________ DS33X11DK DESIGNATION QTY DESCRIPTION SUPPLIER PART RP11, RP13, RP15, RP16, RP17, RP18, RP19, RP20, RP25, RP26, RP27, RP28, RP29, RP30, RP31, RP32, RP33, RP34, RP35, RP36, RP37, RP38, RP39, RP84, RP85, RP86, RP87, RP88, RP89, RP91, RP92, RP93, RP94, RPB05, RPB08, RPB09, RPB11, RPB13, RPB16, RPB18, RPB21, RPB24, RPB25, RPB30, RPB35, RPB43, RPB44, RPB51, RPB52, RPB58, RPB59, RPB60, RPB61, RPB62, RPB63, RPB64, RPB65, RPB84, RPB87, RPB91, RPB99, RPB143 RP14, RPB04, RPB06, RPB14, RPB20, RPB22, RPB54, RPB55, RPB56, RPB66, RPB77, RPB79, 4 PACK RESISTOR 10K 22 PANASONIC EXB-N8V103JX RPB89, RPB92, RPB94, RPB95, OHM 5% QUAD 0402 RPB96, RPB97, RPB100, RPB101, RPB103, RPB150 RP21, RP22, RP23, RP24, RPB26, RPB27, RPB28, RPB29, RPB31, RPB32, RPB33, RPB34, RPB36, 4 PACK RESISTOR 20 24 PANASONIC EXB-N8V200JX RPB38, RPB39, RPB40, RPB41, OHM 5% QUAD 0402 RPB42, RPB45, RPB46, RPB47, RPB49, RPB50, RPB53 RP40, RP90, RPB01, RPB02, RPB03, RPB12, RPB17, RPB37, RPB57, RPB67, RPB68, RPB69, 4 PACK RESISTOR 1K 23 PANASONIC EXB-N8V102JX RPB70, RPB71, RPB74, RPB78, OHM 5% QUAD 0402 RPB80, RPB82, RPB83, RPB85, RPB90, RPB104, RPB149 RPB23, RPB48, RPB72, RPB73, 4 PACK RESISTOR 330 RPB75, RPB76, RPB81, RPB86, 13 PANASONIC EXB-N8V331JX OHM 5% QUAD 0402 RPB102, RPB105, RPB133, RPB135, RPB147 RPB88, RPB106, RPB134, RPB136, RPB137, RPB138, 4 PACK RESISTOR 2.2K 12 PANASONIC EXB-N8V222JX OHM 5% QUAD 0402 RPB139, RPB140, RPB141, RPB142, RPB146, RPB148 SWITCH MOM 4PIN SW01 1 Panasonic EVQPAE04M SINGLE POLE XFMR, OCTAL T3/E3, 1 T01, T02, T03 3 Pulse T3049 TO 2, SMT 32 PIN XFMR, XMIT/RCV, 1 TO TB01, TB02, TB03, TB04 4 2 AND 1 TO 1, SMT 32 Pulse TX1475 PIN XFMR, 1CT_1CT & TB05 1 Pulse TX1277 1CT_2CT, 12P SMT TP01, TPB01, TPB02, TPB07, TESTPOINT, 1 PLATED NA NA 6 TPB08, TPB09 HOLE, DO NOT STUFF U01, U19 2 USB UART (USB - 8 bit FIFO), 32 PIN LQFP FTD FT245BM U02 1 ETHERNET EXTENSION DEVICE 16 WAN 2 LAN DALLAS SEMICONDUC TOR NA U03, UB29 2 Atmel AT25F2048N-10SU-2.7 U04, U05, U06, U07, U11, U22, UB12, UB14, UB15, UB17, UB19, UB34 12 Philips CBT3244APW U08, U15 2 Dallas Semiconductor DS26528N U09, U10, U12, UB13, UB18, UB20 6 Philips CBT3244APW-T U13, U23, UB22, UB33 4 NA NA U14, U24 2 Lattice LFEC3E-3T144C Rev: 