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MAX16031EVKIT+ 数据手册
19-1540; Rev 0; 11/07 MAX16031 Evaluation Kit The MAX16031 evaluation kit (EV kit) provides a proven printed-circuit board (PCB) layout that facilitates evaluation of the MAX16031 EEPROM-based system monitor with nonvolatile fault memory. This EV kit is a fully assembled and tested surface-mount board. The EV kit includes an on-board USB-to-JTAG and I2C interface facilitating communications between the host PC and the MAX16031. A DAC connected to the monitoring inputs and the status LEDs connected to each programmable output make it easy to evaluate the various monitoring functions of the MAX16031. This EV kit data sheet assumes basic familiarity with the MAX16031. Refer to the MAX16031/MAX16032 IC data sheet for more detailed information. Features ♦ USB Interface to Host PC ♦ Easy-to-Use GUI Software ♦ Facilitates Programming of MAX16031s on Prototype Boards ♦ LEDs Indicate Each Output’s State ♦ On-Board DAC Simulates Monitored Voltages ♦ Convenient Test Points and Headers for Easy Evaluation ♦ Fully Assembled and Tested Ordering Information PART TYPE MAX16031EVKIT+ +Denotes lead-free and RoHS-compliant. EV Kit Component List DESIGNATION QTY DESCRIPTION DESIGNATION QTY DESCRIPTION 2 2.2µF ±20%, 10V X5R ceramic capacitors (0805) TDK C2012X5R1A225M Taiyo Yuden LMK212BJ225MG 1 33pF ±5%, 50V C0G ceramic capacitor (0603) TDK C1608C0G1H330J Taiyo Yuden UMK107CG330JZ 5 1μF ±10%, 10V X5R ceramic capacitors (0805) TDK C2012X5R1A105K KEMET C0805C105K4PAC C3, C5, C6 3 0.1μF ±10%, 25V X7R ceramic capacitors (0805) TDK C2012X7R1E104K Taiyo Yuden TMK212B104KT C114 C7 0 Not installed, capacitor (0805) EXT PWR 1 Test point, red 0.1μF ±10%, 25V X7R ceramic capacitors (0603) TDK C1608X7R1E104K Taiyo Yuden TMK107BJ104KA F100 1 500mA fast-acting fuse (2405) C1, C2, C4, C100, C108 C101, C102, C103 C104, C105, C106, C107 C110 C111 3 4 1 1 18pF ±5%, 50V C0G ceramic capacitors (0603) TDK C1608C0G1H180J Taiyo Yuden UMK107CG180JZ 4.7μF ±20%, 6.3V X5R ceramic capacitor (0805) TDK C2012X5R0J475M Taiyo Yuden JMK212BJ475MG 0.01μF ±10%, 50V X7R ceramic capacitor (0603) TDK C1608X7R1H103K Taiyo Yuden UMK107B103KZ C112, C113 GND, REF 2 Test points, black J1, J2, J4 3 3-pin headers J3 1 2-pin header J100 1 2 x 3-pin header LED1–LED7, LED100–LED103 11 Green LEDs (1206) P100 1 USB_B right-angle connector P101, P102 0 Not installed P1 1 5-pin header P2 1 2 x 5-pin header P3 1 11-pin header P4 1 9-pin header P5 1 4-pin header ________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products 1 For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim Direct at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim’s website at www.maxim-ic.com. Evaluates: MAX16031 General Description Evaluates: MAX16031 MAX16031 Evaluation Kit Component List (continued) DESIGNATION QTY DESCRIPTION Q1, Q2 2 npn bipolar transistors Fairchild MMBT3904 Diodes Inc. MMBT3904-7-F R1–R7, R100–R103 11 221 ±1% resistors (0805) DESIGNATION QTY DESCRIPTION U100 1 Maxim dual, low-noise, lowdropout linear regulator MAX8882EUTAQ+ (6-pin SOT23) U101 1 Maxim USB peripheral controller MAX3420EECJ+ (32-pin LQFP) U102 1 Maxim microcontroller MAXQ2000-RAX+ (68-pin QFN-EP*) Y100 1 12MHz crystal (HCM49) Citizen HCM49-12.000MABJ-UT R8–R14, R104 8 10k ±1% resistors (0805) R23, R112 0 Not installed, resistors R105, R106 2 33.2 ±1% resistors (0805) R108, R109, R110 3 4.75k ±1% resistors (0805) S1, S2, S3 3 8-row DIP switches Y101 0 Not installed, 32kHz crystal 1 Maxim EEPROM-based system monitor MAX16031ETM+ (48-pin TQFN) Y102 1 20MHz crystal (HCM49) Citizen HCM49-20.000MABJ-UT — 5 Shunts U2 1 Maxim octal 12-bit voltage-output DAC with serial interface MAX5306EUE+ (16-pin TSSOP) — 1 USB high-speed A-to-B cable, 5ft (1.5m) 1 PCB: MAX16031 Evaluation Kit+ 1 Maxim precision, low-dropout, micropower voltage reference MAX6025AEUR+ (3-pin SOT23) — U3 U1 *EP = Exposed paddle. Component Suppliers SUPPLIER PHONE WEBSITE Diodes, Inc. 805-446-4800 www.diodes.com Fairchild Semiconductor 888-522-5372 www.fairchildsemi.com KEMET Corp. 864-963-6300 www.kemet.com Taiyo Yuden 800-348-2496 www.t-yuden.com