030508 SPI SERIAL EEPROM 2M 8 PIN SOIC 2.7V to 3.6V IC, OCT BUFFER FET SWITCH 5V 20-PIN TSSOP IC, OCTAL TRANSCEIVER 0-70C 256P BGA BAD PARTNUM IC, OCT BUFFER FET SWITCH 5V TSOP CYPRESS SRAM, LAB STOCK IC, FPGA, 1.2V, 20X20 TQFP, 144 PIN 16 of 39 _______________________________________________________________________________________ DS33X11DK DESIGNATION QTY U16, U17 2 U18, U27 2 U20 1 U21 1 U25 1 U26, U33 2 U31, U32 2 UB01, UB28, UB70 3 UB02, UB36 2 UB03, UB35 2 UB04, UB30 2 UB05, UB06, UB37, UB38 4 UB07, UB08, UB09, UB11, UB16, UB23, UB24, UB25, UB26, UB27 10 UB10, UB31 2 UB21, UB32 2 XB01, XB02 2 Y01, YB07 2 YB01, YB03, YB09, YB11 4 YB02, YB10 2 YB04 1 YB05 1 Rev: 030508 DESCRIPTION QUAD TRIPLE DUAL SINGLE ATM PACKET PHYs FOR DS3 E3 STS1 0-70C 400P BGA MMC2107 PROCESSOR DS3/E3 SCT, 11X11 CSBGA, 100 PIN IC, SINGLE T1 E1 J1 TRANSCEIVER, 10X10 LQFP, 64-PIN ETHERNET EXTENSION DEVICE 1 WAN 2 LAN GIG PHYTER V, 10/100/1000 ETHERNET PHYSICAL LAYER, 128 PIN QFP IC, DP83848C PHYTER 10/100 ETHERNET TRANSCEIVER, 48 PIN TQFP HIGH SPEED BUFFER SINK SOURCE DDR TERMINATION REGULATOR DOUBLE DATA RATE (DDR) SDRAM 2-2-2 TIMING 256MBITX16 TSSOP IC, LINEAR REG 1.5W, 1.8V or Adj, 1A, 16TSSOP-EP IC, LINEAR REG 1.5W, 2.5V or Adj, 1A, 16TSSOP-EP IC, LINEAR REG 1.5W, 3.3V or Adj, 1A, 16TSSOP-EP Dual RS-232 transceivers with 3.3V/5V internal capacitors IC, LDO REGULATOR WITH RESET,1.20V OUTPUT 300 MA, 6 PIN SOT23 XTAL LOW PROFILE 8.0MHZ XTAL, LOW PROFILE, 6.00 MHZ SOCKETED OSCILLATOR, CRYSTAL CLOCK, 3.3V - 125.000 MHZ SOCKETED OSCILLATOR, CRYSTAL CLOCK, 3.3V - 25.000 MHZ OSCILLATOR, CRYSTAL CLOCK, 5.0V - 44.736 MHZ OSCILLATOR + Socket, CRYSTAL CLOCK, 3.3V - 2.048 MHZ SUPPLIER PART Dallas Semiconductor DS3184 Motorola MMC2107 Dallas Semiconductor DS3170 Dallas Semiconductor DS26521 Dallas Semiconductor NA National Semiconductor DP83865BVH National Semiconductor DP83848C FAIRCHILD NC7SZ86 AVNET LP2995M MICRON NA Maxim MAX1793EUE-18 Maxim MAX1793EUE-25 Maxim MAX1793EUE-33 MAXIM NA Maxim MAX1963EZT120-T ECL EC1-8.000M Pletronics LP49-26-6.00M ECLIPTEK EC1325HSTS-125.000M+SOCKET SaRonix NTH089AA3-25.000+SOCKET SaRonix NTH089AA-44.736 SaRonix SOCKET+NTH039A3-2.0480 17 of 39 _______________________________________________________________________________________ DS33X11DK DESIGNATION QTY YB06 1 YB08 1 YB12 1 YB13 1 Rev: 030508 DESCRIPTION OSCILLATOR + Socket, CRYSTAL CLOCK, 5V 1.544 MHZ OSCILLATOR, CRYSTAL CLOCK, 3.3V - 44.736 MHZ OSCILLATOR, CRYSTAL CLOCK, 3.3V - 1.544 MHZ OSCILLATOR, CRYSTAL CLOCK, 3.3V - 2.048 MHZ SUPPLIER PART SaRonix SOCKET+NTH039A-1.5440 SaRonix NTH089AA3-44.736 SaRonix NTH039A3-1.5440 SaRonix NTH039A3-2.0480 18 of 39 _______________________________________________________________________________________ DS33X11DK 9. Schematics The DS33X11DK schematics are featured in the following pages. As this is a hierarchal schematic some explanation follows. The schematic contains six hierarchal blocks: the microcontroller, DS26521, DS3170, Ethernet PHY, Ethernet Test Points, and Power Supply. All signals inside a hierarchy block are local, with exception for VCC and ground. In-port and out-port connectors are used to allow signals inside a hierarchy block to become accessible as pins on the hierarchy blocks symbol. From here blocks are wired together as if they were ordinary components. The system diagram is shown again below, with schematic page numbers given for each functional block. DS33X11 PCB LAYOUT AND SCHEMATIC HIERARCHY BLOCK PAGE LISTING DS3170 LIU BLOCK PAGE 5 SYMBOL DS26521 BLOCK PAGE 5 SYMBOL SCHEMATIC PAGE 21 SCHEMATIC PAGES 22–23 DS33X11 SECTION CONTAINS SIX HIERARCHY BLOCKS SCHEMATIC PAGES 4–11 ETHERNET PHY PAGE 7 SYMBOL SCHEMATIC PAGES 19–20 ETHERNET TEST POINTS PAGE 7 SYMBOL SCHEMATIC PAGE 18 DS33X11 SCHEMATIC PAGES 4–8 POWER SUPPLY PAGE 10 SYMBOL µP BLOCK PAGE 4 SYMBOL SCHEMATIC PAGE 17 SCHEMATIC PAGES 12–16 Rev: 030508 19 of 39 Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600 © 2008 Maxim Integrated Products is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products. A B 8 INT5 CS_X1 CS_X2 PHY_INT X162_CS TE1_L_CS 7 INT4 TE3_INT RESET_SYS ADDR WR_DUT WR DATA SPI_MISO SPI_SCK SPI_CS SPI_MOSI BLOCK MISC_IO MISC_IO MISC_IO MISC_IO MISC_IO TE1_ENL SPI_MISO SPI_SCK SPI_SS SPI_MOSI 6 _ds33x11dk_dn. LOOP_SOURCETIME_B LOOP_SOURCETIME_A ENABLE_CALLBACKS_H ENABLE_DRIVER_H BLOCK NAME: _motprocrescard_dn RESET_IN A_DUT_ D_DUT RD_DUT CS_X5 CS_X4 RD