TDK Corp. 847-390-4373 www.component.tdk.com Note: Indicate that you are using the MAX16031 when contacting these component suppliers. Quick Start Required Equipment 2) Connect the MAX16031 EV kit to a PC using the USB cable provided with the EV kit. LED100 will light indicating that the EV kit has power. Before beginning, the following equipment is needed: 3) Install the EV kit software. • MAX16031 EV kit (includes USB cable) 4) Launch MAX16031.exe. • A user-supplied PC with a spare USB port 5) Click the I2C radio button in the Connect dialog box, and make sure Address is 0x18. Press the OK button. Note: In the following sections, software-related items are identified by bolding. Text in bold refers to items directly from the EV kit software. Procedure The MAX16031 EV kit is fully assembled and tested. Follow the steps below to verify board operation: 1) Make sure jumpers J1 and J2 are in the 0 position, J3 is closed, J100 is in the 3.3V position, and J4 is in the 1-2 position. Also ensure that all switches in switch banks S1, S2, and S3 are all in the ON position. 2 6) Click the number 0.00 next to DAC Voltage for IN1. 7) In the Set Input Voltage dialog box, enter 1.00 and press the OK button. 8) Note that the voltage in the chart-recorder view increases to 1V. _______________________________________________________________________________________ MAX16031 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX16031 Detailed Description of Software Connecting to the MAX16031 EV Kit Make sure the EV kit is connected to the PC by the USB cable. Launch the software and in the Connect dialog (Figure 1), select the I2C or JTAG radio button and click OK. If the software is being used without the EV kit connected, select the Demo (No Hardware Required) radio button. The I2C slave address may be specified. The default is 0x18, but other values (depending on the settings of jumpers J1 and J2) can be used. Voltages Tab The Voltages tab (Figure 2) provides a visual indication of the voltage present on every IN_ input. Each channel has a settings dialog (accessed by clicking the underlined IN_ link), a DAC output voltage setting, settings for each overvoltage and undervoltage threshold, two fault flags, and a chart-recorder view. Figure 1. Connect Dialog Figure 2. Voltages Tab _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3 MAX16031 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX16031 Each IN_ input can be connected to the on-board MAX5306 DAC using switch bank S1. This allows the voltage at the IN_ input to be manually controlled through the EV kit software. Click the link next to DAC Voltage to set the voltage of the DAC in the 0 to 2.5V range. The DAC voltage can also be changed by dragging the dotted green line, shown in the chart-recorder view. To set the primary or secondary overvoltage or undervoltage thresholds for a particular channel, click the appropriate underlined number next to that parameter. The primary thresholds can also be modified by dragging the dotted red lines in the chart-recorder view. The secondary thresholds can be changed the same way; both appear as dotted yellow lines. Two fault flag indicators are associated with each channel. The upper one corresponds to the primary fault thresholds; the lower one corresponds with the secondary fault thresholds. If an undervoltage or overvoltage fault occurs, one or both these indicators will turn red and remain so even after the original fault condition is removed. To clear a fault indicator, click the indicator and select Clear Fault or Clear All Faults on the menu that appears. Figure 3. Settings Dialog The Settings dialog (Figure 3) can set the IN input-voltage range to one of three settings: 1.4V, 2.8V, and 5.6V. To enable channel monitoring, make sure the Enable Fault Detection checkbox is selected. The Disable Interrupts and Outputs for group box allows faults on the primary or secondary thresholds to be “masked,” which prevents them from triggering an SMBus™ interrupt or asserting a fault output. The Save State to EEPROM on group box selects which type of fault can trigger a nonvolatile fault save