TE3_L_CS INT3 TE1_INT CS_X3 INT2 X162_INT HIERARCHY MICROPROCESSOR L5 D7_SPI_CPOL PARENT BLOCK: 5 K5 D6_SPI_CPHA \_rc_top_dn_\ G5 J5 D5_SPI_SWAP X162_INT L4 D2_SPI_CLK J3 K4 D1_SPI_MOSI X162_CS J4 4 INT* CS* SPI_CPOL SPI_CPHA SPI_SWAP SPI_CLK SPI_MOSI SPI_MISO F1 VDD_1.8V V1_8 INTERFACE DS33X11_U MICROPORT M11 VDD_1.8V VSS F6 D0_SPI_MISO L1 G6 VDD_1.8V VSS C VSS F7 U25 VSS J7 P.4,12-16 P.5,21(T3),22-23(T1) P.6-7,18,19-20 P.8 P.7 P.9 P.10-11,17 M1 MICROPORT. WAN. ETHERNET. DDR MEMORY. OSCILLATORS. BIAS+CONFIG. POWER. G7 VDD_1.8V 3 V3_3 JTDO JTDI JTCLK JTMS RST* HIZ* NC_GND NC_GND NC_GND ENGINEER: STEVE SCULLY MICROPORT. F10 P.4,12-16 2 4 STMD 3 2 RESET_SYS 1 F3 K2 L6 K6 4 1 3 U3 1 4 1 4/76(TOTAL) PAGE: 1/8(BLOCK) 06/07/2006 STMD V3_3 RPB92 RPB97 INVERTER 5 6 7 5 8 6 DATE: NC7SZ86_U 10K 10K 10K 7 E12 2 DUT_SYSCLK G4 F4 F5 K3 L2 DUT_JTRST_N H2 8 DUT_JTDO H3 1 DUT_JTCLK DUT_JTDI G3 DUT_JTMS RESET_SYS DUT_HIZ_N G2 F2 OF DS33X11DK NC_VCC NC_DNU NC_DNU NC_DNU NC_DNU SYSCLK JTRST_N 2 DS33X42X82X162EE01A0 BEGINNING TITLE: VSS D M5 VDD_1.8V J6 INDEX VSS CONTENTS / H12 VDD_1.8V 3 K1 4 H6 VD_3.3V VSS DS33X11DK 5 H7 VD_3.3V VSS 6 M7 VD_3.3V VSS 7 M2 VD_3.3V VSS 8 F11 VD_3.3V M6 VSS M9 K12 VD_3.3V F12 VDD_1.8V G11 H1 VD_3.3V M12 FLOAT GROUND A B C D A B C D 8 8 JTDI WAN_JTDI JTDO JTRST WAN_JTDO WAN_JTRST CS TE3_L_CS V3_3 4 TE1_TSYNC1 7 TE1_RDATA1 7 9 TE1_RSYNC1 3 5 8 TE1_RGCLK1 6 2 19 1 2Y4 2Y3 2Y2 2Y1 1A4 1A3 1A2 1A1 17 15 13 11 12 14 16 18 10 TE1_RSYNC1 RSYNC521 6 17 15 13 11 12 14 16 18 10 _ds33x11dk_dn. PORT1_TE3_ENL WAN_RDATA1 WAN_RSYNC1 WAN_RGCLK1 WAN_TSYNC1 WAN_TGCLK1 V5_0 2A4 2A3 2A2 2A1 1Y4 1Y3 1Y2 1Y1 PORT1_TE3_ENL 3 5 7 9 8 6 4 2 19 PARENT BLOCK: 5 2Y4 2Y3 2Y2 2Y1 1A4 1A3 1A2 1A1 2OE* 1OE* OCTAL FET SWITCH GND VCC CBT3244A_U U22 \_rc_top_dn_\ TE3_RDATA1 TE3_RSYNC1 TE3_RGCLK1 TE3_TSYNC1 TE3_TGCLK1 4 WAN. 3 STEVE SCULLY 4 3 2 1 30 5 6 7 RPB91 8 TDATA1 TSYNC1 TCLK1 RSYNC1 RDATA1 RCLK1 U25 2 1 TE3_TDATA1 TE1_TDATA1 1 5/76(TOTAL) PAGE: 2/8(BLOCK) DATE: 06/07/2006 WAN INTERFACE DS33X11_U WAN_RDATA1 WAN_RSYNC1 WAN_RGCLK1 P.5,21(T3),22-23(T1) DS33X42X82X162EE01A0 ENGINEER: TITLE: WAN_TDATA1 WAN_TDATA1 TE3_TGCLK1 TE3_TGCLK L3 M4 WAN_TSYNC1 TE3_RGCLK1 TE3_TSOFO TE3_RGCLK J1 J2 G1 10 8 6 4 2 M3 WAN_RSYNC1 1 10 8 6 4 2 CONN_10P 9 7 5 3 1 2 WAN_TGCLK1 20 9 7 5 3 1 WAN_RGCLK1 WAN_TDATA1 WAN_TSYNC1 WAN_TGCLK1 J54 TE3_RSYNC1 3 WAN_RDATA1 4 TE3_TDATA1 TE3_RDATA1 TE1_TSYNC1 TE1_TDATA1 5 TE3_TSYNC1 TE3_RSOFO TE3_TSER TE3_RSER TE3_TCLKI TE3_RCLKI TSYNC521 TSER521 TCHCLK521 TE1_RDATA1 RSER521 TE1_TGCLK1 TE1_RGCLK1 6 RCHCLK521 BLOCK NAME: 2A4 2A3 2A2 2A1 1Y4 1Y3 1Y2 1Y1 GND VCC OCTAL FET SWITCH 2OE* 1OE* 20 _TE3WAN_DN CBT3244A_U UB34 RESET_B TE1_TGCLK1 TE1_ENL RESET_SYS WR RD RD WR ADDR DAT DATA T3_INT JTDI WAN_JT1TOT3_TD TE3_INT ADDR JTCLK WAN_JTCK WR_DUT WR JTMS CS_X3 TE1_L_CS WAN_JTMS RD_DUT D_DUT A_DUT INT521 RD DATA TE1_INT ADDR RESET521 RESET_SYS _ds26521dk01a0dutdn_ JTRST WAN_JTRST JTDO JTCLK WAN_JTCK WAN_JT1TOT3_TD JTMS WAN_JTMS 7 A B C D A B C D 8 8 7 7 H10 2 6 BLOCK NAME: ETH_RXD K10 6 U25 RXD[7] RXD[6] RXD[5] RXD[4] RXER1 CRS1 RXDV1 RXD[3] RXD[2] RXD[1] RXD[0] COL1 _ds33x11dk_dn. K11 L11 5 7 L10 G9 ETH_RX_ERR 4 G12 F9 H11 J11 1 3 J10 0 G10 ETH_RX_CRS ETH_RXDV ETH_RXD ETH_COL_DET 6 PARENT BLOCK: 5 INTERFACE DS33X11_U ETHERNET 5 GTX_CLK1 M10 PB_GMII_CLKFROM_MAC REFCLK M8 DUT_REF_CLK MDIO H4 ETH_MDIO MDC H5 ETH_MDC RMII_SEL 4 4 TXD[7] TXD[6] TXD[5] TXD[4] TXER1 TXEN1 TXCLK1 TXD[3] TXD[2] TXD[1] TXD[0] RXCLK1 \_rc_top_dn_\ K7 DUT_RMII_SEL DCE_SEL L7 DUT_DCE_SEL 3 4 1 2 H8 H9 L12 F8 1 2 3 4 L8 K8 L9 K9 4 3 2 J9 G8 1 30 J8 J12 7 5 6 5 6 30 5 6 7 RP35 8 30 7 RP33 8 30 RP37 8 RB122 ETH_GMII_TX_ER_ ETH_TX_EN ETH_TX_CLK ETH_TXD 7 6 5 4 3 2 ENGINEER: STEVE SCULLY 2 P.6-7,18,19-20 DS33X42X82X162EE01A0 ETHERNET. TITLE: ETH_TXD ETH_GMII_CLKFROM_MAC PB_GMII_CLKFROM_MAC 3 2 1 0 ETH_RX_CLK 3 06/07/2006 1 6/76(TOTAL) PAGE: 3/8(BLOCK) DATE: 1 A B C D A B C D 8 4 1 25.000MHZ_3.3V_SOCKET 125.000MHZ_3.3V_SOCKET 8 4 1 GND 1 7 OSC YB10 GND 1 OSC YB11 7 OUT VCC OUT VCC V3_3 RB114 30 6 BLOCK NAME: USE CLK_TO_MAC JP15 JMP_3 30 RB115 IN GMII R7 0.0 30 MODE V3_3 PT1_RX_ERR RX_ERR AV_REF_CLK PARENT BLOCK: \_rc_top_dn_\ RESET_B PHY_INT PHY_INT RESET_SYS ETH_MDC ETH_MDIO TITLE: 3 ENGINEER: STEVE SCULLY 2 1 7/76(TOTAL) PAGE: 4/8(BLOCK) DATE: 06/07/2006 CLK_TO_MAC_TESTPNT ETH_GMII_TX_ER_ ETH_GMII_CLKFROM_MAC P.6-7,18,19-20 DS33X42X82X162EE01A0 ETHERNET. SPARE GMII_CLKFROM_MAC GMII_TX_ER_ GMII_CLKTOMAC_BUF ETHERNET (LAN) CONNECTORS _phy_imbus_mb_dn 1 ETHERNET CONNECTOR (I.M. BUS) IS INTENDED FOR USE AS TESTPOINTS NOT CONNECTION TO A RESOURCE CARD RESET_B PHY_INT MDC MDIO OSC25M PY25MHZOSC PHYOSC25M MDC MDIO REF_CLK AV_REF_CLK PT2_TX_EN PT2_TX_CLK PT2_TXD PT2_RX_ERR PT2_RX_CRS PT2_RX_CLK PT2_RXDV PT2_RXD REF_CLK 4 CLK_TO_MAC CLK_TO_MAC_TESTPNT ETH_GMII_CLKFROM_MAC TX_ER_ CLKTOMAC CLKTOMAC_TESTPNT GMII_CLKFROM_MAC ETH_TXD ETH_GMII_TX_ER_ TX_EN ETH_RXD PT1_TX_EN ETH_TX_EN PT2_COL_DET PT1_TX_CLK ETH_TX_CLK TXD PT1_TXD PT1_RX_CRS ETH_RX_CRS ETH_RX_ERR RX_CRS ETH_TXD PT1_RX_CLK ETH_TXD PT1_RXDV PT1_RXD PT1_COL_DET ETH_RX_CLK RXDV 2 SINGLE 50 PIN I.M. CARD PLUG-CONNECTORS USED ON BOTTOM OF MOTHERBOARD FOR CONNECTION TO ETHERNET CARD RX_CLK ETH_RXD 3 TX_CLK SPARE 5 ETH_COL_DET ETH_RXD 4 ETH_RXDV RXD COL_DET _phy_dp83865bvh_dn 5 DUT_REF_CLK RB116 _ds33x11dk_dn. 2 DUT_REF_CLK: RMII (50 MHZ) GMII (125 MHZ) MII (25 MHZ) DUT_SYSCLK 6 PY25MHZOSC RB118 30 CLK_TO_MAC 5 8 5 8 V3_3 3 1 ONLY GMII R101 2.2K A B C D A B C 8 B4 D3 11 12 D5 B5 C5 E5 A7 A8 A5 E6 E7 DDR_CAS DDR_RAS DDR_WE DDR_CKE DDR_CKINV DDR_CK DDR_CS DDR_LDM DDR_UDM C4 C3 10 D4 A4 9 DDR_BA0 B3 DDR_BA1 E2 C2 6 7 E1 5 8 C1 D1 3 4 B2 2 7 SD_UDM SD_LDM SD_CS* SD_CLK SD_CLK* SD_CLKEN SD_WE* SD_RAS* SD_CAS* SD_BA[1] SD_BA[0] SD_A[12] SD_A[11] SD_A[10] SD_A[9] SD_A[8] SD_A[7] SD_A[6] SD_A[5] SD_A[4] SD_A[3] SD_A[2] A12 SD_A[1] DDR INTERFACE DS33X11_U D12 AVDD_1.8V VSSO E11 D2 C7 VDDQ_2.5V E3 6 BLOCK NAME: VSSO 1 A2 VDDQ_2.5V A6 VSSO SD_A[0] E10 VDDQ_2.5V VSSO B6 A3 B12 VDDQ_2.5V B7 VSSO 0 E4 VDDQ_2.5V A1 VSSO DDR_A B1 VDDP_2.5V C12 VSSO C6 VDDP_2.5V AVSS U25 D6 VREF_FROM_VREG VREF _ds33x11dk_dn. SD_DQ[0] SD_DQ[1] SD_DQ[2] SD_DQ[3] SD_DQ[4] SD_DQ[5] SD_DQ[6] SD_DQ[7] SD_DQ[8] SD_DQ[9] SD_DQ[10] SD_DQ[11] SD_DQ[12] SD_DQ[13] SD_DQ[14] SD_DQ[15] SD_LDQS SD_UDQS CB431 V2_5 12 C9 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 B8 D8 C8 C10 D10 B10 A10 C11 D11 B11 A11 11 13 15 PARENT BLOCK: 5 V2_5 DDR_DQ DDR_LDQS D9 E9 FOR DDR VREF_FROM_VREG DDR_UDQS 14 4.7UF B9 A9 E8 D7 1 C156 2 V2_5 .1UF V1_8 4.7UF CB425 R3 4.87K R4 4.87K 0.1UF C135 D .1UF \_rc_top_dn_\ 4 C150 C134 4.7UF V2_5 C139 .01UF C142 .01UF C267 4.7UF CB443 4.7UF C151 