operation. Each chart-recorder view shows the voltage on the corresponding IN_ input with a solid green line. To zoom in and zoom out, click the magnifying glass icons in the upper right of the chart-recorder view. Another way to zoom in and out is to click and “drag” a selection rectangle. Drag from upper left to lower right to zoom in, and from lower right to upper left to zoom out. Two IN inputs can be paired to form a combined differential input. Click any of the Single Ended links in the center of the window to pair two inputs together, or to separate two paired inputs. SMBus is a trademark of Intel Corp. 4 _______________________________________________________________________________________ MAX16031 Evaluation Kit the settings dialog. To enable channel monitoring, make sure Enable Fault Detection is selected (Figure 5). The Disable Interrupts and Outputs for group box allows faults on the primary or secondary thresholds to be “masked,” which prevents them from triggering an SMBus interrupt or asserting a fault output. The Save State to EEPROM on group box controls whether a fault can trigger a nonvolatile fault save operation. Figure 4. Current and Temperature Tab _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5 Evaluates: MAX16031 Current and Temperature Tab The Current and Temperature tab (Figure 4) provides a set of chart-recorder views similar to the Voltages tab. To select the display units for the temperature sensors, click the appropriate setting of the Temperature Display radio buttons. Similar to the input channels on the Voltages tab, the current and the temperature channels each have a settings dialog. Click the title of each channel to display MAX16031 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX16031 Each external temperature channel has some additional items on the settings dialog, shown in Figure 5. Additional fault mask bits are provided for the diodeshort and diode-open faults, and two controls are provided to set the temperature offset and gain calibration parameters. The value provided for gain controls the current (in µA) of the internal high-current source, while the offset controls the digital offset value added to the temperature conversion result (in Celsius). Output Control Tab The Output Control tab (Figure 6) facilitates configuration of the programmable outputs. The MAX16031 has several programmable outputs: FAULT1, FAULT2, OVERT, RESET, GPIO1, and GPIO2. The FAULT1 and FAULT2 outputs can be configured to depend on many combinations of fault conditions for all voltage, current, and temperature channels that are not masked. The OVERT output depends on combinations of temperature-related faults. Finally, the RESET output depends on a combination of fault conditions for both voltage and temperature and for a programmable set of voltage inputs. The RESET output also has a programmable timeout, which is the amount of time RESET remains asserted after all fault conditions are cleared. GPIO1 and GPIO2 can be used as general-purpose inputs or outputs (GPIOs), and can also be configured to act as manual reset inputs or additional fault outputs. When a GPIO is configured as a fault output, the following fault conditions can be monitored: • Primary undervoltage and overvoltage for one selectable voltage channel • One or more of the following: primary overvoltage for all voltage inputs, secondary over/undervoltage for all inputs, overtemperature for each sensor, or secondary overcurrent • Both of the above options at once Figure 5. Temperature Settings Dialog 6 _______________________________________________________________________________________ MAX16031 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX16031 Figure 6. Output Control Tab Miscellaneous Tab Many other configuration options are available in the Miscellaneous tab (Figure 7): the boot-up delay, the temperature filter, overcurrent settings, deglitch settings, fault settings, memory lock bits, and the SMBus alert configuration. The After-boot timeout setting controls the time delay from when power is applied, to when monitoring is enabled. This can prevent a partially powered system