4 38 37 36 35 32 31 30 29 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 26 DDR_BA0 39 27 DDR_BA1 8 22 DDR_CAS 40 23 DDR_RAS 9 21 DDR_WE 28 44 DDR_CKE 10 45 DDR_CK 41 24 DDR_CS 11 46 DDR_CKINV 42 20 DDR_LDM 12 47 3 DDR_UDM DDR_A TPB02 C146 RESISTOR DIVIDER COMPONENT VALUES OF 4.87K 1% WAS CHOSEN TO SIMPLIFY BOM (THE DP83848 PHY USES THE SAME VALUE RESISTOR) C152 3 ENGINEER: STEVE SCULLY 2 P.8 DS33X42X82X162EE01A0 DQ0 DQ1 DQ2 DQ3 DQ4 DQ5 DQ6 DQ7 DQ8 DQ9 DQ10 DQ11 DQ12 DQ13 DQ14 DQ15 LDQS UDQS 3 2 1 0 5 4 2 06/07/2006 1 8/76(TOTAL) PAGE: 5/8(BLOCK) DATE: DDR_DQ 4 7 8 54 8 9 56 5 10 57 10 11 59 7 12 60 6 13 62 11 14 63 13 15 DDR_LDQS 16 65 DDR_UDQS 1 51 VREF_FROM_VREG MT46V16M16BG75 UB35 DDR MEMORY. TITLE: A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10/AP A11 A12 BA0 BA1 CAS RAS WE CKE CK CS CK_INV LDM UDM V2_5 2 DNU DNU 19 50 5 .1UF NC NC NC NC NC 14 53 43 25 17 6 .1UF VSSQ VSSQ VSSQ VSSQ VSSQ 58 6 64 12 52 7 CB461 VSS VSS VSS 48 34 66 8 4.7UF 18 1 33 VDD VDD VDD .01UF 15 55 9 3 61 VDDQ VDDQ VDDQ VDDQ VDDQ C136 49 VREF 4.7UF A B C D A B C 8 3 4 DUT_JTDI 2 DUT_JTCLK DUT_JTRST_N 1 DUT_JTMS 7 9 5 WAN_JTDO 3 VCC TDO TDI TCK 7 10K 5 6 7 RPB1018 CONN_10P GND 7 5 3 1 TMS 2 10 8 6 4 330 5 6 7 RPB1058 5 30 4 3 2 1 2 V3_3 2 WAN_JTDI WAN_JTCK WAN_JTMS DS40 2 _ds33x11dk_dn. 6 DUT_JTDI DUT_JTDO V3_3 BLOCK NAME: 7 6 RB127 10K 8 RPB99 DUT_JTCLK DUT_JTMS 4 X162_INT 1 3 DUT_RMII_SEL WAN_JTRST DUT_JTRST_N 2 DUT_DCE_SEL J57 1 DUT_HIZ_N 6 3 1 7 3 1 D 8 3 1 JP29 JP28 5 5 PARENT BLOCK: JP22 \_rc_top_dn_\ 4 4 7 SPI_SS 5 6 7 5 6 1K 4 3 1 2 7 9 4 7 8 RPB80 3 5 3 1 5 1K 2 7 6 13 11 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 10 8 6 4 2 CONN_10P 9 7 5 3 1 J50 10 8 6 4 2 CONN_14P 1 4 313 211 8 RPB78 1K 9 7 5 3 1 J55 5 6 7 TE1_ENL LOOP_SOURCETIME_B LOOP_SOURCETIME_A 10K RPB100 8 ENABLE_CALLBACKS_H ENABLE_DRIVER_H D7_SPI_CPOL D6_SPI_CPHA D5_SPI_SWAP X162_CS D2_SPI_CLK D1_SPI_MOSI D0_SPI_MISO 2 4 3 2 1 1 IS 3 DS33X11 ENGINEER: STEVE SCULLY 2 P.9 DS33X42X82X162EE01A0 NOT USED WITH BIAS+CONFIG. TITLE: LOOP_SOURCETIME_B: 06/07/2006 1 9/76(TOTAL) PAGE: 6/8(BLOCK) DATE: LOOP_SOURCETIME_A: (IN DRIVER MODE ONLY) WHEN JUMPER IS INSTALLED WAN PORTS 1-4 AND 9-12 HAVE TCLK
DS33X11DK 价格&库存