from triggering false fault signals during startup. The Temp sense filter time constant provides the ability to filter the temperature sensors to reduce noise. Overcurrent settings include OC timeout, which controls the amount of time a secondary overcurrent condition must be present before it triggers a fault, and OC output pin, which controls whether the OVERC output latches an overcurrent fault or follows the state of the primary overcurrent comparator. Filtering of the voltage-monitoring channels is controlled by the Hysteresis of all thresholds setting, which sets the voltage difference between the rising and falling voltage threshold of each fault comparator. Require 2 faults in a row, when turned on, prevents any voltage fault from occurring unless the fault condition is present for two complete ADC conversion cycles in a row. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 7 Evaluates: MAX16031 MAX16031 Evaluation Kit The On major fault setting controls what information is saved to the fault EEPROM during a fault condition. Save only fault flags means that only the fault flags are stored to EEPROM during a fault event; Save fault flags and ADC means that both the fault flags and the ADC readings for all channels are stored to EEPROM during a fault event. Version code provides user access to register 5Eh. This register does not control any function of the chip, but can be used to store user-defined data such as a version number. The registers and the configuration EEPROM can be locked with the Configuration setting to prevent unintentional modification of configuration settings. The lock icon in the lower-left corner of the window also indicates and controls this lock bit. The fault EEPROM is locked automatically when a fault condition occurs and must be unlocked before any subsequent fault will get stored to EEPROM. Unlock it using the ADC-related EEPROM lock setting. To enable full SMBus functionality and allow the SMBALERT output to assert, the SMBALERT# Signal option must be enabled. Figure 7. Miscellaneous Tab 8 _______________________________________________________________________________________ MAX16031 Evaluation Kit Most configuration registers have a matching EEPROM location that is copied to the register when the MAX16031 powers up. The Registers tab places each pair on the same row. After experimenting with a particular register configuration, that configuration can be written to the EEPROM by clicking the Commit Configuration to EEPROM button. Figure 8. Registers Tab _______________________________________________________________________________________ 9 Evaluates: MAX16031 Registers Tab Besides the easy-to-use GUI controls, the MAX16031 can also be configured by directly modifying the registers and EEPROM. The Registers tab (Figure 8) provides access to the registers and EEPROM. Modify a register by clicking the cell under the Value column, entering the new value, and pressing Enter or clicking in another cell. Evaluates: MAX16031 MAX16031 Evaluation Kit About This menu item launches the About dialog, which displays the software version, whether the EV kit is connected, and the firmware revision of the USB interface. Menu Reference System Connect... directs the software to open a connection with a connected EV kit and brings up the Connect dialog (Figure 1) to select the connection type. Once connected, this menu item changes to Disconnect. Save as SVF… writes the EEPROM configuration to an SVF file, which is a standard format used by JTAG device programmers for production programming. Save Configuration… and Load Configuration… save and load the register and EEPROM configuration to a text file. SMBus Alert Functionality When the SMBALERT# signal is enabled using the option in the Miscellaneous tab, any fault that occurs will cause this signal to be asserted. When that happens, the status bar displays SMBALERT# detected. Click here to send Alert Response Address. Clicking the status bar item then causes the EV kit hardware to issue an Alert Response Address command, which returns the slave address of the SMBus device that triggered the SMBus alert. Polling On and Off turn register polling on and off. When polling is on, the controls in all the tabs are periodically refreshed from the physical registers. If polling is off, register content can be read from the device by selecting Read All Registers. EXTERNAL POWER SUPPLY (OPTIONAL) EXT PWR GND Detailed Description of Hardware The MAX16031 monitors eight voltages, three temperatures, and one current. Seven configurable outputs indicate fault-status information. Figure 9 provides an overview of the major features of the EV kit PCB. CONNECTED LED100 USB ACTIVITY POWER LED103 LED102 LED101 J100 CURRENT-SENSE RESISTOR (OPTIONAL) VCC SELECT EEPROM R23 S1 S3 J3 P2 JTAG I2C P1 PULLUP VOLTAGE SELECT CURRENT-SENSE BIAS P3 S2 MONITORED INPUTS Q2 J1 OUTPUT STATUS INDICATORS 1-800-737-7600 P5 TEMPERATURE-SENSOR CONNECTIONS WWW.MAXIM-IC.COM MAX16031 EVALUATION KIT+ I2C ADDRESS SELECT Figure 9. Evaluation Kit PCB Diagram 10 OUTPUTS Q1 J2 TEMPERATURE SENSORS CONFIGURES JTAG AND I2C BUS ROUTING P4 MAX16031 J4 LED1–LED7 CONNECTS DAC OUTPUTS TO MONITORING INPUTS ______________________________________________________________________________________ MAX16031 Evaluation Kit Voltage Monitoring The eight voltage monitoring inputs connect to pins on P3 located on the left side of the board. Switch bank S1 allows each input to be connected to the output of a DAC, which allows the voltage to be set using the EV kit software for ease of evaluation. The DAC output voltage range is limited to 2.5V. Do not attempt to force an external voltage while the DAC is connected; doing so could damage the DAC or the external voltage source. To facilitate prototype development and programming, the host interface can be used to interface with a MAX16031 on another board by turning off switches 1-7 in switch bank S2. This disconnects the on-board MAX16031 from the JTAG and I2C buses. Connect to the other board using P1 and P2. The pinout of each connector is shown in Tables 2 and 3. Note that the I2C pullup resistors are located on the EV kit. The on-board MAX16031 can be connected to an external JTAG or I2C interface by turning switch bank S3 (switches 1-7) off while keeping switch bank S2 (switches 1-7) on. Connect the external interface to P2 for JTAG or P1 for I2C. The MAX16031 can be completely disconnected from the on-board USB host interface by using this technique, while providing external power to EXT PWR (J100 must be in the EXT position), and disconnecting the on-board DACs by turning off all the switches in switch bank S1. Each interface can be disconnected or connected separately. I2C uses switches 1-3 on both S2 and S3 while JTAG uses switches 4-7 on both S2 and S3. Power Source The MAX16031 IC can be powered from one of three possible power supplies, controlled by jumper J100. To power directly from the USB 5V supply, place the jumper in the 5V position. To power from the on-board 3.3V regulator, place the jumper in the 3.3V position. When the jumper is in the EXT position, the MAX16031 can be powered from an external power supply connected to the EXT PWR test point. Do not supply a voltage higher than 14V. Serial Interfaces The MAX16031 has both a JTAG interface and an I2C serial interface. The slave address of the on-board MAX16031 can be set using J1 and J2, according to Table 4. Current Monitoring The current-sense inputs are connected to pins on header P3 and can be used in two ways. A small voltage source can be applied directly across CS+ and CS-, which the MAX16031 will measure directly. For this situation, J3 must be closed, which connects CS+ to VCC to ensure proper bias. As an alternative, a currentsense resistor can be soldered in the R23 position and CS+ and CS- can be connected in series with the external circuit to be measured. If an external bias voltage is to be used, remove J3 and connect the CS+ pin of P3 to the external source. Do not supply a bias voltage higher than 28V. The currentsense circuit in the MAX16031 will not function for bias voltages less than 3V. Temperature Monitoring One of the temperature sensors is internal and the other two are external. Both external temperature sensors are included on the EV kit as Q1 and Q2, which are diode-connected 2N3904 transistors. These can be desoldered and replaced if necessary. The connections are easily accessible through header P5. Inputs and Outputs Each output has a separate indicator LED and pullup resistor, and each signal is brought out to a pin on P4. An LED will light to indicate that the associated output has gone to the logic-low state. The LEDs can be disabled by turning off switch 8 in switch bank S2. The pullup resistors are controlled by J4. To use an external pullup voltage, connect J4 in the 2-3 position and connect the voltage source to the VPU pin of P4. GPIO1 and GPIO2 can also function as inputs. If they are configured as such, connect the external input to the GPIO1 or GPIO2 pin of P4. A test point (REF) is provided to confirm the reference voltage of the MAX16031, which is 1.4V (nominal). Do not connect loads to this test point. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 11 Evaluates: MAX16031 USB-Host Interface The MAX16031 EV kit includes a built-in USB-toJTAG/I 2 C host interface. The host interface uses Maxim’s MAX3420 USB peripheral controller, along with a MAXQ2000 microcontroller to communicate with the host PC and generate the I2C/JTAG bus signals. Three indicators (LED101, LED102, LED103) provide status information of the host interface. LED101 lights during EEPROM write operations, LED102 lights during I2C or JTAG bus activity, and LED103 lights when the software is communicating to the EV kit. Evaluates: MAX16031 MAX16031 Evaluation Kit Jumper Function Tables Table 1. Jumper Function Table (J100, J3, J4, S1, S2, S3) JUMPER J100 J3 J4 S1 POSITION FUNCTION 5V* MAX16031 powered from 5V USB power 3.3V MAX16031 powered from 3.3V regulator EXT MAX16031 powered from EXT PWR test point Open Closed* Current-sense amplifier biased externally (CS+ test point) Current-sense amplifier biased from MAX16031 VCC 1-2* Output pullup resistors connected to 3.3V 2-3 Output pullup resistors connected to VPU test point 1 Connects IN1 to DAC channel 1 when closed 2 Connects IN2 to DAC channel 2 when closed 3 Connects IN3 to DAC channel 3 when closed 4 Connects IN4 to DAC channel 4 when closed 5 Connects IN5 to DAC channel 5 when closed 6 Connects IN6 to DAC channel 6 when closed 7 Connects IN7 to DAC channel 7 when closed 8 Connects IN8 to DAC channel 8 when closed 1 2 Connects P1 (I2C) to on-board MAX16031 when closed 3 S2 4 5 6 Connects P2 (JTAG) to on-board MAX16031 when closed 7 8 Enables output LEDs when closed 1 2 Connects I2C bus of host interface to P1 when closed 3 S3 4 5 6 Connects JTAG bus of host interface to P2 when closed 7 8 Not used *Default position. 12 ______________________________________________________________________________________ MAX16031 Evaluation Kit PIN FUNCTION 1 3.3V (output only) 2 SDA 3 Ground 4 SCL 5 SMBALERT# Table 3. JTAG Connector Pinout (P2) PIN FUNCTION 1 TCK 2 Ground 3 TDO 4 3.3V (output only) 5 TMS 6 — 7 — (Key) 8 — 9 TDI 10 Ground Table 4. Jumper Function Table (J1, J2) J1 SHUNT POSITION (A1) J2 SHUNT POSITION (A0) 0* 0* 0011_000 (18h) 0 Z 0011_001 (19h) 0011_010 (1Ah) I2C SLAVE ADDRESS 0 1 Z 0 0101_001 (29h) Z Z 0101_010 (2Ah) Z 1 0101_011 (2Bh) 1 0 1001_100 (4Ch) 1 Z 1001_111 (4Fh) 1 1 1001_110 (4Eh) *Default position. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 13 Evaluates: MAX16031 Table 2. I2C Connector Pinout (P1) 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 LDAC CS DCLK DIN CON11 P3 16 1 2 15 3 1 CS2 CS+ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 CON4 P5 +3.3 U2 VDD C5 0.1μF 13 GND REF OUT1 OUT2 OUT3 OUT4 OUT5 OUT6 OUT7 OUT8 S1 SW DIP-8 J3 CSBIAS VCC MAX5306 CS SCLK DIN DOUT LDAC 14 R23 RES1 Q1 MMBT3904 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 C7 NP 2 OUT U3 3 GND 48 1 2 3 9 10 11 12 43 44 45 46 IN 1 C1 1μF CS- 41 CS+ 42 MAX6025 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Q2 MMBT3904 38 VCC VCC 37 MAX16031 U1 DBP 34 VBP 16 RBP 36 ABP C4 1μF +3.3 4 C6 0.1μF 5 6 7 30 8 13 35 31 32 39 A1 40 A1 J1 47 VBP TMS TCK TDI TDO ALERT SDA SCL A0 A1 GPIO1 GPIO2 OVERT OVERC FAULT1 FAULT2 RESET REF C3 0.1μF N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. GND GND GND N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. CSCS+ IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 IN5 IN6 IN7 IN8 DXN2 DXP2 DXN1 DXP1 C2 1μF VCC A0 J2 27 28 29 33 A0 21 17 18 19 A0 20 A1 14 15 22 23 24 25 26 LED1 R1 221Ω 1% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S2 LED3 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 R3 221Ω 1% EXT SEL LED2 R2 221Ω 1% LED4 R4 221Ω 1% LED6 R6 221Ω 1% P1 I2C LED7 R7 221Ω 1% +3.3 5 4 3 2 1 LED5 R5 221Ω 1% R8 10kΩ 1% 1 3 5 7 9 2 4 6 8 10 JTAG P2 R9 10kΩ 1% R10 10kΩ 1% 1 R11 10kΩ 1% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PC SEL S3 R12 10kΩ 1% J4 3 VPUSEL 2 +3.3 +3.3 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 R13 10kΩ 1% R14 10kΩ 1% P4 CON9 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ALERT SDA SCL TMS TCK TDI TDO 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Evaluates: MAX16031 MAX16031 Evaluation Kit Figure 10. MAX16031 EV Kit Schematic ______________________________________________________________________________________ MAX16031 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX16031 +3.3 D+ GND 3 4 R106 33.2Ω 1% USB_B 21 29 30 31 32 1 2 7 8 D- D+ GPIN0 GPIN1 GPIN2 GPIN3 GPOUT0 GPOUT1 GPOUT2 GPOUT3 3 4 R112 OPEN 23 22 +2.5 17 14 13 12 11 10 INT MOSI MISO SS SCLK RES MAX8882 Y100 12MHz 26 27 XI XO MAX3420E U100 15 GPX U101 C104 18pF VBUS VCC VCC 20 24 VL VL 28 VBCOMP R105 33.2Ω 1% R104 10kΩ N.C. F100 P100 500mA 1 VBUS 2 D- C101 0.1μF USBINT MOSI MISO SS SCLK RES C114 33pF N.C. GND GND GND GND N.C. N.C. C100 VBUS 1μF 5 4 C110 4.7μF C105 18pF OUTA OUTB BP IN SHDN GND 6 1 3 +3.3 C113 2.2μF C112 2.2μF C111 0.01μF R100 221Ω LED100 2 +3.3 VBUS +2.5 1 3 5 +3.3 EXT PWR 9 18 19 5 6 16 25 VCC J100 2 4 6 C108 1μF VCC SEL C102 0.1μF GND C103 0.1μF RST Q +3.3 R101 221Ω 1% LED102 LED R102 221Ω 1% LED103 LED R103 221Ω 1% CS LDAC P101 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 EX1 EX2 EX3 EX4 EX5 EX6 RESET VDDIO VDD U102 MAXQ2000-RAX TEST 22 23 24 25 26 28 42 34 Y101 32kHz 35 51 Y102 20MHz HFXOUT LED101 LED SEG0/P0.0 SEG1/P0.1 SEG2/P0.2 SEG3/P0.3 SEG4/P0.4/INT0 SEG5/P0.5/INT1 SEG6/P0.6/INT2 SEG7/P0.7/INT3 SEG8/P1.0 SEG9/P1.1 SEG10/P1.2 SEG11/P1.3 SEG12/P1.4 SEG13/P1.5 SEG14/P1.6 SEG15/P1.7 SEG16/P2.0 SEG17/P2.1 SEG18/P2.2 SEG19/P2.3 SEG20/P2.4 SEG21/P2.5 SEG22/P2.6 SEG23/P2.7 SEG24/P3.0 SEG25/P3.1 HFXIN ALERT SCL SDA 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 33 32KOUT TMS TCK TDI TDO R110 4.75kΩ 1% 27 32KIN R109 4.75kΩ 1% 49 GND GND R108 4.75kΩ 1% SEG32 SEG33/COM3 SEG34/COM2 SEG35/COM1 COM0 +3.3 VADJ VLCD2 VLCD1 VLCD 57 56 55 54 P7.1/RX0/INT15 P7.0/TX0/INT14 P6.5/T0/WKOUT1 P6.4/T0B/WKOUT0 P6.3/T2/OW_IN P6.2/T2B/OW_OUT P6.1/T1/INT13 P6.0/T1B/INT12 P5.7/MISO P5.6/SCLK P5.5/MOSI P5.4/SS P5.3/TX1/INT11 P5.2/RX1/INT10 P4.3/TDO P4.2/TMS P4.1/TDI/INT9 P4.0/TCK/INT8 SEG31/P3.7/INT7 SEG30/P3.6/INT6 SEG29/P3.5/INT5 SEG28/P3.4/INT4 SEG27/P3.3 SEG26/P3.2 53 52 48 47 46 45 44 43 RX0 TX0 41 40 39 38 37 36 32 31 30 29 21 20 19 18 17 16 MISO SCLK MOSI SS DIN DCLK RES USBINT TDO Q TMS Q TDI Q TCK Q EX6 EX5 EX4 EX3 EX2 EX1 +3.3 P102 C106 50 18pF C107 18pF TCK Q TDO Q TMS Q TDI Q 1 3 5 7 9 2 4 6 8 10 RST Q JTAG_MAXQ Figure 11. MAX16031 EV Kit Schematic—USB Interface ______________________________________________________________________________________ 15 Evaluates: MAX16031 MAX16031 Evaluation Kit Figure 12. MAX16031 EV Kit Component Placement Guide—Component Side 16 ______________________________________________________________________________________ MAX16031 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX16031 Figure 13. MAX16031 EV Kit PCB Layout—Component Side ______________________________________________________________________________________ 17 Evaluates: MAX16031 MAX16031 Evaluation Kit Figure 14. MAX16031 EV Kit PCB Layout—Solder Side Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. 18 ____________________Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600 © 2007 Maxim Integrated Products is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.
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